ACOMP: Analog Comparator
void ACOMP_Init(ACOMP_Type *base, const acomp_config_t *config)
Initializes the module, including warm up time, response mode, inactive value and so on.
- Parameters:
base – ACOMP peripheral base address.
config – The pointer to the structure acomp_config_t.
void ACOMP_GetDefaultConfig(acomp_config_t *config)
Gets the default configuration of ACOMP module.
config->id = kACOMP_Acomp0; config->enable = false; config->warmupTime = kACOMP_WarmUpTime1us; config->responseMode = kACOMP_SlowResponseMode; config->inactiveValue = kACOMP_ResultLogicLow; config->intTrigType = kACOMP_HighLevelTrig; config->edgeDetectTrigSrc = kACOMP_EdgePulseDis; config->outPinMode = kACOMP_PinOutDisable; config->posInput = NULL; config->negInput = NULL;
- Parameters:
config – The pointer to the structure acomp_config_t.
void ACOMP_Deinit(ACOMP_Type *base)
De-initializes the module.
- Parameters:
base – ACOMP peripheral base address.
void ACOMP_SetInputConfig(ACOMP_Type *base, acomp_comparator_id_t id, const acomp_positive_input_config_t *posInput, const acomp_negative_input_config_t *negInput)
Configures selected comparator’s inputs, inclduing input channel and hysteresis level.
- Parameters:
base – ACOMP peripheral base address.
id – The selected acomp comparator’s id, please refer to acomp_comparator_id_t.
posInput – The configuration of selected comparator’s positive input, please refer to acomp_positive_input_config_t.
negInput – The configuration of selected comparator’s negative input, please refer to acomp_negative_input_config_t.
static inline void ACOMP_DoSoftwareReset(ACOMP_Type *base, acomp_comparator_id_t id)
Does software reset to the selected ACOMP module.
- Parameters:
base – ACOMP peripheral base address.
id – The selected acomp comparator’s id, please refer to acomp_comparator_id_t.
static inline void ACOMP_Enable(ACOMP_Type *base, acomp_comparator_id_t id, bool enable)
Enables/Disables ACOMP module.
- Parameters:
base – ACOMP peripheral base address.
id – The selected acomp comparator’s id, please refer to acomp_comparator_id_t.
enable – Used to enable/disable module.
true Enable comparator instance.
false Disable comparator instance.
static inline void ACOMP_ResetClockDivider(ACOMP_Type *base)
Resets clock divider.
- Parameters:
base – ACOMP peripheral base address.
static inline acomp_result_logic_status_t ACOMP_GetResult(ACOMP_Type *base, acomp_comparator_id_t id)
Gets the selected acomp conversion result.
- Parameters:
base – ACOMP peripheral base address.
id – The selected acomp comparator’s id, please refer to acomp_comparator_id_t.
- Returns:
The result of the selected acomp instance.
static inline void ACOMP_EnableInterrupts(ACOMP_Type *base, uint32_t interruptMask)
ACOMP Interrupt Control Interfaces.
Enables interrupts, including acomp0 asynchronized interrupt, acomp0 synchronized interrupt, acomp1 asynchronized interrupt, and acomp1 synchronized interrupt.
- Parameters:
base – ACOMP peripheral base address.
interruptMask – The OR’ed value of the interrupts to be enabled, please refer to _acomp_interrupt_enable.
static inline void ACOMP_DisableInterrupt(ACOMP_Type *base, uint32_t interruptMask)
Disables interrupts, including acomp0 asynchronized interrupt, acomp0 synchronized interrupt, acomp1 asynchronized interrupt, and acomp1 synchronized interrupt.
- Parameters:
base – ACOMP peripheral base address.
interruptMask – The OR’ed value of the interrupts to be disabled, please refer to _acomp_interrupt_enable.
uint32_t ACOMP_GetStatusFlags(ACOMP_Type *base)
ACOMP Status Flag Interfaces.
Gets status flags, such as ACOMP0 active status flags, ACOMP1 active status flags, and so on.
- Parameters:
base – ACOMP peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The OR’ed value ACOMP status flags, please refer to _acomp_status_flags for details.
static inline void ACOMP_ClearStatusFlags(ACOMP_Type *base, uint32_t statusFlagMask)
Clears status flags that can be cleared by software.
Only kACOMP_Acomp0OutInterruptFlag, kACOMP_Acomp0OutAInterruptFlag, kACOMP_Acomp1OutInterruptFlag, and kACOMP_Acomp1OutAInterruptFlag can be cleared by software.
- Parameters:
base – ACOMP peripheral base address.
statusFlagMask – The OR’ed value of the status flags that can be cleared.
enum _acomp_interrupt_enable
The enumeration of interrupts, including ACOMP0 synchrnized output interrupt, ACOMP0 asynchrnized output interrupt, ACOMP1 synchrnized output interrupt, and ACOMP1 asynchrnized output interrupt.
enumerator kACOMP_Out0InterruptEnable
ACOMP0 synchrnized output interrupt enable.
enumerator kACOMP_OutA0InterruptEnable
ACOMP0 asynchrnized output interrupt enable.
enumerator kACOMP_Out1InterruptEnable
ACOMP1 synchrnized output interrupt enable.
enumerator kACOMP_OutA1InterruptEnable
ACOMP1 asynchrnized output interrupt enable.
enumerator kACOMP_Out0InterruptEnable
enum _acomp_status_flags
The enumeration of status flags, including ACOMP0 active staus flag, ACOMP1 active status flag, and so on.
enumerator kACOMP_Acomp0ActiveFlag
ACOMP0 active status flag, if this flag is set it means the ACOMP0 is active.
enumerator kACOMP_Acomp0OutInterruptFlag
ACOMP0 Synchronized output interrupt flags, this flag is set when ACOMP0 synchronized output changes from 0 to 1 and the corresponding interrupt is enabled.
enumerator kACOMP_Acomp0OutAInterruptFlag
ACOMP0 Asynchronized output interrupt flags, this flag is set when ACOMP0 asynchronized output changes from 0 to 1 and the corresponding interrupt is enabled.
enumerator kACOMP_Acomp0RawOutInterruptFlag
ACOMP0 raw synchroized output interrrupt flags.
enumerator kACOMP_Acomp0RawOutAInterruptFlag
ACOMP0 raw asynchroized output interrupt flags.
enumerator kACOMP_Acomp1ActiveFlag
ACOMP1 active status flag, if this flag is set it means the ACOMP0 is active.
enumerator kACOMP_Acomp1OutInterruptFlag
ACOMP1 Synchronized output interrupt flags, this flag is set when ACOMP1 synchronized output changes from 0 to 1 and the corresponding interrupt is enabled.
enumerator kACOMP_Acomp1OutAInterruptFlag
ACOMP1 Asynchronized output interrupt flags, this flag is set when ACOMP1 asynchronized output changes from 0 to 1 and the corresponding interrupt is enabled.
enumerator kACOMP_Acomp1RawOutInterruptFlag
ACOMP1 raw synchroized output interrrupt flags.
enumerator kACOMP_Acomp1RawOutAInterruptFlag
ACOMP1 raw asynchroized output interrupt flags.
enumerator kACOMP_Acomp0ActiveFlag
enum _acomp_result_logic_status
ACOMP result logical status Type definition.
enumerator kACOMP_ResultLogicLow
The comparsion result is high logic.
enumerator kACOMP_ResultLogicHigh
The comparsion result is low logic.
enumerator kACOMP_ResultLogicLow
enum _acomp_comparator_id
ACOMP comparator id.
enumerator kACOMP_Acomp0
Index for ACOMP0
enumerator kACOMP_Acomp1
Index for ACOMP1
enumerator kACOMP_Acomp0
enum _acomp_warm_up_time
The enumeration of wave up time.
enumerator kACOMP_WarmUpTime1us
Set wave-up time as 1us.
enumerator kACOMP_WarmUpTime2us
Set wave-up time as 2us.
enumerator kACOMP_WarmUpTime4us
Set wave-up time as 4us.
enumerator kACOMP_WarmUpTime8us
Set wave-up time as 8us.
enumerator kACOMP_WarmUpTime1us
enum _acomp_response_mode
The enumeration of response mode. The response mode will affect the delay from input to output.
enumerator kACOMP_SlowResponseMode
Slow response mode also called power mode 1.
enumerator kACOMP_MediumResponseMode
Medium response mode also called power mode 2.
enumerator kACOMP_FastResponseMode
Fast response mode also called power mode 3.
enumerator kACOMP_SlowResponseMode
enum _acomp_interrupt_trigger_type
ACOMP interrupt trigger type definition.
enumerator kACOMP_LowLevelTrig
Low level trigger interrupt.
enumerator kACOMP_HighLevelTrig
High level trigger interrupt.
enumerator kACOMP_FallingEdgeTrig
Falling edge trigger interrupt.
enumerator kACOMP_RisingEdgeTrig
Rising edge trigger interrupt.
enumerator kACOMP_LowLevelTrig
enum _acomp_edge_pulse_trig_source
ACOMP edge pule trigger source type definition.
enumerator kACOMP_EdgePulseDis
edge pulse function is disable
enumerator kACOMP_EdgePulseRising
Rising edge can trigger edge pulse
enumerator kACOMP_EdgePulseFalling
Falling edge can trigger edge pulse
enumerator kACOMP_EdgePulseBothEdge
Both edge can trigger edge pulse
enumerator kACOMP_EdgePulseDis
enum _acomp_pin_out_type
ACOMP synchronous/asynchronous output type to pin.
enumerator kACOMP_PinOutSyn
Enable ACOMP synchronous pin output
enumerator kACOMP_PinOutAsyn
Enable ACOMP asynchronous pin output
enumerator kACOMP_PinOutSynInverted
Enable ACOMP inverted synchronous pin output
enumerator kACOMP_PinOutAsynInverted
Enable ACOMP inverted asynchronous pin output
enumerator kACOMP_PinOutDisable
Diable ACOMP pin output
enumerator kACOMP_PinOutSyn
enum _acomp_positive_channel
ACOMP positive channel enumeration.
enumerator kACOMP_PosCh0
ACOMP Channel0 selection
enumerator kACOMP_PosCh1
ACOMP Channel1 selection
enumerator kACOMP_PosCh2
ACOMP Channel2 selection
enumerator kACOMP_PosCh3
ACOMP Channel3 selection
enumerator kACOMP_PosCh4
ACOMP Channel4 selection
enumerator kACOMP_PosCh5
ACOMP Channel5 selection
enumerator kACOMP_PosCh6
ACOMP Channel6 selection
enumerator kACOMP_PosCh7
ACOMP Channel7 selection
enumerator kACOMP_PosChDACA
DACA selection
enumerator kACOMP_PosChDACB
DACB selection
enumerator kACOMP_PosCh0
enum _acomp_negative_channel
ACOMP negative channel enumeration.
enumerator kACOMP_NegCh0
ACOMP Channel0 selection
enumerator kACOMP_NegCh1
ACOMP Channel1 selection
enumerator kACOMP_NegCh2
ACOMP Channel2 selection
enumerator kACOMP_NegCh3
ACOMP Channel3 selection
enumerator kACOMP_NegCh4
ACOMP Channel4 selection
enumerator kACOMP_NegCh5
ACOMP Channel5 selection
enumerator kACOMP_NegCh6
ACOMP Channel6 selection
enumerator kACOMP_NegCh7
ACOMP Channel7 selection
enumerator kACOMP_NegChDACA
DACA selection
enumerator kACOMP_NegChDACB
DACB selection
enumerator kACOMP_NegChVREF1P2
Vref1p2 selection
enumerator kACOMP_NegChAVSS
AVSS selection
enumerator kACOMP_NegChVIO_0P25
VIO Scaling factor 0.25
enumerator kACOMP_NegChVIO_0P50
VIO Scaling factor 0.50
enumerator kACOMP_NegChVIO_0P75
VIO Scaling factor 0.75
enumerator kACOMP_NegChVIO_1P00
VIO Scaling factor 1.00
enumerator kACOMP_NegCh0
enum _acomp_input_hysteresis
ACOMP hysteresis level enumeration.
enumerator kACOMP_Hyster0MV
Hysteresis level = 0mv
enumerator kACOMP_Hyster10MV
Hysteresis level = 10mv
enumerator kACOMP_Hyster20MV
Hysteresis level = 20mv
enumerator kACOMP_Hyster30MV
Hysteresis level = 30mv
enumerator kACOMP_Hyster40MV
Hysteresis level = 40mv
enumerator kACOMP_Hyster50MV
Hysteresis level = 50mv
enumerator kACOMP_Hyster60MV
Hysteresis level = 60mv
enumerator kACOMP_Hyster70MV
Hysteresis level = 70mv
enumerator kACOMP_Hyster0MV
typedef enum _acomp_result_logic_status acomp_result_logic_status_t
ACOMP result logical status Type definition.
typedef enum _acomp_comparator_id acomp_comparator_id_t
ACOMP comparator id.
typedef enum _acomp_warm_up_time acomp_warm_up_time_t
The enumeration of wave up time.
typedef enum _acomp_response_mode acomp_response_mode_t
The enumeration of response mode. The response mode will affect the delay from input to output.
typedef enum _acomp_interrupt_trigger_type acomp_interrupt_trigger_type_t
ACOMP interrupt trigger type definition.
typedef enum _acomp_edge_pulse_trig_source acomp_edge_pulse_trig_source_t
ACOMP edge pule trigger source type definition.
typedef enum _acomp_pin_out_type acomp_pin_out_type_t
ACOMP synchronous/asynchronous output type to pin.
typedef enum _acomp_positive_channel acomp_positive_channel_t
ACOMP positive channel enumeration.
typedef enum _acomp_negative_channel acomp_negative_channel_t
ACOMP negative channel enumeration.
typedef enum _acomp_input_hysteresis acomp_input_hysteresis_t
ACOMP hysteresis level enumeration.
typedef struct _acomp_positive_input_config acomp_positive_input_config_t
The configuration of positive input, including channel selection and hysteresis level.
typedef struct _acomp_negative_input_config acomp_negative_input_config_t
The configuration of negative input, including channel selection and hysteresis level.
typedef struct _acomp_config acomp_config_t
The configure structure of acomp, including warm up time, response mode and so on.
ACOMP driver version.
Version 2.0.1.
ACOMP_REG_ADDR(startAddr, id)
The macro to get the address based on start address and acomp id.
ACOMP_GET_REG_VAL(startAddr, id)
The macro to get register value based on start address and acomp id.
ACOMP_SET_REG_BIT(startAddr, id, val)
Sets register’s bit field.
ACOMP_CLEAR_REG_BIT(startAddr, id, val)
Clears register’s bit field.
struct _acomp_positive_input_config
- #include <fsl_acomp.h>
The configuration of positive input, including channel selection and hysteresis level.
Public Members
acomp_positive_channel_t channel
Positive input channel selection, please refer to acomp_positive_channel_t.
acomp_input_hysteresis_t hysterLevel
Positive hysteresis voltage level selection, please refer to acomp_input_hysteresis_t.
acomp_positive_channel_t channel
struct _acomp_negative_input_config
- #include <fsl_acomp.h>
The configuration of negative input, including channel selection and hysteresis level.
Public Members
acomp_negative_channel_t channel
Negative input channel selection, please refer to acomp_negative_channel_t.
acomp_input_hysteresis_t hysterLevel
Negative hystersis voltage level selection, please refer to acomp_input_hysteresis_t.
acomp_negative_channel_t channel
struct _acomp_config
- #include <fsl_acomp.h>
The configure structure of acomp, including warm up time, response mode and so on.
Public Members
acomp_comparator_id_t id
The id of comparator, please refer to acomp_comparator_id_t.
bool enable
Enable/Disable the selected ACOMP.
true Enable the selected ACOMP.
false Disable the selected ACOMP.
acomp_warm_up_time_t warmupTime
Configure warm-up time, please refer to acomp_warm_up_time_t.
acomp_response_mode_t responseMode
Configure responde mode(power mode), please refer to acomp_response_mode_t for details.
acomp_interrupt_trigger_type_t intTrigType
Select interrupt trigger type, please refer to acomp_interrupt_trigger_type_t.
acomp_result_logic_status_t inactiveValue
Configure output value for inactive state.
acomp_edge_pulse_trig_source_t edgeDetectTrigSrc
Config edge detect trigger source, please refer to acomp_edge_pulse_trig_source_t.
acomp_pin_out_type_t outPinMode
Config the output pin mode, please refer to acomp_pin_out_type_t for details.
const acomp_positive_input_config_t *posInput
The pointer to the configuration structure of positive input, please refer to acomp_positive_input_config_t.
const acomp_negative_input_config_t *negInput
The pointer to the configuration structure of negative input, please refer to acomp_positive_input_config_t.
acomp_comparator_id_t id
ADC: Analog Digital Converter
void ADC_Init(ADC_Type *base, const adc_config_t *config)
Initialize ADC module, including clock divider, power mode, and so on.
- Parameters:
base – ADC peripheral base address.
config – The pointer to the structure adc_config_t.
void ADC_GetDefaultConfig(adc_config_t *config)
Get default configuration.
config->clockDivider = kADC_ClockDivider1; config->powerMode = kADC_PowerModeFullBiasingCurrent; config->resolution = kADC_Resolution12Bit; config->warmupTime = kADC_WarmUpTime16us; config->vrefSource = kADC_Vref1P2V; config->inputMode = kADC_InputSingleEnded; config->conversionMode = kADC_ConversionContinuous; config->scanLength = kADC_ScanLength_1; config->averageLength = kADC_AverageNone; config->triggerSource = kADC_TriggerSourceSoftware; config->inputGain = kADC_InputGain1; config->enableInputGainBuffer = false; config->resultWidth = kADC_ResultWidth16; config->fifoThreshold = kADC_FifoThresholdData1; config->enableDMA = false; config->enableADC = false;
- Parameters:
config – The Pointer to the structure adc_config_t.
void ADC_Deinit(ADC_Type *base)
De-initialize the ADC module.
- Parameters:
base – ADC peripheral base address.
static inline void ADC_DoSoftwareReset(ADC_Type *base)
Reset the whole ADC block.
- Parameters:
base – ADC peripheral base address.
static inline void ADC_SelectAnalogPortionPowerMode(ADC_Type *base, adc_analog_portion_power_mode_t powerMode)
Select ADC analog portion power mode.
- Parameters:
base – ADC peripheral base address.
powerMode – The power mode to be set, please refer to adc_analog_portion_power_mode_t.
status_t ADC_DoAutoCalibration(ADC_Type *base, adc_calibration_ref_t calVref)
Do automatic calibration measurement.
After auto calibrate successful, user can invoke ADC_GetAutoCalibrationData() to get self offset calibration value and self gain calibration value.
- Parameters:
base – ADC peripheral base address.
calVref – The inpul reference channel for gain calibration, please refer to adc_calibration_ref_t for details.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Auto calibrate successfully.
kStatus_Fail – Auto calibrate failure.
static inline void ADC_GetAutoCalibrationData(ADC_Type *base, uint16_t *offsetCal, uint16_t *gainCal)
Get the ADC automatic calibration data.
- Parameters:
base – ADC peripheral base address.
offsetCal – Self offset calibration data pointer, evaluate NULL if not requried.
gainCal – Self gain calibration data pointer, evaluate NULL if not requried.
static inline void ADC_ResetAutoCalibrationData(ADC_Type *base)
Reset the automatic calibration data.
- Parameters:
base – ADC peripheral base address.
static inline void ADC_DoUserCalibration(ADC_Type *base, uint16_t offsetCal, uint16_t gainCal)
Do user defined calibration.
- Parameters:
base – ADC peripheral base address.
offsetCal – User defined offset calibration data.
gainCal – User defined gain calibration date.
static inline void ADC_EnableTemperatureSensor(ADC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable/disable temperature sensor.
This function is useful only when the channel source is temperature sensor.
- Parameters:
base – ADC peripheral base address.
enable – Used to enable/disable temperature sensor.
true Enable temperature sensor.
false Disable temperature sensor.
static inline void ADC_SetTemperatureSensorMode(ADC_Type *base, adc_temperature_sensor_mode_t tSensorMode)
Set temperature sensor mode, available selections are internal diode mode and external diode mode.
- Parameters:
base – ADC peripheral base address.
tSensorMode – The temperature sensor mode to be set, please refer to adc_temperature_sensor_mode_t.
static inline void ADC_EnableAudio(ADC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable/disable audio PGA and decimation rate select.
- Parameters:
base – ADC peripheral base address.
enable – Used to enable/disable audio PGA and decimation rate select.
true Enable audio PGA and decimation rate select.
false Disable audio PGA and decimation rate select.
static inline void ADC_SetAudioPGAVoltageGain(ADC_Type *base, adc_audio_pga_voltage_gain_t voltageGain)
Set audio PGA voltage gain.
- Parameters:
base – ADC peripheral base address.
voltageGain – The selected audio PGA voltage gain, please refer to adc_audio_pga_voltage_gain_t.
void ADC_ConfigAudioVoiceLevel(ADC_Type *base, bool enableDetect, adc_audio_voice_level_t voiceLevel)
Configure audio voice level.
- Parameters:
base – ADC peripheral base address.
enableDetect – Used to enable/disable voice level detection.
true Enable voice level detection.
false Disable voice level detection.
voiceLevel – Selected voice level, please refer to adc_audio_voice_level_t.
void ADC_SetScanChannel(ADC_Type *base, adc_scan_channel_t scanChannel, adc_channel_source_t channelSource)
Set scan channel mux source.
- Parameters:
base – ADC peripheral base address.
scanChannel – The selected channel, please refer to adc_scan_channel_t for details.
channelSource – The mux source to be set to the selected channel, please refer to adc_channel_source_t for details.
static inline void ADC_DoSoftwareTrigger(ADC_Type *base)
If trigger mode is selected as software trigger, invoking this function to start conversion.
This API will also clear the FIFO.
- Parameters:
base – ADC peripheral base address.
static inline void ADC_StopConversion(ADC_Type *base)
Invoke this function to stop conversion.
- Parameters:
base – ADC peripheral base address.
static inline uint32_t ADC_GetConversionResult(ADC_Type *base)
Get the 32-bit width packed ADC conversion result.
- Parameters:
base – ADC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
32-bit width packed ADC conversion result.
static inline uint8_t ADC_GetFifoDataCount(ADC_Type *base)
Get the ADC FIFO data count.
- Parameters:
base – ADC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
ADC FIFO data count.
static inline void ADC_EnableInterrupts(ADC_Type *base, uint32_t interruptMask)
Enable interrupts, such as conversion data ready interrupt, gain correction saturation interrupt, FIFO under run interrupt, and so on.
- Parameters:
base – ADC peripheral base address.
interruptMask – The interrupts to be enabled, should be the OR’ed value of _adc_interrupt_enable.
static inline void ADC_DisableInterrupts(ADC_Type *base, uint32_t interruptMask)
Disable interrupts, such as conversion data ready interrupt, gain correction saturation interrupt, FIFO under run interrupt, and so on.
- Parameters:
base – ADC peripheral base address.
interruptMask – The interrupts to be disabled, should be the OR’ed value of _adc_interrupt_enable.
uint32_t ADC_GetStatusFlags(ADC_Type *base)
Get status flags, including interrupt flags, raw flags, and so on.
- Parameters:
base – ADC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The OR’ed value of ADC status flags, please refer to _adc_status_flags for details.
static inline void ADC_ClearStatusFlags(ADC_Type *base, uint32_t statusFlagsMask)
Clear status flags.
Only interrupt flags and raw flags can be cleared.
- Parameters:
base – ADC peripheral base address.
statusFlagsMask – The OR’ed value of status flags to be cleared, please refer to _adc_status_flags for details.
enum _adc_interrupt_enable
The enumeration of interrupts, this enumeration can be used to enable/disable interrupts.
enumerator kADC_DataReadyInterruptEnable
Conversion data ready interrupt.
enumerator kADC_GainSaturationInterruptEnable
Gain correction saturation interrupt
enumerator kADC_OffsetSaturationInterruptEnable
Offset correction saturation interupt enable.
enumerator kADC_NegativeSaturationInterruptEnable
ADC data negative side saturation interrupt enable.
enumerator kADC_PositiveSaturationInterruptEnable
ADC data positive side saturation interrupt enable.
enumerator kADC_FifoOverrunInterruptEnable
FIFO overrun interrupt enable.
enumerator kADC_FifoUnderrunInterruptEnable
FIFO underrun interrupt enable.
enumerator kADC_DataReadyInterruptEnable
enum _adc_status_flags
The enumeration of adc status flags, including interrupt flags, raw flags, and so on.
The raw flags will be captured regardless the interrupt mask. Both interrupt flags and raw flags can be cleared.
enumerator kADC_DataReadyInterruptFlag
Conversion Data Ready interrupt flag.
enumerator kADC_GainSaturationInterruptFlag
Gain correction saturation interrupt flag.
enumerator kADC_OffsetSaturationInterruptFlag
Offset correction saturation interupt flag.
enumerator kADC_NegativeSaturationInterruptFlag
ADC data negative side saturation interrupt flag.
enumerator kADC_PositiveSaturationInterruptFlag
ADC data positive side saturation interrupt flag.
enumerator kADC_FifoOverrunInterruptFlag
FIFO overrun interrupt flag.
enumerator kADC_FifoUnderrunInterruptFlag
FIFO underrun interrupt flag.
enumerator kADC_DataReadyRawFlag
Conversion data ready raw flag, this flag will be captured regardless the interrupt mask.
enumerator kADC_GainSaturationRawFlag
Gain correction saturation raw flag, this flag will be captured regardless the interrupt mask.
enumerator kADC_OffsetSaturationRawFlag
Offset correction saturation raw flag, this flag will be captured regardless the interrupt mask.
enumerator kADC_NegativeSaturationRawFlag
ADC data negative side saturation raw flag, this flag will be captured regardless the interrupt mask.
enumerator kADC_PositiveSaturationRawFlag
ADC data positive side saturation raw flag, this flag will be captured regardless the interrupt mask.
enumerator kADC_FifoOverrunRawFlag
FIFO overrun raw flag, this flag will be captured regardless the interrupt mask.
enumerator kADC_FifoUnderrunRawFlag
FIFO underrun interrupt mask, this flag will be captured regardless the interrupt mask.
enumerator kADC_ActiveStatusFlag
ADC conversion active status flag.
enumerator kADC_FIFONotEmptyStatusFlag
FIFO not empty status flag.
enumerator kADC_FifoFullStatusFlag
FIFO full status flag.
enumerator kADC_DataReadyInterruptFlag
enum _adc_clock_divider
ADC clock divider ratio type.
enumerator kADC_ClockDivider1
Clock divider ratio is 1
enumerator kADC_ClockDivider2
Clock divider ratio is 2
enumerator kADC_ClockDivider3
Clock divider ratio is 3
enumerator kADC_ClockDivider4
Clock divider ratio is 4
enumerator kADC_ClockDivider5
Clock divider ratio is 5
enumerator kADC_ClockDivider6
Clock divider ratio is 6
enumerator kADC_ClockDivider7
Clock divider ratio is 7
enumerator kADC_ClockDivider8
Clock divider ratio is 8
enumerator kADC_ClockDivider9
Clock divider ratio is 9
enumerator kADC_ClockDivider10
Clock divider ratio is 10
enumerator kADC_ClockDivider11
Clock divider ratio is 11
enumerator kADC_ClockDivider12
Clock divider ratio is 12
enumerator kADC_ClockDivider13
Clock divider ratio is 13
enumerator kADC_ClockDivider14
Clock divider ratio is 14
enumerator kADC_ClockDivider15
Clock divider ratio is 15
enumerator kADC_ClockDivider16
Clock divider ratio is 16
enumerator kADC_ClockDivider17
Clock divider ratio is 17
enumerator kADC_ClockDivider18
Clock divider ratio is 18
enumerator kADC_ClockDivider19
Clock divider ratio is 19
enumerator kADC_ClockDivider20
Clock divider ratio is 20
enumerator kADC_ClockDivider21
Clock divider ratio is 21
enumerator kADC_ClockDivider22
Clock divider ratio is 22
enumerator kADC_ClockDivider23
Clock divider ratio is 23
enumerator kADC_ClockDivider24
Clock divider ratio is 24
enumerator kADC_ClockDivider25
Clock divider ratio is 25
enumerator kADC_ClockDivider26
Clock divider ratio is 26
enumerator kADC_ClockDivider27
Clock divider ratio is 27
enumerator kADC_ClockDivider28
Clock divider ratio is 28
enumerator kADC_ClockDivider29
Clock divider ratio is 29
enumerator kADC_ClockDivider30
Clock divider ratio is 30
enumerator kADC_ClockDivider31
Clock divider ratio is 31
enumerator kADC_ClockDivider32
Clock divider ratio is 32
enumerator kADC_ClockDivider1
enum _adc_analog_portion_power_mode
ADC analog portion low-power mode selection.
enumerator kADC_PowerModeFullBiasingCurrent
Full biasing current.
enumerator kADC_PowerModeHalfBiasingCurrent
Half biasing current.
enumerator kADC_PowerModeFullBiasingCurrent
enum _adc_resolution
ADC resolution type.
enumerator kADC_Resolution12Bit
12-bit resolution
enumerator kADC_Resolution14Bit
14-bit resolution
enumerator kADC_Resolution16Bit
16-bit resolution
enumerator kADC_Resolution16BitAudio
16-bit resolution for audio application
enumerator kADC_Resolution12Bit
enum _adc_warm_up_time
The enumeration of adc warm up time, the ADC warm-up state can also bypassed.
enumerator kADC_WarmUpTime1us
ADC warm-up time is 1 us.
enumerator kADC_WarmUpTime2us
ADC warm-up time is 2 us.
enumerator kADC_WarmUpTime3us
ADC warm-up time is 3 us.
enumerator kADC_WarmUpTime4us
ADC warm-up time is 4 us.
enumerator kADC_WarmUpTime5us
ADC warm-up time is 5 us.
enumerator kADC_WarmUpTime6us
ADC warm-up time is 6 us.
enumerator kADC_WarmUpTime7us
ADC warm-up time is 7 us.
enumerator kADC_WarmUpTime8us
ADC warm-up time is 8 us.
enumerator kADC_WarmUpTime9us
ADC warm-up time is 9 us.
enumerator kADC_WarmUpTime10us
ADC warm-up time is 10 us.
enumerator kADC_WarmUpTime11us
ADC warm-up time is 11 us.
enumerator kADC_WarmUpTime12us
ADC warm-up time is 12 us.
enumerator kADC_WarmUpTime13us
ADC warm-up time is 13 us.
enumerator kADC_WarmUpTime14us
ADC warm-up time is 14 us.
enumerator kADC_WarmUpTime15us
ADC warm-up time is 15 us.
enumerator kADC_WarmUpTime16us
ADC warm-up time is 16 us.
enumerator kADC_WarmUpTime17us
ADC warm-up time is 17 us.
enumerator kADC_WarmUpTime18us
ADC warm-up time is 18 us.
enumerator kADC_WarmUpTime19us
ADC warm-up time is 19 us.
enumerator kADC_WarmUpTime20us
ADC warm-up time is 20 us.
enumerator kADC_WarmUpTime21us
ADC warm-up time is 21 us.
enumerator kADC_WarmUpTime22us
ADC warm-up time is 22 us.
enumerator kADC_WarmUpTime23us
ADC warm-up time is 23 us.
enumerator kADC_WarmUpTime24us
ADC warm-up time is 24 us.
enumerator kADC_WarmUpTime25us
ADC warm-up time is 25 us.
enumerator kADC_WarmUpTime26us
ADC warm-up time is 26 us.
enumerator kADC_WarmUpTime27us
ADC warm-up time is 27 us.
enumerator kADC_WarmUpTime28us
ADC warm-up time is 28 us.
enumerator kADC_WarmUpTime29us
ADC warm-up time is 29 us.
enumerator kADC_WarmUpTime30us
ADC warm-up time is 30 us.
enumerator kADC_WarmUpTime31us
ADC warm-up time is 31 us.
enumerator kADC_WarmUpTime32us
ADC warm-up time is 32 us.
enumerator kADC_WarmUpStateBypass
ADC warm-up state bypassed.
enumerator kADC_WarmUpTime1us
enum _adc_vref_source
ADC voltage reference source type.
enumerator kADC_Vref1P8V
Internal 1.8V reference
enumerator kADC_Vref1P2V
Internal 1.2V reference
enumerator kADC_VrefExternal
External single-ended reference though ADC_CH3
enumerator kADC_VrefInternal1P2V
Internal 1.2V reference with cap filter though ADC_CH3
enumerator kADC_Vref1P8V
enum _adc_input_mode
ADC input mode type.
enumerator kADC_InputSingleEnded
Single-ended mode
enumerator kADC_InputDifferential
Differential mode
enumerator kADC_InputSingleEnded
enum _adc_conversion_mode
ADC conversion mode type.
enumerator kADC_ConversionOneShot
One shot mode
enumerator kADC_ConversionContinuous
Continuous mode
enumerator kADC_ConversionOneShot
enum _adc_scan_length
ADC scan length type.
enumerator kADC_ScanLength_1
Scan length is 1
enumerator kADC_ScanLength_2
Scan length is 2
enumerator kADC_ScanLength_3
Scan length is 3
enumerator kADC_ScanLength_4
Scan length is 4
enumerator kADC_ScanLength_5
Scan length is 5
enumerator kADC_ScanLength_6
Scan length is 6
enumerator kADC_ScanLength_7
Scan length is 7
enumerator kADC_ScanLength_8
Scan length is 8
enumerator kADC_ScanLength_9
Scan length is 9
enumerator kADC_ScanLength_10
Scan length is 10
enumerator kADC_ScanLength_11
Scan length is 11
enumerator kADC_ScanLength_12
Scan length is 12
enumerator kADC_ScanLength_13
Scan length is 13
enumerator kADC_ScanLength_14
Scan length is 14
enumerator kADC_ScanLength_15
Scan length is 15
enumerator kADC_ScanLength_16
Scan length is 16
enumerator kADC_ScanLength_1
enum _adc_average_length
ADC average length type.
enumerator kADC_AverageNone
Average length: no average
enumerator kADC_Average2
Average length: 2
enumerator kADC_Average4
Average length: 4
enumerator kADC_Average8
Average length: 8
enumerator kADC_Average16
Average length: 16
enumerator kADC_AverageNone
enum _adc_input_gain
ADC input buffer gain type.
enumerator kADC_InputGain0P5
Input buffer gain is 0.5
enumerator kADC_InputGain1
Input buffer gain is 1
enumerator kADC_InputGain2
Input buffer gain is 2
enumerator kADC_InputGain0P5
enum _adc_result_width
ADC result width type.
enumerator kADC_ResultWidth16
16-bit final result buffer width
enumerator kADC_ResultWidth32
32-bit final result buffer width
enumerator kADC_ResultWidth16
enum _adc_fifo_threshold
The threshold of FIFO.
enumerator kADC_FifoThresholdData1
FIFO Threshold is 1 data.
enumerator kADC_FifoThresholdData4
FIFO Threshold is 4 data.
enumerator kADC_FifoThresholdData8
FIFO Threshold is 8 data.
enumerator kADC_FifoThresholdData16
FIFO Threshold is 16 data.
enumerator kADC_FifoThresholdData1
enum _adc_calibration_ref
ADC calibration voltage reference type.
enumerator kADC_CalibrationVrefInternal
Internal vref as input for calibration
enumerator kADC_CalibrationVrefExternal
External vref as input for calibration
enumerator kADC_CalibrationVrefInternal
enum _adc_scan_channel
ADC scan channel type.
enumerator kADC_ScanChannel0
Scan channel 0
enumerator kADC_ScanChannel1
Scan channel 1
enumerator kADC_ScanChannel2
Scan channel 2
enumerator kADC_ScanChannel3
Scan channel 3
enumerator kADC_ScanChannel4
Scan channel 4
enumerator kADC_ScanChannel5
Scan channel 5
enumerator kADC_ScanChannel6
Scan channel 6
enumerator kADC_ScanChannel7
Scan channel 7
enumerator kADC_ScanChannel8
Scan channel 8
enumerator kADC_ScanChannel9
Scan channel 9
enumerator kADC_ScanChannel10
Scan channel 10
enumerator kADC_ScanChannel11
Scan channel 11
enumerator kADC_ScanChannel12
Scan channel 12
enumerator kADC_ScanChannel13
Scan channel 13
enumerator kADC_ScanChannel14
Scan channel 14
enumerator kADC_ScanChannel15
Scan channel 15
enumerator kADC_ScanChannel0
enum _adc_channel_source
ADC channel source type.
enumerator kADC_CH0
Single-ended mode, channel[0] and vssa
enumerator kADC_CH1
Single-ended mode, channel[1] and vssa
enumerator kADC_CH2
Single-ended mode, channel[2] and vssa
enumerator kADC_CH3
Single-ended mode, channel[3] and vssa
enumerator kADC_CH4
Single-ended mode, channel[4] and vssa
enumerator kADC_CH5
Single-ended mode, channel[5] and vssa
enumerator kADC_CH6
Single-ended mode, channel[6] and vssa
enumerator kADC_CH7
Single-ended mode, channel[7] and vssa
enumerator kADC_VBATS
Single-ended mode, vbat_s and vssa
enumerator kADC_VREF
Single-ended mode, vref_12 and vssa
enumerator kADC_DACA
Single-ended mode, daca and vssa
enumerator kADC_DACB
Single-ended mode, dacb and vssa
enumerator kADC_VSSA
Single-ended mode, vssa and vssa
enumerator kADC_CH0_CH1
Differential mode, channel[0] and channel[1]
enumerator kADC_CH2_CH3
Differential mode, channel[2] and channel[3]
enumerator kADC_CH4_CH5
Differential mode, channel[4] and channel[5]
enumerator kADC_CH6_CH7
Differential mode, channel[6] and channel[7]
enumerator kADC_DACA_DACB
Differential mode, daca and dacb
enumerator kADC_CH0
enum _adc_temperature_sensor_mode
Temperature sensor mode, including internal diode mode and external diode mode.
enumerator kADC_TSensorExternal
External diode mode.
enumerator kADC_TSensorExternal
enum _adc_audio_pga_voltage_gain
ADC audio pga gain type.
enumerator kADC_AudioGain4
Audio pga gain is 4
enumerator kADC_AudioGain8
Audio pga gain is 8
enumerator kADC_AudioGain16
Audio pga gain is 16
enumerator kADC_AudioGain32
Audio pga gain is 32
enumerator kADC_AudioGain4
enum _adc_audio_voice_level
ADC audio voice level selection.
enumerator kADC_VoiceLevel0
Input voice level >+255LSB or <-256LSB
enumerator kADC_VoiceLevel1
Input voice level >+511LSB or <-512LSB
enumerator kADC_VoiceLevel2
Input voice level >+1023LSB or <-1024LSB
enumerator kADC_VoiceLevel3
Input voice level >+2047LSB or <-2048LSB
enumerator kADC_VoiceLevel0
typedef enum _adc_clock_divider adc_clock_divider_t
ADC clock divider ratio type.
typedef enum _adc_analog_portion_power_mode adc_analog_portion_power_mode_t
ADC analog portion low-power mode selection.
typedef enum _adc_resolution adc_resolution_t
ADC resolution type.
typedef enum _adc_warm_up_time adc_warm_up_time_t
The enumeration of adc warm up time, the ADC warm-up state can also bypassed.
typedef enum _adc_vref_source adc_vref_source_t
ADC voltage reference source type.
typedef enum _adc_input_mode adc_input_mode_t
ADC input mode type.
typedef enum _adc_conversion_mode adc_conversion_mode_t
ADC conversion mode type.
typedef enum _adc_scan_length adc_scan_length_t
ADC scan length type.
typedef enum _adc_average_length adc_average_length_t
ADC average length type.
typedef enum _adc_input_gain adc_input_gain_t
ADC input buffer gain type.
typedef enum _adc_result_width adc_result_width_t
ADC result width type.
typedef enum _adc_fifo_threshold adc_fifo_threshold_t
The threshold of FIFO.
typedef enum _adc_calibration_ref adc_calibration_ref_t
ADC calibration voltage reference type.
typedef enum _adc_scan_channel adc_scan_channel_t
ADC scan channel type.
typedef enum _adc_channel_source adc_channel_source_t
ADC channel source type.
typedef enum _adc_temperature_sensor_mode adc_temperature_sensor_mode_t
Temperature sensor mode, including internal diode mode and external diode mode.
typedef enum _adc_audio_pga_voltage_gain adc_audio_pga_voltage_gain_t
ADC audio pga gain type.
typedef enum _adc_audio_voice_level adc_audio_voice_level_t
ADC audio voice level selection.
typedef struct _adc_config adc_config_t
The structure of adc options, including clock divider, power mode, and so on.
ADC driver version.
Version 2.2.0.
struct _adc_config
- #include <fsl_adc.h>
The structure of adc options, including clock divider, power mode, and so on.
Public Members
adc_clock_divider_t clockDivider
Analog 64M clock division ratio, please refer to adc_clock_divider_t.
adc_resolution_t resolution
Configure ADC resolution, please refer to adc_resolution_t.
adc_warm_up_time_t warmupTime
Configure warm-up time.
adc_vref_source_t vrefSource
Configure voltage reference source, please refer to adc_vref_source_t.
adc_input_mode_t inputMode
Configure input mode, such as kADC_InputSingleEnded or kADC_InputDifferential.
adc_conversion_mode_t conversionMode
Configure convrsion mode, such as kADC_ConversionOneShot or kADC_ConversionContinuous.
adc_scan_length_t scanLength
Configure the length of scan, please refer to adc_scan_length_t.
adc_average_length_t averageLength
Configure hardware average number, please refer to adc_average_length_t
adc_trigger_source_t triggerSource
Configure trigger source, the trigger source can be divided into hardware trigger and software trigger, please refer to adc_trigger_source_t for details.
adc_input_gain_t inputGain
Configure ADC input buffer gain, please refer to adc_input_gain_t.
bool enableInputGainBuffer
Enable/Disable input gain buffer.
true Enable input gain buffer.
false Disable input gain buffer.
bool enableInputBufferChop
Enable/Disable input buffer chopper:
true Enable input buffer chopper;
false Disable input buffer chopper.
bool enableChop
Enable/Disable the ADC chopper:
true Enable the chopper;
false Disable the chopper.
adc_result_width_t resultWidth
Select result FIFO data packed format, please refer to adc_result_width_t.
adc_fifo_threshold_t fifoThreshold
Configure FIFO threshold, please refer to adc_fifo_threshold_t.
bool enableDMA
Enable/Disable DMA reqeust.
true Enable DMA request.
false Disable DMA request.
bool enableADC
Enable/Disable ADC module.
true Enable ADC module.
false Disable ADC module.
adc_clock_divider_t clockDivider
CACHE: CACHE Memory Controller
uint32_t CACHE64_GetInstance(CACHE64_POLSEL_Type *base)
Returns an instance number given peripheral base address.
- Parameters:
base – The peripheral base address.
- Returns:
CACHE64_POLSEL instance number starting from 0.
uint32_t CACHE64_GetInstanceByAddr(uint32_t address)
brief Returns an instance number given physical memory address.
param address The physical memory address.
- Returns:
CACHE64_CTRL instance number starting from 0.
status_t CACHE64_Init(CACHE64_POLSEL_Type *base, const cache64_config_t *config)
Initializes an CACHE64 instance with the user configuration structure.
This function configures the CACHE64 module with user-defined settings. Call the CACHE64_GetDefaultConfig() function to configure the configuration structure and get the default configuration.
- Parameters:
base – CACHE64_POLSEL peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to a user-defined configuration structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – CACHE64 initialize succeed
void CACHE64_GetDefaultConfig(cache64_config_t *config)
Gets the default configuration structure.
This function initializes the CACHE64 configuration structure to a default value. The default values are first region covers whole cacheable area, and policy set to write back.
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to a configuration structure.
void CACHE64_EnableCache(CACHE64_CTRL_Type *base)
Enables the cache.
- Parameters:
base – CACHE64_CTRL peripheral base address.
void CACHE64_DisableCache(CACHE64_CTRL_Type *base)
Disables the cache.
- Parameters:
base – CACHE64_CTRL peripheral base address.
void CACHE64_InvalidateCache(CACHE64_CTRL_Type *base)
Invalidates the cache.
- Parameters:
base – CACHE64_CTRL peripheral base address.
void CACHE64_InvalidateCacheByRange(uint32_t address, uint32_t size_byte)
Invalidates cache by range.
Address and size should be aligned to “CACHE64_LINESIZE_BYTE”. The startAddr here will be forced to align to CACHE64_LINESIZE_BYTE if startAddr is not aligned. For the size_byte, application should make sure the alignment or make sure the right operation order if the size_byte is not aligned.
- Parameters:
address – The physical address of cache.
size_byte – size of the memory to be invalidated, should be larger than 0.
void CACHE64_CleanCache(CACHE64_CTRL_Type *base)
Cleans the cache.
- Parameters:
base – CACHE64_CTRL peripheral base address.
void CACHE64_CleanCacheByRange(uint32_t address, uint32_t size_byte)
Cleans cache by range.
Address and size should be aligned to “CACHE64_LINESIZE_BYTE”. The startAddr here will be forced to align to CACHE64_LINESIZE_BYTE if startAddr is not aligned. For the size_byte, application should make sure the alignment or make sure the right operation order if the size_byte is not aligned.
- Parameters:
address – The physical address of cache.
size_byte – size of the memory to be cleaned, should be larger than 0.
void CACHE64_CleanInvalidateCache(CACHE64_CTRL_Type *base)
Cleans and invalidates the cache.
- Parameters:
base – CACHE64_CTRL peripheral base address.
void CACHE64_CleanInvalidateCacheByRange(uint32_t address, uint32_t size_byte)
Cleans and invalidate cache by range.
Address and size should be aligned to “CACHE64_LINESIZE_BYTE”. The startAddr here will be forced to align to CACHE64_LINESIZE_BYTE if startAddr is not aligned. For the size_byte, application should make sure the alignment or make sure the right operation order if the size_byte is not aligned.
- Parameters:
address – The physical address of cache.
size_byte – size of the memory to be Cleaned and Invalidated, should be larger than 0.
void CACHE64_EnableWriteBuffer(CACHE64_CTRL_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/disables the write buffer.
- Parameters:
base – CACHE64_CTRL peripheral base address.
enable – The enable or disable flag. true - enable the write buffer. false - disable the write buffer.
static inline void ICACHE_InvalidateByRange(uint32_t address, uint32_t size_byte)
Invalidates instruction cache by range.
Address and size should be aligned to CACHE64_LINESIZE_BYTE due to the cache operation unit FSL_FEATURE_CACHE64_CTRL_LINESIZE_BYTE. The startAddr here will be forced to align to the cache line size if startAddr is not aligned. For the size_byte, application should make sure the alignment or make sure the right operation order if the size_byte is not aligned.
- Parameters:
address – The physical address.
size_byte – size of the memory to be invalidated, should be larger than 0.
static inline void DCACHE_InvalidateByRange(uint32_t address, uint32_t size_byte)
Invalidates data cache by range.
Address and size should be aligned to CACHE64_LINESIZE_BYTE due to the cache operation unit FSL_FEATURE_CACHE64_CTRL_LINESIZE_BYTE. The startAddr here will be forced to align to the cache line size if startAddr is not aligned. For the size_byte, application should make sure the alignment or make sure the right operation order if the size_byte is not aligned.
- Parameters:
address – The physical address.
size_byte – size of the memory to be invalidated, should be larger than 0.
static inline void DCACHE_CleanByRange(uint32_t address, uint32_t size_byte)
Clean data cache by range.
Address and size should be aligned to CACHE64_LINESIZE_BYTE due to the cache operation unit FSL_FEATURE_CACHE64_CTRL_LINESIZE_BYTE. The startAddr here will be forced to align to the cache line size if startAddr is not aligned. For the size_byte, application should make sure the alignment or make sure the right operation order if the size_byte is not aligned.
- Parameters:
address – The physical address.
size_byte – size of the memory to be cleaned, should be larger than 0.
static inline void DCACHE_CleanInvalidateByRange(uint32_t address, uint32_t size_byte)
Cleans and Invalidates data cache by range.
Address and size should be aligned to CACHE64_LINESIZE_BYTE due to the cache operation unit FSL_FEATURE_CACHE64_CTRL_LINESIZE_BYTE. The startAddr here will be forced to align to the cache line size if startAddr is not aligned. For the size_byte, application should make sure the alignment or make sure the right operation order if the size_byte is not aligned.
- Parameters:
address – The physical address.
size_byte – size of the memory to be Cleaned and Invalidated, should be larger than 0.
cache driver version.
enum _cache64_policy
Level 2 cache controller way size.
enumerator kCACHE64_PolicyNonCacheable
enumerator kCACHE64_PolicyWriteThrough
Write through
enumerator kCACHE64_PolicyWriteBack
Write back
enumerator kCACHE64_PolicyNonCacheable
typedef enum _cache64_policy cache64_policy_t
Level 2 cache controller way size.
typedef struct _cache64_config cache64_config_t
CACHE64 configuration structure.
cache line size.
cache region number.
cache region alignment.
struct _cache64_config
- #include <fsl_cache.h>
CACHE64 configuration structure.
Public Members
uint32_t boundaryAddr[(3U) - 1]
< The cache controller can divide whole memory into 3 regions. Boundary address is the FlexSPI internal address (start from 0) instead of system address (start from FlexSPI AMBA base) to split adjacent regions and must be 1KB aligned. The boundary address itself locates in upper region. Cacheable policy for each region.
uint32_t boundaryAddr[(3U) - 1]
status_t CDOG_Init(CDOG_Type *base, cdog_config_t *conf)
Initialize CDOG.
This function initializes CDOG block and setting.
- Parameters:
base – CDOG peripheral base address
conf – CDOG configuration structure
- Returns:
Status of the init operation
void CDOG_Deinit(CDOG_Type *base)
Deinitialize CDOG.
This function deinitializes CDOG secure counter.
- Parameters:
base – CDOG peripheral base address
void CDOG_GetDefaultConfig(cdog_config_t *conf)
Sets the default configuration of CDOG.
This function initialize CDOG config structure to default values.
- Parameters:
conf – CDOG configuration structure
void CDOG_Stop(CDOG_Type *base, uint32_t stop)
Stops secure counter and instruction timer.
This function stops instruction timer and secure counter. This also change state od CDOG to IDLE.
- Parameters:
base – CDOG peripheral base address
stop – expected value which will be compared with value of secure counter
void CDOG_Start(CDOG_Type *base, uint32_t reload, uint32_t start)
Sets secure counter and instruction timer values.
This function sets value in RELOAD and START registers for instruction timer and secure counter
- Parameters:
base – CDOG peripheral base address
reload – reload value
start – start value
void CDOG_Check(CDOG_Type *base, uint32_t check)
Checks secure counter.
This function compares stop value in handler with secure counter value by writting to RELOAD refister.
- Parameters:
base – CDOG peripheral base address
check – expected (stop) value
void CDOG_Set(CDOG_Type *base, uint32_t stop, uint32_t reload, uint32_t start)
Sets secure counter and instruction timer values.
This function sets value in STOP, RELOAD and START registers for instruction timer and secure counter.
- Parameters:
base – CDOG peripheral base address
stop – expected value which will be compared with value of secure counter
reload – reload value for instruction timer
start – start value for secure timer
void CDOG_Add(CDOG_Type *base, uint32_t add)
Add value to secure counter.
This function add specified value to secure counter.
- Parameters:
base – CDOG peripheral base address.
add – Value to be added.
void CDOG_Add1(CDOG_Type *base)
Add 1 to secure counter.
This function add 1 to secure counter.
- Parameters:
base – CDOG peripheral base address.
void CDOG_Add16(CDOG_Type *base)
Add 16 to secure counter.
This function add 16 to secure counter.
- Parameters:
base – CDOG peripheral base address.
void CDOG_Add256(CDOG_Type *base)
Add 256 to secure counter.
This function add 256 to secure counter.
- Parameters:
base – CDOG peripheral base address.
void CDOG_Sub(CDOG_Type *base, uint32_t sub)
brief Substract value to secure counter
This function substract specified value to secure counter.
param base CDOG peripheral base address. param sub Value to be substracted.
void CDOG_Sub1(CDOG_Type *base)
Substract 1 from secure counter.
This function substract specified 1 from secure counter.
- Parameters:
base – CDOG peripheral base address.
void CDOG_Sub16(CDOG_Type *base)
Substract 16 from secure counter.
This function substract specified 16 from secure counter.
- Parameters:
base – CDOG peripheral base address.
void CDOG_Sub256(CDOG_Type *base)
Substract 256 from secure counter.
This function substract specified 256 from secure counter.
- Parameters:
base – CDOG peripheral base address.
void CDOG_WritePersistent(CDOG_Type *base, uint32_t value)
Set the CDOG persistent word.
- Parameters:
base – CDOG peripheral base address.
value – The value to be written.
uint32_t CDOG_ReadPersistent(CDOG_Type *base)
Get the CDOG persistent word.
- Parameters:
base – CDOG peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The persistent word.
Defines CDOG driver version 2.1.3.
Change log:
Version 2.1.3
Re-design multiple instance IRQs and Clocks
Add fix for RESTART command errata
Version 2.1.2
Support multiple IRQs
Fix default CONTROL values
Version 2.1.1
Version 2.1.0
Rename CWT to CDOG
Version 2.0.2
Fix MISRA-2012 issues
Version 2.0.1
Fix doxygen issues
Version 2.0.0
initial version
enum __cdog_debug_Action_ctrl_enum
enumerator kCDOG_DebugHaltCtrl_Run
enumerator kCDOG_DebugHaltCtrl_Pause
enumerator kCDOG_DebugHaltCtrl_Run
enum __cdog_irq_pause_ctrl_enum
enumerator kCDOG_IrqPauseCtrl_Run
enumerator kCDOG_IrqPauseCtrl_Pause
enumerator kCDOG_IrqPauseCtrl_Run
enum __cdog_fault_ctrl_enum
enumerator kCDOG_FaultCtrl_EnableReset
enumerator kCDOG_FaultCtrl_EnableInterrupt
enumerator kCDOG_FaultCtrl_NoAction
enumerator kCDOG_FaultCtrl_EnableReset
enum __code_lock_ctrl_enum
enumerator kCDOG_LockCtrl_Lock
enumerator kCDOG_LockCtrl_Unlock
enumerator kCDOG_LockCtrl_Lock
typedef uint32_t secure_counter_t
struct cdog_config_t
- #include <fsl_cdog.h>
Clock Driver
enum _clock_name
Clock name used to get clock frequency.
enumerator kCLOCK_CoreSysClk
Core clock (aka HCLK)
enumerator kCLOCK_BusClk
Bus clock (AHB/APB clock, aka HCLK)
enumerator kCLOCK_MclkClk
MCLK, to MCLK pin
enumerator kCLOCK_CoreSysClk
enum _clock_ip_name
Peripheral clock name difinition used for clock gate.
enumerator kCLOCK_IpInvalid
enumerator kCLOCK_TcpuMciClk
enumerator kCLOCK_TcpuMciFlexspiClk
enumerator kCLOCK_TddrMciEnetClk
enumerator kCLOCK_TddrMciFlexspiClk
enumerator kCLOCK_T3PllMciIrcClk
enumerator kCLOCK_T3PllMci256mClk
enumerator kCLOCK_T3PllMci213mClk
enumerator kCLOCK_T3PllMciFlexspiClk
enumerator kCLOCK_RefClkSys
enumerator kCLOCK_RefClkTcpu
enumerator kCLOCK_RefClkTddr
enumerator kCLOCK_RefClkAud
enumerator kCLOCK_RefClkUsb
enumerator kCLOCK_RefClkCauSlp
enumerator kCLOCK_Cpu
enumerator kCLOCK_Matrix
enumerator kCLOCK_Romcp
enumerator kCLOCK_PowerQuad
enumerator kCLOCK_Pkc
enumerator kCLOCK_Els
enumerator kCLOCK_Puf
enumerator kCLOCK_Flexspi
enumerator kCLOCK_Hpu
enumerator kCLOCK_Usb
enumerator kCLOCK_Sct
enumerator kCLOCK_AonMem
enumerator kCLOCK_Gdma
enumerator kCLOCK_Dma0
enumerator kCLOCK_Dma1
enumerator kCLOCK_Sdio
enumerator kCLOCK_ElsApb
enumerator kCLOCK_SdioSlv
enumerator kCLOCK_Gau
enumerator kCLOCK_Otp
enumerator kCLOCK_SecureGpio
enumerator kCLOCK_EnetIpg
enumerator kCLOCK_EnetIpgS
enumerator kCLOCK_Trng
enumerator kCLOCK_Utick
enumerator kCLOCK_Wwdt0
enumerator kCLOCK_Usim
enumerator kCLOCK_Itrc
enumerator kCLOCK_FreeMrt
enumerator kCLOCK_Lcdic
enumerator kCLOCK_Flexcomm0
enumerator kCLOCK_Flexcomm1
enumerator kCLOCK_Flexcomm2
enumerator kCLOCK_Flexcomm3
enumerator kCLOCK_Flexcomm14
enumerator kCLOCK_Dmic0
enumerator kCLOCK_OsEventTimer
enumerator kCLOCK_HsGpio0
enumerator kCLOCK_HsGpio1
enumerator kCLOCK_Crc
enumerator kCLOCK_Freqme
enumerator kCLOCK_Ct32b0
enumerator kCLOCK_Ct32b1
enumerator kCLOCK_Ct32b2
enumerator kCLOCK_Ct32b3
enumerator kCLOCK_Ct32b4
enumerator kCLOCK_Pmu
enumerator kCLOCK_Rtc
enumerator kCLOCK_Mrt
enumerator kCLOCK_Pint
enumerator kCLOCK_InputMux
enumerator kCLOCK_IpInvalid
enum _clock_attach_id
Peripheral clock source selection definition.
enumerator kXTAL_to_SYSOSC_CLK
enumerator kCLKIN_to_SYSOSC_CLK
enumerator kNONE_to_SYSOSC_CLK
enumerator kSYSOSC_to_MAIN_CLK
enumerator kFFRO_DIV4_to_MAIN_CLK
enumerator kLPOSC_to_MAIN_CLK
enumerator kFFRO_to_MAIN_CLK
enumerator kSFRO_to_MAIN_CLK
enumerator kMAIN_PLL_to_MAIN_CLK
enumerator kCLK32K_to_MAIN_CLK
enumerator kMAIN_CLK_to_FLEXSPI_CLK
enumerator kAUX0_PLL_to_FLEXSPI_CLK
enumerator kAUX1_PLL_to_FLEXSPI_CLK
enumerator kT3PLL_MCI_256M_to_FLEXSPI_CLK
enumerator kNONE_to_FLEXSPI_CLK
enumerator kMAIN_CLK_to_SCT_CLK
enumerator kMAIN_PLL_to_SCT_CLK
enumerator kAUX0_PLL_to_SCT_CLK
enumerator kFFRO_to_SCT_CLK
enumerator kAUX1_PLL_to_SCT_CLK
enumerator kAUDIO_PLL_to_SCT_CLK
enumerator kNONE_to_SCT_CLK
enumerator kLPOSC_to_UTICK_CLK
enumerator kMAIN_CLK_to_UTICK_CLK
enumerator kNONE_to_UTICK_CLK
enumerator kLPOSC_to_WDT0_CLK
enumerator kMAIN_CLK_to_WDT0_CLK
enumerator kNONE_to_WDT0_CLK
enumerator kLPOSC_to_SYSTICK_CLK
enumerator kCLK32K_to_SYSTICK_CLK
enumerator kSFRO_to_SYSTICK_CLK
enumerator kNONE_to_SYSTICK_CLK
enumerator kMAIN_CLK_to_USIM_CLK
enumerator kAUDIO_PLL_to_USIM_CLK
enumerator kFFRO_to_USIM_CLK
enumerator kNONE_to_USIM_CLK
enumerator kMAIN_CLK_to_LCD_CLK
enumerator kT3PLL_MCI_FLEXSPI_to_LCD_CLK
enumerator kNONE_to_LCD_CLK
enumerator kMAIN_CLK_to_GAU_CLK
enumerator kT3PLL_MCI_256M_to_GAU_CLK
enumerator kAVPLL_CH2_to_GAU_CLK
enumerator kNONE_to_GAU_CLK
enumerator kT3PLL_MCI_256M_to_ELS_GDET
enumerator kELS_128M_to_ELS_GDET
enumerator kELS_64M_to_ELS_GDET
enumerator kOTP_FUSE_32M_to_ELS_GDET
enumerator kNONE_to_ELS_GDET
enumerator kLPOSC_to_OSTIMER_CLK
enumerator kCLK32K_to_OSTIMER_CLK
enumerator kHCLK_to_OSTIMER_CLK
enumerator kMAIN_CLK_to_OSTIMER_CLK
enumerator kNONE_to_OSTIMER_CLK
enumerator kSFRO_to_FLEXCOMM0
enumerator kFFRO_to_FLEXCOMM0
enumerator kAUDIO_PLL_to_FLEXCOMM0
enumerator kMCLK_IN_to_FLEXCOMM0
enumerator kFRG_to_FLEXCOMM0
enumerator kNONE_to_FLEXCOMM0
enumerator kSFRO_to_FLEXCOMM1
enumerator kFFRO_to_FLEXCOMM1
enumerator kAUDIO_PLL_to_FLEXCOMM1
enumerator kMCLK_IN_to_FLEXCOMM1
enumerator kFRG_to_FLEXCOMM1
enumerator kNONE_to_FLEXCOMM1
enumerator kSFRO_to_FLEXCOMM2
enumerator kFFRO_to_FLEXCOMM2
enumerator kAUDIO_PLL_to_FLEXCOMM2
enumerator kMCLK_IN_to_FLEXCOMM2
enumerator kFRG_to_FLEXCOMM2
enumerator kNONE_to_FLEXCOMM2
enumerator kSFRO_to_FLEXCOMM3
enumerator kFFRO_to_FLEXCOMM3
enumerator kAUDIO_PLL_to_FLEXCOMM3
enumerator kMCLK_IN_to_FLEXCOMM3
enumerator kFRG_to_FLEXCOMM3
enumerator kNONE_to_FLEXCOMM3
enumerator kSFRO_to_FLEXCOMM14
enumerator kFFRO_to_FLEXCOMM14
enumerator kAUDIO_PLL_to_FLEXCOMM14
enumerator kMCLK_IN_to_FLEXCOMM14
enumerator kFRG_to_FLEXCOMM14
enumerator kNONE_to_FLEXCOMM14
enumerator kSFRO_to_DMIC_CLK
enumerator kFFRO_to_DMIC_CLK
enumerator kAUDIO_PLL_to_DMIC_CLK
enumerator kMCLK_IN_to_DMIC_CLK
enumerator kLPOSC_to_DMIC_CLK
enumerator kCLK32K_to_DMIC_CLK
enumerator kMAIN_CLK_to_DMIC_CLK
enumerator kNONE_to_DMIC_CLK
enumerator kMAIN_CLK_to_CTIMER0
enumerator kSFRO_to_CTIMER0
enumerator kFFRO_to_CTIMER0
enumerator kAUDIO_PLL_to_CTIMER0
enumerator kMCLK_IN_to_CTIMER0
enumerator kLPOSC_to_CTIMER0
enumerator kNONE_to_CTIMER0
enumerator kMAIN_CLK_to_CTIMER1
enumerator kSFRO_to_CTIMER1
enumerator kFFRO_to_CTIMER1
enumerator kAUDIO_PLL_to_CTIMER1
enumerator kMCLK_IN_to_CTIMER1
enumerator kLPOSC_to_CTIMER1
enumerator kNONE_to_CTIMER1
enumerator kMAIN_CLK_to_CTIMER2
enumerator kSFRO_to_CTIMER2
enumerator kFFRO_to_CTIMER2
enumerator kAUDIO_PLL_to_CTIMER2
enumerator kMCLK_IN_to_CTIMER2
enumerator kLPOSC_to_CTIMER2
enumerator kNONE_to_CTIMER2
enumerator kMAIN_CLK_to_CTIMER3
enumerator kSFRO_to_CTIMER3
enumerator kFFRO_to_CTIMER3
enumerator kAUDIO_PLL_to_CTIMER3
enumerator kMCLK_IN_to_CTIMER3
enumerator kLPOSC_to_CTIMER3
enumerator kNONE_to_CTIMER3
enumerator kFFRO_to_MCLK_CLK
enumerator kAUDIO_PLL_to_MCLK_CLK
enumerator kMAIN_CLK_to_MCLK_CLK
enumerator kNONE_to_MCLK_CLK
enumerator kSFRO_to_CLKOUT
enumerator kSYSOSC_to_CLKOUT
enumerator kLPOSC_to_CLKOUT
enumerator kFFRO_to_CLKOUT
enumerator kMAIN_CLK_to_CLKOUT
enumerator kREFCLK_SYS_to_CLKOUT
enumerator kAVPLL_CH2_to_CLKOUT
enumerator kMAIN_PLL_to_CLKOUT
enumerator kAUX0_PLL_to_CLKOUT
enumerator kAUX1_PLL_to_CLKOUT
enumerator kAUDIO_PLL_to_CLKOUT
enumerator kCLK32K_to_CLKOUT
enumerator kT3PLL_MCI_256M_to_CLKOUT
enumerator kCAU_SLP_REF_CLK_to_CLKOUT
enumerator kTDDR_MCI_ENET_to_CLKOUT
enumerator kNONE_to_CLKOUT
enumerator kRC32K_to_CLK32K
enumerator kXTAL32K_to_CLK32K
enumerator kNCO32K_to_CLK32K
enumerator kXTAL_to_SYSOSC_CLK
enum _clock_div_name
Clock divider definition.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivMainPllClk
enumerator kCLOCK_DivAux0PllClk
enumerator kCLOCK_DivAux1PllClk
enumerator kCLOCK_DivSysCpuAhbClk
enumerator kCLOCK_DivPfc1Clk
enumerator kCLOCK_DivFlexspiClk
enumerator kCLOCK_DivSctClk
enumerator kCLOCK_DivUsbHsFclk
enumerator kCLOCK_DivSystickClk
enumerator kCLOCK_DivLcdClk
enumerator kCLOCK_DivGauClk
enumerator kCLOCK_DivUsimClk
enumerator kCLOCK_DivPmuFclk
enumerator kCLOCK_DivAudioPllClk
enumerator kCLOCK_DivPllFrgClk
enumerator kCLOCK_DivDmicClk
enumerator kCLOCK_DivMclkClk
enumerator kCLOCK_DivClockOut
enumerator kCLOCK_DivMainPllClk
enum _clock_sfg_clk_src
SFG clock source.
enumerator kCLOCK_FrgMainClk
Main System clock
enumerator kCLOCK_FrgPllDiv
Main pll clock divider
enumerator kCLOCK_FrgSFro
enumerator kCLOCK_FrgFFro
enumerator kCLOCK_FrgMainClk
enum clock_tcpu_flexspi_div_t
TCPU PLL divider for tcpu_mci_flexspi_clk.
enumerator kCLOCK_TcpuFlexspiDiv12
Divided by 12
enumerator kCLOCK_TcpuFlexspiDiv11
Divided by 11
enumerator kCLOCK_TcpuFlexspiDiv10
Divided by 10
enumerator kCLOCK_TcpuFlexspiDiv9
Divided by 9
enumerator kCLOCK_TcpuFlexspiDiv12
enum clock_tddr_flexspi_div_t
TDDR PLL divider for tddr_mci_flexspi_clk.
enumerator kCLOCK_TddrFlexspiDiv11
Divided by 11
enumerator kCLOCK_TddrFlexspiDiv10
Divided by 10
enumerator kCLOCK_TddrFlexspiDiv9
Divided by 9
enumerator kCLOCK_TddrFlexspiDiv8
Divided by 8
enumerator kCLOCK_TddrFlexspiDiv11
enum clock_t3_mci_irc_config_t
T3 PLL IRC configuration.
enumerator kCLOCK_T3MciIrc60m
T3 MCI IRC 59.53MHz
enumerator kCLOCK_T3MciIrc48m
T3 MCI IRC 48.30MHz
enumerator kCLOCK_T3MciIrc60m
enum clock_avpll_ch_freq_t
AVPLL channel1 frequency configuration.
enumerator kCLOCK_AvPllChUnchanged
AVPLL channel frequency unchanged.
enumerator kCLOCK_AvPllChFreq2p048m
AVPLL channel frequency 2.048MHz
enumerator kCLOCK_AvPllChFreq4p096m
AVPLL channel frequency 4.096MHz
enumerator kCLOCK_AvPllChFreq6p144m
AVPLL channel frequency 6.144MHz
enumerator kCLOCK_AvPllChFreq8p192m
AVPLL channel frequency 8.192MHz
enumerator kCLOCK_AvPllChFreq11p2896m
AVPLL channel frequency 11.2896MHz
enumerator kCLOCK_AvPllChFreq12m
AVPLL channel frequency 12MHz
enumerator kCLOCK_AvPllChFreq12p288m
AVPLL channel frequency 12.288MHz
enumerator kCLOCK_AvPllChFreq24p576m
AVPLL channel frequency 24.576MHz
enumerator kCLOCK_AvPllChFreq64m
AVPLL channel frequency 64MHz
enumerator kCLOCK_AvPllChFreq98p304m
AVPLL channel frequency 98.304MHz
enumerator kCLOCK_AvPllChUnchanged
typedef enum _clock_name clock_name_t
Clock name used to get clock frequency.
typedef enum _clock_ip_name clock_ip_name_t
Peripheral clock name difinition used for clock gate.
typedef enum _clock_attach_id clock_attach_id_t
Peripheral clock source selection definition.
typedef enum _clock_div_name clock_div_name_t
Clock divider definition.
typedef enum _clock_sfg_clk_src clock_sfg_clk_src_t
SFG clock source.
typedef struct _clock_frg_clk_config clock_frg_clk_config_t
PLL configuration for FRG.
volatile uint32_t g_clkinFreq
External CLK_IN pin clock frequency (clkin) clock frequency.
The CLK_IN pin (clkin) clock frequency in Hz, when the clock is setup, use the function CLOCK_SetClkinFreq to set the value in to clock driver. For example, if CLK_IN is 16MHz,
volatile uint32_t g_mclkinFreq
External MCLK IN clock frequency.
The MCLK in (mclk_in) PIN clock frequency in Hz, when the clock is setup, use the function CLOCK_SetMclkInFreq to set the value in to clock driver. For example, if mclk_In is 16MHz,
uint32_t CLOCK_GetT3PllMciIrcClkFreq(void)
Return Frequency of t3pll_mci_48_60m_irc.
- Returns:
Frequency of t3pll_mci_48_60m_irc
uint32_t CLOCK_GetT3PllMci213mClkFreq(void)
Return Frequency of t3pll_mci_213p3m.
- Returns:
Frequency of t3pll_mci_213p3m
uint32_t CLOCK_GetT3PllMci256mClkFreq(void)
Return Frequency of t3pll_mci_256m.
- Returns:
Frequency of t3pll_mci_256m
uint32_t CLOCK_GetT3PllMciFlexspiClkFreq(void)
Return Frequency of t3pll_mci_flexspi_clk.
- Returns:
Frequency of t3pll_mci_flexspi_clk
uint32_t CLOCK_GetTcpuMciClkFreq(void)
Return Frequency of tcpu_mci_clk.
- Returns:
Frequency of tcpu_mci_clk
uint32_t CLOCK_GetTcpuMciFlexspiClkFreq(void)
Return Frequency of tcpu_mci_flexspi_clk.
- Returns:
Frequency of tcpu_mci_flexspi_clk
uint32_t CLOCK_GetTddrMciFlexspiClkFreq(void)
Return Frequency of tddr_mci_flexspi_clk.
- Returns:
Frequency of tddr_mci_flexspi_clk
uint32_t CLOCK_GetTddrMciEnetClkFreq(void)
Return Frequency of tddr_mci_enet_clk.
- Returns:
Frequency of tddr_mci_enet_clk
void CLOCK_EnableClock(clock_ip_name_t clk)
Enable the clock for specific IP.
- Parameters:
clk – Which clock to enable, see clock_ip_name_t.
void CLOCK_DisableClock(clock_ip_name_t clk)
Disable the clock for specific IP.
- Parameters:
clk – Which clock to disable, see clock_ip_name_t.
void CLOCK_AttachClk(clock_attach_id_t connection)
Configure the clock selection muxes.
- Parameters:
connection – : Clock to be configured.
void CLOCK_SetClkDiv(clock_div_name_t name, uint32_t divider)
Setup clock dividers.
- Parameters:
name – : Clock divider name
divider – : Value to be divided.
uint32_t CLOCK_GetFreq(clock_name_t clockName)
Return Frequency of selected clock.
- Returns:
Frequency of selected clock
uint32_t CLOCK_GetFRGClock(uint32_t id)
Return Input frequency for the Fractional baud rate generator.
- Returns:
Input Frequency for FRG
void CLOCK_SetFRGClock(const clock_frg_clk_config_t *config)
Set output of the Fractional baud rate generator.
- Parameters:
config – : Configuration to set to FRGn clock.
uint32_t CLOCK_GetFFroFreq(void)
Return Frequency of FFRO.
- Returns:
Frequency of FFRO
uint32_t CLOCK_GetSFroFreq(void)
Return Frequency of SFRO.
- Returns:
Frequency of SFRO
uint32_t CLOCK_GetAvPllCh1Freq(void)
Return Frequency of AUDIO PLL (AVPLL CH1)
- Returns:
Frequency of AUDIO PLL
uint32_t CLOCK_GetAvPllCh2Freq(void)
Return Frequency of AVPLL CH2.
- Returns:
Frequency of AVPLL CH2
uint32_t CLOCK_GetMainClkFreq(void)
Return Frequency of main clk.
- Returns:
Frequency of main clk
uint32_t CLOCK_GetCoreSysClkFreq(void)
Return Frequency of core/bus clk.
- Returns:
Frequency of core/bus clk
uint32_t CLOCK_GetSystickClkFreq(void)
Return Frequency of systick clk.
- Returns:
Frequency of systick clk
static inline uint32_t CLOCK_GetSysOscFreq(void)
Return Frequency of sys osc Clock.
- Returns:
Frequency of sys osc Clock. Or CLK_IN pin frequency.
static inline uint32_t CLOCK_GetMclkInClkFreq(void)
Return Frequency of MCLK Input Clock.
- Returns:
Frequency of MCLK input Clock.
static inline uint32_t CLOCK_GetLpOscFreq(void)
Return Frequency of LPOSC.
- Returns:
Frequency of LPOSC
static inline uint32_t CLOCK_GetClk32KFreq(void)
Return Frequency of CLK_32K.
- Returns:
Frequency of 32KHz osc
void CLOCK_EnableXtal32K(bool enable)
Enables and disables 32KHz XTAL.
- Parameters:
enable – : true to enable 32k XTAL clock, false to disable clock
void CLOCK_EnableRtc32K(bool enable)
Enables and disables RTC 32KHz.
- Parameters:
enable – : true to enable 32k RTC clock, false to disable clock
static inline void CLOCK_SetClkinFreq(uint32_t freq)
Set the CLKIN (CLKIN pin) frequency based on GPIO4 input.
- Parameters:
freq – : The CLK_IN pin input clock frequency in Hz.
static inline void CLOCK_SetMclkinFreq(uint32_t freq)
Set the MCLK in (mclk_in) clock frequency based on board setting.
- Parameters:
freq – : The MCLK input clock frequency in Hz.
uint32_t CLOCK_GetDmicClkFreq(void)
Return Frequency of DMIC clk.
- Returns:
Frequency of DMIC clk
uint32_t CLOCK_GetLcdClkFreq(void)
Return Frequency of LCD clk.
- Returns:
Frequency of LCD clk
uint32_t CLOCK_GetWdtClkFreq(void)
Return Frequency of WDT clk.
- Returns:
Frequency of WDT clk
uint32_t CLOCK_GetMclkClkFreq(void)
Return Frequency of mclk.
- Returns:
Frequency of mclk clk
uint32_t CLOCK_GetSctClkFreq(void)
Return Frequency of sct.
- Returns:
Frequency of sct clk
uint32_t CLOCK_GetFlexCommClkFreq(uint32_t id)
Return Frequency of Flexcomm functional Clock.
- Parameters:
id – : flexcomm index to get frequency.
- Returns:
Frequency of Flexcomm functional Clock
uint32_t CLOCK_GetCTimerClkFreq(uint32_t id)
Return Frequency of CTimer Clock.
- Parameters:
id – : ctimer index to get frequency.
- Returns:
Frequency of CTimer Clock
uint32_t CLOCK_GetUtickClkFreq(void)
Return Frequency of Utick Clock.
- Returns:
Frequency of Utick Clock
uint32_t CLOCK_GetFlexspiClkFreq(void)
Return Frequency of Flexspi Clock.
- Returns:
Frequency of Flexspi.
uint32_t CLOCK_GetUsimClkFreq(void)
Return Frequency of USIM Clock.
- Returns:
Frequency of USIM.
uint32_t CLOCK_GetGauClkFreq(void)
Return Frequency of GAU Clock.
- Returns:
Frequency of GAU.
uint32_t CLOCK_GetOSTimerClkFreq(void)
Return Frequency of OSTimer Clock.
- Returns:
Frequency of OSTimer.
uint32_t CLOCK_InitTcpuRefClk(uint32_t targetHz, clock_tcpu_flexspi_div_t div)
Initialize TCPU FVCO to target frequency. For 40MHz XTAL, FVCO ranges from 3000MHz to 3840MHz. For 38.4MHz XTAL, FVCO ranges from 2995.2MHz to 3840MHz.
- Parameters:
targetHz – : Target FVCO frequency in Hz.
div – : Divider for tcpu_mci_flexspi_clk.
- Returns:
Actual FVCO frequency in Hz.
void CLOCK_DeinitTcpuRefClk(void)
Deinit the TCPU reference clock.
void CLOCK_InitTddrRefClk(clock_tddr_flexspi_div_t div)
Initialize the TDDR reference clock.
- Parameters:
div – : Divider for tddr_mci_flexspi_clk.
void CLOCK_DeinitTddrRefClk(void)
Deinit the TDDR reference clock.
void CLOCK_InitT3RefClk(clock_t3_mci_irc_config_t cnfg)
Initialize the T3 reference clock.
- Parameters:
cnfg – : t3pll_mci_48_60m_irc clock configuration
void CLOCK_DeinitT3RefClk(void)
Deinit the T3 reference clock.
void CLOCK_InitAvPll(const clock_avpll_config_t *cnfg)
Initialize the AVPLL. Both channel 1 and 2 are enabled.
- Parameters:
cnfg – : AVPLL clock configuration
void CLOCK_DeinitAvPll(void)
Deinit the AVPLL. All channels are disabled.
void CLOCK_ConfigAvPllCh(clock_avpll_ch_freq_t ch1Freq, clock_avpll_ch_freq_t ch2Freq, bool enableCali)
Update the AVPLL channel configuration. Enable/Disable state keeps unchanged.
- Parameters:
ch1Freq – : Channel 1 frequency to set.
ch2Freq – : Channel 2 frequency to set.
enableCali – : Enable AVPLL calibration.
void CLOCK_EnableAvPllCh(bool enableCh1, bool enableCh2, bool enableCali)
Enable the AVPLL channel.
- Parameters:
enableCh1 – : Enable AVPLL channel1, channel unchanged on false.
enableCh2 – : Enable AVPLL channel2, channel unchanged on false.
enableCali – : Enable AVPLL calibration.
void CLOCK_DisableAvPllCh(bool disableCh1, bool disableCh2)
Disable the AVPLL.
- Parameters:
disableCh1 – : Disable AVPLL channel1, channel unchanged on false.
disableCh2 – : Disable AVPLL channel2, channel unchanged on false.
void CLOCK_EnableUsbhsPhyClock(void)
Enable USB HS PHY PLL clock.
This function enables USB HS PHY PLL clock.
void CLOCK_DisableUsbhsPhyClock(void)
Disable USB HS PHY PLL clock.
This function disables USB HS PHY PLL clock.
CLOCK driver version 2.4.0.
Clock ip name array for GPIO.
