MCUXpresso SDK API Reference Manual  Rev 2.12.7
NXP Semiconductors
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TRDC: Trusted Resource Domain Controller


The MCUXpresso SDK provides a driver for the Trusted Resource Domain Controller (TRDC) block of MCUXpresso SDK devices.

TRDC functions

The TRDC module includes four submodules, as follows:

Accordingly, the TRDC driver functions could be grouped as follows:

Data Structures

struct  trdc_hardware_config_t
 TRDC hardware configuration. More...
struct  trdc_slave_memory_hardware_config_t
 Hardware configuration of the two slave memories within each MBC(memory block checker). More...
struct  trdc_processor_domain_assignment_t
 Domain assignment for the processor bus master. More...
struct  trdc_non_processor_domain_assignment_t
 Domain assignment for the non-processor bus master. More...
struct  trdc_idau_config_t
 IDAU(Implementation-Defined Attribution Unit) configuration for TZ-M function control. More...
struct  trdc_flw_config_t
 FLW(Flash Logical Window) configuration. More...
struct  trdc_domain_error_t
 TRDC domain error definition. More...
struct  trdc_memory_access_control_config_t
 Memory access control configuration for MBC/MRC. More...
struct  trdc_mrc_region_descriptor_config_t
 The configuration of each region descriptor per domain per MRC instance. More...
struct  trdc_mbc_nse_update_config_t
 The configuration of MBC NSE update. More...
struct  trdc_mbc_memory_block_config_t
 The configuration of each memory block per domain per MBC instance. More...


enum  trdc_did_sel_t {
 TRDC domain ID select method, the register bit TRDC_MDA_W0_0_DFMT0[DIDS], used for domain hit evaluation. More...
enum  trdc_secure_attr_t {
 TRDC secure attribute, the register bit TRDC_MDA_W0_0_DFMT0[SA], used for bus master domain assignment. More...
enum  trdc_privilege_attr_t {
 TRDC privileged attribute, the register bit TRDC_MDA_W0_x_DFMT1[PA], used for non-processor bus master domain assignment. More...
enum  trdc_controller_t {
  kTRDC_MemBlockController0 = 0U,
  kTRDC_MemBlockController1 = 1U,
  kTRDC_MemBlockController2 = 2U,
  kTRDC_MemBlockController3 = 3U,
  kTRDC_MemRegionChecker0 = 4U,
  kTRDC_MemRegionChecker1 = 5U
 TRDC controller definition for domain error check. More...
enum  trdc_error_state_t {
  kTRDC_ErrorStateNone = 0x00U,
  kTRDC_ErrorStateNone1 = 0x01U,
  kTRDC_ErrorStateSingle = 0x02U,
  kTRDC_ErrorStateMulti = 0x03U
 TRDC domain error state definition TRDC_MBCn_DERR_W1[EST] or TRDC_MRCn_DERR_W1[EST]. More...
enum  trdc_error_attr_t {
  kTRDC_ErrorSecureUserInst = 0x00U,
  kTRDC_ErrorSecureUserData = 0x01U,
  kTRDC_ErrorSecurePrivilegeInst = 0x02U,
  kTRDC_ErrorSecurePrivilegeData = 0x03U,
  kTRDC_ErrorNonSecureUserInst = 0x04U,
  kTRDC_ErrorNonSecureUserData = 0x05U,
  kTRDC_ErrorNonSecurePrivilegeInst = 0x06U,
  kTRDC_ErrorNonSecurePrivilegeData = 0x07U
 TRDC domain error attribute definition TRDC_MBCn_DERR_W1[EATR] or TRDC_MRCn_DERR_W1[EATR]. More...
enum  trdc_error_type_t {
  kTRDC_ErrorTypeRead = 0x00U,
  kTRDC_ErrorTypeWrite = 0x01U
 TRDC domain error access type definition TRDC_DERR_W1_n[ERW]. More...
enum  _trdc_region_descriptor {
  kTRDC_RegionDescriptor0 = (1U << 0U),
  kTRDC_RegionDescriptor1 = (1U << 1U),
  kTRDC_RegionDescriptor2 = (1U << 2U),
  kTRDC_RegionDescriptor3 = (1U << 3U),
  kTRDC_RegionDescriptor4 = (1U << 4U),
  kTRDC_RegionDescriptor5 = (1U << 5U),
  kTRDC_RegionDescriptor6 = (1U << 6U),
  kTRDC_RegionDescriptor7 = (1U << 7U),
  kTRDC_RegionDescriptor8 = (1U << 8U),
  kTRDC_RegionDescriptor9 = (1U << 9U),
  kTRDC_RegionDescriptor10 = (1U << 10U),
  kTRDC_RegionDescriptor11 = (1U << 11U),
  kTRDC_RegionDescriptor12 = (1U << 12U),
  kTRDC_RegionDescriptor13 = (1U << 13U),
  kTRDC_RegionDescriptor14 = (1U << 14U),
  kTRDC_RegionDescriptor15 = (1U << 15U)
 The region descriptor enumeration, used to form a mask to set/clear the NSE bits for one or several regions. More...
enum  _trdc_MRC_domain {
  kTRDC_MrcDomain0 = (1U << 0U),
  kTRDC_MrcDomain1 = (1U << 1U),
  kTRDC_MrcDomain2 = (1U << 2U),
  kTRDC_MrcDomain3 = (1U << 3U),
  kTRDC_MrcDomain4 = (1U << 4U),
  kTRDC_MrcDomain5 = (1U << 5U),
  kTRDC_MrcDomain6 = (1U << 6U),
  kTRDC_MrcDomain7 = (1U << 7U),
  kTRDC_MrcDomain8 = (1U << 8U),
  kTRDC_MrcDomain9 = (1U << 9U),
  kTRDC_MrcDomain10 = (1U << 10U),
  kTRDC_MrcDomain11 = (1U << 11U),
  kTRDC_MrcDomain12 = (1U << 12U),
  kTRDC_MrcDomain13 = (1U << 13U),
  kTRDC_MrcDomain14 = (1U << 14U),
  kTRDC_MrcDomain15 = (1U << 15U)
 The MRC domain enumeration, used to form a mask to enable/disable the update or clear all NSE bits of one or several domains. More...
enum  _trdc_MBC_domain {
  kTRDC_MbcDomain0 = (1U << 0U),
  kTRDC_MbcDomain1 = (1U << 1U),
  kTRDC_MbcDomain2 = (1U << 2U),
  kTRDC_MbcDomain3 = (1U << 3U),
  kTRDC_MbcDomain4 = (1U << 4U),
  kTRDC_MbcDomain5 = (1U << 5U),
  kTRDC_MbcDomain6 = (1U << 6U),
  kTRDC_MbcDomain7 = (1U << 7U)
 The MBC domain enumeration, used to form a mask to enable/disable the update or clear NSE bits of one or several domains. More...
enum  _trdc_MBC_memory {
  kTRDC_MbcSlaveMemory0 = (1U << 0U),
  kTRDC_MbcSlaveMemory1 = (1U << 1U),
  kTRDC_MbcSlaveMemory2 = (1U << 2U),
  kTRDC_MbcSlaveMemory3 = (1U << 3U)
 The MBC slave memory enumeration, used to form a mask to enable/disable the update or clear NSE bits of one or several memory block. More...
enum  _trdc_MBC_bit {
  kTRDC_MbcBit0 = (1U << 0U),
  kTRDC_MbcBit1 = (1U << 1U),
  kTRDC_MbcBit2 = (1U << 2U),
  kTRDC_MbcBit3 = (1U << 3U),
  kTRDC_MbcBit4 = (1U << 4U),
  kTRDC_MbcBit5 = (1U << 5U),
  kTRDC_MbcBit6 = (1U << 6U),
  kTRDC_MbcBit7 = (1U << 7U),
  kTRDC_MbcBit8 = (1U << 8U),
  kTRDC_MbcBit9 = (1U << 9U),
  kTRDC_MbcBit10 = (1U << 10U),
  kTRDC_MbcBit11 = (1U << 11U),
  kTRDC_MbcBit12 = (1U << 12U),
  kTRDC_MbcBit13 = (1U << 13U),
  kTRDC_MbcBit14 = (1U << 14U),
  kTRDC_MbcBit15 = (1U << 15U),
  kTRDC_MbcBit16 = (1U << 16U),
  kTRDC_MbcBit17 = (1U << 17U),
  kTRDC_MbcBit18 = (1U << 18U),
  kTRDC_MbcBit19 = (1U << 19U),
  kTRDC_MbcBit20 = (1U << 20U),
  kTRDC_MbcBit21 = (1U << 21U),
  kTRDC_MbcBit22 = (1U << 22U),
  kTRDC_MbcBit23 = (1U << 23U),
  kTRDC_MbcBit24 = (1U << 24U),
  kTRDC_MbcBit25 = (1U << 25U),
  kTRDC_MbcBit26 = (1U << 26U),
  kTRDC_MbcBit27 = (1U << 27U),
  kTRDC_MbcBit28 = (1U << 28U),
  kTRDC_MbcBit29 = (1U << 29U),
  kTRDC_MbcBit30 = (1U << 30U),
  kTRDC_MbcBit31 = (1U << 31U)
 The MBC bit enumeration, used to form a mask to set/clear configured words' NSE. More...

