Known issues

This section lists the known issues, limitations, and/or workarounds.

Maximum file path length in Windows 7 operating system

The Windows 7 operating system imposes a 260-character maximum length for file paths. When installing the MCUXpresso SDK, place it in a directory close to the root to prevent file paths from exceeding the maximum character length specified by the Windows operating system. The recommended location is the C:\<folder>.

Parent topic:Known issues

Fusion DSP may load wrong data from shared SRAM on Silicon A0.1 with specific command sequence

There is issue in the shared SRAM controller prefetch logic for silicon A0.1.

A back-2-back access to the same memory location without any “nop” cycle in between corrupts the prefetch buffer under the following conditions.

First cycle access is a read to address N, immediately followed by the second cycle-partial write (1 byte or halfword (16-bits)) to address N.

The partial write is not updated to prefetch buffer. Subsequent reading from the Shared SRAM address N returns incorrect data.

Parent topic:Known issues

Real-Time Domain cannot normally resume from the power-down mode due to EdgeLock secure enclave (S400) failure

There is an issue in EdgeLock secure enclave (S400) during state restoring phase for silicon A0.1. When Real Time Domain (RTD) is about to enter the power-down mode, S400 is promoted to save the current state to the memory. However, once RTD wakes up, S400 encounters an error when trying to restore the state.

This error can cause S400 decide to reset RTD, which means RTD cannot normally resume from the power-down mode.

Parent topic:Known issues

Flexcan_ping_pong_buffer_transfer case loses first 8 bytes data for armgcc flash_debug

To prevent flexcan_ping_pong_buffer_transfer case from losing the first 8 bytes data for armgcc flash_debug, apply the fix below.

+++ b/flexcan/example/ping_pong_buffer_transfer/flexcan_ping_pong_buffer_transfer.c
@@ -539,10 +539,11 @@ int main(void)
             /* Wait until Rx queue 1 full. */
-            while (rxQueueNum != 1U)
+            while (rxQueueNum == 0U)
-            rxQueueNum = 0;
+            if (rxQueueNum == 1)
+                rxQueueNum = 0;
             LOG_INFO("Read Rx MB from Queue 1.\r\n");
             for (i = 0; i < RX_QUEUE_BUFFER_SIZE; i++)

Parent topic:Known issues

Lpspi_interrupt_b2b_master/slave example transfer fail on iar/armgcc flash target

The lpspi_interrupt_b2b_master/slave example transfer fails to send the data from the master to the slave on iar/armgcc flash target.

Parent topic:Known issues

DSP examples build failure in IAR 9.50.1

In IAR version 9.50.1, there are build issues when building dsp_examples. To build the dsp_examples, use an older version of IAR. This issue will be fixed in the next version of IAR tool.

Parent topic:Known issues

DSP examples cannot boot the Fusion core

The examples in the dsp_examples folder can not run properly since they can not boot the Fusion DSP core. It can be fixed by removing line 633 from board.c: TRDC_MbcSetMemoryBlockConfig(TRDC, &mbcBlockConfig); under comment /* non secure state can access CGC0 (Pbridge0, slot 47) for HIFI4 DSP */. This will be fixed in the next release.

For the dsp_voice_spot_demo there is a wrong incbin.S file used. Please use the same file as for the rest of the DSP examples.

Parent topic:Known issues