MCUXpresso SDK API Reference Manual  Rev. 0
NXP Semiconductors
 All Data Structures Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Groups Pages


Data Structures

struct  lpi2c_master_config_t
 Structure with settings to initialize the LPI2C master module. More...
struct  lpi2c_data_match_config_t
 LPI2C master data match configuration structure. More...
struct  lpi2c_master_transfer_t
 Non-blocking transfer descriptor structure. More...
struct  lpi2c_master_handle_t
 Driver handle for master non-blocking APIs. More...


typedef void(* lpi2c_master_transfer_callback_t )(LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_master_handle_t *handle, status_t completionStatus, void *userData)
 Master completion callback function pointer type. More...


enum  {
  kLPI2C_MasterTxReadyFlag = LPI2C_MSR_TDF_MASK,
  kLPI2C_MasterRxReadyFlag = LPI2C_MSR_RDF_MASK,
  kLPI2C_MasterEndOfPacketFlag = LPI2C_MSR_EPF_MASK,
  kLPI2C_MasterStopDetectFlag = LPI2C_MSR_SDF_MASK,
  kLPI2C_MasterNackDetectFlag = LPI2C_MSR_NDF_MASK,
  kLPI2C_MasterArbitrationLostFlag = LPI2C_MSR_ALF_MASK,
  kLPI2C_MasterFifoErrFlag = LPI2C_MSR_FEF_MASK,
  kLPI2C_MasterPinLowTimeoutFlag = LPI2C_MSR_PLTF_MASK,
  kLPI2C_MasterDataMatchFlag = LPI2C_MSR_DMF_MASK,
  kLPI2C_MasterBusyFlag = LPI2C_MSR_MBF_MASK,
  kLPI2C_MasterBusBusyFlag = LPI2C_MSR_BBF_MASK
 LPI2C master peripheral flags. More...
enum  lpi2c_direction_t {
  kLPI2C_Write = 0U,
  kLPI2C_Read = 1U
 Direction of master and slave transfers. More...
enum  lpi2c_master_pin_config_t {
  kLPI2C_2PinOpenDrain = 0x0U,
  kLPI2C_2PinOutputOnly = 0x1U,
  kLPI2C_2PinPushPull = 0x2U,
  kLPI2C_4PinPushPull = 0x3U,
  kLPI2C_4PinPushPullWithInvertedOutput = 0x7U
 LPI2C pin configuration. More...
enum  lpi2c_host_request_source_t {
  kLPI2C_HostRequestExternalPin = 0x0U,
  kLPI2C_HostRequestInputTrigger = 0x1U
 LPI2C master host request selection. More...
enum  lpi2c_host_request_polarity_t {
  kLPI2C_HostRequestPinActiveLow = 0x0U,
  kLPI2C_HostRequestPinActiveHigh = 0x1U
 LPI2C master host request pin polarity configuration. More...
enum  lpi2c_data_match_config_mode_t {
  kLPI2C_MatchDisabled = 0x0U,
  kLPI2C_1stWordEqualsM0OrM1 = 0x2U,
  kLPI2C_AnyWordEqualsM0OrM1 = 0x3U,
 LPI2C master data match configuration modes. More...
enum  _lpi2c_master_transfer_flags {
  kLPI2C_TransferDefaultFlag = 0x00U,
  kLPI2C_TransferNoStartFlag = 0x01U,
  kLPI2C_TransferRepeatedStartFlag = 0x02U,
  kLPI2C_TransferNoStopFlag = 0x04U
 Transfer option flags. More...

Initialization and deinitialization

void LPI2C_MasterGetDefaultConfig (lpi2c_master_config_t *masterConfig)
 Provides a default configuration for the LPI2C master peripheral. More...
void LPI2C_MasterInit (LPI2C_Type *base, const lpi2c_master_config_t *masterConfig, uint32_t sourceClock_Hz)
 Initializes the LPI2C master peripheral. More...
void LPI2C_MasterDeinit (LPI2C_Type *base)
 Deinitializes the LPI2C master peripheral. More...
void LPI2C_MasterConfigureDataMatch (LPI2C_Type *base, const lpi2c_data_match_config_t *config)
 Configures LPI2C master data match feature. More...
status_t LPI2C_MasterCheckAndClearError (LPI2C_Type *base, uint32_t status)
status_t LPI2C_CheckForBusyBus (LPI2C_Type *base)
static void LPI2C_MasterReset (LPI2C_Type *base)
 Performs a software reset. More...
static void LPI2C_MasterEnable (LPI2C_Type *base, bool enable)
 Enables or disables the LPI2C module as master. More...


