ACMP: Analog Comparator Driver
void ACMP_Init(CMP_Type *base, const acmp_config_t *config)
Initializes the ACMP.
The default configuration can be got by calling ACMP_GetDefaultConfig().
- Parameters:
base – ACMP peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to ACMP configuration structure.
void ACMP_Deinit(CMP_Type *base)
Deinitializes the ACMP.
- Parameters:
base – ACMP peripheral base address.
void ACMP_GetDefaultConfig(acmp_config_t *config)
Gets the default configuration for ACMP.
This function initializes the user configuration structure to default value. The default value are:
config->enableHighSpeed = false; config->enableInvertOutput = false; config->useUnfilteredOutput = false; config->enablePinOut = false; config->enableHysteresisBothDirections = false; config->hysteresisMode = kACMP_hysteresisMode0;
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to ACMP configuration structure.
void ACMP_Enable(CMP_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables or disables the ACMP.
- Parameters:
base – ACMP peripheral base address.
enable – True to enable the ACMP.
void ACMP_SetChannelConfig(CMP_Type *base, const acmp_channel_config_t *config)
Sets the channel configuration.
Note that the plus/minus mux’s setting is only valid when the positive/negative port’s input isn’t from DAC but from channel mux.
acmp_channel_config_t configStruct = {0}; configStruct.positivePortInput = kACMP_PortInputFromDAC; configStruct.negativePortInput = kACMP_PortInputFromMux; configStruct.minusMuxInput = 1U; ACMP_SetChannelConfig(CMP0, &configStruct);
- Parameters:
base – ACMP peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to channel configuration structure.
void ACMP_EnableDMA(CMP_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables or disables DMA.
- Parameters:
base – ACMP peripheral base address.
enable – True to enable DMA.
void ACMP_EnableWindowMode(CMP_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables or disables window mode.
- Parameters:
base – ACMP peripheral base address.
enable – True to enable window mode.
void ACMP_SetFilterConfig(CMP_Type *base, const acmp_filter_config_t *config)
Configures the filter.
The filter can be enabled when the filter count is bigger than 1, the filter period is greater than 0 and the sample clock is from divided bus clock or the filter is bigger than 1 and the sample clock is from external clock. Detailed usage can be got from the reference manual.
acmp_filter_config_t configStruct = {0}; configStruct.filterCount = 5U; configStruct.filterPeriod = 200U; configStruct.enableSample = false; ACMP_SetFilterConfig(CMP0, &configStruct);
- Parameters:
base – ACMP peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to filter configuration structure.
void ACMP_SetDACConfig(CMP_Type *base, const acmp_dac_config_t *config)
Configures the internal DAC.
acmp_dac_config_t configStruct = {0}; configStruct.referenceVoltageSource = kACMP_VrefSourceVin1; configStruct.DACValue = 20U; configStruct.enableOutput = false; configStruct.workMode = kACMP_DACWorkLowSpeedMode; ACMP_SetDACConfig(CMP0, &configStruct);
- Parameters:
base – ACMP peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to DAC configuration structure. “NULL” is for disabling the feature.
void ACMP_SetRoundRobinConfig(CMP_Type *base, const acmp_round_robin_config_t *config)
Configures the round robin mode.
acmp_round_robin_config_t configStruct = {0}; configStruct.fixedPort = kACMP_FixedPlusPort; configStruct.fixedChannelNumber = 3U; configStruct.checkerChannelMask = 0xF7U; configStruct.sampleClockCount = 0U; configStruct.delayModulus = 0U; ACMP_SetRoundRobinConfig(CMP0, &configStruct);
- Parameters:
base – ACMP peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to round robin mode configuration structure. “NULL” is for disabling the feature.
void ACMP_SetRoundRobinPreState(CMP_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Defines the pre-set state of channels in round robin mode.
Note: The pre-state has different circuit with get-round-robin-result in the SOC even though they are same bits. So get-round-robin-result can’t return the same value as the value are set by pre-state.
- Parameters:
base – ACMP peripheral base address.
mask – Mask of round robin channel index. Available range is channel0:0x01 to channel7:0x80.
static inline uint32_t ACMP_GetRoundRobinStatusFlags(CMP_Type *base)
Gets the channel input changed flags in round robin mode.
- Parameters:
base – ACMP peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Mask of channel input changed asserted flags. Available range is channel0:0x01 to channel7:0x80.
void ACMP_ClearRoundRobinStatusFlags(CMP_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears the channel input changed flags in round robin mode.
- Parameters:
base – ACMP peripheral base address.
mask – Mask of channel index. Available range is channel0:0x01 to channel7:0x80.
static inline uint32_t ACMP_GetRoundRobinResult(CMP_Type *base)
Gets the round robin result.
Note that the set-pre-state has different circuit with get-round-robin-result in the SOC even though they are same bits. So ACMP_GetRoundRobinResult() can’t return the same value as the value are set by ACMP_SetRoundRobinPreState.
- Parameters:
base – ACMP peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Mask of round robin channel result. Available range is channel0:0x01 to channel7:0x80.
void ACMP_EnableInterrupts(CMP_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – ACMP peripheral base address.
mask – Interrupts mask. See “_acmp_interrupt_enable”.
void ACMP_DisableInterrupts(CMP_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – ACMP peripheral base address.
mask – Interrupts mask. See “_acmp_interrupt_enable”.
uint32_t ACMP_GetStatusFlags(CMP_Type *base)
Gets status flags.
- Parameters:
base – ACMP peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Status flags asserted mask. See “_acmp_status_flags”.
void ACMP_ClearStatusFlags(CMP_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears status flags.
- Parameters:
base – ACMP peripheral base address.
mask – Status flags mask. See “_acmp_status_flags”.
ACMP driver version 2.3.0.
enum _acmp_interrupt_enable
Interrupt enable/disable mask.
enumerator kACMP_OutputRisingInterruptEnable
Enable the interrupt when comparator outputs rising.
enumerator kACMP_OutputFallingInterruptEnable
Enable the interrupt when comparator outputs falling.
enumerator kACMP_RoundRobinInterruptEnable
Enable the Round-Robin interrupt.
enumerator kACMP_OutputRisingInterruptEnable
enum _acmp_status_flags
Status flag mask.
enumerator kACMP_OutputRisingEventFlag
Rising-edge on compare output has occurred.
enumerator kACMP_OutputFallingEventFlag
Falling-edge on compare output has occurred.
enumerator kACMP_OutputAssertEventFlag
Return the current value of the analog comparator output.
enumerator kACMP_OutputRisingEventFlag
enum _acmp_hysteresis_mode
Comparator hard block hysteresis control.
See chip data sheet to get the actual hysteresis value with each level.
enumerator kACMP_HysteresisLevel0
Offset is level 0 and Hysteresis is level 0.
enumerator kACMP_HysteresisLevel1
Offset is level 0 and Hysteresis is level 1.
enumerator kACMP_HysteresisLevel2
Offset is level 0 and Hysteresis is level 2.
enumerator kACMP_HysteresisLevel3
Offset is level 0 and Hysteresis is level 3.
enumerator kACMP_HysteresisLevel0
enum _acmp_reference_voltage_source
CMP Voltage Reference source.
enumerator kACMP_VrefSourceVin1
Vin1 is selected as resistor ladder network supply reference Vin.
enumerator kACMP_VrefSourceVin2
Vin2 is selected as resistor ladder network supply reference Vin.
enumerator kACMP_VrefSourceVin1
enum _acmp_fixed_port
Fixed mux port.
enumerator kACMP_FixedPlusPort
Only the inputs to the Minus port are swept in each round.
enumerator kACMP_FixedMinusPort
Only the inputs to the Plus port are swept in each round.
enumerator kACMP_FixedPlusPort
typedef enum _acmp_hysteresis_mode acmp_hysteresis_mode_t
Comparator hard block hysteresis control.
See chip data sheet to get the actual hysteresis value with each level.
typedef enum _acmp_reference_voltage_source acmp_reference_voltage_source_t
CMP Voltage Reference source.
typedef enum _acmp_fixed_port acmp_fixed_port_t
Fixed mux port.
typedef struct _acmp_config acmp_config_t
Configuration for ACMP.
typedef struct _acmp_channel_config acmp_channel_config_t
Configuration for channel.
The comparator’s port can be input from channel mux or DAC. If port input is from channel mux, detailed channel number for the mux should be configured.
typedef struct _acmp_filter_config acmp_filter_config_t
Configuration for filter.
typedef struct _acmp_dac_config acmp_dac_config_t
Configuration for DAC.
typedef struct _acmp_round_robin_config acmp_round_robin_config_t
Configuration for round robin mode.
The mask of status flags cleared by writing 1.
struct _acmp_config
- #include <fsl_acmp.h>
Configuration for ACMP.
Public Members
bool enableHighSpeed
Enable High Speed (HS) comparison mode.
bool enableInvertOutput
Enable inverted comparator output.
bool useUnfilteredOutput
Set compare output(COUT) to equal COUTA(true) or COUT(false).
bool enablePinOut
The comparator output is available on the associated pin.
bool enableHighSpeed
struct _acmp_channel_config
- #include <fsl_acmp.h>
Configuration for channel.
The comparator’s port can be input from channel mux or DAC. If port input is from channel mux, detailed channel number for the mux should be configured.
Public Members
uint32_t plusMuxInput
Plus mux input channel(0~7).
uint32_t minusMuxInput
Minus mux input channel(0~7).
uint32_t plusMuxInput
struct _acmp_filter_config
- #include <fsl_acmp.h>
Configuration for filter.
Public Members
bool enableSample
Using external SAMPLE as sampling clock input, or using divided bus clock.
uint32_t filterCount
Filter Sample Count. Available range is 1-7, 0 would cause the filter disabled.
uint32_t filterPeriod
Filter Sample Period. The divider to bus clock. Available range is 0-255.
bool enableSample
struct _acmp_dac_config
- #include <fsl_acmp.h>
Configuration for DAC.
Public Members
acmp_reference_voltage_source_t referenceVoltageSource
Supply voltage reference source.
uint32_t DACValue
Value for DAC Output Voltage. Available range is 0-255.
acmp_reference_voltage_source_t referenceVoltageSource
struct _acmp_round_robin_config
- #include <fsl_acmp.h>
Configuration for round robin mode.
Public Members
acmp_fixed_port_t fixedPort
Fixed mux port.
uint32_t fixedChannelNumber
Indicates which channel is fixed in the fixed mux port.
uint32_t checkerChannelMask
Mask of checker channel index. Available range is channel0:0x01 to channel7:0x80 for round-robin checker.
uint32_t sampleClockCount
Specifies how many round-robin clock cycles(0~3) later the sample takes place.
uint32_t delayModulus
Comparator and DAC initialization delay modulus.
acmp_fixed_port_t fixedPort
CACHE: LMEM CACHE Memory Controller
static inline void ICACHE_InvalidateByRange(uint32_t address, uint32_t size_byte)
Invalidates instruction cache by range.
Address and size should be aligned to 16-Byte due to the cache operation unit FSL_FEATURE_L1ICACHE_LINESIZE_BYTE. The startAddr here will be forced to align to the cache line size if startAddr is not aligned. For the size_byte, application should make sure the alignment or make sure the right operation order if the size_byte is not aligned.
- Parameters:
address – The physical address.
size_byte – size of the memory to be invalidated.
static inline void DCACHE_InvalidateByRange(uint32_t address, uint32_t size_byte)
Invalidates data cache by range.
Address and size should be aligned to 16-Byte due to the cache operation unit FSL_FEATURE_L1DCACHE_LINESIZE_BYTE. The startAddr here will be forced to align to the cache line size if startAddr is not aligned. For the size_byte, application should make sure the alignment or make sure the right operation order if the size_byte is not aligned.
- Parameters:
address – The physical address.
size_byte – size of the memory to be invalidated.
static inline void DCACHE_CleanByRange(uint32_t address, uint32_t size_byte)
Clean data cache by range.
Address and size should be aligned to 16-Byte due to the cache operation unit FSL_FEATURE_L1DCACHE_LINESIZE_BYTE. The startAddr here will be forced to align to the cache line size if startAddr is not aligned. For the size_byte, application should make sure the alignment or make sure the right operation order if the size_byte is not aligned.
- Parameters:
address – The physical address.
size_byte – size of the memory to be cleaned.
static inline void DCACHE_CleanInvalidateByRange(uint32_t address, uint32_t size_byte)
Cleans and Invalidates data cache by range.
Address and size should be aligned to 16-Byte due to the cache operation unit FSL_FEATURE_L1DCACHE_LINESIZE_BYTE. The startAddr here will be forced to align to the cache line size if startAddr is not aligned. For the size_byte, application should make sure the alignment or make sure the right operation order if the size_byte is not aligned.
- Parameters:
address – The physical address.
size_byte – size of the memory to be Cleaned and Invalidated.
cache driver version.
code bus cache line size is equal to system bus line size, so the unified I/D cache line size equals too.
The code bus CACHE line size is 16B = 128b.
The system bus CACHE line size is 16B = 128b.
enum _clock_name
Clock name used to get clock frequency.
enumerator kCLOCK_CoreSysClk
Core/system clock
enumerator kCLOCK_PlatClk
Platform clock
enumerator kCLOCK_ExtClk
External clock
enumerator kCLOCK_BusClk
Bus clock
enumerator kCLOCK_SlowClk
Slow clock
enumerator kCLOCK_ScgSysOscClk
SCG system OSC clock. (SYSOSC)
enumerator kCLOCK_ScgSircClk
SCG SIRC clock.
enumerator kCLOCK_ScgFircClk
SCG FIRC clock.
enumerator kCLOCK_ScgRtcOscClk
enumerator kCLOCK_ScgAuxPllClk
SCG auxiliary PLL clock. (AUXPLL)
enumerator kCLOCK_ScgSysPllClk
SCG system PLL clock. (SYSPLL)
enumerator kCLOCK_ScgSysOscAsyncDiv1Clk
enumerator kCLOCK_ScgSysOscAsyncDiv2Clk
enumerator kCLOCK_ScgSysOscAsyncDiv3Clk
enumerator kCLOCK_ScgSircAsyncDiv1Clk
enumerator kCLOCK_ScgSircAsyncDiv2Clk
enumerator kCLOCK_ScgSircAsyncDiv3Clk
enumerator kCLOCK_ScgFircAsyncDiv1Clk
enumerator kCLOCK_ScgFircAsyncDiv2Clk
enumerator kCLOCK_ScgFircAsyncDiv3Clk
enumerator kCLOCK_ScgSysPllPfd0Clk
spll pfd0.
enumerator kCLOCK_ScgSysPllPfd1Clk
spll pfd1.
enumerator kCLOCK_ScgSysPllPfd2Clk
spll pfd2.
enumerator kCLOCK_ScgSysPllPfd3Clk
spll pfd3.
enumerator kCLOCK_ScgAuxPllPfd0Clk
apll pfd0.
enumerator kCLOCK_ScgAuxPllPfd1Clk
apll pfd1.
enumerator kCLOCK_ScgAuxPllPfd2Clk
apll pfd2.
enumerator kCLOCK_ScgAuxPllPfd3Clk
apll pfd3.
enumerator kCLOCK_ScgSysPllAsyncDiv1Clk
enumerator kCLOCK_ScgSysPllAsyncDiv2Clk
enumerator kCLOCK_ScgSysPllAsyncDiv3Clk
enumerator kCLOCK_ScgAuxPllAsyncDiv1Clk
enumerator kCLOCK_ScgAuxPllAsyncDiv2Clk
enumerator kCLOCK_ScgAuxPllAsyncDiv3Clk
enumerator kCLOCK_LpoClk
LPO clock
enumerator kCLOCK_Osc32kClk
External OSC 32K clock (OSC32KCLK)
enumerator kCLOCK_ErClk
ERCLK. The external reference clock from SCG.
enumerator kCLOCK_LvdsClk
LVDS pad input clock frequency.
enumerator kCLOCK_CoreSysClk
enum _clock_ip_src
Clock source for peripherals that support various clock selections.
enumerator kCLOCK_IpSrcNone
Clock is off.
enumerator kCLOCK_IpSrcSysOscAsync
SYSOSC platform or bus clock, depending on clock IP.
enumerator kCLOCK_IpSrcSircAsync
SIRC platform or bus clock, depending on clock IP.
enumerator kCLOCK_IpSrcFircAsync
FIRC platform or bus clock, depending on clock IP.
enumerator kCLOCK_IpSrcRtcAuxPllAsync
RTC OSC clock or AUXPLL main clock, depending on clock IP.
enumerator kCLOCK_IpSrcSystem
System platform or bus clock, depending on clock IP.
enumerator kCLOCK_IpSrcSysPllAsync
SYSPLL platform or bus clock, depending on clock IP.
enumerator kCLOCK_IpSrcPllPfdAsync
SYSPLL PFD3 or AUXPLL PFD0 clock, depending on clock IP.
enumerator kCLOCK_IpSrcNone
enum _clock_lptmr_src
Clock source for LPTMR.
enumerator kCLOCK_LptmrSrcSircAsync
SIRC clock.
enumerator kCLOCK_LptmrSrcLPO1K
LPO 1KHz clock.
enumerator kCLOCK_LptmrSrcXTAL32K
RTC XTAL clock.
enumerator kCLOCK_LptmrSrcExternal
External clock.
enumerator kCLOCK_LptmrSrcSircAsync
enum _clock_ip_name
Peripheral clock name difinition used for clock gate, clock source and clock divider setting. It is defined as the corresponding register address.
enumerator kCLOCK_IpInvalid
enumerator kCLOCK_Dma0
enumerator kCLOCK_Rgpio2p0
enumerator kCLOCK_Xrdc0
enumerator kCLOCK_Sema420
enumerator kCLOCK_Dmamux0
enumerator kCLOCK_MuA
enumerator kCLOCK_Wdog0
enumerator kCLOCK_Crc0
enumerator kCLOCK_Ltc0
enumerator kCLOCK_Trng0
enumerator kCLOCK_Lpit0
enumerator kCLOCK_Lptmr0
enumerator kCLOCK_Lptmr1
enumerator kCLOCK_Tpm0
enumerator kCLOCK_Tpm1
enumerator kCLOCK_Flexio0
enumerator kCLOCK_Lpi2c0
enumerator kCLOCK_Lpi2c1
enumerator kCLOCK_Lpi2c2
enumerator kCLOCK_Lpi2c3
enumerator kCLOCK_Sai0
enumerator kCLOCK_Lpspi0
enumerator kCLOCK_Lpspi1
enumerator kCLOCK_Lpuart0
enumerator kCLOCK_Lpuart1
enumerator kCLOCK_PctlA
enumerator kCLOCK_PctlB
enumerator kCLOCK_Adc0
enumerator kCLOCK_Cmp0
enumerator kCLOCK_Cmp1
enumerator kCLOCK_Dac0
enumerator kCLOCK_Dac1
enumerator kCLOCK_Snvs
enumerator kCLOCK_Tpiu
enumerator kCLOCK_Qspi
enumerator kCLOCK_Tpm2
enumerator kCLOCK_Tpm3
enumerator kCLOCK_Sai1
enumerator kCLOCK_Lpuart2
enumerator kCLOCK_Lpuart3
enumerator kCLOCK_Adc1
enumerator kCLOCK_Dma1
enumerator kCLOCK_Rgpio2p1
enumerator kCLOCK_Flexbus
enumerator kCLOCK_Sema421
enumerator kCLOCK_Dmamux1
enumerator kCLOCK_Caam
enumerator kCLOCK_Tpm4
enumerator kCLOCK_Tpm5
enumerator kCLOCK_Lpit1
enumerator kCLOCK_Lpspi2
enumerator kCLOCK_Lpspi3
enumerator kCLOCK_Lpi2c4
enumerator kCLOCK_Lpi2c5
enumerator kCLOCK_Lpuart4
enumerator kCLOCK_Lpuart5
enumerator kCLOCK_Flexio1
enumerator kCLOCK_Usb0
enumerator kCLOCK_Usb1
enumerator kCLOCK_UsbPhy
enumerator kCLOCK_UsbPl301
enumerator kCLOCK_Usdhc0
enumerator kCLOCK_Usdhc1
enumerator kCLOCK_Wdog1
enumerator kCLOCK_Wdog2
enumerator kCLOCK_Tpm6
enumerator kCLOCK_Tpm7
enumerator kCLOCK_Lpi2c6
enumerator kCLOCK_Lpi2c7
enumerator kCLOCK_Lpuart6
enumerator kCLOCK_Lpuart7
enumerator kCLOCK_Viu
enumerator kCLOCK_Dsi
enumerator kCLOCK_Lcdif
enumerator kCLOCK_Mmdc
enumerator kCLOCK_PctlC
enumerator kCLOCK_PctlD
enumerator kCLOCK_PctlE
enumerator kCLOCK_PctlF
enumerator kCLOCK_Gpu3D
enumerator kCLOCK_Gpu2D
enumerator kCLOCK_IpInvalid
SCG status return codes.
enumerator kStatus_SCG_Busy
Clock is busy.
enumerator kStatus_SCG_InvalidSrc
Invalid source.
enumerator kStatus_SCG_Busy
enum _scg_sys_clk
SCG system clock type.
enumerator kSCG_SysClkSlow
System slow clock.
enumerator kSCG_SysClkBus
Bus clock.
enumerator kSCG_SysClkExt
External clock.
enumerator kSCG_SysClkPlat
Platform clock.
enumerator kSCG_SysClkCore
Core clock.
enumerator kSCG_SysClkSlow
enum _scg_sys_clk_src
SCG system clock source.
enumerator kSCG_SysClkSrcSysOsc
System OSC.
enumerator kSCG_SysClkSrcSirc
Slow IRC.
enumerator kSCG_SysClkSrcFirc
Fast IRC.
enumerator kSCG_SysClkSrcRosc
enumerator kSCG_SysClkSrcAuxPll
Auxiliary PLL.
enumerator kSCG_SysClkSrcSysPll
System PLL.
enumerator kSCG_SysClkSrcSysOsc
enum _scg_sys_clk_div
SCG system clock divider value.
enumerator kSCG_SysClkDivBy1
Divided by 1.
enumerator kSCG_SysClkDivBy2
Divided by 2.
enumerator kSCG_SysClkDivBy3
Divided by 3.
enumerator kSCG_SysClkDivBy4
Divided by 4.
enumerator kSCG_SysClkDivBy5
Divided by 5.
enumerator kSCG_SysClkDivBy6
Divided by 6.
enumerator kSCG_SysClkDivBy7
Divided by 7.
enumerator kSCG_SysClkDivBy8
Divided by 8.
enumerator kSCG_SysClkDivBy9
Divided by 9.
enumerator kSCG_SysClkDivBy10
Divided by 10.
enumerator kSCG_SysClkDivBy11
Divided by 11.
enumerator kSCG_SysClkDivBy12
Divided by 12.
enumerator kSCG_SysClkDivBy13
Divided by 13.
enumerator kSCG_SysClkDivBy14
Divided by 14.
enumerator kSCG_SysClkDivBy15
Divided by 15.
enumerator kSCG_SysClkDivBy16
Divided by 16.
enumerator kSCG_SysClkDivBy1
enum _clock_clkout_src
SCG clock out configuration (CLKOUTSEL).
enumerator kClockClkoutSelScgExt
SCG external clock.
enumerator kClockClkoutSelSysOsc
System OSC.
enumerator kClockClkoutSelSirc
Slow IRC.
enumerator kClockClkoutSelFirc
Fast IRC.
enumerator kClockClkoutSelScgRtcOsc
SCG RTC OSC clock.
enumerator kClockClkoutSelScgAuxPll
SCG Auxiliary PLL clock.
enumerator kClockClkoutSelSysPll
System PLL.
enumerator kClockClkoutSelScgExt
enum _scg_async_clk
SCG asynchronous clock type.
enumerator kSCG_AsyncDiv1Clk
The async clock by DIV1, e.g. SOSCDIV1_CLK, SIRCDIV1_CLK.
enumerator kSCG_AsyncDiv2Clk
The async clock by DIV2, e.g. SOSCDIV2_CLK, SIRCDIV2_CLK.
enumerator kSCG_AsyncDiv3Clk
The async clock by DIV3, e.g. SOSCDIV3_CLK, SIRCDIV3_CLK.
enumerator kSCG_AsyncDiv1Clk
enum scg_async_clk_div
SCG asynchronous clock divider value.
enumerator kSCG_AsyncClkDisable
Clock output is disabled.
enumerator kSCG_AsyncClkDivBy1
Divided by 1.
enumerator kSCG_AsyncClkDivBy2
Divided by 2.
enumerator kSCG_AsyncClkDivBy4
Divided by 4.
enumerator kSCG_AsyncClkDivBy8
Divided by 8.
enumerator kSCG_AsyncClkDivBy16
Divided by 16.
enumerator kSCG_AsyncClkDivBy32
Divided by 32.
enumerator kSCG_AsyncClkDivBy64
Divided by 64.
enumerator kSCG_AsyncClkDisable
enum _scg_sosc_monitor_mode
SCG system OSC monitor mode.
enumerator kSCG_SysOscMonitorDisable
Monitor disabled.
enumerator kSCG_SysOscMonitorInt
Interrupt when the system OSC error is detected.
enumerator kSCG_SysOscMonitorReset
Reset when the system OSC error is detected.
enumerator kSCG_SysOscMonitorDisable
enum _scg_sosc_mode
OSC work mode.
enumerator kSCG_SysOscModeExt
Use external clock.
enumerator kSCG_SysOscModeOscLowPower
Oscillator low power.
enumerator kSCG_SysOscModeOscHighGain
Oscillator high gain.
enumerator kSCG_SysOscModeExt
enum _scg_sosc_enable_mode
OSC enable mode.
enumerator kSCG_SysOscEnable
Enable OSC clock.
enumerator kSCG_SysOscEnableInStop
Enable OSC in stop mode.
enumerator kSCG_SysOscEnableInLowPower
Enable OSC in low power mode.
enumerator kSCG_SysOscEnable
enum _scg_sirc_range
SCG slow IRC clock frequency range.
enumerator kSCG_SircRangeLow
Slow IRC low range clock (2 MHz, 4 MHz for i.MX 7ULP).
enumerator kSCG_SircRangeHigh
Slow IRC high range clock (8 MHz, 16 MHz for i.MX 7ULP).
enumerator kSCG_SircRangeLow
enum _scg_sirc_enable_mode
SIRC enable mode.
enumerator kSCG_SircEnable
Enable SIRC clock.
enumerator kSCG_SircEnableInStop
Enable SIRC in stop mode.
enumerator kSCG_SircEnableInLowPower
Enable SIRC in low power mode.
enumerator kSCG_SircEnable
enum _scg_firc_trim_mode
SCG fast IRC trim mode.
enumerator kSCG_FircTrimNonUpdate
FIRC trim enable but not enable trim value update. In this mode, the trim value is fixed to the initialized value which is defined by trimCoar and trimFine in configure structure scg_firc_trim_config_t.
enumerator kSCG_FircTrimUpdate
FIRC trim enable and trim value update enable. In this mode, the trim value is auto update.
enumerator kSCG_FircTrimNonUpdate
enum _scg_firc_trim_div
SCG fast IRC trim predivided value for system OSC.
enumerator kSCG_FircTrimDivBy1
Divided by 1.
enumerator kSCG_FircTrimDivBy128
Divided by 128.
enumerator kSCG_FircTrimDivBy256
Divided by 256.
enumerator kSCG_FircTrimDivBy512
Divided by 512.
enumerator kSCG_FircTrimDivBy1024
Divided by 1024.
enumerator kSCG_FircTrimDivBy2048
Divided by 2048.
enumerator kSCG_FircTrimDivBy1
enum _scg_firc_trim_src
SCG fast IRC trim source.
enumerator kSCG_FircTrimSrcUsb0
USB0 start of frame (1kHz).
enumerator kSCG_FircTrimSrcUsb1
USB1 start of frame (1kHz).
enumerator kSCG_FircTrimSrcSysOsc
System OSC.
enumerator kSCG_FircTrimSrcRtcOsc
RTC OSC (32.768 kHz).
enumerator kSCG_FircTrimSrcUsb0
enum _scg_firc_range
SCG fast IRC clock frequency range.
enumerator kSCG_FircRange48M
Fast IRC is trimmed to 48 MHz.
enumerator kSCG_FircRange52M
Fast IRC is trimmed to 52 MHz.
enumerator kSCG_FircRange56M
Fast IRC is trimmed to 56 MHz.
enumerator kSCG_FircRange60M
Fast IRC is trimmed to 60 MHz.
enumerator kSCG_FircRange48M
enum _scg_firc_enable_mode
FIRC enable mode.
enumerator kSCG_FircEnable
Enable FIRC clock.
enumerator kSCG_FircEnableInStop
Enable FIRC in stop mode.
enumerator kSCG_FircEnable
enum _scg_spll_src
SCG system PLL clock source.
enumerator kSCG_SysPllSrcSysOsc
System PLL clock source is system OSC.
enumerator kSCG_SysPllSrcFirc
System PLL clock source is fast IRC.
enumerator kSCG_SysPllSrcSysOsc
enum _scg_spll_enable_mode
SPLL enable mode.
enumerator kSCG_SysPllEnable
Enable SPLL clock.
enumerator kSCG_SysPllEnableInStop
Enable SPLL in stop mode.
enumerator kSCG_SysPllEnable
enum _scg_spll_pfd_clkout
SCG system PLL PFD clouk out select.
enumerator kSCG_SysPllPfd0Clk
PFD0 output clock selected.
enumerator kSCG_SysPllPfd1Clk
PFD1 output clock selected.
enumerator kSCG_SysPllPfd2Clk
PFD2 output clock selected.
enumerator kSCG_SysPllPfd3Clk
PFD3 output clock selected.
enumerator kSCG_SysPllPfd0Clk
enum _scg_rosc_monitor_mode
SCG RTC OSC monitor mode.
enumerator kSCG_rtcOscMonitorDisable
Monitor disable.
enumerator kSCG_rtcOscMonitorInt
Interrupt when the RTC OSC error is detected.
enumerator kSCG_rtcOscMonitorReset
Reset when the RTC OSC error is detected.
enumerator kSCG_rtcOscMonitorDisable
enum _scg_apll_src
SCG auxiliary PLL clock source.
enumerator kSCG_AuxPllSrcSysOsc
Auxiliary PLL clock source is the system OSC.
enumerator kSCG_AuxPllSrcFirc
Auxiliary PLL clock source is the fast IRC.
enumerator kSCG_AuxPllSrcSysOsc
enum _scg_apll_enable_mode
APLL enable mode.
enumerator kSCG_AuxPllEnable
Enable APLL clock.
enumerator kSCG_AuxPllEnableInStop
Enable APLL in stop mode.
enumerator kSCG_AuxPllEnable
enum _scg_apll_pfd_clkout
SCG auxiliary PLL PFD clouk out select.
enumerator kSCG_AuxPllPfd0Clk
PFD0 output clock selected.
enumerator kSCG_AuxPllPfd1Clk
PFD1 output clock selected.
enumerator kSCG_AuxPllPfd2Clk
PFD2 output clock selected.
enumerator kSCG_AuxPllPfd3Clk
PFD3 output clock selected.
enumerator kSCG_AuxPllPfd0Clk
typedef enum _clock_name clock_name_t
Clock name used to get clock frequency.
typedef enum _clock_ip_src clock_ip_src_t
Clock source for peripherals that support various clock selections.
typedef enum _clock_lptmr_src clock_lptmr_src_t
Clock source for LPTMR.
typedef enum _clock_ip_name clock_ip_name_t
Peripheral clock name difinition used for clock gate, clock source and clock divider setting. It is defined as the corresponding register address.
typedef enum _scg_sys_clk scg_sys_clk_t
SCG system clock type.
typedef enum _scg_sys_clk_src scg_sys_clk_src_t
SCG system clock source.
typedef enum _scg_sys_clk_div scg_sys_clk_div_t
SCG system clock divider value.
typedef struct _scg_sys_clk_config scg_sys_clk_config_t
SCG system clock configuration.
typedef enum _clock_clkout_src clock_clkout_src_t
SCG clock out configuration (CLKOUTSEL).
typedef enum _scg_async_clk scg_async_clk_t
SCG asynchronous clock type.
typedef enum scg_async_clk_div scg_async_clk_div_t
SCG asynchronous clock divider value.
typedef enum _scg_sosc_monitor_mode scg_sosc_monitor_mode_t
SCG system OSC monitor mode.
typedef enum _scg_sosc_mode scg_sosc_mode_t
OSC work mode.
typedef struct _scg_sosc_config scg_sosc_config_t
SCG system OSC configuration.
typedef enum _scg_sirc_range scg_sirc_range_t
SCG slow IRC clock frequency range.
typedef struct _scg_sirc_config scg_sirc_config_t
SCG slow IRC clock configuration.
typedef enum _scg_firc_trim_mode scg_firc_trim_mode_t
SCG fast IRC trim mode.
typedef enum _scg_firc_trim_div scg_firc_trim_div_t
SCG fast IRC trim predivided value for system OSC.
typedef enum _scg_firc_trim_src scg_firc_trim_src_t
SCG fast IRC trim source.
typedef struct _scg_firc_trim_config scg_firc_trim_config_t
SCG fast IRC clock trim configuration.
typedef enum _scg_firc_range scg_firc_range_t
SCG fast IRC clock frequency range.
typedef struct _scg_firc_config_t scg_firc_config_t
SCG fast IRC clock configuration.
typedef enum _scg_spll_src scg_spll_src_t
SCG system PLL clock source.
typedef enum _scg_spll_pfd_clkout scg_spll_pfd_clkout_t
SCG system PLL PFD clouk out select.
typedef struct _scg_spll_config scg_spll_config_t
SCG system PLL configuration.
typedef enum _scg_rosc_monitor_mode scg_rosc_monitor_mode_t
SCG RTC OSC monitor mode.
typedef struct _scg_rosc_config scg_rosc_config_t
SCG RTC OSC configuration.
typedef enum _scg_apll_src scg_apll_src_t
SCG auxiliary PLL clock source.
typedef enum _scg_apll_pfd_clkout scg_apll_pfd_clkout_t
SCG auxiliary PLL PFD clouk out select.
typedef struct _scg_apll_config scg_apll_config_t
SCG auxiliary PLL configuration.
volatile uint32_t g_xtal0Freq
External XTAL0 (OSC0/SYSOSC) clock frequency.
The XTAL0/EXTAL0 (OSC0/SYSOSC) clock frequency in Hz. When the clock is set up, use the function CLOCK_SetXtal0Freq to set the value in the clock driver. For example, if XTAL0 is 8 MHz:
CLOCK_InitSysOsc(...); CLOCK_SetXtal0Freq(80000000);
This is important for the multicore platforms where only one core needs to set up the OSC0/SYSOSC using CLOCK_InitSysOsc. All other cores need to call the CLOCK_SetXtal0Freq to get a valid clock frequency.
volatile uint32_t g_xtal32Freq
External XTAL32/EXTAL32 clock frequency.
The XTAL32/EXTAL32 clock frequency in Hz. When the clock is set up, use the function CLOCK_SetXtal32Freq to set the value in the clock driver.
This is important for the multicore platforms where only one core needs to set up the clock. All other cores need to call the CLOCK_SetXtal32Freq to get a valid clock frequency.
volatile uint32_t g_lvdsFreq
External LVDS pad clock frequency.
The LVDS pad clock frequency in Hz. When the clock is set up, use the function CLOCK_SetLvdsFreq to set the value in the clock driver.
static inline void CLOCK_EnableClock(clock_ip_name_t name)
Enable the clock for specific IP.
- Parameters:
name – Which clock to enable, see clock_ip_name_t.
static inline void CLOCK_DisableClock(clock_ip_name_t name)
Disable the clock for specific IP.
- Parameters:
name – Which clock to disable, see clock_ip_name_t.
static inline bool CLOCK_IsEnabledByOtherCore(clock_ip_name_t name)
Check whether the clock is already enabled and configured by any other core.
- Parameters:
name – Which peripheral to check, see clock_ip_name_t.
- Returns:
True if clock is already enabled, otherwise false.
static inline void CLOCK_SetIpSrc(clock_ip_name_t name, clock_ip_src_t src)
Set the clock source for specific IP module.
Set the clock source for specific IP, not all modules need to set the clock source, should only use this function for the modules need source setting.
- Parameters:
name – Which peripheral to check, see clock_ip_name_t.
src – Clock source to set.
static inline void CLOCK_SetIpSrcDiv(clock_ip_name_t name, clock_ip_src_t src, uint8_t divValue, uint8_t fracValue)
Set the clock source and divider for specific IP module.
Set the clock source and divider for specific IP, not all modules need to set the clock source and divider, should only use this function for the modules need source and divider setting.
Divider output clock = Divider input clock x [(fracValue+1)/(divValue+1)]).
- Parameters:
name – Which peripheral to check, see clock_ip_name_t.
src – Clock source to set.
divValue – The divider value.
fracValue – The fraction multiply value.
uint32_t CLOCK_GetFreq(clock_name_t clockName)
Gets the clock frequency for a specific clock name.
This function checks the current clock configurations and then calculates the clock frequency for a specific clock name defined in clock_name_t.
- Parameters:
clockName – Clock names defined in clock_name_t
- Returns:
Clock frequency value in hertz
uint32_t CLOCK_GetCoreSysClkFreq(void)
Get the core clock or system clock frequency.
- Returns:
Clock frequency in Hz.
uint32_t CLOCK_GetPlatClkFreq(void)
Get the platform clock frequency.
- Returns:
Clock frequency in Hz.
uint32_t CLOCK_GetExtClkFreq(void)
Get the external clock frequency.
- Returns:
Clock frequency in Hz.
uint32_t CLOCK_GetBusClkFreq(void)
Get the bus clock frequency.
- Returns:
Clock frequency in Hz.
uint32_t CLOCK_GetSlowClkFreq(void)
Get the slow clock frequency.
- Returns:
Clock frequency in Hz.
uint32_t CLOCK_GetOsc32kClkFreq(void)
Get the OSC 32K clock frequency (OSC32KCLK).
- Returns:
Clock frequency in Hz.
uint32_t CLOCK_GetErClkFreq(void)
Get the external reference clock frequency (ERCLK).
- Returns:
Clock frequency in Hz.
uint32_t CLOCK_GetLvdsClkFreq(void)
Get the external LVDS pad clock frequency (LVDS).
- Returns:
Clock frequency in Hz.
uint32_t CLOCK_GetIpFreq(clock_ip_name_t name)
Gets the clock frequency for a specific IP module.
This function gets the IP module clock frequency based on PCC registers. It is only used for the IP modules which could select clock source by PCC[PCS].
- Parameters:
name – Which peripheral to get, see clock_ip_name_t.
- Returns:
Clock frequency value in hertz
CLOCK driver version 2.3.1.
Re-map the SCG peripheral base address for i.MX 7ULP. This driver is for SCG 0 on Core 0 of i.MX 7ULP only.
SCG_PLLPFD_PFD_VAL(pfdClkout, fracValue)
SCG (A/S)PLLPFD[PFDx] value.
Re-define PCC register masks and bitfield operations to unify the different namings in the soc header file.
Clock ip name array for DMAMUX.
Clock ip name array for RGPIO2P.
Clock ip name array for SAI.
Clock ip name array for PCTL.
Clock ip name array for LPI2C.
Clock ip name array for FLEXIO.
Clock ip name array for EDMA.
Clock ip name array for LPUART.
Clock ip name array for DAC.
Clock ip name array for DAC.
Clock ip name array for LPTMR.
Clock ip name array for LPADC.
Clock ip name array for TRNG.
Clock ip name array for LPSPI.
Clock ip name array for TPM.
Clock ip name array for LPIT.
Clock ip name array for CRC.
Clock ip name array for CMP.
Clock ip name array for XRDC.
Clock ip name array for MU.
Clock ip name array for WDOG.
Clock ip name array for LTC.
Clock ip name array for DPM.
Clock ip name array for SEMA42.
Clock ip name array for TPIU.
Clock ip name array for QSPI.
LPO clock frequency.
TPIU clock frequency.
For compatible with other MCG platforms.
For compatible with other MCG platforms.
For compatible with other MCG platforms.
For compatible with other MCG platforms.
uint32_t CLOCK_GetSysClkFreq(scg_sys_clk_t type)
Gets the SCG system clock frequency.
This function gets the SCG system clock frequency. These clocks are used for core, platform, external, and bus clock domains.
- Parameters:
type – Which type of clock to get, core clock or slow clock.
- Returns:
Clock frequency.
static inline void CLOCK_SetVlprModeSysClkConfig(const scg_sys_clk_config_t *config)
Sets the system clock configuration for VLPR mode.
This function sets the system clock configuration for VLPR mode.
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to the configuration.
static inline void CLOCK_SetRunModeSysClkConfig(const scg_sys_clk_config_t *config)
Sets the system clock configuration for RUN mode.
This function sets the system clock configuration for RUN mode.
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to the configuration.
static inline void CLOCK_SetHsrunModeSysClkConfig(const scg_sys_clk_config_t *config)
Sets the system clock configuration for HSRUN mode.
This function sets the system clock configuration for HSRUN mode.
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to the configuration.
static inline void CLOCK_GetCurSysClkConfig(scg_sys_clk_config_t *config)
Gets the system clock configuration in the current power mode.
This function gets the system configuration in the current power mode.
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to the configuration.
static inline void CLOCK_SetClkOutSel(clock_clkout_src_t setting)
Sets the clock out selection.
This function sets the clock out selection (CLKOUTSEL).
- Parameters:
setting – The selection to set.
- Returns:
The current clock out selection.
status_t CLOCK_InitSysOsc(const scg_sosc_config_t *config)
Initializes the SCG system OSC.
This function enables the SCG system OSC clock according to the configuration.
This function can’t detect whether the system OSC has been enabled and used by an IP.
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to the configuration structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – System OSC is initialized.
kStatus_SCG_Busy – System OSC has been enabled and is used by the system clock.
kStatus_ReadOnly – System OSC control register is locked.
status_t CLOCK_DeinitSysOsc(void)
De-initializes the SCG system OSC.
This function disables the SCG system OSC clock.
This function can’t detect whether the system OSC is used by an IP.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – System OSC is deinitialized.
kStatus_SCG_Busy – System OSC is used by the system clock.
kStatus_ReadOnly – System OSC control register is locked.
static inline void CLOCK_SetSysOscAsyncClkDiv(scg_async_clk_t asyncClk, scg_async_clk_div_t divider)
Set the asynchronous clock divider.
There might be glitch when changing the asynchronous divider, so make sure the asynchronous clock is not used while changing divider.
- Parameters:
asyncClk – Which asynchronous clock to configure.
divider – The divider value to set.
uint32_t CLOCK_GetSysOscFreq(void)
Gets the SCG system OSC clock frequency (SYSOSC).
- Returns:
Clock frequency; If the clock is invalid, returns 0.
uint32_t CLOCK_GetSysOscAsyncFreq(scg_async_clk_t type)
Gets the SCG asynchronous clock frequency from the system OSC.
- Parameters:
type – The asynchronous clock type.
- Returns:
Clock frequency; If the clock is invalid, returns 0.
static inline bool CLOCK_IsSysOscErr(void)
Checks whether the system OSC clock error occurs.
- Returns:
True if the error occurs, false if not.
static inline void CLOCK_ClearSysOscErr(void)
Clears the system OSC clock error.
static inline void CLOCK_SetSysOscMonitorMode(scg_sosc_monitor_mode_t mode)
Sets the system OSC monitor mode.
This function sets the system OSC monitor mode. The mode can be disabled, it can generate an interrupt when the error is disabled, or reset when the error is detected.
- Parameters:
mode – Monitor mode to set.
static inline bool CLOCK_IsSysOscValid(void)
Checks whether the system OSC clock is valid.
- Returns:
True if clock is valid, false if not.
status_t CLOCK_InitSirc(const scg_sirc_config_t *config)
Initializes the SCG slow IRC clock.
This function enables the SCG slow IRC clock according to the configuration.
This function can’t detect whether the system OSC has been enabled and used by an IP.
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to the configuration structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – SIRC is initialized.
kStatus_SCG_Busy – SIRC has been enabled and is used by system clock.
kStatus_ReadOnly – SIRC control register is locked.
status_t CLOCK_DeinitSirc(void)
De-initializes the SCG slow IRC.
This function disables the SCG slow IRC.
This function can’t detect whether the SIRC is used by an IP.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – SIRC is deinitialized.
kStatus_SCG_Busy – SIRC is used by system clock.
kStatus_ReadOnly – SIRC control register is locked.
static inline void CLOCK_SetSircAsyncClkDiv(scg_async_clk_t asyncClk, scg_async_clk_div_t divider)
Set the asynchronous clock divider.
There might be glitch when changing the asynchronous divider, so make sure the asynchronous clock is not used while changing divider.
- Parameters:
asyncClk – Which asynchronous clock to configure.
divider – The divider value to set.
static inline void CLOCK_EnableLpoPowerOption(bool enable)
Enables/disables the SCG slow IRC 1khz LPO clock in LLS/VLLSx modes.
This function enables/disables the SCG slow IRC 1khz LPO clock in LLS/VLLSx modes.
- Parameters:
enable – Switcher of LPO Power Option which controls whether the 1 kHz LPO clock is enabled in LLS/VLLSx modes. “true” means to enable, “false” means not enabled.
uint32_t CLOCK_GetSircFreq(void)
Gets the SCG SIRC clock frequency.
- Returns:
Clock frequency; If the clock is invalid, returns 0.
uint32_t CLOCK_GetSircAsyncFreq(scg_async_clk_t type)
Gets the SCG asynchronous clock frequency from the SIRC.
- Parameters:
type – The asynchronous clock type.
- Returns:
Clock frequency; If the clock is invalid, returns 0.
static inline bool CLOCK_IsSircValid(void)
Checks whether the SIRC clock is valid.
- Returns:
True if clock is valid, false if not.
status_t CLOCK_InitFirc(const scg_firc_config_t *config)
Initializes the SCG fast IRC clock.
This function enables the SCG fast IRC clock according to the configuration.
This function can’t detect whether the FIRC has been enabled and used by an IP.
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to the configuration structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – FIRC is initialized.
kStatus_SCG_Busy – FIRC has been enabled and is used by the system clock.
kStatus_ReadOnly – FIRC control register is locked.
status_t CLOCK_DeinitFirc(void)
De-initializes the SCG fast IRC.
This function disables the SCG fast IRC.
This function can’t detect whether the FIRC is used by an IP.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – FIRC is deinitialized.
kStatus_SCG_Busy – FIRC is used by the system clock.
kStatus_ReadOnly – FIRC control register is locked.
static inline void CLOCK_SetFircAsyncClkDiv(scg_async_clk_t asyncClk, scg_async_clk_div_t divider)
Set the asynchronous clock divider.
There might be glitch when changing the asynchronous divider, so make sure the asynchronous clock is not used while changing divider.
- Parameters:
asyncClk – Which asynchronous clock to configure.
divider – The divider value to set.
uint32_t CLOCK_GetFircFreq(void)
Gets the SCG FIRC clock frequency.
- Returns:
Clock frequency; If the clock is invalid, returns 0.
uint32_t CLOCK_GetFircAsyncFreq(scg_async_clk_t type)
Gets the SCG asynchronous clock frequency from the FIRC.
- Parameters:
type – The asynchronous clock type.
- Returns:
Clock frequency; If the clock is invalid, returns 0.
static inline bool CLOCK_IsFircErr(void)
Checks whether the FIRC clock error occurs.
- Returns:
True if the error occurs, false if not.
static inline void CLOCK_ClearFircErr(void)
Clears the FIRC clock error.
static inline bool CLOCK_IsFircValid(void)
Checks whether the FIRC clock is valid.
- Returns:
True if clock is valid, false if not.
uint32_t CLOCK_GetRtcOscFreq(void)
Gets the SCG RTC OSC clock frequency.
- Returns:
Clock frequency; If the clock is invalid, returns 0.
static inline bool CLOCK_IsRtcOscErr(void)
Checks whether the RTC OSC clock error occurs.
- Returns:
True if error occurs, false if not.
static inline void CLOCK_ClearRtcOscErr(void)
Clears the RTC OSC clock error.
static inline void CLOCK_SetRtcOscMonitorMode(scg_rosc_monitor_mode_t mode)
Sets the RTC OSC monitor mode.
This function sets the RTC OSC monitor mode. The mode can be disabled. It can generate an interrupt when the error is disabled, or reset when the error is detected.
- Parameters:
mode – Monitor mode to set.
static inline bool CLOCK_IsRtcOscValid(void)
Checks whether the RTC OSC clock is valid.
- Returns:
True if the clock is valid, false if not.
status_t CLOCK_InitAuxPll(const scg_apll_config_t *config)
Initializes the SCG auxiliary PLL.
This function enables the SCG auxiliary PLL clock according to the configuration. The auxiliary PLL can use the system OSC or FIRC as the clock source. Ensure that the source clock is valid before calling this function.
Example code for initializing APLL clock output:
const scg_apll_config_t g_scgAuxPllConfig = {.enableMode = kSCG_AuxPllEnable, .div1 = kSCG_AsyncClkDisable, .div2 = kSCG_AsyncClkDisable, .div3 = kSCG_AsyncClkDisable, .src = kSCG_SysPllSrcFirc, .isPfdSelected = false, .prediv = 5U, .pfdClkout = kSCG_AuxPllPfd0Clk, .mult = 20U, .pllPostdiv1 = kSCG_SysClkDivBy3, .pllPostdiv2 = kSCG_SysClkDivBy4, .num = 578, .denom = 1000}; CLOCK_InitAuxPll(&g_scgAuxPllConfig);
This function can’t detect whether the auxiliary PLL has been enabled and is used by an IP.
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to the configuration structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – auxiliary PLL is initialized.
kStatus_SCG_Busy – auxiliary PLL has been enabled and is used by the system clock.
kStatus_ReadOnly – auxiliary PLL control register is locked.
status_t CLOCK_DeinitAuxPll(void)
De-initializes the SCG auxiliary PLL.
This function disables the SCG auxiliary PLL.
This function can’t detect whether the auxiliary PLL is used by an IP.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – auxiliary PLL is deinitialized.
kStatus_SCG_Busy – auxiliary PLL is used by the system clock.
kStatus_ReadOnly – auxiliary PLL control register is locked.
static inline void CLOCK_SetAuxPllAsyncClkDiv(scg_async_clk_t asyncClk, scg_async_clk_div_t divider)
Set the asynchronous clock divider.
There might be glitch when changing the asynchronous divider, so make sure the asynchronous clock is not used while changing divider.
- Parameters:
asyncClk – Which asynchronous clock to configure.
divider – The divider value to set.
uint32_t CLOCK_GetAuxPllFreq(void)
Gets the SCG auxiliary PLL clock frequency.
- Returns:
Clock frequency; If the clock is invalid, returns 0.
uint32_t CLOCK_GetAuxPllAsyncFreq(scg_async_clk_t type)
Gets the SCG asynchronous clock frequency from the auxiliary PLL.
- Parameters:
type – The asynchronous clock type.
- Returns:
Clock frequency; If the clock is invalid, returns 0.
uint32_t CLOCK_GetAuxPllPfdFreq(scg_apll_pfd_clkout_t pfdClkout)
Gets the SCG auxiliary PLL PFD clock frequency.
- Parameters:
pfdClkout – The selected PFD clocks out. See “scg_apll_pfd_clkout_t”.
- Returns:
Clock frequency; If the clock is invalid, returns 0.
void CLOCK_EnableAuxPllPfdClkout(scg_apll_pfd_clkout_t pfdClkout, uint8_t fracValue)
Enables the SCG auxiliary PLL Fractional Divide (PFD) clock out with configurations.
APLL Frequency = Fref * (MULT + NUM/DENOM) PFD Clock Frequency = PLL output frequency * 18/frac value
Example code for configuring APLL as APLL PFD clock output:
const scg_apll_config_t g_scgAuxPllConfig = {.enableMode = kSCG_AuxPllEnable, .div1 = kSCG_AsyncClkDisable, .div2 = kSCG_AsyncClkDisable, .div3 = kSCG_AsyncClkDisable, .src = kSCG_SysPllSrcFirc, .isPfdSelected = true, .prediv = 5U, .pfdClkout = kSCG_AuxPllPfd3Clk, clock .mult = 20U, .pllPostdiv1 = kSCG_SysClkDivBy1, .pllPostdiv2 = kSCG_SysClkDivBy1, .num = 578, .denom = 1000}; CLOCK_InitAuxPll(&g_scgAuxPllConfig); CLOCK_EnableAuxPllPfdClkout(g_scgAuxPllConfig.pfdClkout, 15U);
- Parameters:
pfdClkout – APLL PFD clock out select.
fracValue – Fractional Divider value. Recommended to be kept between 12-35 for all PFDs.
static inline void CLOCK_DisableAuxPllPfdClkout(scg_apll_pfd_clkout_t pfdClkout)
Disables the SCG auxiliary PLL Fractional Divide (PFD) clock out.
static inline void CLOCK_EnableAuxPllSpectrumModulation(uint16_t step, uint16_t stop)
Enables the SCG auxiliary PLL spread spectrum modulation feature with configurations.
This function sets the SCG auxiliary PLL spread spectrum modulation configurations. STOP and STEP together control the modulation depth (maximum frequency change) and modulation frequency.
Modulation Depth = (STOP/MFD)*Fref where MFD is the DENOM field value in DENOM register. Modulation Frequency = (STEP/(2*STOP))*Fref.
- Parameters:
step – APLL Spread Spectrum STEP.
stop – APLL Spread Spectrum STOP.
static inline void CLOCK_DisableAuxPllSpectrumModulation(void)
Disables the SCG auxiliary PLL spread spectrum modulation.
static inline void CLOCK_SetAuxPllLockTime(uint16_t lockTime)
Sets the SCG auxiliary PLL lock time.
- Parameters:
lockTime – Reference clocks to count before APLL is considered locked and valid.
static inline bool CLOCK_IsAuxPllValid(void)
Checks whether the auxiliary PLL clock is valid.
- Returns:
True if the clock is valid, false if not.
status_t CLOCK_InitSysPll(const scg_spll_config_t *config)
Initializes the SCG system PLL.
This function enables the SCG system PLL clock according to the configuration. The system PLL can use the system OSC or FIRC as the clock source. Ensure that the source clock is valid before calling this function.
Example code for initializing SPLL clock output:
const scg_spll_config_t g_scgSysPllConfig = {.enableMode = kSCG_SysPllEnable, .div1 = kSCG_AsyncClkDivBy1, .div2 = kSCG_AsyncClkDisable, .div3 = kSCG_AsyncClkDivBy2, .src = kSCG_SysPllSrcFirc, .isPfdSelected = false, .prediv = 0U, .pfdClkout = kSCG_SysPllPfd0Clk, .mult = 3U}; CLOCK_InitSysPll(&g_scgSysPllConfig);
This function can’t detect whether the system PLL has been enabled and used by an IP.
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to the configuration structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – System PLL is initialized.
kStatus_SCG_Busy – System PLL has been enabled and is used by the system clock.
kStatus_ReadOnly – System PLL control register is locked.
status_t CLOCK_DeinitSysPll(void)
De-initializes the SCG system PLL.
This function disables the SCG system PLL.
This function can’t detect whether the system PLL is used by an IP.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – system PLL is deinitialized.
kStatus_SCG_Busy – system PLL is used by the system clock.
kStatus_ReadOnly – System PLL control register is locked.
static inline void CLOCK_SetSysPllAsyncClkDiv(scg_async_clk_t asyncClk, scg_async_clk_div_t divider)
Set the asynchronous clock divider.
There might be glitch when changing the asynchronous divider, so make sure the asynchronous clock is not used while changing divider.
- Parameters:
asyncClk – Which asynchronous clock to configure.
divider – The divider value to set.
uint32_t CLOCK_GetSysPllFreq(void)
Gets the SCG system PLL clock frequency.
- Returns:
Clock frequency; If the clock is invalid, returns 0.
uint32_t CLOCK_GetSysPllAsyncFreq(scg_async_clk_t type)
Gets the SCG asynchronous clock frequency from the system PLL.
- Parameters:
type – The asynchronous clock type.
- Returns:
Clock frequency; If the clock is invalid, returns 0.
uint32_t CLOCK_GetSysPllPfdFreq(scg_spll_pfd_clkout_t pfdClkout)
Gets the SCG system PLL PFD clock frequency.
- Parameters:
pfdClkout – The selected PFD clock out. See “scg_spll_pfd_clkout_t”.
- Returns:
Clock frequency; If the clock is invalid, returns 0.
void CLOCK_EnableSysPllPfdClkout(scg_spll_pfd_clkout_t pfdClkout, uint8_t fracValue)
Enables the SCG system PLL Fractional Divide (PFD) clock out with configurations.
SPLL Frequency = Fref * (MULT + NUM/DENOM) PFD Clock Frequency = PLL output frequency * 18/frac value
Example code for configuring SPLL as SPLL PFD clock output: const scg_spll_config_t g_scgSysPllConfig = {.enableMode = kSCG_SysPllEnable, .div1 = kSCG_AsyncClkDisable, .div2 = kSCG_AsyncClkDisable, .div3 = kSCG_AsyncClkDisable, .src = kSCG_SysPllSrcFirc, .isPfdSelected = true, .prediv = 5U, .pfdClkout = kSCG_AuxPllPfd3Clk, clock .mult = 20U}; CLOCK_InitSysPll(&g_scgSysPllConfig); CLOCK_EnableSysPllPfdClkout(g_scgSysPllConfig.pfdClkout, 15U);
- Parameters:
pfdClkout – SPLL PFD clock out select.
fracValue – Fractional Divider value. Recommended to be kept between 12-35 for all PFDs.
static inline void CLOCK_DisableSysPllPfdClkout(scg_spll_pfd_clkout_t pfdClkout)
Disables the SCG system PLL Fractional Divide (PFD) clock out.
static inline bool CLOCK_IsSysPllErr(void)
Checks whether the system PLL clock error occurs.
- Returns:
True if an error occurs, false if not.
static inline void CLOCK_ClearSysPllErr(void)
Clears the system PLL clock error.
static inline bool CLOCK_IsSysPllValid(void)
Checks whether the system PLL clock is valid.
- Returns:
True if the clock is valid, false if not.
static inline void CLOCK_SetXtal0Freq(uint32_t freq)
Sets the XTAL0 frequency based on board settings.
- Parameters:
freq – The XTAL0/EXTAL0 input clock frequency in Hz.
static inline void CLOCK_SetXtal32Freq(uint32_t freq)
Sets the XTAL32 frequency based on board settings.
- Parameters:
freq – The XTAL32/EXTAL32 input clock frequency in Hz.
static inline void CLOCK_SetLvdsFreq(uint32_t freq)
Sets the LVDS pad frequency based on board settings.
- Parameters:
freq – The LVDS pad input clock frequency in Hz.
uint32_t divSlow
Slow clock divider, see scg_sys_clk_div_t.
uint32_t divBus
Bus clock divider, see scg_sys_clk_div_t.
uint32_t __pad0__
uint32_t divPlat
Platform clock divider, which can only be divided by 1. See kSCG_SysClkDivBy1.
uint32_t divCore
Core clock divider, see scg_sys_clk_div_t.
uint32_t __pad1__
uint32_t src
System clock source, see scg_sys_clk_src_t.
uint32_t __pad2__
uint32_t freq
System OSC frequency.
scg_sosc_monitor_mode_t monitorMode
Clock monitor mode selected.
uint8_t enableMode
Enable mode, OR’ed value of _scg_sosc_enable_mode.
scg_async_clk_div_t div1
SOSCDIV1 value.
scg_async_clk_div_t div2
SOSCDIV2 value.
scg_async_clk_div_t div3
SOSCDIV3 value.
scg_sosc_mode_t workMode
OSC work mode.
uint32_t enableMode
Enable mode, OR’ed value of _scg_sirc_enable_mode.
scg_async_clk_div_t div1
SIRCDIV1 value.
scg_async_clk_div_t div2
SIRCDIV2 value.
scg_async_clk_div_t div3
SIRCDIV3 value.
scg_sirc_range_t range
Slow IRC frequency range.
scg_firc_trim_mode_t trimMode
FIRC trim mode.
scg_firc_trim_src_t trimSrc
Trim source.
scg_firc_trim_div_t trimDiv
Trim predivided value for the system OSC.
uint8_t trimCoar
Trim coarse value; Irrelevant if trimMode is kSCG_FircTrimUpdate.
uint8_t trimFine
Trim fine value; Irrelevant if trimMode is kSCG_FircTrimUpdate.
uint32_t enableMode
Enable mode, OR’ed value of _scg_firc_enable_mode.
scg_async_clk_div_t div1
FIRCDIV1 value.
scg_async_clk_div_t div2
FIRCDIV2 value.
scg_async_clk_div_t div3
FIRCDIV3 value.
scg_firc_range_t range
Fast IRC frequency range.
const scg_firc_trim_config_t *trimConfig
Pointer to the FIRC trim configuration; set NULL to disable trim.
uint8_t enableMode
Enable mode, OR’ed value of _scg_spll_enable_mode
scg_async_clk_div_t div1
SPLLDIV1 value.
scg_async_clk_div_t div2
SPLLDIV2 value.
scg_async_clk_div_t div3
SPLLDIV3 value.
scg_spll_src_t src
Clock source.
bool isPfdSelected
SPLL PFD output clock selected.
uint8_t prediv
PLL reference clock divider.
scg_spll_pfd_clkout_t pfdClkout
PLL PFD clouk out select.
uint8_t mult
System PLL multiplier.
scg_rosc_monitor_mode_t monitorMode
Clock monitor mode selected.
uint8_t enableMode
Enable mode, OR’ed value of _scg_apll_enable_mode
scg_async_clk_div_t div1
APLLDIV1 value.
scg_async_clk_div_t div2
APLLDIV2 value.
scg_async_clk_div_t div3
APLLDIV3 value.
scg_apll_src_t src
Clock source.
bool isPfdSelected
APLL PFD output clock selected.
uint8_t prediv
PLL reference clock divider.
scg_apll_pfd_clkout_t pfdClkout
SCG auxiliary PLL PFD clouk out select.
uint8_t mult
Auxiliary PLL multiplier.
scg_sys_clk_div_t pllPostdiv1
Auxiliary PLL Post Clock Divide1 Ratio.
scg_sys_clk_div_t pllPostdiv2
Auxiliary PLL Post Clock Divide2 Ratio.
uint32_t num
30-bit numerator of the Auxiliary PLL Fractional-Loop divider.
uint32_t denom
30-bit denominator of the Auxiliary PLL Fractional-Loop divider.
Configure whether driver controls clock.
When set to 0, peripheral drivers will enable clock in initialize function and disable clock in de-initialize function. When set to 1, peripheral driver will not control the clock, application could control the clock out of the driver.
All drivers share this feature switcher. If it is set to 1, application should handle clock enable and disable for all drivers.
struct _scg_sys_clk_config
- #include <fsl_clock.h>
SCG system clock configuration.
struct _scg_sosc_config
- #include <fsl_clock.h>
SCG system OSC configuration.
struct _scg_sirc_config
- #include <fsl_clock.h>
SCG slow IRC clock configuration.
struct _scg_firc_trim_config
- #include <fsl_clock.h>
SCG fast IRC clock trim configuration.
struct _scg_firc_config_t
- #include <fsl_clock.h>
SCG fast IRC clock configuration.
struct _scg_spll_config
- #include <fsl_clock.h>
SCG system PLL configuration.
struct _scg_rosc_config
- #include <fsl_clock.h>
SCG RTC OSC configuration.
struct _scg_apll_config
- #include <fsl_clock.h>
SCG auxiliary PLL configuration.
CRC: Cyclic Redundancy Check Driver
CRC driver version. Version 2.0.4.
Current version: 2.0.4
Change log:
Version 2.0.4
Release peripheral from reset if necessary in init function.
Version 2.0.3
Fix MISRA issues
Version 2.0.2
Fix MISRA issues
Version 2.0.1
move DATA and DATALL macro definition from header file to source file
enum _crc_bits
CRC bit width.
enumerator kCrcBits16
Generate 16-bit CRC code
enumerator kCrcBits32
Generate 32-bit CRC code
enumerator kCrcBits16
enum _crc_result
CRC result type.
enumerator kCrcFinalChecksum
CRC data register read value is the final checksum. Reflect out and final xor protocol features are applied.
enumerator kCrcIntermediateChecksum
CRC data register read value is intermediate checksum (raw value). Reflect out and final xor protocol feature are not applied. Intermediate checksum can be used as a seed for CRC_Init() to continue adding data to this checksum.
enumerator kCrcFinalChecksum
typedef enum _crc_bits crc_bits_t
CRC bit width.
typedef enum _crc_result crc_result_t
CRC result type.
typedef struct _crc_config crc_config_t
CRC protocol configuration.
This structure holds the configuration for the CRC protocol.
void CRC_Init(CRC_Type *base, const crc_config_t *config)
Enables and configures the CRC peripheral module.
This function enables the clock gate in the SIM module for the CRC peripheral. It also configures the CRC module and starts a checksum computation by writing the seed.
- Parameters:
base – CRC peripheral address.
config – CRC module configuration structure.
static inline void CRC_Deinit(CRC_Type *base)
Disables the CRC peripheral module.
This function disables the clock gate in the SIM module for the CRC peripheral.
- Parameters:
base – CRC peripheral address.
void CRC_GetDefaultConfig(crc_config_t *config)
Loads default values to the CRC protocol configuration structure.
Loads default values to the CRC protocol configuration structure. The default values are as follows.
config->polynomial = 0x1021; config->seed = 0xFFFF; config->reflectIn = false; config->reflectOut = false; config->complementChecksum = false; config->crcBits = kCrcBits16; config->crcResult = kCrcFinalChecksum;
- Parameters:
config – CRC protocol configuration structure.
void CRC_WriteData(CRC_Type *base, const uint8_t *data, size_t dataSize)
Writes data to the CRC module.
Writes input data buffer bytes to the CRC data register. The configured type of transpose is applied.
- Parameters:
base – CRC peripheral address.
data – Input data stream, MSByte in data[0].
dataSize – Size in bytes of the input data buffer.
uint32_t CRC_Get32bitResult(CRC_Type *base)
Reads the 32-bit checksum from the CRC module.
Reads the CRC data register (either an intermediate or the final checksum). The configured type of transpose and complement is applied.
- Parameters:
base – CRC peripheral address.
- Returns:
An intermediate or the final 32-bit checksum, after configured transpose and complement operations.
uint16_t CRC_Get16bitResult(CRC_Type *base)
Reads a 16-bit checksum from the CRC module.
Reads the CRC data register (either an intermediate or the final checksum). The configured type of transpose and complement is applied.
- Parameters:
base – CRC peripheral address.
- Returns:
An intermediate or the final 16-bit checksum, after configured transpose and complement operations.
Default configuration structure filled by CRC_GetDefaultConfig(). Use CRC16-CCIT-FALSE as defeault.
struct _crc_config
- #include <fsl_crc.h>
CRC protocol configuration.
This structure holds the configuration for the CRC protocol.
Public Members
uint32_t polynomial
CRC Polynomial, MSBit first. Example polynomial: 0x1021 = 1_0000_0010_0001 = x^12+x^5+1
uint32_t seed
Starting checksum value
bool reflectIn
Reflect bits on input.
bool reflectOut
Reflect bits on output.
bool complementChecksum
True if the result shall be complement of the actual checksum.
crc_bits_t crcBits
Selects 16- or 32- bit CRC protocol.
crc_result_t crcResult
Selects final or intermediate checksum return from CRC_Get16bitResult() or CRC_Get32bitResult()
uint32_t polynomial
DAC12: 12-bit Digital-to-Analog Converter Driver
void DAC12_GetHardwareInfo(DAC_Type *base, dac12_hardware_info_t *info)
Get hardware information about this module.
- Parameters:
base – DAC12 peripheral base address.
info – Pointer to info structure, see to dac12_hardware_info_t.
void DAC12_Init(DAC_Type *base, const dac12_config_t *config)
Initialize the DAC12 module.
- Parameters:
base – DAC12 peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to configuration structure, see to dac12_config_t.
void DAC12_GetDefaultConfig(dac12_config_t *config)
Initializes the DAC12 user configuration structure.
This function initializes the user configuration structure to a default value. The default values are:
config->fifoWatermarkLevel = 0U; config->fifoWorkMode = kDAC12_FIFODisabled; config->referenceVoltageSource = kDAC12_ReferenceVoltageSourceAlt1; config->fifoTriggerMode = kDAC12_FIFOTriggerByHardwareMode; config->referenceCurrentSource = kDAC12_ReferenceCurrentSourceAlt0; config->speedMode = kDAC12_SpeedLowMode; config->speedMode = false; config->currentReferenceInternalTrimValue = 0x4;
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to the configuration structure. See “dac12_config_t”.
void DAC12_Deinit(DAC_Type *base)
De-initialize the DAC12 module.
- Parameters:
base – DAC12 peripheral base address.
static inline void DAC12_Enable(DAC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable the DAC12’s converter or not.
- Parameters:
base – DAC12 peripheral base address.
enable – Enable the DAC12’s converter or not.
static inline void DAC12_ResetConfig(DAC_Type *base)
Reset all internal logic and registers.
- Parameters:
base – DAC12 peripheral base address.
static inline void DAC12_ResetFIFO(DAC_Type *base)
Reset the FIFO pointers.
FIFO pointers should only be reset when the DAC12 is disabled. This function can be used to configure both pointers to the same address to reset the FIFO as empty.
- Parameters:
base – DAC12 peripheral base address.
static inline uint32_t DAC12_GetStatusFlags(DAC_Type *base)
Get status flags.
- Parameters:
base – DAC12 peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Mask of current status flags. See to _dac12_status_flags.
static inline void DAC12_ClearStatusFlags(DAC_Type *base, uint32_t flags)
Clear status flags.
Note: Not all the flags can be cleared by this API. Several flags need special condition to clear them according to target chip’s reference manual document.
- Parameters:
base – DAC12 peripheral base address.
flags – Mask of status flags to be cleared. See to _dac12_status_flags.
static inline void DAC12_EnableInterrupts(DAC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enable interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – DAC12 peripheral base address.
mask – Mask value of interrupts to be enabled. See to _dac12_interrupt_enable.
static inline void DAC12_DisableInterrupts(DAC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disable interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – DAC12 peripheral base address.
mask – Mask value of interrupts to be disabled. See to _dac12_interrupt_enable.
static inline void DAC12_EnableDMA(DAC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable DMA or not.
When DMA is enabled, the DMA request will be generated by original interrupts. The interrupts will not be presented on this module at the same time.
static inline void DAC12_SetData(DAC_Type *base, uint32_t value)
Set data into the entry of FIFO buffer.
When the DAC FIFO is disabled, and the one entry buffer is enabled, the DAC converts the data in the buffer to analog output voltage. Any write to the DATA register will replace the data in the buffer and push data to analog conversion without trigger support. When the DAC FIFO is enabled. Writing data would increase the write pointer of FIFO. Also, the data would be restored into the FIFO buffer.
- Parameters:
base – DAC12 peripheral base address.
value – Setting value into FIFO buffer.
static inline void DAC12_DoSoftwareTrigger(DAC_Type *base)
Do trigger the FIFO by software.
When the DAC FIFO is enabled, and software trigger is used. Doing trigger would increase the read pointer, and the data in the entry pointed by read pointer would be converted as new output.
- Parameters:
base – DAC12 peripheral base address.
static inline uint32_t DAC12_GetFIFOReadPointer(DAC_Type *base)
Get the current read pointer of FIFO.
- Parameters:
base – DAC12 peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Read pointer index of FIFO buffer.
static inline uint32_t DAC12_GetFIFOWritePointer(DAC_Type *base)
Get the current write pointer of FIFO.
- Parameters:
base – DAC12 peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Write pointer index of FIFO buffer
DAC12 driver version 2.1.1.
enum _dac12_status_flags
DAC12 flags.
enumerator kDAC12_OverflowFlag
FIFO overflow status flag, which indicates that more data has been written into FIFO than it can hold.
enumerator kDAC12_UnderflowFlag
FIFO underflow status flag, which means that there is a new trigger after the FIFO is nearly empty.
enumerator kDAC12_WatermarkFlag
FIFO wartermark status flag, which indicates the remaining FIFO data is less than the watermark setting.
enumerator kDAC12_NearlyEmptyFlag
FIFO nearly empty flag, which means there is only one data remaining in FIFO.
enumerator kDAC12_FullFlag
FIFO full status flag, which means that the FIFO read pointer equals the write pointer, as the write pointer increase.
enumerator kDAC12_OverflowFlag
enum _dac12_interrupt_enable
DAC12 interrupts.
enumerator kDAC12_UnderOrOverflowInterruptEnable
Underflow and overflow interrupt enable.
enumerator kDAC12_WatermarkInterruptEnable
Watermark interrupt enable.
enumerator kDAC12_NearlyEmptyInterruptEnable
Nearly empty interrupt enable.
enumerator kDAC12_FullInterruptEnable
Full interrupt enable.
enumerator kDAC12_UnderOrOverflowInterruptEnable
enum _dac12_fifo_size_info
DAC12 FIFO size information provided by hardware.
enumerator kDAC12_FIFOSize2
FIFO depth is 2.
enumerator kDAC12_FIFOSize4
FIFO depth is 4.
enumerator kDAC12_FIFOSize8
FIFO depth is 8.
enumerator kDAC12_FIFOSize16
FIFO depth is 16.
enumerator kDAC12_FIFOSize32
FIFO depth is 32.
enumerator kDAC12_FIFOSize64
FIFO depth is 64.
enumerator kDAC12_FIFOSize128
FIFO depth is 128.
enumerator kDAC12_FIFOSize256
FIFO depth is 256.
enumerator kDAC12_FIFOSize2
enum _dac12_fifo_work_mode
DAC12 FIFO work mode.
enumerator kDAC12_FIFODisabled
FIFO disabled and only one level buffer is enabled. Any data written from this buffer goes to conversion.
enumerator kDAC12_FIFOWorkAsNormalMode
Data will first read from FIFO to buffer then go to conversion.
enumerator kDAC12_FIFOWorkAsSwingMode
In Swing mode, the FIFO must be set up to be full. In Swing back mode, a trigger changes the read pointer to make it swing between the FIFO Full and Nearly Empty state. That is, the trigger increases the read pointer till FIFO is nearly empty and decreases the read pointer till the FIFO is full.
enumerator kDAC12_FIFODisabled
enum _dac12_reference_voltage_source
DAC12 reference voltage source.
enumerator kDAC12_ReferenceVoltageSourceAlt1
The DAC selects DACREF_1 as the reference voltage.
enumerator kDAC12_ReferenceVoltageSourceAlt2
The DAC selects DACREF_2 as the reference voltage.
enumerator kDAC12_ReferenceVoltageSourceAlt1
enum _dac12_fifo_trigger_mode
DAC12 FIFO trigger mode.
enumerator kDAC12_FIFOTriggerByHardwareMode
Buffer would be triggered by hardware.
enumerator kDAC12_FIFOTriggerBySoftwareMode
Buffer would be triggered by software.
enumerator kDAC12_FIFOTriggerByHardwareMode
enum _dac12_reference_current_source
DAC internal reference current source.
