Build an example application
To build the hello_world
example application, perform the following example steps:
Launch CodeWarrior. In the workspace launcher, choose a workspace which holds the projects to use. If the dialogue box does not pop up, enter a workspace folder and create one workspace.
Then the CodeWarrior Development Studio workspace with empty projects appears.
Import the project into the workspace.
Click Import project in the Commander pane. A form pops up. Click Browse to the SDK install directory.
Then all available demo projects are as shown in [Figure 3]( Select the `hello_world` project in the list, and click **Finish**.
If you already know the project location, navigate to the folder when clicking **Browse**, and only one project can be seen.
To locate most example application workspace files, use the following path:
Using the MC56F81000-EVK hardware platform as an example, the `hello_world` workspace is located in:
Select the desired build target from the drop-down menu. For this example, select hello_world – flash_sdm_lpm_debug, as shown in Figure 4.
To build the demo application, click Build (All) in the Commander pane.
The build completes without errors.
Parent topic:Run a demo application using CodeWarrior