static uint32_t LPI2C_MasterGetStatusFlags (LPI2C_Type *base)
 Gets the LPI2C master status flags. More...
static void LPI2C_MasterClearStatusFlags (LPI2C_Type *base, uint32_t statusMask)
 Clears the LPI2C master status flag state. More...


static void LPI2C_MasterEnableInterrupts (LPI2C_Type *base, uint32_t interruptMask)
 Enables the LPI2C master interrupt requests. More...
static void LPI2C_MasterDisableInterrupts (LPI2C_Type *base, uint32_t interruptMask)
 Disables the LPI2C master interrupt requests. More...
static uint32_t LPI2C_MasterGetEnabledInterrupts (LPI2C_Type *base)
 Returns the set of currently enabled LPI2C master interrupt requests. More...

DMA control

static void LPI2C_MasterEnableDMA (LPI2C_Type *base, bool enableTx, bool enableRx)
 Enables or disables LPI2C master DMA requests. More...
static uint32_t LPI2C_MasterGetTxFifoAddress (LPI2C_Type *base)
 Gets LPI2C master transmit data register address for DMA transfer. More...
static uint32_t LPI2C_MasterGetRxFifoAddress (LPI2C_Type *base)
 Gets LPI2C master receive data register address for DMA transfer. More...

FIFO control

static void LPI2C_MasterSetWatermarks (LPI2C_Type *base, size_t txWords, size_t rxWords)
 Sets the watermarks for LPI2C master FIFOs. More...
static void LPI2C_MasterGetFifoCounts (LPI2C_Type *base, size_t *rxCount, size_t *txCount)
 Gets the current number of words in the LPI2C master FIFOs. More...

Bus operations

void LPI2C_MasterSetBaudRate (LPI2C_Type *base, uint32_t sourceClock_Hz, uint32_t baudRate_Hz)
 Sets the I2C bus frequency for master transactions. More...
static bool LPI2C_MasterGetBusIdleState (LPI2C_Type *base)
 Returns whether the bus is idle. More...
status_t LPI2C_MasterStart (LPI2C_Type *base, uint8_t address, lpi2c_direction_t dir)
 Sends a START signal and slave address on the I2C bus. More...
static status_t LPI2C_MasterRepeatedStart (LPI2C_Type *base, uint8_t address, lpi2c_direction_t dir)
 Sends a repeated START signal and slave address on the I2C bus. More...
status_t LPI2C_MasterSend (LPI2C_Type *base, void *txBuff, size_t txSize)
 Performs a polling send transfer on the I2C bus. More...
status_t LPI2C_MasterReceive (LPI2C_Type *base, void *rxBuff, size_t rxSize)
 Performs a polling receive transfer on the I2C bus. More...
status_t LPI2C_MasterStop (LPI2C_Type *base)
 Sends a STOP signal on the I2C bus. More...
status_t LPI2C_MasterTransferBlocking (LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_master_transfer_t *transfer)
 Performs a master polling transfer on the I2C bus. More...


void LPI2C_MasterTransferCreateHandle (LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_master_handle_t *handle, lpi2c_master_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)
 Creates a new handle for the LPI2C master non-blocking APIs. More...
status_t LPI2C_MasterTransferNonBlocking (LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_master_handle_t *handle, lpi2c_master_transfer_t *transfer)
 Performs a non-blocking transaction on the I2C bus. More...
status_t LPI2C_MasterTransferGetCount (LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_master_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
 Returns number of bytes transferred so far. More...
void LPI2C_MasterTransferAbort (LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_master_handle_t *handle)
 Terminates a non-blocking LPI2C master transmission early. More...

IRQ handler

void LPI2C_MasterTransferHandleIRQ (LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_master_handle_t *handle)
 Reusable routine to handle master interrupts. More...

Data Structure Documentation

struct lpi2c_master_config_t

This structure holds configuration settings for the LPI2C peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the LPI2C_MasterGetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your configuration structure instance.

The configuration structure can be made constant so it resides in flash.

