The release supports building and debugging with the toolchains listed in Table 1.
The user can choose the appropriate one for development.
Arm GCC + SEGGER J-Link GDB Server. This is a command line tool option and it supports both Windows OS and Linux OS.
IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm and SEGGER J-Link software. The IAR Embedded Workbench is an IDE integrated with editor, compiler, debugger, and other components. The SEGGER J-Link software provides the driver for the J-Link Plus debugger probe and supports the device to attach, debug, and download.
Compiler/Debugger |
Supported host OS |
Debug probe |
Tool website |
ArmGCC/J-Link GDB server |
Windows OS/Linux OS |
J-Link Plus |
| |IAR/J-Link|Windows OS|J-Link Plus|
Download the corresponding tools for the specific host OS from the website.
Note: To support i.MX 8M Dual/8M Quad, the patch for IAR should be installed. The patch named can be used with MCUXpresso SDK. See the readme.txt in the patch for additional information about patch installation.
Parent topic:Toolchain introduction