Clock ip name array for CACHE64.
Clock ip name array for FLEXSPI.
Clock ip name array for FLEXCOMM.
Clock ip name array for LPUART.
Clock ip name array for I2C.
Clock ip name array for SPI.
Clock ip name array for ACOMP.
Clock ip name array for ADC.
Clock ip name array for DAC.
Clock ip name array for LCDIC.
Clock ip name array for DMA.
Clock ip name array for DMIC.
Clock ip name array for ENET.
Extra clock ip name array for ENET.
Clock ip name array for Powerquad.
Clock ip name array for OSTimer.
Clock ip name array for CT32B.
Clock ip name array for UTICK.
Clock ip name array for MRT.
Clock ip name array for SCT.
Clock ip name array for RTC.
Clock ip name array for WWDT.
Clock ip name array for TRNG.
Clock ip name array for USIM.
Clock gate name used for CLOCK_EnableClock/CLOCK_DisableClock.
CLK_GATE_DEFINE(reg_offset, bit_shift)
CLKCTL0_TUPLE_MUXA(reg, choice)
CLKCTL0_TUPLE_MUXB(reg, choice)
CLKCTL1_TUPLE_MUXA(reg, choice)
CLKCTL1_TUPLE_MUXB(reg, choice)
CLKCTL_TUPLE_REG(base, tuple)
CLKOUT_TUPLE_MUX(ch0, ch1, ch2)
PMU_TUPLE_MUX(reg, choice)
PMU_TUPLE_REG(base, tuple)
uint8_t num
FRG clock
clock_sfg_clk_src_t sfg_clock_src
Clock source
uint8_t divider
Denominator of the fractional divider.
uint8_t mult
Numerator of the fractional divider.
clock_avpll_ch_freq_t ch1Freq
AVPLL channel 1 frequency configuration
clock_avpll_ch_freq_t ch2Freq
AVPLL channel 2 frequency configuration
bool enableCali
Enable calibration
Configure whether driver controls clock.
When set to 0, peripheral drivers will enable clock in initialize function and disable clock in de-initialize function. When set to 1, peripheral driver will not control the clock, application could control the clock out of the driver.
All drivers share this feature switcher. If it is set to 1, application should handle clock enable and disable for all drivers.
struct _clock_frg_clk_config
- #include <fsl_clock.h>
PLL configuration for FRG.
struct clock_avpll_config_t
- #include <fsl_clock.h>
AVPLL configuration.
CRC: Cyclic Redundancy Check Driver
CRC driver version. Version 2.1.1.
Current version: 2.1.1
Change log:
Version 2.0.0
initial version
Version 2.0.1
add explicit type cast when writing to WR_DATA
Version 2.0.2
Fix MISRA issue
Version 2.1.0
Add CRC_WriteSeed function
Version 2.1.1
Fix MISRA issue
enum _crc_polynomial
CRC polynomials to use.
enumerator kCRC_Polynomial_CRC_CCITT
enumerator kCRC_Polynomial_CRC_16
enumerator kCRC_Polynomial_CRC_32
enumerator kCRC_Polynomial_CRC_CCITT
typedef enum _crc_polynomial crc_polynomial_t
CRC polynomials to use.
typedef struct _crc_config crc_config_t
CRC protocol configuration.
This structure holds the configuration for the CRC protocol.
void CRC_Init(CRC_Type *base, const crc_config_t *config)
Enables and configures the CRC peripheral module.
This functions enables the CRC peripheral clock in the LPC SYSCON block. It also configures the CRC engine and starts checksum computation by writing the seed.
- Parameters:
base – CRC peripheral address.
config – CRC module configuration structure.
static inline void CRC_Deinit(CRC_Type *base)
Disables the CRC peripheral module.
This functions disables the CRC peripheral clock in the LPC SYSCON block.
- Parameters:
base – CRC peripheral address.
void CRC_Reset(CRC_Type *base)
resets CRC peripheral module.
- Parameters:
base – CRC peripheral address.
void CRC_WriteSeed(CRC_Type *base, uint32_t seed)
Write seed to CRC peripheral module.
- Parameters:
base – CRC peripheral address.
seed – CRC Seed value.
void CRC_GetDefaultConfig(crc_config_t *config)
Loads default values to CRC protocol configuration structure.
Loads default values to CRC protocol configuration structure. The default values are:
config->polynomial = kCRC_Polynomial_CRC_CCITT; config->reverseIn = false; config->complementIn = false; config->reverseOut = false; config->complementOut = false; config->seed = 0xFFFFU;
- Parameters:
config – CRC protocol configuration structure
void CRC_GetConfig(CRC_Type *base, crc_config_t *config)
Loads actual values configured in CRC peripheral to CRC protocol configuration structure.
The values, including seed, can be used to resume CRC calculation later.
- Parameters:
base – CRC peripheral address.
config – CRC protocol configuration structure
void CRC_WriteData(CRC_Type *base, const uint8_t *data, size_t dataSize)
Writes data to the CRC module.
Writes input data buffer bytes to CRC data register.
- Parameters:
base – CRC peripheral address.
data – Input data stream, MSByte in data[0].
dataSize – Size of the input data buffer in bytes.
static inline uint32_t CRC_Get32bitResult(CRC_Type *base)
Reads 32-bit checksum from the CRC module.
Reads CRC data register.
- Parameters:
base – CRC peripheral address.
- Returns:
final 32-bit checksum, after configured bit reverse and complement operations.
static inline uint16_t CRC_Get16bitResult(CRC_Type *base)
Reads 16-bit checksum from the CRC module.
Reads CRC data register.
- Parameters:
base – CRC peripheral address.
- Returns:
final 16-bit checksum, after configured bit reverse and complement operations.
Default configuration structure filled by CRC_GetDefaultConfig(). Uses CRC-16/CCITT-FALSE as default.
struct _crc_config
- #include <fsl_crc.h>
CRC protocol configuration.
This structure holds the configuration for the CRC protocol.
Public Members
crc_polynomial_t polynomial
CRC polynomial.
bool reverseIn
Reverse bits on input.
bool complementIn
Perform 1’s complement on input.
bool reverseOut
Reverse bits on output.
bool complementOut
Perform 1’s complement on output.
uint32_t seed
Starting checksum value.
crc_polynomial_t polynomial
CTIMER: Standard counter/timers
void CTIMER_Init(CTIMER_Type *base, const ctimer_config_t *config)
Ungates the clock and configures the peripheral for basic operation.
This API should be called at the beginning of the application before using the driver.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
config – Pointer to the user configuration structure.
void CTIMER_Deinit(CTIMER_Type *base)
Gates the timer clock.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
void CTIMER_GetDefaultConfig(ctimer_config_t *config)
Fills in the timers configuration structure with the default settings.
The default values are:
config->mode = kCTIMER_TimerMode; config->input = kCTIMER_Capture_0; config->prescale = 0;
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to the user configuration structure.
status_t CTIMER_SetupPwmPeriod(CTIMER_Type *base, const ctimer_match_t pwmPeriodChannel, ctimer_match_t matchChannel, uint32_t pwmPeriod, uint32_t pulsePeriod, bool enableInt)
Configures the PWM signal parameters.
Enables PWM mode on the match channel passed in and will then setup the match value and other match parameters to generate a PWM signal. This function can manually assign the specified channel to set the PWM cycle.
When setting PWM output from multiple output pins, all should use the same PWM period
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
pwmPeriodChannel – Specify the channel to control the PWM period
matchChannel – Match pin to be used to output the PWM signal
pwmPeriod – PWM period match value
pulsePeriod – Pulse width match value
enableInt – Enable interrupt when the timer value reaches the match value of the PWM pulse, if it is 0 then no interrupt will be generated.
- Returns:
kStatus_Success on success kStatus_Fail If matchChannel is equal to pwmPeriodChannel; this channel is reserved to set the PWM cycle If PWM pulse width register value is larger than 0xFFFFFFFF.
status_t CTIMER_SetupPwm(CTIMER_Type *base, const ctimer_match_t pwmPeriodChannel, ctimer_match_t matchChannel, uint8_t dutyCyclePercent, uint32_t pwmFreq_Hz, uint32_t srcClock_Hz, bool enableInt)
Configures the PWM signal parameters.
Enables PWM mode on the match channel passed in and will then setup the match value and other match parameters to generate a PWM signal. This function can manually assign the specified channel to set the PWM cycle.
When setting PWM output from multiple output pins, all should use the same PWM frequency. Please use CTIMER_SetupPwmPeriod to set up the PWM with high resolution.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
pwmPeriodChannel – Specify the channel to control the PWM period
matchChannel – Match pin to be used to output the PWM signal
dutyCyclePercent – PWM pulse width; the value should be between 0 to 100
pwmFreq_Hz – PWM signal frequency in Hz
srcClock_Hz – Timer counter clock in Hz
enableInt – Enable interrupt when the timer value reaches the match value of the PWM pulse, if it is 0 then no interrupt will be generated.
static inline void CTIMER_UpdatePwmPulsePeriod(CTIMER_Type *base, ctimer_match_t matchChannel, uint32_t pulsePeriod)
Updates the pulse period of an active PWM signal.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
matchChannel – Match pin to be used to output the PWM signal
pulsePeriod – New PWM pulse width match value
status_t CTIMER_UpdatePwmDutycycle(CTIMER_Type *base, const ctimer_match_t pwmPeriodChannel, ctimer_match_t matchChannel, uint8_t dutyCyclePercent)
Updates the duty cycle of an active PWM signal.
Please use CTIMER_SetupPwmPeriod to update the PWM with high resolution. This function can manually assign the specified channel to set the PWM cycle.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
pwmPeriodChannel – Specify the channel to control the PWM period
matchChannel – Match pin to be used to output the PWM signal
dutyCyclePercent – New PWM pulse width; the value should be between 0 to 100
- Returns:
kStatus_Success on success kStatus_Fail If PWM pulse width register value is larger than 0xFFFFFFFF.
static inline void CTIMER_EnableInterrupts(CTIMER_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the selected Timer interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
mask – The interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration ctimer_interrupt_enable_t
static inline void CTIMER_DisableInterrupts(CTIMER_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the selected Timer interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
mask – The interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration ctimer_interrupt_enable_t
static inline uint32_t CTIMER_GetEnabledInterrupts(CTIMER_Type *base)
Gets the enabled Timer interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
- Returns:
The enabled interrupts. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration ctimer_interrupt_enable_t
static inline uint32_t CTIMER_GetStatusFlags(CTIMER_Type *base)
Gets the Timer status flags.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
- Returns:
The status flags. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration ctimer_status_flags_t
static inline void CTIMER_ClearStatusFlags(CTIMER_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears the Timer status flags.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
mask – The status flags to clear. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration ctimer_status_flags_t
static inline void CTIMER_StartTimer(CTIMER_Type *base)
Starts the Timer counter.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
static inline void CTIMER_StopTimer(CTIMER_Type *base)
Stops the Timer counter.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
Version 2.3.3
enum _ctimer_capture_channel
List of Timer capture channels.
enumerator kCTIMER_Capture_0
Timer capture channel 0
enumerator kCTIMER_Capture_1
Timer capture channel 1
enumerator kCTIMER_Capture_3
Timer capture channel 3
enumerator kCTIMER_Capture_0
enum _ctimer_capture_edge
List of capture edge options.
enumerator kCTIMER_Capture_RiseEdge
Capture on rising edge
enumerator kCTIMER_Capture_FallEdge
Capture on falling edge
enumerator kCTIMER_Capture_BothEdge
Capture on rising and falling edge
enumerator kCTIMER_Capture_RiseEdge
enum _ctimer_match
List of Timer match registers.
enumerator kCTIMER_Match_0
Timer match register 0
enumerator kCTIMER_Match_1
Timer match register 1
enumerator kCTIMER_Match_2
Timer match register 2
enumerator kCTIMER_Match_3
Timer match register 3
enumerator kCTIMER_Match_0
enum _ctimer_external_match
List of external match.
enumerator kCTIMER_External_Match_0
External match 0
enumerator kCTIMER_External_Match_1
External match 1
enumerator kCTIMER_External_Match_2
External match 2
enumerator kCTIMER_External_Match_3
External match 3
enumerator kCTIMER_External_Match_0
enum _ctimer_match_output_control
List of output control options.
enumerator kCTIMER_Output_NoAction
No action is taken
enumerator kCTIMER_Output_Clear
Clear the EM bit/output to 0
enumerator kCTIMER_Output_Set
Set the EM bit/output to 1
enumerator kCTIMER_Output_Toggle
Toggle the EM bit/output
enumerator kCTIMER_Output_NoAction
enum _ctimer_timer_mode
List of Timer modes.
enumerator kCTIMER_TimerMode
enumerator kCTIMER_IncreaseOnRiseEdge
enumerator kCTIMER_IncreaseOnFallEdge
enumerator kCTIMER_IncreaseOnBothEdge
enumerator kCTIMER_TimerMode
enum _ctimer_interrupt_enable
List of Timer interrupts.
enumerator kCTIMER_Match0InterruptEnable
Match 0 interrupt
enumerator kCTIMER_Match1InterruptEnable
Match 1 interrupt
enumerator kCTIMER_Match2InterruptEnable
Match 2 interrupt
enumerator kCTIMER_Match3InterruptEnable
Match 3 interrupt
enumerator kCTIMER_Match0InterruptEnable
enum _ctimer_status_flags
List of Timer flags.
enumerator kCTIMER_Match0Flag
Match 0 interrupt flag
enumerator kCTIMER_Match1Flag
Match 1 interrupt flag
enumerator kCTIMER_Match2Flag
Match 2 interrupt flag
enumerator kCTIMER_Match3Flag
Match 3 interrupt flag
enumerator kCTIMER_Match0Flag
enum ctimer_callback_type_t
Callback type when registering for a callback. When registering a callback an array of function pointers is passed the size could be 1 or 8, the callback type will tell that.
enumerator kCTIMER_SingleCallback
Single Callback type where there is only one callback for the timer. based on the status flags different channels needs to be handled differently
enumerator kCTIMER_MultipleCallback
Multiple Callback type where there can be 8 valid callbacks, one per channel. for both match/capture
enumerator kCTIMER_SingleCallback
typedef enum _ctimer_capture_channel ctimer_capture_channel_t
List of Timer capture channels.
typedef enum _ctimer_capture_edge ctimer_capture_edge_t
List of capture edge options.
typedef enum _ctimer_match ctimer_match_t
List of Timer match registers.
typedef enum _ctimer_external_match ctimer_external_match_t
List of external match.
typedef enum _ctimer_match_output_control ctimer_match_output_control_t
List of output control options.
typedef enum _ctimer_timer_mode ctimer_timer_mode_t
List of Timer modes.
typedef enum _ctimer_interrupt_enable ctimer_interrupt_enable_t
List of Timer interrupts.
typedef enum _ctimer_status_flags ctimer_status_flags_t
List of Timer flags.
typedef void (*ctimer_callback_t)(uint32_t flags)
typedef struct _ctimer_match_config ctimer_match_config_t
Match configuration.
This structure holds the configuration settings for each match register.
typedef struct _ctimer_config ctimer_config_t
Timer configuration structure.
This structure holds the configuration settings for the Timer peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the CTIMER_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to the configuration structure instance.
The configuration structure can be made constant so as to reside in flash.
void CTIMER_SetupMatch(CTIMER_Type *base, ctimer_match_t matchChannel, const ctimer_match_config_t *config)
Setup the match register.
User configuration is used to setup the match value and action to be taken when a match occurs.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
matchChannel – Match register to configure
config – Pointer to the match configuration structure
uint32_t CTIMER_GetOutputMatchStatus(CTIMER_Type *base, uint32_t matchChannel)
Get the status of output match.
This function gets the status of output MAT, whether or not this output is connected to a pin. This status is driven to the MAT pins if the match function is selected via IOCON. 0 = LOW. 1 = HIGH.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
matchChannel – External match channel, user can obtain the status of multiple match channels at the same time by using the logic of “|” enumeration ctimer_external_match_t
- Returns:
The mask of external match channel status flags. Users need to use the _ctimer_external_match type to decode the return variables.
void CTIMER_SetupCapture(CTIMER_Type *base, ctimer_capture_channel_t capture, ctimer_capture_edge_t edge, bool enableInt)
Setup the capture.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
capture – Capture channel to configure
edge – Edge on the channel that will trigger a capture
enableInt – Flag to enable channel interrupts, if enabled then the registered call back is called upon capture
static inline uint32_t CTIMER_GetTimerCountValue(CTIMER_Type *base)
Get the timer count value from TC register.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address.
- Returns:
return the timer count value.
void CTIMER_RegisterCallBack(CTIMER_Type *base, ctimer_callback_t *cb_func, ctimer_callback_type_t cb_type)
Register callback.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
cb_func – callback function
cb_type – callback function type, singular or multiple
static inline void CTIMER_Reset(CTIMER_Type *base)
Reset the counter.
The timer counter and prescale counter are reset on the next positive edge of the APB clock.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
static inline void CTIMER_SetPrescale(CTIMER_Type *base, uint32_t prescale)
Setup the timer prescale value.
Specifies the maximum value for the Prescale Counter.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
prescale – Prescale value
static inline uint32_t CTIMER_GetCaptureValue(CTIMER_Type *base, ctimer_capture_channel_t capture)
Get capture channel value.
Get the counter/timer value on the corresponding capture channel.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
capture – Select capture channel
- Returns:
The timer count capture value.
static inline void CTIMER_EnableResetMatchChannel(CTIMER_Type *base, ctimer_match_t match, bool enable)
Enable reset match channel.
Set the specified match channel reset operation.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
match – match channel used
enable – Enable match channel reset operation.
static inline void CTIMER_EnableStopMatchChannel(CTIMER_Type *base, ctimer_match_t match, bool enable)
Enable stop match channel.
Set the specified match channel stop operation.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address.
match – match channel used.
enable – Enable match channel stop operation.
static inline void CTIMER_EnableMatchChannelReload(CTIMER_Type *base, ctimer_match_t match, bool enable)
Enable reload channel falling edge.
Enable the specified match channel reload match shadow value.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address.
match – match channel used.
enable – Enable .
static inline void CTIMER_EnableRisingEdgeCapture(CTIMER_Type *base, ctimer_capture_channel_t capture, bool enable)
Enable capture channel rising edge.
Sets the specified capture channel for rising edge capture.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address.
capture – capture channel used.
enable – Enable rising edge capture.
static inline void CTIMER_EnableFallingEdgeCapture(CTIMER_Type *base, ctimer_capture_channel_t capture, bool enable)
Enable capture channel falling edge.
Sets the specified capture channel for falling edge capture.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address.
capture – capture channel used.
enable – Enable falling edge capture.
static inline void CTIMER_SetShadowValue(CTIMER_Type *base, ctimer_match_t match, uint32_t matchvalue)
Set the specified match shadow channel.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address.
match – match channel used.
matchvalue – Reload the value of the corresponding match register.
struct _ctimer_match_config
- #include <fsl_ctimer.h>
Match configuration.
This structure holds the configuration settings for each match register.
Public Members
uint32_t matchValue
This is stored in the match register
bool enableCounterReset
true: Match will reset the counter false: Match will not reser the counter
bool enableCounterStop
true: Match will stop the counter false: Match will not stop the counter
ctimer_match_output_control_t outControl
Action to be taken on a match on the EM bit/output
bool outPinInitState
Initial value of the EM bit/output
bool enableInterrupt
true: Generate interrupt upon match false: Do not generate interrupt on match
uint32_t matchValue
struct _ctimer_config
- #include <fsl_ctimer.h>
Timer configuration structure.
This structure holds the configuration settings for the Timer peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the CTIMER_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to the configuration structure instance.
The configuration structure can be made constant so as to reside in flash.
Public Members
ctimer_timer_mode_t mode
Timer mode
ctimer_capture_channel_t input
Input channel to increment the timer, used only in timer modes that rely on this input signal to increment TC
uint32_t prescale
Prescale value
ctimer_timer_mode_t mode
DAC: Digital Analog Converter
void DAC_Init(DAC_Type *base, const dac_config_t *config)
Initializes DAC module, including set reference voltage source, set conversion range, and set output voltage range.
- Parameters:
base – DAC peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to the structure which in type of dac_config_t.
void DAC_GetDefaultConfig(dac_config_t *config)
Gets the default configurations of DAC module.
config->conversionRate = kDAC_ConversionRate62P5KHZ; config->refSource = kDAC_ReferenceInternalVoltageSource; config->rangeSelect = kDAC_RangeLarge;
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to the structure which in the type of dac_config_t.
void DAC_Deinit(DAC_Type *base)
De-initializes the DAC module, including reset clock divider, reset each channel, and so on.
- Parameters:
base – DAC peripheral base address.
void DAC_SetChannelConfig(DAC_Type *base, uint32_t channelMask, const dac_channel_config_t *channelConfig)
Configures the DAC channels, including enable channel conversion, set wave type, set timing mode, and so on.
- Parameters:
base – DAC peripheral base address.
channelMask – The mask of channel, can be the OR’ed value of dac_channel_id_t.
channelConfig – The pointer of structure which in the type of dac_channel_config_t.
static inline void DAC_ResetChannel(DAC_Type *base, uint32_t channelMask)
Does software reset for the selected DAC channels.
- Parameters:
base – DAC peripheral base address.
channelMask – The mask of channel to be reset, should be the OR’ed value of dac_channel_id_t.
static inline void DAC_EnableChannelConversion(DAC_Type *base, uint32_t channelMask, bool enable)
Enables/Disables selected channel conversion.
To enable/disable the conversions of both channels, invoking this API with the parameter channelMask set as kDAC_ChannelA|kDAC_ChannelB .
- Parameters:
base – DAC peripheral base address.
channelMask – The mask of channel to be reset, can be the OR’ed value of dac_channel_id_t.
enable – Enable/Disable channel conversion.
true Enable selected channels’ conversion.
false Disable selected channels’ conversion.
static inline void DAC_SetChannelOutMode(DAC_Type *base, uint32_t channelMask, dac_channel_output_t outMode)
Sets channels out mode, including kDAC_ChannelOutputInternal and kDAC_ChannelOutputPad.
- Parameters:
base – DAC peripheral base address.
channelMask – The mask of channel, can be the OR’ed value of dac_channel_id_t.
outMode – The out mode of selected channels, please refer to dac_channel_output_t for details.
static inline void DAC_EnableChannelTriggerMode(DAC_Type *base, uint32_t channelMask, bool enable)
Enables/Disables channels trigger mode.
To enable/disable the trigger mode of both two channels, invoking this API with the parameter channelMask set as kDAC_ChannelA|kDAC_ChannelB .
- Parameters:
base – DAC peripheral base address.
channelMask – The mask of channel, can be the OR’ed value of dac_channel_id_t.
enable – Enable/Disable channel trigger mode.
true Channels’ conversion triggered by external event enabled.
false Channels’ conversion trigged by external event disabled.
static inline void DAC_SetChannelTrigSource(DAC_Type *base, uint32_t channelMask, dac_channel_trigger_source_t trigSource)
Sets channels trigger source.
To set the same trigger source to both two channels, invoking this API with the parameter channelMask set as kDAC_ChannelA|kDAC_ChannelB .
- Parameters:
base – DAC peripheral base address.
channelMask – The mask of channel, can be the OR’ed value of dac_channel_id_t.
trigSource – The selected trigger source, please refer to dac_channel_trigger_source_t for details.
static inline void DAC_SetChannelTrigType(DAC_Type *base, uint32_t channelMask, dac_channel_trigger_type_t trigType)
Sets channels trigger type, such as rising edge trigger, falling edge trigger, or both edge trigger.
To set the same trigger type to both two channels, invoking this API with the parameter channelMask set as kDAC_ChannelA|kDAC_ChannelB .
- Parameters:
base – DAC peripheral base address.
channelMask – The mask of channel, can be the OR’ed value of dac_channel_id_t;
trigType – The selected trigger type, please refer to dac_channel_trigger_type_t;
static inline void DAC_SetChannelTimingMode(DAC_Type *base, uint32_t channelMask, dac_channel_timing_mode_t timingMode)
Sets channels timing mode, including not-timing related or timing related.
To the same timing mode to both two channels, invoking this API with the parameter channelMask set as kDAC_ChannelA|kDAC_ChannelB .
- Parameters:
base – DAC peripheral base address.
channelMask – The mask of channel, can be the OR’ed value of dac_channel_id_t.
timingMode – The selected timing mode, please refer to dac_channel_timing_mode_t for details.
static inline void DAC_EnableChannelDMA(DAC_Type *base, uint32_t channelMask, bool enable)
Enables/Disables channels DMA.
- Parameters:
base – DAC peripheral base address.
channelMask – The mask of channel, can be the OR’ed value of dac_channel_id_t.
enable – Enable/Disable channel DMA data transfer.
true DMA data transfer enabled.
false DMA data transfer disabled.
static inline void DAC_SetChannelWaveType(DAC_Type *base, uint32_t channelMask, dac_channel_wave_type_t waveType)
Sets channels wave type, such as sine, noise, or triangle.
To set the same wave type to both channel, invoking this API with the parameter channelMask set as kDAC_ChannelA|kDAC_ChannelB .
- Parameters:
base – DAC peripheral base address.
channelMask – The mask of channel, should be the OR’ed value of dac_channel_id_t.
waveType – The wave type to set, please refer to dac_channel_wave_type_t.
static inline void DAC_SetChannelData(DAC_Type *base, uint32_t channelMask, uint16_t data)
Sets DAC channels data.
To set the same data to both channel, invoking this API with the parameter channelMask set as kDAC_ChannelA|kDAC_ChannelB .
- Parameters:
base – DAC peripheral base address.
channelMask – The mask of channel, can be the OR’ed value of dac_channel_id_t.
data –
void DAC_SetTriangleConfig(DAC_Type *base, const dac_triangle_config_t *triangleConfig)
Configures the options of triangle waveform.
This API should be invoked to set the options of triangle waveform when channel A’s output wave type is selected as kDAC_WaveTriangle.
- Parameters:
base – DAC peripheral base address.
triangleConfig – The pointer of structure which in the type of dac_triangle_config_t.
static inline void DAC_EnableInterrupts(DAC_Type *base, uint32_t interruptMask)
Enables interrupts, such as channel A data ready interupt, channel A timeout interrupt, and so on.
- Parameters:
base – DAC peripheral base address.
interruptMask – The or’ed value of the interrupts to be enabled, please refer to _dac_interrupt_enable.
static inline void DAC_DisableInterrupts(DAC_Type *base, uint32_t interruptMask)
Disables interrupts, such as channel B data ready interrupt, channel B timeout interrupt, and so on.
- Parameters:
base – DAC peripheral base address.
interruptMask – The or’ed value of the interrupts to be disabled, please refer to _dac_interrupt_enable.
static inline uint32_t DAC_GetStatusFlags(DAC_Type *base)
Gets the status flags, including interrupt status flags, raw status flags, and conversion status flags.
- Parameters:
base – DAC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The mask of status flags, please refer to _dac_status_flags.
static inline void DAC_ClearStatusFlags(DAC_Type *base, uint32_t statusFlagsMask)
Clears the interrups status flags, such as channel A data ready interrupt flag, channel B data ready interrupt flag, and so on.
- Parameters:
base – DAC peripheral base address.
statusFlagsMask – The mask of the status flags to be cleared, please refer to _dac_status_flags.
enum _dac_interrupt_enable
The enumeration of interrupts that DAC support.
enumerator kDAC_ChannelAReadyInterruptEnable
Enable channel A data ready interrupt.
enumerator kDAC_ChannelBReadyInterruptEnable
Enable channel B data ready interrupt.
enumerator kDAC_ChannelATimeoutInterruptEnable
Enable channel A time out interrupt.
enumerator kDAC_ChannelBTimeoutInterruptEnable
Enable channel B time out interrupt.
enumerator kDAC_TriangleOverflowInterruptEnable
Enable triangle overflow interrupt.
enumerator kDAC_ChannelAReadyInterruptEnable
enum _dac_status_flags
The enumeration of DAC status flags, including interrupt status flags, raw status flags, and conversion status flags.
The interrupt status flags can only be asserted upon both enabling and happening of related interrupts. Comparatively, the raw status flags will be asserted as long as related events happen regardless of whether related interrupts are enabled or not.
Only interrupt status flags can be cleared mannually.
enumerator kDAC_ChannelADataReadyInterruptFlag
Channel A data ready.
enumerator kDAC_ChannelBDataReadyInterruptFlag
Channel B data ready.
enumerator kDAC_ChannelATimeoutInterruptFlag
Channel A time out.
enumerator kDAC_ChannelBTimeoutInterruptFlag
Channel B time out.
enumerator kDAC_TriangleOverflowInterruptFlag
Triangle overflow.
enumerator kDAC_RawChannelADataReadyFlag
Channel A data ready raw.
enumerator kDAC_RawChannelBDataReadyFlag
Channel B data ready raw.
enumerator kDAC_RawChannelATimeoutFlag
Channel A timeout raw.
enumerator kDAC_RawChannelBTimeoutFlag
Channel B timeout raw.
enumerator kDAC_RawTriangleOverflowFlag
Triangle overflow raw.
enumerator kDAC_ChannelAConversionCompleteFlag
Channel A conversion complete.
enumerator kDAC_ChannelBConversionCompleteFlag
Channel B conversion complete.
enumerator kDAC_ChannelADataReadyInterruptFlag
enum _dac_channel_id
The enumeration of dac channels, including channel A and channel B.
enumerator kDAC_ChannelA
enumerator kDAC_ChannelB
enumerator kDAC_ChannelA
enum _dac_conversion_rate
The enumeration of dac converion rate, including 62.5 KHz, 125 KHz, 250 KHz, and 500 KHz.
enumerator kDAC_ConversionRate62P5KHZ
DAC Conversion Rate selects as 62.5 KHz.
enumerator kDAC_ConversionRate125KHZ
DAC Conversion Rate selects as 125 KHz.
enumerator kDAC_ConversionRate250KHZ
DAC Conversion Rate selects as 250 KHz.
enumerator kDAC_ConversionRate500KHZ
DAC Conversion Rate selects as 500 KHz.
enumerator kDAC_ConversionRate62P5KHZ
enum _dac_reference_voltage_source
The enumeration of dac reference voltage source.
enumerator kDAC_ReferenceInternalVoltageSource
Select internal voltage reference.
enumerator kDAC_ReferenceExternalVoltageSource
Select external voltage reference.
enumerator kDAC_ReferenceInternalVoltageSource
enum _dac_output_voltage_range
The enumeration of dac output voltage range.
enumerator kDAC_RangeSmall
DAC output small range.
enumerator kDAC_RangeMiddle
DAC output middle range.
enumerator kDAC_RangeLarge
DAC output large range.
enumerator kDAC_RangeSmall
enum _dac_channel_output
The enumeration of dac channel’s output mode.
enumerator kDAC_ChannelOutputInternal
Enable internal output but disable output to pad
enumerator kDAC_ChannelOutputPAD
Enable output to pad but disable internal output
enumerator kDAC_ChannelOutputInternal
enum _dac_channel_trigger_type
The enumeration of dac channel’s trigger type, including rising edge trigger, falling edge trigger, and both edge triggers.
enumerator kDAC_RisingEdgeTrigger
Rising edge trigger.
enumerator kDAC_FallingEdgeTrigger
Failing edge trigger.
enumerator kDAC_BothEdgeTrigger
Rising and Failing edge trigger.
enumerator kDAC_RisingEdgeTrigger
enum _dac_channel_timing_mode
The enumeration of dac channel timing mode.
enumerator kDAC_NonTimingCorrelated
DAC non-timing-correlated mode.
enumerator kDAC_TimingCorrelated
DAC timing-correlated mode.
enumerator kDAC_NonTimingCorrelated
enum _dac_channel_wave_type
The enumerator of channel output wave type, please note that not all wave types are effective to A and B channel.
enumerator kDAC_WaveNormal
No predefined waveform, effective to A or B channel
enumerator kDAC_WaveTriangle
Triangle wave, effective only to A channel
enumerator kDAC_WaveSine
Sine wave, effective only to A channel
enumerator kDAC_WaveNoiseDifferential
Noise wave, effective only to A channel; Differential mode, one’s complemental code from A data, effective only to B channel
enumerator kDAC_WaveNormal
enum _dac_triangle_mamp
DAC triangle maximum amplitude type.
enumerator kDAC_TriangleAmplitude63
DAC triangle amplitude 63 lsb
enumerator kDAC_TriangleAmplitude127
DAC triangle amplitude 127 lsb
enumerator kDAC_TriangleAmplitude191
DAC triangle amplitude 191 lsb
enumerator kDAC_TriangleAmplitude255
DAC triangle amplitude 255 lsb
enumerator kDAC_TriangleAmplitude319
DAC triangle amplitude 319 lsb
enumerator kDAC_TriangleAmplitude383
DAC triangle amplitude 383 lsb
enumerator kDAC_TriangleAmplitude447
DAC triangle amplitude 447 lsb
enumerator kDAC_TriangleAmplitude511
DAC triangle amplitude 511 lsb
enumerator kDAC_TriangleAmplitude575
DAC triangle amplitude 575 lsb
enumerator kDAC_TriangleAmplitude639
DAC triangle amplitude 639 lsb
enumerator kDAC_TriangleAmplitude703
DAC triangle amplitude 703 lsb
enumerator kDAC_TriangleAmplitude767
DAC triangle amplitude 767 lsb
enumerator kDAC_TriangleAmplitude831
DAC triangle amplitude 831 lsb
enumerator kDAC_TriangleAmplitude895
DAC triangle amplitude 895 lsb
enumerator kDAC_TriangleAmplitude959
DAC triangle amplitude 959 lsb
enumerator kDAC_TriangleAmplitude1023
DAC triangle amplitude 1023 lsb
enumerator kDAC_TriangleAmplitude63
enum _dac_triangle_step_size
DAC triangle step size type.
enumerator kDAC_TriangleStepSize1
DAC triangle step size 1 lsb
enumerator kDAC_TriangleStepSize3
DAC triangle step size 3 lsb
enumerator kDAC_TriangleStepSize15
DAC triangle step size 15 lsb
enumerator kDAC_TriangleStepSize511
DAC triangle step size 511 lsb
enumerator kDAC_TriangleStepSize1
enum _dac_triangle_waveform_type
DAC triangle waveform type.
enumerator kDAC_TriangleFull
DAC full triangle waveform
enumerator kDAC_TriangleHalf
DAC half triangle waveform
enumerator kDAC_TriangleFull
typedef enum _dac_channel_id dac_channel_id_t
The enumeration of dac channels, including channel A and channel B.
typedef enum _dac_conversion_rate dac_conversion_rate_t
The enumeration of dac converion rate, including 62.5 KHz, 125 KHz, 250 KHz, and 500 KHz.
typedef enum _dac_reference_voltage_source dac_reference_voltage_source_t
The enumeration of dac reference voltage source.
typedef enum _dac_output_voltage_range dac_output_voltage_range_t
The enumeration of dac output voltage range.
typedef enum _dac_channel_output dac_channel_output_t
The enumeration of dac channel’s output mode.
typedef enum _dac_channel_trigger_type dac_channel_trigger_type_t
The enumeration of dac channel’s trigger type, including rising edge trigger, falling edge trigger, and both edge triggers.
typedef enum _dac_channel_timing_mode dac_channel_timing_mode_t
The enumeration of dac channel timing mode.
typedef enum _dac_channel_wave_type dac_channel_wave_type_t
The enumerator of channel output wave type, please note that not all wave types are effective to A and B channel.
typedef enum _dac_triangle_mamp dac_triangle_mamp_t
DAC triangle maximum amplitude type.
typedef enum _dac_triangle_step_size dac_triangle_step_size_t
DAC triangle step size type.
typedef enum _dac_triangle_waveform_type dac_triangle_waveform_type_t
DAC triangle waveform type.
typedef struct _dac_config dac_config_t
The structure of dac module basic configuration, including conversion rate, output range, and reference voltage source.
typedef struct _dac_channel_config dac_channel_config_t
The structure of dac channel configuration, such as trigger type, wave type, timing mode, and so on.
typedef struct _dac_triangle_config dac_triangle_config_t
The structure of triangle waveform, including maximum value, minimum value, step size, and so on.
DAC driver version.
Version 2.1.0.
DAC channel A wave mode check.
DAC channel B wave mode check.
struct _dac_config
- #include <fsl_dac.h>
The structure of dac module basic configuration, including conversion rate, output range, and reference voltage source.
Public Members
dac_conversion_rate_t conversionRate
Configure DAC conversion rate, please refer to dac_conversion_rate_t.
dac_reference_voltage_source_t refSource
Configure DAC vref source, please refer to dac_reference_voltage_source_t.
dac_output_voltage_range_t rangeSelect
Configure DAC channel output range, please refer to dac_output_voltage_range_t.
dac_conversion_rate_t conversionRate
struct _dac_channel_config
- #include <fsl_dac.h>
The structure of dac channel configuration, such as trigger type, wave type, timing mode, and so on.
Public Members
bool enableConversion
Enable/Disable selected channel’s conversion.
true Enable selected channel’s conversion.
false Disable selected channel’s conversion.
dac_channel_output_t outMode
Configure channel output mode, please refer to dac_channel_output_t
bool enableDMA
Enable/Disable channel DAM data transfer.
true DMA data transfer enabled.
false DMA data transfer disabled.
bool enableTrigger
Enable/Disable external event trigger.
dac_channel_trigger_type_t triggerType
Configure the channel trigger type, please refer to dac_channel_trigger_type_t.
dac_channel_trigger_source_t triggerSource
Configure DAC channel trigger source, please refer to dac_channel_trigger_source_t.
dac_channel_timing_mode_t timingMode
Configure channel timing mode, please refer to dac_channel_timing_mode_t.
dac_channel_wave_type_t waveType
Configure wave type for the selected channel, please refer to dac_channel_wave_type_t.
bool enableConversion
struct _dac_triangle_config
- #include <fsl_dac.h>
The structure of triangle waveform, including maximum value, minimum value, step size, and so on.
Public Members
dac_triangle_mamp_t triangleMamp
Configure triangle maximum value.
dac_triangle_step_size_t triangleStepSize
Configure triangle step size.
dac_triangle_waveform_type_t triangleWaveform
Configure triangle waveform type.
uint32_t triangleBase
Configure triangle minimum value.
dac_triangle_mamp_t triangleMamp
DMA: Direct Memory Access Controller Driver
void DMA_Init(DMA_Type *base)
Initializes DMA peripheral.
This function enable the DMA clock, set descriptor table and enable DMA peripheral.
- Parameters:
base – DMA peripheral base address.
void DMA_Deinit(DMA_Type *base)
Deinitializes DMA peripheral.
This function gates the DMA clock.
- Parameters:
base – DMA peripheral base address.
void DMA_InstallDescriptorMemory(DMA_Type *base, void *addr)
Install DMA descriptor memory.
This function used to register DMA descriptor memory for linked transfer, a typical case is ping pong transfer which will request more than one DMA descriptor memory space, althrough current DMA driver has a default DMA descriptor buffer, but it support one DMA descriptor for one channel only.
- Parameters:
base – DMA base address.
addr – DMA descriptor address
static inline bool DMA_ChannelIsActive(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Return whether DMA channel is processing transfer.
- Parameters:
base – DMA peripheral base address.
channel – DMA channel number.
- Returns:
True for active state, false otherwise.
static inline bool DMA_ChannelIsBusy(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Return whether DMA channel is busy.
- Parameters:
base – DMA peripheral base address.
channel – DMA channel number.
- Returns:
True for busy state, false otherwise.
static inline void DMA_EnableChannelInterrupts(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Enables the interrupt source for the DMA transfer.
- Parameters:
base – DMA peripheral base address.
channel – DMA channel number.
static inline void DMA_DisableChannelInterrupts(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Disables the interrupt source for the DMA transfer.
- Parameters:
base – DMA peripheral base address.
channel – DMA channel number.
static inline void DMA_EnableChannel(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Enable DMA channel.
- Parameters:
base – DMA peripheral base address.
channel – DMA channel number.
static inline void DMA_DisableChannel(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Disable DMA channel.
- Parameters:
base – DMA peripheral base address.
channel – DMA channel number.
static inline void DMA_EnableChannelPeriphRq(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Set PERIPHREQEN of channel configuration register.
- Parameters:
base – DMA peripheral base address.
channel – DMA channel number.
static inline void DMA_DisableChannelPeriphRq(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Get PERIPHREQEN value of channel configuration register.
- Parameters:
base – DMA peripheral base address.
channel – DMA channel number.
- Returns:
True for enabled PeriphRq, false for disabled.
void DMA_ConfigureChannelTrigger(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, dma_channel_trigger_t *trigger)
Set trigger settings of DMA channel.
- Deprecated:
Do not use this function. It has been superceded by DMA_SetChannelConfig.
- Parameters:
base – DMA peripheral base address.
channel – DMA channel number.
trigger – trigger configuration.
void DMA_SetChannelConfig(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, dma_channel_trigger_t *trigger, bool isPeriph)
set channel config.
This function provide a interface to configure channel configuration reisters.
- Parameters:
base – DMA base address.
channel – DMA channel number.
trigger – channel configurations structure.
isPeriph – true is periph request, false is not.
static inline uint32_t DMA_SetChannelXferConfig(bool reload, bool clrTrig, bool intA, bool intB, uint8_t width, uint8_t srcInc, uint8_t dstInc, uint32_t bytes)
DMA channel xfer transfer configurations.
- Parameters:
reload – true is reload link descriptor after current exhaust, false is not
clrTrig – true is clear trigger status, wait software trigger, false is not
intA – enable interruptA
intB – enable interruptB
width – transfer width
srcInc – source address interleave size
dstInc – destination address interleave size
bytes – transfer bytes
- Returns:
The vaule of xfer config
uint32_t DMA_GetRemainingBytes(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Gets the remaining bytes of the current DMA descriptor transfer.
- Parameters:
base – DMA peripheral base address.
channel – DMA channel number.
- Returns:
The number of bytes which have not been transferred yet.
static inline void DMA_SetChannelPriority(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, dma_priority_t priority)
Set priority of channel configuration register.
- Parameters:
base – DMA peripheral base address.
channel – DMA channel number.
priority – Channel priority value.
static inline dma_priority_t DMA_GetChannelPriority(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Get priority of channel configuration register.
- Parameters:
base – DMA peripheral base address.
channel – DMA channel number.
- Returns:
Channel priority value.
static inline void DMA_SetChannelConfigValid(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Set channel configuration valid.
- Parameters:
base – DMA peripheral base address.
channel – DMA channel number.
static inline void DMA_DoChannelSoftwareTrigger(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Do software trigger for the channel.
- Parameters:
base – DMA peripheral base address.
channel – DMA channel number.
static inline void DMA_LoadChannelTransferConfig(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, uint32_t xfer)
Load channel transfer configurations.
- Parameters:
base – DMA peripheral base address.
channel – DMA channel number.
xfer – transfer configurations.
void DMA_CreateDescriptor(dma_descriptor_t *desc, dma_xfercfg_t *xfercfg, void *srcAddr, void *dstAddr, void *nextDesc)
Create application specific DMA descriptor to be used in a chain in transfer.
- Deprecated:
Do not use this function. It has been superceded by DMA_SetupDescriptor.
- Parameters:
desc – DMA descriptor address.
xfercfg – Transfer configuration for DMA descriptor.
srcAddr – Address of last item to transmit
dstAddr – Address of last item to receive.
nextDesc – Address of next descriptor in chain.
void DMA_SetupDescriptor(dma_descriptor_t *desc, uint32_t xfercfg, void *srcStartAddr, void *dstStartAddr, void *nextDesc)
setup dma descriptor
Note: This function do not support configure wrap descriptor.
- Parameters:
desc – DMA descriptor address.
xfercfg – Transfer configuration for DMA descriptor.
srcStartAddr – Start address of source address.
dstStartAddr – Start address of destination address.
nextDesc – Address of next descriptor in chain.
void DMA_SetupChannelDescriptor(dma_descriptor_t *desc, uint32_t xfercfg, void *srcStartAddr, void *dstStartAddr, void *nextDesc, dma_burst_wrap_t wrapType, uint32_t burstSize)
setup dma channel descriptor
Note: This function support configure wrap descriptor.
- Parameters:
desc – DMA descriptor address.
xfercfg – Transfer configuration for DMA descriptor.
srcStartAddr – Start address of source address.
dstStartAddr – Start address of destination address.
nextDesc – Address of next descriptor in chain.
wrapType – burst wrap type.
burstSize – burst size, reference _dma_burst_size.
void DMA_LoadChannelDescriptor(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, dma_descriptor_t *descriptor)
load channel transfer decriptor.
This function can be used to load desscriptor to driver internal channel descriptor that is used to start DMA transfer, the head descriptor table is defined in DMA driver, it is useful for the case:
for the polling transfer, application can allocate a local descriptor memory table to prepare a descriptor firstly and then call this api to load the configured descriptor to driver descriptor table.
DMA_Init(DMA0); DMA_EnableChannel(DMA0, DEMO_DMA_CHANNEL); DMA_SetupDescriptor(desc, xferCfg, s_srcBuffer, &s_destBuffer[0], NULL); DMA_LoadChannelDescriptor(DMA0, DEMO_DMA_CHANNEL, (dma_descriptor_t *)desc); DMA_DoChannelSoftwareTrigger(DMA0, DEMO_DMA_CHANNEL); while(DMA_ChannelIsBusy(DMA0, DEMO_DMA_CHANNEL)) {}
- Parameters:
base – DMA base address.
channel – DMA channel.
descriptor – configured DMA descriptor.
void DMA_AbortTransfer(dma_handle_t *handle)
Abort running transfer by handle.
This function aborts DMA transfer specified by handle.
- Parameters:
handle – DMA handle pointer.
void DMA_CreateHandle(dma_handle_t *handle, DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Creates the DMA handle.
This function is called if using transaction API for DMA. This function initializes the internal state of DMA handle.
- Parameters:
handle – DMA handle pointer. The DMA handle stores callback function and parameters.
base – DMA peripheral base address.
channel – DMA channel number.
void DMA_SetCallback(dma_handle_t *handle, dma_callback callback, void *userData)
Installs a callback function for the DMA transfer.
This callback is called in DMA IRQ handler. Use the callback to do something after the current major loop transfer completes.
- Parameters:
handle – DMA handle pointer.
callback – DMA callback function pointer.
userData – Parameter for callback function.
void DMA_PrepareTransfer(dma_transfer_config_t *config, void *srcAddr, void *dstAddr, uint32_t byteWidth, uint32_t transferBytes, dma_transfer_type_t type, void *nextDesc)
Prepares the DMA transfer structure.
- Deprecated:
Do not use this function. It has been superceded by DMA_PrepareChannelTransfer. This function prepares the transfer configuration structure according to the user input.
The data address and the data width must be consistent. For example, if the SRC is 4 bytes, so the source address must be 4 bytes aligned, or it shall result in source address error(SAE).
- Parameters:
config – The user configuration structure of type dma_transfer_t.
srcAddr – DMA transfer source address.
dstAddr – DMA transfer destination address.
byteWidth – DMA transfer destination address width(bytes).
transferBytes – DMA transfer bytes to be transferred.
type – DMA transfer type.
nextDesc – Chain custom descriptor to transfer.
void DMA_PrepareChannelTransfer(dma_channel_config_t *config, void *srcStartAddr, void *dstStartAddr, uint32_t xferCfg, dma_transfer_type_t type, dma_channel_trigger_t *trigger, void *nextDesc)
Prepare channel transfer configurations.
This function used to prepare channel transfer configurations.
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to DMA channel transfer configuration structure.
srcStartAddr – source start address.
dstStartAddr – destination start address.
xferCfg – xfer configuration, user can reference DMA_CHANNEL_XFER about to how to get xferCfg value.
type – transfer type.
trigger – DMA channel trigger configurations.
nextDesc – address of next descriptor.
status_t DMA_SubmitTransfer(dma_handle_t *handle, dma_transfer_config_t *config)
Submits the DMA transfer request.
- Deprecated:
Do not use this function. It has been superceded by DMA_SubmitChannelTransfer.
This function submits the DMA transfer request according to the transfer configuration structure. If the user submits the transfer request repeatedly, this function packs an unprocessed request as a TCD and enables scatter/gather feature to process it in the next time.
- Parameters:
handle – DMA handle pointer.
config – Pointer to DMA transfer configuration structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_DMA_Success – It means submit transfer request succeed.
kStatus_DMA_QueueFull – It means TCD queue is full. Submit transfer request is not allowed.
kStatus_DMA_Busy – It means the given channel is busy, need to submit request later.
void DMA_SubmitChannelTransferParameter(dma_handle_t *handle, uint32_t xferCfg, void *srcStartAddr, void *dstStartAddr, void *nextDesc)
Submit channel transfer paramter directly.
This function used to configue channel head descriptor that is used to start DMA transfer, the head descriptor table is defined in DMA driver, it is useful for the case:
for the single transfer, application doesn’t need to allocate descriptor table, the head descriptor can be used for it.
DMA_SetChannelConfig(base, channel, trigger, isPeriph); DMA_CreateHandle(handle, base, channel) DMA_SubmitChannelTransferParameter(handle, DMA_CHANNEL_XFER(reload, clrTrig, intA, intB, width, srcInc, dstInc, bytes), srcStartAddr, dstStartAddr, NULL); DMA_StartTransfer(handle)
for the linked transfer, application should responsible for link descriptor, for example, if 4 transfer is required, then application should prepare three descriptor table with macro , the head descriptor in driver can be used for the first transfer descriptor.
define link descriptor table in application with macro DMA_ALLOCATE_LINK_DESCRIPTOR(nextDesc[3]); DMA_SetupDescriptor(nextDesc0, DMA_CHANNEL_XFER(reload, clrTrig, intA, intB, width, srcInc, dstInc, bytes), srcStartAddr, dstStartAddr, nextDesc1); DMA_SetupDescriptor(nextDesc1, DMA_CHANNEL_XFER(reload, clrTrig, intA, intB, width, srcInc, dstInc, bytes), srcStartAddr, dstStartAddr, nextDesc2); DMA_SetupDescriptor(nextDesc2, DMA_CHANNEL_XFER(reload, clrTrig, intA, intB, width, srcInc, dstInc, bytes), srcStartAddr, dstStartAddr, NULL); DMA_SetChannelConfig(base, channel, trigger, isPeriph); DMA_CreateHandle(handle, base, channel) DMA_SubmitChannelTransferParameter(handle, DMA_CHANNEL_XFER(reload, clrTrig, intA, intB, width, srcInc, dstInc, bytes), srcStartAddr, dstStartAddr, nextDesc0); DMA_StartTransfer(handle);
- Parameters:
handle – Pointer to DMA handle.
xferCfg – xfer configuration, user can reference DMA_CHANNEL_XFER about to how to get xferCfg value.
srcStartAddr – source start address.
dstStartAddr – destination start address.
nextDesc – address of next descriptor.
void DMA_SubmitChannelDescriptor(dma_handle_t *handle, dma_descriptor_t *descriptor)
Submit channel descriptor.
This function used to configue channel head descriptor that is used to start DMA transfer, the head descriptor table is defined in DMA driver, this functiono is typical for the ping pong case:
for the ping pong case, application should responsible for the descriptor, for example, application should prepare two descriptor table with macro.
define link descriptor table in application with macro DMA_ALLOCATE_LINK_DESCRIPTOR(nextDesc[2]); DMA_SetupDescriptor(nextDesc0, DMA_CHANNEL_XFER(reload, clrTrig, intA, intB, width, srcInc, dstInc, bytes), srcStartAddr, dstStartAddr, nextDesc1); DMA_SetupDescriptor(nextDesc1, DMA_CHANNEL_XFER(reload, clrTrig, intA, intB, width, srcInc, dstInc, bytes), srcStartAddr, dstStartAddr, nextDesc0); DMA_SetChannelConfig(base, channel, trigger, isPeriph); DMA_CreateHandle(handle, base, channel) DMA_SubmitChannelDescriptor(handle, nextDesc0); DMA_StartTransfer(handle);
- Parameters:
handle – Pointer to DMA handle.
descriptor – descriptor to submit.
status_t DMA_SubmitChannelTransfer(dma_handle_t *handle, dma_channel_config_t *config)
Submits the DMA channel transfer request.
This function submits the DMA transfer request according to the transfer configuration structure. If the user submits the transfer request repeatedly, this function packs an unprocessed request as a TCD and enables scatter/gather feature to process it in the next time. It is used for the case:
for the single transfer, application doesn’t need to allocate descriptor table, the head descriptor can be used for it.
DMA_CreateHandle(handle, base, channel) DMA_PrepareChannelTransfer(config,srcStartAddr,dstStartAddr,xferCfg,type,trigger,NULL); DMA_SubmitChannelTransfer(handle, config) DMA_StartTransfer(handle)
for the linked transfer, application should responsible for link descriptor, for example, if 4 transfer is required, then application should prepare three descriptor table with macro , the head descriptor in driver can be used for the first transfer descriptor.
define link descriptor table in application with macro DMA_ALLOCATE_LINK_DESCRIPTOR(nextDesc); DMA_SetupDescriptor(nextDesc0, DMA_CHANNEL_XFER(reload, clrTrig, intA, intB, width, srcInc, dstInc, bytes), srcStartAddr, dstStartAddr, nextDesc1); DMA_SetupDescriptor(nextDesc1, DMA_CHANNEL_XFER(reload, clrTrig, intA, intB, width, srcInc, dstInc, bytes), srcStartAddr, dstStartAddr, nextDesc2); DMA_SetupDescriptor(nextDesc2, DMA_CHANNEL_XFER(reload, clrTrig, intA, intB, width, srcInc, dstInc, bytes), srcStartAddr, dstStartAddr, NULL); DMA_CreateHandle(handle, base, channel) DMA_PrepareChannelTransfer(config,srcStartAddr,dstStartAddr,xferCfg,type,trigger,nextDesc0); DMA_SubmitChannelTransfer(handle, config) DMA_StartTransfer(handle)
for the ping pong case, application should responsible for link descriptor, for example, application should prepare two descriptor table with macro , the head descriptor in driver can be used for the first transfer descriptor.
define link descriptor table in application with macro DMA_ALLOCATE_LINK_DESCRIPTOR(nextDesc); DMA_SetupDescriptor(nextDesc0, DMA_CHANNEL_XFER(reload, clrTrig, intA, intB, width, srcInc, dstInc, bytes), srcStartAddr, dstStartAddr, nextDesc1); DMA_SetupDescriptor(nextDesc1, DMA_CHANNEL_XFER(reload, clrTrig, intA, intB, width, srcInc, dstInc, bytes), srcStartAddr, dstStartAddr, nextDesc0); DMA_CreateHandle(handle, base, channel) DMA_PrepareChannelTransfer(config,srcStartAddr,dstStartAddr,xferCfg,type,trigger,nextDesc0); DMA_SubmitChannelTransfer(handle, config) DMA_StartTransfer(handle)
- Parameters:
handle – DMA handle pointer.
config – Pointer to DMA transfer configuration structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_DMA_Success – It means submit transfer request succeed.
kStatus_DMA_QueueFull – It means TCD queue is full. Submit transfer request is not allowed.
kStatus_DMA_Busy – It means the given channel is busy, need to submit request later.
void DMA_StartTransfer(dma_handle_t *handle)
DMA start transfer.
This function enables the channel request. User can call this function after submitting the transfer request It will trigger transfer start with software trigger only when hardware trigger is not used.
- Parameters:
handle – DMA handle pointer.
void DMA_IRQHandle(DMA_Type *base)
DMA IRQ handler for descriptor transfer complete.
This function clears the channel major interrupt flag and call the callback function if it is not NULL.
- Parameters:
base – DMA base address.
DMA driver version.
Version 2.5.3.
_dma_transfer_status DMA transfer status
enumerator kStatus_DMA_Busy
Channel is busy and can’t handle the transfer request.
enumerator kStatus_DMA_Busy
_dma_addr_interleave_size dma address interleave size
enumerator kDMA_AddressInterleave0xWidth
dma source/destination address no interleave
enumerator kDMA_AddressInterleave1xWidth
dma source/destination address interleave 1xwidth
enumerator kDMA_AddressInterleave2xWidth
dma source/destination address interleave 2xwidth
enumerator kDMA_AddressInterleave4xWidth
dma source/destination address interleave 3xwidth
enumerator kDMA_AddressInterleave0xWidth
_dma_transfer_width dma transfer width
enumerator kDMA_Transfer8BitWidth
dma channel transfer bit width is 8 bit
enumerator kDMA_Transfer16BitWidth
dma channel transfer bit width is 16 bit
enumerator kDMA_Transfer32BitWidth
dma channel transfer bit width is 32 bit
enumerator kDMA_Transfer8BitWidth
enum _dma_priority
DMA channel priority.
enumerator kDMA_ChannelPriority0
Highest channel priority - priority 0
enumerator kDMA_ChannelPriority1
Channel priority 1
enumerator kDMA_ChannelPriority2
Channel priority 2
enumerator kDMA_ChannelPriority3
Channel priority 3
enumerator kDMA_ChannelPriority4
Channel priority 4
enumerator kDMA_ChannelPriority5
Channel priority 5
enumerator kDMA_ChannelPriority6
Channel priority 6
enumerator kDMA_ChannelPriority7
Lowest channel priority - priority 7
enumerator kDMA_ChannelPriority0
enum _dma_int
DMA interrupt flags.
enumerator kDMA_IntA
DMA interrupt flag A
enumerator kDMA_IntB
DMA interrupt flag B
enumerator kDMA_IntError
DMA interrupt flag error
enumerator kDMA_IntA
enum _dma_trigger_type
DMA trigger type.
enumerator kDMA_NoTrigger
Trigger is disabled
enumerator kDMA_LowLevelTrigger
Low level active trigger
enumerator kDMA_HighLevelTrigger
High level active trigger
enumerator kDMA_FallingEdgeTrigger
Falling edge active trigger
enumerator kDMA_RisingEdgeTrigger
Rising edge active trigger
enumerator kDMA_NoTrigger
_dma_burst_size DMA burst size
enumerator kDMA_BurstSize1
burst size 1 transfer
enumerator kDMA_BurstSize2
burst size 2 transfer
enumerator kDMA_BurstSize4
burst size 4 transfer
enumerator kDMA_BurstSize8
burst size 8 transfer
enumerator kDMA_BurstSize16
burst size 16 transfer
enumerator kDMA_BurstSize32
burst size 32 transfer
enumerator kDMA_BurstSize64
burst size 64 transfer
enumerator kDMA_BurstSize128
burst size 128 transfer
enumerator kDMA_BurstSize256
burst size 256 transfer
enumerator kDMA_BurstSize512
burst size 512 transfer
enumerator kDMA_BurstSize1024
burst size 1024 transfer
enumerator kDMA_BurstSize1
enum _dma_trigger_burst
DMA trigger burst.
enumerator kDMA_SingleTransfer
Single transfer
enumerator kDMA_LevelBurstTransfer
Burst transfer driven by level trigger
enumerator kDMA_EdgeBurstTransfer1
Perform 1 transfer by edge trigger
enumerator kDMA_EdgeBurstTransfer2
Perform 2 transfers by edge trigger
enumerator kDMA_EdgeBurstTransfer4
Perform 4 transfers by edge trigger
enumerator kDMA_EdgeBurstTransfer8
Perform 8 transfers by edge trigger
enumerator kDMA_EdgeBurstTransfer16
Perform 16 transfers by edge trigger
enumerator kDMA_EdgeBurstTransfer32
Perform 32 transfers by edge trigger
enumerator kDMA_EdgeBurstTransfer64
Perform 64 transfers by edge trigger
enumerator kDMA_EdgeBurstTransfer128
Perform 128 transfers by edge trigger
enumerator kDMA_EdgeBurstTransfer256
Perform 256 transfers by edge trigger
enumerator kDMA_EdgeBurstTransfer512
Perform 512 transfers by edge trigger
enumerator kDMA_EdgeBurstTransfer1024
Perform 1024 transfers by edge trigger
enumerator kDMA_SingleTransfer
enum _dma_burst_wrap
DMA burst wrapping.
enumerator kDMA_NoWrap
Wrapping is disabled
enumerator kDMA_SrcWrap
Wrapping is enabled for source
enumerator kDMA_DstWrap
Wrapping is enabled for destination
enumerator kDMA_SrcAndDstWrap
Wrapping is enabled for source and destination
enumerator kDMA_NoWrap
enum _dma_transfer_type
DMA transfer type.
enumerator kDMA_MemoryToMemory
Transfer from memory to memory (increment source and destination)
enumerator kDMA_PeripheralToMemory
Transfer from peripheral to memory (increment only destination)
enumerator kDMA_MemoryToPeripheral
Transfer from memory to peripheral (increment only source)
enumerator kDMA_StaticToStatic
Peripheral to static memory (do not increment source or destination)
enumerator kDMA_MemoryToMemory
typedef struct _dma_descriptor dma_descriptor_t
DMA descriptor structure.
typedef struct _dma_xfercfg dma_xfercfg_t
DMA transfer configuration.
typedef enum _dma_priority dma_priority_t
DMA channel priority.
typedef enum _dma_int dma_irq_t
DMA interrupt flags.
typedef enum _dma_trigger_type dma_trigger_type_t
DMA trigger type.
typedef enum _dma_trigger_burst dma_trigger_burst_t
DMA trigger burst.
typedef enum _dma_burst_wrap dma_burst_wrap_t
DMA burst wrapping.
typedef enum _dma_transfer_type dma_transfer_type_t
DMA transfer type.
typedef struct _dma_channel_trigger dma_channel_trigger_t
DMA channel trigger.
typedef struct _dma_channel_config dma_channel_config_t
DMA channel trigger.
typedef struct _dma_transfer_config dma_transfer_config_t
DMA transfer configuration.
typedef void (*dma_callback)(struct _dma_handle *handle, void *userData, bool transferDone, uint32_t intmode)
Define Callback function for DMA.
typedef struct _dma_handle dma_handle_t
DMA transfer handle structure.
DMA max transfer size.
DMA channel numbers.
DMA head link descriptor table align size
DMA head descriptor table allocate macro To simplify user interface, this macro will help allocate descriptor memory, user just need to provide the name and the number for the allocate descriptor.
- Parameters:
name – Allocate decriptor name.
number – Number of descriptor to be allocated.
DMA head descriptor table allocate macro at noncacheable section To simplify user interface, this macro will help allocate descriptor memory at noncacheable section, user just need to provide the name and the number for the allocate descriptor.
- Parameters:
name – Allocate decriptor name.
number – Number of descriptor to be allocated.
DMA link descriptor table allocate macro To simplify user interface, this macro will help allocate descriptor memory, user just need to provide the name and the number for the allocate descriptor.
- Parameters:
name – Allocate decriptor name.
number – Number of descriptor to be allocated.
DMA link descriptor table allocate macro at noncacheable section To simplify user interface, this macro will help allocate descriptor memory at noncacheable section, user just need to provide the name and the number for the allocate descriptor.
- Parameters:
name – Allocate decriptor name.
number – Number of descriptor to be allocated.
DMA transfer buffer address need to align with the transfer width.
DMA_CHANNEL_INDEX(base, channel)
DMA_COMMON_REG_GET(base, channel, reg)
DMA linked descriptor address algin size.
DMA_COMMON_CONST_REG_GET(base, channel, reg)
DMA_COMMON_REG_SET(base, channel, reg, value)
DMA_DESCRIPTOR_END_ADDRESS(start, inc, bytes, width)
DMA descriptor end address calculate.
- Parameters:
start – start address
inc – address interleave size
bytes – transfer bytes
width – transfer width
DMA_CHANNEL_XFER(reload, clrTrig, intA, intB, width, srcInc, dstInc, bytes)
struct _dma_descriptor
- #include <fsl_dma.h>
DMA descriptor structure.
Public Members
volatile uint32_t xfercfg
Transfer configuration
void *srcEndAddr
Last source address of DMA transfer
void *dstEndAddr
Last destination address of DMA transfer
void *linkToNextDesc
Address of next DMA descriptor in chain
volatile uint32_t xfercfg
struct _dma_xfercfg
- #include <fsl_dma.h>
DMA transfer configuration.
Public Members
bool valid
Descriptor is ready to transfer
bool reload
Reload channel configuration register after current descriptor is exhausted
bool swtrig
Perform software trigger. Transfer if fired when ‘valid’ is set
bool clrtrig
Clear trigger
bool intA
Raises IRQ when transfer is done and set IRQA status register flag
bool intB
Raises IRQ when transfer is done and set IRQB status register flag
uint8_t byteWidth
Byte width of data to transfer
uint8_t srcInc
Increment source address by ‘srcInc’ x ‘byteWidth’
uint8_t dstInc
Increment destination address by ‘dstInc’ x ‘byteWidth’
uint16_t transferCount
Number of transfers
bool valid
struct _dma_channel_trigger
- #include <fsl_dma.h>
DMA channel trigger.
Public Members
dma_trigger_type_t type
Select hardware trigger as edge triggered or level triggered.
dma_trigger_burst_t burst
Select whether hardware triggers cause a single or burst transfer.
dma_burst_wrap_t wrap
Select wrap type, source wrap or dest wrap, or both.
dma_trigger_type_t type
struct _dma_channel_config
- #include <fsl_dma.h>
DMA channel trigger.
Public Members
void *srcStartAddr
Source data address
void *dstStartAddr
Destination data address
void *nextDesc
Chain custom descriptor
uint32_t xferCfg
channel transfer configurations
dma_channel_trigger_t *trigger
DMA trigger type
bool isPeriph
select the request type
void *srcStartAddr
struct _dma_transfer_config
- #include <fsl_dma.h>
DMA transfer configuration.
Public Members
uint8_t *srcAddr
Source data address
uint8_t *dstAddr
Destination data address
uint8_t *nextDesc
Chain custom descriptor
dma_xfercfg_t xfercfg
Transfer options
bool isPeriph
DMA transfer is driven by peripheral
uint8_t *srcAddr
struct _dma_handle
- #include <fsl_dma.h>
DMA transfer handle structure.
Public Members
dma_callback callback
Callback function. Invoked when transfer of descriptor with interrupt flag finishes
void *userData
Callback function parameter
DMA_Type *base
DMA peripheral base address
uint8_t channel
DMA channel number
dma_callback callback
DMIC: Digital Microphone
status_t DMIC_TransferCreateHandleDMA(DMIC_Type *base, dmic_dma_handle_t *handle, dmic_dma_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData, dma_handle_t *rxDmaHandle)
Initializes the DMIC handle which is used in transactional functions.
- Parameters:
base – DMIC peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to dmic_dma_handle_t structure.
callback – Callback function.
userData – User data.
rxDmaHandle – User-requested DMA handle for RX DMA transfer.
status_t DMIC_TransferReceiveDMA(DMIC_Type *base, dmic_dma_handle_t *handle, dmic_transfer_t *xfer, uint32_t channel)
Receives data using DMA.
This function receives data using DMA. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all data is received, the receive callback function is called.
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to usart_dma_handle_t structure.
xfer – DMIC DMA transfer structure. See dmic_transfer_t.
channel – DMIC start channel number.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success –
void DMIC_TransferAbortReceiveDMA(DMIC_Type *base, dmic_dma_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the received data using DMA.
This function aborts the received data using DMA.
- Parameters:
base – DMIC peripheral base address
handle – Pointer to dmic_dma_handle_t structure
status_t DMIC_TransferGetReceiveCountDMA(DMIC_Type *base, dmic_dma_handle_t *handle, uint32_t *count)
Get the number of bytes that have been received.
This function gets the number of bytes that have been received.
- Parameters:
base – DMIC peripheral base address.
handle – DMIC handle pointer.
count – Receive bytes count.
- Return values:
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – No receive in progress.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Parameter is invalid.
kStatus_Success – Get successfully through the parameter count;
void DMIC_InstallDMADescriptorMemory(dmic_dma_handle_t *handle, void *linkAddr, size_t linkNum)
Install DMA descriptor memory.
This function used to register DMA descriptor memory for linked transfer, a typical case is ping pong transfer which will request more than one DMA descriptor memory space, it should be called after DMIC_TransferCreateHandleDMA. User should be take care about the address of DMA descriptor pool which required align with 16BYTE at least.
- Parameters:
handle – Pointer to DMA channel transfer handle.
linkAddr – DMA link descriptor address.
linkNum – DMA link descriptor number.
DMIC DMA driver version 2.4.0.
typedef struct _dmic_transfer dmic_transfer_t
DMIC transfer structure.
typedef struct _dmic_dma_handle dmic_dma_handle_t
typedef void (*dmic_dma_transfer_callback_t)(DMIC_Type *base, dmic_dma_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
DMIC transfer callback function.
struct _dmic_transfer
- #include <fsl_dmic_dma.h>
DMIC transfer structure.
Public Members
void *data
The buffer of data to be transfer.
uint8_t dataWidth
DMIC support 16bit/32bit
size_t dataSize
The byte count to be transfer.
uint8_t dataAddrInterleaveSize
destination address interleave size
struct _dmic_transfer *linkTransfer
use to support link transfer
void *data
struct _dmic_dma_handle
- #include <fsl_dmic_dma.h>
DMIC DMA handle.
Public Members
DMIC_Type *base
DMIC peripheral base address.
dma_handle_t *rxDmaHandle
The DMA RX channel used.
dmic_dma_transfer_callback_t callback
Callback function.
void *userData
DMIC callback function parameter.
size_t transferSize
Size of the data to receive.
volatile uint8_t state
Internal state of DMIC DMA transfer
uint32_t channel
DMIC channel used.
bool isChannelValid
DMIC channel initialization flag
dma_descriptor_t *desLink
descriptor pool pointer
size_t linkNum
number of descriptor in descriptors pool
DMIC_Type *base
DMIC Driver
uint32_t DMIC_GetInstance(DMIC_Type *base)
Get the DMIC instance from peripheral base address.
- Parameters:
base – DMIC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
DMIC instance.
void DMIC_Init(DMIC_Type *base)
Turns DMIC Clock on.
- Parameters:
base – : DMIC base
- Returns:
void DMIC_DeInit(DMIC_Type *base)
Turns DMIC Clock off.
- Parameters:
base – : DMIC base
- Returns:
void DMIC_SetOperationMode(DMIC_Type *base, operation_mode_t mode)
Set DMIC operating mode.
- Deprecated:
Do not use this function. It has been superceded by DMIC_EnableChannelInterrupt, DMIC_EnableChannelDma.
- Parameters:
base – : The base address of DMIC interface
mode – : DMIC mode
- Returns:
void DMIC_Use2fs(DMIC_Type *base, bool use2fs)
Configure Clock scaling.
- Parameters:
base – : The base address of DMIC interface
use2fs – : clock scaling
- Returns:
void DMIC_CfgChannelDc(DMIC_Type *base, dmic_channel_t channel, dc_removal_t dc_cut_level, uint32_t post_dc_gain_reduce, bool saturate16bit)
Configure DMIC channel.
- Parameters:
base – : The base address of DMIC interface
channel – : DMIC channel
dc_cut_level – : dc_removal_t, Cut off Frequency
post_dc_gain_reduce – : Fine gain adjustment in the form of a number of bits to downshift.
saturate16bit – : If selects 16-bit saturation.
static inline void DMIC_EnableChannelSignExtend(DMIC_Type *base, dmic_channel_t channel, bool enable)
Enbale channel sign extend which allows processing of 24bit audio data on 32bit machines.
- Parameters:
base – : The base address of DMIC interface
channel – : DMIC channel
enable – : true is enable sign extend, false is disable sign extend
void DMIC_ConfigChannel(DMIC_Type *base, dmic_channel_t channel, stereo_side_t side, dmic_channel_config_t *channel_config)
Configure DMIC channel.
- Parameters:
base – : The base address of DMIC interface
channel – : DMIC channel
side – : stereo_side_t, choice of left or right
channel_config – : Channel configuration
- Returns:
void DMIC_EnableChannnel(DMIC_Type *base, uint32_t channelmask)
Enable a particualr channel.
- Parameters:
base – : The base address of DMIC interface
channelmask – reference _dmic_channel_mask
- Returns:
void DMIC_FifoChannel(DMIC_Type *base, uint32_t channel, uint32_t trig_level, uint32_t enable, uint32_t resetn)
Configure fifo settings for DMIC channel.
- Parameters:
base – : The base address of DMIC interface
channel – : DMIC channel
trig_level – : FIFO trigger level
enable – : FIFO level
resetn – : FIFO reset
- Returns:
static inline void DMIC_EnableChannelInterrupt(DMIC_Type *base, dmic_channel_t channel, bool enable)
Enable a particualr channel interrupt request.
- Parameters:
base – : The base address of DMIC interface
channel – : Channel selection
enable – : true is enable, false is disable
static inline void DMIC_EnableChannelDma(DMIC_Type *base, dmic_channel_t channel, bool enable)
Enable a particualr channel dma request.
- Parameters:
base – : The base address of DMIC interface
channel – : Channel selection
enable – : true is enable, false is disable
static inline void DMIC_EnableChannelFifo(DMIC_Type *base, dmic_channel_t channel, bool enable)
Enable a particualr channel fifo.
- Parameters:
base – : The base address of DMIC interface
channel – : Channel selection
enable – : true is enable, false is disable
static inline void DMIC_DoFifoReset(DMIC_Type *base, dmic_channel_t channel)
Channel fifo reset.
- Parameters:
base – : The base address of DMIC interface
channel – : Channel selection
static inline uint32_t DMIC_FifoGetStatus(DMIC_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Get FIFO status.
- Parameters:
base – : The base address of DMIC interface
channel – : DMIC channel
- Returns:
FIFO status
static inline void DMIC_FifoClearStatus(DMIC_Type *base, uint32_t channel, uint32_t mask)
Clear FIFO status.
- Parameters:
base – : The base address of DMIC interface
channel – : DMIC channel
mask – : Bits to be cleared
- Returns:
FIFO status
static inline uint32_t DMIC_FifoGetData(DMIC_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Get FIFO data.
- Parameters:
base – : The base address of DMIC interface
channel – : DMIC channel
- Returns:
FIFO data
static inline uint32_t DMIC_FifoGetAddress(DMIC_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Get FIFO address.
- Parameters:
base – : The base address of DMIC interface
channel – : DMIC channel
- Returns:
FIFO data
void DMIC_ResetChannelDecimator(DMIC_Type *base, uint32_t channelMask, bool reset)
DMIC channel Decimator reset.
- Parameters:
base – : The base address of DMIC interface
channelMask – : DMIC channel mask, reference _dmic_channel_mask
reset – : true is reset decimator, false is release decimator.
static inline void DMIC_EnableChannelGlobalSync(DMIC_Type *base, uint32_t channelMask, uint32_t syncCounter)
Enable DMIC channel global sync function.
- Parameters:
base – : The base address of DMIC interface
channelMask – : DMIC channel mask, reference _dmic_channel_mask
syncCounter – :sync counter will trigger a pulse whenever count reaches CCOUNTVAL. If CCOUNTVAL is set to 0, there will be a pulse on every cycle
static inline void DMIC_DisableChannelGlobalSync(DMIC_Type *base, uint32_t channelMask)
Disbale DMIC channel global sync function.
- Parameters:
base – : The base address of DMIC interface
channelMask – : DMIC channel mask, reference _dmic_channel_mask
void DMIC_EnableIntCallback(DMIC_Type *base, dmic_callback_t cb)
Enable callback.
This function enables the interrupt for the selected DMIC peripheral. The callback function is not enabled until this function is called.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the DMIC peripheral.
cb – callback Pointer to store callback function.
- Return values:
None. –
void DMIC_DisableIntCallback(DMIC_Type *base, dmic_callback_t cb)
Disable callback.
This function disables the interrupt for the selected DMIC peripheral.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the DMIC peripheral.
cb – callback Pointer to store callback function..
- Return values:
None. –
static inline void DMIC_SetGainNoiseEstHwvad(DMIC_Type *base, uint32_t value)
Sets the gain value for the noise estimator.
- Parameters:
base – DMIC base pointer
value – gain value for the noise estimator.
- Return values:
None. –
static inline void DMIC_SetGainSignalEstHwvad(DMIC_Type *base, uint32_t value)
Sets the gain value for the signal estimator.
- Parameters:
base – DMIC base pointer
value – gain value for the signal estimator.
- Return values:
None. –
static inline void DMIC_SetFilterCtrlHwvad(DMIC_Type *base, uint32_t value)
Sets the hwvad filter cutoff frequency parameter.
- Parameters:
base – DMIC base pointer
value – cut off frequency value.
- Return values:
None. –
static inline void DMIC_SetInputGainHwvad(DMIC_Type *base, uint32_t value)
Sets the input gain of hwvad.
- Parameters:
base – DMIC base pointer
value – input gain value for hwvad.
- Return values:
None. –
static inline void DMIC_CtrlClrIntrHwvad(DMIC_Type *base, bool st10)
Clears hwvad internal interrupt flag.
- Parameters:
base – DMIC base pointer
st10 – bit value.
- Return values:
None. –
static inline void DMIC_FilterResetHwvad(DMIC_Type *base, bool rstt)
Resets hwvad filters.
- Parameters:
base – DMIC base pointer
rstt – Reset bit value.
- Return values:
None. –
static inline uint16_t DMIC_GetNoiseEnvlpEst(DMIC_Type *base)
Gets the value from output of the filter z7.
- Parameters:
base – DMIC base pointer
- Return values:
output – of filter z7.
void DMIC_HwvadEnableIntCallback(DMIC_Type *base, dmic_hwvad_callback_t vadcb)
Enable hwvad callback.
This function enables the hwvad interrupt for the selected DMIC peripheral. The callback function is not enabled until this function is called.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the DMIC peripheral.
vadcb – callback Pointer to store callback function.
- Return values:
None. –
void DMIC_HwvadDisableIntCallback(DMIC_Type *base, dmic_hwvad_callback_t vadcb)
Disable callback.
This function disables the hwvad interrupt for the selected DMIC peripheral.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the DMIC peripheral.
vadcb – callback Pointer to store callback function..
- Return values:
None. –
DMIC driver version 2.3.2.