Initialization and deinitialization

void TRDC_Init (TRDC_Type *base)
 Initializes the TRDC module. More...
void TRDC_Deinit (TRDC_Type *base)
 De-initializes the TRDC module. More...

Hardware configuration

static uint8_t TRDC_GetCurrentMasterDomainId (TRDC_Type *base)
 Gets the domain ID of the current bus master. More...
void TRDC_GetHardwareConfig (TRDC_Type *base, trdc_hardware_config_t *config)
 Gets the TRDC hardware configuration. More...

Master domain assignment

static void TRDC_SetDacGlobalValid (TRDC_Type *base)
 Sets the TRDC DAC(Domain Assignment Controllers) global valid. More...
static void TRDC_LockMasterDomainAssignment (TRDC_Type *base, uint8_t master)
 Locks the bus master domain assignment register. More...
static void TRDC_SetMasterDomainAssignmentValid (TRDC_Type *base, uint8_t master, bool valid)
 Sets the master domain assignment as valid or invalid. More...
void TRDC_GetDefaultProcessorDomainAssignment (trdc_processor_domain_assignment_t *domainAssignment)
 Gets the default master domain assignment for the processor bus master. More...
void TRDC_GetDefaultNonProcessorDomainAssignment (trdc_non_processor_domain_assignment_t *domainAssignment)
 Gets the default master domain assignment for non-processor bus master. More...
void TRDC_SetProcessorDomainAssignment (TRDC_Type *base, const trdc_processor_domain_assignment_t *domainAssignment)
 Sets the processor bus master domain assignment. More...
void TRDC_SetNonProcessorDomainAssignment (TRDC_Type *base, uint8_t master, const trdc_non_processor_domain_assignment_t *domainAssignment)
 Sets the non-processor bus master domain assignment. More...