Analog module needs reference current to keep working . Such reference current can generated by IP itself, or by on-chip PMC’s “reference part”. If no current reference be selected, analog module can’t working normally ,even when other register can still be assigned, DAC would waste current but no function. To make the DAC work, either kDAC12_ReferenceCurrentSourceAltx should be selected.
enumerator kDAC12_ReferenceCurrentSourceDisabled
None of reference current source is enabled.
enumerator kDAC12_ReferenceCurrentSourceAlt0
Use the internal reference current generated by the module itself.
enumerator kDAC12_ReferenceCurrentSourceAlt1
Use the ZTC(Zero Temperature Coefficient) reference current generated by on-chip power management module.
enumerator kDAC12_ReferenceCurrentSourceAlt2
Use the PTAT(Proportional To Absolution Temperature) reference current generated by power management module.
enumerator kDAC12_ReferenceCurrentSourceDisabled
enum _dac12_speed_mode
DAC analog buffer speed mode for conversion.
enumerator kDAC12_SpeedLowMode
Low speed mode.
enumerator kDAC12_SpeedMiddleMode
Middle speed mode.
enumerator kDAC12_SpeedHighMode
High speed mode.
enumerator kDAC12_SpeedLowMode
typedef enum _dac12_fifo_size_info dac12_fifo_size_info_t
DAC12 FIFO size information provided by hardware.
typedef enum _dac12_fifo_work_mode dac12_fifo_work_mode_t
DAC12 FIFO work mode.
typedef enum _dac12_reference_voltage_source dac12_reference_voltage_source_t
DAC12 reference voltage source.
typedef enum _dac12_fifo_trigger_mode dac12_fifo_trigger_mode_t
DAC12 FIFO trigger mode.
typedef enum _dac12_reference_current_source dac12_reference_current_source_t
DAC internal reference current source.
Analog module needs reference current to keep working . Such reference current can generated by IP itself, or by on-chip PMC’s “reference part”. If no current reference be selected, analog module can’t working normally ,even when other register can still be assigned, DAC would waste current but no function. To make the DAC work, either kDAC12_ReferenceCurrentSourceAltx should be selected.
typedef enum _dac12_speed_mode dac12_speed_mode_t
DAC analog buffer speed mode for conversion.
typedef struct _dac12_hardware_info dac12_hardware_info_t
DAC12 hardware information.
Define “write 1 to clear” flags.
Define all the flag bits in DACx_CR register.
struct _dac12_hardware_info
- #include <fsl_dac12.h>
DAC12 hardware information.
Public Members
dac12_fifo_size_info_t fifoSizeInfo
The number of words in this device’s DAC buffer.
dac12_fifo_size_info_t fifoSizeInfo
struct dac12_config_t
- #include <fsl_dac12.h>
DAC12 module configuration.
Actually, the most fields are for FIFO buffer.
Public Members
uint32_t fifoWatermarkLevel
FIFO’s watermark, the max value can be the hardware FIFO size.
dac12_fifo_work_mode_t fifoWorkMode
FIFI’s work mode about pointers.
dac12_reference_voltage_source_t referenceVoltageSource
Select the reference voltage source.
dac12_reference_current_source_t referenceCurrentSource
Select the trigger mode for FIFO. Select the reference current source.
dac12_speed_mode_t speedMode
Select the speed mode for conversion.
bool enableAnalogBuffer
Enable analog buffer for high drive.
uint32_t currentReferenceInternalTrimValue
Internal reference current trim value. 3-bit value is available.
uint32_t fifoWatermarkLevel
DMAMUX: Direct Memory Access Multiplexer Driver
void DMAMUX_Init(DMAMUX_Type *base)
Initializes the DMAMUX peripheral.
This function ungates the DMAMUX clock.
- Parameters:
base – DMAMUX peripheral base address.
void DMAMUX_Deinit(DMAMUX_Type *base)
Deinitializes the DMAMUX peripheral.
This function gates the DMAMUX clock.
- Parameters:
base – DMAMUX peripheral base address.
static inline void DMAMUX_EnableChannel(DMAMUX_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Enables the DMAMUX channel.
This function enables the DMAMUX channel.
- Parameters:
base – DMAMUX peripheral base address.
channel – DMAMUX channel number.
static inline void DMAMUX_DisableChannel(DMAMUX_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Disables the DMAMUX channel.
This function disables the DMAMUX channel.
The user must disable the DMAMUX channel before configuring it.
- Parameters:
base – DMAMUX peripheral base address.
channel – DMAMUX channel number.
static inline void DMAMUX_SetSource(DMAMUX_Type *base, uint32_t channel, int32_t source)
Configures the DMAMUX channel source.
- Parameters:
base – DMAMUX peripheral base address.
channel – DMAMUX channel number.
source – Channel source, which is used to trigger the DMA transfer.User need to use the dma_request_source_t type as the input parameter.
DMAMUX driver version 2.1.0.
eDMA: Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) Controller Driver
void EDMA_Init(DMA_Type *base, const edma_config_t *config)
Initializes the eDMA peripheral.
This function ungates the eDMA clock and configures the eDMA peripheral according to the configuration structure. All emda enabled request will be cleared in this function.
This function enables the minor loop map feature.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
config – A pointer to the configuration structure, see “edma_config_t”.
void EDMA_Deinit(DMA_Type *base)
Deinitializes the eDMA peripheral.
This function gates the eDMA clock.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
void EDMA_InstallTCD(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, edma_tcd_t *tcd)
Push content of TCD structure into hardware TCD register.
- Parameters:
base – EDMA peripheral base address.
channel – EDMA channel number.
tcd – Point to TCD structure.
void EDMA_GetDefaultConfig(edma_config_t *config)
Gets the eDMA default configuration structure.
This function sets the configuration structure to default values. The default configuration is set to the following values.
config.enableContinuousLinkMode = false; config.enableHaltOnError = true; config.enableRoundRobinArbitration = false; config.enableDebugMode = false;
- Parameters:
config – A pointer to the eDMA configuration structure.
static inline void EDMA_EnableContinuousChannelLinkMode(DMA_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable/Disable continuous channel link mode.
Do not use continuous link mode with a channel linking to itself if there is only one minor loop iteration per service request, for example, if the channel’s NBYTES value is the same as either the source or destination size. The same data transfer profile can be achieved by simply increasing the NBYTES value, which provides more efficient, faster processing.
- Parameters:
base – EDMA peripheral base address.
enable – true is enable, false is disable.
static inline void EDMA_EnableMinorLoopMapping(DMA_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable/Disable minor loop mapping.
The TCDn.word2 is redefined to include individual enable fields, an offset field, and the NBYTES field.
- Parameters:
base – EDMA peripheral base address.
enable – true is enable, false is disable.
void EDMA_ResetChannel(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Sets all TCD registers to default values.
This function sets TCD registers for this channel to default values.
This function must not be called while the channel transfer is ongoing or it causes unpredictable results.
This function enables the auto stop request feature.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA channel number.
void EDMA_SetTransferConfig(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, const edma_transfer_config_t *config, edma_tcd_t *nextTcd)
Configures the eDMA transfer attribute.
This function configures the transfer attribute, including source address, destination address, transfer size, address offset, and so on. It also configures the scatter gather feature if the user supplies the TCD address. Example:
edma_transfer_t config; edma_tcd_t tcd; config.srcAddr = ..; config.destAddr = ..; ... EDMA_SetTransferConfig(DMA0, channel, &config, &stcd);
If nextTcd is not NULL, it means scatter gather feature is enabled and DREQ bit is cleared in the previous transfer configuration, which is set in the eDMA_ResetChannel.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA channel number.
config – Pointer to eDMA transfer configuration structure.
nextTcd – Point to TCD structure. It can be NULL if users do not want to enable scatter/gather feature.
void EDMA_SetMinorOffsetConfig(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, const edma_minor_offset_config_t *config)
Configures the eDMA minor offset feature.
The minor offset means that the signed-extended value is added to the source address or destination address after each minor loop.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA channel number.
config – A pointer to the minor offset configuration structure.
void EDMA_SetChannelPreemptionConfig(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, const edma_channel_Preemption_config_t *config)
Configures the eDMA channel preemption feature.
This function configures the channel preemption attribute and the priority of the channel.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA channel number
config – A pointer to the channel preemption configuration structure.
void EDMA_SetChannelLink(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, edma_channel_link_type_t linkType, uint32_t linkedChannel)
Sets the channel link for the eDMA transfer.
This function configures either the minor link or the major link mode. The minor link means that the channel link is triggered every time CITER decreases by 1. The major link means that the channel link is triggered when the CITER is exhausted.
Users should ensure that DONE flag is cleared before calling this interface, or the configuration is invalid.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA channel number.
linkType – A channel link type, which can be one of the following:
linkedChannel – The linked channel number.
void EDMA_SetBandWidth(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, edma_bandwidth_t bandWidth)
Sets the bandwidth for the eDMA transfer.
Because the eDMA processes the minor loop, it continuously generates read/write sequences until the minor count is exhausted. The bandwidth forces the eDMA to stall after the completion of each read/write access to control the bus request bandwidth seen by the crossbar switch.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA channel number.
bandWidth – A bandwidth setting, which can be one of the following:
void EDMA_SetModulo(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, edma_modulo_t srcModulo, edma_modulo_t destModulo)
Sets the source modulo and the destination modulo for the eDMA transfer.
This function defines a specific address range specified to be the value after (SADDR + SOFF)/(DADDR + DOFF) calculation is performed or the original register value. It provides the ability to implement a circular data queue easily.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA channel number.
srcModulo – A source modulo value.
destModulo – A destination modulo value.
static inline void EDMA_EnableAutoStopRequest(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, bool enable)
Enables an auto stop request for the eDMA transfer.
If enabling the auto stop request, the eDMA hardware automatically disables the hardware channel request.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA channel number.
enable – The command to enable (true) or disable (false).
void EDMA_EnableChannelInterrupts(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, uint32_t mask)
Enables the interrupt source for the eDMA transfer.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA channel number.
mask – The mask of interrupt source to be set. Users need to use the defined edma_interrupt_enable_t type.
void EDMA_DisableChannelInterrupts(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, uint32_t mask)
Disables the interrupt source for the eDMA transfer.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA channel number.
mask – The mask of the interrupt source to be set. Use the defined edma_interrupt_enable_t type.
void EDMA_SetMajorOffsetConfig(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, int32_t sourceOffset, int32_t destOffset)
Configures the eDMA channel TCD major offset feature.
Adjustment value added to the source address at the completion of the major iteration count
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – edma channel number.
sourceOffset – source address offset will be applied to source address after major loop done.
destOffset – destination address offset will be applied to source address after major loop done.
void EDMA_TcdReset(edma_tcd_t *tcd)
Sets all fields to default values for the TCD structure.
This function sets all fields for this TCD structure to default value.
This function enables the auto stop request feature.
- Parameters:
tcd – Pointer to the TCD structure.
void EDMA_TcdSetTransferConfig(edma_tcd_t *tcd, const edma_transfer_config_t *config, edma_tcd_t *nextTcd)
Configures the eDMA TCD transfer attribute.
The TCD is a transfer control descriptor. The content of the TCD is the same as the hardware TCD registers. The TCD is used in the scatter-gather mode. This function configures the TCD transfer attribute, including source address, destination address, transfer size, address offset, and so on. It also configures the scatter gather feature if the user supplies the next TCD address. Example:
edma_transfer_t config = { ... } edma_tcd_t tcd __aligned(32); edma_tcd_t nextTcd __aligned(32); EDMA_TcdSetTransferConfig(&tcd, &config, &nextTcd);
TCD address should be 32 bytes aligned or it causes an eDMA error.
If the nextTcd is not NULL, the scatter gather feature is enabled and DREQ bit is cleared in the previous transfer configuration, which is set in the EDMA_TcdReset.
- Parameters:
tcd – Pointer to the TCD structure.
config – Pointer to eDMA transfer configuration structure.
nextTcd – Pointer to the next TCD structure. It can be NULL if users do not want to enable scatter/gather feature.
void EDMA_TcdSetMinorOffsetConfig(edma_tcd_t *tcd, const edma_minor_offset_config_t *config)
Configures the eDMA TCD minor offset feature.
A minor offset is a signed-extended value added to the source address or a destination address after each minor loop.
- Parameters:
tcd – A point to the TCD structure.
config – A pointer to the minor offset configuration structure.
void EDMA_TcdSetChannelLink(edma_tcd_t *tcd, edma_channel_link_type_t linkType, uint32_t linkedChannel)
Sets the channel link for the eDMA TCD.
This function configures either a minor link or a major link. The minor link means the channel link is triggered every time CITER decreases by 1. The major link means that the channel link is triggered when the CITER is exhausted.
Users should ensure that DONE flag is cleared before calling this interface, or the configuration is invalid.
- Parameters:
tcd – Point to the TCD structure.
linkType – Channel link type, it can be one of:
linkedChannel – The linked channel number.
static inline void EDMA_TcdSetBandWidth(edma_tcd_t *tcd, edma_bandwidth_t bandWidth)
Sets the bandwidth for the eDMA TCD.
Because the eDMA processes the minor loop, it continuously generates read/write sequences until the minor count is exhausted. The bandwidth forces the eDMA to stall after the completion of each read/write access to control the bus request bandwidth seen by the crossbar switch.
- Parameters:
tcd – A pointer to the TCD structure.
bandWidth – A bandwidth setting, which can be one of the following:
void EDMA_TcdSetModulo(edma_tcd_t *tcd, edma_modulo_t srcModulo, edma_modulo_t destModulo)
Sets the source modulo and the destination modulo for the eDMA TCD.
This function defines a specific address range specified to be the value after (SADDR + SOFF)/(DADDR + DOFF) calculation is performed or the original register value. It provides the ability to implement a circular data queue easily.
- Parameters:
tcd – A pointer to the TCD structure.
srcModulo – A source modulo value.
destModulo – A destination modulo value.
static inline void EDMA_TcdEnableAutoStopRequest(edma_tcd_t *tcd, bool enable)
Sets the auto stop request for the eDMA TCD.
If enabling the auto stop request, the eDMA hardware automatically disables the hardware channel request.
- Parameters:
tcd – A pointer to the TCD structure.
enable – The command to enable (true) or disable (false).
void EDMA_TcdEnableInterrupts(edma_tcd_t *tcd, uint32_t mask)
Enables the interrupt source for the eDMA TCD.
- Parameters:
tcd – Point to the TCD structure.
mask – The mask of interrupt source to be set. Users need to use the defined edma_interrupt_enable_t type.
void EDMA_TcdDisableInterrupts(edma_tcd_t *tcd, uint32_t mask)
Disables the interrupt source for the eDMA TCD.
- Parameters:
tcd – Point to the TCD structure.
mask – The mask of interrupt source to be set. Users need to use the defined edma_interrupt_enable_t type.
void EDMA_TcdSetMajorOffsetConfig(edma_tcd_t *tcd, int32_t sourceOffset, int32_t destOffset)
Configures the eDMA TCD major offset feature.
Adjustment value added to the source address at the completion of the major iteration count
- Parameters:
tcd – A point to the TCD structure.
sourceOffset – source address offset wiil be applied to source address after major loop done.
destOffset – destination address offset will be applied to source address after major loop done.
static inline void EDMA_EnableChannelRequest(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Enables the eDMA hardware channel request.
This function enables the hardware channel request.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA channel number.
static inline void EDMA_DisableChannelRequest(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Disables the eDMA hardware channel request.
This function disables the hardware channel request.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA channel number.
static inline void EDMA_TriggerChannelStart(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Starts the eDMA transfer by using the software trigger.
This function starts a minor loop transfer.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA channel number.
uint32_t EDMA_GetRemainingMajorLoopCount(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Gets the remaining major loop count from the eDMA current channel TCD.
This function checks the TCD (Task Control Descriptor) status for a specified eDMA channel and returns the number of major loop count that has not finished.
1. This function can only be used to get unfinished major loop count of transfer without the next TCD, or it might be inaccuracy.
The unfinished/remaining transfer bytes cannot be obtained directly from registers while the channel is running. Because to calculate the remaining bytes, the initial NBYTES configured in DMA_TCDn_NBYTES_MLNO register is needed while the eDMA IP does not support getting it while a channel is active. In another word, the NBYTES value reading is always the actual (decrementing) NBYTES value the dma_engine is working with while a channel is running. Consequently, to get the remaining transfer bytes, a software-saved initial value of NBYTES (for example copied before enabling the channel) is needed. The formula to calculate it is shown below: RemainingBytes = RemainingMajorLoopCount * NBYTES(initially configured)
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA channel number.
- Returns:
Major loop count which has not been transferred yet for the current TCD.
static inline uint32_t EDMA_GetErrorStatusFlags(DMA_Type *base)
Gets the eDMA channel error status flags.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The mask of error status flags. Users need to use the _edma_error_status_flags type to decode the return variables.
uint32_t EDMA_GetChannelStatusFlags(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Gets the eDMA channel status flags.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA channel number.
- Returns:
The mask of channel status flags. Users need to use the _edma_channel_status_flags type to decode the return variables.
void EDMA_ClearChannelStatusFlags(DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, uint32_t mask)
Clears the eDMA channel status flags.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA channel number.
mask – The mask of channel status to be cleared. Users need to use the defined _edma_channel_status_flags type.
void EDMA_CreateHandle(edma_handle_t *handle, DMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Creates the eDMA handle.
This function is called if using the transactional API for eDMA. This function initializes the internal state of the eDMA handle.
- Parameters:
handle – eDMA handle pointer. The eDMA handle stores callback function and parameters.
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA channel number.
void EDMA_InstallTCDMemory(edma_handle_t *handle, edma_tcd_t *tcdPool, uint32_t tcdSize)
Installs the TCDs memory pool into the eDMA handle.
This function is called after the EDMA_CreateHandle to use scatter/gather feature. This function shall only be used while users need to use scatter gather mode. Scatter gather mode enables EDMA to load a new transfer control block (tcd) in hardware, and automatically reconfigure that DMA channel for a new transfer. Users need to prepare tcd memory and also configure tcds using interface EDMA_SubmitTransfer.
- Parameters:
handle – eDMA handle pointer.
tcdPool – A memory pool to store TCDs. It must be 32 bytes aligned.
tcdSize – The number of TCD slots.
void EDMA_SetCallback(edma_handle_t *handle, edma_callback callback, void *userData)
Installs a callback function for the eDMA transfer.
This callback is called in the eDMA IRQ handler. Use the callback to do something after the current major loop transfer completes. This function will be called every time one tcd finished transfer.
- Parameters:
handle – eDMA handle pointer.
callback – eDMA callback function pointer.
userData – A parameter for the callback function.
void EDMA_PrepareTransferConfig(edma_transfer_config_t *config, void *srcAddr, uint32_t srcWidth, int16_t srcOffset, void *destAddr, uint32_t destWidth, int16_t destOffset, uint32_t bytesEachRequest, uint32_t transferBytes)
Prepares the eDMA transfer structure configurations.
This function prepares the transfer configuration structure according to the user input.
The data address and the data width must be consistent. For example, if the SRC is 4 bytes, the source address must be 4 bytes aligned, or it results in source address error (SAE).
- Parameters:
config – The user configuration structure of type edma_transfer_t.
srcAddr – eDMA transfer source address.
srcWidth – eDMA transfer source address width(bytes).
srcOffset – source address offset.
destAddr – eDMA transfer destination address.
destWidth – eDMA transfer destination address width(bytes).
destOffset – destination address offset.
bytesEachRequest – eDMA transfer bytes per channel request.
transferBytes – eDMA transfer bytes to be transferred.
void EDMA_PrepareTransfer(edma_transfer_config_t *config, void *srcAddr, uint32_t srcWidth, void *destAddr, uint32_t destWidth, uint32_t bytesEachRequest, uint32_t transferBytes, edma_transfer_type_t transferType)
Prepares the eDMA transfer structure.
This function prepares the transfer configuration structure according to the user input.
The data address and the data width must be consistent. For example, if the SRC is 4 bytes, the source address must be 4 bytes aligned, or it results in source address error (SAE).
- Parameters:
config – The user configuration structure of type edma_transfer_t.
srcAddr – eDMA transfer source address.
srcWidth – eDMA transfer source address width(bytes).
destAddr – eDMA transfer destination address.
destWidth – eDMA transfer destination address width(bytes).
bytesEachRequest – eDMA transfer bytes per channel request.
transferBytes – eDMA transfer bytes to be transferred.
transferType – eDMA transfer type.
status_t EDMA_SubmitTransfer(edma_handle_t *handle, const edma_transfer_config_t *config)
Submits the eDMA transfer request.
This function submits the eDMA transfer request according to the transfer configuration structure. In scatter gather mode, call this function will add a configured tcd to the circular list of tcd pool. The tcd pools is setup by call function EDMA_InstallTCDMemory before.
- Parameters:
handle – eDMA handle pointer.
config – Pointer to eDMA transfer configuration structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_EDMA_Success – It means submit transfer request succeed.
kStatus_EDMA_QueueFull – It means TCD queue is full. Submit transfer request is not allowed.
kStatus_EDMA_Busy – It means the given channel is busy, need to submit request later.
void EDMA_StartTransfer(edma_handle_t *handle)
eDMA starts transfer.
This function enables the channel request. Users can call this function after submitting the transfer request or before submitting the transfer request.
- Parameters:
handle – eDMA handle pointer.
void EDMA_StopTransfer(edma_handle_t *handle)
eDMA stops transfer.
This function disables the channel request to pause the transfer. Users can call EDMA_StartTransfer() again to resume the transfer.
- Parameters:
handle – eDMA handle pointer.
void EDMA_AbortTransfer(edma_handle_t *handle)
eDMA aborts transfer.
This function disables the channel request and clear transfer status bits. Users can submit another transfer after calling this API.
- Parameters:
handle – DMA handle pointer.
static inline uint32_t EDMA_GetUnusedTCDNumber(edma_handle_t *handle)
Get unused TCD slot number.
This function gets current tcd index which is run. If the TCD pool pointer is NULL, it will return 0.
- Parameters:
handle – DMA handle pointer.
- Returns:
The unused tcd slot number.
static inline uint32_t EDMA_GetNextTCDAddress(edma_handle_t *handle)
Get the next tcd address.
This function gets the next tcd address. If this is last TCD, return 0.
- Parameters:
handle – DMA handle pointer.
- Returns:
The next TCD address.
void EDMA_HandleIRQ(edma_handle_t *handle)
eDMA IRQ handler for the current major loop transfer completion.
This function clears the channel major interrupt flag and calls the callback function if it is not NULL.
Note: For the case using TCD queue, when the major iteration count is exhausted, additional operations are performed. These include the final address adjustments and reloading of the BITER field into the CITER. Assertion of an optional interrupt request also occurs at this time, as does a possible fetch of a new TCD from memory using the scatter/gather address pointer included in the descriptor (if scatter/gather is enabled).
For instance, when the time interrupt of TCD[0] happens, the TCD[1] has already been loaded into the eDMA engine. As sga and sga_index are calculated based on the DLAST_SGA bitfield lies in the TCD_CSR register, the sga_index in this case should be 2 (DLAST_SGA of TCD[1] stores the address of TCD[2]). Thus, the “tcdUsed” updated should be (tcdUsed - 2U) which indicates the number of TCDs can be loaded in the memory pool (because TCD[0] and TCD[1] have been loaded into the eDMA engine at this point already.).
For the last two continuous ISRs in a scatter/gather process, they both load the last TCD (The last ISR does not load a new TCD) from the memory pool to the eDMA engine when major loop completes. Therefore, ensure that the header and tcdUsed updated are identical for them. tcdUsed are both 0 in this case as no TCD to be loaded.
See the “eDMA basic data flow” in the eDMA Functional description section of the Reference Manual for further details.
- Parameters:
handle – eDMA handle pointer.
eDMA driver version
Version 2.4.4.
enum _edma_transfer_size
eDMA transfer configuration
enumerator kEDMA_TransferSize1Bytes
Source/Destination data transfer size is 1 byte every time
enumerator kEDMA_TransferSize2Bytes
Source/Destination data transfer size is 2 bytes every time
enumerator kEDMA_TransferSize4Bytes
Source/Destination data transfer size is 4 bytes every time
enumerator kEDMA_TransferSize8Bytes
Source/Destination data transfer size is 8 bytes every time
enumerator kEDMA_TransferSize16Bytes
Source/Destination data transfer size is 16 bytes every time
enumerator kEDMA_TransferSize32Bytes
Source/Destination data transfer size is 32 bytes every time
enumerator kEDMA_TransferSize1Bytes
enum _edma_modulo
eDMA modulo configuration
enumerator kEDMA_ModuloDisable
Disable modulo
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo2bytes
Circular buffer size is 2 bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo4bytes
Circular buffer size is 4 bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo8bytes
Circular buffer size is 8 bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo16bytes
Circular buffer size is 16 bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo32bytes
Circular buffer size is 32 bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo64bytes
Circular buffer size is 64 bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo128bytes
Circular buffer size is 128 bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo256bytes
Circular buffer size is 256 bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo512bytes
Circular buffer size is 512 bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo1Kbytes
Circular buffer size is 1 K bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo2Kbytes
Circular buffer size is 2 K bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo4Kbytes
Circular buffer size is 4 K bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo8Kbytes
Circular buffer size is 8 K bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo16Kbytes
Circular buffer size is 16 K bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo32Kbytes
Circular buffer size is 32 K bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo64Kbytes
Circular buffer size is 64 K bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo128Kbytes
Circular buffer size is 128 K bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo256Kbytes
Circular buffer size is 256 K bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo512Kbytes
Circular buffer size is 512 K bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo1Mbytes
Circular buffer size is 1 M bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo2Mbytes
Circular buffer size is 2 M bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo4Mbytes
Circular buffer size is 4 M bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo8Mbytes
Circular buffer size is 8 M bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo16Mbytes
Circular buffer size is 16 M bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo32Mbytes
Circular buffer size is 32 M bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo64Mbytes
Circular buffer size is 64 M bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo128Mbytes
Circular buffer size is 128 M bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo256Mbytes
Circular buffer size is 256 M bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo512Mbytes
Circular buffer size is 512 M bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo1Gbytes
Circular buffer size is 1 G bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo2Gbytes
Circular buffer size is 2 G bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_ModuloDisable
enum _edma_bandwidth
Bandwidth control.
enumerator kEDMA_BandwidthStallNone
No eDMA engine stalls.
enumerator kEDMA_BandwidthStall4Cycle
eDMA engine stalls for 4 cycles after each read/write.
enumerator kEDMA_BandwidthStall8Cycle
eDMA engine stalls for 8 cycles after each read/write.
enumerator kEDMA_BandwidthStallNone
enum _edma_channel_link_type
Channel link type.
enumerator kEDMA_LinkNone
No channel link
enumerator kEDMA_MinorLink
Channel link after each minor loop
enumerator kEDMA_MajorLink
Channel link while major loop count exhausted
enumerator kEDMA_LinkNone
_edma_channel_status_flags eDMA channel status flags.
enumerator kEDMA_DoneFlag
DONE flag, set while transfer finished, CITER value exhausted
enumerator kEDMA_ErrorFlag
eDMA error flag, an error occurred in a transfer
enumerator kEDMA_InterruptFlag
eDMA interrupt flag, set while an interrupt occurred of this channel
enumerator kEDMA_DoneFlag
_edma_error_status_flags eDMA channel error status flags.
enumerator kEDMA_DestinationBusErrorFlag
Bus error on destination address
enumerator kEDMA_SourceBusErrorFlag
Bus error on the source address
enumerator kEDMA_ScatterGatherErrorFlag
Error on the Scatter/Gather address, not 32byte aligned.
enumerator kEDMA_NbytesErrorFlag
NBYTES/CITER configuration error
enumerator kEDMA_DestinationOffsetErrorFlag
Destination offset not aligned with destination size
enumerator kEDMA_DestinationAddressErrorFlag
Destination address not aligned with destination size
enumerator kEDMA_SourceOffsetErrorFlag
Source offset not aligned with source size
enumerator kEDMA_SourceAddressErrorFlag
Source address not aligned with source size
enumerator kEDMA_ErrorChannelFlag
Error channel number of the cancelled channel number
enumerator kEDMA_ChannelPriorityErrorFlag
Channel priority is not unique.
enumerator kEDMA_TransferCanceledFlag
Transfer cancelled
enumerator kEDMA_ValidFlag
No error occurred, this bit is 0. Otherwise, it is 1.
enumerator kEDMA_DestinationBusErrorFlag
enum _edma_interrupt_enable
eDMA interrupt source
enumerator kEDMA_ErrorInterruptEnable
Enable interrupt while channel error occurs.
enumerator kEDMA_MajorInterruptEnable
Enable interrupt while major count exhausted.
enumerator kEDMA_HalfInterruptEnable
Enable interrupt while major count to half value.
enumerator kEDMA_ErrorInterruptEnable
enum _edma_transfer_type
eDMA transfer type
enumerator kEDMA_MemoryToMemory
Transfer from memory to memory
enumerator kEDMA_PeripheralToMemory
Transfer from peripheral to memory
enumerator kEDMA_MemoryToPeripheral
Transfer from memory to peripheral
enumerator kEDMA_PeripheralToPeripheral
Transfer from Peripheral to peripheral
enumerator kEDMA_MemoryToMemory
_edma_transfer_status eDMA transfer status
enumerator kStatus_EDMA_QueueFull
TCD queue is full.
enumerator kStatus_EDMA_Busy
Channel is busy and can’t handle the transfer request.
enumerator kStatus_EDMA_QueueFull
typedef enum _edma_transfer_size edma_transfer_size_t
eDMA transfer configuration
typedef enum _edma_modulo edma_modulo_t
eDMA modulo configuration
typedef enum _edma_bandwidth edma_bandwidth_t
Bandwidth control.
typedef enum _edma_channel_link_type edma_channel_link_type_t
Channel link type.
typedef enum _edma_interrupt_enable edma_interrupt_enable_t
eDMA interrupt source
typedef enum _edma_transfer_type edma_transfer_type_t
eDMA transfer type
typedef struct _edma_config edma_config_t
eDMA global configuration structure.
typedef struct _edma_transfer_config edma_transfer_config_t
eDMA transfer configuration
This structure configures the source/destination transfer attribute.
typedef struct _edma_channel_Preemption_config edma_channel_Preemption_config_t
eDMA channel priority configuration
typedef struct _edma_minor_offset_config edma_minor_offset_config_t
eDMA minor offset configuration
typedef struct _edma_tcd edma_tcd_t
This structure is same as TCD register which is described in reference manual, and is used to configure the scatter/gather feature as a next hardware TCD.
typedef void (*edma_callback)(struct _edma_handle *handle, void *userData, bool transferDone, uint32_t tcds)
Define callback function for eDMA.
This callback function is called in the EDMA interrupt handle. In normal mode, run into callback function means the transfer users need is done. In scatter gather mode, run into callback function means a transfer control block (tcd) is finished. Not all transfer finished, users can get the finished tcd numbers using interface EDMA_GetUnusedTCDNumber.
- Param handle:
EDMA handle pointer, users shall not touch the values inside.
- Param userData:
The callback user parameter pointer. Users can use this parameter to involve things users need to change in EDMA callback function.
- Param transferDone:
If the current loaded transfer done. In normal mode it means if all transfer done. In scatter gather mode, this parameter shows is the current transfer block in EDMA register is done. As the load of core is different, it will be different if the new tcd loaded into EDMA registers while this callback called. If true, it always means new tcd still not loaded into registers, while false means new tcd already loaded into registers.
- Param tcds:
How many tcds are done from the last callback. This parameter only used in scatter gather mode. It tells user how many tcds are finished between the last callback and this.
typedef struct _edma_handle edma_handle_t
eDMA transfer handle structure
Compute the offset unit from DCHPRI3.
struct _edma_config
- #include <fsl_edma.h>
eDMA global configuration structure.
Public Members
bool enableContinuousLinkMode
Enable (true) continuous link mode. Upon minor loop completion, the channel activates again if that channel has a minor loop channel link enabled and the link channel is itself.
bool enableHaltOnError
Enable (true) transfer halt on error. Any error causes the HALT bit to set. Subsequently, all service requests are ignored until the HALT bit is cleared.
bool enableRoundRobinArbitration
Enable (true) round robin channel arbitration method or fixed priority arbitration is used for channel selection
bool enableDebugMode
Enable(true) eDMA debug mode. When in debug mode, the eDMA stalls the start of a new channel. Executing channels are allowed to complete.
bool enableContinuousLinkMode
struct _edma_transfer_config
- #include <fsl_edma.h>
eDMA transfer configuration
This structure configures the source/destination transfer attribute.
Public Members
uint32_t srcAddr
Source data address.
uint32_t destAddr
Destination data address.
edma_transfer_size_t srcTransferSize
Source data transfer size.
edma_transfer_size_t destTransferSize
Destination data transfer size.
int16_t srcOffset
Sign-extended offset applied to the current source address to form the next-state value as each source read is completed.
int16_t destOffset
Sign-extended offset applied to the current destination address to form the next-state value as each destination write is completed.
uint32_t minorLoopBytes
Bytes to transfer in a minor loop
uint32_t majorLoopCounts
Major loop iteration count.
uint32_t srcAddr
struct _edma_channel_Preemption_config
- #include <fsl_edma.h>
eDMA channel priority configuration
Public Members
bool enableChannelPreemption
If true: a channel can be suspended by other channel with higher priority
bool enablePreemptAbility
If true: a channel can suspend other channel with low priority
uint8_t channelPriority
Channel priority
bool enableChannelPreemption
struct _edma_minor_offset_config
- #include <fsl_edma.h>
eDMA minor offset configuration
Public Members
bool enableSrcMinorOffset
Enable(true) or Disable(false) source minor loop offset.
bool enableDestMinorOffset
Enable(true) or Disable(false) destination minor loop offset.
uint32_t minorOffset
Offset for a minor loop mapping.
bool enableSrcMinorOffset
struct _edma_tcd
- #include <fsl_edma.h>
This structure is same as TCD register which is described in reference manual, and is used to configure the scatter/gather feature as a next hardware TCD.
Public Members
- __IO uint32_t SADDR
SADDR register, used to save source address
- __IO uint16_t SOFF
SOFF register, save offset bytes every transfer
- __IO uint16_t ATTR
ATTR register, source/destination transfer size and modulo
- __IO uint32_t NBYTES
Nbytes register, minor loop length in bytes
- __IO uint32_t SLAST
SLAST register
- __IO uint32_t DADDR
DADDR register, used for destination address
- __IO uint16_t DOFF
DOFF register, used for destination offset
- __IO uint16_t CITER
CITER register, current minor loop numbers, for unfinished minor loop.
- __IO uint32_t DLAST_SGA
DLASTSGA register, next tcd address used in scatter-gather mode
- __IO uint16_t CSR
CSR register, for TCD control status
- __IO uint16_t BITER
BITER register, begin minor loop count.
struct _edma_handle
- #include <fsl_edma.h>
eDMA transfer handle structure
Public Members
edma_callback callback
Callback function for major count exhausted.
void *userData
Callback function parameter.
DMA_Type *base
eDMA peripheral base address.
edma_tcd_t *tcdPool
Pointer to memory stored TCDs.
uint8_t channel
eDMA channel number.
volatile int8_t header
The first TCD index. Should point to the next TCD to be loaded into the eDMA engine.
volatile int8_t tail
The last TCD index. Should point to the next TCD to be stored into the memory pool.
volatile int8_t tcdUsed
The number of used TCD slots. Should reflect the number of TCDs can be used/loaded in the memory.
volatile int8_t tcdSize
The total number of TCD slots in the queue.
uint8_t flags
The status of the current channel.
edma_callback callback
EWM: External Watchdog Monitor Driver
void EWM_Init(EWM_Type *base, const ewm_config_t *config)
Initializes the EWM peripheral.
This function is used to initialize the EWM. After calling, the EWM runs immediately according to the configuration. Note that, except for the interrupt enable control bit, other control bits and registers are write once after a CPU reset. Modifying them more than once generates a bus transfer error.
This is an example.
ewm_config_t config; EWM_GetDefaultConfig(&config); config.compareHighValue = 0xAAU; EWM_Init(ewm_base,&config);
- Parameters:
base – EWM peripheral base address
config – The configuration of the EWM
void EWM_Deinit(EWM_Type *base)
Deinitializes the EWM peripheral.
This function is used to shut down the EWM.
- Parameters:
base – EWM peripheral base address
void EWM_GetDefaultConfig(ewm_config_t *config)
Initializes the EWM configuration structure.
This function initializes the EWM configuration structure to default values. The default values are as follows.
ewmConfig->enableEwm = true; ewmConfig->enableEwmInput = false; ewmConfig->setInputAssertLogic = false; ewmConfig->enableInterrupt = false; ewmConfig->ewm_lpo_clock_source_t = kEWM_LpoClockSource0; ewmConfig->prescaler = 0; ewmConfig->compareLowValue = 0; ewmConfig->compareHighValue = 0xFEU;
See also
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to the EWM configuration structure.
static inline void EWM_EnableInterrupts(EWM_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the EWM interrupt.
This function enables the EWM interrupt.
- Parameters:
base – EWM peripheral base address
mask – The interrupts to enable The parameter can be combination of the following source if defined
static inline void EWM_DisableInterrupts(EWM_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the EWM interrupt.
This function enables the EWM interrupt.
- Parameters:
base – EWM peripheral base address
mask – The interrupts to disable The parameter can be combination of the following source if defined
static inline uint32_t EWM_GetStatusFlags(EWM_Type *base)
Gets all status flags.
This function gets all status flags.
This is an example for getting the running flag.
uint32_t status; status = EWM_GetStatusFlags(ewm_base) & kEWM_RunningFlag;
See also
True: a related status flag has been set.
False: a related status flag is not set.
- Parameters:
base – EWM peripheral base address
- Returns:
State of the status flag: asserted (true) or not-asserted (false).
void EWM_Refresh(EWM_Type *base)
Services the EWM.
This function resets the EWM counter to zero.
- Parameters:
base – EWM peripheral base address
EWM driver version 2.0.3.
enum _ewm_interrupt_enable_t
EWM interrupt configuration structure with default settings all disabled.
This structure contains the settings for all of EWM interrupt configurations.
enumerator kEWM_InterruptEnable
Enable the EWM to generate an interrupt
enumerator kEWM_InterruptEnable
enum _ewm_status_flags_t
EWM status flags.
This structure contains the constants for the EWM status flags for use in the EWM functions.
enumerator kEWM_RunningFlag
Running flag, set when EWM is enabled
enumerator kEWM_RunningFlag
typedef struct _ewm_config ewm_config_t
Describes EWM clock source.
Data structure for EWM configuration.
This structure is used to configure the EWM.
struct _ewm_config
- #include <fsl_ewm.h>
Describes EWM clock source.
Data structure for EWM configuration.
This structure is used to configure the EWM.
Public Members
bool enableEwm
Enable EWM module
bool enableEwmInput
Enable EWM_in input
bool setInputAssertLogic
EWM_in signal assertion state
bool enableInterrupt
Enable EWM interrupt
uint8_t compareLowValue
Compare low-register value
uint8_t compareHighValue
Compare high-register value
bool enableEwm
FGPIO Driver
FlexBus: External Bus Interface Driver
void FLEXBUS_Init(FB_Type *base, const flexbus_config_t *config)
Initializes and configures the FlexBus module.
This function enables the clock gate for FlexBus module. Only chip 0 is validated and set to known values. Other chips are disabled. Note that in this function, certain parameters, depending on external memories, must be set before using the FLEXBUS_Init() function. This example shows how to set up the uart_state_t and the flexbus_config_t parameters and how to call the FLEXBUS_Init function by passing in these parameters.
flexbus_config_t flexbusConfig; FLEXBUS_GetDefaultConfig(&flexbusConfig); flexbusConfig.waitStates = 2U; flexbusConfig.chipBaseAddress = 0x60000000U; flexbusConfig.chipBaseAddressMask = 7U; FLEXBUS_Init(FB, &flexbusConfig);
- Parameters:
base – FlexBus peripheral address.
config – Pointer to the configuration structure
void FLEXBUS_Deinit(FB_Type *base)
De-initializes a FlexBus instance.
This function disables the clock gate of the FlexBus module clock.
- Parameters:
base – FlexBus peripheral address.
void FLEXBUS_GetDefaultConfig(flexbus_config_t *config)
Initializes the FlexBus configuration structure.
This function initializes the FlexBus configuration structure to default value. The default values are.
fbConfig->chip = 0; fbConfig->writeProtect = 0; fbConfig->burstWrite = 0; fbConfig->burstRead = 0; fbConfig->byteEnableMode = 0; fbConfig->autoAcknowledge = true; fbConfig->extendTransferAddress = 0; fbConfig->secondaryWaitStates = 0; fbConfig->byteLaneShift = kFLEXBUS_NotShifted; fbConfig->writeAddressHold = kFLEXBUS_Hold1Cycle; fbConfig->readAddressHold = kFLEXBUS_Hold1Or0Cycles; fbConfig->addressSetup = kFLEXBUS_FirstRisingEdge; fbConfig->portSize = kFLEXBUS_1Byte; fbConfig->group1MultiplexControl = kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup1_FB_ALE; fbConfig->group2MultiplexControl = kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup2_FB_CS4 ; fbConfig->group3MultiplexControl = kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup3_FB_CS5; fbConfig->group4MultiplexControl = kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup4_FB_TBST; fbConfig->group5MultiplexControl = kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup5_FB_TA;
See also
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to the initialization structure.
Version 2.1.1.
enum _flexbus_port_size
Defines port size for FlexBus peripheral.
enumerator kFLEXBUS_4Bytes
32-bit port size
enumerator kFLEXBUS_1Byte
8-bit port size
enumerator kFLEXBUS_2Bytes
16-bit port size
enumerator kFLEXBUS_4Bytes
enum _flexbus_write_address_hold
Defines number of cycles to hold address and attributes for FlexBus peripheral.
enumerator kFLEXBUS_Hold1Cycle
Hold address and attributes one cycles after FB_CSn negates on writes
enumerator kFLEXBUS_Hold2Cycles
Hold address and attributes two cycles after FB_CSn negates on writes
enumerator kFLEXBUS_Hold3Cycles
Hold address and attributes three cycles after FB_CSn negates on writes
enumerator kFLEXBUS_Hold4Cycles
Hold address and attributes four cycles after FB_CSn negates on writes
enumerator kFLEXBUS_Hold1Cycle
enum _flexbus_read_address_hold
Defines number of cycles to hold address and attributes for FlexBus peripheral.
enumerator kFLEXBUS_Hold1Or0Cycles
Hold address and attributes 1 or 0 cycles on reads
enumerator kFLEXBUS_Hold2Or1Cycles
Hold address and attributes 2 or 1 cycles on reads
enumerator kFLEXBUS_Hold3Or2Cycle
Hold address and attributes 3 or 2 cycles on reads
enumerator kFLEXBUS_Hold4Or3Cycle
Hold address and attributes 4 or 3 cycles on reads
enumerator kFLEXBUS_Hold1Or0Cycles
enum _flexbus_address_setup
Address setup for FlexBus peripheral.
enumerator kFLEXBUS_FirstRisingEdge
Assert FB_CSn on first rising clock edge after address is asserted
enumerator kFLEXBUS_SecondRisingEdge
Assert FB_CSn on second rising clock edge after address is asserted
enumerator kFLEXBUS_ThirdRisingEdge
Assert FB_CSn on third rising clock edge after address is asserted
enumerator kFLEXBUS_FourthRisingEdge
Assert FB_CSn on fourth rising clock edge after address is asserted
enumerator kFLEXBUS_FirstRisingEdge
enum _flexbus_bytelane_shift
Defines byte-lane shift for FlexBus peripheral.
enumerator kFLEXBUS_NotShifted
Not shifted. Data is left-justified on FB_AD
enumerator kFLEXBUS_Shifted
Shifted. Data is right justified on FB_AD
enumerator kFLEXBUS_NotShifted
enum _flexbus_multiplex_group1_signal
Defines multiplex group1 valid signals.
enumerator kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup1_FB_ALE
enumerator kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup1_FB_CS1
enumerator kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup1_FB_TS
enumerator kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup1_FB_ALE
enum _flexbus_multiplex_group2_signal
Defines multiplex group2 valid signals.
enumerator kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup2_FB_CS4
enumerator kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup2_FB_TSIZ0
enumerator kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup2_FB_BE_31_24
enumerator kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup2_FB_CS4
enum _flexbus_multiplex_group3_signal
Defines multiplex group3 valid signals.
enumerator kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup3_FB_CS5
enumerator kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup3_FB_TSIZ1
enumerator kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup3_FB_BE_23_16
enumerator kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup3_FB_CS5
enum _flexbus_multiplex_group4_signal
Defines multiplex group4 valid signals.
enumerator kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup4_FB_TBST
enumerator kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup4_FB_CS2
enumerator kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup4_FB_BE_15_8
enumerator kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup4_FB_TBST
enum _flexbus_multiplex_group5_signal
Defines multiplex group5 valid signals.
enumerator kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup5_FB_TA
enumerator kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup5_FB_CS3
enumerator kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup5_FB_BE_7_0
enumerator kFLEXBUS_MultiplexGroup5_FB_TA
typedef enum _flexbus_port_size flexbus_port_size_t
Defines port size for FlexBus peripheral.
typedef enum _flexbus_write_address_hold flexbus_write_address_hold_t
Defines number of cycles to hold address and attributes for FlexBus peripheral.
typedef enum _flexbus_read_address_hold flexbus_read_address_hold_t
Defines number of cycles to hold address and attributes for FlexBus peripheral.
typedef enum _flexbus_address_setup flexbus_address_setup_t
Address setup for FlexBus peripheral.
typedef enum _flexbus_bytelane_shift flexbus_bytelane_shift_t
Defines byte-lane shift for FlexBus peripheral.
typedef enum _flexbus_multiplex_group1_signal flexbus_multiplex_group1_t
Defines multiplex group1 valid signals.
typedef enum _flexbus_multiplex_group2_signal flexbus_multiplex_group2_t
Defines multiplex group2 valid signals.
typedef enum _flexbus_multiplex_group3_signal flexbus_multiplex_group3_t
Defines multiplex group3 valid signals.
typedef enum _flexbus_multiplex_group4_signal flexbus_multiplex_group4_t
Defines multiplex group4 valid signals.
typedef enum _flexbus_multiplex_group5_signal flexbus_multiplex_group5_t
Defines multiplex group5 valid signals.
typedef struct _flexbus_config flexbus_config_t
Configuration structure that the user needs to set.
struct _flexbus_config
- #include <fsl_flexbus.h>
Configuration structure that the user needs to set.
Public Members
uint8_t chip
Chip FlexBus for validation
uint8_t waitStates
Value of wait states
uint8_t secondaryWaitStates
Value of secondary wait states
uint32_t chipBaseAddress
Chip base address for using FlexBus
uint32_t chipBaseAddressMask
Chip base address mask
bool writeProtect
Write protected
bool burstWrite
Burst-Write enable
bool burstRead
Burst-Read enable
bool byteEnableMode
Byte-enable mode support
bool autoAcknowledge
Auto acknowledge setting
bool extendTransferAddress
Extend transfer start/extend address latch enable
bool secondaryWaitStatesEnable
Enable secondary wait states
flexbus_port_size_t portSize
Port size of transfer
flexbus_bytelane_shift_t byteLaneShift
Byte-lane shift enable
flexbus_write_address_hold_t writeAddressHold
Write address hold or deselect option
flexbus_read_address_hold_t readAddressHold
Read address hold or deselect option
flexbus_address_setup_t addressSetup
Address setup setting
flexbus_multiplex_group1_t group1MultiplexControl
FlexBus Signal Group 1 Multiplex control
flexbus_multiplex_group2_t group2MultiplexControl
FlexBus Signal Group 2 Multiplex control
flexbus_multiplex_group3_t group3MultiplexControl
FlexBus Signal Group 3 Multiplex control
flexbus_multiplex_group4_t group4MultiplexControl
FlexBus Signal Group 4 Multiplex control
flexbus_multiplex_group5_t group5MultiplexControl
FlexBus Signal Group 5 Multiplex control
uint8_t chip
FlexIO: FlexIO Driver
FlexIO Driver
void FLEXIO_GetDefaultConfig(flexio_config_t *userConfig)
Gets the default configuration to configure the FlexIO module. The configuration can used directly to call the FLEXIO_Configure().
flexio_config_t config; FLEXIO_GetDefaultConfig(&config);
- Parameters:
userConfig – pointer to flexio_config_t structure
void FLEXIO_Init(FLEXIO_Type *base, const flexio_config_t *userConfig)
Configures the FlexIO with a FlexIO configuration. The configuration structure can be filled by the user or be set with default values by FLEXIO_GetDefaultConfig().
flexio_config_t config = { .enableFlexio = true, .enableInDoze = false, .enableInDebug = true, .enableFastAccess = false }; FLEXIO_Configure(base, &config);
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
userConfig – pointer to flexio_config_t structure
void FLEXIO_Deinit(FLEXIO_Type *base)
Gates the FlexIO clock. Call this API to stop the FlexIO clock.
After calling this API, call the FLEXO_Init to use the FlexIO module.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
uint32_t FLEXIO_GetInstance(FLEXIO_Type *base)
Get instance number for FLEXIO module.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXIO peripheral base address.
void FLEXIO_Reset(FLEXIO_Type *base)
Resets the FlexIO module.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
static inline void FLEXIO_Enable(FLEXIO_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables the FlexIO module operation.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
enable – true to enable, false to disable.
void FLEXIO_SetShifterConfig(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint8_t index, const flexio_shifter_config_t *shifterConfig)
Configures the shifter with the shifter configuration. The configuration structure covers both the SHIFTCTL and SHIFTCFG registers. To configure the shifter to the proper mode, select which timer controls the shifter to shift, whether to generate start bit/stop bit, and the polarity of start bit and stop bit.
flexio_shifter_config_t config = { .timerSelect = 0, .timerPolarity = kFLEXIO_ShifterTimerPolarityOnPositive, .pinConfig = kFLEXIO_PinConfigOpenDrainOrBidirection, .pinPolarity = kFLEXIO_PinActiveLow, .shifterMode = kFLEXIO_ShifterModeTransmit, .inputSource = kFLEXIO_ShifterInputFromPin, .shifterStop = kFLEXIO_ShifterStopBitHigh, .shifterStart = kFLEXIO_ShifterStartBitLow }; FLEXIO_SetShifterConfig(base, &config);
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
index – Shifter index
shifterConfig – Pointer to flexio_shifter_config_t structure
void FLEXIO_SetTimerConfig(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint8_t index, const flexio_timer_config_t *timerConfig)
Configures the timer with the timer configuration. The configuration structure covers both the TIMCTL and TIMCFG registers. To configure the timer to the proper mode, select trigger source for timer and the timer pin output and the timing for timer.
flexio_timer_config_t config = { .triggerSelect = FLEXIO_TIMER_TRIGGER_SEL_SHIFTnSTAT(0), .triggerPolarity = kFLEXIO_TimerTriggerPolarityActiveLow, .triggerSource = kFLEXIO_TimerTriggerSourceInternal, .pinConfig = kFLEXIO_PinConfigOpenDrainOrBidirection, .pinSelect = 0, .pinPolarity = kFLEXIO_PinActiveHigh, .timerMode = kFLEXIO_TimerModeDual8BitBaudBit, .timerOutput = kFLEXIO_TimerOutputZeroNotAffectedByReset, .timerDecrement = kFLEXIO_TimerDecSrcOnFlexIOClockShiftTimerOutput, .timerReset = kFLEXIO_TimerResetOnTimerPinEqualToTimerOutput, .timerDisable = kFLEXIO_TimerDisableOnTimerCompare, .timerEnable = kFLEXIO_TimerEnableOnTriggerHigh, .timerStop = kFLEXIO_TimerStopBitEnableOnTimerDisable, .timerStart = kFLEXIO_TimerStartBitEnabled }; FLEXIO_SetTimerConfig(base, &config);
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
index – Timer index
timerConfig – Pointer to the flexio_timer_config_t structure
static inline void FLEXIO_SetClockMode(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint8_t index, flexio_timer_decrement_source_t clocksource)
This function set the value of the prescaler on flexio channels.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FlexIO simulated peripheral type.
index – Timer index
clocksource – Set clock value
static inline void FLEXIO_EnableShifterStatusInterrupts(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the shifter status interrupt. The interrupt generates when the corresponding SSF is set.
For multiple shifter status interrupt enable, for example, two shifter status enable, can calculate the mask by using ((1 << shifter index0) | (1 << shifter index1))
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
mask – The shifter status mask which can be calculated by (1 << shifter index)
static inline void FLEXIO_DisableShifterStatusInterrupts(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the shifter status interrupt. The interrupt won’t generate when the corresponding SSF is set.
For multiple shifter status interrupt enable, for example, two shifter status enable, can calculate the mask by using ((1 << shifter index0) | (1 << shifter index1))
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
mask – The shifter status mask which can be calculated by (1 << shifter index)
static inline void FLEXIO_EnableShifterErrorInterrupts(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the shifter error interrupt. The interrupt generates when the corresponding SEF is set.
For multiple shifter error interrupt enable, for example, two shifter error enable, can calculate the mask by using ((1 << shifter index0) | (1 << shifter index1))
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
mask – The shifter error mask which can be calculated by (1 << shifter index)
static inline void FLEXIO_DisableShifterErrorInterrupts(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the shifter error interrupt. The interrupt won’t generate when the corresponding SEF is set.
For multiple shifter error interrupt enable, for example, two shifter error enable, can calculate the mask by using ((1 << shifter index0) | (1 << shifter index1))
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
mask – The shifter error mask which can be calculated by (1 << shifter index)
static inline void FLEXIO_EnableTimerStatusInterrupts(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the timer status interrupt. The interrupt generates when the corresponding SSF is set.
For multiple timer status interrupt enable, for example, two timer status enable, can calculate the mask by using ((1 << timer index0) | (1 << timer index1))
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
mask – The timer status mask which can be calculated by (1 << timer index)
static inline void FLEXIO_DisableTimerStatusInterrupts(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the timer status interrupt. The interrupt won’t generate when the corresponding SSF is set.
For multiple timer status interrupt enable, for example, two timer status enable, can calculate the mask by using ((1 << timer index0) | (1 << timer index1))
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
mask – The timer status mask which can be calculated by (1 << timer index)
static inline uint32_t FLEXIO_GetShifterStatusFlags(FLEXIO_Type *base)
Gets the shifter status flags.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
- Returns:
Shifter status flags
static inline void FLEXIO_ClearShifterStatusFlags(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears the shifter status flags.
For clearing multiple shifter status flags, for example, two shifter status flags, can calculate the mask by using ((1 << shifter index0) | (1 << shifter index1))
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
mask – The shifter status mask which can be calculated by (1 << shifter index)
static inline uint32_t FLEXIO_GetShifterErrorFlags(FLEXIO_Type *base)
Gets the shifter error flags.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
- Returns:
Shifter error flags
static inline void FLEXIO_ClearShifterErrorFlags(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears the shifter error flags.
For clearing multiple shifter error flags, for example, two shifter error flags, can calculate the mask by using ((1 << shifter index0) | (1 << shifter index1))
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
mask – The shifter error mask which can be calculated by (1 << shifter index)
static inline uint32_t FLEXIO_GetTimerStatusFlags(FLEXIO_Type *base)
Gets the timer status flags.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
- Returns:
Timer status flags
static inline void FLEXIO_ClearTimerStatusFlags(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears the timer status flags.
For clearing multiple timer status flags, for example, two timer status flags, can calculate the mask by using ((1 << timer index0) | (1 << timer index1))
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
mask – The timer status mask which can be calculated by (1 << timer index)
static inline void FLEXIO_EnableShifterStatusDMA(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask, bool enable)
Enables/disables the shifter status DMA. The DMA request generates when the corresponding SSF is set.
For multiple shifter status DMA enables, for example, calculate the mask by using ((1 << shifter index0) | (1 << shifter index1))
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
mask – The shifter status mask which can be calculated by (1 << shifter index)
enable – True to enable, false to disable.
uint32_t FLEXIO_GetShifterBufferAddress(FLEXIO_Type *base, flexio_shifter_buffer_type_t type, uint8_t index)
Gets the shifter buffer address for the DMA transfer usage.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
type – Shifter type of flexio_shifter_buffer_type_t
index – Shifter index
- Returns:
Corresponding shifter buffer index
status_t FLEXIO_RegisterHandleIRQ(void *base, void *handle, flexio_isr_t isr)
Registers the handle and the interrupt handler for the FlexIO-simulated peripheral.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FlexIO simulated peripheral type.
handle – Pointer to the handler for FlexIO simulated peripheral.
isr – FlexIO simulated peripheral interrupt handler.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully create the handle.
kStatus_OutOfRange – The FlexIO type/handle/ISR table out of range.
status_t FLEXIO_UnregisterHandleIRQ(void *base)
Unregisters the handle and the interrupt handler for the FlexIO-simulated peripheral.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FlexIO simulated peripheral type.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully create the handle.
kStatus_OutOfRange – The FlexIO type/handle/ISR table out of range.
FlexIO driver version.
enum _flexio_timer_trigger_polarity
Define time of timer trigger polarity.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerTriggerPolarityActiveHigh
Active high.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerTriggerPolarityActiveLow
Active low.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerTriggerPolarityActiveHigh
enum _flexio_timer_trigger_source
Define type of timer trigger source.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerTriggerSourceExternal
External trigger selected.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerTriggerSourceInternal
Internal trigger selected.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerTriggerSourceExternal
enum _flexio_pin_config
Define type of timer/shifter pin configuration.
enumerator kFLEXIO_PinConfigOutputDisabled
Pin output disabled.
enumerator kFLEXIO_PinConfigOpenDrainOrBidirection
Pin open drain or bidirectional output enable.
enumerator kFLEXIO_PinConfigBidirectionOutputData
Pin bidirectional output data.
enumerator kFLEXIO_PinConfigOutput
Pin output.
enumerator kFLEXIO_PinConfigOutputDisabled
enum _flexio_pin_polarity
Definition of pin polarity.
enumerator kFLEXIO_PinActiveHigh
Active high.
enumerator kFLEXIO_PinActiveLow
Active low.
enumerator kFLEXIO_PinActiveHigh
enum _flexio_timer_mode
Define type of timer work mode.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerModeDisabled
Timer Disabled.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerModeDual8BitBaudBit
Dual 8-bit counters baud/bit mode.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerModeDual8BitPWM
Dual 8-bit counters PWM mode.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerModeSingle16Bit
Single 16-bit counter mode.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerModeDisabled
enum _flexio_timer_output
Define type of timer initial output or timer reset condition.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerOutputOneNotAffectedByReset
Logic one when enabled and is not affected by timer reset.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerOutputZeroNotAffectedByReset
Logic zero when enabled and is not affected by timer reset.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerOutputOneAffectedByReset
Logic one when enabled and on timer reset.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerOutputZeroAffectedByReset
Logic zero when enabled and on timer reset.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerOutputOneNotAffectedByReset
enum _flexio_timer_decrement_source
Define type of timer decrement.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerDecSrcOnFlexIOClockShiftTimerOutput
Decrement counter on FlexIO clock, Shift clock equals Timer output.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerDecSrcOnTriggerInputShiftTimerOutput
Decrement counter on Trigger input (both edges), Shift clock equals Timer output.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerDecSrcOnPinInputShiftPinInput
Decrement counter on Pin input (both edges), Shift clock equals Pin input.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerDecSrcOnTriggerInputShiftTriggerInput
Decrement counter on Trigger input (both edges), Shift clock equals Trigger input.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerDecSrcOnFlexIOClockShiftTimerOutput
enum _flexio_timer_reset_condition
Define type of timer reset condition.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerResetNever
Timer never reset.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerResetOnTimerPinEqualToTimerOutput
Timer reset on Timer Pin equal to Timer Output.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerResetOnTimerTriggerEqualToTimerOutput
Timer reset on Timer Trigger equal to Timer Output.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerResetOnTimerPinRisingEdge
Timer reset on Timer Pin rising edge.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerResetOnTimerTriggerRisingEdge
Timer reset on Trigger rising edge.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerResetOnTimerTriggerBothEdge
Timer reset on Trigger rising or falling edge.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerResetNever
enum _flexio_timer_disable_condition
Define type of timer disable condition.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerDisableNever
Timer never disabled.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerDisableOnPreTimerDisable
Timer disabled on Timer N-1 disable.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerDisableOnTimerCompare
Timer disabled on Timer compare.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerDisableOnTimerCompareTriggerLow
Timer disabled on Timer compare and Trigger Low.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerDisableOnPinBothEdge
Timer disabled on Pin rising or falling edge.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerDisableOnPinBothEdgeTriggerHigh
Timer disabled on Pin rising or falling edge provided Trigger is high.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerDisableOnTriggerFallingEdge
Timer disabled on Trigger falling edge.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerDisableNever
enum _flexio_timer_enable_condition
Define type of timer enable condition.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerEnabledAlways
Timer always enabled.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerEnableOnPrevTimerEnable
Timer enabled on Timer N-1 enable.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerEnableOnTriggerHigh
Timer enabled on Trigger high.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerEnableOnTriggerHighPinHigh
Timer enabled on Trigger high and Pin high.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerEnableOnPinRisingEdge
Timer enabled on Pin rising edge.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerEnableOnPinRisingEdgeTriggerHigh
Timer enabled on Pin rising edge and Trigger high.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerEnableOnTriggerRisingEdge
Timer enabled on Trigger rising edge.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerEnableOnTriggerBothEdge
Timer enabled on Trigger rising or falling edge.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerEnabledAlways
enum _flexio_timer_stop_bit_condition
Define type of timer stop bit generate condition.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerStopBitDisabled
Stop bit disabled.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerStopBitEnableOnTimerCompare
Stop bit is enabled on timer compare.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerStopBitEnableOnTimerDisable
Stop bit is enabled on timer disable.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerStopBitEnableOnTimerCompareDisable
Stop bit is enabled on timer compare and timer disable.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerStopBitDisabled
enum _flexio_timer_start_bit_condition
Define type of timer start bit generate condition.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerStartBitDisabled
Start bit disabled.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerStartBitEnabled
Start bit enabled.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerStartBitDisabled
enum _flexio_timer_output_state
FlexIO as PWM channel output state.
enumerator kFLEXIO_PwmLow
The output state of PWM channel is low
enumerator kFLEXIO_PwmHigh
The output state of PWM channel is high
enumerator kFLEXIO_PwmLow
enum _flexio_shifter_timer_polarity
Define type of timer polarity for shifter control.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterTimerPolarityOnPositive
Shift on positive edge of shift clock.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterTimerPolarityOnNegitive
Shift on negative edge of shift clock.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterTimerPolarityOnPositive
enum _flexio_shifter_mode
Define type of shifter working mode.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterDisabled
Shifter is disabled.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterModeReceive
Receive mode.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterModeTransmit
Transmit mode.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterModeMatchStore
Match store mode.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterModeMatchContinuous
Match continuous mode.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterDisabled
enum _flexio_shifter_input_source
Define type of shifter input source.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterInputFromPin
Shifter input from pin.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterInputFromNextShifterOutput
Shifter input from Shifter N+1.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterInputFromPin
enum _flexio_shifter_stop_bit
Define of STOP bit configuration.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterStopBitDisable
Disable shifter stop bit.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterStopBitLow
Set shifter stop bit to logic low level.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterStopBitHigh
Set shifter stop bit to logic high level.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterStopBitDisable
enum _flexio_shifter_start_bit
Define type of START bit configuration.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterStartBitDisabledLoadDataOnEnable
Disable shifter start bit, transmitter loads data on enable.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterStartBitDisabledLoadDataOnShift
Disable shifter start bit, transmitter loads data on first shift.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterStartBitLow
Set shifter start bit to logic low level.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterStartBitHigh
Set shifter start bit to logic high level.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterStartBitDisabledLoadDataOnEnable
enum _flexio_shifter_buffer_type
Define FlexIO shifter buffer type.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterBuffer
Shifter Buffer N Register.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterBufferBitSwapped
Shifter Buffer N Bit Byte Swapped Register.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterBufferByteSwapped
Shifter Buffer N Byte Swapped Register.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterBufferBitByteSwapped
Shifter Buffer N Bit Swapped Register.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterBuffer
typedef enum _flexio_timer_trigger_polarity flexio_timer_trigger_polarity_t
Define time of timer trigger polarity.
typedef enum _flexio_timer_trigger_source flexio_timer_trigger_source_t
Define type of timer trigger source.
typedef enum _flexio_pin_config flexio_pin_config_t
Define type of timer/shifter pin configuration.
typedef enum _flexio_pin_polarity flexio_pin_polarity_t
Definition of pin polarity.
typedef enum _flexio_timer_mode flexio_timer_mode_t
Define type of timer work mode.
typedef enum _flexio_timer_output flexio_timer_output_t
Define type of timer initial output or timer reset condition.
typedef enum _flexio_timer_decrement_source flexio_timer_decrement_source_t
Define type of timer decrement.
typedef enum _flexio_timer_reset_condition flexio_timer_reset_condition_t
Define type of timer reset condition.
typedef enum _flexio_timer_disable_condition flexio_timer_disable_condition_t
Define type of timer disable condition.
typedef enum _flexio_timer_enable_condition flexio_timer_enable_condition_t
Define type of timer enable condition.
typedef enum _flexio_timer_stop_bit_condition flexio_timer_stop_bit_condition_t
Define type of timer stop bit generate condition.
typedef enum _flexio_timer_start_bit_condition flexio_timer_start_bit_condition_t
Define type of timer start bit generate condition.
typedef enum _flexio_timer_output_state flexio_timer_output_state_t
FlexIO as PWM channel output state.
typedef enum _flexio_shifter_timer_polarity flexio_shifter_timer_polarity_t
Define type of timer polarity for shifter control.
typedef enum _flexio_shifter_mode flexio_shifter_mode_t
Define type of shifter working mode.
typedef enum _flexio_shifter_input_source flexio_shifter_input_source_t
Define type of shifter input source.
typedef enum _flexio_shifter_stop_bit flexio_shifter_stop_bit_t
Define of STOP bit configuration.
typedef enum _flexio_shifter_start_bit flexio_shifter_start_bit_t
Define type of START bit configuration.
typedef enum _flexio_shifter_buffer_type flexio_shifter_buffer_type_t
Define FlexIO shifter buffer type.
typedef struct _flexio_config_ flexio_config_t
Define FlexIO user configuration structure.
typedef struct _flexio_timer_config flexio_timer_config_t
Define FlexIO timer configuration structure.
typedef struct _flexio_shifter_config flexio_shifter_config_t
Define FlexIO shifter configuration structure.
typedef void (*flexio_isr_t)(void *base, void *handle)
typedef for FlexIO simulated driver interrupt handler.
FLEXIO_Type *const s_flexioBases[]
Pointers to flexio bases for each instance.
const clock_ip_name_t s_flexioClocks[]
Pointers to flexio clocks for each instance.
Calculate FlexIO timer trigger.
struct _flexio_config_
- #include <fsl_flexio.h>
Define FlexIO user configuration structure.
Public Members
bool enableFlexio
Enable/disable FlexIO module
bool enableInDoze
Enable/disable FlexIO operation in doze mode
bool enableInDebug
Enable/disable FlexIO operation in debug mode
bool enableFastAccess
Enable/disable fast access to FlexIO registers, fast access requires the FlexIO clock to be at least twice the frequency of the bus clock.
bool enableFlexio
struct _flexio_timer_config
- #include <fsl_flexio.h>
Define FlexIO timer configuration structure.
Public Members
uint32_t triggerSelect
The internal trigger selection number using MACROs.
flexio_timer_trigger_polarity_t triggerPolarity
Trigger Polarity.
flexio_timer_trigger_source_t triggerSource
Trigger Source, internal (see ‘trgsel’) or external.
flexio_pin_config_t pinConfig
Timer Pin Configuration.
uint32_t pinSelect
Timer Pin number Select.
flexio_pin_polarity_t pinPolarity
Timer Pin Polarity.
flexio_timer_mode_t timerMode
Timer work Mode.
flexio_timer_output_t timerOutput
Configures the initial state of the Timer Output and whether it is affected by the Timer reset.
flexio_timer_decrement_source_t timerDecrement
Configures the source of the Timer decrement and the source of the Shift clock.
flexio_timer_reset_condition_t timerReset
Configures the condition that causes the timer counter (and optionally the timer output) to be reset.
flexio_timer_disable_condition_t timerDisable
Configures the condition that causes the Timer to be disabled and stop decrementing.
flexio_timer_enable_condition_t timerEnable
Configures the condition that causes the Timer to be enabled and start decrementing.
flexio_timer_stop_bit_condition_t timerStop
Timer STOP Bit generation.
flexio_timer_start_bit_condition_t timerStart
Timer STRAT Bit generation.
uint32_t timerCompare
Value for Timer Compare N Register.
uint32_t triggerSelect
struct _flexio_shifter_config
- #include <fsl_flexio.h>
Define FlexIO shifter configuration structure.
Public Members
uint32_t timerSelect
Selects which Timer is used for controlling the logic/shift register and generating the Shift clock.
flexio_shifter_timer_polarity_t timerPolarity
Timer Polarity.
flexio_pin_config_t pinConfig
Shifter Pin Configuration.
uint32_t pinSelect
Shifter Pin number Select.
flexio_pin_polarity_t pinPolarity
Shifter Pin Polarity.
flexio_shifter_mode_t shifterMode
Configures the mode of the Shifter.
flexio_shifter_input_source_t inputSource
Selects the input source for the shifter.
flexio_shifter_stop_bit_t shifterStop
Shifter STOP bit.
flexio_shifter_start_bit_t shifterStart
Shifter START bit.
uint32_t timerSelect
FlexIO eDMA I2S Driver
void FLEXIO_I2S_TransferTxCreateHandleEDMA(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_edma_handle_t *handle, flexio_i2s_edma_callback_t callback, void *userData, edma_handle_t *dmaHandle)
Initializes the FlexIO I2S eDMA handle.
This function initializes the FlexIO I2S master DMA handle which can be used for other FlexIO I2S master transactional APIs. Usually, for a specified FlexIO I2S instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO I2S peripheral base address.
handle – FlexIO I2S eDMA handle pointer.
callback – FlexIO I2S eDMA callback function called while finished a block.
userData – User parameter for callback.
dmaHandle – eDMA handle for FlexIO I2S. This handle is a static value allocated by users.
void FLEXIO_I2S_TransferRxCreateHandleEDMA(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_edma_handle_t *handle, flexio_i2s_edma_callback_t callback, void *userData, edma_handle_t *dmaHandle)
Initializes the FlexIO I2S Rx eDMA handle.
This function initializes the FlexIO I2S slave DMA handle which can be used for other FlexIO I2S master transactional APIs. Usually, for a specified FlexIO I2S instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO I2S peripheral base address.
handle – FlexIO I2S eDMA handle pointer.
callback – FlexIO I2S eDMA callback function called while finished a block.
userData – User parameter for callback.
dmaHandle – eDMA handle for FlexIO I2S. This handle is a static value allocated by users.
void FLEXIO_I2S_TransferSetFormatEDMA(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_edma_handle_t *handle, flexio_i2s_format_t *format, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
Configures the FlexIO I2S Tx audio format.
Audio format can be changed in run-time of FlexIO I2S. This function configures the sample rate and audio data format to be transferred. This function also sets the eDMA parameter according to format.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO I2S peripheral base address.
handle – FlexIO I2S eDMA handle pointer
format – Pointer to FlexIO I2S audio data format structure.
srcClock_Hz – FlexIO I2S clock source frequency in Hz, it should be 0 while in slave mode.
status_t FLEXIO_I2S_TransferSendEDMA(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_edma_handle_t *handle, flexio_i2s_transfer_t *xfer)
Performs a non-blocking FlexIO I2S transfer using DMA.
This interface returned immediately after transfer initiates. Users should call FLEXIO_I2S_GetTransferStatus to poll the transfer status and check whether the FlexIO I2S transfer is finished.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO I2S peripheral base address.
handle – FlexIO I2S DMA handle pointer.
xfer – Pointer to DMA transfer structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Start a FlexIO I2S eDMA send successfully.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – The input arguments is invalid.
kStatus_TxBusy – FlexIO I2S is busy sending data.
status_t FLEXIO_I2S_TransferReceiveEDMA(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_edma_handle_t *handle, flexio_i2s_transfer_t *xfer)
Performs a non-blocking FlexIO I2S receive using eDMA.
This interface returned immediately after transfer initiates. Users should call FLEXIO_I2S_GetReceiveRemainingBytes to poll the transfer status and check whether the FlexIO I2S transfer is finished.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO I2S peripheral base address.
handle – FlexIO I2S DMA handle pointer.
xfer – Pointer to DMA transfer structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Start a FlexIO I2S eDMA receive successfully.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – The input arguments is invalid.
kStatus_RxBusy – FlexIO I2S is busy receiving data.
void FLEXIO_I2S_TransferAbortSendEDMA(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_edma_handle_t *handle)
Aborts a FlexIO I2S transfer using eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO I2S peripheral base address.
handle – FlexIO I2S DMA handle pointer.
void FLEXIO_I2S_TransferAbortReceiveEDMA(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_edma_handle_t *handle)
Aborts a FlexIO I2S receive using eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO I2S peripheral base address.
handle – FlexIO I2S DMA handle pointer.
status_t FLEXIO_I2S_TransferGetSendCountEDMA(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_edma_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the remaining bytes to be sent.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO I2S peripheral base address.
handle – FlexIO I2S DMA handle pointer.
count – Bytes sent.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Succeed get the transfer count.
