MCUXpresso SDK download

To configure and download the MCUXpresso SDK for the FoE example building:

  1. Click the link to launch the MCUXpresso main page.

  2. Click the Select Development Board button.

  3. Type 1180 in the Search for Hardware field.

  4. Select MIMXRT1180-EVK from the drop-down list.

  5. Select the SDK version from which the SDK will be generated.

  6. Click the build MCUXpresso SDK button.

    Note: The SDK version in the image is for reference only. Ensure to download the latest SDK version.

  7. To select the components, click ‘SELECT ALL’.

  8. To download the SDK, click the Download SDK button.

  9. Click the Download SDKbutton.

  10. Click the Download SDK archive including documentation link.