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MCUXpresso SDK API Reference Manual
Rev. 0
NXP Semiconductors
Files | |
file | fsl_clock.h |
Data Structures | |
struct | clock_arm_pll_config_t |
PLL configuration for ARM. More... | |
struct | clock_usb_pll_config_t |
PLL configuration for USB. More... | |
struct | clock_sys_pll_config_t |
PLL configuration for System. More... | |
struct | clock_audio_pll_config_t |
PLL configuration for AUDIO and VIDEO. More... | |
struct | clock_video_pll_config_t |
PLL configuration for AUDIO and VIDEO. More... | |
struct | clock_enet_pll_config_t |
PLL configuration for ENET. More... | |
Macros | |
Configure whether driver controls clock. More... | |
#define | CCSR_OFFSET 0x0C |
CCM registers offset. | |
#define | PLL_ARM_OFFSET 0x00 |
CCM Analog registers offset. | |
#define | CCM_ANALOG_TUPLE(reg, shift) (((reg & 0xFFFU) << 16U) | (shift)) |
CCM ANALOG tuple macros to map corresponding registers and bit fields. | |
#define | CLKPN_FREQ 0U |
clock1PN frequency. | |
#define | ADC_CLOCKS |
Clock ip name array for ADC. More... | |
#define | AOI_CLOCKS |
Clock ip name array for AOI. More... | |
#define | BEE_CLOCKS |
Clock ip name array for BEE. More... | |
#define | CMP_CLOCKS |
Clock ip name array for CMP. More... | |
#define | CSI_CLOCKS |
Clock ip name array for CSI. More... | |
#define | DCDC_CLOCKS |
Clock ip name array for DCDC. More... | |
#define | DCP_CLOCKS |
Clock ip name array for DCP. More... | |
#define | DMAMUX_CLOCKS |
Clock ip name array for DMAMUX_CLOCKS. More... | |
#define | EDMA_CLOCKS |
Clock ip name array for DMA. More... | |
#define | ENC_CLOCKS |
Clock ip name array for ENC. More... | |
#define | ENET_CLOCKS |
Clock ip name array for ENET. More... | |
#define | EWM_CLOCKS |
Clock ip name array for EWM. More... | |
#define | FLEXCAN_CLOCKS |
Clock ip name array for FLEXCAN. More... | |
Clock ip name array for FLEXCAN Peripheral clock. More... | |
#define | FLEXIO_CLOCKS |
Clock ip name array for FLEXIO. More... | |
#define | FLEXRAM_CLOCKS |
Clock ip name array for FLEXRAM. More... | |
#define | FLEXSPI_CLOCKS |
Clock ip name array for FLEXSPI. More... | |
Clock ip name array for FLEXSPI EXSC. More... | |
#define | GPIO_CLOCKS |
Clock ip name array for GPIO. More... | |
#define | GPT_CLOCKS |
Clock ip name array for GPT. More... | |
#define | KPP_CLOCKS |
Clock ip name array for KPP. More... | |
#define | LCDIF_CLOCKS |
Clock ip name array for LCDIF. More... | |
Clock ip name array for LCDIF PIXEL. More... | |
#define | LPI2C_CLOCKS |
Clock ip name array for LPI2C. More... | |
#define | LPSPI_CLOCKS |
Clock ip name array for LPSPI. More... | |
#define | LPUART_CLOCKS |
Clock ip name array for LPUART. More... | |
#define | MQS_CLOCKS |
Clock ip name array for MQS. More... | |
Clock ip name array for OCRAM EXSC. More... | |
#define | PIT_CLOCKS |
Clock ip name array for PIT. More... | |
#define | PWM_CLOCKS |
Clock ip name array for PWM. More... | |
#define | PXP_CLOCKS |
Clock ip name array for PXP. More... | |
#define | RTWDOG_CLOCKS |
Clock ip name array for RTWDOG. More... | |
#define | SAI_CLOCKS |
Clock ip name array for SAI. More... | |
#define | SEMC_CLOCKS |
Clock ip name array for SEMC. More... | |
#define | SEMC_EXSC_CLOCKS |
Clock ip name array for SEMC EXSC. More... | |
#define | TMR_CLOCKS |
Clock ip name array for QTIMER. More... | |
#define | TRNG_CLOCKS |
Clock ip name array for TRNG. More... | |
#define | TSC_CLOCKS |
Clock ip name array for TSC. More... | |
#define | WDOG_CLOCKS |
Clock ip name array for WDOG. More... | |
#define | USDHC_CLOCKS |
Clock ip name array for USDHC. More... | |
#define | SPDIF_CLOCKS |
Clock ip name array for SPDIF. More... | |
#define | XBARA_CLOCKS |
Clock ip name array for XBARA. More... | |
#define | XBARB_CLOCKS |
Clock ip name array for XBARB. More... | |
#define | kCLOCK_CoreSysClk kCLOCK_CpuClk |
For compatible with other platforms without CCM. More... | |
#define | CLOCK_GetCoreSysClkFreq CLOCK_GetCpuClkFreq |
For compatible with other platforms without CCM. More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum | clock_name_t { kCLOCK_CpuClk = 0x0U, kCLOCK_AhbClk = 0x1U, kCLOCK_SemcClk = 0x2U, kCLOCK_IpgClk = 0x3U, kCLOCK_PerClk = 0x4U, kCLOCK_OscClk = 0x5U, kCLOCK_RtcClk = 0x6U, kCLOCK_ArmPllClk = 0x7U, kCLOCK_Usb1PllClk = 0x8U, kCLOCK_Usb1PllPfd0Clk = 0x9U, kCLOCK_Usb1PllPfd1Clk = 0xAU, kCLOCK_Usb1PllPfd2Clk = 0xBU, kCLOCK_Usb1PllPfd3Clk = 0xCU, kCLOCK_Usb2PllClk = 0xDU, kCLOCK_SysPllClk = 0xEU, kCLOCK_SysPllPfd0Clk = 0xFU, kCLOCK_SysPllPfd1Clk = 0x10U, kCLOCK_SysPllPfd2Clk = 0x11U, kCLOCK_SysPllPfd3Clk = 0x12U, kCLOCK_EnetPll0Clk = 0x13U, kCLOCK_EnetPll1Clk = 0x14U, kCLOCK_EnetPll2Clk = 0x15U, kCLOCK_AudioPllClk = 0x16U, kCLOCK_VideoPllClk = 0x17U } |
Clock name used to get clock frequency. More... | |
