This document consists of sections titled with Driver Overview, Data Structures, Enumerations, Functions, etc., each with an overview list and detailed documentation. It is recommended to read the Driver Overview first for it includes a comprehensive description of the peripheral, driver and driver changes. Other sections give detailed information for APIs, enums, macros, etc., for your further reference.
enum | _sim_reset_status_flags {
kSIM_ExternalResetFlag = SIM_RSTAT_EXTR_MASK,
kSIM_COPLossOfReferenceResetFlag = SIM_RSTAT_COP_LOR_MASK,
kSIM_SofwareResetFlag = SIM_RSTAT_SWR_MASK,
} |
| The enumeration of system reset status flags, such as power on reset, software reset, etc. More...
enum | sim_stop_mode_operation_t {
kSIM_STOPInstrutionEnterStopMode = 0U,
} |
| The enumeration of stop mode operation can be used to enable/disable stop mode enter. More...
enum | sim_wait_mode_operation_t {
kSIM_WAITInstrutionEnterWaitMode = 0U,
} |
| The enumeration of wait mode operation can be used to enable/disable wait mode enter. More...
enum | sim_onceclk_operation_mode_t {
kSIM_OnCEClkEnabledWhenCoreTapEnabled = 0U,
kSIM_OnCEClkAlwaysEnabled = 1U
} |
| The enumeration of OnCE clock operation mode, such as enabled when core TAP is enabled and always enabled. More...
enum | sim_dma_operation_mode_t {
kSIM_DMADisable = 0U,
} |
| The enumeration of dma operation mode, this enumeration can be used to disable/enable DMA module in different power modes. More...
enum | sim_boot_mode_t {
kSIM_BootFromNVMFlash = 0U,
kSIM_BootFromROM = 1U
} |
| The enumeration of device's boot mode, including ROM boot and NVM flash boot. More...
enum | sim_small_regulator_1P2V_control_mode_t {
kSIM_SmallRegulator1P2VInNormalMode = 0U,
} |
| The enumeration of small regualtor 1P2V control mode, such as normal mode and standby mode. More...
enum | sim_small_regulator_2P7V_control_mode_t {
kSIM_SmallRegulator2P7VInNormalMode = 0U,
kSIM_SmallRegulator2P7VInStandbyMode = 1U,
kSIM_SmallRegulator2P7VInPowerdownMode = 4U,
kSIM_SmallRegulator2P7VInNormalModeWriteProtect = 2U,
kSIM_SmallRegulator2P7VInStandbyModeWriteProtect = 3U,
kSIM_SmallRegulator2P7VInPowerdownModeWriteProtect = 0xCU
} |
| The enumeration of small regulator 2P7V control mode, such as normal mode, standby mode, powerdown mode, etc. More...
enum | sim_large_regulator_control_mode_t {
kSIM_LargeRegulatorInNormalMode = 0U,
} |
| The enumeration of large regulator contorl mode, such as normal mode, standby mode. More...
enum | sim_write_protection_module_t {
kSIM_GPIOInternalPeripheralSelectProtection = 0U,
kSIM_PeripheralClockEnableProtection = 2U,
kSIM_GPIOPortDProtection = 4U,
kSIM_PowerModeControlWriteProtection = 6U
} |
| The enumeration of modules that support various protection mode. More...
enum | sim_write_protection_mode_t {
kSIM_WriteProtectionOff = 0U,
kSIM_WriteProtectionOn = 1U,
kSIM_WriteProtectionOffAndLocked = 2U,
kSIM_WriteProtectionOnAndLocked = 3U
} |
| The enumeration of write protection mode, such as write protection off, write protection on, etc. More...
enum | sim_lpi2c_trigger_selection_t {
kSIM_Lpi2cSlaveTrigger = 0U,
} |
| The enumeration of lpi2c trigger selection, including slave trigger and master trigger. More...
enum | sim_device_operate_mode_t {
kSIM_NormalOperateMode = 0U,
} |
| The enumeration of device operate mode, including normal mode and fast mode. More...
enum | sim_master_pit_selection_t {
kSIM_PIT0MasterPIT1Slave = 0U,
kSIM_PIT1MasterPIT0Slave = 1U
} |
| The enumeration of master pit. More...
