Performance figures
The Total Harmonic Distortion Plus Noise (THD+N) of the converted signals is below - 76 (high-quality mode) and - 85 (very high-quality mode) for signal frequencies below 0.45*FsLOW (=90 % of the Nyquist range of the lowest sample clock)
Table 1 and Table 2 give the THD+N performance (FsIN on the vertical axis and FsOUT on the horizontal axis) for the two supported quality levels. The numbers in the tables give the worst-case THD+N measured for signal frequencies below 0.45*FsLOW. For each conversion ratio, 100 THD+N measurements were executed with signal frequencies linearly spread over the complete Nyquist range.
8000 |
11025 |
12000 |
16000 |
22050 |
24000 |
32000 |
44100 |
48000 |
8000 |
-92.1 |
-79.7 |
-80.1 |
-80.1 |
-79.6 |
-80.2 |
-79.4 |
-79.1 |
-79.2 |
11025 |
-79 |
-92.9 |
-80 |
-79.9 |
-80.2 |
-79.8 |
-79.9 |
-79.5 |
-78.9 |
12000 |
-79 |
-79.2 |
-92.7 |
-80.1 |
-79.8 |
-80.3 |
-79.8 |
-79.8 |
-79.5 |
16000 |
-81.7 |
-78.8 |
-80.2 |
-93 |
-78.3 |
-77.7 |
-78.3 |
-78.3 |
-77.9 |
22050 |
-77.5 |
-81.8 |
-78.2 |
-79 |
-93 |
-79.9 |
-79.8 |
-80.3 |
-79.9 |
24000 |
-77.4 |
-77.9 |
-81.2 |
-79.1 |
-79.2 |
-92.5 |
-80.1 |
-79.8 |
-79.9 |
32000 |
-81 |
-77.5 |
-78.9 |
-81.2 |
-78.7 |
-80.1 |
-92.9 |
-79.7 |
-79.2 |
44100 |
-79.1 |
-81.2 |
-76.7 |
-77.8 |
-82 |
-78.2 |
-79.1 |
-93 |
-79.7 |
48000 |
-78.7 |
-78.8 |
-81.1 |
-77.6 |
-77.9 |
-81.8 |
-79.1 |
-79.3 |
-93 |
8000 |
11025 |
12000 |
16000 |
22050 |
24000 |
32000 |
44100 |
48000 |
8000 |
-92.1 |
-86.6 |
-88.6 |
-91.5 |
-86.4 |
-89 |
-89.7 |
-89.3 |
-89.3 |
11025 |
-89.1 |
-92.9 |
-86.3 |
-86.3 |
-91.6 |
-86.3 |
-86.5 |
-89.7 |
-89.3 |
12000 |
-91.4 |
-88.4 |
-92.7 |
-89.6 |
-86.6 |
-91.5 |
-86.8 |
-86.6 |
-89.7 |
16000 |
-93.1 |
-88.4 |
-90.4 |
-93 |
-86.6 |
-88.8 |
-91.5 |
-86.5 |
-89.4 |
22050 |
-90.7 |
-93.5 |
-89.7 |
-89.3 |
-93 |
-86.5 |
-86.3 |
-91.5 |
-86.6 |
24000 |
-93.8 |
-90.5 |
-93.5 |
-91.7 |
-88.4 |
-92.5 |
-89.7 |
-86.6 |
-91.5 |
32000 |
-93.8 |
-91 |
-91.2 |
-93.3 |
-88.4 |
-90.5 |
-92.9 |
-86.7 |
-89 |
44100 |
-93.7 |
-93.6 |
-91.5 |
-90.6 |
-93.8 |
-89.8 |
-89.3 |
-93 |
-86.5 |
48000 |
-94.1 |
-92.6 |
-94 |
-94 |
-90.1 |
-93.7 |
-91.8 |
-88.4 |
-93 |
Parent topic:Introduction