enum | clock_ip_name_t { , kCLOCK_Aips_tz1 = (0U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR0_CG0_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Aips_tz2 = (0U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR0_CG1_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Mqs = (0U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR0_CG2_SHIFT, kCLOCK_FlexSpiExsc = (0U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR0_CG3_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Sim_M_Main = (0U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR0_CG4_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Dcp = (0U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR0_CG5_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Lpuart3 = (0U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR0_CG6_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Can1 = (0U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR0_CG7_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Can1S = (0U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR0_CG8_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Can2 = (0U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR0_CG9_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Can2S = (0U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR0_CG10_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Trace = (0U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR0_CG11_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Gpt2 = (0U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR0_CG12_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Gpt2S = (0U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR0_CG13_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Lpuart2 = (0U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR0_CG14_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Gpio2 = (0U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR0_CG15_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Lpspi1 = (1U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR1_CG0_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Lpspi2 = (1U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR1_CG1_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Lpspi3 = (1U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR1_CG2_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Lpspi4 = (1U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR1_CG3_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Adc2 = (1U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR1_CG4_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Enet = (1U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR1_CG5_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Pit = (1U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR1_CG6_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Aoi2 = (1U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR1_CG7_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Adc1 = (1U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR1_CG8_SHIFT, kCLOCK_SemcExsc = (1U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR1_CG9_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Gpt1 = (1U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR1_CG10_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Gpt1S = (1U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR1_CG11_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Lpuart4 = (1U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR1_CG12_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Gpio1 = (1U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR1_CG13_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Csu = (1U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR1_CG14_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Gpio5 = (1U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR1_CG15_SHIFT, kCLOCK_OcramExsc = (2U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR2_CG0_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Csi = (2U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR2_CG1_SHIFT, kCLOCK_IomuxcSnvs = (2U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR2_CG2_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Lpi2c1 = (2U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR2_CG3_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Lpi2c2 = (2U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR2_CG4_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Lpi2c3 = (2U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR2_CG5_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Ocotp = (2U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR2_CG6_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Xbar3 = (2U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR2_CG7_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Ipmux1 = (2U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR2_CG8_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Ipmux2 = (2U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR2_CG9_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Ipmux3 = (2U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR2_CG10_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Xbar1 = (2U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR2_CG11_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Xbar2 = (2U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR2_CG12_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Gpio3 = (2U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR2_CG13_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Lcd = (2U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR2_CG14_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Pxp = (2U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR2_CG15_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Flexio2 = (3U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR3_CG0_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Lpuart5 = (3U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR3_CG1_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Semc = (3U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR3_CG2_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Lpuart6 = (3U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR3_CG3_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Aoi1 = (3U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR3_CG4_SHIFT, kCLOCK_LcdPixel = (3U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR3_CG5_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Gpio4 = (3U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR3_CG6_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Ewm0 = (3U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR3_CG7_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Wdog1 = (3U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR3_CG8_SHIFT, kCLOCK_FlexRam = (3U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR3_CG9_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Acmp1 = (3U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR3_CG10_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Acmp2 = (3U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR3_CG11_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Acmp3 = (3U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR3_CG12_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Acmp4 = (3U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR3_CG13_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Ocram = (3U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR3_CG14_SHIFT, kCLOCK_IomuxcSnvsGpr = (3U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR3_CG15_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Iomuxc = (4U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR4_CG1_SHIFT, kCLOCK_IomuxcGpr = (4U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR4_CG2_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Bee = (4U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR4_CG3_SHIFT, kCLOCK_SimM7 = (4U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR4_CG4_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Tsc = (4U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR4_CG5_SHIFT, kCLOCK_SimM = (4U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR4_CG6_SHIFT, kCLOCK_SimEms = (4U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR4_CG7_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Pwm1 = (4U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR4_CG8_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Pwm2 = (4U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR4_CG9_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Pwm3 = (4U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR4_CG10_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Pwm4 = (4U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR4_CG11_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Enc1 = (4U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR4_CG12_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Enc2 = (4U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR4_CG13_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Enc3 = (4U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR4_CG14_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Enc4 = (4U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR4_CG15_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Rom = (5U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR5_CG0_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Flexio1 = (5U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR5_CG1_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Wdog3 = (5U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR5_CG2_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Dma = (5U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR5_CG3_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Kpp = (5U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR5_CG4_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Wdog2 = (5U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR5_CG5_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Aips_tz4 = (5U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR5_CG6_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Spdif = (5U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR5_CG7_SHIFT, kCLOCK_SimMain = (5U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR5_CG8_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Sai1 = (5U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR5_CG9_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Sai2 = (5U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR5_CG10_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Sai3 = (5U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR5_CG11_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Lpuart1 = (5U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR5_CG12_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Lpuart7 = (5U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR5_CG13_SHIFT, kCLOCK_SnvsHp = (5U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR5_CG14_SHIFT, kCLOCK_SnvsLp = (5U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR5_CG15_SHIFT, kCLOCK_UsbOh3 = (6U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR6_CG0_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Usdhc1 = (6U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR6_CG1_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Usdhc2 = (6U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR6_CG2_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Dcdc = (6U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR6_CG3_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Ipmux4 = (6U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR6_CG4_SHIFT, kCLOCK_FlexSpi = (6U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR6_CG5_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Trng = (6U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR6_CG6_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Lpuart8 = (6U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR6_CG7_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Timer4 = (6U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR6_CG8_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Aips_tz3 = (6U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR6_CG9_SHIFT, kCLOCK_SimPer = (6U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR6_CG10_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Anadig = (6U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR6_CG11_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Lpi2c4 = (6U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR6_CG12_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Timer1 = (6U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR6_CG13_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Timer2 = (6U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR6_CG14_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Timer3 = (6U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR6_CG15_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Enet2 = (7U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR7_CG0_SHIFT, kCLOCK_FlexSpi2 = (7U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR7_CG1_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Axbs_l = (7U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR7_CG2_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Can3 = (7U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR7_CG3_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Can3S = (7U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR7_CG4_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Aips_lite = (7U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR7_CG5_SHIFT, kCLOCK_Flexio3 = (7U << 8U) | CCM_CCGR7_CG6_SHIFT } |
CCM CCGR gate control for each module independently. More... | |
enum | clock_osc_t { kCLOCK_RcOsc = 0U, kCLOCK_XtalOsc = 1U } |
OSC 24M sorce select. More... | |
enum | clock_gate_value_t { kCLOCK_ClockNotNeeded = 0U, kCLOCK_ClockNeededRun = 1U, kCLOCK_ClockNeededRunWait = 3U } |
Clock gate value. More... | |
enum | clock_mode_t { kCLOCK_ModeRun = 0U, kCLOCK_ModeWait = 1U, kCLOCK_ModeStop = 2U } |
System clock mode. More... | |
enum | clock_mux_t { kCLOCK_Pll3SwMux, kCLOCK_PeriphMux, kCLOCK_SemcAltMux, kCLOCK_SemcMux, kCLOCK_PrePeriphMux, kCLOCK_TraceMux, kCLOCK_PeriphClk2Mux, kCLOCK_Flexspi2Mux, kCLOCK_LpspiMux, kCLOCK_FlexspiMux, kCLOCK_Usdhc2Mux, kCLOCK_Usdhc1Mux, kCLOCK_Sai3Mux, kCLOCK_Sai2Mux, kCLOCK_Sai1Mux, kCLOCK_PerclkMux, kCLOCK_Flexio2Mux, kCLOCK_CanMux, kCLOCK_UartMux, kCLOCK_SpdifMux, kCLOCK_Flexio1Mux, kCLOCK_Lpi2cMux, kCLOCK_LcdifPreMux, kCLOCK_CsiMux } |
MUX control names for clock mux setting. More... | |
enum | clock_div_t { kCLOCK_ArmDiv, kCLOCK_PeriphClk2Div, kCLOCK_SemcDiv, kCLOCK_AhbDiv, kCLOCK_IpgDiv, kCLOCK_Flexspi2Div, kCLOCK_LpspiDiv, kCLOCK_LcdifDiv, kCLOCK_FlexspiDiv, kCLOCK_PerclkDiv, kCLOCK_CanDiv, kCLOCK_TraceDiv, kCLOCK_Usdhc2Div, kCLOCK_Usdhc1Div, kCLOCK_UartDiv, kCLOCK_Flexio2Div, kCLOCK_Sai3PreDiv, kCLOCK_Sai3Div, kCLOCK_Flexio2PreDiv, kCLOCK_Sai1PreDiv, kCLOCK_Sai1Div, kCLOCK_Sai2PreDiv, kCLOCK_Sai2Div, kCLOCK_Spdif0PreDiv, kCLOCK_Spdif0Div, kCLOCK_Flexio1PreDiv, kCLOCK_Flexio1Div, kCLOCK_Lpi2cDiv, kCLOCK_LcdifPreDiv, kCLOCK_CsiDiv } |
DIV control names for clock div setting. More... | |
enum | clock_usb_src_t { kCLOCK_Usb480M = 0, kCLOCK_UsbSrcUnused = (int)0xFFFFFFFFU } |
USB clock source definition. More... | |
enum | clock_usb_phy_src_t { kCLOCK_Usbphy480M = 0 } |
Source of the USB HS PHY. More... | |
enum | _clock_pll_clk_src { kCLOCK_PllClkSrc24M = 0U, kCLOCK_PllSrcClkPN = 1U } |
PLL clock source, bypass cloco source also. More... | |
PLL name. More... | |
enum | clock_pfd_t { kCLOCK_Pfd0 = 0U, kCLOCK_Pfd1 = 1U, kCLOCK_Pfd2 = 2U, kCLOCK_Pfd3 = 3U } |
PLL PFD name. More... | |
Functions | |
static void | CLOCK_SetMux (clock_mux_t mux, uint32_t value) |
Set CCM MUX node to certain value. More... | |
static uint32_t | CLOCK_GetMux (clock_mux_t mux) |
Get CCM MUX value. More... | |
static void | CLOCK_SetDiv (clock_div_t divider, uint32_t value) |
Set CCM DIV node to certain value. More... | |
static uint32_t | CLOCK_GetDiv (clock_div_t divider) |
Get CCM DIV node value. More... | |
static void | CLOCK_ControlGate (clock_ip_name_t name, clock_gate_value_t value) |
Control the clock gate for specific IP. More... | |
static void | CLOCK_EnableClock (clock_ip_name_t name) |
Enable the clock for specific IP. More... | |
