

This basic example shows how to use the library to create a simple camera preview pipeline. This example also shows how to stop and re-start the pipeline after 3 seconds.

Toolchains supported

  • MCUXpresso, version 11.10.0

  • GCC Arm Embedded, version 13.2.Rel1

Hardware requirements

Refer to board.readme for hardware setup requirements.

Pipelines Description

The pipeline created by the application is:

+-------------+      +-------------+      +-------------+
|             |      |             |      |             |
|    camera   | -->  |  2D convert | -->  |    Display  |
|             |      |             |      |             |
+-------------+      +-------------+      +-------------+

Camera element is configured for a specific pixel format and resolution (board dependent) Display element is configured for a specific pixel format and resolution (board dependent) 2D convert is configured to perform:

  • color space conversion from the camera pixel format to the display pixel format

  • rotation depending on the camera vs display orientation

Running the demo

EXPECTED OUTPUTS: The expected outputs of the example are:

  • The images captured by the camera should be displayed on the screen