Data Fields

bool enableMaster
 Whether to enable master mode. More...
bool enableDoze
 Whether master is enabled in doze mode. More...
bool debugEnable
 Enable transfers to continue when halted in debug mode. More...
bool ignoreAck
 Whether to ignore ACK/NACK. More...
lpi2c_master_pin_config_t pinConfig
 The pin configuration option. More...
uint32_t baudRate_Hz
 Desired baud rate in Hertz. More...
uint32_t busIdleTimeout_ns
 Bus idle timeout in nanoseconds. More...
uint32_t pinLowTimeout_ns
 Pin low timeout in nanoseconds. More...
uint8_t sdaGlitchFilterWidth_ns
 Width in nanoseconds of glitch filter on SDA pin. More...
uint8_t sclGlitchFilterWidth_ns
 Width in nanoseconds of glitch filter on SCL pin. More...
struct {
   bool   enable
 Enable host request. More...
   lpi2c_host_request_source_t   source
 Host request source. More...
   lpi2c_host_request_polarity_t   polarity
 Host request pin polarity. More...
 Host request options. More...

Field Documentation

bool lpi2c_master_config_t::enableMaster
bool lpi2c_master_config_t::enableDoze
bool lpi2c_master_config_t::debugEnable
bool lpi2c_master_config_t::ignoreAck
lpi2c_master_pin_config_t lpi2c_master_config_t::pinConfig
uint32_t lpi2c_master_config_t::baudRate_Hz
uint32_t lpi2c_master_config_t::busIdleTimeout_ns

Set to 0 to disable.

uint32_t lpi2c_master_config_t::pinLowTimeout_ns

Set to 0 to disable.

uint8_t lpi2c_master_config_t::sdaGlitchFilterWidth_ns

Set to 0 to disable.

uint8_t lpi2c_master_config_t::sclGlitchFilterWidth_ns

Set to 0 to disable.

bool lpi2c_master_config_t::enable
lpi2c_host_request_source_t lpi2c_master_config_t::source
lpi2c_host_request_polarity_t lpi2c_master_config_t::polarity
struct { ... } lpi2c_master_config_t::hostRequest
struct lpi2c_data_match_config_t

Data Fields

lpi2c_data_match_config_mode_t matchMode
 Data match configuration setting. More...
bool rxDataMatchOnly
 When set to true, received data is ignored until a successful match. More...
uint32_t match0
 Match value 0. More...
uint32_t match1
 Match value 1. More...

Field Documentation

lpi2c_data_match_config_mode_t lpi2c_data_match_config_t::matchMode
bool lpi2c_data_match_config_t::rxDataMatchOnly
uint32_t lpi2c_data_match_config_t::match0
uint32_t lpi2c_data_match_config_t::match1
struct _lpi2c_master_transfer

This structure is used to pass transaction parameters to the LPI2C_MasterTransferNonBlocking() API.

Data Fields

uint32_t flags
 Bit mask of options for the transfer. More...
uint16_t slaveAddress
 The 7-bit slave address. More...
lpi2c_direction_t direction
 Either kLPI2C_Read or kLPI2C_Write. More...
uint32_t subaddress
 Sub address. More...
size_t subaddressSize
 Length of sub address to send in bytes. More...
void * data
 Pointer to data to transfer. More...
size_t dataSize
 Number of bytes to transfer. More...

Field Documentation

uint32_t lpi2c_master_transfer_t::flags

See enumeration _lpi2c_master_transfer_flags for available options. Set to 0 or kLPI2C_TransferDefaultFlag for normal transfers.

uint16_t lpi2c_master_transfer_t::slaveAddress
lpi2c_direction_t lpi2c_master_transfer_t::direction
uint32_t lpi2c_master_transfer_t::subaddress

Transferred MSB first.

size_t lpi2c_master_transfer_t::subaddressSize

Maximum size is 4 bytes.

void* lpi2c_master_transfer_t::data
size_t lpi2c_master_transfer_t::dataSize
struct _lpi2c_master_handle
The contents of this structure are private and subject to change.

Data Fields

uint8_t state
 Transfer state machine current state. More...
uint16_t remainingBytes
 Remaining byte count in current state. More...
uint8_t * buf
 Buffer pointer for current state. More...
uint16_t commandBuffer [7]
 LPI2C command sequence. More...
lpi2c_master_transfer_t transfer
 Copy of the current transfer info. More...
lpi2c_master_transfer_callback_t completionCallback
 Callback function pointer. More...
void * userData
 Application data passed to callback. More...