TZ-M congiguration

void TRDC_GetDefaultIDAUConfig (trdc_idau_config_t *idauConfiguration)
 Gets the default IDAU(Implementation-Defined Attribution Unit) configuration. More...
void TRDC_SetIDAU (TRDC_Type *base, const trdc_idau_config_t *idauConfiguration)
 Sets the IDAU(Implementation-Defined Attribution Unit) control configuration. More...

FLW(Flash Logical Window) configuration

static void TRDC_EnableFlashLogicalWindow (TRDC_Type *base, bool enable)
 Enables/disables the FLW(flash logical window) function. More...
static void TRDC_LockFlashLogicalWindow (TRDC_Type *base)
 Locks FLW registers. More...
static uint32_t TRDC_GetFlashLogicalWindowPbase (TRDC_Type *base)
 Gets the FLW physical base address. More...
static void TRDC_GetSetFlashLogicalWindowSize (TRDC_Type *base, uint16_t size)
 Sets the FLW size. More...
void TRDC_GetDefaultFlashLogicalWindowConfig (trdc_flw_config_t *flwConfiguration)
 Gets the default FLW(Flsh Logical Window) configuration. More...
void TRDC_SetFlashLogicalWindow (TRDC_Type *base, const trdc_flw_config_t *flwConfiguration)
 Sets the FLW function's configuration. More...

Domain error check and clear

status_t TRDC_GetAndClearFirstDomainError (TRDC_Type *base, trdc_domain_error_t *error)
 Gets and clears the first domain error of the current domain. More...
status_t TRDC_GetAndClearFirstSpecificDomainError (TRDC_Type *base, trdc_domain_error_t *error, uint8_t domainId)
 Gets and clears the first domain error of the specific domain. More...

MRC configuration

static void TRDC_SetMrcGlobalValid (TRDC_Type *base)
 Sets the TRDC MRC(Memory Region Checkers) global valid. More...
static uint8_t TRDC_GetMrcRegionNumber (TRDC_Type *base, uint8_t mrcIdx)
 Gets the TRDC MRC(Memory Region Checkers) region number valid. More...
void TRDC_MrcSetMemoryAccessConfig (TRDC_Type *base, const trdc_memory_access_control_config_t *config, uint8_t mrcIdx, uint8_t regIdx)
 Sets the memory access configuration for one of the access control register of one MRC. More...
void TRDC_MrcEnableDomainNseUpdate (TRDC_Type *base, uint8_t mrcIdx, uint16_t domianMask, bool enable)
 Enables the update of the selected domians. More...
void TRDC_MrcRegionNseSet (TRDC_Type *base, uint8_t mrcIdx, uint16_t regionMask)
 Sets the NSE bits of the selected regions for domains. More...
void TRDC_MrcRegionNseClear (TRDC_Type *base, uint8_t mrcIdx, uint16_t regionMask)
 Clears the NSE bits of the selected regions for domains. More...
void TRDC_MrcDomainNseClear (TRDC_Type *base, uint8_t mrcIdx, uint16_t domianMask)
 Clears the NSE bits for all the regions of the selected domains. More...
void TRDC_MrcSetRegionDescriptorConfig (TRDC_Type *base, const trdc_mrc_region_descriptor_config_t *config)
 Sets the configuration for one of the region descriptor per domain per MRC instnce. More...

MBC configuration

static void TRDC_SetMbcGlobalValid (TRDC_Type *base)
 Sets the TRDC MBC(Memory Block Checkers) global valid. More...
void TRDC_GetMbcHardwareConfig (TRDC_Type *base, trdc_slave_memory_hardware_config_t *config, uint8_t mbcIdx, uint8_t slvIdx)
 Gets the hardware configuration of the one of two slave memories within each MBC(memory block checker). More...
void TRDC_MbcSetNseUpdateConfig (TRDC_Type *base, const trdc_mbc_nse_update_config_t *config, uint8_t mbcIdx)
 Sets the NSR update configuration for one of the MBC instance. More...
void TRDC_MbcWordNseSet (TRDC_Type *base, uint8_t mbcIdx, uint32_t bitMask)
 Sets the NSE bits of the selected configuration words according to NSE update configuration. More...
void TRDC_MbcWordNseClear (TRDC_Type *base, uint8_t mbcIdx, uint32_t bitMask)
 Clears the NSE bits of the selected configuration words according to NSE update configuration. More...
void TRDC_MbcNseClearAll (TRDC_Type *base, uint8_t mbcIdx, uint8_t domainMask, uint8_t memoryMask)
 Clears all configuration words' NSE bits of the selected domain and memory. More...
void TRDC_MbcSetMemoryAccessConfig (TRDC_Type *base, const trdc_memory_access_control_config_t *config, uint8_t mbcIdx, uint8_t rgdIdx)
 Sets the memory access configuration for one of the region descriptor of one MBC. More...
void TRDC_MbcSetMemoryBlockConfig (TRDC_Type *base, const trdc_mbc_memory_block_config_t *config)
 Sets the configuration for one of the memory block per domain per MBC instnce. More...

Data Structure Documentation

struct trdc_hardware_config_t

Data Fields

uint8_t masterNumber
 Number of bus masters. More...
uint8_t domainNumber
 Number of domains. More...
uint8_t mbcNumber
 Number of MBCs. More...
uint8_t mrcNumber
 Number of MRCs. More...

