The littlefs_shell demonstrates the capabilities of LittleFS FLASH filesystem:
After the example is loaded into the target and launched the shell prompt is printed to the console. Type “help” to obtain list of available commands. The FLASH storage has to be formatted upon first use. After mounting the filesystem it is possible to create/delete/list directories and read/write files using appropriate commands. There is no concept of current directory in LittleFS, hence it is always necessary to specify full directory path.
List of supported commands: format Formats the filesystem mount Mounts the filesystem unmount Unmounts the filesystem ls Lists directory content rm Removes file or directory mkdir Creates a new directory write Writes/appends text to a file cat Prints file content
Example workflow: To perform initial format of the storage, issue ‘format yes’ command. Mount the storage by issuing ‘mount’ command. Create new directory by ‘mkdir mynewdir’. Create new file in the ‘mynewdir’ directory by writing line of text to it using ‘write mynewdir/foo.txt firstline’ Append another line to the same file using ‘write mynewdir/foo.txt secondline’ Print the content of the file using ‘cat mynewdir/foo.txt’. The expected output is: firstline secondline