The MCUXpresso SDK provides a peripheral driver for the System Mode Controller (SMC) module of MCUXpresso SDK devices. The SMC module sequences the system in and out of all low-power stop and run modes.
API functions are provided to configure the system for working in a dedicated power mode. For different power modes, SMC_SetPowerModexxx() function accepts different parameters. System power mode state transitions are not available between power modes. For details about available transitions, see the power mode transitions section in the SoC reference manual.
Typical use case
Enter wait or stop modes
SMC driver provides APIs to set MCU to different wait modes and stop modes. Pre and post functions are used for setting the modes. The pre functions and post functions are used as follows.
Disable/enable the interrupt through PRIMASK. This is an example use case. The application sets the wakeup interrupt and calls SMC function SMC_SetPowerModeStop to set the MCU to STOP mode, but the wakeup interrupt happens so quickly that the ISR completes before the function SMC_SetPowerModeStop. As a result, the MCU enters the STOP mode and never is woken up by the interrupt. In this use case, the application first disables the interrupt through PRIMASK, sets the wakeup interrupt, and enters the STOP mode. After wakeup, enable the interrupt through PRIMASK. The MCU can still be woken up by disabling the interrupt through PRIMASK. The pre and post functions handle the PRIMASK.
For legacy Kinetis, when entering stop modes, the flash speculation might be interrupted. As a result, the prefetched code or data might be broken. To make sure the flash is idle when entring the stop modes, smc driver allocates a RAM region, the code to enter stop modes are excuted in RAM, thus the flash is idle and no prefetch is performed while entring stop modes. Application should make sure that, the rw data of fsl_smc.c is located in memory region which is not powered off in stop modes, especially LLS2 modes.
For STOP, VLPS, and LLS3, the whole RAM are powered up, so after woken up, the RAM function could continue excuting. For VLLS mode, the system resets after woken up, the RAM content might be re-initialized. For LLS2 mode, only part of RAM are powered on, so application must make sure that, the rw data of fsl_smc.c is located in memory region which is not powered off, otherwise after woken up, the MCU could not get right code to excute.
enum | smc_power_mode_protection_t {
} |
| Power Modes Protection. More...
enum | smc_power_state_t {
kSMC_PowerStateRun = 0x01U << 0U,
kSMC_PowerStateStop = 0x01U << 1U,
kSMC_PowerStateVlpr = 0x01U << 2U,
kSMC_PowerStateVlpw = 0x01U << 3U,
kSMC_PowerStateVlps = 0x01U << 4U,
kSMC_PowerStateLls = 0x01U << 5U,
kSMC_PowerStateVlls = 0x01U << 6U,
kSMC_PowerStateHsrun = 0x01U << 7U
} |
| Power Modes in PMSTAT. More...
enum | smc_run_mode_t {
kSMC_RunNormal = 0U,
kSMC_RunVlpr = 2U,
kSMC_Hsrun = 3U
} |
| Run mode definition. More...
enum | smc_stop_mode_t {
kSMC_StopNormal = 0U,
kSMC_StopVlps = 2U,
kSMC_StopLls = 3U,
kSMC_StopVlls = 4U
} |
| Stop mode definition. More...
enum | smc_stop_submode_t {
kSMC_StopSub0 = 0U,
kSMC_StopSub1 = 1U,
kSMC_StopSub2 = 2U,
kSMC_StopSub3 = 3U
} |
| VLLS/LLS stop sub mode definition. More...
enum | smc_partial_stop_option_t {
kSMC_PartialStop = 0U,
kSMC_PartialStop1 = 1U,
kSMC_PartialStop2 = 2U
} |
| Partial STOP option. More...
enum | { kStatus_SMC_StopAbort = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_POWER, 0)
} |
| _smc_status, SMC configuration status. More...
struct smc_power_mode_lls_config_t |
struct smc_power_mode_vlls_config_t |
Enumerator |
kSMC_AllowPowerModeVlls |
Allow Very-low-leakage Stop Mode.
kSMC_AllowPowerModeLls |
Allow Low-leakage Stop Mode.
kSMC_AllowPowerModeVlp |
Allow Very-Low-power Mode.
kSMC_AllowPowerModeHsrun |
Allow High-speed Run mode.
kSMC_AllowPowerModeAll |
Allow all power mode.