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – There is not a non-blocking transaction currently in progress.
status_t FLEXIO_I2S_TransferGetReceiveCountEDMA(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_edma_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Get the remaining bytes to be received.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO I2S peripheral base address.
handle – FlexIO I2S DMA handle pointer.
count – Bytes received.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Succeed get the transfer count.
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – There is not a non-blocking transaction currently in progress.
FlexIO I2S EDMA driver version 2.1.8.
typedef struct _flexio_i2s_edma_handle flexio_i2s_edma_handle_t
typedef void (*flexio_i2s_edma_callback_t)(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_edma_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
FlexIO I2S eDMA transfer callback function for finish and error.
struct _flexio_i2s_edma_handle
- #include <fsl_flexio_i2s_edma.h>
FlexIO I2S DMA transfer handle, users should not touch the content of the handle.
Public Members
edma_handle_t *dmaHandle
DMA handler for FlexIO I2S send
uint8_t bytesPerFrame
Bytes in a frame
uint8_t nbytes
eDMA minor byte transfer count initially configured.
uint32_t state
Internal state for FlexIO I2S eDMA transfer
flexio_i2s_edma_callback_t callback
Callback for users while transfer finish or error occurred
void *userData
User callback parameter
edma_tcd_t tcd[(4U) + 1U]
TCD pool for eDMA transfer.
flexio_i2s_transfer_t queue[(4U)]
Transfer queue storing queued transfer.
size_t transferSize[(4U)]
Data bytes need to transfer
volatile uint8_t queueUser
Index for user to queue transfer.
volatile uint8_t queueDriver
Index for driver to get the transfer data and size
edma_handle_t *dmaHandle
FlexIO eDMA SPI Driver
status_t FLEXIO_SPI_MasterTransferCreateHandleEDMA(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_master_edma_handle_t *handle, flexio_spi_master_edma_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData, edma_handle_t *txHandle, edma_handle_t *rxHandle)
Initializes the FlexIO SPI master eDMA handle.
This function initializes the FlexIO SPI master eDMA handle which can be used for other FlexIO SPI master transactional APIs. For a specified FlexIO SPI instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to flexio_spi_master_edma_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
callback – SPI callback, NULL means no callback.
userData – callback function parameter.
txHandle – User requested eDMA handle for FlexIO SPI RX eDMA transfer.
rxHandle – User requested eDMA handle for FlexIO SPI TX eDMA transfer.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully create the handle.
kStatus_OutOfRange – The FlexIO SPI eDMA type/handle table out of range.
status_t FLEXIO_SPI_MasterTransferEDMA(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_master_edma_handle_t *handle, flexio_spi_transfer_t *xfer)
Performs a non-blocking FlexIO SPI transfer using eDMA.
This interface returns immediately after transfer initiates. Call FLEXIO_SPI_MasterGetTransferCountEDMA to poll the transfer status and check whether the FlexIO SPI transfer is finished.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to flexio_spi_master_edma_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
xfer – Pointer to FlexIO SPI transfer structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully start a transfer.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Input argument is invalid.
kStatus_FLEXIO_SPI_Busy – FlexIO SPI is not idle, is running another transfer.
void FLEXIO_SPI_MasterTransferAbortEDMA(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_master_edma_handle_t *handle)
Aborts a FlexIO SPI transfer using eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
handle – FlexIO SPI eDMA handle pointer.
status_t FLEXIO_SPI_MasterTransferGetCountEDMA(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_master_edma_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the number of bytes transferred so far using FlexIO SPI master eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
handle – FlexIO SPI eDMA handle pointer.
count – Number of bytes transferred so far by the non-blocking transaction.
static inline void FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveTransferCreateHandleEDMA(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_slave_edma_handle_t *handle, flexio_spi_slave_edma_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData, edma_handle_t *txHandle, edma_handle_t *rxHandle)
Initializes the FlexIO SPI slave eDMA handle.
This function initializes the FlexIO SPI slave eDMA handle.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to flexio_spi_slave_edma_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
callback – SPI callback, NULL means no callback.
userData – callback function parameter.
txHandle – User requested eDMA handle for FlexIO SPI TX eDMA transfer.
rxHandle – User requested eDMA handle for FlexIO SPI RX eDMA transfer.
status_t FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveTransferEDMA(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_slave_edma_handle_t *handle, flexio_spi_transfer_t *xfer)
Performs a non-blocking FlexIO SPI transfer using eDMA.
This interface returns immediately after transfer initiates. Call FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveGetTransferCountEDMA to poll the transfer status and check whether the FlexIO SPI transfer is finished.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to flexio_spi_slave_edma_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
xfer – Pointer to FlexIO SPI transfer structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully start a transfer.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Input argument is invalid.
kStatus_FLEXIO_SPI_Busy – FlexIO SPI is not idle, is running another transfer.
static inline void FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveTransferAbortEDMA(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_slave_edma_handle_t *handle)
Aborts a FlexIO SPI transfer using eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to flexio_spi_slave_edma_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
static inline status_t FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveTransferGetCountEDMA(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_slave_edma_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the number of bytes transferred so far using FlexIO SPI slave eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
handle – FlexIO SPI eDMA handle pointer.
count – Number of bytes transferred so far by the non-blocking transaction.
FlexIO SPI EDMA driver version.
typedef struct _flexio_spi_master_edma_handle flexio_spi_master_edma_handle_t
typedef for flexio_spi_master_edma_handle_t in advance.
typedef flexio_spi_master_edma_handle_t flexio_spi_slave_edma_handle_t
Slave handle is the same with master handle.
typedef void (*flexio_spi_master_edma_transfer_callback_t)(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_master_edma_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
FlexIO SPI master callback for finished transmit.
typedef void (*flexio_spi_slave_edma_transfer_callback_t)(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_slave_edma_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
FlexIO SPI slave callback for finished transmit.
struct _flexio_spi_master_edma_handle
- #include <fsl_flexio_spi_edma.h>
FlexIO SPI eDMA transfer handle, users should not touch the content of the handle.
Public Members
size_t transferSize
Total bytes to be transferred.
uint8_t nbytes
eDMA minor byte transfer count initially configured.
bool txInProgress
Send transfer in progress
bool rxInProgress
Receive transfer in progress
edma_handle_t *txHandle
DMA handler for SPI send
edma_handle_t *rxHandle
DMA handler for SPI receive
flexio_spi_master_edma_transfer_callback_t callback
Callback for SPI DMA transfer
void *userData
User Data for SPI DMA callback
size_t transferSize
FlexIO eDMA UART Driver
status_t FLEXIO_UART_TransferCreateHandleEDMA(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, flexio_uart_edma_handle_t *handle, flexio_uart_edma_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData, edma_handle_t *txEdmaHandle, edma_handle_t *rxEdmaHandle)
Initializes the UART handle which is used in transactional functions.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_UART_Type.
handle – Pointer to flexio_uart_edma_handle_t structure.
callback – The callback function.
userData – The parameter of the callback function.
rxEdmaHandle – User requested DMA handle for RX DMA transfer.
txEdmaHandle – User requested DMA handle for TX DMA transfer.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully create the handle.
kStatus_OutOfRange – The FlexIO SPI eDMA type/handle table out of range.
status_t FLEXIO_UART_TransferSendEDMA(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, flexio_uart_edma_handle_t *handle, flexio_uart_transfer_t *xfer)
Sends data using eDMA.
This function sends data using eDMA. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all data is sent out, the send callback function is called.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_UART_Type
handle – UART handle pointer.
xfer – UART eDMA transfer structure, see flexio_uart_transfer_t.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – if succeed, others failed.
kStatus_FLEXIO_UART_TxBusy – Previous transfer on going.
status_t FLEXIO_UART_TransferReceiveEDMA(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, flexio_uart_edma_handle_t *handle, flexio_uart_transfer_t *xfer)
Receives data using eDMA.
This function receives data using eDMA. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all data is received, the receive callback function is called.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_UART_Type
handle – Pointer to flexio_uart_edma_handle_t structure
xfer – UART eDMA transfer structure, see flexio_uart_transfer_t.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – if succeed, others failed.
kStatus_UART_RxBusy – Previous transfer on going.
void FLEXIO_UART_TransferAbortSendEDMA(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, flexio_uart_edma_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the sent data which using eDMA.
This function aborts sent data which using eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_UART_Type
handle – Pointer to flexio_uart_edma_handle_t structure
void FLEXIO_UART_TransferAbortReceiveEDMA(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, flexio_uart_edma_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the receive data which using eDMA.
This function aborts the receive data which using eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_UART_Type
handle – Pointer to flexio_uart_edma_handle_t structure
status_t FLEXIO_UART_TransferGetSendCountEDMA(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, flexio_uart_edma_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the number of bytes sent out.
This function gets the number of bytes sent out.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_UART_Type
handle – Pointer to flexio_uart_edma_handle_t structure
count – Number of bytes sent so far by the non-blocking transaction.
- Return values:
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – transfer has finished or no transfer in progress.
kStatus_Success – Successfully return the count.
status_t FLEXIO_UART_TransferGetReceiveCountEDMA(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, flexio_uart_edma_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the number of bytes received.
This function gets the number of bytes received.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_UART_Type
handle – Pointer to flexio_uart_edma_handle_t structure
count – Number of bytes received so far by the non-blocking transaction.
- Return values:
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – transfer has finished or no transfer in progress.
kStatus_Success – Successfully return the count.
FlexIO UART EDMA driver version.
typedef struct _flexio_uart_edma_handle flexio_uart_edma_handle_t
typedef void (*flexio_uart_edma_transfer_callback_t)(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, flexio_uart_edma_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
UART transfer callback function.
struct _flexio_uart_edma_handle
- #include <fsl_flexio_uart_edma.h>
UART eDMA handle.
Public Members
flexio_uart_edma_transfer_callback_t callback
Callback function.
void *userData
UART callback function parameter.
size_t txDataSizeAll
Total bytes to be sent.
size_t rxDataSizeAll
Total bytes to be received.
edma_handle_t *txEdmaHandle
The eDMA TX channel used.
edma_handle_t *rxEdmaHandle
The eDMA RX channel used.
uint8_t nbytes
eDMA minor byte transfer count initially configured.
volatile uint8_t txState
TX transfer state.
volatile uint8_t rxState
RX transfer state
flexio_uart_edma_transfer_callback_t callback
FlexIO I2C Master Driver
status_t FLEXIO_I2C_MasterInit(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base, flexio_i2c_master_config_t *masterConfig, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
Ungates the FlexIO clock, resets the FlexIO module, and configures the FlexIO I2C hardware configuration.
FLEXIO_I2C_Type base = { .flexioBase = FLEXIO, .SDAPinIndex = 0, .SCLPinIndex = 1, .shifterIndex = {0,1}, .timerIndex = {0,1} }; flexio_i2c_master_config_t config = { .enableInDoze = false, .enableInDebug = true, .enableFastAccess = false, .baudRate_Bps = 100000 }; FLEXIO_I2C_MasterInit(base, &config, srcClock_Hz);
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure.
masterConfig – Pointer to flexio_i2c_master_config_t structure.
srcClock_Hz – FlexIO source clock in Hz.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Initialization successful
kStatus_InvalidArgument – The source clock exceed upper range limitation
void FLEXIO_I2C_MasterDeinit(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base)
De-initializes the FlexIO I2C master peripheral. Calling this API Resets the FlexIO I2C master shifer and timer config, module can’t work unless the FLEXIO_I2C_MasterInit is called.
- Parameters:
base – pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure.
void FLEXIO_I2C_MasterGetDefaultConfig(flexio_i2c_master_config_t *masterConfig)
Gets the default configuration to configure the FlexIO module. The configuration can be used directly for calling the FLEXIO_I2C_MasterInit().
flexio_i2c_master_config_t config; FLEXIO_I2C_MasterGetDefaultConfig(&config);
- Parameters:
masterConfig – Pointer to flexio_i2c_master_config_t structure.
static inline void FLEXIO_I2C_MasterEnable(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/disables the FlexIO module operation.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure.
enable – Pass true to enable module, false does not have any effect.
uint32_t FLEXIO_I2C_MasterGetStatusFlags(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base)
Gets the FlexIO I2C master status flags.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure
- Returns:
Status flag, use status flag to AND _flexio_i2c_master_status_flags can get the related status.
void FLEXIO_I2C_MasterClearStatusFlags(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears the FlexIO I2C master status flags.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure.
mask – Status flag. The parameter can be any combination of the following values:
void FLEXIO_I2C_MasterEnableInterrupts(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the FlexIO i2c master interrupt requests.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure.
mask – Interrupt source. Currently only one interrupt request source:
void FLEXIO_I2C_MasterDisableInterrupts(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the FlexIO I2C master interrupt requests.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure.
mask – Interrupt source.
void FLEXIO_I2C_MasterSetBaudRate(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base, uint32_t baudRate_Bps, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
Sets the FlexIO I2C master transfer baudrate.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure
baudRate_Bps – the baud rate value in HZ
srcClock_Hz – source clock in HZ
void FLEXIO_I2C_MasterStart(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base, uint8_t address, flexio_i2c_direction_t direction)
Sends START + 7-bit address to the bus.
This API should be called when the transfer configuration is ready to send a START signal and 7-bit address to the bus. This is a non-blocking API, which returns directly after the address is put into the data register but the address transfer is not finished on the bus. Ensure that the kFLEXIO_I2C_RxFullFlag status is asserted before calling this API.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure.
address – 7-bit address.
direction – transfer direction. This parameter is one of the values in flexio_i2c_direction_t:
kFLEXIO_I2C_Write: Transmit
kFLEXIO_I2C_Read: Receive
void FLEXIO_I2C_MasterStop(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base)
Sends the stop signal on the bus.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure.
void FLEXIO_I2C_MasterRepeatedStart(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base)
Sends the repeated start signal on the bus.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure.
void FLEXIO_I2C_MasterAbortStop(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base)
Sends the stop signal when transfer is still on-going.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure.
void FLEXIO_I2C_MasterEnableAck(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base, bool enable)
Configures the sent ACK/NAK for the following byte.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure.
enable – True to configure send ACK, false configure to send NAK.
status_t FLEXIO_I2C_MasterSetTransferCount(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base, uint16_t count)
Sets the number of bytes to be transferred from a start signal to a stop signal.
Call this API before a transfer begins because the timer generates a number of clocks according to the number of bytes that need to be transferred.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure.
count – Number of bytes need to be transferred from a start signal to a re-start/stop signal
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully configured the count.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Input argument is invalid.
static inline void FLEXIO_I2C_MasterWriteByte(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base, uint32_t data)
Writes one byte of data to the I2C bus.
This is a non-blocking API, which returns directly after the data is put into the data register but the data transfer is not finished on the bus. Ensure that the TxEmptyFlag is asserted before calling this API.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure.
data – a byte of data.
static inline uint8_t FLEXIO_I2C_MasterReadByte(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base)
Reads one byte of data from the I2C bus.
This is a non-blocking API, which returns directly after the data is read from the data register. Ensure that the data is ready in the register.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure.
- Returns:
data byte read.
status_t FLEXIO_I2C_MasterWriteBlocking(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base, const uint8_t *txBuff, uint8_t txSize)
Sends a buffer of data in bytes.
This function blocks via polling until all bytes have been sent.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure.
txBuff – The data bytes to send.
txSize – The number of data bytes to send.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully write data.
kStatus_FLEXIO_I2C_Nak – Receive NAK during writing data.
kStatus_FLEXIO_I2C_Timeout – Timeout polling status flags.
status_t FLEXIO_I2C_MasterReadBlocking(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base, uint8_t *rxBuff, uint8_t rxSize)
Receives a buffer of bytes.
This function blocks via polling until all bytes have been received.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure.
rxBuff – The buffer to store the received bytes.
rxSize – The number of data bytes to be received.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully read data.
kStatus_FLEXIO_I2C_Timeout – Timeout polling status flags.
status_t FLEXIO_I2C_MasterTransferBlocking(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base, flexio_i2c_master_transfer_t *xfer)
Performs a master polling transfer on the I2C bus.
The API does not return until the transfer succeeds or fails due to receiving NAK.
- Parameters:
base – pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure.
xfer – pointer to flexio_i2c_master_transfer_t structure.
- Returns:
status of status_t.
status_t FLEXIO_I2C_MasterTransferCreateHandle(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base, flexio_i2c_master_handle_t *handle, flexio_i2c_master_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Initializes the I2C handle which is used in transactional functions.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to flexio_i2c_master_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
callback – Pointer to user callback function.
userData – User param passed to the callback function.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully create the handle.
kStatus_OutOfRange – The FlexIO type/handle/isr table out of range.
status_t FLEXIO_I2C_MasterTransferNonBlocking(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base, flexio_i2c_master_handle_t *handle, flexio_i2c_master_transfer_t *xfer)
Performs a master interrupt non-blocking transfer on the I2C bus.
The API returns immediately after the transfer initiates. Call FLEXIO_I2C_MasterTransferGetCount to poll the transfer status to check whether the transfer is finished. If the return status is not kStatus_FLEXIO_I2C_Busy, the transfer is finished.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure
handle – Pointer to flexio_i2c_master_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state
xfer – pointer to flexio_i2c_master_transfer_t structure
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully start a transfer.
kStatus_FLEXIO_I2C_Busy – FlexIO I2C is not idle, is running another transfer.
status_t FLEXIO_I2C_MasterTransferGetCount(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base, flexio_i2c_master_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the master transfer status during a interrupt non-blocking transfer.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to flexio_i2c_master_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
count – Number of bytes transferred so far by the non-blocking transaction.
- Return values:
kStatus_InvalidArgument – count is Invalid.
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – There is not a non-blocking transaction currently in progress.
kStatus_Success – Successfully return the count.
void FLEXIO_I2C_MasterTransferAbort(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base, flexio_i2c_master_handle_t *handle)
Aborts an interrupt non-blocking transfer early.
This API can be called at any time when an interrupt non-blocking transfer initiates to abort the transfer early.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure
handle – Pointer to flexio_i2c_master_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state
void FLEXIO_I2C_MasterTransferHandleIRQ(void *i2cType, void *i2cHandle)
Master interrupt handler.
- Parameters:
i2cType – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure
i2cHandle – Pointer to flexio_i2c_master_transfer_t structure
FlexIO I2C transfer status.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_I2C_Busy
I2C is busy doing transfer.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_I2C_Idle
I2C is busy doing transfer.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_I2C_Nak
NAK received during transfer.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_I2C_Timeout
Timeout polling status flags.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_I2C_Busy
enum _flexio_i2c_master_interrupt
Define FlexIO I2C master interrupt mask.
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2C_TxEmptyInterruptEnable
Tx buffer empty interrupt enable.
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2C_RxFullInterruptEnable
Rx buffer full interrupt enable.
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2C_TxEmptyInterruptEnable
enum _flexio_i2c_master_status_flags
Define FlexIO I2C master status mask.
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2C_TxEmptyFlag
Tx shifter empty flag.
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2C_RxFullFlag
Rx shifter full/Transfer complete flag.
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2C_ReceiveNakFlag
Receive NAK flag.
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2C_TxEmptyFlag
enum _flexio_i2c_direction
Direction of master transfer.
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2C_Write
Master send to slave.
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2C_Read
Master receive from slave.
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2C_Write
typedef enum _flexio_i2c_direction flexio_i2c_direction_t
Direction of master transfer.
typedef struct _flexio_i2c_type FLEXIO_I2C_Type
Define FlexIO I2C master access structure typedef.
typedef struct _flexio_i2c_master_config flexio_i2c_master_config_t
Define FlexIO I2C master user configuration structure.
typedef struct _flexio_i2c_master_transfer flexio_i2c_master_transfer_t
Define FlexIO I2C master transfer structure.
typedef struct _flexio_i2c_master_handle flexio_i2c_master_handle_t
FlexIO I2C master handle typedef.
typedef void (*flexio_i2c_master_transfer_callback_t)(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base, flexio_i2c_master_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
FlexIO I2C master transfer callback typedef.
Retry times for waiting flag.
struct _flexio_i2c_type
- #include <fsl_flexio_i2c_master.h>
Define FlexIO I2C master access structure typedef.
Public Members
FLEXIO_Type *flexioBase
FlexIO base pointer.
uint8_t SDAPinIndex
Pin select for I2C SDA.
uint8_t SCLPinIndex
Pin select for I2C SCL.
uint8_t shifterIndex[2]
Shifter index used in FlexIO I2C.
uint8_t timerIndex[3]
Timer index used in FlexIO I2C.
uint32_t baudrate
Master transfer baudrate, used to calculate delay time.
FLEXIO_Type *flexioBase
struct _flexio_i2c_master_config
- #include <fsl_flexio_i2c_master.h>
Define FlexIO I2C master user configuration structure.
Public Members
bool enableMaster
Enables the FlexIO I2C peripheral at initialization time.
bool enableInDoze
Enable/disable FlexIO operation in doze mode.
bool enableInDebug
Enable/disable FlexIO operation in debug mode.
bool enableFastAccess
Enable/disable fast access to FlexIO registers, fast access requires the FlexIO clock to be at least twice the frequency of the bus clock.
uint32_t baudRate_Bps
Baud rate in Bps.
bool enableMaster
struct _flexio_i2c_master_transfer
- #include <fsl_flexio_i2c_master.h>
Define FlexIO I2C master transfer structure.
Public Members
uint32_t flags
Transfer flag which controls the transfer, reserved for FlexIO I2C.
uint8_t slaveAddress
7-bit slave address.
flexio_i2c_direction_t direction
Transfer direction, read or write.
uint32_t subaddress
Sub address. Transferred MSB first.
uint8_t subaddressSize
Size of command buffer.
uint8_t volatile *data
Transfer buffer.
volatile size_t dataSize
Transfer size.
uint32_t flags
struct _flexio_i2c_master_handle
- #include <fsl_flexio_i2c_master.h>
Define FlexIO I2C master handle structure.
Public Members
flexio_i2c_master_transfer_t transfer
FlexIO I2C master transfer copy.
size_t transferSize
Total bytes to be transferred.
uint8_t state
Transfer state maintained during transfer.
flexio_i2c_master_transfer_callback_t completionCallback
Callback function called at transfer event. Callback function called at transfer event.
void *userData
Callback parameter passed to callback function.
bool needRestart
Whether master needs to send re-start signal.
flexio_i2c_master_transfer_t transfer
FlexIO I2S Driver
void FLEXIO_I2S_Init(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, const flexio_i2s_config_t *config)
Initializes the FlexIO I2S.
This API configures FlexIO pins and shifter to I2S and configures the FlexIO I2S with a configuration structure. The configuration structure can be filled by the user, or be set with default values by FLEXIO_I2S_GetDefaultConfig().
This API should be called at the beginning of the application to use the FlexIO I2S driver. Otherwise, any access to the FlexIO I2S module can cause hard fault because the clock is not enabled.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO I2S base pointer
config – FlexIO I2S configure structure.
void FLEXIO_I2S_GetDefaultConfig(flexio_i2s_config_t *config)
Sets the FlexIO I2S configuration structure to default values.
The purpose of this API is to get the configuration structure initialized for use in FLEXIO_I2S_Init(). Users may use the initialized structure unchanged in FLEXIO_I2S_Init() or modify some fields of the structure before calling FLEXIO_I2S_Init().
- Parameters:
config – pointer to master configuration structure
void FLEXIO_I2S_Deinit(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base)
De-initializes the FlexIO I2S.
Calling this API resets the FlexIO I2S shifter and timer config. After calling this API, call the FLEXO_I2S_Init to use the FlexIO I2S module.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO I2S base pointer
static inline void FLEXIO_I2S_Enable(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/disables the FlexIO I2S module operation.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2S_Type
enable – True to enable, false dose not have any effect.
uint32_t FLEXIO_I2S_GetStatusFlags(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base)
Gets the FlexIO I2S status flags.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2S_Type structure
- Returns:
Status flag, which are ORed by the enumerators in the _flexio_i2s_status_flags.
void FLEXIO_I2S_EnableInterrupts(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the FlexIO I2S interrupt.
This function enables the FlexIO UART interrupt.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2S_Type structure
mask – interrupt source
void FLEXIO_I2S_DisableInterrupts(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the FlexIO I2S interrupt.
This function enables the FlexIO UART interrupt.
- Parameters:
base – pointer to FLEXIO_I2S_Type structure
mask – interrupt source
static inline void FLEXIO_I2S_TxEnableDMA(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/disables the FlexIO I2S Tx DMA requests.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO I2S base pointer
enable – True means enable DMA, false means disable DMA.
static inline void FLEXIO_I2S_RxEnableDMA(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/disables the FlexIO I2S Rx DMA requests.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO I2S base pointer
enable – True means enable DMA, false means disable DMA.
static inline uint32_t FLEXIO_I2S_TxGetDataRegisterAddress(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base)
Gets the FlexIO I2S send data register address.
This function returns the I2S data register address, mainly used by DMA/eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2S_Type structure
- Returns:
FlexIO i2s send data register address.
static inline uint32_t FLEXIO_I2S_RxGetDataRegisterAddress(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base)
Gets the FlexIO I2S receive data register address.
This function returns the I2S data register address, mainly used by DMA/eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2S_Type structure
- Returns:
FlexIO i2s receive data register address.
void FLEXIO_I2S_MasterSetFormat(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_format_t *format, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
Configures the FlexIO I2S audio format in master mode.
Audio format can be changed in run-time of FlexIO I2S. This function configures the sample rate and audio data format to be transferred.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2S_Type structure
format – Pointer to FlexIO I2S audio data format structure.
srcClock_Hz – I2S master clock source frequency in Hz.
void FLEXIO_I2S_SlaveSetFormat(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_format_t *format)
Configures the FlexIO I2S audio format in slave mode.
Audio format can be changed in run-time of FlexIO I2S. This function configures the sample rate and audio data format to be transferred.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2S_Type structure
format – Pointer to FlexIO I2S audio data format structure.
status_t FLEXIO_I2S_WriteBlocking(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, uint8_t bitWidth, uint8_t *txData, size_t size)
Sends data using a blocking method.
This function blocks via polling until data is ready to be sent.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO I2S base pointer.
bitWidth – How many bits in a audio word, usually 8/16/24/32 bits.
txData – Pointer to the data to be written.
size – Bytes to be written.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully write data.
kStatus_FLEXIO_I2C_Timeout – Timeout polling status flags.
static inline void FLEXIO_I2S_WriteData(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, uint8_t bitWidth, uint32_t data)
Writes data into a data register.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO I2S base pointer.
bitWidth – How many bits in a audio word, usually 8/16/24/32 bits.
data – Data to be written.
status_t FLEXIO_I2S_ReadBlocking(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, uint8_t bitWidth, uint8_t *rxData, size_t size)
Receives a piece of data using a blocking method.
This function blocks via polling until data is ready to be sent.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO I2S base pointer
bitWidth – How many bits in a audio word, usually 8/16/24/32 bits.
rxData – Pointer to the data to be read.
size – Bytes to be read.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully read data.
kStatus_FLEXIO_I2C_Timeout – Timeout polling status flags.
static inline uint32_t FLEXIO_I2S_ReadData(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base)
Reads a data from the data register.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO I2S base pointer
- Returns:
Data read from data register.
void FLEXIO_I2S_TransferTxCreateHandle(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_handle_t *handle, flexio_i2s_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Initializes the FlexIO I2S handle.
This function initializes the FlexIO I2S handle which can be used for other FlexIO I2S transactional APIs. Call this API once to get the initialized handle.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2S_Type structure
handle – Pointer to flexio_i2s_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
callback – FlexIO I2S callback function, which is called while finished a block.
userData – User parameter for the FlexIO I2S callback.
void FLEXIO_I2S_TransferSetFormat(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_handle_t *handle, flexio_i2s_format_t *format, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
Configures the FlexIO I2S audio format.
Audio format can be changed at run-time of FlexIO I2S. This function configures the sample rate and audio data format to be transferred.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2S_Type structure.
handle – FlexIO I2S handle pointer.
format – Pointer to audio data format structure.
srcClock_Hz – FlexIO I2S bit clock source frequency in Hz. This parameter should be 0 while in slave mode.
void FLEXIO_I2S_TransferRxCreateHandle(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_handle_t *handle, flexio_i2s_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Initializes the FlexIO I2S receive handle.
This function initializes the FlexIO I2S handle which can be used for other FlexIO I2S transactional APIs. Call this API once to get the initialized handle.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2S_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to flexio_i2s_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
callback – FlexIO I2S callback function, which is called while finished a block.
userData – User parameter for the FlexIO I2S callback.
status_t FLEXIO_I2S_TransferSendNonBlocking(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_handle_t *handle, flexio_i2s_transfer_t *xfer)
Performs an interrupt non-blocking send transfer on FlexIO I2S.
The API returns immediately after transfer initiates. Call FLEXIO_I2S_GetRemainingBytes to poll the transfer status and check whether the transfer is finished. If the return status is 0, the transfer is finished.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2S_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to flexio_i2s_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state
xfer – Pointer to flexio_i2s_transfer_t structure
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully start the data transmission.
kStatus_FLEXIO_I2S_TxBusy – Previous transmission still not finished, data not all written to TX register yet.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – The input parameter is invalid.
status_t FLEXIO_I2S_TransferReceiveNonBlocking(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_handle_t *handle, flexio_i2s_transfer_t *xfer)
Performs an interrupt non-blocking receive transfer on FlexIO I2S.
The API returns immediately after transfer initiates. Call FLEXIO_I2S_GetRemainingBytes to poll the transfer status to check whether the transfer is finished. If the return status is 0, the transfer is finished.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2S_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to flexio_i2s_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state
xfer – Pointer to flexio_i2s_transfer_t structure
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully start the data receive.
kStatus_FLEXIO_I2S_RxBusy – Previous receive still not finished.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – The input parameter is invalid.
void FLEXIO_I2S_TransferAbortSend(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the current send.
This API can be called at any time when interrupt non-blocking transfer initiates to abort the transfer in a early time.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2S_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to flexio_i2s_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state
void FLEXIO_I2S_TransferAbortReceive(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the current receive.
This API can be called at any time when interrupt non-blocking transfer initiates to abort the transfer in a early time.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2S_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to flexio_i2s_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state
status_t FLEXIO_I2S_TransferGetSendCount(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the remaining bytes to be sent.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2S_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to flexio_i2s_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state
count – Bytes sent.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Succeed get the transfer count.
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – There is not a non-blocking transaction currently in progress.
status_t FLEXIO_I2S_TransferGetReceiveCount(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the remaining bytes to be received.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2S_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to flexio_i2s_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state
count – Bytes recieved.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Succeed get the transfer count.
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – There is not a non-blocking transaction currently in progress.
- Returns:
count Bytes received.
void FLEXIO_I2S_TransferTxHandleIRQ(void *i2sBase, void *i2sHandle)
Tx interrupt handler.
- Parameters:
i2sBase – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2S_Type structure.
i2sHandle – Pointer to flexio_i2s_handle_t structure
void FLEXIO_I2S_TransferRxHandleIRQ(void *i2sBase, void *i2sHandle)
Rx interrupt handler.
- Parameters:
i2sBase – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2S_Type structure.
i2sHandle – Pointer to flexio_i2s_handle_t structure.
FlexIO I2S driver version 2.2.0.
FlexIO I2S transfer status.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_I2S_Idle
FlexIO I2S is in idle state
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_I2S_TxBusy
FlexIO I2S Tx is busy
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_I2S_RxBusy
FlexIO I2S Tx is busy
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_I2S_Error
FlexIO I2S error occurred
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_I2S_QueueFull
FlexIO I2S transfer queue is full.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_I2S_Timeout
FlexIO I2S timeout polling status flags.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_I2S_Idle
enum _flexio_i2s_master_slave
Master or slave mode.
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_Master
Master mode
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_Slave
Slave mode
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_Master
_flexio_i2s_interrupt_enable Define FlexIO FlexIO I2S interrupt mask.
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_TxDataRegEmptyInterruptEnable
Transmit buffer empty interrupt enable.
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_RxDataRegFullInterruptEnable
Receive buffer full interrupt enable.
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_TxDataRegEmptyInterruptEnable
_flexio_i2s_status_flags Define FlexIO FlexIO I2S status mask.
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_TxDataRegEmptyFlag
Transmit buffer empty flag.
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_RxDataRegFullFlag
Receive buffer full flag.
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_TxDataRegEmptyFlag
enum _flexio_i2s_sample_rate
Audio sample rate.
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_SampleRate8KHz
Sample rate 8000Hz
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_SampleRate11025Hz
Sample rate 11025Hz
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_SampleRate12KHz
Sample rate 12000Hz
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_SampleRate16KHz
Sample rate 16000Hz
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_SampleRate22050Hz
Sample rate 22050Hz
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_SampleRate24KHz
Sample rate 24000Hz
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_SampleRate32KHz
Sample rate 32000Hz
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_SampleRate44100Hz
Sample rate 44100Hz
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_SampleRate48KHz
Sample rate 48000Hz
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_SampleRate96KHz
Sample rate 96000Hz
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_SampleRate8KHz
enum _flexio_i2s_word_width
Audio word width.
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_WordWidth8bits
Audio data width 8 bits
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_WordWidth16bits
Audio data width 16 bits
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_WordWidth24bits
Audio data width 24 bits
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_WordWidth32bits
Audio data width 32 bits
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_WordWidth8bits
typedef struct _flexio_i2s_type FLEXIO_I2S_Type
Define FlexIO I2S access structure typedef.
typedef enum _flexio_i2s_master_slave flexio_i2s_master_slave_t
Master or slave mode.
typedef struct _flexio_i2s_config flexio_i2s_config_t
FlexIO I2S configure structure.
typedef struct _flexio_i2s_format flexio_i2s_format_t
FlexIO I2S audio format, FlexIO I2S only support the same format in Tx and Rx.
typedef enum _flexio_i2s_sample_rate flexio_i2s_sample_rate_t
Audio sample rate.
typedef enum _flexio_i2s_word_width flexio_i2s_word_width_t
Audio word width.
typedef struct _flexio_i2s_transfer flexio_i2s_transfer_t
Define FlexIO I2S transfer structure.
typedef struct _flexio_i2s_handle flexio_i2s_handle_t
typedef void (*flexio_i2s_callback_t)(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
FlexIO I2S xfer callback prototype.
Retry times for waiting flag.
FlexIO I2S transfer queue size, user can refine it according to use case.
struct _flexio_i2s_type
- #include <fsl_flexio_i2s.h>
Define FlexIO I2S access structure typedef.
Public Members
FLEXIO_Type *flexioBase
FlexIO base pointer
uint8_t txPinIndex
Tx data pin index in FlexIO pins
uint8_t rxPinIndex
Rx data pin index
uint8_t bclkPinIndex
Bit clock pin index
uint8_t fsPinIndex
Frame sync pin index
uint8_t txShifterIndex
Tx data shifter index
uint8_t rxShifterIndex
Rx data shifter index
uint8_t bclkTimerIndex
Bit clock timer index
uint8_t fsTimerIndex
Frame sync timer index
FLEXIO_Type *flexioBase
struct _flexio_i2s_config
- #include <fsl_flexio_i2s.h>
FlexIO I2S configure structure.
Public Members
bool enableI2S
Enable FlexIO I2S
flexio_i2s_master_slave_t masterSlave
Master or slave
flexio_pin_polarity_t txPinPolarity
Tx data pin polarity, active high or low
flexio_pin_polarity_t rxPinPolarity
Rx data pin polarity
flexio_pin_polarity_t bclkPinPolarity
Bit clock pin polarity
flexio_pin_polarity_t fsPinPolarity
Frame sync pin polarity
flexio_shifter_timer_polarity_t txTimerPolarity
Tx data valid on bclk rising or falling edge
flexio_shifter_timer_polarity_t rxTimerPolarity
Rx data valid on bclk rising or falling edge
bool enableI2S
struct _flexio_i2s_format
- #include <fsl_flexio_i2s.h>
FlexIO I2S audio format, FlexIO I2S only support the same format in Tx and Rx.
Public Members
uint8_t bitWidth
Bit width of audio data, always 8/16/24/32 bits
uint32_t sampleRate_Hz
Sample rate of the audio data
uint8_t bitWidth
struct _flexio_i2s_transfer
- #include <fsl_flexio_i2s.h>
Define FlexIO I2S transfer structure.
Public Members
uint8_t *data
Data buffer start pointer
size_t dataSize
Bytes to be transferred.
uint8_t *data
struct _flexio_i2s_handle
- #include <fsl_flexio_i2s.h>
Define FlexIO I2S handle structure.
Public Members
uint32_t state
Internal state
flexio_i2s_callback_t callback
Callback function called at transfer event
void *userData
Callback parameter passed to callback function
uint8_t bitWidth
Bit width for transfer, 8/16/24/32bits
flexio_i2s_transfer_t queue[(4U)]
Transfer queue storing queued transfer
size_t transferSize[(4U)]
Data bytes need to transfer
volatile uint8_t queueUser
Index for user to queue transfer
volatile uint8_t queueDriver
Index for driver to get the transfer data and size
uint32_t state
FlexIO SPI Driver
void FLEXIO_SPI_MasterInit(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_master_config_t *masterConfig, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
Ungates the FlexIO clock, resets the FlexIO module, configures the FlexIO SPI master hardware, and configures the FlexIO SPI with FlexIO SPI master configuration. The configuration structure can be filled by the user, or be set with default values by the FLEXIO_SPI_MasterGetDefaultConfig().
FLEXIO_SPI_Type spiDev = { .flexioBase = FLEXIO, .SDOPinIndex = 0, .SDIPinIndex = 1, .SCKPinIndex = 2, .CSnPinIndex = 3, .shifterIndex = {0,1}, .timerIndex = {0,1} }; flexio_spi_master_config_t config = { .enableMaster = true, .enableInDoze = false, .enableInDebug = true, .enableFastAccess = false, .baudRate_Bps = 500000, .phase = kFLEXIO_SPI_ClockPhaseFirstEdge, .direction = kFLEXIO_SPI_MsbFirst, .dataMode = kFLEXIO_SPI_8BitMode }; FLEXIO_SPI_MasterInit(&spiDev, &config, srcClock_Hz);
1.FlexIO SPI master only support CPOL = 0, which means clock inactive low. 2.For FlexIO SPI master, the input valid time is 1.5 clock cycles, for slave the output valid time is 2.5 clock cycles. So if FlexIO SPI master communicates with other spi IPs, the maximum baud rate is FlexIO clock frequency divided by 2*2=4. If FlexIO SPI master communicates with FlexIO SPI slave, the maximum baud rate is FlexIO clock frequency divided by (1.5+2.5)*2=8.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
masterConfig – Pointer to the flexio_spi_master_config_t structure.
srcClock_Hz – FlexIO source clock in Hz.
void FLEXIO_SPI_MasterDeinit(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base)
Resets the FlexIO SPI timer and shifter config.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type.
void FLEXIO_SPI_MasterGetDefaultConfig(flexio_spi_master_config_t *masterConfig)
Gets the default configuration to configure the FlexIO SPI master. The configuration can be used directly by calling the FLEXIO_SPI_MasterConfigure(). Example:
flexio_spi_master_config_t masterConfig; FLEXIO_SPI_MasterGetDefaultConfig(&masterConfig);
- Parameters:
masterConfig – Pointer to the flexio_spi_master_config_t structure.
void FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveInit(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_slave_config_t *slaveConfig)
Ungates the FlexIO clock, resets the FlexIO module, configures the FlexIO SPI slave hardware configuration, and configures the FlexIO SPI with FlexIO SPI slave configuration. The configuration structure can be filled by the user, or be set with default values by the FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveGetDefaultConfig().
1.Only one timer is needed in the FlexIO SPI slave. As a result, the second timer index is ignored. 2.FlexIO SPI slave only support CPOL = 0, which means clock inactive low. 3.For FlexIO SPI master, the input valid time is 1.5 clock cycles, for slave the output valid time is 2.5 clock cycles. So if FlexIO SPI slave communicates with other spi IPs, the maximum baud rate is FlexIO clock frequency divided by 3*2=6. If FlexIO SPI slave communicates with FlexIO SPI master, the maximum baud rate is FlexIO clock frequency divided by (1.5+2.5)*2=8. Example
FLEXIO_SPI_Type spiDev = { .flexioBase = FLEXIO, .SDOPinIndex = 0, .SDIPinIndex = 1, .SCKPinIndex = 2, .CSnPinIndex = 3, .shifterIndex = {0,1}, .timerIndex = {0} }; flexio_spi_slave_config_t config = { .enableSlave = true, .enableInDoze = false, .enableInDebug = true, .enableFastAccess = false, .phase = kFLEXIO_SPI_ClockPhaseFirstEdge, .direction = kFLEXIO_SPI_MsbFirst, .dataMode = kFLEXIO_SPI_8BitMode }; FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveInit(&spiDev, &config);
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
slaveConfig – Pointer to the flexio_spi_slave_config_t structure.
void FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveDeinit(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base)
Gates the FlexIO clock.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type.
void FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveGetDefaultConfig(flexio_spi_slave_config_t *slaveConfig)
Gets the default configuration to configure the FlexIO SPI slave. The configuration can be used directly for calling the FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveConfigure(). Example:
flexio_spi_slave_config_t slaveConfig; FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveGetDefaultConfig(&slaveConfig);
- Parameters:
slaveConfig – Pointer to the flexio_spi_slave_config_t structure.
uint32_t FLEXIO_SPI_GetStatusFlags(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base)
Gets FlexIO SPI status flags.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
- Returns:
status flag; Use the status flag to AND the following flag mask and get the status.
void FLEXIO_SPI_ClearStatusFlags(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears FlexIO SPI status flags.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
mask – status flag The parameter can be any combination of the following values:
void FLEXIO_SPI_EnableInterrupts(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the FlexIO SPI interrupt.
This function enables the FlexIO SPI interrupt.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
mask – interrupt source. The parameter can be any combination of the following values:
void FLEXIO_SPI_DisableInterrupts(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the FlexIO SPI interrupt.
This function disables the FlexIO SPI interrupt.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
mask – interrupt source The parameter can be any combination of the following values:
void FLEXIO_SPI_EnableDMA(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, uint32_t mask, bool enable)
Enables/disables the FlexIO SPI transmit DMA. This function enables/disables the FlexIO SPI Tx DMA, which means that asserting the kFLEXIO_SPI_TxEmptyFlag does/doesn’t trigger the DMA request.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
mask – SPI DMA source.
enable – True means enable DMA, false means disable DMA.
static inline uint32_t FLEXIO_SPI_GetTxDataRegisterAddress(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_shift_direction_t direction)
Gets the FlexIO SPI transmit data register address for MSB first transfer.
This function returns the SPI data register address, which is mainly used by DMA/eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
direction – Shift direction of MSB first or LSB first.
- Returns:
FlexIO SPI transmit data register address.
static inline uint32_t FLEXIO_SPI_GetRxDataRegisterAddress(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_shift_direction_t direction)
Gets the FlexIO SPI receive data register address for the MSB first transfer.
This function returns the SPI data register address, which is mainly used by DMA/eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
direction – Shift direction of MSB first or LSB first.
- Returns:
FlexIO SPI receive data register address.
static inline void FLEXIO_SPI_Enable(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/disables the FlexIO SPI module operation.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type.
enable – True to enable, false does not have any effect.
void FLEXIO_SPI_MasterSetBaudRate(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, uint32_t baudRate_Bps, uint32_t srcClockHz)
Sets baud rate for the FlexIO SPI transfer, which is only used for the master.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
baudRate_Bps – Baud Rate needed in Hz.
srcClockHz – SPI source clock frequency in Hz.
static inline void FLEXIO_SPI_WriteData(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_shift_direction_t direction, uint32_t data)
Writes one byte of data, which is sent using the MSB method.
This is a non-blocking API, which returns directly after the data is put into the data register but the data transfer is not finished on the bus. Ensure that the TxEmptyFlag is asserted before calling this API.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
direction – Shift direction of MSB first or LSB first.
data – 8/16/32 bit data.
static inline uint32_t FLEXIO_SPI_ReadData(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_shift_direction_t direction)
Reads 8 bit/16 bit data.
This is a non-blocking API, which returns directly after the data is read from the data register. Ensure that the RxFullFlag is asserted before calling this API.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
direction – Shift direction of MSB first or LSB first.
- Returns:
8 bit/16 bit data received.
status_t FLEXIO_SPI_WriteBlocking(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_shift_direction_t direction, const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size)
Sends a buffer of data bytes.
This function blocks using the polling method until all bytes have been sent.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
direction – Shift direction of MSB first or LSB first.
buffer – The data bytes to send.
size – The number of data bytes to send.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully create the handle.
kStatus_FLEXIO_SPI_Timeout – The transfer timed out and was aborted.
status_t FLEXIO_SPI_ReadBlocking(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_shift_direction_t direction, uint8_t *buffer, size_t size)
Receives a buffer of bytes.
This function blocks using the polling method until all bytes have been received.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
direction – Shift direction of MSB first or LSB first.
buffer – The buffer to store the received bytes.
size – The number of data bytes to be received.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully create the handle.
kStatus_FLEXIO_SPI_Timeout – The transfer timed out and was aborted.
status_t FLEXIO_SPI_MasterTransferBlocking(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_transfer_t *xfer)
Receives a buffer of bytes.
This function blocks via polling until all bytes have been received.
- Parameters:
base – pointer to FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure
xfer – FlexIO SPI transfer structure, see flexio_spi_transfer_t.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully create the handle.
kStatus_FLEXIO_SPI_Timeout – The transfer timed out and was aborted.
void FLEXIO_SPI_FlushShifters(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base)
Flush tx/rx shifters.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
status_t FLEXIO_SPI_MasterTransferCreateHandle(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_master_handle_t *handle, flexio_spi_master_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Initializes the FlexIO SPI Master handle, which is used in transactional functions.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to the flexio_spi_master_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
callback – The callback function.
userData – The parameter of the callback function.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully create the handle.
kStatus_OutOfRange – The FlexIO type/handle/ISR table out of range.
status_t FLEXIO_SPI_MasterTransferNonBlocking(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_master_handle_t *handle, flexio_spi_transfer_t *xfer)
Master transfer data using IRQ.
This function sends data using IRQ. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all data is sent out/received, the callback function is called.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to the flexio_spi_master_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
xfer – FlexIO SPI transfer structure. See flexio_spi_transfer_t.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully start a transfer.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Input argument is invalid.
kStatus_FLEXIO_SPI_Busy – SPI is not idle, is running another transfer.
void FLEXIO_SPI_MasterTransferAbort(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_master_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the master data transfer, which used IRQ.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to the flexio_spi_master_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
status_t FLEXIO_SPI_MasterTransferGetCount(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_master_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the data transfer status which used IRQ.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to the flexio_spi_master_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
count – Number of bytes transferred so far by the non-blocking transaction.
- Return values:
kStatus_InvalidArgument – count is Invalid.
kStatus_Success – Successfully return the count.
void FLEXIO_SPI_MasterTransferHandleIRQ(void *spiType, void *spiHandle)
FlexIO SPI master IRQ handler function.
- Parameters:
spiType – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
spiHandle – Pointer to the flexio_spi_master_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
status_t FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveTransferCreateHandle(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_slave_handle_t *handle, flexio_spi_slave_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Initializes the FlexIO SPI Slave handle, which is used in transactional functions.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to the flexio_spi_slave_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
callback – The callback function.
userData – The parameter of the callback function.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully create the handle.
kStatus_OutOfRange – The FlexIO type/handle/ISR table out of range.
status_t FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveTransferNonBlocking(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_slave_handle_t *handle, flexio_spi_transfer_t *xfer)
Slave transfer data using IRQ.
This function sends data using IRQ. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all data is sent out/received, the callback function is called.
- Parameters:
handle – Pointer to the flexio_spi_slave_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
xfer – FlexIO SPI transfer structure. See flexio_spi_transfer_t.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully start a transfer.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Input argument is invalid.
kStatus_FLEXIO_SPI_Busy – SPI is not idle; it is running another transfer.
static inline void FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveTransferAbort(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_slave_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the slave data transfer which used IRQ, share same API with master.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to the flexio_spi_slave_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
static inline status_t FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveTransferGetCount(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_slave_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the data transfer status which used IRQ, share same API with master.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to the flexio_spi_slave_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
count – Number of bytes transferred so far by the non-blocking transaction.
- Return values:
kStatus_InvalidArgument – count is Invalid.
kStatus_Success – Successfully return the count.
void FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveTransferHandleIRQ(void *spiType, void *spiHandle)
FlexIO SPI slave IRQ handler function.
- Parameters:
spiType – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
spiHandle – Pointer to the flexio_spi_slave_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
FlexIO SPI driver version.
Error codes for the FlexIO SPI driver.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_SPI_Busy
FlexIO SPI is busy.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_SPI_Idle
SPI is idle
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_SPI_Error
FlexIO SPI error.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_SPI_Timeout
FlexIO SPI timeout polling status flags.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_SPI_Busy
enum _flexio_spi_clock_phase
FlexIO SPI clock phase configuration.
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_ClockPhaseFirstEdge
First edge on SPSCK occurs at the middle of the first cycle of a data transfer.
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_ClockPhaseSecondEdge
First edge on SPSCK occurs at the start of the first cycle of a data transfer.
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_ClockPhaseFirstEdge
enum _flexio_spi_shift_direction
FlexIO SPI data shifter direction options.
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_MsbFirst
Data transfers start with most significant bit.
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_LsbFirst
Data transfers start with least significant bit.
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_MsbFirst
enum _flexio_spi_data_bitcount_mode
FlexIO SPI data length mode options.
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_8BitMode
8-bit data transmission mode.
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_16BitMode
16-bit data transmission mode.
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_32BitMode
32-bit data transmission mode.
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_8BitMode
enum _flexio_spi_interrupt_enable
Define FlexIO SPI interrupt mask.
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_TxEmptyInterruptEnable
Transmit buffer empty interrupt enable.
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_RxFullInterruptEnable
Receive buffer full interrupt enable.
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_TxEmptyInterruptEnable
enum _flexio_spi_status_flags
Define FlexIO SPI status mask.
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_TxBufferEmptyFlag
Transmit buffer empty flag.
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_RxBufferFullFlag
Receive buffer full flag.
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_TxBufferEmptyFlag
enum _flexio_spi_dma_enable
Define FlexIO SPI DMA mask.
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_TxDmaEnable
Tx DMA request source
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_RxDmaEnable
Rx DMA request source
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_DmaAllEnable
All DMA request source
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_TxDmaEnable
enum _flexio_spi_transfer_flags
Define FlexIO SPI transfer flags.
Use kFLEXIO_SPI_csContinuous and one of the other flags to OR together to form the transfer flag.
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_8bitMsb
FlexIO SPI 8-bit MSB first
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_8bitLsb
FlexIO SPI 8-bit LSB first
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_16bitMsb
FlexIO SPI 16-bit MSB first
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_16bitLsb
FlexIO SPI 16-bit LSB first
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_32bitMsb
FlexIO SPI 32-bit MSB first
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_32bitLsb
FlexIO SPI 32-bit LSB first
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_csContinuous
Enable the CS signal continuous mode
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_8bitMsb
typedef enum _flexio_spi_clock_phase flexio_spi_clock_phase_t
FlexIO SPI clock phase configuration.
typedef enum _flexio_spi_shift_direction flexio_spi_shift_direction_t
FlexIO SPI data shifter direction options.
typedef enum _flexio_spi_data_bitcount_mode flexio_spi_data_bitcount_mode_t
FlexIO SPI data length mode options.
typedef struct _flexio_spi_type FLEXIO_SPI_Type
Define FlexIO SPI access structure typedef.
typedef struct _flexio_spi_master_config flexio_spi_master_config_t
Define FlexIO SPI master configuration structure.
typedef struct _flexio_spi_slave_config flexio_spi_slave_config_t
Define FlexIO SPI slave configuration structure.
typedef struct _flexio_spi_transfer flexio_spi_transfer_t
Define FlexIO SPI transfer structure.
typedef struct _flexio_spi_master_handle flexio_spi_master_handle_t
typedef for flexio_spi_master_handle_t in advance.
typedef flexio_spi_master_handle_t flexio_spi_slave_handle_t
Slave handle is the same with master handle.
typedef void (*flexio_spi_master_transfer_callback_t)(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_master_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
FlexIO SPI master callback for finished transmit.
typedef void (*flexio_spi_slave_transfer_callback_t)(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_slave_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
FlexIO SPI slave callback for finished transmit.
FlexIO SPI dummy transfer data, the data is sent while txData is NULL.
Retry times for waiting flag.
Get the transfer data format of width and bit order.
struct _flexio_spi_type
- #include <fsl_flexio_spi.h>
Define FlexIO SPI access structure typedef.
Public Members
FLEXIO_Type *flexioBase
FlexIO base pointer.
uint8_t SDOPinIndex
Pin select for data output. To set SDO pin in Hi-Z state, user needs to mux the pin as GPIO input and disable all pull up/down in application.
uint8_t SDIPinIndex
Pin select for data input.
uint8_t SCKPinIndex
Pin select for clock.
uint8_t CSnPinIndex
Pin select for enable.
uint8_t shifterIndex[2]
Shifter index used in FlexIO SPI.
uint8_t timerIndex[2]
Timer index used in FlexIO SPI.
FLEXIO_Type *flexioBase
struct _flexio_spi_master_config
- #include <fsl_flexio_spi.h>
Define FlexIO SPI master configuration structure.
Public Members
bool enableMaster
Enable/disable FlexIO SPI master after configuration.
bool enableInDoze
Enable/disable FlexIO operation in doze mode.
bool enableInDebug
Enable/disable FlexIO operation in debug mode.
bool enableFastAccess
Enable/disable fast access to FlexIO registers, fast access requires the FlexIO clock to be at least twice the frequency of the bus clock.
uint32_t baudRate_Bps
Baud rate in Bps.
flexio_spi_clock_phase_t phase
Clock phase.
flexio_spi_data_bitcount_mode_t dataMode
8bit or 16bit mode.
bool enableMaster
struct _flexio_spi_slave_config
- #include <fsl_flexio_spi.h>
Define FlexIO SPI slave configuration structure.
Public Members
bool enableSlave
Enable/disable FlexIO SPI slave after configuration.
bool enableInDoze
Enable/disable FlexIO operation in doze mode.
bool enableInDebug
Enable/disable FlexIO operation in debug mode.
bool enableFastAccess
Enable/disable fast access to FlexIO registers, fast access requires the FlexIO clock to be at least twice the frequency of the bus clock.
flexio_spi_clock_phase_t phase
Clock phase.
flexio_spi_data_bitcount_mode_t dataMode
8bit or 16bit mode.
bool enableSlave
struct _flexio_spi_transfer
- #include <fsl_flexio_spi.h>
Define FlexIO SPI transfer structure.
Public Members
const uint8_t *txData
Send buffer.
uint8_t *rxData
Receive buffer.
size_t dataSize
Transfer bytes.
uint8_t flags
FlexIO SPI control flag, MSB first or LSB first.
const uint8_t *txData
struct _flexio_spi_master_handle
- #include <fsl_flexio_spi.h>
Define FlexIO SPI handle structure.
Public Members
const uint8_t *txData
Transfer buffer.
uint8_t *rxData
Receive buffer.
size_t transferSize
Total bytes to be transferred.
volatile size_t txRemainingBytes
Send data remaining in bytes.
volatile size_t rxRemainingBytes
Receive data remaining in bytes.
volatile uint32_t state
FlexIO SPI internal state.
uint8_t bytePerFrame
SPI mode, 2bytes or 1byte in a frame
flexio_spi_shift_direction_t direction
Shift direction.
flexio_spi_master_transfer_callback_t callback
FlexIO SPI callback.
void *userData
Callback parameter.
const uint8_t *txData
FlexIO UART Driver
status_t FLEXIO_UART_Init(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, const flexio_uart_config_t *userConfig, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
Ungates the FlexIO clock, resets the FlexIO module, configures FlexIO UART hardware, and configures the FlexIO UART with FlexIO UART configuration. The configuration structure can be filled by the user or be set with default values by FLEXIO_UART_GetDefaultConfig().
FLEXIO_UART_Type base = { .flexioBase = FLEXIO, .TxPinIndex = 0, .RxPinIndex = 1, .shifterIndex = {0,1}, .timerIndex = {0,1} }; flexio_uart_config_t config = { .enableInDoze = false, .enableInDebug = true, .enableFastAccess = false, .baudRate_Bps = 115200U, .bitCountPerChar = 8 }; FLEXIO_UART_Init(base, &config, srcClock_Hz);
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
userConfig – Pointer to the flexio_uart_config_t structure.
srcClock_Hz – FlexIO source clock in Hz.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Configuration success.
kStatus_FLEXIO_UART_BaudrateNotSupport – Baudrate is not supported for current clock source frequency.
void FLEXIO_UART_Deinit(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base)
Resets the FlexIO UART shifter and timer config.
After calling this API, call the FLEXO_UART_Init to use the FlexIO UART module.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_UART_Type structure
void FLEXIO_UART_GetDefaultConfig(flexio_uart_config_t *userConfig)
Gets the default configuration to configure the FlexIO UART. The configuration can be used directly for calling the FLEXIO_UART_Init(). Example:
flexio_uart_config_t config; FLEXIO_UART_GetDefaultConfig(&userConfig);
- Parameters:
userConfig – Pointer to the flexio_uart_config_t structure.
uint32_t FLEXIO_UART_GetStatusFlags(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base)
Gets the FlexIO UART status flags.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
- Returns:
FlexIO UART status flags.
void FLEXIO_UART_ClearStatusFlags(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Gets the FlexIO UART status flags.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
mask – Status flag. The parameter can be any combination of the following values:
void FLEXIO_UART_EnableInterrupts(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the FlexIO UART interrupt.
This function enables the FlexIO UART interrupt.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
mask – Interrupt source.
void FLEXIO_UART_DisableInterrupts(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the FlexIO UART interrupt.
This function disables the FlexIO UART interrupt.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
mask – Interrupt source.
static inline uint32_t FLEXIO_UART_GetTxDataRegisterAddress(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base)
Gets the FlexIO UARt transmit data register address.
This function returns the UART data register address, which is mainly used by DMA/eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
- Returns:
FlexIO UART transmit data register address.
static inline uint32_t FLEXIO_UART_GetRxDataRegisterAddress(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base)
Gets the FlexIO UART receive data register address.
This function returns the UART data register address, which is mainly used by DMA/eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
- Returns:
FlexIO UART receive data register address.
static inline void FLEXIO_UART_EnableTxDMA(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/disables the FlexIO UART transmit DMA. This function enables/disables the FlexIO UART Tx DMA, which means asserting the kFLEXIO_UART_TxDataRegEmptyFlag does/doesn’t trigger the DMA request.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
enable – True to enable, false to disable.
static inline void FLEXIO_UART_EnableRxDMA(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/disables the FlexIO UART receive DMA. This function enables/disables the FlexIO UART Rx DMA, which means asserting kFLEXIO_UART_RxDataRegFullFlag does/doesn’t trigger the DMA request.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
enable – True to enable, false to disable.
static inline void FLEXIO_UART_Enable(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/disables the FlexIO UART module operation.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type.
enable – True to enable, false does not have any effect.
static inline void FLEXIO_UART_WriteByte(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, const uint8_t *buffer)
Writes one byte of data.
This is a non-blocking API, which returns directly after the data is put into the data register. Ensure that the TxEmptyFlag is asserted before calling this API.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
buffer – The data bytes to send.
static inline void FLEXIO_UART_ReadByte(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, uint8_t *buffer)
Reads one byte of data.
This is a non-blocking API, which returns directly after the data is read from the data register. Ensure that the RxFullFlag is asserted before calling this API.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
buffer – The buffer to store the received bytes.
status_t FLEXIO_UART_WriteBlocking(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, const uint8_t *txData, size_t txSize)
Sends a buffer of data bytes.
This function blocks using the polling method until all bytes have been sent.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
txData – The data bytes to send.
txSize – The number of data bytes to send.
- Return values:
kStatus_FLEXIO_UART_Timeout – Transmission timed out and was aborted.
kStatus_Success – Successfully wrote all data.
status_t FLEXIO_UART_ReadBlocking(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, uint8_t *rxData, size_t rxSize)
Receives a buffer of bytes.
This function blocks using the polling method until all bytes have been received.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
rxData – The buffer to store the received bytes.
rxSize – The number of data bytes to be received.
- Return values:
kStatus_FLEXIO_UART_Timeout – Transmission timed out and was aborted.
kStatus_Success – Successfully received all data.
status_t FLEXIO_UART_TransferCreateHandle(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, flexio_uart_handle_t *handle, flexio_uart_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Initializes the UART handle.
This function initializes the FlexIO UART handle, which can be used for other FlexIO UART transactional APIs. Call this API once to get the initialized handle.
The UART driver supports the “background” receiving, which means that users can set up a RX ring buffer optionally. Data received is stored into the ring buffer even when the user doesn’t call the FLEXIO_UART_TransferReceiveNonBlocking() API. If there is already data received in the ring buffer, users can get the received data from the ring buffer directly. The ring buffer is disabled if passing NULL as
.- Parameters:
base – to FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to the flexio_uart_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
callback – The callback function.
userData – The parameter of the callback function.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully create the handle.
kStatus_OutOfRange – The FlexIO type/handle/ISR table out of range.
void FLEXIO_UART_TransferStartRingBuffer(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, flexio_uart_handle_t *handle, uint8_t *ringBuffer, size_t ringBufferSize)
Sets up the RX ring buffer.
This function sets up the RX ring buffer to a specific UART handle.
When the RX ring buffer is used, data received is stored into the ring buffer even when the user doesn’t call the UART_ReceiveNonBlocking() API. If there is already data received in the ring buffer, users can get the received data from the ring buffer directly.
When using the RX ring buffer, one byte is reserved for internal use. In other words, if
is 32, only 31 bytes are used for saving data.- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to the flexio_uart_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
ringBuffer – Start address of ring buffer for background receiving. Pass NULL to disable the ring buffer.
ringBufferSize – Size of the ring buffer.
void FLEXIO_UART_TransferStopRingBuffer(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, flexio_uart_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the background transfer and uninstalls the ring buffer.
This function aborts the background transfer and uninstalls the ring buffer.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to the flexio_uart_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
status_t FLEXIO_UART_TransferSendNonBlocking(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, flexio_uart_handle_t *handle, flexio_uart_transfer_t *xfer)
Transmits a buffer of data using the interrupt method.
This function sends data using an interrupt method. This is a non-blocking function, which returns directly without waiting for all data to be written to the TX register. When all data is written to the TX register in ISR, the FlexIO UART driver calls the callback function and passes the kStatus_FLEXIO_UART_TxIdle as status parameter.
The kStatus_FLEXIO_UART_TxIdle is passed to the upper layer when all data is written to the TX register. However, it does not ensure that all data is sent out.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to the flexio_uart_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
xfer – FlexIO UART transfer structure. See flexio_uart_transfer_t.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully starts the data transmission.
kStatus_UART_TxBusy – Previous transmission still not finished, data not written to the TX register.
void FLEXIO_UART_TransferAbortSend(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, flexio_uart_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the interrupt-driven data transmit.
This function aborts the interrupt-driven data sending. Get the remainBytes to find out how many bytes are still not sent out.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to the flexio_uart_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
status_t FLEXIO_UART_TransferGetSendCount(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, flexio_uart_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the number of bytes sent.
This function gets the number of bytes sent driven by interrupt.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to the flexio_uart_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
count – Number of bytes sent so far by the non-blocking transaction.
- Return values:
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – transfer has finished or no transfer in progress.
kStatus_Success – Successfully return the count.
status_t FLEXIO_UART_TransferReceiveNonBlocking(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, flexio_uart_handle_t *handle, flexio_uart_transfer_t *xfer, size_t *receivedBytes)
Receives a buffer of data using the interrupt method.
This function receives data using the interrupt method. This is a non-blocking function, which returns without waiting for all data to be received. If the RX ring buffer is used and not empty, the data in ring buffer is copied and the parameter
shows how many bytes are copied from the ring buffer. After copying, if the data in ring buffer is not enough to read, the receive request is saved by the UART driver. When new data arrives, the receive request is serviced first. When all data is received, the UART driver notifies the upper layer through a callback function and passes the status parameter kStatus_UART_RxIdle. For example, if the upper layer needs 10 bytes but there are only 5 bytes in the ring buffer, the 5 bytes are copied to xfer->data. This function returns with the parameterreceivedBytes
set to 5. For the last 5 bytes, newly arrived data is saved from the xfer->data[5]. When 5 bytes are received, the UART driver notifies upper layer. If the RX ring buffer is not enabled, this function enables the RX and RX interrupt to receive data to xfer->data. When all data is received, the upper layer is notified.- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to the flexio_uart_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
xfer – UART transfer structure. See flexio_uart_transfer_t.
receivedBytes – Bytes received from the ring buffer directly.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully queue the transfer into the transmit queue.
kStatus_FLEXIO_UART_RxBusy – Previous receive request is not finished.
void FLEXIO_UART_TransferAbortReceive(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, flexio_uart_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the receive data which was using IRQ.
This function aborts the receive data which was using IRQ.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to the flexio_uart_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
status_t FLEXIO_UART_TransferGetReceiveCount(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, flexio_uart_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the number of bytes received.
This function gets the number of bytes received driven by interrupt.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to the flexio_uart_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
count – Number of bytes received so far by the non-blocking transaction.
- Return values:
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – transfer has finished or no transfer in progress.
kStatus_Success – Successfully return the count.
void FLEXIO_UART_TransferHandleIRQ(void *uartType, void *uartHandle)
FlexIO UART IRQ handler function.
This function processes the FlexIO UART transmit and receives the IRQ request.
- Parameters:
uartType – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
uartHandle – Pointer to the flexio_uart_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
void FLEXIO_UART_FlushShifters(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base)
Flush tx/rx shifters.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
FlexIO UART driver version.
Error codes for the UART driver.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_UART_TxBusy
Transmitter is busy.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_UART_RxBusy
Receiver is busy.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_UART_TxIdle
UART transmitter is idle.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_UART_RxIdle
UART receiver is idle.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_UART_ERROR
ERROR happens on UART.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_UART_RxRingBufferOverrun
UART RX software ring buffer overrun.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_UART_RxHardwareOverrun
UART RX receiver overrun.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_UART_Timeout
UART times out.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_UART_BaudrateNotSupport
Baudrate is not supported in current clock source
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_UART_TxBusy
enum _flexio_uart_bit_count_per_char
FlexIO UART bit count per char.
enumerator kFLEXIO_UART_7BitsPerChar
7-bit data characters
enumerator kFLEXIO_UART_8BitsPerChar
8-bit data characters
enumerator kFLEXIO_UART_9BitsPerChar
9-bit data characters
enumerator kFLEXIO_UART_7BitsPerChar
enum _flexio_uart_interrupt_enable
Define FlexIO UART interrupt mask.
enumerator kFLEXIO_UART_TxDataRegEmptyInterruptEnable
Transmit buffer empty interrupt enable.
enumerator kFLEXIO_UART_RxDataRegFullInterruptEnable
Receive buffer full interrupt enable.
enumerator kFLEXIO_UART_TxDataRegEmptyInterruptEnable
enum _flexio_uart_status_flags
Define FlexIO UART status mask.
enumerator kFLEXIO_UART_TxDataRegEmptyFlag
Transmit buffer empty flag.
enumerator kFLEXIO_UART_RxDataRegFullFlag
Receive buffer full flag.
enumerator kFLEXIO_UART_RxOverRunFlag
Receive buffer over run flag.
enumerator kFLEXIO_UART_TxDataRegEmptyFlag
typedef enum _flexio_uart_bit_count_per_char flexio_uart_bit_count_per_char_t
FlexIO UART bit count per char.
typedef struct _flexio_uart_type FLEXIO_UART_Type
Define FlexIO UART access structure typedef.
typedef struct _flexio_uart_config flexio_uart_config_t
Define FlexIO UART user configuration structure.
typedef struct _flexio_uart_transfer flexio_uart_transfer_t
Define FlexIO UART transfer structure.
typedef struct _flexio_uart_handle flexio_uart_handle_t
typedef void (*flexio_uart_transfer_callback_t)(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, flexio_uart_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
FlexIO UART transfer callback function.
Retry times for waiting flag.
struct _flexio_uart_type
- #include <fsl_flexio_uart.h>
Define FlexIO UART access structure typedef.
Public Members
FLEXIO_Type *flexioBase
FlexIO base pointer.
uint8_t TxPinIndex
Pin select for UART_Tx.
uint8_t RxPinIndex
Pin select for UART_Rx.
uint8_t shifterIndex[2]
Shifter index used in FlexIO UART.
uint8_t timerIndex[2]
Timer index used in FlexIO UART.
FLEXIO_Type *flexioBase
struct _flexio_uart_config
- #include <fsl_flexio_uart.h>
Define FlexIO UART user configuration structure.
Public Members
bool enableUart
Enable/disable FlexIO UART TX & RX.
bool enableInDoze
Enable/disable FlexIO operation in doze mode
bool enableInDebug
Enable/disable FlexIO operation in debug mode
bool enableFastAccess
Enable/disable fast access to FlexIO registers, fast access requires the FlexIO clock to be at least twice the frequency of the bus clock.
uint32_t baudRate_Bps
Baud rate in Bps.
flexio_uart_bit_count_per_char_t bitCountPerChar
number of bits, 7/8/9 -bit
bool enableUart
struct _flexio_uart_transfer
- #include <fsl_flexio_uart.h>
Define FlexIO UART transfer structure.
Public Members
size_t dataSize
Transfer size
size_t dataSize
struct _flexio_uart_handle
- #include <fsl_flexio_uart.h>
Define FLEXIO UART handle structure.
Public Members
const uint8_t *volatile txData
Address of remaining data to send.
volatile size_t txDataSize
Size of the remaining data to send.
uint8_t *volatile rxData
Address of remaining data to receive.
volatile size_t rxDataSize
Size of the remaining data to receive.
size_t txDataSizeAll
Total bytes to be sent.
size_t rxDataSizeAll
Total bytes to be received.
uint8_t *rxRingBuffer
Start address of the receiver ring buffer.
size_t rxRingBufferSize
Size of the ring buffer.
volatile uint16_t rxRingBufferHead
Index for the driver to store received data into ring buffer.
volatile uint16_t rxRingBufferTail
Index for the user to get data from the ring buffer.
flexio_uart_transfer_callback_t callback
Callback function.
void *userData
UART callback function parameter.
volatile uint8_t txState
TX transfer state.
volatile uint8_t rxState
RX transfer state
const uint8_t *volatile txData
union __unnamed48__
Public Members
uint8_t *data
The buffer of data to be transfer.
uint8_t *rxData
The buffer to receive data.
const uint8_t *txData
The buffer of data to be sent.
uint8_t *data
GPIO: General-Purpose Input/Output Driver
GPIO driver version.
enum _gpio_pin_direction
GPIO direction definition.
enumerator kGPIO_DigitalInput
Set current pin as digital input
enumerator kGPIO_DigitalOutput
Set current pin as digital output
enumerator kGPIO_DigitalInput
enum _gpio_interrupt_config
Configures the interrupt generation condition.
enumerator kGPIO_InterruptStatusFlagDisabled
Interrupt status flag is disabled.
enumerator kGPIO_DMARisingEdge
ISF flag and DMA request on rising edge.
enumerator kGPIO_DMAFallingEdge
ISF flag and DMA request on falling edge.
enumerator kGPIO_DMAEitherEdge
ISF flag and DMA request on either edge.
enumerator kGPIO_FlagRisingEdge
Flag sets on rising edge.
enumerator kGPIO_FlagFallingEdge
Flag sets on falling edge.
enumerator kGPIO_FlagEitherEdge
Flag sets on either edge.
enumerator kGPIO_InterruptLogicZero
Interrupt when logic zero.
enumerator kGPIO_InterruptRisingEdge
Interrupt on rising edge.
enumerator kGPIO_InterruptFallingEdge
Interrupt on falling edge.
enumerator kGPIO_InterruptEitherEdge
Interrupt on either edge.
enumerator kGPIO_InterruptLogicOne
Interrupt when logic one.
enumerator kGPIO_ActiveHighTriggerOutputEnable
Enable active high-trigger output.
enumerator kGPIO_ActiveLowTriggerOutputEnable
Enable active low-trigger output.
enumerator kGPIO_InterruptStatusFlagDisabled
typedef enum _gpio_pin_direction gpio_pin_direction_t
GPIO direction definition.
typedef struct _gpio_pin_config gpio_pin_config_t
The GPIO pin configuration structure.
Each pin can only be configured as either an output pin or an input pin at a time. If configured as an input pin, leave the outputConfig unused. Note that in some use cases, the corresponding port property should be configured in advance with the PORT_SetPinConfig().
typedef enum _gpio_interrupt_config gpio_interrupt_config_t
Configures the interrupt generation condition.
struct _gpio_pin_config
- #include <fsl_gpio.h>
The GPIO pin configuration structure.
Each pin can only be configured as either an output pin or an input pin at a time. If configured as an input pin, leave the outputConfig unused. Note that in some use cases, the corresponding port property should be configured in advance with the PORT_SetPinConfig().
Public Members
gpio_pin_direction_t pinDirection
GPIO direction, input or output
uint8_t outputLogic
Set a default output logic, which has no use in input
gpio_pin_direction_t pinDirection
GPIO Driver
void GPIO_PortInit(GPIO_Type *base)
Initializes the GPIO peripheral.
This function ungates the GPIO clock.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer.
void GPIO_PortDenit(GPIO_Type *base)
Denitializes the GPIO peripheral.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer.
void GPIO_PinInit(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t pin, const gpio_pin_config_t *config)
Initializes a GPIO pin used by the board.
To initialize the GPIO, define a pin configuration, as either input or output, in the user file. Then, call the GPIO_PinInit() function.
This is an example to define an input pin or an output pin configuration.
Define a digital input pin configuration, gpio_pin_config_t config = { kGPIO_DigitalInput, 0, } Define a digital output pin configuration, gpio_pin_config_t config = { kGPIO_DigitalOutput, 0, }
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)
pin – GPIO port pin number
config – GPIO pin configuration pointer
static inline void GPIO_PinWrite(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t pin, uint8_t output)
Sets the output level of the multiple GPIO pins to the logic 1 or 0.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)
pin – GPIO pin number
output – GPIO pin output logic level.