static void | CLOCK_DisableClock (clock_ip_name_t name) |
Disable the clock for specific IP. More... | |
static void | CLOCK_SetMode (clock_mode_t mode) |
Setting the low power mode that system will enter on next assertion of dsm_request signal. More... | |
static uint32_t | CLOCK_GetOscFreq (void) |
Gets the OSC clock frequency. More... | |
uint32_t | CLOCK_GetAhbFreq (void) |
Gets the AHB clock frequency. More... | |
uint32_t | CLOCK_GetSemcFreq (void) |
Gets the SEMC clock frequency. More... | |
uint32_t | CLOCK_GetIpgFreq (void) |
Gets the IPG clock frequency. More... | |
uint32_t | CLOCK_GetPerClkFreq (void) |
Gets the PER clock frequency. More... | |
uint32_t | CLOCK_GetFreq (clock_name_t name) |
Gets the clock frequency for a specific clock name. More... | |
static uint32_t | CLOCK_GetCpuClkFreq (void) |
Get the CCM CPU/core/system frequency. More... | |
bool | CLOCK_EnableUsbhs0Clock (clock_usb_src_t src, uint32_t freq) |
Enable USB HS clock. More... | |
bool | CLOCK_EnableUsbhs1Clock (clock_usb_src_t src, uint32_t freq) |
Enable USB HS clock. More... | |
Variables | |
volatile uint32_t | g_xtalFreq |
External XTAL (24M OSC/SYSOSC) clock frequency. More... | |
volatile uint32_t | g_rtcXtalFreq |
External RTC XTAL (32K OSC) clock frequency. More... | |
Driver version | |
CLOCK driver version 2.1.7. More... | |
OSC operations | |
void | CLOCK_InitExternalClk (bool bypassXtalOsc) |
Initialize the external 24MHz clock. More... | |
void | CLOCK_DeinitExternalClk (void) |
Deinitialize the external 24MHz clock. More... | |
void | CLOCK_SwitchOsc (clock_osc_t osc) |
Switch the OSC. More... | |
static uint32_t | CLOCK_GetRtcFreq (void) |
Gets the RTC clock frequency. More... | |
static void | CLOCK_SetXtalFreq (uint32_t freq) |
Set the XTAL (24M OSC) frequency based on board setting. More... | |
static void | CLOCK_SetRtcXtalFreq (uint32_t freq) |
Set the RTC XTAL (32K OSC) frequency based on board setting. More... | |
void | CLOCK_InitRcOsc24M (void) |
Initialize the RC oscillator 24MHz clock. | |
void | CLOCK_DeinitRcOsc24M (void) |
Power down the RCOSC 24M clock. | |
PLL/PFD operations | |
void | CLOCK_DisableUsbhs1PhyPllClock (void) |
Disable USB HS PHY PLL clock. More... | |
static void | CLOCK_SetPllBypass (CCM_ANALOG_Type *base, clock_pll_t pll, bool bypass) |
PLL bypass setting. More... | |
static bool | CLOCK_IsPllBypassed (CCM_ANALOG_Type *base, clock_pll_t pll) |
Check if PLL is bypassed. More... | |
static bool | CLOCK_IsPllEnabled (CCM_ANALOG_Type *base, clock_pll_t pll) |
Check if PLL is enabled. More... | |
static void | CLOCK_SetPllBypassRefClkSrc (CCM_ANALOG_Type *base, clock_pll_t pll, uint32_t src) |
PLL bypass clock source setting. More... | |
static uint32_t | CLOCK_GetPllBypassRefClk (CCM_ANALOG_Type *base, clock_pll_t pll) |
Get PLL bypass clock value, it is PLL reference clock actually. More... | |
void | CLOCK_InitArmPll (const clock_arm_pll_config_t *config) |
Initialize the ARM PLL. More... | |
void | CLOCK_DeinitArmPll (void) |
De-initialize the ARM PLL. | |
void | CLOCK_InitSysPll (const clock_sys_pll_config_t *config) |
Initialize the System PLL. More... | |
void | CLOCK_DeinitSysPll (void) |
De-initialize the System PLL. | |
void | CLOCK_InitUsb1Pll (const clock_usb_pll_config_t *config) |
Initialize the USB1 PLL. More... | |
void | CLOCK_DeinitUsb1Pll (void) |
Deinitialize the USB1 PLL. | |
void | CLOCK_InitUsb2Pll (const clock_usb_pll_config_t *config) |
Initialize the USB2 PLL. More... | |
void | CLOCK_DeinitUsb2Pll (void) |
Deinitialize the USB2 PLL. | |
void | CLOCK_InitAudioPll (const clock_audio_pll_config_t *config) |
Initializes the Audio PLL. More... | |
void | CLOCK_DeinitAudioPll (void) |
De-initialize the Audio PLL. | |
void | CLOCK_InitVideoPll (const clock_video_pll_config_t *config) |
Initialize the video PLL. More... | |
void | CLOCK_DeinitVideoPll (void) |
De-initialize the Video PLL. | |
void | CLOCK_InitEnetPll (const clock_enet_pll_config_t *config) |
Initialize the ENET PLL. More... | |
void | CLOCK_DeinitEnetPll (void) |
Deinitialize the ENET PLL. More... | |
uint32_t | CLOCK_GetPllFreq (clock_pll_t pll) |
Get current PLL output frequency. More... | |
void | CLOCK_InitSysPfd (clock_pfd_t pfd, uint8_t pfdFrac) |
Initialize the System PLL PFD. More... | |
void | CLOCK_DeinitSysPfd (clock_pfd_t pfd) |
De-initialize the System PLL PFD. More... | |
void | CLOCK_InitUsb1Pfd (clock_pfd_t pfd, uint8_t pfdFrac) |
Initialize the USB1 PLL PFD. More... | |
void | CLOCK_DeinitUsb1Pfd (clock_pfd_t pfd) |
De-initialize the USB1 PLL PFD. More... | |
uint32_t | CLOCK_GetSysPfdFreq (clock_pfd_t pfd) |
Get current System PLL PFD output frequency. More... | |
uint32_t | CLOCK_GetUsb1PfdFreq (clock_pfd_t pfd) |
Get current USB1 PLL PFD output frequency. More... | |
bool | CLOCK_EnableUsbhs0PhyPllClock (clock_usb_phy_src_t src, uint32_t freq) |
Enable USB HS PHY PLL clock. More... | |
void | CLOCK_DisableUsbhs0PhyPllClock (void) |
Disable USB HS PHY PLL clock. More... | |
bool | CLOCK_EnableUsbhs1PhyPllClock (clock_usb_phy_src_t src, uint32_t freq) |
Enable USB HS PHY PLL clock. More... | |
struct clock_arm_pll_config_t |
Data Fields | |
uint32_t | loopDivider |
PLL loop divider. More... | |
uint8_t | src |
Pll clock source, reference _clock_pll_clk_src. | |
uint32_t clock_arm_pll_config_t::loopDivider |
Valid range for divider value: 54-108. Fout=Fin*loopDivider/2.
