Maestro sync example

Table of content


The Maestro sync example demonstrates the use of synchronous pipelines (Tx and Rx in this case) processing in a single streamer task on the ARM cortex core utilizing the Maestro Audio Framework library.

The application is controlled by commands from a shell interface using serial console.

The feature is useful for testing the latency of the pipeline or implementing algorithms requiring reference signals such as echo cancellation. The VoiceSeeker library available in this example is not featuring AEC (Acoustic Echo Cancellation), but NXP is offering it in the premium version of the library. More information about the premium version can be found at VoiceSeeker. page. The demo uses two pipelines running synchronously in a single streamer task:

  1. Playback (Tx) pipeline:

    • Playback of audio data in PCM format stored in flash memory to the audio Line-Out connector (speaker).

  2. Recording (Rx) pipline:

    • Record audio data using a microphone.

    • VoiceSeeker processing.

    • Wake words + voice commands recognition.

    • Save the VoiceSeeker output to the voiceseeker_output.pcm file on the SD card.

As shown in the table below, the application is supported on several development boards, and each development board may have certain limitations, some development boards may also require hardware modifications or allow to use of an audio expansion board. Therefore, please check the supported features and Hardware modifications or Example configuration sections before running the demo.

Mode Standard
Feature Audio inputs [num of channels] Audio outputs [num of channels] Additional libraries
On board codec DMICs aud-exp-42448 On board codec aud-exp-42448 VIT VoiceSeeker
EVKB-MIMXRT1170 X 1-2 X 1-2 X OK OK
LPCXpresso55s69 X X X X X X X
- Dark green - Fully supported and enabled by default.
- Orange - Supported with some limitations and enabled by default. See the limitations section below.
- Light green - Supported, but only available after some SW or HW modification. More information about modification can be found in the [Example configuration](#example-configuration) section.
- X - Not supported.


  • Addition labraries

    • VIT:

      • The VIT is supported only in the MCUXpresso IDE.

    • VoiceSeeker:

      • The VoiceSeeker is supported only in the MCUXpresso IDE.

Known issues:

  • No known issues.

More information about supported features can be found on the Supported features page.

Hardware requirements

  • Desired development board

  • Micro USB cable

  • Speaker with 3.5 mm stereo jack

  • Personal computer

  • Optional:

    • SD card for file output

Hardware modifications

Some development boards need some hardware modifications to run the application. If the development board is not listed here, its default setting is required.

  • EVKC-MIMXRT1060:

    1. Please make sure resistors below are removed to be able to use SD-Card.

      • R368, R347, R349, R365, R363

    2. Please Make sure J99 is installed.


  1. Connect a micro USB cable between the PC host and the debug USB port on the development board

  2. Open a serial terminal with the following settings:

    • 115200 baud rate

    • 8 data bits

    • No parity

    • One stop bit

    • No flow control

  3. Download the program to the target board.

  4. Insert the speaker into the Line-Out connector (headphone jack) on the development board.

  5. Optional: Insert an SD card into the SD card slot to record to the VoiceSeeker output.

  6. Either press the reset button on your development board or launch the debugger in your IDE to begin running the demo.

Running the demo

When the example runs successfully, you should see similar output on the serial terminal as below:

    Maestro audio sync demo start

    Copyright  2022  NXP
    [APP_SDCARD_Task] start
    [APP_Shell_Task] start

    >> [APP_SDCARD_Task] SD card drive mounted

Type help to see the command list. Similar description will be displayed on serial console:

    >> help

    "help": List all the registered commands

    "exit": Exit program

    "version": Display component versions

    "start [nosdcard]": Starts a streamer task.
                  - Initializes the streamer with the Memory->Speaker pipeline and with
                    the Microphone->VoiceSeeker->VIT->SDcard pipeline.
                  - Runs repeatedly until stop command.
         nosdcard - Doesn't use SD card to store data.

    "stop": Stops a running streamer:

    "debug [on|off]": Starts / stops debugging.
                    - Starts / stops saving VoiceSeeker input data (reference and microphone data)
                      to SDRAM.
                    - After the stop command, this data is transferred to the SD card.

Details of commands can be found here.

Example configuration

The example can be configured by user. Before configuration, please check the table to see if the feature is supported on the development board.