Field Documentation

uint8_t trdc_hardware_config_t::masterNumber
uint8_t trdc_hardware_config_t::domainNumber
uint8_t trdc_hardware_config_t::mbcNumber
uint8_t trdc_hardware_config_t::mrcNumber
struct trdc_slave_memory_hardware_config_t

Data Fields

uint32_t blockNum
 Number of blocks. More...
uint32_t blockSize
 Block size. More...

Field Documentation

uint32_t trdc_slave_memory_hardware_config_t::blockNum
uint32_t trdc_slave_memory_hardware_config_t::blockSize
struct trdc_processor_domain_assignment_t

Data Fields

uint32_t domainId: 3U
 Domain ID. More...
uint32_t __pad0__: 1U
 Reserved. More...
uint32_t domainIdSelect: 2U
 Domain ID select method, see trdc_did_sel_t. More...
uint32_t __pad1__: 8U
 Reserved. More...
uint32_t secureAttr: 2U
 Secure attribute, see trdc_secure_attr_t. More...
uint32_t __pad2__: 14U
 Reserved. More...
uint32_t lock: 1U
 Lock the register. More...
uint32_t __pad3__: 1U
 Reserved. More...

Field Documentation

uint32_t trdc_processor_domain_assignment_t::domainId
uint32_t trdc_processor_domain_assignment_t::__pad0__
uint32_t trdc_processor_domain_assignment_t::domainIdSelect
uint32_t trdc_processor_domain_assignment_t::__pad1__
uint32_t trdc_processor_domain_assignment_t::secureAttr
uint32_t trdc_processor_domain_assignment_t::__pad2__
uint32_t trdc_processor_domain_assignment_t::lock
uint32_t trdc_processor_domain_assignment_t::__pad3__
struct trdc_non_processor_domain_assignment_t

Data Fields

uint32_t domainId: 3U
 Domain ID. More...
uint32_t __pad0__: 1U
 Reserved. More...
uint32_t privilegeAttr: 2U
 Privileged attribute, see trdc_privilege_attr_t. More...
uint32_t secureAttr: 2U
 Secure attribute, see trdc_secure_attr_t. More...
uint32_t bypassDomainId: 1U
 Bypass domain ID. More...
uint32_t __pad1__: 21U
 Reserved. More...
uint32_t lock: 1U
 Lock the register. More...
uint32_t __pad2__: 1U
 Reserved. More...

Field Documentation

uint32_t trdc_non_processor_domain_assignment_t::domainId
uint32_t trdc_non_processor_domain_assignment_t::__pad0__
uint32_t trdc_non_processor_domain_assignment_t::privilegeAttr
uint32_t trdc_non_processor_domain_assignment_t::secureAttr
uint32_t trdc_non_processor_domain_assignment_t::bypassDomainId
uint32_t trdc_non_processor_domain_assignment_t::__pad1__
uint32_t trdc_non_processor_domain_assignment_t::lock
uint32_t trdc_non_processor_domain_assignment_t::__pad2__
struct trdc_idau_config_t

Data Fields

uint32_t __pad0__: 8U
 Reserved. More...
uint32_t lockSecureVTOR: 1U
 Disable writes to secure VTOR(Vector Table Offset Register). More...
uint32_t lockNonsecureVTOR: 1U
 Disable writes to non-secure VTOR, Application interrupt and Reset Control Registers. More...
uint32_t lockSecureMPU: 1U
 Disable writes to secure MPU(Memory Protection Unit) from software or from a debug agent connected to the processor in Secure state. More...
uint32_t lockNonsecureMPU: 1U
 Disable writes to non-secure MPU(Memory Protection Unit) from software or from a debug agent connected to the processor. More...
uint32_t lockSAU: 1U
 Disable writes to SAU(Security Attribution Unit) registers. More...
uint32_t __pad1__: 19U
 Reserved. More...

Field Documentation

uint32_t trdc_idau_config_t::__pad0__
uint32_t trdc_idau_config_t::lockSecureVTOR
uint32_t trdc_idau_config_t::lockNonsecureVTOR
uint32_t trdc_idau_config_t::lockSecureMPU
uint32_t trdc_idau_config_t::lockNonsecureMPU
uint32_t trdc_idau_config_t::lockSAU
uint32_t trdc_idau_config_t::__pad1__
struct trdc_flw_config_t

Data Fields

uint16_t blockCount
 Block count of the Flash Logic Window in 32KByte blocks. More...
uint32_t arrayBaseAddr
 Flash array base address of the Flash Logical Window. More...
bool lock
 Disable writes to FLW registers. More...
bool enable
 Enable FLW function. More...

Field Documentation

uint16_t trdc_flw_config_t::blockCount
uint32_t trdc_flw_config_t::arrayBaseAddr
bool trdc_flw_config_t::lock
bool trdc_flw_config_t::enable
struct trdc_domain_error_t

Data Fields

trdc_controller_t controller
 Which controller captured access violation. More...
uint32_t address
 Access address that generated access violation. More...
trdc_error_state_t errorState
 Error state. More...
trdc_error_attr_t errorAttr
 Error attribute. More...
trdc_error_type_t errorType
 Error type. More...
uint8_t errorPort
 Error port. More...
uint8_t domainId
 Domain ID. More...
uint8_t slaveMemoryIdx
 The slave memory index. More...

