MCUXpresso SDK API Reference Manual  Rev. 0
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CAAM Non-blocking AES driver


This section describes the programming interface of the CAAM Non-blocking AES driver.


status_t CAAM_AES_EncryptEcbNonBlocking (CAAM_Type *base, caam_handle_t *handle, caam_desc_aes_ecb_t descriptor, const uint8_t *plaintext, uint8_t *ciphertext, size_t size, const uint8_t *key, size_t keySize)
 Encrypts AES using the ECB block mode. More...
status_t CAAM_AES_DecryptEcbNonBlocking (CAAM_Type *base, caam_handle_t *handle, caam_desc_aes_ecb_t descriptor, const uint8_t *ciphertext, uint8_t *plaintext, size_t size, const uint8_t *key, size_t keySize)
 Decrypts AES using ECB block mode. More...
status_t CAAM_AES_EncryptCbcNonBlocking (CAAM_Type *base, caam_handle_t *handle, caam_desc_aes_cbc_t descriptor, const uint8_t *plaintext, uint8_t *ciphertext, size_t size, const uint8_t *iv, const uint8_t *key, size_t keySize)
 Encrypts AES using CBC block mode. More...
status_t CAAM_AES_DecryptCbcNonBlocking (CAAM_Type *base, caam_handle_t *handle, caam_desc_aes_cbc_t descriptor, const uint8_t *ciphertext, uint8_t *plaintext, size_t size, const uint8_t *iv, const uint8_t *key, size_t keySize)
 Decrypts AES using CBC block mode. More...
status_t CAAM_AES_CryptCtrNonBlocking (CAAM_Type *base, caam_handle_t *handle, caam_desc_aes_ctr_t descriptor, const uint8_t *input, uint8_t *output, size_t size, uint8_t *counter, const uint8_t *key, size_t keySize, uint8_t *counterlast, size_t *szLeft)
 Encrypts or decrypts AES using CTR block mode. More...
status_t CAAM_AES_EncryptTagCcmNonBlocking (CAAM_Type *base, caam_handle_t *handle, caam_desc_aes_ccm_t descriptor, const uint8_t *plaintext, uint8_t *ciphertext, size_t size, const uint8_t *iv, size_t ivSize, const uint8_t *aad, size_t aadSize, const uint8_t *key, size_t keySize, uint8_t *tag, size_t tagSize)
 Encrypts AES and tags using CCM block mode. More...
status_t CAAM_AES_DecryptTagCcmNonBlocking (CAAM_Type *base, caam_handle_t *handle, caam_desc_aes_ccm_t descriptor, const uint8_t *ciphertext, uint8_t *plaintext, size_t size, const uint8_t *iv, size_t ivSize, const uint8_t *aad, size_t aadSize, const uint8_t *key, size_t keySize, const uint8_t *tag, size_t tagSize)
 Decrypts AES and authenticates using CCM block mode. More...
status_t CAAM_AES_EncryptTagGcmNonBlocking (CAAM_Type *base, caam_handle_t *handle, caam_desc_aes_gcm_t descriptor, const uint8_t *plaintext, uint8_t *ciphertext, size_t size, const uint8_t *iv, size_t ivSize, const uint8_t *aad, size_t aadSize, const uint8_t *key, size_t keySize, uint8_t *tag, size_t tagSize)
 Encrypts AES and tags using GCM block mode. More...
status_t CAAM_AES_DecryptTagGcmNonBlocking (CAAM_Type *base, caam_handle_t *handle, caam_desc_aes_gcm_t descriptor, const uint8_t *ciphertext, uint8_t *plaintext, size_t size, const uint8_t *iv, size_t ivSize, const uint8_t *aad, size_t aadSize, const uint8_t *key, size_t keySize, const uint8_t *tag, size_t tagSize)
 Decrypts AES and authenticates using GCM block mode. More...

