Data management of bonded devices

The Host handles the management of the bonding data without requiring application intervention. The application must provide the NVM write, read, and erase functions presented in Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) access. The Host creates bonds if bonding is required after the pairing.

The bonded data structure is presented below, together with the GAP APIs that access it, for most APIs require a connection to be established with the device in the bonded list, the others can be accessed any time using the NVM index.

  1. Bond Header – identity address and address type that uniquely identify a device together with the IRK and privacy mode.

    • Gap_GetBondedDevicesIdentityInformation – for all bonds

  2. Bond Data Dynamic - security counters for signed operations – managed by the stack

  3. Bond Data Static – LTK, CSRK, Rand, EDIV, security information for read and write authorizations

    • Gap_SaveKeys– NVM index

    • Gap_LoadKeys– NVM index

    • Gap_LoadEncryptionInformation - deviceId

    • Gap_Authorize deviceId - GATT Server only

  4. Bond Data Legacy - Legacy pair information and CSRK

    • Gap_LoadEncryptionInformation - deviceId

  5. Bond Data Device Info - custom peer information (service discovery data) and device name

    • Gap_SaveCustomPeerInformation - deviceId

    • Gap_LoadCustomPeerInformation - deviceId

    • Gap_SaveDeviceName - deviceId

    • Gap_GetBondedDeviceName – NVM index

  6. Bond Data Descriptor List - configuration of indications and notifications for CCCD handles – GATT Server only

    • Gap_CheckNotificationStatus - deviceId

    • Gap_CheckIndicationStatus- deviceId

However, there may be some cases when an application wants to manage this data to read data from a bonded device created by the Host, create a bond obtained out-of-band or update an existing bond. For this use case, two GAP APIs and a GAP event have been added.

  1. Load the Keys of a bonded device.

    The user can call the following function to read the keys exchanged during pairing and stored by the Bluetooth LE Host Stack in the bond area when the pairing is complete.

    The application is informed of the NVM index through the gBondCreatedEvent_c sent by the stack immediately after the bond creation. The application is responsible for passing the memory in the pOutKeys OUT parameter to fill in the keys, if any of the keys are set to NULL, the stack does not fill that information. The pOutKeyFlags OUT parameter indicates to the application which of the keys were stored by the stack as not all of them may have been distributed during pairing.

    The pOutLeSc indicates if Bluetooth LE 4.2 LE Secure Connections Pairing was used, while the pOutAuth indicates if the peer device is authenticated for MITM protection. All these OUT parameters are recommended to be retrieved from the bond and added if later passed as input parameters for the save keys API.

    This function executes synchronously.

    bleResult_t **Gap\_LoadKeys**
        uint8_t            nvmIndex,
        gapSmpKeys_t*      pOutKeys,
        gapSmpKeyFlags_t*  pOutKeyFlags,
        bool_t*            pOutLeSc,
        bool_t*             pOutAuth);

    The gapSmpKeys_t is the structure used during the key distribution phase, as well as in the gConnEvtKeysReceived_c event and is as follows. The difference is that the Bluetooth LE device address cannot be set to NULL neither when loading a bond or when creating one as it identifies the bonded device together with the NVM index.

    Event Data

    Data type

    Data Description



    Encryption Key Size filled by the stack. If aLtk is NULL, this is ignored. In Advanced Secure Mode, this should be the size of the LTK encrypted blob of 40 bytes.

| |aLtk|uint8_t*|Long Term (Encryption) Key or LTK encrypted blob if Advanced Secure Mode is enabled. NULL if LTK is not distributed, else size is given by cLtkSize

.| |aIrk|uint8_t*|Identity Resolving Key. NULL if aIrk is not distributed.| |aCsrk|uint8_t*|Connection Signature Resolving Key. NULL if aCsrk is not distributed.| |cRandSize|uint8_t|Size of RAND filled by the stack; usually equal to gcSmpMaxRandSize_c. If aLtk is NULL, this is ignored.| |aRand|uint8_t*|RAND value used to identify the LTK. If aLtkis NULL, this is ignored.| |ediv|uint16_t|EDIV value used to identify the LTK. If aLtk is NULL, this is ignored.| |addressType|bleAddressType_t|Public or Random address.| |aAddress|uint8_t*|Device Address. It cannot be NULL.|

The structure for the GAP SMP Key Flags is the following:

|Flag Type|Description|
|`gNoKeys_c`|No key is available.|
|`gLtk_c`|Long-Term Key is available.|
|`gIrk_c`|Identity Resolving Key is available.|
|`gCsrk_c`|Connection Signature Resolving Key is available.|
  1. Save the Keys to create a bond or update an existing bonded device.