0: corresponding pin output low-logic level.
1: corresponding pin output high-logic level.
static inline void GPIO_PortSet(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Sets the output level of the multiple GPIO pins to the logic 1.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)
mask – GPIO pin number macro
static inline void GPIO_PortClear(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Sets the output level of the multiple GPIO pins to the logic 0.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)
mask – GPIO pin number macro
static inline void GPIO_PortToggle(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Reverses the current output logic of the multiple GPIO pins.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)
mask – GPIO pin number macro
static inline uint32_t GPIO_PinRead(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t pin)
Reads the current input value of the GPIO port.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)
pin – GPIO pin number
- Return values:
GPIO – port input value
0: corresponding pin input low-logic level.
1: corresponding pin input high-logic level.
static inline void GPIO_SetPinInterruptConfig(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t pin, gpio_interrupt_config_t config)
Configures the gpio pin interrupt/DMA request.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer.
pin – GPIO pin number.
config – GPIO pin interrupt configuration.
kGPIO_InterruptStatusFlagDisabled: Interrupt/DMA request disabled.
kGPIO_DMARisingEdge : DMA request on rising edge(if the DMA requests exit).
kGPIO_DMAFallingEdge: DMA request on falling edge(if the DMA requests exit).
kGPIO_DMAEitherEdge : DMA request on either edge(if the DMA requests exit).
kGPIO_FlagRisingEdge : Flag sets on rising edge(if the Flag states exit).
kGPIO_FlagFallingEdge : Flag sets on falling edge(if the Flag states exit).
kGPIO_FlagEitherEdge : Flag sets on either edge(if the Flag states exit).
kGPIO_InterruptLogicZero : Interrupt when logic zero.
kGPIO_InterruptRisingEdge : Interrupt on rising edge.
kGPIO_InterruptFallingEdge: Interrupt on falling edge.
kGPIO_InterruptEitherEdge : Interrupt on either edge.
kGPIO_InterruptLogicOne : Interrupt when logic one.
kGPIO_ActiveHighTriggerOutputEnable : Enable active high-trigger output (if the trigger states exit).
kGPIO_ActiveLowTriggerOutputEnable : Enable active low-trigger output (if the trigger states exit).
uint32_t GPIO_GpioGetInterruptFlags(GPIO_Type *base)
Read the GPIO interrupt status flags.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer. (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)
- Returns:
The current GPIO’s interrupt status flag. ‘1’ means the related pin’s flag is set, ‘0’ means the related pin’s flag not set. For example, the return value 0x00010001 means the pin 0 and 17 have the interrupt pending.
uint8_t GPIO_PinGetInterruptFlag(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t pin)
Read individual pin’s interrupt status flag.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer. (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on)
pin – GPIO specific pin number.
- Returns:
The current selected pin’s interrupt status flag.
void GPIO_GpioClearInterruptFlags(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears GPIO pin interrupt status flags.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)
mask – GPIO pin number macro
void GPIO_PinClearInterruptFlag(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t pin)
Clear GPIO individual pin’s interrupt status flag.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on).
pin – GPIO specific pin number.
static inline void GPIO_SetMultipleInterruptPinsConfig(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask, gpio_interrupt_config_t config)
Sets the GPIO interrupt configuration in PCR register for multiple pins.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer.
mask – GPIO pin number macro.
config – GPIO pin interrupt configuration.
kGPIO_InterruptStatusFlagDisabled: Interrupt disabled.
kGPIO_DMARisingEdge : DMA request on rising edge(if the DMA requests exit).
kGPIO_DMAFallingEdge: DMA request on falling edge(if the DMA requests exit).
kGPIO_DMAEitherEdge : DMA request on either edge(if the DMA requests exit).
kGPIO_FlagRisingEdge : Flag sets on rising edge(if the Flag states exit).
kGPIO_FlagFallingEdge : Flag sets on falling edge(if the Flag states exit).
kGPIO_FlagEitherEdge : Flag sets on either edge(if the Flag states exit).
kGPIO_InterruptLogicZero : Interrupt when logic zero.
kGPIO_InterruptRisingEdge : Interrupt on rising edge.
kGPIO_InterruptFallingEdge: Interrupt on falling edge.
kGPIO_InterruptEitherEdge : Interrupt on either edge.
kGPIO_InterruptLogicOne : Interrupt when logic one.
kGPIO_ActiveHighTriggerOutputEnable : Enable active high-trigger output (if the trigger states exit).
kGPIO_ActiveLowTriggerOutputEnable : Enable active low-trigger output (if the trigger states exit)..
static inline void IOMUXC_SetPinMux(uint32_t muxRegister, uint32_t muxMode, uint32_t inputRegister, uint32_t inputDaisy, uint32_t configRegister, uint32_t inputInv)
Sets the IOMUXC pin mux mode.
This is an example to set the PTA2 as the lpuart0_tx:
This is an example to set the PTB6 as i2s1_txd3:
The first five parameters can be filled with the pin function ID macros.
- Parameters:
muxRegister – The pin mux register.
muxMode – The pin mux mode.
inputRegister – The select input register.
inputDaisy – The input daisy.
configRegister – The config register.
inputInv – The pad->module input inversion.
static inline void IOMUXC_SetPinConfig(uint32_t muxRegister, uint32_t muxMode, uint32_t inputRegister, uint32_t inputDaisy, uint32_t configRegister, uint32_t configValue)
Sets the IOMUXC pin configuration.
This is an example to set pin configuration for IOMUXC_PTA7_LPUART1_RX:
The previous five parameters can be filled with the pin function ID macros.
- Parameters:
muxRegister – The pin mux register.
muxMode – The pin mux mode.
inputRegister – The select input register.
inputDaisy – The input daisy.
configRegister – The config register.
configValue – The pin config value.
IOMUXC driver version 2.0.1.
Common Driver
common driver version.
No debug console.
Debug console based on UART.
Debug console based on LPUART.
Debug console based on LPSCI.
Debug console based on USBCDC.
Debug console based on FLEXCOMM.
Debug console based on i.MX UART.
Debug console based on LPC_VUSART.
Debug console based on LPC_USART.
Debug console based on SWO.
Debug console based on QSCI.
MIN(a, b)
Computes the minimum of a and b.
MAX(a, b)
Computes the maximum of a and b.
Max value of uint16_t type.
Max value of uint32_t type.
Add value val from the variable at address address.
Subtract value val to the variable at address address.
Set the bits specifiled by bits to the variable at address address.
Clear the bits specifiled by bits to the variable at address address.
Toggle the bits specifiled by bits to the variable at address address.
SDK_ATOMIC_LOCAL_CLEAR_AND_SET(addr, clearBits, setBits)
For the variable at address address, clear the bits specifiled by clearBits and set the bits specifiled by setBits.
SDK_ATOMIC_LOCAL_COMPARE_AND_SET(addr, expected, newValue)
For the variable at address address, check whether the value equal to expected. If value same as expected then update newValue to address and return true , else return false .
For the variable at address address, set as newValue value and return old value.
USEC_TO_COUNT(us, clockFreqInHz)
Macro to convert a microsecond period to raw count value
COUNT_TO_USEC(count, clockFreqInHz)
Macro to convert a raw count value to microsecond
MSEC_TO_COUNT(ms, clockFreqInHz)
Macro to convert a millisecond period to raw count value
COUNT_TO_MSEC(count, clockFreqInHz)
Macro to convert a raw count value to millisecond
SDK_SIZEALIGN(var, alignbytes)
Macro to define a variable with L1 d-cache line size alignment
Macro to define a variable with L2 cache line size alignment
Macro to change a value to a given size aligned value
Define a variable var, and place it in non-cacheable section.
Define a variable var, and place it in non-cacheable section, the start address of the variable is aligned to alignbytes.
Define a variable var with initial value, and place it in non-cacheable section.
Define a variable var with initial value, and place it in non-cacheable section, the start address of the variable is aligned to alignbytes.
enum _status_groups
Status group numbers.
enumerator kStatusGroup_Generic
Group number for generic status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_FLASH
Group number for FLASH status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_LPSPI
Group number for LPSPI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXIO_SPI
Group number for FLEXIO SPI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_DSPI
Group number for DSPI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXIO_UART
Group number for FLEXIO UART status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXIO_I2C
Group number for FLEXIO I2C status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_LPI2C
Group number for LPI2C status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_UART
Group number for UART status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_I2C
Group number for UART status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_LPSCI
Group number for LPSCI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_LPUART
Group number for LPUART status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SPI
Group number for SPI status code.
enumerator kStatusGroup_XRDC
Group number for XRDC status code.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SEMA42
Group number for SEMA42 status code.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SDHC
Group number for SDHC status code
enumerator kStatusGroup_SDMMC
Group number for SDMMC status code
enumerator kStatusGroup_SAI
Group number for SAI status code
enumerator kStatusGroup_MCG
Group number for MCG status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SCG
Group number for SCG status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SDSPI
Group number for SDSPI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXIO_I2S
Group number for FLEXIO I2S status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXIO_MCULCD
Group number for FLEXIO LCD status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_FLASHIAP
Group number for FLASHIAP status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXCOMM_I2C
Group number for FLEXCOMM I2C status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_I2S
Group number for I2S status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_IUART
Group number for IUART status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_CSI
Group number for CSI status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_MIPI_DSI
Group number for MIPI DSI status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_SDRAMC
Group number for SDRAMC status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_POWER
Group number for POWER status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_ENET
Group number for ENET status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_PHY
Group number for PHY status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_TRGMUX
Group number for TRGMUX status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SMARTCARD
Group number for SMARTCARD status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_LMEM
Group number for LMEM status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_QSPI
Group number for QSPI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_DMA
Group number for DMA status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_EDMA
Group number for EDMA status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_DMAMGR
Group number for DMAMGR status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXCAN
Group number for FlexCAN status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_LTC
Group number for LTC status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXIO_CAMERA
Group number for FLEXIO CAMERA status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_LPC_SPI
Group number for LPC_SPI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_LPC_USART
Group number for LPC_USART status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_DMIC
Group number for DMIC status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SDIF
Group number for SDIF status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SPIFI
Group number for SPIFI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_OTP
Group number for OTP status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_MCAN
Group number for MCAN status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_CAAM
Group number for CAAM status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_ECSPI
Group number for ECSPI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_USDHC
Group number for USDHC status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_LPC_I2C
Group number for LPC_I2C status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_DCP
Group number for DCP status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_MSCAN
Group number for MSCAN status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_ESAI
Group number for ESAI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXSPI
Group number for FLEXSPI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_MMDC
Group number for MMDC status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_PDM
Group number for MIC status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SDMA
Group number for SDMA status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_ICS
Group number for ICS status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SPDIF
Group number for SPDIF status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_LPC_MINISPI
Group number for LPC_MINISPI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_HASHCRYPT
Group number for Hashcrypt status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_LPC_SPI_SSP
Group number for LPC_SPI_SSP status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_I3C
Group number for I3C status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_LPC_I2C_1
Group number for LPC_I2C_1 status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_NOTIFIER
Group number for NOTIFIER status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_DebugConsole
Group number for debug console status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SEMC
Group number for SEMC status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_ApplicationRangeStart
Starting number for application groups.
enumerator kStatusGroup_IAP
Group number for IAP status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_SFA
Group number for SFA status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_SPC
Group number for SPC status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_PUF
Group number for PUF status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_TOUCH_PANEL
Group number for touch panel status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_VBAT
Group number for VBAT status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_XSPI
Group number for XSPI status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_PNGDEC
Group number for PNGDEC status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_JPEGDEC
Group number for JPEGDEC status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_GPIO
Group number for HAL GPIO status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_UART
Group number for HAL UART status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_TIMER
Group number for HAL TIMER status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_SPI
Group number for HAL SPI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_I2C
Group number for HAL I2C status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_FLASH
Group number for HAL FLASH status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_PWM
Group number for HAL PWM status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_RNG
Group number for HAL RNG status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_I2S
Group number for HAL I2S status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_ADC_SENSOR
Group number for HAL ADC SENSOR status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_TIMERMANAGER
Group number for TiMER MANAGER status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SERIALMANAGER
Group number for SERIAL MANAGER status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_LED
Group number for LED status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_BUTTON
Group number for BUTTON status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_EXTERN_EEPROM
Group number for EXTERN EEPROM status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SHELL
Group number for SHELL status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_MEM_MANAGER
Group number for MEM MANAGER status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_LIST
Group number for List status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_OSA
Group number for OSA status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_COMMON_TASK
Group number for Common task status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_MSG
Group number for messaging status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SDK_OCOTP
Group number for OCOTP status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SDK_FLEXSPINOR
Group number for FLEXSPINOR status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_CODEC
Group number for codec status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_ASRC
Group number for codec status ASRC.
enumerator kStatusGroup_OTFAD
Group number for codec status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SDIOSLV
Group number for SDIOSLV status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_MECC
Group number for MECC status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_ENET_QOS
Group number for ENET_QOS status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_LOG
Group number for LOG status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_I3CBUS
Group number for I3CBUS status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_QSCI
Group number for QSCI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_ELEMU
Group number for ELEMU status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_QUEUEDSPI
Group number for QSPI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_POWER_MANAGER
Group number for POWER_MANAGER status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_IPED
Group number for IPED status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_ELS_PKC
Group number for ELS PKC status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_CSS_PKC
Group number for CSS PKC status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_HOSTIF
Group number for HOSTIF status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_CLIF
Group number for CLIF status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_BMA
Group number for BMA status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_NETC
Group number for NETC status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_ELE
Group number for ELE status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_GLIKEY
Group number for GLIKEY status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_AON_POWER
Group number for AON_POWER status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_AON_COMMON
Group number for AON_COMMON status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_ENDAT3
Group number for ENDAT3 status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_HIPERFACE
Group number for HIPERFACE status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_Generic
Generic status return codes.
enumerator kStatus_Success
Generic status for Success.
enumerator kStatus_Fail
Generic status for Fail.
enumerator kStatus_ReadOnly
Generic status for read only failure.
enumerator kStatus_OutOfRange
Generic status for out of range access.
enumerator kStatus_InvalidArgument
Generic status for invalid argument check.
enumerator kStatus_Timeout
Generic status for timeout.
enumerator kStatus_NoTransferInProgress
Generic status for no transfer in progress.
enumerator kStatus_Busy
Generic status for module is busy.
enumerator kStatus_NoData
Generic status for no data is found for the operation.
enumerator kStatus_Success
typedef int32_t status_t
Type used for all status and error return values.
void *SDK_Malloc(size_t size, size_t alignbytes)
Allocate memory with given alignment and aligned size.
This is provided to support the dynamically allocated memory used in cache-able region.
- Parameters:
size – The length required to malloc.
alignbytes – The alignment size.
- Return values:
The – allocated memory.
void SDK_Free(void *ptr)
Free memory.
- Parameters:
ptr – The memory to be release.
void SDK_DelayAtLeastUs(uint32_t delayTime_us, uint32_t coreClock_Hz)
Delay at least for some time. Please note that, this API uses while loop for delay, different run-time environments make the time not precise, if precise delay count was needed, please implement a new delay function with hardware timer.
- Parameters:
delayTime_us – Delay time in unit of microsecond.
coreClock_Hz – Core clock frequency with Hz.
static inline status_t EnableIRQ(IRQn_Type interrupt)
Enable specific interrupt.
Enable LEVEL1 interrupt. For some devices, there might be multiple interrupt levels. For example, there are NVIC and intmux. Here the interrupts connected to NVIC are the LEVEL1 interrupts, because they are routed to the core directly. The interrupts connected to intmux are the LEVEL2 interrupts, they are routed to NVIC first then routed to core.
This function only enables the LEVEL1 interrupts. The number of LEVEL1 interrupts is indicated by the feature macro FSL_FEATURE_NUMBER_OF_LEVEL1_INT_VECTORS.
- Parameters:
interrupt – The IRQ number.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Interrupt enabled successfully
kStatus_Fail – Failed to enable the interrupt
static inline status_t DisableIRQ(IRQn_Type interrupt)
Disable specific interrupt.
Disable LEVEL1 interrupt. For some devices, there might be multiple interrupt levels. For example, there are NVIC and intmux. Here the interrupts connected to NVIC are the LEVEL1 interrupts, because they are routed to the core directly. The interrupts connected to intmux are the LEVEL2 interrupts, they are routed to NVIC first then routed to core.
This function only disables the LEVEL1 interrupts. The number of LEVEL1 interrupts is indicated by the feature macro FSL_FEATURE_NUMBER_OF_LEVEL1_INT_VECTORS.
- Parameters:
interrupt – The IRQ number.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Interrupt disabled successfully
kStatus_Fail – Failed to disable the interrupt
static inline status_t EnableIRQWithPriority(IRQn_Type interrupt, uint8_t priNum)
Enable the IRQ, and also set the interrupt priority.
Only handle LEVEL1 interrupt. For some devices, there might be multiple interrupt levels. For example, there are NVIC and intmux. Here the interrupts connected to NVIC are the LEVEL1 interrupts, because they are routed to the core directly. The interrupts connected to intmux are the LEVEL2 interrupts, they are routed to NVIC first then routed to core.
This function only handles the LEVEL1 interrupts. The number of LEVEL1 interrupts is indicated by the feature macro FSL_FEATURE_NUMBER_OF_LEVEL1_INT_VECTORS.
- Parameters:
interrupt – The IRQ to Enable.
priNum – Priority number set to interrupt controller register.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Interrupt priority set successfully
kStatus_Fail – Failed to set the interrupt priority.
static inline status_t IRQ_SetPriority(IRQn_Type interrupt, uint8_t priNum)
Set the IRQ priority.
Only handle LEVEL1 interrupt. For some devices, there might be multiple interrupt levels. For example, there are NVIC and intmux. Here the interrupts connected to NVIC are the LEVEL1 interrupts, because they are routed to the core directly. The interrupts connected to intmux are the LEVEL2 interrupts, they are routed to NVIC first then routed to core.
This function only handles the LEVEL1 interrupts. The number of LEVEL1 interrupts is indicated by the feature macro FSL_FEATURE_NUMBER_OF_LEVEL1_INT_VECTORS.
- Parameters:
interrupt – The IRQ to set.
priNum – Priority number set to interrupt controller register.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Interrupt priority set successfully
kStatus_Fail – Failed to set the interrupt priority.
static inline status_t IRQ_ClearPendingIRQ(IRQn_Type interrupt)
Clear the pending IRQ flag.
Only handle LEVEL1 interrupt. For some devices, there might be multiple interrupt levels. For example, there are NVIC and intmux. Here the interrupts connected to NVIC are the LEVEL1 interrupts, because they are routed to the core directly. The interrupts connected to intmux are the LEVEL2 interrupts, they are routed to NVIC first then routed to core.
This function only handles the LEVEL1 interrupts. The number of LEVEL1 interrupts is indicated by the feature macro FSL_FEATURE_NUMBER_OF_LEVEL1_INT_VECTORS.
- Parameters:
interrupt – The flag which IRQ to clear.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Interrupt priority set successfully
kStatus_Fail – Failed to set the interrupt priority.
static inline uint32_t DisableGlobalIRQ(void)
Disable the global IRQ.
Disable the global interrupt and return the current primask register. User is required to provided the primask register for the EnableGlobalIRQ().
- Returns:
Current primask value.
static inline void EnableGlobalIRQ(uint32_t primask)
Enable the global IRQ.
Set the primask register with the provided primask value but not just enable the primask. The idea is for the convenience of integration of RTOS. some RTOS get its own management mechanism of primask. User is required to use the EnableGlobalIRQ() and DisableGlobalIRQ() in pair.
- Parameters:
primask – value of primask register to be restored. The primask value is supposed to be provided by the DisableGlobalIRQ().
static inline bool _SDK_AtomicLocalCompareAndSet(uint32_t *addr, uint32_t expected, uint32_t newValue)
static inline uint32_t _SDK_AtomicTestAndSet(uint32_t *addr, uint32_t newValue)
Macro to use the default weak IRQ handler in drivers.
MAKE_STATUS(group, code)
Construct a status code value from a group and code number.
MAKE_VERSION(major, minor, bugfix)
Construct the version number for drivers.
The driver version is a 32-bit number, for both 32-bit platforms(such as Cortex M) and 16-bit platforms(such as DSC).
| Unused || Major Version || Minor Version || Bug Fix | 31 25 24 17 16 9 8 0
Computes the number of elements in an array.
Macro to get upper 32 bits of a 64-bit value
Macro to get lower 32 bits of a 64-bit value
For switch case code block, if case section ends without “break;” statement, there wil be fallthrough warning with compiler flag -Wextra or -Wimplicit-fallthrough=n when using armgcc. To suppress this warning, “SUPPRESS_FALL_THROUGH_WARNING();” need to be added at the end of each case section which misses “break;”statement.
Convert the register address to the one used in secure mode.
Convert the register address to the one used in non-secure mode.
LCDIF: LCD interface
status_t LCDIF_Init(LCDIF_Type *base)
Initialize the LCDIF.
This function initializes the LCDIF to work.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIF peripheral base address.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Initialize successfully.
void LCDIF_Deinit(LCDIF_Type *base)
De-initialize the LCDIF.
This function disables the LCDIF peripheral clock.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIF peripheral base address.
void LCDIF_DpiModeGetDefaultConfig(lcdif_dpi_config_t *config)
Get the default configuration for to initialize the LCDIF.
The default configuration value is:
config->panelWidth = 0; config->panelHeight = 0; config->hsw = 0; config->hfp = 0; config->hbp = 0; config->vsw = 0; config->vfp = 0; config->vbp = 0; config->polarityFlags = kLCDIF_VsyncActiveLow | kLCDIF_HsyncActiveLow | kLCDIF_DataEnableActiveHigh | kLCDIF_DriveDataOnFallingClkEdge; config->format = kLCDIF_Output24Bit;
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to the LCDIF configuration.
status_t LCDIF_DpiModeSetConfig(LCDIF_Type *base, uint8_t displayIndex, const lcdif_dpi_config_t *config)
Initialize the LCDIF to work in DPI mode.
This function configures the LCDIF DPI display.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIF peripheral base address.
displayIndex – Display index.
config – Pointer to the configuration structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Initialize successfully.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Initialize failed because of invalid argument.
status_t LCDIF_DbiModeSetConfig(LCDIF_Type *base, uint8_t displayIndex, const lcdif_dbi_config_t *config)
Initialize the LCDIF to work in DBI mode.
This function configures the LCDIF DBI display.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIF peripheral base address.
displayIndex – Display index.
config – Pointer to the configuration structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Initialize successfully.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Initialize failed because of invalid argument.
void LCDIF_DbiModeGetDefaultConfig(lcdif_dbi_config_t *config)
Get the default configuration to initialize the LCDIF DBI mode.
The default configuration value is:
config->swizzle = kLCDIF_DbiOutSwizzleRGB; config->format = kLCDIF_DbiOutD8RGB332; config->acTimeUnit = 0; config->type = kLCDIF_DbiTypeA_ClockedE; config->reversePolarity = false; config->writeWRPeriod = 3U; config->writeWRAssert = 0U; config->writeCSAssert = 0U; config->writeWRDeassert = 0U; config->writeCSDeassert = 0U; config->typeCTas = 1U; config->typeCSCLTwrl = 1U; config->typeCSCLTwrh = 1U;
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to the LCDIF DBI configuration.
static inline void LCDIF_DbiReset(LCDIF_Type *base, uint8_t displayIndex)
Reset the DBI module.
- Parameters:
displayIndex – Display index.
base – LCDIF peripheral base address.
void LCDIF_DbiSelectArea(LCDIF_Type *base, uint8_t displayIndex, uint16_t startX, uint16_t startY, uint16_t endX, uint16_t endY, bool isTiled)
Select the update area in DBI mode.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIF peripheral base address.
displayIndex – Display index.
startX – X coordinate for start pixel.
startY – Y coordinate for start pixel.
endX – X coordinate for end pixel.
endY – Y coordinate for end pixel.
isTiled – true if the pixel data is tiled.
static inline void LCDIF_DbiSendCommand(LCDIF_Type *base, uint8_t displayIndex, uint8_t cmd)
Send command to DBI port.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIF peripheral base address.
displayIndex – Display index.
cmd – the DBI command to send.
void LCDIF_DbiSendData(LCDIF_Type *base, uint8_t displayIndex, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t dataLen_Byte)
brief Send data to DBI port.
Can be used to send light weight data to panel. To send pixel data in frame buffer, use LCDIF_DbiWriteMem.
param base LCDIF peripheral base address. param displayIndex Display index. param data pointer to data buffer. param dataLen_Byte data buffer length in byte.
void LCDIF_DbiSendCommandAndData(LCDIF_Type *base, uint8_t displayIndex, uint8_t cmd, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t dataLen_Byte)
Send command followed by data to DBI port.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIF peripheral base address.
displayIndex – Display index.
cmd – the DBI command to send.
data – pointer to data buffer.
dataLen_Byte – data buffer length in byte.
static inline void LCDIF_DbiWriteMem(LCDIF_Type *base, uint8_t displayIndex)
Send pixel data in frame buffer to panel controller memory.
This function starts sending the pixel data in frame buffer to panel controller, user can monitor interrupt kLCDIF_Display0FrameDoneInterrupt to know when then data sending finished.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIF peripheral base address.
displayIndex – Display index.
void LCDIF_SetFrameBufferConfig(LCDIF_Type *base, uint8_t displayIndex, const lcdif_fb_config_t *config)
Configure the LCDIF frame buffer.
@Note: For LCDIF of version DC8000 there can be 3 layers in the pre-processing, compared with the older version. Apart from the video layer, there are also 2 overlay layers which shares the same configurations. Use this API to configure the legacy video layer, and use LCDIF_SetOverlayFrameBufferConfig to configure the overlay layers.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIF peripheral base address.
displayIndex – Display index.
config – Pointer to the configuration structure.
void LCDIF_FrameBufferGetDefaultConfig(lcdif_fb_config_t *config)
Get default frame buffer configuration.
@Note: For LCDIF of version DC8000 there can be 3 layers in the pre-processing, compared with the older version. Apart from the video layer, there are also 2 overlay layers which shares the same configurations. Use this API to get the default configuration for all the 3 layers.
The default configuration is
config->enable = true; config->enableGamma = false; config->format = kLCDIF_PixelFormatRGB565;
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to the configuration structure.
static inline void LCDIF_SetFrameBufferAddr(LCDIF_Type *base, uint8_t displayIndex, uint32_t address)
Set the frame buffer to LCDIF.
The address must be 128 bytes aligned.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIF peripheral base address.
displayIndex – Display index.
address – Frame buffer address.
void LCDIF_SetFrameBufferStride(LCDIF_Type *base, uint8_t displayIndex, uint32_t strideBytes)
Set the frame buffer stride.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIF peripheral base address.
displayIndex – Display index.
strideBytes – The stride in byte.
void LCDIF_SetDitherConfig(LCDIF_Type *base, uint8_t displayIndex, const lcdif_dither_config_t *config)
Set the dither configuration.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIF peripheral base address.
displayIndex – Index to configure.
config – Pointer to the configuration structure.
void LCDIF_SetGammaData(LCDIF_Type *base, uint8_t displayIndex, uint16_t startIndex, const uint32_t *gamma, uint16_t gammaLen)
Set the gamma translation values to the LCDIF gamma table.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIF peripheral base address.
displayIndex – Display index.
startIndex – Start index in the gamma table that the value will be set to.
gamma – The gamma values to set to the gamma table in LCDIF, could be defined using LCDIF_MAKE_GAMMA_VALUE.
gammaLen – The length of the
static inline void LCDIF_EnableInterrupts(LCDIF_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables LCDIF interrupt requests.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIF peripheral base address.
mask – The interrupts to enable, pass in as OR’ed value of _lcdif_interrupt.
static inline void LCDIF_DisableInterrupts(LCDIF_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disable LCDIF interrupt requests.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIF peripheral base address.
mask – The interrupts to disable, pass in as OR’ed value of _lcdif_interrupt.
static inline uint32_t LCDIF_GetAndClearInterruptPendingFlags(LCDIF_Type *base)
Get and clear LCDIF interrupt pending status.
The interrupt must be enabled, otherwise the interrupt flags will not assert.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIF peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The interrupt pending status.
void LCDIF_CursorGetDefaultConfig(lcdif_cursor_config_t *config)
Get the hardware cursor default configuration.
The default configuration values are:
config->enable = true; config->format = kLCDIF_CursorMasked; config->hotspotOffsetX = 0; config->hotspotOffsetY = 0;
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to the hardware cursor configuration structure.
void LCDIF_SetCursorConfig(LCDIF_Type *base, const lcdif_cursor_config_t *config)
Configure the cursor.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIF peripheral base address.
config – Cursor configuration.
static inline void LCDIF_SetCursorHotspotPosition(LCDIF_Type *base, uint16_t x, uint16_t y)
Set the cursor hotspot postion.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIF peripheral base address.
x – X coordinate of the hotspot, range 0 ~ 8191.
y – Y coordinate of the hotspot, range 0 ~ 8191.
static inline void LCDIF_SetCursorBufferAddress(LCDIF_Type *base, uint32_t address)
Set the cursor memory address.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIF peripheral base address.
address – Memory address.
void LCDIF_SetCursorColor(LCDIF_Type *base, uint32_t background, uint32_t foreground)
Set the cursor color.
- Parameters:
base – LCDIF peripheral base address.
background – Background color, could be defined use LCDIF_MAKE_CURSOR_COLOR
foreground – Foreground color, could be defined use LCDIF_MAKE_CURSOR_COLOR
enum _lcdif_polarity_flags
LCDIF signal polarity flags.
enumerator kLCDIF_VsyncActiveLow
VSYNC active low.
enumerator kLCDIF_VsyncActiveHigh
VSYNC active high.
enumerator kLCDIF_HsyncActiveLow
HSYNC active low.
enumerator kLCDIF_HsyncActiveHigh
HSYNC active high.
enumerator kLCDIF_DataEnableActiveLow
Data enable line active low.
enumerator kLCDIF_DataEnableActiveHigh
Data enable line active high.
enumerator kLCDIF_DriveDataOnFallingClkEdge
Drive data on falling clock edge, capture data on rising clock edge.
enumerator kLCDIF_DriveDataOnRisingClkEdge
Drive data on falling clock edge, capture data on rising clock edge.
enumerator kLCDIF_VsyncActiveLow
enum _lcdif_output_format
LCDIF DPI output format.
enumerator kLCDIF_Output16BitConfig1
16-bit configuration 1. RGB565: XXXXXXXX_RRRRRGGG_GGGBBBBB.
enumerator kLCDIF_Output16BitConfig2
16-bit configuration 2. RGB565: XXXRRRRR_XXGGGGGG_XXXBBBBB.
enumerator kLCDIF_Output16BitConfig3
16-bit configuration 3. RGB565: XXRRRRRX_XXGGGGGG_XXBBBBBX.
enumerator kLCDIF_Output18BitConfig1
18-bit configuration 1. RGB666: XXXXXXRR_RRRRGGGG_GGBBBBBB.
enumerator kLCDIF_Output18BitConfig2
18-bit configuration 2. RGB666: XXRRRRRR_XXGGGGGG_XXBBBBBB.
enumerator kLCDIF_Output24Bit
enumerator kLCDIF_Output16BitConfig1
enum _lcdif_fb_format
LCDIF frame buffer pixel format.
enumerator kLCDIF_PixelFormatXRGB444
XRGB4444, deprecated, use kLCDIF_PixelFormatXRGB4444 instead.
enumerator kLCDIF_PixelFormatXRGB4444
XRGB4444, 16-bit each pixel, 4-bit each element. R4G4B4 in reference manual.
enumerator kLCDIF_PixelFormatXRGB1555
XRGB1555, 16-bit each pixel, 5-bit each element. R5G5B5 in reference manual.
enumerator kLCDIF_PixelFormatRGB565
RGB565, 16-bit each pixel. R5G6B5 in reference manual.
enumerator kLCDIF_PixelFormatXRGB8888
XRGB8888, 32-bit each pixel, 8-bit each element. R8G8B8 in reference manual.
enumerator kLCDIF_PixelFormatXRGB444
enum _lcdif_interrupt
LCDIF interrupt and status.
enumerator kLCDIF_Display0FrameDoneInterrupt
The last pixel of visible area in frame is shown.
enumerator kLCDIF_Display0FrameDoneInterrupt
enum _lcdif_cursor_format
LCDIF cursor format.
enumerator kLCDIF_CursorMasked
Masked format.
enumerator kLCDIF_CursorARGB8888
enumerator kLCDIF_CursorMasked
enum _lcdif_dbi_cmd_flag
LCDIF DBI command flag.
enumerator kLCDIF_DbiCmdAddress
Send address (or command).
enumerator kLCDIF_DbiCmdWriteMem
Start write memory.
enumerator kLCDIF_DbiCmdData
Send data.
enumerator kLCDIF_DbiCmdReadMem
Start read memory.
enumerator kLCDIF_DbiCmdAddress
enum _lcdif_dbi_out_format
LCDIF DBI output format.
enumerator kLCDIF_DbiOutD8RGB332
8-bit data bus width, pixel RGB332. For type A or B. 1 pixel sent in 1 cycle.
enumerator kLCDIF_DbiOutD8RGB444
8-bit data bus width, pixel RGB444. For type A or B. 2 pixels sent in 3 cycles.
enumerator kLCDIF_DbiOutD8RGB565
8-bit data bus width, pixel RGB565. For type A or B. 1 pixel sent in 2 cycles.
enumerator kLCDIF_DbiOutD8RGB666
8-bit data bus width, pixel RGB666. For type A or B. 1 pixel sent in 3 cycles, data bus 2 LSB not used.
enumerator kLCDIF_DbiOutD8RGB888
8-bit data bus width, pixel RGB888. For type A or B. 1 pixel sent in 3 cycles.
enumerator kLCDIF_DbiOutD9RGB666
9-bit data bus width, pixel RGB666. For type A or B. 1 pixel sent in 2 cycles.
enumerator kLCDIF_DbiOutD16RGB332
16-bit data bus width, pixel RGB332. For type A or B. 2 pixels sent in 1 cycle.
enumerator kLCDIF_DbiOutD16RGB444
16-bit data bus width, pixel RGB444. For type A or B. 1 pixel sent in 1 cycle, data bus 4 MSB not used.
enumerator kLCDIF_DbiOutD16RGB565
16-bit data bus width, pixel RGB565. For type A or B. 1 pixel sent in 1 cycle.
enumerator kLCDIF_DbiOutD16RGB666Option1
16-bit data bus width, pixel RGB666. For type A or B. 2 pixels sent in 3 cycles.
enumerator kLCDIF_DbiOutD16RGB666Option2
16-bit data bus width, pixel RGB666. For type A or B. 1 pixel sent in 2 cycles.
enumerator kLCDIF_DbiOutD16RGB888Option1
16-bit data bus width, pixel RGB888. For type A or B. 2 pixels sent in 3 cycles.
enumerator kLCDIF_DbiOutD16RGB888Option2
16-bit data bus width, pixel RGB888. For type A or B. 1 pixel sent in 2 cycles.
enumerator kLCDIF_DbiOutD8RGB332
enum _lcdif_dbi_type
enumerator kLCDIF_DbiTypeA_FixedE
Selects DBI type A fixed E mode, 68000, Motorola mode.
enumerator kLCDIF_DbiTypeA_ClockedE
Selects DBI Type A Clocked E mode, 68000, Motorola mode.
enumerator kLCDIF_DbiTypeB
Selects DBI type B, 8080, Intel mode.
enumerator kLCDIF_DbiTypeA_FixedE
enum _lcdif_dbi_out_swizzle
LCDIF DBI output swizzle.
enumerator kLCDIF_DbiOutSwizzleRGB
enumerator kLCDIF_DbiOutSwizzleBGR
enumerator kLCDIF_DbiOutSwizzleRGB
typedef enum _lcdif_output_format lcdif_output_format_t
LCDIF DPI output format.
typedef struct _lcdif_dpi_config lcdif_dpi_config_t
Configuration for LCDIF module to work in DBI mode.
typedef enum _lcdif_fb_format lcdif_fb_format_t
LCDIF frame buffer pixel format.
typedef struct _lcdif_fb_config lcdif_fb_config_t
LCDIF frame buffer configuration.
typedef enum _lcdif_cursor_format lcdif_cursor_format_t
LCDIF cursor format.
typedef struct _lcdif_cursor_config lcdif_cursor_config_t
LCDIF cursor configuration.
typedef struct _lcdif_dither_config lcdif_dither_config_t
LCDIF dither configuration.
Decide which bit of pixel color to enhance. This is configured by the lcdif_dither_config_t::redSize, lcdif_dither_config_t::greenSize, and lcdif_dither_config_t::blueSize. For example, setting redSize=6 means it is the 6th bit starting from the MSB that we want to enhance, in other words, it is the RedColor[2]bit from RedColor[7:0]. greenSize and blueSize function in the same way.
Create the look-up table. a. The Look-Up Table includes 16 entries, 4 bits for each. b. The Look-Up Table provides a value U[3:0] through the index X[1:0] and Y[1:0]. c. The color value RedColor[3:0] is used to compare with this U[3:0]. d. If RedColor[3:0] > U[3:0], and RedColor[7:2] is not 6’b111111, then the final color value is: NewRedColor = RedColor[7:2] + 1’b1. e. If RedColor[3:0] <= U[3:0], then NewRedColor = RedColor[7:2].
typedef enum _lcdif_dbi_out_format lcdif_dbi_out_format_t
LCDIF DBI output format.
typedef enum _lcdif_dbi_type lcdif_dbi_type_t
typedef enum _lcdif_dbi_out_swizzle lcdif_dbi_out_swizzle_t
LCDIF DBI output swizzle.
typedef struct _lcdif_dbi_config lcdif_dbi_config_t
LCDIF DBI configuration.
Construct the cursor color, every element should be in the range of 0 ~ 255.
Construct the gamma value set to LCDIF gamma table, every element should be in the range of 0~255.
LCDIF_ALIGN_ADDR(addr, align)
Calculate the aligned address for LCDIF buffer.
The frame buffer should be 128 byte aligned.
Gamma index max value.
The cursor size is 32 x 32.
struct _lcdif_dpi_config
- #include <fsl_lcdif.h>
Configuration for LCDIF module to work in DBI mode.
Public Members
uint16_t panelWidth
Display panel width, pixels per line.
uint16_t panelHeight
Display panel height, how many lines per panel.
uint8_t hsw
HSYNC pulse width.
uint8_t hfp
Horizontal front porch.
uint8_t hbp
Horizontal back porch.
uint8_t vsw
VSYNC pulse width.
uint8_t vfp
Vrtical front porch.
uint8_t vbp
Vertical back porch.
uint32_t polarityFlags
OR’ed value of _lcdif_polarity_flags, used to contol the signal polarity.
lcdif_output_format_t format
DPI output format.
uint16_t panelWidth
struct _lcdif_fb_config
- #include <fsl_lcdif.h>
LCDIF frame buffer configuration.
Public Members
bool enable
Enable the frame buffer output.
bool enableGamma
Enable the gamma correction.
lcdif_fb_format_t format
Frame buffer pixel format.
bool enable
struct _lcdif_cursor_config
- #include <fsl_lcdif.h>
LCDIF cursor configuration.
Public Members
bool enable
Enable the cursor or not.
lcdif_cursor_format_t format
Cursor format.
uint8_t hotspotOffsetX
Offset of the hotspot to top left point, range 0 ~ 31
uint8_t hotspotOffsetY
Offset of the hotspot to top left point, range 0 ~ 31
bool enable
struct _lcdif_dither_config
- #include <fsl_lcdif.h>
LCDIF dither configuration.
Decide which bit of pixel color to enhance. This is configured by the lcdif_dither_config_t::redSize, lcdif_dither_config_t::greenSize, and lcdif_dither_config_t::blueSize. For example, setting redSize=6 means it is the 6th bit starting from the MSB that we want to enhance, in other words, it is the RedColor[2]bit from RedColor[7:0]. greenSize and blueSize function in the same way.
Create the look-up table. a. The Look-Up Table includes 16 entries, 4 bits for each. b. The Look-Up Table provides a value U[3:0] through the index X[1:0] and Y[1:0]. c. The color value RedColor[3:0] is used to compare with this U[3:0]. d. If RedColor[3:0] > U[3:0], and RedColor[7:2] is not 6’b111111, then the final color value is: NewRedColor = RedColor[7:2] + 1’b1. e. If RedColor[3:0] <= U[3:0], then NewRedColor = RedColor[7:2].
Public Members
bool enable
Enable or not.
uint8_t redSize
Red color size, valid region 4-8.
uint8_t greenSize
Green color size, valid region 4-8.
uint8_t blueSize
Blue color size, valid region 4-8.
uint32_t low
Low part of the look up table.
uint32_t high
High part of the look up table.
struct _lcdif_dbi_config
- #include <fsl_lcdif.h>
LCDIF DBI configuration.
Public Members
lcdif_dbi_out_swizzle_t swizzle
lcdif_dbi_out_format_t format
Output format.
uint8_t acTimeUnit
Time unit for AC characteristics.
lcdif_dbi_type_t type
DBI type.
uint16_t writeWRPeriod
WR signal period, Cycle number = writeWRPeriod * (acTimeUnit + 1), must be no less than 3. Only for type A and type b.
uint8_t writeWRAssert
Cycle number = writeWRAssert * (acTimeUnit + 1), only for type A and type B. With kLCDIF_DbiTypeA_FixedE: Not used. With kLCDIF_DbiTypeA_ClockedE: Time to assert E. With kLCDIF_DbiTypeB: Time to assert WRX.
uint8_t writeCSAssert
Cycle number = writeCSAssert * (acTimeUnit + 1), only for type A and type B. With kLCDIF_DbiTypeA_FixedE: Time to assert CSX. With kLCDIF_DbiTypeA_ClockedE: Not used. With kLCDIF_DbiTypeB: Time to assert CSX.
uint16_t writeWRDeassert
Cycle number = writeWRDeassert * (acTimeUnit + 1), only for type A and type B. With kLCDIF_DbiTypeA_FixedE: Not used. With kLCDIF_DbiTypeA_ClockedE: Time to de-assert E. With kLCDIF_DbiTypeB: Time to de-assert WRX.
uint16_t writeCSDeassert
Cycle number = writeCSDeassert * (acTimeUnit + 1), only for type A and type B. With kLCDIF_DbiTypeA_FixedE: Time to de-assert CSX. With kLCDIF_DbiTypeA_ClockedE: Not used. With kLCDIF_DbiTypeB: Time to de-assert CSX.
lcdif_dbi_out_swizzle_t swizzle
LIN LPUART driver version.
enum _lin_lpuart_stop_bit_count
enumerator kLPUART_OneStopBit
One stop bit
enumerator kLPUART_TwoStopBit
Two stop bits
enumerator kLPUART_OneStopBit
enum _lin_lpuart_flags
enumerator kLPUART_TxDataRegEmptyFlag
Transmit data register empty flag, sets when transmit buffer is empty
enumerator kLPUART_TransmissionCompleteFlag
Transmission complete flag, sets when transmission activity complete
enumerator kLPUART_RxDataRegFullFlag
Receive data register full flag, sets when the receive data buffer is full
enumerator kLPUART_IdleLineFlag
Idle line detect flag, sets when idle line detected
enumerator kLPUART_RxOverrunFlag
Receive Overrun, sets when new data is received before data is read from receive register
enumerator kLPUART_NoiseErrorFlag
Receive takes 3 samples of each received bit. If any of these samples differ, noise flag sets
enumerator kLPUART_FramingErrorFlag
Frame error flag, sets if logic 0 was detected where stop bit expected
enumerator kLPUART_ParityErrorFlag
If parity enabled, sets upon parity error detection
enumerator kLPUART_RxActiveEdgeFlag
Receive pin active edge interrupt flag, sets when active edge detected
enumerator kLPUART_RxActiveFlag
Receiver Active Flag (RAF), sets at beginning of valid start bit
enumerator kLPUART_TxDataRegEmptyFlag
enum _lin_lpuart_interrupt_enable
enumerator kLPUART_RxActiveEdgeInterruptEnable
Receive Active Edge.
enumerator kLPUART_TxDataRegEmptyInterruptEnable
Transmit data register empty.
enumerator kLPUART_TransmissionCompleteInterruptEnable
Transmission complete.
enumerator kLPUART_RxDataRegFullInterruptEnable
Receiver data register full.
enumerator kLPUART_IdleLineInterruptEnable
Idle line.
enumerator kLPUART_RxOverrunInterruptEnable
Receiver Overrun.
enumerator kLPUART_NoiseErrorInterruptEnable
Noise error flag.
enumerator kLPUART_FramingErrorInterruptEnable
Framing error flag.
enumerator kLPUART_ParityErrorInterruptEnable
Parity error flag.
enumerator kLPUART_RxActiveEdgeInterruptEnable
enum _lin_lpuart_status
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_TxBusy
TX busy
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_RxBusy
RX busy
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_TxIdle
LPUART transmitter is idle.
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_RxIdle
LPUART receiver is idle.
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_TxWatermarkTooLarge
TX FIFO watermark too large
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_RxWatermarkTooLarge
RX FIFO watermark too large
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_FlagCannotClearManually
Some flag can’t manually clear
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_Error
Error happens on LPUART.
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_RxRingBufferOverrun
LPUART RX software ring buffer overrun.
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_RxHardwareOverrun
LPUART RX receiver overrun.
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_NoiseError
LPUART noise error.
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_FramingError
LPUART framing error.
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_ParityError
LPUART parity error.
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_TxBusy
enum lin_lpuart_bit_count_per_char_t
8-bit data characters
9-bit data characters
enumerator LPUART_10_BITS_PER_CHAR
10-bit data characters
typedef enum _lin_lpuart_stop_bit_count lin_lpuart_stop_bit_count_t
static inline bool LIN_LPUART_GetRxDataPolarity(const LPUART_Type *base)
static inline void LIN_LPUART_SetRxDataPolarity(LPUART_Type *base, bool polarity)
static inline void LIN_LPUART_WriteByte(LPUART_Type *base, uint8_t data)
static inline void LIN_LPUART_ReadByte(const LPUART_Type *base, uint8_t *readData)
status_t LIN_LPUART_CalculateBaudRate(LPUART_Type *base, uint32_t baudRate_Bps, uint32_t srcClock_Hz, uint32_t *osr, uint16_t *sbr)
Calculates the best osr and sbr value for configured baudrate.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address
baudRate_Bps – user configuration structure of type #lin_user_config_t
srcClock_Hz – pointer to the LIN_LPUART driver state structure
osr – pointer to osr value
sbr – pointer to sbr value
- Returns:
An error code or lin_status_t
void LIN_LPUART_SetBaudRate(LPUART_Type *base, uint32_t *osr, uint16_t *sbr)
Configure baudrate according to osr and sbr value.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address
osr – pointer to osr value
sbr – pointer to sbr value
lin_status_t LIN_LPUART_Init(LPUART_Type *base, lin_user_config_t *linUserConfig, lin_state_t *linCurrentState, uint32_t linSourceClockFreq)
Initializes an LIN_LPUART instance for LIN Network.
The caller provides memory for the driver state structures during initialization. The user must select the LIN_LPUART clock source in the application to initialize the LIN_LPUART. This function initializes a LPUART instance for operation. This function will initialize the run-time state structure to keep track of the on-going transfers, initialize the module to user defined settings and default settings, set break field length to be 13 bit times minimum, enable the break detect interrupt, Rx complete interrupt, frame error detect interrupt, and enable the LPUART module transmitter and receiver
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address
linUserConfig – user configuration structure of type #lin_user_config_t
linCurrentState – pointer to the LIN_LPUART driver state structure
- Returns:
An error code or lin_status_t
lin_status_t LIN_LPUART_Deinit(LPUART_Type *base)
Shuts down the LIN_LPUART by disabling interrupts and transmitter/receiver.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address
- Returns:
An error code or lin_status_t
lin_status_t LIN_LPUART_SendFrameDataBlocking(LPUART_Type *base, const uint8_t *txBuff, uint8_t txSize, uint32_t timeoutMSec)
Sends Frame data out through the LIN_LPUART module using blocking method. This function will calculate the checksum byte and send it with the frame data. Blocking means that the function does not return until the transmission is complete.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address
txBuff – source buffer containing 8-bit data chars to send
txSize – the number of bytes to send
timeoutMSec – timeout value in milli seconds
- Returns:
An error code or lin_status_t
lin_status_t LIN_LPUART_SendFrameData(LPUART_Type *base, const uint8_t *txBuff, uint8_t txSize)
Sends frame data out through the LIN_LPUART module using non-blocking method. This enables an a-sync method for transmitting data. Non-blocking means that the function returns immediately. The application has to get the transmit status to know when the transmit is complete. This function will calculate the checksum byte and send it with the frame data.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address
txBuff – source buffer containing 8-bit data chars to send
txSize – the number of bytes to send
- Returns:
An error code or lin_status_t
lin_status_t LIN_LPUART_GetTransmitStatus(LPUART_Type *base, uint8_t *bytesRemaining)
Get status of an on-going non-blocking transmission While sending frame data using non-blocking method, users can use this function to get status of that transmission. This function return LIN_TX_BUSY while sending, or LIN_TIMEOUT if timeout has occurred, or return LIN_SUCCESS when the transmission is complete. The bytesRemaining shows number of bytes that still needed to transmit.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address
bytesRemaining – Number of bytes still needed to transmit
- Returns:
lin_status_t LIN_LPUART_RecvFrmDataBlocking(LPUART_Type *base, uint8_t *rxBuff, uint8_t rxSize, uint32_t timeoutMSec)
Receives frame data through the LIN_LPUART module using blocking method. This function will check the checksum byte. If the checksum is correct, it will receive the frame data. Blocking means that the function does not return until the reception is complete.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address
rxBuff – buffer containing 8-bit received data
rxSize – the number of bytes to receive
timeoutMSec – timeout value in milli seconds
- Returns:
An error code or lin_status_t
lin_status_t LIN_LPUART_RecvFrmData(LPUART_Type *base, uint8_t *rxBuff, uint8_t rxSize)
Receives frame data through the LIN_LPUART module using non-blocking method. This function will check the checksum byte. If the checksum is correct, it will receive it with the frame data. Non-blocking means that the function returns immediately. The application has to get the receive status to know when the reception is complete.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address
rxBuff – buffer containing 8-bit received data
rxSize – the number of bytes to receive
- Returns:
An error code or lin_status_t
lin_status_t LIN_LPUART_AbortTransferData(LPUART_Type *base)
Aborts an on-going non-blocking transmission/reception. While performing a non-blocking transferring data, users can call this function to terminate immediately the transferring.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address
- Returns:
An error code or lin_status_t
lin_status_t LIN_LPUART_GetReceiveStatus(LPUART_Type *base, uint8_t *bytesRemaining)
Get status of an on-going non-blocking reception While receiving frame data using non-blocking method, users can use this function to get status of that receiving. This function return the current event ID, LIN_RX_BUSY while receiving and return LIN_SUCCESS, or timeout (LIN_TIMEOUT) when the reception is complete. The bytesRemaining shows number of bytes that still needed to receive.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address
bytesRemaining – Number of bytes still needed to receive
- Returns:
lin_status_t LIN_LPUART_GoToSleepMode(LPUART_Type *base)
This function puts current node to sleep mode This function changes current node state to LIN_NODE_STATE_SLEEP_MODE.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address
- Returns:
An error code or lin_status_t
lin_status_t LIN_LPUART_GotoIdleState(LPUART_Type *base)
Puts current LIN node to Idle state This function changes current node state to LIN_NODE_STATE_IDLE.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address
- Returns:
An error code or lin_status_t
lin_status_t LIN_LPUART_SendWakeupSignal(LPUART_Type *base)
Sends a wakeup signal through the LIN_LPUART interface.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address
- Returns:
An error code or lin_status_t
lin_status_t LIN_LPUART_MasterSendHeader(LPUART_Type *base, uint8_t id)
Sends frame header out through the LIN_LPUART module using a non-blocking method. This function sends LIN Break field, sync field then the ID with correct parity.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address
id – Frame Identifier
- Returns:
An error code or lin_status_t
lin_status_t LIN_LPUART_EnableIRQ(LPUART_Type *base)
Enables LIN_LPUART hardware interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address
- Returns:
An error code or lin_status_t
lin_status_t LIN_LPUART_DisableIRQ(LPUART_Type *base)
Disables LIN_LPUART hardware interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address
- Returns:
An error code or lin_status_t
lin_status_t LIN_LPUART_AutoBaudCapture(uint32_t instance)
This function capture bits time to detect break char, calculate baudrate from sync bits and enable transceiver if autobaud successful. This function should only be used in Slave. The timer should be in mode input capture of both rising and falling edges. The timer input capture pin should be externally connected to RXD pin.
- Parameters:
instance – LPUART instance
- Returns:
void LIN_LPUART_IRQHandler(LPUART_Type *base)
LIN_LPUART RX TX interrupt handler.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address
- Returns:
LLWU: Low-Leakage Wakeup Unit Driver
LLWU driver version.
enum _llwu_external_pin_mode
External input pin control modes.
enumerator kLLWU_ExternalPinDisable
Pin disabled as a wakeup input.
enumerator kLLWU_ExternalPinRisingEdge
Pin enabled with the rising edge detection.
enumerator kLLWU_ExternalPinFallingEdge
Pin enabled with the falling edge detection.
enumerator kLLWU_ExternalPinAnyEdge
Pin enabled with any change detection.
enumerator kLLWU_ExternalPinDisable
enum _llwu_pin_filter_mode
Digital filter control modes.
enumerator kLLWU_PinFilterDisable
Filter disabled.
enumerator kLLWU_PinFilterRisingEdge
Filter positive edge detection.
enumerator kLLWU_PinFilterFallingEdge
Filter negative edge detection.
enumerator kLLWU_PinFilterAnyEdge
Filter any edge detection.
enumerator kLLWU_PinFilterDisable
typedef enum _llwu_external_pin_mode llwu_external_pin_mode_t
External input pin control modes.
typedef enum _llwu_pin_filter_mode llwu_pin_filter_mode_t
Digital filter control modes.
LPADC: 12-bit SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter Driver
void LPADC_Init(ADC_Type *base, const lpadc_config_t *config)
Initializes the LPADC module.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to configuration structure. See “lpadc_config_t”.
void LPADC_GetDefaultConfig(lpadc_config_t *config)
Gets an available pre-defined settings for initial configuration.
This function initializes the converter configuration structure with an available settings. The default values are:
config->enableInDozeMode = true; config->enableAnalogPreliminary = false; config->powerUpDelay = 0x80; config->referenceVoltageSource = kLPADC_ReferenceVoltageAlt1; config->powerLevelMode = kLPADC_PowerLevelAlt1; config->triggerPriorityPolicy = kLPADC_TriggerPriorityPreemptImmediately; config->enableConvPause = false; config->convPauseDelay = 0U; config->FIFOWatermark = 0U;
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to configuration structure.
void LPADC_Deinit(ADC_Type *base)
De-initializes the LPADC module.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
static inline void LPADC_Enable(ADC_Type *base, bool enable)
Switch on/off the LPADC module.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
enable – switcher to the module.
static inline void LPADC_DoResetFIFO(ADC_Type *base)
Do reset the conversion FIFO.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
static inline void LPADC_DoResetConfig(ADC_Type *base)
Do reset the module’s configuration.
Reset all ADC internal logic and registers, except the Control Register (ADCx_CTRL).
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
static inline uint32_t LPADC_GetStatusFlags(ADC_Type *base)
Get status flags.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
status flags’ mask. See to _lpadc_status_flags.
static inline void LPADC_ClearStatusFlags(ADC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clear status flags.
Only the flags can be cleared by writing ADCx_STATUS register would be cleared by this API.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
mask – Mask value for flags to be cleared. See to _lpadc_status_flags.
static inline void LPADC_EnableInterrupts(ADC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enable interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
mask – Mask value for interrupt events. See to _lpadc_interrupt_enable.
static inline void LPADC_DisableInterrupts(ADC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disable interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
mask – Mask value for interrupt events. See to _lpadc_interrupt_enable.
static inline void LPADC_EnableFIFOWatermarkDMA(ADC_Type *base, bool enable)
Switch on/off the DMA trigger for FIFO watermark event.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
enable – Switcher to the event.
static inline uint32_t LPADC_GetConvResultCount(ADC_Type *base)
Get the count of result kept in conversion FIFO.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The count of result kept in conversion FIFO.
bool LPADC_GetConvResult(ADC_Type *base, lpadc_conv_result_t *result)
Get the result in conversion FIFO.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
result – Pointer to structure variable that keeps the conversion result in conversion FIFO.
- Returns:
Status whether FIFO entry is valid.
void LPADC_GetConvResultBlocking(ADC_Type *base, lpadc_conv_result_t *result)
Get the result in conversion FIFO using blocking method.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
result – Pointer to structure variable that keeps the conversion result in conversion FIFO.
void LPADC_SetConvTriggerConfig(ADC_Type *base, uint32_t triggerId, const lpadc_conv_trigger_config_t *config)
Configure the conversion trigger source.
Each programmable trigger can launch the conversion command in command buffer.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
triggerId – ID for each trigger. Typically, the available value range is from 0.
config – Pointer to configuration structure. See to lpadc_conv_trigger_config_t.
void LPADC_GetDefaultConvTriggerConfig(lpadc_conv_trigger_config_t *config)
Gets an available pre-defined settings for trigger’s configuration.
This function initializes the trigger’s configuration structure with an available settings. The default values are:
config->targetCommandId = 0U; config->delayPower = 0U; config->priority = 0U; config->channelAFIFOSelect = 0U; config->channelBFIFOSelect = 0U; config->enableHardwareTrigger = false;
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to configuration structure.
static inline void LPADC_DoSoftwareTrigger(ADC_Type *base, uint32_t triggerIdMask)
Do software trigger to conversion command.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
triggerIdMask – Mask value for software trigger indexes, which count from zero.
void LPADC_SetConvCommandConfig(ADC_Type *base, uint32_t commandId, const lpadc_conv_command_config_t *config)
Configure conversion command.
The number of compare value register on different chips is different, that is mean in some chips, some command buffers do not have the compare functionality.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
commandId – ID for command in command buffer. Typically, the available value range is 1 - 15.
config – Pointer to configuration structure. See to lpadc_conv_command_config_t.
void LPADC_GetDefaultConvCommandConfig(lpadc_conv_command_config_t *config)
Gets an available pre-defined settings for conversion command’s configuration.
This function initializes the conversion command’s configuration structure with an available settings. The default values are:
config->sampleScaleMode = kLPADC_SampleFullScale; config->channelBScaleMode = kLPADC_SampleFullScale; config->sampleChannelMode = kLPADC_SampleChannelSingleEndSideA; config->channelNumber = 0U; config->channelBNumber = 0U; config->chainedNextCommandNumber = 0U; config->enableAutoChannelIncrement = false; config->loopCount = 0U; config->hardwareAverageMode = kLPADC_HardwareAverageCount1; config->sampleTimeMode = kLPADC_SampleTimeADCK3; config->hardwareCompareMode = kLPADC_HardwareCompareDisabled; config->hardwareCompareValueHigh = 0U; config->hardwareCompareValueLow = 0U; config->conversionResolutionMode = kLPADC_ConversionResolutionStandard; config->enableWaitTrigger = false; config->enableChannelB = false;
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to configuration structure.
LPADC driver version 2.9.1.
enum _lpadc_status_flags
Define hardware flags of the module.
enumerator kLPADC_ResultFIFO0OverflowFlag
Indicates that more data has been written to the Result FIFO 0 than it can hold.
enumerator kLPADC_ResultFIFO0ReadyFlag
Indicates when the number of valid datawords in the result FIFO 0 is greater than the setting watermark level.
enumerator kLPADC_ResultFIFOOverflowFlag
To compilitable with old version, do not recommend using this, please use kLPADC_ResultFIFO0OverflowFlag as instead.
enumerator kLPADC_ResultFIFOReadyFlag
To compilitable with old version, do not recommend using this, please use kLPADC_ResultFIFO0ReadyFlag as instead.
enumerator kLPADC_ResultFIFO0OverflowFlag
enum _lpadc_interrupt_enable
Define interrupt switchers of the module.
Note: LPADC of different chips supports different number of trigger sources, please check the Reference Manual for details.
enumerator kLPADC_ResultFIFO0OverflowInterruptEnable
Configures ADC to generate overflow interrupt requests when FOF0 flag is asserted.
enumerator kLPADC_FIFO0WatermarkInterruptEnable
Configures ADC to generate watermark interrupt requests when RDY0 flag is asserted.
enumerator kLPADC_ResultFIFOOverflowInterruptEnable
To compilitable with old version, do not recommend using this, please use kLPADC_ResultFIFO0OverflowInterruptEnable as instead.
enumerator kLPADC_FIFOWatermarkInterruptEnable
To compilitable with old version, do not recommend using this, please use kLPADC_FIFO0WatermarkInterruptEnable as instead.
enumerator kLPADC_ResultFIFO0OverflowInterruptEnable
enum _lpadc_sample_scale_mode
Define enumeration of sample scale mode.
The sample scale mode is used to reduce the selected ADC analog channel input voltage level by a factor. The maximum possible voltage on the ADC channel input should be considered when selecting a scale mode to ensure that the reducing factor always results voltage level at or below the VREFH reference. This reducing capability allows conversion of analog inputs higher than VREFH. A-side and B-side channel inputs are both scaled using the scale mode.
enumerator kLPADC_SamplePartScale
Use divided input voltage signal. (For scale select,please refer to the reference manual).
enumerator kLPADC_SampleFullScale
Full scale (Factor of 1).
enumerator kLPADC_SamplePartScale
enum _lpadc_sample_channel_mode
Define enumeration of channel sample mode.
The channel sample mode configures the channel with single-end/differential/dual-single-end, side A/B.
enumerator kLPADC_SampleChannelSingleEndSideA
Single-end mode, only A-side channel is converted.
enumerator kLPADC_SampleChannelSingleEndSideA
enum _lpadc_hardware_average_mode
Define enumeration of hardware average selection.
It Selects how many ADC conversions are averaged to create the ADC result. An internal storage buffer is used to capture temporary results while the averaging iterations are executed.
Some enumerator values are not available on some devices, mainly depends on the size of AVGS field in CMDH register.
enumerator kLPADC_HardwareAverageCount1
Single conversion.
enumerator kLPADC_HardwareAverageCount2
2 conversions averaged.
enumerator kLPADC_HardwareAverageCount4
4 conversions averaged.
enumerator kLPADC_HardwareAverageCount8
8 conversions averaged.
enumerator kLPADC_HardwareAverageCount16
16 conversions averaged.
enumerator kLPADC_HardwareAverageCount32
32 conversions averaged.
enumerator kLPADC_HardwareAverageCount64
64 conversions averaged.
enumerator kLPADC_HardwareAverageCount128
128 conversions averaged.
enumerator kLPADC_HardwareAverageCount1
enum _lpadc_sample_time_mode
Define enumeration of sample time selection.
The shortest sample time maximizes conversion speed for lower impedance inputs. Extending sample time allows higher impedance inputs to be accurately sampled. Longer sample times can also be used to lower overall power consumption when command looping and sequencing is configured and high conversion rates are not required.
enumerator kLPADC_SampleTimeADCK3
3 ADCK cycles total sample time.
enumerator kLPADC_SampleTimeADCK5
5 ADCK cycles total sample time.
enumerator kLPADC_SampleTimeADCK7
7 ADCK cycles total sample time.
enumerator kLPADC_SampleTimeADCK11
11 ADCK cycles total sample time.
enumerator kLPADC_SampleTimeADCK19
19 ADCK cycles total sample time.
enumerator kLPADC_SampleTimeADCK35
35 ADCK cycles total sample time.
enumerator kLPADC_SampleTimeADCK67
69 ADCK cycles total sample time.
enumerator kLPADC_SampleTimeADCK131
131 ADCK cycles total sample time.
enumerator kLPADC_SampleTimeADCK3
enum _lpadc_hardware_compare_mode
Define enumeration of hardware compare mode.
After an ADC channel input is sampled and converted and any averaging iterations are performed, this mode setting guides operation of the automatic compare function to optionally only store when the compare operation is true. When compare is enabled, the conversion result is compared to the compare values.
enumerator kLPADC_HardwareCompareDisabled
Compare disabled.
enumerator kLPADC_HardwareCompareStoreOnTrue
Compare enabled. Store on true.
enumerator kLPADC_HardwareCompareRepeatUntilTrue
Compare enabled. Repeat channel acquisition until true.
enumerator kLPADC_HardwareCompareDisabled
enum _lpadc_reference_voltage_mode
Define enumeration of reference voltage source.
For detail information, need to check the SoC’s specification.
enumerator kLPADC_ReferenceVoltageAlt1
Option 1 setting.
enumerator kLPADC_ReferenceVoltageAlt2
Option 2 setting.
enumerator kLPADC_ReferenceVoltageAlt3
Option 3 setting.
enumerator kLPADC_ReferenceVoltageAlt1
enum _lpadc_power_level_mode
Define enumeration of power configuration.
Configures the ADC for power and performance. In the highest power setting the highest conversion rates will be possible. Refer to the device data sheet for power and performance capabilities for each setting.
enumerator kLPADC_PowerLevelAlt1
Lowest power setting.
enumerator kLPADC_PowerLevelAlt2
Next lowest power setting.
enumerator kLPADC_PowerLevelAlt3
enumerator kLPADC_PowerLevelAlt4
Highest power setting.
enumerator kLPADC_PowerLevelAlt1
enum _lpadc_trigger_priority_policy
Define enumeration of trigger priority policy.
This selection controls how higher priority triggers are handled.
kLPADC_TriggerPriorityPreemptSubsequently is not available on some devices, mainly depends on the size of TPRICTRL field in CFG register.
enumerator kLPADC_ConvPreemptImmediatelyNotAutoResumed
If a higher priority trigger is detected during command processing, the current conversion is aborted and the new command specified by the trigger is started, when higher priority conversion finishes, the preempted conversion is not automatically resumed or restarted.
enumerator kLPADC_ConvPreemptSoftlyNotAutoResumed
If a higher priority trigger is received during command processing, the current conversion is completed (including averaging iterations and compare function if enabled) and stored to the result FIFO before the higher priority trigger/command is initiated, when higher priority conversion finishes, the preempted conversion is not resumed or restarted.
enumerator kLPADC_TriggerPriorityPreemptImmediately
Legacy support is not recommended as it only ensures compatibility with older versions.
enumerator kLPADC_TriggerPriorityPreemptSoftly
Legacy support is not recommended as it only ensures compatibility with older versions.
enumerator kLPADC_ConvPreemptImmediatelyNotAutoResumed
typedef enum _lpadc_sample_scale_mode lpadc_sample_scale_mode_t
Define enumeration of sample scale mode.
The sample scale mode is used to reduce the selected ADC analog channel input voltage level by a factor. The maximum possible voltage on the ADC channel input should be considered when selecting a scale mode to ensure that the reducing factor always results voltage level at or below the VREFH reference. This reducing capability allows conversion of analog inputs higher than VREFH. A-side and B-side channel inputs are both scaled using the scale mode.
typedef enum _lpadc_sample_channel_mode lpadc_sample_channel_mode_t
Define enumeration of channel sample mode.
The channel sample mode configures the channel with single-end/differential/dual-single-end, side A/B.
typedef enum _lpadc_hardware_average_mode lpadc_hardware_average_mode_t
Define enumeration of hardware average selection.
It Selects how many ADC conversions are averaged to create the ADC result. An internal storage buffer is used to capture temporary results while the averaging iterations are executed.
Some enumerator values are not available on some devices, mainly depends on the size of AVGS field in CMDH register.
typedef enum _lpadc_sample_time_mode lpadc_sample_time_mode_t
Define enumeration of sample time selection.
The shortest sample time maximizes conversion speed for lower impedance inputs. Extending sample time allows higher impedance inputs to be accurately sampled. Longer sample times can also be used to lower overall power consumption when command looping and sequencing is configured and high conversion rates are not required.
typedef enum _lpadc_hardware_compare_mode lpadc_hardware_compare_mode_t
Define enumeration of hardware compare mode.
After an ADC channel input is sampled and converted and any averaging iterations are performed, this mode setting guides operation of the automatic compare function to optionally only store when the compare operation is true. When compare is enabled, the conversion result is compared to the compare values.
typedef enum _lpadc_reference_voltage_mode lpadc_reference_voltage_source_t
Define enumeration of reference voltage source.
For detail information, need to check the SoC’s specification.
typedef enum _lpadc_power_level_mode lpadc_power_level_mode_t
Define enumeration of power configuration.
Configures the ADC for power and performance. In the highest power setting the highest conversion rates will be possible. Refer to the device data sheet for power and performance capabilities for each setting.
typedef enum _lpadc_trigger_priority_policy lpadc_trigger_priority_policy_t
Define enumeration of trigger priority policy.
This selection controls how higher priority triggers are handled.
kLPADC_TriggerPriorityPreemptSubsequently is not available on some devices, mainly depends on the size of TPRICTRL field in CFG register.
Define the MACRO function to get command status from status value.
The statusVal is the return value from LPADC_GetStatusFlags().
Define the MACRO function to get trigger status from status value.
The statusVal is the return value from LPADC_GetStatusFlags().
struct lpadc_config_t
- #include <fsl_lpadc.h>
LPADC global configuration.
This structure would used to keep the settings for initialization.
Public Members
bool enableInDozeMode
Control system transition to Stop and Wait power modes while ADC is converting. When enabled in Doze mode, immediate entries to Wait or Stop are allowed. When disabled, the ADC will wait for the current averaging iteration/FIFO storage to complete before acknowledging stop or wait mode entry.
bool enableAnalogPreliminary
ADC analog circuits are pre-enabled and ready to execute conversions without startup delays(at the cost of higher DC current consumption).
uint32_t powerUpDelay
When the analog circuits are not pre-enabled, the ADC analog circuits are only powered while the ADC is active and there is a counted delay defined by this field after an initial trigger transitions the ADC from its Idle state to allow time for the analog circuits to stabilize. The startup delay count of (powerUpDelay * 4) ADCK cycles must result in a longer delay than the analog startup time.
lpadc_reference_voltage_source_t referenceVoltageSource
Selects the voltage reference high used for conversions.
lpadc_trigger_priority_policy_t triggerPriorityPolicy
Control how higher priority triggers are handled, see to lpadc_trigger_priority_policy_t.
bool enableConvPause
Enables the ADC pausing function. When enabled, a programmable delay is inserted during command execution sequencing between LOOP iterations, between commands in a sequence, and between conversions when command is executing in “Compare Until True” configuration.
uint32_t convPauseDelay
Controls the duration of pausing during command execution sequencing. The pause delay is a count of (convPauseDelay*4) ADCK cycles. Only available when ADC pausing function is enabled. The available value range is in 9-bit.
uint32_t FIFOWatermark
FIFOWatermark is a programmable threshold setting. When the number of datawords stored in the ADC Result FIFO is greater than the value in this field, the ready flag would be asserted to indicate stored data has reached the programmable threshold.
bool enableInDozeMode
struct lpadc_conv_command_config_t
- #include <fsl_lpadc.h>
Define structure to keep the configuration for conversion command.
Public Members
lpadc_sample_channel_mode_t sampleChannelMode
Channel sample mode.
uint32_t channelNumber
Channel number, select the channel or channel pair.
uint32_t chainedNextCommandNumber
Selects the next command to be executed after this command completes. 1-15 is available, 0 is to terminate the chain after this command.
bool enableAutoChannelIncrement
Loop with increment: when disabled, the “loopCount” field selects the number of times the selected channel is converted consecutively; when enabled, the “loopCount” field defines how many consecutive channels are converted as part of the command execution.
uint32_t loopCount
Selects how many times this command executes before finish and transition to the next command or Idle state. Command executes LOOP+1 times. 0-15 is available.
lpadc_hardware_average_mode_t hardwareAverageMode
Hardware average selection.
lpadc_sample_time_mode_t sampleTimeMode
Sample time selection.
lpadc_hardware_compare_mode_t hardwareCompareMode
Hardware compare selection.
uint32_t hardwareCompareValueHigh
Compare Value High. The available value range is in 16-bit.
uint32_t hardwareCompareValueLow
Compare Value Low. The available value range is in 16-bit.
lpadc_sample_channel_mode_t sampleChannelMode
struct lpadc_conv_trigger_config_t
- #include <fsl_lpadc.h>
Define structure to keep the configuration for conversion trigger.
Public Members
uint32_t targetCommandId
Select the command from command buffer to execute upon detect of the associated trigger event.
uint32_t delayPower
Select the trigger delay duration to wait at the start of servicing a trigger event. When this field is clear, then no delay is incurred. When this field is set to a non-zero value, the duration for the delay is 2^delayPower ADCK cycles. The available value range is 4-bit.
uint32_t priority
Sets the priority of the associated trigger source. If two or more triggers have the same priority level setting, the lower order trigger event has the higher priority. The lower value for this field is for the higher priority, the available value range is 1-bit.
bool enableHardwareTrigger
Enable hardware trigger source to initiate conversion on the rising edge of the input trigger source or not. THe software trigger is always available.
uint32_t targetCommandId
struct lpadc_conv_result_t
- #include <fsl_lpadc.h>
Define the structure to keep the conversion result.
Public Members
uint32_t commandIdSource
Indicate the command buffer being executed that generated this result.
uint32_t loopCountIndex
Indicate the loop count value during command execution that generated this result.
uint32_t triggerIdSource
Indicate the trigger source that initiated a conversion and generated this result.
uint16_t convValue
Data result.
uint32_t commandIdSource
LPI2C: Low Power Inter-Integrated Circuit Driver
LPI2C driver version.