_dmic_status DMIC transfer status.
enumerator kStatus_DMIC_Busy
DMIC is busy
enumerator kStatus_DMIC_Idle
DMIC is idle
enumerator kStatus_DMIC_OverRunError
DMIC over run Error
enumerator kStatus_DMIC_UnderRunError
DMIC under run Error
enumerator kStatus_DMIC_Busy
enum _operation_mode
DMIC different operation modes.
enumerator kDMIC_OperationModeInterrupt
Interrupt mode
enumerator kDMIC_OperationModeDma
DMA mode
enumerator kDMIC_OperationModeInterrupt
enum _stereo_side
DMIC left/right values.
enumerator kDMIC_Left
Left Stereo channel
enumerator kDMIC_Right
Right Stereo channel
enumerator kDMIC_Left
enum pdm_div_t
DMIC Clock pre-divider values.
enumerator kDMIC_PdmDiv1
DMIC pre-divider set in divide by 1
enumerator kDMIC_PdmDiv2
DMIC pre-divider set in divide by 2
enumerator kDMIC_PdmDiv3
DMIC pre-divider set in divide by 3
enumerator kDMIC_PdmDiv4
DMIC pre-divider set in divide by 4
enumerator kDMIC_PdmDiv6
DMIC pre-divider set in divide by 6
enumerator kDMIC_PdmDiv8
DMIC pre-divider set in divide by 8
enumerator kDMIC_PdmDiv12
DMIC pre-divider set in divide by 12
enumerator kDMIC_PdmDiv16
DMIC pre-divider set in divide by 16
enumerator kDMIC_PdmDiv24
DMIC pre-divider set in divide by 24
enumerator kDMIC_PdmDiv32
DMIC pre-divider set in divide by 32
enumerator kDMIC_PdmDiv48
DMIC pre-divider set in divide by 48
enumerator kDMIC_PdmDiv64
DMIC pre-divider set in divide by 64
enumerator kDMIC_PdmDiv96
DMIC pre-divider set in divide by 96
enumerator kDMIC_PdmDiv128
DMIC pre-divider set in divide by 128
enumerator kDMIC_PdmDiv1
enum _compensation
Pre-emphasis Filter coefficient value for 2FS and 4FS modes.
enumerator kDMIC_CompValueZero
Compensation 0
enumerator kDMIC_CompValueNegativePoint16
Compensation -0.16
enumerator kDMIC_CompValueNegativePoint15
Compensation -0.15
enumerator kDMIC_CompValueNegativePoint13
Compensation -0.13
enumerator kDMIC_CompValueZero
enum _dc_removal
DMIC DC filter control values.
enumerator kDMIC_DcNoRemove
Flat response no filter
enumerator kDMIC_DcCut155
Cut off Frequency is 155 Hz
enumerator kDMIC_DcCut78
Cut off Frequency is 78 Hz
enumerator kDMIC_DcCut39
Cut off Frequency is 39 Hz
enumerator kDMIC_DcNoRemove
enum _dmic_channel
DMIC Channel number.
enumerator kDMIC_Channel0
DMIC channel 0
enumerator kDMIC_Channel1
DMIC channel 1
enumerator kDMIC_Channel0
_dmic_channel_mask DMIC Channel mask.
enumerator kDMIC_EnableChannel0
DMIC channel 0 mask
enumerator kDMIC_EnableChannel1
DMIC channel 1 mask
enumerator kDMIC_EnableChannel0
enum _dmic_phy_sample_rate
DMIC and decimator sample rates.
enumerator kDMIC_PhyFullSpeed
Decimator gets one sample per each chosen clock edge of PDM interface
enumerator kDMIC_PhyHalfSpeed
PDM clock to Microphone is halved, decimator receives each sample twice
enumerator kDMIC_PhyFullSpeed
typedef enum _operation_mode operation_mode_t
DMIC different operation modes.
typedef enum _stereo_side stereo_side_t
DMIC left/right values.
typedef enum _compensation compensation_t
Pre-emphasis Filter coefficient value for 2FS and 4FS modes.
typedef enum _dc_removal dc_removal_t
DMIC DC filter control values.
typedef enum _dmic_channel dmic_channel_t
DMIC Channel number.
typedef enum _dmic_phy_sample_rate dmic_phy_sample_rate_t
DMIC and decimator sample rates.
typedef struct _dmic_channel_config dmic_channel_config_t
DMIC Channel configuration structure.
typedef void (*dmic_callback_t)(void)
DMIC Callback function.
typedef void (*dmic_hwvad_callback_t)(void)
HWVAD Callback function.
struct _dmic_channel_config
- #include <fsl_dmic.h>
DMIC Channel configuration structure.
Public Members
pdm_div_t divhfclk
DMIC Clock pre-divider values
uint32_t osr
oversampling rate(CIC decimation rate) for PCM
int32_t gainshft
4FS PCM data gain control
compensation_t preac2coef
Pre-emphasis Filter coefficient value for 2FS
compensation_t preac4coef
Pre-emphasis Filter coefficient value for 4FS
dc_removal_t dc_cut_level
DMIC DC filter control values.
uint32_t post_dc_gain_reduce
Fine gain adjustment in the form of a number of bits to downshift
dmic_phy_sample_rate_t sample_rate
DMIC and decimator sample rates
bool saturate16bit
Selects 16-bit saturation. 0 means results roll over if out range and do not saturate. 1 means if the result overflows, it saturates at 0xFFFF for positive overflow and 0x8000 for negative overflow.
bool enableSignExtend
sign extend feature which allows processing of 24bit audio data on 32bit machine
pdm_div_t divhfclk
ENET: Ethernet MAC Driver
void ENET_GetDefaultConfig(enet_config_t *config)
Gets the ENET default configuration structure.
The purpose of this API is to get the default ENET MAC controller configure structure for ENET_Init(). User may use the initialized structure unchanged in ENET_Init(), or modify some fields of the structure before calling ENET_Init(). Example:
enet_config_t config; ENET_GetDefaultConfig(&config);
- Parameters:
config – The ENET mac controller configuration structure pointer.
status_t ENET_Up(ENET_Type *base, enet_handle_t *handle, const enet_config_t *config, const enet_buffer_config_t *bufferConfig, uint8_t *macAddr, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
Initializes the ENET module.
This function initializes the module with the ENET configuration.
ENET has two buffer descriptors legacy buffer descriptors and enhanced IEEE 1588 buffer descriptors. The legacy descriptor is used by default. To use the IEEE 1588 feature, use the enhanced IEEE 1588 buffer descriptor by defining “ENET_ENHANCEDBUFFERDESCRIPTOR_MODE” and calling ENET_Ptp1588Configure() to configure the 1588 feature and related buffers after calling ENET_Up().
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
handle – ENET handler pointer.
config – ENET mac configuration structure pointer. The “enet_config_t” type mac configuration return from ENET_GetDefaultConfig can be used directly. It is also possible to verify the Mac configuration using other methods.
bufferConfig – ENET buffer configuration structure pointer. The buffer configuration should be prepared for ENET Initialization. It is the start address of “ringNum” enet_buffer_config structures. To support added multi-ring features in some soc and compatible with the previous enet driver version. For single ring supported, this bufferConfig is a buffer configure structure pointer, for multi-ring supported and used case, this bufferConfig pointer should be a buffer configure structure array pointer.
macAddr – ENET mac address of Ethernet device. This MAC address should be provided.
srcClock_Hz – The internal module clock source for MII clock.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Succeed to initialize the ethernet driver.
kStatus_ENET_InitMemoryFail – Init fails since buffer memory is not enough.
status_t ENET_Init(ENET_Type *base, enet_handle_t *handle, const enet_config_t *config, const enet_buffer_config_t *bufferConfig, uint8_t *macAddr, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
Initializes the ENET module.
This function ungates the module clock and initializes it with the ENET configuration.
ENET has two buffer descriptors legacy buffer descriptors and enhanced IEEE 1588 buffer descriptors. The legacy descriptor is used by default. To use the IEEE 1588 feature, use the enhanced IEEE 1588 buffer descriptor by defining “ENET_ENHANCEDBUFFERDESCRIPTOR_MODE” and calling ENET_Ptp1588Configure() to configure the 1588 feature and related buffers after calling ENET_Init().
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
handle – ENET handler pointer.
config – ENET mac configuration structure pointer. The “enet_config_t” type mac configuration return from ENET_GetDefaultConfig can be used directly. It is also possible to verify the Mac configuration using other methods.
bufferConfig – ENET buffer configuration structure pointer. The buffer configuration should be prepared for ENET Initialization. It is the start address of “ringNum” enet_buffer_config structures. To support added multi-ring features in some soc and compatible with the previous enet driver version. For single ring supported, this bufferConfig is a buffer configure structure pointer, for multi-ring supported and used case, this bufferConfig pointer should be a buffer configure structure array pointer.
macAddr – ENET mac address of Ethernet device. This MAC address should be provided.
srcClock_Hz – The internal module clock source for MII clock.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Succeed to initialize the ethernet driver.
kStatus_ENET_InitMemoryFail – Init fails since buffer memory is not enough.
void ENET_Down(ENET_Type *base)
Stops the ENET module.
This function disables the ENET module.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
void ENET_Deinit(ENET_Type *base)
Deinitializes the ENET module.
This function gates the module clock, clears ENET interrupts, and disables the ENET module.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
static inline void ENET_Reset(ENET_Type *base)
Resets the ENET module.
This function restores the ENET module to reset state. Note that this function sets all registers to reset state. As a result, the ENET module can’t work after calling this function.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
void ENET_ResetHardware(void)
Resets the ENET hardware.
This function resets ENET related resources in the hardware.
void ENET_SetMII(ENET_Type *base, enet_mii_speed_t speed, enet_mii_duplex_t duplex)
Sets the ENET MII speed and duplex.
This API is provided to dynamically change the speed and dulpex for MAC.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
speed – The speed of the RMII mode.
duplex – The duplex of the RMII mode.
void ENET_SetSMI(ENET_Type *base, uint32_t srcClock_Hz, bool isPreambleDisabled)
Sets the ENET SMI(serial management interface)- MII management interface.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
srcClock_Hz – This is the ENET module clock frequency. See clock distribution.
isPreambleDisabled – The preamble disable flag.
true Enables the preamble.
false Disables the preamble.
static inline bool ENET_GetSMI(ENET_Type *base)
Gets the ENET SMI- MII management interface configuration.
This API is used to get the SMI configuration to check whether the MII management interface has been set.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The SMI setup status true or false.
static inline uint32_t ENET_ReadSMIData(ENET_Type *base)
Reads data from the PHY register through an SMI interface.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The data read from PHY
static inline void ENET_StartSMIWrite(ENET_Type *base, uint8_t phyAddr, uint8_t regAddr, enet_mii_write_t operation, uint16_t data)
Sends the MDIO IEEE802.3 Clause 22 format write command.
After calling this function, need to check whether the transmission is over then do next MDIO operation. For ease of use, encapsulated ENET_MDIOWrite() can be called. For customized requirements, implement with combining separated APIs.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
phyAddr – The PHY address. Range from 0 ~ 31.
regAddr – The PHY register address. Range from 0 ~ 31.
operation – The write operation.
data – The data written to PHY.
static inline void ENET_StartSMIRead(ENET_Type *base, uint8_t phyAddr, uint8_t regAddr, enet_mii_read_t operation)
Sends the MDIO IEEE802.3 Clause 22 format read command.
After calling this function, need to check whether the transmission is over then do next MDIO operation. For ease of use, encapsulated ENET_MDIORead() can be called. For customized requirements, implement with combining separated APIs.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
phyAddr – The PHY address. Range from 0 ~ 31.
regAddr – The PHY register address. Range from 0 ~ 31.
operation – The read operation.
status_t ENET_MDIOWrite(ENET_Type *base, uint8_t phyAddr, uint8_t regAddr, uint16_t data)
MDIO write with IEEE802.3 Clause 22 format.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
phyAddr – The PHY address. Range from 0 ~ 31.
regAddr – The PHY register. Range from 0 ~ 31.
data – The data written to PHY.
- Returns:
kStatus_Success MDIO access succeeds.
- Returns:
kStatus_Timeout MDIO access timeout.
status_t ENET_MDIORead(ENET_Type *base, uint8_t phyAddr, uint8_t regAddr, uint16_t *pData)
MDIO read with IEEE802.3 Clause 22 format.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
phyAddr – The PHY address. Range from 0 ~ 31.
regAddr – The PHY register. Range from 0 ~ 31.
pData – The data read from PHY.
- Returns:
kStatus_Success MDIO access succeeds.
- Returns:
kStatus_Timeout MDIO access timeout.
static inline void ENET_StartExtC45SMIWriteReg(ENET_Type *base, uint8_t portAddr, uint8_t devAddr, uint16_t regAddr)
Sends the MDIO IEEE802.3 Clause 45 format write register command.
After calling this function, need to check whether the transmission is over then do next MDIO operation. For ease of use, encapsulated ENET_MDIOC45Write()/ENET_MDIOC45Read() can be called. For customized requirements, implement with combining separated APIs.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
portAddr – The MDIO port address(PHY address).
devAddr – The device address.
regAddr – The PHY register address.
static inline void ENET_StartExtC45SMIWriteData(ENET_Type *base, uint8_t portAddr, uint8_t devAddr, uint16_t data)
Sends the MDIO IEEE802.3 Clause 45 format write data command.
After calling this function, need to check whether the transmission is over then do next MDIO operation. For ease of use, encapsulated ENET_MDIOC45Write() can be called. For customized requirements, implement with combining separated APIs.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
portAddr – The MDIO port address(PHY address).
devAddr – The device address.
data – The data written to PHY.
static inline void ENET_StartExtC45SMIReadData(ENET_Type *base, uint8_t portAddr, uint8_t devAddr)
Sends the MDIO IEEE802.3 Clause 45 format read data command.
After calling this function, need to check whether the transmission is over then do next MDIO operation. For ease of use, encapsulated ENET_MDIOC45Read() can be called. For customized requirements, implement with combining separated APIs.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
portAddr – The MDIO port address(PHY address).
devAddr – The device address.
status_t ENET_MDIOC45Write(ENET_Type *base, uint8_t portAddr, uint8_t devAddr, uint16_t regAddr, uint16_t data)
MDIO write with IEEE802.3 Clause 45 format.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
portAddr – The MDIO port address(PHY address).
devAddr – The device address.
regAddr – The PHY register address.
data – The data written to PHY.
- Returns:
kStatus_Success MDIO access succeeds.
- Returns:
kStatus_Timeout MDIO access timeout.
status_t ENET_MDIOC45Read(ENET_Type *base, uint8_t portAddr, uint8_t devAddr, uint16_t regAddr, uint16_t *pData)
MDIO read with IEEE802.3 Clause 45 format.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
portAddr – The MDIO port address(PHY address).
devAddr – The device address.
regAddr – The PHY register address.
pData – The data read from PHY.
- Returns:
kStatus_Success MDIO access succeeds.
- Returns:
kStatus_Timeout MDIO access timeout.
static inline void ENET_SetRGMIIClockDelay(ENET_Type *base, bool txEnabled, bool rxEnabled)
Control the usage of the delayed tx/rx RGMII clock.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
txEnabled – Enable or disable to generate the delayed version of RGMII_TXC.
rxEnabled – Enable or disable to use the delayed version of RGMII_RXC.
void ENET_SetMacAddr(ENET_Type *base, uint8_t *macAddr)
Sets the ENET module Mac address.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
macAddr – The six-byte Mac address pointer. The pointer is allocated by application and input into the API.
void ENET_GetMacAddr(ENET_Type *base, uint8_t *macAddr)
Gets the ENET module Mac address.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
macAddr – The six-byte Mac address pointer. The pointer is allocated by application and input into the API.
void ENET_AddMulticastGroup(ENET_Type *base, uint8_t *address)
Adds the ENET device to a multicast group.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
address – The six-byte multicast group address which is provided by application.
void ENET_LeaveMulticastGroup(ENET_Type *base, uint8_t *address)
Moves the ENET device from a multicast group.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
address – The six-byte multicast group address which is provided by application.
static inline void ENET_ActiveRead(ENET_Type *base)
Activates frame reception for multiple rings.
This function is to active the enet read process.
This must be called after the MAC configuration and state are ready. It must be called after the ENET_Init(). This should be called when the frame reception is required.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
static inline void ENET_EnableSleepMode(ENET_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/disables the MAC to enter sleep mode. This function is used to set the MAC enter sleep mode. When entering sleep mode, the magic frame wakeup interrupt should be enabled to wake up MAC from the sleep mode and reset it to normal mode.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
enable – True enable sleep mode, false disable sleep mode.
static inline void ENET_GetAccelFunction(ENET_Type *base, uint32_t *txAccelOption, uint32_t *rxAccelOption)
Gets ENET transmit and receive accelerator functions from MAC controller.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
txAccelOption – The transmit accelerator option. The “enet_tx_accelerator_t” is recommended to be used to as the mask to get the exact the accelerator option.
rxAccelOption – The receive accelerator option. The “enet_rx_accelerator_t” is recommended to be used to as the mask to get the exact the accelerator option.
static inline void ENET_EnableInterrupts(ENET_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the ENET interrupt.
This function enables the ENET interrupt according to the provided mask. The mask is a logical OR of enumeration members. See enet_interrupt_enable_t. For example, to enable the TX frame interrupt and RX frame interrupt, do the following.
ENET_EnableInterrupts(ENET, kENET_TxFrameInterrupt | kENET_RxFrameInterrupt);
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
mask – ENET interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of the enumeration enet_interrupt_enable_t.
static inline void ENET_DisableInterrupts(ENET_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the ENET interrupt.
This function disables the ENET interrupts according to the provided mask. The mask is a logical OR of enumeration members. See enet_interrupt_enable_t. For example, to disable the TX frame interrupt and RX frame interrupt, do the following.
ENET_DisableInterrupts(ENET, kENET_TxFrameInterrupt | kENET_RxFrameInterrupt);
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
mask – ENET interrupts to disable. This is a logical OR of the enumeration enet_interrupt_enable_t.
static inline uint32_t ENET_GetInterruptStatus(ENET_Type *base)
Gets the ENET interrupt status flag.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The event status of the interrupt source. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration enet_interrupt_enable_t.
static inline void ENET_ClearInterruptStatus(ENET_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears the ENET interrupt events status flag.
This function clears enabled ENET interrupts according to the provided mask. The mask is a logical OR of enumeration members. See the enet_interrupt_enable_t. For example, to clear the TX frame interrupt and RX frame interrupt, do the following.
ENET_ClearInterruptStatus(ENET, kENET_TxFrameInterrupt | kENET_RxFrameInterrupt);
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
mask – ENET interrupt source to be cleared. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration enet_interrupt_enable_t.
void ENET_SetRxISRHandler(ENET_Type *base, enet_isr_t ISRHandler)
Set the second level Rx IRQ handler.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
ISRHandler – The handler to install.
void ENET_SetTxISRHandler(ENET_Type *base, enet_isr_t ISRHandler)
Set the second level Tx IRQ handler.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
ISRHandler – The handler to install.
void ENET_SetErrISRHandler(ENET_Type *base, enet_isr_t ISRHandler)
Set the second level Err IRQ handler.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
ISRHandler – The handler to install.
void ENET_GetRxErrBeforeReadFrame(enet_handle_t *handle, enet_data_error_stats_t *eErrorStatic, uint8_t ringId)
Gets the error statistics of a received frame for ENET specified ring.
This API must be called after the ENET_GetRxFrameSize and before the ENET_ReadFrame(). If the ENET_GetRxFrameSize returns kStatus_ENET_RxFrameError, the ENET_GetRxErrBeforeReadFrame can be used to get the exact error statistics. This is an example.
status = ENET_GetRxFrameSize(&g_handle, &length, 0); if (status == kStatus_ENET_RxFrameError) { Comments: Get the error information of the received frame. ENET_GetRxErrBeforeReadFrame(&g_handle, &eErrStatic, 0); Comments: update the receive buffer. ENET_ReadFrame(EXAMPLE_ENET, &g_handle, NULL, 0); }
- Parameters:
handle – The ENET handler structure pointer. This is the same handler pointer used in the ENET_Init.
eErrorStatic – The error statistics structure pointer.
ringId – The ring index, range from 0 ~ (FSL_FEATURE_ENET_INSTANCE_QUEUEn(x) - 1).
void ENET_EnableStatistics(ENET_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/disables collection of transfer statistics.
Note that this function does not reset any of the already collected data, use the function ENET_ResetStatistics to clear the transfer statistics if needed.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
enable – True enable statistics collection, false disable statistics collection.
void ENET_GetStatistics(ENET_Type *base, enet_transfer_stats_t *statistics)
Gets transfer statistics.
Copies the actual value of hardware counters into the provided structure. Calling this function does not reset the counters in hardware.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
statistics – The statistics structure pointer.
void ENET_ResetStatistics(ENET_Type *base)
Resets transfer statistics.
Sets the value of hardware transfer counters to zero.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
status_t ENET_GetRxFrameSize(enet_handle_t *handle, uint32_t *length, uint8_t ringId)
Gets the size of the read frame for specified ring.
This function gets a received frame size from the ENET buffer descriptors.
The FCS of the frame is automatically removed by MAC and the size is the length without the FCS. After calling ENET_GetRxFrameSize, ENET_ReadFrame() should be called to receive frame and update the BD if the result is not “kStatus_ENET_RxFrameEmpty”.
- Parameters:
handle – The ENET handler structure. This is the same handler pointer used in the ENET_Init.
length – The length of the valid frame received.
ringId – The ring index or ring number.
- Return values:
kStatus_ENET_RxFrameEmpty – No frame received. Should not call ENET_ReadFrame to read frame.
kStatus_ENET_RxFrameError – Data error happens. ENET_ReadFrame should be called with NULL data and NULL length to update the receive buffers.
kStatus_Success – Receive a frame Successfully then the ENET_ReadFrame should be called with the right data buffer and the captured data length input.
status_t ENET_ReadFrame(ENET_Type *base, enet_handle_t *handle, uint8_t *data, uint32_t length, uint8_t ringId, uint32_t *ts)
Reads a frame from the ENET device. This function reads a frame (both the data and the length) from the ENET buffer descriptors. User can get timestamp through ts pointer if the ts is not NULL.
It doesn’t store the timestamp in the receive timestamp queue. The ENET_GetRxFrameSize should be used to get the size of the prepared data buffer. This API uses memcpy to copy data from DMA buffer to application buffer, 4 bytes aligned data buffer in 32 bits platforms provided by user may let compiler use optimization instruction to reduce time consumption. This is an example:
uint32_t length; enet_handle_t g_handle; Comments: Get the received frame size firstly. status = ENET_GetRxFrameSize(&g_handle, &length, 0); if (length != 0) { Comments: Allocate memory here with the size of "length" uint8_t *data = memory allocate interface; if (!data) { ENET_ReadFrame(ENET, &g_handle, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); Comments: Add the console warning log. } else { status = ENET_ReadFrame(ENET, &g_handle, data, length, 0, NULL); Comments: Call stack input API to deliver the data to stack } } else if (status == kStatus_ENET_RxFrameError) { Comments: Update the received buffer when a error frame is received. ENET_ReadFrame(ENET, &g_handle, NULL, 0, 0, NULL); }
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
handle – The ENET handler structure. This is the same handler pointer used in the ENET_Init.
data – The data buffer provided by user to store the frame which memory size should be at least “length”.
length – The size of the data buffer which is still the length of the received frame.
ringId – The ring index or ring number.
ts – The timestamp address to store received timestamp.
- Returns:
The execute status, successful or failure.
status_t ENET_SendFrame(ENET_Type *base, enet_handle_t *handle, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length, uint8_t ringId, bool tsFlag, void *context)
Transmits an ENET frame for specified ring.
The CRC is automatically appended to the data. Input the data to send without the CRC. This API uses memcpy to copy data from DMA buffer to application buffer, 4 bytes aligned data buffer in 32 bits platforms provided by user may let compiler use optimization instruction to reduce time consumption.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
handle – The ENET handler pointer. This is the same handler pointer used in the ENET_Init.
data – The data buffer provided by user to send.
length – The length of the data to send.
ringId – The ring index or ring number.
tsFlag – Timestamp enable flag.
context – Used by user to handle some events after transmit over.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Send frame succeed.
kStatus_ENET_TxFrameBusy – Transmit buffer descriptor is busy under transmission. The transmit busy happens when the data send rate is over the MAC capacity. The waiting mechanism is recommended to be added after each call return with kStatus_ENET_TxFrameBusy.
status_t ENET_SetTxReclaim(enet_handle_t *handle, bool isEnable, uint8_t ringId)
Enable or disable tx descriptors reclaim mechanism.
This function must be called when no pending send frame action. Set enable if you want to reclaim context or timestamp in interrupt.
- Parameters:
handle – The ENET handler pointer. This is the same handler pointer used in the ENET_Init.
isEnable – Enable or disable flag.
ringId – The ring index or ring number.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Succeed to enable/disable Tx reclaim.
kStatus_Fail – Fail to enable/disable Tx reclaim.
void ENET_ReclaimTxDescriptor(ENET_Type *base, enet_handle_t *handle, uint8_t ringId)
Reclaim tx descriptors. This function is used to update the tx descriptor status and store the tx timestamp when the 1588 feature is enabled. This is called by the transmit interupt IRQ handler after the complete of a frame transmission.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
handle – The ENET handler pointer. This is the same handler pointer used in the ENET_Init.
ringId – The ring index or ring number.
status_t ENET_GetRxFrame(ENET_Type *base, enet_handle_t *handle, enet_rx_frame_struct_t *rxFrame, uint8_t ringId)
Receives one frame in specified BD ring with zero copy.
This function uses the user-defined allocation and free callbacks. Every time application gets one frame through this function, driver stores the buffer address(es) in enet_buffer_struct_t and allocate new buffer(s) for the BD(s). If there’s no memory buffer in the pool, this function drops current one frame to keep the Rx frame in BD ring is as fresh as possible.
Application must provide a memory pool including at least BD number + n buffers in order for this function to work properly, because each BD must always take one buffer while driver is running, then other extra n buffer(s) can be taken by application. Here n is the ceil(max_frame_length(set by RCR) / bd_rx_size(set by MRBR)). Application must also provide an array structure in rxFrame->rxBuffArray with n index to receive one complete frame in any case.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
handle – The ENET handler pointer. This is the same handler pointer used in the ENET_Init.
rxFrame – The received frame information structure provided by user.
ringId – The ring index or ring number.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Succeed to get one frame and allocate new memory for Rx buffer.
kStatus_ENET_RxFrameEmpty – There’s no Rx frame in the BD.
kStatus_ENET_RxFrameError – There’s issue in this receiving.
kStatus_ENET_RxFrameDrop – There’s no new buffer memory for BD, drop this frame.
status_t ENET_StartTxFrame(ENET_Type *base, enet_handle_t *handle, enet_tx_frame_struct_t *txFrame, uint8_t ringId)
Sends one frame in specified BD ring with zero copy.
This function supports scattered buffer transmit, user needs to provide the buffer array.
Tx reclaim should be enabled to ensure the Tx buffer ownership can be given back to application after Tx is over.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
handle – The ENET handler pointer. This is the same handler pointer used in the ENET_Init.
txFrame – The Tx frame structure.
ringId – The ring index or ring number.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Succeed to send one frame.
kStatus_ENET_TxFrameBusy – The BD is not ready for Tx or the reclaim operation still not finishs.
kStatus_ENET_TxFrameOverLen – The Tx frame length is over max ethernet frame length.
void ENET_TransmitIRQHandler(ENET_Type *base, enet_handle_t *handle)
The transmit IRQ handler.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
handle – The ENET handler pointer.
void ENET_ReceiveIRQHandler(ENET_Type *base, enet_handle_t *handle)
The receive IRQ handler.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
handle – The ENET handler pointer.
void ENET_ErrorIRQHandler(ENET_Type *base, enet_handle_t *handle)
Some special IRQ handler including the error, mii, wakeup irq handler.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
handle – The ENET handler pointer.
void ENET_Ptp1588IRQHandler(ENET_Type *base)
the common IRQ handler for the 1588 irq handler.
This is used for the 1588 timer interrupt.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
void ENET_CommonFrame0IRQHandler(ENET_Type *base)
the common IRQ handler for the tx/rx/error etc irq handler.
This is used for the combined tx/rx/error interrupt for single/mutli-ring (frame 0).
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
Defines the driver version.
Empty bit mask.
Software owner one mask.
Next buffer descriptor is the start address.
Software owner two mask.
Last BD of the frame mask.
Received because of the promiscuous mode.
Broadcast packet mask.
Multicast packet mask.
Length violation mask.
Non-octet aligned frame mask.
CRC error mask.
FIFO overrun mask.
Frame is truncated mask.
Ready bit mask.
Software owner one mask.
Wrap buffer descriptor mask.
Software owner two mask.
Last BD of the frame mask.
Transmit CRC mask.
Default maximum Ethernet frame size without VLAN tag.
Ethernet single VLAN tag size.
CRC size in a frame.
ENET minimum receive FIFO full.
ENET minimum buffer size.
Maximum PHY address.
Enet Tx interrupt flag.
Enet Rx interrupt flag.
Enet timestamp interrupt flag.
Enet error interrupt flag.
Defines the status return codes for transaction.
enumerator kStatus_ENET_InitMemoryFail
Init fails since buffer memory is not enough.
enumerator kStatus_ENET_RxFrameError
A frame received but data error happen.
enumerator kStatus_ENET_RxFrameFail
Failed to receive a frame.
enumerator kStatus_ENET_RxFrameEmpty
No frame arrive.
enumerator kStatus_ENET_RxFrameDrop
Rx frame is dropped since no buffer memory.
enumerator kStatus_ENET_TxFrameOverLen
Tx frame over length.
enumerator kStatus_ENET_TxFrameBusy
Tx buffer descriptors are under process.
enumerator kStatus_ENET_TxFrameFail
Transmit frame fail.
enumerator kStatus_ENET_InitMemoryFail
enum _enet_mii_mode
Defines the MII/RMII/RGMII mode for data interface between the MAC and the PHY.
enumerator kENET_MiiMode
MII mode for data interface.
enumerator kENET_RmiiMode
RMII mode for data interface.
enumerator kENET_RgmiiMode
RGMII mode for data interface.
enumerator kENET_MiiMode
enum _enet_mii_speed
Defines the 10/100/1000 Mbps speed for the MII data interface.
Notice: “kENET_MiiSpeed1000M” only supported when mii mode is “kENET_RgmiiMode”.
enumerator kENET_MiiSpeed10M
Speed 10 Mbps.
enumerator kENET_MiiSpeed100M
Speed 100 Mbps.
enumerator kENET_MiiSpeed1000M
Speed 1000M bps.
enumerator kENET_MiiSpeed10M
enum _enet_mii_duplex
Defines the half or full duplex for the MII data interface.
enumerator kENET_MiiHalfDuplex
Half duplex mode.
enumerator kENET_MiiFullDuplex
Full duplex mode.
enumerator kENET_MiiHalfDuplex
enum _enet_mii_write
Define the MII opcode for normal MDIO_CLAUSES_22 Frame.
enumerator kENET_MiiWriteNoCompliant
Write frame operation, but not MII-compliant.
enumerator kENET_MiiWriteValidFrame
Write frame operation for a valid MII management frame.
enumerator kENET_MiiWriteNoCompliant
enum _enet_mii_read
Defines the read operation for the MII management frame.
enumerator kENET_MiiReadValidFrame
Read frame operation for a valid MII management frame.
enumerator kENET_MiiReadNoCompliant
Read frame operation, but not MII-compliant.
enumerator kENET_MiiReadValidFrame
enum _enet_mii_extend_opcode
Define the MII opcode for extended MDIO_CLAUSES_45 Frame.
enumerator kENET_MiiAddrWrite_C45
Address Write operation.
enumerator kENET_MiiWriteFrame_C45
Write frame operation for a valid MII management frame.
enumerator kENET_MiiReadFrame_C45
Read frame operation for a valid MII management frame.
enumerator kENET_MiiAddrWrite_C45
enum _enet_special_control_flag
Defines a special configuration for ENET MAC controller.
These control flags are provided for special user requirements. Normally, these control flags are unused for ENET initialization. For special requirements, set the flags to macSpecialConfig in the enet_config_t. The kENET_ControlStoreAndFwdDisable is used to disable the FIFO store and forward. FIFO store and forward means that the FIFO read/send is started when a complete frame is stored in TX/RX FIFO. If this flag is set, configure rxFifoFullThreshold and txFifoWatermark in the enet_config_t.
enumerator kENET_ControlFlowControlEnable
Enable ENET flow control: pause frame.
enumerator kENET_ControlRxPayloadCheckEnable
Enable ENET receive payload length check.
enumerator kENET_ControlRxPadRemoveEnable
Padding is removed from received frames.
enumerator kENET_ControlRxBroadCastRejectEnable
Enable broadcast frame reject.
enumerator kENET_ControlMacAddrInsert
Enable MAC address insert.
enumerator kENET_ControlStoreAndFwdDisable
Enable FIFO store and forward.
enumerator kENET_ControlSMIPreambleDisable
Enable SMI preamble.
enumerator kENET_ControlPromiscuousEnable
Enable promiscuous mode.
enumerator kENET_ControlMIILoopEnable
Enable ENET MII loop back.
enumerator kENET_ControlVLANTagEnable
Enable normal VLAN (single vlan tag).
enumerator kENET_ControlSVLANEnable
Enable S-VLAN.
enumerator kENET_ControlVLANUseSecondTag
Enable extracting the second vlan tag for further processing.
enumerator kENET_ControlFlowControlEnable
enum _enet_interrupt_enable
List of interrupts supported by the peripheral. This enumeration uses one-bit encoding to allow a logical OR of multiple members. Members usually map to interrupt enable bits in one or more peripheral registers.
enumerator kENET_BabrInterrupt
Babbling receive error interrupt source
enumerator kENET_BabtInterrupt
Babbling transmit error interrupt source
enumerator kENET_GraceStopInterrupt
Graceful stop complete interrupt source
enumerator kENET_TxFrameInterrupt
TX FRAME interrupt source
enumerator kENET_TxBufferInterrupt
TX BUFFER interrupt source
enumerator kENET_RxFrameInterrupt
RX FRAME interrupt source
enumerator kENET_RxBufferInterrupt
RX BUFFER interrupt source
enumerator kENET_MiiInterrupt
MII interrupt source
enumerator kENET_EBusERInterrupt
Ethernet bus error interrupt source
enumerator kENET_LateCollisionInterrupt
Late collision interrupt source
enumerator kENET_RetryLimitInterrupt
Collision Retry Limit interrupt source
enumerator kENET_UnderrunInterrupt
Transmit FIFO underrun interrupt source
enumerator kENET_PayloadRxInterrupt
Payload Receive error interrupt source
enumerator kENET_WakeupInterrupt
WAKEUP interrupt source
enumerator kENET_TsAvailInterrupt
TS AVAIL interrupt source for PTP
enumerator kENET_TsTimerInterrupt
TS WRAP interrupt source for PTP
enumerator kENET_BabrInterrupt
enum _enet_event
Defines the common interrupt event for callback use.
enumerator kENET_RxEvent
Receive event.
enumerator kENET_TxEvent
Transmit event.
enumerator kENET_ErrEvent
enumerator kENET_WakeUpEvent
Wake up from sleep mode event.
enumerator kENET_TimeStampEvent
Time stamp event.
enumerator kENET_TimeStampAvailEvent
Time stamp available event.
enumerator kENET_RxEvent
enum _enet_idle_slope
Defines certain idle slope for bandwidth fraction.
enumerator kENET_IdleSlope1
The bandwidth fraction is about 0.002.
enumerator kENET_IdleSlope2
The bandwidth fraction is about 0.003.
enumerator kENET_IdleSlope4
The bandwidth fraction is about 0.008.
enumerator kENET_IdleSlope8
The bandwidth fraction is about 0.02.
enumerator kENET_IdleSlope16
The bandwidth fraction is about 0.03.
enumerator kENET_IdleSlope32
The bandwidth fraction is about 0.06.
enumerator kENET_IdleSlope64
The bandwidth fraction is about 0.11.
enumerator kENET_IdleSlope128
The bandwidth fraction is about 0.20.
enumerator kENET_IdleSlope256
The bandwidth fraction is about 0.33.
enumerator kENET_IdleSlope384
The bandwidth fraction is about 0.43.
enumerator kENET_IdleSlope512
The bandwidth fraction is about 0.50.
enumerator kENET_IdleSlope640
The bandwidth fraction is about 0.56.
enumerator kENET_IdleSlope768
The bandwidth fraction is about 0.60.
enumerator kENET_IdleSlope896
The bandwidth fraction is about 0.64.
enumerator kENET_IdleSlope1024
The bandwidth fraction is about 0.67.
enumerator kENET_IdleSlope1152
The bandwidth fraction is about 0.69.
enumerator kENET_IdleSlope1280
The bandwidth fraction is about 0.71.
enumerator kENET_IdleSlope1408
The bandwidth fraction is about 0.73.
enumerator kENET_IdleSlope1536
The bandwidth fraction is about 0.75.
enumerator kENET_IdleSlope1
enum _enet_tx_accelerator
Defines the transmit accelerator configuration.
Note that the hardware does not insert ICMPv6 protocol checksums as mentioned in errata ERR052152.
enumerator kENET_TxAccelIsShift16Enabled
Transmit FIFO shift-16.
enumerator kENET_TxAccelIpCheckEnabled
Insert IP header checksum.
enumerator kENET_TxAccelProtoCheckEnabled
Insert protocol checksum (TCP, UDP, ICMPv4).
enumerator kENET_TxAccelIsShift16Enabled
enum _enet_rx_accelerator
Defines the receive accelerator configuration.
Note that the hardware does not validate ICMPv6 protocol checksums as mentioned in errata ERR052152.
enumerator kENET_RxAccelPadRemoveEnabled
Padding removal for short IP frames.
enumerator kENET_RxAccelIpCheckEnabled
Discard with wrong IP header checksum.
enumerator kENET_RxAccelProtoCheckEnabled
Discard with wrong protocol checksum (TCP, UDP, ICMPv4).
enumerator kENET_RxAccelMacCheckEnabled
Discard with Mac layer errors.
enumerator kENET_RxAccelisShift16Enabled
Receive FIFO shift-16.
enumerator kENET_RxAccelPadRemoveEnabled
typedef enum _enet_mii_mode enet_mii_mode_t
Defines the MII/RMII/RGMII mode for data interface between the MAC and the PHY.
typedef enum _enet_mii_speed enet_mii_speed_t
Defines the 10/100/1000 Mbps speed for the MII data interface.
Notice: “kENET_MiiSpeed1000M” only supported when mii mode is “kENET_RgmiiMode”.
typedef enum _enet_mii_duplex enet_mii_duplex_t
Defines the half or full duplex for the MII data interface.
typedef enum _enet_mii_write enet_mii_write_t
Define the MII opcode for normal MDIO_CLAUSES_22 Frame.
typedef enum _enet_mii_read enet_mii_read_t
Defines the read operation for the MII management frame.
typedef enum _enet_mii_extend_opcode enet_mii_extend_opcode
Define the MII opcode for extended MDIO_CLAUSES_45 Frame.
typedef enum _enet_special_control_flag enet_special_control_flag_t
Defines a special configuration for ENET MAC controller.
These control flags are provided for special user requirements. Normally, these control flags are unused for ENET initialization. For special requirements, set the flags to macSpecialConfig in the enet_config_t. The kENET_ControlStoreAndFwdDisable is used to disable the FIFO store and forward. FIFO store and forward means that the FIFO read/send is started when a complete frame is stored in TX/RX FIFO. If this flag is set, configure rxFifoFullThreshold and txFifoWatermark in the enet_config_t.
typedef enum _enet_interrupt_enable enet_interrupt_enable_t
List of interrupts supported by the peripheral. This enumeration uses one-bit encoding to allow a logical OR of multiple members. Members usually map to interrupt enable bits in one or more peripheral registers.
typedef enum _enet_event enet_event_t
Defines the common interrupt event for callback use.
typedef enum _enet_idle_slope enet_idle_slope_t
Defines certain idle slope for bandwidth fraction.
typedef enum _enet_tx_accelerator enet_tx_accelerator_t
Defines the transmit accelerator configuration.
Note that the hardware does not insert ICMPv6 protocol checksums as mentioned in errata ERR052152.
typedef enum _enet_rx_accelerator enet_rx_accelerator_t
Defines the receive accelerator configuration.
Note that the hardware does not validate ICMPv6 protocol checksums as mentioned in errata ERR052152.
typedef struct _enet_rx_bd_struct enet_rx_bd_struct_t
Defines the receive buffer descriptor structure for the little endian system.
typedef struct _enet_tx_bd_struct enet_tx_bd_struct_t
Defines the enhanced transmit buffer descriptor structure for the little endian system.
typedef struct _enet_data_error_stats enet_data_error_stats_t
Defines the ENET data error statistics structure.
typedef struct _enet_rx_frame_error enet_rx_frame_error_t
Defines the Rx frame error structure.
typedef struct _enet_transfer_stats enet_transfer_stats_t
Defines the ENET transfer statistics structure.
typedef struct enet_frame_info enet_frame_info_t
Defines the frame info structure.
typedef struct _enet_tx_dirty_ring enet_tx_dirty_ring_t
Defines the ENET transmit dirty addresses ring/queue structure.
typedef void *(*enet_rx_alloc_callback_t)(ENET_Type *base, void *userData, uint8_t ringId)
Defines the ENET Rx memory buffer alloc function pointer.
typedef void (*enet_rx_free_callback_t)(ENET_Type *base, void *buffer, void *userData, uint8_t ringId)
Defines the ENET Rx memory buffer free function pointer.
typedef struct _enet_buffer_config enet_buffer_config_t
Defines the receive buffer descriptor configuration structure.
Note that for the internal DMA requirements, the buffers have a corresponding alignment requirements.
The aligned receive and transmit buffer size must be evenly divisible by ENET_BUFF_ALIGNMENT. when the data buffers are in cacheable region when cache is enabled, all those size should be aligned to the maximum value of “ENET_BUFF_ALIGNMENT” and the cache line size.
The aligned transmit and receive buffer descriptor start address must be at least 64 bit aligned. However, it’s recommended to be evenly divisible by ENET_BUFF_ALIGNMENT. buffer descriptors should be put in non-cacheable region when cache is enabled.
The aligned transmit and receive data buffer start address must be evenly divisible by ENET_BUFF_ALIGNMENT. Receive buffers should be continuous with the total size equal to “rxBdNumber * rxBuffSizeAlign”. Transmit buffers should be continuous with the total size equal to “txBdNumber * txBuffSizeAlign”. when the data buffers are in cacheable region when cache is enabled, all those size should be aligned to the maximum value of “ENET_BUFF_ALIGNMENT” and the cache line size.
typedef struct _enet_intcoalesce_config enet_intcoalesce_config_t
Defines the interrupt coalescing configure structure.
typedef struct _enet_avb_config enet_avb_config_t
Defines the ENET AVB Configure structure.
This is used for to configure the extended ring 1 and ring 2.
The classification match format is (CMP3 << 12) | (CMP2 << 8) | (CMP1 << 4) | CMP0. composed of four 3-bit compared VLAN priority field cmp0~cmp3, cm0 ~ cmp3 are used in parallel.
If CMP1,2,3 are not unused, please set them to the same value as CMP0.
The idleSlope is used to calculate the Band Width fraction, BW fraction = 1 / (1 + 512/idleSlope). For avb configuration, the BW fraction of Class 1 and Class 2 combined must not exceed 0.75.
typedef struct _enet_handle enet_handle_t
typedef void (*enet_callback_t)(ENET_Type *base, enet_handle_t *handle, enet_event_t event, enet_frame_info_t *frameInfo, void *userData)
ENET callback function.
typedef struct _enet_config enet_config_t
Defines the basic configuration structure for the ENET device.
macSpecialConfig is used for a special control configuration, A logical OR of “enet_special_control_flag_t”. For a special configuration for MAC, set this parameter to 0.
txWatermark is used for a cut-through operation. It is in steps of 64 bytes: 0/1 - 64 bytes written to TX FIFO before transmission of a frame begins. 2 - 128 bytes written to TX FIFO …. 3 - 192 bytes written to TX FIFO …. The maximum of txWatermark is 0x2F - 4032 bytes written to TX FIFO …. txWatermark allows minimizing the transmit latency to set the txWatermark to 0 or 1 or for larger bus access latency 3 or larger due to contention for the system bus.
rxFifoFullThreshold is similar to the txWatermark for cut-through operation in RX. It is in 64-bit words. The minimum is ENET_FIFO_MIN_RX_FULL and the maximum is 0xFF. If the end of the frame is stored in FIFO and the frame size if smaller than the txWatermark, the frame is still transmitted. The rule is the same for rxFifoFullThreshold in the receive direction.
When “kENET_ControlFlowControlEnable” is set in the macSpecialConfig, ensure that the pauseDuration, rxFifoEmptyThreshold, and rxFifoStatEmptyThreshold are set for flow control enabled case.
When “kENET_ControlStoreAndFwdDisabled” is set in the macSpecialConfig, ensure that the rxFifoFullThreshold and txFifoWatermark are set for store and forward disable.
The rxAccelerConfig and txAccelerConfig default setting with 0 - accelerator are disabled. The “enet_tx_accelerator_t” and “enet_rx_accelerator_t” are recommended to be used to enable the transmit and receive accelerator. After the accelerators are enabled, the store and forward feature should be enabled. As a result, kENET_ControlStoreAndFwdDisabled should not be set.
The intCoalesceCfg can be used in the rx or tx enabled cases to decrese the CPU loading.
typedef struct _enet_tx_bd_ring enet_tx_bd_ring_t
Defines the ENET transmit buffer descriptor ring/queue structure.
typedef struct _enet_rx_bd_ring enet_rx_bd_ring_t
Defines the ENET receive buffer descriptor ring/queue structure.
typedef struct _enet_buffer_struct enet_buffer_struct_t
typedef struct _enet_rx_frame_attribute_struct enet_rx_frame_attribute_t
typedef struct _enet_rx_frame_struct enet_rx_frame_struct_t
typedef struct _enet_tx_frame_struct enet_tx_frame_struct_t
typedef void (*enet_isr_t)(ENET_Type *base, enet_handle_t *handle)
Define interrupt IRQ handler.
const clock_ip_name_t s_enetClock[]
Pointers to enet clocks for each instance.
const clock_ip_name_t s_enetExtraClock[]
uint32_t ENET_GetInstance(ENET_Type *base)
Get the ENET instance from peripheral base address.
- Parameters:
base – ENET peripheral base address.
- Returns:
ENET instance.
Defines the receive error status flag mask.
struct _enet_rx_bd_struct
- #include <fsl_enet.h>
Defines the receive buffer descriptor structure for the little endian system.
Public Members
uint16_t length
Buffer descriptor data length.
uint16_t control
Buffer descriptor control and status.
uint32_t buffer
Data buffer pointer.
uint16_t length
struct _enet_tx_bd_struct
- #include <fsl_enet.h>
Defines the enhanced transmit buffer descriptor structure for the little endian system.
Public Members
uint16_t length
Buffer descriptor data length.
uint16_t control
Buffer descriptor control and status.
uint32_t buffer
Data buffer pointer.
uint16_t length
struct _enet_data_error_stats
- #include <fsl_enet.h>
Defines the ENET data error statistics structure.
Public Members
uint32_t statsRxLenGreaterErr
Receive length greater than RCR[MAX_FL].
uint32_t statsRxAlignErr
Receive non-octet alignment/
uint32_t statsRxFcsErr
Receive CRC error.
uint32_t statsRxOverRunErr
Receive over run.
uint32_t statsRxTruncateErr
Receive truncate.
uint32_t statsRxLenGreaterErr
struct _enet_rx_frame_error
- #include <fsl_enet.h>
Defines the Rx frame error structure.
Public Members
bool statsRxTruncateErr
Receive truncate.
bool statsRxOverRunErr
Receive over run.
bool statsRxFcsErr
Receive CRC error.
bool statsRxAlignErr
Receive non-octet alignment.
bool statsRxLenGreaterErr
Receive length greater than RCR[MAX_FL].
bool statsRxTruncateErr
struct _enet_transfer_stats
- #include <fsl_enet.h>
Defines the ENET transfer statistics structure.
Public Members
uint32_t statsRxFrameCount
Rx frame number.
uint32_t statsRxFrameOk
Good Rx frame number.
uint32_t statsRxCrcErr
Rx frame number with CRC error.
uint32_t statsRxAlignErr
Rx frame number with alignment error.
uint32_t statsRxDropInvalidSFD
Dropped frame number due to invalid SFD.
uint32_t statsRxFifoOverflowErr
Rx FIFO overflow count.
uint32_t statsTxFrameCount
Tx frame number.
uint32_t statsTxFrameOk
Good Tx frame number.
uint32_t statsTxCrcAlignErr
The transmit frame is error.
uint32_t statsTxFifoUnderRunErr
Tx FIFO underrun count.
uint32_t statsRxFrameCount
struct enet_frame_info
- #include <fsl_enet.h>
Defines the frame info structure.
Public Members
void *context
User specified data
void *context
struct _enet_tx_dirty_ring
- #include <fsl_enet.h>
Defines the ENET transmit dirty addresses ring/queue structure.
Public Members
enet_frame_info_t *txDirtyBase
Dirty buffer descriptor base address pointer.
uint16_t txGenIdx
tx generate index.
uint16_t txConsumIdx
tx consume index.
uint16_t txRingLen
tx ring length.
bool isFull
tx ring is full flag.
enet_frame_info_t *txDirtyBase
struct _enet_buffer_config
- #include <fsl_enet.h>
Defines the receive buffer descriptor configuration structure.
Note that for the internal DMA requirements, the buffers have a corresponding alignment requirements.
The aligned receive and transmit buffer size must be evenly divisible by ENET_BUFF_ALIGNMENT. when the data buffers are in cacheable region when cache is enabled, all those size should be aligned to the maximum value of “ENET_BUFF_ALIGNMENT” and the cache line size.
The aligned transmit and receive buffer descriptor start address must be at least 64 bit aligned. However, it’s recommended to be evenly divisible by ENET_BUFF_ALIGNMENT. buffer descriptors should be put in non-cacheable region when cache is enabled.
The aligned transmit and receive data buffer start address must be evenly divisible by ENET_BUFF_ALIGNMENT. Receive buffers should be continuous with the total size equal to “rxBdNumber * rxBuffSizeAlign”. Transmit buffers should be continuous with the total size equal to “txBdNumber * txBuffSizeAlign”. when the data buffers are in cacheable region when cache is enabled, all those size should be aligned to the maximum value of “ENET_BUFF_ALIGNMENT” and the cache line size.
Public Members
uint16_t rxBdNumber
Receive buffer descriptor number.
uint16_t txBdNumber
Transmit buffer descriptor number.
uint16_t rxBuffSizeAlign
Aligned receive data buffer size.
uint16_t txBuffSizeAlign
Aligned transmit data buffer size.
volatile enet_rx_bd_struct_t *rxBdStartAddrAlign
Aligned receive buffer descriptor start address: should be non-cacheable.
volatile enet_tx_bd_struct_t *txBdStartAddrAlign
Aligned transmit buffer descriptor start address: should be non-cacheable.
uint8_t *rxBufferAlign
Receive data buffer start address.
uint8_t *txBufferAlign
Transmit data buffer start address.
bool rxMaintainEnable
Receive buffer cache maintain.
bool txMaintainEnable
Transmit buffer cache maintain.
enet_frame_info_t *txFrameInfo
Transmit frame information start address.
struct _enet_intcoalesce_config
- #include <fsl_enet.h>
Defines the interrupt coalescing configure structure.
Public Members
uint8_t txCoalesceFrameCount[1]
Transmit interrupt coalescing frame count threshold.
uint16_t txCoalesceTimeCount[1]
Transmit interrupt coalescing timer count threshold.
uint8_t rxCoalesceFrameCount[1]
Receive interrupt coalescing frame count threshold.
uint16_t rxCoalesceTimeCount[1]
Receive interrupt coalescing timer count threshold.
uint8_t txCoalesceFrameCount[1]
struct _enet_avb_config
- #include <fsl_enet.h>
Defines the ENET AVB Configure structure.
This is used for to configure the extended ring 1 and ring 2.
The classification match format is (CMP3 << 12) | (CMP2 << 8) | (CMP1 << 4) | CMP0. composed of four 3-bit compared VLAN priority field cmp0~cmp3, cm0 ~ cmp3 are used in parallel.
If CMP1,2,3 are not unused, please set them to the same value as CMP0.
The idleSlope is used to calculate the Band Width fraction, BW fraction = 1 / (1 + 512/idleSlope). For avb configuration, the BW fraction of Class 1 and Class 2 combined must not exceed 0.75.
Public Members
uint16_t rxClassifyMatch[1 - 1]
The classification match value for the ring.
enet_idle_slope_t idleSlope[1 - 1]
The idle slope for certian bandwidth fraction.
struct _enet_config
- #include <fsl_enet.h>
Defines the basic configuration structure for the ENET device.
macSpecialConfig is used for a special control configuration, A logical OR of “enet_special_control_flag_t”. For a special configuration for MAC, set this parameter to 0.
txWatermark is used for a cut-through operation. It is in steps of 64 bytes: 0/1 - 64 bytes written to TX FIFO before transmission of a frame begins. 2 - 128 bytes written to TX FIFO …. 3 - 192 bytes written to TX FIFO …. The maximum of txWatermark is 0x2F - 4032 bytes written to TX FIFO …. txWatermark allows minimizing the transmit latency to set the txWatermark to 0 or 1 or for larger bus access latency 3 or larger due to contention for the system bus.
rxFifoFullThreshold is similar to the txWatermark for cut-through operation in RX. It is in 64-bit words. The minimum is ENET_FIFO_MIN_RX_FULL and the maximum is 0xFF. If the end of the frame is stored in FIFO and the frame size if smaller than the txWatermark, the frame is still transmitted. The rule is the same for rxFifoFullThreshold in the receive direction.
When “kENET_ControlFlowControlEnable” is set in the macSpecialConfig, ensure that the pauseDuration, rxFifoEmptyThreshold, and rxFifoStatEmptyThreshold are set for flow control enabled case.
When “kENET_ControlStoreAndFwdDisabled” is set in the macSpecialConfig, ensure that the rxFifoFullThreshold and txFifoWatermark are set for store and forward disable.
The rxAccelerConfig and txAccelerConfig default setting with 0 - accelerator are disabled. The “enet_tx_accelerator_t” and “enet_rx_accelerator_t” are recommended to be used to enable the transmit and receive accelerator. After the accelerators are enabled, the store and forward feature should be enabled. As a result, kENET_ControlStoreAndFwdDisabled should not be set.
The intCoalesceCfg can be used in the rx or tx enabled cases to decrese the CPU loading.
Public Members
uint32_t macSpecialConfig
Mac special configuration. A logical OR of “enet_special_control_flag_t”.
uint32_t interrupt
Mac interrupt source. A logical OR of “enet_interrupt_enable_t”.
uint16_t rxMaxFrameLen
Receive maximum frame length.
enet_mii_mode_t miiMode
MII mode.
enet_mii_speed_t miiSpeed
MII Speed.
enet_mii_duplex_t miiDuplex
MII duplex.
uint8_t rxAccelerConfig
Receive accelerator, A logical OR of “enet_rx_accelerator_t”.
uint8_t txAccelerConfig
Transmit accelerator, A logical OR of “enet_rx_accelerator_t”.
uint16_t pauseDuration
For flow control enabled case: Pause duration.
uint8_t rxFifoEmptyThreshold
For flow control enabled case: when RX FIFO level reaches this value, it makes MAC generate XOFF pause frame.
uint8_t rxFifoStatEmptyThreshold
For flow control enabled case: number of frames in the receive FIFO, independent of size, that can be accept. If the limit is reached, reception continues and a pause frame is triggered.
uint8_t rxFifoFullThreshold
For store and forward disable case, the data required in RX FIFO to notify the MAC receive ready status.
uint8_t txFifoWatermark
For store and forward disable case, the data required in TX FIFO before a frame transmit start.
enet_intcoalesce_config_t *intCoalesceCfg
If the interrupt coalsecence is not required in the ring n(0,1,2), please set to NULL.
uint8_t ringNum
Number of used rings. default with 1 — single ring.
enet_rx_alloc_callback_t rxBuffAlloc
Callback function to alloc memory, must be provided for zero-copy Rx.
enet_rx_free_callback_t rxBuffFree
Callback function to free memory, must be provided for zero-copy Rx.
enet_callback_t callback
General callback function.
void *userData
Callback function parameter.
struct _enet_tx_bd_ring
- #include <fsl_enet.h>
Defines the ENET transmit buffer descriptor ring/queue structure.
Public Members
volatile enet_tx_bd_struct_t *txBdBase
Buffer descriptor base address pointer.
uint16_t txGenIdx
The current available transmit buffer descriptor pointer.
uint16_t txConsumIdx
Transmit consume index.
volatile uint16_t txDescUsed
Transmit descriptor used number.
uint16_t txRingLen
Transmit ring length.
volatile enet_tx_bd_struct_t *txBdBase
struct _enet_rx_bd_ring
- #include <fsl_enet.h>
Defines the ENET receive buffer descriptor ring/queue structure.
Public Members
volatile enet_rx_bd_struct_t *rxBdBase
Buffer descriptor base address pointer.
uint16_t rxGenIdx
The current available receive buffer descriptor pointer.
uint16_t rxRingLen
Receive ring length.
volatile enet_rx_bd_struct_t *rxBdBase
struct _enet_handle
- #include <fsl_enet.h>
Defines the ENET handler structure.
Public Members
enet_rx_bd_ring_t rxBdRing[1]
Receive buffer descriptor.
enet_tx_bd_ring_t txBdRing[1]
Transmit buffer descriptor.
uint16_t rxBuffSizeAlign[1]
Receive buffer size alignment.
uint16_t txBuffSizeAlign[1]
Transmit buffer size alignment.
bool rxMaintainEnable[1]
Receive buffer cache maintain.
bool txMaintainEnable[1]
Transmit buffer cache maintain.
uint8_t ringNum
Number of used rings.
enet_callback_t callback
Callback function.
void *userData
Callback function parameter.
enet_tx_dirty_ring_t txDirtyRing[1]
Ring to store tx frame information.
bool txReclaimEnable[1]
Tx reclaim enable flag.
enet_rx_alloc_callback_t rxBuffAlloc
Callback function to alloc memory for zero copy Rx.
enet_rx_free_callback_t rxBuffFree
Callback function to free memory for zero copy Rx.
uint8_t multicastCount[64]
Multicast collisions counter
enet_rx_bd_ring_t rxBdRing[1]
struct _enet_buffer_struct
- #include <fsl_enet.h>
Public Members
void *buffer
The buffer store the whole or partial frame.
uint16_t length
The byte length of this buffer.
void *buffer
struct _enet_rx_frame_attribute_struct
- #include <fsl_enet.h>
Public Members
bool promiscuous
This frame is received because of promiscuous mode.
bool promiscuous
struct _enet_rx_frame_struct
- #include <fsl_enet.h>
Public Members
enet_buffer_struct_t *rxBuffArray
Rx frame buffer structure.
uint16_t totLen
Rx frame total length.
enet_rx_frame_attribute_t rxAttribute
Rx frame attribute structure.
enet_rx_frame_error_t rxFrameError
Rx frame error.
enet_buffer_struct_t *rxBuffArray
struct _enet_tx_frame_struct
- #include <fsl_enet.h>
Public Members
enet_buffer_struct_t *txBuffArray
Tx frame buffer structure.
uint32_t txBuffNum
Buffer number of this Tx frame.
void *context
Driver reclaims and gives it in Tx over callback, usually store network packet header.
enet_buffer_struct_t *txBuffArray
FlexCOMM driver version 2.0.2.
FLEXCOMM peripheral modes.
No peripheral
USART peripheral
SPI Peripheral
I2C Peripheral
I2S TX Peripheral
I2S RX Peripheral
typedef void (*flexcomm_irq_handler_t)(void *base, void *handle)
Typedef for interrupt handler.
IRQn_Type const kFlexcommIrqs[]
Array with IRQ number for each FLEXCOMM module.
uint32_t FLEXCOMM_GetInstance(void *base)
Returns instance number for FLEXCOMM module with given base address.
status_t FLEXCOMM_Init(void *base, FLEXCOMM_PERIPH_T periph)
Initializes FLEXCOMM and selects peripheral mode according to the second parameter.
void FLEXCOMM_SetIRQHandler(void *base, flexcomm_irq_handler_t handler, void *flexcommHandle)
Sets IRQ handler for given FLEXCOMM module. It is used by drivers register IRQ handler according to FLEXCOMM mode.
FLEXSPI: Flexible Serial Peripheral Interface Driver
uint32_t FLEXSPI_GetInstance(FLEXSPI_Type *base)
Get the instance number for FLEXSPI.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI base pointer.
status_t FLEXSPI_CheckAndClearError(FLEXSPI_Type *base, uint32_t status)
Check and clear IP command execution errors.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI base pointer.
status – interrupt status.
void FLEXSPI_Init(FLEXSPI_Type *base, const flexspi_config_t *config)
Initializes the FLEXSPI module and internal state.
This function enables the clock for FLEXSPI and also configures the FLEXSPI with the input configure parameters. Users should call this function before any FLEXSPI operations.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI peripheral base address.
config – FLEXSPI configure structure.
void FLEXSPI_GetDefaultConfig(flexspi_config_t *config)
Gets default settings for FLEXSPI.
- Parameters:
config – FLEXSPI configuration structure.
void FLEXSPI_Deinit(FLEXSPI_Type *base)
Deinitializes the FLEXSPI module.
Clears the FLEXSPI state and FLEXSPI module registers.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI peripheral base address.
void FLEXSPI_UpdateDllValue(FLEXSPI_Type *base, flexspi_device_config_t *config, flexspi_port_t port)
Update FLEXSPI DLL value depending on currently flexspi root clock.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI peripheral base address.
config – Flash configuration parameters.
port – FLEXSPI Operation port.
void FLEXSPI_SetFlashConfig(FLEXSPI_Type *base, flexspi_device_config_t *config, flexspi_port_t port)
Configures the connected device parameter.
This function configures the connected device relevant parameters, such as the size, command, and so on. The flash configuration value cannot have a default value. The user needs to configure it according to the connected device.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI peripheral base address.
config – Flash configuration parameters.
port – FLEXSPI Operation port.
void FLEXSPI_SoftwareReset(FLEXSPI_Type *base)
Software reset for the FLEXSPI logic.
This function sets the software reset flags for both AHB and buffer domain and resets both AHB buffer and also IP FIFOs.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI peripheral base address.
static inline void FLEXSPI_Enable(FLEXSPI_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables or disables the FLEXSPI module.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI peripheral base address.
enable – True means enable FLEXSPI, false means disable.
static inline void FLEXSPI_EnableInterrupts(FLEXSPI_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the FLEXSPI interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI peripheral base address.
mask – FLEXSPI interrupt source.
static inline void FLEXSPI_DisableInterrupts(FLEXSPI_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disable the FLEXSPI interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI peripheral base address.
mask – FLEXSPI interrupt source.
static inline void FLEXSPI_EnableTxDMA(FLEXSPI_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables or disables FLEXSPI IP Tx FIFO DMA requests.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI peripheral base address.
enable – Enable flag for transmit DMA request. Pass true for enable, false for disable.
static inline void FLEXSPI_EnableRxDMA(FLEXSPI_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables or disables FLEXSPI IP Rx FIFO DMA requests.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI peripheral base address.
enable – Enable flag for receive DMA request. Pass true for enable, false for disable.
static inline uint32_t FLEXSPI_GetTxFifoAddress(FLEXSPI_Type *base)
Gets FLEXSPI IP tx fifo address for DMA transfer.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI peripheral base address.
- Return values:
The – tx fifo address.
static inline uint32_t FLEXSPI_GetRxFifoAddress(FLEXSPI_Type *base)
Gets FLEXSPI IP rx fifo address for DMA transfer.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI peripheral base address.
- Return values:
The – rx fifo address.
static inline void FLEXSPI_ResetFifos(FLEXSPI_Type *base, bool txFifo, bool rxFifo)
Clears the FLEXSPI IP FIFO logic.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI peripheral base address.
txFifo – Pass true to reset TX FIFO.
rxFifo – Pass true to reset RX FIFO.
static inline void FLEXSPI_GetFifoCounts(FLEXSPI_Type *base, size_t *txCount, size_t *rxCount)
Gets the valid data entries in the FLEXSPI FIFOs.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI peripheral base address.
txCount – [out] Pointer through which the current number of bytes in the transmit FIFO is returned. Pass NULL if this value is not required.
rxCount – [out] Pointer through which the current number of bytes in the receive FIFO is returned. Pass NULL if this value is not required.
static inline uint32_t FLEXSPI_GetInterruptStatusFlags(FLEXSPI_Type *base)
Get the FLEXSPI interrupt status flags.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI peripheral base address.
- Return values:
interrupt – status flag, use status flag to AND flexspi_flags_t could get the related status.
static inline void FLEXSPI_ClearInterruptStatusFlags(FLEXSPI_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Get the FLEXSPI interrupt status flags.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI peripheral base address.
mask – FLEXSPI interrupt source.
static inline void FLEXSPI_GetDataLearningPhase(FLEXSPI_Type *base, uint8_t *portAPhase, uint8_t *portBPhase)
Gets the sampling clock phase selection after Data Learning.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI peripheral base address.
portAPhase – Pointer to a uint8_t type variable to receive the selected clock phase on PORTA.
portBPhase – Pointer to a uint8_t type variable to receive the selected clock phase on PORTB.
static inline flexspi_arb_command_source_t FLEXSPI_GetArbitratorCommandSource(FLEXSPI_Type *base)
Gets the trigger source of current command sequence granted by arbitrator.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI peripheral base address.
- Return values:
trigger – source of current command sequence.
static inline flexspi_ip_error_code_t FLEXSPI_GetIPCommandErrorCode(FLEXSPI_Type *base, uint8_t *index)
Gets the error code when IP command error detected.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI peripheral base address.
index – Pointer to a uint8_t type variable to receive the sequence index when error detected.
- Return values:
error – code when IP command error detected.
static inline flexspi_ahb_error_code_t FLEXSPI_GetAHBCommandErrorCode(FLEXSPI_Type *base, uint8_t *index)
Gets the error code when AHB command error detected.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI peripheral base address.
index – Pointer to a uint8_t type variable to receive the sequence index when error detected.
- Return values:
error – code when AHB command error detected.
static inline bool FLEXSPI_GetBusIdleStatus(FLEXSPI_Type *base)
Returns whether the bus is idle.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI peripheral base address.
- Return values:
true – Bus is idle.
false – Bus is busy.
void FLEXSPI_UpdateRxSampleClock(FLEXSPI_Type *base, flexspi_read_sample_clock_t clockSource)
Update read sample clock source.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI peripheral base address.
clockSource – clockSource of type flexspi_read_sample_clock_t
void FLEXSPI_UpdateLUT(FLEXSPI_Type *base, uint32_t index, const uint32_t *cmd, uint32_t count)
Updates the LUT table.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI peripheral base address.
index – From which index start to update. It could be any index of the LUT table, which also allows user to update command content inside a command. Each command consists of up to 8 instructions and occupy 4*32-bit memory.
cmd – Command sequence array.
count – Number of sequences.
static inline void FLEXSPI_WriteData(FLEXSPI_Type *base, uint32_t data, uint8_t fifoIndex)
Writes data into FIFO.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI peripheral base address
data – The data bytes to send
fifoIndex – Destination fifo index.
static inline uint32_t FLEXSPI_ReadData(FLEXSPI_Type *base, uint8_t fifoIndex)
Receives data from data FIFO.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI peripheral base address
fifoIndex – Source fifo index.
- Returns:
The data in the FIFO.
status_t FLEXSPI_WriteBlocking(FLEXSPI_Type *base, uint8_t *buffer, size_t size)
Sends a buffer of data bytes using blocking method.
This function blocks via polling until all bytes have been sent.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI peripheral base address
buffer – The data bytes to send
size – The number of data bytes to send
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – write success without error
kStatus_FLEXSPI_SequenceExecutionTimeout – sequence execution timeout
kStatus_FLEXSPI_IpCommandSequenceError – IP command sequence error detected
kStatus_FLEXSPI_IpCommandGrantTimeout – IP command grant timeout detected
status_t FLEXSPI_ReadBlocking(FLEXSPI_Type *base, uint8_t *buffer, size_t size)
Receives a buffer of data bytes using a blocking method.
This function blocks via polling until all bytes have been sent.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI peripheral base address
buffer – The data bytes to send
size – The number of data bytes to receive
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – read success without error
kStatus_FLEXSPI_SequenceExecutionTimeout – sequence execution timeout
kStatus_FLEXSPI_IpCommandSequenceError – IP command sequencen error detected
kStatus_FLEXSPI_IpCommandGrantTimeout – IP command grant timeout detected
status_t FLEXSPI_TransferBlocking(FLEXSPI_Type *base, flexspi_transfer_t *xfer)
Execute command to transfer a buffer data bytes using a blocking method.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI peripheral base address
xfer – pointer to the transfer structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – command transfer success without error
kStatus_FLEXSPI_SequenceExecutionTimeout – sequence execution timeout
kStatus_FLEXSPI_IpCommandSequenceError – IP command sequence error detected
kStatus_FLEXSPI_IpCommandGrantTimeout – IP command grant timeout detected
void FLEXSPI_TransferCreateHandle(FLEXSPI_Type *base, flexspi_handle_t *handle, flexspi_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Initializes the FLEXSPI handle which is used in transactional functions.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI peripheral base address.
handle – pointer to flexspi_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
callback – pointer to user callback function.
userData – user parameter passed to the callback function.
status_t FLEXSPI_TransferNonBlocking(FLEXSPI_Type *base, flexspi_handle_t *handle, flexspi_transfer_t *xfer)
Performs a interrupt non-blocking transfer on the FLEXSPI bus.
Calling the API returns immediately after transfer initiates. The user needs to call FLEXSPI_GetTransferCount to poll the transfer status to check whether the transfer is finished. If the return status is not kStatus_FLEXSPI_Busy, the transfer is finished. For FLEXSPI_Read, the dataSize should be multiple of rx watermark level, or FLEXSPI could not read data properly.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI peripheral base address.
handle – pointer to flexspi_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
xfer – pointer to flexspi_transfer_t structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully start the data transmission.
kStatus_FLEXSPI_Busy – Previous transmission still not finished.
status_t FLEXSPI_TransferGetCount(FLEXSPI_Type *base, flexspi_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the master transfer status during a interrupt non-blocking transfer.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI peripheral base address.
handle – pointer to flexspi_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
count – Number of bytes transferred so far by the non-blocking transaction.
- Return values:
kStatus_InvalidArgument – count is Invalid.
kStatus_Success – Successfully return the count.
void FLEXSPI_TransferAbort(FLEXSPI_Type *base, flexspi_handle_t *handle)
Aborts an interrupt non-blocking transfer early.
This API can be called at any time when an interrupt non-blocking transfer initiates to abort the transfer early.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI peripheral base address.
handle – pointer to flexspi_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state
void FLEXSPI_TransferHandleIRQ(FLEXSPI_Type *base, flexspi_handle_t *handle)
Master interrupt handler.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI peripheral base address.
handle – pointer to flexspi_handle_t structure.
FLEXSPI driver version.
Status structure of FLEXSPI.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXSPI_Busy
FLEXSPI is busy
enumerator kStatus_FLEXSPI_SequenceExecutionTimeout
Sequence execution timeout error occurred during FLEXSPI transfer.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXSPI_IpCommandSequenceError
IP command Sequence execution timeout error occurred during FLEXSPI transfer.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXSPI_IpCommandGrantTimeout
IP command grant timeout error occurred during FLEXSPI transfer.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXSPI_Busy
CMD definition of FLEXSPI, use to form LUT instruction, _flexspi_command.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_Command_STOP
Stop execution, deassert CS.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_Command_SDR
Transmit Command code to Flash, using SDR mode.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_Command_RADDR_SDR
Transmit Row Address to Flash, using SDR mode.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_Command_CADDR_SDR
Transmit Column Address to Flash, using SDR mode.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_Command_MODE1_SDR
Transmit 1-bit Mode bits to Flash, using SDR mode.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_Command_MODE2_SDR
Transmit 2-bit Mode bits to Flash, using SDR mode.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_Command_MODE4_SDR
Transmit 4-bit Mode bits to Flash, using SDR mode.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_Command_MODE8_SDR
Transmit 8-bit Mode bits to Flash, using SDR mode.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_Command_WRITE_SDR
Transmit Programming Data to Flash, using SDR mode.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_Command_READ_SDR
Receive Read Data from Flash, using SDR mode.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_Command_LEARN_SDR
Receive Read Data or Preamble bit from Flash, SDR mode.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_Command_DATSZ_SDR
Transmit Read/Program Data size (byte) to Flash, SDR mode.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_Command_DUMMY_SDR
Leave data lines undriven by FlexSPI controller.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_Command_DUMMY_RWDS_SDR
Leave data lines undriven by FlexSPI controller, dummy cycles decided by RWDS.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_Command_DDR
Transmit Command code to Flash, using DDR mode.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_Command_RADDR_DDR
Transmit Row Address to Flash, using DDR mode.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_Command_CADDR_DDR
Transmit Column Address to Flash, using DDR mode.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_Command_MODE1_DDR
Transmit 1-bit Mode bits to Flash, using DDR mode.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_Command_MODE2_DDR
Transmit 2-bit Mode bits to Flash, using DDR mode.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_Command_MODE4_DDR
Transmit 4-bit Mode bits to Flash, using DDR mode.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_Command_MODE8_DDR
Transmit 8-bit Mode bits to Flash, using DDR mode.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_Command_WRITE_DDR
Transmit Programming Data to Flash, using DDR mode.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_Command_READ_DDR
Receive Read Data from Flash, using DDR mode.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_Command_LEARN_DDR
Receive Read Data or Preamble bit from Flash, DDR mode.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_Command_DATSZ_DDR
Transmit Read/Program Data size (byte) to Flash, DDR mode.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_Command_DUMMY_DDR
Leave data lines undriven by FlexSPI controller.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_Command_DUMMY_RWDS_DDR
Leave data lines undriven by FlexSPI controller, dummy cycles decided by RWDS.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_Command_JUMP_ON_CS
Stop execution, deassert CS and save operand[7:0] as the instruction start pointer for next sequence
enumerator kFLEXSPI_Command_STOP
enum _flexspi_pad
pad definition of FLEXSPI, use to form LUT instruction.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_1PAD
Transmit command/address and transmit/receive data only through DATA0/DATA1.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_2PAD
Transmit command/address and transmit/receive data only through DATA[1:0].
enumerator kFLEXSPI_4PAD
Transmit command/address and transmit/receive data only through DATA[3:0].
enumerator kFLEXSPI_8PAD
Transmit command/address and transmit/receive data only through DATA[7:0].
enumerator kFLEXSPI_1PAD
enum _flexspi_flags
FLEXSPI interrupt status flags.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_SequenceExecutionTimeoutFlag
Sequence execution timeout.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_AhbBusTimeoutFlag
AHB Bus timeout.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_SckStoppedBecauseTxEmptyFlag
SCK is stopped during command sequence because Async TX FIFO empty.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_SckStoppedBecauseRxFullFlag
SCK is stopped during command sequence because Async RX FIFO full.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_DataLearningFailedFlag
Data learning failed.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_IpTxFifoWatermarkEmptyFlag
IP TX FIFO WaterMark empty.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_IpRxFifoWatermarkAvailableFlag
IP RX FIFO WaterMark available.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_AhbCommandSequenceErrorFlag
AHB triggered Command Sequences Error.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_IpCommandSequenceErrorFlag
IP triggered Command Sequences Error.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_AhbCommandGrantTimeoutFlag
AHB triggered Command Sequences Grant Timeout.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_IpCommandGrantTimeoutFlag
IP triggered Command Sequences Grant Timeout.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_IpCommandExecutionDoneFlag
IP triggered Command Sequences Execution finished.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_AllInterruptFlags
All flags.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_SequenceExecutionTimeoutFlag
enum _flexspi_read_sample_clock
FLEXSPI sample clock source selection for Flash Reading.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_ReadSampleClkLoopbackInternally
Dummy Read strobe generated by FlexSPI Controller and loopback internally.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_ReadSampleClkLoopbackFromDqsPad
Dummy Read strobe generated by FlexSPI Controller and loopback from DQS pad.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_ReadSampleClkLoopbackFromSckPad
SCK output clock and loopback from SCK pad.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_ReadSampleClkExternalInputFromDqsPad
Flash provided Read strobe and input from DQS pad.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_ReadSampleClkLoopbackInternally
enum _flexspi_cs_interval_cycle_unit
FLEXSPI interval unit for flash device select.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_CsIntervalUnit1SckCycle
Chip selection interval: CSINTERVAL * 1 serial clock cycle.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_CsIntervalUnit256SckCycle
Chip selection interval: CSINTERVAL * 256 serial clock cycle.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_CsIntervalUnit1SckCycle
enum _flexspi_ahb_write_wait_unit
FLEXSPI AHB wait interval unit for writing.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_AhbWriteWaitUnit2AhbCycle
AWRWAIT unit is 2 ahb clock cycle.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_AhbWriteWaitUnit8AhbCycle
AWRWAIT unit is 8 ahb clock cycle.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_AhbWriteWaitUnit32AhbCycle
AWRWAIT unit is 32 ahb clock cycle.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_AhbWriteWaitUnit128AhbCycle
AWRWAIT unit is 128 ahb clock cycle.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_AhbWriteWaitUnit512AhbCycle
AWRWAIT unit is 512 ahb clock cycle.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_AhbWriteWaitUnit2048AhbCycle
AWRWAIT unit is 2048 ahb clock cycle.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_AhbWriteWaitUnit8192AhbCycle
AWRWAIT unit is 8192 ahb clock cycle.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_AhbWriteWaitUnit32768AhbCycle
AWRWAIT unit is 32768 ahb clock cycle.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_AhbWriteWaitUnit2AhbCycle
enum _flexspi_ip_error_code
Error Code when IP command Error detected.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_IpCmdErrorNoError
No error.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_IpCmdErrorJumpOnCsInIpCmd
IP command with JMP_ON_CS instruction used.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_IpCmdErrorUnknownOpCode
Unknown instruction opcode in the sequence.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_IpCmdErrorSdrDummyInDdrSequence
Instruction DUMMY_SDR/DUMMY_RWDS_SDR used in DDR sequence.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_IpCmdErrorDdrDummyInSdrSequence
Instruction DUMMY_DDR/DUMMY_RWDS_DDR used in SDR sequence.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_IpCmdErrorInvalidAddress
Flash access start address exceed the whole flash address range (A1/A2/B1/B2).
enumerator kFLEXSPI_IpCmdErrorSequenceExecutionTimeout
Sequence execution timeout.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_IpCmdErrorFlashBoundaryAcrosss
Flash boundary crossed.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_IpCmdErrorNoError
enum _flexspi_ahb_error_code
Error Code when AHB command Error detected.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_AhbCmdErrorNoError
No error.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_AhbCmdErrorJumpOnCsInWriteCmd
AHB Write command with JMP_ON_CS instruction used in the sequence.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_AhbCmdErrorUnknownOpCode
Unknown instruction opcode in the sequence.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_AhbCmdErrorSdrDummyInDdrSequence
Instruction DUMMY_SDR/DUMMY_RWDS_SDR used in DDR sequence.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_AhbCmdErrorDdrDummyInSdrSequence
Instruction DUMMY_DDR/DUMMY_RWDS_DDR used in SDR sequence.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_AhbCmdSequenceExecutionTimeout
Sequence execution timeout.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_AhbCmdErrorNoError
enum _flexspi_port
FLEXSPI operation port select.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_PortA1
Access flash on A1 port.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_PortA2
Access flash on A2 port.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_PortB1
Access flash on B1 port.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_PortB2
Access flash on B2 port.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_PortCount
enumerator kFLEXSPI_PortA1
enum _flexspi_arb_command_source
Trigger source of current command sequence granted by arbitrator.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_AhbReadCommand
enumerator kFLEXSPI_AhbWriteCommand
enumerator kFLEXSPI_IpCommand
enumerator kFLEXSPI_SuspendedCommand
enumerator kFLEXSPI_AhbReadCommand
enum _flexspi_command_type
Command type.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_Command
FlexSPI operation: Only command, both TX and Rx buffer are ignored.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_Config
FlexSPI operation: Configure device mode, the TX fifo size is fixed in LUT.
enumerator kFLEXSPI_Read
enumerator kFLEXSPI_Write
enumerator kFLEXSPI_Command
typedef enum _flexspi_pad flexspi_pad_t
pad definition of FLEXSPI, use to form LUT instruction.
typedef enum _flexspi_flags flexspi_flags_t
FLEXSPI interrupt status flags.
typedef enum _flexspi_read_sample_clock flexspi_read_sample_clock_t
FLEXSPI sample clock source selection for Flash Reading.
typedef enum _flexspi_cs_interval_cycle_unit flexspi_cs_interval_cycle_unit_t
FLEXSPI interval unit for flash device select.
typedef enum _flexspi_ahb_write_wait_unit flexspi_ahb_write_wait_unit_t
FLEXSPI AHB wait interval unit for writing.
typedef enum _flexspi_ip_error_code flexspi_ip_error_code_t
Error Code when IP command Error detected.
typedef enum _flexspi_ahb_error_code flexspi_ahb_error_code_t
Error Code when AHB command Error detected.
typedef enum _flexspi_port flexspi_port_t
FLEXSPI operation port select.
typedef enum _flexspi_arb_command_source flexspi_arb_command_source_t
Trigger source of current command sequence granted by arbitrator.
typedef enum _flexspi_command_type flexspi_command_type_t
Command type.
typedef struct _flexspi_ahbBuffer_config flexspi_ahbBuffer_config_t
typedef struct _flexspi_config flexspi_config_t
FLEXSPI configuration structure.
typedef struct _flexspi_device_config flexspi_device_config_t
External device configuration items.
typedef struct _flexspi_transfer flexspi_transfer_t
Transfer structure for FLEXSPI.
typedef struct _flexspi_handle flexspi_handle_t
typedef void (*flexspi_transfer_callback_t)(FLEXSPI_Type *base, flexspi_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
FLEXSPI transfer callback function.
FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(cmd0, pad0, op0, cmd1, pad1, op1)
Formula to form FLEXSPI instructions in LUT table.
struct _flexspi_ahbBuffer_config
- #include <fsl_flexspi.h>
Public Members
uint8_t priority
This priority for AHB Master Read which this AHB RX Buffer is assigned.
uint8_t masterIndex
AHB Master ID the AHB RX Buffer is assigned.
uint16_t bufferSize
AHB buffer size in byte.
bool enablePrefetch
AHB Read Prefetch Enable for current AHB RX Buffer corresponding Master, allows prefetch disable/enable separately for each master.
uint8_t priority
struct _flexspi_config
- #include <fsl_flexspi.h>
FLEXSPI configuration structure.
Public Members
flexspi_read_sample_clock_t rxSampleClock
Sample Clock source selection for Flash Reading.
bool enableSckFreeRunning
Enable/disable SCK output free-running.
bool enableCombination
Enable/disable combining PORT A and B Data Pins (SIOA[3:0] and SIOB[3:0]) to support Flash Octal mode.
bool enableDoze
Enable/disable doze mode support.
bool enableHalfSpeedAccess
Enable/disable divide by 2 of the clock for half speed commands.
flexspi_read_sample_clock_t rxSampleClockPortB
Sample Clock source_b selection for Flash Reading.
bool rxSampleClockDiff
Sample Clock source or source_b selection for Flash Reading.
bool enableSckBDiffOpt
Enable/disable SCKB pad use as SCKA differential clock output, when enable, Port B flash access is not available.
bool enableSameConfigForAll
Enable/disable same configuration for all connected devices when enabled, same configuration in FLASHA1CRx is applied to all.
uint16_t seqTimeoutCycle
Timeout wait cycle for command sequence execution, timeout after ahbGrantTimeoutCyle*1024 serial root clock cycles.
uint8_t ipGrantTimeoutCycle
Timeout wait cycle for IP command grant, timeout after ipGrantTimeoutCycle*1024 AHB clock cycles.
uint8_t txWatermark
FLEXSPI IP transmit watermark value.
uint8_t rxWatermark
FLEXSPI receive watermark value.
flexspi_read_sample_clock_t rxSampleClock
struct _flexspi_device_config
- #include <fsl_flexspi.h>
External device configuration items.
Public Members
uint32_t flexspiRootClk
FLEXSPI serial root clock.
bool isSck2Enabled
uint32_t flashSize
Flash size in KByte.
bool addressShift
Address shift.
flexspi_cs_interval_cycle_unit_t CSIntervalUnit
CS interval unit, 1 or 256 cycle.
uint16_t CSInterval
CS line assert interval, multiply CS interval unit to get the CS line assert interval cycles.
uint8_t CSHoldTime
CS line hold time.
uint8_t CSSetupTime
CS line setup time.
uint8_t dataValidTime
Data valid time for external device.
uint8_t columnspace
Column space size.
bool enableWordAddress
If enable word address.
uint8_t AWRSeqIndex
Sequence ID for AHB write command.
uint8_t AWRSeqNumber
Sequence number for AHB write command.
uint8_t ARDSeqIndex
Sequence ID for AHB read command.
uint8_t ARDSeqNumber
Sequence number for AHB read command.
flexspi_ahb_write_wait_unit_t AHBWriteWaitUnit
AHB write wait unit.
uint16_t AHBWriteWaitInterval
AHB write wait interval, multiply AHB write interval unit to get the AHB write wait cycles.
bool enableWriteMask
Enable/Disable FLEXSPI drive DQS pin as write mask when writing to external device.
uint32_t flexspiRootClk
struct _flexspi_transfer
- #include <fsl_flexspi.h>
Transfer structure for FLEXSPI.
Public Members
uint32_t deviceAddress
Operation device address.
flexspi_port_t port
Operation port.
flexspi_command_type_t cmdType
Execution command type.
uint8_t seqIndex
Sequence ID for command.
uint8_t SeqNumber
Sequence number for command.
uint32_t *data
Data buffer.
size_t dataSize
Data size in bytes.
uint32_t deviceAddress
struct _flexspi_handle
- #include <fsl_flexspi.h>
Transfer handle structure for FLEXSPI.
Public Members
uint32_t state
Internal state for FLEXSPI transfer
uint8_t *data
Data buffer.
size_t dataSize
Remaining Data size in bytes.
size_t transferTotalSize
Total Data size in bytes.
flexspi_transfer_callback_t completionCallback
Callback for users while transfer finish or error occurred
void *userData
FLEXSPI callback function parameter.
uint32_t state
struct ahbConfig
Public Members
uint8_t ahbGrantTimeoutCycle
Timeout wait cycle for AHB command grant, timeout after ahbGrantTimeoutCyle*1024 AHB clock cycles.
uint16_t ahbBusTimeoutCycle
Timeout wait cycle for AHB read/write access, timeout after ahbBusTimeoutCycle*1024 AHB clock cycles.
uint8_t resumeWaitCycle
Wait cycle for idle state before suspended command sequence resume, timeout after ahbBusTimeoutCycle AHB clock cycles.
flexspi_ahbBuffer_config_t buffer[FSL_FEATURE_FLEXSPI_AHB_BUFFER_COUNTn(0)]
AHB buffer size.
bool enableClearAHBBufferOpt
Enable/disable automatically clean AHB RX Buffer and TX Buffer when FLEXSPI returns STOP mode ACK.
bool enableReadAddressOpt
Enable/disable remove AHB read burst start address alignment limitation. when enable, there is no AHB read burst start address alignment limitation.
bool enableAHBPrefetch
Enable/disable AHB read prefetch feature, when enabled, FLEXSPI will fetch more data than current AHB burst.
bool enableAHBBufferable
Enable/disable AHB bufferable write access support, when enabled, FLEXSPI return before waiting for command execution finished.
bool enableAHBCachable
Enable AHB bus cachable read access support.
uint8_t ahbGrantTimeoutCycle
void FLEXSPI_TransferCreateHandleDMA(FLEXSPI_Type *base, flexspi_dma_handle_t *handle, flexspi_dma_callback_t callback, void *userData, dma_handle_t *txDmaHandle, dma_handle_t *rxDmaHandle)
Initializes the FLEXSPI handle for transfer which is used in transactional functions and set the callback.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI peripheral base address
handle – Pointer to flexspi_dma_handle_t structure
callback – FLEXSPI callback, NULL means no callback.
userData – User callback function data.
txDmaHandle – User requested DMA handle for TX DMA transfer.
rxDmaHandle – User requested DMA handle for RX DMA transfer.
void FLEXSPI_TransferUpdateSizeDMA(FLEXSPI_Type *base, flexspi_dma_handle_t *handle, flexspi_dma_transfer_nsize_t nsize)
Update FLEXSPI DMA transfer source data transfer size(SSIZE) and destination data transfer size(DSIZE).
See also
flexspi_dma_transfer_nsize_t .
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI peripheral base address
handle – Pointer to flexspi_dma_handle_t structure
nsize – FLEXSPI DMA transfer data transfer size(SSIZE/DSIZE), by default the size is kFLEXPSI_DMAnSize1Bytes(one byte).
status_t FLEXSPI_TransferDMA(FLEXSPI_Type *base, flexspi_dma_handle_t *handle, flexspi_transfer_t *xfer)
Transfers FLEXSPI data using an dma non-blocking method.
This function writes/receives data to/from the FLEXSPI transmit/receive FIFO. This function is non-blocking.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to flexspi_dma_handle_t structure
xfer – FLEXSPI transfer structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_FLEXSPI_Busy – FLEXSPI is busy transfer.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – The watermark configuration is invalid, the watermark should be power of 2 to do successfully DMA transfer.
kStatus_Success – FLEXSPI successfully start dma transfer.
void FLEXSPI_TransferAbortDMA(FLEXSPI_Type *base, flexspi_dma_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the transfer data using dma.
This function aborts the transfer data using dma.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to flexspi_dma_handle_t structure
status_t FLEXSPI_TransferGetTransferCountDMA(FLEXSPI_Type *base, flexspi_dma_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the transferred counts of transfer.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXSPI peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to flexspi_dma_handle_t structure.
count – Bytes transfer.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Succeed get the transfer count.
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – There is not a non-blocking transaction currently in progress.
FLEXSPI DMA driver version 2.2.1.
enum _flexspi_dma_ntransfer_size
dma transfer configuration
enumerator kFLEXPSI_DMAnSize1Bytes
Source/Destination data transfer size is 1 byte every time
enumerator kFLEXPSI_DMAnSize2Bytes
Source/Destination data transfer size is 2 bytes every time
enumerator kFLEXPSI_DMAnSize4Bytes
Source/Destination data transfer size is 4 bytes every time
enumerator kFLEXPSI_DMAnSize1Bytes
typedef struct _flexspi_dma_handle flexspi_dma_handle_t
typedef void (*flexspi_dma_callback_t)(FLEXSPI_Type *base, flexspi_dma_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
FLEXSPI dma transfer callback function for finish and error.
typedef enum _flexspi_dma_ntransfer_size flexspi_dma_transfer_nsize_t
dma transfer configuration
struct _flexspi_dma_handle
- #include <fsl_flexspi_dma.h>
FLEXSPI DMA transfer handle, users should not touch the content of the handle.
Public Members
dma_handle_t *txDmaHandle
dma handler for FLEXSPI Tx.
dma_handle_t *rxDmaHandle
dma handler for FLEXSPI Rx.
size_t transferSize
Bytes need to transfer.
flexspi_dma_transfer_nsize_t nsize
dma SSIZE/DSIZE in each transfer.
uint8_t nbytes
dma minor byte transfer count initially configured.
uint8_t count
The transfer data count in a DMA request.
uint32_t state
Internal state for FLEXSPI dma transfer.
flexspi_dma_callback_t completionCallback
A callback function called after the dma transfer is finished.
void *userData
User callback parameter
dma_handle_t *txDmaHandle
FMEAS: Frequency Measure Driver
static inline void FMEAS_StartMeasure(FMEAS_SYSCON_Type *base)
Starts a frequency measurement cycle.
- Parameters:
base – : SYSCON peripheral base address.
static inline bool FMEAS_IsMeasureComplete(FMEAS_SYSCON_Type *base)
Indicates when a frequency measurement cycle is complete.
- Parameters:
base – : SYSCON peripheral base address.
- Returns:
true if a measurement cycle is active, otherwise false.
uint32_t FMEAS_GetFrequency(FMEAS_SYSCON_Type *base, uint32_t refClockRate)
Returns the computed value for a frequency measurement cycle.
- Parameters:
base – : SYSCON peripheral base address.
refClockRate – : Reference clock rate used during the frequency measurement cycle.
- Returns:
Frequency in Hz.
Defines LPC Frequency Measure driver version 2.1.1.
GDMA: General DMA(GDMA) Driver
void GDMA_Init(GDMA_Type *base)
Initializes GDMA peripheral.
It ungates the GDMA access clock, after this function, the GDMA module is ready to be used.
- Parameters:
base – GDMA peripheral base address.
void GDMA_Deinit(GDMA_Type *base)
Deinitializes GDMA peripheral.
- Parameters:
base – GDMA peripheral base address.
static inline void GDMA_SetChannelSourceAddress(GDMA_Type *base, uint8_t channel, uint32_t addr)
Set GDMA channel source address.
- Parameters:
base – GDMA peripheral base address.
channel – GDMA channel number.
addr – Source address.
static inline void GDMA_SetChannelDestAddress(GDMA_Type *base, uint8_t channel, uint32_t addr)
Set GDMA channel destination address.
- Parameters:
base – GDMA peripheral base address.
channel – GDMA channel number.
addr – Destination address.
static inline void GDMA_StartChannel(GDMA_Type *base, uint8_t channel)
Start GDMA channel to work.
- Parameters:
base – GDMA peripheral base address.
channel – GDMA channel number.
static inline void GDMA_StopChannel(GDMA_Type *base, uint8_t channel)
Stop GDMA channel.
- Parameters:
base – GDMA peripheral base address.
channel – GDMA channel number.
static inline bool GDMA_IsChannelBusy(GDMA_Type *base, uint8_t channel)
Return whether GDMA channel is processing transfer.
When GDMA_StopChannel is called, if the channel is on service, it does not stop immediately, application could call this API to check whether the channel is stopped.
- Parameters:
base – GDMA peripheral base address.
channel – GDMA channel number.
- Returns:
True if the channel is busy, false if not.
static inline void GDMA_EnableChannelInterrupts(GDMA_Type *base, uint8_t channel, uint32_t interrupts)
Enables the interrupt for the GDMA transfer.
- Parameters:
base – GDMA peripheral base address.
channel – GDMA channel number.
interrupts – The interrupts to enable, it is OR’ed value of _gdma_interrupt_enable.
static inline void GDMA_DisableChannelInterrupts(GDMA_Type *base, uint8_t channel, uint32_t interrupts)
Disables the interrupt for the GDMA transfer.
- Parameters:
base – GDMA peripheral base address.
channel – GDMA channel number.
interrupts – The interrupts to disable, it is OR’ed value of _gdma_interrupt_enable.
static inline uint32_t GDMA_GetChannelInterruptFlags(GDMA_Type *base, uint8_t channel)
Get the GDMA channel interrupt flags.
- Parameters:
base – GDMA peripheral base address.
channel – GDMA channel number.
- Returns:
The interrupt flags, it is OR’ed value of _gdma_interrupt_flags.
static inline void GDMA_ClearChannelInterruptFlags(GDMA_Type *base, uint8_t channel, uint32_t flags)
Clear the GDMA channel interrupt flags.
The kGDMA_ChannelInterruptFlag is OR’ed status of all other unmasked interrupt flags, it could not be clear directly, it should be cleared by clear all other flags.
- Parameters:
base – GDMA peripheral base address.
channel – GDMA channel number.
flags – The interrupt flags to clear, it is OR’ed value of _gdma_interrupt_flags.
static inline uint32_t GDMA_GetChannelFinishedDescriptorNumber(GDMA_Type *base, uint8_t channel)
Get the number of finished descriptor.
The counter increases when an item of descriptor is done in linklist mode.
- Parameters:
base – GDMA peripheral base address.
channel – GDMA channel number.
- Returns:
Number of finished descriptor.
static inline void GDMA_ClearChannelFinishedDescriptorNumber(GDMA_Type *base, uint8_t channel)
Clear the number of finished descriptor.
- Parameters:
base – GDMA peripheral base address.
channel – GDMA channel number.
static inline void GDMA_SetChannelPriority(GDMA_Type *base, uint8_t channel, gdma_priority_t priority)
Set priority of channel.
- Parameters:
base – GDMA peripheral base address.
channel – GDMA channel number.
priority – Channel priority value.
status_t GDMA_SetChannelTransferConfig(GDMA_Type *base, uint8_t channel, const gdma_channel_xfer_config_t *config)
Set channel transfer configuration..
This function configures the channel transfer, after configured, GDMA_StartChannel could be called to start the transfer.
This function must be called when previous transfer finished. Application can use GDMA_IsChannelBusy to check whether the channel has finished the previous work.
The transfer configuration must follow the requirements:
If wrap not used, the address should align with WIDTH
If wrap used, the address should align with WIDTH * BURST_SIZE.
- Parameters:
base – GDMA base address.
channel – GDMA channel number. @config Pointer to the transfer configuration.
- Return values:
kStatus_Fail – GDMA is busy with previous transfer.
kStatus_Success – Configuration set successfully.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Configuration wrong.
void GDMA_CreateHandle(gdma_handle_t *handle, GDMA_Type *base, uint8_t channel)
Creates the GDMA handle.
This function is called if using transaction API for GDMA. This function initializes the internal state of GDMA handle.
- Parameters:
handle – GDMA handle pointer. It stores callback function and parameters.
base – GDMA peripheral base address.
channel – GDMA channel number.
void GDMA_SetCallback(gdma_handle_t *handle, gdma_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Installs a callback function for the GDMA transfer.
This callback is called in GDMA IRQ handler to inform user the interrupt status.
- Parameters:
handle – GDMA handle pointer.
callback – GDMA callback function pointer.
userData – Parameter for callback function.
status_t GDMA_SubmitTransfer(gdma_handle_t *handle, gdma_channel_xfer_config_t *config)
Submits the GDMA channel transfer request.
After this function, user could call GDMA_StartTransfer to start GDMA transfer.
This function must be called when previous transfer finished. Application can use GDMA_IsChannelBusy to check whether the channel has finished the previous work.
The transfer configuration must follow the requirements:
If wrap not used, the address should align with WIDTH
If wrap used, the address should align with WIDTH * BURST_SIZE.
- Parameters:
handle – GDMA handle pointer.
config – Pointer to GDMA transfer configuration structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Fail – GDMA is busy with previous transfer.
kStatus_Success – Configuration set successfully.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Configuration wrong.
void GDMA_StartTransfer(gdma_handle_t *handle)
GDMA start transfer.
User can call this function after GDMA_SubmitTransfer.
- Parameters:
handle – GDMA handle pointer.
void GDMA_AbortTransfer(gdma_handle_t *handle)
Abort running transfer by handle.
When this function is called, if the channel is on service, it only stops when service finished.
- Parameters:
handle – GDMA handle pointer.
void GDMA_IRQHandle(GDMA_Type *base)
GDMA IRQ handler.
This function checks all GDMA channel interrupts and inform application the interrupt flags through user registered callback.
- Parameters:
base – GDMA peripheral.
enum _gdma_transfer_width
GDMA transfer width.
enumerator kGDMA_TransferWidth1Byte
1 byte.
enumerator kGDMA_TransferWidth2Byte
2 bytes.
enumerator kGDMA_TransferWidth4Byte
4 bytes.
enumerator kGDMA_TransferWidth1Byte
enum _gdma_burst_size
GDMA burst size.
enumerator kGDMA_BurstSize1
Burst 1.
enumerator kGDMA_BurstSize4
Burst 4.
enumerator kGDMA_BurstSize8
Burst 8.
enumerator kGDMA_BurstSize16
Burst 16.
enumerator kGDMA_BurstSizeWrap4
Wrap 4.
enumerator kGDMA_BurstSizeWrap8
Wrap 8.
enumerator kGDMA_BurstSizeWrap16
Wrap 16.
enumerator kGDMA_BurstSize1
enum _gdma_ahb_prot
enumerator kGDMA_ProtUserMode
The access is in user mode.
enumerator kGDMA_ProtPrevilegedMode
The access is in previleged mode.
enumerator kGDMA_ProtUnbufferable
The access is not bufferable.
enumerator kGDMA_ProtBufferable
The access is bufferable.
enumerator kGDMA_ProtUncacheable
The access is not cacheable.
enumerator kGDMA_ProtCacheable
The access is cacheable.
enumerator kGDMA_ProtUserMode
enum _gdma_priority
GDMA channel priority.
enumerator kGDMA_ChannelPriority0
Lowest channel priority - priority 0
enumerator kGDMA_ChannelPriority1
Channel priority 1
enumerator kGDMA_ChannelPriority2
Channel priority 2
enumerator kGDMA_ChannelPriority3
Channel priority 3
enumerator kGDMA_ChannelPriority4
Channel priority 4
enumerator kGDMA_ChannelPriority5
Channel priority 5
enumerator kGDMA_ChannelPriority6
Channel priority 6
enumerator kGDMA_ChannelPriority7
Channel priority 7
enumerator kGDMA_ChannelPriority8
Channel priority 8
enumerator kGDMA_ChannelPriority9
Channel priority 9
enumerator kGDMA_ChannelPriority10
Channel priority 10
enumerator kGDMA_ChannelPriority11
Channel priority 11
enumerator kGDMA_ChannelPriority12
Channel priority 12
enumerator kGDMA_ChannelPriority13
Channel priority 13
enumerator kGDMA_ChannelPriority14
Channel priority 14
enumerator kGDMA_ChannelPriority15
Highest channel priority - priority 15
enumerator kGDMA_ChannelPriority0
enum _gdma_interrupt_enable
GDMA interrupts to enable .
enumerator kGDMA_DescriptorTransferDoneInterruptEnable
Descriptor transfer done interrupt. This happens when the descriptor is configured to generate interrupt when transfer done.
enumerator kGDMA_AddressErrorInterruptEnable
Channel source or destination address is not aligned to corresponding transfer width.
enumerator kGDMA_BusErrorInterruptEnable
AHB bus interrupt.
enumerator kGDMA_TransferDoneInterruptEnable
DMA transfer done interrupt.
enumerator kGDMA_BlockTransferDoneInterruptEnable
DMA block single/burst transfer done interrupt.
enumerator kGDMA_AllInterruptEnable
All interrupt enable.
enumerator kGDMA_DescriptorTransferDoneInterruptEnable
enum _gdma_interrupt_flags
GDMA interrupt status flags. .
enumerator kGDMA_DescriptorTransferDoneFlag
Descriptor transfer done interrupt. This happens when the descriptor is configured to generate interrupt when transfer done.
enumerator kGDMA_ChannelInterruptFlag
OR of the content of the respective unmasked interrupt of channel.
enumerator kGDMA_AddressErrorFlag
Channel source or destination address is not aligned to corresponding transfer width.
enumerator kGDMA_BusErrorFlag
AHB bus interrupt.
enumerator kGDMA_TransferDoneFlag
DMA transfer done interrupt.
enumerator kGDMA_BlockTransferDoneFlag
DMA block single/burst transfer done interrupt.
enumerator kGDMA_AllInterruptFlag
All interrupt flags.
enumerator kGDMA_DescriptorTransferDoneFlag
typedef enum _gdma_transfer_width gdma_transfer_width_t
GDMA transfer width.
typedef enum _gdma_burst_size gdma_burst_size_t
GDMA burst size.
typedef enum _gdma_priority gdma_priority_t
GDMA channel priority.
typedef struct _gdma_channel_xfer_config gdma_channel_xfer_config_t
GDMA channel transfer configuration.
The transfer configuration must follow the requirements:
If wrap not used, the address should align with WIDTH
If wrap used, the address should align with WIDTH * BURST_SIZE.
typedef void (*gdma_callback_t)(struct _gdma_handle *handle, void *userData, uint32_t interrupts)
Define Callback function for GDMA.
handle: Pointer to the GDMA driver handle. userData: The userData registered using GDMA_SetCallback. interrupts: The interrupts flags of the specific channel.
typedef struct _gdma_handle gdma_handle_t
GDMA transfer handle structure.
- gdma_descriptor_t
- struct __ALIGNED (16) _gdma_descriptor
GDMA channel link list descriptor structure.
GDMA_DESC_LLI(linkListAddr, stopAfterDescFinished, enableDescInterrupt)
Macro for GDMA link list descriptor LLI.
This macro constructs gdma_descriptor_t::lli.
- Parameters:
linkListAddr – Address of next link list descriptor item.
stopAfterDescFinished – Stop or not after this descriptor transfer done.
enableDescInterrupt – Generate interrupt after this descriptor transfer done.
GDMA_DESC_CTRL(ahbProt, srcAddrInc, destAddrInc, srcWidth, destWidth, srcBurstSize, destBurstSize, length)
struct _gdma_channel_xfer_config
- #include <fsl_gdma.h>
GDMA channel transfer configuration.
The transfer configuration must follow the requirements:
If wrap not used, the address should align with WIDTH
If wrap used, the address should align with WIDTH * BURST_SIZE.
Public Members
uint32_t srcAddr
Source data address
uint32_t destAddr
Destination data address
uint8_t ahbProt
GDMA AHB HPROT flags, it could be OR’ed value of _gdma_ahb_prot.
gdma_burst_size_t srcBurstSize
Source address burst size.
gdma_burst_size_t destBurstSize
Destination address burst size.
gdma_transfer_width_t srcWidth
Source transfer width.
gdma_transfer_width_t destWidth
Destination transfer width.
bool srcAddrInc
Increase source address on each successive access.
bool destAddrInc
Increase destination address on each successive access.
uint16_t transferLen
Transfer length in bytes, max value is 8 * 1024 - 1, should align with transfer size.
bool enableLinkList
Enable link list or not.
bool enableDescInterrupt
Generate interrupt when descriptor transfer finished, only used when enableLinkList is true.
bool stopAfterDescFinished
Stop channel when descriptor transfer finished, only used when enableLinkList is true.
uint32_t linkListAddr
Link list address, only used when enableLinkList is true.
struct _gdma_handle
- #include <fsl_gdma.h>
GDMA transfer handle structure.
Public Members
GDMA_Type *gdma
GDMA peripheral base address
uint8_t channel
GDMA channel number
gdma_callback_t callback
Callback function. Invoked interrupt happens.
void *userData
Callback function parameter
GDMA_Type *gdma
I2C: Inter-Integrated Circuit Driver
I2C DMA Driver
void I2C_MasterTransferCreateHandleDMA(I2C_Type *base, i2c_master_dma_handle_t *handle, i2c_master_dma_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData, dma_handle_t *dmaHandle)
Init the I2C handle which is used in transactional functions.
- Parameters:
base – I2C peripheral base address
handle – pointer to i2c_master_dma_handle_t structure
callback – pointer to user callback function
userData – user param passed to the callback function
dmaHandle – DMA handle pointer
status_t I2C_MasterTransferDMA(I2C_Type *base, i2c_master_dma_handle_t *handle, i2c_master_transfer_t *xfer)
Performs a master dma non-blocking transfer on the I2C bus.
- Parameters:
base – I2C peripheral base address
handle – pointer to i2c_master_dma_handle_t structure
xfer – pointer to transfer structure of i2c_master_transfer_t
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Sucessully complete the data transmission.
kStatus_I2C_Busy – Previous transmission still not finished.
kStatus_I2C_Timeout – Transfer error, wait signal timeout.
kStatus_I2C_ArbitrationLost – Transfer error, arbitration lost.
kStataus_I2C_Nak – Transfer error, receive Nak during transfer.
status_t I2C_MasterTransferGetCountDMA(I2C_Type *base, i2c_master_dma_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Get master transfer status during a dma non-blocking transfer.
- Parameters:
base – I2C peripheral base address
handle – pointer to i2c_master_dma_handle_t structure
count – Number of bytes transferred so far by the non-blocking transaction.
void I2C_MasterTransferAbortDMA(I2C_Type *base, i2c_master_dma_handle_t *handle)
Abort a master dma non-blocking transfer in a early time.
- Parameters:
base – I2C peripheral base address
handle – pointer to i2c_master_dma_handle_t structure
I2C DMA driver version.
typedef struct _i2c_master_dma_handle i2c_master_dma_handle_t
I2C master dma handle typedef.
typedef void (*i2c_master_dma_transfer_callback_t)(I2C_Type *base, i2c_master_dma_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
I2C master dma transfer callback typedef.
typedef void (*flexcomm_i2c_dma_master_irq_handler_t)(I2C_Type *base, i2c_master_dma_handle_t *handle)
Typedef for master dma handler.
Maximum lenght of single DMA transfer (determined by capability of the DMA engine)
struct _i2c_master_dma_handle
- #include <fsl_i2c_dma.h>
I2C master dma transfer structure.
Public Members
uint8_t state
Transfer state machine current state.
uint32_t transferCount
Indicates progress of the transfer
uint32_t remainingBytesDMA
Remaining byte count to be transferred using DMA.
uint8_t *buf
Buffer pointer for current state.
bool checkAddrNack
Whether to check the nack signal is detected during addressing.
dma_handle_t *dmaHandle
The DMA handler used.
i2c_master_transfer_t transfer
Copy of the current transfer info.
i2c_master_dma_transfer_callback_t completionCallback
Callback function called after dma transfer finished.
void *userData
Callback parameter passed to callback function.
uint8_t state
I2C Driver
I2C driver version.
I2C status return codes.
enumerator kStatus_I2C_Busy
The master is already performing a transfer.
enumerator kStatus_I2C_Idle
The slave driver is idle.
enumerator kStatus_I2C_Nak
The slave device sent a NAK in response to a byte.
enumerator kStatus_I2C_InvalidParameter
Unable to proceed due to invalid parameter.
enumerator kStatus_I2C_BitError
Transferred bit was not seen on the bus.
enumerator kStatus_I2C_ArbitrationLost
Arbitration lost error.
enumerator kStatus_I2C_NoTransferInProgress
Attempt to abort a transfer when one is not in progress.
enumerator kStatus_I2C_DmaRequestFail
DMA request failed.
enumerator kStatus_I2C_StartStopError
Start and stop error.
enumerator kStatus_I2C_UnexpectedState
Unexpected state.
enumerator kStatus_I2C_Timeout
Timeout when waiting for I2C master/slave pending status to set to continue transfer.
enumerator kStatus_I2C_Addr_Nak
NAK received for Address
enumerator kStatus_I2C_EventTimeout
Timeout waiting for bus event.
enumerator kStatus_I2C_SclLowTimeout
Timeout SCL signal remains low.
enumerator kStatus_I2C_Busy
enum _i2c_status_flags
I2C status flags.
These enums are meant to be OR’d together to form a bit mask.
enumerator kI2C_MasterPendingFlag
The I2C module is waiting for software interaction. bit 0
enumerator kI2C_MasterArbitrationLostFlag
The arbitration of the bus was lost. There was collision on the bus. bit 4
enumerator kI2C_MasterStartStopErrorFlag
There was an error during start or stop phase of the transaction. bit 6
enumerator kI2C_MasterIdleFlag
The I2C master idle status. bit 5
enumerator kI2C_MasterRxReadyFlag
The I2C master rx ready status. bit 1
enumerator kI2C_MasterTxReadyFlag
The I2C master tx ready status. bit 2
enumerator kI2C_MasterAddrNackFlag
The I2C master address nack status. bit 7
enumerator kI2C_MasterDataNackFlag
The I2C master data nack status. bit 3
enumerator kI2C_SlavePendingFlag
The I2C module is waiting for software interaction. bit 8
enumerator kI2C_SlaveNotStretching
Indicates whether the slave is currently stretching clock (0 = yes, 1 = no). bit 11
enumerator kI2C_SlaveSelected
Indicates whether the slave is selected by an address match. bit 14
enumerator kI2C_SaveDeselected
Indicates that slave was previously deselected (deselect event took place, w1c). bit 15
enumerator kI2C_SlaveAddressedFlag
One of the I2C slave’s 4 addresses is matched. bit 22
enumerator kI2C_SlaveReceiveFlag
Slave receive data available. bit 9
enumerator kI2C_SlaveTransmitFlag
Slave data can be transmitted. bit 10
enumerator kI2C_SlaveAddress0MatchFlag
Slave address0 match. bit 20
enumerator kI2C_SlaveAddress1MatchFlag
Slave address1 match. bit 12
enumerator kI2C_SlaveAddress2MatchFlag
Slave address2 match. bit 13
enumerator kI2C_SlaveAddress3MatchFlag
Slave address3 match. bit 21
enumerator kI2C_MonitorReadyFlag
The I2C monitor ready interrupt. bit 16
enumerator kI2C_MonitorOverflowFlag
The monitor data overrun interrupt. bit 17
enumerator kI2C_MonitorActiveFlag
The monitor is active. bit 18
enumerator kI2C_MonitorIdleFlag
The monitor idle interrupt. bit 19
enumerator kI2C_EventTimeoutFlag
The bus event timeout interrupt. bit 24
enumerator kI2C_SclTimeoutFlag
The SCL timeout interrupt. bit 25
enumerator kI2C_MasterAllClearFlags
enumerator kI2C_SlaveAllClearFlags
enumerator kI2C_CommonAllClearFlags
enumerator kI2C_MasterPendingFlag
enum _i2c_interrupt_enable
I2C interrupt enable.
These enums are meant to be OR’d together to form a bit mask.
enumerator kI2C_MasterPendingInterruptEnable
The I2C master communication pending interrupt.
enumerator kI2C_MasterArbitrationLostInterruptEnable
The I2C master arbitration lost interrupt.
enumerator kI2C_MasterStartStopErrorInterruptEnable
The I2C master start/stop timing error interrupt.
enumerator kI2C_SlavePendingInterruptEnable
The I2C slave communication pending interrupt.
enumerator kI2C_SlaveNotStretchingInterruptEnable
The I2C slave not streching interrupt, deep-sleep mode can be entered only when this interrupt occurs.
enumerator kI2C_SlaveDeselectedInterruptEnable
The I2C slave deselection interrupt.
enumerator kI2C_MonitorReadyInterruptEnable
The I2C monitor ready interrupt.
enumerator kI2C_MonitorOverflowInterruptEnable
The monitor data overrun interrupt.
enumerator kI2C_MonitorIdleInterruptEnable
The monitor idle interrupt.
enumerator kI2C_EventTimeoutInterruptEnable
The bus event timeout interrupt.
enumerator kI2C_SclTimeoutInterruptEnable
The SCL timeout interrupt.
enumerator kI2C_MasterAllInterruptEnable
enumerator kI2C_SlaveAllInterruptEnable
enumerator kI2C_CommonAllInterruptEnable
enumerator kI2C_MasterPendingInterruptEnable
Retry times for waiting flag.
Whether to ignore the nack signal of the last byte during master transmit.
Master Idle State Code
Master Receive Ready State Code
Master Transmit Ready State Code
Master NACK by slave on address State Code
Master NACK by slave on data State Code
I2C Master Driver
void I2C_MasterGetDefaultConfig(i2c_master_config_t *masterConfig)
Provides a default configuration for the I2C master peripheral.
This function provides the following default configuration for the I2C master peripheral:
masterConfig->enableMaster = true; masterConfig->baudRate_Bps = 100000U; masterConfig->enableTimeout = false;
After calling this function, you can override any settings in order to customize the configuration, prior to initializing the master driver with I2C_MasterInit().
- Parameters:
masterConfig – [out] User provided configuration structure for default values. Refer to i2c_master_config_t.
void I2C_MasterInit(I2C_Type *base, const i2c_master_config_t *masterConfig, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
Initializes the I2C master peripheral.
This function enables the peripheral clock and initializes the I2C master peripheral as described by the user provided configuration. A software reset is performed prior to configuration.
- Parameters:
base – The I2C peripheral base address.
masterConfig – User provided peripheral configuration. Use I2C_MasterGetDefaultConfig() to get a set of defaults that you can override.
srcClock_Hz – Frequency in Hertz of the I2C functional clock. Used to calculate the baud rate divisors, filter widths, and timeout periods.
void I2C_MasterDeinit(I2C_Type *base)
Deinitializes the I2C master peripheral.
This function disables the I2C master peripheral and gates the clock. It also performs a software reset to restore the peripheral to reset conditions.
- Parameters:
base – The I2C peripheral base address.
uint32_t I2C_GetInstance(I2C_Type *base)
Returns an instance number given a base address.
If an invalid base address is passed, debug builds will assert. Release builds will just return instance number 0.
- Parameters:
base – The I2C peripheral base address.
- Returns:
I2C instance number starting from 0.
static inline void I2C_MasterReset(I2C_Type *base)
Performs a software reset.
Restores the I2C master peripheral to reset conditions.
- Parameters:
base – The I2C peripheral base address.
static inline void I2C_MasterEnable(I2C_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables or disables the I2C module as master.
- Parameters:
base – The I2C peripheral base address.
enable – Pass true to enable or false to disable the specified I2C as master.
uint32_t I2C_GetStatusFlags(I2C_Type *base)
Gets the I2C status flags.
A bit mask with the state of all I2C status flags is returned. For each flag, the corresponding bit in the return value is set if the flag is asserted.
See also
- Parameters:
base – The I2C peripheral base address.
- Returns:
State of the status flags:
1: related status flag is set.
0: related status flag is not set.
static inline void I2C_ClearStatusFlags(I2C_Type *base, uint32_t statusMask)
Clears the I2C status flag state.
Refer to kI2C_CommonAllClearStatusFlags, kI2C_MasterAllClearStatusFlags and kI2C_SlaveAllClearStatusFlags to see the clearable flags. Attempts to clear other flags has no effect.
See also
_i2c_status_flags, _i2c_master_status_flags and _i2c_slave_status_flags.
- Parameters:
base – The I2C peripheral base address.
statusMask – A bitmask of status flags that are to be cleared. The mask is composed of the members in kI2C_CommonAllClearStatusFlags, kI2C_MasterAllClearStatusFlags and kI2C_SlaveAllClearStatusFlags. You may pass the result of a previous call to I2C_GetStatusFlags().
static inline void I2C_MasterClearStatusFlags(I2C_Type *base, uint32_t statusMask)
Clears the I2C master status flag state.
- Deprecated:
Do not use this function. It has been superceded by I2C_ClearStatusFlags The following status register flags can be cleared:
Attempts to clear other flags has no effect.
See also
- Parameters:
base – The I2C peripheral base address.
statusMask – A bitmask of status flags that are to be cleared. The mask is composed of _i2c_status_flags enumerators OR’d together. You may pass the result of a previous call to I2C_GetStatusFlags().
static inline void I2C_EnableInterrupts(I2C_Type *base, uint32_t interruptMask)
Enables the I2C interrupt requests.
- Parameters:
base – The I2C peripheral base address.
interruptMask – Bit mask of interrupts to enable. See _i2c_interrupt_enable for the set of constants that should be OR’d together to form the bit mask.
static inline void I2C_DisableInterrupts(I2C_Type *base, uint32_t interruptMask)
Disables the I2C interrupt requests.
- Parameters:
base – The I2C peripheral base address.
interruptMask – Bit mask of interrupts to disable. See _i2c_interrupt_enable for the set of constants that should be OR’d together to form the bit mask.
static inline uint32_t I2C_GetEnabledInterrupts(I2C_Type *base)
Returns the set of currently enabled I2C interrupt requests.
- Parameters:
base – The I2C peripheral base address.
- Returns:
A bitmask composed of _i2c_interrupt_enable enumerators OR’d together to indicate the set of enabled interrupts.
void I2C_MasterSetBaudRate(I2C_Type *base, uint32_t baudRate_Bps, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
Sets the I2C bus frequency for master transactions.
The I2C master is automatically disabled and re-enabled as necessary to configure the baud rate. Do not call this function during a transfer, or the transfer is aborted.
- Parameters:
base – The I2C peripheral base address.
srcClock_Hz – I2C functional clock frequency in Hertz.
baudRate_Bps – Requested bus frequency in bits per second.
void I2C_MasterSetTimeoutValue(I2C_Type *base, uint8_t timeout_Ms, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
Sets the I2C bus timeout value.
If the SCL signal remains low or bus does not have event longer than the timeout value, kI2C_SclTimeoutFlag or kI2C_EventTimeoutFlag is set. This can indicete the bus is held by slave or any fault occurs to the I2C module.
- Parameters:
base – The I2C peripheral base address.
timeout_Ms – Timeout value in millisecond.
srcClock_Hz – I2C functional clock frequency in Hertz.
static inline bool I2C_MasterGetBusIdleState(I2C_Type *base)
Returns whether the bus is idle.
Requires the master mode to be enabled.
- Parameters:
base – The I2C peripheral base address.
- Return values:
true – Bus is busy.
false – Bus is idle.
status_t I2C_MasterStart(I2C_Type *base, uint8_t address, i2c_direction_t direction)
Sends a START on the I2C bus.
This function is used to initiate a new master mode transfer by sending the START signal. The slave address is sent following the I2C START signal.
- Parameters:
base – I2C peripheral base pointer
address – 7-bit slave device address.
direction – Master transfer directions(transmit/receive).
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully send the start signal.
kStatus_I2C_Busy – Current bus is busy.
status_t I2C_MasterStop(I2C_Type *base)
Sends a STOP signal on the I2C bus.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully send the stop signal.
kStatus_I2C_Timeout – Send stop signal failed, timeout.
static inline status_t I2C_MasterRepeatedStart(I2C_Type *base, uint8_t address, i2c_direction_t direction)
Sends a REPEATED START on the I2C bus.
- Parameters:
base – I2C peripheral base pointer
address – 7-bit slave device address.
direction – Master transfer directions(transmit/receive).
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully send the start signal.
kStatus_I2C_Busy – Current bus is busy but not occupied by current I2C master.
status_t I2C_MasterWriteBlocking(I2C_Type *base, const void *txBuff, size_t txSize, uint32_t flags)
Performs a polling send transfer on the I2C bus.
Sends up to txSize number of bytes to the previously addressed slave device. The slave may reply with a NAK to any byte in order to terminate the transfer early. If this happens, this function returns kStatus_I2C_Nak.
- Parameters:
base – The I2C peripheral base address.
txBuff – The pointer to the data to be transferred.
txSize – The length in bytes of the data to be transferred.
flags – Transfer control flag to control special behavior like suppressing start or stop, for normal transfers use kI2C_TransferDefaultFlag
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Data was sent successfully.
kStatus_I2C_Busy – Another master is currently utilizing the bus.
kStatus_I2C_Nak – The slave device sent a NAK in response to a byte.
kStatus_I2C_ArbitrationLost – Arbitration lost error.
status_t I2C_MasterReadBlocking(I2C_Type *base, void *rxBuff, size_t rxSize, uint32_t flags)
Performs a polling receive transfer on the I2C bus.
- Parameters:
base – The I2C peripheral base address.
rxBuff – The pointer to the data to be transferred.
rxSize – The length in bytes of the data to be transferred.
flags – Transfer control flag to control special behavior like suppressing start or stop, for normal transfers use kI2C_TransferDefaultFlag
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Data was received successfully.
kStatus_I2C_Busy – Another master is currently utilizing the bus.
kStatus_I2C_Nak – The slave device sent a NAK in response to a byte.
kStatus_I2C_ArbitrationLost – Arbitration lost error.
status_t I2C_MasterTransferBlocking(I2C_Type *base, i2c_master_transfer_t *xfer)
Performs a master polling transfer on the I2C bus.
The API does not return until the transfer succeeds or fails due to arbitration lost or receiving a NAK.
- Parameters:
base – I2C peripheral base address.
xfer – Pointer to the transfer structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully complete the data transmission.
kStatus_I2C_Busy – Previous transmission still not finished.
kStatus_I2C_Timeout – Transfer error, wait signal timeout.
kStatus_I2C_ArbitrationLost – Transfer error, arbitration lost.
kStataus_I2C_Nak – Transfer error, receive NAK during transfer.
kStataus_I2C_Addr_Nak – Transfer error, receive NAK during addressing.
void I2C_MasterTransferCreateHandle(I2C_Type *base, i2c_master_handle_t *handle, i2c_master_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Creates a new handle for the I2C master non-blocking APIs.
The creation of a handle is for use with the non-blocking APIs. Once a handle is created, there is not a corresponding destroy handle. If the user wants to terminate a transfer, the I2C_MasterTransferAbort() API shall be called.
- Parameters:
base – The I2C peripheral base address.
handle – [out] Pointer to the I2C master driver handle.
callback – User provided pointer to the asynchronous callback function.
userData – User provided pointer to the application callback data.
status_t I2C_MasterTransferNonBlocking(I2C_Type *base, i2c_master_handle_t *handle, i2c_master_transfer_t *xfer)
Performs a non-blocking transaction on the I2C bus.
- Parameters:
base – The I2C peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to the I2C master driver handle.
xfer – The pointer to the transfer descriptor.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – The transaction was started successfully.
kStatus_I2C_Busy – Either another master is currently utilizing the bus, or a non-blocking transaction is already in progress.
status_t I2C_MasterTransferGetCount(I2C_Type *base, i2c_master_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Returns number of bytes transferred so far.
- Parameters:
base – The I2C peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to the I2C master driver handle.
count – [out] Number of bytes transferred so far by the non-blocking transaction.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success –
kStatus_I2C_Busy –
status_t I2C_MasterTransferAbort(I2C_Type *base, i2c_master_handle_t *handle)
Terminates a non-blocking I2C master transmission early.
It is not safe to call this function from an IRQ handler that has a higher priority than the I2C peripheral’s IRQ priority.
- Parameters:
base – The I2C peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to the I2C master driver handle.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – A transaction was successfully aborted.
kStatus_I2C_Timeout – Timeout during polling for flags.
void I2C_MasterTransferHandleIRQ(I2C_Type *base, i2c_master_handle_t *handle)
Reusable routine to handle master interrupts.
This function does not need to be called unless you are reimplementing the nonblocking API’s interrupt handler routines to add special functionality.
- Parameters:
base – The I2C peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to the I2C master driver handle.
enum _i2c_direction
Direction of master and slave transfers.
enumerator kI2C_Write
Master transmit.
enumerator kI2C_Read
Master receive.
enumerator kI2C_Write
enum _i2c_master_transfer_flags
Transfer option flags.
These enumerations are intended to be OR’d together to form a bit mask of options for the _i2c_master_transfer::flags field.
enumerator kI2C_TransferDefaultFlag
Transfer starts with a start signal, stops with a stop signal.
enumerator kI2C_TransferNoStartFlag
Don’t send a start condition, address, and sub address
enumerator kI2C_TransferRepeatedStartFlag
Send a repeated start condition
enumerator kI2C_TransferNoStopFlag
Don’t send a stop condition.
enumerator kI2C_TransferDefaultFlag
enum _i2c_transfer_states
States for the state machine used by transactional APIs.
enumerator kIdleState
enumerator kTransmitSubaddrState
enumerator kTransmitDataState
enumerator kReceiveDataBeginState
enumerator kReceiveDataState
enumerator kReceiveLastDataState
enumerator kStartState
enumerator kStopState
enumerator kWaitForCompletionState
enumerator kIdleState
typedef enum _i2c_direction i2c_direction_t
Direction of master and slave transfers.
typedef struct _i2c_master_config i2c_master_config_t
Structure with settings to initialize the I2C master module.
This structure holds configuration settings for the I2C peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the I2C_MasterGetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your configuration structure instance.
The configuration structure can be made constant so it resides in flash.
typedef struct _i2c_master_transfer i2c_master_transfer_t
I2C master transfer typedef.
typedef struct _i2c_master_handle i2c_master_handle_t
I2C master handle typedef.
typedef void (*i2c_master_transfer_callback_t)(I2C_Type *base, i2c_master_handle_t *handle, status_t completionStatus, void *userData)
Master completion callback function pointer type.
This callback is used only for the non-blocking master transfer API. Specify the callback you wish to use in the call to I2C_MasterTransferCreateHandle().
- Param base:
The I2C peripheral base address.
- Param completionStatus:
Either kStatus_Success or an error code describing how the transfer completed.
- Param userData:
Arbitrary pointer-sized value passed from the application.
struct _i2c_master_config
- #include <fsl_i2c.h>
Structure with settings to initialize the I2C master module.
This structure holds configuration settings for the I2C peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the I2C_MasterGetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your configuration structure instance.
The configuration structure can be made constant so it resides in flash.
Public Members
bool enableMaster
Whether to enable master mode.
uint32_t baudRate_Bps
Desired baud rate in bits per second.
bool enableTimeout
Enable internal timeout function.
uint8_t timeout_Ms
Event timeout and SCL low timeout value.
bool enableMaster
struct _i2c_master_transfer
- #include <fsl_i2c.h>
Non-blocking transfer descriptor structure.
This structure is used to pass transaction parameters to the I2C_MasterTransferNonBlocking() API.
Public Members
uint32_t flags
Bit mask of options for the transfer. See enumeration _i2c_master_transfer_flags for available options. Set to 0 or kI2C_TransferDefaultFlag for normal transfers.
uint8_t slaveAddress
The 7-bit slave address.
i2c_direction_t direction
Either kI2C_Read or kI2C_Write.
uint32_t subaddress
Sub address. Transferred MSB first.
size_t subaddressSize
Length of sub address to send in bytes. Maximum size is 4 bytes.
void *data
Pointer to data to transfer.
size_t dataSize
Number of bytes to transfer.
uint32_t flags
struct _i2c_master_handle
- #include <fsl_i2c.h>
Driver handle for master non-blocking APIs.
The contents of this structure are private and subject to change.
Public Members
uint8_t state
Transfer state machine current state.
uint32_t transferCount
Indicates progress of the transfer
uint32_t remainingBytes
Remaining byte count in current state.
uint8_t *buf
Buffer pointer for current state.
bool checkAddrNack
Whether to check the nack signal is detected during addressing.
i2c_master_transfer_t transfer
Copy of the current transfer info.
i2c_master_transfer_callback_t completionCallback
Callback function pointer.
void *userData
Application data passed to callback.
uint8_t state
I2C Slave Driver
void I2C_SlaveGetDefaultConfig(i2c_slave_config_t *slaveConfig)
Provides a default configuration for the I2C slave peripheral.
This function provides the following default configuration for the I2C slave peripheral:
slaveConfig->enableSlave = true; slaveConfig->address0.disable = false; slaveConfig->address0.address = 0u; slaveConfig->address1.disable = true; slaveConfig->address2.disable = true; slaveConfig->address3.disable = true; slaveConfig->busSpeed = kI2C_SlaveStandardMode;
After calling this function, override any settings to customize the configuration, prior to initializing the master driver with I2C_SlaveInit(). Be sure to override at least the address0.address member of the configuration structure with the desired slave address.
- Parameters:
slaveConfig – [out] User provided configuration structure that is set to default values. Refer to i2c_slave_config_t.
status_t I2C_SlaveInit(I2C_Type *base, const i2c_slave_config_t *slaveConfig, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
Initializes the I2C slave peripheral.
This function enables the peripheral clock and initializes the I2C slave peripheral as described by the user provided configuration.
- Parameters:
base – The I2C peripheral base address.
slaveConfig – User provided peripheral configuration. Use I2C_SlaveGetDefaultConfig() to get a set of defaults that you can override.
srcClock_Hz – Frequency in Hertz of the I2C functional clock. Used to calculate CLKDIV value to provide enough data setup time for master when slave stretches the clock.
void I2C_SlaveSetAddress(I2C_Type *base, i2c_slave_address_register_t addressRegister, uint8_t address, bool addressDisable)
Configures Slave Address n register.
This function writes new value to Slave Address register.
- Parameters:
base – The I2C peripheral base address.
addressRegister – The module supports multiple address registers. The parameter determines which one shall be changed.
address – The slave address to be stored to the address register for matching.
addressDisable – Disable matching of the specified address register.
void I2C_SlaveDeinit(I2C_Type *base)
Deinitializes the I2C slave peripheral.
This function disables the I2C slave peripheral and gates the clock. It also performs a software reset to restore the peripheral to reset conditions.
- Parameters:
base – The I2C peripheral base address.
static inline void I2C_SlaveEnable(I2C_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables or disables the I2C module as slave.
- Parameters:
base – The I2C peripheral base address.
enable – True to enable or flase to disable.
static inline void I2C_SlaveClearStatusFlags(I2C_Type *base, uint32_t statusMask)
Clears the I2C status flag state.
The following status register flags can be cleared:
slave deselected flag
Attempts to clear other flags has no effect.
See also
- Parameters:
base – The I2C peripheral base address.
statusMask – A bitmask of status flags that are to be cleared. The mask is composed of _i2c_slave_flags enumerators OR’d together. You may pass the result of a previous call to I2C_SlaveGetStatusFlags().
status_t I2C_SlaveWriteBlocking(I2C_Type *base, const uint8_t *txBuff, size_t txSize)
Performs a polling send transfer on the I2C bus.
The function executes blocking address phase and blocking data phase.
- Parameters:
base – The I2C peripheral base address.
txBuff – The pointer to the data to be transferred.
txSize – The length in bytes of the data to be transferred.
- Returns:
kStatus_Success Data has been sent.
- Returns:
kStatus_Fail Unexpected slave state (master data write while master read from slave is expected).
status_t I2C_SlaveReadBlocking(I2C_Type *base, uint8_t *rxBuff, size_t rxSize)
Performs a polling receive transfer on the I2C bus.
The function executes blocking address phase and blocking data phase.
- Parameters:
base – The I2C peripheral base address.
rxBuff – The pointer to the data to be transferred.
rxSize – The length in bytes of the data to be transferred.
- Returns:
kStatus_Success Data has been received.
- Returns:
kStatus_Fail Unexpected slave state (master data read while master write to slave is expected).
void I2C_SlaveTransferCreateHandle(I2C_Type *base, i2c_slave_handle_t *handle, i2c_slave_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Creates a new handle for the I2C slave non-blocking APIs.
The creation of a handle is for use with the non-blocking APIs. Once a handle is created, there is not a corresponding destroy handle. If the user wants to terminate a transfer, the I2C_SlaveTransferAbort() API shall be called.
- Parameters:
base – The I2C peripheral base address.
handle – [out] Pointer to the I2C slave driver handle.
callback – User provided pointer to the asynchronous callback function.
userData – User provided pointer to the application callback data.
status_t I2C_SlaveTransferNonBlocking(I2C_Type *base, i2c_slave_handle_t *handle, uint32_t eventMask)
Starts accepting slave transfers.
Call this API after calling I2C_SlaveInit() and I2C_SlaveTransferCreateHandle() to start processing transactions driven by an I2C master. The slave monitors the I2C bus and pass events to the callback that was passed into the call to I2C_SlaveTransferCreateHandle(). The callback is always invoked from the interrupt context.
If no slave Tx transfer is busy, a master read from slave request invokes kI2C_SlaveTransmitEvent callback. If no slave Rx transfer is busy, a master write to slave request invokes kI2C_SlaveReceiveEvent callback.
The set of events received by the callback is customizable. To do so, set the eventMask parameter to the OR’d combination of i2c_slave_transfer_event_t enumerators for the events you wish to receive. The kI2C_SlaveTransmitEvent and kI2C_SlaveReceiveEvent events are always enabled and do not need to be included in the mask. Alternatively, you can pass 0 to get a default set of only the transmit and receive events that are always enabled. In addition, the kI2C_SlaveAllEvents constant is provided as a convenient way to enable all events.
- Parameters:
base – The I2C peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to i2c_slave_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
eventMask – Bit mask formed by OR’ing together i2c_slave_transfer_event_t enumerators to specify which events to send to the callback. Other accepted values are 0 to get a default set of only the transmit and receive events, and kI2C_SlaveAllEvents to enable all events.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Slave transfers were successfully started.
kStatus_I2C_Busy – Slave transfers have already been started on this handle.
status_t I2C_SlaveSetSendBuffer(I2C_Type *base, volatile i2c_slave_transfer_t *transfer, const void *txData, size_t txSize, uint32_t eventMask)
Starts accepting master read from slave requests.
The function can be called in response to kI2C_SlaveTransmitEvent callback to start a new slave Tx transfer from within the transfer callback.
The set of events received by the callback is customizable. To do so, set the eventMask parameter to the OR’d combination of i2c_slave_transfer_event_t enumerators for the events you wish to receive. The kI2C_SlaveTransmitEvent and kI2C_SlaveReceiveEvent events are always enabled and do not need to be included in the mask. Alternatively, you can pass 0 to get a default set of only the transmit and receive events that are always enabled. In addition, the kI2C_SlaveAllEvents constant is provided as a convenient way to enable all events.
- Parameters:
base – The I2C peripheral base address.
transfer – Pointer to i2c_slave_transfer_t structure.
txData – Pointer to data to send to master.
txSize – Size of txData in bytes.
eventMask – Bit mask formed by OR’ing together i2c_slave_transfer_event_t enumerators to specify which events to send to the callback. Other accepted values are 0 to get a default set of only the transmit and receive events, and kI2C_SlaveAllEvents to enable all events.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Slave transfers were successfully started.
kStatus_I2C_Busy – Slave transfers have already been started on this handle.
status_t I2C_SlaveSetReceiveBuffer(I2C_Type *base, volatile i2c_slave_transfer_t *transfer, void *rxData, size_t rxSize, uint32_t eventMask)
Starts accepting master write to slave requests.
The function can be called in response to kI2C_SlaveReceiveEvent callback to start a new slave Rx transfer from within the transfer callback.
The set of events received by the callback is customizable. To do so, set the eventMask parameter to the OR’d combination of i2c_slave_transfer_event_t enumerators for the events you wish to receive. The kI2C_SlaveTransmitEvent and kI2C_SlaveReceiveEvent events are always enabled and do not need to be included in the mask. Alternatively, you can pass 0 to get a default set of only the transmit and receive events that are always enabled. In addition, the kI2C_SlaveAllEvents constant is provided as a convenient way to enable all events.
- Parameters:
base – The I2C peripheral base address.
transfer – Pointer to i2c_slave_transfer_t structure.
rxData – Pointer to data to store data from master.
rxSize – Size of rxData in bytes.
eventMask – Bit mask formed by OR’ing together i2c_slave_transfer_event_t enumerators to specify which events to send to the callback. Other accepted values are 0 to get a default set of only the transmit and receive events, and kI2C_SlaveAllEvents to enable all events.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Slave transfers were successfully started.
kStatus_I2C_Busy – Slave transfers have already been started on this handle.
static inline uint32_t I2C_SlaveGetReceivedAddress(I2C_Type *base, volatile i2c_slave_transfer_t *transfer)
Returns the slave address sent by the I2C master.
This function should only be called from the address match event callback kI2C_SlaveAddressMatchEvent.
- Parameters:
base – The I2C peripheral base address.
transfer – The I2C slave transfer.
- Returns:
The 8-bit address matched by the I2C slave. Bit 0 contains the R/w direction bit, and the 7-bit slave address is in the upper 7 bits.
void I2C_SlaveTransferAbort(I2C_Type *base, i2c_slave_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the slave non-blocking transfers.
This API could be called at any time to stop slave for handling the bus events.
- Parameters:
base – The I2C peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to i2c_slave_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success –
kStatus_I2C_Idle –
status_t I2C_SlaveTransferGetCount(I2C_Type *base, i2c_slave_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the slave transfer remaining bytes during a interrupt non-blocking transfer.
- Parameters:
base – I2C base pointer.
handle – pointer to i2c_slave_handle_t structure.
count – Number of bytes transferred so far by the non-blocking transaction.
- Return values:
kStatus_InvalidArgument – count is Invalid.
kStatus_Success – Successfully return the count.
void I2C_SlaveTransferHandleIRQ(I2C_Type *base, i2c_slave_handle_t *handle)
Reusable routine to handle slave interrupts.
This function does not need to be called unless you are reimplementing the non blocking API’s interrupt handler routines to add special functionality.
- Parameters:
base – The I2C peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to i2c_slave_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
enum _i2c_slave_address_register
I2C slave address register.
enumerator kI2C_SlaveAddressRegister0
Slave Address 0 register.
enumerator kI2C_SlaveAddressRegister1
Slave Address 1 register.
enumerator kI2C_SlaveAddressRegister2
Slave Address 2 register.
enumerator kI2C_SlaveAddressRegister3
Slave Address 3 register.
enumerator kI2C_SlaveAddressRegister0
enum _i2c_slave_address_qual_mode
I2C slave address match options.
enumerator kI2C_QualModeMask
The SLVQUAL0 field (qualAddress) is used as a logical mask for matching address0.
enumerator kI2C_QualModeExtend
The SLVQUAL0 (qualAddress) field is used to extend address 0 matching in a range of addresses.
enumerator kI2C_QualModeMask
enum _i2c_slave_bus_speed
I2C slave bus speed options.
enumerator kI2C_SlaveStandardMode
enumerator kI2C_SlaveFastMode
enumerator kI2C_SlaveFastModePlus
enumerator kI2C_SlaveHsMode
enumerator kI2C_SlaveStandardMode
enum _i2c_slave_transfer_event
Set of events sent to the callback for non blocking slave transfers.
These event enumerations are used for two related purposes. First, a bit mask created by OR’ing together events is passed to I2C_SlaveTransferNonBlocking() in order to specify which events to enable. Then, when the slave callback is invoked, it is passed the current event through its transfer parameter.
These enumerations are meant to be OR’d together to form a bit mask of events.
enumerator kI2C_SlaveAddressMatchEvent
Received the slave address after a start or repeated start.
enumerator kI2C_SlaveTransmitEvent
Callback is requested to provide data to transmit (slave-transmitter role).
enumerator kI2C_SlaveReceiveEvent
Callback is requested to provide a buffer in which to place received data (slave-receiver role).
enumerator kI2C_SlaveCompletionEvent
All data in the active transfer have been consumed.
enumerator kI2C_SlaveDeselectedEvent
The slave function has become deselected (SLVSEL flag changing from 1 to 0.
enumerator kI2C_SlaveAllEvents
Bit mask of all available events.
enumerator kI2C_SlaveAddressMatchEvent
enum _i2c_slave_fsm
I2C slave software finite state machine states.
enumerator kI2C_SlaveFsmAddressMatch
enumerator kI2C_SlaveFsmReceive
enumerator kI2C_SlaveFsmTransmit
enumerator kI2C_SlaveFsmAddressMatch
typedef enum _i2c_slave_address_register i2c_slave_address_register_t
I2C slave address register.
typedef struct _i2c_slave_address i2c_slave_address_t
Data structure with 7-bit Slave address and Slave address disable.
typedef enum _i2c_slave_address_qual_mode i2c_slave_address_qual_mode_t
I2C slave address match options.
typedef enum _i2c_slave_bus_speed i2c_slave_bus_speed_t
I2C slave bus speed options.
typedef struct _i2c_slave_config i2c_slave_config_t
Structure with settings to initialize the I2C slave module.
This structure holds configuration settings for the I2C slave peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the I2C_SlaveGetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your configuration structure instance.
The configuration structure can be made constant so it resides in flash.
typedef enum _i2c_slave_transfer_event i2c_slave_transfer_event_t
Set of events sent to the callback for non blocking slave transfers.
These event enumerations are used for two related purposes. First, a bit mask created by OR’ing together events is passed to I2C_SlaveTransferNonBlocking() in order to specify which events to enable. Then, when the slave callback is invoked, it is passed the current event through its transfer parameter.
These enumerations are meant to be OR’d together to form a bit mask of events.
typedef struct _i2c_slave_handle i2c_slave_handle_t
I2C slave handle typedef.
typedef struct _i2c_slave_transfer i2c_slave_transfer_t
I2C slave transfer structure.
typedef void (*i2c_slave_transfer_callback_t)(I2C_Type *base, volatile i2c_slave_transfer_t *transfer, void *userData)
Slave event callback function pointer type.
This callback is used only for the slave non-blocking transfer API. To install a callback, use the I2C_SlaveSetCallback() function after you have created a handle.
- Param base:
Base address for the I2C instance on which the event occurred.
- Param transfer:
Pointer to transfer descriptor containing values passed to and/or from the callback.
- Param userData:
Arbitrary pointer-sized value passed from the application.
typedef enum _i2c_slave_fsm i2c_slave_fsm_t
I2C slave software finite state machine states.
typedef void (*flexcomm_i2c_master_irq_handler_t)(I2C_Type *base, i2c_master_handle_t *handle)
Typedef for master interrupt handler.
typedef void (*flexcomm_i2c_slave_irq_handler_t)(I2C_Type *base, i2c_slave_handle_t *handle)
Typedef for slave interrupt handler.
struct _i2c_slave_address
- #include <fsl_i2c.h>
Data structure with 7-bit Slave address and Slave address disable.
Public Members
uint8_t address
7-bit Slave address SLVADR.
bool addressDisable
Slave address disable SADISABLE.
uint8_t address
struct _i2c_slave_config
- #include <fsl_i2c.h>
Structure with settings to initialize the I2C slave module.
This structure holds configuration settings for the I2C slave peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the I2C_SlaveGetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your configuration structure instance.
The configuration structure can be made constant so it resides in flash.
Public Members
i2c_slave_address_t address0
Slave’s 7-bit address and disable.
i2c_slave_address_t address1
Alternate slave 7-bit address and disable.
i2c_slave_address_t address2
Alternate slave 7-bit address and disable.
i2c_slave_address_t address3
Alternate slave 7-bit address and disable.
i2c_slave_address_qual_mode_t qualMode
Qualify mode for slave address 0.
uint8_t qualAddress
Slave address qualifier for address 0.
i2c_slave_bus_speed_t busSpeed
Slave bus speed mode. If the slave function stretches SCL to allow for software response, it must provide sufficient data setup time to the master before releasing the stretched clock. This is accomplished by inserting one clock time of CLKDIV at that point. The busSpeed value is used to configure CLKDIV such that one clock time is greater than the tSU;DAT value noted in the I2C bus specification for the I2C mode that is being used. If the busSpeed mode is unknown at compile time, use the longest data setup time kI2C_SlaveStandardMode (250 ns)
bool enableSlave
Enable slave mode.
i2c_slave_address_t address0
struct _i2c_slave_transfer
- #include <fsl_i2c.h>
I2C slave transfer structure.
Public Members
i2c_slave_handle_t *handle
Pointer to handle that contains this transfer.
i2c_slave_transfer_event_t event
Reason the callback is being invoked.
uint8_t receivedAddress
Matching address send by master. 7-bits plus R/nW bit0
uint32_t eventMask
Mask of enabled events.
uint8_t *rxData
Transfer buffer for receive data
const uint8_t *txData
Transfer buffer for transmit data
size_t txSize
Transfer size
size_t rxSize
Transfer size
size_t transferredCount
Number of bytes transferred during this transfer.
status_t completionStatus
Success or error code describing how the transfer completed. Only applies for kI2C_SlaveCompletionEvent.
i2c_slave_handle_t *handle
struct _i2c_slave_handle
- #include <fsl_i2c.h>
I2C slave handle structure.
The contents of this structure are private and subject to change.
Public Members
volatile i2c_slave_transfer_t transfer
I2C slave transfer.
volatile bool isBusy
Whether transfer is busy.
volatile i2c_slave_fsm_t slaveFsm
slave transfer state machine.
i2c_slave_transfer_callback_t callback
Callback function called at transfer event.
void *userData
Callback parameter passed to callback.
volatile i2c_slave_transfer_t transfer
I2S: I2S Driver
I2S_BRIDGE: I2S bridging and signal sharing configuration
enum _i2s_bridge_share_set_index
I2S Bridge share set.
enumerator kI2S_BRIDGE_OriginalSignal
Original FLEXCOMM I2S signals
enumerator kI2S_BRIDGE_ShareSet0
share set 0 signals
enumerator kI2S_BRIDGE_ShareSet1
share set 1 signals
enumerator kI2S_BRIDGE_OriginalSignal
enum _i2s_bridge_signal
I2S signal.
enumerator kI2S_BRIDGE_SignalSCK
SCK signal
enumerator kI2S_BRIDGE_SignalWS
WS signal
enumerator kI2S_BRIDGE_SignalDataIn
Data in signal
enumerator kI2S_BRIDGE_SignalDataOut
Data out signal
enumerator kI2S_BRIDGE_SignalSCK
enum _i2s_bridge_share_src
I2S signal source.
enumerator kI2S_BRIDGE_Flexcomm0
Shared signal comes from FLEXCOMM0
enumerator kI2S_BRIDGE_Flexcomm1
Shared signal comes from FLEXCOMM1
enumerator kI2S_BRIDGE_Flexcomm2
Shared signal comes from FLEXCOMM2
enumerator kI2S_BRIDGE_Flexcomm3
Shared signal comes from FLEXCOMM3
enumerator kI2S_BRIDGE_Flexcomm0
enum _i2s_bridge_dataout_mask
I2S Bridge shared data out mask.
enumerator kI2S_BRIDGE_Flexcomm0DataOut
enumerator kI2S_BRIDGE_Flexcomm1DataOut
enumerator kI2S_BRIDGE_Flexcomm2DataOut
enumerator kI2S_BRIDGE_Flexcomm3DataOut
enumerator kI2S_BRIDGE_Flexcomm0DataOut
typedef enum _i2s_bridge_signal i2s_bridge_signal_t
I2S signal.
Group I2S Bridge driver version for SDK.
Version 2.0.0.
void I2S_BRIDGE_SetFlexcommShareSet(uint32_t flexCommIndex, uint32_t sckSet, uint32_t wsSet, uint32_t dataInSet, uint32_t dataOutSet)
I2S Bridge share set selection for flexcomm instance.
- Parameters:
flexCommIndex – index of flexcomm, refer to RM for supported FLEXCOMM instances.
sckSet – share set for sck, refer to _i2s_bridge_share_set_index
wsSet – share set for ws, refer to _i2s_bridge_share_set_index
dataInSet – share set for data in, refer to _i2s_bridge_share_set_index
dataOutSet – share set for data out, refer to _i2s_bridge_share_set_index
void I2S_BRIDGE_SetFlexcommSignalShareSet(uint32_t flexCommIndex, i2s_bridge_signal_t signal, uint32_t set)
I2S Bridge share set selection for a separate signal.
- Parameters:
flexCommIndex – index of flexcomm, refer to RM for supported FLEXCOMM instances.
signal – The signal need to be configured.
set – share set for the signal, refer to _i2s_bridge_share_set_index
void I2S_BRIDGE_SetShareSetSrc(uint32_t setIndex, uint32_t sckShareSrc, uint32_t wsShareSrc, uint32_t dataInShareSrc, uint32_t dataOutShareSrc)
I2S Bridge share set source configure.
- Parameters:
setIndex – index of share set, refer _i2s_bridge_share_set_index
sckShareSrc – sck source for this share set, refer to _i2s_bridge_share_src
wsShareSrc – ws source for this share set, refer to _i2s_bridge_share_src
dataInShareSrc – data in source for this share set, refer to _i2s_bridge_share_src
dataOutShareSrc – data out source for this share set, refer to _i2s_bridge_dataout_mask
void I2S_BRIDGE_SetShareSignalSrc(uint32_t setIndex, i2s_bridge_signal_t signal, uint32_t shareSrc)
I2S Bridge shared signal source selection for a share set.
- Parameters:
setIndex – index of share set, refer to _i2s_bridge_share_set_index
signal – the shared signal to be configured
shareSrc – the signal selection, refer to _i2s_bridge_share_src.
I2S DMA Driver
void I2S_TxTransferCreateHandleDMA(I2S_Type *base, i2s_dma_handle_t *handle, dma_handle_t *dmaHandle, i2s_dma_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Initializes handle for transfer of audio data.
- Parameters:
base – I2S base pointer.
handle – pointer to handle structure.
dmaHandle – pointer to dma handle structure.
callback – function to be called back when transfer is done or fails.
userData – pointer to data passed to callback.
status_t I2S_TxTransferSendDMA(I2S_Type *base, i2s_dma_handle_t *handle, i2s_transfer_t transfer)
Begins or queue sending of the given data.
- Parameters:
base – I2S base pointer.
handle – pointer to handle structure.
transfer – data buffer.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success –
kStatus_I2S_Busy – if all queue slots are occupied with unsent buffers.
void I2S_TransferAbortDMA(I2S_Type *base, i2s_dma_handle_t *handle)
Aborts transfer of data.
- Parameters:
base – I2S base pointer.
handle – pointer to handle structure.
void I2S_RxTransferCreateHandleDMA(I2S_Type *base, i2s_dma_handle_t *handle, dma_handle_t *dmaHandle, i2s_dma_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Initializes handle for reception of audio data.
- Parameters:
base – I2S base pointer.
handle – pointer to handle structure.
dmaHandle – pointer to dma handle structure.
callback – function to be called back when transfer is done or fails.
userData – pointer to data passed to callback.
status_t I2S_RxTransferReceiveDMA(I2S_Type *base, i2s_dma_handle_t *handle, i2s_transfer_t transfer)
Begins or queue reception of data into given buffer.
- Parameters:
base – I2S base pointer.
handle – pointer to handle structure.
transfer – data buffer.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success –
kStatus_I2S_Busy – if all queue slots are occupied with buffers which are not full.
void I2S_DMACallback(dma_handle_t *handle, void *userData, bool transferDone, uint32_t tcds)
Invoked from DMA interrupt handler.
- Parameters:
handle – pointer to DMA handle structure.
userData – argument for user callback.
transferDone – if transfer was done.
tcds –
void I2S_TransferInstallLoopDMADescriptorMemory(i2s_dma_handle_t *handle, void *dmaDescriptorAddr, size_t dmaDescriptorNum)
Install DMA descriptor memory for loop transfer only.
This function used to register DMA descriptor memory for the i2s loop dma transfer.
It must be callbed before I2S_TransferSendLoopDMA/I2S_TransferReceiveLoopDMA and after I2S_RxTransferCreateHandleDMA/I2S_TxTransferCreateHandleDMA.
User should be take care about the address of DMA descriptor pool which required align with 16BYTE at least.
- Parameters:
handle – Pointer to i2s DMA transfer handle.
dmaDescriptorAddr – DMA descriptor start address.
dmaDescriptorNum – DMA descriptor number.
status_t I2S_TransferSendLoopDMA(I2S_Type *base, i2s_dma_handle_t *handle, i2s_transfer_t *xfer, uint32_t loopTransferCount)
Send link transfer data using DMA.
This function receives data using DMA. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all data is received, the receive callback function is called.
This function support loop transfer, such as A->B->…->A, the loop transfer chain will be converted into a chain of descriptor and submit to dma. Application must be aware of that the more counts of the loop transfer, then more DMA descriptor memory required, user can use function I2S_InstallDMADescriptorMemory to register the dma descriptor memory.
As the DMA support maximum 1024 transfer count, so application must be aware of that this transfer function support maximum 1024 samples in each transfer, otherwise assert error or error status will be returned. Once the loop transfer start, application can use function I2S_TransferAbortDMA to stop the loop transfer.
- Parameters:
base – I2S peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to usart_dma_handle_t structure.
xfer – I2S DMA transfer structure. See i2s_transfer_t.
loopTransferCount – loop count
- Return values:
kStatus_Success –
status_t I2S_TransferReceiveLoopDMA(I2S_Type *base, i2s_dma_handle_t *handle, i2s_transfer_t *xfer, uint32_t loopTransferCount)
Receive link transfer data using DMA.
This function receives data using DMA. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all data is received, the receive callback function is called.
This function support loop transfer, such as A->B->…->A, the loop transfer chain will be converted into a chain of descriptor and submit to dma. Application must be aware of that the more counts of the loop transfer, then more DMA descriptor memory required, user can use function I2S_InstallDMADescriptorMemory to register the dma descriptor memory.
As the DMA support maximum 1024 transfer count, so application must be aware of that this transfer function support maximum 1024 samples in each transfer, otherwise assert error or error status will be returned. Once the loop transfer start, application can use function I2S_TransferAbortDMA to stop the loop transfer.
- Parameters:
base – I2S peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to usart_dma_handle_t structure.
xfer – I2S DMA transfer structure. See i2s_transfer_t.
loopTransferCount – loop count
- Return values:
kStatus_Success –
I2S DMA driver version 2.3.3.
typedef struct _i2s_dma_handle i2s_dma_handle_t
Members not to be accessed / modified outside of the driver.
typedef void (*i2s_dma_transfer_callback_t)(I2S_Type *base, i2s_dma_handle_t *handle, status_t completionStatus, void *userData)
Callback function invoked from DMA API on completion.
- Param base:
I2S base pointer.
- Param handle:
pointer to I2S transaction.
- Param completionStatus:
status of the transaction.
- Param userData:
optional pointer to user arguments data.
struct _i2s_dma_handle
- #include <fsl_i2s_dma.h>
i2s dma handle
Public Members
uint32_t state
Internal state of I2S DMA transfer
uint8_t bytesPerFrame
bytes per frame
i2s_dma_transfer_callback_t completionCallback
Callback function pointer
void *userData
Application data passed to callback
dma_handle_t *dmaHandle
DMA handle
volatile i2s_transfer_t i2sQueue[(4U)]
Transfer queue storing transfer buffers
volatile uint8_t queueUser
Queue index where user’s next transfer will be stored
volatile uint8_t queueDriver
Queue index of buffer actually used by the driver
dma_descriptor_t *i2sLoopDMADescriptor
descriptor pool pointer
size_t i2sLoopDMADescriptorNum
number of descriptor in descriptors pool
uint32_t state
I2S Driver
void I2S_TxInit(I2S_Type *base, const i2s_config_t *config)
Initializes the FLEXCOMM peripheral for I2S transmit functionality.
Ungates the FLEXCOMM clock and configures the module for I2S transmission using a configuration structure. The configuration structure can be custom filled or set with default values by I2S_TxGetDefaultConfig().
This API should be called at the beginning of the application to use the I2S driver.
- Parameters:
base – I2S base pointer.
config – pointer to I2S configuration structure.
void I2S_RxInit(I2S_Type *base, const i2s_config_t *config)
Initializes the FLEXCOMM peripheral for I2S receive functionality.
Ungates the FLEXCOMM clock and configures the module for I2S receive using a configuration structure. The configuration structure can be custom filled or set with default values by I2S_RxGetDefaultConfig().
This API should be called at the beginning of the application to use the I2S driver.
- Parameters:
base – I2S base pointer.
config – pointer to I2S configuration structure.
void I2S_TxGetDefaultConfig(i2s_config_t *config)
Sets the I2S Tx configuration structure to default values.
This API initializes the configuration structure for use in I2S_TxInit(). The initialized structure can remain unchanged in I2S_TxInit(), or it can be modified before calling I2S_TxInit(). Example:
i2s_config_t config; I2S_TxGetDefaultConfig(&config);
Default values:
config->masterSlave = kI2S_MasterSlaveNormalMaster; config->mode = kI2S_ModeI2sClassic; config->rightLow = false; config->leftJust = false; config->pdmData = false; config->sckPol = false; config->wsPol = false; config->divider = 1; config->oneChannel = false; config->dataLength = 16; config->frameLength = 32; config->position = 0; config->watermark = 4; config->txEmptyZero = true; config->pack48 = false;
- Parameters:
config – pointer to I2S configuration structure.
void I2S_RxGetDefaultConfig(i2s_config_t *config)
Sets the I2S Rx configuration structure to default values.
This API initializes the configuration structure for use in I2S_RxInit(). The initialized structure can remain unchanged in I2S_RxInit(), or it can be modified before calling I2S_RxInit(). Example:
i2s_config_t config; I2S_RxGetDefaultConfig(&config);
Default values:
config->masterSlave = kI2S_MasterSlaveNormalSlave; config->mode = kI2S_ModeI2sClassic; config->rightLow = false; config->leftJust = false; config->pdmData = false; config->sckPol = false; config->wsPol = false; config->divider = 1; config->oneChannel = false; config->dataLength = 16; config->frameLength = 32; config->position = 0; config->watermark = 4; config->txEmptyZero = false; config->pack48 = false;
- Parameters:
config – pointer to I2S configuration structure.
void I2S_Deinit(I2S_Type *base)
De-initializes the I2S peripheral.
This API gates the FLEXCOMM clock. The I2S module can’t operate unless I2S_TxInit or I2S_RxInit is called to enable the clock.
- Parameters:
base – I2S base pointer.
void I2S_SetBitClockRate(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t sourceClockHz, uint32_t sampleRate, uint32_t bitWidth, uint32_t channelNumbers)
Transmitter/Receiver bit clock rate configurations.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
sourceClockHz – bit clock source frequency.
sampleRate – audio data sample rate.
bitWidth – audio data bitWidth.
channelNumbers – audio channel numbers.
void I2S_TxTransferCreateHandle(I2S_Type *base, i2s_handle_t *handle, i2s_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Initializes handle for transfer of audio data.
- Parameters:
base – I2S base pointer.
handle – pointer to handle structure.
callback – function to be called back when transfer is done or fails.
userData – pointer to data passed to callback.
status_t I2S_TxTransferNonBlocking(I2S_Type *base, i2s_handle_t *handle, i2s_transfer_t transfer)
Begins or queue sending of the given data.
- Parameters:
base – I2S base pointer.
handle – pointer to handle structure.
transfer – data buffer.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success –
kStatus_I2S_Busy – if all queue slots are occupied with unsent buffers.
void I2S_TxTransferAbort(I2S_Type *base, i2s_handle_t *handle)
Aborts sending of data.
- Parameters:
base – I2S base pointer.
handle – pointer to handle structure.
void I2S_RxTransferCreateHandle(I2S_Type *base, i2s_handle_t *handle, i2s_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Initializes handle for reception of audio data.
- Parameters:
base – I2S base pointer.
handle – pointer to handle structure.
callback – function to be called back when transfer is done or fails.
userData – pointer to data passed to callback.
status_t I2S_RxTransferNonBlocking(I2S_Type *base, i2s_handle_t *handle, i2s_transfer_t transfer)
Begins or queue reception of data into given buffer.