Field Documentation

trdc_controller_t trdc_domain_error_t::controller
uint32_t trdc_domain_error_t::address
trdc_error_state_t trdc_domain_error_t::errorState
trdc_error_attr_t trdc_domain_error_t::errorAttr
trdc_error_type_t trdc_domain_error_t::errorType
uint8_t trdc_domain_error_t::errorPort
uint8_t trdc_domain_error_t::domainId
uint8_t trdc_domain_error_t::slaveMemoryIdx

Only apply when violation in MBC.

struct trdc_memory_access_control_config_t

Data Fields

uint32_t nonsecureUsrX: 1U
 Allow nonsecure user execute access. More...
uint32_t nonsecureUsrW: 1U
 Allow nonsecure user write access. More...
uint32_t nonsecureUsrR: 1U
 Allow nonsecure user read access. More...
uint32_t __pad0__: 1U
 Reserved. More...
uint32_t nonsecurePrivX: 1U
 Allow nonsecure privilege execute access. More...
uint32_t nonsecurePrivW: 1U
 Allow nonsecure privilege write access. More...
uint32_t nonsecurePrivR: 1U
 Allow nonsecure privilege read access. More...
uint32_t __pad1__: 1U
 Reserved. More...
uint32_t secureUsrX: 1U
 Allow secure user execute access. More...
uint32_t secureUsrW: 1U
 Allow secure user write access. More...
uint32_t secureUsrR: 1U
 Allow secure user read access. More...
uint32_t __pad2__: 1U
 Reserved. More...
uint32_t securePrivX: 1U
 Allownsecure privilege execute access. More...
uint32_t securePrivW: 1U
 Allownsecure privilege write access. More...
uint32_t securePrivR: 1U
 Allownsecure privilege read access. More...
uint32_t __pad3__: 16U
 Reserved. More...
uint32_t lock: 1U
 Lock the configuration until next reset, only apply to access control register 0. More...

Field Documentation

uint32_t trdc_memory_access_control_config_t::nonsecureUsrX
uint32_t trdc_memory_access_control_config_t::nonsecureUsrW
uint32_t trdc_memory_access_control_config_t::nonsecureUsrR
uint32_t trdc_memory_access_control_config_t::__pad0__
uint32_t trdc_memory_access_control_config_t::nonsecurePrivX
uint32_t trdc_memory_access_control_config_t::nonsecurePrivW
uint32_t trdc_memory_access_control_config_t::nonsecurePrivR
uint32_t trdc_memory_access_control_config_t::__pad1__
uint32_t trdc_memory_access_control_config_t::secureUsrX
uint32_t trdc_memory_access_control_config_t::secureUsrW
uint32_t trdc_memory_access_control_config_t::secureUsrR
uint32_t trdc_memory_access_control_config_t::__pad2__
uint32_t trdc_memory_access_control_config_t::securePrivX
uint32_t trdc_memory_access_control_config_t::securePrivW
uint32_t trdc_memory_access_control_config_t::securePrivR
uint32_t trdc_memory_access_control_config_t::__pad3__
uint32_t trdc_memory_access_control_config_t::lock
struct trdc_mrc_region_descriptor_config_t

Data Fields

uint8_t memoryAccessControlSelect
 Select one of the 8 access control policies for this region, for access cotrol policies see trdc_memory_access_control_config_t. More...
uint32_t startAddr
 Physical start address. More...
bool valid
 Lock the register. More...
bool nseEnable
 Enable non-secure accesses and disable secure accesses. More...
uint32_t endAddr
 Physical start address. More...
uint8_t mrcIdx
 The index of the MRC for this configuration to take effect. More...
uint8_t domainIdx
 The index of the domain for this configuration to take effect. More...
uint8_t regionIdx
 The index of the region for this configuration to take effect. More...

Field Documentation

uint8_t trdc_mrc_region_descriptor_config_t::memoryAccessControlSelect
uint32_t trdc_mrc_region_descriptor_config_t::startAddr
bool trdc_mrc_region_descriptor_config_t::valid
bool trdc_mrc_region_descriptor_config_t::nseEnable
uint32_t trdc_mrc_region_descriptor_config_t::endAddr
uint8_t trdc_mrc_region_descriptor_config_t::mrcIdx
uint8_t trdc_mrc_region_descriptor_config_t::domainIdx
uint8_t trdc_mrc_region_descriptor_config_t::regionIdx
struct trdc_mbc_nse_update_config_t

Data Fields

uint32_t __pad0__: 2U
 Reserved. More...
uint32_t wordIdx: 4U
 MBC configuration word index to be updated. More...
uint32_t __pad1__: 2U
 Reserved. More...
uint32_t memorySelect: 4U
 Bit mask of the selected memory to be updated. More...
uint32_t __pad2__: 4U
 Reserved. More...
uint32_t domianSelect: 8U
 Bit mask of the selected domain to be updated. More...
uint32_t __pad3__: 7U
 Reserved. More...
uint32_t autoIncrement: 1U
 Whether to increment the word index after current word is updated using this configuration. More...