struct clock_usb_pll_config_t |
Data Fields | |
uint8_t | loopDivider |
PLL loop divider. More... | |
uint8_t | src |
Pll clock source, reference _clock_pll_clk_src. | |
uint8_t clock_usb_pll_config_t::loopDivider |
0 - Fout=Fref*20; 1 - Fout=Fref*22
struct clock_sys_pll_config_t |
Data Fields | |
uint8_t | loopDivider |
PLL loop divider. More... | |
uint32_t | numerator |
30 bit numerator of fractional loop divider. More... | |
uint32_t | denominator |
30 bit denominator of fractional loop divider | |
uint8_t | src |
Pll clock source, reference _clock_pll_clk_src. | |
uint16_t | ss_stop |
Stop value to get frequency change. More... | |
uint8_t | ss_enable |
Enable spread spectrum modulation. | |
uint16_t | ss_step |
Step value to get frequency change step. More... | |
uint8_t clock_sys_pll_config_t::loopDivider |
Intended to be 1 (528M). 0 - Fout=Fref*20; 1 - Fout=Fref*22
uint32_t clock_sys_pll_config_t::numerator |
uint16_t clock_sys_pll_config_t::ss_stop |
uint16_t clock_sys_pll_config_t::ss_step |
struct clock_audio_pll_config_t |
Data Fields | |
uint8_t | loopDivider |
PLL loop divider. More... | |
uint8_t | postDivider |
Divider after the PLL, should only be 1, 2, 4, 8, 16. More... | |
uint32_t | numerator |
30 bit numerator of fractional loop divider. More... | |
uint32_t | denominator |
30 bit denominator of fractional loop divider | |
uint8_t | src |
Pll clock source, reference _clock_pll_clk_src. | |
uint8_t clock_audio_pll_config_t::loopDivider |
Valid range for DIV_SELECT divider value: 27~54.
uint8_t clock_audio_pll_config_t::postDivider |
uint32_t clock_audio_pll_config_t::numerator |
struct clock_video_pll_config_t |
Data Fields | |
uint8_t | loopDivider |
PLL loop divider. More... | |
uint8_t | postDivider |
Divider after the PLL, should only be 1, 2, 4, 8, 16. More... | |
uint32_t | numerator |
30 bit numerator of fractional loop divider. More... | |
uint32_t | denominator |
30 bit denominator of fractional loop divider | |
uint8_t | src |
Pll clock source, reference _clock_pll_clk_src. | |
uint8_t clock_video_pll_config_t::loopDivider |
Valid range for DIV_SELECT divider value: 27~54.
uint8_t clock_video_pll_config_t::postDivider |
uint32_t clock_video_pll_config_t::numerator |
struct clock_enet_pll_config_t |
Data Fields | |
bool | enableClkOutput |
Power on and enable PLL clock output for ENET0 (ref_enetpll0). More... | |
bool | enableClkOutput25M |
Power on and enable PLL clock output for ENET2 (ref_enetpll2). More... | |
uint8_t | loopDivider |
Controls the frequency of the ENET0 reference clock. More... | |
uint8_t | src |
Pll clock source, reference _clock_pll_clk_src. | |
bool | enableClkOutput1 |
Power on and enable PLL clock output for ENET1 (ref_enetpll1). More... | |
uint8_t | loopDivider1 |
Controls the frequency of the ENET1 reference clock. More... | |
bool clock_enet_pll_config_t::enableClkOutput |
bool clock_enet_pll_config_t::enableClkOutput25M |
uint8_t clock_enet_pll_config_t::loopDivider |
b00 25MHz b01 50MHz b10 100MHz (not 50% duty cycle) b11 125MHz
bool clock_enet_pll_config_t::enableClkOutput1 |
uint8_t clock_enet_pll_config_t::loopDivider1 |
b00 25MHz b01 50MHz b10 100MHz (not 50% duty cycle) b11 125MHz
When set to 0, peripheral drivers will enable clock in initialize function and disable clock in de-initialize function. When set to 1, peripheral driver will not control the clock, application could control the clock out of the driver.
#define ADC_CLOCKS |
#define AOI_CLOCKS |
#define BEE_CLOCKS |
#define CMP_CLOCKS |
#define CSI_CLOCKS |
#define DCDC_CLOCKS |
#define DCP_CLOCKS |
#define EDMA_CLOCKS |
#define ENC_CLOCKS |
#define ENET_CLOCKS |
#define EWM_CLOCKS |
#define GPIO_CLOCKS |
#define GPT_CLOCKS |
#define KPP_CLOCKS |
#define LCDIF_CLOCKS |
#define LPI2C_CLOCKS |
#define LPSPI_CLOCKS |
#define MQS_CLOCKS |
#define PIT_CLOCKS |
#define PWM_CLOCKS |
#define PXP_CLOCKS |
#define SAI_CLOCKS |
#define SEMC_CLOCKS |
#define TMR_CLOCKS |
#define TRNG_CLOCKS |
#define TSC_CLOCKS |
#define WDOG_CLOCKS |
#define USDHC_CLOCKS |
#define SPDIF_CLOCKS |
#define XBARA_CLOCKS |
#define XBARB_CLOCKS |
#define kCLOCK_CoreSysClk kCLOCK_CpuClk |
#define CLOCK_GetCoreSysClkFreq CLOCK_GetCpuClkFreq |
enum clock_name_t |
enum clock_ip_name_t |
enum clock_osc_t |
enum clock_gate_value_t |
enum clock_mode_t |
enum clock_mux_t |
These constants define the mux control names for clock mux setting.