Field Documentation

uint8_t lpi2c_master_handle_t::state
uint16_t lpi2c_master_handle_t::remainingBytes
uint8_t* lpi2c_master_handle_t::buf
uint16_t lpi2c_master_handle_t::commandBuffer[7]
lpi2c_master_transfer_t lpi2c_master_handle_t::transfer
lpi2c_master_transfer_callback_t lpi2c_master_handle_t::completionCallback
void* lpi2c_master_handle_t::userData

Typedef Documentation

typedef void(* lpi2c_master_transfer_callback_t)(LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_master_handle_t *handle, status_t completionStatus, void *userData)

This callback is used only for the non-blocking master transfer API. Specify the callback you wish to use in the call to LPI2C_MasterTransferCreateHandle().

baseThe LPI2C peripheral base address.
completionStatusEither kStatus_Success or an error code describing how the transfer completed.
userDataArbitrary pointer-sized value passed from the application.

Enumeration Type Documentation

anonymous enum

The following status register flags can be cleared:

All flags except kLPI2C_MasterBusyFlag and kLPI2C_MasterBusBusyFlag can be enabled as interrupts.

These enums are meant to be OR'd together to form a bit mask.

Transmit data flag.


Receive data flag.


End Packet flag.


Stop detect flag.


NACK detect flag.


Arbitration lost flag.


FIFO error flag.


Pin low timeout flag.


Data match flag.


Master busy flag.


Bus busy flag.


Master transmit.


Master receive.


LPI2C Configured for 2-pin open drain mode.


LPI2C Configured for 2-pin output only mode (ultra-fast mode)


LPI2C Configured for 2-pin push-pull mode.


LPI2C Configured for 4-pin push-pull mode.


LPI2C Configured for 2-pin open drain mode with separate LPI2C slave.


LPI2C Configured for 2-pin output only mode(ultra-fast mode) with separate LPI2C slave.


LPI2C Configured for 2-pin push-pull mode with separate LPI2C slave.


LPI2C Configured for 4-pin push-pull mode(inverted outputs)


Select the LPI2C_HREQ pin as the host request input.


Select the input trigger as the host request input.


Configure the LPI2C_HREQ pin active low.


Configure the LPI2C_HREQ pin active high.


LPI2C Match Disabled.


LPI2C Match Enabled and 1st data word equals MATCH0 OR MATCH1.


LPI2C Match Enabled and any data word equals MATCH0 OR MATCH1.


LPI2C Match Enabled and 1st data word equals MATCH0, 2nd data equals MATCH1.


LPI2C Match Enabled and any data word equals MATCH0, next data equals MATCH1.


LPI2C Match Enabled and 1st data word and MATCH0 equals MATCH0 and MATCH1.


LPI2C Match Enabled and any data word and MATCH0 equals MATCH0 and MATCH1.

These enumerations are intended to be OR'd together to form a bit mask of options for the _lpi2c_master_transfer::flags field.

Transfer starts with a start signal, stops with a stop signal.


Don't send a start condition, address, and sub address.


Send a repeated start condition.


Don't send a stop condition.

Function Documentation

void LPI2C_MasterGetDefaultConfig ( lpi2c_master_config_t masterConfig)

This function provides the following default configuration for the LPI2C master peripheral:

* masterConfig->enableMaster = true;
* masterConfig->debugEnable = false;
* masterConfig->ignoreAck = false;
* masterConfig->pinConfig = kLPI2C_2PinOpenDrain;
* masterConfig->baudRate_Hz = 100000U;
* masterConfig->busIdleTimeout_ns = 0;
* masterConfig->pinLowTimeout_ns = 0;
* masterConfig->sdaGlitchFilterWidth_ns = 0;
* masterConfig->sclGlitchFilterWidth_ns = 0;
* masterConfig->hostRequest.enable = false;
* masterConfig->hostRequest.source = kLPI2C_HostRequestExternalPin;
* masterConfig->hostRequest.polarity = kLPI2C_HostRequestPinActiveHigh;

After calling this function, you can override any settings in order to customize the configuration, prior to initializing the master driver with LPI2C_MasterInit().

