Hardware requirements
Micro USB cable
J-Link Debug Probe
5V power supply
Personal Computer
Board settings
Please note this application can’t support running with Linux BSP!
Prepare the Demo
Connect 5V power supply and J-Link Debug Probe to the board, switch SW10 to power on the board.
Connect a micro USB cable between the host PC and the J17 USB port on the target board.
Open a serial terminal with the following settings:
115200 baud rate
8 data bits
No parity
One stop bit
No flow control
Download the program to the target board.
Either press the reset button on your board or launch the debugger in your IDE to begin running the example.
Running the demo
When the demo runs successfully, following information can be seen on the terminal:
ModExp Test pass.
Casper ECC Demo P256
Round: 0
Round: 1
Round: 2
Round: 3
Round: 4
Round: 5
Round: 6
Round: 7
All EC scalar multiplication tests were successful.
Round: 0
Round: 1
Round: 2
Round: 3
Round: 4
Round: 5
Round: 6
Round: 7
All EC double scalar multiplication tests were successful.
Casper ECC Demo P384
Round: 0
Round: 1
Round: 2
Round: 3
Round: 4
Round: 5
Round: 6
Round: 7
All EC scalar multiplication tests were successful.
Round: 0
Round: 1
Round: 2
Round: 3
Round: 4
Round: 5
Round: 6
Round: 7
All EC double scalar multiplication tests were successful.
Casper ECC Demo P521
Round: 0
Round: 1
Round: 2
Round: 3
Round: 4
Round: 5
Round: 6
Round: 7
All EC scalar multiplication tests were successful.
Round: 0
Round: 1
Round: 2
Round: 3
Round: 4
Round: 5
Round: 6
Round: 7
All EC double scalar multiplication tests were successful.