- Parameters:
base – I2S base pointer.
handle – pointer to handle structure.
transfer – data buffer.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success –
kStatus_I2S_Busy – if all queue slots are occupied with buffers which are not full.
void I2S_RxTransferAbort(I2S_Type *base, i2s_handle_t *handle)
Aborts receiving of data.
- Parameters:
base – I2S base pointer.
handle – pointer to handle structure.
status_t I2S_TransferGetCount(I2S_Type *base, i2s_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Returns number of bytes transferred so far.
- Parameters:
base – I2S base pointer.
handle – pointer to handle structure.
count – [out] number of bytes transferred so far by the non-blocking transaction.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success –
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – there is no non-blocking transaction currently in progress.
status_t I2S_TransferGetErrorCount(I2S_Type *base, i2s_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Returns number of buffer underruns or overruns.
- Parameters:
base – I2S base pointer.
handle – pointer to handle structure.
count – [out] number of transmit errors encountered so far by the non-blocking transaction.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success –
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – there is no non-blocking transaction currently in progress.
static inline void I2S_Enable(I2S_Type *base)
Enables I2S operation.
- Parameters:
base – I2S base pointer.
void I2S_EnableSecondaryChannel(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t channel, bool oneChannel, uint32_t position)
Enables I2S secondary channel.
- Parameters:
base – I2S base pointer.
channel – seondary channel channel number, reference _i2s_secondary_channel.
oneChannel – true is treated as single channel, functionality left channel for this pair.
position – define the location within the frame of the data, should not bigger than 0x1FFU.
static inline void I2S_DisableSecondaryChannel(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Disables I2S secondary channel.
- Parameters:
base – I2S base pointer.
channel – seondary channel channel number, reference _i2s_secondary_channel.
static inline void I2S_Disable(I2S_Type *base)
Disables I2S operation.
- Parameters:
base – I2S base pointer.
static inline void I2S_EnableInterrupts(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t interruptMask)
Enables I2S FIFO interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – I2S base pointer.
interruptMask – bit mask of interrupts to enable. See i2s_flags_t for the set of constants that should be OR’d together to form the bit mask.
static inline void I2S_DisableInterrupts(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t interruptMask)
Disables I2S FIFO interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – I2S base pointer.
interruptMask – bit mask of interrupts to enable. See i2s_flags_t for the set of constants that should be OR’d together to form the bit mask.
static inline uint32_t I2S_GetEnabledInterrupts(I2S_Type *base)
Returns the set of currently enabled I2S FIFO interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – I2S base pointer.
- Returns:
A bitmask composed of i2s_flags_t enumerators OR’d together to indicate the set of enabled interrupts.
status_t I2S_EmptyTxFifo(I2S_Type *base)
Flush the valid data in TX fifo.
- Parameters:
base – I2S base pointer.
- Returns:
kStatus_Fail empty TX fifo failed, kStatus_Success empty tx fifo success.
void I2S_TxHandleIRQ(I2S_Type *base, i2s_handle_t *handle)
Invoked from interrupt handler when transmit FIFO level decreases.
- Parameters:
base – I2S base pointer.
handle – pointer to handle structure.
void I2S_RxHandleIRQ(I2S_Type *base, i2s_handle_t *handle)
Invoked from interrupt handler when receive FIFO level decreases.
- Parameters:
base – I2S base pointer.
handle – pointer to handle structure.
I2S driver version 2.3.2.
_i2s_status I2S status codes.
enumerator kStatus_I2S_BufferComplete
Transfer from/into a single buffer has completed
enumerator kStatus_I2S_Done
All buffers transfers have completed
enumerator kStatus_I2S_Busy
Already performing a transfer and cannot queue another buffer
enumerator kStatus_I2S_BufferComplete
enum _i2s_flags
I2S flags.
These enums are meant to be OR’d together to form a bit mask.
enumerator kI2S_TxErrorFlag
TX error interrupt
enumerator kI2S_TxLevelFlag
TX level interrupt
enumerator kI2S_RxErrorFlag
RX error interrupt
enumerator kI2S_RxLevelFlag
RX level interrupt
enumerator kI2S_TxErrorFlag
enum _i2s_master_slave
Master / slave mode.
enumerator kI2S_MasterSlaveNormalSlave
Normal slave
enumerator kI2S_MasterSlaveWsSyncMaster
WS synchronized master
enumerator kI2S_MasterSlaveExtSckMaster
Master using existing SCK
enumerator kI2S_MasterSlaveNormalMaster
Normal master
enumerator kI2S_MasterSlaveNormalSlave
enum _i2s_mode
I2S mode.
enumerator kI2S_ModeI2sClassic
I2S classic mode
enumerator kI2S_ModeDspWs50
DSP mode, WS having 50% duty cycle
enumerator kI2S_ModeDspWsShort
DSP mode, WS having one clock long pulse
enumerator kI2S_ModeDspWsLong
DSP mode, WS having one data slot long pulse
enumerator kI2S_ModeI2sClassic
_i2s_secondary_channel I2S secondary channel.
enumerator kI2S_SecondaryChannel1
secondary channel 1
enumerator kI2S_SecondaryChannel2
secondary channel 2
enumerator kI2S_SecondaryChannel3
secondary channel 3
enumerator kI2S_SecondaryChannel1
typedef enum _i2s_flags i2s_flags_t
I2S flags.
These enums are meant to be OR’d together to form a bit mask.
typedef enum _i2s_master_slave i2s_master_slave_t
Master / slave mode.
typedef enum _i2s_mode i2s_mode_t
I2S mode.
typedef struct _i2s_config i2s_config_t
I2S configuration structure.
typedef struct _i2s_transfer i2s_transfer_t
Buffer to transfer from or receive audio data into.
typedef struct _i2s_handle i2s_handle_t
Transactional state of the intialized transfer or receive I2S operation.
typedef void (*i2s_transfer_callback_t)(I2S_Type *base, i2s_handle_t *handle, status_t completionStatus, void *userData)
Callback function invoked from transactional API on completion of a single buffer transfer.
- Param base:
I2S base pointer.
- Param handle:
pointer to I2S transaction.
- Param completionStatus:
status of the transaction.
- Param userData:
optional pointer to user arguments data.
Number of buffers .
struct _i2s_config
- #include <fsl_i2s.h>
I2S configuration structure.
Public Members
i2s_master_slave_t masterSlave
Master / slave configuration
i2s_mode_t mode
I2S mode
bool rightLow
Right channel data in low portion of FIFO
bool leftJust
Left justify data in FIFO
bool pdmData
Data source is the D-Mic subsystem
bool sckPol
SCK polarity
bool wsPol
WS polarity
uint16_t divider
Flexcomm function clock divider (1 - 4096)
bool oneChannel
true mono, false stereo
uint8_t dataLength
Data length (4 - 32)
uint16_t frameLength
Frame width (4 - 512)
uint16_t position
Data position in the frame
uint8_t watermark
FIFO trigger level
bool txEmptyZero
Transmit zero when buffer becomes empty or last item
bool pack48
Packing format for 48-bit data (false - 24 bit values, true - alternating 32-bit and 16-bit values)
i2s_master_slave_t masterSlave
struct _i2s_transfer
- #include <fsl_i2s.h>
Buffer to transfer from or receive audio data into.
Public Members
uint8_t *data
Pointer to data buffer.
size_t dataSize
Buffer size in bytes.
uint8_t *data
struct _i2s_handle
- #include <fsl_i2s.h>
Members not to be accessed / modified outside of the driver.
Public Members
volatile uint32_t state
State of transfer
i2s_transfer_callback_t completionCallback
Callback function pointer
void *userData
Application data passed to callback
bool oneChannel
true mono, false stereo
uint8_t dataLength
Data length (4 - 32)
bool pack48
Packing format for 48-bit data (false - 24 bit values, true - alternating 32-bit and 16-bit values)
uint8_t watermark
FIFO trigger level
bool useFifo48H
When dataLength 17-24: true use FIFOWR48H, false use FIFOWR
volatile i2s_transfer_t i2sQueue[(4U)]
Transfer queue storing transfer buffers
volatile uint8_t queueUser
Queue index where user’s next transfer will be stored
volatile uint8_t queueDriver
Queue index of buffer actually used by the driver
volatile uint32_t errorCount
Number of buffer underruns/overruns
volatile uint32_t transferCount
Number of bytes transferred
volatile uint32_t state
IMU: Inter CPU Messaging Unit
status_t IMU_Init(imu_link_t link)
Initializes the IMU module.
This function sets IMU to initialized state, including:
Flush the send FIFO.
Unlock the send FIFO.
Set the water mark to (IMU_MAX_MSG_FIFO_WATER_MARK)
Flush the read FIFO.
- Parameters:
link – IMU link.
- Return values:
kStatus_InvalidArgument – The link is invalid.
kStatus_Success – Initialized successfully.
void IMU_Deinit(imu_link_t link)
De-initializes the IMU module.
- Parameters:
link – IMU link.
static inline void IMU_WriteMsg(imu_link_t link, uint32_t msg)
Write one message to TX FIFO.
This function writes message to the TX FIFO, user need to make sure there is empty space in the TX FIFO, and TX FIFO not locked before calling this function.
- Parameters:
link – IMU link.
msg – The message to send.
static inline uint32_t IMU_ReadMsg(imu_link_t link)
Read one message from RX FIFO.
User need to make sure there is available message in the RX FIFO.
- Parameters:
link – IMU link.
- Returns:
The message.
int32_t IMU_SendMsgsBlocking(imu_link_t link, const uint32_t *msgs, int32_t msgCount, bool lockSendFifo)
Blocking to send messages.
This function blocks until all messages have been filled to TX FIFO.
If the TX FIFO is locked, this function returns IMU_ERR_TX_FIFO_LOCKED.
If TX FIFO not locked, this function waits the available empty slot in TX FIFO, and fills the message to TX FIFO.
To lock TX FIFO after filling all messages, set
to true.
- Parameters:
link – IMU link.
msgs – The messages to send.
msgCount – Message count, one message is a 32-bit word.
lockSendFifo – If set to true, the TX FIFO is locked after all messages filled to TX FIFO.
- Returns:
If TX FIFO is locked, this function returns IMU_ERR_TX_FIFO_LOCKED, otherwise, this function returns the actual message count sent out, it equals
because this function is blocking function, it returns until all messages have been filled into TX FIFO.
int32_t IMU_TrySendMsgs(imu_link_t link, const uint32_t *msgs, int32_t msgCount, bool lockSendFifo)
Try to send messages.
This function is similar with IMU_SendMsgsBlocking, the difference is, this function tries to send as many as possible, if there is not enough empty slot in TX FIFO, this function fills messages to available empty slots and returns how many messages have been filled.
If the TX FIFO is locked, this function returns IMU_ERR_TX_FIFO_LOCKED.
If TX FIFO not locked, this function fills messages to TX FIFO empty slot, and returns how many messages have been filled.
is set to true, TX FIFO is locked after all messages have been filled to TX FIFO. In other word, TX FIFO is locked if the function return value equalsmsgCount
, whenlockSendFifo
set to true.
- Parameters:
link – IMU link.
msgs – The messages to send.
msgCount – Message count, one message is a 32-bit word.
lockSendFifo – If set to true, the TX FIFO is locked after all messages filled to TX FIFO.
- Returns:
If TX FIFO is locked, this function returns IMU_ERR_TX_FIFO_LOCKED, otherwise, this function returns the actual message count sent out.
int32_t IMU_TryReceiveMsgs(imu_link_t link, uint32_t *msgs, int32_t desiredMsgCount, bool *needAckLock)
Try to receive messages.
This function tries to read messages from RX FIFO. It reads the messages already exists in RX FIFO and returns the actual read count.
If the RX FIFO has enough messages, this function reads the messages and returns.
If the RX FIFO does not have enough messages, this function the messages in RX FIFO and returns the actual read count.
During message reading, if RX FIFO is empty and locked, in this case peer CPU will not send message until current CPU send lock ack message. Then this function returns the message count actually received, and sets
to true to inform upper layer.
- Parameters:
link – IMU link.
msgs – The buffer to read messages.
desiredMsgCount – Desired read count, one message is a 32-bit word.
needAckLock – Upper layer should always check this value. When this is set to true by this function, upper layer should send lock ack message to peer CPU.
- Returns:
Count of messages actually received.
int32_t IMU_ReceiveMsgsBlocking(imu_link_t link, uint32_t *msgs, int32_t desiredMsgCount, bool *needAckLock)
Blocking to receive messages.
This function blocks until all desired messages have been received or the RX FIFO is locked.
If the RX FIFO has enough messages, this function reads the messages and returns.
If the RX FIFO does not have enough messages, this function waits for the new messages.
During message reading, if RX FIFO is empty and locked, in this case peer CPU will not send message until current CPU send lock ack message. Then this function returns the message count actually received, and sets
to true to inform upper layer.
- Parameters:
link – IMU link.
msgs – The buffer to read messages.
desiredMsgCount – Desired read count, one message is a 32-bit word.
needAckLock – Upper layer should always check this value. When this is set to true by this function, upper layer should send lock ack message to peer CPU.
- Returns:
Count of messages actually received.
int32_t IMU_SendMsgPtrBlocking(imu_link_t link, uint32_t msgPtr, bool lockSendFifo)
Blocking to send messages pointer.
Compared with IMU_SendMsgsBlocking, this function fills message pointer to TX FIFO, but not the message content.
This function blocks until the message pointer is filled to TX FIFO.
If the TX FIFO is locked, this function returns IMU_ERR_TX_FIFO_LOCKED.
If TX FIFO not locked, this function waits the available empty slot in TX FIFO, and fills the message pointer to TX FIFO.
To lock TX FIFO after filling the message pointer, set
to true.
- Parameters:
link – IMU link.
msgPtr – The buffer pointer to message to send.
needAckLock – Upper layer should always check this value. When this is set to true by this function, upper layer should send lock ack message to peer CPU.
- Return values:
0 – The message pointer set successfully.
IMU_ERR_TX_FIFO_LOCKED – The TX FIFO is locked, send failed.
static inline void IMU_LockSendFifo(imu_link_t link, bool lock)
Lock or unlock the TX FIFO.
- Parameters:
link – IMU link.
lock – Use true to lock the FIFO, use false to unlock.
void IMU_FlushSendFifo(imu_link_t link)
Flush the send FIFO.
Flush all messages in send FIFO.
- Parameters:
link – IMU link.
static inline void IMU_SetSendFifoWaterMark(imu_link_t link, uint8_t waterMark)
Set send FIFO warter mark.
The warter mark must be less than IMU_MAX_MSG_FIFO_WATER_MARK, i.e. 0 < waterMark <= IMU_MAX_MSG_FIFO_WATER_MARK.
- Parameters:
link – IMU link.
waterMark – Send FIFO warter mark.
static inline uint32_t IMU_GetReceivedMsgCount(imu_link_t link)
Get the message count in receive FIFO.
- Parameters:
link – IMU link.
- Returns:
The message count in receive FIFO.
static inline uint32_t IMU_GetSendFifoEmptySpace(imu_link_t link)
Get the empty slot in send FIFO.
- Parameters:
link – IMU link.
- Returns:
The empty slot count in send FIFO.
uint32_t IMU_GetStatusFlags(imu_link_t link)
Gets the IMU status flags.
- Parameters:
link – IMU link.
- Returns:
Bit mask of the IMU status flags, see _imu_status_flags.
static inline void IMU_ClearPendingInterrupts(imu_link_t link, uint32_t mask)
Clear the IMU IRQ.
- Parameters:
link – IMU link.
mask – Bit mask of the interrupts to clear, see _imu_interrupts.
IMU driver version.
enum _imu_status_flags
IMU status flags. .
enumerator kIMU_TxFifoEmpty
enumerator kIMU_TxFifoFull
enumerator kIMU_TxFifoAlmostFull
enumerator kIMU_TxFifoLocked
enumerator kIMU_RxFifoEmpty
enumerator kIMU_RxFifoFull
enumerator kIMU_RxFifoAlmostFull
enumerator kIMU_RxFifoLocked
enumerator kIMU_TxFifoEmpty
enum _imu_interrupts
IMU interrupt. .
enumerator kIMU_RxMsgReadyInterrupt
enumerator kIMU_TxFifoSpaceAvailableInterrupt
enumerator kIMU_RxMsgReadyInterrupt
IMU_WR_MSG(link, msg)
Get Rx FIFO empty status.
IMU driver returned error value.
Maximum message numbers in FIFO.
Maximum message FIFO warter mark.
struct IMU_Type
- #include <fsl_imu.h>
IMU register structure.
INPUTMUX: Input Multiplexing Driver
Group interrupt driver version for SDK.
enum _inputmux_connection_t
INPUTMUX connections type.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3Inp0ToSct0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio4Inp1ToSct0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio22Inp2ToSct0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio23Inp3ToSct0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio26Inp4ToSct0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio27Inp5ToSct0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio35Inp6ToSct0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio36Inp7ToSct0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0Mat0ToSct0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1Mat0ToSct0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2Mat0ToSct0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer3Mat0ToSct0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToSct0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_SharedI2s0SclkToSct0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_SharedI2s1SclkToSct0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_SharedI2s0WsToSct0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_SharedI2s1WsToSct0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_MclkToSct0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToSct0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_DebugHaltedToSct0
Pin Interrupt.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin0ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin1ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin2ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin3ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin4ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin5ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin6ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin7ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin8ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin9ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin10ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin11ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin12ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin13ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin14ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin15ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin16ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin17ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin18ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin19ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin20ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin21ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin22ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin23ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin24ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin25ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin26ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin27ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin28ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin29ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin30ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin31ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin0ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin1ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin2ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin3ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin4ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin5ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin6ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin7ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin8ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin9ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin10ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin11ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin12ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin13ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin14ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin15ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin16ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin17ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin18ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin19ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin20ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin21ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin22ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin23ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin24ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin25ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin26ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin27ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin28ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin29ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin30ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin31ToPintsel
Frequency measure.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_SysoscToFreqmeas
enumerator kINPUTMUX_SfroToFreqmeas
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FfroToFreqmeas
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LposcToFreqmeas
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Xtal32kToFreqmeas
enumerator kINPUTMUX_C0FrHclkToFreqmeas
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FreqmeGpioClkInToFreqmeas
enumerator kINPUTMUX_T3pllMcuFlexspiClkToFreqmeas
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TddrMcuFlexspiClkToFreqmeas
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TddrMcuEnetClkToFreqmeas
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TcpuMcuFlexspiClkToFreqmeas
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Nco32kToFreqmeas
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PmuFclkToFreqmeas
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Osc32kClk1hzToFreqmeas
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Osc32kClk1khzToFreqmeas
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LcdFclkToFreqmeas
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Flexcomm0FclkToFreqmeas
enumerator kINPUTMUX_DmicFclkToFreqmeas
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Flexspi0FclkToFreqmeas
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TcpuMcuClkToFreqmeas
enumerator kINPUTMUX_AvpllCh2ClkoutToFreqmeas
CTmier0 capture input mux.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio0Inp0ToTimer0CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio1Inp1ToTimer0CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio12Inp2ToTimer0CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio13Inp3ToTimer0CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio14Inp4ToTimer0CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio21Inp5ToTimer0CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio24Inp6ToTimer0CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio25Inp7ToTimer0CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio37Inp8ToTimer0CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio38Inp9ToTimer0CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio39Inp10ToTimer0CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio51Inp11ToTimer0CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio52Inp12ToTimer0CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio53Inp13ToTimer0CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio54Inp14ToTimer0CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_SharedI2s0WsToTimer0CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_SharedI2s1WsToTimer0CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_BtuHostTrigger0ToTimer0CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_BtuHostTrigger1ToTimer0CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_BtuHostTrigger2ToTimer0CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexcommDmaDone0ToTimer0CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexcommDmaDone1ToTimer0CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexcommDmaCmpltDone0ToTimer0CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexcommDmaCmpltDone1ToTimer0CaptureChannels
CTmier1 capture input mux.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio0Inp0ToTimer1CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio1Inp1ToTimer1CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio12Inp2ToTimer1CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio13Inp3ToTimer1CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio14Inp4ToTimer1CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio21Inp5ToTimer1CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio24Inp6ToTimer1CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio25Inp7ToTimer1CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio37Inp8ToTimer1CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio38Inp9ToTimer1CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio39Inp10ToTimer1CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio51Inp11ToTimer1CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio52Inp12ToTimer1CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio53Inp13ToTimer1CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio54Inp14ToTimer1CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_SharedI2s0WsToTimer1CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_SharedI2s1WsToTimer1CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EnetToTimer1CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_BtuHostTrigger0ToTimer1CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_BtuHostTrigger1ToTimer1CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_BtuHostTrigger2ToTimer1CaptureChannels
CTmier2 capture input mux.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio0Inp0ToTimer2CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio1Inp1ToTimer2CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio12Inp2ToTimer2CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio13Inp3ToTimer2CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio14Inp4ToTimer2CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio21Inp5ToTimer2CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio24Inp6ToTimer2CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio25Inp7ToTimer2CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio37Inp8ToTimer2CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio38Inp9ToTimer2CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio39Inp10ToTimer2CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio51Inp11ToTimer2CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio52Inp12ToTimer2CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio53Inp13ToTimer2CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio54Inp14ToTimer2CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_SharedI2s0WsToTimer2CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_SharedI2s1WsToTimer2CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_BtuHostTrigger0ToTimer2CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_BtuHostTrigger1ToTimer2CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_BtuHostTrigger2ToTimer2CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexcommDmaDone0ToTimer2CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexcommDmaDone1ToTimer2CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexcommDmaCmpltDone0ToTimer2CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexcommDmaCmpltDone1ToTimer2CaptureChannels
CTmier3 capture input mux.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio0Inp0ToTimer3CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio1Inp1ToTimer3CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio12Inp2ToTimer3CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio13Inp3ToTimer3CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio14Inp4ToTimer3CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio21Inp5ToTimer3CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio24Inp6ToTimer3CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio25Inp7ToTimer3CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio37Inp8ToTimer3CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio38Inp9ToTimer3CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio39Inp10ToTimer3CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio51Inp11ToTimer3CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio52Inp12ToTimer3CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio53Inp13ToTimer3CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio54Inp14ToTimer3CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_SharedI2s0WsToTimer3CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_SharedI2s1WsToTimer3CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_BtuHostTrigger0ToTimer3CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_BtuHostTrigger1ToTimer3CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_BtuHostTrigger2ToTimer3CaptureChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_NsGpioPint0ToDma0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_NsGpioPint1ToDma0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_NsGpioPint2ToDma0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_NsGpioPint3ToDma0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M0ToDma0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M1ToDma0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M0ToDma0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M1ToDma0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M0ToDma0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M1ToDma0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer3M0ToDma0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer3M1ToDma0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma0TrigOutAToDma0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma0TrigOutBToDma0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma0TrigOutCToDma0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma0TrigOutDToDma0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sct0Dmac0ToDma0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sct0Dmac1ToDma0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EnetMac0DmaReq0ToDma0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EnetMac0DmaReq1ToDma0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_UsimDmaRxSingleToDma0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_UsimDmaTxSingleToDma0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GauGpadc0DmaSingleToDma0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GauGpadc1DmaSingleToDma0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GauGpdacaDmaSingleToDma0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GauGpdacbDmaSingleToDma0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexspiRxToDma0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexspiTxToDma0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LcdRxRegToDmaSingleToDma0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LcdTxRegToDmaSingleToDma0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_NsGpioPint0ToDma1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_NsGpioPint1ToDma1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_NsGpioPint2ToDma1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_NsGpioPint3ToDma1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M0ToDma1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M1ToDma1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M0ToDma1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M1ToDma1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M0ToDma1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M1ToDma1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer3M0ToDma1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer3M1ToDma1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma1TrigOutAToDma1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma1TrigOutBToDma1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma1TrigOutCToDma1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma1TrigOutDToDma1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sct0Dmac0ToDma1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sct0Dmac1ToDma1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EnetMac0DmaReq0ToDma1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EnetMac0DmaReq1ToDma1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_UsimDmaRxSingleToDma1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_UsimDmaTxSingleToDma1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GauGpadc0DmaSingleToDma1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GauGpadc1DmaSingleToDma1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GauGpdacaDmaSingleToDma1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GauGpdacbDmaSingleToDma1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexspiRxToDma1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexspiTxToDma1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LcdRxRegToDmaSingleToDma1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LcdTxRegToDmaSingleToDma1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma0OtrigChannel0ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma0OtrigChannel1ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma0OtrigChannel2ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma0OtrigChannel3ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma0OtrigChannel4ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma0OtrigChannel5ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma0OtrigChannel6ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma0OtrigChannel7ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma0OtrigChannel8ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma0OtrigChannel9ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma0OtrigChannel10ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma0OtrigChannel11ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma0OtrigChannel12ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma0OtrigChannel13ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma0OtrigChannel14ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma0OtrigChannel15ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma0OtrigChannel16ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma0OtrigChannel17ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma0OtrigChannel18ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma0OtrigChannel19ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma0OtrigChannel20ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma0OtrigChannel21ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma0OtrigChannel22ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma0OtrigChannel23ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma0OtrigChannel24ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma0OtrigChannel25ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma0OtrigChannel26ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma0OtrigChannel27ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma0OtrigChannel28ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma0OtrigChannel29ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma0OtrigChannel30ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma0OtrigChannel31ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma0OtrigChannel32ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma1OtrigChannel0ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma1OtrigChannel1ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma1OtrigChannel2ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma1OtrigChannel3ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma1OtrigChannel4ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma1OtrigChannel5ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma1OtrigChannel6ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma1OtrigChannel7ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma1OtrigChannel8ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma1OtrigChannel9ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma1OtrigChannel10ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma1OtrigChannel11ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma1OtrigChannel12ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma1OtrigChannel13ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma1OtrigChannel14ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma1OtrigChannel15ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma1OtrigChannel16ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma1OtrigChannel17ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma1OtrigChannel18ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma1OtrigChannel19ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma1OtrigChannel20ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma1OtrigChannel21ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma1OtrigChannel22ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma1OtrigChannel23ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma1OtrigChannel24ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma1OtrigChannel25ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma1OtrigChannel26ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma1OtrigChannel27ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma1OtrigChannel28ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma1OtrigChannel29ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma1OtrigChannel30ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma1OtrigChannel31ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma1OtrigChannel32ToTriginChannels
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3Inp0ToSct0
enum _inputmux_signal_t
INPUTMUX signal enable/disable type.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac0InputTriggerPint0Ena
DMA0 input trigger source enable.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac0InputTriggerPint1Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac0InputTriggerPint2Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac0InputTriggerPint3Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac0InputTriggerCtimer0M0Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac0InputTriggerCtimer0M1Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac0InputTriggerCtimer1M0Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac0InputTriggerCtimer1M1Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac0InputTriggerCtimer2M0Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac0InputTriggerCtimer2M1Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac0InputTriggerCtimer3M0Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac0InputTriggerCtimer3M1Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac0InputTriggerDma0OutAEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac0InputTriggerDma0OutBEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac0InputTriggerDma0OutCEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac0InputTriggerDma0OutDEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac0InputTriggerSct0Dmac0Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac0InputTriggerSct0Dmac1Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac0InputTriggerEnetMac0DmaReq0Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac0InputTriggerEnetMac0DmaReq1Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac0InputTriggerUsimDmaRxSingleEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac0InputTriggerUsimDmaTxSingleEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac0InputTriggerGauGpadc0DmaSingleEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac0InputTriggerGauGpadc1DmaSingleEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac0InputTriggerGauGpdacaDmaSingleEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac0InputTriggerGauGpdacbDmaSingleEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac0InputTriggerFlexspiRxEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac0InputTriggerFlexspiTxEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac0InputTriggerLcdRxRegToDmaSingleEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac0InputTriggerLcdTxRegToDmaSingleEna
DMA1 input trigger source enable.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac1InputTriggerPint0Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac1InputTriggerPint1Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac1InputTriggerPint2Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac1InputTriggerPint3Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac1InputTriggerCtimer0M0Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac1InputTriggerCtimer0M1Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac1InputTriggerCtimer1M0Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac1InputTriggerCtimer1M1Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac1InputTriggerCtimer2M0Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac1InputTriggerCtimer2M1Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac1InputTriggerCtimer3M0Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac1InputTriggerCtimer3M1Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac1InputTriggerDma1OutAEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac1InputTriggerDma1OutBEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac1InputTriggerDma1OutCEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac1InputTriggerDma1OutDEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac1InputTriggerSct0Dmac0Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac1InputTriggerSct0Dmac1Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac1InputTriggerEnetMac0DmaReq0Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac1InputTriggerEnetMac0DmaReq1Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac1InputTriggerUsimDmaRxSingleEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac1InputTriggerUsimDmaTxSingleEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac1InputTriggerGauGpadc0DmaSingleEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac1InputTriggerGauGpadc1DmaSingleEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac1InputTriggerGauGpdacaDmaSingleEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac1InputTriggerGauGpdacbDmaSingleEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac1InputTriggerFlexspiRxEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac1InputTriggerFlexspiTxEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac1InputTriggerLcdRxRegToDmaSingleEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac1InputTriggerLcdTxRegToDmaSingleEna
DMA0 REQ signal.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Flexcomm0RxToDmac0Ch0RequestEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Flexcomm0TxToDmac0Ch1RequestEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Flexcomm1RxToDmac0Ch2RequestEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Flexcomm1TxToDmac0Ch3RequestEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Flexcomm2RxToDmac0Ch4RequestEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Flexcomm2TxToDmac0Ch5RequestEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Flexcomm3RxToDmac0Ch6RequestEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Flexcomm3TxToDmac0Ch7RequestEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmic0Ch0ToDmac0Ch16RequestEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmic0Ch1ToDmac0Ch17RequestEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmic0Ch2ToDmac0Ch18RequestEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmic0Ch3ToDmac0Ch19RequestEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Flexcomm14RxToDmac0Ch26RequestEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Flexcomm14TxToDmac0Ch27RequestEna
DMA1 REQ signal.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Flexcomm0RxToDmac1Ch0RequestEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Flexcomm0TxToDmac1Ch1RequestEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Flexcomm1RxToDmac1Ch2RequestEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Flexcomm1TxToDmac1Ch3RequestEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Flexcomm2RxToDmac1Ch4RequestEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Flexcomm2TxToDmac1Ch5RequestEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Flexcomm3RxToDmac1Ch6RequestEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Flexcomm3TxToDmac1Ch7RequestEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmic0Ch0ToDmac1Ch16RequestEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmic0Ch1ToDmac1Ch17RequestEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmic0Ch2ToDmac1Ch18RequestEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmic0Ch3ToDmac1Ch19RequestEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Flexcomm14RxToDmac1Ch26RequestEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Flexcomm14TxToDmac1Ch27RequestEna
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dmac0InputTriggerPint0Ena
typedef enum _inputmux_connection_t inputmux_connection_t
INPUTMUX connections type.
typedef enum _inputmux_signal_t inputmux_signal_t
INPUTMUX signal enable/disable type.
void INPUTMUX_Init(INPUTMUX_Type *base)
Initialize INPUTMUX peripheral.
This function enables the INPUTMUX clock.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the INPUTMUX peripheral.
- Return values:
None. –
void INPUTMUX_AttachSignal(INPUTMUX_Type *base, uint16_t index, inputmux_connection_t connection)
Attaches a signal.
This function attaches multiplexed signals from INPUTMUX to target signals. For example, to attach GPIO PORT0 Pin 5 to PINT peripheral, do the following:
In this example, INTMUX has 8 registers for PINT, PINT_SEL0~PINT_SEL7. With parameterINPUTMUX_AttachSignal(INPUTMUX, 2, kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin5ToPintsel);
specified as 2, this function configures register PINT_SEL2.- Parameters:
base – Base address of the INPUTMUX peripheral.
index – The serial number of destination register in the group of INPUTMUX registers with same name.
connection – Applies signal from source signals collection to target signal.
- Return values:
None. –
void INPUTMUX_EnableSignal(INPUTMUX_Type *base, inputmux_signal_t signal, bool enable)
Enable/disable a signal.
This function gates the INPUTPMUX clock.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the INPUTMUX peripheral.
signal – Enable signal register id and bit offset.
enable – Selects enable or disable.
- Return values:
None. –
void INPUTMUX_Deinit(INPUTMUX_Type *base)
Deinitialize INPUTMUX peripheral.
This function disables the INPUTMUX clock.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the INPUTMUX peripheral.
- Return values:
None. –
Periphinmux IDs.
IO_MUX Driver
enum io_mux_pin_config_t
IO MUX pin configuration. Bit [1:0] for pull configuration Bit [3:2] for drive strength configuration.
enumerator IO_MUX_PinConfigNoPullDriveWeakest
enumerator IO_MUX_PinConfigNoPullDriveWeak
enumerator IO_MUX_PinConfigNoPullDriveStrong
enumerator IO_MUX_PinConfigNoPullDriveStrongest
enumerator IO_MUX_PinConfigPullUpDriveWeakest
enumerator IO_MUX_PinConfigPullUpDriveWeak
enumerator IO_MUX_PinConfigPullUpDriveStrong
enumerator IO_MUX_PinConfigPullUpDriveStrongest
enumerator IO_MUX_PinConfigPullDownDriveWeakest
enumerator IO_MUX_PinConfigPullDownDriveWeak
enumerator IO_MUX_PinConfigPullDownDriveStrong
enumerator IO_MUX_PinConfigPullDownDriveStrongest
enumerator IO_MUX_PinConfigNoPull
enumerator IO_MUX_PinConfigPullUp
enumerator IO_MUX_PinConfigPullDown
enumerator IO_MUX_PinConfigNoPullDriveWeakest
enum io_mux_sleep_pin_level_t
IO MUX sleep pin level.
enumerator IO_MUX_SleepPinLevelLow
enumerator IO_MUX_SleepPinLevelHigh
enumerator IO_MUX_SleepPinLevelUnchanged
enumerator IO_MUX_SleepPinLevelLow
IO_MUX_GPIO_FC_MASK(gpio, fcIdx, fcMsk)
static inline void IO_MUX_SetPinMux(uint32_t pinLowMask, uint32_t pinHighMask, uint32_t gpioFcSetMask, uint32_t gpioFcClrMask, uint32_t fselSetMask, uint32_t fselClrMask, uint32_t ctimerSetMask, uint32_t ctimerClrMask, uint32_t sctimerSetMask, uint32_t sctimerClrMask)
Sets the IO_MUX pin mux mode.
This is an example to set the GPIO2/GPIO3 as the Flexcomm0 UART RX/TX:
This is an example to set the GPIO6/GPIO10 as Flexcomm1 I2C SDA/SCL:
The parameters can be filled with the pin function ID macros.
- Parameters:
pinLowMask – The GPIO0-31 pins mask.
pinHighMask – The GPIO32-63 pins mask.
gpioFcSetMask – The GPIO and Flexcomm registers mask to set, defined by IO_MUX_GPIO_FC_MASK()
gpioFcClrMask – The GPIO and Flexcomm registers mask to clear, defined by IO_MUX_GPIO_FC_MASK()
fselSetMask – The FSEL register mask to set
fselClrMask – The FSEL register mask to clear
ctimerSetMask – The C_TIMER_IN/C_TIMER_OUT register mask to set, defined by IO_MUX_CTIMER_MASK()
ctimerClrMask – The C_TIMER_IN/C_TIMER_OUT register mask to clear, defined by IO_MUX_CTIMER_MASK()
sctimerSetMask – The SC_TIMER register mask to set
sctimerClrMask – The SC_TIMER register mask to clear
static inline void IO_MUX_SetPinConfig(uint32_t pin, io_mux_pin_config_t config)
Sets the IO_MUX pin mux pull up/down configuartion.
This is an example to set the GPIO2 pin to pull down:
IO_MUX_SetPinConfig(2U, IO_MUX_PinConfigPullDown);
- Parameters:
pin – The GPIO pin index to config.
config – The pull up/down setting for the pin.
static inline void IO_MUX_SetPinOutLevelInSleep(uint32_t pin, io_mux_sleep_pin_level_t level)
Sets IO output level in sleep mode. If level set to IO_MUX_SleepPinLevelUnchanged, the IO configuration is same as the active mode.
This is an example to set the GPIO2 pin to output high during sleep:
IO_MUX_SetPinOutLevelInSleep(2U, IO_MUX_SleepPinLevelHigh);
- Parameters:
pin – The GPIO pin index to config.
level – Output level in sleep.
static inline void IO_MUX_SetRfPinOutLevelInSleep(uint32_t pin, io_mux_sleep_pin_level_t level)
Sets RF Switch Pin 0-3 output level in sleep mode. If level set to IO_MUX_SleepPinLevelUnchanged, the IO configuration is same as the active mode.
This is an example to set the RF_CNTL0 pin to output low during sleep:
IO_MUX_SetRfPinOutLevelInSleep(0U, IO_MUX_SleepPinLevelLow);
- Parameters:
pin – The RF Switch pin index to config.
level – Output level in sleep.
IO_MUX driver version 2.2.1.
IPED Driver
enum _iped_status
enumerator kStatus_IPED_RegionIsLocked
enumerator kStatus_IPED_RegionIsLocked
typedef uint32_t iped_region_t
typedef uint32_t iped_prince_rounds_t
static inline void IPED_EncryptEnable(FLEXSPI_Type *base)
Enable data encryption.
This function enables IPED on-the-fly data encryption.
- Parameters:
base – IPED peripheral address.
static inline void IPED_EncryptDisable(FLEXSPI_Type *base)
Disable data encryption.
This function disables IPED on-the-fly data encryption.
- Parameters:
base – IPED peripheral address.
static inline void IPED_SetLock(FLEXSPI_Type *base, iped_region_t region)
Locks access for specified region registers or data mask register.
This function sets lock on specified region.
- Parameters:
base – IPED peripheral address.
region – number to lock
static inline bool IPED_IsRegionLocked(FLEXSPI_Type *base, iped_region_t region)
Gets info whether IPED region is locked.
- Parameters:
base – IPED peripheral address.
region – Selection of the IPED region to be queried.
status_t IPED_SetRegionEnable(FLEXSPI_Type *base, iped_region_t region, bool enable)
Enable encryption for a specific IPED region encryption.
- Parameters:
base – IPED peripheral address.
region – Selection of the IPED region to be enabled.
static inline bool IPED_IsRegionEnabled(FLEXSPI_Type *base, iped_region_t region)
Gets info whether IPED region encryption is enabled.
- Parameters:
base – IPED peripheral address.
region – Selection of the IPED region to be queried.
status_t IPED_SetRegionAddressRange(FLEXSPI_Type *base, iped_region_t region, uint32_t start_address, uint32_t end_address)
Sets IPED region address range.
This function configures IPED region address range.
- Parameters:
base – IPED peripheral address.
region – Selection of the IPED region to be configured.
start_address – Start address for region.
end_address – End address for region.
void IPED_GetRegionAddressRange(FLEXSPI_Type *base, iped_region_t region, uint32_t *start_address, uint32_t *end_address)
Gets IPED region base address.
This function reads current start and end address settings for selected region.
- Parameters:
base – IPED peripheral address.
region – Selection of the IPED region to be configured.
start_address – Start address for region.
end_address – End address for region.
void IPED_SetRegionIV(FLEXSPI_Type *base, iped_region_t region, const uint8_t iv[8])
Sets the IPED region IV.
This function sets specified AES IV for the given region.
- Parameters:
base – IPED peripheral address.
region – Selection of the IPED region to be configured.
iv – 64-bit AES IV in little-endian byte order.
void IPED_GetRegionIV(FLEXSPI_Type *base, iped_region_t region, uint8_t iv[8])
Gets the IPED region IV.
This function gets specified AES IV for the given region.
- Parameters:
base – IPED peripheral address.
region – Selection of the IPED region to be configured.
iv – 64-bit AES IV in little-endian byte order.
void IPED_SetRegionAAD(FLEXSPI_Type *base, iped_region_t region, const uint8_t aad[8])
Sets the IPED region AAD.
This function sets specified AES AAD for the given region.
- Parameters:
base – IPED peripheral address.
region – Selection of the IPED region to be configured.
iv – 64-bit AES AAD in little-endian byte order.
void IPED_GetRegionAAD(FLEXSPI_Type *base, iped_region_t region, uint8_t aad[8])
Gets the IPED region AAD.
This function gets specified AES AAD for the given region.
- Parameters:
base – IPED peripheral address.
region – Selection of the IPED region to be configured.
iv – 64-bit AES AAD in little-endian byte order.
static inline void IPED_SetPrinceRounds(FLEXSPI_Type *base, iped_prince_rounds_t rounds)
Sets the number of rounds used for PRINCE.
- Parameters:
base – IPED peripheral address.
rounds – Number of PRINCE rounds used during encryption/decryption
static inline iped_prince_rounds_t IPED_GetPrinceRounds(FLEXSPI_Type *base)
Gets the number of rounds used for PRINCE.
- Parameters:
base – IPED peripheral address.
rounds – Number of PRINCE rounds used during encryption/decryption
IPED driver version for RW61x. Version 1.0.0.
Version 1.0.1
Initial version
IPED region 0
IPED region 1
IPED region 2
IPED region 3
IPED region 4
IPED region 5
IPED region 6
IPED region 7
IPED region 8
IPED region 9
IPED region 10
IPED region 11
IPED region 12
IPED region 13
IPED region 14
IPED region 15
IPED region count.
Intrusion and Tamper Response Controller
status_t ITRC_SetActionToEvent(ITRC_Type *base, itrc_out_signals_t out, itrc_in_signals_t in, itrc_lock_t lock, itrc_enable_t enable)
Set ITRC Action to Event.
This function sets input Event signal to corresponding output Action response signal.
- Parameters:
base – ITRC peripheral base address
out – ITRC OUT signal action
in – ITRC IN signal event
lock – if set locks INx_SEL configuration. This can be cleared only by PMC Core reset.
enable – if set input Event will be selected for output Action, otherwise disable (if not already locked).
- Returns:
kStatus_Success if success, kStatus_InvalidArgument otherwise
void ITRC_SetSWEvent0(ITRC_Type *base)
Trigger ITRC SW Event 0.
This funciton set SW_EVENT0 register with value !=0 which triggers ITRC SW Event 0.
- Parameters:
base – ITRC peripheral base address
void ITRC_SetSWEvent1(ITRC_Type *base)
Trigger ITRC SW Event 1.
This funciton set SW_EVENT1 register with value !=0 which triggers ITRC SW Event 1.
- Parameters:
base – ITRC peripheral base address
bool ITRC_GetInEventStatus(ITRC_Type *base, itrc_in_signals_t event)
Get ITRC input event status.
This function returns ITRC status corresponding to provided input event.
- Parameters:
base – ITRC peripheral base address
event – represents input event to get from STATUS register (see ITRC_STATUS_INx)
- Returns:
boolean TRUE if corresponding event occured FALSE otherwise
bool ITRC_GetOutActionStatus(ITRC_Type *base, itrc_out_signals_t action)
Get ITRC output action status.
This function returns ITRC register output status.
- Parameters:
base – ITRC peripheral base address
action – represents output action to get from STATUS register (see ITRC_STATUS_OUTx)
- Returns:
boolean TRUE if corresponding action occured FALSE otherwise
status_t ITRC_ClearInEventStatus(ITRC_Type *base, itrc_in_signals_t event)
Clear In ITRC status.
This function clears corresponding ITRC event or action in input STATUS register.
- Parameters:
base – ITRC peripheral base address
event – represents input event in STATUS register to be cleared (see ITRC_STATUS_INx)
- Returns:
kStatus_Success if success, kStatus_InvalidArgument otherwise
status_t ITRC_ClearOutActionStatus(ITRC_Type *base, itrc_out_signals_t action)
Clear Out ITRC status.
This function clears corresponding ITRC event or action in output STATUS register.
- Parameters:
base – ITRC peripheral base address
action – represents output action in STATUS register to be cleared (see OUTx_STATUS)
- Returns:
kStatus_Success if success, kStatus_InvalidArgument otherwise
status_t ITRC_ClearAllStatus(ITRC_Type *base)
Clear All ITRC status.
This function clears all event and action status.
- Parameters:
base – ITRC peripheral base address
- Returns:
kStatus_Success if success
status_t ITRC_Init(ITRC_Type *base)
Initialize ITRC.
This function initializes ITRC by enabling IRQ.
- Parameters:
base – ITRC peripheral base address
conf – ITRC configuration structure
- Returns:
Status of the init operation
void ITRC_Deinit(ITRC_Type *base)
Deinitialize ITRC.
This function deinitializes ITRC by disabling IRQ.
- Parameters:
base – ITRC peripheral base address
Defines ITRC driver version 2.0.0.
Change log:
Version 2.0.0
Initial version.
typedef uint32_t itrc_in_signals_t
ITRC input events.
typedef uint32_t itrc_out_signals_t
ITRC output actions.
typedef uint32_t itrc_lock_t
ITRC lock/unlock.
typedef uint32_t itrc_enable_t
ITRC enable/disable.
void ITRC_DriverIRQHandler(void)
Common Driver
common driver version.
No debug console.
Debug console based on UART.
Debug console based on LPUART.
Debug console based on LPSCI.
Debug console based on USBCDC.
Debug console based on FLEXCOMM.
Debug console based on i.MX UART.
Debug console based on LPC_VUSART.
Debug console based on LPC_USART.
Debug console based on SWO.
Debug console based on QSCI.
MIN(a, b)
Computes the minimum of a and b.
MAX(a, b)
Computes the maximum of a and b.
Max value of uint16_t type.
Max value of uint32_t type.
Add value val from the variable at address address.
Subtract value val to the variable at address address.
Set the bits specifiled by bits to the variable at address address.
Clear the bits specifiled by bits to the variable at address address.
Toggle the bits specifiled by bits to the variable at address address.
SDK_ATOMIC_LOCAL_CLEAR_AND_SET(addr, clearBits, setBits)
For the variable at address address, clear the bits specifiled by clearBits and set the bits specifiled by setBits.
SDK_ATOMIC_LOCAL_COMPARE_AND_SET(addr, expected, newValue)
For the variable at address address, check whether the value equal to expected. If value same as expected then update newValue to address and return true , else return false .
For the variable at address address, set as newValue value and return old value.
USEC_TO_COUNT(us, clockFreqInHz)
Macro to convert a microsecond period to raw count value
COUNT_TO_USEC(count, clockFreqInHz)
Macro to convert a raw count value to microsecond
MSEC_TO_COUNT(ms, clockFreqInHz)
Macro to convert a millisecond period to raw count value
COUNT_TO_MSEC(count, clockFreqInHz)
Macro to convert a raw count value to millisecond
SDK_SIZEALIGN(var, alignbytes)
Macro to define a variable with L1 d-cache line size alignment
Macro to define a variable with L2 cache line size alignment
Macro to change a value to a given size aligned value
Define a variable var, and place it in non-cacheable section.
Define a variable var, and place it in non-cacheable section, the start address of the variable is aligned to alignbytes.
Define a variable var with initial value, and place it in non-cacheable section.
Define a variable var with initial value, and place it in non-cacheable section, the start address of the variable is aligned to alignbytes.
enum _status_groups
Status group numbers.
enumerator kStatusGroup_Generic
Group number for generic status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_FLASH
Group number for FLASH status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_LPSPI
Group number for LPSPI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXIO_SPI
Group number for FLEXIO SPI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_DSPI
Group number for DSPI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXIO_UART
Group number for FLEXIO UART status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXIO_I2C
Group number for FLEXIO I2C status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_LPI2C
Group number for LPI2C status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_UART
Group number for UART status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_I2C
Group number for UART status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_LPSCI
Group number for LPSCI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_LPUART
Group number for LPUART status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SPI
Group number for SPI status code.
enumerator kStatusGroup_XRDC
Group number for XRDC status code.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SEMA42
Group number for SEMA42 status code.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SDHC
Group number for SDHC status code
enumerator kStatusGroup_SDMMC
Group number for SDMMC status code
enumerator kStatusGroup_SAI
Group number for SAI status code
enumerator kStatusGroup_MCG
Group number for MCG status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SCG
Group number for SCG status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SDSPI
Group number for SDSPI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXIO_I2S
Group number for FLEXIO I2S status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXIO_MCULCD
Group number for FLEXIO LCD status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_FLASHIAP
Group number for FLASHIAP status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXCOMM_I2C
Group number for FLEXCOMM I2C status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_I2S
Group number for I2S status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_IUART
Group number for IUART status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_CSI
Group number for CSI status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_MIPI_DSI
Group number for MIPI DSI status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_SDRAMC
Group number for SDRAMC status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_POWER
Group number for POWER status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_ENET
Group number for ENET status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_PHY
Group number for PHY status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_TRGMUX
Group number for TRGMUX status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SMARTCARD
Group number for SMARTCARD status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_LMEM
Group number for LMEM status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_QSPI
Group number for QSPI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_DMA
Group number for DMA status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_EDMA
Group number for EDMA status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_DMAMGR
Group number for DMAMGR status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXCAN
Group number for FlexCAN status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_LTC
Group number for LTC status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXIO_CAMERA
Group number for FLEXIO CAMERA status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_LPC_SPI
Group number for LPC_SPI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_LPC_USART
Group number for LPC_USART status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_DMIC
Group number for DMIC status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SDIF
Group number for SDIF status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SPIFI
Group number for SPIFI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_OTP
Group number for OTP status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_MCAN
Group number for MCAN status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_CAAM
Group number for CAAM status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_ECSPI
Group number for ECSPI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_USDHC
Group number for USDHC status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_LPC_I2C
Group number for LPC_I2C status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_DCP
Group number for DCP status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_MSCAN
Group number for MSCAN status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_ESAI
Group number for ESAI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXSPI
Group number for FLEXSPI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_MMDC
Group number for MMDC status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_PDM
Group number for MIC status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SDMA
Group number for SDMA status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_ICS
Group number for ICS status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SPDIF
Group number for SPDIF status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_LPC_MINISPI
Group number for LPC_MINISPI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_HASHCRYPT
Group number for Hashcrypt status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_LPC_SPI_SSP
Group number for LPC_SPI_SSP status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_I3C
Group number for I3C status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_LPC_I2C_1
Group number for LPC_I2C_1 status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_NOTIFIER
Group number for NOTIFIER status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_DebugConsole
Group number for debug console status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SEMC
Group number for SEMC status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_ApplicationRangeStart
Starting number for application groups.
enumerator kStatusGroup_IAP
Group number for IAP status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_SFA
Group number for SFA status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_SPC
Group number for SPC status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_PUF
Group number for PUF status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_TOUCH_PANEL
Group number for touch panel status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_VBAT
Group number for VBAT status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_XSPI
Group number for XSPI status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_PNGDEC
Group number for PNGDEC status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_JPEGDEC
Group number for JPEGDEC status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_GPIO
Group number for HAL GPIO status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_UART
Group number for HAL UART status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_TIMER
Group number for HAL TIMER status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_SPI
Group number for HAL SPI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_I2C
Group number for HAL I2C status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_FLASH
Group number for HAL FLASH status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_PWM
Group number for HAL PWM status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_RNG
Group number for HAL RNG status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_I2S
Group number for HAL I2S status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_ADC_SENSOR
Group number for HAL ADC SENSOR status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_TIMERMANAGER
Group number for TiMER MANAGER status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SERIALMANAGER
Group number for SERIAL MANAGER status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_LED
Group number for LED status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_BUTTON
Group number for BUTTON status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_EXTERN_EEPROM
Group number for EXTERN EEPROM status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SHELL
Group number for SHELL status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_MEM_MANAGER
Group number for MEM MANAGER status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_LIST
Group number for List status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_OSA
Group number for OSA status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_COMMON_TASK
Group number for Common task status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_MSG
Group number for messaging status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SDK_OCOTP
Group number for OCOTP status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SDK_FLEXSPINOR
Group number for FLEXSPINOR status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_CODEC
Group number for codec status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_ASRC
Group number for codec status ASRC.
enumerator kStatusGroup_OTFAD
Group number for codec status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SDIOSLV
Group number for SDIOSLV status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_MECC
Group number for MECC status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_ENET_QOS
Group number for ENET_QOS status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_LOG
Group number for LOG status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_I3CBUS
Group number for I3CBUS status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_QSCI
Group number for QSCI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_ELEMU
Group number for ELEMU status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_QUEUEDSPI
Group number for QSPI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_POWER_MANAGER
Group number for POWER_MANAGER status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_IPED
Group number for IPED status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_ELS_PKC
Group number for ELS PKC status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_CSS_PKC
Group number for CSS PKC status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_HOSTIF
Group number for HOSTIF status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_CLIF
Group number for CLIF status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_BMA
Group number for BMA status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_NETC
Group number for NETC status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_ELE
Group number for ELE status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_GLIKEY
Group number for GLIKEY status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_AON_POWER
Group number for AON_POWER status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_AON_COMMON
Group number for AON_COMMON status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_ENDAT3
Group number for ENDAT3 status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_HIPERFACE
Group number for HIPERFACE status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_Generic
Generic status return codes.
enumerator kStatus_Success
Generic status for Success.
enumerator kStatus_Fail
Generic status for Fail.
enumerator kStatus_ReadOnly
Generic status for read only failure.
enumerator kStatus_OutOfRange
Generic status for out of range access.
enumerator kStatus_InvalidArgument
Generic status for invalid argument check.
enumerator kStatus_Timeout
Generic status for timeout.
enumerator kStatus_NoTransferInProgress
Generic status for no transfer in progress.
enumerator kStatus_Busy
Generic status for module is busy.
enumerator kStatus_NoData
Generic status for no data is found for the operation.
enumerator kStatus_Success
typedef int32_t status_t
Type used for all status and error return values.
void *SDK_Malloc(size_t size, size_t alignbytes)
Allocate memory with given alignment and aligned size.
This is provided to support the dynamically allocated memory used in cache-able region.
- Parameters:
size – The length required to malloc.
alignbytes – The alignment size.
- Return values:
The – allocated memory.
void SDK_Free(void *ptr)
Free memory.
- Parameters:
ptr – The memory to be release.
void SDK_DelayAtLeastUs(uint32_t delayTime_us, uint32_t coreClock_Hz)
Delay at least for some time. Please note that, this API uses while loop for delay, different run-time environments make the time not precise, if precise delay count was needed, please implement a new delay function with hardware timer.
- Parameters:
delayTime_us – Delay time in unit of microsecond.
coreClock_Hz – Core clock frequency with Hz.
static inline status_t EnableIRQ(IRQn_Type interrupt)
Enable specific interrupt.
Enable LEVEL1 interrupt. For some devices, there might be multiple interrupt levels. For example, there are NVIC and intmux. Here the interrupts connected to NVIC are the LEVEL1 interrupts, because they are routed to the core directly. The interrupts connected to intmux are the LEVEL2 interrupts, they are routed to NVIC first then routed to core.
This function only enables the LEVEL1 interrupts. The number of LEVEL1 interrupts is indicated by the feature macro FSL_FEATURE_NUMBER_OF_LEVEL1_INT_VECTORS.
- Parameters:
interrupt – The IRQ number.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Interrupt enabled successfully
kStatus_Fail – Failed to enable the interrupt
static inline status_t DisableIRQ(IRQn_Type interrupt)
Disable specific interrupt.
Disable LEVEL1 interrupt. For some devices, there might be multiple interrupt levels. For example, there are NVIC and intmux. Here the interrupts connected to NVIC are the LEVEL1 interrupts, because they are routed to the core directly. The interrupts connected to intmux are the LEVEL2 interrupts, they are routed to NVIC first then routed to core.
This function only disables the LEVEL1 interrupts. The number of LEVEL1 interrupts is indicated by the feature macro FSL_FEATURE_NUMBER_OF_LEVEL1_INT_VECTORS.
- Parameters:
interrupt – The IRQ number.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Interrupt disabled successfully
kStatus_Fail – Failed to disable the interrupt
static inline status_t EnableIRQWithPriority(IRQn_Type interrupt, uint8_t priNum)
Enable the IRQ, and also set the interrupt priority.
Only handle LEVEL1 interrupt. For some devices, there might be multiple interrupt levels. For example, there are NVIC and intmux. Here the interrupts connected to NVIC are the LEVEL1 interrupts, because they are routed to the core directly. The interrupts connected to intmux are the LEVEL2 interrupts, they are routed to NVIC first then routed to core.
This function only handles the LEVEL1 interrupts. The number of LEVEL1 interrupts is indicated by the feature macro FSL_FEATURE_NUMBER_OF_LEVEL1_INT_VECTORS.
- Parameters:
interrupt – The IRQ to Enable.
priNum – Priority number set to interrupt controller register.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Interrupt priority set successfully
kStatus_Fail – Failed to set the interrupt priority.
static inline status_t IRQ_SetPriority(IRQn_Type interrupt, uint8_t priNum)
Set the IRQ priority.
Only handle LEVEL1 interrupt. For some devices, there might be multiple interrupt levels. For example, there are NVIC and intmux. Here the interrupts connected to NVIC are the LEVEL1 interrupts, because they are routed to the core directly. The interrupts connected to intmux are the LEVEL2 interrupts, they are routed to NVIC first then routed to core.
This function only handles the LEVEL1 interrupts. The number of LEVEL1 interrupts is indicated by the feature macro FSL_FEATURE_NUMBER_OF_LEVEL1_INT_VECTORS.
- Parameters:
interrupt – The IRQ to set.
priNum – Priority number set to interrupt controller register.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Interrupt priority set successfully
kStatus_Fail – Failed to set the interrupt priority.
static inline status_t IRQ_ClearPendingIRQ(IRQn_Type interrupt)
Clear the pending IRQ flag.
Only handle LEVEL1 interrupt. For some devices, there might be multiple interrupt levels. For example, there are NVIC and intmux. Here the interrupts connected to NVIC are the LEVEL1 interrupts, because they are routed to the core directly. The interrupts connected to intmux are the LEVEL2 interrupts, they are routed to NVIC first then routed to core.
This function only handles the LEVEL1 interrupts. The number of LEVEL1 interrupts is indicated by the feature macro FSL_FEATURE_NUMBER_OF_LEVEL1_INT_VECTORS.
- Parameters:
interrupt – The flag which IRQ to clear.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Interrupt priority set successfully
kStatus_Fail – Failed to set the interrupt priority.
static inline uint32_t DisableGlobalIRQ(void)
Disable the global IRQ.
Disable the global interrupt and return the current primask register. User is required to provided the primask register for the EnableGlobalIRQ().
- Returns:
Current primask value.
static inline void EnableGlobalIRQ(uint32_t primask)
Enable the global IRQ.
Set the primask register with the provided primask value but not just enable the primask. The idea is for the convenience of integration of RTOS. some RTOS get its own management mechanism of primask. User is required to use the EnableGlobalIRQ() and DisableGlobalIRQ() in pair.
- Parameters:
primask – value of primask register to be restored. The primask value is supposed to be provided by the DisableGlobalIRQ().
static inline bool _SDK_AtomicLocalCompareAndSet(uint32_t *addr, uint32_t expected, uint32_t newValue)
static inline uint32_t _SDK_AtomicTestAndSet(uint32_t *addr, uint32_t newValue)
Macro to use the default weak IRQ handler in drivers.
MAKE_STATUS(group, code)
Construct a status code value from a group and code number.
MAKE_VERSION(major, minor, bugfix)
Construct the version number for drivers.
The driver version is a 32-bit number, for both 32-bit platforms(such as Cortex M) and 16-bit platforms(such as DSC).
| Unused || Major Version || Minor Version || Bug Fix | 31 25 24 17 16 9 8 0
Computes the number of elements in an array.
Macro to get upper 32 bits of a 64-bit value
Macro to get lower 32 bits of a 64-bit value
For switch case code block, if case section ends without “break;” statement, there wil be fallthrough warning with compiler flag -Wextra or -Wimplicit-fallthrough=n when using armgcc. To suppress this warning, “SUPPRESS_FALL_THROUGH_WARNING();” need to be added at the end of each case section which misses “break;”statement.
Convert the register address to the one used in secure mode.
Convert the register address to the one used in non-secure mode.
LCDIC Driver
status_t LCDIC_Init(LCDIC_Type *base, const lcdic_config_t *config)
Initialize the LCDIC.
This function initializes the LCDIC to work, it configues the LCDIC according to the configue structure and enables the module. After calling this function, the peripheral is ready to work.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIC peripheral base address.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Initialize successfully.
void LCDIC_Deinit(LCDIC_Type *base)
De-initialize the LCDIC.
This function disables the LCDIC, and disables peripheral clock if necessary.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIC peripheral base address.
void LCDIC_GetDefaultConfig(lcdic_config_t *config)
Get the default configuration for to initialize the LCDIC.
The default configuration value is:
config->mode = kLCDIC_3WireSPI; config->endian = kLCDIC_BigEndian; config->rxThreshold = kLCDIC_RxThreshold0Word; config->txThreshold = kLCDIC_TxThreshold3Word; config->timerRatio0 = 8; config->timerRatio1 = 9; config->resetPulseWidth_Timer0 = 20; config->resetSequence = 0; config->resetSequencePulseNum = 1; config->resetPolarity = kLCDIC_ResetActiveLow; config->i8080CtrlFlags = kLCDIC_I8080_CsActiveLow | kLCDIC_I8080_DcCmdLow | kLCDIC_I8080_RdActiveLow | kLCDIC_I8080_WrActiveLow | kLCDIC_I8080_CsEnableIdleOff; config->csWaitTime = 2; config->csSetupTime = 2; config->csHoldTime = 2; config->dcSetupTime = 2; config->dcHoldTime = 2; config->writeDataSetupTime = 2; config->writeDataHoldTime = 2; config->writeEnableActiveWidth = 6; config->writeEnableInactiveWidth = 6; config->readEnableActiveWidth = 15; config->readEnableInactiveWidth = 15; config->spiCtrlFlags = kLCDIC_SPI_MsbFirst | kLCDIC_SPI_ClkActiveHigh | kLCDIC_SPI_ClkPhaseFirstEdge | kLCDIC_SPI_DcCmdLow; config->teTimeoutTime_Timer1 = 16; config->teSyncWaitTime_Timer1 = 0; config->cmdShortTimeout_Timer0 = 1; config->cmdLongTimeout_Timer1 = 16;
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to the LCDIC configuration.
void LCDIC_ResetState(LCDIC_Type *base)
Reset the LCDIC.
This function resets the LCDIC state. After calling this function, all data in TX_FIFO and RX_FIFO will be cleared and all transactions on LCD interface will restart despite of formal status.
The configurations will not be reset.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIC peripheral base address.
static inline void LCDIC_EnableInterrupts(LCDIC_Type *base, uint32_t interrupts)
Enables LCDIC interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIC peripheral base address.
interrupts – The interrupts to enable, pass in as OR’ed value of _lcdic_interrupt.
static inline void LCDIC_DisableInterrupts(LCDIC_Type *base, uint32_t interrupts)
Disable LCDIC interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIC peripheral base address.
interrupts – The interrupts to disable, pass in as OR’ed value of _lcdic_interrupt.
static inline uint32_t LCDIC_GetInterruptStatus(LCDIC_Type *base)
Get LCDIC interrupt pending status.
The interrupt must be enabled, otherwise the interrupt flags will not assert.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The interrupt pending status.
static inline uint32_t LCDIC_GetInterruptRawStatus(LCDIC_Type *base)
Get LCDIC raw interrupt status.
This function gets the raw interrupt pending flags, it is not affected by interrupt enabled status.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The raw interrupt status.
static inline void LCDIC_ClearInterruptStatus(LCDIC_Type *base, uint32_t interrupts)
Clear LCDIC interrupt status.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIC peripheral base address.
interrupts – The interrupt status to clear , pass in as OR’ed value of _lcdic_interrupt.
static inline uint32_t LCDIC_GetStatusFlags(LCDIC_Type *base)
Get LCDIC status flags.
The interval between two times calling this function shall be larger than one LCDIC function clock.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The status flags, it is OR’ed value of _lcdic_flags.
static inline uint32_t LCDIC_GetProcessingTrxCmd(LCDIC_Type *base)
Get current on-going LCDIC TRX-CMD.
The interval between two times calling this function shall be larger than one LCDIC function clock.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The TRX-CMD on-going.
static inline void LCDIC_SetTxThreshold(LCDIC_Type *base, lcdic_tx_threshold_t threshold)
Set TX FIFO threshold.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIC peripheral base address.
threshold – TX threshold.
static inline void LCDIC_SetRxThreshold(LCDIC_Type *base, lcdic_rx_threshold_t threshold)
Set RX FIFO threshold.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIC peripheral base address.
threshold – RX threshold.
status_t LCDIC_WriteTxFifoBlocking(LCDIC_Type *base, const uint32_t *data, uint32_t dataLen_Word)
Write the TX FIFO using blocking way.
This function waits for empty slot in TX FIFO and fill the data to TX FIFO.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIC peripheral base address.
data – Data to send, the data length must be dividable by 4.
dataLen_Word – Data length in word.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Write successfully.
kStatus_Timeout – Timeout happened.
status_t LCDIC_ReadRxFifoBlocking(LCDIC_Type *base, uint32_t *data, uint32_t dataLen_Word)
Read the RX FIFO using blocking way.
This function waits for valid data in RX FIFO and read them.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIC peripheral base address.
data – Array for received data, the data length must be dividable by 4.
dataLen_Word – Data length in word.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Read successfully.
kStatus_Timeout – Timeout happened.
static inline void LCDIC_SendResetSequence(LCDIC_Type *base)
Send reset sequence to the reset pin.
The function sends reset to reset pin, to reset the external panel. The reset sequence parameters are configued by lcdic_config_t.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIC peripheral base address.
void LCDIC_SetResetSequenceDoneCallback(lcdic_reset_done_callback_t callback)
Set the callback called when reset sequence sent done.
- Parameters:
callback – The callback to set.
static inline void LCDIC_EnableDMA(LCDIC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable or disable to trigger DMA.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIC peripheral base address.
enable – Use true to enable, false to disable.
status_t LCDIC_SendCommandBlocking(LCDIC_Type *base, uint8_t cmd)
Send command using blocking way.
This function sends out command and waits until send finished.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIC peripheral base address.
cmd – Command to send.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Command sent successfully.
status_t LCDIC_SendRepeatDataBlocking(LCDIC_Type *base, const lcdic_repeat_tx_xfer_t *xfer)
Send repeat data using blocking way.
This function sends out command and the repeat data, then waits until send finished or timeout happened.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIC peripheral base address.
xfer – Pointer to the transfer configuration.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Sent successfully.
kStatus_Timeout – Timeout happened.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Invalid argument.
status_t LCDIC_SendDataArrayBlocking(LCDIC_Type *base, const lcdic_tx_xfer_t *xfer)
Send data array using blocking way.
This function sends out command and the data array, then waits until send finished or timeout happened.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIC peripheral base address.
xfer – Pointer to the transfer configuration.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Sent successfully.
kStatus_Timeout – Timeout happened.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Invalid argument.
status_t LCDIC_ReadDataArrayBlocking(LCDIC_Type *base, const lcdic_rx_xfer_t *xfer)
Read data array using blocking way.
This function sends out command and read the data array, then waits until send finished or timeout happened.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIC peripheral base address.
xfer – Pointer to the transfer configuration.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Sent successfully.
kStatus_Timeout – Timeout happened.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Invalid argument.
status_t LCDC_TransferBlocking(LCDIC_Type *base, const lcdic_xfer_t *xfer)
LCDIC data transfer using blocking way.
This function sends command only, or sends repeat data, or sends data array, or reads data array based on the transfer structure. It uses blocking way, only returns when transfer successed or failed.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIC peripheral base address.
xfer – Pointer to the transfer configuration.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Sent successfully.
kStatus_Timeout – Timeout happened.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Invalid argument.
status_t LCDIC_TransferCreateHandle(LCDIC_Type *base, lcdic_handle_t *handle, lcdic_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Initializes the LCDIC driver handle, which is used in transactional functions.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIC peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to the lcdic_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
callback – The callback function.
userData – The parameter of the callback function.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully created the handle.
status_t LCDIC_TransferNonBlocking(LCDIC_Type *base, lcdic_handle_t *handle, lcdic_xfer_t *xfer)
Transfer data using IRQ.
This function transfer data using IRQ. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all data is sent out/received, or timeout happened, the callback function is called.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIC peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to the lcdic_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
xfer – LCDIC transfer structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully start a transfer.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Input argument is invalid.
kStatus_Busy – LCDIC driver is busy with another transfer.
status_t LCDIC_SendCommandNonBlocking(LCDIC_Type *base, lcdic_handle_t *handle, uint8_t cmd)
Send command using interrupt-driven way.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIC peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to the lcdic_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
cmd – Command to send.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Command sent successfully.
kStatus_Busy – LCDIC driver is busy with another transfer.
status_t LCDIC_SendRepeatDataNonBlocking(LCDIC_Type *base, lcdic_handle_t *handle, const lcdic_repeat_tx_xfer_t *xfer)
Send repeat data using interrupt-driven way.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIC peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to the lcdic_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
xfer – LCDIC transfer structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully start a transfer.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Input argument is invalid.
kStatus_Busy – LCDIC driver is busy with another transfer.
status_t LCDIC_SendDataArrayNonBlocking(LCDIC_Type *base, lcdic_handle_t *handle, const lcdic_tx_xfer_t *xfer)
Send data array using interrupt-driven way.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIC peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to the lcdic_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
xfer – LCDIC transfer structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully start a transfer.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Input argument is invalid.
kStatus_Busy – LCDIC driver is busy with another transfer.
status_t LCDIC_ReadDataArrayNonBlocking(LCDIC_Type *base, lcdic_handle_t *handle, const lcdic_rx_xfer_t *xfer)
Read data array using interrupt-driven way.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIC peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to the lcdic_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
xfer – LCDIC transfer structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully start a transfer.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Input argument is invalid.
kStatus_Busy – LCDIC driver is busy with another transfer.
void LCDIC_TransferHandleIRQ(LCDIC_Type *base, void *handle)
LCDIC IRQ handler function.
IRQ handler to work with LCDIC_TransferNonBlocking.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIC peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to the lcdic_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
void LCDIC_TransferInstallIRQHandler(uint32_t instance, void *handle, lcdic_transfer_irq_handler_t handler)
Install the IRQ handler.
Install IRQ handler for specific instance.
- Parameters:
instance – LCDIC instance.
handle – Driver handle, it will be used as IRQ handler parameter.
handler – IRQ handler to instance.
uint32_t LCDIC_GetInstance(LCDIC_Type *base)
Get the instance from the base address.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIC peripheral base address
- Returns:
The LCDIC module instance
IRQn_Type LCDIC_GetIRQn(uint32_t instance)
Get IRQn for specific instance.
- Parameters:
instance – LCDIC instance.
- Returns:
uint32_t LCDIC_FillByteToWord(const uint8_t *bytes, uint8_t len)
Get data from byte array, and fill to 4-byte word.
LCDIC data registers only accept 4-byte data, but the user passed data might be not 4-byte size aligned. This function is used to construct the unaligned part to a word, to write to LCDIC register.
- Parameters:
bytes – The byte array.
len – Length of the byte array.
- Returns:
The construct word.
void LCDIC_ExtractByteFromWord(uint32_t word, uint8_t *bytes, uint8_t len)
Get data from 4-byte, and fill to byte array.
LCDIC data registers only accept 4-byte data, but the user passed data might be not 4-byte size aligned. This function is used to get desired bytes from the word read from LCDIC register, and save to the user data array.
- Parameters:
word – Word data read from LCDIC register.
bytes – The byte array.
len – Length of the byte array.
status_t LCDIC_PrepareSendCommand(LCDIC_Type *base, uint8_t cmd)
Prepare the command sending.
Fill the TRX command and command to TX FIFO, after calling this function, user should wait for transfer done by checking status or IRQ.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIC peripheral base address.
cmd – Command to send.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Operation successed.
status_t LCDIC_PrepareSendRepeatData(LCDIC_Type *base, const lcdic_repeat_tx_xfer_t *xfer)
Prepare the repeat data sending.
Fill the required data to TX FIFO, after calling this function, user should wait for transfer done by checking status or IRQ.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIC peripheral base address.
xfer – Transfer structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Operation successed.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Invalid argument.
status_t LCDIC_PrepareSendDataArray(LCDIC_Type *base, const lcdic_tx_xfer_t *xfer, uint32_t *xferSizeWordAligned, uint8_t *xferSizeWordUnaligned, uint32_t *wordUnalignedData)
Prepare sending data array.
Fill the required command data to TX FIFO, after calling this function, user should fill the xfer->txData to TX FIFO based on FIFO status.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIC peripheral base address.
xfer – Transfer structure.
xferSizeWordAligned – The word size aligned part of the transfer data.
xferSizeWordUnaligned – The word size unaligned part of the transfer data.
wordUnalignedData – Word to save the word size unaligned data, it should be sent after all word size aligned data write finished.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Operation successed.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Invalid argument.
status_t LCDIC_PrepareReadDataArray(LCDIC_Type *base, const lcdic_rx_xfer_t *xfer, uint32_t *xferSizeWordAligned, uint8_t *xferSizeWordUnaligned)
Prepare reading data array.
Fill the required command data to TX FIFO, after calling this function, user should read RX FIFO to xfer->rxData based on FIFO status.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIC peripheral base address.
xfer – Transfer structure.
xferSizeWordAligned – The word size aligned part of the transfer data.
xferSizeWordUnaligned – The word size unaligned part of the transfer data.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Operation successed.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Invalid argument.
enum _lcdic_mode
LCDIC mode.
enumerator kLCDIC_3WireSPI
3-wire SPI mode.
enumerator kLCDIC_4WireSPI
4-wire SPI mode.
enumerator kLCDIC_I8080
I8080 mode.
enumerator kLCDIC_3WireSPI
enum _lcdic_endian
LCDIC byte order data endian.
enumerator kLCDIC_BigEndian
Big endian.
enumerator kLCDIC_LittleEndian
Little endian.
enumerator kLCDIC_BigEndian
enum _lcdic_rx_threshold
LCDIC RX FIFO threshold.
RX threshold interrupt happens if the occupied word number in RX FIFO is bigger than the threshold value.
enumerator kLCDIC_RxThreshold0Word
0 word.
enumerator kLCDIC_RxThreshold1Word
1 word.
enumerator kLCDIC_RxThreshold0Word
enum _lcdic_tx_threshold
LCDIC TX FIFO threshold.
TX threshold interrupt happens if the empty word number in TX FIFO is bigger than the threshold value.
enumerator kLCDIC_TxThreshold0Word
0 word.
enumerator kLCDIC_TxThreshold1Word
1 word.
enumerator kLCDIC_TxThreshold2Word
2 word.
enumerator kLCDIC_TxThreshold3Word
3 word.
enumerator kLCDIC_TxThreshold4Word
4 word.
enumerator kLCDIC_TxThreshold5Word
5 word.
enumerator kLCDIC_TxThreshold6Word
6 word.
enumerator kLCDIC_TxThreshold7Word
7 word.
enumerator kLCDIC_TxThreshold0Word
enum _lcdic_reset_polarity
LCDIC reset signal polarity.
enumerator kLCDIC_ResetActiveLow
Active low.
enumerator kLCDIC_ResetActiveHigh
Active high.
enumerator kLCDIC_ResetActiveLow
LCDIC I8080 control flags. .
enumerator kLCDIC_I8080_CsActiveLow
CS active low.
enumerator kLCDIC_I8080_CsActiveHigh
CS active high.
enumerator kLCDIC_I8080_DcCmdLow
DC 0 means command, while 1 means data.
enumerator kLCDIC_I8080_DcCmdHigh
DC 1 means command, while 0 means data.
enumerator kLCDIC_I8080_RdActiveLow
RD active low.
enumerator kLCDIC_I8080_RdActiveHigh
RD active high.
enumerator kLCDIC_I8080_WrActiveLow
WR active low.
enumerator kLCDIC_I8080_WrActiveHigh
WR active high.
enumerator kLCDIC_I8080_CsEnableIdleOff
CS off while no transmission.
enumerator kLCDIC_I8080_CsEnableDcSwitchOff
CS off while DC switches.
enumerator kLCDIC_I8080_CsActiveLow
LCDIC SPI mode control flags. .
enumerator kLCDIC_SPI_MsbFirst
MSB(bit 7) sent and received first.
enumerator kLCDIC_SPI_LsbFirst
LSB(bit 0) sent and received first.
enumerator kLCDIC_SPI_ClkActiveHigh
CPOL=0. Clock active-high (idle low)
enumerator kLCDIC_SPI_ClkActiveLow
CPOL=1. Clock active-low (idle high)
enumerator kLCDIC_SPI_ClkPhaseFirstEdge
CPHA=0. Data sample at first clock edge.
enumerator kLCDIC_SPI_ClkPhaseSecondEdge
CPHA=1. Data sample at second clock edge.
enumerator kLCDIC_SPI_DcCmdLow
DC 0 means command, while 1 means data.
enumerator kLCDIC_SPI_DcCmdHigh
DC 1 means command, while 0 means data.
enumerator kLCDIC_SPI_MsbFirst
enum _lcdic_interrupt
LCDIC interrupts.
enumerator kLCDIC_ResetDoneInterrupt
enumerator kLCDIC_CmdDoneInterrupt
enumerator kLCDIC_CmdTimeoutInterrupt
enumerator kLCDIC_TeTimeoutInterrupt
enumerator kLCDIC_TxOverflowInterrupt
enumerator kLCDIC_TxThresholdInterrupt
enumerator kLCDIC_RxUnderflowInterrupt
enumerator kLCDIC_RxThresholdInterrupt
enumerator kLCDIC_AllInterrupt
All interrupts.
enumerator kLCDIC_ResetDoneInterrupt
LCDIC status flags. .
enumerator kLCDIC_IdleFlag
enumerator kLCDIC_TxThresholdFlag
enumerator kLCDIC_TxFullFlag
enumerator kLCDIC_RxThresholdFlag
enumerator kLCDIC_RxEmptyFlag
enumerator kLCDIC_AllFlag
All flags.
enumerator kLCDIC_IdleFlag
LCDIC TE sync mode .
enumerator kLCDIC_TeNoSync
Don’t need to sync.
enumerator kLCDIC_TeRisingEdgeSync
Sync to TE rising edge.
enumerator kLCDIC_TeFallingEdgeSync
Sync to TE falling edge.
enumerator kLCDIC_TeNoSync
LCDIC TRX command timeout mode .
enumerator kLCDIC_ShortTimeout
Using short timeout.
enumerator kLCDIC_LongTimeout
Using long timeout.
enumerator kLCDIC_ShortTimeout
LCDIC data format .
enumerator kLCDIC_DataFormatByte
enumerator kLCDIC_DataFormatHalfWord
Half word (2-byte).
enumerator kLCDIC_DataFormatWord
Word (4-byte).
enumerator kLCDIC_DataFormatByte
LCDIC data or command .
enumerator kLCDIC_Command
enumerator kLCDIC_Data
enumerator kLCDIC_Command
enumerator kLCDIC_RX
enumerator kLCDIC_TX
enumerator kLCDIC_RX
enum lcdic_xfer_mode_t
LCDIC transfer mode.
enumerator kLCDIC_XferCmdOnly
Only send command.
enumerator kLCDIC_XferSendRepeatData
Send repeat data.
enumerator kLCDIC_XferSendDataArray
Send data array.
enumerator kLCDIC_XferReceiveDataArray
Receive data array.
enumerator kLCDIC_XferCmdOnly
typedef enum _lcdic_mode lcdic_mode_t
LCDIC mode.
typedef enum _lcdic_endian lcdic_endian_t
LCDIC byte order data endian.
typedef enum _lcdic_rx_threshold lcdic_rx_threshold_t
LCDIC RX FIFO threshold.
RX threshold interrupt happens if the occupied word number in RX FIFO is bigger than the threshold value.
typedef enum _lcdic_tx_threshold lcdic_tx_threshold_t
LCDIC TX FIFO threshold.