Enumerator |
kSMC_PowerStateRun |
0000_0001 - Current power mode is RUN
kSMC_PowerStateStop |
0000_0010 - Current power mode is STOP
kSMC_PowerStateVlpr |
0000_0100 - Current power mode is VLPR
kSMC_PowerStateVlpw |
0000_1000 - Current power mode is VLPW
kSMC_PowerStateVlps |
0001_0000 - Current power mode is VLPS
kSMC_PowerStateLls |
0010_0000 - Current power mode is LLS
kSMC_PowerStateVlls |
0100_0000 - Current power mode is VLLS
kSMC_PowerStateHsrun |
1000_0000 - Current power mode is HSRUN
Enumerator |
kSMC_RunNormal |
Normal RUN mode.
kSMC_RunVlpr |
Very-low-power RUN mode.
kSMC_Hsrun |
High-speed Run mode (HSRUN).
Enumerator |
kSMC_StopNormal |
Normal STOP mode.
kSMC_StopVlps |
Very-low-power STOP mode.
kSMC_StopLls |
Low-leakage Stop mode.
kSMC_StopVlls |
Very-low-leakage Stop mode.
Enumerator |
kSMC_StopSub0 |
Stop submode 0, for VLLS0/LLS0.
kSMC_StopSub1 |
Stop submode 1, for VLLS1/LLS1.
kSMC_StopSub2 |
Stop submode 2, for VLLS2/LLS2.
kSMC_StopSub3 |
Stop submode 3, for VLLS3/LLS3.
Enumerator |
kSMC_PartialStop |
STOP - Normal Stop mode.
kSMC_PartialStop1 |
Partial Stop with both system and bus clocks disabled.
kSMC_PartialStop2 |
Partial Stop with system clock disabled and bus clock enabled.
Enumerator |
kStatus_SMC_StopAbort |
Entering Stop mode is abort.
static void SMC_SetPowerModeProtection |
( |
SMC_Type * |
base, |
uint8_t |
allowedModes |
) |
| |
inlinestatic |
This function configures the power mode protection settings for supported power modes in the specified chip family. The available power modes are defined in the smc_power_mode_protection_t. This should be done at an early system level initialization stage. See the reference manual for details. This register can only write once after the power reset.
The allowed modes are passed as bit map. For example, to allow LLS and VLLS, use SMC_SetPowerModeProtection(kSMC_AllowPowerModeVlls | kSMC_AllowPowerModeVlps). To allow all modes, use SMC_SetPowerModeProtection(kSMC_AllowPowerModeAll).
- Parameters
base | SMC peripheral base address. |
allowedModes | Bitmap of the allowed power modes. |
This function returns the current power mode status. After the application switches the power mode, it should always check the status to check whether it runs into the specified mode or not. The application should check this mode before switching to a different mode. The system requires that only certain modes can switch to other specific modes. See the reference manual for details and the smc_power_state_t for information about the power status.
- Parameters
base | SMC peripheral base address. |
- Returns
- Current power mode status.
void SMC_PreEnterStopModes |
( |
void |
| ) |
This function should be called before entering STOP/VLPS/LLS/VLLS modes.
void SMC_PostExitStopModes |
( |
void |
| ) |
This function should be called after wake up from STOP/VLPS/LLS/VLLS modes. It is used with SMC_PreEnterStopModes.
void SMC_PreEnterWaitModes |
( |
void |
| ) |
This function should be called before entering WAIT/VLPW modes.
void SMC_PostExitWaitModes |
( |
void |
| ) |
This function should be called after wake up from WAIT/VLPW modes. It is used with SMC_PreEnterWaitModes.
status_t SMC_SetPowerModeRun |
( |
SMC_Type * |
base | ) |
- Parameters
base | SMC peripheral base address. |
- Returns
- SMC configuration error code.
status_t SMC_SetPowerModeHsrun |
( |
SMC_Type * |
base | ) |
- Parameters
base | SMC peripheral base address. |
- Returns
- SMC configuration error code.
status_t SMC_SetPowerModeWait |
( |
SMC_Type * |
base | ) |
- Parameters
base | SMC peripheral base address. |
- Returns
- SMC configuration error code.
- Parameters
base | SMC peripheral base address. |
option | Partial Stop mode option. |
- Returns
- SMC configuration error code.
status_t SMC_SetPowerModeVlpr |
( |
SMC_Type * |
base | ) |
- Parameters
base | SMC peripheral base address. |
- Returns
- SMC configuration error code.
status_t SMC_SetPowerModeVlpw |
( |
SMC_Type * |
base | ) |
- Parameters
base | SMC peripheral base address. |
- Returns
- SMC configuration error code.
status_t SMC_SetPowerModeVlps |
( |
SMC_Type * |
base | ) |
- Parameters
base | SMC peripheral base address. |
- Returns
- SMC configuration error code.
- Parameters
base | SMC peripheral base address. |
config | The LLS power mode configuration structure |
- Returns
- SMC configuration error code.
- Parameters
base | SMC peripheral base address. |
config | The VLLS power mode configuration structure. |
- Returns
- SMC configuration error code.