Function Documentation

status_t CAAM_AES_EncryptEcbNonBlocking ( CAAM_Type *  base,
caam_handle_t handle,
caam_desc_aes_ecb_t  descriptor,
const uint8_t *  plaintext,
uint8_t *  ciphertext,
size_t  size,
const uint8_t *  key,
size_t  keySize 

Puts AES ECB encrypt descriptor to CAAM input job ring.

baseCAAM peripheral base address
plaintextInput plain text to encrypt
[out]descriptorMemory for the CAAM descriptor.
[out]ciphertextOutput cipher text
sizeSize of input and output data in bytes. Must be multiple of 16 bytes.
keyInput key to use for encryption
keySizeSize of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
Status from job descriptor push
status_t CAAM_AES_DecryptEcbNonBlocking ( CAAM_Type *  base,
caam_handle_t handle,
caam_desc_aes_ecb_t  descriptor,
const uint8_t *  ciphertext,
uint8_t *  plaintext,
size_t  size,
const uint8_t *  key,
size_t  keySize 

Puts AES ECB decrypt descriptor to CAAM input job ring.

baseCAAM peripheral base address
handleHandle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
[out]descriptorMemory for the CAAM descriptor.
ciphertextInput cipher text to decrypt
[out]plaintextOutput plain text
sizeSize of input and output data in bytes. Must be multiple of 16 bytes.
keyInput key.
keySizeSize of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
Status from job descriptor push
status_t CAAM_AES_EncryptCbcNonBlocking ( CAAM_Type *  base,
caam_handle_t handle,
caam_desc_aes_cbc_t  descriptor,
const uint8_t *  plaintext,
uint8_t *  ciphertext,
size_t  size,
const uint8_t *  iv,
const uint8_t *  key,
size_t  keySize 

Puts AES CBC encrypt descriptor to CAAM input job ring.

baseCAAM peripheral base address
handleHandle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
[out]descriptorMemory for the CAAM descriptor.
plaintextInput plain text to encrypt
[out]ciphertextOutput cipher text
sizeSize of input and output data in bytes. Must be multiple of 16 bytes.
ivInput initial vector to combine with the first input block.
keyInput key to use for encryption
keySizeSize of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
Status from job descriptor push
status_t CAAM_AES_DecryptCbcNonBlocking ( CAAM_Type *  base,
caam_handle_t handle,
caam_desc_aes_cbc_t  descriptor,
const uint8_t *  ciphertext,
uint8_t *  plaintext,
size_t  size,
const uint8_t *  iv,
const uint8_t *  key,
size_t  keySize 

Puts AES CBC decrypt descriptor to CAAM input job ring.

baseCAAM peripheral base address
handleHandle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
[out]descriptorMemory for the CAAM descriptor.
ciphertextInput cipher text to decrypt
[out]plaintextOutput plain text
sizeSize of input and output data in bytes. Must be multiple of 16 bytes.
ivInput initial vector to combine with the first input block.
keyInput key to use for decryption
keySizeSize of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
Status from job descriptor push
status_t CAAM_AES_CryptCtrNonBlocking ( CAAM_Type *  base,
caam_handle_t handle,
caam_desc_aes_ctr_t  descriptor,
const uint8_t *  input,
uint8_t *  output,
size_t  size,
uint8_t *  counter,
const uint8_t *  key,
size_t  keySize,
uint8_t *  counterlast,
size_t *  szLeft 

Encrypts or decrypts AES using CTR block mode. AES CTR mode uses only forward AES cipher and same algorithm for encryption and decryption. The only difference between encryption and decryption is that, for encryption, the input argument is plain text and the output argument is cipher text. For decryption, the input argument is cipher text and the output argument is plain text.

Puts AES CTR crypt descriptor to CAAM input job ring.

baseCAAM peripheral base address
handleHandle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
[out]descriptorMemory for the CAAM descriptor.
inputInput data for CTR block mode
[out]outputOutput data for CTR block mode
sizeSize of input and output data in bytes
[in,out]counterInput counter (updates on return)
keyInput key to use for forward AES cipher
keySizeSize of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
[out]counterlastOutput cipher of last counter, for chained CTR calls. NULL can be passed if chained calls are not used.
[out]szLeftOutput number of bytes in left unused in counterlast block. NULL can be passed if chained calls are not used.
Status from job descriptor push
status_t CAAM_AES_EncryptTagCcmNonBlocking ( CAAM_Type *  base,
caam_handle_t handle,
caam_desc_aes_ccm_t  descriptor,
const uint8_t *  plaintext,
uint8_t *  ciphertext,
size_t  size,
const uint8_t *  iv,
size_t  ivSize,
const uint8_t *  aad,
size_t  aadSize,
const uint8_t *  key,
size_t  keySize,
uint8_t *  tag,
size_t  tagSize 

Puts AES CCM encrypt and tag descriptor to CAAM input job ring.

