Install MCUXpresso SDK
This section list the steps to:
Download MCUXpresso SDK for RT600
DSP enablement for RT600, including drivers, middleware libraries, and demo applications are included with the latest RT600 SDK available for download from If you are accessing the site for the first time, make sure to register.
Once logged in, perform the following steps to use the SDK builder.
Click the link Select Board /Processor on the left panel.
In the Search by Name field, enter the name of the board. For example, RT685.
From the search results, select EVK-MIMXRT685.
Click the Build MCUXpresso SDK button on the right panel.
In the Build SDK for EVK-MIMXRT685 page, select the required environment settings.
Click the Download SDK button at the bottom of the page.
Save the archive in a local directory.
Parent topic:Install MCUXpresso SDK
Enable MCUXpresso SDK DSP
The following DSP-specific enablements are available inside the MCUXpresso SDK release package for RT600.
Unified device and peripheral driver source code that can be compiled for both Arm and DSP cores.
**Note:** Only a limited subset of peripheral drivers and components is supported on the DSP.
- ```
DSP example applications
Unified RPMsg-Lite multicore communication library, with porting layers for Arm and DSP cores
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Xtensa Audio Framework \(XAF\) for DSP core
Source code and documentation for the core XAF framework
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Utilities and tests for developing applications with the XAF framework
XAF components and codec binaries
NatureDSP Math Library for HiFi4 DSP
**Parent topic:**[Install MCUXpresso SDK](../topics/
Initialize DSP Core
To minimize the power consumption, the DSP core is not powered when RT600 boots up. To initialize, run, or debug DSP applications, you must execute some code on the Arm core.
The DSP management interface library provided in the SDK is available at the location: <SDK_ROOT>/devices/MIMXRT685S/drivers/fsl_dsp.c
/* Initialize DSP core. */
void DSP_Init(void);
/* Deinit DSP core. */
void DSP_Deinit(void);
/* Copy DSP image to destination address. */
void DSP_CopyImage(dsp_copy_image_t *dspCopyImage);
/* Start DSP core. */
void DSP_Start(void);
/* Stop DSP core. */
void DSP_Stop(void);
The SDK includes a helper function used by the DSP example applications at: <SDK_ROOT>/boards/evkmimxrt685/dsp_examples/dsp_support.c
/* Prepare DSP core for code execution:
- Setup PMIC for DSP
- Initialize DSP clock and core
- (Optional) Copy DSP binary image into RAM
- Start DSP core
void BOARD_DSP_Init(void);
After executing this function during your Arm application startup, the DSP is initialized and ready to run. From here, code is loaded and debugged on the DSP with Xplorer IDE and tools.
Parent topic:Install MCUXpresso SDK
Link DSP Profiles
The Xtensa Software Tools use the linker support packages (LSPs) to link a HiFi4 DSP application for the RT600. An LSP includes both a system memory map and a collection of libraries to include into the final binary. The LSPs are provided in the MCUXpresso SDK and are available at: <SDK_ROOT>/devices/MIMXRT685S/xtensa/
DSP sample applications are configured to link against one of these custom LSPs. By default, Debug targets are linked against the gdbio LSP intended for use with an attached debugger and captures I/O requests (printf) through gdb. The Release target links against the min-rt LSP, which includes minimal runtime support.
To change the LSP used by a project target in the Xplorer IDE, use the Linker tab in the project Build Properties dialog box.
The MCUXpresso SDK ships with other standard LSPs for RT600. For more information on LSPs and creating a custom memory map using Xtensa software tools, see the Cadence Linker Support Packages (LSPs) Reference Manual.
Parent topic:Install MCUXpresso SDK