static void | SIM_SetWaitModeOperation (SIM_Type *base, sim_wait_mode_operation_t eOperation) |
| Sets the operation of wait mode, enable/disable the entry of wait mode. More...
static void | SIM_SetStopModeOperation (SIM_Type *base, sim_stop_mode_operation_t eOperation) |
| Sets the operation of stop mode, enable/disable the entry of stop mode. More...
static void | SIM_EnterLPMode (SIM_Type *base) |
| Enters into LPMode when the advanced power mode is enabled(register FOPT[1] bit is set). More...
static void | SIM_ExitLPMode (SIM_Type *base) |
| Exits from LPMode when the advanced power mode is enabled(register FOPT[1] bit is set). More...
static void | SIM_EnterVLPMode (SIM_Type *base) |
| Enters into VLPMode when the advanced power mode is enabled(register FOPT[1] bit is set). More...
static void | SIM_ExitVLPMode (SIM_Type *base) |
| Exits from VLPMode when the advanced power mode is enabled(register FOPT[1] bit is set). More...
static bool | SIM_IsInLPMode (SIM_Type *base) |
| Indicates whether the chip is in LPMode when the advanced power mode is enabled(register FOPT[1] bit is set). More...
static bool | SIM_IsInVLPMode (SIM_Type *base) |
| Indicates whether the chip is in VLPMode when the advanced power mode is enabled(register FOPT[1] bit is set). More...
static void | SIM_SetInternalPeriInput (SIM_Type *base, sim_internal_peri_index_t eIndex, sim_internal_peri_input_t eInput) |
| Sets internal peripheral inputs, some peripheral inputs have the ability to be connected to either XBAR outputs or GPIO. More...
static void | SIM_SetXbarInputAdcTmrSelection (SIM_Type *base, sim_xbar_input_adc_tmr_index_t eIndex, sim_xbar_input_adc_tmr_selection_t eSelection) |
| Selects the Xbar input from ADC and TMR A/B. More...
static void | SIM_SetSmallRegulator1P2VControlMode (SIM_Type *base, sim_small_regulator_1P2V_control_mode_t eControlMode) |
| Sets the control mode of small regulator 1.2V supply, the available control modes are normal mode, standby mode, etc. More...
static void | SIM_SetSmallRegulator2P7VControlMode (SIM_Type *base, sim_small_regulator_2P7V_control_mode_t eControlMode) |
| Sets the control mode of small regulator 2.7 supply, the available control modes are normal mode, standby mode, etc. More...
static void | SIM_SetLargeRegulatorControlMode (SIM_Type *base, sim_large_regulator_control_mode_t eControlMode) |
| Sets the control mode of large regulator, the available control mode are normal mode, standby mode, etc. More...
static void | SIM_SetIOShortBaseAddressValue (SIM_Type *base, uint32_t u32IOShortAddressValue) |
| Sets the I/O short address location value which specifies the memory referenced through the I/O short address mode. More...
static uint16_t | SIM_GetSoftwareControlData (SIM_Type *base, sim_software_contrl_register_index_t eIndex) |
| Gets the software control data by the software control register index. More...
static void | SIM_SetSoftwareControlData (SIM_Type *base, sim_software_contrl_register_index_t eIndex, uint16_t u16Value) |
| Sets the software control data by the software contorl register index, the data is for general-purpose use by software. More...
static void | SIM_SetOnCEClockOperationMode (SIM_Type *base, sim_onceclk_operation_mode_t eOperationMode) |
| Sets the operation mode of the OnCE clock, the available operation modes are always enabled and enabled when the core TAP is enabled. More...
static void | SIM_SetDMAOperationMode (SIM_Type *base, sim_dma_operation_mode_t eOperationMode) |
| Sets the operation mode of DMA, such as disabled, enabled in run mode only, etc. More...
static sim_boot_mode_t | SIM_GetBootMode (SIM_Type *base) |
| Gets the device's boot mode, the available boot modes are ROM boot and NVM flash boot. More...