LPI2C status return codes.
enumerator kStatus_LPI2C_Busy
The master is already performing a transfer.
enumerator kStatus_LPI2C_Idle
The slave driver is idle.
enumerator kStatus_LPI2C_Nak
The slave device sent a NAK in response to a byte.
enumerator kStatus_LPI2C_FifoError
FIFO under run or overrun.
enumerator kStatus_LPI2C_BitError
Transferred bit was not seen on the bus.
enumerator kStatus_LPI2C_ArbitrationLost
Arbitration lost error.
enumerator kStatus_LPI2C_PinLowTimeout
SCL or SDA were held low longer than the timeout.
enumerator kStatus_LPI2C_NoTransferInProgress
Attempt to abort a transfer when one is not in progress.
enumerator kStatus_LPI2C_DmaRequestFail
DMA request failed.
enumerator kStatus_LPI2C_Timeout
Timeout polling status flags.
enumerator kStatus_LPI2C_Busy
IRQn_Type const kLpi2cIrqs[]
Array to map LPI2C instance number to IRQ number, used internally for LPI2C master interrupt and EDMA transactional APIs.
lpi2c_master_isr_t s_lpi2cMasterIsr
Pointer to master IRQ handler for each instance, used internally for LPI2C master interrupt and EDMA transactional APIs.
void *s_lpi2cMasterHandle[]
Pointers to master handles for each instance, used internally for LPI2C master interrupt and EDMA transactional APIs.
uint32_t LPI2C_GetInstance(LPI2C_Type *base)
Returns an instance number given a base address.
If an invalid base address is passed, debug builds will assert. Release builds will just return instance number 0.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
- Returns:
LPI2C instance number starting from 0.
Retry times for waiting flag.
LPI2C Master Driver
void LPI2C_MasterGetDefaultConfig(lpi2c_master_config_t *masterConfig)
Provides a default configuration for the LPI2C master peripheral.
This function provides the following default configuration for the LPI2C master peripheral:
masterConfig->enableMaster = true; masterConfig->debugEnable = false; masterConfig->ignoreAck = false; masterConfig->pinConfig = kLPI2C_2PinOpenDrain; masterConfig->baudRate_Hz = 100000U; masterConfig->busIdleTimeout_ns = 0; masterConfig->pinLowTimeout_ns = 0; masterConfig->sdaGlitchFilterWidth_ns = 0; masterConfig->sclGlitchFilterWidth_ns = 0; masterConfig->hostRequest.enable = false; masterConfig->hostRequest.source = kLPI2C_HostRequestExternalPin; masterConfig->hostRequest.polarity = kLPI2C_HostRequestPinActiveHigh;
After calling this function, you can override any settings in order to customize the configuration, prior to initializing the master driver with LPI2C_MasterInit().
- Parameters:
masterConfig – [out] User provided configuration structure for default values. Refer to lpi2c_master_config_t.
void LPI2C_MasterInit(LPI2C_Type *base, const lpi2c_master_config_t *masterConfig, uint32_t sourceClock_Hz)
Initializes the LPI2C master peripheral.
This function enables the peripheral clock and initializes the LPI2C master peripheral as described by the user provided configuration. A software reset is performed prior to configuration.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
masterConfig – User provided peripheral configuration. Use LPI2C_MasterGetDefaultConfig() to get a set of defaults that you can override.
sourceClock_Hz – Frequency in Hertz of the LPI2C functional clock. Used to calculate the baud rate divisors, filter widths, and timeout periods.
void LPI2C_MasterDeinit(LPI2C_Type *base)
Deinitializes the LPI2C master peripheral.
This function disables the LPI2C master peripheral and gates the clock. It also performs a software reset to restore the peripheral to reset conditions.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
void LPI2C_MasterConfigureDataMatch(LPI2C_Type *base, const lpi2c_data_match_config_t *matchConfig)
Configures LPI2C master data match feature.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
matchConfig – Settings for the data match feature.
status_t LPI2C_MasterCheckAndClearError(LPI2C_Type *base, uint32_t status)
Convert provided flags to status code, and clear any errors if present.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
status – Current status flags value that will be checked.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success –
kStatus_LPI2C_PinLowTimeout –
kStatus_LPI2C_ArbitrationLost –
kStatus_LPI2C_Nak –
kStatus_LPI2C_FifoError –
status_t LPI2C_CheckForBusyBus(LPI2C_Type *base)
Make sure the bus isn’t already busy.
A busy bus is allowed if we are the one driving it.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success –
kStatus_LPI2C_Busy –
static inline void LPI2C_MasterReset(LPI2C_Type *base)
Performs a software reset.
Restores the LPI2C master peripheral to reset conditions.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
static inline void LPI2C_MasterEnable(LPI2C_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables or disables the LPI2C module as master.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
enable – Pass true to enable or false to disable the specified LPI2C as master.
static inline uint32_t LPI2C_MasterGetStatusFlags(LPI2C_Type *base)
Gets the LPI2C master status flags.
A bit mask with the state of all LPI2C master status flags is returned. For each flag, the corresponding bit in the return value is set if the flag is asserted.
See also
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
- Returns:
State of the status flags:
1: related status flag is set.
0: related status flag is not set.
static inline void LPI2C_MasterClearStatusFlags(LPI2C_Type *base, uint32_t statusMask)
Clears the LPI2C master status flag state.
The following status register flags can be cleared:
Attempts to clear other flags has no effect.
See also
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
statusMask – A bitmask of status flags that are to be cleared. The mask is composed of _lpi2c_master_flags enumerators OR’d together. You may pass the result of a previous call to LPI2C_MasterGetStatusFlags().
static inline void LPI2C_MasterEnableInterrupts(LPI2C_Type *base, uint32_t interruptMask)
Enables the LPI2C master interrupt requests.
All flags except kLPI2C_MasterBusyFlag and kLPI2C_MasterBusBusyFlag can be enabled as interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
interruptMask – Bit mask of interrupts to enable. See _lpi2c_master_flags for the set of constants that should be OR’d together to form the bit mask.
static inline void LPI2C_MasterDisableInterrupts(LPI2C_Type *base, uint32_t interruptMask)
Disables the LPI2C master interrupt requests.
All flags except kLPI2C_MasterBusyFlag and kLPI2C_MasterBusBusyFlag can be enabled as interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
interruptMask – Bit mask of interrupts to disable. See _lpi2c_master_flags for the set of constants that should be OR’d together to form the bit mask.
static inline uint32_t LPI2C_MasterGetEnabledInterrupts(LPI2C_Type *base)
Returns the set of currently enabled LPI2C master interrupt requests.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
- Returns:
A bitmask composed of _lpi2c_master_flags enumerators OR’d together to indicate the set of enabled interrupts.
static inline void LPI2C_MasterEnableDMA(LPI2C_Type *base, bool enableTx, bool enableRx)
Enables or disables LPI2C master DMA requests.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
enableTx – Enable flag for transmit DMA request. Pass true for enable, false for disable.
enableRx – Enable flag for receive DMA request. Pass true for enable, false for disable.
static inline uint32_t LPI2C_MasterGetTxFifoAddress(LPI2C_Type *base)
Gets LPI2C master transmit data register address for DMA transfer.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The LPI2C Master Transmit Data Register address.
static inline uint32_t LPI2C_MasterGetRxFifoAddress(LPI2C_Type *base)
Gets LPI2C master receive data register address for DMA transfer.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The LPI2C Master Receive Data Register address.
static inline void LPI2C_MasterSetWatermarks(LPI2C_Type *base, size_t txWords, size_t rxWords)
Sets the watermarks for LPI2C master FIFOs.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
txWords – Transmit FIFO watermark value in words. The kLPI2C_MasterTxReadyFlag flag is set whenever the number of words in the transmit FIFO is equal or less than txWords. Writing a value equal or greater than the FIFO size is truncated.
rxWords – Receive FIFO watermark value in words. The kLPI2C_MasterRxReadyFlag flag is set whenever the number of words in the receive FIFO is greater than rxWords. Writing a value equal or greater than the FIFO size is truncated.
static inline void LPI2C_MasterGetFifoCounts(LPI2C_Type *base, size_t *rxCount, size_t *txCount)
Gets the current number of words in the LPI2C master FIFOs.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
txCount – [out] Pointer through which the current number of words in the transmit FIFO is returned. Pass NULL if this value is not required.
rxCount – [out] Pointer through which the current number of words in the receive FIFO is returned. Pass NULL if this value is not required.
void LPI2C_MasterSetBaudRate(LPI2C_Type *base, uint32_t sourceClock_Hz, uint32_t baudRate_Hz)
Sets the I2C bus frequency for master transactions.
The LPI2C master is automatically disabled and re-enabled as necessary to configure the baud rate. Do not call this function during a transfer, or the transfer is aborted.
Please note that the second parameter is the clock frequency of LPI2C module, the third parameter means user configured bus baudrate, this implementation is different from other I2C drivers which use baudrate configuration as second parameter and source clock frequency as third parameter.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
sourceClock_Hz – LPI2C functional clock frequency in Hertz.
baudRate_Hz – Requested bus frequency in Hertz.
static inline bool LPI2C_MasterGetBusIdleState(LPI2C_Type *base)
Returns whether the bus is idle.
Requires the master mode to be enabled.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
- Return values:
true – Bus is busy.
false – Bus is idle.
status_t LPI2C_MasterStart(LPI2C_Type *base, uint8_t address, lpi2c_direction_t dir)
Sends a START signal and slave address on the I2C bus.
This function is used to initiate a new master mode transfer. First, the bus state is checked to ensure that another master is not occupying the bus. Then a START signal is transmitted, followed by the 7-bit address specified in the address parameter. Note that this function does not actually wait until the START and address are successfully sent on the bus before returning.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
address – 7-bit slave device address, in bits [6:0].
dir – Master transfer direction, either kLPI2C_Read or kLPI2C_Write. This parameter is used to set the R/w bit (bit 0) in the transmitted slave address.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – START signal and address were successfully enqueued in the transmit FIFO.
kStatus_LPI2C_Busy – Another master is currently utilizing the bus.
static inline status_t LPI2C_MasterRepeatedStart(LPI2C_Type *base, uint8_t address, lpi2c_direction_t dir)
Sends a repeated START signal and slave address on the I2C bus.
This function is used to send a Repeated START signal when a transfer is already in progress. Like LPI2C_MasterStart(), it also sends the specified 7-bit address.
This function exists primarily to maintain compatible APIs between LPI2C and I2C drivers, as well as to better document the intent of code that uses these APIs.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
address – 7-bit slave device address, in bits [6:0].
dir – Master transfer direction, either kLPI2C_Read or kLPI2C_Write. This parameter is used to set the R/w bit (bit 0) in the transmitted slave address.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Repeated START signal and address were successfully enqueued in the transmit FIFO.
kStatus_LPI2C_Busy – Another master is currently utilizing the bus.
status_t LPI2C_MasterSend(LPI2C_Type *base, void *txBuff, size_t txSize)
Performs a polling send transfer on the I2C bus.
Sends up to txSize number of bytes to the previously addressed slave device. The slave may reply with a NAK to any byte in order to terminate the transfer early. If this happens, this function returns kStatus_LPI2C_Nak.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
txBuff – The pointer to the data to be transferred.
txSize – The length in bytes of the data to be transferred.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Data was sent successfully.
kStatus_LPI2C_Busy – Another master is currently utilizing the bus.
kStatus_LPI2C_Nak – The slave device sent a NAK in response to a byte.
kStatus_LPI2C_FifoError – FIFO under run or over run.
kStatus_LPI2C_ArbitrationLost – Arbitration lost error.
kStatus_LPI2C_PinLowTimeout – SCL or SDA were held low longer than the timeout.
status_t LPI2C_MasterReceive(LPI2C_Type *base, void *rxBuff, size_t rxSize)
Performs a polling receive transfer on the I2C bus.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
rxBuff – The pointer to the data to be transferred.
rxSize – The length in bytes of the data to be transferred.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Data was received successfully.
kStatus_LPI2C_Busy – Another master is currently utilizing the bus.
kStatus_LPI2C_Nak – The slave device sent a NAK in response to a byte.
kStatus_LPI2C_FifoError – FIFO under run or overrun.
kStatus_LPI2C_ArbitrationLost – Arbitration lost error.
kStatus_LPI2C_PinLowTimeout – SCL or SDA were held low longer than the timeout.
status_t LPI2C_MasterStop(LPI2C_Type *base)
Sends a STOP signal on the I2C bus.
This function does not return until the STOP signal is seen on the bus, or an error occurs.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – The STOP signal was successfully sent on the bus and the transaction terminated.
kStatus_LPI2C_Busy – Another master is currently utilizing the bus.
kStatus_LPI2C_Nak – The slave device sent a NAK in response to a byte.
kStatus_LPI2C_FifoError – FIFO under run or overrun.
kStatus_LPI2C_ArbitrationLost – Arbitration lost error.
kStatus_LPI2C_PinLowTimeout – SCL or SDA were held low longer than the timeout.
status_t LPI2C_MasterTransferBlocking(LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_master_transfer_t *transfer)
Performs a master polling transfer on the I2C bus.
The API does not return until the transfer succeeds or fails due to error happens during transfer.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
transfer – Pointer to the transfer structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Data was received successfully.
kStatus_LPI2C_Busy – Another master is currently utilizing the bus.
kStatus_LPI2C_Nak – The slave device sent a NAK in response to a byte.
kStatus_LPI2C_FifoError – FIFO under run or overrun.
kStatus_LPI2C_ArbitrationLost – Arbitration lost error.
kStatus_LPI2C_PinLowTimeout – SCL or SDA were held low longer than the timeout.
void LPI2C_MasterTransferCreateHandle(LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_master_handle_t *handle, lpi2c_master_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Creates a new handle for the LPI2C master non-blocking APIs.
The creation of a handle is for use with the non-blocking APIs. Once a handle is created, there is not a corresponding destroy handle. If the user wants to terminate a transfer, the LPI2C_MasterTransferAbort() API shall be called.
The function also enables the NVIC IRQ for the input LPI2C. Need to notice that on some SoCs the LPI2C IRQ is connected to INTMUX, in this case user needs to enable the associated INTMUX IRQ in application.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
handle – [out] Pointer to the LPI2C master driver handle.
callback – User provided pointer to the asynchronous callback function.
userData – User provided pointer to the application callback data.
status_t LPI2C_MasterTransferNonBlocking(LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_master_handle_t *handle, lpi2c_master_transfer_t *transfer)
Performs a non-blocking transaction on the I2C bus.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to the LPI2C master driver handle.
transfer – The pointer to the transfer descriptor.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – The transaction was started successfully.
kStatus_LPI2C_Busy – Either another master is currently utilizing the bus, or a non-blocking transaction is already in progress.
status_t LPI2C_MasterTransferGetCount(LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_master_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Returns number of bytes transferred so far.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to the LPI2C master driver handle.
count – [out] Number of bytes transferred so far by the non-blocking transaction.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success –
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – There is not a non-blocking transaction currently in progress.
void LPI2C_MasterTransferAbort(LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_master_handle_t *handle)
Terminates a non-blocking LPI2C master transmission early.
It is not safe to call this function from an IRQ handler that has a higher priority than the LPI2C peripheral’s IRQ priority.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to the LPI2C master driver handle.
void LPI2C_MasterTransferHandleIRQ(LPI2C_Type *base, void *lpi2cMasterHandle)
Reusable routine to handle master interrupts.
This function does not need to be called unless you are reimplementing the nonblocking API’s interrupt handler routines to add special functionality.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
lpi2cMasterHandle – Pointer to the LPI2C master driver handle.
enum _lpi2c_master_flags
LPI2C master peripheral flags.
The following status register flags can be cleared:
All flags except kLPI2C_MasterBusyFlag and kLPI2C_MasterBusBusyFlag can be enabled as interrupts.
These enums are meant to be OR’d together to form a bit mask.
enumerator kLPI2C_MasterTxReadyFlag
Transmit data flag
enumerator kLPI2C_MasterRxReadyFlag
Receive data flag
enumerator kLPI2C_MasterEndOfPacketFlag
End Packet flag
enumerator kLPI2C_MasterStopDetectFlag
Stop detect flag
enumerator kLPI2C_MasterNackDetectFlag
NACK detect flag
enumerator kLPI2C_MasterArbitrationLostFlag
Arbitration lost flag
enumerator kLPI2C_MasterFifoErrFlag
FIFO error flag
enumerator kLPI2C_MasterPinLowTimeoutFlag
Pin low timeout flag
enumerator kLPI2C_MasterDataMatchFlag
Data match flag
enumerator kLPI2C_MasterBusyFlag
Master busy flag
enumerator kLPI2C_MasterBusBusyFlag
Bus busy flag
enumerator kLPI2C_MasterClearFlags
All flags which are cleared by the driver upon starting a transfer.
enumerator kLPI2C_MasterIrqFlags
IRQ sources enabled by the non-blocking transactional API.
enumerator kLPI2C_MasterErrorFlags
Errors to check for.
enum _lpi2c_direction
Direction of master and slave transfers.
enumerator kLPI2C_Write
Master transmit.
enumerator kLPI2C_Read
Master receive.
enumerator kLPI2C_Write
enum _lpi2c_master_pin_config
LPI2C pin configuration.
enumerator kLPI2C_2PinOpenDrain
LPI2C Configured for 2-pin open drain mode
enumerator kLPI2C_2PinOutputOnly
LPI2C Configured for 2-pin output only mode (ultra-fast mode)
enumerator kLPI2C_2PinPushPull
LPI2C Configured for 2-pin push-pull mode
enumerator kLPI2C_4PinPushPull
LPI2C Configured for 4-pin push-pull mode
enumerator kLPI2C_2PinOpenDrainWithSeparateSlave
LPI2C Configured for 2-pin open drain mode with separate LPI2C slave
enumerator kLPI2C_2PinOutputOnlyWithSeparateSlave
LPI2C Configured for 2-pin output only mode(ultra-fast mode) with separate LPI2C slave
enumerator kLPI2C_2PinPushPullWithSeparateSlave
LPI2C Configured for 2-pin push-pull mode with separate LPI2C slave
enumerator kLPI2C_4PinPushPullWithInvertedOutput
LPI2C Configured for 4-pin push-pull mode(inverted outputs)
enumerator kLPI2C_2PinOpenDrain
enum _lpi2c_host_request_source
LPI2C master host request selection.
enumerator kLPI2C_HostRequestExternalPin
Select the LPI2C_HREQ pin as the host request input
enumerator kLPI2C_HostRequestInputTrigger
Select the input trigger as the host request input
enumerator kLPI2C_HostRequestExternalPin
enum _lpi2c_host_request_polarity
LPI2C master host request pin polarity configuration.
enumerator kLPI2C_HostRequestPinActiveLow
Configure the LPI2C_HREQ pin active low
enumerator kLPI2C_HostRequestPinActiveHigh
Configure the LPI2C_HREQ pin active high
enumerator kLPI2C_HostRequestPinActiveLow
enum _lpi2c_data_match_config_mode
LPI2C master data match configuration modes.
enumerator kLPI2C_MatchDisabled
LPI2C Match Disabled
enumerator kLPI2C_1stWordEqualsM0OrM1
LPI2C Match Enabled and 1st data word equals MATCH0 OR MATCH1
enumerator kLPI2C_AnyWordEqualsM0OrM1
LPI2C Match Enabled and any data word equals MATCH0 OR MATCH1
enumerator kLPI2C_1stWordEqualsM0And2ndWordEqualsM1
LPI2C Match Enabled and 1st data word equals MATCH0, 2nd data equals MATCH1
enumerator kLPI2C_AnyWordEqualsM0AndNextWordEqualsM1
LPI2C Match Enabled and any data word equals MATCH0, next data equals MATCH1
enumerator kLPI2C_1stWordAndM1EqualsM0AndM1
LPI2C Match Enabled and 1st data word and MATCH0 equals MATCH0 and MATCH1
enumerator kLPI2C_AnyWordAndM1EqualsM0AndM1
LPI2C Match Enabled and any data word and MATCH0 equals MATCH0 and MATCH1
enumerator kLPI2C_MatchDisabled
enum _lpi2c_master_transfer_flags
Transfer option flags.
These enumerations are intended to be OR’d together to form a bit mask of options for the _lpi2c_master_transfer::flags field.
enumerator kLPI2C_TransferDefaultFlag
Transfer starts with a start signal, stops with a stop signal.
enumerator kLPI2C_TransferNoStartFlag
Don’t send a start condition, address, and sub address
enumerator kLPI2C_TransferRepeatedStartFlag
Send a repeated start condition
enumerator kLPI2C_TransferNoStopFlag
Don’t send a stop condition.
enumerator kLPI2C_TransferDefaultFlag
typedef enum _lpi2c_direction lpi2c_direction_t
Direction of master and slave transfers.
typedef enum _lpi2c_master_pin_config lpi2c_master_pin_config_t
LPI2C pin configuration.
typedef enum _lpi2c_host_request_source lpi2c_host_request_source_t
LPI2C master host request selection.
typedef enum _lpi2c_host_request_polarity lpi2c_host_request_polarity_t
LPI2C master host request pin polarity configuration.
typedef struct _lpi2c_master_config lpi2c_master_config_t
Structure with settings to initialize the LPI2C master module.
This structure holds configuration settings for the LPI2C peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the LPI2C_MasterGetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your configuration structure instance.
The configuration structure can be made constant so it resides in flash.
typedef enum _lpi2c_data_match_config_mode lpi2c_data_match_config_mode_t
LPI2C master data match configuration modes.
typedef struct _lpi2c_match_config lpi2c_data_match_config_t
LPI2C master data match configuration structure.
typedef struct _lpi2c_master_transfer lpi2c_master_transfer_t
LPI2C master descriptor of the transfer.
typedef struct _lpi2c_master_handle lpi2c_master_handle_t
LPI2C master handle of the transfer.
typedef void (*lpi2c_master_transfer_callback_t)(LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_master_handle_t *handle, status_t completionStatus, void *userData)
Master completion callback function pointer type.
This callback is used only for the non-blocking master transfer API. Specify the callback you wish to use in the call to LPI2C_MasterTransferCreateHandle().
- Param base:
The LPI2C peripheral base address.
- Param handle:
Pointer to the LPI2C master driver handle.
- Param completionStatus:
Either kStatus_Success or an error code describing how the transfer completed.
- Param userData:
Arbitrary pointer-sized value passed from the application.
typedef void (*lpi2c_master_isr_t)(LPI2C_Type *base, void *handle)
Typedef for master interrupt handler, used internally for LPI2C master interrupt and EDMA transactional APIs.
struct _lpi2c_master_config
- #include <fsl_lpi2c.h>
Structure with settings to initialize the LPI2C master module.
This structure holds configuration settings for the LPI2C peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the LPI2C_MasterGetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your configuration structure instance.
The configuration structure can be made constant so it resides in flash.
Public Members
bool enableMaster
Whether to enable master mode.
bool enableDoze
Whether master is enabled in doze mode.
bool debugEnable
Enable transfers to continue when halted in debug mode.
bool ignoreAck
Whether to ignore ACK/NACK.
lpi2c_master_pin_config_t pinConfig
The pin configuration option.
uint32_t baudRate_Hz
Desired baud rate in Hertz.
uint32_t busIdleTimeout_ns
Bus idle timeout in nanoseconds. Set to 0 to disable.
uint32_t pinLowTimeout_ns
Pin low timeout in nanoseconds. Set to 0 to disable.
uint8_t sdaGlitchFilterWidth_ns
Width in nanoseconds of glitch filter on SDA pin. Set to 0 to disable.
uint8_t sclGlitchFilterWidth_ns
Width in nanoseconds of glitch filter on SCL pin. Set to 0 to disable.
struct _lpi2c_master_config hostRequest
Host request options.
bool enableMaster
struct _lpi2c_match_config
- #include <fsl_lpi2c.h>
LPI2C master data match configuration structure.
Public Members
lpi2c_data_match_config_mode_t matchMode
Data match configuration setting.
bool rxDataMatchOnly
When set to true, received data is ignored until a successful match.
uint32_t match0
Match value 0.
uint32_t match1
Match value 1.
lpi2c_data_match_config_mode_t matchMode
struct _lpi2c_master_transfer
- #include <fsl_lpi2c.h>
Non-blocking transfer descriptor structure.
This structure is used to pass transaction parameters to the LPI2C_MasterTransferNonBlocking() API.
Public Members
uint32_t flags
Bit mask of options for the transfer. See enumeration _lpi2c_master_transfer_flags for available options. Set to 0 or kLPI2C_TransferDefaultFlag for normal transfers.
uint16_t slaveAddress
The 7-bit slave address.
lpi2c_direction_t direction
Either kLPI2C_Read or kLPI2C_Write.
uint32_t subaddress
Sub address. Transferred MSB first.
size_t subaddressSize
Length of sub address to send in bytes. Maximum size is 4 bytes.
void *data
Pointer to data to transfer.
size_t dataSize
Number of bytes to transfer.
uint32_t flags
struct _lpi2c_master_handle
- #include <fsl_lpi2c.h>
Driver handle for master non-blocking APIs.
The contents of this structure are private and subject to change.
Public Members
uint8_t state
Transfer state machine current state.
uint16_t remainingBytes
Remaining byte count in current state.
uint8_t *buf
Buffer pointer for current state.
uint16_t commandBuffer[6]
LPI2C command sequence. When all 6 command words are used: Start&addr&write[1 word] + subaddr[4 words] + restart&addr&read[1 word]
lpi2c_master_transfer_t transfer
Copy of the current transfer info.
lpi2c_master_transfer_callback_t completionCallback
Callback function pointer.
void *userData
Application data passed to callback.
uint8_t state
struct hostRequest
Public Members
bool enable
Enable host request.
lpi2c_host_request_source_t source
Host request source.
lpi2c_host_request_polarity_t polarity
Host request pin polarity.
bool enable
LPI2C Master DMA Driver
void LPI2C_MasterCreateEDMAHandle(LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_master_edma_handle_t *handle, edma_handle_t *rxDmaHandle, edma_handle_t *txDmaHandle, lpi2c_master_edma_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Create a new handle for the LPI2C master DMA APIs.
The creation of a handle is for use with the DMA APIs. Once a handle is created, there is not a corresponding destroy handle. If the user wants to terminate a transfer, the LPI2C_MasterTransferAbortEDMA() API shall be called.
For devices where the LPI2C send and receive DMA requests are OR’d together, the txDmaHandle parameter is ignored and may be set to NULL.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
handle – [out] Pointer to the LPI2C master driver handle.
rxDmaHandle – Handle for the eDMA receive channel. Created by the user prior to calling this function.
txDmaHandle – Handle for the eDMA transmit channel. Created by the user prior to calling this function.
callback – User provided pointer to the asynchronous callback function.
userData – User provided pointer to the application callback data.
status_t LPI2C_MasterTransferEDMA(LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_master_edma_handle_t *handle, lpi2c_master_transfer_t *transfer)
Performs a non-blocking DMA-based transaction on the I2C bus.
The callback specified when the handle was created is invoked when the transaction has completed.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to the LPI2C master driver handle.
transfer – The pointer to the transfer descriptor.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – The transaction was started successfully.
kStatus_LPI2C_Busy – Either another master is currently utilizing the bus, or another DMA transaction is already in progress.
status_t LPI2C_MasterTransferGetCountEDMA(LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_master_edma_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Returns number of bytes transferred so far.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to the LPI2C master driver handle.
count – [out] Number of bytes transferred so far by the non-blocking transaction.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success –
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – There is not a DMA transaction currently in progress.
status_t LPI2C_MasterTransferAbortEDMA(LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_master_edma_handle_t *handle)
Terminates a non-blocking LPI2C master transmission early.
It is not safe to call this function from an IRQ handler that has a higher priority than the eDMA peripheral’s IRQ priority.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to the LPI2C master driver handle.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – A transaction was successfully aborted.
kStatus_LPI2C_Idle – There is not a DMA transaction currently in progress.
typedef struct _lpi2c_master_edma_handle lpi2c_master_edma_handle_t
LPI2C master EDMA handle of the transfer.
typedef void (*lpi2c_master_edma_transfer_callback_t)(LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_master_edma_handle_t *handle, status_t completionStatus, void *userData)
Master DMA completion callback function pointer type.
This callback is used only for the non-blocking master transfer API. Specify the callback you wish to use in the call to LPI2C_MasterCreateEDMAHandle().
- Param base:
The LPI2C peripheral base address.
- Param handle:
Handle associated with the completed transfer.
- Param completionStatus:
Either kStatus_Success or an error code describing how the transfer completed.
- Param userData:
Arbitrary pointer-sized value passed from the application.
struct _lpi2c_master_edma_handle
- #include <fsl_lpi2c_edma.h>
Driver handle for master DMA APIs.
The contents of this structure are private and subject to change.
Public Members
LPI2C_Type *base
LPI2C base pointer.
bool isBusy
Transfer state machine current state.
uint8_t nbytes
eDMA minor byte transfer count initially configured.
uint16_t commandBuffer[10]
LPI2C command sequence. When all 10 command words are used: Start&addr&write[1 word] + subaddr[4 words] + restart&addr&read[1 word] + receive&Size[4 words]
lpi2c_master_transfer_t transfer
Copy of the current transfer info.
lpi2c_master_edma_transfer_callback_t completionCallback
Callback function pointer.
void *userData
Application data passed to callback.
edma_handle_t *rx
Handle for receive DMA channel.
edma_handle_t *tx
Handle for transmit DMA channel.
edma_tcd_t tcds[3]
Software TCD. Three are allocated to provide enough room to align to 32-bytes.
LPI2C_Type *base
LPI2C Slave Driver
void LPI2C_SlaveGetDefaultConfig(lpi2c_slave_config_t *slaveConfig)
Provides a default configuration for the LPI2C slave peripheral.
This function provides the following default configuration for the LPI2C slave peripheral:
slaveConfig->enableSlave = true; slaveConfig->address0 = 0U; slaveConfig->address1 = 0U; slaveConfig->addressMatchMode = kLPI2C_MatchAddress0; slaveConfig->filterDozeEnable = true; slaveConfig->filterEnable = true; slaveConfig->enableGeneralCall = false; slaveConfig->sclStall.enableAck = false; slaveConfig->sclStall.enableTx = true; slaveConfig->sclStall.enableRx = true; slaveConfig->sclStall.enableAddress = true; slaveConfig->ignoreAck = false; slaveConfig->enableReceivedAddressRead = false; slaveConfig->sdaGlitchFilterWidth_ns = 0; slaveConfig->sclGlitchFilterWidth_ns = 0; slaveConfig->dataValidDelay_ns = 0; slaveConfig->clockHoldTime_ns = 0;
After calling this function, override any settings to customize the configuration, prior to initializing the master driver with LPI2C_SlaveInit(). Be sure to override at least the address0 member of the configuration structure with the desired slave address.
- Parameters:
slaveConfig – [out] User provided configuration structure that is set to default values. Refer to lpi2c_slave_config_t.
void LPI2C_SlaveInit(LPI2C_Type *base, const lpi2c_slave_config_t *slaveConfig, uint32_t sourceClock_Hz)
Initializes the LPI2C slave peripheral.
This function enables the peripheral clock and initializes the LPI2C slave peripheral as described by the user provided configuration.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
slaveConfig – User provided peripheral configuration. Use LPI2C_SlaveGetDefaultConfig() to get a set of defaults that you can override.
sourceClock_Hz – Frequency in Hertz of the LPI2C functional clock. Used to calculate the filter widths, data valid delay, and clock hold time.
void LPI2C_SlaveDeinit(LPI2C_Type *base)
Deinitializes the LPI2C slave peripheral.
This function disables the LPI2C slave peripheral and gates the clock. It also performs a software reset to restore the peripheral to reset conditions.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
static inline void LPI2C_SlaveReset(LPI2C_Type *base)
Performs a software reset of the LPI2C slave peripheral.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
static inline void LPI2C_SlaveEnable(LPI2C_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables or disables the LPI2C module as slave.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
enable – Pass true to enable or false to disable the specified LPI2C as slave.
static inline uint32_t LPI2C_SlaveGetStatusFlags(LPI2C_Type *base)
Gets the LPI2C slave status flags.
A bit mask with the state of all LPI2C slave status flags is returned. For each flag, the corresponding bit in the return value is set if the flag is asserted.
See also
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
- Returns:
State of the status flags:
1: related status flag is set.
0: related status flag is not set.
static inline void LPI2C_SlaveClearStatusFlags(LPI2C_Type *base, uint32_t statusMask)
Clears the LPI2C status flag state.
The following status register flags can be cleared:
Attempts to clear other flags has no effect.
See also
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
statusMask – A bitmask of status flags that are to be cleared. The mask is composed of _lpi2c_slave_flags enumerators OR’d together. You may pass the result of a previous call to LPI2C_SlaveGetStatusFlags().
static inline void LPI2C_SlaveEnableInterrupts(LPI2C_Type *base, uint32_t interruptMask)
Enables the LPI2C slave interrupt requests.
All flags except kLPI2C_SlaveBusyFlag and kLPI2C_SlaveBusBusyFlag can be enabled as interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
interruptMask – Bit mask of interrupts to enable. See _lpi2c_slave_flags for the set of constants that should be OR’d together to form the bit mask.
static inline void LPI2C_SlaveDisableInterrupts(LPI2C_Type *base, uint32_t interruptMask)
Disables the LPI2C slave interrupt requests.
All flags except kLPI2C_SlaveBusyFlag and kLPI2C_SlaveBusBusyFlag can be enabled as interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
interruptMask – Bit mask of interrupts to disable. See _lpi2c_slave_flags for the set of constants that should be OR’d together to form the bit mask.
static inline uint32_t LPI2C_SlaveGetEnabledInterrupts(LPI2C_Type *base)
Returns the set of currently enabled LPI2C slave interrupt requests.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
- Returns:
A bitmask composed of _lpi2c_slave_flags enumerators OR’d together to indicate the set of enabled interrupts.
static inline void LPI2C_SlaveEnableDMA(LPI2C_Type *base, bool enableAddressValid, bool enableRx, bool enableTx)
Enables or disables the LPI2C slave peripheral DMA requests.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
enableAddressValid – Enable flag for the address valid DMA request. Pass true for enable, false for disable. The address valid DMA request is shared with the receive data DMA request.
enableRx – Enable flag for the receive data DMA request. Pass true for enable, false for disable.
enableTx – Enable flag for the transmit data DMA request. Pass true for enable, false for disable.
static inline bool LPI2C_SlaveGetBusIdleState(LPI2C_Type *base)
Returns whether the bus is idle.
Requires the slave mode to be enabled.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
- Return values:
true – Bus is busy.
false – Bus is idle.
static inline void LPI2C_SlaveTransmitAck(LPI2C_Type *base, bool ackOrNack)
Transmits either an ACK or NAK on the I2C bus in response to a byte from the master.
Use this function to send an ACK or NAK when the kLPI2C_SlaveTransmitAckFlag is asserted. This only happens if you enable the sclStall.enableAck field of the lpi2c_slave_config_t configuration structure used to initialize the slave peripheral.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
ackOrNack – Pass true for an ACK or false for a NAK.
static inline void LPI2C_SlaveEnableAckStall(LPI2C_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables or disables ACKSTALL.
When enables ACKSTALL, software can transmit either an ACK or NAK on the I2C bus in response to a byte from the master.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
enable – True will enable ACKSTALL,false will disable ACKSTALL.
static inline uint32_t LPI2C_SlaveGetReceivedAddress(LPI2C_Type *base)
Returns the slave address sent by the I2C master.
This function should only be called if the kLPI2C_SlaveAddressValidFlag is asserted.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The 8-bit address matched by the LPI2C slave. Bit 0 contains the R/w direction bit, and the 7-bit slave address is in the upper 7 bits.
status_t LPI2C_SlaveSend(LPI2C_Type *base, void *txBuff, size_t txSize, size_t *actualTxSize)
Performs a polling send transfer on the I2C bus.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
txBuff – The pointer to the data to be transferred.
txSize – The length in bytes of the data to be transferred.
actualTxSize – [out]
- Returns:
Error or success status returned by API.
status_t LPI2C_SlaveReceive(LPI2C_Type *base, void *rxBuff, size_t rxSize, size_t *actualRxSize)
Performs a polling receive transfer on the I2C bus.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
rxBuff – The pointer to the data to be transferred.
rxSize – The length in bytes of the data to be transferred.
actualRxSize – [out]
- Returns:
Error or success status returned by API.
void LPI2C_SlaveTransferCreateHandle(LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_slave_handle_t *handle, lpi2c_slave_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Creates a new handle for the LPI2C slave non-blocking APIs.
The creation of a handle is for use with the non-blocking APIs. Once a handle is created, there is not a corresponding destroy handle. If the user wants to terminate a transfer, the LPI2C_SlaveTransferAbort() API shall be called.
The function also enables the NVIC IRQ for the input LPI2C. Need to notice that on some SoCs the LPI2C IRQ is connected to INTMUX, in this case user needs to enable the associated INTMUX IRQ in application.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
handle – [out] Pointer to the LPI2C slave driver handle.
callback – User provided pointer to the asynchronous callback function.
userData – User provided pointer to the application callback data.
status_t LPI2C_SlaveTransferNonBlocking(LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_slave_handle_t *handle, uint32_t eventMask)
Starts accepting slave transfers.
Call this API after calling I2C_SlaveInit() and LPI2C_SlaveTransferCreateHandle() to start processing transactions driven by an I2C master. The slave monitors the I2C bus and pass events to the callback that was passed into the call to LPI2C_SlaveTransferCreateHandle(). The callback is always invoked from the interrupt context.
The set of events received by the callback is customizable. To do so, set the eventMask parameter to the OR’d combination of lpi2c_slave_transfer_event_t enumerators for the events you wish to receive. The kLPI2C_SlaveTransmitEvent and kLPI2C_SlaveReceiveEvent events are always enabled and do not need to be included in the mask. Alternatively, you can pass 0 to get a default set of only the transmit and receive events that are always enabled. In addition, the kLPI2C_SlaveAllEvents constant is provided as a convenient way to enable all events.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to lpi2c_slave_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
eventMask – Bit mask formed by OR’ing together lpi2c_slave_transfer_event_t enumerators to specify which events to send to the callback. Other accepted values are 0 to get a default set of only the transmit and receive events, and kLPI2C_SlaveAllEvents to enable all events.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Slave transfers were successfully started.
kStatus_LPI2C_Busy – Slave transfers have already been started on this handle.
status_t LPI2C_SlaveTransferGetCount(LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_slave_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the slave transfer status during a non-blocking transfer.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to i2c_slave_handle_t structure.
count – [out] Pointer to a value to hold the number of bytes transferred. May be NULL if the count is not required.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success –
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress –
void LPI2C_SlaveTransferAbort(LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_slave_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the slave non-blocking transfers.
This API could be called at any time to stop slave for handling the bus events.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to lpi2c_slave_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
void LPI2C_SlaveTransferHandleIRQ(LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_slave_handle_t *handle)
Reusable routine to handle slave interrupts.
This function does not need to be called unless you are reimplementing the non blocking API’s interrupt handler routines to add special functionality.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to lpi2c_slave_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
enum _lpi2c_slave_flags
LPI2C slave peripheral flags.
The following status register flags can be cleared:
All flags except kLPI2C_SlaveBusyFlag and kLPI2C_SlaveBusBusyFlag can be enabled as interrupts.
These enumerations are meant to be OR’d together to form a bit mask.
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveTxReadyFlag
Transmit data flag
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveRxReadyFlag
Receive data flag
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveAddressValidFlag
Address valid flag
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveTransmitAckFlag
Transmit ACK flag
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveRepeatedStartDetectFlag
Repeated start detect flag
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveStopDetectFlag
Stop detect flag
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveBitErrFlag
Bit error flag
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveFifoErrFlag
FIFO error flag
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveAddressMatch0Flag
Address match 0 flag
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveAddressMatch1Flag
Address match 1 flag
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveGeneralCallFlag
General call flag
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveBusyFlag
Master busy flag
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveBusBusyFlag
Bus busy flag
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveClearFlags
All flags which are cleared by the driver upon starting a transfer.
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveIrqFlags
IRQ sources enabled by the non-blocking transactional API.
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveErrorFlags
Errors to check for.
enum _lpi2c_slave_address_match
LPI2C slave address match options.
enumerator kLPI2C_MatchAddress0
Match only address 0.
enumerator kLPI2C_MatchAddress0OrAddress1
Match either address 0 or address 1.
enumerator kLPI2C_MatchAddress0ThroughAddress1
Match a range of slave addresses from address 0 through address 1.
enumerator kLPI2C_MatchAddress0
enum _lpi2c_slave_transfer_event
Set of events sent to the callback for non blocking slave transfers.
These event enumerations are used for two related purposes. First, a bit mask created by OR’ing together events is passed to LPI2C_SlaveTransferNonBlocking() in order to specify which events to enable. Then, when the slave callback is invoked, it is passed the current event through its transfer parameter.
These enumerations are meant to be OR’d together to form a bit mask of events.
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveAddressMatchEvent
Received the slave address after a start or repeated start.
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveTransmitEvent
Callback is requested to provide data to transmit (slave-transmitter role).
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveReceiveEvent
Callback is requested to provide a buffer in which to place received data (slave-receiver role).
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveTransmitAckEvent
Callback needs to either transmit an ACK or NACK.
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveRepeatedStartEvent
A repeated start was detected.
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveCompletionEvent
A stop was detected, completing the transfer.
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveAllEvents
Bit mask of all available events.
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveAddressMatchEvent
typedef enum _lpi2c_slave_address_match lpi2c_slave_address_match_t
LPI2C slave address match options.
typedef struct _lpi2c_slave_config lpi2c_slave_config_t
Structure with settings to initialize the LPI2C slave module.
This structure holds configuration settings for the LPI2C slave peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the LPI2C_SlaveGetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your configuration structure instance.
The configuration structure can be made constant so it resides in flash.
typedef enum _lpi2c_slave_transfer_event lpi2c_slave_transfer_event_t
Set of events sent to the callback for non blocking slave transfers.
These event enumerations are used for two related purposes. First, a bit mask created by OR’ing together events is passed to LPI2C_SlaveTransferNonBlocking() in order to specify which events to enable. Then, when the slave callback is invoked, it is passed the current event through its transfer parameter.
These enumerations are meant to be OR’d together to form a bit mask of events.
typedef struct _lpi2c_slave_transfer lpi2c_slave_transfer_t
LPI2C slave transfer structure.
typedef struct _lpi2c_slave_handle lpi2c_slave_handle_t
LPI2C slave handle structure.
typedef void (*lpi2c_slave_transfer_callback_t)(LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_slave_transfer_t *transfer, void *userData)
Slave event callback function pointer type.
This callback is used only for the slave non-blocking transfer API. To install a callback, use the LPI2C_SlaveSetCallback() function after you have created a handle.
- Param base:
Base address for the LPI2C instance on which the event occurred.
- Param transfer:
Pointer to transfer descriptor containing values passed to and/or from the callback.
- Param userData:
Arbitrary pointer-sized value passed from the application.
struct _lpi2c_slave_config
- #include <fsl_lpi2c.h>
Structure with settings to initialize the LPI2C slave module.
This structure holds configuration settings for the LPI2C slave peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the LPI2C_SlaveGetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your configuration structure instance.
The configuration structure can be made constant so it resides in flash.
Public Members
bool enableSlave
Enable slave mode.
uint8_t address0
Slave’s 7-bit address.
uint8_t address1
Alternate slave 7-bit address.
lpi2c_slave_address_match_t addressMatchMode
Address matching options.
bool filterDozeEnable
Enable digital glitch filter in doze mode.
bool filterEnable
Enable digital glitch filter.
bool enableGeneralCall
Enable general call address matching.
struct _lpi2c_slave_config sclStall
SCL stall enable options.
bool ignoreAck
Continue transfers after a NACK is detected.
bool enableReceivedAddressRead
Enable reading the address received address as the first byte of data.
uint32_t sdaGlitchFilterWidth_ns
Width in nanoseconds of the digital filter on the SDA signal. Set to 0 to disable.
uint32_t sclGlitchFilterWidth_ns
Width in nanoseconds of the digital filter on the SCL signal. Set to 0 to disable.
uint32_t dataValidDelay_ns
Width in nanoseconds of the data valid delay.
uint32_t clockHoldTime_ns
Width in nanoseconds of the clock hold time.
bool enableSlave
struct _lpi2c_slave_transfer
- #include <fsl_lpi2c.h>
LPI2C slave transfer structure.
Public Members
lpi2c_slave_transfer_event_t event
Reason the callback is being invoked.
uint8_t receivedAddress
Matching address send by master.
uint8_t *data
Transfer buffer
size_t dataSize
Transfer size
status_t completionStatus
Success or error code describing how the transfer completed. Only applies for kLPI2C_SlaveCompletionEvent.
size_t transferredCount
Number of bytes actually transferred since start or last repeated start.
lpi2c_slave_transfer_event_t event
struct _lpi2c_slave_handle
- #include <fsl_lpi2c.h>
LPI2C slave handle structure.
The contents of this structure are private and subject to change.
Public Members
lpi2c_slave_transfer_t transfer
LPI2C slave transfer copy.
bool isBusy
Whether transfer is busy.
bool wasTransmit
Whether the last transfer was a transmit.
uint32_t eventMask
Mask of enabled events.
uint32_t transferredCount
Count of bytes transferred.
lpi2c_slave_transfer_callback_t callback
Callback function called at transfer event.
void *userData
Callback parameter passed to callback.
lpi2c_slave_transfer_t transfer
struct sclStall
Public Members
bool enableAck
Enables SCL clock stretching during slave-transmit address byte(s) and slave-receiver address and data byte(s) to allow software to write the Transmit ACK Register before the ACK or NACK is transmitted. Clock stretching occurs when transmitting the 9th bit. When enableAckSCLStall is enabled, there is no need to set either enableRxDataSCLStall or enableAddressSCLStall.
bool enableTx
Enables SCL clock stretching when the transmit data flag is set during a slave-transmit transfer.
bool enableRx
Enables SCL clock stretching when receive data flag is set during a slave-receive transfer.
bool enableAddress
Enables SCL clock stretching when the address valid flag is asserted.
bool enableAck
LPIT: Low-Power Interrupt Timer
enum _lpit_chnl
List of LPIT channels.
Actual number of available channels is SoC-dependent
enumerator kLPIT_Chnl_0
LPIT channel number 0
enumerator kLPIT_Chnl_1
LPIT channel number 1
enumerator kLPIT_Chnl_2
LPIT channel number 2
enumerator kLPIT_Chnl_3
LPIT channel number 3
enumerator kLPIT_Chnl_0
enum _lpit_timer_modes
Mode options available for the LPIT timer.
enumerator kLPIT_PeriodicCounter
Use the all 32-bits, counter loads and decrements to zero
enumerator kLPIT_DualPeriodicCounter
Counter loads, lower 16-bits decrement to zero, then upper 16-bits decrement
enumerator kLPIT_TriggerAccumulator
Counter loads on first trigger and decrements on each trigger
enumerator kLPIT_InputCapture
Counter loads with 0xFFFFFFFF, decrements to zero. It stores the inverse of the current value when a input trigger is detected
enumerator kLPIT_PeriodicCounter
enum _lpit_trigger_select
Trigger options available.
This is used for both internal and external trigger sources. The actual trigger options available is SoC-specific, user should refer to the reference manual.
enumerator kLPIT_Trigger_TimerChn0
Channel 0 is selected as a trigger source
enumerator kLPIT_Trigger_TimerChn1
Channel 1 is selected as a trigger source
enumerator kLPIT_Trigger_TimerChn2
Channel 2 is selected as a trigger source
enumerator kLPIT_Trigger_TimerChn3
Channel 3 is selected as a trigger source
enumerator kLPIT_Trigger_TimerChn4
Channel 4 is selected as a trigger source
enumerator kLPIT_Trigger_TimerChn5
Channel 5 is selected as a trigger source
enumerator kLPIT_Trigger_TimerChn6
Channel 6 is selected as a trigger source
enumerator kLPIT_Trigger_TimerChn7
Channel 7 is selected as a trigger source
enumerator kLPIT_Trigger_TimerChn8
Channel 8 is selected as a trigger source
enumerator kLPIT_Trigger_TimerChn9
Channel 9 is selected as a trigger source
enumerator kLPIT_Trigger_TimerChn10
Channel 10 is selected as a trigger source
enumerator kLPIT_Trigger_TimerChn11
Channel 11 is selected as a trigger source
enumerator kLPIT_Trigger_TimerChn12
Channel 12 is selected as a trigger source
enumerator kLPIT_Trigger_TimerChn13
Channel 13 is selected as a trigger source
enumerator kLPIT_Trigger_TimerChn14
Channel 14 is selected as a trigger source
enumerator kLPIT_Trigger_TimerChn15
Channel 15 is selected as a trigger source
enumerator kLPIT_Trigger_TimerChn0
enum _lpit_trigger_source
Trigger source options available.
enumerator kLPIT_TriggerSource_External
Use external trigger input
enumerator kLPIT_TriggerSource_Internal
Use internal trigger
enumerator kLPIT_TriggerSource_External
enum _lpit_interrupt_enable
List of LPIT interrupts.
Number of timer channels are SoC-specific. See the SoC Reference Manual.
enumerator kLPIT_Channel0TimerInterruptEnable
Channel 0 Timer interrupt
enumerator kLPIT_Channel1TimerInterruptEnable
Channel 1 Timer interrupt
enumerator kLPIT_Channel2TimerInterruptEnable
Channel 2 Timer interrupt
enumerator kLPIT_Channel3TimerInterruptEnable
Channel 3 Timer interrupt
enumerator kLPIT_Channel0TimerInterruptEnable
enum _lpit_status_flags
List of LPIT status flags.
Number of timer channels are SoC-specific. See the SoC Reference Manual.
enumerator kLPIT_Channel0TimerFlag
Channel 0 Timer interrupt flag
enumerator kLPIT_Channel1TimerFlag
Channel 1 Timer interrupt flag
enumerator kLPIT_Channel2TimerFlag
Channel 2 Timer interrupt flag
enumerator kLPIT_Channel3TimerFlag
Channel 3 Timer interrupt flag
enumerator kLPIT_Channel0TimerFlag
typedef enum _lpit_chnl lpit_chnl_t
List of LPIT channels.
Actual number of available channels is SoC-dependent
typedef enum _lpit_timer_modes lpit_timer_modes_t
Mode options available for the LPIT timer.
typedef enum _lpit_trigger_select lpit_trigger_select_t
Trigger options available.
This is used for both internal and external trigger sources. The actual trigger options available is SoC-specific, user should refer to the reference manual.
typedef enum _lpit_trigger_source lpit_trigger_source_t
Trigger source options available.
typedef enum _lpit_interrupt_enable lpit_interrupt_enable_t
List of LPIT interrupts.
Number of timer channels are SoC-specific. See the SoC Reference Manual.
typedef enum _lpit_status_flags lpit_status_flags_t
List of LPIT status flags.
Number of timer channels are SoC-specific. See the SoC Reference Manual.
typedef struct _lpit_chnl_params lpit_chnl_params_t
Structure to configure the channel timer.
typedef struct _lpit_config lpit_config_t
LPIT configuration structure.
This structure holds the configuration settings for the LPIT peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the LPIT_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to the configuration structure instance.
The configuration structure can be made constant so as to reside in flash.
Version 2.1.1
void LPIT_Init(LPIT_Type *base, const lpit_config_t *config)
Ungates the LPIT clock and configures the peripheral for a basic operation.
This function issues a software reset to reset all channels and registers except the Module Control register.
This API should be called at the beginning of the application using the LPIT driver.
- Parameters:
base – LPIT peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to the user configuration structure.
void LPIT_Deinit(LPIT_Type *base)
Disables the module and gates the LPIT clock.
- Parameters:
base – LPIT peripheral base address.
void LPIT_GetDefaultConfig(lpit_config_t *config)
Fills in the LPIT configuration structure with default settings.
The default values are:
config->enableRunInDebug = false; config->enableRunInDoze = false;
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to the user configuration structure.
status_t LPIT_SetupChannel(LPIT_Type *base, lpit_chnl_t channel, const lpit_chnl_params_t *chnlSetup)
Sets up an LPIT channel based on the user’s preference.
This function sets up the operation mode to one of the options available in the enumeration lpit_timer_modes_t. It sets the trigger source as either internal or external, trigger selection and the timers behaviour when a timeout occurs. It also chains the timer if a prior timer if requested by the user.
- Parameters:
base – LPIT peripheral base address.
channel – Channel that is being configured.
chnlSetup – Configuration parameters.
static inline void LPIT_EnableInterrupts(LPIT_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the selected PIT interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – LPIT peripheral base address.
mask – The interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration lpit_interrupt_enable_t
static inline void LPIT_DisableInterrupts(LPIT_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the selected PIT interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – LPIT peripheral base address.
mask – The interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration lpit_interrupt_enable_t
static inline uint32_t LPIT_GetEnabledInterrupts(LPIT_Type *base)
Gets the enabled LPIT interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – LPIT peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The enabled interrupts. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration lpit_interrupt_enable_t
static inline uint32_t LPIT_GetStatusFlags(LPIT_Type *base)
Gets the LPIT status flags.
- Parameters:
base – LPIT peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The status flags. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration lpit_status_flags_t
static inline void LPIT_ClearStatusFlags(LPIT_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears the LPIT status flags.
- Parameters:
base – LPIT peripheral base address.
mask – The status flags to clear. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration lpit_status_flags_t
static inline void LPIT_SetTimerPeriod(LPIT_Type *base, lpit_chnl_t channel, uint32_t ticks)
Sets the timer period in units of count.
Timers begin counting down from the value set by this function until it reaches 0, at which point it generates an interrupt and loads this register value again. Writing a new value to this register does not restart the timer. Instead, the value is loaded after the timer expires.
User can call the utility macros provided in fsl_common.h to convert to ticks.
- Parameters:
base – LPIT peripheral base address.
channel – Timer channel number.
ticks – Timer period in units of ticks.
static inline void LPIT_SetTimerValue(LPIT_Type *base, lpit_chnl_t channel, uint32_t ticks)
Sets the timer period in units of count.
In the Dual 16-bit Periodic Counter mode, the counter will load and then the lower 16-bits will decrement down to zero, which will assert the output pre-trigger. The upper 16-bits will then decrement down to zero, which will negate the output pre-trigger and set the timer interrupt flag.
Set TVAL register to 0 or 1 is invalid in compare mode.
- Parameters:
base – LPIT peripheral base address.
channel – Timer channel number.
ticks – Timer period in units of ticks.
static inline uint32_t LPIT_GetCurrentTimerCount(LPIT_Type *base, lpit_chnl_t channel)
Reads the current timer counting value.
This function returns the real-time timer counting value, in a range from 0 to a timer period.
User can call the utility macros provided in fsl_common.h to convert ticks to microseconds or milliseconds.
- Parameters:
base – LPIT peripheral base address.
channel – Timer channel number.
- Returns:
Current timer counting value in ticks.
static inline void LPIT_StartTimer(LPIT_Type *base, lpit_chnl_t channel)
Starts the timer counting.
After calling this function, timers load the period value and count down to 0. When the timer reaches 0, it generates a trigger pulse and sets the timeout interrupt flag.
- Parameters:
base – LPIT peripheral base address.
channel – Timer channel number.
static inline void LPIT_StopTimer(LPIT_Type *base, lpit_chnl_t channel)
Stops the timer counting.
- Parameters:
base – LPIT peripheral base address.
channel – Timer channel number.
static inline void LPIT_Reset(LPIT_Type *base)
Performs a software reset on the LPIT module.
This resets all channels and registers except the Module Control Register.
- Parameters:
base – LPIT peripheral base address.
struct _lpit_chnl_params
- #include <fsl_lpit.h>
Structure to configure the channel timer.
Public Members
bool chainChannel
true: Timer chained to previous timer; false: Timer not chained
lpit_timer_modes_t timerMode
Timers mode of operation.
lpit_trigger_select_t triggerSelect
Trigger selection for the timer
lpit_trigger_source_t triggerSource
Decides if we use external or internal trigger.
bool enableReloadOnTrigger
true: Timer reloads when a trigger is detected; false: No effect
bool enableStopOnTimeout
true: Timer will stop after timeout; false: does not stop after timeout
bool enableStartOnTrigger
true: Timer starts when a trigger is detected; false: decrement immediately
bool chainChannel
struct _lpit_config
- #include <fsl_lpit.h>
LPIT configuration structure.
This structure holds the configuration settings for the LPIT peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the LPIT_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to the configuration structure instance.
The configuration structure can be made constant so as to reside in flash.
Public Members
bool enableRunInDebug
true: Timers run in debug mode; false: Timers stop in debug mode
bool enableRunInDoze
true: Timers run in doze mode; false: Timers stop in doze mode
bool enableRunInDebug
LPSPI: Low Power Serial Peripheral Interface
LPSPI Peripheral driver
void LPSPI_MasterInit(LPSPI_Type *base, const lpspi_master_config_t *masterConfig, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
Initializes the LPSPI master.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
masterConfig – Pointer to structure lpspi_master_config_t.
srcClock_Hz – Module source input clock in Hertz
void LPSPI_MasterGetDefaultConfig(lpspi_master_config_t *masterConfig)
Sets the lpspi_master_config_t structure to default values.
This API initializes the configuration structure for LPSPI_MasterInit(). The initialized structure can remain unchanged in LPSPI_MasterInit(), or can be modified before calling the LPSPI_MasterInit(). Example:
lpspi_master_config_t masterConfig; LPSPI_MasterGetDefaultConfig(&masterConfig);
- Parameters:
masterConfig – pointer to lpspi_master_config_t structure
void LPSPI_SlaveInit(LPSPI_Type *base, const lpspi_slave_config_t *slaveConfig)
LPSPI slave configuration.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
slaveConfig – Pointer to a structure lpspi_slave_config_t.
void LPSPI_SlaveGetDefaultConfig(lpspi_slave_config_t *slaveConfig)
Sets the lpspi_slave_config_t structure to default values.
This API initializes the configuration structure for LPSPI_SlaveInit(). The initialized structure can remain unchanged in LPSPI_SlaveInit() or can be modified before calling the LPSPI_SlaveInit(). Example:
lpspi_slave_config_t slaveConfig; LPSPI_SlaveGetDefaultConfig(&slaveConfig);
- Parameters:
slaveConfig – pointer to lpspi_slave_config_t structure.
void LPSPI_Deinit(LPSPI_Type *base)
De-initializes the LPSPI peripheral. Call this API to disable the LPSPI clock.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
void LPSPI_Reset(LPSPI_Type *base)
Restores the LPSPI peripheral to reset state. Note that this function sets all registers to reset state. As a result, the LPSPI module can’t work after calling this API.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
uint32_t LPSPI_GetInstance(LPSPI_Type *base)
Get the LPSPI instance from peripheral base address.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral base address.
- Returns:
LPSPI instance.
static inline void LPSPI_Enable(LPSPI_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables the LPSPI peripheral and sets the MCR MDIS to 0.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
enable – Pass true to enable module, false to disable module.
static inline uint32_t LPSPI_GetStatusFlags(LPSPI_Type *base)
Gets the LPSPI status flag state.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
- Returns:
The LPSPI status(in SR register).
static inline uint8_t LPSPI_GetTxFifoSize(LPSPI_Type *base)
Gets the LPSPI Tx FIFO size.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
- Returns:
The LPSPI Tx FIFO size.
static inline uint8_t LPSPI_GetRxFifoSize(LPSPI_Type *base)
Gets the LPSPI Rx FIFO size.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
- Returns:
The LPSPI Rx FIFO size.
static inline uint32_t LPSPI_GetTxFifoCount(LPSPI_Type *base)
Gets the LPSPI Tx FIFO count.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
- Returns:
The number of words in the transmit FIFO.
static inline uint32_t LPSPI_GetRxFifoCount(LPSPI_Type *base)
Gets the LPSPI Rx FIFO count.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
- Returns:
The number of words in the receive FIFO.
static inline void LPSPI_ClearStatusFlags(LPSPI_Type *base, uint32_t statusFlags)
Clears the LPSPI status flag.
This function clears the desired status bit by using a write-1-to-clear. The user passes in the base and the desired status flag bit to clear. The list of status flags is defined in the _lpspi_flags. Example usage:
LPSPI_ClearStatusFlags(base, kLPSPI_TxDataRequestFlag|kLPSPI_RxDataReadyFlag);
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
statusFlags – The status flag used from type _lpspi_flags.
static inline uint32_t LPSPI_GetTcr(LPSPI_Type *base)
static inline void LPSPI_EnableInterrupts(LPSPI_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the LPSPI interrupts.
This function configures the various interrupt masks of the LPSPI. The parameters are base and an interrupt mask. Note that, for Tx fill and Rx FIFO drain requests, enabling the interrupt request disables the DMA request.
LPSPI_EnableInterrupts(base, kLPSPI_TxInterruptEnable | kLPSPI_RxInterruptEnable );
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
mask – The interrupt mask; Use the enum _lpspi_interrupt_enable.
static inline void LPSPI_DisableInterrupts(LPSPI_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the LPSPI interrupts.
LPSPI_DisableInterrupts(base, kLPSPI_TxInterruptEnable | kLPSPI_RxInterruptEnable );
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
mask – The interrupt mask; Use the enum _lpspi_interrupt_enable.
static inline void LPSPI_EnableDMA(LPSPI_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the LPSPI DMA request.
This function configures the Rx and Tx DMA mask of the LPSPI. The parameters are base and a DMA mask.
LPSPI_EnableDMA(base, kLPSPI_TxDmaEnable | kLPSPI_RxDmaEnable);
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
mask – The interrupt mask; Use the enum _lpspi_dma_enable.
static inline void LPSPI_DisableDMA(LPSPI_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the LPSPI DMA request.
This function configures the Rx and Tx DMA mask of the LPSPI. The parameters are base and a DMA mask.
SPI_DisableDMA(base, kLPSPI_TxDmaEnable | kLPSPI_RxDmaEnable);
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
mask – The interrupt mask; Use the enum _lpspi_dma_enable.
static inline uint32_t LPSPI_GetTxRegisterAddress(LPSPI_Type *base)
Gets the LPSPI Transmit Data Register address for a DMA operation.
This function gets the LPSPI Transmit Data Register address because this value is needed for the DMA operation. This function can be used for either master or slave mode.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
- Returns:
The LPSPI Transmit Data Register address.
static inline uint32_t LPSPI_GetRxRegisterAddress(LPSPI_Type *base)
Gets the LPSPI Receive Data Register address for a DMA operation.
This function gets the LPSPI Receive Data Register address because this value is needed for the DMA operation. This function can be used for either master or slave mode.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
- Returns:
The LPSPI Receive Data Register address.
bool LPSPI_CheckTransferArgument(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_transfer_t *transfer, bool isEdma)
Check the argument for transfer .
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
transfer – the transfer struct to be used.
isEdma – True to check for EDMA transfer, false to check interrupt non-blocking transfer
- Returns:
Return true for right and false for wrong.
static inline void LPSPI_SetMasterSlaveMode(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_master_slave_mode_t mode)
Configures the LPSPI for either master or slave.
Note that the CFGR1 should only be written when the LPSPI is disabled (LPSPIx_CR_MEN = 0).
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
mode – Mode setting (master or slave) of type lpspi_master_slave_mode_t.
static inline void LPSPI_SelectTransferPCS(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_which_pcs_t select)
Configures the peripheral chip select used for the transfer.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
select – LPSPI Peripheral Chip Select (PCS) configuration.
static inline void LPSPI_SetPCSContinous(LPSPI_Type *base, bool IsContinous)
Set the PCS signal to continuous or uncontinuous mode.
In master mode, continuous transfer will keep the PCS asserted at the end of the frame size, until a command word is received that starts a new frame. So PCS must be set back to uncontinuous when transfer finishes. In slave mode, when continuous transfer is enabled, the LPSPI will only transmit the first frame size bits, after that the LPSPI will transmit received data back (assuming a 32-bit shift register).
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
IsContinous – True to set the transfer PCS to continuous mode, false to set to uncontinuous mode.
static inline bool LPSPI_IsMaster(LPSPI_Type *base)
Returns whether the LPSPI module is in master mode.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
- Returns:
Returns true if the module is in master mode or false if the module is in slave mode.
static inline void LPSPI_FlushFifo(LPSPI_Type *base, bool flushTxFifo, bool flushRxFifo)
Flushes the LPSPI FIFOs.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
flushTxFifo – Flushes (true) the Tx FIFO, else do not flush (false) the Tx FIFO.
flushRxFifo – Flushes (true) the Rx FIFO, else do not flush (false) the Rx FIFO.
static inline void LPSPI_SetFifoWatermarks(LPSPI_Type *base, uint32_t txWater, uint32_t rxWater)
Sets the transmit and receive FIFO watermark values.
This function allows the user to set the receive and transmit FIFO watermarks. The function does not compare the watermark settings to the FIFO size. The FIFO watermark should not be equal to or greater than the FIFO size. It is up to the higher level driver to make this check.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
txWater – The TX FIFO watermark value. Writing a value equal or greater than the FIFO size is truncated.
rxWater – The RX FIFO watermark value. Writing a value equal or greater than the FIFO size is truncated.
static inline void LPSPI_SetAllPcsPolarity(LPSPI_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Configures all LPSPI peripheral chip select polarities simultaneously.
Note that the CFGR1 should only be written when the LPSPI is disabled (LPSPIx_CR_MEN = 0).
This is an example: PCS0 and PCS1 set to active low and other PCSs set to active high. Note that the number of PCS is device-specific.
LPSPI_SetAllPcsPolarity(base, kLPSPI_Pcs0ActiveLow | kLPSPI_Pcs1ActiveLow);
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
mask – The PCS polarity mask; Use the enum _lpspi_pcs_polarity.
static inline void LPSPI_SetFrameSize(LPSPI_Type *base, uint32_t frameSize)
Configures the frame size.
The minimum frame size is 8-bits and the maximum frame size is 4096-bits. If the frame size is less than or equal to 32-bits, the word size and frame size are identical. If the frame size is greater than 32-bits, the word size is 32-bits for each word except the last (the last word contains the remainder bits if the frame size is not divisible by 32). The minimum word size is 2-bits. A frame size of 33-bits (or similar) is not supported.
Note 1: The transmit command register should be initialized before enabling the LPSPI in slave mode, although the command register does not update until after the LPSPI is enabled. After it is enabled, the transmit command register should only be changed if the LPSPI is idle.
Note 2: The transmit and command FIFO is a combined FIFO that includes both transmit data and command words. That means the TCR register should be written to when the Tx FIFO is not full.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
frameSize – The frame size in number of bits.
uint32_t LPSPI_MasterSetBaudRate(LPSPI_Type *base, uint32_t baudRate_Bps, uint32_t srcClock_Hz, uint32_t *tcrPrescaleValue)
Sets the LPSPI baud rate in bits per second.
This function takes in the desired bitsPerSec (baud rate) and calculates the nearest possible baud rate without exceeding the desired baud rate and returns the calculated baud rate in bits-per-second. It requires the caller to provide the frequency of the module source clock (in Hertz). Note that the baud rate does not go into effect until the Transmit Control Register (TCR) is programmed with the prescale value. Hence, this function returns the prescale tcrPrescaleValue parameter for later programming in the TCR. The higher level peripheral driver should alert the user of an out of range baud rate input.
Note that the LPSPI module must first be disabled before configuring this. Note that the LPSPI module must be configured for master mode before configuring this.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
baudRate_Bps – The desired baud rate in bits per second.
srcClock_Hz – Module source input clock in Hertz.
tcrPrescaleValue – The TCR prescale value needed to program the TCR.
- Returns:
The actual calculated baud rate. This function may also return a “0” if the LPSPI is not configured for master mode or if the LPSPI module is not disabled.
void LPSPI_MasterSetDelayScaler(LPSPI_Type *base, uint32_t scaler, lpspi_delay_type_t whichDelay)
Manually configures a specific LPSPI delay parameter (module must be disabled to change the delay values).
This function configures the following: SCK to PCS delay, or PCS to SCK delay, or The configurations must occur between the transfer delay.
The delay names are available in type lpspi_delay_type_t.
The user passes the desired delay along with the delay value. This allows the user to directly set the delay values if they have pre-calculated them or if they simply wish to manually increment the value.
Note that the LPSPI module must first be disabled before configuring this. Note that the LPSPI module must be configured for master mode before configuring this.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
scaler – The 8-bit delay value 0x00 to 0xFF (255).
whichDelay – The desired delay to configure, must be of type lpspi_delay_type_t.
uint32_t LPSPI_MasterSetDelayTimes(LPSPI_Type *base, uint32_t delayTimeInNanoSec, lpspi_delay_type_t whichDelay, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
Calculates the delay based on the desired delay input in nanoseconds (module must be disabled to change the delay values).
This function calculates the values for the following: SCK to PCS delay, or PCS to SCK delay, or The configurations must occur between the transfer delay.
The delay names are available in type lpspi_delay_type_t.
The user passes the desired delay and the desired delay value in nano-seconds. The function calculates the value needed for the desired delay parameter and returns the actual calculated delay because an exact delay match may not be possible. In this case, the closest match is calculated without going below the desired delay value input. It is possible to input a very large delay value that exceeds the capability of the part, in which case the maximum supported delay is returned. It is up to the higher level peripheral driver to alert the user of an out of range delay input.
Note that the LPSPI module must be configured for master mode before configuring this. And note that the delayTime = LPSPI_clockSource / (PRESCALE * Delay_scaler).
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
delayTimeInNanoSec – The desired delay value in nano-seconds.
whichDelay – The desired delay to configuration, which must be of type lpspi_delay_type_t.
srcClock_Hz – Module source input clock in Hertz.
- Returns:
actual Calculated delay value in nano-seconds.
static inline void LPSPI_WriteData(LPSPI_Type *base, uint32_t data)
Writes data into the transmit data buffer.
This function writes data passed in by the user to the Transmit Data Register (TDR). The user can pass up to 32-bits of data to load into the TDR. If the frame size exceeds 32-bits, the user has to manage sending the data one 32-bit word at a time. Any writes to the TDR result in an immediate push to the transmit FIFO. This function can be used for either master or slave modes.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
data – The data word to be sent.
static inline uint32_t LPSPI_ReadData(LPSPI_Type *base)
Reads data from the data buffer.
This function reads the data from the Receive Data Register (RDR). This function can be used for either master or slave mode.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
- Returns:
The data read from the data buffer.
void LPSPI_SetDummyData(LPSPI_Type *base, uint8_t dummyData)
Set up the dummy data.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
dummyData – Data to be transferred when tx buffer is NULL. Note: This API has no effect when LPSPI in slave interrupt mode, because driver will set the TXMSK bit to 1 if txData is NULL, no data is loaded from transmit FIFO and output pin is tristated.
void LPSPI_MasterTransferCreateHandle(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_master_handle_t *handle, lpspi_master_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Initializes the LPSPI master handle.
This function initializes the LPSPI handle, which can be used for other LPSPI transactional APIs. Usually, for a specified LPSPI instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
handle – LPSPI handle pointer to lpspi_master_handle_t.
callback – DSPI callback.
userData – callback function parameter.
status_t LPSPI_MasterTransferBlocking(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_transfer_t *transfer)
LPSPI master transfer data using a polling method.
This function transfers data using a polling method. This is a blocking function, which does not return until all transfers have been completed.
Note: The transfer data size should be integer multiples of bytesPerFrame if bytesPerFrame is less than or equal to 4. For bytesPerFrame greater than 4: The transfer data size should be equal to bytesPerFrame if the bytesPerFrame is not integer multiples of 4. Otherwise, the transfer data size can be an integer multiple of bytesPerFrame.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
transfer – pointer to lpspi_transfer_t structure.
- Returns:
status of status_t.
status_t LPSPI_MasterTransferNonBlocking(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_master_handle_t *handle, lpspi_transfer_t *transfer)
LPSPI master transfer data using an interrupt method.
This function transfers data using an interrupt method. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all data is transferred, the callback function is called.
Note: The transfer data size should be integer multiples of bytesPerFrame if bytesPerFrame is less than or equal to 4. For bytesPerFrame greater than 4: The transfer data size should be equal to bytesPerFrame if the bytesPerFrame is not integer multiples of 4. Otherwise, the transfer data size can be an integer multiple of bytesPerFrame.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
handle – pointer to lpspi_master_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
transfer – pointer to lpspi_transfer_t structure.
- Returns:
status of status_t.
status_t LPSPI_MasterTransferGetCount(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_master_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the master transfer remaining bytes.
This function gets the master transfer remaining bytes.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
handle – pointer to lpspi_master_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
count – Number of bytes transferred so far by the non-blocking transaction.
- Returns:
status of status_t.
void LPSPI_MasterTransferAbort(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_master_handle_t *handle)
LPSPI master abort transfer which uses an interrupt method.
This function aborts a transfer which uses an interrupt method.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
handle – pointer to lpspi_master_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
void LPSPI_MasterTransferHandleIRQ(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_master_handle_t *handle)
LPSPI Master IRQ handler function.
This function processes the LPSPI transmit and receive IRQ.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
handle – pointer to lpspi_master_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
void LPSPI_SlaveTransferCreateHandle(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_slave_handle_t *handle, lpspi_slave_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Initializes the LPSPI slave handle.
This function initializes the LPSPI handle, which can be used for other LPSPI transactional APIs. Usually, for a specified LPSPI instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
handle – LPSPI handle pointer to lpspi_slave_handle_t.
callback – DSPI callback.
userData – callback function parameter.
status_t LPSPI_SlaveTransferNonBlocking(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_slave_handle_t *handle, lpspi_transfer_t *transfer)
LPSPI slave transfer data using an interrupt method.
This function transfer data using an interrupt method. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all data is transferred, the callback function is called.
Note: The transfer data size should be integer multiples of bytesPerFrame if bytesPerFrame is less than or equal to 4. For bytesPerFrame greater than 4: The transfer data size should be equal to bytesPerFrame if the bytesPerFrame is not an integer multiple of 4. Otherwise, the transfer data size can be an integer multiple of bytesPerFrame.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
handle – pointer to lpspi_slave_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
transfer – pointer to lpspi_transfer_t structure.
- Returns:
status of status_t.
status_t LPSPI_SlaveTransferGetCount(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_slave_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the slave transfer remaining bytes.
This function gets the slave transfer remaining bytes.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
handle – pointer to lpspi_slave_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
count – Number of bytes transferred so far by the non-blocking transaction.
- Returns:
status of status_t.
void LPSPI_SlaveTransferAbort(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_slave_handle_t *handle)
LPSPI slave aborts a transfer which uses an interrupt method.
This function aborts a transfer which uses an interrupt method.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
handle – pointer to lpspi_slave_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
void LPSPI_SlaveTransferHandleIRQ(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_slave_handle_t *handle)
LPSPI Slave IRQ handler function.
This function processes the LPSPI transmit and receives an IRQ.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
handle – pointer to lpspi_slave_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
bool LPSPI_WaitTxFifoEmpty(LPSPI_Type *base)
Wait for tx FIFO to be empty.