[out]masterConfigUser provided configuration structure for default values. Refer to lpi2c_master_config_t.
void LPI2C_MasterInit ( LPI2C_Type *  base,
const lpi2c_master_config_t masterConfig,
uint32_t  sourceClock_Hz 

This function enables the peripheral clock and initializes the LPI2C master peripheral as described by the user provided configuration. A software reset is performed prior to configuration.

baseThe LPI2C peripheral base address.
masterConfigUser provided peripheral configuration. Use LPI2C_MasterGetDefaultConfig() to get a set of defaults that you can override.
sourceClock_HzFrequency in Hertz of the LPI2C functional clock. Used to calculate the baud rate divisors, filter widths, and timeout periods.
void LPI2C_MasterDeinit ( LPI2C_Type *  base)

This function disables the LPI2C master peripheral and gates the clock. It also performs a software reset to restore the peripheral to reset conditions.

baseThe LPI2C peripheral base address.
void LPI2C_MasterConfigureDataMatch ( LPI2C_Type *  base,
const lpi2c_data_match_config_t config 
baseThe LPI2C peripheral base address.
configSettings for the data match feature.
static void LPI2C_MasterReset ( LPI2C_Type *  base)

Restores the LPI2C master peripheral to reset conditions.

baseThe LPI2C peripheral base address.
static void LPI2C_MasterEnable ( LPI2C_Type *  base,
bool  enable 
baseThe LPI2C peripheral base address.
enablePass true to enable or false to disable the specified LPI2C as master.
static uint32_t LPI2C_MasterGetStatusFlags ( LPI2C_Type *  base)

A bit mask with the state of all LPI2C master status flags is returned. For each flag, the corresponding bit in the return value is set if the flag is asserted.

baseThe LPI2C peripheral base address.
State of the status flags:
  • 1: related status flag is set.
  • 0: related status flag is not set.
See Also
static void LPI2C_MasterClearStatusFlags ( LPI2C_Type *  base,
uint32_t  statusMask 

The following status register flags can be cleared:

Attempts to clear other flags has no effect.

baseThe LPI2C peripheral base address.
statusMaskA bitmask of status flags that are to be cleared. The mask is composed of _lpi2c_master_flags enumerators OR'd together. You may pass the result of a previous call to LPI2C_MasterGetStatusFlags().
See Also
static void LPI2C_MasterEnableInterrupts ( LPI2C_Type *  base,
uint32_t  interruptMask 

All flags except kLPI2C_MasterBusyFlag and kLPI2C_MasterBusBusyFlag can be enabled as interrupts.

baseThe LPI2C peripheral base address.
interruptMaskBit mask of interrupts to enable. See _lpi2c_master_flags for the set of constants that should be OR'd together to form the bit mask.
static void LPI2C_MasterDisableInterrupts ( LPI2C_Type *  base,
uint32_t  interruptMask 

All flags except kLPI2C_MasterBusyFlag and kLPI2C_MasterBusBusyFlag can be enabled as interrupts.

baseThe LPI2C peripheral base address.
interruptMaskBit mask of interrupts to disable. See _lpi2c_master_flags for the set of constants that should be OR'd together to form the bit mask.
static uint32_t LPI2C_MasterGetEnabledInterrupts ( LPI2C_Type *  base)
baseThe LPI2C peripheral base address.
A bitmask composed of _lpi2c_master_flags enumerators OR'd together to indicate the set of enabled interrupts.
static void LPI2C_MasterEnableDMA ( LPI2C_Type *  base,
bool  enableTx,
bool  enableRx 
baseThe LPI2C peripheral base address.
enableTxEnable flag for transmit DMA request. Pass true for enable, false for disable.
enableRxEnable flag for receive DMA request. Pass true for enable, false for disable.
static uint32_t LPI2C_MasterGetTxFifoAddress ( LPI2C_Type *  base)
baseThe LPI2C peripheral base address.
The LPI2C Master Transmit Data Register address.
static uint32_t LPI2C_MasterGetRxFifoAddress ( LPI2C_Type *  base)
baseThe LPI2C peripheral base address.
The LPI2C Master Receive Data Register address.
static void LPI2C_MasterSetWatermarks ( LPI2C_Type *  base,
size_t  txWords,
size_t  rxWords 
baseThe LPI2C peripheral base address.
txWordsTransmit FIFO watermark value in words. The kLPI2C_MasterTxReadyFlag flag is set whenever the number of words in the transmit FIFO is equal or less than txWords. Writing a value equal or greater than the FIFO size is truncated.
rxWordsReceive FIFO watermark value in words. The kLPI2C_MasterRxReadyFlag flag is set whenever the number of words in the receive FIFO is greater than rxWords. Writing a value equal or greater than the FIFO size is truncated.
static void LPI2C_MasterGetFifoCounts ( LPI2C_Type *  base,
size_t *  rxCount,
size_t *  txCount 
baseThe LPI2C peripheral base address.
[out]txCountPointer through which the current number of words in the transmit FIFO is returned. Pass NULL if this value is not required.
[out]rxCountPointer through which the current number of words in the receive FIFO is returned. Pass NULL if this value is not required.
void LPI2C_MasterSetBaudRate ( LPI2C_Type *  base,
uint32_t  sourceClock_Hz,
uint32_t  baudRate_Hz 