static void | SIM_SetLPI2C1TriggerSelection (SIM_Type *base, sim_lpi2c_trigger_selection_t eTriggerSelection) |
| Sets the trigger selection of lpi2c1, the available selections are master trigger and slave trigger. More...
static void | SIM_SetLPI2C0TriggerSelection (SIM_Type *base, sim_lpi2c_trigger_selection_t eTriggerSelection) |
| Sets the trigger selection of lpi2c0, the available selections are master trigger and slave trigger. More...
static sim_device_operate_mode_t | SIM_GetDeviceOperateMode (SIM_Type *base) |
| Gets device currently operate mode, the possible result is normal operate mode or fast operate mode. More...
static void | SIM_SetDeviceOperateMode (SIM_Type *base, sim_device_operate_mode_t eOperateMode) |
| Sets device operate mode, including normal operate mode and fast operate mode. More...
static void | SIM_EnableADCScanControlReorder (SIM_Type *base, bool bEnable) |
| Enables/Disables the ADC scan control register reorder feature. More...
static void | SIM_SetMasterPIT (SIM_Type *base, sim_master_pit_selection_t eMasterPit) |
| Sets master programmable interval timer. More...
static void | SIM_SetBootOverRide (SIM_Type *base, sim_boot_override_mode_t eMode) |
| Sets the boot over ride mode, this API can be used to determine the boot option in the next reset excluding POR. More...
( |
moduleName | ) |
((uint16_t)(3U << (moduleName))) |
( |
moduleName, |
protectionMode |
) |
| ((uint16_t)(((uint16_t)(protectionMode)) << (moduleName))) |
Enumerator |
kSIM_PowerONResetFlag |
The Power on reset caused the most recent reset.
kSIM_ExternalResetFlag |
The external reset caused the most recent reset, that means the external reset pin was asserted or remained asserted after the power-on reset de-asserted.
kSIM_COPLossOfReferenceResetFlag |
The computer operating properly module signaled a PLL loss of reference clock reset caused the most recent reset.
kSIM_COPCPUTimeOutResetFlag |
The computer operating properly module signaled a CPU time-out reset caused the most recent reset.
kSIM_SofwareResetFlag |
The previous system reset occurred as a result of a software reset.
kSIM_COPWindowTimeOutResetFlag |
The previous system reset occurred as a result of a cop_window reset.
Enumerator |
kSIM_STOPInstrutionEnterStopMode |
Stop mode is entered when the DSC core executes a STOP instruction.
kSIM_STOPInstrutionNotEnterStopMode |
The DSC core STOP instruction does not cause entry into stop mode.
kSIM_STOPInstrutionEnterStopModeWriteProtect |
Stop mode is entered when the DSC core executes a STOP instruction, and the realted register bit field is write protected until the next reset.
kSIM_STOPInstructionNotEnterStopModeWriteProtect |
The DSC core STOP instruction does not cause entry into stop mode, and the related register bit field is write protected until the next reset.
Enumerator |
kSIM_WAITInstrutionEnterWaitMode |
Wait mode is entered when the DSC core executes a WAIT instruction.
kSIM_WAITInstrutionNotEnterWaitMode |
The DSC core WAIT instruction does not cause entry into wait mode.
kSIM_WAITInstrutionEnterWaitModeWriteProtect |
Wait mode is entered when the DSC core executes a WAIT instruction, and the realted register bit field is write protected until the next reset.
kSIM_WAITInstructionNotEnterWaitModeWriteProtect |
The DSC core WAIT instruction does not cause entry into wait mode, and the related register bit field is write protected until the next reset.
Enumerator |
kSIM_OnCEClkEnabledWhenCoreTapEnabled |
The OnCE clock to the DSC core is enabled when the core TAP is enabled.
kSIM_OnCEClkAlwaysEnabled |
The OnCE clock to the DSC core is always enabled.