    The user can call the following function to create a bond on a device based on information obtained Out of Band. For instance, one can use the output of Gap_LoadKeys from the previous section. This can be useful in transferring a bond created by the stack after a pairing procedure or if the application wants to manipulate bonding data. The behavior of the stack remains the same, if the bonding is required after a pairing, the stack stores the bonding information if possible. In this case, the NVM index is passed to the application through gBondCreatedEvent_c.

    This function executes asynchronously, as the stack can create a bond during the execution. The application should listen for the previous mentioned event gBondCreatedEvent_c. The result of the function call is passed synchronously. However, if an asynchronous error has occurred during the actual save, it is passed to the application through the gInternalError_c event with a gSaveKeys_c error source.

    The stack creates a bond if the NVM index is free or update the keys from an NVM index if it stores a valid entry.

    The address from the GAP SMP Keys structure must not be NULL. If other members of the structure are NULL, they are ignored.

    LE SC flag indicates if Bluetooth LE 4.2 Secure Connections was used during pairing and Auth specifies if the peer is authenticated for MITM protection.

    bleResult_t **Gap\_SaveKeys**
        uint8_t         nvmIndex,
        gapSmpKeys_t*   pKeys,
        bool_t          leSc,
        bool_t          auth
  2. Bond created event.

    A GAP event is added to the Bluetooth LE Generic Callback to inform the application of the NVM index whenever the stack creates a bond or when a Gap_SaveKeys request succeeds. The event is also generated if the NVM index was a valid occupied entry and only some of the keys in the bonded information have been updated.

    The NVM index is then used in the GAP APIs to save or load information from the bond.

    Event Data

    Data type

    Data Description



    NVM index for the new created bond



    Public or Random (static) address of the bond



    Address of the bond

Application removal of bonded devices data

The application can remove a bonded device from NVM. The bonded device cannot be deleted if it is in an active connection. The application can remove one or all bonds by calling the following synchronous GAP APIs:

  • **Gap\_RemoveBond**(uint8_t nvmIndex)nvmIndex can be obtained via the Gap_CheckIfBonded API.

  • **Gap\_RemoveAllBonds\(\)** - no connections should be active otherwise the call fails.

Removing a bonded device does not affect the controller address resolution state nor the contents of either the Controller Filter Accept List or the Controller Resolving List. If Controller Privacy is enabled, it remains so until it is disabled or the device is reset.

In a scenario where the user wants to remove a bonded device and all its effects on device behavior (Controller Filter Accept List, Controller Resolving List), the following operations should be executed:

  • **Gap\_ClearFilterAcceptList** or **Gap\_RemoveDeviceFromFilterAcceptList**

    • Clear Controller Filter Accept List or clear a device from Filter Accept List.

  • **Gap\_RemoveAllBonds** or **Gap\_RemoveBond**

    • All bonded devices are removed or one bonded device is removed from NVM.

  • **BleConnManager\_DisablePrivacy**

    • Controller Privacy is disabled, Controller Resolving List is cleared and address resolution is disabled. The device should not be advertising or scanning, otherwise this call fails.

  • **BleConnManager\_EnablePrivacy**

    • Called after the gControllerPrivacyStateChanged_c event is received, confirming Controller Privacy has been disabled. If not all bonds have been deleted, Controller Privacy is reenabled. In the absence of bonds, Host Privacy is enabled.

Parent topic:Data management of bonded devices

Parent topic:Generic Access Profile (GAP) Layer