This function wait the tx fifo empty
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
- Returns:
true for the tx FIFO is ready, false is not.
LPSPI driver version.
Status for the LPSPI driver.
enumerator kStatus_LPSPI_Busy
LPSPI transfer is busy.
enumerator kStatus_LPSPI_Error
LPSPI driver error.
enumerator kStatus_LPSPI_Idle
LPSPI is idle.
enumerator kStatus_LPSPI_OutOfRange
LPSPI transfer out Of range.
enumerator kStatus_LPSPI_Timeout
LPSPI timeout polling status flags.
enumerator kStatus_LPSPI_Busy
enum _lpspi_flags
LPSPI status flags in SPIx_SR register.
enumerator kLPSPI_TxDataRequestFlag
Transmit data flag
enumerator kLPSPI_RxDataReadyFlag
Receive data flag
enumerator kLPSPI_WordCompleteFlag
Word Complete flag
enumerator kLPSPI_FrameCompleteFlag
Frame Complete flag
enumerator kLPSPI_TransferCompleteFlag
Transfer Complete flag
enumerator kLPSPI_TransmitErrorFlag
Transmit Error flag (FIFO underrun)
enumerator kLPSPI_ReceiveErrorFlag
Receive Error flag (FIFO overrun)
enumerator kLPSPI_DataMatchFlag
Data Match flag
enumerator kLPSPI_ModuleBusyFlag
Module Busy flag
enumerator kLPSPI_AllStatusFlag
Used for clearing all w1c status flags
enumerator kLPSPI_TxDataRequestFlag
enum _lpspi_interrupt_enable
LPSPI interrupt source.
enumerator kLPSPI_TxInterruptEnable
Transmit data interrupt enable
enumerator kLPSPI_RxInterruptEnable
Receive data interrupt enable
enumerator kLPSPI_WordCompleteInterruptEnable
Word complete interrupt enable
enumerator kLPSPI_FrameCompleteInterruptEnable
Frame complete interrupt enable
enumerator kLPSPI_TransferCompleteInterruptEnable
Transfer complete interrupt enable
enumerator kLPSPI_TransmitErrorInterruptEnable
Transmit error interrupt enable(FIFO underrun)
enumerator kLPSPI_ReceiveErrorInterruptEnable
Receive Error interrupt enable (FIFO overrun)
enumerator kLPSPI_DataMatchInterruptEnable
Data Match interrupt enable
enumerator kLPSPI_AllInterruptEnable
All above interrupts enable.
enumerator kLPSPI_TxInterruptEnable
enum _lpspi_dma_enable
LPSPI DMA source.
enumerator kLPSPI_TxDmaEnable
Transmit data DMA enable
enumerator kLPSPI_RxDmaEnable
Receive data DMA enable
enumerator kLPSPI_TxDmaEnable
enum _lpspi_master_slave_mode
LPSPI master or slave mode configuration.
enumerator kLPSPI_Master
LPSPI peripheral operates in master mode.
enumerator kLPSPI_Slave
LPSPI peripheral operates in slave mode.
enumerator kLPSPI_Master
enum _lpspi_which_pcs_config
LPSPI Peripheral Chip Select (PCS) configuration (which PCS to configure).
enumerator kLPSPI_Pcs0
enumerator kLPSPI_Pcs1
enumerator kLPSPI_Pcs2
enumerator kLPSPI_Pcs3
enumerator kLPSPI_Pcs0
enum _lpspi_pcs_polarity_config
LPSPI Peripheral Chip Select (PCS) Polarity configuration.
enumerator kLPSPI_PcsActiveHigh
PCS Active High (idles low)
enumerator kLPSPI_PcsActiveLow
PCS Active Low (idles high)
enumerator kLPSPI_PcsActiveHigh
enum _lpspi_pcs_polarity
LPSPI Peripheral Chip Select (PCS) Polarity.
enumerator kLPSPI_Pcs0ActiveLow
Pcs0 Active Low (idles high).
enumerator kLPSPI_Pcs1ActiveLow
Pcs1 Active Low (idles high).
enumerator kLPSPI_Pcs2ActiveLow
Pcs2 Active Low (idles high).
enumerator kLPSPI_Pcs3ActiveLow
Pcs3 Active Low (idles high).
enumerator kLPSPI_PcsAllActiveLow
Pcs0 to Pcs5 Active Low (idles high).
enumerator kLPSPI_Pcs0ActiveLow
enum _lpspi_clock_polarity
LPSPI clock polarity configuration.
enumerator kLPSPI_ClockPolarityActiveHigh
CPOL=0. Active-high LPSPI clock (idles low)
enumerator kLPSPI_ClockPolarityActiveLow
CPOL=1. Active-low LPSPI clock (idles high)
enumerator kLPSPI_ClockPolarityActiveHigh
enum _lpspi_clock_phase
LPSPI clock phase configuration.
enumerator kLPSPI_ClockPhaseFirstEdge
CPHA=0. Data is captured on the leading edge of the SCK and changed on the following edge.
enumerator kLPSPI_ClockPhaseSecondEdge
CPHA=1. Data is changed on the leading edge of the SCK and captured on the following edge.
enumerator kLPSPI_ClockPhaseFirstEdge
enum _lpspi_shift_direction
LPSPI data shifter direction options.
enumerator kLPSPI_MsbFirst
Data transfers start with most significant bit.
enumerator kLPSPI_LsbFirst
Data transfers start with least significant bit.
enumerator kLPSPI_MsbFirst
enum _lpspi_host_request_select
LPSPI Host Request select configuration.
enumerator kLPSPI_HostReqExtPin
Host Request is an ext pin.
enumerator kLPSPI_HostReqInternalTrigger
Host Request is an internal trigger.
enumerator kLPSPI_HostReqExtPin
enum _lpspi_match_config
LPSPI Match configuration options.
enumerator kLPSI_MatchDisabled
LPSPI Match Disabled.
enumerator kLPSI_1stWordEqualsM0orM1
LPSPI Match Enabled.
enumerator kLPSI_AnyWordEqualsM0orM1
LPSPI Match Enabled.
enumerator kLPSI_1stWordEqualsM0and2ndWordEqualsM1
LPSPI Match Enabled.
enumerator kLPSI_AnyWordEqualsM0andNxtWordEqualsM1
LPSPI Match Enabled.
enumerator kLPSI_1stWordAndM1EqualsM0andM1
LPSPI Match Enabled.
enumerator kLPSI_AnyWordAndM1EqualsM0andM1
LPSPI Match Enabled.
enumerator kLPSI_MatchDisabled
enum _lpspi_pin_config
LPSPI pin (SDO and SDI) configuration.
enumerator kLPSPI_SdiInSdoOut
LPSPI SDI input, SDO output.
enumerator kLPSPI_SdiInSdiOut
LPSPI SDI input, SDI output.
enumerator kLPSPI_SdoInSdoOut
LPSPI SDO input, SDO output.
enumerator kLPSPI_SdoInSdiOut
LPSPI SDO input, SDI output.
enumerator kLPSPI_SdiInSdoOut
enum _lpspi_data_out_config
LPSPI data output configuration.
enumerator kLpspiDataOutRetained
Data out retains last value when chip select is de-asserted
enumerator kLpspiDataOutTristate
Data out is tristated when chip select is de-asserted
enumerator kLpspiDataOutRetained
enum _lpspi_pcs_function_config
LPSPI cs function configuration.
enumerator kLPSPI_PcsAsCs
PCS pin select as cs function
enumerator kLPSPI_PcsAsData
PCS pin select as date function
enumerator kLPSPI_PcsAsCs
enum _lpspi_transfer_width
LPSPI transfer width configuration.
enumerator kLPSPI_SingleBitXfer
1-bit shift at a time, data out on SDO, in on SDI (normal mode)
enumerator kLPSPI_TwoBitXfer
2-bits shift out on SDO/SDI and in on SDO/SDI
enumerator kLPSPI_FourBitXfer
4-bits shift out on SDO/SDI/PCS[3:2] and in on SDO/SDI/PCS[3:2]
enumerator kLPSPI_SingleBitXfer
enum _lpspi_delay_type
LPSPI delay type selection.
enumerator kLPSPI_PcsToSck
PCS-to-SCK delay.
enumerator kLPSPI_LastSckToPcs
Last SCK edge to PCS delay.
enumerator kLPSPI_BetweenTransfer
Delay between transfers.
enumerator kLPSPI_PcsToSck
enum _lpspi_transfer_config_flag_for_master
Use this enumeration for LPSPI master transfer configFlags.
enumerator kLPSPI_MasterPcs0
LPSPI master PCS shift macro , internal used. LPSPI master transfer use PCS0 signal
enumerator kLPSPI_MasterPcs1
LPSPI master PCS shift macro , internal used. LPSPI master transfer use PCS1 signal
enumerator kLPSPI_MasterPcs2
LPSPI master PCS shift macro , internal used. LPSPI master transfer use PCS2 signal
enumerator kLPSPI_MasterPcs3
LPSPI master PCS shift macro , internal used. LPSPI master transfer use PCS3 signal
enumerator kLPSPI_MasterWidth1
LPSPI master width shift macro, internal used LPSPI master transfer 1bit
enumerator kLPSPI_MasterWidth2
LPSPI master width shift macro, internal used LPSPI master transfer 2bit
enumerator kLPSPI_MasterWidth4
LPSPI master width shift macro, internal used LPSPI master transfer 4bit
enumerator kLPSPI_MasterPcsContinuous
Is PCS signal continuous
enumerator kLPSPI_MasterByteSwap
Is master swap the byte. For example, when want to send data 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (suppose you set lpspi_shift_direction_t to MSB).
If you set bitPerFrame = 8 , no matter the kLPSPI_MasterByteSwapyou flag is used or not, the waveform is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8.
If you set bitPerFrame = 16 : (1) the waveform is 2 1 4 3 6 5 8 7 if you do not use the kLPSPI_MasterByteSwap flag. (2) the waveform is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 if you use the kLPSPI_MasterByteSwap flag.
If you set bitPerFrame = 32 : (1) the waveform is 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 if you do not use the kLPSPI_MasterByteSwap flag. (2) the waveform is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 if you use the kLPSPI_MasterByteSwap flag.
enumerator kLPSPI_MasterPcs0
enum _lpspi_transfer_config_flag_for_slave
Use this enumeration for LPSPI slave transfer configFlags.
enumerator kLPSPI_SlavePcs0
LPSPI slave PCS shift macro , internal used. LPSPI slave transfer use PCS0 signal
enumerator kLPSPI_SlavePcs1
LPSPI slave PCS shift macro , internal used. LPSPI slave transfer use PCS1 signal
enumerator kLPSPI_SlavePcs2
LPSPI slave PCS shift macro , internal used. LPSPI slave transfer use PCS2 signal
enumerator kLPSPI_SlavePcs3
LPSPI slave PCS shift macro , internal used. LPSPI slave transfer use PCS3 signal
enumerator kLPSPI_SlaveByteSwap
Is slave swap the byte. For example, when want to send data 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (suppose you set lpspi_shift_direction_t to MSB).
If you set bitPerFrame = 8 , no matter the kLPSPI_SlaveByteSwap flag is used or not, the waveform is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8.
If you set bitPerFrame = 16 : (1) the waveform is 2 1 4 3 6 5 8 7 if you do not use the kLPSPI_SlaveByteSwap flag. (2) the waveform is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 if you use the kLPSPI_SlaveByteSwap flag.
If you set bitPerFrame = 32 : (1) the waveform is 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 if you do not use the kLPSPI_SlaveByteSwap flag. (2) the waveform is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 if you use the kLPSPI_SlaveByteSwap flag.
enumerator kLPSPI_SlavePcs0
enum _lpspi_transfer_state
LPSPI transfer state, which is used for LPSPI transactional API state machine.
enumerator kLPSPI_Idle
Nothing in the transmitter/receiver.
enumerator kLPSPI_Busy
Transfer queue is not finished.
enumerator kLPSPI_Error
Transfer error.
enumerator kLPSPI_Idle
typedef enum _lpspi_master_slave_mode lpspi_master_slave_mode_t
LPSPI master or slave mode configuration.
typedef enum _lpspi_which_pcs_config lpspi_which_pcs_t
LPSPI Peripheral Chip Select (PCS) configuration (which PCS to configure).
typedef enum _lpspi_pcs_polarity_config lpspi_pcs_polarity_config_t
LPSPI Peripheral Chip Select (PCS) Polarity configuration.
typedef enum _lpspi_clock_polarity lpspi_clock_polarity_t
LPSPI clock polarity configuration.
typedef enum _lpspi_clock_phase lpspi_clock_phase_t
LPSPI clock phase configuration.
typedef enum _lpspi_shift_direction lpspi_shift_direction_t
LPSPI data shifter direction options.
typedef enum _lpspi_host_request_select lpspi_host_request_select_t
LPSPI Host Request select configuration.
typedef enum _lpspi_match_config lpspi_match_config_t
LPSPI Match configuration options.
typedef enum _lpspi_pin_config lpspi_pin_config_t
LPSPI pin (SDO and SDI) configuration.
typedef enum _lpspi_data_out_config lpspi_data_out_config_t
LPSPI data output configuration.
typedef enum _lpspi_pcs_function_config lpspi_pcs_function_config_t
LPSPI cs function configuration.
typedef enum _lpspi_transfer_width lpspi_transfer_width_t
LPSPI transfer width configuration.
typedef enum _lpspi_delay_type lpspi_delay_type_t
LPSPI delay type selection.
typedef struct _lpspi_master_config lpspi_master_config_t
LPSPI master configuration structure.
typedef struct _lpspi_slave_config lpspi_slave_config_t
LPSPI slave configuration structure.
typedef struct _lpspi_master_handle lpspi_master_handle_t
Forward declaration of the _lpspi_master_handle typedefs.
typedef struct _lpspi_slave_handle lpspi_slave_handle_t
Forward declaration of the _lpspi_slave_handle typedefs.
typedef void (*lpspi_master_transfer_callback_t)(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_master_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
Master completion callback function pointer type.
- Param base:
LPSPI peripheral address.
- Param handle:
Pointer to the handle for the LPSPI master.
- Param status:
Success or error code describing whether the transfer is completed.
- Param userData:
Arbitrary pointer-dataSized value passed from the application.
typedef void (*lpspi_slave_transfer_callback_t)(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_slave_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
Slave completion callback function pointer type.
- Param base:
LPSPI peripheral address.
- Param handle:
Pointer to the handle for the LPSPI slave.
- Param status:
Success or error code describing whether the transfer is completed.
- Param userData:
Arbitrary pointer-dataSized value passed from the application.
typedef struct _lpspi_transfer lpspi_transfer_t
LPSPI master/slave transfer structure.
volatile uint8_t g_lpspiDummyData[]
Global variable for dummy data value setting.
LPSPI dummy data if no Tx data.
Dummy data used for tx if there is not txData.
Retry times for waiting flag.
LPSPI master PCS shift macro , internal used.
LPSPI master PCS shift macro , internal used.
LPSPI master width shift macro, internal used
LPSPI master width shift mask, internal used
LPSPI slave PCS shift macro , internal used.
LPSPI slave PCS shift macro , internal used.
struct _lpspi_master_config
- #include <fsl_lpspi.h>
LPSPI master configuration structure.
Public Members
uint32_t baudRate
Baud Rate for LPSPI.
uint32_t bitsPerFrame
Bits per frame, minimum 8, maximum 4096.
lpspi_clock_polarity_t cpol
Clock polarity.
lpspi_clock_phase_t cpha
Clock phase.
lpspi_shift_direction_t direction
MSB or LSB data shift direction.
uint32_t pcsToSckDelayInNanoSec
PCS to SCK delay time in nanoseconds, setting to 0 sets the minimum delay. It sets the boundary value if out of range.
uint32_t lastSckToPcsDelayInNanoSec
Last SCK to PCS delay time in nanoseconds, setting to 0 sets the minimum delay. It sets the boundary value if out of range.
uint32_t betweenTransferDelayInNanoSec
After the SCK delay time with nanoseconds, setting to 0 sets the minimum delay. It sets the boundary value if out of range.
lpspi_which_pcs_t whichPcs
Desired Peripheral Chip Select (PCS).
lpspi_pcs_polarity_config_t pcsActiveHighOrLow
Desired PCS active high or low
lpspi_pin_config_t pinCfg
Configures which pins are used for input and output data during single bit transfers.
lpspi_pcs_function_config_t pcsFunc
Configures cs pins function.
lpspi_data_out_config_t dataOutConfig
Configures if the output data is tristated between accesses (LPSPI_PCS is negated).
bool enableInputDelay
Enable master to sample the input data on a delayed SCK. This can help improve slave setup time. Refer to device data sheet for specific time length.
uint32_t baudRate
struct _lpspi_slave_config
- #include <fsl_lpspi.h>
LPSPI slave configuration structure.
Public Members
uint32_t bitsPerFrame
Bits per frame, minimum 8, maximum 4096.
lpspi_clock_polarity_t cpol
Clock polarity.
lpspi_clock_phase_t cpha
Clock phase.
lpspi_shift_direction_t direction
MSB or LSB data shift direction.
lpspi_which_pcs_t whichPcs
Desired Peripheral Chip Select (pcs)
lpspi_pcs_polarity_config_t pcsActiveHighOrLow
Desired PCS active high or low
lpspi_pin_config_t pinCfg
Configures which pins are used for input and output data during single bit transfers.
lpspi_data_out_config_t dataOutConfig
Configures if the output data is tristated between accesses (LPSPI_PCS is negated).
uint32_t bitsPerFrame
struct _lpspi_transfer
- #include <fsl_lpspi.h>
LPSPI master/slave transfer structure.
Public Members
const uint8_t *txData
Send buffer.
uint8_t *rxData
Receive buffer.
volatile size_t dataSize
Transfer bytes.
uint32_t configFlags
Transfer transfer configuration flags. Set from _lpspi_transfer_config_flag_for_master if the transfer is used for master or _lpspi_transfer_config_flag_for_slave enumeration if the transfer is used for slave.
const uint8_t *txData
struct _lpspi_master_handle
- #include <fsl_lpspi.h>
LPSPI master transfer handle structure used for transactional API.
Public Members
volatile bool isPcsContinuous
Is PCS continuous in transfer.
volatile bool writeTcrInIsr
A flag that whether should write TCR in ISR.
volatile bool isByteSwap
A flag that whether should byte swap.
volatile bool isTxMask
A flag that whether TCR[TXMSK] is set.
volatile uint16_t bytesPerFrame
Number of bytes in each frame
volatile uint8_t fifoSize
FIFO dataSize.
volatile uint8_t rxWatermark
Rx watermark.
volatile uint8_t bytesEachWrite
Bytes for each write TDR.
volatile uint8_t bytesEachRead
Bytes for each read RDR.
const uint8_t *volatile txData
Send buffer.
uint8_t *volatile rxData
Receive buffer.
volatile size_t txRemainingByteCount
Number of bytes remaining to send.
volatile size_t rxRemainingByteCount
Number of bytes remaining to receive.
volatile uint32_t writeRegRemainingTimes
Write TDR register remaining times.
volatile uint32_t readRegRemainingTimes
Read RDR register remaining times.
uint32_t totalByteCount
Number of transfer bytes
uint32_t txBuffIfNull
Used if the txData is NULL.
volatile uint8_t state
LPSPI transfer state , _lpspi_transfer_state.
lpspi_master_transfer_callback_t callback
Completion callback.
void *userData
Callback user data.
volatile bool isPcsContinuous
struct _lpspi_slave_handle
- #include <fsl_lpspi.h>
LPSPI slave transfer handle structure used for transactional API.
Public Members
volatile bool isByteSwap
A flag that whether should byte swap.
volatile uint8_t fifoSize
FIFO dataSize.
volatile uint8_t rxWatermark
Rx watermark.
volatile uint8_t bytesEachWrite
Bytes for each write TDR.
volatile uint8_t bytesEachRead
Bytes for each read RDR.
const uint8_t *volatile txData
Send buffer.
uint8_t *volatile rxData
Receive buffer.
volatile size_t txRemainingByteCount
Number of bytes remaining to send.
volatile size_t rxRemainingByteCount
Number of bytes remaining to receive.
volatile uint32_t writeRegRemainingTimes
Write TDR register remaining times.
volatile uint32_t readRegRemainingTimes
Read RDR register remaining times.
uint32_t totalByteCount
Number of transfer bytes
volatile uint8_t state
LPSPI transfer state , _lpspi_transfer_state.
volatile uint32_t errorCount
Error count for slave transfer.
lpspi_slave_transfer_callback_t callback
Completion callback.
void *userData
Callback user data.
volatile bool isByteSwap
LPSPI EDMA driver version.
DMA max transfer size.
typedef struct _lpspi_master_edma_handle lpspi_master_edma_handle_t
Forward declaration of the _lpspi_master_edma_handle typedefs.
typedef struct _lpspi_slave_edma_handle lpspi_slave_edma_handle_t
Forward declaration of the _lpspi_slave_edma_handle typedefs.
typedef void (*lpspi_master_edma_transfer_callback_t)(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_master_edma_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
Completion callback function pointer type.
- Param base:
LPSPI peripheral base address.
- Param handle:
Pointer to the handle for the LPSPI master.
- Param status:
Success or error code describing whether the transfer completed.
- Param userData:
Arbitrary pointer-dataSized value passed from the application.
typedef void (*lpspi_slave_edma_transfer_callback_t)(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_slave_edma_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
Completion callback function pointer type.
- Param base:
LPSPI peripheral base address.
- Param handle:
Pointer to the handle for the LPSPI slave.
- Param status:
Success or error code describing whether the transfer completed.
- Param userData:
Arbitrary pointer-dataSized value passed from the application.
void LPSPI_MasterTransferCreateHandleEDMA(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_master_edma_handle_t *handle, lpspi_master_edma_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData, edma_handle_t *edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle, edma_handle_t *edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle)
Initializes the LPSPI master eDMA handle.
This function initializes the LPSPI eDMA handle which can be used for other LPSPI transactional APIs. Usually, for a specified LPSPI instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.
Note that the LPSPI eDMA has a separated (Rx and Tx as two sources) or shared (Rx and Tx are the same source) DMA request source. (1) For a separated DMA request source, enable and set the Rx DMAMUX source for edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle and Tx DMAMUX source for edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle. (2) For a shared DMA request source, enable and set the Rx/Tx DMAMUX source for edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral base address.
handle – LPSPI handle pointer to lpspi_master_edma_handle_t.
callback – LPSPI callback.
userData – callback function parameter.
edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle – edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle pointer to edma_handle_t.
edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle – edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle pointer to edma_handle_t.
status_t LPSPI_MasterTransferEDMA(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_master_edma_handle_t *handle, lpspi_transfer_t *transfer)
LPSPI master transfer data using eDMA.
This function transfers data using eDMA. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all data is transferred, the callback function is called.
Note: The transfer data size should be an integer multiple of bytesPerFrame if bytesPerFrame is less than or equal to 4. For bytesPerFrame greater than 4: The transfer data size should be equal to bytesPerFrame if the bytesPerFrame is not an integer multiple of 4. Otherwise, the transfer data size can be an integer multiple of bytesPerFrame.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral base address.
handle – pointer to lpspi_master_edma_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
transfer – pointer to lpspi_transfer_t structure.
- Returns:
status of status_t.
status_t LPSPI_MasterTransferPrepareEDMALite(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_master_edma_handle_t *handle, uint32_t configFlags)
LPSPI master config transfer parameter while using eDMA.
This function is preparing to transfer data using eDMA, work with LPSPI_MasterTransferEDMALite.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral base address.
handle – pointer to lpspi_master_edma_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
configFlags – transfer configuration flags. _lpspi_transfer_config_flag_for_master.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Execution successfully.
kStatus_LPSPI_Busy – The LPSPI device is busy.
- Returns:
Indicates whether LPSPI master transfer was successful or not.
status_t LPSPI_MasterTransferEDMALite(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_master_edma_handle_t *handle, lpspi_transfer_t *transfer)
LPSPI master transfer data using eDMA without configs.
This function transfers data using eDMA. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all data is transferred, the callback function is called.
Note: This API is only for transfer through DMA without configuration. Before calling this API, you must call LPSPI_MasterTransferPrepareEDMALite to configure it once. The transfer data size should be an integer multiple of bytesPerFrame if bytesPerFrame is less than or equal to 4. For bytesPerFrame greater than 4: The transfer data size should be equal to bytesPerFrame if the bytesPerFrame is not an integer multiple of 4. Otherwise, the transfer data size can be an integer multiple of bytesPerFrame.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral base address.
handle – pointer to lpspi_master_edma_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
transfer – pointer to lpspi_transfer_t structure, config field is not uesed.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Execution successfully.
kStatus_LPSPI_Busy – The LPSPI device is busy.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – The transfer structure is invalid.
- Returns:
Indicates whether LPSPI master transfer was successful or not.
void LPSPI_MasterTransferAbortEDMA(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_master_edma_handle_t *handle)
LPSPI master aborts a transfer which is using eDMA.
This function aborts a transfer which is using eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral base address.
handle – pointer to lpspi_master_edma_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
status_t LPSPI_MasterTransferGetCountEDMA(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_master_edma_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the master eDMA transfer remaining bytes.
This function gets the master eDMA transfer remaining bytes.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral base address.
handle – pointer to lpspi_master_edma_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
count – Number of bytes transferred so far by the EDMA transaction.
- Returns:
status of status_t.
void LPSPI_SlaveTransferCreateHandleEDMA(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_slave_edma_handle_t *handle, lpspi_slave_edma_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData, edma_handle_t *edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle, edma_handle_t *edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle)
Initializes the LPSPI slave eDMA handle.
This function initializes the LPSPI eDMA handle which can be used for other LPSPI transactional APIs. Usually, for a specified LPSPI instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.
Note that LPSPI eDMA has a separated (Rx and Tx as two sources) or shared (Rx and Tx as the same source) DMA request source.
(1) For a separated DMA request source, enable and set the Rx DMAMUX source for edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle and Tx DMAMUX source for edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle. (2) For a shared DMA request source, enable and set the Rx/Rx DMAMUX source for edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle .
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral base address.
handle – LPSPI handle pointer to lpspi_slave_edma_handle_t.
callback – LPSPI callback.
userData – callback function parameter.
edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle – edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle pointer to edma_handle_t.
edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle – edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle pointer to edma_handle_t.
status_t LPSPI_SlaveTransferEDMA(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_slave_edma_handle_t *handle, lpspi_transfer_t *transfer)
LPSPI slave transfers data using eDMA.
This function transfers data using eDMA. This is a non-blocking function, which return right away. When all data is transferred, the callback function is called.
Note: The transfer data size should be an integer multiple of bytesPerFrame if bytesPerFrame is less than or equal to 4. For bytesPerFrame greater than 4: The transfer data size should be equal to bytesPerFrame if the bytesPerFrame is not an integer multiple of 4. Otherwise, the transfer data size can be an integer multiple of bytesPerFrame.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral base address.
handle – pointer to lpspi_slave_edma_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
transfer – pointer to lpspi_transfer_t structure.
- Returns:
status of status_t.
void LPSPI_SlaveTransferAbortEDMA(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_slave_edma_handle_t *handle)
LPSPI slave aborts a transfer which is using eDMA.
This function aborts a transfer which is using eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral base address.
handle – pointer to lpspi_slave_edma_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
status_t LPSPI_SlaveTransferGetCountEDMA(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_slave_edma_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the slave eDMA transfer remaining bytes.
This function gets the slave eDMA transfer remaining bytes.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral base address.
handle – pointer to lpspi_slave_edma_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
count – Number of bytes transferred so far by the eDMA transaction.
- Returns:
status of status_t.
struct _lpspi_master_edma_handle
- #include <fsl_lpspi_edma.h>
LPSPI master eDMA transfer handle structure used for transactional API.
Public Members
volatile bool isPcsContinuous
Is PCS continuous in transfer.
volatile bool isByteSwap
A flag that whether should byte swap.
volatile uint8_t fifoSize
FIFO dataSize.
volatile uint8_t rxWatermark
Rx watermark.
volatile uint8_t bytesEachWrite
Bytes for each write TDR.
volatile uint8_t bytesEachRead
Bytes for each read RDR.
volatile uint8_t bytesLastRead
Bytes for last read RDR.
volatile bool isThereExtraRxBytes
Is there extra RX byte.
const uint8_t *volatile txData
Send buffer.
uint8_t *volatile rxData
Receive buffer.
volatile size_t txRemainingByteCount
Number of bytes remaining to send.
volatile size_t rxRemainingByteCount
Number of bytes remaining to receive.
volatile uint32_t writeRegRemainingTimes
Write TDR register remaining times.
volatile uint32_t readRegRemainingTimes
Read RDR register remaining times.
uint32_t totalByteCount
Number of transfer bytes
edma_tcd_t *lastTimeTCD
Pointer to the lastTime TCD
bool isMultiDMATransmit
Is there multi DMA transmit
volatile uint8_t dmaTransmitTime
DMA Transfer times.
uint32_t lastTimeDataBytes
DMA transmit last Time data Bytes
uint32_t dataBytesEveryTime
Bytes in a time for DMA transfer, default is DMA_MAX_TRANSFER_COUNT
edma_transfer_config_t transferConfigRx
Config of DMA rx channel.
edma_transfer_config_t transferConfigTx
Config of DMA tx channel.
uint32_t txBuffIfNull
Used if there is not txData for DMA purpose.
uint32_t rxBuffIfNull
Used if there is not rxData for DMA purpose.
uint32_t transmitCommand
Used to write TCR for DMA purpose.
volatile uint8_t state
LPSPI transfer state , _lpspi_transfer_state.
uint8_t nbytes
eDMA minor byte transfer count initially configured.
lpspi_master_edma_transfer_callback_t callback
Completion callback.
void *userData
Callback user data.
edma_handle_t *edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle
edma_handle_t handle point used for RxReg to RxData buff
edma_handle_t *edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle
edma_handle_t handle point used for TxData to TxReg buff
edma_tcd_t lpspiSoftwareTCD[3]
SoftwareTCD, internal used
volatile bool isPcsContinuous
struct _lpspi_slave_edma_handle
- #include <fsl_lpspi_edma.h>
LPSPI slave eDMA transfer handle structure used for transactional API.
Public Members
volatile bool isByteSwap
A flag that whether should byte swap.
volatile uint8_t fifoSize
FIFO dataSize.
volatile uint8_t rxWatermark
Rx watermark.
volatile uint8_t bytesEachWrite
Bytes for each write TDR.
volatile uint8_t bytesEachRead
Bytes for each read RDR.
volatile uint8_t bytesLastRead
Bytes for last read RDR.
volatile bool isThereExtraRxBytes
Is there extra RX byte.
uint8_t nbytes
eDMA minor byte transfer count initially configured.
const uint8_t *volatile txData
Send buffer.
uint8_t *volatile rxData
Receive buffer.
volatile size_t txRemainingByteCount
Number of bytes remaining to send.
volatile size_t rxRemainingByteCount
Number of bytes remaining to receive.
volatile uint32_t writeRegRemainingTimes
Write TDR register remaining times.
volatile uint32_t readRegRemainingTimes
Read RDR register remaining times.
uint32_t totalByteCount
Number of transfer bytes
uint32_t txBuffIfNull
Used if there is not txData for DMA purpose.
uint32_t rxBuffIfNull
Used if there is not rxData for DMA purpose.
volatile uint8_t state
LPSPI transfer state.
uint32_t errorCount
Error count for slave transfer.
lpspi_slave_edma_transfer_callback_t callback
Completion callback.
void *userData
Callback user data.
edma_handle_t *edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle
edma_handle_t handle point used for RxReg to RxData buff
edma_handle_t *edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle
edma_handle_t handle point used for TxData to TxReg
edma_tcd_t lpspiSoftwareTCD[2]
SoftwareTCD, internal used
volatile bool isByteSwap
LPTMR: Low-Power Timer
void LPTMR_Init(LPTMR_Type *base, const lptmr_config_t *config)
Ungates the LPTMR clock and configures the peripheral for a basic operation.
This API should be called at the beginning of the application using the LPTMR driver.
- Parameters:
base – LPTMR peripheral base address
config – A pointer to the LPTMR configuration structure.
void LPTMR_Deinit(LPTMR_Type *base)
Gates the LPTMR clock.
- Parameters:
base – LPTMR peripheral base address
void LPTMR_GetDefaultConfig(lptmr_config_t *config)
Fills in the LPTMR configuration structure with default settings.
The default values are as follows.
config->timerMode = kLPTMR_TimerModeTimeCounter; config->pinSelect = kLPTMR_PinSelectInput_0; config->pinPolarity = kLPTMR_PinPolarityActiveHigh; config->enableFreeRunning = false; config->bypassPrescaler = true; config->prescalerClockSource = kLPTMR_PrescalerClock_1; config->value = kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_0;
- Parameters:
config – A pointer to the LPTMR configuration structure.
static inline void LPTMR_EnableInterrupts(LPTMR_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the selected LPTMR interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – LPTMR peripheral base address
mask – The interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration lptmr_interrupt_enable_t
static inline void LPTMR_DisableInterrupts(LPTMR_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the selected LPTMR interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – LPTMR peripheral base address
mask – The interrupts to disable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration lptmr_interrupt_enable_t.
static inline uint32_t LPTMR_GetEnabledInterrupts(LPTMR_Type *base)
Gets the enabled LPTMR interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – LPTMR peripheral base address
- Returns:
The enabled interrupts. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration lptmr_interrupt_enable_t
static inline uint32_t LPTMR_GetStatusFlags(LPTMR_Type *base)
Gets the LPTMR status flags.
- Parameters:
base – LPTMR peripheral base address
- Returns:
The status flags. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration lptmr_status_flags_t
static inline void LPTMR_ClearStatusFlags(LPTMR_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears the LPTMR status flags.
- Parameters:
base – LPTMR peripheral base address
mask – The status flags to clear. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration lptmr_status_flags_t.
static inline void LPTMR_SetTimerPeriod(LPTMR_Type *base, uint32_t ticks)
Sets the timer period in units of count.
Timers counts from 0 until it equals the count value set here. The count value is written to the CMR register.
The TCF flag is set with the CNR equals the count provided here and then increments.
Call the utility macros provided in the fsl_common.h to convert to ticks.
- Parameters:
base – LPTMR peripheral base address
ticks – A timer period in units of ticks, which should be equal or greater than 1.
static inline uint32_t LPTMR_GetCurrentTimerCount(LPTMR_Type *base)
Reads the current timer counting value.
This function returns the real-time timer counting value in a range from 0 to a timer period.
Call the utility macros provided in the fsl_common.h to convert ticks to usec or msec.
- Parameters:
base – LPTMR peripheral base address
- Returns:
The current counter value in ticks
static inline void LPTMR_StartTimer(LPTMR_Type *base)
Starts the timer.
After calling this function, the timer counts up to the CMR register value. Each time the timer reaches the CMR value and then increments, it generates a trigger pulse and sets the timeout interrupt flag. An interrupt is also triggered if the timer interrupt is enabled.
- Parameters:
base – LPTMR peripheral base address
static inline void LPTMR_StopTimer(LPTMR_Type *base)
Stops the timer.
This function stops the timer and resets the timer’s counter register.
- Parameters:
base – LPTMR peripheral base address
Driver Version
enum _lptmr_pin_select
LPTMR pin selection used in pulse counter mode.
enumerator kLPTMR_PinSelectInput_0
Pulse counter input 0 is selected
enumerator kLPTMR_PinSelectInput_1
Pulse counter input 1 is selected
enumerator kLPTMR_PinSelectInput_2
Pulse counter input 2 is selected
enumerator kLPTMR_PinSelectInput_3
Pulse counter input 3 is selected
enumerator kLPTMR_PinSelectInput_0
enum _lptmr_pin_polarity
LPTMR pin polarity used in pulse counter mode.
enumerator kLPTMR_PinPolarityActiveHigh
Pulse Counter input source is active-high
enumerator kLPTMR_PinPolarityActiveLow
Pulse Counter input source is active-low
enumerator kLPTMR_PinPolarityActiveHigh
enum _lptmr_timer_mode
LPTMR timer mode selection.
enumerator kLPTMR_TimerModeTimeCounter
Time Counter mode
enumerator kLPTMR_TimerModePulseCounter
Pulse Counter mode
enumerator kLPTMR_TimerModeTimeCounter
enum _lptmr_prescaler_glitch_value
LPTMR prescaler/glitch filter values.
enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_0
Prescaler divide 2, glitch filter does not support this setting
enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_1
Prescaler divide 4, glitch filter 2
enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_2
Prescaler divide 8, glitch filter 4
enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_3
Prescaler divide 16, glitch filter 8
enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_4
Prescaler divide 32, glitch filter 16
enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_5
Prescaler divide 64, glitch filter 32
enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_6
Prescaler divide 128, glitch filter 64
enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_7
Prescaler divide 256, glitch filter 128
enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_8
Prescaler divide 512, glitch filter 256
enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_9
Prescaler divide 1024, glitch filter 512
enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_10
Prescaler divide 2048 glitch filter 1024
enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_11
Prescaler divide 4096, glitch filter 2048
enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_12
Prescaler divide 8192, glitch filter 4096
enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_13
Prescaler divide 16384, glitch filter 8192
enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_14
Prescaler divide 32768, glitch filter 16384
enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_15
Prescaler divide 65536, glitch filter 32768
enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_0
enum _lptmr_prescaler_clock_select
LPTMR prescaler/glitch filter clock select.
Clock connections are SoC-specific
enumerator kLPTMR_PrescalerClock_0
Prescaler/glitch filter clock 0 selected.
enumerator kLPTMR_PrescalerClock_1
Prescaler/glitch filter clock 1 selected.
enumerator kLPTMR_PrescalerClock_2
Prescaler/glitch filter clock 2 selected.
enumerator kLPTMR_PrescalerClock_3
Prescaler/glitch filter clock 3 selected.
enumerator kLPTMR_PrescalerClock_0
enum _lptmr_interrupt_enable
List of the LPTMR interrupts.
enumerator kLPTMR_TimerInterruptEnable
Timer interrupt enable
enumerator kLPTMR_TimerInterruptEnable
enum _lptmr_status_flags
List of the LPTMR status flags.
enumerator kLPTMR_TimerCompareFlag
Timer compare flag
enumerator kLPTMR_TimerCompareFlag
typedef enum _lptmr_pin_select lptmr_pin_select_t
LPTMR pin selection used in pulse counter mode.
typedef enum _lptmr_pin_polarity lptmr_pin_polarity_t
LPTMR pin polarity used in pulse counter mode.
typedef enum _lptmr_timer_mode lptmr_timer_mode_t
LPTMR timer mode selection.
typedef enum _lptmr_prescaler_glitch_value lptmr_prescaler_glitch_value_t
LPTMR prescaler/glitch filter values.
typedef enum _lptmr_prescaler_clock_select lptmr_prescaler_clock_select_t
LPTMR prescaler/glitch filter clock select.
Clock connections are SoC-specific
typedef enum _lptmr_interrupt_enable lptmr_interrupt_enable_t
List of the LPTMR interrupts.
typedef enum _lptmr_status_flags lptmr_status_flags_t
List of the LPTMR status flags.
typedef struct _lptmr_config lptmr_config_t
LPTMR config structure.
This structure holds the configuration settings for the LPTMR peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the LPTMR_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your configuration structure instance.
The configuration struct can be made constant so it resides in flash.
struct _lptmr_config
- #include <fsl_lptmr.h>
LPTMR config structure.
This structure holds the configuration settings for the LPTMR peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the LPTMR_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your configuration structure instance.
The configuration struct can be made constant so it resides in flash.
Public Members
lptmr_timer_mode_t timerMode
Time counter mode or pulse counter mode
lptmr_pin_select_t pinSelect
LPTMR pulse input pin select; used only in pulse counter mode
lptmr_pin_polarity_t pinPolarity
LPTMR pulse input pin polarity; used only in pulse counter mode
bool enableFreeRunning
True: enable free running, counter is reset on overflow False: counter is reset when the compare flag is set
bool bypassPrescaler
True: bypass prescaler; false: use clock from prescaler
lptmr_prescaler_clock_select_t prescalerClockSource
LPTMR clock source
lptmr_prescaler_glitch_value_t value
Prescaler or glitch filter value
lptmr_timer_mode_t timerMode
LPUART: Low Power Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter Driver
status_t LPUART_Init(LPUART_Type *base, const lpuart_config_t *config, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
Initializes an LPUART instance with the user configuration structure and the peripheral clock.
This function configures the LPUART module with user-defined settings. Call the LPUART_GetDefaultConfig() function to configure the configuration structure and get the default configuration. The example below shows how to use this API to configure the LPUART.
lpuart_config_t lpuartConfig; lpuartConfig.baudRate_Bps = 115200U; lpuartConfig.parityMode = kLPUART_ParityDisabled; lpuartConfig.dataBitsCount = kLPUART_EightDataBits; lpuartConfig.isMsb = false; lpuartConfig.stopBitCount = kLPUART_OneStopBit; lpuartConfig.txFifoWatermark = 0; lpuartConfig.rxFifoWatermark = 1; LPUART_Init(LPUART1, &lpuartConfig, 20000000U);
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to a user-defined configuration structure.
srcClock_Hz – LPUART clock source frequency in HZ.
- Return values:
kStatus_LPUART_BaudrateNotSupport – Baudrate is not support in current clock source.
kStatus_Success – LPUART initialize succeed
void LPUART_Deinit(LPUART_Type *base)
Deinitializes a LPUART instance.
This function waits for transmit to complete, disables TX and RX, and disables the LPUART clock.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
void LPUART_GetDefaultConfig(lpuart_config_t *config)
Gets the default configuration structure.
This function initializes the LPUART configuration structure to a default value. The default values are: lpuartConfig->baudRate_Bps = 115200U; lpuartConfig->parityMode = kLPUART_ParityDisabled; lpuartConfig->dataBitsCount = kLPUART_EightDataBits; lpuartConfig->isMsb = false; lpuartConfig->stopBitCount = kLPUART_OneStopBit; lpuartConfig->txFifoWatermark = 0; lpuartConfig->rxFifoWatermark = 1; lpuartConfig->rxIdleType = kLPUART_IdleTypeStartBit; lpuartConfig->rxIdleConfig = kLPUART_IdleCharacter1; lpuartConfig->enableTx = false; lpuartConfig->enableRx = false;
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to a configuration structure.
status_t LPUART_SetBaudRate(LPUART_Type *base, uint32_t baudRate_Bps, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
Sets the LPUART instance baudrate.
This function configures the LPUART module baudrate. This function is used to update the LPUART module baudrate after the LPUART module is initialized by the LPUART_Init.
LPUART_SetBaudRate(LPUART1, 115200U, 20000000U);
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
baudRate_Bps – LPUART baudrate to be set.
srcClock_Hz – LPUART clock source frequency in HZ.
- Return values:
kStatus_LPUART_BaudrateNotSupport – Baudrate is not supported in the current clock source.
kStatus_Success – Set baudrate succeeded.
void LPUART_Enable9bitMode(LPUART_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable 9-bit data mode for LPUART.
This function set the 9-bit mode for LPUART module. The 9th bit is not used for parity thus can be modified by user.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
enable – true to enable, flase to disable.
static inline void LPUART_SetMatchAddress(LPUART_Type *base, uint16_t address1, uint16_t address2)
Set the LPUART address.
This function configures the address for LPUART module that works as slave in 9-bit data mode. One or two address fields can be configured. When the address field’s match enable bit is set, the frame it receices with MSB being 1 is considered as an address frame, otherwise it is considered as data frame. Once the address frame matches one of slave’s own addresses, this slave is addressed. This address frame and its following data frames are stored in the receive buffer, otherwise the frames will be discarded. To un-address a slave, just send an address frame with unmatched address.
Any LPUART instance joined in the multi-slave system can work as slave. The position of the address mark is the same as the parity bit when parity is enabled for 8 bit and 9 bit data formats.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
address1 – LPUART slave address1.
address2 – LPUART slave address2.
static inline void LPUART_EnableMatchAddress(LPUART_Type *base, bool match1, bool match2)
Enable the LPUART match address feature.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
match1 – true to enable match address1, false to disable.
match2 – true to enable match address2, false to disable.
static inline void LPUART_TransferEnable16Bit(lpuart_handle_t *handle, bool enable)
Sets the LPUART using 16bit transmit, only for 9bit or 10bit mode.
This function Enable 16bit Data transmit in lpuart_handle_t.
- Parameters:
handle – LPUART handle pointer.
enable – true to enable, false to disable.
uint32_t LPUART_GetStatusFlags(LPUART_Type *base)
Gets LPUART status flags.
This function gets all LPUART status flags. The flags are returned as the logical OR value of the enumerators _lpuart_flags. To check for a specific status, compare the return value with enumerators in the _lpuart_flags. For example, to check whether the TX is empty:
if (kLPUART_TxDataRegEmptyFlag & LPUART_GetStatusFlags(LPUART1)) { ... }
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
- Returns:
LPUART status flags which are ORed by the enumerators in the _lpuart_flags.
status_t LPUART_ClearStatusFlags(LPUART_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears status flags with a provided mask.
This function clears LPUART status flags with a provided mask. Automatically cleared flags can’t be cleared by this function. Flags that can only cleared or set by hardware are: kLPUART_TxDataRegEmptyFlag, kLPUART_TransmissionCompleteFlag, kLPUART_RxDataRegFullFlag, kLPUART_RxActiveFlag, kLPUART_NoiseErrorFlag, kLPUART_ParityErrorFlag, kLPUART_TxFifoEmptyFlag,kLPUART_RxFifoEmptyFlag Note: This API should be called when the Tx/Rx is idle, otherwise it takes no effects.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
mask – the status flags to be cleared. The user can use the enumerators in the _lpuart_status_flag_t to do the OR operation and get the mask.
- Return values:
kStatus_LPUART_FlagCannotClearManually – The flag can’t be cleared by this function but it is cleared automatically by hardware.
kStatus_Success – Status in the mask are cleared.
- Returns:
0 succeed, others failed.
void LPUART_EnableInterrupts(LPUART_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables LPUART interrupts according to a provided mask.
This function enables the LPUART interrupts according to a provided mask. The mask is a logical OR of enumeration members. See the _lpuart_interrupt_enable. This examples shows how to enable TX empty interrupt and RX full interrupt:
LPUART_EnableInterrupts(LPUART1,kLPUART_TxDataRegEmptyInterruptEnable | kLPUART_RxDataRegFullInterruptEnable);
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
mask – The interrupts to enable. Logical OR of _lpuart_interrupt_enable.
void LPUART_DisableInterrupts(LPUART_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables LPUART interrupts according to a provided mask.
This function disables the LPUART interrupts according to a provided mask. The mask is a logical OR of enumeration members. See _lpuart_interrupt_enable. This example shows how to disable the TX empty interrupt and RX full interrupt:
LPUART_DisableInterrupts(LPUART1,kLPUART_TxDataRegEmptyInterruptEnable | kLPUART_RxDataRegFullInterruptEnable);
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
mask – The interrupts to disable. Logical OR of _lpuart_interrupt_enable.
uint32_t LPUART_GetEnabledInterrupts(LPUART_Type *base)
Gets enabled LPUART interrupts.
This function gets the enabled LPUART interrupts. The enabled interrupts are returned as the logical OR value of the enumerators _lpuart_interrupt_enable. To check a specific interrupt enable status, compare the return value with enumerators in _lpuart_interrupt_enable. For example, to check whether the TX empty interrupt is enabled:
uint32_t enabledInterrupts = LPUART_GetEnabledInterrupts(LPUART1); if (kLPUART_TxDataRegEmptyInterruptEnable & enabledInterrupts) { ... }
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
- Returns:
LPUART interrupt flags which are logical OR of the enumerators in _lpuart_interrupt_enable.
uint32_t LPUART_GetInstance(LPUART_Type *base)
Get the LPUART instance from peripheral base address.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
- Returns:
LPUART instance.
static inline void LPUART_EnableTx(LPUART_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables or disables the LPUART transmitter.
This function enables or disables the LPUART transmitter.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
enable – True to enable, false to disable.
static inline void LPUART_EnableRx(LPUART_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables or disables the LPUART receiver.
This function enables or disables the LPUART receiver.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
enable – True to enable, false to disable.
static inline void LPUART_WriteByte(LPUART_Type *base, uint8_t data)
Writes to the transmitter register.
This function writes data to the transmitter register directly. The upper layer must ensure that the TX register is empty or that the TX FIFO has room before calling this function.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
data – Data write to the TX register.
static inline uint8_t LPUART_ReadByte(LPUART_Type *base)
Reads the receiver register.
This function reads data from the receiver register directly. The upper layer must ensure that the receiver register is full or that the RX FIFO has data before calling this function.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Data read from data register.
void LPUART_SendAddress(LPUART_Type *base, uint8_t address)
Transmit an address frame in 9-bit data mode.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
address – LPUART slave address.
status_t LPUART_WriteBlocking(LPUART_Type *base, const uint8_t *data, size_t length)
Writes to the transmitter register using a blocking method.
This function polls the transmitter register, first waits for the register to be empty or TX FIFO to have room, and writes data to the transmitter buffer, then waits for the dat to be sent out to the bus.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
data – Start address of the data to write.
length – Size of the data to write.
- Return values:
kStatus_LPUART_Timeout – Transmission timed out and was aborted.
kStatus_Success – Successfully wrote all data.
status_t LPUART_WriteBlocking16bit(LPUART_Type *base, const uint16_t *data, size_t length)
Writes to the transmitter register using a blocking method in 9bit or 10bit mode.
This function only support 9bit or 10bit transfer. Please make sure only 10bit of data is valid and other bits are 0.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
data – Start address of the data to write.
length – Size of the data to write.
- Return values:
kStatus_LPUART_Timeout – Transmission timed out and was aborted.
kStatus_Success – Successfully wrote all data.
status_t LPUART_ReadBlocking(LPUART_Type *base, uint8_t *data, size_t length)
Reads the receiver data register using a blocking method.
This function polls the receiver register, waits for the receiver register full or receiver FIFO has data, and reads data from the TX register.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
data – Start address of the buffer to store the received data.
length – Size of the buffer.
- Return values:
kStatus_LPUART_RxHardwareOverrun – Receiver overrun happened while receiving data.
kStatus_LPUART_NoiseError – Noise error happened while receiving data.
kStatus_LPUART_FramingError – Framing error happened while receiving data.
kStatus_LPUART_ParityError – Parity error happened while receiving data.
kStatus_LPUART_Timeout – Transmission timed out and was aborted.
kStatus_Success – Successfully received all data.
status_t LPUART_ReadBlocking16bit(LPUART_Type *base, uint16_t *data, size_t length)
Reads the receiver data register in 9bit or 10bit mode.
This function only support 9bit or 10bit transfer.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
data – Start address of the buffer to store the received data by 16bit, only 10bit is valid.
length – Size of the buffer.
- Return values:
kStatus_LPUART_RxHardwareOverrun – Receiver overrun happened while receiving data.
kStatus_LPUART_NoiseError – Noise error happened while receiving data.
kStatus_LPUART_FramingError – Framing error happened while receiving data.
kStatus_LPUART_ParityError – Parity error happened while receiving data.
kStatus_LPUART_Timeout – Transmission timed out and was aborted.
kStatus_Success – Successfully received all data.
void LPUART_TransferCreateHandle(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle, lpuart_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Initializes the LPUART handle.
This function initializes the LPUART handle, which can be used for other LPUART transactional APIs. Usually, for a specified LPUART instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.
The LPUART driver supports the “background” receiving, which means that user can set up an RX ring buffer optionally. Data received is stored into the ring buffer even when the user doesn’t call the LPUART_TransferReceiveNonBlocking() API. If there is already data received in the ring buffer, the user can get the received data from the ring buffer directly. The ring buffer is disabled if passing NULL as
.- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
handle – LPUART handle pointer.
callback – Callback function.
userData – User data.
status_t LPUART_TransferSendNonBlocking(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle, lpuart_transfer_t *xfer)
Transmits a buffer of data using the interrupt method.
This function send data using an interrupt method. This is a non-blocking function, which returns directly without waiting for all data written to the transmitter register. When all data is written to the TX register in the ISR, the LPUART driver calls the callback function and passes the kStatus_LPUART_TxIdle as status parameter.
The kStatus_LPUART_TxIdle is passed to the upper layer when all data are written to the TX register. However, there is no check to ensure that all the data sent out. Before disabling the TX, check the kLPUART_TransmissionCompleteFlag to ensure that the transmit is finished.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
handle – LPUART handle pointer.
xfer – LPUART transfer structure, see lpuart_transfer_t.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully start the data transmission.
kStatus_LPUART_TxBusy – Previous transmission still not finished, data not all written to the TX register.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Invalid argument.
void LPUART_TransferStartRingBuffer(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle, uint8_t *ringBuffer, size_t ringBufferSize)
Sets up the RX ring buffer.
This function sets up the RX ring buffer to a specific UART handle.
When the RX ring buffer is used, data received is stored into the ring buffer even when the user doesn’t call the UART_TransferReceiveNonBlocking() API. If there is already data received in the ring buffer, the user can get the received data from the ring buffer directly.
When using RX ring buffer, one byte is reserved for internal use. In other words, if
is 32, then only 31 bytes are used for saving data.- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
handle – LPUART handle pointer.
ringBuffer – Start address of ring buffer for background receiving. Pass NULL to disable the ring buffer.
ringBufferSize – size of the ring buffer.
void LPUART_TransferStopRingBuffer(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the background transfer and uninstalls the ring buffer.
This function aborts the background transfer and uninstalls the ring buffer.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
handle – LPUART handle pointer.
size_t LPUART_TransferGetRxRingBufferLength(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle)
Get the length of received data in RX ring buffer.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
handle – LPUART handle pointer.
- Returns:
Length of received data in RX ring buffer.
void LPUART_TransferAbortSend(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the interrupt-driven data transmit.
This function aborts the interrupt driven data sending. The user can get the remainBtyes to find out how many bytes are not sent out.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
handle – LPUART handle pointer.
status_t LPUART_TransferGetSendCount(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle, uint32_t *count)
Gets the number of bytes that have been sent out to bus.
This function gets the number of bytes that have been sent out to bus by an interrupt method.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
handle – LPUART handle pointer.
count – Send bytes count.
- Return values:
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – No send in progress.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Parameter is invalid.
kStatus_Success – Get successfully through the parameter
status_t LPUART_TransferReceiveNonBlocking(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle, lpuart_transfer_t *xfer, size_t *receivedBytes)
Receives a buffer of data using the interrupt method.
This function receives data using an interrupt method. This is a non-blocking function which returns without waiting to ensure that all data are received. If the RX ring buffer is used and not empty, the data in the ring buffer is copied and the parameter
shows how many bytes are copied from the ring buffer. After copying, if the data in the ring buffer is not enough for read, the receive request is saved by the LPUART driver. When the new data arrives, the receive request is serviced first. When all data is received, the LPUART driver notifies the upper layer through a callback function and passes a status parameter kStatus_UART_RxIdle. For example, the upper layer needs 10 bytes but there are only 5 bytes in ring buffer. The 5 bytes are copied to xfer->data, which returns with the parameterreceivedBytes
set to 5. For the remaining 5 bytes, the newly arrived data is saved from xfer->data[5]. When 5 bytes are received, the LPUART driver notifies the upper layer. If the RX ring buffer is not enabled, this function enables the RX and RX interrupt to receive data to xfer->data. When all data is received, the upper layer is notified.- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
handle – LPUART handle pointer.
xfer – LPUART transfer structure, see uart_transfer_t.
receivedBytes – Bytes received from the ring buffer directly.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully queue the transfer into the transmit queue.
kStatus_LPUART_RxBusy – Previous receive request is not finished.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Invalid argument.
void LPUART_TransferAbortReceive(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the interrupt-driven data receiving.
This function aborts the interrupt-driven data receiving. The user can get the remainBytes to find out how many bytes not received yet.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
handle – LPUART handle pointer.
status_t LPUART_TransferGetReceiveCount(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle, uint32_t *count)
Gets the number of bytes that have been received.
This function gets the number of bytes that have been received.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
handle – LPUART handle pointer.
count – Receive bytes count.
- Return values:
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – No receive in progress.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Parameter is invalid.
kStatus_Success – Get successfully through the parameter
void LPUART_TransferHandleIRQ(LPUART_Type *base, void *irqHandle)
LPUART IRQ handle function.
This function handles the LPUART transmit and receive IRQ request.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
irqHandle – LPUART handle pointer.
void LPUART_TransferHandleErrorIRQ(LPUART_Type *base, void *irqHandle)
LPUART Error IRQ handle function.
This function handles the LPUART error IRQ request.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
irqHandle – LPUART handle pointer.
LPUART driver version.
Error codes for the LPUART driver.
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_TxBusy
TX busy
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_RxBusy
RX busy
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_TxIdle
LPUART transmitter is idle.
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_RxIdle
LPUART receiver is idle.
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_TxWatermarkTooLarge
TX FIFO watermark too large
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_RxWatermarkTooLarge
RX FIFO watermark too large
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_FlagCannotClearManually
Some flag can’t manually clear
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_Error
Error happens on LPUART.
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_RxRingBufferOverrun
LPUART RX software ring buffer overrun.
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_RxHardwareOverrun
LPUART RX receiver overrun.
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_NoiseError
LPUART noise error.
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_FramingError
LPUART framing error.
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_ParityError
LPUART parity error.
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_BaudrateNotSupport
Baudrate is not support in current clock source
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_IdleLineDetected
IDLE flag.
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_Timeout
LPUART times out.
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_TxBusy
enum _lpuart_parity_mode
LPUART parity mode.
enumerator kLPUART_ParityDisabled
Parity disabled
enumerator kLPUART_ParityEven
Parity enabled, type even, bit setting: PE|PT = 10
enumerator kLPUART_ParityOdd
Parity enabled, type odd, bit setting: PE|PT = 11
enumerator kLPUART_ParityDisabled
enum _lpuart_data_bits
LPUART data bits count.
enumerator kLPUART_EightDataBits
Eight data bit
enumerator kLPUART_EightDataBits
enum _lpuart_stop_bit_count
LPUART stop bit count.
enumerator kLPUART_OneStopBit
One stop bit
enumerator kLPUART_TwoStopBit
Two stop bits
enumerator kLPUART_OneStopBit
enum _lpuart_idle_type_select
LPUART idle flag type defines when the receiver starts counting.
enumerator kLPUART_IdleTypeStartBit
Start counting after a valid start bit.
enumerator kLPUART_IdleTypeStopBit
Start counting after a stop bit.
enumerator kLPUART_IdleTypeStartBit
enum _lpuart_idle_config
LPUART idle detected configuration. This structure defines the number of idle characters that must be received before the IDLE flag is set.
enumerator kLPUART_IdleCharacter1
the number of idle characters.
enumerator kLPUART_IdleCharacter2
the number of idle characters.
enumerator kLPUART_IdleCharacter4
the number of idle characters.
enumerator kLPUART_IdleCharacter8
the number of idle characters.
enumerator kLPUART_IdleCharacter16
the number of idle characters.
enumerator kLPUART_IdleCharacter32
the number of idle characters.
enumerator kLPUART_IdleCharacter64
the number of idle characters.
enumerator kLPUART_IdleCharacter128
the number of idle characters.
enumerator kLPUART_IdleCharacter1
enum _lpuart_interrupt_enable
LPUART interrupt configuration structure, default settings all disabled.
This structure contains the settings for all LPUART interrupt configurations.
enumerator kLPUART_RxActiveEdgeInterruptEnable
Receive Active Edge. bit 6
enumerator kLPUART_TxDataRegEmptyInterruptEnable
Transmit data register empty. bit 23
enumerator kLPUART_TransmissionCompleteInterruptEnable
Transmission complete. bit 22
enumerator kLPUART_RxDataRegFullInterruptEnable
Receiver data register full. bit 21
enumerator kLPUART_IdleLineInterruptEnable
Idle line. bit 20
enumerator kLPUART_RxOverrunInterruptEnable
Receiver Overrun. bit 27
enumerator kLPUART_NoiseErrorInterruptEnable
Noise error flag. bit 26
enumerator kLPUART_FramingErrorInterruptEnable
Framing error flag. bit 25
enumerator kLPUART_ParityErrorInterruptEnable
Parity error flag. bit 24
enumerator kLPUART_AllInterruptEnable
enumerator kLPUART_RxActiveEdgeInterruptEnable
enum _lpuart_flags
LPUART status flags.
This provides constants for the LPUART status flags for use in the LPUART functions.
enumerator kLPUART_TxDataRegEmptyFlag
Transmit data register empty flag, sets when transmit buffer is empty. bit 23
enumerator kLPUART_TransmissionCompleteFlag
Transmission complete flag, sets when transmission activity complete. bit 22
enumerator kLPUART_RxDataRegFullFlag
Receive data register full flag, sets when the receive data buffer is full. bit 21
enumerator kLPUART_IdleLineFlag
Idle line detect flag, sets when idle line detected. bit 20
enumerator kLPUART_RxOverrunFlag
Receive Overrun, sets when new data is received before data is read from receive register. bit 19
enumerator kLPUART_NoiseErrorFlag
Receive takes 3 samples of each received bit. If any of these samples differ, noise flag sets. bit 18
enumerator kLPUART_FramingErrorFlag
Frame error flag, sets if logic 0 was detected where stop bit expected. bit 17
enumerator kLPUART_ParityErrorFlag
If parity enabled, sets upon parity error detection. bit 16
enumerator kLPUART_RxActiveEdgeFlag
Receive pin active edge interrupt flag, sets when active edge detected. bit 30
enumerator kLPUART_RxActiveFlag
Receiver Active Flag (RAF), sets at beginning of valid start. bit 24
enumerator kLPUART_AllClearFlags
enumerator kLPUART_AllFlags
enumerator kLPUART_TxDataRegEmptyFlag
typedef enum _lpuart_parity_mode lpuart_parity_mode_t
LPUART parity mode.
typedef enum _lpuart_data_bits lpuart_data_bits_t
LPUART data bits count.
typedef enum _lpuart_stop_bit_count lpuart_stop_bit_count_t
LPUART stop bit count.
typedef enum _lpuart_idle_type_select lpuart_idle_type_select_t
LPUART idle flag type defines when the receiver starts counting.
typedef enum _lpuart_idle_config lpuart_idle_config_t
LPUART idle detected configuration. This structure defines the number of idle characters that must be received before the IDLE flag is set.
typedef struct _lpuart_config lpuart_config_t
LPUART configuration structure.
typedef struct _lpuart_transfer lpuart_transfer_t
LPUART transfer structure.
typedef struct _lpuart_handle lpuart_handle_t
typedef void (*lpuart_transfer_callback_t)(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
LPUART transfer callback function.
typedef void (*lpuart_isr_t)(LPUART_Type *base, void *handle)
void *s_lpuartHandle[]
const IRQn_Type s_lpuartIRQ[]
lpuart_isr_t s_lpuartIsr[]
Retry times for waiting flag.
struct _lpuart_config
- #include <fsl_lpuart.h>
LPUART configuration structure.
Public Members
uint32_t baudRate_Bps
LPUART baud rate
lpuart_parity_mode_t parityMode
Parity mode, disabled (default), even, odd
lpuart_data_bits_t dataBitsCount
Data bits count, eight (default), seven
bool isMsb
Data bits order, LSB (default), MSB
lpuart_idle_type_select_t rxIdleType
RX IDLE type.
lpuart_idle_config_t rxIdleConfig
RX IDLE configuration.
bool enableTx
Enable TX
bool enableRx
Enable RX
uint32_t baudRate_Bps
struct _lpuart_transfer
- #include <fsl_lpuart.h>
LPUART transfer structure.
Public Members
size_t dataSize
The byte count to be transfer.
size_t dataSize
struct _lpuart_handle
- #include <fsl_lpuart.h>
LPUART handle structure.
Public Members
volatile size_t txDataSize
Size of the remaining data to send.
size_t txDataSizeAll
Size of the data to send out.
volatile size_t rxDataSize
Size of the remaining data to receive.
size_t rxDataSizeAll
Size of the data to receive.
size_t rxRingBufferSize
Size of the ring buffer.
volatile uint16_t rxRingBufferHead
Index for the driver to store received data into ring buffer.
volatile uint16_t rxRingBufferTail
Index for the user to get data from the ring buffer.
lpuart_transfer_callback_t callback
Callback function.
void *userData
LPUART callback function parameter.
volatile uint8_t txState
TX transfer state.
volatile uint8_t rxState
RX transfer state.
bool is16bitData
16bit data bits flag, only used for 9bit or 10bit data
volatile size_t txDataSize
union __unnamed11__
Public Members
uint8_t *data
The buffer of data to be transfer.
uint8_t *rxData
The buffer to receive data.
uint16_t *rxData16
The buffer to receive data.
const uint8_t *txData
The buffer of data to be sent.
const uint16_t *txData16
The buffer of data to be sent.
uint8_t *data
union __unnamed13__
Public Members
const uint8_t *volatile txData
Address of remaining data to send.
const uint16_t *volatile txData16
Address of remaining data to send.
const uint8_t *volatile txData
union __unnamed15__
Public Members
uint8_t *volatile rxData
Address of remaining data to receive.
uint16_t *volatile rxData16
Address of remaining data to receive.
uint8_t *volatile rxData
union __unnamed17__
Public Members
uint8_t *rxRingBuffer
Start address of the receiver ring buffer.
uint16_t *rxRingBuffer16
Start address of the receiver ring buffer.
uint8_t *rxRingBuffer
void LPUART_TransferCreateHandleEDMA(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_edma_handle_t *handle, lpuart_edma_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData, edma_handle_t *txEdmaHandle, edma_handle_t *rxEdmaHandle)
Initializes the LPUART handle which is used in transactional functions.
This function disables all LPUART interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to lpuart_edma_handle_t structure.
callback – Callback function.
userData – User data.
txEdmaHandle – User requested DMA handle for TX DMA transfer.
rxEdmaHandle – User requested DMA handle for RX DMA transfer.
status_t LPUART_SendEDMA(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_edma_handle_t *handle, lpuart_transfer_t *xfer)
Sends data using eDMA.
This function sends data using eDMA. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all data is sent, the send callback function is called.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
handle – LPUART handle pointer.
xfer – LPUART eDMA transfer structure. See lpuart_transfer_t.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – if succeed, others failed.
kStatus_LPUART_TxBusy – Previous transfer on going.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Invalid argument.
status_t LPUART_ReceiveEDMA(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_edma_handle_t *handle, lpuart_transfer_t *xfer)
Receives data using eDMA.
This function receives data using eDMA. This is non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all data is received, the receive callback function is called.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to lpuart_edma_handle_t structure.
xfer – LPUART eDMA transfer structure, see lpuart_transfer_t.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – if succeed, others fail.
kStatus_LPUART_RxBusy – Previous transfer ongoing.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Invalid argument.
void LPUART_TransferAbortSendEDMA(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_edma_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the sent data using eDMA.
This function aborts the sent data using eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to lpuart_edma_handle_t structure.
void LPUART_TransferAbortReceiveEDMA(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_edma_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the received data using eDMA.
This function aborts the received data using eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to lpuart_edma_handle_t structure.
status_t LPUART_TransferGetSendCountEDMA(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_edma_handle_t *handle, uint32_t *count)
Gets the number of bytes written to the LPUART TX register.
This function gets the number of bytes written to the LPUART TX register by DMA.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
handle – LPUART handle pointer.
count – Send bytes count.
- Return values:
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – No send in progress.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Parameter is invalid.
kStatus_Success – Get successfully through the parameter
status_t LPUART_TransferGetReceiveCountEDMA(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_edma_handle_t *handle, uint32_t *count)
Gets the number of received bytes.
This function gets the number of received bytes.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
handle – LPUART handle pointer.
count – Receive bytes count.
- Return values:
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – No receive in progress.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Parameter is invalid.
kStatus_Success – Get successfully through the parameter
void LPUART_TransferEdmaHandleIRQ(LPUART_Type *base, void *lpuartEdmaHandle)
LPUART eDMA IRQ handle function.
This function handles the LPUART tx complete IRQ request and invoke user callback. It is not set to static so that it can be used in user application.
This function is used as default IRQ handler by double weak mechanism. If user’s specific IRQ handler is implemented, make sure this function is invoked in the handler.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
lpuartEdmaHandle – LPUART handle pointer.
LPUART EDMA driver version.
typedef struct _lpuart_edma_handle lpuart_edma_handle_t
typedef void (*lpuart_edma_transfer_callback_t)(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_edma_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
LPUART transfer callback function.
struct _lpuart_edma_handle
- #include <fsl_lpuart_edma.h>
LPUART eDMA handle.
Public Members
lpuart_edma_transfer_callback_t callback
Callback function.
void *userData
LPUART callback function parameter.
size_t rxDataSizeAll
Size of the data to receive.
size_t txDataSizeAll
Size of the data to send out.
edma_handle_t *txEdmaHandle
The eDMA TX channel used.
edma_handle_t *rxEdmaHandle
The eDMA RX channel used.
uint8_t nbytes
eDMA minor byte transfer count initially configured.
volatile uint8_t txState
TX transfer state.
volatile uint8_t rxState
RX transfer state
lpuart_edma_transfer_callback_t callback
LTC: LP Trusted Cryptography
LTC driver version. Version 2.0.17.
Current version: 2.0.17
Change log:
Version 2.0.1
fixed warning during g++ compilation
Version 2.0.2
fixed [KPSDK-10932][LTC][SHA] LTC_HASH() blocks indefinitely when message size exceeds 4080 bytes
Version 2.0.3
fixed LTC_PKHA_CompareBigNum() in case an integer argument is an array of all zeroes
Version 2.0.4
constant LTC_PKHA_CompareBigNum() processing time
Version 2.0.5
Fix MISRA issues
Version 2.0.6
fixed [KPSDK-23603][LTC] AES Decrypt in ECB and CBC modes fail when ciphertext size > 0xff0 bytes
Version 2.0.7
Fix MISRA-2012 issues
Version 2.0.8
Fix Coverity issues
Version 2.0.9
Fix sign-compare warning in ltc_set_context and in ltc_get_context
Version 2.0.10
Fix MISRA-2012 issues
Version 2.0.11
Fix MISRA-2012 issues
Version 2.0.12
Fix AES Decrypt in CBC modes fail when used kLTC_DecryptKey.
Version 2.0.13
Add feature macro FSL_FEATURE_LTC_HAS_NO_CLOCK_CONTROL_BIT into LTC_Init function.
Version 2.0.14
Add feature macro FSL_FEATURE_LTC_HAS_NO_CLOCK_CONTROL_BIT into LTC_Deinit function.
Version 2.0.15
Fix MISRA-2012 issues
Version 2.0.16
Fix unitialized GCC warning in LTC_AES_GenerateDecryptKey()
Version 2.0.17
Fix CMAC for payloads over one block, and if BRIC is present on the device, remove XCBC and “decrypt key” functionality
void LTC_Init(LTC_Type *base)
Initializes the LTC driver. This function initializes the LTC driver.
- Parameters:
base – LTC peripheral base address
void LTC_Deinit(LTC_Type *base)
Deinitializes the LTC driver. This function deinitializes the LTC driver.
- Parameters:
base – LTC peripheral base address
LTC AES driver
enum _ltc_aes_key_t
Type of AES key for ECB and CBC decrypt operations.
enumerator kLTC_EncryptKey
Input key is an encrypt key
enumerator kLTC_DecryptKey
Input key is a decrypt key
enumerator kLTC_EncryptKey
typedef enum _ltc_aes_key_t ltc_aes_key_t
Type of AES key for ECB and CBC decrypt operations.
status_t LTC_AES_GenerateDecryptKey(LTC_Type *base, const uint8_t *encryptKey, uint8_t *decryptKey, uint32_t keySize)
Transforms an AES encrypt key (forward AES) into the decrypt key (inverse AES).
Transforms the AES encrypt key (forward AES) into the decrypt key (inverse AES). The key derived by this function can be used as a direct load decrypt key for AES ECB and CBC decryption operations (keyType argument).
- Parameters:
base – LTC peripheral base address
encryptKey – Input key for decrypt key transformation
decryptKey – [out] Output key, the decrypt form of the AES key.
keySize – Size of the input key and output key in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
- Returns:
Status from key generation operation
status_t LTC_AES_EncryptEcb(LTC_Type *base, const uint8_t *plaintext, uint8_t *ciphertext, uint32_t size, const uint8_t *key, uint32_t keySize)
Encrypts AES using the ECB block mode.
Encrypts AES using the ECB block mode.
- Parameters:
base – LTC peripheral base address
plaintext – Input plain text to encrypt
ciphertext – [out] Output cipher text
size – Size of input and output data in bytes. Must be multiple of 16 bytes.
key – Input key to use for encryption
keySize – Size of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
- Returns:
Status from encrypt operation
status_t LTC_AES_DecryptEcb(LTC_Type *base, const uint8_t *ciphertext, uint8_t *plaintext, uint32_t size, const uint8_t *key, uint32_t keySize, ltc_aes_key_t keyType)
Decrypts AES using ECB block mode.
Decrypts AES using ECB block mode.
- Parameters:
base – LTC peripheral base address
ciphertext – Input cipher text to decrypt
plaintext – [out] Output plain text
size – Size of input and output data in bytes. Must be multiple of 16 bytes.
key – Input key.
keySize – Size of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
keyType – Input type of the key (allows to directly load decrypt key for AES ECB decrypt operation.)
- Returns:
Status from decrypt operation
status_t LTC_AES_EncryptCbc(LTC_Type *base, const uint8_t *plaintext, uint8_t *ciphertext, uint32_t size, const uint8_t iv[16], const uint8_t *key, uint32_t keySize)
Encrypts AES using CBC block mode.
- Parameters:
base – LTC peripheral base address
plaintext – Input plain text to encrypt
ciphertext – [out] Output cipher text
size – Size of input and output data in bytes. Must be multiple of 16 bytes.
iv – Input initial vector to combine with the first input block.
key – Input key to use for encryption
keySize – Size of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
- Returns:
Status from encrypt operation
status_t LTC_AES_DecryptCbc(LTC_Type *base, const uint8_t *ciphertext, uint8_t *plaintext, uint32_t size, const uint8_t iv[16], const uint8_t *key, uint32_t keySize, ltc_aes_key_t keyType)
Decrypts AES using CBC block mode.
