

The IEE IEER MMDC demo application demonstrates usage of the IEE and IEER driver. The Inline Encryption Engine (IEE) together with Inline Encryption Engine Router (IEER) provides a means to perform inline encryption and decryption of information transferred over external memory interfaces. In this demo application encrypted read and write is performed to external DDR Ram using MMDC. At first IEE is configured to perform AES XTS encryprion/decryption using KEY1 & KEY2 for region 3 (highest priority region). Offset setting for region 3 is calculated using IEE_GetOffset() function. IEE uses offset to determine the physical address of the memory location that you are accessing. Offset is added to IEE address when performing read or write access to IEE. Then IEER is set to cover all its address space for region 3. Now all data written/read to/from IEE address will be encrypted/decrypted and written/read to/from physical DDR memory. Then test data are written over IEE to DDR. After the successful write, data are read directly from the DDR (without using IEE) to see that they are crypted. Then read using IEE is performed and the data are compared to written data in the begining of this demo.