The LPI2C master is automatically disabled and re-enabled as necessary to configure the baud rate. Do not call this function during a transfer, or the transfer is aborted.

Please note that the second parameter is the clock frequency of LPI2C module, the third parameter means user configured bus baudrate, this implementation is different from other I2C drivers which use baudrate configuration as second parameter and source clock frequency as third parameter.
baseThe LPI2C peripheral base address.
sourceClock_HzLPI2C functional clock frequency in Hertz.
baudRate_HzRequested bus frequency in Hertz.
static bool LPI2C_MasterGetBusIdleState ( LPI2C_Type *  base)

Requires the master mode to be enabled.

baseThe LPI2C peripheral base address.
Return values
trueBus is busy.
falseBus is idle.
status_t LPI2C_MasterStart ( LPI2C_Type *  base,
uint8_t  address,
lpi2c_direction_t  dir 

This function is used to initiate a new master mode transfer. First, the bus state is checked to ensure that another master is not occupying the bus. Then a START signal is transmitted, followed by the 7-bit address specified in the address parameter. Note that this function does not actually wait until the START and address are successfully sent on the bus before returning.

baseThe LPI2C peripheral base address.
address7-bit slave device address, in bits [6:0].
dirMaster transfer direction, either kLPI2C_Read or kLPI2C_Write. This parameter is used to set the R/w bit (bit 0) in the transmitted slave address.
Return values
kStatus_SuccessSTART signal and address were successfully enqueued in the transmit FIFO.
kStatus_LPI2C_BusyAnother master is currently utilizing the bus.
static status_t LPI2C_MasterRepeatedStart ( LPI2C_Type *  base,
uint8_t  address,
lpi2c_direction_t  dir 

This function is used to send a Repeated START signal when a transfer is already in progress. Like LPI2C_MasterStart(), it also sends the specified 7-bit address.

This function exists primarily to maintain compatible APIs between LPI2C and I2C drivers, as well as to better document the intent of code that uses these APIs.
baseThe LPI2C peripheral base address.
address7-bit slave device address, in bits [6:0].
dirMaster transfer direction, either kLPI2C_Read or kLPI2C_Write. This parameter is used to set the R/w bit (bit 0) in the transmitted slave address.
Return values
kStatus_SuccessRepeated START signal and address were successfully enqueued in the transmit FIFO.
kStatus_LPI2C_BusyAnother master is currently utilizing the bus.
status_t LPI2C_MasterSend ( LPI2C_Type *  base,
void *  txBuff,
size_t  txSize 

Sends up to txSize number of bytes to the previously addressed slave device. The slave may reply with a NAK to any byte in order to terminate the transfer early. If this happens, this function returns kStatus_LPI2C_Nak.

baseThe LPI2C peripheral base address.
txBuffThe pointer to the data to be transferred.
txSizeThe length in bytes of the data to be transferred.
Return values
kStatus_SuccessData was sent successfully.
kStatus_LPI2C_BusyAnother master is currently utilizing the bus.
kStatus_LPI2C_NakThe slave device sent a NAK in response to a byte.
kStatus_LPI2C_FifoErrorFIFO under run or over run.
kStatus_LPI2C_ArbitrationLostArbitration lost error.
kStatus_LPI2C_PinLowTimeoutSCL or SDA were held low longer than the timeout.
status_t LPI2C_MasterReceive ( LPI2C_Type *  base,
void *  rxBuff,
size_t  rxSize 
baseThe LPI2C peripheral base address.
rxBuffThe pointer to the data to be transferred.
rxSizeThe length in bytes of the data to be transferred.
Return values
kStatus_SuccessData was received successfully.
kStatus_LPI2C_BusyAnother master is currently utilizing the bus.
kStatus_LPI2C_NakThe slave device sent a NAK in response to a byte.
kStatus_LPI2C_FifoErrorFIFO under run or overrun.
kStatus_LPI2C_ArbitrationLostArbitration lost error.
kStatus_LPI2C_PinLowTimeoutSCL or SDA were held low longer than the timeout.
status_t LPI2C_MasterStop ( LPI2C_Type *  base)