- Parameters:
base – LTC peripheral base address
ciphertext – Input cipher text to decrypt
plaintext – [out] Output plain text
size – Size of input and output data in bytes. Must be multiple of 16 bytes.
iv – Input initial vector to combine with the first input block.
key – Input key to use for decryption
keySize – Size of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
keyType – Input type of the key (allows to directly load decrypt key for AES CBC decrypt operation.)
- Returns:
Status from decrypt operation
status_t LTC_AES_CryptCtr(LTC_Type *base, const uint8_t *input, uint8_t *output, uint32_t size, uint8_t counter[16U], const uint8_t *key, uint32_t keySize, uint8_t counterlast[16U], uint32_t *szLeft)
Encrypts or decrypts AES using CTR block mode.
Encrypts or decrypts AES using CTR block mode. AES CTR mode uses only forward AES cipher and same algorithm for encryption and decryption. The only difference between encryption and decryption is that, for encryption, the input argument is plain text and the output argument is cipher text. For decryption, the input argument is cipher text and the output argument is plain text.
- Parameters:
base – LTC peripheral base address
input – Input data for CTR block mode
output – [out] Output data for CTR block mode
size – Size of input and output data in bytes
counter – [inout] Input counter (updates on return)
key – Input key to use for forward AES cipher
keySize – Size of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
counterlast – [out] Output cipher of last counter, for chained CTR calls. NULL can be passed if chained calls are not used.
szLeft – [out] Output number of bytes in left unused in counterlast block. NULL can be passed if chained calls are not used.
- Returns:
Status from encrypt operation
status_t LTC_AES_EncryptTagCcm(LTC_Type *base, const uint8_t *plaintext, uint8_t *ciphertext, uint32_t size, const uint8_t *iv, uint32_t ivSize, const uint8_t *aad, uint32_t aadSize, const uint8_t *key, uint32_t keySize, uint8_t *tag, uint32_t tagSize)
Encrypts AES and tags using CCM block mode.
Encrypts AES and optionally tags using CCM block mode.
- Parameters:
base – LTC peripheral base address
plaintext – Input plain text to encrypt
ciphertext – [out] Output cipher text.
size – Size of input and output data in bytes. Zero means authentication only.
iv – Nonce
ivSize – Length of the Nonce in bytes. Must be 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, or 13.
aad – Input additional authentication data. Can be NULL if aadSize is zero.
aadSize – Input size in bytes of AAD. Zero means data mode only (authentication skipped).
key – Input key to use for encryption
keySize – Size of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
tag – [out] Generated output tag. Set to NULL to skip tag processing.
tagSize – Input size of the tag to generate, in bytes. Must be 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, or 16.
- Returns:
Status from encrypt operation
status_t LTC_AES_DecryptTagCcm(LTC_Type *base, const uint8_t *ciphertext, uint8_t *plaintext, uint32_t size, const uint8_t *iv, uint32_t ivSize, const uint8_t *aad, uint32_t aadSize, const uint8_t *key, uint32_t keySize, const uint8_t *tag, uint32_t tagSize)
Decrypts AES and authenticates using CCM block mode.
Decrypts AES and optionally authenticates using CCM block mode.
- Parameters:
base – LTC peripheral base address
ciphertext – Input cipher text to decrypt
plaintext – [out] Output plain text.
size – Size of input and output data in bytes. Zero means authentication only.
iv – Nonce
ivSize – Length of the Nonce in bytes. Must be 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, or 13.
aad – Input additional authentication data. Can be NULL if aadSize is zero.
aadSize – Input size in bytes of AAD. Zero means data mode only (authentication skipped).
key – Input key to use for decryption
keySize – Size of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
tag – Received tag. Set to NULL to skip tag processing.
tagSize – Input size of the received tag to compare with the computed tag, in bytes. Must be 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, or 16.
- Returns:
Status from decrypt operation
AES block size in bytes
AES Input Vector size in bytes
LTC_AES_DecryptCtr(base, input, output, size, counter, key, keySize, counterlast, szLeft)
AES CTR decrypt is mapped to the AES CTR generic operation
LTC_AES_EncryptCtr(base, input, output, size, counter, key, keySize, counterlast, szLeft)
AES CTR encrypt is mapped to the AES CTR generic operation
LTC DES driver
LTC DES key size - 64 bits.
LTC DES IV size - 8 bytes.
LTC HASH driver
enum _ltc_hash_algo_t
Supported cryptographic block cipher functions for HASH creation
enumerator kLTC_XcbcMac
XCBC-MAC (AES engine)
enumerator kLTC_Cmac
CMAC (AES engine)
enumerator kLTC_XcbcMac
typedef enum _ltc_hash_algo_t ltc_hash_algo_t
Supported cryptographic block cipher functions for HASH creation
typedef struct _ltc_hash_ctx_t ltc_hash_ctx_t
Storage type used to save hash context.
status_t LTC_HASH_Init(LTC_Type *base, ltc_hash_ctx_t *ctx, ltc_hash_algo_t algo, const uint8_t *key, uint32_t keySize)
Initialize HASH context.
This function initialize the HASH. Key shall be supplied if the underlaying algoritm is AES XCBC-MAC or CMAC. Key shall be NULL if the underlaying algoritm is SHA.
For XCBC-MAC, the key length must be 16. For CMAC, the key length can be the AES key lengths supported by AES engine. For MDHA the key length argument is ignored.
- Parameters:
base – LTC peripheral base address
ctx – [out] Output hash context
algo – Underlaying algorithm to use for hash computation.
key – Input key (NULL if underlaying algorithm is SHA)
keySize – Size of input key in bytes
- Returns:
Status of initialization
status_t LTC_HASH_Update(ltc_hash_ctx_t *ctx, const uint8_t *input, uint32_t inputSize)
Add data to current HASH.
Add data to current HASH. This can be called repeatedly with an arbitrary amount of data to be hashed.
- Parameters:
ctx – [inout] HASH context
input – Input data
inputSize – Size of input data in bytes
- Returns:
Status of the hash update operation
status_t LTC_HASH_Finish(ltc_hash_ctx_t *ctx, uint8_t *output, uint32_t *outputSize)
Finalize hashing.
Outputs the final hash and erases the context.
- Parameters:
ctx – [inout] Input hash context
output – [out] Output hash data
outputSize – [out] Output parameter storing the size of the output hash in bytes
- Returns:
Status of the hash finish operation
status_t LTC_HASH(LTC_Type *base, ltc_hash_algo_t algo, const uint8_t *input, uint32_t inputSize, const uint8_t *key, uint32_t keySize, uint8_t *output, uint32_t *outputSize)
Create HASH on given data.
Perform the full keyed HASH in one function call.
- Parameters:
base – LTC peripheral base address
algo – Block cipher algorithm to use for CMAC creation
input – Input data
inputSize – Size of input data in bytes
key – Input key
keySize – Size of input key in bytes
output – [out] Output hash data
outputSize – [out] Output parameter storing the size of the output hash in bytes
- Returns:
Status of the one call hash operation.
LTC HASH Context size.
struct _ltc_hash_ctx_t
- #include <fsl_ltc.h>
Storage type used to save hash context.
LTC PKHA driver
enum _ltc_pkha_timing_t
Use of timing equalized version of a PKHA function.
enumerator kLTC_PKHA_NoTimingEqualized
Normal version of a PKHA operation
enumerator kLTC_PKHA_TimingEqualized
Timing-equalized version of a PKHA operation
enumerator kLTC_PKHA_NoTimingEqualized
enum _ltc_pkha_f2m_t
Integer vs binary polynomial arithmetic selection.
enumerator kLTC_PKHA_IntegerArith
Use integer arithmetic
enumerator kLTC_PKHA_F2mArith
Use binary polynomial arithmetic
enumerator kLTC_PKHA_IntegerArith
enum _ltc_pkha_montgomery_form_t
Montgomery or normal PKHA input format.
enumerator kLTC_PKHA_NormalValue
PKHA number is normal integer
enumerator kLTC_PKHA_MontgomeryFormat
PKHA number is in montgomery format
enumerator kLTC_PKHA_NormalValue
typedef struct _ltc_pkha_ecc_point_t ltc_pkha_ecc_point_t
PKHA ECC point structure
typedef enum _ltc_pkha_timing_t ltc_pkha_timing_t
Use of timing equalized version of a PKHA function.
typedef enum _ltc_pkha_f2m_t ltc_pkha_f2m_t
Integer vs binary polynomial arithmetic selection.
typedef enum _ltc_pkha_montgomery_form_t ltc_pkha_montgomery_form_t
Montgomery or normal PKHA input format.
struct _ltc_pkha_ecc_point_t
- #include <fsl_ltc.h>
PKHA ECC point structure
Public Members
uint8_t *X
X coordinate (affine)
uint8_t *Y
Y coordinate (affine)
uint8_t *X
LTC Blocking APIs
LTC EDMA driver version. Version 2.0.16.
typedef struct _ltc_edma_handle ltc_edma_handle_t
typedef void (*ltc_edma_callback_t)(LTC_Type *base, ltc_edma_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
LTC eDMA callback function.
typedef status_t (*ltc_edma_state_machine_t)(LTC_Type *base, ltc_edma_handle_t *handle)
LTC eDMA state machine function. It is defined only for private usage inside LTC eDMA driver.
void LTC_CreateHandleEDMA(LTC_Type *base, ltc_edma_handle_t *handle, ltc_edma_callback_t callback, void *userData, edma_handle_t *inputFifoEdmaHandle, edma_handle_t *outputFifoEdmaHandle)
Init the LTC eDMA handle which is used in transactional functions.
- Parameters:
base – LTC module base address
handle – Pointer to ltc_edma_handle_t structure
callback – Callback function, NULL means no callback.
userData – Callback function parameter.
inputFifoEdmaHandle – User requested eDMA handle for Input FIFO eDMA.
outputFifoEdmaHandle – User requested eDMA handle for Output FIFO eDMA.
struct _ltc_edma_handle
- #include <fsl_ltc_edma.h>
LTC eDMA handle. It is defined only for private usage inside LTC eDMA driver.
Public Members
ltc_edma_callback_t callback
Callback function.
void *userData
LTC callback function parameter.
edma_handle_t *inputFifoEdmaHandle
The eDMA TX channel used.
edma_handle_t *outputFifoEdmaHandle
The eDMA RX channel used.
ltc_edma_state_machine_t state_machine
State machine.
uint32_t state
Internal state.
const uint8_t *inData
Input data.
uint8_t *outData
Output data.
uint32_t size
Size of input and output data in bytes.
uint32_t modeReg
LTC mode register.
uint8_t *counter
Input counter (updates on return)
const uint8_t *key
Input key to use for forward AES cipher
uint32_t keySize
Size of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
uint8_t *counterlast
Output cipher of last counter, for chained CTR calls. NULL can be passed if chained calls are not used.
uint32_t *szLeft
Output number of bytes in left unused in counterlast block. NULL can be passed if chained calls are not used.
uint32_t lastSize
Last size.
ltc_edma_callback_t callback
LTC eDMA AES driver
status_t LTC_AES_EncryptEcbEDMA(LTC_Type *base, ltc_edma_handle_t *handle, const uint8_t *plaintext, uint8_t *ciphertext, uint32_t size, const uint8_t *key, uint32_t keySize)
Encrypts AES using the ECB block mode.
Encrypts AES using the ECB block mode.
- Parameters:
base – LTC peripheral base address
handle – pointer to ltc_edma_handle_t structure which stores the transaction state.
plaintext – Input plain text to encrypt
ciphertext – [out] Output cipher text
size – Size of input and output data in bytes. Must be multiple of 16 bytes.
key – Input key to use for encryption
keySize – Size of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
- Returns:
Status from encrypt operation
status_t LTC_AES_DecryptEcbEDMA(LTC_Type *base, ltc_edma_handle_t *handle, const uint8_t *ciphertext, uint8_t *plaintext, uint32_t size, const uint8_t *key, uint32_t keySize, ltc_aes_key_t keyType)
Decrypts AES using ECB block mode.
Decrypts AES using ECB block mode.
- Parameters:
base – LTC peripheral base address
handle – pointer to ltc_edma_handle_t structure which stores the transaction state.
ciphertext – Input cipher text to decrypt
plaintext – [out] Output plain text
size – Size of input and output data in bytes. Must be multiple of 16 bytes.
key – Input key.
keySize – Size of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
keyType – Input type of the key (allows to directly load decrypt key for AES ECB decrypt operation.)
- Returns:
Status from decrypt operation
status_t LTC_AES_EncryptCbcEDMA(LTC_Type *base, ltc_edma_handle_t *handle, const uint8_t *plaintext, uint8_t *ciphertext, uint32_t size, const uint8_t iv[16], const uint8_t *key, uint32_t keySize)
Encrypts AES using CBC block mode.
- Parameters:
base – LTC peripheral base address
handle – pointer to ltc_edma_handle_t structure which stores the transaction state.
plaintext – Input plain text to encrypt
ciphertext – [out] Output cipher text
size – Size of input and output data in bytes. Must be multiple of 16 bytes.
iv – Input initial vector to combine with the first input block.
key – Input key to use for encryption
keySize – Size of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
- Returns:
Status from encrypt operation
status_t LTC_AES_DecryptCbcEDMA(LTC_Type *base, ltc_edma_handle_t *handle, const uint8_t *ciphertext, uint8_t *plaintext, uint32_t size, const uint8_t iv[16], const uint8_t *key, uint32_t keySize, ltc_aes_key_t keyType)
Decrypts AES using CBC block mode.
- Parameters:
base – LTC peripheral base address
handle – pointer to ltc_edma_handle_t structure which stores the transaction state.
ciphertext – Input cipher text to decrypt
plaintext – [out] Output plain text
size – Size of input and output data in bytes. Must be multiple of 16 bytes.
iv – Input initial vector to combine with the first input block.
key – Input key to use for decryption
keySize – Size of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
keyType – Input type of the key (allows to directly load decrypt key for AES CBC decrypt operation.)
- Returns:
Status from decrypt operation
status_t LTC_AES_CryptCtrEDMA(LTC_Type *base, ltc_edma_handle_t *handle, const uint8_t *input, uint8_t *output, uint32_t size, uint8_t counter[16U], const uint8_t *key, uint32_t keySize, uint8_t counterlast[16U], uint32_t *szLeft)
Encrypts or decrypts AES using CTR block mode.
Encrypts or decrypts AES using CTR block mode. AES CTR mode uses only forward AES cipher and same algorithm for encryption and decryption. The only difference between encryption and decryption is that, for encryption, the input argument is plain text and the output argument is cipher text. For decryption, the input argument is cipher text and the output argument is plain text.
- Parameters:
base – LTC peripheral base address
handle – pointer to ltc_edma_handle_t structure which stores the transaction state.
input – Input data for CTR block mode
output – [out] Output data for CTR block mode
size – Size of input and output data in bytes
counter – [inout] Input counter (updates on return)
key – Input key to use for forward AES cipher
keySize – Size of the input key, in bytes. Must be 16, 24, or 32.
counterlast – [out] Output cipher of last counter, for chained CTR calls. NULL can be passed if chained calls are not used.
szLeft – [out] Output number of bytes in left unused in counterlast block. NULL can be passed if chained calls are not used.
- Returns:
Status from encrypt operation
LTC_AES_DecryptCtrEDMA(base, handle, input, output, size, counter, key, keySize, counterlast, szLeft)
AES CTR decrypt is mapped to the AES CTR generic operation
LTC_AES_EncryptCtrEDMA(base, handle, input, output, size, counter, key, keySize, counterlast, szLeft)
AES CTR encrypt is mapped to the AES CTR generic operation
MCM: Miscellaneous Control Module
MCM driver version.
Enum _mcm_interrupt_flag. Interrupt status flag mask. .
enumerator kMCM_CacheWriteBuffer
Cache Write Buffer Error Enable.
enumerator kMCM_ParityError
Cache Parity Error Enable.
enumerator kMCM_FPUInvalidOperation
FPU Invalid Operation Interrupt Enable.
enumerator kMCM_FPUDivideByZero
FPU Divide-by-zero Interrupt Enable.
enumerator kMCM_FPUOverflow
FPU Overflow Interrupt Enable.
enumerator kMCM_FPUUnderflow
FPU Underflow Interrupt Enable.
enumerator kMCM_FPUInexact
FPU Inexact Interrupt Enable.
enumerator kMCM_FPUInputDenormalInterrupt
FPU Input Denormal Interrupt Enable.
enumerator kMCM_CacheWriteBuffer
typedef union _mcm_buffer_fault_attribute mcm_buffer_fault_attribute_t
The union of buffer fault attribute.
typedef union _mcm_lmem_fault_attribute mcm_lmem_fault_attribute_t
The union of LMEM fault attribute.
static inline void MCM_EnableCrossbarRoundRobin(MCM_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/Disables crossbar round robin.
- Parameters:
base – MCM peripheral base address.
enable – Used to enable/disable crossbar round robin.
true Enable crossbar round robin.
false disable crossbar round robin.
static inline void MCM_EnableInterruptStatus(MCM_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the interrupt.
- Parameters:
base – MCM peripheral base address.
mask – Interrupt status flags mask(_mcm_interrupt_flag).
static inline void MCM_DisableInterruptStatus(MCM_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the interrupt.
- Parameters:
base – MCM peripheral base address.
mask – Interrupt status flags mask(_mcm_interrupt_flag).
static inline uint16_t MCM_GetInterruptStatus(MCM_Type *base)
Gets the Interrupt status .
- Parameters:
base – MCM peripheral base address.
static inline void MCM_ClearCacheWriteBufferErroStatus(MCM_Type *base)
Clears the Interrupt status .
- Parameters:
base – MCM peripheral base address.
static inline uint32_t MCM_GetBufferFaultAddress(MCM_Type *base)
Gets buffer fault address.
- Parameters:
base – MCM peripheral base address.
static inline void MCM_GetBufferFaultAttribute(MCM_Type *base, mcm_buffer_fault_attribute_t *bufferfault)
Gets buffer fault attributes.
- Parameters:
base – MCM peripheral base address.
static inline uint32_t MCM_GetBufferFaultData(MCM_Type *base)
Gets buffer fault data.
- Parameters:
base – MCM peripheral base address.
static inline void MCM_LimitCodeCachePeripheralWriteBuffering(MCM_Type *base, bool enable)
Limit code cache peripheral write buffering.
- Parameters:
base – MCM peripheral base address.
enable – Used to enable/disable limit code cache peripheral write buffering.
true Enable limit code cache peripheral write buffering.
false disable limit code cache peripheral write buffering.
static inline void MCM_BypassFixedCodeCacheMap(MCM_Type *base, bool enable)
Bypass fixed code cache map.
- Parameters:
base – MCM peripheral base address.
enable – Used to enable/disable bypass fixed code cache map.
true Enable bypass fixed code cache map.
false disable bypass fixed code cache map.
static inline void MCM_EnableCodeBusCache(MCM_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/Disables code bus cache.
- Parameters:
base – MCM peripheral base address.
enable – Used to disable/enable code bus cache.
true Enable code bus cache.
false disable code bus cache.
static inline void MCM_ForceCodeCacheToNoAllocation(MCM_Type *base, bool enable)
Force code cache to no allocation.
- Parameters:
base – MCM peripheral base address.
enable – Used to force code cache to allocation or no allocation.
true Force code cache to no allocation.
false Force code cache to allocation.
static inline void MCM_EnableCodeCacheWriteBuffer(MCM_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/Disables code cache write buffer.
- Parameters:
base – MCM peripheral base address.
enable – Used to enable/disable code cache write buffer.
true Enable code cache write buffer.
false Disable code cache write buffer.
static inline void MCM_ClearCodeBusCache(MCM_Type *base)
Clear code bus cache.
- Parameters:
base – MCM peripheral base address.
static inline void MCM_EnablePcParityFaultReport(MCM_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/Disables PC Parity Fault Report.
- Parameters:
base – MCM peripheral base address.
enable – Used to enable/disable PC Parity Fault Report.
true Enable PC Parity Fault Report.
false disable PC Parity Fault Report.
static inline void MCM_EnablePcParity(MCM_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/Disables PC Parity.
- Parameters:
base – MCM peripheral base address.
enable – Used to enable/disable PC Parity.
true Enable PC Parity.
false disable PC Parity.
static inline void MCM_LockConfigState(MCM_Type *base)
Lock the configuration state.
- Parameters:
base – MCM peripheral base address.
static inline void MCM_EnableCacheParityReporting(MCM_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/Disables cache parity reporting.
- Parameters:
base – MCM peripheral base address.
enable – Used to enable/disable cache parity reporting.
true Enable cache parity reporting.
false disable cache parity reporting.
static inline uint32_t MCM_GetLmemFaultAddress(MCM_Type *base)
Gets LMEM fault address.
- Parameters:
base – MCM peripheral base address.
static inline void MCM_GetLmemFaultAttribute(MCM_Type *base, mcm_lmem_fault_attribute_t *lmemFault)
Get LMEM fault attributes.
- Parameters:
base – MCM peripheral base address.
static inline uint64_t MCM_GetLmemFaultData(MCM_Type *base)
Gets LMEM fault data.
- Parameters:
base – MCM peripheral base address.
union _mcm_buffer_fault_attribute
- #include <fsl_mcm.h>
The union of buffer fault attribute.
Public Members
uint32_t attribute
Indicates the faulting attributes, when a properly-enabled cache write buffer error interrupt event is detected.
struct _mcm_buffer_fault_attribute._mcm_buffer_fault_attribut attribute_memory
struct _mcm_buffer_fault_attribut
- #include <fsl_mcm.h>
Public Members
uint32_t busErrorDataAccessType
Indicates the type of cache write buffer access.
uint32_t busErrorPrivilegeLevel
Indicates the privilege level of the cache write buffer access.
uint32_t busErrorSize
Indicates the size of the cache write buffer access.
uint32_t busErrorAccess
Indicates the type of system bus access.
uint32_t busErrorMasterID
Indicates the crossbar switch bus master number of the captured cache write buffer bus error.
uint32_t busErrorOverrun
Indicates if another cache write buffer bus error is detected.
uint32_t busErrorDataAccessType
uint32_t attribute
union _mcm_lmem_fault_attribute
- #include <fsl_mcm.h>
The union of LMEM fault attribute.
Public Members
uint32_t attribute
Indicates the attributes of the LMEM fault detected.
struct _mcm_lmem_fault_attribute._mcm_lmem_fault_attribut attribute_memory
struct _mcm_lmem_fault_attribut
- #include <fsl_mcm.h>
Public Members
uint32_t parityFaultProtectionSignal
Indicates the features of parity fault protection signal.
uint32_t parityFaultMasterSize
Indicates the parity fault master size.
uint32_t parityFaultWrite
Indicates the parity fault is caused by read or write.
uint32_t backdoorAccess
Indicates the LMEM access fault is initiated by core access or backdoor access.
uint32_t parityFaultSyndrome
Indicates the parity fault syndrome.
uint32_t overrun
Indicates the number of faultss.
uint32_t parityFaultProtectionSignal
uint32_t attribute
void DSI_Init(MIPI_DSI_HOST_Type *base, const dsi_config_t *config)
Initializes an MIPI DSI host with the user configuration.
This function initializes the MIPI DSI host with the configuration, it should be called first before other MIPI DSI driver functions.
- Parameters:
base – MIPI DSI host peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to a user-defined configuration structure.
void DSI_Deinit(MIPI_DSI_HOST_Type *base)
Deinitializes an MIPI DSI host.
This function should be called after all bother MIPI DSI driver functions.
- Parameters:
base – MIPI DSI host peripheral base address.
void DSI_GetDefaultConfig(dsi_config_t *config)
Get the default configuration to initialize the MIPI DSI host.
The default value is:
config->numLanes = 4; config->enableNonContinuousHsClk = false; config->enableTxUlps = false; config->autoInsertEoTp = true; config->numExtraEoTp = 0; config->htxTo_ByteClk = 0; config->lrxHostTo_ByteClk = 0; config->btaTo_ByteClk = 0;
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to a user-defined configuration structure.
void DSI_SetDpiConfig(MIPI_DSI_HOST_Type *base, const dsi_dpi_config_t *config, uint8_t numLanes, uint32_t dpiPixelClkFreq_Hz, uint32_t dsiHsBitClkFreq_Hz)
Configure the DPI interface core.
This function sets the DPI interface configuration, it should be used in video mode.
- Parameters:
base – MIPI DSI host peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to the DPI interface configuration.
numLanes – Lane number, should be same with the setting in dsi_dpi_config_t.
dpiPixelClkFreq_Hz – The DPI pixel clock frequency in Hz.
dsiHsBitClkFreq_Hz – The DSI high speed bit clock frequency in Hz. It is the same with DPHY PLL output.
uint32_t DSI_InitDphy(MIPI_DSI_HOST_Type *base, const dsi_dphy_config_t *config, uint32_t refClkFreq_Hz)
Initializes the D-PHY.
This function configures the D-PHY timing and setups the D-PHY PLL based on user configuration. The configuration structure could be got by the function DSI_GetDphyDefaultConfig.
For some platforms there is not dedicated D-PHY PLL, indicated by the macro FSL_FEATURE_MIPI_DSI_NO_DPHY_PLL. For these platforms, the
is useless.- Parameters:
base – MIPI DSI host peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to the D-PHY configuration.
refClkFreq_Hz – The REFCLK frequency in Hz.
- Returns:
The actual D-PHY PLL output frequency. If could not configure the PLL to the target frequency, the return value is 0.
void DSI_DeinitDphy(MIPI_DSI_HOST_Type *base)
Deinitializes the D-PHY.
Power down the D-PHY PLL and shut down D-PHY.
- Parameters:
base – MIPI DSI host peripheral base address.
void DSI_GetDphyDefaultConfig(dsi_dphy_config_t *config, uint32_t txHsBitClk_Hz, uint32_t txEscClk_Hz)
Get the default D-PHY configuration.
Gets the default D-PHY configuration, the timing parameters are set according to D-PHY specification. User could use the configuration directly, or change some parameters according to the special device.
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to the D-PHY configuration.
txHsBitClk_Hz – High speed bit clock in Hz.
txEscClk_Hz – Esc clock in Hz.
static inline void DSI_EnableInterrupts(MIPI_DSI_HOST_Type *base, uint32_t intGroup1, uint32_t intGroup2)
Enable the interrupts.
The interrupts to enable are passed in as OR’ed mask value of _dsi_interrupt.
- Parameters:
base – MIPI DSI host peripheral base address.
intGroup1 – Interrupts to enable in group 1.
intGroup2 – Interrupts to enable in group 2.
static inline void DSI_DisableInterrupts(MIPI_DSI_HOST_Type *base, uint32_t intGroup1, uint32_t intGroup2)
Disable the interrupts.
The interrupts to disable are passed in as OR’ed mask value of _dsi_interrupt.
- Parameters:
base – MIPI DSI host peripheral base address.
intGroup1 – Interrupts to disable in group 1.
intGroup2 – Interrupts to disable in group 2.
static inline void DSI_GetAndClearInterruptStatus(MIPI_DSI_HOST_Type *base, uint32_t *intGroup1, uint32_t *intGroup2)
Get and clear the interrupt status.
- Parameters:
base – MIPI DSI host peripheral base address.
intGroup1 – Group 1 interrupt status.
intGroup2 – Group 2 interrupt status.
static inline void DSI_SetDbiPixelFifoSendLevel(MIPI_DSI_HOST_Type *base, uint16_t sendLevel)
Configure the DBI pixel FIFO send level.
This controls the level at which the DBI Host bridge begins sending pixels
- Parameters:
base – MIPI DSI host peripheral base address.
sendLevel – Send level value set to register.
static inline void DSI_SetDbiPixelPayloadSize(MIPI_DSI_HOST_Type *base, uint16_t payloadSize)
Configure the DBI pixel payload size.
Configures maximum number of pixels that should be sent as one DSI packet. Recommended to be evenly divisible by the line size (in pixels).
- Parameters:
base – MIPI DSI host peripheral base address.
payloadSize – Payload size value set to register.
void DSI_SetApbPacketControl(MIPI_DSI_HOST_Type *base, uint16_t wordCount, uint8_t virtualChannel, dsi_tx_data_type_t dataType, uint8_t flags)
Configure the APB packet to send.
This function configures the next APB packet transfer. After configuration, the packet transfer could be started with function DSI_SendApbPacket. If the packet is long packet, Use DSI_WriteApbTxPayload to fill the payload before start transfer.
- Parameters:
base – MIPI DSI host peripheral base address.
wordCount – For long packet, this is the byte count of the payload. For short packet, this is (data1 << 8) | data0.
virtualChannel – Virtual channel.
dataType – The packet data type, (DI).
flags – The transfer control flags, see _dsi_transfer_flags.
void DSI_WriteApbTxPayload(MIPI_DSI_HOST_Type *base, const uint8_t *payload, uint16_t payloadSize)
Fill the long APB packet payload.
Write the long packet payload to TX FIFO.
- Parameters:
base – MIPI DSI host peripheral base address.
payload – Pointer to the payload.
payloadSize – Payload size in byte.
void DSI_WriteApbTxPayloadExt(MIPI_DSI_HOST_Type *base, const uint8_t *payload, uint16_t payloadSize, bool sendDcsCmd, uint8_t dcsCmd)
Extended function to fill the payload to TX FIFO.
Write the long packet payload to TX FIFO. This function could be used in two ways
Include the DCS command in parameter
. In this case, the DCS command is the first byte ofpayload
. The parametersendDcsCmd
is set to false, thedcsCmd
is not used. This function is the same as DSI_WriteApbTxPayload when used in this way.The DCS command in not in parameter
, but specified by parameterdcsCmd
. In this case, the parametersendDcsCmd
is set to true, thedcsCmd
is the DCS command to send. Thepayload
is sent afterdcsCmd
- Parameters:
base – MIPI DSI host peripheral base address.
payload – Pointer to the payload.
payloadSize – Payload size in byte.
sendDcsCmd – If set to true, the DCS command is specified by
, otherwise the DCS command is included in thepayload
.dcsCmd – The DCS command to send, only used when
is true.
void DSI_ReadApbRxPayload(MIPI_DSI_HOST_Type *base, uint8_t *payload, uint16_t payloadSize)
Read the long APB packet payload.
Read the long packet payload from RX FIFO. This function reads directly but does not check the RX FIFO status. Upper layer should make sure there are available data.
- Parameters:
base – MIPI DSI host peripheral base address.
payload – Pointer to the payload.
payloadSize – Payload size in byte.
static inline void DSI_SendApbPacket(MIPI_DSI_HOST_Type *base)
Trigger the controller to send out APB packet.
Send the packet set by DSI_SetApbPacketControl.
- Parameters:
base – MIPI DSI host peripheral base address.
static inline uint32_t DSI_GetApbStatus(MIPI_DSI_HOST_Type *base)
Get the APB status.
The return value is OR’ed value of _dsi_apb_status.
- Parameters:
base – MIPI DSI host peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The APB status.
static inline uint32_t DSI_GetRxErrorStatus(MIPI_DSI_HOST_Type *base)
Get the error status during data transfer.
The return value is OR’ed value of _dsi_rx_error_status.
- Parameters:
base – MIPI DSI host peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The error status.
static inline uint8_t DSI_GetEccRxErrorPosition(uint32_t rxErrorStatus)
Get the one-bit RX ECC error position.
When one-bit ECC RX error detected using DSI_GetRxErrorStatus, this function could be used to get the error bit position.
uint8_t eccErrorPos; uint32_t rxErrorStatus = DSI_GetRxErrorStatus(MIPI_DSI); if (kDSI_RxErrorEccOneBit & rxErrorStatus) { eccErrorPos = DSI_GetEccRxErrorPosition(rxErrorStatus); }
- Parameters:
rxErrorStatus – The error status returned by DSI_GetRxErrorStatus.
- Returns:
The 1-bit ECC error position.
static inline uint32_t DSI_GetAndClearHostStatus(MIPI_DSI_HOST_Type *base)
Get and clear the DSI host status.
The host status are returned as mask value of _dsi_host_status.
- Parameters:
base – MIPI DSI host peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The DSI host status.
static inline uint32_t DSI_GetRxPacketHeader(MIPI_DSI_HOST_Type *base)
Get the RX packet header.
- Parameters:
base – MIPI DSI host peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The RX packet header.
static inline dsi_rx_data_type_t DSI_GetRxPacketType(uint32_t rxPktHeader)
Extract the RX packet type from the packet header.
Extract the RX packet type from the packet header get by DSI_GetRxPacketHeader.
- Parameters:
rxPktHeader – The RX packet header get by DSI_GetRxPacketHeader.
- Returns:
The RX packet type.
static inline uint16_t DSI_GetRxPacketWordCount(uint32_t rxPktHeader)
Extract the RX packet word count from the packet header.
Extract the RX packet word count from the packet header get by DSI_GetRxPacketHeader.
- Parameters:
rxPktHeader – The RX packet header get by DSI_GetRxPacketHeader.
- Returns:
For long packet, return the payload word count (byte). For short packet, return the (data0 << 8) | data1.
static inline uint8_t DSI_GetRxPacketVirtualChannel(uint32_t rxPktHeader)
Extract the RX packet virtual channel from the packet header.
Extract the RX packet virtual channel from the packet header get by DSI_GetRxPacketHeader.
- Parameters:
rxPktHeader – The RX packet header get by DSI_GetRxPacketHeader.
- Returns:
The virtual channel.
status_t DSI_TransferBlocking(MIPI_DSI_HOST_Type *base, dsi_transfer_t *xfer)
APB data transfer using blocking method.
Perform APB data transfer using blocking method. This function waits until all data send or received, or timeout happens.
When using this API to read data, the actually read data count could be got from xfer->rxDataSize.
- Parameters:
base – MIPI DSI host peripheral base address.
xfer – Pointer to the transfer structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Data transfer finished with no error.
kStatus_Timeout – Transfer failed because of timeout.
kStatus_DSI_RxDataError – RX data error, user could use DSI_GetRxErrorStatus to check the error details.
kStatus_DSI_ErrorReportReceived – Error Report packet received, user could use DSI_GetAndClearHostStatus to check the error report status.
kStatus_DSI_NotSupported – Transfer format not supported.
kStatus_DSI_Fail – Transfer failed for other reasons.
status_t DSI_TransferCreateHandle(MIPI_DSI_HOST_Type *base, dsi_handle_t *handle, dsi_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Create the MIPI DSI handle.
This function initializes the MIPI DSI handle which can be used for other transactional APIs.
- Parameters:
base – MIPI DSI host peripheral base address.
handle – Handle pointer.
callback – Callback function.
userData – User data.
status_t DSI_TransferNonBlocking(MIPI_DSI_HOST_Type *base, dsi_handle_t *handle, dsi_transfer_t *xfer)
APB data transfer using interrupt method.
Perform APB data transfer using interrupt method, when transfer finished, upper layer could be informed through callback function.
When using this API to read data, the actually read data count could be got from handle->xfer->rxDataSize after read finished.
- Parameters:
base – MIPI DSI host peripheral base address.
handle – pointer to dsi_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
xfer – Pointer to the transfer structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Data transfer started successfully.
kStatus_DSI_Busy – Failed to start transfer because DSI is busy with pervious transfer.
kStatus_DSI_NotSupported – Transfer format not supported.
void DSI_TransferAbort(MIPI_DSI_HOST_Type *base, dsi_handle_t *handle)
Abort current APB data transfer.
- Parameters:
base – MIPI DSI host peripheral base address.
handle – pointer to dsi_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
void DSI_TransferHandleIRQ(MIPI_DSI_HOST_Type *base, dsi_handle_t *handle)
Interrupt handler for the DSI.
- Parameters:
base – MIPI DSI host peripheral base address.
handle – pointer to dsi_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
Error codes for the MIPI DSI driver.
enumerator kStatus_DSI_Busy
DSI is busy.
enumerator kStatus_DSI_RxDataError
Read data error.
enumerator kStatus_DSI_ErrorReportReceived
Error report package received.
enumerator kStatus_DSI_NotSupported
The transfer type not supported.
enumerator kStatus_DSI_Busy
enum _dsi_dpi_color_coding
MIPI DPI interface color coding.
enumerator kDSI_Dpi16BitConfig1
16-bit configuration 1. RGB565: XXXXXXXX_RRRRRGGG_GGGBBBBB.
enumerator kDSI_Dpi16BitConfig2
16-bit configuration 2. RGB565: XXXRRRRR_XXGGGGGG_XXXBBBBB.
enumerator kDSI_Dpi16BitConfig3
16-bit configuration 3. RGB565: XXRRRRRX_XXGGGGGG_XXBBBBBX.
enumerator kDSI_Dpi18BitConfig1
18-bit configuration 1. RGB666: XXXXXXRR_RRRRGGGG_GGBBBBBB.
enumerator kDSI_Dpi18BitConfig2
18-bit configuration 2. RGB666: XXRRRRRR_XXGGGGGG_XXBBBBBB.
enumerator kDSI_Dpi24Bit
enumerator kDSI_Dpi16BitConfig1
enum _dsi_dpi_pixel_packet
MIPI DSI pixel packet type send through DPI interface.
enumerator kDSI_PixelPacket16Bit
16 bit RGB565.
enumerator kDSI_PixelPacket18Bit
18 bit RGB666 packed.
enumerator kDSI_PixelPacket18BitLoosely
18 bit RGB666 loosely packed into three bytes.
enumerator kDSI_PixelPacket24Bit
24 bit RGB888, each pixel uses three bytes.
enumerator kDSI_PixelPacket16Bit
_dsi_dpi_polarity_flag DPI signal polarity.
enumerator kDSI_DpiVsyncActiveLow
VSYNC active low.
enumerator kDSI_DpiHsyncActiveLow
HSYNC active low.
enumerator kDSI_DpiVsyncActiveHigh
VSYNC active high.
enumerator kDSI_DpiHsyncActiveHigh
HSYNC active high.
enumerator kDSI_DpiVsyncActiveLow
enum _dsi_dpi_video_mode
DPI video mode.
enumerator kDSI_DpiNonBurstWithSyncPulse
Non-Burst mode with Sync Pulses.
enumerator kDSI_DpiNonBurstWithSyncEvent
Non-Burst mode with Sync Events.
enumerator kDSI_DpiBurst
Burst mode.
enumerator kDSI_DpiNonBurstWithSyncPulse
enum _dsi_dpi_bllp_mode
Behavior in BLLP (Blanking or Low-Power Interval).
enumerator kDSI_DpiBllpLowPower
LP mode used in BLLP periods.
enumerator kDSI_DpiBllpBlanking
Blanking packets used in BLLP periods.
enumerator kDSI_DpiBllpNull
Null packets used in BLLP periods.
enumerator kDSI_DpiBllpLowPower
_dsi_apb_status Status of APB to packet interface.
enumerator kDSI_ApbNotIdle
State machine not idle
enumerator kDSI_ApbTxDone
Tx packet done
enumerator kDSI_ApbRxControl
DPHY direction 0 - tx had control, 1 - rx has control
enumerator kDSI_ApbTxOverflow
TX fifo overflow
enumerator kDSI_ApbTxUnderflow
TX fifo underflow
enumerator kDSI_ApbRxOverflow
RX fifo overflow
enumerator kDSI_ApbRxUnderflow
RX fifo underflow
enumerator kDSI_ApbRxHeaderReceived
RX packet header has been received
enumerator kDSI_ApbRxPacketReceived
All RX packet payload data has been received
enumerator kDSI_ApbNotIdle
_dsi_rx_error_status Host receive error status.
enumerator kDSI_RxErrorEccOneBit
ECC single bit error detected.
enumerator kDSI_RxErrorEccMultiBit
ECC multi bit error detected.
enumerator kDSI_RxErrorCrc
CRC error detected.
enumerator kDSI_RxErrorHtxTo
High Speed forward TX timeout detected.
enumerator kDSI_RxErrorLrxTo
Reverse Low power data receive timeout detected.
enumerator kDSI_RxErrorBtaTo
BTA timeout detected.
enumerator kDSI_RxErrorEccOneBit
enum _dsi_host_status
DSI host controller status (status_out)
enumerator kDSI_HostSoTError
SoT error from peripheral error report.
enumerator kDSI_HostSoTSyncError
SoT Sync error from peripheral error report.
enumerator kDSI_HostEoTSyncError
EoT Sync error from peripheral error report.
enumerator kDSI_HostEscEntryCmdError
Escape Mode Entry Command Error from peripheral error report.
enumerator kDSI_HostLpTxSyncError
Low-power transmit Sync Error from peripheral error report.
enumerator kDSI_HostPeriphToError
Peripheral timeout error from peripheral error report.
enumerator kDSI_HostFalseControlError
False control error from peripheral error report.
enumerator kDSI_HostContentionDetected
Contention detected from peripheral error report.
enumerator kDSI_HostEccErrorOneBit
Single bit ECC error (corrected) from peripheral error report.
enumerator kDSI_HostEccErrorMultiBit
Multi bit ECC error (not corrected) from peripheral error report.
enumerator kDSI_HostChecksumError
Checksum error from peripheral error report.
enumerator kDSI_HostInvalidDataType
DSI data type not recognized.
enumerator kDSI_HostInvalidVcId
DSI VC ID invalid.
enumerator kDSI_HostInvalidTxLength
Invalid transmission length.
enumerator kDSI_HostProtocalViolation
DSI protocal violation.
enumerator kDSI_HostResetTriggerReceived
Reset trigger received.
enumerator kDSI_HostTearTriggerReceived
Tear effect trigger receive.
enumerator kDSI_HostAckTriggerReceived
Acknowledge trigger message received.
enumerator kDSI_HostSoTError
_dsi_interrupt DSI interrupt.
enumerator kDSI_InterruptGroup1ApbNotIdle
State machine not idle
enumerator kDSI_InterruptGroup1ApbTxDone
Tx packet done
enumerator kDSI_InterruptGroup1ApbRxControl
DPHY direction 0 - tx control, 1 - rx control
enumerator kDSI_InterruptGroup1ApbTxOverflow
TX fifo overflow
enumerator kDSI_InterruptGroup1ApbTxUnderflow
TX fifo underflow
enumerator kDSI_InterruptGroup1ApbRxOverflow
RX fifo overflow
enumerator kDSI_InterruptGroup1ApbRxUnderflow
RX fifo underflow
enumerator kDSI_InterruptGroup1ApbRxHeaderReceived
RX packet header has been received
enumerator kDSI_InterruptGroup1ApbRxPacketReceived
All RX packet payload data has been received
enumerator kDSI_InterruptGroup1SoTError
SoT error from peripheral error report.
enumerator kDSI_InterruptGroup1SoTSyncError
SoT Sync error from peripheral error report.
enumerator kDSI_InterruptGroup1EoTSyncError
EoT Sync error from peripheral error report.
enumerator kDSI_InterruptGroup1EscEntryCmdError
Escape Mode Entry Command Error from peripheral error report.
enumerator kDSI_InterruptGroup1LpTxSyncError
Low-power transmit Sync Error from peripheral error report.
enumerator kDSI_InterruptGroup1PeriphToError
Peripheral timeout error from peripheral error report.
enumerator kDSI_InterruptGroup1FalseControlError
False control error from peripheral error report.
enumerator kDSI_InterruptGroup1ContentionDetected
Contention detected from peripheral error report.
enumerator kDSI_InterruptGroup1EccErrorOneBit
Single bit ECC error (corrected) from peripheral error report.
enumerator kDSI_InterruptGroup1EccErrorMultiBit
Multi bit ECC error (not corrected) from peripheral error report.
enumerator kDSI_InterruptGroup1ChecksumError
Checksum error from peripheral error report.
enumerator kDSI_InterruptGroup1InvalidDataType
DSI data type not recognized.
enumerator kDSI_InterruptGroup1InvalidVcId
DSI VC ID invalid.
enumerator kDSI_InterruptGroup1InvalidTxLength
Invalid transmission length.
enumerator kDSI_InterruptGroup1ProtocalViolation
DSI protocal violation.
enumerator kDSI_InterruptGroup1ResetTriggerReceived
Reset trigger received.
enumerator kDSI_InterruptGroup1TearTriggerReceived
Tear effect trigger receive.
enumerator kDSI_InterruptGroup1AckTriggerReceived
Acknowledge trigger message received.
enumerator kDSI_InterruptGroup1HtxTo
High speed TX timeout.
enumerator kDSI_InterruptGroup1LrxTo
Low power RX timeout.
enumerator kDSI_InterruptGroup1BtaTo
Host BTA timeout.
enumerator kDSI_InterruptGroup2EccOneBit
Sinle bit ECC error.
enumerator kDSI_InterruptGroup2EccMultiBit
Multi bit ECC error.
enumerator kDSI_InterruptGroup2CrcError
CRC error.
enumerator kDSI_InterruptGroup1ApbNotIdle
enum _dsi_tx_data_type
DSI TX data type.
enumerator kDSI_TxDataVsyncStart
V Sync start.
enumerator kDSI_TxDataVsyncEnd
V Sync end.
enumerator kDSI_TxDataHsyncStart
H Sync start.
enumerator kDSI_TxDataHsyncEnd
H Sync end.
enumerator kDSI_TxDataEoTp
End of transmission packet.
enumerator kDSI_TxDataCmOff
Color mode off.
enumerator kDSI_TxDataCmOn
Color mode on.
enumerator kDSI_TxDataShutDownPeriph
Shut down peripheral.
enumerator kDSI_TxDataTurnOnPeriph
Turn on peripheral.
enumerator kDSI_TxDataGenShortWrNoParam
Generic Short WRITE, no parameters.
enumerator kDSI_TxDataGenShortWrOneParam
Generic Short WRITE, one parameter.
enumerator kDSI_TxDataGenShortWrTwoParam
Generic Short WRITE, two parameter.
enumerator kDSI_TxDataGenShortRdNoParam
Generic Short READ, no parameters.
enumerator kDSI_TxDataGenShortRdOneParam
Generic Short READ, one parameter.
enumerator kDSI_TxDataGenShortRdTwoParam
Generic Short READ, two parameter.
enumerator kDSI_TxDataDcsShortWrNoParam
DCS Short WRITE, no parameters.
enumerator kDSI_TxDataDcsShortWrOneParam
DCS Short WRITE, one parameter.
enumerator kDSI_TxDataDcsShortRdNoParam
DCS Short READ, no parameters.
enumerator kDSI_TxDataSetMaxReturnPktSize
Set the Maximum Return Packet Size.
enumerator kDSI_TxDataNull
Null Packet, no data.
enumerator kDSI_TxDataBlanking
Blanking Packet, no data.
enumerator kDSI_TxDataGenLongWr
Generic long write.
enumerator kDSI_TxDataDcsLongWr
DCS Long Write/write_LUT Command Packet.
enumerator kDSI_TxDataLooselyPackedPixel20BitYCbCr
Loosely Packed Pixel Stream, 20-bit YCbCr, 4:2:2 Format.
enumerator kDSI_TxDataPackedPixel24BitYCbCr
Packed Pixel Stream, 24-bit YCbCr, 4:2:2 Format.
enumerator kDSI_TxDataPackedPixel16BitYCbCr
Packed Pixel Stream, 16-bit YCbCr, 4:2:2 Format.
enumerator kDSI_TxDataPackedPixel30BitRGB
Packed Pixel Stream, 30-bit RGB, 10-10-10 Format.
enumerator kDSI_TxDataPackedPixel36BitRGB
Packed Pixel Stream, 36-bit RGB, 12-12-12 Format.
enumerator kDSI_TxDataPackedPixel12BitYCrCb
Packed Pixel Stream, 12-bit YCbCr, 4:2:0 Format.
enumerator kDSI_TxDataPackedPixel16BitRGB
Packed Pixel Stream, 16-bit RGB, 5-6-5 Format.
enumerator kDSI_TxDataPackedPixel18BitRGB
Packed Pixel Stream, 18-bit RGB, 6-6-6 Format.
enumerator kDSI_TxDataLooselyPackedPixel18BitRGB
Loosely Packed Pixel Stream, 18-bit RGB, 6-6-6 Format.
enumerator kDSI_TxDataPackedPixel24BitRGB
Packed Pixel Stream, 24-bit RGB, 8-8-8 Format.
enumerator kDSI_TxDataVsyncStart
enum _dsi_rx_data_type
DSI RX data type.
enumerator kDSI_RxDataAckAndErrorReport
Acknowledge and Error Report
enumerator kDSI_RxDataEoTp
End of Transmission packet.
enumerator kDSI_RxDataGenShortRdResponseOneByte
Generic Short READ Response, 1 byte returned.
enumerator kDSI_RxDataGenShortRdResponseTwoByte
Generic Short READ Response, 2 byte returned.
enumerator kDSI_RxDataGenLongRdResponse
Generic Long READ Response.
enumerator kDSI_RxDataDcsLongRdResponse
DCS Long READ Response.
enumerator kDSI_RxDataDcsShortRdResponseOneByte
DCS Short READ Response, 1 byte returned.
enumerator kDSI_RxDataDcsShortRdResponseTwoByte
DCS Short READ Response, 2 byte returned.
enumerator kDSI_RxDataAckAndErrorReport
_dsi_transfer_flags DSI transfer control flags.
enumerator kDSI_TransferUseHighSpeed
Use high speed mode or not.
enumerator kDSI_TransferPerformBTA
Perform BTA or not.
enumerator kDSI_TransferUseHighSpeed
typedef struct _dsi_config dsi_config_t
MIPI DSI controller configuration.
typedef enum _dsi_dpi_color_coding dsi_dpi_color_coding_t
MIPI DPI interface color coding.
typedef enum _dsi_dpi_pixel_packet dsi_dpi_pixel_packet_t
MIPI DSI pixel packet type send through DPI interface.
typedef enum _dsi_dpi_video_mode dsi_dpi_video_mode_t
DPI video mode.
typedef enum _dsi_dpi_bllp_mode dsi_dpi_bllp_mode_t
Behavior in BLLP (Blanking or Low-Power Interval).
typedef struct _dsi_dpi_config dsi_dpi_config_t
MIPI DSI controller DPI interface configuration.
typedef struct _dsi_dphy_config dsi_dphy_config_t
MIPI DSI D-PHY configuration.
typedef enum _dsi_tx_data_type dsi_tx_data_type_t
DSI TX data type.
typedef enum _dsi_rx_data_type dsi_rx_data_type_t
DSI RX data type.
typedef struct _dsi_transfer dsi_transfer_t
Structure for the data transfer.
typedef struct _dsi_handle dsi_handle_t
MIPI DSI transfer handle.
typedef void (*dsi_callback_t)(MIPI_DSI_HOST_Type *base, dsi_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
MIPI DSI callback for finished transfer.
When transfer finished, one of these status values will be passed to the user:
kStatus_Success Data transfer finished with no error.
kStatus_Timeout Transfer failed because of timeout.
kStatus_DSI_RxDataError RX data error, user could use DSI_GetRxErrorStatus to check the error details.
kStatus_DSI_ErrorReportReceived Error Report packet received, user could use DSI_GetAndClearHostStatus to check the error report status.
kStatus_Fail Transfer failed for other reasons.
struct _dsi_config
- #include <fsl_mipi_dsi.h>
MIPI DSI controller configuration.
Public Members
uint8_t numLanes
Number of lanes.
bool enableNonContinuousHsClk
In enabled, the high speed clock will enter low power mode between transmissions.
bool autoInsertEoTp
Insert an EoTp short package when switching from HS to LP.
uint8_t numExtraEoTp
How many extra EoTp to send after the end of a packet.
uint32_t htxTo_ByteClk
HS TX timeout count (HTX_TO) in byte clock.
uint32_t lrxHostTo_ByteClk
LP RX host timeout count (LRX-H_TO) in byte clock.
uint32_t btaTo_ByteClk
Bus turn around timeout count (TA_TO) in byte clock.
uint8_t numLanes
struct _dsi_dpi_config
- #include <fsl_mipi_dsi.h>
MIPI DSI controller DPI interface configuration.
Public Members
uint16_t pixelPayloadSize
Maximum number of pixels that should be sent as one DSI packet. Recommended that the line size (in pixels) is evenly divisible by this parameter.
dsi_dpi_color_coding_t dpiColorCoding
DPI color coding.
dsi_dpi_pixel_packet_t pixelPacket
Pixel packet format.
dsi_dpi_video_mode_t videoMode
Video mode.
dsi_dpi_bllp_mode_t bllpMode
Behavior in BLLP.
uint8_t polarityFlags
OR’ed value of _dsi_dpi_polarity_flag controls signal polarity.
uint16_t hfp
Horizontal front porch, in dpi pixel clock.
uint16_t hbp
Horizontal back porch, in dpi pixel clock.
uint16_t hsw
Horizontal sync width, in dpi pixel clock.
uint8_t vfp
Number of lines in vertical front porch.
uint8_t vbp
Number of lines in vertical back porch.
uint16_t panelHeight
Line number in vertical active area.
uint8_t virtualChannel
Virtual channel.
uint16_t pixelPayloadSize
struct _dsi_dphy_config
- #include <fsl_mipi_dsi.h>
MIPI DSI D-PHY configuration.
Public Members
uint32_t txHsBitClk_Hz
The generated HS TX bit clock in Hz.
uint8_t tClkPre_ByteClk
TLPX + TCLK-PREPARE + TCLK-ZERO + TCLK-PRE in byte clock. Set how long the controller will wait after enabling clock lane for HS before enabling data lanes for HS.
uint8_t tClkPost_ByteClk
TCLK-POST + T_CLK-TRAIL in byte clock. Set how long the controller will wait before putting clock lane into LP mode after data lanes detected in stop state.
uint8_t tHsExit_ByteClk
THS-EXIT in byte clock. Set how long the controller will wait after the clock lane has been put into LP mode before enabling clock lane for HS again.
uint8_t tHsPrepare_HalfEscClk
THS-PREPARE in clk_esc/2. Set how long to drive the LP-00 state before HS transmissions, available values are 2, 3, 4, 5.
uint8_t tClkPrepare_HalfEscClk
TCLK-PREPARE in clk_esc/2. Set how long to drive the LP-00 state before HS transmissions, available values are 2, 3.
uint8_t tHsZero_ByteClk
THS-ZERO in clk_byte. Set how long that controller drives data lane HS-0 state before transmit the Sync sequence. Available values are 6, 7, …, 37.
uint8_t tClkZero_ByteClk
TCLK-ZERO in clk_byte. Set how long that controller drives clock lane HS-0 state before transmit the Sync sequence. Available values are 3, 4, …, 66.
uint8_t tHsTrail_ByteClk
THS-TRAIL + 4*UI in clk_byte. Set the time of the flipped differential state after last payload data bit of HS transmission burst. Available values are 0, 1, …, 15.
uint8_t tClkTrail_ByteClk
TCLK-TRAIL + 4*UI in clk_byte. Set the time of the flipped differential state after last payload data bit of HS transmission burst. Available values are 0, 1, …, 15.
uint32_t txHsBitClk_Hz
struct _dsi_transfer
- #include <fsl_mipi_dsi.h>
Structure for the data transfer.
Public Members
uint8_t virtualChannel
Virtual channel.
dsi_tx_data_type_t txDataType
TX data type.
uint8_t flags
Flags to control the transfer, see _dsi_transfer_flags.
const uint8_t *txData
The TX data buffer.
uint8_t *rxData
The RX data buffer.
uint16_t txDataSize
Size of the TX data.
uint16_t rxDataSize
Size of the RX data.
bool sendDscCmd
If set to true, the DCS command is specified by dscCmd, otherwise the DCS command is included in the txData.
uint8_t dscCmd
The DCS command to send, only valid when sendDscCmd is true.
uint8_t virtualChannel
struct _dsi_handle
- #include <fsl_mipi_dsi.h>
MIPI DSI transfer handle structure.
Public Members
volatile bool isBusy
MIPI DSI is busy with APB data transfer.
dsi_transfer_t xfer
Transfer information.
dsi_callback_t callback
DSI callback
void *userData
Callback parameter
volatile bool isBusy
MIPI_DSI: MIPI DSI Host Controller
MMDC: Multi Mode DDR Controller Driver
void MMDC_GetDefaultConfig(mmdc_config_t *config)
MMDC module get the default configutation get timing/power/zq configuration.
- Parameters:
base – MMDC peripheral base address
mmdc – config collection pointer config->bankInterleave = true; config->secondDDRClock = true; config->enableOnlyCS0 = true; config->devType = kMMDC_DDR3; config->devSize = 0x40000000U; config->devBank = kMMDC_Bank8; config->rowWidth = kMMDC_Row16Bits; config->colWidth = kMMDC_Col10Bits; config->burstLen = kMMDC_BurstLen8; config->ODTConfig = NULL; config->timing = NULL; config->zqCalibration = NULL; config->deviceConfig[0] = NULL; config->deviceConfig[1] = NULL; config->readDQSCalibration[0] = NULL; config->readDQSCalibration[1] = NULL; config->wLevelingCalibration[0] = NULL; config->wLevelingCalibration[1] = NULL; config->readCalibration[0] = NULL; config->readCalibration[1] = NULL; config->writeCalibration[0] = NULL; config->writeCalibration[1] = NULL; config->tuning = NULL; config->autoRefresh = NULL; config->powerConfig = NULL;
status_t MMDC_Init(MMDC_Type *base, mmdc_config_t *config)
MMDC module initialization function.
- Parameters:
base – MMDC peripheral base address
mmdc – config collection pointer
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Initialization succeed
kStatus_MMDC_ErrorDGCalibration – Error happened during hardware DQS gate calibration
kStatus_MMDC_ErrorReadCalibration – Error happened during hardware read calibration
kStatus_MMDC_ErrorWriteCalibration – Error happened during hardware write calibration
kStatus_MMDC_ErrorWriteLevelingCalibration – Error happened during hardware write leveling calibration
void MMDC_Deinit(MMDC_Type *base)
MMDC module deinit function.
- Parameters:
base – MMDC peripheral base address
void MMDC_HandleCommand(MMDC_Type *base, mmdc_cmd_config_t *config)
MMDC module process the command,support transfer multi cmd in once function call.
- Parameters:
base – MMDC peripheral base address
cmd – configuration collection
status_t MMDC_GetReadData(MMDC_Type *base, uint32_t *data)
MMDC get the read data.
- Parameters:
base – MMDC peripheral base address
the – pointer which used to store read data
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Read data succeed
kStatus_MMDC_WaitFlagTimeout – Read data flag wait timeout
void MMDC_EnhancePerformance(MMDC_Type *base, const mmdc_performance_config_t *config)
MMDC module enhance performance function.
- Parameters:
base – MMDC peripheral base address
performance – configuration collection
void MMDC_EnableAutoRefresh(MMDC_Type *base, mmdc_auto_refresh_t *config)
Enable MMDC module periodic refresh scheme config.
- Parameters:
base – MMDC peripheral base address
mmdc – auto refresh configuration collection
static inline void MMDC_DisableAutoRefresh(MMDC_Type *base)
Disable MMDC module periodic refresh scheme.
- Parameters:
base – MMDC peripheral base address
void MMDC_EnablePowerSaving(MMDC_Type *base, mmdc_power_config_t *config)
MMDC enable automatic power saving.
- Parameters:
base – MMDC peripheral base address
mmdc – device configuration collection, pointer for the configuration.
static inline void MMDC_DisablePowerSaving(MMDC_Type *base)
MMDC disable automatic power saving.
uint8_t targetCS,
- Parameters:
base – MMDC peripheral base address
void MMDC_Profiling(MMDC_Type *base, mmdc_profiling_config_t *config)
MMDC profiling mechanism.
- Parameters:
base – MMDC peripheral base address
mmdc – profiling status and control
status_t MMDC_LPDDR2UpdateDerate(MMDC_Type *base, mmdc_auto_refresh_t *config, uint32_t type)
MMDC update device refresh rate and derate timing for LPDDR2 device only.
- Parameters:
base – MMDC peripheral base address
auto – refresh configuration collection,can set to NULL,when do not change refresh rate
derating – type
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Read data succeed
kStatus_MMDC_WaitFlagTimeout – LPDDR2 AC timing/refresh derate wait flag timeout
status_t MMDC_MonitorLPDDR2OperationTemp(MMDC_Type *base, uint32_t *mr4)
MMDC device operation temp monitor function.
- Parameters:
base – MMDC peripheral base address
MR4 – pointer,use to store the mode register4 value
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Read data succeed
kStatus_MMDC_WaitFlagTimeout – Get MR4 data flag timeout
status_t MMDC_ReadDQSGatingCalibration(MMDC_Type *base, mmdc_readDQS_calibration_config_t *config)
MMDC module read DQS gating calibration function.
- Parameters:
base – MMDC peripheral base address
config – calibration configuration collection
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Read data succeed
kStatus_MMDC_ErrorDGCalibration – Read DQS data gate hardware calibration error
status_t MMDC_WriteLevelingCalibration(MMDC_Type *base, mmdc_writeLeveling_calibration_config_t *config)
MMDC module write leveling calibration function.
- Parameters:
base – MMDC peripheral base address
config – calibration configuration collection
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Read data succeed
kStatus_MMDC_ErrorWriteLevelingCalibration – write leveling hardware calibration error
status_t MMDC_WriteCalibration(MMDC_Type *base, mmdc_write_calibration_config_t *config)
MMDC module write calibration function.
- Parameters:
base – MMDC peripheral base address
config – calibration configuration collection
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Read data succeed
kStatus_MMDC_ErrorWriteCalibration – write hardware calibration error
status_t MMDC_ReadCalibration(MMDC_Type *base, mmdc_read_calibration_config_t *config)
MMDC module read calibration function.
- Parameters:
base – MMDC peripheral base address
config – calibration configuration collection
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Read data succeed
kStatus_MMDC_ErrorReadCalibration – read hardware calibration error
void MMDC_DoFineTuning(MMDC_Type *base, mmdc_device_type_t devType, mmdc_fine_tuning_config_t *config)
MMDC module read calibration function.
- Parameters:
base – MMDC peripheral base address
devType – MMDC device type
config – fine tuning configuration collection
void MMDC_SetTiming(MMDC_Type *base, mmdc_device_type_t devType, mmdc_device_timing_t *timing)
set timing parameter
- Parameters:
MMDC – peripheral base address
timing – pointer to timing structure
void MMDC_DeviceInit(MMDC_Type *base, mmdc_device_type_t devType, uint8_t targetCS, mmdc_device_config_t *devConfig)
Initialize MMDC controlled device.
- Parameters:
MMDC – base address
device – basic config info pointer
status_t MMDC_EnterConfigurationMode(MMDC_Type *base, bool enable)
MMDC module enter/exit configuration mode function.
- Parameters:
base – MMDC peripheral base address
enable – enter/exit flag
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Read data succeed
kStatus_MMDC_WaitFlagTimeout – Enter configuration mode time out
void MMDC_DoZQCalibration(MMDC_Type *base, mmdc_device_type_t devType, mmdc_zq_config_t *zqCal)
MMDC do ZQ calibration function.
- Parameters:
base – MMDC peripheral base address
devType – device type
zqCal – info pointer
status_t MMDC_EnableLowPowerMode(MMDC_Type *base, bool enable)
MMDC enable/disable low power mode Once enable device will enter self-refresh mode.
- Parameters:
base – MMDC peripheral base address
enable – enable/disable flag
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Read data succeed
kStatus_MMDC_WaitFlagTimeout – Enter low power mode timeout
status_t MMDC_EnableDVFSMode(MMDC_Type *base, bool enable)
MMDC enable/disable dynamic frequency change mode Once enable device will enter self-refresh mode.
- Parameters:
base – MMDC peripheral base address
enable – enable/disable flag
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Read data succeed
kStatus_MMDC_WaitFlagTimeout – Enter DVFS mode timeout
void MMDC_Reset(MMDC_Type *base)
MMDC module reset function when you call this function will reset all internal register user need bo module init function bue do not need to do device init.
- Parameters:
base – MMDC peripheral base address
static inline void MMDC_SwitchDeviceFrequency(MMDC_Type *base, void *ccm, void *iomux, uint32_t param, uint32_t codeAddr)
define the mmdc switch frequency.
- Parameters:
MMDC – base address
CCM – base address
iomux – base address
target – frequency value for LPDDR2 and parameter address for DDR3
assembly – switch frequency code address
static inline void MMDC_EnableSBS(MMDC_Type *base, bool enable)
MMDC enable/disable the SBS-step by step debug feature.
- Parameters:
base – MMDC peripheral base address
static inline void MMDC_TriggerSBS(MMDC_Type *base)
MMDC trigger the MMDC dispatch the one pending request to device.
- Parameters:
base – MMDC peripheral base address
static inline uint32_t MMDC_GetAXIAddrBySBS(MMDC_Type *base)
MMDC get AXI ddr which was dispatched by MMDC in SBS mode.
- Parameters:
base – MMDC peripheral base address
static inline uint32_t MMDC_GetAXIAttributeBySBS(MMDC_Type *base)
MMDC get AXI attribute which was dispatched by MMDC in SBS mode.
- Parameters:
base – MMDC peripheral base address
static inline void MMDC_EnableProfiling(MMDC_Type *base, bool enable)
MMDC enable/disable profiling feature.
- Parameters:
base – MMDC peripheral base address
enable – or disable flag
static inline void MMDC_ResumeProfiling(MMDC_Type *base)
MMDC resume profiling.
- Parameters:
base – MMDC peripheral base address
static inline void MMDC_ResetProfiling(MMDC_Type *base)
MMDC reset profiling.
- Parameters:
base – MMDC peripheral base address
void MMDC_ExclusiveAccess(MMDC_Type *base, mmdc_exaccess_config_t *config, uint32_t type)
MMDC exclusive access config function,config the monitor ID and response.
- Parameters:
base – MMDC peripheral base address
exclusive – access config collection
exclusive – access config type
MMDC driver Version 2.1.4.
MMDC retry times.
define the read DQS fine tuning mask value
define the write DQS fine tuning mask value
define the calibration predefine value
according to ERR005778 description
enum _mmdc_status
MMDC status return codes.
enumerator kStatus_MMDC_ErrorDGCalibration
MMDC error DG calibration.
enumerator kStatus_MMDC_ErrorReadCalibration
MMDC error read calibration.
enumerator kStatus_MMDC_ErrorWriteCalibration
MMDC error write calibration.
enumerator kStatus_MMDC_ErrorWriteLevelingCalibration
MMDC error write leveling calibration.
enumerator kStatus_MMDC_WaitFlagTimeout
MMDC wait flag timeout.
enumerator kStatus_MMDC_ErrorDGCalibration
enum _mmdc_device_type
LPDDR2 device list.
enumerator kMMDC_LPDDR2_S4
enumerator kMMDC_LPDDR2_S2
enumerator kMMDC_DDR3
DDR3 device
enumerator kMMDC_LPDDR2_S4
enum _mmdc_device_bank_num
LPDDR2 device bank number.
enumerator kMMDC_Bank8
bank number 8
enumerator kMMDC_Bank4
bank number 4
enumerator kMMDC_Bank8
enum _mmdc_row_addr_width
define for row addr width
enumerator kMMDC_Row11Bits
row addr 11 bits
enumerator kMMDC_Row12Bits
row addr 12 bits
enumerator kMMDC_Row13Bits
row addr 13 bits
enumerator kMMDC_Row14Bits
row addr 14 bits
enumerator kMMDC_Row15Bits
row addr 15 bits
enumerator kMMDC_Row16Bits
row addr 16 bits
enumerator kMMDC_Row11Bits
enum _mmdc_col_addr_width
define for col addr width
enumerator kMMDC_Col9Bits
col addr 9 bits
enumerator kMMDC_Col10Bits
col addr 10 bits
enumerator kMMDC_Col11Bits
col addr 11 bits
enumerator kMMDC_Col8Bits
col addr 8 bits
enumerator kMMDC_Col12Bits
col addr 12 bits
enumerator kMMDC_Col9Bits
enum _mmdc_burst_len
define for burst length
enumerator kMMDC_BurstLen4
brust len 4
enumerator kMMDC_BurstLen8
burst len 8
enumerator kMMDC_BurstLen16
enumerator kMMDC_BurstLen4
enum _mmdc_cmd_type
define for command type auto refresh cmd: select correct CMD_CS before issue this cmd write mode register cmd: DDR2/DDR3: CMD_CS,CMD_BA,CMD_ADDR_LSB,CMD_ADDR_MSB LPDDR2: CMD_CS,MR_OP,MR_ADDR ZQ calibration cmd: DDR2/DDR3: CMD_CS,{CMD_ADDR_MSB,CMD_ADDR_LSB}=0x400,or 0x0 LPDDR2: through MRW cmd PreChargeAll cmd: selecet correct CMD_CS MRR cmd: only for LPDDR2/LPDDR3 device,must set correct CMD_CS,MR_ADDR
enumerator kMMDC_NormalOperation
normal operation cmd
enumerator kMMDC_AutoRefresh
auto refresh cmd
enumerator kMMDC_WriteModeRegister
load mode register for DDR2/DDR3,MRW for LPDDR2
enumerator kMMDC_ZQCalibration
ZQ calibration cmd
enumerator kMMDC_PreChargeAll
Precharge all cmd
enumerator kMMDC_ReadModeRegister
mode register read cmd
enumerator kMMDC_NormalOperation
enum _mmdc_zq_calmode
MMDC ZQ calibration type.
enumerator kMMDC_ZQCaltoIOHW
ZQ calibration to IO pads only through HW
enumerator kMMDC_ZQCaltoIODeviceLong
ZQ calibration to IO pads together with ZQ long cmd to device
enumerator kMMDC_ZQCaltoDeviceOnly
ZQ calibration to device with long/short cmd
enumerator kMMDC_ZQCaltoIODeviceLongShort
ZQ calibration to IO pads together with ZQ calibration cmd long/short to device
enumerator kMMDC_ZQFinetuning
HW ZQ res offset fine tuning
enumerator kMMDC_DisZQFinetuning
disable HW ZQ res offset
enumerator kMMDC_ZQCaltoIOHW
enum _mmdc_zq_calfreq
MMDC ZQ calibration frequency.
enumerator kMMDC_ZQCalFreq1ms
ZQ calibration is peformed every 1ms
enumerator kMMDC_ZQCalFreq2ms
ZQ calibration is peformed every 2ms
enumerator kMMDC_ZQCalFreq4ms
ZQ calibration is peformed every 4ms
enumerator kMMDC_ZQCalFreq1s
ZQ calibration is peformed every 1s
enumerator kMMDC_ZQCalFreq16s
ZQ calibration is peformed every 16s
enumerator kMMDC_ZQCalFreq32s
ZQ calibration is peformed every 32s
enumerator kMMDC_ZQCalFreq1ms
enum _mmdc_refresh_sel
define MMDC refresh selector-select source of the clock that will trigger each refresh cycle.
enumerator kMMDC_RefreshTrigBy64K
refresh trigger frequency 64K
enumerator kMMDC_RefreshTrigBy32K
refresh trigger frequency 32K
enumerator kMMDC_RefreshTrigDDRCycles
refresh trigger every amount of cycles that are configured in REF_CNT field
enumerator kMMDC_RefreshTrigNone
auto refresh disable
enumerator kMMDC_RefreshTrigBy64K
enum _mmdc_profiling_action
define MMDC profiling action define .
enumerator kMMDC_EnProfilingWithID
enable profiling with special ID
enumerator kMMDC_FreezeProfiling
freeze profiling
enumerator kMMDC_CheckOverFlow
check the counter overflow
enumerator kMMDC_EnProfilingWithID
enum _mmdc_calibration_type
MMDC calibration type define .
enumerator kMMDC_CalWithPreSetValue
calibration with preset value
enumerator kMMDC_CalWithMPR
HW calibration with the MPR
enumerator kMMDC_CalWithPreDefine
calibration with Pre-defined value
enumerator kMMDC_CalWithPreSetValue
enum _mmdc_calibaration_waitcycles
define MMDC wait cycles before comparing data during calibration.
enumerator kMMDC_Wait16DDRCycles
wait 16 DDR cycles before comparing sample data
enumerator kMMDC_Wait32DDRCycles
wait 32 DDR cycles before comparing sample data
enumerator kMMDC_Wait16DDRCycles
enum _mmdc_fine_tuning_dutycycle
define MMDC parameter fine tuning duty cyle.
enumerator kMMDC_DutyHighPercent48_5
51.5% low 48.5% high
enumerator kMMDC_DutyHighPercent50
50% duty cycle
enumerator kMMDC_DutyHighPercent51_5
48.5% low 51.5% high
enumerator kMMDC_DutyHighPercent48_5
enum _mmdc_termination_config
define MMDC on chip termination configurations.
enumerator kMMDC_RttNomDisabled
Rtt_Nom Disabled
enumerator kMMDC_RttNom120ohm
Rtt_Nom 120 Ohm
enumerator kMMDC_RttNom60ohm
Rtt_Nom 60 Ohm
enumerator kMMDC_RttNom40ohm
Rtt_Nom 40 Ohm
enumerator kMMDC_RttNom30ohm
Rtt_Nom 30 Ohm
enumerator kMMDC_RttNom24ohm
Rtt_Nom 24 Ohm
enumerator kMMDC_RttNom20ohm
Rtt_Nom 20 Ohm
enumerator kMMDC_RttNom17ohm
Rtt_Nom 17 Ohm
enumerator kMMDC_RttNomDisabled
enum _mmdc_lpddr2_derate
define LPDDR2 device derating type.
enumerator kMMDC_NoUpdateDerate
no derate
enumerator kMMDC_UpdateRefreshRate
refresh rate derate
enumerator kMMDC_DerateTiming
derating relate timing
enumerator kMMDC_DisableDerate
derating disable
enumerator kMMDC_NoUpdateDerate
enum _mmdc_exaccess_type
MMDC exclusive acess config type.
enumerator kMMDC_ExMonitorID0
config the exclusive access ID0
enumerator kMMDC_ExMonitorID1
config the exclusive access ID1
enumerator kMMDC_ExMonitorID2
config the exclusive access ID2
enumerator kMMDC_ExMonitorID3
config the exclusive access ID3
enumerator kMMDC_ExAccessResponse
config the exclusive access reponse
enumerator kMMDC_ExMonitorID0
typedef enum _mmdc_device_type mmdc_device_type_t
LPDDR2 device list.
typedef enum _mmdc_device_bank_num mmdc_device_bank_num_t
LPDDR2 device bank number.
typedef enum _mmdc_row_addr_width mmdc_row_addr_width_t
define for row addr width
typedef enum _mmdc_col_addr_width mmdc_col_addr_width_t
define for col addr width
typedef enum _mmdc_burst_len mmdc_burst_len_t
define for burst length
typedef enum _mmdc_cmd_type mmdc_cmd_type_t
define for command type auto refresh cmd: select correct CMD_CS before issue this cmd write mode register cmd: DDR2/DDR3: CMD_CS,CMD_BA,CMD_ADDR_LSB,CMD_ADDR_MSB LPDDR2: CMD_CS,MR_OP,MR_ADDR ZQ calibration cmd: DDR2/DDR3: CMD_CS,{CMD_ADDR_MSB,CMD_ADDR_LSB}=0x400,or 0x0 LPDDR2: through MRW cmd PreChargeAll cmd: selecet correct CMD_CS MRR cmd: only for LPDDR2/LPDDR3 device,must set correct CMD_CS,MR_ADDR
typedef enum _mmdc_zq_calmode mmdc_zq_calmode_t
MMDC ZQ calibration type.
typedef enum _mmdc_zq_calfreq mmdc_zq_calfreq_t
MMDC ZQ calibration frequency.
typedef enum _mmdc_refresh_sel mmdc_refresh_sel_t
define MMDC refresh selector-select source of the clock that will trigger each refresh cycle.
typedef enum _mmdc_profiling_action mmdc_profiling_action_t
define MMDC profiling action define .
typedef enum _mmdc_calibration_type mmdc_calibration_type_t
MMDC calibration type define .
typedef enum _mmdc_calibaration_waitcycles mmdc_calibaration_waitcycles_t
define MMDC wait cycles before comparing data during calibration.
typedef enum _mmdc_fine_tuning_dutycycle mmdc_fine_tuning_dutycycle_t
define MMDC parameter fine tuning duty cyle.
typedef enum _mmdc_termination_config mmdc_termination_config_t
define MMDC on chip termination configurations.
typedef struct _mmdc_readDQS_calibration_config mmdc_readDQS_calibration_config_t
MMDC read DQS gating calibration configuration collection.
typedef struct _mmdc_writeLeveling_calibration_config mmdc_writeLeveling_calibration_config_t
MMDC write leveling calibration configuration collection.
typedef struct _mmdc_read_calibration_config mmdc_read_calibration_config_t
MMDC read calibration configuration collection.
typedef struct _mmdc_write_calibration_config mmdc_write_calibration_config_t
typedef struct _mmdc_fine_tuning_config mmdc_fine_tuning_config_t
MMDC write calibration configuration collection.
typedef struct __mmdc_odt_config mmdc_odt_config_t
MMDC odt configuration collection.
typedef struct _mmdc_power_config mmdc_power_config_t
MMDC power configutation collection.
typedef struct _mmdc_zq_config mmdc_zq_config_t
MMDC ZQ configuration collection.
typedef struct _mmdc_cmd_config mmdc_cmd_config_t
MMDC cmd configuration collection.
typedef struct _mmdc_device_timing mmdc_device_timing_t
MMDC device device timing configuration collection. clocks is ddr clock,(a+b), a is the value write to reigster,b is offset.
typedef struct _mmdc_auto_refresh mmdc_auto_refresh_t
MMDC auto refresh configuration collection.
typedef struct _mmdc_exaccess_config mmdc_exaccess_config_t
MMDC exclusive access configuration collection.
typedef struct _mmdc_profiling_config mmdc_profiling_config_t
MMDC module profiling configuration collection.
typedef struct _mmdc_performance_config mmdc_performance_config_t
MMDC performance configuration collection.
typedef struct _mmdc_device_config mmdc_device_config_t
MMDC module relate configuration collection.
typedef struct _mmdc_config mmdc_config_t
MMDC module relate configuration collection.
typedef void (*MMDC_SwitchFrequency)(MMDC_Type*, void*, void*, uint32_t)
MMDC switch frequency api prototype.
struct _mmdc_readDQS_calibration_config
- #include <fsl_mmdc.h>
MMDC read DQS gating calibration configuration collection.
