MCUXpresso SDK API Reference Manual  Rev 2.12.7
NXP Semiconductors
 All Data Structures Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Groups Pages


Data Structures

struct  hal_gpio_pin_config_t
 The pin config struct of GPIO adapter. More...


 Definition of GPIO conflict check Enable. More...
#define HAL_GPIO_HANDLE_SIZE   (16U)
 Definition of GPIO adapter handle size. More...
#define GPIO_HANDLE_DEFINE(name)   uint32_t name[((HAL_GPIO_HANDLE_SIZE + sizeof(uint32_t) - 1U) / sizeof(uint32_t))]
 Defines the gpio handle. More...
 Definition of GPIO adapter isr priority. More...


typedef void * hal_gpio_handle_t
 The handle of GPIO adapter. More...
typedef void(* hal_gpio_callback_t )(void *param)
 The callback function of GPIO adapter. More...


enum  hal_gpio_interrupt_trigger_t {
  kHAL_GpioInterruptDisable = 0x0U,
  kHAL_GpioInterruptLogicZero = 0x1U,
  kHAL_GpioInterruptRisingEdge = 0x2U,
  kHAL_GpioInterruptFallingEdge = 0x3U,
  kHAL_GpioInterruptEitherEdge = 0x4U,
  kHAL_GpioInterruptLogicOne = 0x5U
 The interrupt trigger of GPIO adapter. More...
enum  hal_gpio_status_t {
  kStatus_HAL_GpioSuccess = kStatus_Success,
  kStatus_HAL_GpioError = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_HAL_GPIO, 1),
  kStatus_HAL_GpioLackSource = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_HAL_GPIO, 2),
  kStatus_HAL_GpioPinConflict = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_HAL_GPIO, 3)
 The status of GPIO adapter. More...
enum  hal_gpio_direction_t {
  kHAL_GpioDirectionIn = 0x00U,
 The direction of GPIO adapter. More...


void HAL_GpioPreInit (void)
 Initializes static variable located in .bss section. More...
hal_gpio_status_t HAL_GpioInit (hal_gpio_handle_t gpioHandle, hal_gpio_pin_config_t *pinConfig)
 Initializes an GPIO instance with the GPIO handle and the user configuration structure. More...
hal_gpio_status_t HAL_GpioDeinit (hal_gpio_handle_t gpioHandle)
 Deinitializes a GPIO instance. More...
hal_gpio_status_t HAL_GpioGetInput (hal_gpio_handle_t gpioHandle, uint8_t *pinState)
 Gets the pin voltage. More...
hal_gpio_status_t HAL_GpioSetOutput (hal_gpio_handle_t gpioHandle, uint8_t pinState)
 Sets the pin voltage. More...
hal_gpio_status_t HAL_GpioGetTriggerMode (hal_gpio_handle_t gpioHandle, hal_gpio_interrupt_trigger_t *gpioTrigger)
 Gets the pin interrupt trigger mode. More...
hal_gpio_status_t HAL_GpioSetTriggerMode (hal_gpio_handle_t gpioHandle, hal_gpio_interrupt_trigger_t gpioTrigger)
 Sets the pin interrupt trigger mode. More...
hal_gpio_status_t HAL_GpioInstallCallback (hal_gpio_handle_t gpioHandle, hal_gpio_callback_t callback, void *callbackParam)
 Installs a callback and callback parameter. More...
hal_gpio_status_t HAL_GpioWakeUpSetting (hal_gpio_handle_t gpioHandle, uint8_t enable)
 Enables or disables the GPIO wake-up feature. More...
hal_gpio_status_t HAL_GpioEnterLowpower (hal_gpio_handle_t gpioHandle)
 Prepares to enter low power consumption. More...
hal_gpio_status_t HAL_GpioExitLowpower (hal_gpio_handle_t gpioHandle)
 Restores from low power consumption. More...

Driver version

 Version 1.0.1. More...

Data Structure Documentation

struct hal_gpio_pin_config_t

Macro Definition Documentation

#define HAL_GPIO_HANDLE_SIZE   (16U)
#define GPIO_HANDLE_DEFINE (   name)    uint32_t name[((HAL_GPIO_HANDLE_SIZE + sizeof(uint32_t) - 1U) / sizeof(uint32_t))]

This macro is used to define a 4 byte aligned gpio handle. Then use "(hal_gpio_handle_t)name" to get the gpio handle.

The macro should be global and could be optional. You could also define gpio handle by yourself.

This is an example,

nameThe name string of the gpio handle.

Typedef Documentation

typedef void* hal_gpio_handle_t
typedef void(* hal_gpio_callback_t)(void *param)

Enumeration Type Documentation


Interrupt disable.


Interrupt when logic zero.


Interrupt on rising edge.


Interrupt on falling edge.


Interrupt on either edge.


Interrupt when logic one.






Lack of sources.


PIN conflict.





Function Documentation

void HAL_GpioPreInit ( void  )

This function is used to initialize variable located in .bss section. Usually users don't need to call this API. It's just used in the case GPIO adapter is used before .bss section is automatically cleaned up by IDE. Example below shows how to use this API.

* config.direction = kHAL_GpioDirectionOut;
* config.port = 0;
* = 0;
* config.level = 0;
* HAL_GpioInit((hal_gpio_handle_t)g_GpioHandle, &config);
hal_gpio_status_t HAL_GpioInit ( hal_gpio_handle_t  gpioHandle,
hal_gpio_pin_config_t pinConfig 

This function configures the GPIO module with user-defined settings. The user can configure the configuration structure. The parameter gpioHandle is a pointer to point to a memory space of size HAL_GPIO_HANDLE_SIZE allocated by the caller. Example below shows how to use this API to configure the GPIO.