TX threshold interrupt happens if the empty word number in TX FIFO is bigger than the threshold value.
typedef enum _lcdic_reset_polarity lcdic_reset_polarity_t
LCDIC reset signal polarity.
typedef struct _lcdic_config lcdic_config_t
LCDIC configuration.
typedef union _lcdic_trx_cmd lcdic_trx_cmd_t
LCDIC TRX command.
typedef struct _lcdic_repeat_tx_xfer lcdic_repeat_tx_xfer_t
LCDIC repeat data TX transfer structure.
typedef struct _lcdic_tx_xfer lcdic_tx_xfer_t
LCDIC data array TX transfer structure.
typedef struct _lcdic_rx_xfer lcdic_rx_xfer_t
LCDIC data array RX transfer structure.
typedef struct _lcdic_xfer lcdic_xfer_t
LCDIC transfer structure.
typedef struct _lcdic_handle lcdic_handle_t
typedef void (*lcdic_transfer_callback_t)(LCDIC_Type *base, lcdic_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
LCDIC transfer callback function.
The status is kStatus_Success when transfer finished successfully, it is kStatus_Timeout when timeout happened.
typedef void (*lcdic_transfer_irq_handler_t)(LCDIC_Type *base, void *handle)
Typedef for transactional APIs IRQ handler.
typedef void (*lcdic_reset_done_callback_t)(LCDIC_Type *base)
Typedef for reset sequence sent done callback.
Delay used in LCDIC_ResetState.
This should be larger than 5 * core clock / LCDIC function clock.
struct _lcdic_config
- #include <fsl_lcdic.h>
LCDIC configuration.
Public Members
lcdic_mode_t mode
LCDIC work mode.
lcdic_endian_t endian
Data endian.
lcdic_rx_threshold_t rxThreshold
RX FIFO threshold.
lcdic_tx_threshold_t txThreshold
TX FIFO threshold.
uint8_t timerRatio0
Valid range: 0~15. freq(timer0) = freq(lcdic_clk) / (2 ^ timerRatio0).
uint8_t timerRatio1
Valid range: 0~15. freq(timer1) = freq(timer0) / (2 ^ timerRatio1).
uint8_t resetPulseWidth_Timer0
Reset pulse width, in the unit of timer0 period. Valid range 1 ~ 64.
uint8_t resetSequence
Reset sequence, it is a 8-bit value sent to reset pin from LSB.
uint8_t resetSequencePulseNum
Reset sequence pulse number, valid range is 1 ~ 8.
lcdic_reset_polarity_t resetPolarity
Reset signal polarity.
uint8_t i8080CtrlFlags
I8080 control flags, it is OR’ed value of _lcdic_i8080_ctrl_flags.
uint8_t csWaitTime
Minimum CS inactive pulse width. T(csw)=T(lcdic_clk)*csWaitTime, valid range 0-7.
uint8_t csSetupTime
Minimum CS setup time before WR/RD. T(css)=T(lcdic_clk)*csSetupTime, valid range 0-255.
uint8_t csHoldTime
Minimum CS hold time after WR/RD. T(csh)=T(lcdic_clk)*csHoldTime, valid range 0-7.
uint8_t dcSetupTime
Minimum DC setup time before WR/RD/CS. T(dcs)=T(lcdic_clk)*dsSetupTime, valid range 0-7.
uint8_t dcHoldTime
Minimum DC hold time after WR/RD/CS. T(dch)=T(lcdic_clk)*dsHoldTime, valid range 0-7.
uint8_t writeDataSetupTime
Minimum write data setup time after WR active. T(wdh)=T(lcdic_clk)*writeDataSetupTime, valid range 0-7.
uint8_t writeDataHoldTime
Minimum write data setup time before WR active. T(wds)=T(lcdic_clk)*writeDataHoldTime, valid range 0-7.
uint8_t writeEnableActiveWidth
Minmum write enable active pulse width. T(waw)=T(lcdic_clk)*writeEnableActiveWidth, valid range 0-63.
uint8_t writeEnableInactiveWidth
Minmum write enable inactive pulse width. T(wiw)=T(lcdic_clk)*writeEnableInactiveWidth, valid range 0-63.
uint8_t readEnableActiveWidth
Minmum read enable active pulse width. T(raw)=T(lcdic_clk)*readEnableActiveWidth, valid range 0-255.
uint8_t readEnableInactiveWidth
Minmum read enable inactive pulse width. T(riw)=T(lcdic_clk)*readEnableInactiveWidth, valid range 0-255.
uint8_t spiCtrlFlags
SPI control flags, it is OR’ed value of _lcdic_spi_ctrl_flags.
uint8_t teTimeoutTime_Timer1
Tearing effect timeout time. T(te_to)=T(timer1)*teTimeoutTime_Timer1.
uint8_t teSyncWaitTime_Timer1
Tearing effect signal synchronization wait time. T(tew)=T(timer1)*teSyncWaitTime_Timer1.
uint8_t cmdShortTimeout_Timer0
Command short timeout. T(cmd_short_to)=T(timer0)*cmdShortTimeout_Timer0.
uint8_t cmdLongTimeout_Timer1
Command long timeout. T(cmd_long_to)=T(timer1)*cmdLongTimeout_Timer1.
lcdic_mode_t mode
union _lcdic_trx_cmd
- #include <fsl_lcdic.h>
LCDIC TRX command.
struct _lcdic_repeat_tx_xfer
- #include <fsl_lcdic.h>
LCDIC repeat data TX transfer structure.
Public Members
uint8_t cmd
uint8_t teSyncMode
TE sync mode, see _lcdic_te_sync_mode.
uint8_t trxTimeoutMode
TRX command timeout mode, see _lcdic_trx_timeout_mode.
uint8_t dataFormat
Data format, see _lcdic_data_format.
uint32_t dataLen
Data length.
uint32_t txRepeatData
The repeat data.
uint8_t cmd
struct _lcdic_tx_xfer
- #include <fsl_lcdic.h>
LCDIC data array TX transfer structure.
Public Members
uint8_t cmd
uint8_t teSyncMode
TE sync mode, see _lcdic_te_sync_mode.
uint8_t trxTimeoutMode
TRX command timeout mode, see _lcdic_trx_timeout_mode.
uint8_t dataFormat
Data format, see _lcdic_data_format.
uint32_t dataLen
Data length.
const uint8_t *txData
The data to send.
uint8_t cmd
struct _lcdic_rx_xfer
- #include <fsl_lcdic.h>
LCDIC data array RX transfer structure.
Public Members
uint8_t cmd
uint8_t dummyCount
Dummy cycle between TX and RX, only used for SPI mode.
uint8_t trxTimeoutMode
TRX command timeout mode, see _lcdic_trx_timeout_mode.
uint8_t dataFormat
Data format, see _lcdic_data_format.
uint32_t dataLen
Data length.
uint8_t *rxData
Pointer to the data receive array.
uint8_t cmd
struct _lcdic_xfer
- #include <fsl_lcdic.h>
LCDIC transfer structure.
Public Members
lcdic_xfer_mode_t mode
Transfer mode.
lcdic_xfer_mode_t mode
struct _lcdic_handle
- #include <fsl_lcdic.h>
LCDIC handle structure.
Public Members
volatile bool xferInProgress
Transfer in progress.
lcdic_xfer_mode_t xferMode
On-going transfer mode.
lcdic_transfer_callback_t callback
Callback function.
void *userData
LCDIC callback function parameter.
uint32_t xferSizeWordAligned
4-byte aligned part of the transfer size.
uint8_t xferSizeWordUnaligned
4-byte unaligned part of the transfer size.
uint32_t tmpData
Temp data for driver internal use.
volatile bool xferInProgress
struct bits
Public Members
uint32_t dataLen
Data length in bytes, transfered byte is dataLen + 1.
uint32_t dummyCount
Dummy cycle count between TX and RX (for SPI only).
uint32_t useAutoRepeat
Use auto repeat mode or not.
uint32_t teSyncMode
TE sync mode, see _lcdic_te_sync_mode.
uint32_t trxTimeoutMode
TRX command timeout mode, see _lcdic_trx_timeout_mode.
uint32_t dataFormat
Data format, see _lcdic_data_format.
uint32_t enableCmdDoneInt
Enable command done interrupt or not.
uint32_t cmdOrData
Command or data, see _lcdic_dc.
uint32_t trx
TX or TX, see _lcdic_trx.
uint32_t dataLen
union __unnamed35__
Public Members
uint8_t cmdToSendOnly
Command to send in mode kLCDIC_XferCmdOnly.
lcdic_repeat_tx_xfer_t repeatTxXfer
For mode kLCDIC_XferSendRepeatData.
lcdic_tx_xfer_t txXfer
For mode kLCDIC_XferSendDataArray.
lcdic_rx_xfer_t rxXfer
For mode kLCDIC_XferReceiveDataArray.
uint8_t cmdToSendOnly
union __unnamed37__
Public Members
const uint8_t *txData
Data array to send.
uint8_t *rxData
RX data array.
const uint8_t *txData
status_t LCDIC_TransferCreateHandleDMA(LCDIC_Type *base, lcdic_dma_handle_t *handle, lcdic_dma_callback_t callback, void *userData, dma_handle_t *txDmaHandle, dma_handle_t *rxDmaHandle, dma_descriptor_t dmaDesc[2])
Initialize the LCDIC DMA handle.
This function initializes the LCDIC DMA handle which can be used for other LCDIC transactional APIs. Usually, for a specified LCDIC instance, user need only call this API once to get the initialized handle.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIC peripheral base address.
handle – LCDIC handle pointer.
callback – User callback function called at the end of a transfer.
userData – User data for callback.
txDmaHandle – DMA handle pointer for LCDIC Tx, the handle shall be static allocated by users.
rxDmaHandle – DMA handle pointer for LCDIC Rx, the handle shall be static allocated by users.
dmaDesc – User allocated dma descriptor, it should be in non-cacheable region and 16-byte aligned.
status_t LCDIC_TransferDMA(LCDIC_Type *base, lcdic_dma_handle_t *handle, const lcdic_xfer_t *xfer)
Perform a non-blocking LCDIC transfer using DMA.
This function returned immediately after transfer initiates, monitor the transfer done by callback.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIC peripheral base address.
handle – LCDIC DMA handle pointer.
xfer – Pointer to dma transfer structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully start a transfer.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Input argument is invalid.
kStatus_Busy – LCDIC is not idle, is running another transfer.
status_t LCDIC_SendDataArrayDMA(LCDIC_Type *base, lcdic_dma_handle_t *handle, const lcdic_tx_xfer_t *xfer)
Send data array using DMA.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIC peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to the lcdic_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
xfer – LCDIC transfer structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully start a transfer.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Input argument is invalid.
kStatus_Busy – LCDIC driver is busy with another transfer.
status_t LCDIC_ReadDataArrayDMA(LCDIC_Type *base, lcdic_dma_handle_t *handle, const lcdic_rx_xfer_t *xfer)
Read data array using DMA.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIC peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to the lcdic_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
xfer – LCDIC transfer structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully start a transfer.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Input argument is invalid.
kStatus_Busy – LCDIC driver is busy with another transfer.
void LCDIC_TransferHandleIRQDMA(LCDIC_Type *base, void *handle)
LCDIC IRQ handler function work with DMA transactional APIs.
IRQ handler to work with LCDIC_TransferDMA.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIC peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to the lcdic_dma_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
typedef struct _lcdic_dma_handle lcdic_dma_handle_t
typedef void (*lcdic_dma_callback_t)(LCDIC_Type *base, lcdic_dma_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
LCDIC DMA callback called at the end of transfer.
struct _lcdic_dma_handle
- #include <fsl_lcdic_dma.h>
LCDIC DMA transfer handle, users should not touch the content of the handle.
Public Members
volatile bool xferInProgress
Transfer in progress
lcdic_xfer_mode_t xferMode
On-going transfer mode.
dma_handle_t *txDmaHandle
DMA handler for send
dma_handle_t *rxDmaHandle
DMA handler for receive
lcdic_dma_callback_t callback
Callback when transfer finished.
void *userData
User Data for callback
uint32_t xferSizeWordAligned
4-byte size aligned part or the transfer data size.
uint8_t xferSizeWordUnaligned
4-byte size unaligned part of the transfer data size.
uint8_t rxSizeWordUnaligned
Same as xferSizeWordUnaligned, it is only used for RX.
uint32_t tmpData
To save temporary data during transfer.
dma_descriptor_t *dmaDesc
Pointer to two DMA descriptor, should be 16-byte aligned.
volatile bool xferInProgress
union __unnamed24__
Public Members
const uint8_t *txData
Pointer to the TX data.
uint8_t *rxData
Pointer to the RX data.
const uint8_t *txData
LCDIC: LCD Interface Controller
GPIO: General Purpose I/O
void GPIO_PortInit(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t port)
Initializes the GPIO peripheral.
This function ungates the GPIO clock.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer.
port – GPIO port number.
void GPIO_PinInit(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t port, uint32_t pin, const gpio_pin_config_t *config)
Initializes a GPIO pin used by the board.
To initialize the GPIO, define a pin configuration, either input or output, in the user file. Then, call the GPIO_PinInit() function.
This is an example to define an input pin or output pin configuration:
Define a digital input pin configuration, gpio_pin_config_t config = { kGPIO_DigitalInput, 0, } Define a digital output pin configuration, gpio_pin_config_t config = { kGPIO_DigitalOutput, 0, }
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer(Typically GPIO)
port – GPIO port number
pin – GPIO pin number
config – GPIO pin configuration pointer
static inline void GPIO_PinWrite(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t port, uint32_t pin, uint8_t output)
Sets the output level of the one GPIO pin to the logic 1 or 0.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer(Typically GPIO)
port – GPIO port number
pin – GPIO pin number
output – GPIO pin output logic level.
0: corresponding pin output low-logic level.
1: corresponding pin output high-logic level.
static inline uint32_t GPIO_PinRead(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t port, uint32_t pin)
Reads the current input value of the GPIO PIN.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer(Typically GPIO)
port – GPIO port number
pin – GPIO pin number
- Return values:
GPIO – port input value
0: corresponding pin input low-logic level.
1: corresponding pin input high-logic level.
LPC GPIO driver version.
enum _gpio_pin_direction
LPC GPIO direction definition.
enumerator kGPIO_DigitalInput
Set current pin as digital input
enumerator kGPIO_DigitalOutput
Set current pin as digital output
enumerator kGPIO_DigitalInput
enum _gpio_pin_enable_mode
GPIO Pin Interrupt enable mode.
enumerator kGPIO_PinIntEnableLevel
Generate Pin Interrupt on level mode
enumerator kGPIO_PinIntEnableEdge
Generate Pin Interrupt on edge mode
enumerator kGPIO_PinIntEnableLevel
enum _gpio_pin_enable_polarity
GPIO Pin Interrupt enable polarity.
enumerator kGPIO_PinIntEnableHighOrRise
Generate Pin Interrupt on high level or rising edge
enumerator kGPIO_PinIntEnableLowOrFall
Generate Pin Interrupt on low level or falling edge
enumerator kGPIO_PinIntEnableHighOrRise
enum _gpio_interrupt_index
LPC GPIO interrupt index definition.
enumerator kGPIO_InterruptA
Set current pin as interrupt A
enumerator kGPIO_InterruptB
Set current pin as interrupt B
enumerator kGPIO_InterruptA
typedef enum _gpio_pin_direction gpio_pin_direction_t
LPC GPIO direction definition.
typedef struct _gpio_pin_config gpio_pin_config_t
The GPIO pin configuration structure.
Every pin can only be configured as either output pin or input pin at a time. If configured as a input pin, then leave the outputConfig unused.
typedef enum _gpio_pin_enable_mode gpio_pin_enable_mode_t
GPIO Pin Interrupt enable mode.
typedef enum _gpio_pin_enable_polarity gpio_pin_enable_polarity_t
GPIO Pin Interrupt enable polarity.
typedef enum _gpio_interrupt_index gpio_interrupt_index_t
LPC GPIO interrupt index definition.
typedef struct _gpio_interrupt_config gpio_interrupt_config_t
Configures the interrupt generation condition.
static inline void GPIO_PortSet(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t port, uint32_t mask)
Sets the output level of the multiple GPIO pins to the logic 1.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer(Typically GPIO)
port – GPIO port number
mask – GPIO pin number macro
static inline void GPIO_PortClear(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t port, uint32_t mask)
Sets the output level of the multiple GPIO pins to the logic 0.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer(Typically GPIO)
port – GPIO port number
mask – GPIO pin number macro
static inline void GPIO_PortToggle(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t port, uint32_t mask)
Reverses current output logic of the multiple GPIO pins.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer(Typically GPIO)
port – GPIO port number
mask – GPIO pin number macro
struct _gpio_pin_config
- #include <fsl_gpio.h>
The GPIO pin configuration structure.
Every pin can only be configured as either output pin or input pin at a time. If configured as a input pin, then leave the outputConfig unused.
Public Members
gpio_pin_direction_t pinDirection
GPIO direction, input or output
uint8_t outputLogic
Set default output logic, no use in input
gpio_pin_direction_t pinDirection
struct _gpio_interrupt_config
- #include <fsl_gpio.h>
Configures the interrupt generation condition.
MRT: Multi-Rate Timer
void MRT_Init(MRT_Type *base, const mrt_config_t *config)
Ungates the MRT clock and configures the peripheral for basic operation.
This API should be called at the beginning of the application using the MRT driver.
- Parameters:
base – Multi-Rate timer peripheral base address
config – Pointer to user’s MRT config structure. If MRT has MULTITASK bit field in MODCFG reigster, param config is useless.
void MRT_Deinit(MRT_Type *base)
Gate the MRT clock.
- Parameters:
base – Multi-Rate timer peripheral base address
static inline void MRT_GetDefaultConfig(mrt_config_t *config)
Fill in the MRT config struct with the default settings.
The default values are:
config->enableMultiTask = false;
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to user’s MRT config structure.
static inline void MRT_SetupChannelMode(MRT_Type *base, mrt_chnl_t channel, const mrt_timer_mode_t mode)
Sets up an MRT channel mode.
- Parameters:
base – Multi-Rate timer peripheral base address
channel – Channel that is being configured.
mode – Timer mode to use for the channel.
static inline void MRT_EnableInterrupts(MRT_Type *base, mrt_chnl_t channel, uint32_t mask)
Enables the MRT interrupt.
- Parameters:
base – Multi-Rate timer peripheral base address
channel – Timer channel number
mask – The interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration mrt_interrupt_enable_t
static inline void MRT_DisableInterrupts(MRT_Type *base, mrt_chnl_t channel, uint32_t mask)
Disables the selected MRT interrupt.
- Parameters:
base – Multi-Rate timer peripheral base address
channel – Timer channel number
mask – The interrupts to disable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration mrt_interrupt_enable_t
static inline uint32_t MRT_GetEnabledInterrupts(MRT_Type *base, mrt_chnl_t channel)
Gets the enabled MRT interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – Multi-Rate timer peripheral base address
channel – Timer channel number
- Returns:
The enabled interrupts. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration mrt_interrupt_enable_t
static inline uint32_t MRT_GetStatusFlags(MRT_Type *base, mrt_chnl_t channel)
Gets the MRT status flags.
- Parameters:
base – Multi-Rate timer peripheral base address
channel – Timer channel number
- Returns:
The status flags. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration mrt_status_flags_t
static inline void MRT_ClearStatusFlags(MRT_Type *base, mrt_chnl_t channel, uint32_t mask)
Clears the MRT status flags.
- Parameters:
base – Multi-Rate timer peripheral base address
channel – Timer channel number
mask – The status flags to clear. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration mrt_status_flags_t
void MRT_UpdateTimerPeriod(MRT_Type *base, mrt_chnl_t channel, uint32_t count, bool immediateLoad)
Used to update the timer period in units of count.
The new value will be immediately loaded or will be loaded at the end of the current time interval. For one-shot interrupt mode the new value will be immediately loaded.
User can call the utility macros provided in fsl_common.h to convert to ticks
- Parameters:
base – Multi-Rate timer peripheral base address
channel – Timer channel number
count – Timer period in units of ticks
immediateLoad – true: Load the new value immediately into the TIMER register; false: Load the new value at the end of current timer interval
static inline uint32_t MRT_GetCurrentTimerCount(MRT_Type *base, mrt_chnl_t channel)
Reads the current timer counting value.
This function returns the real-time timer counting value, in a range from 0 to a timer period.
User can call the utility macros provided in fsl_common.h to convert ticks to usec or msec
- Parameters:
base – Multi-Rate timer peripheral base address
channel – Timer channel number
- Returns:
Current timer counting value in ticks
static inline void MRT_StartTimer(MRT_Type *base, mrt_chnl_t channel, uint32_t count)
Starts the timer counting.
After calling this function, timers load period value, counts down to 0 and depending on the timer mode it will either load the respective start value again or stop.
User can call the utility macros provided in fsl_common.h to convert to ticks
- Parameters:
base – Multi-Rate timer peripheral base address
channel – Timer channel number.
count – Timer period in units of ticks. Count can contain the LOAD bit, which control the force load feature.
static inline void MRT_StopTimer(MRT_Type *base, mrt_chnl_t channel)
Stops the timer counting.
This function stops the timer from counting.
- Parameters:
base – Multi-Rate timer peripheral base address
channel – Timer channel number.
static inline uint32_t MRT_GetIdleChannel(MRT_Type *base)
Find the available channel.
This function returns the lowest available channel number.
- Parameters:
base – Multi-Rate timer peripheral base address
static inline void MRT_ReleaseChannel(MRT_Type *base, mrt_chnl_t channel)
Release the channel when the timer is using the multi-task mode.
In multi-task mode, the INUSE flags allow more control over when MRT channels are released for further use. The user can hold on to a channel acquired by calling MRT_GetIdleChannel() for as long as it is needed and release it by calling this function. This removes the need to ask for an available channel for every use.
- Parameters:
base – Multi-Rate timer peripheral base address
channel – Timer channel number.
enum _mrt_chnl
List of MRT channels.
enumerator kMRT_Channel_0
MRT channel number 0
enumerator kMRT_Channel_1
MRT channel number 1
enumerator kMRT_Channel_2
MRT channel number 2
enumerator kMRT_Channel_3
MRT channel number 3
enumerator kMRT_Channel_0
enum _mrt_timer_mode
List of MRT timer modes.
enumerator kMRT_RepeatMode
Repeat Interrupt mode
enumerator kMRT_OneShotMode
One-shot Interrupt mode
enumerator kMRT_OneShotStallMode
One-shot stall mode
enumerator kMRT_RepeatMode
enum _mrt_interrupt_enable
List of MRT interrupts.
enumerator kMRT_TimerInterruptEnable
Timer interrupt enable
enumerator kMRT_TimerInterruptEnable
enum _mrt_status_flags
List of MRT status flags.
enumerator kMRT_TimerInterruptFlag
Timer interrupt flag
enumerator kMRT_TimerRunFlag
Indicates state of the timer
enumerator kMRT_TimerInterruptFlag
typedef enum _mrt_chnl mrt_chnl_t
List of MRT channels.
typedef enum _mrt_timer_mode mrt_timer_mode_t
List of MRT timer modes.
typedef enum _mrt_interrupt_enable mrt_interrupt_enable_t
List of MRT interrupts.
typedef enum _mrt_status_flags mrt_status_flags_t
List of MRT status flags.
typedef struct _mrt_config mrt_config_t
MRT configuration structure.
This structure holds the configuration settings for the MRT peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the MRT_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your config structure instance.
The config struct can be made const so it resides in flash
struct _mrt_config
- #include <fsl_mrt.h>
MRT configuration structure.
This structure holds the configuration settings for the MRT peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the MRT_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your config structure instance.
The config struct can be made const so it resides in flash
Public Members
bool enableMultiTask
true: Timers run in multi-task mode; false: Timers run in hardware status mode
bool enableMultiTask
This type defines status return values used by NBOOT functions that are not easily disturbed by Fault Attacks
Operation completed successfully.
Operation failed.
Invalid argument passed to the function.
Operation timed out.
The requested key is not loaded.
Authentication failed.
Operation not available on this HW.
Key is not avaialble.
Overflow of IV counter (PRINCE/IPED).
FIPS self-test failure.
Invalid data format for example antipole
Size of User data in ISK certificate is greater than 96 bytes
Signature offset in ISK certificate is smaller than expected
Unexpected error detected during nboot_memcpy()
Size of run-time fingerprint appended to the hash in
in bytes, if #NXPCLCSS_HASH_RTF_OUTPUT_ENABLE was specified.
OCOTP Driver
OTP Status Group.
enumerator kStatusGroup_OtpGroup
enumerator kStatusGroup_OtpGroup
OTP Error Status definitions.
enumerator kStatus_OTP_InvalidAddress
Invalid OTP address
enumerator kStatus_OTP_Timeout
OTP operation time out
enumerator kStatus_OTP_InvalidAddress
status_t OCOTP_OtpInit(void)
Initialize OTP controller.
This function enables OTP Controller clock.
- Returns:
status_t OCOTP_OtpDeinit(void)
De-Initialize OTP controller.
This functin disables OTP Controller Clock.
- Returns:
status_t OCOTP_OtpFuseRead(uint32_t addr, uint32_t *data)
Read Fuse value from OTP Fuse Block.
This function read fuse data from OTP Fuse block to specified data buffer.
- Parameters:
addr – Fuse address
data – Buffer to hold the data read from OTP Fuse block
- Returns:
kStatus_Success - Data read from OTP Fuse block successfully kStatus_OTP_Timeout - OTP read timeout kStatus_InvalidArgument - data pointer is invalid
status_t OCOTP_ReadSocOtp(uint64_t *data, uint32_t tag)
Read Fuse line with specific tag value from SoC OTP.
This function read Fuse line with specific tag value from SoC OTP to specified data buffer.
- Parameters:
data – Buffer to hold the data read from SoC OTP
tag – Tag value to match
- Returns:
kStatus_Success - Data read from SoC OTP successfully kStatus_Fail - Data read from SoC OTP failed, or cannot find the tag kStatus_InvalidArgument - data pointer is invalid
status_t OCOTP_ReadUniqueID(uint8_t *uid, uint32_t *idLen)
Read unique ID from OTP Fuse Block.
This function read unique ID from OTP Fuse block to specified data buffer.
- Parameters:
uid – The buffer to store unique ID, buffer byte length is FSL_OCOTP_UID_LENGTH.
idLen[in/out] – The unique ID byte length. Set the length to read, return the length read out.
- Returns:
kStatus_Success - Data read from OTP Fuse block successfully kStatus_OTP_Timeout - OTP read timeout kStatus_InvalidArgument - data pointer is invalid
status_t OCOTP_ReadSVC(uint64_t *svc)
Read Static Voltage Compansation from SOC OTP.
This function read SVC from OTP Fuse block to specified data buffer.
- Parameters:
svc – The buffer to store SVC.
- Returns:
kStatus_Success - Data read from SOC OTP successfully kStatus_Fail - SOC OTP read failure
status_t OCOTP_ReadPackage(uint32_t *pack)
Read package type from SOC OTP.
- Parameters:
pack – The buffer to store package type.
- Returns:
kStatus_Success - Data read from SOC OTP successfully kStatus_Fail - SOC OTP read failure
OCOTP driver version 2.2.2.
OCOTP unique ID length.
OSTIMER: OS Event Timer Driver
void OSTIMER_Init(OSTIMER_Type *base)
Initializes an OSTIMER by turning its bus clock on.
void OSTIMER_Deinit(OSTIMER_Type *base)
Deinitializes a OSTIMER instance.
This function shuts down OSTIMER bus clock
- Parameters:
base – OSTIMER peripheral base address.
uint64_t OSTIMER_GrayToDecimal(uint64_t gray)
Translate the value from gray-code to decimal.
- Parameters:
gray – The gray value input.
- Returns:
The decimal value.
static inline uint64_t OSTIMER_DecimalToGray(uint64_t dec)
Translate the value from decimal to gray-code.
- Parameters:
dec – The decimal value.
- Returns:
The gray code of the input value.
uint32_t OSTIMER_GetStatusFlags(OSTIMER_Type *base)
Get OSTIMER status Flags.
This returns the status flag. Currently, only match interrupt flag can be got.
- Parameters:
base – OSTIMER peripheral base address.
- Returns:
status register value
void OSTIMER_ClearStatusFlags(OSTIMER_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clear Status Interrupt Flags.
This clears intrrupt status flag. Currently, only match interrupt flag can be cleared.
- Parameters:
base – OSTIMER peripheral base address.
mask – Clear bit mask.
- Returns:
status_t OSTIMER_SetMatchRawValue(OSTIMER_Type *base, uint64_t count, ostimer_callback_t cb)
Set the match raw value for OSTIMER.
This function will set a match value for OSTIMER with an optional callback. And this callback will be called while the data in dedicated pair match register is equals to the value of central EVTIMER. Please note that, the data format is gray-code, if decimal data was desired, please using OSTIMER_SetMatchValue().
- Parameters:
base – OSTIMER peripheral base address.
count – OSTIMER timer match value.(Value is gray-code format)
cb – OSTIMER callback (can be left as NULL if none, otherwise should be a void func(void)).
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – - Set match raw value and enable interrupt Successfully.
kStatus_Fail – - Set match raw value fail.
status_t OSTIMER_SetMatchValue(OSTIMER_Type *base, uint64_t count, ostimer_callback_t cb)
Set the match value for OSTIMER.
This function will set a match value for OSTIMER with an optional callback. And this callback will be called while the data in dedicated pair match register is equals to the value of central OS TIMER.
- Parameters:
base – OSTIMER peripheral base address.
count – OSTIMER timer match value.(Value is decimal format, and this value will be translate to Gray code internally.)
cb – OSTIMER callback (can be left as NULL if none, otherwise should be a void func(void)).
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – - Set match value and enable interrupt Successfully.
kStatus_Fail – - Set match value fail.
static inline void OSTIMER_SetMatchRegister(OSTIMER_Type *base, uint64_t value)
Set value to OSTIMER MATCH register directly.
This function writes the input value to OSTIMER MATCH register directly, it does not touch any other registers. Note that, the data format is gray-code. The function OSTIMER_DecimalToGray could convert decimal value to gray code.
- Parameters:
base – OSTIMER peripheral base address.
value – OSTIMER timer match value (Value is gray-code format).
static inline void OSTIMER_EnableMatchInterrupt(OSTIMER_Type *base)
Enable the OSTIMER counter match interrupt.
Enable the timer counter match interrupt. The interrupt happens when OSTIMER counter matches the value in MATCH registers.
- Parameters:
base – OSTIMER peripheral base address.
static inline void OSTIMER_DisableMatchInterrupt(OSTIMER_Type *base)
Disable the OSTIMER counter match interrupt.
Disable the timer counter match interrupt. The interrupt happens when OSTIMER counter matches the value in MATCH registers.
- Parameters:
base – OSTIMER peripheral base address.
static inline uint64_t OSTIMER_GetCurrentTimerRawValue(OSTIMER_Type *base)
Get current timer raw count value from OSTIMER.
This function will get a gray code type timer count value from OS timer register. The raw value of timer count is gray code format.
- Parameters:
base – OSTIMER peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Raw value of OSTIMER, gray code format.
uint64_t OSTIMER_GetCurrentTimerValue(OSTIMER_Type *base)
Get current timer count value from OSTIMER.
This function will get a decimal timer count value. The RAW value of timer count is gray code format, will be translated to decimal data internally.
- Parameters:
base – OSTIMER peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Value of OSTIMER which will be formated to decimal value.
static inline uint64_t OSTIMER_GetCaptureRawValue(OSTIMER_Type *base)
Get the capture value from OSTIMER.
This function will get a captured gray-code value from OSTIMER. The Raw value of timer capture is gray code format.
- Parameters:
base – OSTIMER peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Raw value of capture register, data format is gray code.
uint64_t OSTIMER_GetCaptureValue(OSTIMER_Type *base)
Get the capture value from OSTIMER.
This function will get a capture decimal-value from OSTIMER. The RAW value of timer capture is gray code format, will be translated to decimal data internally.
- Parameters:
base – OSTIMER peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Value of capture register, data format is decimal.
void OSTIMER_HandleIRQ(OSTIMER_Type *base, ostimer_callback_t cb)
OS timer interrupt Service Handler.
This function handles the interrupt and refers to the callback array in the driver to callback user (as per request in OSTIMER_SetMatchValue()). if no user callback is scheduled, the interrupt will simply be cleared.
- Parameters:
base – OS timer peripheral base address.
cb – callback scheduled for this instance of OS timer
- Returns:
OSTIMER driver version.
enum _ostimer_flags
OSTIMER status flags.
enumerator kOSTIMER_MatchInterruptFlag
Match interrupt flag bit, sets if the match value was reached.
enumerator kOSTIMER_MatchInterruptFlag
typedef void (*ostimer_callback_t)(void)
ostimer callback function.
PINT: Pin Interrupt and Pattern Match Driver
enum _pint_pin_enable
PINT Pin Interrupt enable type.
enumerator kPINT_PinIntEnableNone
Do not generate Pin Interrupt
enumerator kPINT_PinIntEnableRiseEdge
Generate Pin Interrupt on rising edge
enumerator kPINT_PinIntEnableFallEdge
Generate Pin Interrupt on falling edge
enumerator kPINT_PinIntEnableBothEdges
Generate Pin Interrupt on both edges
enumerator kPINT_PinIntEnableLowLevel
Generate Pin Interrupt on low level
enumerator kPINT_PinIntEnableHighLevel
Generate Pin Interrupt on high level
enumerator kPINT_PinIntEnableNone
enum _pint_int
PINT Pin Interrupt type.
enumerator kPINT_PinInt0
Pin Interrupt 0
enumerator kPINT_PinInt0
enum _pint_pmatch_input_src
PINT Pattern Match bit slice input source type.
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchInp0Src
Input source 0
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchInp1Src
Input source 1
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchInp2Src
Input source 2
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchInp3Src
Input source 3
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchInp4Src
Input source 4
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchInp5Src
Input source 5
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchInp6Src
Input source 6
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchInp7Src
Input source 7
enumerator kPINT_SecPatternMatchInp0Src
Input source 0
enumerator kPINT_SecPatternMatchInp1Src
Input source 1
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchInp0Src
enum _pint_pmatch_bslice
PINT Pattern Match bit slice type.
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchBSlice0
Bit slice 0
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchBSlice0
enum _pint_pmatch_bslice_cfg
PINT Pattern Match configuration type.
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchAlways
Always Contributes to product term match
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchStickyRise
Sticky Rising edge
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchStickyFall
Sticky Falling edge
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchStickyBothEdges
Sticky Rising or Falling edge
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchHigh
High level
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchLow
Low level
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchNever
Never contributes to product term match
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchBothEdges
Either rising or falling edge
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchAlways
typedef enum _pint_pin_enable pint_pin_enable_t
PINT Pin Interrupt enable type.
typedef enum _pint_int pint_pin_int_t
PINT Pin Interrupt type.
typedef enum _pint_pmatch_input_src pint_pmatch_input_src_t
PINT Pattern Match bit slice input source type.
typedef enum _pint_pmatch_bslice pint_pmatch_bslice_t
PINT Pattern Match bit slice type.
typedef enum _pint_pmatch_bslice_cfg pint_pmatch_bslice_cfg_t
PINT Pattern Match configuration type.
typedef void (*pint_cb_t)(pint_pin_int_t pintr, uint32_t pmatch_status)
PINT Callback function.
typedef struct _pint_pmatch_cfg pint_pmatch_cfg_t
void PINT_Init(PINT_Type *base)
Initialize PINT peripheral.
This function initializes the PINT peripheral and enables the clock.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
- Return values:
None. –
void PINT_PinInterruptConfig(PINT_Type *base, pint_pin_int_t intr, pint_pin_enable_t enable, pint_cb_t callback)
Configure PINT peripheral pin interrupt.
This function configures a given pin interrupt.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
intr – Pin interrupt.
enable – Selects detection logic.
callback – Callback.
- Return values:
None. –
void PINT_PinInterruptGetConfig(PINT_Type *base, pint_pin_int_t pintr, pint_pin_enable_t *enable, pint_cb_t *callback)
Get PINT peripheral pin interrupt configuration.
This function returns the configuration of a given pin interrupt.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
pintr – Pin interrupt.
enable – Pointer to store the detection logic.
callback – Callback.
- Return values:
None. –
void PINT_PinInterruptClrStatus(PINT_Type *base, pint_pin_int_t pintr)
Clear Selected pin interrupt status only when the pin was triggered by edge-sensitive.
This function clears the selected pin interrupt status.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
pintr – Pin interrupt.
- Return values:
None. –
static inline uint32_t PINT_PinInterruptGetStatus(PINT_Type *base, pint_pin_int_t pintr)
Get Selected pin interrupt status.
This function returns the selected pin interrupt status.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
pintr – Pin interrupt.
- Return values:
status – = 0 No pin interrupt request. = 1 Selected Pin interrupt request active.
void PINT_PinInterruptClrStatusAll(PINT_Type *base)
Clear all pin interrupts status only when pins were triggered by edge-sensitive.
This function clears the status of all pin interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
- Return values:
None. –
static inline uint32_t PINT_PinInterruptGetStatusAll(PINT_Type *base)
Get all pin interrupts status.
This function returns the status of all pin interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
- Return values:
status – Each bit position indicates the status of corresponding pin interrupt. = 0 No pin interrupt request. = 1 Pin interrupt request active.
static inline void PINT_PinInterruptClrFallFlag(PINT_Type *base, pint_pin_int_t pintr)
Clear Selected pin interrupt fall flag.
This function clears the selected pin interrupt fall flag.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
pintr – Pin interrupt.
- Return values:
None. –
static inline uint32_t PINT_PinInterruptGetFallFlag(PINT_Type *base, pint_pin_int_t pintr)
Get selected pin interrupt fall flag.
This function returns the selected pin interrupt fall flag.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
pintr – Pin interrupt.
- Return values:
flag – = 0 Falling edge has not been detected. = 1 Falling edge has been detected.
static inline void PINT_PinInterruptClrFallFlagAll(PINT_Type *base)
Clear all pin interrupt fall flags.
This function clears the fall flag for all pin interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
- Return values:
None. –
static inline uint32_t PINT_PinInterruptGetFallFlagAll(PINT_Type *base)
Get all pin interrupt fall flags.
This function returns the fall flag of all pin interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
- Return values:
flags – Each bit position indicates the falling edge detection of the corresponding pin interrupt. 0 Falling edge has not been detected. = 1 Falling edge has been detected.
static inline void PINT_PinInterruptClrRiseFlag(PINT_Type *base, pint_pin_int_t pintr)
Clear Selected pin interrupt rise flag.
This function clears the selected pin interrupt rise flag.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
pintr – Pin interrupt.
- Return values:
None. –
static inline uint32_t PINT_PinInterruptGetRiseFlag(PINT_Type *base, pint_pin_int_t pintr)
Get selected pin interrupt rise flag.
This function returns the selected pin interrupt rise flag.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
pintr – Pin interrupt.
- Return values:
flag – = 0 Rising edge has not been detected. = 1 Rising edge has been detected.
static inline void PINT_PinInterruptClrRiseFlagAll(PINT_Type *base)
Clear all pin interrupt rise flags.
This function clears the rise flag for all pin interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
- Return values:
None. –
static inline uint32_t PINT_PinInterruptGetRiseFlagAll(PINT_Type *base)
Get all pin interrupt rise flags.
This function returns the rise flag of all pin interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
- Return values:
flags – Each bit position indicates the rising edge detection of the corresponding pin interrupt. 0 Rising edge has not been detected. = 1 Rising edge has been detected.
void PINT_PatternMatchConfig(PINT_Type *base, pint_pmatch_bslice_t bslice, pint_pmatch_cfg_t *cfg)
Configure PINT pattern match.
This function configures a given pattern match bit slice.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
bslice – Pattern match bit slice number.
cfg – Pointer to bit slice configuration.
- Return values:
None. –
void PINT_PatternMatchGetConfig(PINT_Type *base, pint_pmatch_bslice_t bslice, pint_pmatch_cfg_t *cfg)
Get PINT pattern match configuration.
This function returns the configuration of a given pattern match bit slice.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
bslice – Pattern match bit slice number.
cfg – Pointer to bit slice configuration.
- Return values:
None. –
static inline uint32_t PINT_PatternMatchGetStatus(PINT_Type *base, pint_pmatch_bslice_t bslice)
Get pattern match bit slice status.
This function returns the status of selected bit slice.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
bslice – Pattern match bit slice number.
- Return values:
status – = 0 Match has not been detected. = 1 Match has been detected.
static inline uint32_t PINT_PatternMatchGetStatusAll(PINT_Type *base)
Get status of all pattern match bit slices.
This function returns the status of all bit slices.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
- Return values:
status – Each bit position indicates the match status of corresponding bit slice. = 0 Match has not been detected. = 1 Match has been detected.
uint32_t PINT_PatternMatchResetDetectLogic(PINT_Type *base)
Reset pattern match detection logic.
This function resets the pattern match detection logic if any of the product term is matching.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
- Return values:
pmstatus – Each bit position indicates the match status of corresponding bit slice. = 0 Match was detected. = 1 Match was not detected.
static inline void PINT_PatternMatchEnable(PINT_Type *base)
Enable pattern match function.
This function enables the pattern match function.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
- Return values:
None. –
static inline void PINT_PatternMatchDisable(PINT_Type *base)
Disable pattern match function.
This function disables the pattern match function.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
- Return values:
None. –
static inline void PINT_PatternMatchEnableRXEV(PINT_Type *base)
Enable RXEV output.
This function enables the pattern match RXEV output.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
- Return values:
None. –
static inline void PINT_PatternMatchDisableRXEV(PINT_Type *base)
Disable RXEV output.
This function disables the pattern match RXEV output.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
- Return values:
None. –
void PINT_EnableCallback(PINT_Type *base)
Enable callback.
This function enables the interrupt for the selected PINT peripheral. Although the pin(s) are monitored as soon as they are enabled, the callback function is not enabled until this function is called.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
- Return values:
None. –
void PINT_DisableCallback(PINT_Type *base)
Disable callback.
This function disables the interrupt for the selected PINT peripheral. Although the pins are still being monitored but the callback function is not called.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the peripheral.
- Return values:
None. –
void PINT_Deinit(PINT_Type *base)
Deinitialize PINT peripheral.
This function disables the PINT clock.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
- Return values:
None. –
void PINT_EnableCallbackByIndex(PINT_Type *base, pint_pin_int_t pintIdx)
enable callback by pin index.
This function enables callback by pin index instead of enabling all pins.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the peripheral.
pintIdx – pin index.
- Return values:
None. –
void PINT_DisableCallbackByIndex(PINT_Type *base, pint_pin_int_t pintIdx)
disable callback by pin index.
This function disables callback by pin index instead of disabling all pins.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the peripheral.
pintIdx – pin index.
- Return values:
None. –
struct _pint_pmatch_cfg
- #include <fsl_pint.h>
Power Driver
enum _power_wakeup_edge
Pin edge for wakeup.
enumerator kPOWER_WakeupEdgeLow
Wakeup on pin low level.
enumerator kPOWER_WakeupEdgeHigh
Wakeup on pin high level.
enumerator kPOWER_WakeupEdgeLow
enum _power_wakeup_pin
Wakeup pin.
enumerator kPOWER_WakeupPin0
Wakeup0 pin.
enumerator kPOWER_WakeupPin1
Wakeup1 pin.
enumerator kPOWER_WakeupPin0
enum _power_reset_cause
Reset cause.
enumerator kPOWER_ResetCauseSysResetReq
CM33 system soft reset request.
enumerator kPOWER_ResetCauseLockup
CM33 locked up.
enumerator kPOWER_ResetCauseWdt
Watchdog timer.
enumerator kPOWER_ResetCauseApResetReq
Debug mailbox reset.
enumerator kPOWER_ResetCauseCodeWdt
Code watchdog timer.
enumerator kPOWER_ResetCauseItrc
ITRC_CHIP reset.
enumerator kPOWER_ResetCauseResetB
sw_resetb_scantest reset.
enumerator kPOWER_ResetCauseAll
All reset causes. Used in POWER_ClearResetCause().
enumerator kPOWER_ResetCauseSysResetReq
enum _power_reset_source
Reset source.
enumerator kPOWER_ResetSourceSysResetReq
CM33 system soft reset request.
enumerator kPOWER_ResetSourceLockup
CM33 locked up.
enumerator kPOWER_ResetSourceWdt
Watchdog timer.
enumerator kPOWER_ResetSourceApResetReq
Debug mailbox reset.
enumerator kPOWER_ResetSourceCodeWdt
Code watchdog timer.
enumerator kPOWER_ResetSourceItrc
ITRC_CHIP reset.
enumerator kPOWER_ResetSourceAll
All reset sources.
enumerator kPOWER_ResetSourceSysResetReq
enum _pm2_mem_pu_bits
PM2 mem power up bits definition.
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2MemPuEnet
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2MemPuSdio
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2MemPuOtp
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2MemPuRom
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2MemPuFlexspi
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2MemPuPq
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2MemPuPkc
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2MemPuEls
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2MemPuAon1
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2MemPuAon0
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2MemPuSram18
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2MemPuSram17
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2MemPuSram16
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2MemPuSram15
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2MemPuSram14
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2MemPuSram13
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2MemPuSram12
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2MemPuSram11
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2MemPuSram10
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2MemPuSram9
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2MemPuSram8
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2MemPuSram7
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2MemPuSram6
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2MemPuSram5
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2MemPuSram4
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2MemPuSram3
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2MemPuSram2
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2MemPuSram1
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2MemPuSram0
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2MemPuAll
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2MemPuEnet
enum _pm2_ana_pu_bits
PM2 ana power up bits definition.
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2AnaPuT3
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2AnaPuTcpuTop
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2AnaPuTddrTop
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2AnaPuAnaTop
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2AnaPuGau
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2AnaPuUsb
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2AnaPuAvpll
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2AnaPuAll
enumerator kPOWER_Pm2AnaPuT3
enum _clk_gate_bits
clock gate bits definition
enumerator kPOWER_ClkGateTddrMciEnet
enumerator kPOWER_ClkGateAll
enumerator kPOWER_ClkGateTddrMciEnet
enum _clk_pm3_buck_bits
PM3 buck control bits definition.
enumerator kPOWER_Pm3Buck18
1: Use normal buck18 level in PM3. 0: Use sleep buck18 level in PM3
enumerator kPOWER_Pm3Buck11
1: Use normal buck11 level in PM3. 0: Use sleep buck11 level in PM3
enumerator kPOWER_Pm3BuckAll
enumerator kPOWER_Pm3Buck18
enum _capt_slow_pulse_width
Capture slow pulse width.
enumerator kPOWER_CaptSlowPulseWidth1
enumerator kPOWER_CaptSlowPulseWidth2
enumerator kPOWER_CaptSlowPulseWidth3
enumerator kPOWER_CaptSlowPulseWidth4
enumerator kPOWER_CaptSlowPulseWidth5
enumerator kPOWER_CaptSlowPulseWidth6
enumerator kPOWER_CaptSlowPulseWidth7
enumerator kPOWER_CaptSlowPulseWidth1
enum _capt_slow_pulse_edge
Capture slow pulse edge.
enumerator kPOWER_CaptSlowPulseEdgeRising
enumerator kPOWER_CaptSlowPulseEdgeFalling
enumerator kPOWER_CaptSlowPulseEdgeAny
enumerator kPOWER_CaptSlowPulseEdgeRising
typedef enum _power_wakeup_edge power_wakeup_edge_t
Pin edge for wakeup.
typedef enum _power_wakeup_pin power_wakeup_pin_t
Wakeup pin.
typedef enum _power_reset_cause power_reset_cause_t
Reset cause.
typedef enum _power_reset_source power_reset_source_t
Reset source.
typedef enum _capt_slow_pulse_width capt_slow_pulse_width_t
Capture slow pulse width.
typedef enum _capt_slow_pulse_edge capt_slow_pulse_edge_t
Capture slow pulse edge.
typedef void (*capt_pulse_timer_callback_t)(void *param)
Capture timer callback function.
- Param param:
: User parameter for callback.
typedef void (*power_switch_callback_t)(uint32_t mode, void *param)
Power mode switch callback function.
- Param mode:
: Power mode to switch.
- Param param:
: User parameter for callback.
typedef struct _power_init_config power_init_config_t
Init configuration.
typedef struct _power_sleep_config power_sleep_config_t
Sleep configuration.
typedef struct _power_gdet_data power_gdet_data_t
Glitch detector configuration.
typedef bool (*power_load_gdet_cfg)(power_gdet_data_t *data)
Glitch detector configuration load function.
- __STATIC_INLINE void POWER_EnableResetSource (uint32_t source)
Enable system reset source.
- Parameters:
source – : A bitmask of of power_reset_source_t
- __STATIC_INLINE void POWER_DisableResetSource (uint32_t source)
Disable system reset source.
- Parameters:
source – : A bitmask of of power_reset_source_t
- __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t POWER_GetResetCause (void)
Get last reset cause.
- Returns:
Or’ed cause of power_reset_cause_t
- __STATIC_INLINE void POWER_ClearResetCause (uint32_t cause)
Clear last reset cause.
- Parameters:
cause – : A bitmask of of power_reset_cause_t
- __STATIC_INLINE void POWER_ConfigWakeupPin (power_wakeup_pin_t pin, power_wakeup_edge_t edge)
Configure pin edge for wakeup.
- Parameters:
pin – : Wakeup pin
edge – : Pin level for wakeup
bool POWER_GetWakeupStatus(IRQn_Type irq)
Check if IRQ is the wakeup source.
- Parameters:
irq – : IRQ number
- Returns:
true if IRQ is the wakeup source, false otherwise.
void POWER_ClearWakeupStatus(IRQn_Type irq)
Clear wakeup status.
- Parameters:
irq – : IRQ number
void POWER_EnableWakeup(IRQn_Type irq)
Enable the Wakeup interrupt.
- Parameters:
irq – : IRQ number
void POWER_DisableWakeup(IRQn_Type irq)
Disable the Wakeup interrupts.
- Parameters:
irq – : IRQ number
- AT_QUICKACCESS_SECTION_CODE (void POWER_SetSleepMode(uint32_t mode))
Set power mode on idle.
- Parameters:
mode – : 0 ~ 4 stands for PM0 ~ PM4.
- __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t POWER_GetWakenMode (void)
Get power mode waken up from.
- Returns:
Power mode.
void POWER_GetCurrentSleepConfig(power_sleep_config_t *config)
Get current sleep configuration.
- Parameters:
config – : Pointer to config structure to save current config.
void POWER_InitPowerConfig(const power_init_config_t *config)
Initialize power configuration.
- Parameters:
config – : Pointer to init config structure.
void POWER_ConfigCauInSleep(bool pdCau)
Configure CAU_SOC_SLP_REF_GEN_CLK on/off status in SoC sleep mode.
- Parameters:
pdCau – : true for clock off; false for clock on.
void POWER_SetPowerSwitchCallback(power_switch_callback_t pre, void *preParam, power_switch_callback_t post, void *postParam)
Set power mode switch callback. The callbacks are called with interrupt disabled.
- Parameters:
pre – : Function called before power mode switch
preParam – : User parameter for pre callback
post – : Function called after power mode switch
postParam – : User parameter for post callback
- AT_QUICKACCESS_SECTION_CODE (bool POWER_EnterPowerMode(uint32_t mode, const power_sleep_config_t *config))
Switch system into certain power mode.
- Parameters:
mode – : 0 ~ 4 stands for PM0 ~ PM4.
config – : Sleep configuration on PM2-PM4.
- Returns:
True for success, else failure.
void POWER_PowerOnWlan(void)
Power on WLAN.
void POWER_PowerOffWlan(void)
Power off WLAN.
- __STATIC_INLINE void PMU_EnableWlanWakeup (uint8_t wlWakeup)
Enable MCI wakeup WLAN.
- Parameters:
wlWakeup – : 8 bits wakeup mask
- __STATIC_INLINE void PMU_DisableWlanWakeup (uint8_t wlWakeup)
Disable MCI wakeup WLAN.
- Parameters:
wlWakeup – : 8 bits wakeup mask
void POWER_PowerOnBle(void)
Power on BLE.
void POWER_PowerOffBle(void)
Power off BLE.
- __STATIC_INLINE void PMU_EnableBleWakeup (uint8_t bleWakeup)
Enable MCI wakeup BLE.
- Parameters:
bleWakeup – : 8 bits wakeup mask
- __STATIC_INLINE void PMU_DisableBleWakeup (uint8_t bleWakeup)
Disable MCI wakeup BLE.
- Parameters:
bleWakeup – : 8 bits wakeup mask
void POWER_PowerOnGau(void)
Power on GAU.
void POWER_PowerOffGau(void)
Power off GAU.
void POWER_EnableCaptSlowPulseTimer(capt_slow_pulse_width_t width, capt_slow_pulse_edge_t edge, uint32_t timeout, capt_pulse_timer_callback_t cb, void *param)
Enable capture slow pulse timer with 32768Hz clock source.
- Parameters:
width – : input capture filter width in cycles
edge – : trigger condition of counter
timeout – : timer expire counter which will trigger callback
callback – : callback function on timer expire
param – : callback parameter
void POWER_EnableCaptFastPulseTimer(uint32_t timeout, capt_pulse_timer_callback_t cb, void *param)
Enable capture fast pulse timer with 3.84/4MHz clock source.
- Parameters:
timeout – : timer expire counter which will trigger callback
callback – : callback function on timer expire
param – : callback parameter
void POWER_DisableCaptPulseTimer(void)
Disable capture pulse timer.
void POWER_InitVoltage(uint32_t dro, uint32_t pack)
Configure power rail voltage and LVD/HVD threshold.
- Parameters:
dro – : trim value from fuse.
pack – : Device package type: 0 - QFN, 1 - CSP, 2 - BGA
void Power_InitLoadGdetCfg(power_load_gdet_cfg loadFunc, const power_gdet_data_t *data, uint32_t pack)
Initialize glitch detector configuration.
- Parameters:
loadFunc – : function pointer to the GDET load configuration.
data – : GDET config data loaded from fuse.
pack – : Device package type: 0 - QFN, 1 - CSP, 2 - BGA
- AT_QUICKACCESS_SECTION_CODE (void POWER_DisableGDetVSensors(void))
Disable GDET and VSensors.
Enable GDET and VSensors.
- Returns:
True for success, else failure.
uint32_t POWER_TrimSvc(uint32_t gdetTrim, uint32_t pack)
Apply SVC GDC equation and get the SVC trim configuration.
- Parameters:
gdetTrim – : GDET trim value from fuse.
pack – : Device package type: 0 - QFN, 1 - CSP, 2 - BGA
POWER driver version 2.5.0.
bool iBuck
true: VCORE and AVDD18 supplied from iBuck; false: supplied from external DCDC.
bool gateCauRefClk
uint32_t pm2MemPuCfg
Modules to keep powered on in PM2 mode. Logical OR of the enums in _pm2_mem_pu_bits.
uint32_t pm2AnaPuCfg
Ana to keep powered on in PM2 mode. Logical OR of the enums in _pm2_ana_pu_bits.
uint32_t clkGate
Source clock gate control. Logical OR of the enums in _clk_gate_bits.
uint32_t memPdCfg
PMU MEM_CFG: Power Down memory configuration. Bit0-5 for PM3, bit8 for PM4. bit0: ram0-5 384KB bit1: ram6 64KB bit2: ram7 64KB bit3: ram8-9 128KB bit4: ram10-13 256KB bit5: ram14-18 320KB. bit8: aon mem higher 8KB
uint32_t pm3BuckCfg
PMIP BUCK control in PM3 mode. Logical OR of the enums in _clk_pm3_buck_bits.
uint32_t CFG[6]
uint32_t TRIM0
struct _power_init_config
- #include <fsl_power.h>
Init configuration.
struct _power_sleep_config
- #include <fsl_power.h>
Sleep configuration.
struct _power_gdet_data
- #include <fsl_power.h>
Glitch detector configuration.
POWERQUAD: PowerQuad hardware accelerator
void PQ_GetDefaultConfig(pq_config_t *config)
Get default configuration.
This function initializes the POWERQUAD configuration structure to a default value. FORMAT register field definitions Bits[15:8] scaler (for scaled ‘q31’ formats) Bits[5:4] external format. 00b=q15, 01b=q31, 10b=float Bits[1:0] internal format. 00b=q15, 01b=q31, 10b=float POWERQUAD->INAFORMAT = (config->inputAPrescale << 8U) | (config->inputAFormat << 4U) | config->machineFormat
For all Powerquad operations internal format must be float (with the only exception being the FFT related functions, ie FFT/IFFT/DCT/IDCT which must be set to q31). The default values are: config->inputAFormat = kPQ_Float; config->inputAPrescale = 0; config->inputBFormat = kPQ_Float; config->inputBPrescale = 0; config->outputFormat = kPQ_Float; config->outputPrescale = 0; config->tmpFormat = kPQ_Float; config->tmpPrescale = 0; config->machineFormat = kPQ_Float; config->tmpBase = 0xE0000000;
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to “pq_config_t” structure.
void PQ_SetConfig(POWERQUAD_Type *base, const pq_config_t *config)
Set configuration with format/prescale.
- Parameters:
base – POWERQUAD peripheral base address
config – Pointer to “pq_config_t” structure.
static inline void PQ_SetCoprocessorScaler(POWERQUAD_Type *base, const pq_prescale_t *prescale)
set coprocessor scaler for coprocessor instructions, this function is used to set output saturation and scaleing for input/output.
- Parameters:
base – POWERQUAD peripheral base address
prescale – Pointer to “pq_prescale_t” structure.
void PQ_Init(POWERQUAD_Type *base)
Initializes the POWERQUAD module.
- Parameters:
base – POWERQUAD peripheral base address.
void PQ_Deinit(POWERQUAD_Type *base)
De-initializes the POWERQUAD module.
- Parameters:
base – POWERQUAD peripheral base address.
void PQ_SetFormat(POWERQUAD_Type *base, pq_computationengine_t engine, pq_format_t format)
Set format for non-coprecessor instructions.
- Parameters:
base – POWERQUAD peripheral base address
engine – Computation engine
format – Data format
static inline void PQ_WaitDone(POWERQUAD_Type *base)
Wait for the completion.
- Parameters:
base – POWERQUAD peripheral base address
static inline void PQ_LnF32(float *pSrc, float *pDst)
Processing function for the floating-point natural log.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data. The range of the input value is (0 +INFINITY).
*pDst – points to the block of output data
static inline void PQ_InvF32(float *pSrc, float *pDst)
Processing function for the floating-point reciprocal.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data. The range of the input value is non-zero.
*pDst – points to the block of output data
static inline void PQ_SqrtF32(float *pSrc, float *pDst)
Processing function for the floating-point square-root.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data. The range of the input value is [0 +INFINITY).
*pDst – points to the block of output data
static inline void PQ_InvSqrtF32(float *pSrc, float *pDst)
Processing function for the floating-point inverse square-root.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data. The range of the input value is (0 +INFINITY).
*pDst – points to the block of output data
static inline void PQ_EtoxF32(float *pSrc, float *pDst)
Processing function for the floating-point natural exponent.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data. The range of the input value is (-INFINITY +INFINITY).
*pDst – points to the block of output data
static inline void PQ_EtonxF32(float *pSrc, float *pDst)
Processing function for the floating-point natural exponent with negative parameter.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data. The range of the input value is (-INFINITY +INFINITY).
*pDst – points to the block of output data
static inline void PQ_SinF32(float *pSrc, float *pDst)
Processing function for the floating-point sine.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data. The input value is in radians, the range is (-INFINITY +INFINITY).
*pDst – points to the block of output data
static inline void PQ_CosF32(float *pSrc, float *pDst)
Processing function for the floating-point cosine.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data. The input value is in radians, the range is (-INFINITY +INFINITY).
*pDst – points to the block of output data
static inline void PQ_BiquadF32(float *pSrc, float *pDst)
Processing function for the floating-point biquad.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data
*pDst – points to the block of output data
static inline void PQ_DivF32(float *x1, float *x2, float *pDst)
Processing function for the floating-point division.
Get x1 / x2.
- Parameters:
x1 – x1
x2 – x2
*pDst – points to the block of output data
static inline void PQ_Biquad1F32(float *pSrc, float *pDst)
Processing function for the floating-point biquad.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data
*pDst – points to the block of output data
static inline int32_t PQ_LnFixed(int32_t val)
Processing function for the fixed natural log.
- Parameters:
val – value to be calculated. The range of the input value is (0 +INFINITY).
- Returns:
returns ln(val).
static inline int32_t PQ_InvFixed(int32_t val)
Processing function for the fixed reciprocal.
- Parameters:
val – value to be calculated. The range of the input value is non-zero.
- Returns:
returns inv(val).
static inline uint32_t PQ_SqrtFixed(uint32_t val)
Processing function for the fixed square-root.
- Parameters:
val – value to be calculated. The range of the input value is [0 +INFINITY).
- Returns:
returns sqrt(val).
static inline int32_t PQ_InvSqrtFixed(int32_t val)
Processing function for the fixed inverse square-root.
- Parameters:
val – value to be calculated. The range of the input value is (0 +INFINITY).
- Returns:
returns 1/sqrt(val).
static inline int32_t PQ_EtoxFixed(int32_t val)
Processing function for the Fixed natural exponent.
- Parameters:
val – value to be calculated. The range of the input value is (-INFINITY +INFINITY).
- Returns:
returns etox^(val).
static inline int32_t PQ_EtonxFixed(int32_t val)
Processing function for the fixed natural exponent with negative parameter.
- Parameters:
val – value to be calculated. The range of the input value is (-INFINITY +INFINITY).
- Returns:
returns etonx^(val).
static inline int32_t PQ_SinQ31(int32_t val)
Processing function for the fixed sine.
- Parameters:
val – value to be calculated. The input value is [-1, 1] in Q31 format, which means [-pi, pi].
- Returns:
returns sin(val).
static inline int16_t PQ_SinQ15(int16_t val)
Processing function for the fixed sine.
- Parameters:
val – value to be calculated. The input value is [-1, 1] in Q15 format, which means [-pi, pi].
- Returns:
returns sin(val).
static inline int32_t PQ_CosQ31(int32_t val)
Processing function for the fixed cosine.
- Parameters:
val – value to be calculated. The input value is [-1, 1] in Q31 format, which means [-pi, pi].
- Returns:
returns cos(val).
static inline int16_t PQ_CosQ15(int16_t val)
Processing function for the fixed sine.
- Parameters:
val – value to be calculated. The input value is [-1, 1] in Q15 format, which means [-pi, pi].
- Returns:
returns sin(val).
static inline int32_t PQ_BiquadFixed(int32_t val)
Processing function for the fixed biquad.
- Parameters:
val – value to be calculated
- Returns:
returns biquad(val).
void PQ_VectorLnF32(float *pSrc, float *pDst, int32_t length)
Processing function for the floating-point vectorised natural log.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data
*pDst – points to the block of output data
length – the block of input data.
void PQ_VectorInvF32(float *pSrc, float *pDst, int32_t length)
Processing function for the floating-point vectorised reciprocal.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data
*pDst – points to the block of output data
length – the block of input data.
void PQ_VectorSqrtF32(float *pSrc, float *pDst, int32_t length)
Processing function for the floating-point vectorised square-root.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data
*pDst – points to the block of output data
length – the block of input data.
void PQ_VectorInvSqrtF32(float *pSrc, float *pDst, int32_t length)
Processing function for the floating-point vectorised inverse square-root.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data
*pDst – points to the block of output data
length – the block of input data.
void PQ_VectorEtoxF32(float *pSrc, float *pDst, int32_t length)
Processing function for the floating-point vectorised natural exponent.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data
*pDst – points to the block of output data
length – the block of input data.
void PQ_VectorEtonxF32(float *pSrc, float *pDst, int32_t length)
Processing function for the floating-point vectorised natural exponent with negative parameter.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data
*pDst – points to the block of output data
length – the block of input data.
void PQ_VectorSinF32(float *pSrc, float *pDst, int32_t length)
Processing function for the floating-point vectorised sine.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data
*pDst – points to the block of output data
length – the block of input data.
void PQ_VectorCosF32(float *pSrc, float *pDst, int32_t length)
Processing function for the floating-point vectorised cosine.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data
*pDst – points to the block of output data
length – the block of input data.
void PQ_VectorLnFixed32(int32_t *pSrc, int32_t *pDst, int32_t length)
Processing function for the Q31 vectorised natural log.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data
*pDst – points to the block of output data
length – the block of input data.
void PQ_VectorInvFixed32(int32_t *pSrc, int32_t *pDst, int32_t length)
Processing function for the Q31 vectorised reciprocal.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data
*pDst – points to the block of output data
length – the block of input data.
void PQ_VectorSqrtFixed32(int32_t *pSrc, int32_t *pDst, int32_t length)
Processing function for the 32-bit integer vectorised square-root.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data
*pDst – points to the block of output data
length – the block of input data.
void PQ_VectorInvSqrtFixed32(int32_t *pSrc, int32_t *pDst, int32_t length)
Processing function for the 32-bit integer vectorised inverse square-root.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data
*pDst – points to the block of output data
length – the block of input data.
void PQ_VectorEtoxFixed32(int32_t *pSrc, int32_t *pDst, int32_t length)
Processing function for the 32-bit integer vectorised natural exponent.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data
*pDst – points to the block of output data
length – the block of input data.
void PQ_VectorEtonxFixed32(int32_t *pSrc, int32_t *pDst, int32_t length)
Processing function for the 32-bit integer vectorised natural exponent with negative parameter.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data
*pDst – points to the block of output data
length – the block of input data.
void PQ_VectorSinQ15(int16_t *pSrc, int16_t *pDst, int32_t length)
Processing function for the Q15 vectorised sine.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data
*pDst – points to the block of output data
length – the block of input data.
void PQ_VectorCosQ15(int16_t *pSrc, int16_t *pDst, int32_t length)
Processing function for the Q15 vectorised cosine.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data
*pDst – points to the block of output data
length – the block of input data.
void PQ_VectorSinQ31(int32_t *pSrc, int32_t *pDst, int32_t length)
Processing function for the Q31 vectorised sine.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data
*pDst – points to the block of output data
length – the block of input data.
void PQ_VectorCosQ31(int32_t *pSrc, int32_t *pDst, int32_t length)
Processing function for the Q31 vectorised cosine.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data
*pDst – points to the block of output data
length – the block of input data.
void PQ_VectorLnFixed16(int16_t *pSrc, int16_t *pDst, int32_t length)
Processing function for the 16-bit integer vectorised natural log.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data
*pDst – points to the block of output data
length – the block of input data.
void PQ_VectorInvFixed16(int16_t *pSrc, int16_t *pDst, int32_t length)
Processing function for the 16-bit integer vectorised reciprocal.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data
*pDst – points to the block of output data
length – the block of input data.
void PQ_VectorSqrtFixed16(int16_t *pSrc, int16_t *pDst, int32_t length)
Processing function for the 16-bit integer vectorised square-root.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data
*pDst – points to the block of output data
length – the block of input data.
void PQ_VectorInvSqrtFixed16(int16_t *pSrc, int16_t *pDst, int32_t length)
Processing function for the 16-bit integer vectorised inverse square-root.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data
*pDst – points to the block of output data
length – the block of input data.
void PQ_VectorEtoxFixed16(int16_t *pSrc, int16_t *pDst, int32_t length)
Processing function for the 16-bit integer vectorised natural exponent.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data
*pDst – points to the block of output data
length – the block of input data.
void PQ_VectorEtonxFixed16(int16_t *pSrc, int16_t *pDst, int32_t length)
Processing function for the 16-bit integer vectorised natural exponent with negative parameter.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data
*pDst – points to the block of output data
length – the block of input data.
void PQ_VectorBiquadDf2F32(float *pSrc, float *pDst, int32_t length)
Processing function for the floating-point vectorised biquad direct form II.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data
*pDst – points to the block of output data
length – the block size of input data.
void PQ_VectorBiquadDf2Fixed32(int32_t *pSrc, int32_t *pDst, int32_t length)
Processing function for the 32-bit integer vectorised biquad direct form II.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data
*pDst – points to the block of output data
length – the block size of input data
void PQ_VectorBiquadDf2Fixed16(int16_t *pSrc, int16_t *pDst, int32_t length)
Processing function for the 16-bit integer vectorised biquad direct form II.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data
*pDst – points to the block of output data
length – the block size of input data
void PQ_VectorBiquadCascadeDf2F32(float *pSrc, float *pDst, int32_t length)
Processing function for the floating-point vectorised biquad direct form II.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data
*pDst – points to the block of output data
length – the block size of input data
void PQ_VectorBiquadCascadeDf2Fixed32(int32_t *pSrc, int32_t *pDst, int32_t length)
Processing function for the 32-bit integer vectorised biquad direct form II.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data
*pDst – points to the block of output data
length – the block size of input data
void PQ_VectorBiquadCascadeDf2Fixed16(int16_t *pSrc, int16_t *pDst, int32_t length)
Processing function for the 16-bit integer vectorised biquad direct form II.
- Parameters:
*pSrc – points to the block of input data
*pDst – points to the block of output data
length – the block size of input data
int32_t PQ_ArctanFixed(POWERQUAD_Type *base, int32_t x, int32_t y, pq_cordic_iter_t iteration)
Processing function for the fixed inverse trigonometric.
Get the inverse tangent, the behavior is like c function atan.
The sum of x and y should not exceed the range of int32_t.
Larger input number gets higher output accuracy, for example the arctan(0.5), the result of PQ_ArctanFixed(POWERQUAD, 100000, 200000, kPQ_Iteration_24) is more accurate than PQ_ArctanFixed(POWERQUAD, 1, 2, kPQ_Iteration_24).
- Parameters:
base – POWERQUAD peripheral base address
x – value of opposite
y – value of adjacent
iteration – iteration times
- Returns:
The return value is in the range of -2^26 to 2^26, which means -pi/2 to pi/2.
int32_t PQ_ArctanhFixed(POWERQUAD_Type *base, int32_t x, int32_t y, pq_cordic_iter_t iteration)
Processing function for the fixed inverse trigonometric.
The sum of x and y should not exceed the range of int32_t.
Larger input number gets higher output accuracy, for example the arctanh(0.5), the result of PQ_ArctanhFixed(POWERQUAD, 100000, 200000, kPQ_Iteration_24) is more accurate than PQ_ArctanhFixed(POWERQUAD, 1, 2, kPQ_Iteration_24).
- Parameters:
base – POWERQUAD peripheral base address
x – value of opposite
y – value of adjacent
iteration – iteration times
- Returns:
The return value is radians, 2^27 means pi. The range is -1.118 to 1.118 radians.
int32_t PQ_Arctan2Fixed(POWERQUAD_Type *base, int32_t x, int32_t y, pq_cordic_iter_t iteration)
Processing function for the fixed inverse trigonometric.
Get the inverse tangent, it calculates the angle in radians for the quadrant. The behavior is like c function atan2.
The sum of x and y should not exceed the range of int32_t.
Larger input number gets higher output accuracy, for example the arctan(0.5), the result of PQ_Arctan2Fixed(POWERQUAD, 100000, 200000, kPQ_Iteration_24) is more accurate than PQ_Arctan2Fixed(POWERQUAD, 1, 2, kPQ_Iteration_24).
- Parameters:
base – POWERQUAD peripheral base address
x – value of opposite
y – value of adjacent
iteration – iteration times
- Returns:
The return value is in the range of -2^27 to 2^27, which means -pi to pi.
static inline int32_t PQ_Biquad1Fixed(int32_t val)
Processing function for the fixed biquad.
- Parameters:
val – value to be calculated
- Returns:
returns biquad(val).
void PQ_TransformCFFT(POWERQUAD_Type *base, uint32_t length, void *pData, void *pResult)
Processing function for the complex FFT.
- Parameters:
base – POWERQUAD peripheral base address
length – number of input samples
pData – input data
pResult – output data.
void PQ_TransformRFFT(POWERQUAD_Type *base, uint32_t length, void *pData, void *pResult)
Processing function for the real FFT.
- Parameters:
base – POWERQUAD peripheral base address
length – number of input samples
pData – input data
pResult – output data.
void PQ_TransformIFFT(POWERQUAD_Type *base, uint32_t length, void *pData, void *pResult)
Processing function for the inverse complex FFT.
- Parameters:
base – POWERQUAD peripheral base address
length – number of input samples
pData – input data
pResult – output data.
void PQ_TransformCDCT(POWERQUAD_Type *base, uint32_t length, void *pData, void *pResult)
Processing function for the complex DCT.
- Parameters:
base – POWERQUAD peripheral base address
length – number of input samples
pData – input data
pResult – output data.
void PQ_TransformRDCT(POWERQUAD_Type *base, uint32_t length, void *pData, void *pResult)
Processing function for the real DCT.
- Parameters:
base – POWERQUAD peripheral base address
length – number of input samples
pData – input data
pResult – output data.
void PQ_TransformIDCT(POWERQUAD_Type *base, uint32_t length, void *pData, void *pResult)
Processing function for the inverse complex DCT.
- Parameters:
base – POWERQUAD peripheral base address
length – number of input samples
pData – input data
pResult – output data.
void PQ_BiquadBackUpInternalState(POWERQUAD_Type *base, int32_t biquad_num, pq_biquad_state_t *state)
Processing function for backup biquad context.
- Parameters:
base – POWERQUAD peripheral base address
biquad_num – biquad side
state – point to states.
void PQ_BiquadRestoreInternalState(POWERQUAD_Type *base, int32_t biquad_num, pq_biquad_state_t *state)
Processing function for restore biquad context.
- Parameters:
base – POWERQUAD peripheral base address
biquad_num – biquad side
state – point to states.
void PQ_BiquadCascadeDf2Init(pq_biquad_cascade_df2_instance *S, uint8_t numStages, pq_biquad_state_t *pState)
Initialization function for the direct form II Biquad cascade filter.
- Parameters:
*S – [inout] points to an instance of the filter data structure.
numStages – [in] number of 2nd order stages in the filter.
*pState – [in] points to the state buffer.
void PQ_BiquadCascadeDf2F32(const pq_biquad_cascade_df2_instance *S, float *pSrc, float *pDst, uint32_t blockSize)
Processing function for the floating-point direct form II Biquad cascade filter.
- Parameters:
*S – [in] points to an instance of the filter data structure.
*pSrc – [in] points to the block of input data.
*pDst – [out] points to the block of output data
blockSize – [in] number of samples to process.
void PQ_BiquadCascadeDf2Fixed32(const pq_biquad_cascade_df2_instance *S, int32_t *pSrc, int32_t *pDst, uint32_t blockSize)
Processing function for the Q31 direct form II Biquad cascade filter.
- Parameters:
*S – [in] points to an instance of the filter data structure.
*pSrc – [in] points to the block of input data.
*pDst – [out] points to the block of output data
blockSize – [in] number of samples to process.
void PQ_BiquadCascadeDf2Fixed16(const pq_biquad_cascade_df2_instance *S, int16_t *pSrc, int16_t *pDst, uint32_t blockSize)
Processing function for the Q15 direct form II Biquad cascade filter.
- Parameters:
*S – [in] points to an instance of the filter data structure.
*pSrc – [in] points to the block of input data.
*pDst – [out] points to the block of output data
blockSize – [in] number of samples to process.
void PQ_FIR(POWERQUAD_Type *base, const void *pAData, int32_t ALength, const void *pBData, int32_t BLength, void *pResult, uint32_t opType)
Processing function for the FIR.
- Parameters:
base – POWERQUAD peripheral base address
pAData – the first input sequence
ALength – number of the first input sequence
pBData – the second input sequence
BLength – number of the second input sequence
pResult – array for the output data
opType – operation type, could be PQ_FIR_FIR, PQ_FIR_CONVOLUTION, PQ_FIR_CORRELATION.
void PQ_FIRIncrement(POWERQUAD_Type *base, int32_t ALength, int32_t BLength, int32_t xOffset)
Processing function for the incremental FIR. This function can be used after pq_fir() for incremental FIR operation when new x data are available.
- Parameters:
base – POWERQUAD peripheral base address
ALength – number of input samples
BLength – number of taps
xOffset – offset for number of input samples
void PQ_MatrixAddition(POWERQUAD_Type *base, uint32_t length, void *pAData, void *pBData, void *pResult)
Processing function for the matrix addition.
- Parameters:
base – POWERQUAD peripheral base address
length – rows and cols for matrix. LENGTH register configuration: LENGTH[23:16] = M2 cols LENGTH[15:8] = M1 cols LENGTH[7:0] = M1 rows This could be constructed using macro POWERQUAD_MAKE_MATRIX_LEN.
pAData – input matrix A
pBData – input matrix B
pResult – array for the output data.
void PQ_MatrixSubtraction(POWERQUAD_Type *base, uint32_t length, void *pAData, void *pBData, void *pResult)
Processing function for the matrix subtraction.
- Parameters:
base – POWERQUAD peripheral base address
length – rows and cols for matrix. LENGTH register configuration: LENGTH[23:16] = M2 cols LENGTH[15:8] = M1 cols LENGTH[7:0] = M1 rows This could be constructed using macro POWERQUAD_MAKE_MATRIX_LEN.
pAData – input matrix A
pBData – input matrix B
pResult – array for the output data.
void PQ_MatrixMultiplication(POWERQUAD_Type *base, uint32_t length, void *pAData, void *pBData, void *pResult)
Processing function for the matrix multiplication.
- Parameters:
base – POWERQUAD peripheral base address
length – rows and cols for matrix. LENGTH register configuration: LENGTH[23:16] = M2 cols LENGTH[15:8] = M1 cols LENGTH[7:0] = M1 rows This could be constructed using macro POWERQUAD_MAKE_MATRIX_LEN.
pAData – input matrix A
pBData – input matrix B
pResult – array for the output data.
void PQ_MatrixProduct(POWERQUAD_Type *base, uint32_t length, void *pAData, void *pBData, void *pResult)
Processing function for the matrix product.
- Parameters:
base – POWERQUAD peripheral base address
length – rows and cols for matrix. LENGTH register configuration: LENGTH[23:16] = M2 cols LENGTH[15:8] = M1 cols LENGTH[7:0] = M1 rows This could be constructed using macro POWERQUAD_MAKE_MATRIX_LEN.
pAData – input matrix A
pBData – input matrix B
pResult – array for the output data.
void PQ_VectorDotProduct(POWERQUAD_Type *base, uint32_t length, void *pAData, void *pBData, void *pResult)
Processing function for the vector dot product.
- Parameters:
base – POWERQUAD peripheral base address
length – length of vector
pAData – input vector A
pBData – input vector B
pResult – array for the output data.
void PQ_MatrixInversion(POWERQUAD_Type *base, uint32_t length, void *pData, void *pTmpData, void *pResult)
Processing function for the matrix inverse.
- Parameters:
base – POWERQUAD peripheral base address
length – rows and cols for matrix. LENGTH register configuration: LENGTH[23:16] = M2 cols LENGTH[15:8] = M1 cols LENGTH[7:0] = M1 rows This could be constructed using macro POWERQUAD_MAKE_MATRIX_LEN.
pData – input matrix
pTmpData – input temporary matrix, pTmpData length not less than pData lenght and 1024 words is sufficient for the largest supported matrix.
pResult – array for the output data, round down for fixed point.
void PQ_MatrixTranspose(POWERQUAD_Type *base, uint32_t length, void *pData, void *pResult)
Processing function for the matrix transpose.
- Parameters:
base – POWERQUAD peripheral base address
length – rows and cols for matrix. LENGTH register configuration: LENGTH[23:16] = M2 cols LENGTH[15:8] = M1 cols LENGTH[7:0] = M1 rows This could be constructed using macro POWERQUAD_MAKE_MATRIX_LEN.
pData – input matrix
pResult – array for the output data.
void PQ_MatrixScale(POWERQUAD_Type *base, uint32_t length, float misc, const void *pData, void *pResult)
Processing function for the matrix scale.