baseCAAM peripheral base address
handleHandle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
[out]descriptorMemory for the CAAM descriptor.
plaintextInput plain text to encrypt
[out]ciphertextOutput cipher text.
sizeSize of input and output data in bytes. Zero means authentication only.
ivSizeLength of the Nonce in bytes. Must be 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, or 13.
aadInput additional authentication data. Can be NULL if aadSize is zero.
aadSizeInput size in bytes of AAD. Zero means data mode only (authentication skipped).
keyInput key to use for encryption
keySizeSize of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
[out]tagGenerated output tag. Set to NULL to skip tag processing.
tagSizeInput size of the tag to generate, in bytes. Must be 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, or 16.
Status from job descriptor push
status_t CAAM_AES_DecryptTagCcmNonBlocking ( CAAM_Type *  base,
caam_handle_t handle,
caam_desc_aes_ccm_t  descriptor,
const uint8_t *  ciphertext,
uint8_t *  plaintext,
size_t  size,
const uint8_t *  iv,
size_t  ivSize,
const uint8_t *  aad,
size_t  aadSize,
const uint8_t *  key,
size_t  keySize,
const uint8_t *  tag,
size_t  tagSize 

Puts AES CCM decrypt and check tag descriptor to CAAM input job ring.

baseCAAM peripheral base address
handleHandle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
[out]descriptorMemory for the CAAM descriptor.
ciphertextInput cipher text to decrypt
[out]plaintextOutput plain text.
sizeSize of input and output data in bytes. Zero means authentication data only.
ivSizeLength of the Nonce in bytes. Must be 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, or 13.
aadInput additional authentication data. Can be NULL if aadSize is zero.
aadSizeInput size in bytes of AAD. Zero means data mode only (authentication data skipped).
keyInput key to use for decryption
keySizeSize of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
tagReceived tag. Set to NULL to skip tag processing.
tagSizeInput size of the received tag to compare with the computed tag, in bytes. Must be 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, or 16.
Status from job descriptor push
status_t CAAM_AES_EncryptTagGcmNonBlocking ( CAAM_Type *  base,
caam_handle_t handle,
caam_desc_aes_gcm_t  descriptor,
const uint8_t *  plaintext,
uint8_t *  ciphertext,
size_t  size,
const uint8_t *  iv,
size_t  ivSize,
const uint8_t *  aad,
size_t  aadSize,
const uint8_t *  key,
size_t  keySize,
uint8_t *  tag,
size_t  tagSize 

Encrypts AES and optionally tags using GCM block mode. If plaintext is NULL, only the GHASH is calculated and output in the 'tag' field. Puts AES GCM encrypt and tag descriptor to CAAM input job ring.

baseCAAM peripheral base address
handleHandle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
[out]descriptorMemory for the CAAM descriptor.
plaintextInput plain text to encrypt
[out]ciphertextOutput cipher text.
sizeSize of input and output data in bytes
ivInput initial vector
ivSizeSize of the IV
aadInput additional authentication data
aadSizeInput size in bytes of AAD
keyInput key to use for encryption
keySizeSize of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
[out]tagOutput hash tag. Set to NULL to skip tag processing.
tagSizeInput size of the tag to generate, in bytes. Must be 4,8,12,13,14,15 or 16.
Status from job descriptor push
status_t CAAM_AES_DecryptTagGcmNonBlocking ( CAAM_Type *  base,
caam_handle_t handle,
caam_desc_aes_gcm_t  descriptor,
const uint8_t *  ciphertext,
uint8_t *  plaintext,
size_t  size,
const uint8_t *  iv,
size_t  ivSize,
const uint8_t *  aad,
size_t  aadSize,
const uint8_t *  key,
size_t  keySize,
const uint8_t *  tag,
size_t  tagSize 

Decrypts AES and optionally authenticates using GCM block mode. If ciphertext is NULL, only the GHASH is calculated and compared with the received GHASH in 'tag' field. Puts AES GCM decrypt and check tag descriptor to CAAM input job ring.

baseCAAM peripheral base address
handleHandle used for this request. Specifies jobRing.
[out]descriptorMemory for the CAAM descriptor.
ciphertextInput cipher text to decrypt
[out]plaintextOutput plain text.
sizeSize of input and output data in bytes
ivInput initial vector
ivSizeSize of the IV
aadInput additional authentication data
aadSizeInput size in bytes of AAD
keyInput key to use for encryption
keySizeSize of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
tagInput hash tag to compare. Set to NULL to skip tag processing.
tagSizeInput size of the tag, in bytes. Must be 4, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, or 16.
Status from job descriptor push