Field Documentation

uint32_t trdc_mbc_nse_update_config_t::__pad0__
uint32_t trdc_mbc_nse_update_config_t::wordIdx
uint32_t trdc_mbc_nse_update_config_t::__pad1__
uint32_t trdc_mbc_nse_update_config_t::memorySelect
uint32_t trdc_mbc_nse_update_config_t::__pad2__
uint32_t trdc_mbc_nse_update_config_t::domianSelect
uint32_t trdc_mbc_nse_update_config_t::__pad3__
uint32_t trdc_mbc_nse_update_config_t::autoIncrement
struct trdc_mbc_memory_block_config_t

Data Fields

uint32_t memoryAccessControlSelect: 3U
 Select one of the 8 access control policies for this memory block, for access cotrol policies see trdc_memory_access_control_config_t. More...
uint32_t nseEnable: 1U
 Enable non-secure accesses and disable secure accesses. More...
uint32_t mbcIdx: 4U
 The index of the MBC for this configuration to take effect. More...
uint32_t domainIdx: 8U
 The index of the domain for this configuration to take effect. More...
uint32_t slaveMemoryIdx: 8U
 The index of the slave memory for this configuration to take effect. More...
uint32_t memoryBlockIdx: 8U
 The index of the memory block for this configuration to take effect. More...

Field Documentation

uint32_t trdc_mbc_memory_block_config_t::memoryAccessControlSelect
uint32_t trdc_mbc_memory_block_config_t::nseEnable
uint32_t trdc_mbc_memory_block_config_t::mbcIdx
uint32_t trdc_mbc_memory_block_config_t::domainIdx
uint32_t trdc_mbc_memory_block_config_t::slaveMemoryIdx
uint32_t trdc_mbc_memory_block_config_t::memoryBlockIdx

Enumeration Type Documentation


Use MDAn[2:0] as DID.


Use the input DID (DID_in) as DID.


Use MDAn[2] concatenated with DID_in[1:0] as DID.




Force the bus attribute for this master to secure.


Force the bus attribute for this master to non-secure.


Use the bus master's secure/nonsecure attribute directly.


Use the bus master's secure/nonsecure attribute directly.


Force the bus attribute for this master to user.


Force the bus attribute for this master to privileged.


Use the bus master's attribute directly.


Use the bus master's attribute directly.


Memory block checker 0.


Memory block checker 1.


Memory block checker 2.


Memory block checker 3.


Memory region checker 0.


Memory region checker 1.


No access violation detected.


No access violation detected.


Single access violation detected.


Multiple access violation detected.


Secure user mode, instruction fetch access.


Secure user mode, data access.


Secure privileged mode, instruction fetch access.


Secure privileged mode, data access.


NonSecure user mode, instruction fetch access.


NonSecure user mode, data access.


NonSecure privileged mode, instruction fetch access.


NonSecure privileged mode, data access.


Error occurs on read reference.


Error occurs on write reference.


Region descriptor 0.


Region descriptor 1.


Region descriptor 2.


Region descriptor 3.


Region descriptor 4.


Region descriptor 5.


Region descriptor 6.


Region descriptor 7.


Region descriptor 8.


Region descriptor 9.


Region descriptor 10.


Region descriptor 11.


Region descriptor 12.


Region descriptor 13.


Region descriptor 14.


Region descriptor 15.


Domain 0.


Domain 1.


Domain 2.


Domain 3.


Domain 4.


Domain 5.


Domain 6.


Domain 7.


Domain 8.


Domain 9.


Domain 10.


Domain 11.


Domain 12.


Domain 13.


Domain 14.


Domain 15.


Domain 0.


Domain 1.


Domain 2.


Domain 3.


Domain 4.


Domain 5.


Domain 6.


Domain 7.


Memory 0.


Memory 1.


Memory 2.


Memory 3.


Bit 0.


Bit 1.


Bit 2.


Bit 3.


Bit 4.


Bit 5.


Bit 6.


Bit 7.


Bit 8.


Bit 9.


Bit 10.


Bit 11.


Bit 12.


Bit 13.


Bit 14.


Bit 15.


Bit 16.


Bit 17.


Bit 18.


Bit 19.


Bit 20.


Bit 21.


Bit 22.


Bit 23.


Bit 24.


Bit 25.


Bit 26.


Bit 27.


Bit 28.


Bit 29.


Bit 30.


Bit 31.

Function Documentation

void TRDC_Init ( TRDC_Type *  base)

This function enables the TRDC clock.

baseTRDC peripheral base address.
void TRDC_Deinit ( TRDC_Type *  base)

This function disables the TRDC clock.

baseTRDC peripheral base address.
static uint8_t TRDC_GetCurrentMasterDomainId ( TRDC_Type *  base)
baseTRDC peripheral base address.
Domain ID of current bus master.
void TRDC_GetHardwareConfig ( TRDC_Type *  base,
trdc_hardware_config_t config 

This function gets the TRDC hardware configurations, including number of bus masters, number of domains, number of MRCs and number of PACs.

baseTRDC peripheral base address.
configPointer to the structure to get the configuration.
static void TRDC_SetDacGlobalValid ( TRDC_Type *  base)

Once enabled, it will remain enabled until next reset.

baseTRDC peripheral base address.
static void TRDC_LockMasterDomainAssignment ( TRDC_Type *  base,
uint8_t  master 

This function locks the master domain assignment. After it is locked, the register can't be changed until next reset.

baseTRDC peripheral base address.
masterWhich master to configure.
assignIndexWhich assignment register to lock.
static void TRDC_SetMasterDomainAssignmentValid ( TRDC_Type *  base,
uint8_t  master,
bool  valid 

This function sets the master domain assignment as valid or invalid.

baseTRDC peripheral base address.
masterWhich master to configure.
assignIndexIndex for the domain assignment register.
validTrue to set valid, false to set invalid.
void TRDC_GetDefaultProcessorDomainAssignment ( trdc_processor_domain_assignment_t domainAssignment)