* config.direction = kHAL_GpioDirectionOut;
* config.port = 0;
* = 0;
* config.level = 0;
* HAL_GpioInit((hal_gpio_handle_t)g_GpioHandle, &config);
gpioHandleGPIO handle pointer. The handle should be 4 byte aligned, because unaligned access doesn't be supported on some devices. You can define the handle in the following two ways: GPIO_HANDLE_DEFINE(gpioHandle); or uint32_t gpioHandle[((HAL_GPIO_HANDLE_SIZE + sizeof(uint32_t) - 1U) / sizeof(uint32_t))];
pinConfigPointer to user-defined configuration structure.
Return values
kStatus_HAL_GpioErrorAn error occurred while initializing the GPIO.
kStatus_HAL_GpioPinConflictThe pair of the pin and port passed by pinConfig is initialized.
kStatus_HAL_GpioSuccessGPIO initialization succeed
hal_gpio_status_t HAL_GpioDeinit ( hal_gpio_handle_t  gpioHandle)

This function disables the trigger mode.

gpioHandleGPIO handle pointer. The handle should be 4 byte aligned, because unaligned access doesn't be supported on some devices.
Return values
kStatus_HAL_GpioSuccessGPIO de-initialization succeed
hal_gpio_status_t HAL_GpioGetInput ( hal_gpio_handle_t  gpioHandle,
uint8_t *  pinState 

This function gets the pin voltage. 0 - low level voltage, 1 - high level voltage.

gpioHandleGPIO handle pointer. The handle should be 4 byte aligned, because unaligned access doesn't be supported on some devices.
pinStateA pointer to save the pin state.
Return values
kStatus_HAL_GpioSuccessGet successfully.
hal_gpio_status_t HAL_GpioSetOutput ( hal_gpio_handle_t  gpioHandle,
uint8_t  pinState 

This function sets the pin voltage. 0 - low level voltage, 1 - high level voltage.

gpioHandleGPIO handle pointer. The handle should be 4 byte aligned, because unaligned access doesn't be supported on some devices.
pinStatePin state.
Return values
kStatus_HAL_GpioSuccessSet successfully.
hal_gpio_status_t HAL_GpioGetTriggerMode ( hal_gpio_handle_t  gpioHandle,
hal_gpio_interrupt_trigger_t gpioTrigger 

This function gets the pin interrupt trigger mode. The trigger mode please refer to hal_gpio_interrupt_trigger_t.

gpioHandleGPIO handle pointer. The handle should be 4 byte aligned, because unaligned access doesn't be supported on some devices.
gpioTriggerA pointer to save the pin trigger mode value.
Return values
kStatus_HAL_GpioSuccessGet successfully.
kStatus_HAL_GpioErrorThe pin is the ouput setting.
hal_gpio_status_t HAL_GpioSetTriggerMode ( hal_gpio_handle_t  gpioHandle,
hal_gpio_interrupt_trigger_t  gpioTrigger 

This function sets the pin interrupt trigger mode. The trigger mode please refer to hal_gpio_interrupt_trigger_t.

gpioHandleGPIO handle pointer. The handle should be 4 byte aligned, because unaligned access doesn't be supported on some devices.
gpioTriggerThe pin trigger mode value.
Return values
kStatus_HAL_GpioSuccessSet successfully.
kStatus_HAL_GpioErrorThe pin is the ouput setting.
hal_gpio_status_t HAL_GpioInstallCallback ( hal_gpio_handle_t  gpioHandle,
hal_gpio_callback_t  callback,
void *  callbackParam 

This function is used to install the callback and callback parameter for GPIO module. When the pin state interrupt happened, the driver will notify the upper layer by the installed callback function. After the callback called, the GPIO pin state can be got by calling function HAL_GpioGetInput.

gpioHandleGPIO handle pointer. The handle should be 4 byte aligned, because unaligned access doesn't be supported on some devices.
callbackThe callback function.
callbackParamThe parameter of the callback function.
Return values
kStatus_HAL_GpioSuccessSuccessfully install the callback.
hal_gpio_status_t HAL_GpioWakeUpSetting ( hal_gpio_handle_t  gpioHandle,
uint8_t  enable 

This function enables or disables the GPIO wake-up feature.

gpioHandleGPIO handle pointer. The handle should be 4 byte aligned, because unaligned access doesn't be supported on some devices.
enableenable or disable (0 - disable, 1 - enable).
Return values
kStatus_HAL_GpioErrorAn error occurred.
kStatus_HAL_GpioSuccessSet successfully.
hal_gpio_status_t HAL_GpioEnterLowpower ( hal_gpio_handle_t  gpioHandle)

This function is used to prepare to enter low power consumption.

gpioHandleGPIO handle pointer. The handle should be 4 byte aligned, because unaligned access doesn't be supported on some devices.
Return values
kStatus_HAL_GpioSuccessSuccessful operation.
hal_gpio_status_t HAL_GpioExitLowpower ( hal_gpio_handle_t  gpioHandle)

This function is used to restore from low power consumption.

gpioHandleGPIO handle pointer. The handle should be 4 byte aligned, because unaligned access doesn't be supported on some devices.
Return values
kStatus_HAL_GpioSuccessSuccessful operation.