Maestro Audio Framework changelog
2.0.0 (newest)
Added Zephyr port, see Zephyr README.
Possible to use standalone version, pulling its own Zephyr and dependencies
Possible to import it as a module in your Zephyr project
Changed build system - newly uses Kconfig and Cmake
Supports NXP MCUXSDK (previously 2.x)
Changed folder structure and names to improve readability (description may be found in README)
Removed audio libraries and placed into audio-voice-components repository
Added libraries are pulled into the build via Kconfig and Cmake
Changed Maestro library core - minor changes
New platforms support: MCX-N5XX-EVK, FRDMMCXN236 and RD-RW612-BGA
Fixed compilation warnings
Documentation improvements and updates
Added section with processing time information
Added application state diagrams
Various updates and fixes
Removed EAP support for future SDK releases
Created new API for audio_sink and audio_src to support USB source, sink
ASRC library integrated
License changed to BSD 3-Clause
Improved pipeline creation API
Fixed compilation warnings in Opus
Various other improvements and bug fixes
Up to 2 parallel pipelines supported
Synchronous Sample Rate Converter support Added
Various improvements and bug fixes
Enabled switching from 2 to 4 channel output during processing
PadReturn type has been replaced by FlowReturn
Support of AAC, WAV, FLAC decoders
Renamed eap element to audio_proc element
Added audio_proc to VIT pipeline to support VoiceSeeker
Minor bug fixes
Use Opusfile lib for Ogg Opus decoder
Refactor code, fix issues found in unit tests
Various bug fixes
Make Maestro framework open source (except mp3 and wav decoder)
Refactor code, remove unused parts, add comments
Unified buffering in audio source, audio sink
Various improvements and bug fixes
Initial version of framework with support for Cortex-M7 platforms