Run a demo using the prebuilt binary

This section describes the steps to write a prebuilt binary in the SDK package to the external Flash and boot from the external Flash. The hello_world demo application is used as an example.

Note: The prebuilt binaries are provided for quick evaluation of the SDK and the board. Only parts of the examples are provided with prebuilt binary such as examples under boards/<board_name>/demo_apps and boards/<board_name>/usb_examples.

Identify the load address of the binary

Several toolchains are supported by the MCUXpresso SDK, usually the prebuilt binaries are built from armgcc flash_release targets using Arm GCC. If there is no flash_release target, then release target is used.

Take hello_world demo application as an example, the hello_world.bin is located in:


And it was built from:


The load address can be identified by the linker file in the same folder. Such as <device_name>_flash.ld.



So, the load address for hello_world.bin is 0x08000400.

Parent topic:Run a demo using the prebuilt binary

Write the binary to external flash

Take J-Link Commander as an example to write the hello_world.bin to external flash.

Run the J-Link Commander, run the following command to connect to the core.


Select the correct device from the pop-up window Target device settings.

Specify targets interface as SWD and the target interface speed as per the guide in the command window. The Cortex-M33 identified appears when it is connected successfully.

Parent topic:Run a demo using the prebuilt binary