Enumerator |
kSIM_DMADisable |
DMA module is disabled.
kSIM_DMAEnableAtRunModeOnly |
DMA module is enabled in run mode only.
kSIM_DMAEnableAtRunModeWaitMode |
DMA module is enabled in run and wait modes only.
kSIM_DMAEnableAtAllPowerModes |
DMA module is enabled in all power modes.
kSIM_DMADisableWriteProtect |
DMA module is disabled and the related register bit field is write protected until the next reset.
kSIM_DMAEnableAtRunModeOnlyWriteProtect |
DMA module is enabled in run mode only and the related bit field is write protected until the next reset.
kSIM_DMAEnableAtRunModeWaitModeWriteProtect |
DMA module is enabled in run and wait modes only and the related register bit field is write protected until the next reset.
kSIM_DMAEnableAtAllPowerModesWriteProtect |
DMA module is enabled in all low power modes and the related register bit field is write protected until the next reset.
Enumerator |
kSIM_BootFromNVMFlash |
Indicates the chip is boot from NVM Flash.
kSIM_BootFromROM |
Indicates the chip is boot from ROM.
Enumerator |
kSIM_SmallRegulator1P2VInNormalMode |
Small regulator 1.2V supply placed in normal mode.
kSIM_SmallRegulator1P2VInStandbyMode |
Small regulator 1.2V supply placed in standby mode.
kSIM_SmallRegulator1P2VInNormalModeWriteProtect |
Small regulator 1.2V supply placed in nomal mode, and the related register bit field is write protected until the next reset.
kSIM_SmallRegulator1P2VInStandbyModeWriteProtect |
Small regulator 1.2V supply placed in standby mode, and the related register bit field is write protected until the next reset.
Enumerator |
kSIM_SmallRegulator2P7VInNormalMode |
Small regulator 2.7V supply placed in normal mode.
kSIM_SmallRegulator2P7VInStandbyMode |
Small regulator 2.7V supply placed in standby mode.
kSIM_SmallRegulator2P7VInPowerdownMode |
Small regulator 2.7V supply placed in powerdown mode.
kSIM_SmallRegulator2P7VInNormalModeWriteProtect |
Small regulator 2.7V supply placed in normal mode and the related bit field is write protected until chip reset.
kSIM_SmallRegulator2P7VInStandbyModeWriteProtect |
Small regulator 2.7V supply placed in standby mode and the related bit field is write protected until chip reset.
kSIM_SmallRegulator2P7VInPowerdownModeWriteProtect |
Small regulator placed in powerdown mode and the related bit field is write protected until chip reset.
Enumerator |
kSIM_LargeRegulatorInNormalMode |
Large regulator placed in normal mode.
kSIM_LargeRegulatorInStandbyMode |
Large regulator placed in standby mode.
kSIM_LargeRegulatorInNormalModeWriteProtect |
Large regulator placed in normal mode, and the related register bit field is write protected until chip reset.
kSIM_LargeRegulatorInStandbyModeWriteProtect |
Large regulator placed in standby mode, and the related register bit field is write protected until chip reset.
Enumerator |
kSIM_GPIOInternalPeripheralSelectProtection |
Used to control the protection mode GPSn and IPSn registers in the SIM, all XBAR, EVTG, GPIOn_PER, GPIOn_PPMODE, GPIOn_DRIVE.
kSIM_PeripheralClockEnableProtection |
Used to control the protection mode of PCEn, SDn, PSWRn, and PCR register.
kSIM_GPIOPortDProtection |
Used to control the protection mode of GPIO_D_PER, GPIO_D_PPMODE, and GPIO_D_DRIVE register.
kSIM_PowerModeControlWriteProtection |
Used to control the protection mode of the PWRMODE register.
Enumerator |
kSIM_WriteProtectionOff |
Write protection off.
kSIM_WriteProtectionOn |
Write protection on.
kSIM_WriteProtectionOffAndLocked |
Write protection off and locked until chip reset.
kSIM_WriteProtectionOnAndLocked |
Write protection on and locked until chip reset.
Enumerator |
kSIM_Lpi2cSlaveTrigger |
Selects slave trigger.
kSIM_Lpi2cMasterTrigger |
Selects master trigger.
Enumerator |
kSIM_NormalOperateMode |
Device in normal operating mode, core:bus frequency as 1:1.
kSIM_FastOperateMode |
Device in fast operate mode, core:bus frequency as 2:1.
