Hardware requirements
Micro USB cable
MC56F83000-EVK board
Personal Computer
Board hardware common setting
Power setting:
Connect J19 pin2 and pin3 Connect J12 pin1 and pin2 Connect J13 pin1 and pin2 Connect J15 pin1 and pin2 Connect J16 pin2 and pin3 Connect J17 pin1 and pin2
Onboard OSJTAG debugger setting:
Leave J5 open Leave J6 open Note: J6 is only used(connected) when firmware update for onboard debugger OSJTAG. Connect J11 pin 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, to setup onboard debugger OSJTAG. Note: when use external debugger(connected to J10), leave all J11 pins open.
Board settings
No special settings are required.
Prepare the Demo
Connect USB cable between the host PC and the JM60 USB(J8) port on the target board. It setups OSJTAG and COM port in PC device manager.
Open a serial terminal with the following settings:
115200 baud rate
8 data bits
No parity
One stop bit
No flow control
Download the program to the target board with OSJTAG debug configuration.
Either press the reset button on your board or launch the debugger in your IDE to begin running the demo. Please be noted that default FCF(flash configuration field) setting makes MCU boot from bootloader. So after reset button press, it will wait 5s(wait in bootloader) to run the application code.
Running the demo
When the example runs successfully, following information can be seen on the terminal:
==FlexCAN loopback functional example -- Start.==
Send message from MB0 to MB1
tx word0 = 0x0
tx word1 = 0x1
tx word2 = 0x2
tx word3 = 0x3
tx word4 = 0x4
tx word5 = 0x5
tx word6 = 0x6
tx word7 = 0x7
tx word8 = 0x8
tx word9 = 0x9
tx word10 = 0xa
tx word11 = 0xb
tx word12 = 0xc
tx word13 = 0xd
tx word14 = 0xe
tx word15 = 0xf
Received message from MB1
rx word0 = 0x0
rx word1 = 0x1
rx word2 = 0x2
rx word3 = 0x3
rx word4 = 0x4
rx word5 = 0x5
rx word6 = 0x6
rx word7 = 0x7
rx word8 = 0x8
rx word9 = 0x9
rx word10 = 0xa
rx word11 = 0xb
rx word12 = 0xc
rx word13 = 0xd
rx word14 = 0xe
rx word15 = 0xf
==FlexCAN loopback functional example -- Finish.==