enum clock_div_t |
These constants define div control names for clock div setting.
enum clock_usb_src_t |
enum clock_usb_phy_src_t |
enum _clock_pll_clk_src |
enum clock_pll_t |
enum clock_pfd_t |
inlinestatic |
mux | Which mux node to set, see clock_mux_t. |
value | Clock mux value to set, different mux has different value range. |
inlinestatic |
mux | Which mux node to get, see clock_mux_t. |
inlinestatic |
divider | Which div node to set, see clock_div_t. |
value | Clock div value to set, different divider has different value range. |
inlinestatic |
divider | Which div node to get, see clock_div_t. |
inlinestatic |
name | Which clock to enable, see clock_ip_name_t. |
value | Clock gate value to set, see clock_gate_value_t. |
inlinestatic |
name | Which clock to enable, see clock_ip_name_t. |
inlinestatic |
name | Which clock to disable, see clock_ip_name_t. |
inlinestatic |
mode | Which mode to enter, see clock_mode_t. |
inlinestatic |
This function will return the external XTAL OSC frequency if it is selected as the source of OSC, otherwise internal 24MHz RC OSC frequency will be returned.
osc | OSC type to get frequency. |
uint32_t CLOCK_GetAhbFreq | ( | void | ) |
uint32_t CLOCK_GetSemcFreq | ( | void | ) |
uint32_t CLOCK_GetIpgFreq | ( | void | ) |
uint32_t CLOCK_GetPerClkFreq | ( | void | ) |
uint32_t CLOCK_GetFreq | ( | clock_name_t | name | ) |
This function checks the current clock configurations and then calculates the clock frequency for a specific clock name defined in clock_name_t.
clockName | Clock names defined in clock_name_t |
inlinestatic |
void CLOCK_InitExternalClk | ( | bool | bypassXtalOsc | ) |
This function supports two modes:
After this function, please call CLOCK_SetXtal0Freq to inform clock driver the external clock frequency.
bypassXtalOsc | Pass in true to bypass the external crystal oscillator. |
void CLOCK_DeinitExternalClk | ( | void | ) |
This function disables the external 24MHz clock.
After this function, please call CLOCK_SetXtal0Freq to set external clock frequency to 0.
void CLOCK_SwitchOsc | ( | clock_osc_t | osc | ) |
This function switches the OSC source for SoC.
osc | OSC source to switch to. |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
freq | The XTAL input clock frequency in Hz. |
inlinestatic |
freq | The RTC XTAL input clock frequency in Hz. |
bool CLOCK_EnableUsbhs0Clock | ( | clock_usb_src_t | src, |
uint32_t | freq | ||
) |
This function only enables the access to USB HS prepheral, upper layer should first call the CLOCK_EnableUsbhs0PhyPllClock to enable the PHY clock to use USB HS.
src | USB HS does not care about the clock source, here must be kCLOCK_UsbSrcUnused. |
freq | USB HS does not care about the clock source, so this parameter is ignored. |
true | The clock is set successfully. |
false | The clock source is invalid to get proper USB HS clock. |
bool CLOCK_EnableUsbhs1Clock | ( | clock_usb_src_t | src, |
uint32_t | freq | ||
) |
This function only enables the access to USB HS prepheral, upper layer should first call the CLOCK_EnableUsbhs0PhyPllClock to enable the PHY clock to use USB HS.
src | USB HS does not care about the clock source, here must be kCLOCK_UsbSrcUnused. |
freq | USB HS does not care about the clock source, so this parameter is ignored. |
true | The clock is set successfully. |
false | The clock source is invalid to get proper USB HS clock. |
void CLOCK_DisableUsbhs1PhyPllClock | ( | void | ) |
This function disables USB HS PHY PLL clock.
inlinestatic |
base | CCM_ANALOG base pointer. |
pll | PLL control name (see ccm_analog_pll_control_t enumeration) |
bypass | Bypass the PLL.
inlinestatic |
base | CCM_ANALOG base pointer. |
pll | PLL control name (see ccm_analog_pll_control_t enumeration) |
inlinestatic |
base | CCM_ANALOG base pointer. |
pll | PLL control name (see ccm_analog_pll_control_t enumeration) |
inlinestatic |
Note: change the bypass clock source also change the pll reference clock source.