Enumerator |
kSIM_PIT0MasterPIT1Slave |
PIT0 is master PIT and PIT1 is slave PIT.
kSIM_PIT1MasterPIT0Slave |
PIT0 is master PIT and PIT1 is slave PIT.
static void SIM_EnterLPMode |
( |
SIM_Type * |
base | ) |
inlinestatic |
- Note
- Please make sure the power mode register is not set as write protected before invoking this function.
This function is useful only when the FTFE module's FOPT[0] bit is set(advanced power mode is enabled).
- Parameters
base | SIM peripheral base address. |
static void SIM_ExitLPMode |
( |
SIM_Type * |
base | ) |
inlinestatic |
- Note
- Please make sure the power mode register is not set as write protected before invoking this function.
This function is useful only when the FTFE module's FOPT[0] bit is set(advanced power mode is enabled).
- Parameters
base | SIM peripheral base address. |
static void SIM_EnterVLPMode |
( |
SIM_Type * |
base | ) |
inlinestatic |
- Note
- Please make sure the power mode register is not set as write protected before invoking this function. If both set to enter LPMode and VLPMode, the VLPMode has higher priority.
This function is useful only when the FTFE module's FOPT[0] bit is set(advanced power mode is enabled).
- Parameters
base | SIM peripheral base address. |
static void SIM_ExitVLPMode |
( |
SIM_Type * |
base | ) |
inlinestatic |
- Note
- Please make sure the power mode register is not set as write protected before invoking this function.
This function is useful only when the FTFE module's FOPT[0] bit is set(advanced power mode is enabled).
- Parameters
base | SIM peripheral base address. |
static bool SIM_IsInLPMode |
( |
SIM_Type * |
base | ) |
inlinestatic |
- Note
- This function is useful only when the FTFE module's FOPT[0] bit is set(advanced power mode is enabled).
- Parameters
base | SIM peripheral base address. |
- Return values
true | The chip is in LPMode. |
false | The chip is not in LPMode. |
static bool SIM_IsInVLPMode |
( |
SIM_Type * |
base | ) |
inlinestatic |
- Note
- This function is useful only when the FTFE module's FOPT[0] bit is set(advanced power mode is enabled).
- Parameters
base | SIM peripheral base address. |
- Return values
true | The chip is in VLPMode. |
false | The chip is not in VLPMode. |
static void SIM_TriggerSoftWareReset |
( |
SIM_Type * |
base | ) |
inlinestatic |
static uint16_t SIM_GetResetStatusFlags |
( |
SIM_Type * |
base | ) |
inlinestatic |
- Note
- At any given time, the only one reset source is indicated. When multiple reset source assert simultaneously, the reset source with the highest precedence is indicated. The precedence from highest to lowest is POR, external reset, COP loss of reference reset, COP CPU time-out reset, software reset, COP window time-out reset. The POR is always set during a power-on reset. However, POR is cleared and the external reset is set if the external reset pin is asserted or remains asserted after the power-on reset has de-asserted.
- Parameters
base | SIM peripheral base address. |
- Returns
- The current reset status flags, should be the OR'ed value of _sim_reset_status_flags.
static void SIM_TriggerPeripheralSoftwareReset |
( |
SIM_Type * |
base, |
sim_swReset_peri_index_t |
ePeriIndex |
) |
| |
inlinestatic |
- Parameters
base | SIM peripheral base address. |
ePeriIndex | The index of the peripheral to be reset, please refer to sim_swReset_peri_index_t. |
static void SIM_EnableResetPadCellInputFilter |
( |
SIM_Type * |
base, |
bool |
eEnable |
) |
| |
inlinestatic |
If the input filter is enabled, the filter will remove transient signals on the input at the expense of an increased input delay.
- Note
- If the input filter is enabled, the filter will affect all input functions supported by that padcell, including GPIO.
- Parameters
base | SIM peripheral base address. |
bEnable | Used to control the behaviour of input filter.
- true Enable the input filter on external input padcell.
