Updating debugger firmware

The FRDM-MCXW72 board comes with a CMSIS-DAP-compatible debug interface (known as MCU-Link). This firmware in this debug interface may be updated using the host computer scripts. This typically used when switching between the default debugger protocol (CMSIS-DAP) to SEGGER J-Link, or for updating this firmware with new releases of these. This section contains the steps to re-program the debug probe firmware.

NXP provides the MCU-Link utility, which is the recommended tool for programming the latest versions of CMSIS-DAP and J-Link firmware onto MCU-Link. The utility can be downloaded from https://www.nxp.com/design/microcontrollers-developer-resources/mcu-link-debug-probe:MCU-LINK.

These steps show how to update the debugger firmware on your board for Windows operating system. For Linux OS, follow the instructions described in MCU-Link user guide, https://www.nxp.com/design/software/development-software/mcuxpresso-software-and-tools-/mcu-link-debug-probe:MCU-LINK.

  1. Install the MCU-Link utility.

  2. Unplug the board’s USB cable.

  3. Install the jumper on JP5.

  4. Connect the probe to the host via USB (use Link USB connector).

  5. Open a command shell and call the appropriate script located in the MCU-Link installation directory, <MCU-Link install dir>.

    1. To program CMSIS-DAP debug firmware: <MCU-Link install dir>/scripts/program_CMSIS.

    2. To program J-Link debug firmware: <MCU-Link install dir>/scripts/program_JLINK.

  6. Remove the jumper on JP5.

  7. Re-power the board by removing the USB cable and plugging it in again.