base | CCM_ANALOG base pointer. |
pll | PLL control name (see ccm_analog_pll_control_t enumeration) |
src | Bypass clock source, reference _clock_pll_bypass_clk_src. |
inlinestatic |
If CLOCK1_P,CLOCK1_N is choose as the pll bypass clock source, please implement the CLKPN_FREQ define, otherwise 0 will be returned.
base | CCM_ANALOG base pointer. |
pll | PLL control name (see ccm_analog_pll_control_t enumeration) |
bypass | reference clock frequency value. |
void CLOCK_InitArmPll | ( | const clock_arm_pll_config_t * | config | ) |
This function initialize the ARM PLL with specific settings
config | configuration to set to PLL. |
void CLOCK_InitSysPll | ( | const clock_sys_pll_config_t * | config | ) |
This function initializes the System PLL with specific settings
config | Configuration to set to PLL. |
void CLOCK_InitUsb1Pll | ( | const clock_usb_pll_config_t * | config | ) |
This function initializes the USB1 PLL with specific settings
config | Configuration to set to PLL. |
void CLOCK_InitUsb2Pll | ( | const clock_usb_pll_config_t * | config | ) |
This function initializes the USB2 PLL with specific settings
config | Configuration to set to PLL. |
void CLOCK_InitAudioPll | ( | const clock_audio_pll_config_t * | config | ) |
This function initializes the Audio PLL with specific settings
config | Configuration to set to PLL. |
void CLOCK_InitVideoPll | ( | const clock_video_pll_config_t * | config | ) |
This function configures the Video PLL with specific settings
config | configuration to set to PLL. |
void CLOCK_InitEnetPll | ( | const clock_enet_pll_config_t * | config | ) |
This function initializes the ENET PLL with specific settings.
config | Configuration to set to PLL. |
void CLOCK_DeinitEnetPll | ( | void | ) |
This function disables the ENET PLL.
uint32_t CLOCK_GetPllFreq | ( | clock_pll_t | pll | ) |
This function get current output frequency of specific PLL
pll | pll name to get frequency. |
void CLOCK_InitSysPfd | ( | clock_pfd_t | pfd, |
uint8_t | pfdFrac | ||
) |
This function initializes the System PLL PFD. During new value setting, the clock output is disabled to prevent glitch.
pfd | Which PFD clock to enable. |
pfdFrac | The PFD FRAC value. |
void CLOCK_DeinitSysPfd | ( | clock_pfd_t | pfd | ) |
This function disables the System PLL PFD.
pfd | Which PFD clock to disable. |
void CLOCK_InitUsb1Pfd | ( | clock_pfd_t | pfd, |
uint8_t | pfdFrac | ||
) |
This function initializes the USB1 PLL PFD. During new value setting, the clock output is disabled to prevent glitch.
pfd | Which PFD clock to enable. |
pfdFrac | The PFD FRAC value. |
void CLOCK_DeinitUsb1Pfd | ( | clock_pfd_t | pfd | ) |
This function disables the USB1 PLL PFD.
pfd | Which PFD clock to disable. |
uint32_t CLOCK_GetSysPfdFreq | ( | clock_pfd_t | pfd | ) |
This function get current output frequency of specific System PLL PFD
pfd | pfd name to get frequency. |
uint32_t CLOCK_GetUsb1PfdFreq | ( | clock_pfd_t | pfd | ) |
This function get current output frequency of specific USB1 PLL PFD
pfd | pfd name to get frequency. |
bool CLOCK_EnableUsbhs0PhyPllClock | ( | clock_usb_phy_src_t | src, |
uint32_t | freq | ||
) |
This function enables the internal 480MHz USB PHY PLL clock.
src | USB HS PHY PLL clock source. |
freq | The frequency specified by src. |
true | The clock is set successfully. |
false | The clock source is invalid to get proper USB HS clock. |
void CLOCK_DisableUsbhs0PhyPllClock | ( | void | ) |
This function disables USB HS PHY PLL clock.
bool CLOCK_EnableUsbhs1PhyPllClock | ( | clock_usb_phy_src_t | src, |
uint32_t | freq | ||
) |
This function enables the internal 480MHz USB PHY PLL clock.
src | USB HS PHY PLL clock source. |
freq | The frequency specified by src. |
true | The clock is set successfully. |
false | The clock source is invalid to get proper USB HS clock. |
volatile uint32_t g_xtalFreq |
The XTAL (24M OSC/SYSOSC) clock frequency in Hz, when the clock is setup, use the function CLOCK_SetXtalFreq to set the value in to clock driver. For example, if XTAL is 24MHz,
volatile uint32_t g_rtcXtalFreq |
The RTC XTAL (32K OSC) clock frequency in Hz, when the clock is setup, use the function CLOCK_SetRtcXtalFreq to set the value in to clock driver.