This function does not return until the STOP signal is seen on the bus, or an error occurs.

baseThe LPI2C peripheral base address.
Return values
kStatus_SuccessThe STOP signal was successfully sent on the bus and the transaction terminated.
kStatus_LPI2C_BusyAnother master is currently utilizing the bus.
kStatus_LPI2C_NakThe slave device sent a NAK in response to a byte.
kStatus_LPI2C_FifoErrorFIFO under run or overrun.
kStatus_LPI2C_ArbitrationLostArbitration lost error.
kStatus_LPI2C_PinLowTimeoutSCL or SDA were held low longer than the timeout.
status_t LPI2C_MasterTransferBlocking ( LPI2C_Type *  base,
lpi2c_master_transfer_t *  transfer 
The API does not return until the transfer succeeds or fails due to error happens during transfer.
baseThe LPI2C peripheral base address.
transferPointer to the transfer structure.
Return values
kStatus_SuccessData was received successfully.
kStatus_LPI2C_BusyAnother master is currently utilizing the bus.
kStatus_LPI2C_NakThe slave device sent a NAK in response to a byte.
kStatus_LPI2C_FifoErrorFIFO under run or overrun.
kStatus_LPI2C_ArbitrationLostArbitration lost error.
kStatus_LPI2C_PinLowTimeoutSCL or SDA were held low longer than the timeout.
void LPI2C_MasterTransferCreateHandle ( LPI2C_Type *  base,
lpi2c_master_handle_t *  handle,
lpi2c_master_transfer_callback_t  callback,
void *  userData 

The creation of a handle is for use with the non-blocking APIs. Once a handle is created, there is not a corresponding destroy handle. If the user wants to terminate a transfer, the LPI2C_MasterTransferAbort() API shall be called.

The function also enables the NVIC IRQ for the input LPI2C. Need to notice that on some SoCs the LPI2C IRQ is connected to INTMUX, in this case user needs to enable the associated INTMUX IRQ in application.
baseThe LPI2C peripheral base address.
[out]handlePointer to the LPI2C master driver handle.
callbackUser provided pointer to the asynchronous callback function.
userDataUser provided pointer to the application callback data.
status_t LPI2C_MasterTransferNonBlocking ( LPI2C_Type *  base,
lpi2c_master_handle_t *  handle,
lpi2c_master_transfer_t *  transfer 
baseThe LPI2C peripheral base address.
handlePointer to the LPI2C master driver handle.
transferThe pointer to the transfer descriptor.
Return values
kStatus_SuccessThe transaction was started successfully.
kStatus_LPI2C_BusyEither another master is currently utilizing the bus, or a non-blocking transaction is already in progress.
status_t LPI2C_MasterTransferGetCount ( LPI2C_Type *  base,
lpi2c_master_handle_t *  handle,
size_t *  count 
baseThe LPI2C peripheral base address.
handlePointer to the LPI2C master driver handle.
[out]countNumber of bytes transferred so far by the non-blocking transaction.
Return values
kStatus_NoTransferInProgressThere is not a non-blocking transaction currently in progress.
void LPI2C_MasterTransferAbort ( LPI2C_Type *  base,
lpi2c_master_handle_t *  handle 
It is not safe to call this function from an IRQ handler that has a higher priority than the LPI2C peripheral's IRQ priority.
baseThe LPI2C peripheral base address.
handlePointer to the LPI2C master driver handle.
Return values
kStatus_SuccessA transaction was successfully aborted.
kStatus_LPI2C_IdleThere is not a non-blocking transaction currently in progress.
void LPI2C_MasterTransferHandleIRQ ( LPI2C_Type *  base,
lpi2c_master_handle_t *  handle 
This function does not need to be called unless you are reimplementing the nonblocking API's interrupt handler routines to add special functionality.
baseThe LPI2C peripheral base address.
handlePointer to the LPI2C master driver handle.