The lin_stack_master demo is used to demonstrate how to use the lin stack as master node.
The master node is in NormalTable schedule table and it uses the LIN frame Motor1State_Cycl to receive data from slave node and send selection signal Motor1Selection command to slave node by Motor1Control.
If value from slave is higher than MOTOR1_STOP_VALUE, master will send STOP command to slave node.
If value from slave is higher than MOTOR1_MAX_VALUE, master will send decrease command to slave.
If value from slave is lower than MOTOR_MIN_VALUE, master will send increase command to slave. So, the value from slave will keep changing between MOTOR1_MAX_VALUE and MOTOR_MIN_VALUE.
If the button 1 was pressed, the master will switch the schedule table to sleep table to send go to sleep signal to slave node.
If button 2 was pressed while master in sleep mode, a wake up signal will send by master node to wake up
LIN cluster.Once running successfully, the state of LEDs on master node and slave node will keep aligned.