- false Disable the input filter on external input padcell.
static void SIM_SetInternalPeriInput |
( |
SIM_Type * |
base, |
sim_internal_peri_index_t |
eIndex, |
sim_internal_peri_input_t |
eInput |
) |
| |
inlinestatic |
- Parameters
base | SIM base address. |
eIndex | The internal peripherals that supply multi-inputs, please refer to sim_internal_peri_index_t. |
eInput | The specific input that connected to the selected internal peripheral, please refer to sim_internal_peri_input_t. |
static void SIM_SetXbarInputAdcTmrSelection |
( |
SIM_Type * |
base, |
sim_xbar_input_adc_tmr_index_t |
eIndex, |
sim_xbar_input_adc_tmr_selection_t |
eSelection |
) |
| |
inlinestatic |
- Parameters
base | SIM base address. |
index | SIM ADC and TMR select register field index, please refer to sim_xbar_input_adc_tmr_index_t. |
mode | Xbar input ADC and TMR selection, please refer to sim_xbar_input_adc_tmr_selection_t. |
- Note
- This function is useful only when the flash module's FOPT[0] bit is 0.
- Parameters
- Note
- This function is useful only when the flash module's FOPT[0] bit is 0.
- Parameters
- Note
- This function is useful only when the flash module's FOPT[0] bit is 0.
- Parameters
static uint32_t SIM_GetJTAGID |
( |
SIM_Type * |
base | ) |
inlinestatic |
- Parameters
- Returns
- The 32bits width JTAG ID.
static void SIM_SetIOShortBaseAddressValue |
( |
SIM_Type * |
base, |
uint32_t |
u32IOShortAddressValue |
) |
| |
inlinestatic |
The I/O short address mode allows the instrution to specify the lower 6 bits of the address. And the upper 18 bits of the address can be controlled by invoking this function.
- Note
- The pipeline delay between setting the related register set and using short I/O addrssing with the new value is five cycles.
- Parameters
base | SIM base address. |
u32IOShortAddressValue | The value of I/O short address location, this address value should be 24 bits width. |
static uint16_t SIM_GetSoftwareControlData |
( |
SIM_Type * |
base, |
sim_software_contrl_register_index_t |
eIndex |
) |
| |
inlinestatic |
- Parameters
base | SIM base address. |
eIndex | SIM software control register index. |
- Returns
- Software control registers value.
static void SIM_SetSoftwareControlData |
( |
SIM_Type * |
base, |
sim_software_contrl_register_index_t |
eIndex, |
uint16_t |
u16Value |
) |
| |
inlinestatic |
- Parameters
base | SIM base address. |
eIndex | SIM software control register index. |
u16Value | Software control registers value. |
- Parameters
base | SIM peripheral base address. |
- Returns
- The device's boot mode, please refer to sim_boot_mode_t.
This function can be used to selection the LPI2C1 output trigger. If selected as master trigger, the LPI2C1 master will generate an output trigger that can be connected to other peripherals on the device. If selected as slave trigger, the LPI2C1 slave will generate an output trigger that can be connected to other peripherals on the device.
- Parameters
This function can be used to selection the LPI2C0 output trigger. If selected as master trigger, the LPI2C0 master will generate an output trigger that can be connected to other peripherals on the device. If selected as slave trigger, the LPI2C0 slave will generate an output trigger that can be connected to other peripherals on the device.
- Parameters
- Parameters
base | SIM peripheral base address. |
- Returns
- Current device's operate mode.
- Note
- The setting by invoking this function is valid after executing the software reset. To change the device operation mode, the clock-related settings also need to be changed. Please use this API with caution.
- Parameters
static void SIM_EnableADCScanControlReorder |
( |
SIM_Type * |
base, |
bool |
bEnable |
) |
| |
inlinestatic |
- Parameters
base | SIM peripheral base address. |
bEnable | Used to control the ADC scan control register reorder feature.
- true Enable the re-ordering of ADC scan control bits.
- false ADC scan control register works in normal order.
static void SIM_SetBootOverRide |
( |
SIM_Type * |
base, |
sim_boot_override_mode_t |
eMode |
) |
| |
inlinestatic |
- Parameters
base | SIM peripheral base address. |
eMode | THe boot over ride mode, please refer to sim_boot_override_mode_t. |