This function gets the default master domain assignment for the processor bus master. It should only be used for the processor bus masters, such as CORE0. This function sets the assignment as follows:

* assignment->domainId = 0U;
* assignment->domainIdSelect = kTRDC_DidMda;
* assignment->lock = 0U;
domainAssignmentPointer to the assignment structure.
void TRDC_GetDefaultNonProcessorDomainAssignment ( trdc_non_processor_domain_assignment_t domainAssignment)

This function gets the default master domain assignment for non-processor bus master. It should only be used for the non-processor bus masters, such as DMA. This function sets the assignment as follows:

* assignment->domainId = 0U;
* assignment->privilegeAttr = kTRDC_ForceUser;
* assignment->secureAttr = kTRDC_ForceSecure;
* assignment->bypassDomainId = 0U;
* assignment->lock = 0U;
domainAssignmentPointer to the assignment structure.
void TRDC_SetProcessorDomainAssignment ( TRDC_Type *  base,
const trdc_processor_domain_assignment_t domainAssignment 

This function sets the processor master domain assignment as valid. One bus master might have multiple domain assignment registers. The parameter assignIndex specifies which assignment register to set.

Example: Set domain assignment for core 0.

* trdc_processor_domain_assignment_t processorAssignment;
* processorAssignment.domainId = 0;
* = xxx;
* TRDC_SetMasterDomainAssignment(TRDC, &processorAssignment);
baseTRDC peripheral base address.
domainAssignmentPointer to the assignment structure.
void TRDC_SetNonProcessorDomainAssignment ( TRDC_Type *  base,
uint8_t  master,
const trdc_non_processor_domain_assignment_t domainAssignment 

This function sets the non-processor master domain assignment as valid. One bus master might have multiple domain assignment registers. The parameter assignIndex specifies which assignment register to set.

Example: Set domain assignment for DMA0.

* trdc_non_processor_domain_assignment_t nonProcessorAssignment;
* nonProcessorAssignment.domainId = 1;
* = xxx;
* TRDC_SetMasterDomainAssignment(TRDC, kXrdcMasterDma0, 0U, &nonProcessorAssignment);
baseTRDC peripheral base address.
masterWhich master to configure.
assignIndexWhich assignment register to set.
domainAssignmentPointer to the assignment structure.
void TRDC_GetDefaultIDAUConfig ( trdc_idau_config_t idauConfiguration)
* config->lockSecureVTOR = false;
* config->lockNonsecureVTOR = false;
* config->lockSecureMPU = false;
* config->lockNonsecureMPU = false;
* config->lockSAU = false;
domainAssignmentPointer to the configuration structure.
void TRDC_SetIDAU ( TRDC_Type *  base,
const trdc_idau_config_t idauConfiguration 

Example: Lock the secure and non-secure MPU registers.

* trdc_idau_config_t idauConfiguration;
* TRDC_GetDefaultIDAUConfig(&idauConfiguration);
* idauConfiguration.lockSecureMPU = true;
* idauConfiguration.lockNonsecureMPU = true;
* TRDC_SetIDAU(TRDC, &idauConfiguration);
baseTRDC peripheral base address.
domainAssignmentPointer to the configuration structure.
static void TRDC_EnableFlashLogicalWindow ( TRDC_Type *  base,
bool  enable 
baseTRDC peripheral base address.
enableTrue to enable, false to disable.
static void TRDC_LockFlashLogicalWindow ( TRDC_Type *  base)

Once locked the registers can noy be updated until next reset.

baseTRDC peripheral base address.
static uint32_t TRDC_GetFlashLogicalWindowPbase ( TRDC_Type *  base)
baseTRDC peripheral base address.
Physical address of the FLW function.
static void TRDC_GetSetFlashLogicalWindowSize ( TRDC_Type *  base,
uint16_t  size 
baseTRDC peripheral base address.
sizeSize of the FLW in unit of 32k bytes.
void TRDC_GetDefaultFlashLogicalWindowConfig ( trdc_flw_config_t flwConfiguration)
* config->blockCount = false;
* config->arrayBaseAddr = false;
* config->lock = false;
* config->enable = false;
flwConfigurationPointer to the configuration structure.
void TRDC_SetFlashLogicalWindow ( TRDC_Type *  base,
const trdc_flw_config_t flwConfiguration 
* trdc_flw_config_t flwConfiguration;
* TRDC_GetDefaultIDAUConfig(&flwConfiguration);
* flwConfiguration.blockCount = 32U;
* flwConfiguration.arrayBaseAddr = 0xXXXXXXXX;
* TRDC_SetIDAU(TRDC, &flwConfiguration);
baseTRDC peripheral base address.
flwConfigurationPointer to the configuration structure.
status_t TRDC_GetAndClearFirstDomainError ( TRDC_Type *  base,
trdc_domain_error_t error 

This function gets the first access violation information for the current domain and clears the pending flag. There might be multiple access violations pending for the current domain. This function only processes the first error.

baseTRDC peripheral base address.
errorPointer to the error information. return If the access violation is captured, this function returns the kStatus_Success. The error information can be obtained from the parameter error. If no access violation is captured, this function returns the kStatus_NoData.
status_t TRDC_GetAndClearFirstSpecificDomainError ( TRDC_Type *  base,
trdc_domain_error_t error,
uint8_t  domainId 

This function gets the first access violation information for the specific domain and clears the pending flag. There might be multiple access violations pending for the current domain. This function only processes the first error.

baseTRDC peripheral base address.
errorPointer to the error information.
domainIdThe error of which domain to get and clear. return If the access violation is captured, this function returns the kStatus_Success. The error information can be obtained from the parameter error. If no access violation is captured, this function returns the kStatus_NoData.
static void TRDC_SetMrcGlobalValid ( TRDC_Type *  base)

Once enabled, it will remain enabled until next reset.

baseTRDC peripheral base address.
static uint8_t TRDC_GetMrcRegionNumber ( TRDC_Type *  base,
uint8_t  mrcIdx 
baseTRDC peripheral base address.
void TRDC_MrcSetMemoryAccessConfig ( TRDC_Type *  base,
const trdc_memory_access_control_config_t config,
uint8_t  mrcIdx,
uint8_t  regIdx 

Example: Enable the secure operations and lock the configuration for MRC0 region 1.