- Parameters:
base – POWERQUAD peripheral base address
length – rows and cols for matrix. LENGTH register configuration: LENGTH[23:16] = M2 cols LENGTH[15:8] = M1 cols LENGTH[7:0] = M1 rows This could be constructed using macro POWERQUAD_MAKE_MATRIX_LEN.
misc – scaling parameters
pData – input matrix
pResult – array for the output data.
enum pq_computationengine_t
powerquad computation engine
enumerator kPQ_CP_PQ
Math engine.
enumerator kPQ_CP_MTX
Matrix engine.
enumerator kPQ_CP_FFT
FFT engine.
enumerator kPQ_CP_FIR
FIR engine.
enumerator kPQ_CP_CORDIC
CORDIC engine.
enumerator kPQ_CP_PQ
enum pq_format_t
powerquad data structure format type
enumerator kPQ_16Bit
Int16 Fixed point.
enumerator kPQ_32Bit
Int32 Fixed point.
enumerator kPQ_Float
Float point.
enumerator kPQ_16Bit
enum pq_cordic_iter_t
CORDIC iteration.
enumerator kPQ_Iteration_8
Iterate 8 times.
enumerator kPQ_Iteration_16
Iterate 16 times.
enumerator kPQ_Iteration_24
Iterate 24 times.
enumerator kPQ_Iteration_8
typedef struct _pq_biquad_param pq_biquad_param_t
Struct to save biquad parameters.
typedef struct _pq_biquad_state pq_biquad_state_t
Struct to save biquad state.
typedef union _pq_float pq_float_t
Conversion between integer and float type.
Parameter used for vector ln(x)
Parameter used for vector 1/x
Parameter used for vector sqrt(x)
Parameter used for vector 1/sqrt(x)
Parameter used for vector e^x
Parameter used for vector e^(-x)
Parameter used for vector sin(x)
Parameter used for vector cos(x)
PQ_Initiate_Vector_Func(pSrc, pDst)
Start 32-bit data vector calculation.
Start the vector calculation, the input data could be float, int32_t or Q31.
- Parameters:
pSrc – Pointer to the source data.
pDst – Pointer to the destination data.
End vector calculation.
This function should be called after vector calculation.
Start 32-bit data vector calculation.
Start the vector calculation, the input data could be float, int32_t or Q31.
- Parameters:
PSRC – Pointer to the source data.
PDST – Pointer to the destination data.
LENGTH – Number of the data, must be multiple of 8.
PQ_StartVectorFixed16(PSRC, PDST, LENGTH)
Start 16-bit data vector calculation.
Start the vector calculation, the input data could be int16_t. This function should be use with PQ_Vector8Fixed16.
- Parameters:
PSRC – Pointer to the source data.
PDST – Pointer to the destination data.
LENGTH – Number of the data, must be multiple of 8.
Start Q15-bit data vector calculation.
Start the vector calculation, the input data could be Q15. This function should be use with PQ_Vector8Q15. This function is dedicate for SinQ15/CosQ15 vector calculation. Because PowerQuad only supports Q31 Sin/Cos fixed function, so the input Q15 data is left shift 16 bits first, after Q31 calculation, the output data is right shift 16 bits.
- Parameters:
PSRC – Pointer to the source data.
PDST – Pointer to the destination data.
LENGTH – Number of the data, must be multiple of 8.
End vector calculation.
This function should be called after vector calculation.
Float data vector calculation.
Float data vector calculation, the input data should be float. The parameter could be PQ_LN_INF, PQ_INV_INF, PQ_SQRT_INF, PQ_ISQRT_INF, PQ_ETOX_INF, PQ_ETONX_INF. For example, to calculate sqrt of a vector, use like this:
#define VECTOR_LEN 8 float input[VECTOR_LEN] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0}; float output[VECTOR_LEN]; PQ_StartVector(input, output, VECTOR_LEN); PQ_Vector8F32(PQ_SQRT_INF); PQ_EndVector();
Fixed 32bits data vector calculation.
Float data vector calculation, the input data should be 32-bit integer. The parameter could be PQ_LN_INF, PQ_INV_INF, PQ_SQRT_INF, PQ_ISQRT_INF, PQ_ETOX_INF, PQ_ETONX_INF. PQ_SIN_INF, PQ_COS_INF. When this function is used for sin/cos calculation, the input data should be in the format Q1.31. For example, to calculate sqrt of a vector, use like this:
#define VECTOR_LEN 8 int32_t input[VECTOR_LEN] = {1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64}; int32_t output[VECTOR_LEN]; PQ_StartVector(input, output, VECTOR_LEN); PQ_Vector8F32(PQ_SQRT_INF); PQ_EndVector();
Fixed 32bits data vector calculation.
Float data vector calculation, the input data should be 16-bit integer. The parameter could be PQ_LN_INF, PQ_INV_INF, PQ_SQRT_INF, PQ_ISQRT_INF, PQ_ETOX_INF, PQ_ETONX_INF. For example, to calculate sqrt of a vector, use like this:
#define VECTOR_LEN 8 int16_t input[VECTOR_LEN] = {1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64}; int16_t output[VECTOR_LEN]; PQ_StartVector(input, output, VECTOR_LEN); PQ_Vector8F32(PQ_SQRT_INF); PQ_EndVector();
Q15 data vector calculation.
Q15 data vector calculation, this function should only be used for sin/cos Q15 calculation, and the coprocessor output prescaler must be set to 31 before this function. This function loads Q15 data and left shift 16 bits, calculate and right shift 16 bits, then stores to the output array. The input range -1 to 1 means -pi to pi. For example, to calculate sin of a vector, use like this:
#define VECTOR_LEN 8 int16_t input[VECTOR_LEN] = {...} int16_t output[VECTOR_LEN]; const pq_prescale_t prescale = { .inputPrescale = 0, .outputPrescale = 31, .outputSaturate = 0 }; PQ_SetCoprocessorScaler(POWERQUAD, const pq_prescale_t *prescale); PQ_StartVectorQ15(pSrc, pDst, length); PQ_Vector8Q15(PQ_SQRT_INF); PQ_EndVector();
PQ_DF2_Vector8_FP(middle, last)
Float data vector biquad direct form II calculation.
Biquad filter, the input and output data are float data. Biquad side 0 is used. Example:
#define VECTOR_LEN 16 float input[VECTOR_LEN] = {1024.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; float output[VECTOR_LEN]; pq_biquad_state_t state = { .param = { .a_1 = xxx, .a_2 = xxx, .b_0 = xxx, .b_1 = xxx, .b_2 = xxx, }, }; PQ_BiquadRestoreInternalState(POWERQUAD, 0, &state); PQ_Initiate_Vector_Func(pSrc,pDst); PQ_DF2_Vector8_FP(false,false); PQ_DF2_Vector8_FP(true,true); PQ_End_Vector_Func();
PQ_DF2_Vector8_FX(middle, last)
Fixed data vector biquad direct form II calculation.
Biquad filter, the input and output data are fixed data. Biquad side 0 is used. Example:
#define VECTOR_LEN 16 int32_t input[VECTOR_LEN] = {1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; int32_t output[VECTOR_LEN]; pq_biquad_state_t state = { .param = { .a_1 = xxx, .a_2 = xxx, .b_0 = xxx, .b_1 = xxx, .b_2 = xxx, }, }; PQ_BiquadRestoreInternalState(POWERQUAD, 0, &state); PQ_Initiate_Vector_Func(pSrc,pDst); PQ_DF2_Vector8_FX(false,false); PQ_DF2_Vector8_FX(true,true); PQ_End_Vector_Func();
Float data vector biquad direct form II calculation.
Biquad filter, the input and output data are float data. Biquad side 0 is used. Example:
#define VECTOR_LEN 8 float input[VECTOR_LEN] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0}; float output[VECTOR_LEN]; pq_biquad_state_t state = { .param = { .a_1 = xxx, .a_2 = xxx, .b_0 = xxx, .b_1 = xxx, .b_2 = xxx, }, }; PQ_BiquadRestoreInternalState(POWERQUAD, 0, &state); PQ_StartVector(input, output, VECTOR_LEN); PQ_Vector8BiquadDf2F32(); PQ_EndVector();
Fixed 32-bit data vector biquad direct form II calculation.
Biquad filter, the input and output data are Q31 or 32-bit integer. Biquad side 0 is used. Example:
#define VECTOR_LEN 8 int32_t input[VECTOR_LEN] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}; int32_t output[VECTOR_LEN]; pq_biquad_state_t state = { .param = { .a_1 = xxx, .a_2 = xxx, .b_0 = xxx, .b_1 = xxx, .b_2 = xxx, }, }; PQ_BiquadRestoreInternalState(POWERQUAD, 0, &state); PQ_StartVector(input, output, VECTOR_LEN); PQ_Vector8BiquadDf2Fixed32(); PQ_EndVector();
Fixed 16-bit data vector biquad direct form II calculation.
Biquad filter, the input and output data are Q15 or 16-bit integer. Biquad side 0 is used. Example:
#define VECTOR_LEN 8 int16_t input[VECTOR_LEN] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}; int16_t output[VECTOR_LEN]; pq_biquad_state_t state = { .param = { .a_1 = xxx, .a_2 = xxx, .b_0 = xxx, .b_1 = xxx, .b_2 = xxx, }, }; PQ_BiquadRestoreInternalState(POWERQUAD, 0, &state); PQ_StartVector(input, output, VECTOR_LEN); PQ_Vector8BiquadDf2Fixed16(); PQ_EndVector();
PQ_DF2_Cascade_Vector8_FP(middle, last)
Float data vector direct form II biquad cascade filter.
The input and output data are float data. The data flow is input -> biquad side 1 -> biquad side 0 -> output.
#define VECTOR_LEN 16 float input[VECTOR_LEN] = {1024.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; float output[VECTOR_LEN]; pq_biquad_state_t state0 = { .param = { .a_1 = xxx, .a_2 = xxx, .b_0 = xxx, .b_1 = xxx, .b_2 = xxx, }, }; pq_biquad_state_t state1 = { .param = { .a_1 = xxx, .a_2 = xxx, .b_0 = xxx, .b_1 = xxx, .b_2 = xxx, }, }; PQ_BiquadRestoreInternalState(POWERQUAD, 0, &state0); PQ_BiquadRestoreInternalState(POWERQUAD, 1, &state1); PQ_Initiate_Vector_Func(pSrc, pDst); PQ_DF2_Cascade_Vector8_FP(false, false); PQ_DF2_Cascade_Vector8_FP(true, true); PQ_End_Vector_Func();
PQ_DF2_Cascade_Vector8_FX(middle, last)
Fixed data vector direct form II biquad cascade filter.
The input and output data are fixed data. The data flow is input -> biquad side 1 -> biquad side 0 -> output.
#define VECTOR_LEN 16 int32_t input[VECTOR_LEN] = {1024.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; int32_t output[VECTOR_LEN]; pq_biquad_state_t state0 = { .param = { .a_1 = xxx, .a_2 = xxx, .b_0 = xxx, .b_1 = xxx, .b_2 = xxx, }, }; pq_biquad_state_t state1 = { .param = { .a_1 = xxx, .a_2 = xxx, .b_0 = xxx, .b_1 = xxx, .b_2 = xxx, }, }; PQ_BiquadRestoreInternalState(POWERQUAD, 0, &state0); PQ_BiquadRestoreInternalState(POWERQUAD, 1, &state1); PQ_Initiate_Vector_Func(pSrc, pDst); PQ_DF2_Cascade_Vector8_FX(false, false); PQ_DF2_Cascade_Vector8_FX(true, true); PQ_End_Vector_Func();
Float data vector direct form II biquad cascade filter.
The input and output data are float data. The data flow is input -> biquad side 1 -> biquad side 0 -> output.
#define VECTOR_LEN 8 float input[VECTOR_LEN] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}; float output[VECTOR_LEN]; pq_biquad_state_t state0 = { .param = { .a_1 = xxx, .a_2 = xxx, .b_0 = xxx, .b_1 = xxx, .b_2 = xxx, }, }; pq_biquad_state_t state1 = { .param = { .a_1 = xxx, .a_2 = xxx, .b_0 = xxx, .b_1 = xxx, .b_2 = xxx, }, }; PQ_BiquadRestoreInternalState(POWERQUAD, 0, &state0); PQ_BiquadRestoreInternalState(POWERQUAD, 1, &state1); PQ_StartVector(input, output, VECTOR_LEN); PQ_Vector8BiquadDf2CascadeF32(); PQ_EndVector();
Fixed 32-bit data vector direct form II biquad cascade filter.
The input and output data are fixed 32-bit data. The data flow is input -> biquad side 1 -> biquad side 0 -> output.
#define VECTOR_LEN 8 int32_t input[VECTOR_LEN] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}; int32_t output[VECTOR_LEN]; pq_biquad_state_t state0 = { .param = { .a_1 = xxx, .a_2 = xxx, .b_0 = xxx, .b_1 = xxx, .b_2 = xxx, }, }; pq_biquad_state_t state1 = { .param = { .a_1 = xxx, .a_2 = xxx, .b_0 = xxx, .b_1 = xxx, .b_2 = xxx, }, }; PQ_BiquadRestoreInternalState(POWERQUAD, 0, &state0); PQ_BiquadRestoreInternalState(POWERQUAD, 1, &state1); PQ_StartVector(input, output, VECTOR_LEN); PQ_Vector8BiquadDf2CascadeFixed32(); PQ_EndVector();
Fixed 16-bit data vector direct form II biquad cascade filter.
The input and output data are fixed 16-bit data. The data flow is input -> biquad side 1 -> biquad side 0 -> output.
#define VECTOR_LEN 8 int32_t input[VECTOR_LEN] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}; int32_t output[VECTOR_LEN]; pq_biquad_state_t state0 = { .param = { .a_1 = xxx, .a_2 = xxx, .b_0 = xxx, .b_1 = xxx, .b_2 = xxx, }, }; pq_biquad_state_t state1 = { .param = { .a_1 = xxx, .a_2 = xxx, .b_0 = xxx, .b_1 = xxx, .b_2 = xxx, }, }; PQ_BiquadRestoreInternalState(POWERQUAD, 0, &state0); PQ_BiquadRestoreInternalState(POWERQUAD, 1, &state1); PQ_StartVector(input, output, VECTOR_LEN); PQ_Vector8BiquadDf2CascadeFixed16(); PQ_EndVector();
POWERQUAD_MAKE_MATRIX_LEN(mat1Row, mat1Col, mat2Col)
Make the length used for matrix functions.
Convert Q31 to float.
Convert Q15 to float.
struct pq_prescale_t
- #include <fsl_powerquad.h>
Coprocessor prescale.
Public Members
int8_t inputPrescale
Input prescale.
int8_t outputPrescale
Output prescale.
int8_t outputSaturate
Output saturate at n bits, for example 0x11 is 8 bit space, the value will be truncated at +127 or -128.
int8_t inputPrescale
struct pq_config_t
- #include <fsl_powerquad.h>
powerquad data structure format
Public Members
pq_format_t inputAFormat
Input A format.
int8_t inputAPrescale
Input A prescale, for example 1.5 can be 1.5*2^n if you scale by ‘shifting’ (‘scaling’ by a factor of n).
pq_format_t inputBFormat
Input B format.
int8_t inputBPrescale
Input B prescale.
pq_format_t outputFormat
Out format.
int8_t outputPrescale
Out prescale.
pq_format_t tmpFormat
Temp format.
int8_t tmpPrescale
Temp prescale.
pq_format_t machineFormat
Machine format.
uint32_t *tmpBase
Tmp base address.
pq_format_t inputAFormat
struct _pq_biquad_param
- #include <fsl_powerquad.h>
Struct to save biquad parameters.
Public Members
float v_n_1
v[n-1], set to 0 when initialization.
float v_n
v[n], set to 0 when initialization.
float a_1
float a_2
float b_0
float b_1
float b_2
float v_n_1
struct _pq_biquad_state
- #include <fsl_powerquad.h>
Struct to save biquad state.
Public Members
pq_biquad_param_t param
Filter parameter.
uint32_t compreg
Internal register, set to 0 when initialization.
pq_biquad_param_t param
struct pq_biquad_cascade_df2_instance
- #include <fsl_powerquad.h>
Instance structure for the direct form II Biquad cascade filter.
Public Members
uint8_t numStages
Number of 2nd order stages in the filter.
pq_biquad_state_t *pState
Points to the array of state coefficients.
uint8_t numStages
union _pq_float
- #include <fsl_powerquad.h>
Conversion between integer and float type.
Public Members
float floatX
Float type.
uint32_t integerX
Unsigned interger type.
float floatX
Reset Driver
Enumeration for peripheral reset control bits.
Defines the enumeration for peripheral reset control bits in RSTCLTx registers
POWERQUAD reset control
enumerator kPKC_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
PKC reset control
enumerator kELS_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
ELS reset control
enumerator kPUF_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
Physical unclonable function reset control
FLEXSPI reset control
enumerator kHPU_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
HPU reset control
enumerator kUSB_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
USB reset control
enumerator kSCT_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
Standard ctimers reset control
enumerator kAON_MEM_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
AON MEM reset control
enumerator kGDMA_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
GDMA reset control
enumerator kDMA0_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
DMA0 reset control
enumerator kDMA1_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
DMA1 reset control
enumerator kSDIO_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
SDIO reset control
enumerator kELS_APB_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
ELS_APB reset control
ELS_GDET_REF_RST reset control
enumerator kSDIO_SLV_SHIFT_RSTn
SDIO_SLV reset control
enumerator kGAU_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
GAU reset control
enumerator kOTP_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
OTP reset control
Security GPIO reset control
ENET_IPG reset control
ENET_IPG_S reset control
enumerator kTRNG_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
TRNG reset control
enumerator kUTICK_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
Micro-tick timer reset control
enumerator kWWDT_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
Windowed Watchdog timer reset control
enumerator kUSIM_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
USIM reset control
FREEMRT reset control
enumerator kLCDIC_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
LCDIC reset control
enumerator kFC0_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
Flexcomm Interface 0 reset control
enumerator kFC1_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
Flexcomm Interface 1 reset control
enumerator kFC2_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
Flexcomm Interface 2 reset control
enumerator kFC3_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
Flexcomm Interface 3 reset control
enumerator kFC14_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
Flexcomm Interface 14 reset control
enumerator kDMIC_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
Digital microphone interface reset control
Osevent Timer reset control
enumerator kHSGPIO0_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
HSGPIO 0 reset control
enumerator kHSGPIO1_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
HSGPIO 1 reset control
enumerator kCRC_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
CRC reset control
Frequency Measure reset control
enumerator kCT32B0_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
CT32B0 reset control
enumerator kCT32B1_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
CT32B1 reset control
enumerator kCT32B2_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
CT32B3 reset control
enumerator kCT32B3_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
CT32B4 reset control
enumerator kCT32B4_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
CT32B4 reset control
enumerator kMRT_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
Multi-rate timer (MRT) reset control
enumerator kPINT_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
GPIO_INT reset control
PMUX reset control
typedef enum _RSTCTL_RSTn RSTCTL_RSTn_t
Enumeration for peripheral reset control bits.
Defines the enumeration for peripheral reset control bits in RSTCLTx registers
typedef RSTCTL_RSTn_t reset_ip_name_t
IP reset handle.
void RESET_SetPeripheralReset(reset_ip_name_t peripheral)
Assert reset to peripheral.
Asserts reset signal to specified peripheral module.
- Parameters:
peripheral – Assert reset to this peripheral. The enum argument contains encoding of reset register and reset bit position in the reset register.
void RESET_ClearPeripheralReset(reset_ip_name_t peripheral)
Clear reset to peripheral.
Clears reset signal to specified peripheral module, allows it to operate.
- Parameters:
peripheral – Clear reset to this peripheral. The enum argument contains encoding of reset register and reset bit position in the reset register.
void RESET_PeripheralReset(reset_ip_name_t peripheral)
Reset peripheral module.
Reset peripheral module.
- Parameters:
peripheral – Peripheral to reset. The enum argument contains encoding of reset register and reset bit position in the reset register.
static inline void RESET_ReleasePeripheralReset(reset_ip_name_t peripheral)
Release peripheral module.
Release peripheral module.
- Parameters:
peripheral – Peripheral to release. The enum argument contains encoding of reset register and reset bit position in the reset register.
reset driver version 2.1.1.
Reset control registers index.
Array initializers with peripheral reset bits
RTC: Real Time Clock
void RTC_Init(RTC_Type *base)
Un-gate the RTC clock and enable the RTC oscillator.
This API should be called at the beginning of the application using the RTC driver.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
static inline void RTC_Deinit(RTC_Type *base)
Stop the timer and gate the RTC clock.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
status_t RTC_SetDatetime(RTC_Type *base, const rtc_datetime_t *datetime)
Set the RTC date and time according to the given time structure.
The RTC counter must be stopped prior to calling this function as writes to the RTC seconds register will fail if the RTC counter is running.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
datetime – Pointer to structure where the date and time details to set are stored
- Returns:
kStatus_Success: Success in setting the time and starting the RTC kStatus_InvalidArgument: Error because the datetime format is incorrect
void RTC_GetDatetime(RTC_Type *base, rtc_datetime_t *datetime)
Get the RTC time and stores it in the given time structure.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
datetime – Pointer to structure where the date and time details are stored.
status_t RTC_SetAlarm(RTC_Type *base, const rtc_datetime_t *alarmTime)
Set the RTC alarm time.
The function checks whether the specified alarm time is greater than the present time. If not, the function does not set the alarm and returns an error.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
alarmTime – Pointer to structure where the alarm time is stored.
- Returns:
kStatus_Success: success in setting the RTC alarm kStatus_InvalidArgument: Error because the alarm datetime format is incorrect kStatus_Fail: Error because the alarm time has already passed
void RTC_GetAlarm(RTC_Type *base, rtc_datetime_t *datetime)
Return the RTC alarm time.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
datetime – Pointer to structure where the alarm date and time details are stored.
static inline void RTC_EnableWakeupTimer(RTC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable the RTC wake-up timer (1KHZ).
After calling this function, the RTC driver will use/un-use the RTC wake-up (1KHZ) at the same time.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
enable – Use/Un-use the RTC wake-up timer.
true: Use RTC wake-up timer at the same time.
false: Un-use RTC wake-up timer, RTC only use the normal seconds timer by default.
static inline uint32_t RTC_GetEnabledWakeupTimer(RTC_Type *base)
Get the enabled status of the RTC wake-up timer (1KHZ).
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
- Returns:
The enabled status of RTC wake-up timer (1KHZ).
static inline void RTC_EnableSubsecCounter(RTC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable the RTC Sub-second counter (32KHZ).
Only enable sub-second counter after RTC_ENA bit has been set to 1.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
enable – Enable/Disable RTC sub-second counter.
true: Enable RTC sub-second counter.
false: Disable RTC sub-second counter.
static inline uint32_t RTC_GetSubsecValue(const RTC_Type *base)
A read of 32KHZ sub-seconds counter.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
- Returns:
Current value of the SUBSEC register
static inline void RTC_EnableWakeUpTimerInterruptFromDPD(RTC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable the wake-up timer interrupt from deep power down mode.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
enable – Enable/Disable wake-up timer interrupt from deep power down mode.
true: Enable wake-up timer interrupt from deep power down mode.
false: Disable wake-up timer interrupt from deep power down mode.
static inline void RTC_EnableAlarmTimerInterruptFromDPD(RTC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable the alarm timer interrupt from deep power down mode.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
enable – Enable/Disable alarm timer interrupt from deep power down mode.
true: Enable alarm timer interrupt from deep power down mode.
false: Disable alarm timer interrupt from deep power down mode.
static inline void RTC_EnableInterrupts(RTC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the selected RTC interrupts.
- Deprecated:
Do not use this function. It has been superceded by RTC_EnableAlarmTimerInterruptFromDPD and RTC_EnableWakeUpTimerInterruptFromDPD
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
mask – The interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration rtc_interrupt_enable_t
static inline void RTC_DisableInterrupts(RTC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the selected RTC interrupts.
- Deprecated:
Do not use this function. It has been superceded by RTC_EnableAlarmTimerInterruptFromDPD and RTC_EnableWakeUpTimerInterruptFromDPD
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
mask – The interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration rtc_interrupt_enable_t
static inline uint32_t RTC_GetEnabledInterrupts(RTC_Type *base)
Get the enabled RTC interrupts.
- Deprecated:
Do not use this function. It will be deleted in next release version.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
- Returns:
The enabled interrupts. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration rtc_interrupt_enable_t
static inline uint32_t RTC_GetStatusFlags(RTC_Type *base)
Get the RTC status flags.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
- Returns:
The status flags. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration rtc_status_flags_t
static inline void RTC_ClearStatusFlags(RTC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clear the RTC status flags.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
mask – The status flags to clear. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration rtc_status_flags_t
static inline void RTC_EnableTimer(RTC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable the RTC timer counter.
After calling this function, the RTC inner counter increments once a second when only using the RTC seconds timer (1hz), while the RTC inner wake-up timer countdown once a millisecond when using RTC wake-up timer (1KHZ) at the same time. RTC timer contain two timers, one is the RTC normal seconds timer, the other one is the RTC wake-up timer, the RTC enable bit is the master switch for the whole RTC timer, so user can use the RTC seconds (1HZ) timer independly, but they can’t use the RTC wake-up timer (1KHZ) independently.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
enable – Enable/Disable RTC Timer counter.
true: Enable RTC Timer counter.
false: Disable RTC Timer counter.
static inline void RTC_StartTimer(RTC_Type *base)
Starts the RTC time counter.
- Deprecated:
Do not use this function. It has been superceded by RTC_EnableTimer
After calling this function, the timer counter increments once a second provided SR[TOF] or SR[TIF] are not set.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
static inline void RTC_StopTimer(RTC_Type *base)
Stops the RTC time counter.
- Deprecated:
Do not use this function. It has been superceded by RTC_EnableTimer
RTC’s seconds register can be written to only when the timer is stopped.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
Version 2.2.0
enum _rtc_interrupt_enable
List of RTC interrupts.
enumerator kRTC_AlarmInterruptEnable
Alarm interrupt.
enumerator kRTC_WakeupInterruptEnable
Wake-up interrupt.
enumerator kRTC_AlarmInterruptEnable
enum _rtc_status_flags
List of RTC flags.
enumerator kRTC_AlarmFlag
Alarm flag
enumerator kRTC_WakeupFlag
1kHz wake-up timer flag
enumerator kRTC_AlarmFlag
typedef enum _rtc_interrupt_enable rtc_interrupt_enable_t
List of RTC interrupts.
typedef enum _rtc_status_flags rtc_status_flags_t
List of RTC flags.
typedef struct _rtc_datetime rtc_datetime_t
Structure is used to hold the date and time.
static inline void RTC_SetSecondsTimerMatch(RTC_Type *base, uint32_t matchValue)
Set the RTC seconds timer (1HZ) MATCH value.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
matchValue – The value to be set into the RTC MATCH register
static inline uint32_t RTC_GetSecondsTimerMatch(RTC_Type *base)
Read actual RTC seconds timer (1HZ) MATCH value.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
- Returns:
The actual RTC seconds timer (1HZ) MATCH value.
static inline void RTC_SetSecondsTimerCount(RTC_Type *base, uint32_t countValue)
Set the RTC seconds timer (1HZ) COUNT value.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
countValue – The value to be loaded into the RTC COUNT register
static inline uint32_t RTC_GetSecondsTimerCount(RTC_Type *base)
Read the actual RTC seconds timer (1HZ) COUNT value.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
- Returns:
The actual RTC seconds timer (1HZ) COUNT value.
static inline void RTC_SetWakeupCount(RTC_Type *base, uint16_t wakeupValue)
Enable the RTC wake-up timer (1KHZ) and set countdown value to the RTC WAKE register.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
wakeupValue – The value to be loaded into the WAKE register in RTC wake-up timer (1KHZ).
static inline uint16_t RTC_GetWakeupCount(RTC_Type *base)
Read the actual value from the WAKE register value in RTC wake-up timer (1KHZ)
Read the WAKE register twice and compare the result, if the value match,the time can be used.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
- Returns:
The actual value of the WAKE register value in RTC wake-up timer (1KHZ).
static inline void RTC_Reset(RTC_Type *base)
Perform a software reset on the RTC module.
This resets all RTC registers to their reset value. The bit is cleared by software explicitly clearing it.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
struct _rtc_datetime
- #include <fsl_rtc.h>
Structure is used to hold the date and time.
Public Members
uint16_t year
Range from 1970 to 2099.
uint8_t month
Range from 1 to 12.
uint8_t day
Range from 1 to 31 (depending on month).
uint8_t hour
Range from 0 to 23.
uint8_t minute
Range from 0 to 59.
uint8_t second
Range from 0 to 59.
uint16_t year
enum _bl_status_groups
enumerator kStatusGroup_SBLoader
enumerator kStatusGroup_SBLoader
enum _sbloader_status
enumerator kStatusRomLdrSectionOverrun
enumerator kStatusRomLdrSignature
enumerator kStatusRomLdrSectionLength
enumerator kStatusRomLdrUnencryptedOnly
enumerator kStatusRomLdrEOFReached
enumerator kStatusRomLdrChecksum
enumerator kStatusRomLdrCrc32Error
enumerator kStatusRomLdrUnknownCommand
enumerator kStatusRomLdrIdNotFound
enumerator kStatusRomLdrDataUnderrun
enumerator kStatusRomLdrJumpReturned
enumerator kStatusRomLdrCallFailed
enumerator kStatusRomLdrKeyNotFound
enumerator kStatusRomLdrSecureOnly
enumerator kStatusRomLdrResetReturned
enumerator kStatusRomLdrRollbackBlocked
enumerator kStatusRomLdrInvalidSectionMacCount
enumerator kStatusRomLdrUnexpectedCommand
enumerator kStatusRomLdrBadSBKEK
enumerator kStatusRomLdrPendingJumpCommand
enumerator kStatusRomLdrSectionOverrun
enum _sectionType
sb3 section definitions
section type
enumerator kSectionNone
enumerator kSectionDataRange
enumerator kSectionDiffUpdate
enumerator kSectionDDRConfig
enumerator kSectionRegister
enumerator kSectionNone
enumerator kFwVerChk_Id_none
enumerator kFwVerChk_Id_nonsecure
enumerator kFwVerChk_Id_secure
enumerator kFwVerChk_Id_none
enum _loader_command_sb3
enumerator kSB3_CmdInvalid
enumerator kSB3_CmdErase
enumerator kSB3_CmdLoad
enumerator kSB3_CmdExecute
enumerator kSB3_CmdCall
enumerator kSB3_CmdProgramFuse
enumerator kSB3_CmdProgramIFR
enumerator kSB3_CmdLoadCmac
enumerator kSB3_CmdCopy
enumerator kSB3_CmdLoadHashLocking
enumerator kSB3_CmdLoadKeyBlob
enumerator kSB3_CmdConfigMem
enumerator kSB3_CmdFillMem
enumerator kSB3_CmdFwVerCheck
enumerator kSB3_CmdInvalid
typedef uint8_t chunk_v3_t[16]
typedef struct _ldr_buf ldr_buf_t
typedef struct _ldr_Context_v3 ldr_Context_v3_t
typedef status_t (*pLdrFnc_v3_t)(ldr_Context_v3_t *content)
Function pointer definition for all loader action functions.
typedef enum _sectionType section_type_t
sb3 section definitions
section type
typedef struct range_header sb3_data_range_header_t
section data range structure
typedef struct range_header_expansion sb3_data_range_expansion_t
typedef struct copy_memory_expansion sb3_copy_memory_expansion_t
typedef struct copy sb3_copy_memory_t
typedef struct load_keyblob sb3_load_keyblob_t
typedef struct fill_memory_expansion sb3_fill_memory_expansion_t
typedef struct fill_memory sb3_fill_memory_t
typedef struct config_memory sb3_config_memory_t
typedef struct fw_ver_check sb3_fw_ver_check_t
typedef struct section_header sb3_section_header_t
sb3 DATA section header format
typedef enum _loader_command_sb3 sb3_cmd_t
Defines the number of bytes in a cipher block (chunk). This is dictated by the encryption algorithm.
The all of the allowed command.
The allowed command set in ISP mode.
The allowed command set in recovery mode.
The allowed command set in secure ATE mode.
struct _ldr_buf
- #include <fsl_sbloader_v3.h>
struct range_header
- #include <fsl_sbloader_v3.h>
section data range structure
struct range_header_expansion
- #include <fsl_sbloader_v3.h>
struct copy_memory_expansion
- #include <fsl_sbloader_v3.h>
struct copy
- #include <fsl_sbloader_v3.h>
struct load_keyblob
- #include <fsl_sbloader_v3.h>
struct fill_memory_expansion
- #include <fsl_sbloader_v3.h>
struct fill_memory
- #include <fsl_sbloader_v3.h>
struct config_memory
- #include <fsl_sbloader_v3.h>
struct fw_ver_check
- #include <fsl_sbloader_v3.h>
struct section_header
- #include <fsl_sbloader_v3.h>
sb3 DATA section header format
struct _ldr_Context_v3
- #include <fsl_sbloader_v3.h>
Loader context definition.
Public Members
pLdrFnc_v3_t Action
pointer to loader action function
uint32_t block_size
size of each block in bytes
uint32_t block_data_size
data size in bytes (NBOOT_SB3_CHUNK_SIZE_IN_BYTES)
uint32_t block_data_total
data max size in bytes (block_size * data_size
uint32_t block_buffer_size
block0 and block size
uint32_t processedBlocks
will be used for both block0 and blockx
bool in_data_block
data block offset in a block.
in progress of handling a data block within a block
bool in_data_section
in progress of handling a data section within a data block
bool in_data_range
in progress of handling a data range within a data section
uint32_t commandSet
support command set during sb file handling
uint8_t data_buffer[(MAX(128, NBOOT_KEY_BLOB_SIZE_IN_BYTE_MAX))]
temporary data buffer
uint8_t fuse_cmd_buffer[32 * 4]
used for fuse command
bool do_firmware_load
special handling for firmware loading ourside normal memory regions
pLdrFnc_v3_t Action
SCTimer: SCTimer/PWM (SCT)
status_t SCTIMER_Init(SCT_Type *base, const sctimer_config_t *config)
Ungates the SCTimer clock and configures the peripheral for basic operation.
This API should be called at the beginning of the application using the SCTimer driver.
- Parameters:
base – SCTimer peripheral base address
config – Pointer to the user configuration structure.
- Returns:
kStatus_Success indicates success; Else indicates failure.
void SCTIMER_Deinit(SCT_Type *base)
Gates the SCTimer clock.
- Parameters:
base – SCTimer peripheral base address
void SCTIMER_GetDefaultConfig(sctimer_config_t *config)
Fills in the SCTimer configuration structure with the default settings.
The default values are:
config->enableCounterUnify = true; config->clockMode = kSCTIMER_System_ClockMode; config->clockSelect = kSCTIMER_Clock_On_Rise_Input_0; config->enableBidirection_l = false; config->enableBidirection_h = false; config->prescale_l = 0U; config->prescale_h = 0U; config->outInitState = 0U; config->inputsync = 0xFU;
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to the user configuration structure.
status_t SCTIMER_SetupPwm(SCT_Type *base, const sctimer_pwm_signal_param_t *pwmParams, sctimer_pwm_mode_t mode, uint32_t pwmFreq_Hz, uint32_t srcClock_Hz, uint32_t *event)
Configures the PWM signal parameters.
Call this function to configure the PWM signal period, mode, duty cycle, and edge. This function will create 2 events; one of the events will trigger on match with the pulse value and the other will trigger when the counter matches the PWM period. The PWM period event is also used as a limit event to reset the counter or change direction. Both events are enabled for the same state. The state number can be retrieved by calling the function SCTIMER_GetCurrentStateNumber(). The counter is set to operate as one 32-bit counter (unify bit is set to 1). The counter operates in bi-directional mode when generating a center-aligned PWM.
When setting PWM output from multiple output pins, they all should use the same PWM mode i.e all PWM’s should be either edge-aligned or center-aligned. When using this API, the PWM signal frequency of all the initialized channels must be the same. Otherwise all the initialized channels’ PWM signal frequency is equal to the last call to the API’s pwmFreq_Hz.
- Parameters:
base – SCTimer peripheral base address
pwmParams – PWM parameters to configure the output
mode – PWM operation mode, options available in enumeration sctimer_pwm_mode_t
pwmFreq_Hz – PWM signal frequency in Hz
srcClock_Hz – SCTimer counter clock in Hz
event – Pointer to a variable where the PWM period event number is stored
- Returns:
kStatus_Success on success kStatus_Fail If we have hit the limit in terms of number of events created or if an incorrect PWM dutycylce is passed in.
void SCTIMER_UpdatePwmDutycycle(SCT_Type *base, sctimer_out_t output, uint8_t dutyCyclePercent, uint32_t event)
Updates the duty cycle of an active PWM signal.
Before calling this function, the counter is set to operate as one 32-bit counter (unify bit is set to 1).
- Parameters:
base – SCTimer peripheral base address
output – The output to configure
dutyCyclePercent – New PWM pulse width; the value should be between 1 to 100
event – Event number associated with this PWM signal. This was returned to the user by the function SCTIMER_SetupPwm().
static inline void SCTIMER_EnableInterrupts(SCT_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the selected SCTimer interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – SCTimer peripheral base address
mask – The interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration sctimer_interrupt_enable_t
static inline void SCTIMER_DisableInterrupts(SCT_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the selected SCTimer interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – SCTimer peripheral base address
mask – The interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration sctimer_interrupt_enable_t
static inline uint32_t SCTIMER_GetEnabledInterrupts(SCT_Type *base)
Gets the enabled SCTimer interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – SCTimer peripheral base address
- Returns:
The enabled interrupts. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration sctimer_interrupt_enable_t
static inline uint32_t SCTIMER_GetStatusFlags(SCT_Type *base)
Gets the SCTimer status flags.
- Parameters:
base – SCTimer peripheral base address
- Returns:
The status flags. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration sctimer_status_flags_t
static inline void SCTIMER_ClearStatusFlags(SCT_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears the SCTimer status flags.
- Parameters:
base – SCTimer peripheral base address
mask – The status flags to clear. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration sctimer_status_flags_t
static inline void SCTIMER_StartTimer(SCT_Type *base, uint32_t countertoStart)
Starts the SCTimer counter.
In 16-bit mode, we can enable both Counter_L and Counter_H, In 32-bit mode, we only can select Counter_U.
- Parameters:
base – SCTimer peripheral base address
countertoStart – The SCTimer counters to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration sctimer_counter_t.
static inline void SCTIMER_StopTimer(SCT_Type *base, uint32_t countertoStop)
Halts the SCTimer counter.
- Parameters:
base – SCTimer peripheral base address
countertoStop – The SCTimer counters to stop. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration sctimer_counter_t.
status_t SCTIMER_CreateAndScheduleEvent(SCT_Type *base, sctimer_event_t howToMonitor, uint32_t matchValue, uint32_t whichIO, sctimer_counter_t whichCounter, uint32_t *event)
Create an event that is triggered on a match or IO and schedule in current state.
This function will configure an event using the options provided by the user. If the event type uses the counter match, then the function will set the user provided match value into a match register and put this match register number into the event control register. The event is enabled for the current state and the event number is increased by one at the end. The function returns the event number; this event number can be used to configure actions to be done when this event is triggered.
- Parameters:
base – SCTimer peripheral base address
howToMonitor – Event type; options are available in the enumeration sctimer_interrupt_enable_t
matchValue – The match value that will be programmed to a match register
whichIO – The input or output that will be involved in event triggering. This field is ignored if the event type is “match only”
whichCounter – SCTimer counter to use. In 16-bit mode, we can select Counter_L and Counter_H, In 32-bit mode, we can select Counter_U.
event – Pointer to a variable where the new event number is stored
- Returns:
kStatus_Success on success kStatus_Error if we have hit the limit in terms of number of events created or if we have reached the limit in terms of number of match registers
void SCTIMER_ScheduleEvent(SCT_Type *base, uint32_t event)
Enable an event in the current state.
This function will allow the event passed in to trigger in the current state. The event must be created earlier by either calling the function SCTIMER_SetupPwm() or function SCTIMER_CreateAndScheduleEvent() .
- Parameters:
base – SCTimer peripheral base address
event – Event number to enable in the current state
status_t SCTIMER_IncreaseState(SCT_Type *base)
Increase the state by 1.
All future events created by calling the function SCTIMER_ScheduleEvent() will be enabled in this new state.
- Parameters:
base – SCTimer peripheral base address
- Returns:
kStatus_Success on success kStatus_Error if we have hit the limit in terms of states used
uint32_t SCTIMER_GetCurrentState(SCT_Type *base)
Provides the current state.
User can use this to set the next state by calling the function SCTIMER_SetupNextStateAction().
- Parameters:
base – SCTimer peripheral base address
- Returns:
The current state
static inline void SCTIMER_SetCounterState(SCT_Type *base, sctimer_counter_t whichCounter, uint32_t state)
Set the counter current state.
The function is to set the state variable bit field of STATE register. Writing to the STATE_L, STATE_H, or unified register is only allowed when the corresponding counter is halted (HALT bits are set to 1 in the CTRL register).
- Parameters:
base – SCTimer peripheral base address
whichCounter – SCTimer counter to use. In 16-bit mode, we can select Counter_L and Counter_H, In 32-bit mode, we can select Counter_U.
state – The counter current state number (only support range from 0~31).
static inline uint16_t SCTIMER_GetCounterState(SCT_Type *base, sctimer_counter_t whichCounter)
Get the counter current state value.
The function is to get the state variable bit field of STATE register.
- Parameters:
base – SCTimer peripheral base address
whichCounter – SCTimer counter to use. In 16-bit mode, we can select Counter_L and Counter_H, In 32-bit mode, we can select Counter_U.
- Returns:
The the counter current state value.
status_t SCTIMER_SetupCaptureAction(SCT_Type *base, sctimer_counter_t whichCounter, uint32_t *captureRegister, uint32_t event)
Setup capture of the counter value on trigger of a selected event.
- Parameters:
base – SCTimer peripheral base address
whichCounter – SCTimer counter to use. In 16-bit mode, we can select Counter_L and Counter_H, In 32-bit mode, we can select Counter_U.
captureRegister – Pointer to a variable where the capture register number will be returned. User can read the captured value from this register when the specified event is triggered.
event – Event number that will trigger the capture
- Returns:
kStatus_Success on success kStatus_Error if we have hit the limit in terms of number of match/capture registers available
void SCTIMER_SetCallback(SCT_Type *base, sctimer_event_callback_t callback, uint32_t event)
Receive noticification when the event trigger an interrupt.
If the interrupt for the event is enabled by the user, then a callback can be registered which will be invoked when the event is triggered
- Parameters:
base – SCTimer peripheral base address
event – Event number that will trigger the interrupt
callback – Function to invoke when the event is triggered
static inline void SCTIMER_SetupStateLdMethodAction(SCT_Type *base, uint32_t event, bool fgLoad)
Change the load method of transition to the specified state.
Change the load method of transition, it will be triggered by the event number that is passed in by the user.
- Parameters:
base – SCTimer peripheral base address
event – Event number that will change the method to trigger the state transition
fgLoad – The method to load highest-numbered event occurring for that state to the STATE register.
true: Load the STATEV value to STATE when the event occurs to be the next state.
false: Add the STATEV value to STATE when the event occurs to be the next state.
static inline void SCTIMER_SetupNextStateActionwithLdMethod(SCT_Type *base, uint32_t nextState, uint32_t event, bool fgLoad)
Transition to the specified state with Load method.
This transition will be triggered by the event number that is passed in by the user, the method decide how to load the highest-numbered event occurring for that state to the STATE register.
- Parameters:
base – SCTimer peripheral base address
nextState – The next state SCTimer will transition to
event – Event number that will trigger the state transition
fgLoad – The method to load the highest-numbered event occurring for that state to the STATE register.
true: Load the STATEV value to STATE when the event occurs to be the next state.
false: Add the STATEV value to STATE when the event occurs to be the next state.
static inline void SCTIMER_SetupNextStateAction(SCT_Type *base, uint32_t nextState, uint32_t event)
Transition to the specified state.
- Deprecated:
Do not use this function. It has been superceded by SCTIMER_SetupNextStateActionwithLdMethod
This transition will be triggered by the event number that is passed in by the user.
- Parameters:
base – SCTimer peripheral base address
nextState – The next state SCTimer will transition to
event – Event number that will trigger the state transition
static inline void SCTIMER_SetupEventActiveDirection(SCT_Type *base, sctimer_event_active_direction_t activeDirection, uint32_t event)
Setup event active direction when the counters are operating in BIDIR mode.
- Parameters:
base – SCTimer peripheral base address
activeDirection – Event generation active direction, see sctimer_event_active_direction_t.
event – Event number that need setup the active direction.
static inline void SCTIMER_SetupOutputSetAction(SCT_Type *base, uint32_t whichIO, uint32_t event)
Set the Output.
This output will be set when the event number that is passed in by the user is triggered.
- Parameters:
base – SCTimer peripheral base address
whichIO – The output to set
event – Event number that will trigger the output change
static inline void SCTIMER_SetupOutputClearAction(SCT_Type *base, uint32_t whichIO, uint32_t event)
Clear the Output.
This output will be cleared when the event number that is passed in by the user is triggered.
- Parameters:
base – SCTimer peripheral base address
whichIO – The output to clear
event – Event number that will trigger the output change
void SCTIMER_SetupOutputToggleAction(SCT_Type *base, uint32_t whichIO, uint32_t event)
Toggle the output level.
This change in the output level is triggered by the event number that is passed in by the user.
- Parameters:
base – SCTimer peripheral base address
whichIO – The output to toggle
event – Event number that will trigger the output change
static inline void SCTIMER_SetupCounterLimitAction(SCT_Type *base, sctimer_counter_t whichCounter, uint32_t event)
Limit the running counter.
The counter is limited when the event number that is passed in by the user is triggered.
- Parameters:
base – SCTimer peripheral base address
whichCounter – SCTimer counter to use. In 16-bit mode, we can select Counter_L and Counter_H, In 32-bit mode, we can select Counter_U.
event – Event number that will trigger the counter to be limited
static inline void SCTIMER_SetupCounterStopAction(SCT_Type *base, sctimer_counter_t whichCounter, uint32_t event)
Stop the running counter.
The counter is stopped when the event number that is passed in by the user is triggered.
- Parameters:
base – SCTimer peripheral base address
whichCounter – SCTimer counter to use. In 16-bit mode, we can select Counter_L and Counter_H, In 32-bit mode, we can select Counter_U.
event – Event number that will trigger the counter to be stopped
static inline void SCTIMER_SetupCounterStartAction(SCT_Type *base, sctimer_counter_t whichCounter, uint32_t event)
Re-start the stopped counter.
The counter will re-start when the event number that is passed in by the user is triggered.
- Parameters:
base – SCTimer peripheral base address
whichCounter – SCTimer counter to use. In 16-bit mode, we can select Counter_L and Counter_H, In 32-bit mode, we can select Counter_U.
event – Event number that will trigger the counter to re-start
static inline void SCTIMER_SetupCounterHaltAction(SCT_Type *base, sctimer_counter_t whichCounter, uint32_t event)
Halt the running counter.
The counter is disabled (halted) when the event number that is passed in by the user is triggered. When the counter is halted, all further events are disabled. The HALT condition can only be removed by calling the SCTIMER_StartTimer() function.
- Parameters:
base – SCTimer peripheral base address
whichCounter – SCTimer counter to use. In 16-bit mode, we can select Counter_L and Counter_H, In 32-bit mode, we can select Counter_U.
event – Event number that will trigger the counter to be halted
static inline void SCTIMER_SetupDmaTriggerAction(SCT_Type *base, uint32_t dmaNumber, uint32_t event)
Generate a DMA request.
DMA request will be triggered by the event number that is passed in by the user.
- Parameters:
base – SCTimer peripheral base address
dmaNumber – The DMA request to generate
event – Event number that will trigger the DMA request
static inline void SCTIMER_SetCOUNTValue(SCT_Type *base, sctimer_counter_t whichCounter, uint32_t value)
Set the value of counter.
The function is to set the value of Count register, Writing to the COUNT_L, COUNT_H, or unified register is only allowed when the corresponding counter is halted (HALT bits are set to 1 in the CTRL register).
- Parameters:
base – SCTimer peripheral base address
whichCounter – SCTimer counter to use. In 16-bit mode, we can select Counter_L and Counter_H, In 32-bit mode, we can select Counter_U.
value – the counter value update to the COUNT register.
static inline uint32_t SCTIMER_GetCOUNTValue(SCT_Type *base, sctimer_counter_t whichCounter)
Get the value of counter.
The function is to read the value of Count register, software can read the counter registers at any time..
- Parameters:
base – SCTimer peripheral base address
whichCounter – SCTimer counter to use. In 16-bit mode, we can select Counter_L and Counter_H, In 32-bit mode, we can select Counter_U.
- Returns:
The value of counter selected.
static inline void SCTIMER_SetEventInState(SCT_Type *base, uint32_t event, uint32_t state)
Set the state mask bit field of EV_STATE register.
- Parameters:
base – SCTimer peripheral base address
event – The EV_STATE register be set.
state – The state value in which the event is enabled to occur.
static inline void SCTIMER_ClearEventInState(SCT_Type *base, uint32_t event, uint32_t state)
Clear the state mask bit field of EV_STATE register.
- Parameters:
base – SCTimer peripheral base address
event – The EV_STATE register be clear.
state – The state value in which the event is disabled to occur.
static inline bool SCTIMER_GetEventInState(SCT_Type *base, uint32_t event, uint32_t state)
Get the state mask bit field of EV_STATE register.
This function is to check whether the event is enabled in a specific state.
- Parameters:
base – SCTimer peripheral base address
event – The EV_STATE register be read.
state – The state value.
- Returns:
The the state mask bit field of EV_STATE register.
true: The event is enable in state.
false: The event is disable in state.
static inline uint32_t SCTIMER_GetCaptureValue(SCT_Type *base, sctimer_counter_t whichCounter, uint8_t capChannel)
Get the value of capture register.
This function returns the captured value upon occurrence of the events selected by the corresponding Capture Control registers occurred.
- Parameters:
base – SCTimer peripheral base address
whichCounter – SCTimer counter to use. In 16-bit mode, we can select Counter_L and Counter_H, In 32-bit mode, we can select Counter_U.
capChannel – SCTimer capture register of capture channel.
- Returns:
The SCTimer counter value at which this register was last captured.
void SCTIMER_EventHandleIRQ(SCT_Type *base)
SCTimer interrupt handler.
- Parameters:
base – SCTimer peripheral base address.
enum _sctimer_pwm_mode
SCTimer PWM operation modes.
enumerator kSCTIMER_EdgeAlignedPwm
Edge-aligned PWM
enumerator kSCTIMER_CenterAlignedPwm
Center-aligned PWM
enumerator kSCTIMER_EdgeAlignedPwm
enum _sctimer_counter
SCTimer counters type.
enumerator kSCTIMER_Counter_L
16-bit Low counter.
enumerator kSCTIMER_Counter_H
16-bit High counter.
enumerator kSCTIMER_Counter_U
32-bit Unified counter.
enumerator kSCTIMER_Counter_L
enum _sctimer_input
List of SCTimer input pins.
enumerator kSCTIMER_Input_0
SCTIMER input 0
enumerator kSCTIMER_Input_1
SCTIMER input 1
enumerator kSCTIMER_Input_2
SCTIMER input 2
enumerator kSCTIMER_Input_3
SCTIMER input 3
enumerator kSCTIMER_Input_4
SCTIMER input 4
enumerator kSCTIMER_Input_5
SCTIMER input 5
enumerator kSCTIMER_Input_6
SCTIMER input 6
enumerator kSCTIMER_Input_7
SCTIMER input 7
enumerator kSCTIMER_Input_0
enum _sctimer_out
List of SCTimer output pins.
enumerator kSCTIMER_Out_0
SCTIMER output 0
enumerator kSCTIMER_Out_1
SCTIMER output 1
enumerator kSCTIMER_Out_2
SCTIMER output 2
enumerator kSCTIMER_Out_3
SCTIMER output 3
enumerator kSCTIMER_Out_4
SCTIMER output 4
enumerator kSCTIMER_Out_5
SCTIMER output 5
enumerator kSCTIMER_Out_6
SCTIMER output 6
enumerator kSCTIMER_Out_7
SCTIMER output 7
enumerator kSCTIMER_Out_8
SCTIMER output 8
enumerator kSCTIMER_Out_9
SCTIMER output 9
enumerator kSCTIMER_Out_0
enum _sctimer_pwm_level_select
SCTimer PWM output pulse mode: high-true, low-true or no output.
enumerator kSCTIMER_LowTrue
Low true pulses
enumerator kSCTIMER_HighTrue
High true pulses
enumerator kSCTIMER_LowTrue
enum _sctimer_clock_mode
SCTimer clock mode options.
enumerator kSCTIMER_System_ClockMode
System Clock Mode
enumerator kSCTIMER_Sampled_ClockMode
Sampled System Clock Mode
enumerator kSCTIMER_Input_ClockMode
SCT Input Clock Mode
enumerator kSCTIMER_Asynchronous_ClockMode
Asynchronous Mode
enumerator kSCTIMER_System_ClockMode
enum _sctimer_clock_select
SCTimer clock select options.
enumerator kSCTIMER_Clock_On_Rise_Input_0
Rising edges on input 0
enumerator kSCTIMER_Clock_On_Fall_Input_0
Falling edges on input 0
enumerator kSCTIMER_Clock_On_Rise_Input_1
Rising edges on input 1
enumerator kSCTIMER_Clock_On_Fall_Input_1
Falling edges on input 1
enumerator kSCTIMER_Clock_On_Rise_Input_2
Rising edges on input 2
enumerator kSCTIMER_Clock_On_Fall_Input_2
Falling edges on input 2
enumerator kSCTIMER_Clock_On_Rise_Input_3
Rising edges on input 3
enumerator kSCTIMER_Clock_On_Fall_Input_3
Falling edges on input 3
enumerator kSCTIMER_Clock_On_Rise_Input_4
Rising edges on input 4
enumerator kSCTIMER_Clock_On_Fall_Input_4
Falling edges on input 4
enumerator kSCTIMER_Clock_On_Rise_Input_5
Rising edges on input 5
enumerator kSCTIMER_Clock_On_Fall_Input_5
Falling edges on input 5
enumerator kSCTIMER_Clock_On_Rise_Input_6
Rising edges on input 6
enumerator kSCTIMER_Clock_On_Fall_Input_6
Falling edges on input 6
enumerator kSCTIMER_Clock_On_Rise_Input_7
Rising edges on input 7
enumerator kSCTIMER_Clock_On_Fall_Input_7
Falling edges on input 7
enumerator kSCTIMER_Clock_On_Rise_Input_0
enum _sctimer_conflict_resolution
SCTimer output conflict resolution options.
Specifies what action should be taken if multiple events dictate that a given output should be both set and cleared at the same time
enumerator kSCTIMER_ResolveNone
No change
enumerator kSCTIMER_ResolveSet
Set output
enumerator kSCTIMER_ResolveClear
Clear output
enumerator kSCTIMER_ResolveToggle
Toggle output
enumerator kSCTIMER_ResolveNone
enum _sctimer_event_active_direction
List of SCTimer event generation active direction when the counters are operating in BIDIR mode.
enumerator kSCTIMER_ActiveIndependent
This event is triggered regardless of the count direction.
enumerator kSCTIMER_ActiveInCountUp
This event is triggered only during up-counting when BIDIR = 1.
enumerator kSCTIMER_ActiveInCountDown
This event is triggered only during down-counting when BIDIR = 1.
enumerator kSCTIMER_ActiveIndependent
enum _sctimer_event
List of SCTimer event types.
enumerator kSCTIMER_InputLowOrMatchEvent
enumerator kSCTIMER_InputRiseOrMatchEvent
enumerator kSCTIMER_InputFallOrMatchEvent
enumerator kSCTIMER_InputHighOrMatchEvent
enumerator kSCTIMER_MatchEventOnly
enumerator kSCTIMER_InputLowEvent
enumerator kSCTIMER_InputRiseEvent
enumerator kSCTIMER_InputFallEvent
enumerator kSCTIMER_InputHighEvent
enumerator kSCTIMER_InputLowAndMatchEvent
enumerator kSCTIMER_InputRiseAndMatchEvent
enumerator kSCTIMER_InputFallAndMatchEvent
enumerator kSCTIMER_InputHighAndMatchEvent
enumerator kSCTIMER_OutputLowOrMatchEvent
enumerator kSCTIMER_OutputRiseOrMatchEvent
enumerator kSCTIMER_OutputFallOrMatchEvent
enumerator kSCTIMER_OutputHighOrMatchEvent
enumerator kSCTIMER_OutputLowEvent
enumerator kSCTIMER_OutputRiseEvent
enumerator kSCTIMER_OutputFallEvent
enumerator kSCTIMER_OutputHighEvent
enumerator kSCTIMER_OutputLowAndMatchEvent
enumerator kSCTIMER_OutputRiseAndMatchEvent
enumerator kSCTIMER_OutputFallAndMatchEvent
enumerator kSCTIMER_OutputHighAndMatchEvent
enumerator kSCTIMER_InputLowOrMatchEvent
enum _sctimer_interrupt_enable
List of SCTimer interrupts.
enumerator kSCTIMER_Event0InterruptEnable
Event 0 interrupt
enumerator kSCTIMER_Event1InterruptEnable
Event 1 interrupt
enumerator kSCTIMER_Event2InterruptEnable
Event 2 interrupt
enumerator kSCTIMER_Event3InterruptEnable
Event 3 interrupt
enumerator kSCTIMER_Event4InterruptEnable
Event 4 interrupt
enumerator kSCTIMER_Event5InterruptEnable
Event 5 interrupt
enumerator kSCTIMER_Event6InterruptEnable
Event 6 interrupt
enumerator kSCTIMER_Event7InterruptEnable
Event 7 interrupt
enumerator kSCTIMER_Event8InterruptEnable
Event 8 interrupt
enumerator kSCTIMER_Event9InterruptEnable
Event 9 interrupt
enumerator kSCTIMER_Event10InterruptEnable
Event 10 interrupt
enumerator kSCTIMER_Event11InterruptEnable
Event 11 interrupt
enumerator kSCTIMER_Event12InterruptEnable
Event 12 interrupt
enumerator kSCTIMER_Event0InterruptEnable
enum _sctimer_status_flags
List of SCTimer flags.
enumerator kSCTIMER_Event0Flag
Event 0 Flag
enumerator kSCTIMER_Event1Flag
Event 1 Flag
enumerator kSCTIMER_Event2Flag
Event 2 Flag
enumerator kSCTIMER_Event3Flag
Event 3 Flag
enumerator kSCTIMER_Event4Flag
Event 4 Flag
enumerator kSCTIMER_Event5Flag
Event 5 Flag
enumerator kSCTIMER_Event6Flag
Event 6 Flag
enumerator kSCTIMER_Event7Flag
Event 7 Flag
enumerator kSCTIMER_Event8Flag
Event 8 Flag
enumerator kSCTIMER_Event9Flag
Event 9 Flag
enumerator kSCTIMER_Event10Flag
Event 10 Flag
enumerator kSCTIMER_Event11Flag
Event 11 Flag
enumerator kSCTIMER_Event12Flag
Event 12 Flag
enumerator kSCTIMER_BusErrorLFlag
Bus error due to write when L counter was not halted
enumerator kSCTIMER_BusErrorHFlag
Bus error due to write when H counter was not halted
enumerator kSCTIMER_Event0Flag
typedef enum _sctimer_pwm_mode sctimer_pwm_mode_t
SCTimer PWM operation modes.
typedef enum _sctimer_counter sctimer_counter_t
SCTimer counters type.
typedef enum _sctimer_input sctimer_input_t
List of SCTimer input pins.
typedef enum _sctimer_out sctimer_out_t
List of SCTimer output pins.
typedef enum _sctimer_pwm_level_select sctimer_pwm_level_select_t
SCTimer PWM output pulse mode: high-true, low-true or no output.
typedef struct _sctimer_pwm_signal_param sctimer_pwm_signal_param_t
Options to configure a SCTimer PWM signal.
typedef enum _sctimer_clock_mode sctimer_clock_mode_t
SCTimer clock mode options.
typedef enum _sctimer_clock_select sctimer_clock_select_t
SCTimer clock select options.
typedef enum _sctimer_conflict_resolution sctimer_conflict_resolution_t
SCTimer output conflict resolution options.
Specifies what action should be taken if multiple events dictate that a given output should be both set and cleared at the same time
typedef enum _sctimer_event_active_direction sctimer_event_active_direction_t
List of SCTimer event generation active direction when the counters are operating in BIDIR mode.
typedef enum _sctimer_event sctimer_event_t
List of SCTimer event types.
typedef void (*sctimer_event_callback_t)(void)
SCTimer callback typedef.
typedef enum _sctimer_interrupt_enable sctimer_interrupt_enable_t
List of SCTimer interrupts.
typedef enum _sctimer_status_flags sctimer_status_flags_t
List of SCTimer flags.
typedef struct _sctimer_config sctimer_config_t
SCTimer configuration structure.
This structure holds the configuration settings for the SCTimer peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the SCTMR_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to the configuration structure instance.
The configuration structure can be made constant so as to reside in flash.
struct _sctimer_pwm_signal_param
- #include <fsl_sctimer.h>
Options to configure a SCTimer PWM signal.
Public Members
sctimer_out_t output
The output pin to use to generate the PWM signal
sctimer_pwm_level_select_t level
PWM output active level select.
uint8_t dutyCyclePercent
PWM pulse width, value should be between 0 to 100 0 = always inactive signal (0% duty cycle) 100 = always active signal (100% duty cycle).
sctimer_out_t output
struct _sctimer_config
- #include <fsl_sctimer.h>
SCTimer configuration structure.
This structure holds the configuration settings for the SCTimer peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the SCTMR_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to the configuration structure instance.
The configuration structure can be made constant so as to reside in flash.
Public Members
bool enableCounterUnify
true: SCT operates as a unified 32-bit counter; false: SCT operates as two 16-bit counters. User can use the 16-bit low counter and the 16-bit high counters at the same time; for Hardware limit, user can not use unified 32-bit counter and any 16-bit low/high counter at the same time.
sctimer_clock_mode_t clockMode
SCT clock mode value
sctimer_clock_select_t clockSelect
SCT clock select value
bool enableBidirection_l
true: Up-down count mode for the L or unified counter false: Up count mode only for the L or unified counter
bool enableBidirection_h
true: Up-down count mode for the H or unified counter false: Up count mode only for the H or unified counter. This field is used only if the enableCounterUnify is set to false
uint8_t prescale_l
Prescale value to produce the L or unified counter clock
uint8_t prescale_h
Prescale value to produce the H counter clock. This field is used only if the enableCounterUnify is set to false
uint8_t outInitState
Defines the initial output value
uint8_t inputsync
SCT INSYNC value, INSYNC field in the CONFIG register, from bit9 to bit 16. it is used to define synchronization for input N: bit 9 = input 0 bit 10 = input 1 bit 11 = input 2 bit 12 = input 3 All other bits are reserved (bit13 ~bit 16). How User to set the the value for the member inputsync. IE: delay for input0, and input 1, bypasses for input 2 and input 3 MACRO definition in user level. #define INPUTSYNC0 (0U) #define INPUTSYNC1 (1U) #define INPUTSYNC2 (2U) #define INPUTSYNC3 (3U) User Code. sctimerInfo.inputsync = (1 << INPUTSYNC2) | (1 << INPUTSYNC3);
bool enableCounterUnify
enum _sdioslv_status
SDIO status.
enumerator kStatus_SDIOSLV_CmdPending
previous command is under working.
enumerator kStatus_SDIOSLV_SendFull
all data slots are occupied.
enumerator kStatus_SDIOSLV_FuncEnabled
function enabled
enumerator kStatus_SDIOSLV_FuncDisabled
function disabled
enumerator kStatus_SDIOSLV_FuncSuspended
function suspended
enumerator kStatus_SDIOSLV_FuncResumed
function resumed
enumerator kStatus_SDIOSLV_FuncSendComplete
function send complete
enumerator kStatus_SDIOSLV_FuncReadComplete
function read complete
enumerator kStatus_SDIOSLV_FuncRequestBuffer
function request read buffer
enumerator kStatus_SDIOSLV_CmdPending
enum _sdioslv_int_cpu_num
SDIO card function number.
enumerator kSDIOSLV_INT_CPUNum1
sdio interrupt to CPU1
enumerator kSDIOSLV_INT_CPUNum2
sdio interrupt to CPU2
enumerator kSDIOSLV_INT_CPUNum3
sdio interrupt to CPU3
enumerator kSDIOSLV_INT_CPUNum1
enum _sdioslv_func_num
SDIO card function number.
enumerator kSDIOSLV_FunctionNum1
sdio function1
enumerator kSDIOSLV_FunctionNum2
sdio function2
enumerator kSDIOSLV_FunctionNum3
sdio function3
enumerator kSDIOSLV_FunctionNum4
sdio function4
enumerator kSDIOSLV_FunctionNum5
sdio function5
enumerator kSDIOSLV_FunctionNum6
sdio function6
enumerator kSDIOSLV_FunctionNum7
sdio function7
enumerator kSDIOSLV_FunctionNum1
enum _sdioslv_port_num
SDIO port number (per function)
enumerator kSDIOSLV_DataPortNum0
sdio dataport0
enumerator kSDIOSLV_DataPortNum1
sdio dataport1
enumerator kSDIOSLV_DataPortNum2
sdio dataport2
enumerator kSDIOSLV_DataPortNum3
sdio dataport3
enumerator kSDIOSLV_DataPortNum4
sdio dataport4
enumerator kSDIOSLV_DataPortNum5
sdio dataport5
enumerator kSDIOSLV_DataPortNum6
sdio dataport6
enumerator kSDIOSLV_DataPortNum7
sdio dataport7
enumerator kSDIOSLV_DataPortNum8
sdio dataport8
enumerator kSDIOSLV_DataPortNum9
sdio dataport9
enumerator kSDIOSLV_DataPortNum10
sdio dataport10
enumerator kSDIOSLV_DataPortNum11
sdio dataport11
enumerator kSDIOSLV_DataPortNum12
sdio dataport12
enumerator kSDIOSLV_DataPortNum13
sdio dataport13
enumerator kSDIOSLV_DataPortNum14
sdio dataport14
enumerator kSDIOSLV_DataPortNum15
sdio dataport15
enumerator kSDIOSLV_DataPortNum16
sdio dataport16
enumerator kSDIOSLV_DataPortNum17
sdio dataport17
enumerator kSDIOSLV_DataPortNum18
sdio dataport18
enumerator kSDIOSLV_DataPortNum19
sdio dataport19
enumerator kSDIOSLV_DataPortNum20
sdio dataport20
enumerator kSDIOSLV_DataPortNum21
sdio dataport21
enumerator kSDIOSLV_DataPortNum22
sdio dataport22
enumerator kSDIOSLV_DataPortNum23
sdio dataport23
enumerator kSDIOSLV_DataPortNum24
sdio dataport24
enumerator kSDIOSLV_DataPortNum25
sdio dataport25
enumerator kSDIOSLV_DataPortNum26
sdio dataport26
enumerator kSDIOSLV_DataPortNum27
sdio dataport27
enumerator kSDIOSLV_DataPortNum28
sdio dataport28
enumerator kSDIOSLV_DataPortNum29
sdio dataport29
enumerator kSDIOSLV_DataPortNum30
sdio dataport30
enumerator kSDIOSLV_DataPortNum31
sdio dataport31
enumerator kSDIOSLV_CmdPortNum0
sdio cmdport0
enumerator kSDIOSLV_DataPortNum0
enum _sdioslv_bus_speed
SDIO Bus Speed.
enumerator kSDIOSLV_SDR12_MODE
SDR12 mode => 25Mhz
enumerator kSDIOSLV_SDR25_MODE
SDR25 mode => 50Mhz
enumerator kSDIOSLV_SDR50_MODE
SDR50 mode => 100Mhz
enumerator kSDIOSLV_SDR104_MODE
SDR104 mode => 208Mhz
enumerator kSDIOSLV_SDR12_MODE
enum _sdioslv_scratch_group
Scratch register group.
enumerator kSDIOSLV_ScratchGroup0
sdio scratch1 in FW18 0xnD4 n:1..7 16 bits
enumerator kSDIOSLV_ScratchGroup1
sdio scratch2 in FW18 0xnB0 n:1..7 16 bits
enumerator kSDIOSLV_ScratchGroup2
sdio scratch group 2 in SDU 0xnE8 n:1..7 32 bits
enumerator kSDIOSLV_ScratchGroup3
sdio scratch group 3 in SDU 0xnEC n:1..7 32 bits
enumerator kSDIOSLV_ScratchGroup4
sdio scratch group 4 in SDU 0xnF0 n:1..7 32 bits
enumerator kSDIOSLV_ScratchGroup5
sdio scratch group 5 in SDU 0xnF4 n:1..7 32 bits
enumerator kSDIOSLV_ScratchGroup6
sdio scratch group 6 in SDU 0xnF8 n:1..7 32 bits
enumerator kSDIOSLV_ScratchGroup7
sdio scratch group 7 in SDU 0xnFC n:1..7 32 bits
enumerator kSDIOSLV_ScratchGroup0
enum _sdioslv_scratch_offset
Scratch register offset in a group.
enumerator kSDIOSLV_ScratchOffset0
sdio scratchoffset0
enumerator kSDIOSLV_ScratchOffset1
sdio scratchoffset1
enumerator kSDIOSLV_ScratchOffset3
sdio scratchoffset2
enumerator kSDIOSLV_ScratchOffset4
sdio scratchoffset3
enumerator kSDIOSLV_ScratchOffset0
typedef enum _sdioslv_int_cpu_num sdioslv_int_cpu_num_t
SDIO card function number.
typedef enum _sdioslv_func_num sdioslv_func_t
SDIO card function number.
typedef enum _sdioslv_port_num sdioslv_port_t
SDIO port number (per function)
typedef enum _sdioslv_bus_speed sdioslv_bus_speed_t
SDIO Bus Speed.
typedef enum _sdioslv_scratch_group sdioslv_scratch_group_t
Scratch register group.
typedef enum _sdioslv_scratch_offset sdioslv_scratch_offset_t
Scratch register offset in a group.
typedef struct _sdioslv_sdu_regmap sdioslv_sdu_regmap_t
SDU register map version 4.
typedef void (*sdioslv_cis_table_callback_t)(const uint32_t SDU_BASE)
SDIO CIS table callback.
typedef struct sdio_slave_config sdio_slave_config_t
Data structure to configure SDIO handle for specific function.
Driver version 1.0.0.
void SDIOSLV_Init0(void)
Call this API to Init SDIOSLV phase0.
- Parameters:
void – None.
- Return values:
void – None.
status_t SDIOSLV_Init1(SDU_FN_CARD_Type *base, sdio_slave_config_t *config)
Call this API to Init SDIOSLV phase1.
- Parameters:
base – FN FSR pointer.
config – Configure for SDIO Slave.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – command is ready to be sent to host driver.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Invalid argument.
status_t SDIOSLV_SendCmdNonBlocking(sdioslv_sdu_regmap_t *regmap, uint8_t *data_addr, uint16_t data_len)
SDIOSLV send command.
Call this API to send command to host driver. The callback is always invoked from theinterrupt context.
- Parameters:
regmap – FN FSR pointer.
data_addr – Data Address.
data_len – Data Length.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – command is ready to be sent to host driver.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Invalid argument.
status_t SDIOSLV_RefillCmdBuffer(sdioslv_sdu_regmap_t *regmap, uint8_t *data_addr)
SDIOSLV provide command buffer.
Call this API to provide receive command buffer to SDU driver.
- Parameters:
regmap – FN FSR pointer.
data_addr – Data Address.
data_len – Data Length.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – buffer refill sucessfully.
kStatus_Fail – fail to refill buffer.
status_t SDIOSLV_SendDataNonBlocking(sdioslv_sdu_regmap_t *regmap, sdioslv_port_t tx_port, uint8_t *data_addr, uint16_t data_len)
SDIOSLV send data transfer.
Call this API to send data to host driver. The callback is always invoked from theinterrupt context.
- Parameters:
regmap – FN FSR pointer.
port – Data Port.
data_addr – Data Address.
data_len – Data Length.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – buffer is added to data slot with problem.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Invalid argument.
kStatus_SDIOSLV_SendFull – all data slots are occupied, application
status_t SDIOSLV_RefillDataBuffer(sdioslv_sdu_regmap_t *regmap, sdioslv_port_t port, uint8_t *data_addr)
SDIOSLV provide receive data buffer.
Call this API to provide receive data buffer to SDU driver.
- Parameters:
regmap – FN FSR pointer.
port – Data Port.
data_addr – Data Address.
data_len – Data Length.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – refill buffer sucessfully.
kStatus_Fail – fail to refill buffer.
sdioslv_bus_speed_t SDIOSLV_GetBusSpeed(void)
Get SDIO bus speed selection.
Call this API to get current bus speed selected for SDIO.
- Parameters:
void – None.
- Return values:
sdioslv_bus_speed_t – Bus speed selected for SDIO.
uint32_t SDIOSLV_GetBlockSize(uint8_t fn_num)
Get SDIO the block size in FBR.
For block mode, block size equals to block size in FBR.
- Parameters:
handle – Created by SDIOSLV_CreateHanle().
- Return values:
the – block size in FBR.
status_t SDIOSLV_ReadScratchRegister(sdioslv_func_t fun_num, sdioslv_scratch_group_t group, sdioslv_scratch_offset_t offset, uint8_t *value)
SDIOSLV read scratch register of SDU.
Call this API to read scratch register of SDU (based on group and offset).
- Parameters:
fun_num – Specify which function.
group – Specify which group scratch register.
offset – Specify offset of the scratch group.
value – Value read from the register.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – read sucessfully.
kStatus_Fail – fail to read.
status_t SDIOSLV_WriteScratchRegister(sdioslv_func_t fun_num, sdioslv_scratch_group_t group, sdioslv_scratch_offset_t offset, uint8_t value)
SDIOSLV write value to scratch register of SDU.
Call this API to write value to scratch register of SDU (based on group and offset).
- Parameters:
fun_num – Specify which function.
group – Specify which group scratch register.
offset – Specify offset of the scratch group.
value – Value write to the register.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – write sucessfully.
kStatus_Fail – fail to write.
uint32_t HostToCardEvent
uint32_t HostIntCause
uint32_t HostIntMask
uint32_t HostIntStatus
uint32_t RdBitMap
uint32_t WrBitMap
uint16_t RdLen[32]
uint8_t HostTransferStatus
uint8_t FunctionCardIntMsk
uint8_t Card_Q_PTR_RANGE0
uint8_t Card_Q_PTR_RANGE1
uint16_t CardToHostEvent
uint8_t reserved2[2]
uint32_t CardIntMask
uint32_t CardIntStatus
uint32_t CardIntMode
uint32_t SqReadBase
uint32_t SqWriteBase
uint8_t RdIdx
uint8_t WrIdx
uint8_t Reserved6[2]
uint8_t Card_APU_SLP_RDY_EN
uint8_t Reserved7[3]
uint8_t Card_HOST_ERR_WKUP_EN
uint8_t Reserved8[3]
uint8_t HOST_ERR_CMD0
uint8_t HOST_ERR_CMD1
uint8_t HOST_ERR_CMD2
uint8_t HOST_ERR_CMD3
uint8_t HOST_ERR_CMD4
uint8_t HOST_ERR_CMD5
uint8_t Reserved9[2]
uint32_t PktWrBitmapClr
uint32_t PktRdBitmapClr
uint32_t HostIntActMskEn
uint32_t HostIntActMskClr
uint32_t HostIntActMskStat
uint32_t CardIntActMskEn
uint32_t CardIntActMskClr
uint32_t CardIntActMskStat
uint32_t TestbusBitSelect
uint32_t TestbusBitSelect1
uint16_t Scratch2
uint8_t Scratch[6]
uint32_t CmdPortSqWriteBase
uint32_t CmdPortSqReadBase
uint16_t CmdPortRdLen
uint16_t Reserved10
uint32_t CmdPortConfig
uint8_t ChipRev
uint8_t reserved11
uint8_t SDUMinorIPRev
uint8_t SDUMajorIPRev
uint32_t Card_PKT_END_RADDR
uint32_t Card_PKT_END_WADDR
uint16_t Scratch1
uint8_t Ocr2
uint8_t Config
uint32_t Config2
uint32_t Debug
uint32_t DmaAddr
uint8_t IoPort[3]
uint8_t fun_num
SDIO function number (1..7).
sdioslv_int_cpu_num_t cpu_num
Specify interrupt should be generated to which CPU
uint8_t used_port_num
How many data ports are used inside this function
uint8_t cmd_tx_format
Command Tx length format. 0: no tx_len, 1: 2 bytes, 2: 3 bytes
uint8_t cmd_rd_format
Command Rx length format. 0: blk_num * blk_size, 1: CMD_PORT_RD_LEN
uint8_t data_tx_format
Data Tx length format. 0: no tx_len, 1: 2 bytes, 2: 3 bytes
uint8_t data_rd_format
Data Rx length format. 0: blk_num * blk_size, 1: PORT_RD_LEN[15:0], 2: PORT1_RD_LEN[7:0] && PORT0_RD_LEN[15:0]
sdioslv_cis_table_callback_t cis_table_callback
Callback function for initializing the CIS table.
Maximum functions supported by SDU.
Maximum data ports supported by SDU per function.
MACRO used to access register of SDU.
SDU_READ_REGS8(reg, val)
MACRO used to read SDU register.
SDU_WRITE_REGS8(reg, val)
MACRO used to write SDU register.
MACRO used to set bits of SDU register.
MACRO used to clear bits of SDU register.
Address of scratch register (group 2, offset 0) within function.
SDU SDIO configuration base (SDU_FN0_CARD_BASE defined in device)
Address offset of CCR between two functions.
SDIO I/O Enable.
SDIO Bus Speed Select.
Interrupt mask register for function 0.
Bit Def. Host Transfer Status (HostTransferStatus)
Bit Def. Card To Host Interrupt Event (CardToHostEvent)
Bit Def. Card Interrupt Mask (CardIntMask)
Bit Def. Card Interrupt Status (CardIntStatus)
Bit Def. Default setting ISR bit clear after read (CardIntMode)
Bit Def. Command port configuration register (CmdPortConfig)
Bit Def. Config2 register (Config2)
struct _sdioslv_sdu_regmap
- #include <fsl_sdioslv_sdu.h>
SDU register map version 4.
struct sdio_slave_config
- #include <fsl_sdioslv_sdu.h>
Data structure to configure SDIO handle for specific function.
Smart card driver version 2.3.0.