  • Enable the premium version of VoiceSeeker:

    • The premium version of the VoiceSeeker library with AEC is API compatible with this example.

    • To get the premium version, please visit VoiceSeeker page.

    • The following steps are required to run this example with the VoiceSeeker&AEC library.

      • Link the voiceseeker.a library instead of voiceseeker_no_aec.a.

      • Set the RDSP_ENABLE_AEC definition to 1U in the voiceseeker.h file

  • VIT model generation:

    • For custom VIT model generation (defining own wake words and voice commands) please use


The start <nosdcard> command calls the STREAMER_Create function from the app_streamer.c file that creates pipelines with the following elements:

  • Playback pipeline:



  • Record pipeline:




    • ELEMENT_FILE_SINK_INDEX (If the nosdcard argument is not used)

Processing itself can be started with the STREAMER_Start function.

Each of the elements has several properties that can be accessed using the streamer_get_property or streamer_set_property function. These properties allow a user to change the values of the appropriate elements. The list of properties can be found in streamer_element_properties.h. See the example of setting property value in the following piece of code from the app_streamer.c file:


    buf.location = (int8_t *)TESTAUDIO_DATA;
    buf.size     = TESTAUDIO_LEN;

    prop.prop = PROP_MEMSRC_SET_BUFF;
    prop.val  = (uintptr_t)&buf;
    if (STREAM_OK != streamer_set_property(handle->streamer, 0, prop, true))
        return kStatus_Fail;

    prop.prop = PROP_MEMSRC_SET_MEM_TYPE;
    prop.val  = AUDIO_DATA;
    if (STREAM_OK != streamer_set_property(handle->streamer, 0, prop, true))
        return kStatus_Fail;

    prop.val  = DEMO_SAMPLE_RATE;
    if (STREAM_OK != streamer_set_property(handle->streamer, 0, prop, true))
        return kStatus_Fail;

Some of the predefined values can be found in the streamer_api.h.


The application can be in 2 different states:

  • Idle

  • Running

Commands in detail

Legend for diagrams:

flowchart TD classDef function fill:#69CA00 classDef condition fill:#0EAFE0 classDef state fill:#F9B500 classDef error fill:#F54D4D A((State)):::state B{Condition}:::condition C[Error message]:::error D[Process function]:::function

help, version

flowchart TD classDef function fill:#69CA00 classDef condition fill:#0EAFE0 classDef state fill:#F9B500 classDef error fill:#F54D4D A((Idle)):::state --> C[Write help or version]:::function B((Running)):::state --> C C --> E((No state change)):::state

start [nosdcard]

flowchart TD classDef function fill:#69CA00 classDef condition fill:#0EAFE0 classDef state fill:#F9B500 classDef error fill:#F54D4D A((Idle)):::state --> B{nosdcard parameter?}:::condition B -- Yes --> CH[Playing to Line-out and recording]:::function CH --> L((Running)):::state B -- No --> C{Is SD card inserted?}:::condition C -- Yes --> E[Playing to Line-out and recording to SD card]:::function E --> F((Running)):::state F --> G{Debugging is enabled?}:::condition G -- No --> F G -- Yes --> H[Save reference and microphone data to SDRAM]:::function H --> F C -- No --> D[Error: Insert SD card first]:::error D --> A J((Running)):::state --> K[Error: The streamer task is already running]:::error K --> J


flowchart TD classDef function fill:#69CA00 classDef condition fill:#0EAFE0 classDef state fill:#F9B500 classDef error fill:#F54D4D A((Idle)):::state --> A B((Running)):::state --> C{Is debugging enabled?}:::condition C --Yes -->E[Copy reference and microphone data to the SD card]:::function E --> G((Idle)):::state C -- No --> G

debug [on|off]

flowchart TD classDef function fill:#69CA00 classDef condition fill:#0EAFE0 classDef state fill:#F9B500 classDef error fill:#F54D4D A((Idle)):::state --> B[Error: First, start the streamer task]:::error C((Running)):::state --> D{Any parameter?}:::condition D -- Yes --> F{Started with nosdcard parameter?}:::condition F -- No --> H[Set debugging]:::function H --> C F --Yes --> G[Error: Debugging cannot be used]:::error G --> C D -- No --> E[Error: Use the parameter either on or off]:::error E --> C