* config.securePrivX = true;
* config.securePrivW = true;
* config.securePrivR = true;
* config.lock = true;
* TRDC_SetMrcMemoryAccess(TRDC, &config, 0, 1);
baseTRDC peripheral base address.
configPointer to the configuration structure.
mrcIdxMRC index.
regIdxRegister number.
void TRDC_MrcEnableDomainNseUpdate ( TRDC_Type *  base,
uint8_t  mrcIdx,
uint16_t  domianMask,
bool  enable 

After the domians' update are enabled, their regions' NSE bits can be set or clear.

baseTRDC peripheral base address.
mrcIdxMRC index.
domianMaskBit mask of the domains to be enabled.
enableTrue to enable, false to disable.
void TRDC_MrcRegionNseSet ( TRDC_Type *  base,
uint8_t  mrcIdx,
uint16_t  regionMask 

This function sets the NSE bits for the selected regions for the domains whose update are enabled.

baseTRDC peripheral base address.
mrcIdxMRC index.
regionMaskBit mask of the regions whose NSE bits to set.
void TRDC_MrcRegionNseClear ( TRDC_Type *  base,
uint8_t  mrcIdx,
uint16_t  regionMask 

This function clears the NSE bits for the selected regions for the domains whose update are enabled.

baseTRDC peripheral base address.
mrcIdxMRC index.
regionMaskBit mask of the regions whose NSE bits to clear.
void TRDC_MrcDomainNseClear ( TRDC_Type *  base,
uint8_t  mrcIdx,
uint16_t  domianMask 

This function clears the NSE bits for all regions of selected domains whose update are enabled.

baseTRDC peripheral base address.
mrcIdxMRC index.
domianMaskBit mask of the domians whose NSE bits to clear.
void TRDC_MrcSetRegionDescriptorConfig ( TRDC_Type *  base,
const trdc_mrc_region_descriptor_config_t config 

This function sets the configuration for one of the region descriptor, including the start and end address of the region, memory access control policy and valid.

baseTRDC peripheral base address.
configPointer to region descriptor configuration structure.
static void TRDC_SetMbcGlobalValid ( TRDC_Type *  base)

Once enabled, it will remain enabled until next reset.

baseTRDC peripheral base address.
void TRDC_GetMbcHardwareConfig ( TRDC_Type *  base,
trdc_slave_memory_hardware_config_t config,
uint8_t  mbcIdx,
uint8_t  slvIdx 
baseTRDC peripheral base address.
configPointer to the structure to get the configuration.
mbcIdxMBC number.
slvIdxSlave number.
void TRDC_MbcSetNseUpdateConfig ( TRDC_Type *  base,
const trdc_mbc_nse_update_config_t config,
uint8_t  mbcIdx 

After set the NSE configuration, the configured memory area can be updateby NSE set/clear.

baseTRDC peripheral base address.
configPointer to NSE update configuration structure.
mbcIdxMBC index.
void TRDC_MbcWordNseSet ( TRDC_Type *  base,
uint8_t  mbcIdx,
uint32_t  bitMask 

This function sets the NSE bits of the word for the configured regio, memory.

baseTRDC peripheral base address.
mbcIdxMBC index.
bitMaskMask of the bits whose NSE bits to set.
void TRDC_MbcWordNseClear ( TRDC_Type *  base,
uint8_t  mbcIdx,
uint32_t  bitMask 

This function sets the NSE bits of the word for the configured regio, memory.

baseTRDC peripheral base address.
mbcIdxMBC index.
bitMaskMask of the bits whose NSE bits to clear.
void TRDC_MbcNseClearAll ( TRDC_Type *  base,
uint8_t  mbcIdx,
uint8_t  domainMask,
uint8_t  memoryMask 
baseTRDC peripheral base address.
mbcIdxMBC index.
bitMaskMask of the bits whose NSE bits to clear.
void TRDC_MbcSetMemoryAccessConfig ( TRDC_Type *  base,
const trdc_memory_access_control_config_t config,
uint8_t  mbcIdx,
uint8_t  rgdIdx 

Example: Enable the secure operations and lock the configuration for MRC0 region 1.

* config.securePrivX = true;
* config.securePrivW = true;
* config.securePrivR = true;
* config.lock = true;
* TRDC_SetMbcMemoryAccess(TRDC, &config, 0, 1);
baseTRDC peripheral base address.
configPointer to the configuration structure.
mbcIdxMBC index.
rgdIdxRegion descriptor number.
void TRDC_MbcSetMemoryBlockConfig ( TRDC_Type *  base,
const trdc_mbc_memory_block_config_t config 

This function sets the configuration for one of the memory block, including the memory access control policy and nse enable.

baseTRDC peripheral base address.
configPointer to memory block configuration structure.