Smart card Error codes.
enumerator kStatus_SMARTCARD_Success
Transfer ends successfully
enumerator kStatus_SMARTCARD_TxBusy
Transmit in progress
enumerator kStatus_SMARTCARD_RxBusy
Receiving in progress
enumerator kStatus_SMARTCARD_NoTransferInProgress
No transfer in progress
enumerator kStatus_SMARTCARD_Timeout
Transfer ends with time-out
enumerator kStatus_SMARTCARD_Initialized
Smart card driver is already initialized
enumerator kStatus_SMARTCARD_PhyInitialized
Smart card PHY drive is already initialized
enumerator kStatus_SMARTCARD_CardNotActivated
Smart card is not activated
enumerator kStatus_SMARTCARD_InvalidInput
Function called with invalid input arguments
enumerator kStatus_SMARTCARD_OtherError
Some other error occur
enumerator kStatus_SMARTCARD_Success
enum _smartcard_control
Control codes for the Smart card protocol timers and misc.
enumerator kSMARTCARD_EnableADT
enumerator kSMARTCARD_DisableADT
enumerator kSMARTCARD_EnableGTV
enumerator kSMARTCARD_DisableGTV
enumerator kSMARTCARD_ResetWWT
enumerator kSMARTCARD_EnableWWT
enumerator kSMARTCARD_DisableWWT
enumerator kSMARTCARD_ResetCWT
enumerator kSMARTCARD_EnableCWT
enumerator kSMARTCARD_DisableCWT
enumerator kSMARTCARD_ResetBWT
enumerator kSMARTCARD_EnableBWT
enumerator kSMARTCARD_DisableBWT
enumerator kSMARTCARD_EnableInitDetect
enumerator kSMARTCARD_EnableAnack
enumerator kSMARTCARD_DisableAnack
enumerator kSMARTCARD_ConfigureBaudrate
enumerator kSMARTCARD_SetupATRMode
enumerator kSMARTCARD_SetupT0Mode
enumerator kSMARTCARD_SetupT1Mode
enumerator kSMARTCARD_EnableReceiverMode
enumerator kSMARTCARD_DisableReceiverMode
enumerator kSMARTCARD_EnableTransmitterMode
enumerator kSMARTCARD_DisableTransmitterMode
enumerator kSMARTCARD_ResetWaitTimeMultiplier
enumerator kSMARTCARD_EnableADT
enum _smartcard_card_voltage_class
Defines Smart card interface voltage class values.
enumerator kSMARTCARD_VoltageClassUnknown
enumerator kSMARTCARD_VoltageClassA5_0V
enumerator kSMARTCARD_VoltageClassB3_3V
enumerator kSMARTCARD_VoltageClassC1_8V
enumerator kSMARTCARD_VoltageClassUnknown
enum _smartcard_transfer_state
Defines Smart card I/O transfer states.
enumerator kSMARTCARD_IdleState
enumerator kSMARTCARD_WaitingForTSState
enumerator kSMARTCARD_InvalidTSDetecetedState
enumerator kSMARTCARD_ReceivingState
enumerator kSMARTCARD_TransmittingState
enumerator kSMARTCARD_IdleState
enum _smartcard_reset_type
Defines Smart card reset types.
enumerator kSMARTCARD_ColdReset
enumerator kSMARTCARD_WarmReset
enumerator kSMARTCARD_NoColdReset
enumerator kSMARTCARD_NoWarmReset
enumerator kSMARTCARD_ColdReset
enum _smartcard_transport_type
Defines Smart card transport protocol types.
enumerator kSMARTCARD_T0Transport
enumerator kSMARTCARD_T1Transport
enumerator kSMARTCARD_T0Transport
enum _smartcard_parity_type
Defines Smart card data parity types.
enumerator kSMARTCARD_EvenParity
enumerator kSMARTCARD_OddParity
enumerator kSMARTCARD_EvenParity
enum _smartcard_card_convention
Defines data Convention format.
enumerator kSMARTCARD_DirectConvention
enumerator kSMARTCARD_InverseConvention
enumerator kSMARTCARD_DirectConvention
enum _smartcard_interface_control
Defines Smart card interface IC control types.
enumerator kSMARTCARD_InterfaceSetVcc
enumerator kSMARTCARD_InterfaceSetClockToResetDelay
enumerator kSMARTCARD_InterfaceReadStatus
enumerator kSMARTCARD_InterfaceSetVcc
enum _smartcard_direction
Defines transfer direction.
enumerator kSMARTCARD_Receive
enumerator kSMARTCARD_Transmit
enumerator kSMARTCARD_Receive
typedef enum _smartcard_control smartcard_control_t
Control codes for the Smart card protocol timers and misc.
typedef enum _smartcard_card_voltage_class smartcard_card_voltage_class_t
Defines Smart card interface voltage class values.
typedef enum _smartcard_transfer_state smartcard_transfer_state_t
Defines Smart card I/O transfer states.
typedef enum _smartcard_reset_type smartcard_reset_type_t
Defines Smart card reset types.
typedef enum _smartcard_transport_type smartcard_transport_type_t
Defines Smart card transport protocol types.
typedef enum _smartcard_parity_type smartcard_parity_type_t
Defines Smart card data parity types.
typedef enum _smartcard_card_convention smartcard_card_convention_t
Defines data Convention format.
typedef enum _smartcard_interface_control smartcard_interface_control_t
Defines Smart card interface IC control types.
typedef enum _smartcard_direction smartcard_direction_t
Defines transfer direction.
typedef void (*smartcard_interface_callback_t)(void *smartcardContext, void *param)
Smart card interface interrupt callback function type.
typedef void (*smartcard_transfer_callback_t)(void *smartcardContext, void *param)
Smart card transfer interrupt callback function type.
typedef void (*smartcard_time_delay_t)(uint32_t us)
Time Delay function used to passive waiting using RTOS [us].
typedef struct _smartcard_card_params smartcard_card_params_t
Defines card-specific parameters for Smart card driver.
typedef struct _smartcard_timers_state smartcard_timers_state_t
Smart card defines the state of the EMV timers in the Smart card driver.
typedef struct _smartcard_interface_config smartcard_interface_config_t
Defines user specified configuration of Smart card interface.
typedef struct _smartcard_xfer smartcard_xfer_t
Defines user transfer structure used to initialize transfer.
typedef struct _smartcard_context smartcard_context_t
Runtime state of the Smart card driver.
Smart card global define which specify number of clock cycles until initial ‘TS’ character has to be received.
Smart card global define which specify number of clock cycles during which ATR string has to be received.
Smart card specification initial TS character definition of direct convention.
Smart card specification initial TS character definition of inverse convention.
struct _smartcard_card_params
- #include <fsl_smartcard.h>
Defines card-specific parameters for Smart card driver.
Public Members
uint16_t Fi
4 bits Fi - clock rate conversion integer
uint8_t fMax
Maximum Smart card frequency in MHz
uint8_t WI
8 bits WI - work wait time integer
uint8_t Di
4 bits DI - baud rate divisor
uint8_t BWI
4 bits BWI - block wait time integer
uint8_t CWI
4 bits CWI - character wait time integer
uint8_t BGI
4 bits BGI - block guard time integer
uint8_t GTN
8 bits GTN - extended guard time integer
uint8_t IFSC
Indicates IFSC value of the card
uint8_t modeNegotiable
Indicates if the card acts in negotiable or a specific mode.
uint8_t currentD
4 bits DI - current baud rate divisor
uint8_t status
Indicates smart card status
bool t0Indicated
Indicates ff T=0 indicated in TD1 byte
bool t1Indicated
Indicates if T=1 indicated in TD2 byte
bool atrComplete
Indicates whether the ATR received from the card was complete or not
bool atrValid
Indicates whether the ATR received from the card was valid or not
bool present
Indicates if a smart card is present
bool active
Indicates if the smart card is activated
bool faulty
Indicates whether smart card/interface is faulty
smartcard_card_convention_t convention
Card convention, kSMARTCARD_DirectConvention for direct convention, kSMARTCARD_InverseConvention for inverse convention
uint16_t Fi
struct _smartcard_timers_state
- #include <fsl_smartcard.h>
Smart card defines the state of the EMV timers in the Smart card driver.
Public Members
volatile bool adtExpired
Indicates whether ADT timer expired
volatile bool wwtExpired
Indicates whether WWT timer expired
volatile bool cwtExpired
Indicates whether CWT timer expired
volatile bool bwtExpired
Indicates whether BWT timer expired
volatile bool initCharTimerExpired
Indicates whether reception timer for initialization character (TS) after the RST has expired
volatile bool adtExpired
struct _smartcard_interface_config
- #include <fsl_smartcard.h>
Defines user specified configuration of Smart card interface.
Public Members
uint32_t smartCardClock
Smart card interface clock [Hz]
uint32_t clockToResetDelay
Indicates clock to RST apply delay [smart card clock cycles]
uint8_t clockModule
Smart card clock module number
uint8_t clockModuleChannel
Smart card clock module channel number
uint8_t clockModuleSourceClock
Smart card clock module source clock [e.g., BusClk]
smartcard_card_voltage_class_t vcc
Smart card voltage class
uint8_t controlPort
Smart card PHY control port instance
uint8_t controlPin
Smart card PHY control pin instance
uint8_t irqPort
Smart card PHY Interrupt port instance
uint8_t irqPin
Smart card PHY Interrupt pin instance
uint8_t resetPort
Smart card reset port instance
uint8_t resetPin
Smart card reset pin instance
uint8_t vsel0Port
Smart card PHY Vsel0 control port instance
uint8_t vsel0Pin
Smart card PHY Vsel0 control pin instance
uint8_t vsel1Port
Smart card PHY Vsel1 control port instance
uint8_t vsel1Pin
Smart card PHY Vsel1 control pin instance
uint8_t dataPort
Smart card PHY data port instance
uint8_t dataPin
Smart card PHY data pin instance
uint8_t dataPinMux
Smart card PHY data pin mux option
uint8_t tsTimerId
Numerical identifier of the External HW timer for Initial character detection
uint32_t smartCardClock
struct _smartcard_xfer
- #include <fsl_smartcard.h>
Defines user transfer structure used to initialize transfer.
Public Members
smartcard_direction_t direction
Direction of communication. (RX/TX)
uint8_t *buff
The buffer of data.
size_t size
The number of transferred units.
smartcard_direction_t direction
struct _smartcard_context
- #include <fsl_smartcard.h>
Runtime state of the Smart card driver.
Public Members
void *base
Smart card module base address
smartcard_direction_t direction
Direction of communication. (RX/TX)
uint8_t *xBuff
The buffer of data being transferred.
volatile size_t xSize
The number of bytes to be transferred.
volatile bool xIsBusy
True if there is an active transfer.
uint8_t txFifoEntryCount
Number of data word entries in transmit FIFO.
uint8_t rxFifoThreshold
The max value of the receiver FIFO threshold.
smartcard_interface_callback_t interfaceCallback
Callback to invoke after interface IC raised interrupt.
smartcard_transfer_callback_t transferCallback
Callback to invoke after transfer event occur.
void *interfaceCallbackParam
Interface callback parameter pointer.
void *transferCallbackParam
Transfer callback parameter pointer.
smartcard_time_delay_t timeDelay
Function which handles time delay defined by user or RTOS.
smartcard_reset_type_t resetType
Indicates whether a Cold reset or Warm reset was requested.
smartcard_transport_type_t tType
Indicates current transfer protocol (T0 or T1)
volatile smartcard_transfer_state_t transferState
Indicates the current transfer state
smartcard_timers_state_t timersState
Indicates the state of different protocol timers used in driver
smartcard_card_params_t cardParams
Smart card parameters(ATR and current) and interface slots states(ATR and current)
uint8_t IFSD
Indicates the terminal IFSD
smartcard_parity_type_t parity
Indicates current parity even/odd
volatile bool rxtCrossed
Indicates whether RXT thresholds has been crossed
volatile bool txtCrossed
Indicates whether TXT thresholds has been crossed
volatile bool wtxRequested
Indicates whether WTX has been requested or not
volatile bool parityError
Indicates whether a parity error has been detected
uint8_t statusBytes[2]
Used to store Status bytes SW1, SW2 of the last executed card command response
smartcard_interface_config_t interfaceConfig
Smart card interface configuration structure
bool abortTransfer
Used to abort transfer.
void *base
Smart Card PHY Driver
void SMARTCARD_PHY_GetDefaultConfig(smartcard_interface_config_t *config)
Fills in the configuration structure with default values.
- Parameters:
config – The Smart card user configuration structure which contains configuration structure of type smartcard_interface_config_t. Function fill in members: clockToResetDelay = 42000, vcc = kSmartcardVoltageClassB3_3V, with default values.
status_t SMARTCARD_PHY_Init(void *base, smartcard_interface_config_t const *config, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
Initializes a Smart card interface instance.
- Parameters:
base – The Smart card peripheral base address.
config – The user configuration structure of type smartcard_interface_config_t. Call the function SMARTCARD_PHY_GetDefaultConfig() to fill the configuration structure.
srcClock_Hz – Smart card clock generation module source clock.
- Return values:
kStatus_SMARTCARD_Success – or kStatus_SMARTCARD_OtherError in case of error.
void SMARTCARD_PHY_Deinit(void *base, smartcard_interface_config_t const *config)
De-initializes a Smart card interface, stops the Smart card clock, and disables the VCC.
- Parameters:
base – The Smart card peripheral module base address.
config – The user configuration structure of type smartcard_interface_config_t.
status_t SMARTCARD_PHY_Activate(void *base, smartcard_context_t *context, smartcard_reset_type_t resetType)
Activates the Smart card IC.
- Parameters:
base – The Smart card peripheral module base address.
context – A pointer to a Smart card driver context structure.
resetType – type of reset to be performed, possible values = kSmartcardColdReset, kSmartcardWarmReset
- Return values:
kStatus_SMARTCARD_Success – or kStatus_SMARTCARD_OtherError in case of error.
status_t SMARTCARD_PHY_Deactivate(void *base, smartcard_context_t *context)
De-activates the Smart card IC.
- Parameters:
base – The Smart card peripheral module base address.
context – A pointer to a Smart card driver context structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_SMARTCARD_Success – or kStatus_SMARTCARD_OtherError in case of error.
status_t SMARTCARD_PHY_Control(void *base, smartcard_context_t *context, smartcard_interface_control_t control, uint32_t param)
Controls the Smart card interface IC.
- Parameters:
base – The Smart card peripheral module base address.
context – A pointer to a Smart card driver context structure.
control – A interface command type.
param – Integer value specific to control type
- Return values:
kStatus_SMARTCARD_Success – or kStatus_SMARTCARD_OtherError in case of error.
Smart card definition which specifies the adjustment number of clock cycles during which an ATR string has to be received.
Smart card definition which specifies the adjustment number of clock cycles until an initial ‘TS’ character has to be received.
Smart Card PHY USIM W
Smart Card USIM Driver
void SMARTCARD_USIM_GetDefaultConfig(smartcard_card_params_t *cardParams)
Fills in the smartcard_card_params structure with default values according to the EMV 4.3 specification.
- Parameters:
cardParams – The configuration structure of type smartcard_interface_config_t. Function fill in members: Fi = 372; Di = 1; currentD = 1; WI = 0x0A; GTN = 0x00; with default values.
status_t SMARTCARD_USIM_Init(USIM_Type *base, smartcard_context_t *context, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
Initializes an USIM peripheral for the Smart card/ISO-7816 operation.
This function un-gates the USIM clock, initializes the module to EMV default settings, configures the IRQ, enables the module-level interrupt to the core and, initializes the driver context.
- Parameters:
base – The USIM peripheral base address.
context – A pointer to the smart card driver context structure.
srcClock_Hz – Smart card clock generation module source clock.
- Returns:
An error code or kStatus_SMARTCARD_Success.
void SMARTCARD_USIM_Deinit(USIM_Type *base)
This function disables the USIM interrupts, disables the transmitter and receiver, flushes the FIFOs, and gates USIM clock in SIM.
- Parameters:
base – The USIM module base address.
int32_t SMARTCARD_USIM_GetTransferRemainingBytes(USIM_Type *base, smartcard_context_t *context)
Returns whether the previous USIM transfer has finished.
When performing an async transfer, call this function to ascertain the context of the current transfer: in progress (or busy) or complete (success). If the transfer is still in progress, the user can obtain the number of words that have not been transferred.
- Parameters:
base – The USIM module base address.
context – A pointer to a smart card driver context structure.
- Returns:
The number of bytes not transferred.
status_t SMARTCARD_USIM_AbortTransfer(USIM_Type *base, smartcard_context_t *context)
Terminates an asynchronous USIM transfer early.
During an async USIM transfer, the user can terminate the transfer early if the transfer is still in progress.
- Parameters:
base – The USIM peripheral address.
context – A pointer to a smart card driver context structure.
- Returns:
kStatus_SMARTCARD_Success The transmit abort was successful.
- Returns:
kStatus_SMARTCARD_NoTransmitInProgress No transmission is currently in progress.
status_t SMARTCARD_USIM_TransferNonBlocking(USIM_Type *base, smartcard_context_t *context, smartcard_xfer_t *xfer)
Transfer data using interrupts.
A non-blocking (also known as asynchronous) function means that the function returns immediately after initiating the transfer function. The application has to get the transfer status to see when the transfer is complete. In other words, after calling the non-blocking (asynchronous) transfer function, the application must get the transfer status to check if the transmit is completed or not.
- Parameters:
base – The USIM peripheral base address.
context – A pointer to a smart card driver context structure.
xfer – A pointer to the smart card transfer structure where the linked buffers and sizes are stored.
- Returns:
An error code or kStatus_SMARTCARD_Success.
status_t SMARTCARD_USIM_Control(USIM_Type *base, smartcard_context_t *context, smartcard_control_t control, uint32_t param)
Controls the USIM module per different user request.
- Parameters:
base – The USIM peripheral base address.
context – A pointer to a smart card driver context structure.
control – Control type.
param – Integer value of specific to control command.
- Returns:
kStatus_SMARTCARD_Success in success.
- Returns:
kStatus_SMARTCARD_OtherError in case of error.
void SMARTCARD_USIM_IRQHandler(USIM_Type *base, smartcard_context_t *context)
Handles USIM module interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – The USIM peripheral base address.
context – A pointer to a smart card driver context structure.
void SMARTCARD_USIM_TSExpiryCallback(USIM_Type *base, smartcard_context_t *context)
Handles initial TS character timer time-out event.
- Parameters:
base – The USIM peripheral base address.
context – A pointer to a Smart card driver context structure.
void SMARTCARD_USIM_TimerStart(uint32_t time)
Initializes timer with input period, enable interrupt and start counter.
- Parameters:
time – The time period.
enum _usim_rx_fifo_trigger_level
USIM Rx FIFO receiver trigger level enumeration.
enumerator kUSIM_1ByteOrMore
1 byte or more in the RX-FIFO can trigger receiver data ready interrupt.
enumerator kUSIM_4ByteOrMore
4 byte or more in the RX-FIFO can trigger receiver data ready interrupt.
enumerator kUSIM_8ByteOrMore
8 byte or more in the RX-FIFO can trigger receiver data ready interrupt.
enumerator kUSIM_12ByteOrMore
12 byte or more in the RX-FIFO can trigger receiver data ready interrupt.
enumerator kUSIM_1ByteOrMore
typedef enum _usim_rx_fifo_trigger_level usim_rx_fifo_trigger_level_t
USIM Rx FIFO receiver trigger level enumeration.
SMARTCARD_Control(base, handle, control, param)
SMARTCARD_TransferNonBlocking(base, handle, xfer)
SMARTCARD_Init(base, handle, sourceClockHz)
SMARTCARD_GetTransferRemainingBytes(base, handle)
SMARTCARD_AbortTransfer(base, handle)
EMV RX NACK interrupt generation threshold.
EMV TX NACK interrupt generation threshold.
Smart card T0 Character Wait Timer adjustment value.
Smart card T1 Character Wait Timer adjustment value.
Smart card T0 Block Wait Timer adjustment value.
Smart card T1 Block Wait Timer adjustment value.
Rx FIFO max receive trigger level.
USIM Find max Rx FIFO receiver trigger level according to bytes numbers.
SPI: Serial Peripheral Interface Driver
SPI DMA Driver
status_t SPI_MasterTransferCreateHandleDMA(SPI_Type *base, spi_dma_handle_t *handle, spi_dma_callback_t callback, void *userData, dma_handle_t *txHandle, dma_handle_t *rxHandle)
Initialize the SPI master DMA handle.
This function initializes the SPI master DMA handle which can be used for other SPI master transactional APIs. Usually, for a specified SPI instance, user need only call this API once to get the initialized handle.
- Parameters:
base – SPI peripheral base address.
handle – SPI handle pointer.
callback – User callback function called at the end of a transfer.
userData – User data for callback.
txHandle – DMA handle pointer for SPI Tx, the handle shall be static allocated by users.
rxHandle – DMA handle pointer for SPI Rx, the handle shall be static allocated by users.
status_t SPI_MasterTransferDMA(SPI_Type *base, spi_dma_handle_t *handle, spi_transfer_t *xfer)
Perform a non-blocking SPI transfer using DMA.
This interface returned immediately after transfer initiates, users should call SPI_GetTransferStatus to poll the transfer status to check whether SPI transfer finished.
- Parameters:
base – SPI peripheral base address.
handle – SPI DMA handle pointer.
xfer – Pointer to dma transfer structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully start a transfer.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Input argument is invalid.
kStatus_SPI_Busy – SPI is not idle, is running another transfer.
status_t SPI_MasterHalfDuplexTransferDMA(SPI_Type *base, spi_dma_handle_t *handle, spi_half_duplex_transfer_t *xfer)
Transfers a block of data using a DMA method.
This function using polling way to do the first half transimission and using DMA way to do the srcond half transimission, the transfer mechanism is half-duplex. When do the second half transimission, code will return right away. When all data is transferred, the callback function is called.
- Parameters:
base – SPI base pointer
handle – A pointer to the spi_master_dma_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
xfer – A pointer to the spi_half_duplex_transfer_t structure.
- Returns:
status of status_t.
static inline status_t SPI_SlaveTransferCreateHandleDMA(SPI_Type *base, spi_dma_handle_t *handle, spi_dma_callback_t callback, void *userData, dma_handle_t *txHandle, dma_handle_t *rxHandle)
Initialize the SPI slave DMA handle.
This function initializes the SPI slave DMA handle which can be used for other SPI master transactional APIs. Usually, for a specified SPI instance, user need only call this API once to get the initialized handle.
- Parameters:
base – SPI peripheral base address.
handle – SPI handle pointer.
callback – User callback function called at the end of a transfer.
userData – User data for callback.
txHandle – DMA handle pointer for SPI Tx, the handle shall be static allocated by users.
rxHandle – DMA handle pointer for SPI Rx, the handle shall be static allocated by users.
static inline status_t SPI_SlaveTransferDMA(SPI_Type *base, spi_dma_handle_t *handle, spi_transfer_t *xfer)
Perform a non-blocking SPI transfer using DMA.
This interface returned immediately after transfer initiates, users should call SPI_GetTransferStatus to poll the transfer status to check whether SPI transfer finished.
- Parameters:
base – SPI peripheral base address.
handle – SPI DMA handle pointer.
xfer – Pointer to dma transfer structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully start a transfer.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Input argument is invalid.
kStatus_SPI_Busy – SPI is not idle, is running another transfer.
void SPI_MasterTransferAbortDMA(SPI_Type *base, spi_dma_handle_t *handle)
Abort a SPI transfer using DMA.
- Parameters:
base – SPI peripheral base address.
handle – SPI DMA handle pointer.
status_t SPI_MasterTransferGetCountDMA(SPI_Type *base, spi_dma_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the master DMA transfer remaining bytes.
This function gets the master DMA transfer remaining bytes.
- Parameters:
base – SPI peripheral base address.
handle – A pointer to the spi_dma_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
count – A number of bytes transferred by the non-blocking transaction.
- Returns:
status of status_t.
static inline void SPI_SlaveTransferAbortDMA(SPI_Type *base, spi_dma_handle_t *handle)
Abort a SPI transfer using DMA.
- Parameters:
base – SPI peripheral base address.
handle – SPI DMA handle pointer.
static inline status_t SPI_SlaveTransferGetCountDMA(SPI_Type *base, spi_dma_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the slave DMA transfer remaining bytes.
This function gets the slave DMA transfer remaining bytes.
- Parameters:
base – SPI peripheral base address.
handle – A pointer to the spi_dma_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
count – A number of bytes transferred by the non-blocking transaction.
- Returns:
status of status_t.
SPI DMA driver version 2.1.1.
typedef struct _spi_dma_handle spi_dma_handle_t
typedef void (*spi_dma_callback_t)(SPI_Type *base, spi_dma_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
SPI DMA callback called at the end of transfer.
struct _spi_dma_handle
- #include <fsl_spi_dma.h>
SPI DMA transfer handle, users should not touch the content of the handle.
Public Members
volatile bool txInProgress
Send transfer finished
volatile bool rxInProgress
Receive transfer finished
uint8_t bytesPerFrame
Bytes in a frame for SPI transfer
uint8_t lastwordBytes
The Bytes of lastword for master
dma_handle_t *txHandle
DMA handler for SPI send
dma_handle_t *rxHandle
DMA handler for SPI receive
spi_dma_callback_t callback
Callback for SPI DMA transfer
void *userData
User Data for SPI DMA callback
uint32_t state
Internal state of SPI DMA transfer
size_t transferSize
Bytes need to be transfer
uint32_t instance
Index of SPI instance
const uint8_t *txNextData
The pointer of next time tx data
const uint8_t *txEndData
The pointer of end of data
uint8_t *rxNextData
The pointer of next time rx data
uint8_t *rxEndData
The pointer of end of rx data
uint32_t dataBytesEveryTime
Bytes in a time for DMA transfer, default is DMA_MAX_TRANSFER_COUNT
volatile bool txInProgress
SPI Driver
SPI driver version.
enum _spi_xfer_option
SPI transfer option.
enumerator kSPI_FrameDelay
A delay may be inserted, defined in the DLY register.
enumerator kSPI_FrameAssert
SSEL will be deasserted at the end of a transfer
enumerator kSPI_FrameDelay
enum _spi_shift_direction
SPI data shifter direction options.
enumerator kSPI_MsbFirst
Data transfers start with most significant bit.
enumerator kSPI_LsbFirst
Data transfers start with least significant bit.
enumerator kSPI_MsbFirst
enum _spi_clock_polarity
SPI clock polarity configuration.
enumerator kSPI_ClockPolarityActiveHigh
Active-high SPI clock (idles low).
enumerator kSPI_ClockPolarityActiveLow
Active-low SPI clock (idles high).
enumerator kSPI_ClockPolarityActiveHigh
enum _spi_clock_phase
SPI clock phase configuration.
enumerator kSPI_ClockPhaseFirstEdge
First edge on SCK occurs at the middle of the first cycle of a data transfer.
enumerator kSPI_ClockPhaseSecondEdge
First edge on SCK occurs at the start of the first cycle of a data transfer.
enumerator kSPI_ClockPhaseFirstEdge
enum _spi_txfifo_watermark
txFIFO watermark values
enumerator kSPI_TxFifo0
SPI tx watermark is empty
enumerator kSPI_TxFifo1
SPI tx watermark at 1 item
enumerator kSPI_TxFifo2
SPI tx watermark at 2 items
enumerator kSPI_TxFifo3
SPI tx watermark at 3 items
enumerator kSPI_TxFifo4
SPI tx watermark at 4 items
enumerator kSPI_TxFifo5
SPI tx watermark at 5 items
enumerator kSPI_TxFifo6
SPI tx watermark at 6 items
enumerator kSPI_TxFifo7
SPI tx watermark at 7 items
enumerator kSPI_TxFifo0
enum _spi_rxfifo_watermark
rxFIFO watermark values
enumerator kSPI_RxFifo1
SPI rx watermark at 1 item
enumerator kSPI_RxFifo2
SPI rx watermark at 2 items
enumerator kSPI_RxFifo3
SPI rx watermark at 3 items
enumerator kSPI_RxFifo4
SPI rx watermark at 4 items
enumerator kSPI_RxFifo5
SPI rx watermark at 5 items
enumerator kSPI_RxFifo6
SPI rx watermark at 6 items
enumerator kSPI_RxFifo7
SPI rx watermark at 7 items
enumerator kSPI_RxFifo8
SPI rx watermark at 8 items
enumerator kSPI_RxFifo1
enum _spi_data_width
Transfer data width.
enumerator kSPI_Data4Bits
4 bits data width
enumerator kSPI_Data5Bits
5 bits data width
enumerator kSPI_Data6Bits
6 bits data width
enumerator kSPI_Data7Bits
7 bits data width
enumerator kSPI_Data8Bits
8 bits data width
enumerator kSPI_Data9Bits
9 bits data width
enumerator kSPI_Data10Bits
10 bits data width
enumerator kSPI_Data11Bits
11 bits data width
enumerator kSPI_Data12Bits
12 bits data width
enumerator kSPI_Data13Bits
13 bits data width
enumerator kSPI_Data14Bits
14 bits data width
enumerator kSPI_Data15Bits
15 bits data width
enumerator kSPI_Data16Bits
16 bits data width
enumerator kSPI_Data4Bits
enum _spi_ssel
Slave select.
enumerator kSPI_Ssel0
Slave select 0
enumerator kSPI_Ssel1
Slave select 1
enumerator kSPI_Ssel2
Slave select 2
enumerator kSPI_Ssel3
Slave select 3
enumerator kSPI_Ssel0
enum _spi_spol
ssel polarity
enumerator kSPI_Spol0ActiveHigh
enumerator kSPI_Spol1ActiveHigh
enumerator kSPI_Spol3ActiveHigh
enumerator kSPI_SpolActiveAllHigh
enumerator kSPI_SpolActiveAllLow
enumerator kSPI_Spol0ActiveHigh
SPI transfer status.
enumerator kStatus_SPI_Busy
SPI bus is busy
enumerator kStatus_SPI_Idle
SPI is idle
enumerator kStatus_SPI_Error
SPI error
enumerator kStatus_SPI_BaudrateNotSupport
Baudrate is not support in current clock source
enumerator kStatus_SPI_Timeout
SPI timeout polling status flags.
enumerator kStatus_SPI_Busy
enum _spi_interrupt_enable
SPI interrupt sources.
enumerator kSPI_RxLvlIrq
Rx level interrupt
enumerator kSPI_TxLvlIrq
Tx level interrupt
enumerator kSPI_RxLvlIrq
enum _spi_statusflags
SPI status flags.
enumerator kSPI_TxEmptyFlag
txFifo is empty
enumerator kSPI_TxNotFullFlag
txFifo is not full
enumerator kSPI_RxNotEmptyFlag
rxFIFO is not empty
enumerator kSPI_RxFullFlag
rxFIFO is full
enumerator kSPI_TxEmptyFlag
typedef enum _spi_xfer_option spi_xfer_option_t
SPI transfer option.
typedef enum _spi_shift_direction spi_shift_direction_t
SPI data shifter direction options.
typedef enum _spi_clock_polarity spi_clock_polarity_t
SPI clock polarity configuration.
typedef enum _spi_clock_phase spi_clock_phase_t
SPI clock phase configuration.
typedef enum _spi_txfifo_watermark spi_txfifo_watermark_t
txFIFO watermark values
typedef enum _spi_rxfifo_watermark spi_rxfifo_watermark_t
rxFIFO watermark values
typedef enum _spi_data_width spi_data_width_t
Transfer data width.
typedef enum _spi_ssel spi_ssel_t
Slave select.
typedef enum _spi_spol spi_spol_t
ssel polarity
typedef struct _spi_delay_config spi_delay_config_t
SPI delay time configure structure. Note: The DLY register controls several programmable delays related to SPI signalling, it stands for how many SPI clock time will be inserted. The maxinun value of these delay time is 15.
typedef struct _spi_master_config spi_master_config_t
SPI master user configure structure.
typedef struct _spi_slave_config spi_slave_config_t
SPI slave user configure structure.
typedef struct _spi_transfer spi_transfer_t
SPI transfer structure.
typedef struct _spi_half_duplex_transfer spi_half_duplex_transfer_t
SPI half-duplex(master only) transfer structure.
typedef struct _spi_config spi_config_t
Internal configuration structure used in ‘spi’ and ‘spi_dma’ driver.
typedef struct _spi_master_handle spi_master_handle_t
Master handle type.
typedef spi_master_handle_t spi_slave_handle_t
Slave handle type.
typedef void (*spi_master_callback_t)(SPI_Type *base, spi_master_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
SPI master callback for finished transmit.
typedef void (*spi_slave_callback_t)(SPI_Type *base, spi_slave_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
SPI slave callback for finished transmit.
typedef void (*flexcomm_spi_master_irq_handler_t)(SPI_Type *base, spi_master_handle_t *handle)
Typedef for master interrupt handler.
typedef void (*flexcomm_spi_slave_irq_handler_t)(SPI_Type *base, spi_slave_handle_t *handle)
Typedef for slave interrupt handler.
volatile uint8_t s_dummyData[]
Global variable for dummy data value setting.
SPI dummy transfer data, the data is sent while txBuff is NULL.
Retry times for waiting flag.
struct _spi_delay_config
- #include <fsl_spi.h>
SPI delay time configure structure. Note: The DLY register controls several programmable delays related to SPI signalling, it stands for how many SPI clock time will be inserted. The maxinun value of these delay time is 15.
Public Members
uint8_t preDelay
Delay between SSEL assertion and the beginning of transfer.
uint8_t postDelay
Delay between the end of transfer and SSEL deassertion.
uint8_t frameDelay
Delay between frame to frame.
uint8_t transferDelay
Delay between transfer to transfer.
uint8_t preDelay
struct _spi_master_config
- #include <fsl_spi.h>
SPI master user configure structure.
Public Members
bool enableLoopback
Enable loopback for test purpose
bool enableMaster
Enable SPI at initialization time
spi_clock_polarity_t polarity
Clock polarity
spi_clock_phase_t phase
Clock phase
spi_shift_direction_t direction
uint32_t baudRate_Bps
Baud Rate for SPI in Hz
spi_data_width_t dataWidth
Width of the data
spi_ssel_t sselNum
Slave select number
spi_spol_t sselPol
Configure active CS polarity
uint8_t txWatermark
txFIFO watermark
uint8_t rxWatermark
rxFIFO watermark
spi_delay_config_t delayConfig
Delay configuration.
bool enableLoopback
struct _spi_slave_config
- #include <fsl_spi.h>
SPI slave user configure structure.
Public Members
bool enableSlave
Enable SPI at initialization time
spi_clock_polarity_t polarity
Clock polarity
spi_clock_phase_t phase
Clock phase
spi_shift_direction_t direction
spi_data_width_t dataWidth
Width of the data
spi_spol_t sselPol
Configure active CS polarity
uint8_t txWatermark
txFIFO watermark
uint8_t rxWatermark
rxFIFO watermark
bool enableSlave
struct _spi_transfer
- #include <fsl_spi.h>
SPI transfer structure.
Public Members
const uint8_t *txData
Send buffer
uint8_t *rxData
Receive buffer
uint32_t configFlags
Additional option to control transfer, spi_xfer_option_t.
size_t dataSize
Transfer bytes
const uint8_t *txData
struct _spi_half_duplex_transfer
- #include <fsl_spi.h>
SPI half-duplex(master only) transfer structure.
Public Members
const uint8_t *txData
Send buffer
uint8_t *rxData
Receive buffer
size_t txDataSize
Transfer bytes for transmit
size_t rxDataSize
Transfer bytes
uint32_t configFlags
Transfer configuration flags, spi_xfer_option_t.
bool isPcsAssertInTransfer
If PCS pin keep assert between transmit and receive. true for assert and false for deassert.
bool isTransmitFirst
True for transmit first and false for receive first.
const uint8_t *txData
struct _spi_config
- #include <fsl_spi.h>
Internal configuration structure used in ‘spi’ and ‘spi_dma’ driver.
struct _spi_master_handle
- #include <fsl_spi.h>
SPI transfer handle structure.
Public Members
const uint8_t *volatile txData
Transfer buffer
uint8_t *volatile rxData
Receive buffer
volatile size_t txRemainingBytes
Number of data to be transmitted [in bytes]
volatile size_t rxRemainingBytes
Number of data to be received [in bytes]
volatile int8_t toReceiveCount
The number of data expected to receive in data width. Since the received count and sent count should be the same to complete the transfer, if the sent count is x and the received count is y, toReceiveCount is x-y.
size_t totalByteCount
A number of transfer bytes
volatile uint32_t state
SPI internal state
spi_master_callback_t callback
SPI callback
void *userData
Callback parameter
uint8_t dataWidth
Width of the data [Valid values: 1 to 16]
uint8_t sselNum
Slave select number to be asserted when transferring data [Valid values: 0 to 3]
uint32_t configFlags
Additional option to control transfer
uint8_t txWatermark
txFIFO watermark
uint8_t rxWatermark
rxFIFO watermark
const uint8_t *volatile txData
TRNG: True Random Number Generator
TRNG driver version 2.0.17.
Current version: 2.0.17
Change log:
version 2.0.17
Added support for RT700.
version 2.0.16
Added support for Dual oscillator mode.
version 2.0.15
Changed TRNG_USER_CONFIG_DEFAULT_XXX values according to latest reccomended by design team.
version 2.0.14
add support for RW610 and RW612
version 2.0.13
After deepsleep it might return error, added clearing bits in TRNG_GetRandomData() and generating new entropy.
Modified reloading entropy in TRNG_GetRandomData(), for some data length it doesn’t reloading entropy correctly.
version 2.0.12
version 2.0.11
Add clearing pending errors in TRNG_Init().
version 2.0.10
Fixed doxygen issues.
version 2.0.9
Fix HIS_CCM metrics issues.
version 2.0.8
version 2.0.7
Fix MISRA 2004 issue rule 12.5.
version 2.0.6
version 2.0.5
Add possibility to define default TRNG configuration by device specific preprocessor macros for FRQMIN, FRQMAX and OSCDIV.
version 2.0.4
Fix MISRA-2012 issues.
Version 2.0.3
update TRNG_Init to restart entropy generation
Version 2.0.2
fix MISRA issues
Version 2.0.1
add support for KL8x and KL28Z
update default OSCDIV for K81 to divide by 2
enum _trng_sample_mode
TRNG sample mode. Used by trng_config_t.
enumerator kTRNG_SampleModeVonNeumann
Use von Neumann data in both Entropy shifter and Statistical Checker.
enumerator kTRNG_SampleModeRaw
Use raw data into both Entropy shifter and Statistical Checker.
enumerator kTRNG_SampleModeVonNeumannRaw
Use von Neumann data in Entropy shifter. Use raw data into Statistical Checker.
enumerator kTRNG_SampleModeVonNeumann
enum _trng_clock_mode
TRNG clock mode. Used by trng_config_t.
enumerator kTRNG_ClockModeRingOscillator
Ring oscillator is used to operate the TRNG (default).
enumerator kTRNG_ClockModeSystem
System clock is used to operate the TRNG. This is for test use only, and indeterminate results may occur.
enumerator kTRNG_ClockModeRingOscillator
enum _trng_ring_osc_div
TRNG ring oscillator divide. Used by trng_config_t.
enumerator kTRNG_RingOscDiv0
Ring oscillator with no divide
enumerator kTRNG_RingOscDiv2
Ring oscillator divided-by-2.
enumerator kTRNG_RingOscDiv4
Ring oscillator divided-by-4.
enumerator kTRNG_RingOscDiv8
Ring oscillator divided-by-8.
enumerator kTRNG_RingOscDiv0
enum trng_oscillator_mode_t
TRNG oscillator mode . Used by trng_config_t.
enumerator kTRNG_SingleOscillatorModeOsc1
Single oscillator mode, using OSC1 (default)
enumerator kTRNG_DualOscillatorMode
Dual oscillator mode
enumerator kTRNG_SingleOscillatorModeOsc2
Single oscillator mode, using OSC2
enumerator kTRNG_SingleOscillatorModeOsc1
typedef enum _trng_sample_mode trng_sample_mode_t
TRNG sample mode. Used by trng_config_t.
typedef enum _trng_clock_mode trng_clock_mode_t
TRNG clock mode. Used by trng_config_t.
typedef enum _trng_ring_osc_div trng_ring_osc_div_t
TRNG ring oscillator divide. Used by trng_config_t.
typedef enum trng_oscillator_mode_t trng_oscillator_mode_t
TRNG oscillator mode . Used by trng_config_t.
typedef struct _trng_statistical_check_limit trng_statistical_check_limit_t
Data structure for definition of statistical check limits. Used by trng_config_t.
typedef struct _trng_user_config trng_config_t
Data structure for the TRNG initialization.
This structure initializes the TRNG by calling the TRNG_Init() function. It contains all TRNG configurations.
status_t TRNG_GetDefaultConfig(trng_config_t *userConfig)
Initializes the user configuration structure to default values.
This function initializes the configuration structure to default values. The default values are platform dependent.
- Parameters:
userConfig – User configuration structure.
- Returns:
If successful, returns the kStatus_TRNG_Success. Otherwise, it returns an error.
status_t TRNG_Init(TRNG_Type *base, const trng_config_t *userConfig)
Initializes the TRNG.
This function initializes the TRNG. When called, the TRNG entropy generation starts immediately.
- Parameters:
base – TRNG base address
userConfig – Pointer to the initialization configuration structure.
- Returns:
If successful, returns the kStatus_TRNG_Success. Otherwise, it returns an error.
void TRNG_Deinit(TRNG_Type *base)
Shuts down the TRNG.
This function shuts down the TRNG.
- Parameters:
base – TRNG base address.
status_t TRNG_GetRandomData(TRNG_Type *base, void *data, size_t dataSize)
Gets random data.
This function gets random data from the TRNG.
- Parameters:
base – TRNG base address.
data – Pointer address used to store random data.
dataSize – Size of the buffer pointed by the data parameter.
- Returns:
random data
struct _trng_statistical_check_limit
- #include <fsl_trng.h>
Data structure for definition of statistical check limits. Used by trng_config_t.
Public Members
uint32_t maximum
Maximum limit.
uint32_t minimum
Minimum limit.
uint32_t maximum
struct _trng_user_config
- #include <fsl_trng.h>
Data structure for the TRNG initialization.
This structure initializes the TRNG by calling the TRNG_Init() function. It contains all TRNG configurations.
Public Members
bool lock
Disable programmability of TRNG registers.
trng_clock_mode_t clockMode
Clock mode used to operate TRNG.
trng_ring_osc_div_t ringOscDiv
Ring oscillator divide used by TRNG.
trng_sample_mode_t sampleMode
Sample mode of the TRNG ring oscillator.
trng_oscillator_mode_t oscillatorMode
TRNG oscillator mode .
trng_ring_osc_div_t ringOsc2Div
Divider used for Ring oscillator 2.
uint16_t entropyDelay
Entropy Delay. Defines the length (in system clocks) of each Entropy sample taken.
uint16_t sampleSize
Sample Size. Defines the total number of Entropy samples that will be taken during Entropy generation.
uint16_t sparseBitLimit
Sparse Bit Limit which defines the maximum number of consecutive samples that may be discarded before an error is generated. This limit is used only for during von Neumann sampling (enabled by TRNG_HAL_SetSampleMode()). Samples are discarded if two consecutive raw samples are both 0 or both 1. If this discarding occurs for a long period of time, it indicates that there is insufficient Entropy.
uint8_t retryCount
Retry count. It defines the number of times a statistical check may fails during the TRNG Entropy Generation before generating an error.
uint8_t longRunMaxLimit
Largest allowable number of consecutive samples of all 1, or all 0, that is allowed during the Entropy generation.
trng_statistical_check_limit_t monobitLimit
Maximum and minimum limits for statistical check of number of ones/zero detected during entropy generation.
trng_statistical_check_limit_t runBit1Limit
Maximum and minimum limits for statistical check of number of runs of length 1 detected during entropy generation.
trng_statistical_check_limit_t runBit2Limit
Maximum and minimum limits for statistical check of number of runs of length 2 detected during entropy generation.
trng_statistical_check_limit_t runBit3Limit
Maximum and minimum limits for statistical check of number of runs of length 3 detected during entropy generation.
trng_statistical_check_limit_t runBit4Limit
Maximum and minimum limits for statistical check of number of runs of length 4 detected during entropy generation.
trng_statistical_check_limit_t runBit5Limit
Maximum and minimum limits for statistical check of number of runs of length 5 detected during entropy generation.
trng_statistical_check_limit_t runBit6PlusLimit
Maximum and minimum limits for statistical check of number of runs of length 6 or more detected during entropy generation.
trng_statistical_check_limit_t pokerLimit
Maximum and minimum limits for statistical check of “Poker Test”.
trng_statistical_check_limit_t frequencyCountLimit
Maximum and minimum limits for statistical check of entropy sample frequency count.
bool lock
USART: Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter Driver
status_t USART_TransferCreateHandleDMA(USART_Type *base, usart_dma_handle_t *handle, usart_dma_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData, dma_handle_t *txDmaHandle, dma_handle_t *rxDmaHandle)
Initializes the USART handle which is used in transactional functions.
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to usart_dma_handle_t structure.
callback – Callback function.
userData – User data.
txDmaHandle – User-requested DMA handle for TX DMA transfer.
rxDmaHandle – User-requested DMA handle for RX DMA transfer.
status_t USART_TransferSendDMA(USART_Type *base, usart_dma_handle_t *handle, usart_transfer_t *xfer)
Sends data using DMA.
This function sends data using DMA. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all data is sent, the send callback function is called.
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
handle – USART handle pointer.
xfer – USART DMA transfer structure. See usart_transfer_t.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – if succeed, others failed.
kStatus_USART_TxBusy – Previous transfer on going.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Invalid argument.
status_t USART_TransferReceiveDMA(USART_Type *base, usart_dma_handle_t *handle, usart_transfer_t *xfer)
Receives data using DMA.
This function receives data using DMA. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all data is received, the receive callback function is called.
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to usart_dma_handle_t structure.
xfer – USART DMA transfer structure. See usart_transfer_t.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – if succeed, others failed.
kStatus_USART_RxBusy – Previous transfer on going.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Invalid argument.
void USART_TransferAbortSendDMA(USART_Type *base, usart_dma_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the sent data using DMA.
This function aborts send data using DMA.
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address
handle – Pointer to usart_dma_handle_t structure
void USART_TransferAbortReceiveDMA(USART_Type *base, usart_dma_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the received data using DMA.
This function aborts the received data using DMA.
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address
handle – Pointer to usart_dma_handle_t structure
status_t USART_TransferGetReceiveCountDMA(USART_Type *base, usart_dma_handle_t *handle, uint32_t *count)
Get the number of bytes that have been received.
This function gets the number of bytes that have been received.
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
handle – USART handle pointer.
count – Receive bytes count.
- Return values:
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – No receive in progress.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Parameter is invalid.
kStatus_Success – Get successfully through the parameter
status_t USART_TransferGetSendCountDMA(USART_Type *base, usart_dma_handle_t *handle, uint32_t *count)
Get the number of bytes that have been sent.
This function gets the number of bytes that have been sent.
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
handle – USART handle pointer.
count – Sent bytes count.
- Return values:
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – No receive in progress.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Parameter is invalid.
kStatus_Success – Get successfully through the parameter
USART dma driver version.
typedef struct _usart_dma_handle usart_dma_handle_t
typedef void (*usart_dma_transfer_callback_t)(USART_Type *base, usart_dma_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
UART transfer callback function.
struct _usart_dma_handle
- #include <fsl_usart_dma.h>
UART DMA handle.
Public Members
USART_Type *base
UART peripheral base address.
usart_dma_transfer_callback_t callback
Callback function.
void *userData
UART callback function parameter.
size_t rxDataSizeAll
Size of the data to receive.
size_t txDataSizeAll
Size of the data to send out.
dma_handle_t *txDmaHandle
The DMA TX channel used.
dma_handle_t *rxDmaHandle
The DMA RX channel used.
volatile uint8_t txState
TX transfer state.
volatile uint8_t rxState
RX transfer state
USART_Type *base
USART Driver
status_t USART_Init(USART_Type *base, const usart_config_t *config, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
Initializes a USART instance with user configuration structure and peripheral clock.
This function configures the USART module with the user-defined settings. The user can configure the configuration structure and also get the default configuration by using the USART_GetDefaultConfig() function. Example below shows how to use this API to configure USART.
usart_config_t usartConfig; usartConfig.baudRate_Bps = 115200U; usartConfig.parityMode = kUSART_ParityDisabled; usartConfig.stopBitCount = kUSART_OneStopBit; USART_Init(USART1, &usartConfig, 20000000U);
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to user-defined configuration structure.
srcClock_Hz – USART clock source frequency in HZ.
- Return values:
kStatus_USART_BaudrateNotSupport – Baudrate is not support in current clock source.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – USART base address is not valid
kStatus_Success – Status USART initialize succeed
void USART_CalcTimeoutConfig(uint32_t target_us, uint8_t *rxTimeoutPrescaler, uint32_t *rxTimeoutcounter, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
Calculate the USART instance RX timeout prescaler and counter.
This function for calculate the USART RXFIFO timeout config. This function is used to calculate suitable prescaler and counter for target_us.
usart_config_t config; config.rxWatermark = kUSART_RxFifo2; config.rxTimeout.enable = true; config.rxTimeout.resetCounterOnEmpty = true; config.rxTimeout.resetCounterOnReceive = true; USART_CalcTimeoutConfig(200U, &config.rxTimeout.prescaler, &config.rxTimeout.counter, CLOCK_GetFreq(kCLOCK_BusClk));
- Parameters:
target_us – Time for rx timeout unit us.
rxTimeoutPrescaler – The prescaler to be setted after function.
rxTimeoutcounter – The counter to be setted after function.
srcClock_Hz – The clockSrc for rx timeout.
void USART_SetRxTimeoutConfig(USART_Type *base, const usart_rx_timeout_config *config)
Sets the USART instance RX timeout config.
This function configures the USART RXFIFO timeout config. This function is used to config the USART RXFIFO timeout config after the USART module is initialized by the USART_Init.
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
config – pointer to receive timeout configuration structure.
void USART_Deinit(USART_Type *base)
Deinitializes a USART instance.
This function waits for TX complete, disables TX and RX, and disables the USART clock.
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
void USART_GetDefaultConfig(usart_config_t *config)
Gets the default configuration structure.
This function initializes the USART configuration structure to a default value. The default values are: usartConfig->baudRate_Bps = 115200U; usartConfig->parityMode = kUSART_ParityDisabled; usartConfig->stopBitCount = kUSART_OneStopBit; usartConfig->bitCountPerChar = kUSART_8BitsPerChar; usartConfig->loopback = false; usartConfig->enableTx = false; usartConfig->enableRx = false;
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to configuration structure.
status_t USART_SetBaudRate(USART_Type *base, uint32_t baudrate_Bps, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
Sets the USART instance baud rate.
This function configures the USART module baud rate. This function is used to update the USART module baud rate after the USART module is initialized by the USART_Init.
USART_SetBaudRate(USART1, 115200U, 20000000U);
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
baudrate_Bps – USART baudrate to be set.
srcClock_Hz – USART clock source frequency in HZ.
- Return values:
kStatus_USART_BaudrateNotSupport – Baudrate is not support in current clock source.
kStatus_Success – Set baudrate succeed.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – One or more arguments are invalid.
status_t USART_Enable32kMode(USART_Type *base, uint32_t baudRate_Bps, bool enableMode32k, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
Enable 32 kHz mode which USART uses clock from the RTC oscillator as the clock source.
Please note that in order to use a 32 kHz clock to operate USART properly, the RTC oscillator and its 32 kHz output must be manully enabled by user, by calling RTC_Init and setting SYSCON_RTCOSCCTRL_EN bit to 1. And in 32kHz clocking mode the USART can only work at 9600 baudrate or at the baudrate that 9600 can evenly divide, eg: 4800, 3200.
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
baudRate_Bps – USART baudrate to be set..
enableMode32k – true is 32k mode, false is normal mode.
srcClock_Hz – USART clock source frequency in HZ.
- Return values:
kStatus_USART_BaudrateNotSupport – Baudrate is not support in current clock source.
kStatus_Success – Set baudrate succeed.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – One or more arguments are invalid.
void USART_Enable9bitMode(USART_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable 9-bit data mode for USART.
This function set the 9-bit mode for USART module. The 9th bit is not used for parity thus can be modified by user.
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
enable – true to enable, false to disable.
static inline void USART_SetMatchAddress(USART_Type *base, uint8_t address)
Set the USART slave address.
This function configures the address for USART module that works as slave in 9-bit data mode. When the address detection is enabled, the frame it receices with MSB being 1 is considered as an address frame, otherwise it is considered as data frame. Once the address frame matches slave’s own addresses, this slave is addressed. This address frame and its following data frames are stored in the receive buffer, otherwise the frames will be discarded. To un-address a slave, just send an address frame with unmatched address.
Any USART instance joined in the multi-slave system can work as slave. The position of the address mark is the same as the parity bit when parity is enabled for 8 bit and 9 bit data formats.
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
address – USART slave address.
static inline void USART_EnableMatchAddress(USART_Type *base, bool match)
Enable the USART match address feature.
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
match – true to enable match address, false to disable.
static inline uint32_t USART_GetStatusFlags(USART_Type *base)
Get USART status flags.
This function get all USART status flags, the flags are returned as the logical OR value of the enumerators _usart_flags. To check a specific status, compare the return value with enumerators in _usart_flags. For example, to check whether the TX is empty:
if (kUSART_TxFifoNotFullFlag & USART_GetStatusFlags(USART1)) { ... }
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
- Returns:
USART status flags which are ORed by the enumerators in the _usart_flags.
static inline void USART_ClearStatusFlags(USART_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clear USART status flags.
This function clear supported USART status flags. The mask is a logical OR of enumeration members. See kUSART_AllClearFlags. For example:
USART_ClearStatusFlags(USART1, kUSART_TxError | kUSART_RxError)
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
mask – status flags to be cleared.
static inline void USART_EnableInterrupts(USART_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables USART interrupts according to the provided mask.
This function enables the USART interrupts according to the provided mask. The mask is a logical OR of enumeration members. See _usart_interrupt_enable. For example, to enable TX empty interrupt and RX full interrupt:
USART_EnableInterrupts(USART1, kUSART_TxLevelInterruptEnable | kUSART_RxLevelInterruptEnable);
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
mask – The interrupts to enable. Logical OR of _usart_interrupt_enable.
static inline void USART_DisableInterrupts(USART_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables USART interrupts according to a provided mask.
This function disables the USART interrupts according to a provided mask. The mask is a logical OR of enumeration members. See _usart_interrupt_enable. This example shows how to disable the TX empty interrupt and RX full interrupt:
USART_DisableInterrupts(USART1, kUSART_TxLevelInterruptEnable | kUSART_RxLevelInterruptEnable);
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
mask – The interrupts to disable. Logical OR of _usart_interrupt_enable.
static inline uint32_t USART_GetEnabledInterrupts(USART_Type *base)
Returns enabled USART interrupts.
This function returns the enabled USART interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
static inline void USART_EnableTxDMA(USART_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable DMA for Tx.
static inline void USART_EnableRxDMA(USART_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable DMA for Rx.
static inline void USART_EnableCTS(USART_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable CTS. This function will determine whether CTS is used for flow control.
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
enable – Enable CTS or not, true for enable and false for disable.
static inline void USART_EnableContinuousSCLK(USART_Type *base, bool enable)
Continuous Clock generation. By default, SCLK is only output while data is being transmitted in synchronous mode. Enable this funciton, SCLK will run continuously in synchronous mode, allowing characters to be received on Un_RxD independently from transmission on Un_TXD).
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
enable – Enable Continuous Clock generation mode or not, true for enable and false for disable.
static inline void USART_EnableAutoClearSCLK(USART_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable Continuous Clock generation bit auto clear. While enable this cuntion, the Continuous Clock bit is automatically cleared when a complete character has been received. This bit is cleared at the same time.
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
enable – Enable auto clear or not, true for enable and false for disable.
static inline void USART_SetRxFifoWatermark(USART_Type *base, uint8_t water)
Sets the rx FIFO watermark.
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
water – Rx FIFO watermark.
static inline void USART_SetTxFifoWatermark(USART_Type *base, uint8_t water)
Sets the tx FIFO watermark.
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
water – Tx FIFO watermark.
static inline void USART_WriteByte(USART_Type *base, uint8_t data)
Writes to the FIFOWR register.
This function writes data to the txFIFO directly. The upper layer must ensure that txFIFO has space for data to write before calling this function.
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
data – The byte to write.
static inline uint8_t USART_ReadByte(USART_Type *base)
Reads the FIFORD register directly.
This function reads data from the rxFIFO directly. The upper layer must ensure that the rxFIFO is not empty before calling this function.
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The byte read from USART data register.
static inline uint8_t USART_GetRxFifoCount(USART_Type *base)
Gets the rx FIFO data count.
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
- Returns:
rx FIFO data count.
static inline uint8_t USART_GetTxFifoCount(USART_Type *base)
Gets the tx FIFO data count.
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
- Returns:
tx FIFO data count.
void USART_SendAddress(USART_Type *base, uint8_t address)
Transmit an address frame in 9-bit data mode.
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
address – USART slave address.
status_t USART_WriteBlocking(USART_Type *base, const uint8_t *data, size_t length)
Writes to the TX register using a blocking method.
This function polls the TX register, waits for the TX register to be empty or for the TX FIFO to have room and writes data to the TX buffer.
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
data – Start address of the data to write.
length – Size of the data to write.
- Return values:
kStatus_USART_Timeout – Transmission timed out and was aborted.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Invalid argument.
kStatus_Success – Successfully wrote all data.
status_t USART_ReadBlocking(USART_Type *base, uint8_t *data, size_t length)
Read RX data register using a blocking method.
This function polls the RX register, waits for the RX register to be full or for RX FIFO to have data and read data from the TX register.
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
data – Start address of the buffer to store the received data.
length – Size of the buffer.
- Return values:
kStatus_USART_FramingError – Receiver overrun happened while receiving data.
kStatus_USART_ParityError – Noise error happened while receiving data.
kStatus_USART_NoiseError – Framing error happened while receiving data.
kStatus_USART_RxError – Overflow or underflow rxFIFO happened.
kStatus_USART_Timeout – Transmission timed out and was aborted.
kStatus_Success – Successfully received all data.
status_t USART_TransferCreateHandle(USART_Type *base, usart_handle_t *handle, usart_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Initializes the USART handle.
This function initializes the USART handle which can be used for other USART transactional APIs. Usually, for a specified USART instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
handle – USART handle pointer.
callback – The callback function.
userData – The parameter of the callback function.
status_t USART_TransferSendNonBlocking(USART_Type *base, usart_handle_t *handle, usart_transfer_t *xfer)
Transmits a buffer of data using the interrupt method.
This function sends data using an interrupt method. This is a non-blocking function, which returns directly without waiting for all data to be written to the TX register. When all data is written to the TX register in the IRQ handler, the USART driver calls the callback function and passes the kStatus_USART_TxIdle as status parameter.
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
handle – USART handle pointer.
xfer – USART transfer structure. See usart_transfer_t.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully start the data transmission.
kStatus_USART_TxBusy – Previous transmission still not finished, data not all written to TX register yet.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Invalid argument.
void USART_TransferStartRingBuffer(USART_Type *base, usart_handle_t *handle, uint8_t *ringBuffer, size_t ringBufferSize)
Sets up the RX ring buffer.
This function sets up the RX ring buffer to a specific USART handle.
When the RX ring buffer is used, data received are stored into the ring buffer even when the user doesn’t call the USART_TransferReceiveNonBlocking() API. If there is already data received in the ring buffer, the user can get the received data from the ring buffer directly.
When using the RX ring buffer, one byte is reserved for internal use. In other words, if
is 32, then only 31 bytes are used for saving data.- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
handle – USART handle pointer.
ringBuffer – Start address of the ring buffer for background receiving. Pass NULL to disable the ring buffer.
ringBufferSize – size of the ring buffer.
void USART_TransferStopRingBuffer(USART_Type *base, usart_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the background transfer and uninstalls the ring buffer.
This function aborts the background transfer and uninstalls the ring buffer.
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
handle – USART handle pointer.
size_t USART_TransferGetRxRingBufferLength(usart_handle_t *handle)
Get the length of received data in RX ring buffer.
- Parameters:
handle – USART handle pointer.
- Returns:
Length of received data in RX ring buffer.
void USART_TransferAbortSend(USART_Type *base, usart_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the interrupt-driven data transmit.
This function aborts the interrupt driven data sending. The user can get the remainBtyes to find out how many bytes are still not sent out.
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
handle – USART handle pointer.
status_t USART_TransferGetSendCount(USART_Type *base, usart_handle_t *handle, uint32_t *count)
Get the number of bytes that have been sent out to bus.
This function gets the number of bytes that have been sent out to bus by interrupt method.
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
handle – USART handle pointer.
count – Send bytes count.
- Return values:
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – No send in progress.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Parameter is invalid.
kStatus_Success – Get successfully through the parameter
status_t USART_TransferReceiveNonBlocking(USART_Type *base, usart_handle_t *handle, usart_transfer_t *xfer, size_t *receivedBytes)
Receives a buffer of data using an interrupt method.
This function receives data using an interrupt method. This is a non-blocking function, which returns without waiting for all data to be received. If the RX ring buffer is used and not empty, the data in the ring buffer is copied and the parameter
shows how many bytes are copied from the ring buffer. After copying, if the data in the ring buffer is not enough to read, the receive request is saved by the USART driver. When the new data arrives, the receive request is serviced first. When all data is received, the USART driver notifies the upper layer through a callback function and passes the status parameter kStatus_USART_RxIdle. For example, the upper layer needs 10 bytes but there are only 5 bytes in the ring buffer. The 5 bytes are copied to the xfer->data and this function returns with the parameterreceivedBytes
set to 5. For the left 5 bytes, newly arrived data is saved from the xfer->data[5]. When 5 bytes are received, the USART driver notifies the upper layer. If the RX ring buffer is not enabled, this function enables the RX and RX interrupt to receive data to the xfer->data. When all data is received, the upper layer is notified.- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
handle – USART handle pointer.
xfer – USART transfer structure, see usart_transfer_t.
receivedBytes – Bytes received from the ring buffer directly.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully queue the transfer into transmit queue.
kStatus_USART_RxBusy – Previous receive request is not finished.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Invalid argument.
void USART_TransferAbortReceive(USART_Type *base, usart_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the interrupt-driven data receiving.
This function aborts the interrupt-driven data receiving. The user can get the remainBytes to find out how many bytes not received yet.
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
handle – USART handle pointer.
status_t USART_TransferGetReceiveCount(USART_Type *base, usart_handle_t *handle, uint32_t *count)
Get the number of bytes that have been received.
This function gets the number of bytes that have been received.
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
handle – USART handle pointer.
count – Receive bytes count.
- Return values:
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – No receive in progress.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Parameter is invalid.
kStatus_Success – Get successfully through the parameter
void USART_TransferHandleIRQ(USART_Type *base, usart_handle_t *handle)
USART IRQ handle function.
This function handles the USART transmit and receive IRQ request.
- Parameters:
base – USART peripheral base address.
handle – USART handle pointer.
USART driver version.
Error codes for the USART driver.
enumerator kStatus_USART_TxBusy
Transmitter is busy.
enumerator kStatus_USART_RxBusy
Receiver is busy.
enumerator kStatus_USART_TxIdle
USART transmitter is idle.
enumerator kStatus_USART_RxIdle
USART receiver is idle.
enumerator kStatus_USART_TxError
Error happens on txFIFO.
enumerator kStatus_USART_RxError
Error happens on rxFIFO.
enumerator kStatus_USART_RxRingBufferOverrun
Error happens on rx ring buffer
enumerator kStatus_USART_NoiseError
USART noise error.
enumerator kStatus_USART_FramingError
USART framing error.
enumerator kStatus_USART_ParityError
USART parity error.
enumerator kStatus_USART_BaudrateNotSupport
Baudrate is not support in current clock source
enumerator kStatus_USART_TxBusy
enum _usart_sync_mode
USART synchronous mode.
enumerator kUSART_SyncModeDisabled
Asynchronous mode.
enumerator kUSART_SyncModeSlave
Synchronous slave mode.
enumerator kUSART_SyncModeMaster
Synchronous master mode.
enumerator kUSART_SyncModeDisabled
enum _usart_parity_mode
USART parity mode.
enumerator kUSART_ParityDisabled
Parity disabled
enumerator kUSART_ParityEven
Parity enabled, type even, bit setting: PE|PT = 10
enumerator kUSART_ParityOdd
Parity enabled, type odd, bit setting: PE|PT = 11
enumerator kUSART_ParityDisabled
enum _usart_stop_bit_count
USART stop bit count.
enumerator kUSART_OneStopBit
One stop bit
enumerator kUSART_TwoStopBit
Two stop bits
enumerator kUSART_OneStopBit
enum _usart_data_len
USART data size.
enumerator kUSART_7BitsPerChar
Seven bit mode
enumerator kUSART_8BitsPerChar
Eight bit mode
enumerator kUSART_7BitsPerChar
enum _usart_clock_polarity
USART clock polarity configuration, used in sync mode.
enumerator kUSART_RxSampleOnFallingEdge
Un_RXD is sampled on the falling edge of SCLK.
enumerator kUSART_RxSampleOnRisingEdge
Un_RXD is sampled on the rising edge of SCLK.
enumerator kUSART_RxSampleOnFallingEdge
enum _usart_txfifo_watermark
txFIFO watermark values
enumerator kUSART_TxFifo0
USART tx watermark is empty
enumerator kUSART_TxFifo1
USART tx watermark at 1 item
enumerator kUSART_TxFifo2
USART tx watermark at 2 items
enumerator kUSART_TxFifo3
USART tx watermark at 3 items
enumerator kUSART_TxFifo4
USART tx watermark at 4 items
enumerator kUSART_TxFifo5
USART tx watermark at 5 items
enumerator kUSART_TxFifo6
USART tx watermark at 6 items
enumerator kUSART_TxFifo7
USART tx watermark at 7 items
enumerator kUSART_TxFifo0
enum _usart_rxfifo_watermark
rxFIFO watermark values
enumerator kUSART_RxFifo1
USART rx watermark at 1 item
enumerator kUSART_RxFifo2
USART rx watermark at 2 items
enumerator kUSART_RxFifo3
USART rx watermark at 3 items
enumerator kUSART_RxFifo4
USART rx watermark at 4 items
enumerator kUSART_RxFifo5
USART rx watermark at 5 items
enumerator kUSART_RxFifo6
USART rx watermark at 6 items
enumerator kUSART_RxFifo7
USART rx watermark at 7 items
enumerator kUSART_RxFifo8
USART rx watermark at 8 items
enumerator kUSART_RxFifo1
enum _usart_interrupt_enable
USART interrupt configuration structure, default settings all disabled.
enumerator kUSART_TxErrorInterruptEnable
enumerator kUSART_RxErrorInterruptEnable
enumerator kUSART_TxLevelInterruptEnable
enumerator kUSART_RxLevelInterruptEnable
enumerator kUSART_TxIdleInterruptEnable
Transmitter idle.
enumerator kUSART_CtsChangeInterruptEnable
Change in the state of the CTS input.
enumerator kUSART_RxBreakChangeInterruptEnable
Break condition asserted or deasserted.
enumerator kUSART_RxStartInterruptEnable
Rx start bit detected.
enumerator kUSART_FramingErrorInterruptEnable
Framing error detected.
enumerator kUSART_ParityErrorInterruptEnable
Parity error detected.
enumerator kUSART_NoiseErrorInterruptEnable
Noise error detected.
enumerator kUSART_AutoBaudErrorInterruptEnable
Auto baudrate error detected.
enumerator kUSART_RxTimeoutInterruptEnable
Receive timeout detected.
enumerator kUSART_AllInterruptEnables
enumerator kUSART_TxErrorInterruptEnable
enum _usart_flags
USART status flags.
This provides constants for the USART status flags for use in the USART functions.
enumerator kUSART_TxError
TXERR bit, sets if TX buffer is error
enumerator kUSART_RxError
RXERR bit, sets if RX buffer is error
enumerator kUSART_TxFifoEmptyFlag
TXEMPTY bit, sets if TX buffer is empty
enumerator kUSART_TxFifoNotFullFlag
TXNOTFULL bit, sets if TX buffer is not full
enumerator kUSART_RxFifoNotEmptyFlag
RXNOEMPTY bit, sets if RX buffer is not empty
enumerator kUSART_RxFifoFullFlag
RXFULL bit, sets if RX buffer is full
enumerator kUSART_RxIdleFlag
Receiver idle.
enumerator kUSART_TxIdleFlag
Transmitter idle.
enumerator kUSART_CtsAssertFlag
CTS signal high.
enumerator kUSART_CtsChangeFlag
CTS signal changed interrupt status.
enumerator kUSART_BreakDetectFlag
Break detected. Self cleared when rx pin goes high again.
enumerator kUSART_BreakDetectChangeFlag
Break detect change interrupt flag. A change in the state of receiver break detection.
enumerator kUSART_RxStartFlag
Rx start bit detected interrupt flag.
enumerator kUSART_FramingErrorFlag
Framing error interrupt flag.
enumerator kUSART_ParityErrorFlag
parity error interrupt flag.
enumerator kUSART_NoiseErrorFlag
Noise error interrupt flag.
enumerator kUSART_AutobaudErrorFlag
Auto baudrate error interrupt flag, caused by the baudrate counter timeout before the end of start bit.
enumerator kUSART_RxTimeoutFlag
RXTIMEOUT bit, sets if RX FIFO Timeout.
enumerator kUSART_AllClearFlags
enumerator kUSART_TxError
typedef enum _usart_sync_mode usart_sync_mode_t
USART synchronous mode.
typedef enum _usart_parity_mode usart_parity_mode_t
USART parity mode.
typedef enum _usart_stop_bit_count usart_stop_bit_count_t
USART stop bit count.
typedef enum _usart_data_len usart_data_len_t
USART data size.
typedef enum _usart_clock_polarity usart_clock_polarity_t
USART clock polarity configuration, used in sync mode.
typedef enum _usart_txfifo_watermark usart_txfifo_watermark_t
txFIFO watermark values
typedef enum _usart_rxfifo_watermark usart_rxfifo_watermark_t
rxFIFO watermark values
typedef struct _usart_rx_timeout_config usart_rx_timeout_config
USART receive timeout configuration structure.
typedef struct _usart_config usart_config_t
USART configuration structure.
typedef struct _usart_transfer usart_transfer_t
USART transfer structure.
typedef struct _usart_handle usart_handle_t
typedef void (*usart_transfer_callback_t)(USART_Type *base, usart_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
USART transfer callback function.
typedef void (*flexcomm_usart_irq_handler_t)(USART_Type *base, usart_handle_t *handle)
Typedef for usart interrupt handler.
uint32_t USART_GetInstance(USART_Type *base)
Returns instance number for USART peripheral base address.
Retry times for waiting flag.
Defining to zero means to keep waiting for the flag until it is assert/deassert in blocking transfer, otherwise the program will wait until the UART_RETRY_TIMES counts down to 0, if the flag still remains unchanged then program will return kStatus_USART_Timeout. It is not advised to use this macro in formal application to prevent any hardware error because the actual wait period is affected by the compiler and optimization.
struct _usart_rx_timeout_config
- #include <fsl_usart.h>
USART receive timeout configuration structure.
Public Members
bool enable
Enable RX timeout
bool resetCounterOnEmpty
Enable RX timeout counter reset when RX FIFO becames empty.
bool resetCounterOnReceive
Enable RX timeout counter reset when RX FIFO receives data from the transmitter side.
uint32_t counter
RX timeout counter
uint8_t prescaler
RX timeout prescaler
bool enable
struct _usart_config
- #include <fsl_usart.h>
USART configuration structure.
Public Members
uint32_t baudRate_Bps
USART baud rate
usart_parity_mode_t parityMode
Parity mode, disabled (default), even, odd
usart_stop_bit_count_t stopBitCount
Number of stop bits, 1 stop bit (default) or 2 stop bits
usart_data_len_t bitCountPerChar
Data length - 7 bit, 8 bit
bool loopback
Enable peripheral loopback
bool enableRx
Enable RX
bool enableTx
Enable TX
bool enableContinuousSCLK
USART continuous Clock generation enable in synchronous master mode.
bool enableMode32k
USART uses 32 kHz clock from the RTC oscillator as the clock source.
bool enableHardwareFlowControl
Enable hardware control RTS/CTS
usart_txfifo_watermark_t txWatermark
txFIFO watermark
usart_rxfifo_watermark_t rxWatermark
rxFIFO watermark
usart_sync_mode_t syncMode
Transfer mode select - asynchronous, synchronous master, synchronous slave.
usart_clock_polarity_t clockPolarity
Selects the clock polarity and sampling edge in synchronous mode.
usart_rx_timeout_config rxTimeout
rx timeout configuration
uint32_t baudRate_Bps
struct _usart_transfer
- #include <fsl_usart.h>
USART transfer structure.
Public Members
size_t dataSize
The byte count to be transfer.
size_t dataSize
struct _usart_handle
- #include <fsl_usart.h>
USART handle structure.
Public Members
const uint8_t *volatile txData
Address of remaining data to send.
volatile size_t txDataSize
Size of the remaining data to send.
size_t txDataSizeAll
Size of the data to send out.
uint8_t *volatile rxData
Address of remaining data to receive.
volatile size_t rxDataSize
Size of the remaining data to receive.
size_t rxDataSizeAll
Size of the data to receive.
uint8_t *rxRingBuffer
Start address of the receiver ring buffer.
size_t rxRingBufferSize
Size of the ring buffer.
volatile uint16_t rxRingBufferHead
Index for the driver to store received data into ring buffer.
volatile uint16_t rxRingBufferTail
Index for the user to get data from the ring buffer.
usart_transfer_callback_t callback
Callback function.
void *userData
USART callback function parameter.
volatile uint8_t txState
TX transfer state.
volatile uint8_t rxState
RX transfer state
uint8_t txWatermark
txFIFO watermark
uint8_t rxWatermark
rxFIFO watermark
const uint8_t *volatile txData
union __unnamed49__
Public Members
uint8_t *data
The buffer of data to be transfer.
uint8_t *rxData
The buffer to receive data.
const uint8_t *txData
The buffer of data to be sent.
uint8_t *data
UTICK: MictoTick Timer Driver
void UTICK_Init(UTICK_Type *base)
Initializes an UTICK by turning its bus clock on.
void UTICK_Deinit(UTICK_Type *base)
Deinitializes a UTICK instance.
This function shuts down Utick bus clock
- Parameters:
base – UTICK peripheral base address.
uint32_t UTICK_GetStatusFlags(UTICK_Type *base)
Get Status Flags.
This returns the status flag
- Parameters:
base – UTICK peripheral base address.
- Returns:
status register value
void UTICK_ClearStatusFlags(UTICK_Type *base)
Clear Status Interrupt Flags.
This clears intr status flag
- Parameters:
base – UTICK peripheral base address.
- Returns:
void UTICK_SetTick(UTICK_Type *base, utick_mode_t mode, uint32_t count, utick_callback_t cb)
Starts UTICK.
This function starts a repeat/onetime countdown with an optional callback
- Parameters:
base – UTICK peripheral base address.
mode – UTICK timer mode (ie kUTICK_onetime or kUTICK_repeat)
count – UTICK timer mode (ie kUTICK_onetime or kUTICK_repeat)
cb – UTICK callback (can be left as NULL if none, otherwise should be a void func(void))
- Returns:
void UTICK_HandleIRQ(UTICK_Type *base, utick_callback_t cb)
UTICK Interrupt Service Handler.
This function handles the interrupt and refers to the callback array in the driver to callback user (as per request in UTICK_SetTick()). if no user callback is scheduled, the interrupt will simply be cleared.
- Parameters:
base – UTICK peripheral base address.
cb – callback scheduled for this instance of UTICK
- Returns:
UTICK driver version 2.0.5.
enum _utick_mode
UTICK timer operational mode.
enumerator kUTICK_Onetime
Trigger once
enumerator kUTICK_Repeat
Trigger repeatedly
enumerator kUTICK_Onetime
typedef enum _utick_mode utick_mode_t
UTICK timer operational mode.
typedef void (*utick_callback_t)(void)
UTICK callback function.
WWDT: Windowed Watchdog Timer Driver
void WWDT_GetDefaultConfig(wwdt_config_t *config)
Initializes WWDT configure structure.
This function initializes the WWDT configure structure to default value. The default value are:
config->enableWwdt = true; config->enableWatchdogReset = false; config->enableWatchdogProtect = false; config->enableLockOscillator = false; config->windowValue = 0xFFFFFFU; config->timeoutValue = 0xFFFFFFU; config->warningValue = 0;
See also
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to WWDT config structure.
void WWDT_Init(WWDT_Type *base, const wwdt_config_t *config)
Initializes the WWDT.
This function initializes the WWDT. When called, the WWDT runs according to the configuration.
wwdt_config_t config; WWDT_GetDefaultConfig(&config); config.timeoutValue = 0x7ffU; WWDT_Init(wwdt_base,&config);
- Parameters:
base – WWDT peripheral base address
config – The configuration of WWDT
void WWDT_Deinit(WWDT_Type *base)
Shuts down the WWDT.
This function shuts down the WWDT.
- Parameters:
base – WWDT peripheral base address
static inline void WWDT_Enable(WWDT_Type *base)
Enables the WWDT module.
This function write value into WWDT_MOD register to enable the WWDT, it is a write-once bit; once this bit is set to one and a watchdog feed is performed, the watchdog timer will run permanently.
- Parameters:
base – WWDT peripheral base address
static inline void WWDT_Disable(WWDT_Type *base)
Disables the WWDT module.
- Deprecated:
Do not use this function. It will be deleted in next release version, for once the bit field of WDEN written with a 1, it can not be re-written with a 0.
This function write value into WWDT_MOD register to disable the WWDT.
- Parameters:
base – WWDT peripheral base address
static inline uint32_t WWDT_GetStatusFlags(WWDT_Type *base)
Gets all WWDT status flags.
This function gets all status flags.
Example for getting Timeout Flag:
uint32_t status; status = WWDT_GetStatusFlags(wwdt_base) & kWWDT_TimeoutFlag;
- Parameters:
base – WWDT peripheral base address
- Returns:
The status flags. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration _wwdt_status_flags_t
void WWDT_ClearStatusFlags(WWDT_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clear WWDT flag.
This function clears WWDT status flag.
Example for clearing warning flag:
WWDT_ClearStatusFlags(wwdt_base, kWWDT_WarningFlag);
- Parameters:
base – WWDT peripheral base address
mask – The status flags to clear. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration _wwdt_status_flags_t
static inline void WWDT_SetWarningValue(WWDT_Type *base, uint32_t warningValue)
Set the WWDT warning value.
The WDWARNINT register determines the watchdog timer counter value that will generate a watchdog interrupt. When the watchdog timer counter is no longer greater than the value defined by WARNINT, an interrupt will be generated after the subsequent WDCLK.
- Parameters:
base – WWDT peripheral base address
warningValue – WWDT warning value.
static inline void WWDT_SetTimeoutValue(WWDT_Type *base, uint32_t timeoutCount)
Set the WWDT timeout value.
This function sets the timeout value. Every time a feed sequence occurs the value in the TC register is loaded into the Watchdog timer. Writing a value below 0xFF will cause 0xFF to be loaded into the TC register. Thus the minimum time-out interval is TWDCLK*256*4. If enableWatchdogProtect flag is true in wwdt_config_t config structure, any attempt to change the timeout value before the watchdog counter is below the warning and window values will cause a watchdog reset and set the WDTOF flag.
- Parameters:
base – WWDT peripheral base address
timeoutCount – WWDT timeout value, count of WWDT clock tick.
static inline void WWDT_SetWindowValue(WWDT_Type *base, uint32_t windowValue)
Sets the WWDT window value.
The WINDOW register determines the highest TV value allowed when a watchdog feed is performed. If a feed sequence occurs when timer value is greater than the value in WINDOW, a watchdog event will occur. To disable windowing, set windowValue to 0xFFFFFF (maximum possible timer value) so windowing is not in effect.
- Parameters:
base – WWDT peripheral base address
windowValue – WWDT window value.
void WWDT_Refresh(WWDT_Type *base)
Refreshes the WWDT timer.
This function feeds the WWDT. This function should be called before WWDT timer is in timeout. Otherwise, a reset is asserted.
- Parameters:
base – WWDT peripheral base address
Defines WWDT driver version.
First word of refresh sequence
Second word of refresh sequence
enum _wwdt_status_flags_t
WWDT status flags.
This structure contains the WWDT status flags for use in the WWDT functions.
enumerator kWWDT_TimeoutFlag
Time-out flag, set when the timer times out
enumerator kWWDT_WarningFlag
Warning interrupt flag, set when timer is below the value WDWARNINT
enumerator kWWDT_TimeoutFlag
typedef struct _wwdt_config wwdt_config_t
Describes WWDT configuration structure.
struct _wwdt_config
- #include <fsl_wwdt.h>
Describes WWDT configuration structure.
Public Members
bool enableWwdt
Enables or disables WWDT
bool enableWatchdogReset
true: Watchdog timeout will cause a chip reset false: Watchdog timeout will not cause a chip reset
bool enableWatchdogProtect
true: Enable watchdog protect i.e timeout value can only be changed after counter is below warning & window values false: Disable watchdog protect; timeout value can be changed at any time
uint32_t windowValue
Window value, set this to 0xFFFFFF if windowing is not in effect
uint32_t timeoutValue
Timeout value
uint32_t warningValue
Watchdog time counter value that will generate a warning interrupt. Set this to 0 for no warning
uint32_t clockFreq_Hz
Watchdog clock source frequency.
bool enableWwdt