Public Members
mmdc_calibration_type_t mode
select calibration mode.
mmdc_calibaration_waitcycles_t waitCycles
MMDC wait cycles before comparing sample data.
uint8_t dqsGatingHalfDelay0
Read DQS gating half cycles delay count for Byte0.
uint8_t dqsGatingAbsDelay0
Absolute read DQS gating delay offset for Byte0, So the total read DQS gating delay is (dqsGatingHalfDelay0)*0.5*cycle + (dqsGatingAbsDelay0)*1/256*cycle.
uint8_t dqsGatingHalfDelay1
Read DQS gating half cycles delay count for Byte1.
uint8_t dqsGatingAbsDelay1
Absolute read DQS gating delay offset for Byte1, So the total read DQS gating delay is (dqsGatingHalfDelay1)*0.5*cycle + (dqsGatingAbsDelay1)*1/256*cycle.
uint8_t readDelay0
When using hardware calibration(MPR/Predefined mode), user should input RD_DL_ABS_OFFSET to place read DQS inside the read DQ window.
uint8_t readDelay1
When using hardware calibration(MPR/Predefined mode), user should input RD_DL_ABS_OFFSET to place read DQS inside the read DQ window.
mmdc_calibration_type_t mode
struct _mmdc_writeLeveling_calibration_config
- #include <fsl_mmdc.h>
MMDC write leveling calibration configuration collection.
Public Members
mmdc_calibration_type_t mode
select calibration mode.
uint8_t wLevelingOneDelay0
Write leveling one cycles delay count for Byte0
uint8_t wLevelingHalfDelay0
Write leveling half cycles delay count for Byte0
uint8_t wLevelingAbsDelay0
Absolute Write leveling delay offset for Byte0, So the total delay is the sum of (wLevelingAbsDelay0/256*cycle) + (wLevelingHalfDelay0*halfcycle) + (wLevelingOneDelay0*cycle).
uint8_t wLevelingOneDelay1
Write leveling one cycles delay count for Byte1
uint8_t wLevelingHalfDelay1
Write leveling half cycles delay count for Byte1
uint8_t wLevelingAbsDelay1
Absolute Write leveling delay offset for Byte1, So the total delay is the sum of (wLevelingAbsDelay1/256*cycle) + (wLevelingHalfDelay1*halfcycle) + (wLevelingOneDelay1*cycle).
mmdc_calibration_type_t mode
struct _mmdc_read_calibration_config
- #include <fsl_mmdc.h>
MMDC read calibration configuration collection.
Public Members
mmdc_calibration_type_t mode
select calibration mode.
uint8_t readDelay0
delay between read DQS strobe and read data of Byte0, RD_DL_ABS_OFFSET0. The delay of the delay-line would be (RD_DL_ABS_OFFSET0 / 256) * MMDC AXIclock (fast clock). when using hardware calibration(MPR/Predefined mode), user should input RD_DL_ABS_OFFSET0 to place read DQS inside the read DQ window.
uint8_t readDelay1
delay between read DQS strobe and read data of Byte1, RD_DL_ABS_OFFSET1. The delay of the delay-line would be (RD_DL_ABS_OFFSET1 / 256) * MMDC AXIclock (fast clock). when using hardware calibration(MPR/Predefined mode), user should input RD_DL_ABS_OFFSET1 to place read DQS inside the read DQ window.
mmdc_calibration_type_t mode
struct _mmdc_write_calibration_config
- #include <fsl_mmdc.h>
Public Members
mmdc_calibration_type_t mode
select calibration mode.
uint8_t writeDelay0
delay between write DQS strobe and write data of Byte0, WR_DL_ABS_OFFSET0 The delay of the delay-line would be (WR_DL_ABS_OFFSET0 / 256) * MMDC AXIclock (fast clock). when using hardware calibration(MPR/Predefined mode), user should input WR_DL_ABS_OFFSET0 to place write DQS inside the write DQ window.
uint8_t writeDelay1
delay between write DQS strobe and write data of Byte1, WR_DL_ABS_OFFSET1 The delay of the delay-line would be (WR_DL_ABS_OFFSET1 / 256) * MMDC AXIclock (fast clock). when using hardware calibration(MPR/Predefined mode), user should input WR_DL_ABS_OFFSET1 to place write DQS inside the write DQ window.
mmdc_calibration_type_t mode
struct _mmdc_fine_tuning_config
- #include <fsl_mmdc.h>
MMDC write calibration configuration collection.
Public Members
uint32_t rDQOffset0
fine-tuning adjustment to every bit in the read DQ byte0 relative to the read DQS, max dealy units can be add is 7
uint32_t rDQOffset1
fine-tuning adjustment to every bit in the read DQ byte1 relative to the read DQS, max dealy units can be add is 7
uint32_t wDQOffset0
fine-tuning adjustment to every bit in the write DQ byte0 relative to the write DQS, max dealy units can be add is 7
uint32_t wDQOffset1
fine-tuning adjustment to every bit in the write DQ byte1 relative to the write DQS, max dealy units can be add is 7
uint32_t caDelay
CA delay line fine tuning parameter.
mmdc_fine_tuning_dutycycle_t rDQDuty0
Read DQS duty cycle fine tuning control of Byte1
mmdc_fine_tuning_dutycycle_t rDQDuty1
Read DQS duty cycle fine tuning control of Byte0
mmdc_fine_tuning_dutycycle_t ddrCKDutyCtl0
Primary duty cycle fine tuning control of DDR clock
mmdc_fine_tuning_dutycycle_t ddrCKDutyCtl1
Secondary duty cycle fine tuning control of DDR clock
mmdc_fine_tuning_dutycycle_t wDQDuty0
Write DQS duty cycle fine tuning control of Byte0
mmdc_fine_tuning_dutycycle_t wDQDuty1
Write DQS duty cycle fine tuning control of Byte1
uint32_t rDQOffset0
struct __mmdc_odt_config
- #include <fsl_mmdc.h>
MMDC odt configuration collection.
Public Members
mmdc_termination_config_t odtByte0Config
On chip ODT byte1 resistor.
bool enableActiveReadOdt
On chip ODT byte0 resistor.
bool enableInactiveReadOdt
Active read CS ODT enable.
bool enableActiveWriteOdt
Inactive read CS ODT enable.
bool enableInactiveWriteOdt
Active write CS ODT enable.
mmdc_termination_config_t odtByte0Config
struct _mmdc_power_config
- #include <fsl_mmdc.h>
MMDC power configutation collection.
Public Members
bool wIdle
get write request buffer Idle status
bool rIdle
get read request buffer Idle status
bool isInAutoPS
indicate mmdc if in a automatic power saving mode
uint8_t idleClockToPS
define the idle clock which device will automatically enter auto self-refresh mode ,default is 1024 clock cycles, max is 16320 cycles,calucate formula is idleClockToPS * 64 = idle clock note: idleClockToPS = 0 is forbidden
uint8_t idleClockToPrecharge0
define the idle clock which device will automatically precharged. default is disable ,max clock is 128 clocks, calucate formula 2^idleClockToPrecharge = idle clock
uint8_t idleClockToPD0
define the idle clock which device will enter power down, default is disable ,max clock is 32768 clocks, calucate formula idleClockToPD *16 = idle clock
uint8_t idleClockToPrecharge1
define the idle clock which device will automatically precharged. default is disable ,max clock is 128 clocks, calucate formula 2^idleClockToPrecharge = idle clock
uint8_t idleClockToPD1
define the idle clock which device will enter power down, default is disable ,max clock is 32768 clocks, calucate formula idleClockToPD *16 = idle clock
bool wIdle
struct _mmdc_zq_config
- #include <fsl_mmdc.h>
MMDC ZQ configuration collection.
Public Members
mmdc_zq_calmode_t mode
zq calibration mode.
uint8_t earlyCompTimer
this field define the interval between the warming up of the comp of the ultra cal pad and the begining of the ZQ cal process with pads
uint16_t tZQCl_Clocks
This is the period of time that the MMDC has to wait after sending a short ZQ calibration and before sending other commands,max value 112 cycles,see RM for more detail ,lpddr2 device default is 360ns
uint16_t tZQCs_Clocks
This is the period of time that the MMDC has to wait after sending a long ZQ calibration and before sending other commands
uint16_t tZQInit_Clocks
This is the period of time that the MMDC has to wait after sending a init ZQ calibration and before sending other commands.lpddr2 device default is 1us
mmdc_zq_calfreq_t hwZQFreq
ZQ periodic calibration freq
uint8_t cmpOutSample
define the amount of cycle between driving the ZQ signal to pad and till sampling the cmp enable output
uint8_t hwPullDownOffset
define ZQ hardware pull down offset, used for fine tuning
uint8_t hwPullUpOffset
define ZQ hardware pull up offset, used for fine tuning
mmdc_zq_calmode_t mode
struct _mmdc_cmd_config
- #include <fsl_mmdc.h>
MMDC cmd configuration collection.
Public Members
uint8_t argMsb
define the CMD_ADDR_MSB_MR_OP, for lpddr2 device this field is mode register oprand
uint8_t argLsb
define the CMD_ADDR_LSB_MR_ADDR,for lpddr2 device this field is mode register addr
uint8_t bankAddr
define the bank address,this field not relate with lpddr2 device
uint8_t targetCS
select which CS to drive low.
mmdc_cmd_type_t cmd
define the cmd to be send
uint8_t argMsb
struct _mmdc_device_timing
- #include <fsl_mmdc.h>
MMDC device device timing configuration collection. clocks is ddr clock,(a+b), a is the value write to reigster,b is offset.
Public Members
uint8_t tRFC_Clocks
Refresh cmd to active or refresh cmd time default is (0x32+1) clocks,max is (255+1) clocks
uint8_t tCKSRX_Clocks
Valid clock before self-refresh exit,self-refresh timing default is 2 clocks,max is 7 clocks
uint8_t tCKSRE_Clocks
Valid clock after self-refresh entry,self-refresh timing default is 2 clocks.max is 7 clocks
uint8_t tXSR_Clocks
exit self refresh to a valid cmd,self-refresh timing min value should set to 0x16,represent 23 clocks,max is 256 clocks
uint8_t tCKE_Clocks
CKE minimum pulse width,default is (3+1) clocks,max is (7+1) clocks
uint8_t tCL_Clocks
CAS read latency,default is(3+3) clocks, max is (8+3) clocks
uint8_t tCWL_Clocks
CAS write latency, default is (3+1)clocks, max is (6+1) clocks
uint8_t ralat_Clocks
define write additional latency in misc, default is disable, max is (7+2)clocks
uint8_t walat_Clocks
define read additional latency in misc, default is disable, max is 3 clocks
uint8_t tFAW_Clocks
Four bank active window,all bank,default is (6+1) clocks,max is (31+1)clocks
uint8_t tRAS_Clocks
row active time,Active to Precharge cmd period,same bank,default is (9+1) clocks ,max is (30+1)clocks
uint8_t tRC_Clocks
Active to active or refresh cmd period,default is (0+1)clocks,max is (62+1)clocks
uint8_t tRCD_Clocks
Active cmd to internal read/write delay time,default is 0+1 clocks,max is 14+1 clocks
uint8_t tRP_Clocks
Precharge cmd period-per bank,default is 0+1 clock,max is 14+1 clocks
uint8_t tRPA_Clocks
Precharge cmd period-all bank,default is 0+1 clock,max is 14+1 clocks
uint8_t tWR_Clocks
Write recovery time,default is 0+1 clock,max is 7+1 clocks
uint8_t tMRD_Clocks
Mode register set cmd cycle,should set to max(tMRR,tMRW), default is 1+1 clock,max is 15+1 clocks
uint8_t tRTP_Clocks
Internal read cmd to pre-charge cmd delay,default is 2+1 clock,max is 7+1 clocks
uint8_t tWTR_Clocks
Internal write cmd to read cmd delay,default is 2+1 clock,max is 7+1 clocks
uint8_t tRRD_Clocks
active bankA to active bankB ,Internal read cmd to pre-charge cmd, default is 0+1 clock,max is 6+1 clocks
uint8_t tXP_Clocks
exit power down to any cmd, default (1+1) clocks, max is (7 +1) clocks
uint8_t tRSTtoCKE_Clocks
idle time until first reset is assert,default is 14-2 clock,max is 0X3f-2 clocks,for LPDDR2 device default is 200us
uint32_t tDAI_Clocks
Maximum device auto initialization period for LPDDR2, not relavant to DDR3.
uint8_t tRTWSAME_Clocks
Read to write commands delay for same chip select, total delay is calculated according to: BL/2 + RTW_SAME + (tCL-tCWL) + RALAT
uint8_t tWTRDIFF_Clocks
Write to read commands delay for different chip select, total delay is calculated according to: BL/2 + WTR_DIFF + (tCL-tCWL) + RALAT
uint8_t tWTWDIFF_Clocks
Write to write commands delay for different chip select, total delay is calculated according to: BL/2 + WTW_DIFF
uint8_t tRTWDIFF_Clocks
Read to write commands delay for different chip select, total delay is calculated according to: BL/2 + RTW_DIFF + (tCL - tCWL) + RALAT
uint8_t tRTRDIFF_Clocks
Read to read commands delay for different chip select. total delay is calculated according to: BL/2 + RTR_DIFF
uint8_t tXPDLL_Clocks
Exit precharge power down with DLL frozen to commands requiring DLL, not relavant to LPDDR2.
uint16_t tDLLK_Clocks
DLL locking time, not relavant to LPDDR2.
uint8_t tXPR_Clocks
CLKE High to a valid command, not relevant to LPDDR2.
uint8_t tSDEtoRST_Clocks
Time from SDE enable until DDR #reset is high, not relavant to LPDDR2.
uint8_t tAOFPD_Clocks
Asynchronous RTT turn-off delay, not relavant to LPDDR2.
uint8_t tAONPD_Clocks
Asynchronous RTT turn-on delay, not relavant to LPDDR2.
uint8_t tODTIdleOff_Clocks
ODT turn off latency, not relavant to LPDDR2.
uint8_t tRFC_Clocks
struct _mmdc_auto_refresh
- #include <fsl_mmdc.h>
MMDC auto refresh configuration collection.
Public Members
uint16_t refreshCnt
define refresh counter which is how many DDR clock cycles arrive will trigger auto refresh, only applied when choose refreshTrigSrc as kMMDC_RefreshTrigDDRCycles
uint16_t refreshRate
refresh rate-means how much cmd will send once auto refresh being trigger
mmdc_refresh_sel_t refreshTrigSrc
select refresh trigger clock source
uint16_t refreshCnt
struct _mmdc_exaccess_config
- #include <fsl_mmdc.h>
MMDC exclusive access configuration collection.
Public Members
uint16_t excMonitorID0
exclusive monitor ID 0
uint16_t excMonitorID1
exclusive monitor ID 1
uint16_t excMonitorID2
exclusive monitor ID 2
uint16_t excMonitorID3
exclusive monitor ID 3
bool secErrLock
define if lock ARCR_SEC_ERR_EN this bit can’t update if locked
bool secErrEn
This bit defines whether security read/write access violation result in SLV Error response or in OKAY response
bool excErrEn
This bit defines whether exclusive read/write access violation of AXI 6.2.4 rule result in SLV Error response or in OKAY response . Default value is 0x1 response is SLV Error
uint16_t excMonitorID0
struct _mmdc_profiling_config
- #include <fsl_mmdc.h>
MMDC module profiling configuration collection.
Public Members
mmdc_profiling_action_t type
profiling action
bool overFlowCount
profiling cycle counter over flag
uint16_t axiIDMask
profiling AXI ID mask
uint16_t axiID
profiling AXI ID
uint32_t totalCount
total cycle count-readonly
uint32_t busyCount
busy count-readonly
uint32_t readCount
total read count-readonly
uint32_t writeCount
total write count-readonly
uint32_t readByteCount
read byte count-readonly
uint32_t writeByteCount
total write byte count-readonly
mmdc_profiling_action_t type
struct _mmdc_performance_config
- #include <fsl_mmdc.h>
MMDC performance configuration collection.
Public Members
bool enRCH
define if enable real time channel in MAARCR
uint32_t ratePageHit
static score taken into account in case the pending access has a page hit in MAARCR
uint32_t rateAccessHit
static score taken into account in case the pending access is same as before in MAARCR
uint32_t dynJump
dynamic score give to any pending access in case it was not chosen in arbitration in MAARCR
uint32_t dynMax
dynamic score max value in MAARCR
uint32_t guard
use to prevent a starvation of access
uint32_t cmdPredict
define cmd prediction work mode in misc
bool enRCH
struct _mmdc_device_config
- #include <fsl_mmdc.h>
MMDC module relate configuration collection.
struct _mmdc_config
- #include <fsl_mmdc.h>
MMDC module relate configuration collection.
Public Members
mmdc_device_type_t devType
define device type
uint32_t devSize
define the size of the device
mmdc_device_bank_num_t devBank
define device total bank number
mmdc_row_addr_width_t rowWidth
define row width in MDCTL
mmdc_col_addr_width_t colWidth
define col width in MDCTL
mmdc_burst_len_t burstLen
define burst length MDCTL
bool bankInterleave
define indicate bank interleave on/off in misc
bool secondDDRClock
define gating the secondary DDR clock in misc
bool enableOnlyCS0
Only enable CS0
mmdc_odt_config_t *ODTConfig
Pointer to on die termination config, NULL means disable, for LPDDR2, pass NULL.
mmdc_zq_config_t *zqCalibration
Pointer to device timing structure.
mmdc_device_config_t *deviceConfig[2]
Pointer to ZQ calibration config, NULL means do not need.
mmdc_readDQS_calibration_config_t *readDQSCalibration[2]
Pointer to device configuration CS0/CS1, NULL means do not need.
mmdc_writeLeveling_calibration_config_t *wLevelingCalibration[2]
Pointer to read DQS calibration config CS0/CS1, NULL meansdo not need, for LPDDR2, pass NULL.
mmdc_read_calibration_config_t *readCalibration[2]
Pointer to write leveling calibration config, NULL means do not need, for LPDDR2, pass NULL.
mmdc_write_calibration_config_t *writeCalibration[2]
Pointer to read calibration config CS0/CS1, NULL means do not need.
mmdc_fine_tuning_config_t *tuning
Pointer to write calibration config CS0/CS1, NULL means do not need.
mmdc_auto_refresh_t *autoRefresh
Pointer to fine tuning config, NULL means do not need.
mmdc_power_config_t *powerConfig
Pointer to auto refresh config structure, NULL means do not need.
mmdc_device_type_t devType
MSMC: Multicore System Mode Controller
static inline void SMC_SetPowerModeProtection(SMC_Type *base, uint8_t allowedModes)
Configures all power mode protection settings.
This function configures the power mode protection settings for supported power modes in the specified chip family. The available power modes are defined in the smc_power_mode_protection_t. This should be done at an early system level initialization stage. See the reference manual for details. This register can only write once after the power reset.
The allowed modes are passed as bit map, for example, to allow LLS and VLLS, use SMC_SetPowerModeProtection(kSMC_AllowPowerModeLls | kSMC_AllowPowerModeVlls). To allow all modes, use SMC_SetPowerModeProtection(kSMC_AllowPowerModeAll).
- Parameters:
base – SMC peripheral base address.
allowedModes – Bitmap of the allowed power modes.
static inline smc_power_state_t SMC_GetPowerModeState(SMC_Type *base)
Gets the current power mode status.
This function returns the current power mode stat. Once application switches the power mode, it should always check the stat to check whether it runs into the specified mode or not. An application should check this mode before switching to a different mode. The system requires that only certain modes can switch to other specific modes. See the reference manual for details and the smc_power_state_t for information about the power stat.
- Parameters:
base – SMC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Current power mode status.
static inline void SMC_PreEnterStopModes(void)
Prepare to enter stop modes.
This function should be called before entering STOP/VLPS/LLS/VLLS modes.
static inline void SMC_PostExitStopModes(void)
Recovering after wake up from stop modes.
This function should be called after wake up from STOP/VLPS/LLS/VLLS modes. It is used together with SMC_PreEnterStopModes.
static inline void SMC_PreEnterWaitModes(void)
Prepare to enter wait modes.
This function should be called before entering WAIT/VLPW modes..
static inline void SMC_PostExitWaitModes(void)
Recovering after wake up from stop modes.
This function should be called after wake up from WAIT/VLPW modes. It is used together with SMC_PreEnterWaitModes.
status_t SMC_SetPowerModeRun(SMC_Type *base)
Configure the system to RUN power mode.
- Parameters:
base – SMC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
SMC configuration error code.
status_t SMC_SetPowerModeHsrun(SMC_Type *base)
Configure the system to HSRUN power mode.
- Parameters:
base – SMC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
SMC configuration error code.
status_t SMC_SetPowerModeWait(SMC_Type *base)
Configure the system to WAIT power mode.
- Parameters:
base – SMC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
SMC configuration error code.
status_t SMC_SetPowerModeStop(SMC_Type *base, smc_partial_stop_option_t option)
Configure the system to Stop power mode.
- Parameters:
base – SMC peripheral base address.
option – Partial Stop mode option.
- Returns:
SMC configuration error code.
status_t SMC_SetPowerModeVlpr(SMC_Type *base)
Configure the system to VLPR power mode.
- Parameters:
base – SMC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
SMC configuration error code.
status_t SMC_SetPowerModeVlpw(SMC_Type *base)
Configure the system to VLPW power mode.
- Parameters:
base – SMC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
SMC configuration error code.
status_t SMC_SetPowerModeVlps(SMC_Type *base)
Configure the system to VLPS power mode.
- Parameters:
base – SMC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
SMC configuration error code.
status_t SMC_SetPowerModeLls(SMC_Type *base)
Configure the system to LLS power mode.
- Parameters:
base – SMC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
SMC configuration error code.
status_t SMC_SetPowerModeVlls(SMC_Type *base)
Configure the system to VLLS power mode.
- Parameters:
base – SMC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
SMC configuration error code.
static inline uint32_t SMC_GetPreviousResetSources(SMC_Type *base)
Gets the reset source status which caused a previous reset.
This function gets the current reset source status. Use source masks defined in the smc_reset_source_t to get the desired source status.
Example: To get all reset source statuses.
resetStatus = SMC_GetPreviousResetSources(SMC0) & kSMC_SourceAll;
Example: To test whether the MCU is reset using Watchdog.
uint32_t resetStatus; resetStatus = SMC_GetPreviousResetSources(SMC0) & kSMC_SourceWdog;
Example: To test multiple reset sources.
uint32_t resetStatus; resetStatus = SMC_GetPreviousResetSources(SMC0) & (kSMC_SourceWdog | kSMC_SourcePin);
- Parameters:
base – SMC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
All reset source status bit map.
static inline uint32_t SMC_GetStickyResetSources(SMC_Type *base)
Gets the sticky reset source status.
This function gets the current reset source status that has not been cleared by software for some specific source.
Example: To get all reset source statuses.
uint32_t resetStatus; resetStatus = SMC_GetStickyResetSources(SMC0) & kSMC_SourceAll;
Example, To test whether the MCU is reset using Watchdog.
uint32_t resetStatus; resetStatus = SMC_GetStickyResetSources(SMC0) & kSMC_SourceWdog;
Example To test multiple reset sources.
uint32_t resetStatus; resetStatus = SMC_GetStickyResetSources(SMC0) & (kSMC_SourceWdog | kSMC_SourcePin);
- Parameters:
base – SMC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
All reset source status bit map.
static inline void SMC_ClearStickyResetSources(SMC_Type *base, uint32_t sourceMasks)
Clears the sticky reset source status.
This function clears the sticky system reset flags indicated by source masks.
Example: Clears multiple reset sources.
SMC_ClearStickyResetSources(SMC0, (kSMC_SourceWdog | kSMC_SourcePin));
- Parameters:
base – SMC peripheral base address.
sourceMasks – reset source status bit map
void SMC_ConfigureResetPinFilter(SMC_Type *base, const smc_reset_pin_filter_config_t *config)
Configures the reset pin filter.
This function sets the reset pin filter including the enablement/disablement and filter width.
- Parameters:
base – SMC peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to the configuration structure.
static inline void SMC_SetSystemResetInterruptConfig(SMC_Type *base, uint32_t intMask)
Sets the system reset interrupt configuration.
For a graceful shut down, the MSMC supports delaying the assertion of the system reset for a period of time when the reset interrupt is generated. This function can be used to enable the interrupt. The interrupts are passed in as bit mask. See smc_interrupt_enable_t for details. For example, to delay a reset after the WDOG timeout or PIN reset occurs, configure as follows: SMC_SetSystemResetInterruptConfig(SMC0, (kSMC_IntWdog | kSMC_IntPin));
- Parameters:
base – SMC peripheral base address.
intMask – Bit mask of the system reset interrupts to enable. See smc_interrupt_enable_t for details.
static inline uint32_t SMC_GetResetInterruptSourcesStatus(SMC_Type *base)
Gets the source status of the system reset interrupt.
This function gets the source status of the reset interrupt. Use source masks defined in the smc_interrupt_enable_t to get the desired source status.
Example: To get all reset interrupt source statuses.
uint32_t interruptStatus; interruptStatus = SMC_GetResetInterruptSourcesStatus(SMC0) & kSMC_IntAll;
Example: To test whether the reset interrupt of Watchdog is pending.
uint32_t interruptStatus; interruptStatus = SMC_GetResetInterruptSourcesStatus(SMC0) & kSMC_IntWdog;
Example: To test multiple reset interrupt sources.
uint32_t interruptStatus; interruptStatus = SMC_GetResetInterruptSourcesStatus(SMC0) & (kSMC_IntWdog | kSMC_IntPin);
- Parameters:
base – SMC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
All reset interrupt source status bit map.
static inline void SMC_ClearResetInterruptSourcesStatus(SMC_Type *base, uint32_t intMask)
Clears the source status of the system reset interrupt.
This function clears the source status of the reset interrupt. Use source masks defined in the smc_interrupt_enable_t to get the desired source status.
Example: To clear all reset interrupt source statuses.
uint32_t interruptStatus; MMC_ClearResetInterruptSourcesStatus(SMC0, kSMC_IntAll);
Example, To clear the reset interrupt of Watchdog.
uint32_t interruptStatus; SMC_ClearResetInterruptSourcesStatus(SMC0, kSMC_IntWdog);
Example, To clear multiple reset interrupt sources status.
uint32_t interruptStatus; SMC_ClearResetInterruptSourcesStatus(SMC0, (kSMC_IntWdog | kSMC_IntPin));
- Parameters:
base – SMC peripheral base address.
intMask – All reset interrupt source status bit map to clear.
static inline uint32_t SMC_GetBootOptionConfig(SMC_Type *base)
Gets the boot option configuration.
This function gets the boot option configuration of MSMC.
- Parameters:
base – SMC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The boot option configuration. 1 means boot option enabled. 0 means not.
MSMC driver version.
enum _smc_power_mode_protection
Power Modes Protection.
enumerator kSMC_AllowPowerModeVlls
Allow Very-Low-Leakage Stop Mode.
enumerator kSMC_AllowPowerModeLls
Allow Low-Leakage Stop Mode.
enumerator kSMC_AllowPowerModeVlp
Allow Very-Low-Power Mode.
enumerator kSMC_AllowPowerModeHsrun
Allow High Speed Run mode.
enumerator kSMC_AllowPowerModeAll
Allow all power mode.
enumerator kSMC_AllowPowerModeVlls
enum _smc_power_state
Power Modes in PMSTAT.
enumerator kSMC_PowerStateRun
0000_0001 - Current power mode is RUN
enumerator kSMC_PowerStateStop
0000_0010 - Current power mode is any STOP mode
enumerator kSMC_PowerStateVlpr
0000_0100 - Current power mode is VLPR
enumerator kSMC_PowerStateHsrun
1000_0000 - Current power mode is HSRUN
enumerator kSMC_PowerStateRun
enum _smc_power_stop_entry_status
Power Stop Entry Status in PMSTAT.
enumerator kSMC_PowerStopEntryAlt0
Indicates a Stop mode entry since this field was last cleared.
enumerator kSMC_PowerStopEntryAlt1
Indicates the system bus masters acknowledged the Stop mode entry.
enumerator kSMC_PowerStopEntryAlt2
Indicates the system clock peripherals acknowledged the Stop mode entry.
enumerator kSMC_PowerStopEntryAlt3
Indicates the bus clock peripherals acknowledged the Stop mode entry.
enumerator kSMC_PowerStopEntryAlt4
Indicates the slow clock peripherals acknowledged the Stop mode entry.
enumerator kSMC_PowerStopEntryAlt5
Indicates Stop mode entry completed.
enumerator kSMC_PowerStopEntryAlt0
enum _smc_run_mode
Run mode definition.
enumerator kSMC_RunNormal
normal RUN mode.
enumerator kSMC_RunVlpr
Very-Low-Power RUN mode.
enumerator kSMC_Hsrun
High Speed Run mode (HSRUN).
enumerator kSMC_RunNormal
enum _smc_stop_mode
Stop mode definition.
enumerator kSMC_StopNormal
Normal STOP mode.
enumerator kSMC_StopVlps
Very-Low-Power STOP mode.
enumerator kSMC_StopLls
Low-Leakage Stop mode.
enumerator kSMC_StopVlls
Very-Low-Leakage Stop mode.
enumerator kSMC_StopNormal
enum _smc_partial_stop_mode
Partial STOP option.
enumerator kSMC_PartialStop
STOP - Normal Stop mode
enumerator kSMC_PartialStop1
Partial Stop with both system and bus clocks disabled
enumerator kSMC_PartialStop2
Partial Stop with system clock disabled and bus clock enabled
enumerator kSMC_PartialStop3
Partial Stop with system clock enabled and bus clock disabled
enumerator kSMC_PartialStop
SMC configuration status.
enumerator kStatus_SMC_StopAbort
Entering Stop mode is abort
enumerator kStatus_SMC_StopAbort
enum _smc_reset_source
System Reset Source Name definitions.
enumerator kSMC_SourceWakeup
Very low-leakage wakeup reset
enumerator kSMC_SourcePor
Power on reset
enumerator kSMC_SourceLvd
Low-voltage detect reset
enumerator kSMC_SourceHvd
High-voltage detect reset
enumerator kSMC_SourceWarm
Warm reset. Warm Reset flag will assert if any of the system reset sources in this register assert (SRS[31:8])
enumerator kSMC_SourceFatal
Fatal reset
enumerator kSMC_SourceCore
Software reset that only reset the core, NOT a sticky system reset source.
enumerator kSMC_SourcePin
RESET_B pin reset.
enumerator kSMC_SourceMdm
MDM reset.
enumerator kSMC_SourceRstAck
Reset Controller timeout reset.
enumerator kSMC_SourceStopAck
Stop timeout reset
enumerator kSMC_SourceScg
SCG loss of lock or loss of clock
enumerator kSMC_SourceWdog
Watchdog reset
enumerator kSMC_SourceSoftware
Software reset
enumerator kSMC_SourceLockup
Lockup reset. Core lockup or exception.
enumerator kSMC_SourceJtag
JTAG system reset
enumerator kSMC_SourceAll
enumerator kSMC_SourceWakeup
enum _smc_interrupt_enable
System reset interrupt enable bit definitions.
enumerator kSMC_IntNone
No interrupt enabled.
enumerator kSMC_IntPin
Pin reset interrupt.
enumerator kSMC_IntMdm
MDM reset interrupt.
enumerator kSMC_IntStopAck
Stop timeout reset interrupt.
enumerator kSMC_IntWdog
Watchdog interrupt.
enumerator kSMC_IntSoftware
Software reset interrupts.
enumerator kSMC_IntLockup
Lock up interrupt.
enumerator kSMC_IntAll
All system reset interrupts.
enumerator kSMC_IntNone
typedef enum _smc_power_mode_protection smc_power_mode_protection_t
Power Modes Protection.
typedef enum _smc_power_state smc_power_state_t
Power Modes in PMSTAT.
typedef enum _smc_power_stop_entry_status smc_power_stop_entry_status_t
Power Stop Entry Status in PMSTAT.
typedef enum _smc_run_mode smc_run_mode_t
Run mode definition.
typedef enum _smc_stop_mode smc_stop_mode_t
Stop mode definition.
typedef enum _smc_partial_stop_mode smc_partial_stop_option_t
Partial STOP option.
typedef enum _smc_reset_source smc_reset_source_t
System Reset Source Name definitions.
typedef enum _smc_interrupt_enable smc_interrupt_enable_t
System reset interrupt enable bit definitions.
typedef struct _smc_reset_pin_filter_config smc_reset_pin_filter_config_t
Reset pin filter configuration.
struct _smc_reset_pin_filter_config
- #include <fsl_msmc.h>
Reset pin filter configuration.
Public Members
uint8_t slowClockFilterCount
Reset pin bus clock filter width from 1 to 32 slow clock cycles.
bool enableFilter
Reset pin filter enable/disable.
uint8_t slowClockFilterCount
MU: Messaging Unit
void MU_Init(MU_Type *base)
Initializes the MU module.
This function enables the MU clock only.
- Parameters:
base – MU peripheral base address.
void MU_Deinit(MU_Type *base)
De-initializes the MU module.
This function disables the MU clock only.
- Parameters:
base – MU peripheral base address.
static inline void MU_SendMsgNonBlocking(MU_Type *base, uint32_t regIndex, uint32_t msg)
Writes a message to the TX register.
This function writes a message to the specific TX register. It does not check whether the TX register is empty or not. The upper layer should make sure the TX register is empty before calling this function. This function can be used in ISR for better performance.
while (!(kMU_Tx0EmptyFlag & MU_GetStatusFlags(base))) { } Wait for TX0 register empty. MU_SendMsgNonBlocking(base, kMU_MsgReg0, MSG_VAL); Write message to the TX0 register.
- Parameters:
base – MU peripheral base address.
regIndex – TX register index, see mu_msg_reg_index_t.
msg – Message to send.
void MU_SendMsg(MU_Type *base, uint32_t regIndex, uint32_t msg)
Blocks to send a message.
This function waits until the TX register is empty and sends the message.
- Parameters:
base – MU peripheral base address.
regIndex – MU message register, see mu_msg_reg_index_t.
msg – Message to send.
static inline uint32_t MU_ReceiveMsgNonBlocking(MU_Type *base, uint32_t regIndex)
Reads a message from the RX register.
This function reads a message from the specific RX register. It does not check whether the RX register is full or not. The upper layer should make sure the RX register is full before calling this function. This function can be used in ISR for better performance.
uint32_t msg; while (!(kMU_Rx0FullFlag & MU_GetStatusFlags(base))) { } Wait for the RX0 register full. msg = MU_ReceiveMsgNonBlocking(base, kMU_MsgReg0); Read message from RX0 register.
- Parameters:
base – MU peripheral base address.
regIndex – RX register index, see mu_msg_reg_index_t.
- Returns:
The received message.
uint32_t MU_ReceiveMsg(MU_Type *base, uint32_t regIndex)
Blocks to receive a message.
This function waits until the RX register is full and receives the message.
- Parameters:
base – MU peripheral base address.
regIndex – MU message register, see mu_msg_reg_index_t
- Returns:
The received message.
static inline void MU_SetFlagsNonBlocking(MU_Type *base, uint32_t flags)
Sets the 3-bit MU flags reflect on the other MU side.
This function sets the 3-bit MU flags directly. Every time the 3-bit MU flags are changed, the status flag
asserts indicating the 3-bit MU flags are updating to the other side. After the 3-bit MU flags are updated, the status flagkMU_FlagsUpdatingFlag
is cleared by hardware. During the flags updating period, the flags cannot be changed. The upper layer should make sure the status flagkMU_FlagsUpdatingFlag
is cleared before calling this function.while (kMU_FlagsUpdatingFlag & MU_GetStatusFlags(base)) { } Wait for previous MU flags updating. MU_SetFlagsNonBlocking(base, 0U); Set the mU flags.
- Parameters:
base – MU peripheral base address.
flags – The 3-bit MU flags to set.
void MU_SetFlags(MU_Type *base, uint32_t flags)
Blocks setting the 3-bit MU flags reflect on the other MU side.
This function blocks setting the 3-bit MU flags. Every time the 3-bit MU flags are changed, the status flag
asserts indicating the 3-bit MU flags are updating to the other side. After the 3-bit MU flags are updated, the status flagkMU_FlagsUpdatingFlag
is cleared by hardware. During the flags updating period, the flags cannot be changed. This function waits for the MU status flagkMU_FlagsUpdatingFlag
cleared and sets the 3-bit MU flags.- Parameters:
base – MU peripheral base address.
flags – The 3-bit MU flags to set.
static inline uint32_t MU_GetFlags(MU_Type *base)
Gets the current value of the 3-bit MU flags set by the other side.
This function gets the current 3-bit MU flags on the current side.
- Parameters:
base – MU peripheral base address.
- Returns:
flags Current value of the 3-bit flags.
static inline uint32_t MU_GetStatusFlags(MU_Type *base)
Gets the MU status flags.
This function returns the bit mask of the MU status flags. See _mu_status_flags.
uint32_t flags; flags = MU_GetStatusFlags(base); Get all status flags. if (kMU_Tx0EmptyFlag & flags) { The TX0 register is empty. Message can be sent. MU_SendMsgNonBlocking(base, kMU_MsgReg0, MSG0_VAL); } if (kMU_Tx1EmptyFlag & flags) { The TX1 register is empty. Message can be sent. MU_SendMsgNonBlocking(base, kMU_MsgReg1, MSG1_VAL); }
- Parameters:
base – MU peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Bit mask of the MU status flags, see _mu_status_flags.
static inline uint32_t MU_GetRxStatusFlags(MU_Type *base)
Return the RX status flags.
This function return the RX status flags. Note: RFn bits of SR[27-24](mu status register) are mapped in reverse numerical order: RF0 -> SR[27] RF1 -> SR[26] RF2 -> SR[25] RF3 -> SR[24]
status_reg = MU_GetRxStatusFlags(base);
- Parameters:
base – MU peripheral base address.
- Returns:
MU RX status
static inline uint32_t MU_GetInterruptsPending(MU_Type *base)
Gets the MU IRQ pending status of enabled interrupts.
This function returns the bit mask of the pending MU IRQs of enabled interrupts. Only these flags are checked. kMU_Tx0EmptyFlag kMU_Tx1EmptyFlag kMU_Tx2EmptyFlag kMU_Tx3EmptyFlag kMU_Rx0FullFlag kMU_Rx1FullFlag kMU_Rx2FullFlag kMU_Rx3FullFlag kMU_GenInt0Flag kMU_GenInt1Flag kMU_GenInt2Flag kMU_GenInt3Flag
- Parameters:
base – MU peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Bit mask of the MU IRQs pending.
static inline void MU_ClearStatusFlags(MU_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears the specific MU status flags.
This function clears the specific MU status flags. The flags to clear should be passed in as bit mask. See _mu_status_flags.
Clear general interrupt 0 and general interrupt 1 pending flags. MU_ClearStatusFlags(base, kMU_GenInt0Flag | kMU_GenInt1Flag);
- Parameters:
base – MU peripheral base address.
mask – Bit mask of the MU status flags. See _mu_status_flags. The following flags are cleared by hardware, this function could not clear them.
static inline void MU_EnableInterrupts(MU_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the specific MU interrupts.
This function enables the specific MU interrupts. The interrupts to enable should be passed in as bit mask. See _mu_interrupt_enable.
Enable general interrupt 0 and TX0 empty interrupt. MU_EnableInterrupts(base, kMU_GenInt0InterruptEnable | kMU_Tx0EmptyInterruptEnable);
- Parameters:
base – MU peripheral base address.
mask – Bit mask of the MU interrupts. See _mu_interrupt_enable.
static inline void MU_DisableInterrupts(MU_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the specific MU interrupts.
This function disables the specific MU interrupts. The interrupts to disable should be passed in as bit mask. See _mu_interrupt_enable.
Disable general interrupt 0 and TX0 empty interrupt. MU_DisableInterrupts(base, kMU_GenInt0InterruptEnable | kMU_Tx0EmptyInterruptEnable);
- Parameters:
base – MU peripheral base address.
mask – Bit mask of the MU interrupts. See _mu_interrupt_enable.
status_t MU_TriggerInterrupts(MU_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Triggers interrupts to the other core.
This function triggers the specific interrupts to the other core. The interrupts to trigger are passed in as bit mask. See _mu_interrupt_trigger. The MU should not trigger an interrupt to the other core when the previous interrupt has not been processed by the other core. This function checks whether the previous interrupts have been processed. If not, it returns an error.
if (kStatus_Success != MU_TriggerInterrupts(base, kMU_GenInt0InterruptTrigger | kMU_GenInt2InterruptTrigger)) { Previous general purpose interrupt 0 or general purpose interrupt 2 has not been processed by the other core. }
- Parameters:
base – MU peripheral base address.
mask – Bit mask of the interrupts to trigger. See _mu_interrupt_trigger.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Interrupts have been triggered successfully.
kStatus_Fail – Previous interrupts have not been accepted.
static inline void MU_ClearNmi(MU_Type *base)
Clear non-maskable interrupt (NMI) sent by the other core.
This function clears non-maskable interrupt (NMI) sent by the other core.
- Parameters:
base – MU peripheral base address.
void MU_BootCoreB(MU_Type *base, mu_core_boot_mode_t mode)
Boots the core at B side.
This function sets the B side core’s boot configuration and releases the core from reset.
Only MU side A can use this function.
- Parameters:
base – MU peripheral base address.
mode – Core B boot mode.
static inline void MU_HoldCoreBReset(MU_Type *base)
Holds the core reset of B side.
This function causes the core of B side to be held in reset following any reset event.
Only A side could call this function.
- Parameters:
base – MU peripheral base address.
void MU_BootOtherCore(MU_Type *base, mu_core_boot_mode_t mode)
Boots the other core.
This function boots the other core with a boot configuration.
- Parameters:
base – MU peripheral base address.
mode – The other core boot mode.
static inline void MU_HoldOtherCoreReset(MU_Type *base)
Holds the other core reset.
This function causes the other core to be held in reset following any reset event.
- Parameters:
base – MU peripheral base address.
static inline void MU_ResetBothSides(MU_Type *base)
Resets the MU for both A side and B side.
This function resets the MU for both A side and B side. Before reset, it is recommended to interrupt processor B, because this function may affect the ongoing processor B programs.
For some platforms, only MU side A could use this function, check reference manual for details.
- Parameters:
base – MU peripheral base address.
void MU_HardwareResetOtherCore(MU_Type *base, bool waitReset, bool holdReset, mu_core_boot_mode_t bootMode)
Hardware reset the other core.
This function resets the other core, the other core could mask the hardware reset by calling MU_MaskHardwareReset. The hardware reset mask feature is only available for some platforms. This function could be used together with MU_BootOtherCore to control the other core reset workflow.
Example 1: Reset the other core, and no hold reset
In this example, the core at MU side B will reset with the specified boot mode.MU_HardwareResetOtherCore(MU_A, true, false, bootMode);
Example 2: Reset the other core and hold it, then boot the other core later.
Here the other core enters reset, and the reset is hold MU_HardwareResetOtherCore(MU_A, true, true, modeDontCare); Current core boot the other core when necessary. MU_BootOtherCore(MU_A, bootMode);
- Parameters:
base – MU peripheral base address.
waitReset – Wait the other core enters reset.
true: Wait until the other core enters reset, if the other core has masked the hardware reset, then this function will be blocked.
false: Don’t wait the reset.
holdReset – Hold the other core reset or not.
true: Hold the other core in reset, this function returns directly when the other core enters reset.
false: Don’t hold the other core in reset, this function waits until the other core out of reset.
bootMode – Boot mode of the other core, if
is true, this parameter is useless.
static inline void MU_SetClockOnOtherCoreEnable(MU_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables or disables the clock on the other core.
This function enables or disables the platform clock on the other core when that core enters a stop mode. If disabled, the platform clock for the other core is disabled when it enters stop mode. If enabled, the platform clock keeps running on the other core in stop mode, until this core also enters stop mode.
- Parameters:
base – MU peripheral base address.
enable – Enable or disable the clock on the other core.
static inline mu_power_mode_t MU_GetOtherCorePowerMode(MU_Type *base)
Gets the power mode of the other core.
This function gets the power mode of the other core.
- Parameters:
base – MU peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Power mode of the other core.
MU driver version.
enum _mu_status_flags
MU status flags.
enumerator kMU_Tx0EmptyFlag
TX0 empty.
enumerator kMU_Tx1EmptyFlag
TX1 empty.
enumerator kMU_Tx2EmptyFlag
TX2 empty.
enumerator kMU_Tx3EmptyFlag
TX3 empty.
enumerator kMU_Rx0FullFlag
RX0 full.
enumerator kMU_Rx1FullFlag
RX1 full.
enumerator kMU_Rx2FullFlag
RX2 full.
enumerator kMU_Rx3FullFlag
RX3 full.
enumerator kMU_GenInt0Flag
General purpose interrupt 0 pending.
enumerator kMU_GenInt1Flag
General purpose interrupt 1 pending.
enumerator kMU_GenInt2Flag
General purpose interrupt 2 pending.
enumerator kMU_GenInt3Flag
General purpose interrupt 3 pending.
enumerator kMU_EventPendingFlag
MU event pending.
enumerator kMU_FlagsUpdatingFlag
MU flags update is on-going.
enumerator kMU_Tx0EmptyFlag
enum _mu_interrupt_enable
MU interrupt source to enable.
enumerator kMU_Tx0EmptyInterruptEnable
TX0 empty.
enumerator kMU_Tx1EmptyInterruptEnable
TX1 empty.
enumerator kMU_Tx2EmptyInterruptEnable
TX2 empty.
enumerator kMU_Tx3EmptyInterruptEnable
TX3 empty.
enumerator kMU_Rx0FullInterruptEnable
RX0 full.
enumerator kMU_Rx1FullInterruptEnable
RX1 full.
enumerator kMU_Rx2FullInterruptEnable
RX2 full.
enumerator kMU_Rx3FullInterruptEnable
RX3 full.
enumerator kMU_GenInt0InterruptEnable
General purpose interrupt 0.
enumerator kMU_GenInt1InterruptEnable
General purpose interrupt 1.
enumerator kMU_GenInt2InterruptEnable
General purpose interrupt 2.
enumerator kMU_GenInt3InterruptEnable
General purpose interrupt 3.
enumerator kMU_Tx0EmptyInterruptEnable
enum _mu_interrupt_trigger
MU interrupt that could be triggered to the other core.
enumerator kMU_NmiInterruptTrigger
NMI interrupt.
enumerator kMU_GenInt0InterruptTrigger
General purpose interrupt 0.
enumerator kMU_GenInt1InterruptTrigger
General purpose interrupt 1.
enumerator kMU_GenInt2InterruptTrigger
General purpose interrupt 2.
enumerator kMU_GenInt3InterruptTrigger
General purpose interrupt 3.
enumerator kMU_NmiInterruptTrigger
enum _mu_msg_reg_index
MU message register.
enumerator kMU_MsgReg0
enumerator kMU_MsgReg1
enumerator kMU_MsgReg2
enumerator kMU_MsgReg3
enumerator kMU_MsgReg0
typedef enum _mu_msg_reg_index mu_msg_reg_index_t
MU message register.
OCOTP: On Chip One-Time Programmable controller.
OCOTP driver version.
_ocotp_status Error codes for the OCOTP driver.
enumerator kStatus_OCOTP_AccessError
eFuse and shadow register access error.
enumerator kStatus_OCOTP_CrcFail
CRC check failed.
enumerator kStatus_OCOTP_ReloadError
Error happens during reload shadow register.
enumerator kStatus_OCOTP_ProgramFail
Fuse programming failed.
enumerator kStatus_OCOTP_Locked
Fuse is locked and cannot be programmed.
enumerator kStatus_OCOTP_AccessError
void OCOTP_Init(OCOTP_Type *base, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
Initializes OCOTP controller.
- Parameters:
base – OCOTP peripheral base address.
srcClock_Hz – source clock frequency in unit of Hz. When the macro FSL_FEATURE_OCOTP_HAS_TIMING_CTRL is defined as 0, this parameter is not used, application could pass in 0 in this case.
void OCOTP_Deinit(OCOTP_Type *base)
De-initializes OCOTP controller.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – upon successful execution, error status otherwise.
static inline bool OCOTP_CheckBusyStatus(OCOTP_Type *base)
Checking the BUSY bit in CTRL register. Checking this BUSY bit will help confirm if the OCOTP controller is ready for access.
- Parameters:
base – OCOTP peripheral base address.
- Return values:
true – for bit set and false for cleared.
static inline bool OCOTP_CheckErrorStatus(OCOTP_Type *base)
Checking the ERROR bit in CTRL register.
- Parameters:
base – OCOTP peripheral base address.
- Return values:
true – for bit set and false for cleared.
static inline void OCOTP_ClearErrorStatus(OCOTP_Type *base)
Clear the error bit if this bit is set.
- Parameters:
base – OCOTP peripheral base address.
status_t OCOTP_ReloadShadowRegister(OCOTP_Type *base)
Reload the shadow register. This function will help reload the shadow register without reseting the OCOTP module. Please make sure the OCOTP has been initialized before calling this API.
- Parameters:
base – OCOTP peripheral base addess.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Reload success.
kStatus_OCOTP_ReloadError – Reload failed.
uint32_t OCOTP_ReadFuseShadowRegister(OCOTP_Type *base, uint32_t address)
Read the fuse shadow register with the fuse addess.
- Deprecated:
Use OCOTP_ReadFuseShadowRegisterExt instead of this function.
- Parameters:
base – OCOTP peripheral base address.
address – the fuse address to be read from.
- Returns:
The read out data.
status_t OCOTP_ReadFuseShadowRegisterExt(OCOTP_Type *base, uint32_t address, uint32_t *data, uint8_t fuseWords)
Read the fuse shadow register from the fuse addess.
This function reads fuse from
, how many words to read is specified by the parameterfuseWords
. This function could read at most OCOTP_READ_FUSE_DATA_COUNT fuse word one time.- Parameters:
base – OCOTP peripheral base address.
address – the fuse address to be read from.
data – Data array to save the readout fuse value.
fuseWords – How many words to read.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Read success.
kStatus_Fail – Error occurs during read.
status_t OCOTP_WriteFuseShadowRegister(OCOTP_Type *base, uint32_t address, uint32_t data)
Write the fuse shadow register with the fuse addess and data. Please make sure the wrtie address is not locked while calling this API.
- Parameters:
base – OCOTP peripheral base address.
address – the fuse address to be written.
data – the value will be writen to fuse address.
- Return values:
write – status, kStatus_Success for success and kStatus_Fail for failed.
status_t OCOTP_WriteFuseShadowRegisterWithLock(OCOTP_Type *base, uint32_t address, uint32_t data, bool lock)
Write the fuse shadow register and lock it.
Please make sure the wrtie address is not locked while calling this API.
Some OCOTP controller supports ECC mode and redundancy mode (see reference mananual for more details). OCOTP controller will auto select ECC or redundancy mode to program the fuse word according to fuse map definition. In ECC mode, the 32 fuse bits in one word can only be written once. In redundancy mode, the word can be written more than once as long as they are different fuse bits. Set parameter
as true to force use ECC mode.- Parameters:
base – OCOTP peripheral base address.
address – The fuse address to be written.
data – The value will be writen to fuse address.
lock – Lock or unlock write fuse shadow register operation.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Program and reload success.
kStatus_OCOTP_Locked – The eFuse word is locked and cannot be programmed.
kStatus_OCOTP_ProgramFail – eFuse word programming failed.
kStatus_OCOTP_ReloadError – eFuse word programming success, but error happens during reload the values.
kStatus_OCOTP_AccessError – Cannot access eFuse word.
static inline uint32_t OCOTP_GetVersion(OCOTP_Type *base)
Get the OCOTP controller version from the register.
- Parameters:
base – OCOTP peripheral base address.
- Return values:
return – the version value.
OTFAD: On The Fly AES-128 Decryption Driver
void OTFAD_GetDefaultConfig(otfad_config_t *config)
OTFAD module initialization function.
- Parameters:
config – OTFAD configuration.
- AT_QUICKACCESS_SECTION_CODE (void OTFAD_Init(OTFAD_Type *base, const otfad_config_t *config))
OTFAD module initialization function.
- Parameters:
base – OTFAD base address.
config – OTFAD configuration.
Deinitializes the OTFAD.
static inline uint32_t OTFAD_GetOperateMode(OTFAD_Type *base)
OTFAD module get operate mode.
- Parameters:
base – OTFAD base address.
static inline uint32_t OTFAD_GetStatus(OTFAD_Type *base)
OTFAD module get status.
- Parameters:
base – OTFAD base address.
status_t OTFAD_SetEncryptionConfig(OTFAD_Type *base, const otfad_encryption_config_t *config)
OTFAD module set encryption configuration.
Note: if enable keyblob process, the first 256 bytes external memory is use for keyblob data, so this region shouldn’t be in OTFAD region.
- Parameters:
base – OTFAD base address.
config – encryption configuration.
status_t OTFAD_GetEncryptionConfig(OTFAD_Type *base, otfad_encryption_config_t *config)
OTFAD module get encryption configuration.
Note: if enable keyblob process, the first 256 bytes external memory is use for keyblob data, so this region shouldn’t be in OTFAD region.
- Parameters:
base – OTFAD base address.
config – encryption configuration.
status_t OTFAD_HitDetermination(OTFAD_Type *base, uint32_t address, uint8_t *contextIndex)
OTFAD module do hit determination.
- Parameters:
base – OTFAD base address.
address – the physical address space assigned to the QuadSPI(FlexSPI) module.
contextIndex – hitted context region index.
- Returns:
status, such as kStatus_Success or kStatus_OTFAD_ResRegAccessMode.
Driver version.
Status codes for the OTFAD driver.
enumerator kStatus_OTFAD_ResRegAccessMode
Restricted register mode
enumerator kStatus_OTFAD_AddressError
End address less than start address
enumerator kStatus_OTFAD_RegionOverlap
the OTFAD does not support any form of memory region overlap, for system accesses that hit in multiple contexts or no contexts, the fetched data is simply bypassed
enumerator kStatus_OTFAD_RegionMiss
For accesses that hit in a single context, but not the selected one
enumerator kStatus_OTFAD_ResRegAccessMode
OTFAD context type.
enumerator kOTFAD_Context_0
context 0
enumerator kOTFAD_Context_1
context 1
enumerator kOTFAD_Context_2
context 2
enumerator kOTFAD_Context_3
context 3
enumerator kOTFAD_Context_0
OTFAD operate mode.
enumerator kOTFAD_NRM
Normal Mode
enumerator kOTFAD_SVM
Security Violation Mode
enumerator kOTFAD_LDM
Logically Disabled Mode
enumerator kOTFAD_NRM
typedef struct _otfad_encryption_config otfad_encryption_config_t
OTFAD encryption configuration structure.
typedef struct _otfad_config otfad_config_t
OTFAD configuration structure.
struct _otfad_encryption_config
- #include <fsl_otfad.h>
OTFAD encryption configuration structure.
Public Members
bool valid
The context is valid or not
bool AESdecryption
AES decryption enable
uint8_t readOnly
read write attribute for the entire set of context registers
uint8_t contextIndex
OTFAD context index
uint32_t startAddr
Start address
uint32_t endAddr
End address
uint32_t key[4]
Encryption key
uint32_t counter[2]
Encryption counter
bool valid
struct _otfad_config
- #include <fsl_otfad.h>
OTFAD configuration structure.
Public Members
bool forceSVM
Force entry into SVM after a write
bool forceLDM
Force entry into LDM after a write
bool restrictedRegAccess
Restricted register access enable
bool enableOTFAD
OTFAD has decryption enabled
bool forceSVM
PMC0: Power Management Controller
static inline void PMC0_ConfigureHsrunMode(const pmc0_hsrun_mode_config_t *config)
Configure the HSRUN power mode.
This function configures the HSRUN power mode, including the core regulator voltage Level setting, enable forward bias or not.
- Parameters:
config – Low-Voltage detect configuration structure.
static inline void PMC0_ConfigureRunMode(const pmc0_run_mode_config_t *config)
Configure the RUN power mode.
This function configures the RUN power mode, including the core regulator voltage Level setting.
- Parameters:
config – Low-Voltage detect configuration structure.
static inline void PMC0_ConfigureVlprMode(const pmc0_vlpr_mode_config_t *config)
Configure the VLPR power mode.
This function configures the VLPR power mode, including the core regulator voltage Level setting, enable reverse back bias or not, turn on force HP band-gap or not, select of HVD/LVD monitor and select of core/array regulator.
- Parameters:
config – Low-Voltage detect configuration structure.
static inline void PMC0_ConfigureStopMode(const pmc0_stop_mode_config_t *config)
Configure the STOP power mode.
This function configures the STOP power mode, including the core regulator voltage Level setting.
- Parameters:
config – Low-Voltage detect configuration structure.
static inline void PMC0_ConfigureVlpsMode(const pmc0_vlps_mode_config_t *config)
Configure the VLPS power mode.
This function configures the VLPS power mode, including the core regulator voltage Level setting, enable reverse back bias or not, turn on force HP band-gap or not, select of HVD/LVD monitor and select of core/array regulator.
- Parameters:
config – Low-Voltage detect configuration structure.
static inline void PMC0_ConfigureLlsMode(const pmc0_lls_mode_config_t *config)
Configure the LLS power mode.
This function configures the LLS power mode, including the core regulator voltage Level setting, enable reverse back bias or not, turn on force HP band-gap or not, select of HVD/LVD monitor and select of core/array regulator.
- Parameters:
config – Low-Voltage detect configuration structure.
static inline void PMC0_ConfigureVllsMode(const pmc0_vlls_mode_config_t *config)
Configure the VLLS power mode.
This function configures the VLLS power mode, including turn on force HP band-gap or not, select of HVD/LVD monitor and select of core/array regulator.
The select of array regulator is different from the other mode configurations. PMC 0 VLLS config has three array regulator select options where the others have only the latter two, see pmc0_vlls_array_regulator_select_t. Three array regulator select options in PMC 0 VLLS config are shown below:
Regulator is off (diffrentiator)
LP Regulator is on
HP Regulator is on
- Parameters:
config – Low-Voltage detect configuration structure.
static inline uint32_t PMC0_GetPMC0PowerModeStatusFlags(void)
Get current power mode of PMC 0.
if(kPMC0_HSRUNModeStatusFlags == PMC0_GetPMC0PowerModeStatusFlags(void)) { ... }
- Returns:
PMC 0 current power mode status flags in the _pmc0_power_mode_status_flags.
static inline bool PMC0_GetPMC0PowerTransitionStatus(void)
Get the status of PMC 0 power mode transition.
- Returns:
If return ‘true’, which means PMC 0 is in a power mode transition. If return ‘false’, which means PMC 0 is not in a power mode transition.
static inline uint32_t PMC0_GetPMC1PowerModeStatusFlags(void)
Get current power mode of PMC 1.
if(kPMC0_HSRUNModeStatusFlags == PMC0_GetPMC1PowerModeStatusFlags(void)) { ... }
- Returns:
PMC 1 current power mode status flags in the _pmc0_power_mode_status_flags.
static inline bool PMC0_GetPMC1PowerTransitionStatus(void)
Get the status of PMC 1 power mode transition.
- Returns:
If return ‘true’, which means PMC 1 is in a power mode transition. If return ‘false’, which means PMC 1 is not in a power mode transition.
static inline uint32_t PMC0_GetStatusFlags(void)
Gets PMC 0 status flags.
This function gets all PMC 0 status flags. The flags are returned as the logical OR value of the enumerators _pmc0_status_flags. To check for a specific status, compare the return value with enumerators in the _pmc0_status_flags. For example, to check whether core regulator voltage level is changing:
if (kPMC0_CoreRegulatorVoltLevelFlag & PMC0_GetStatusFlags(void)) { ... }
- Returns:
PMC 0 status flags which are ORed by the enumerators in the _pmc0_status_flags.
static inline void PMC0_EnableLowVoltDetectInterrupt(void)
Enables the 1.2V Low-Voltage Detector interrupt.
This function enables the 1.2V Low-Voltage Detector interrupt.
static inline void PMC0_DisableLowVoltDetectInterrupt(void)
Disables the 1.2V Low-Voltage Detector interrupt.
This function disables the 1.2V Low-Voltage Detector interrupt.
static inline void PMC0_ClearLowVoltDetectFlag(void)
Clears the 1.2V Low-Voltage Detector flag.
This function enables the 1.2V Low-Voltage Detector flag.
static inline void PMC0_EnableHighVoltDetectInterrupt(void)
Enables the 1.8V High-Voltage Detector interrupt.
This function enables the 1.8V High-Voltage Detector interrupt.
static inline void PMC0_DisableHighVoltDetectInterrupt(void)
Disables the 1.8V High-Voltage Detector interrupt.
This function disables the 1.8V High-Voltage Detector interrupt.
static inline void PMC0_ClearHighVoltDetectFlag(void)
Clears the 1.8V High-Voltage Detector flag.
This function enables the 1.8V High-Voltage Detector flag.
static inline void PMC0_EnableLowVoltDetectReset(bool enable)
Enables the 1.2V Low-Voltage Detector reset.
This function enables 1.2V Low-Voltage Detector reset.
- Parameters:
enable – Switcher of 1.2V Low-Voltage Detector reset feature. “true” means to enable, “false” means not.
static inline void PMC0_EnableHighVoltDetectReset(bool enable)
Enables the 1.8V High-Voltage Detector reset.
This function enables 1.8V High-Voltage Detector reset.
- Parameters:
enable – Switcher of 1.8V High-Voltage Detector reset feature. “true” means to enable, “false” means not.
static inline void PMC0_ClearPadsIsolation(void)
Releases/clears the isolation in the PADS.
This function releases/clears the isolation in the PADS.
The isolation in the pads only will be asserted during LLS/VLLS. On LLS exit, the isolation will release automatically. ISOACK must be set after a VLLS to RUN mode transition has completed.
static inline void PMC0_PowerOnPmc1(void)
Powers on PMC 1.
This function powers on PMC 1.
When this bit field is asserted the PMC 1 is powered on. This bit would take action only once. This bit will be rearmed after a POR event only. NOTE: USB PHY-related interrupt (NVIC/GIC) and wake-up channels (AWIC/WKPU) must be disabled before turning PMC1 on.
static inline void PMC0_EnableWaitLdoOkSignal(bool enable)
Enables to wait LDO OK signal.
This function enables to wait LDO OK signal.
- Parameters:
enable – Switcher of wait LDO OK signal feature. “true” means to enable, “false” means not.
static inline void PMC0_EnablePmc1LdoRegulator(bool enable)
Enables PMC 1 LDO Regulator.
This function enables PMC 1 LDO Regulator.
- Parameters:
enable – Switcher of PMC 1 LDO Regulator. “true” means to enable, “false” means not.
static inline void PMC0_EnablePmc1RBBMode(bool enable)
Enable the PMC 1 RBB(reverse back bias) mode.
This function enables PMC1 RBB mode. Since this circuit when enabled has current consumption. It is recommended to use it just in high temperatures when the leakage reduction is much higher than the current consumption.
- Parameters:
enable – Switcher of PMC1 RBB mode. “true” means to enable, “false” means disable.
static inline void PMC0_SetBiasConfig(const pmc0_bias_config_t *config)
Configure the PMC 0 bias voltage level and enable/disable pull-down.
This function change the RBB&FBB voltage level and RBB pull-down.
- Parameters:
config – PMC 0 bias configuration structure.
static inline void PMC0_ConfigureSramBankPowerDown(uint32_t bankMask)
Configures PMC 0 SRAM bank power down.
This function configures PMC 0 SRAM bank power down.
The bit i controls the power mode of the PMC 0 SRAM bank i. PMC0_SRAM_PD[i] = 1’b0 - PMC 0 SRAM bank i is not affected. PMC0_SRAM_PD[i] = 1’b1 - PMC 0 SRAM bank i is in ASD or ARRAY_SHUTDOWN during all modes, except VLLS. During VLLS is in POWER_DOWN mode.
Example: Enable band 0 and 1 in ASD or ARRAY_SHUTDOWN during all modes except VLLS
- Parameters:
bankMask – The bands to enable. Logical OR of all bits of band index to enbale.
static inline void PMC0_ConfigureSramBankPowerDownStopMode(uint32_t bankMask)
Configures PMC 0 SRAM bank power down in stop modes.
This function configures PMC 0 SRAM bank power down in stop modes.
The bit i controls the PMC 0 SRAM bank i. PMC0_SRAM_PDS[i] = 1’b0 - PMC 0 SRAM bank i is not affected. PMC0_SRAM_PDS[i] = 1’b1 - PMC 0 SRAM bank i is in ASD or ARRAY_SHUTDOWN mode during STOP, VLPS and LLS modes. During VLLS is in POWER_DOWN mode.
Example: Enable band 0 and 1 in ASD or ARRAY_SHUTDOWN during STOP, VLPS and LLS modes
- Parameters:
bankMask – The bands to enable. Logical OR of all bits of band index to enbale.
static inline void PMC0_ConfigureSramBankPowerDownStandbyMode(uint32_t bankMask)
Configures PMC 0 SRAM bank power down in Standby Mode.
This function configures PMC 0 SRAM bank power down in Standby Mode.
The bit i controls the PMC 0 SRAM bank i. PMC0_SRAM_STDY[i] = 1’b0 - PMC 0 SRAM bank i is not affected. PMC0_SRAM_STDY[i] = 1’b1 - PMC 0 SRAM bank i is in STANDBY mode during all modes (except VLLS and LLS).
Example: Enable band 0 and 1 in STANDBY mode except VLLS and LLS
- Parameters:
bankMask – The bands to enable. Logical OR of all bits of band index to enbale.
static inline void PMC0_EnableTemperatureSensor(bool enable)
Enable/disable internal temperature sensor.
- Parameters:
enable – Used to enable/disable internal temperature sensor.
true Enable internal temperature sensor.
false Disable internal temperature sensor.
static inline void PMC0_SetTemperatureSensorMode(uint8_t mode)
Set temperature sensor mode.
- Parameters:
mode – The temperature sensor mode to set.
PMC 0 driver version.
enum _pmc0_high_volt_detect_monitor_select
High Voltage Detect Monitor Select.
enumerator kPMC0_HighVoltDetectLowPowerMonitor
LP monitor is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_HighVoltDetectHighPowerMonitor
HP monitor is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_HighVoltDetectLowPowerMonitor
enum _pmc0_low_volt_detect_monitor_select
Low Voltage Detect Monitor Select.
enumerator kPMC0_LowVoltDetectLowPowerMonitor
LP monitor is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_LowVoltDetectHighPowerMonitor
HP monitor is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_LowVoltDetectLowPowerMonitor
enum _pmc0_core_regulator_select
Core Regulator Select.
enumerator kPMC0_CoreLowPowerRegulator
Core LP regulator is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_CoreHighPowerRegulator
Core HP regulator is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_CoreLowPowerRegulator
enum _pmc0_array_regulator_select
Array Regulator Select.
enumerator kPMC0_ArrayLowPowerRegulator
Array LP regulator is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_ArrayHighPowerRegulator
Array HP regulator is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_ArrayLowPowerRegulator
enum _pmc0_vlls_array_regulator_select
VLLS mode array Regulator Select.
enumerator kPMC0_VllsArrayRegulatorOff
Array regulator is selected OFF. This is selectable only for VLLS mode.
enumerator kPMC0_VllsArrayLowPowerRegulator
Array LP regulator is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_VllsArrayHighPowerRegulator
Array HP regulator is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_VllsArrayRegulatorOff
enum _pmc0_fbb_p_well_voltage_level_select
FBB P-Well voltage level select.
enumerator kPMC0_FbbPWellNoBiasCondition
No BIAS condition is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_FbbPWellVoltageLevelAt50Mv
Voltage level at 50mV is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_FbbPWellVoltageLevelAt150Mv
Voltage level at 150mV is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_FbbPWellVoltageLevelAt100Mv
Voltage level at 100mV is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_FbbPWellVoltageLevelAt350Mv
Voltage level at 350mV is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_FbbPWellVoltageLevelAt300Mv
Voltage level at 300mV is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_FbbPWellVoltageLevelAt200Mv
Voltage level at 200mV is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_FbbPWellVoltageLevelAt250Mv
Voltage level at 250mV is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_FbbPWellNoBiasCondition
enum _pmc0_fbb_n_well_voltage_level_select
FBB N-Well voltage level select.
enumerator kPMC0_FbbNWellNoBiasCondition
No BIAS condition is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_FbbNWellVoltageLevelAtMinus50Mv
Voltage level at -50mV is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_FbbNWellVoltageLevelAtMinus150Mv
Voltage level at -150mV is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_FbbNWellVoltageLevelAtMinus100Mv
Voltage level at -100mV is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_FbbNWellVoltageLevelAtMinus350Mv
Voltage level at -350mV is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_FbbNWellVoltageLevelAtMinus300Mv
Voltage level at -300mV is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_FbbNWellVoltageLevelAtMinus200Mv
Voltage level at -200mV is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_FbbNWellVoltageLevelAtMinus250Mv
Voltage level at -250mV is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_FbbNWellNoBiasCondition
enum _pmc0_rbb_p_well_voltage_level_select
RBB P-Well voltage level select.
enumerator kPMC0_RBBPWellVoltageLevelAtMinus0_5V
Voltage level at -0.5V is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_RBBPWellVoltageLevelAtMinus0_6V
Voltage level at -0.6V is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_RBBPWellVoltageLevelAtMinus0_7V
Voltage level at -0.7V is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_RBBPWellVoltageLevelAtMinus0_8V
Voltage level at -0.8V is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_RBBPWellVoltageLevelAtMinus0_9V
Voltage level at -0.9V is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_RBBPWellVoltageLevelAtMinus1_0V
Voltage level at -1.0V is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_RBBPWellVoltageLevelAtMinus1_1V
Voltage level at -1.1V is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_RBBPWellVoltageLevelAtMinus1_2V
Voltage level at -1.2V is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_RBBPWellVoltageLevelAtMinus1_3V
Voltage level at -1.3V is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_RBBPWellVoltageLevelAtMinus0_5V
enum _pmc0_rbb_n_well_voltage_level_select
RBB N-Well voltage level select.
enumerator kPMC0_RBBNWellVoltageLevelAt0_5V
Voltage level at 0.5V is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_RBBNWellVoltageLevelAt0_6V
Voltage level at 0.6V is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_RBBNWellVoltageLevelAt0_7V
Voltage level at 0.7V is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_RBBNWellVoltageLevelAt0_8V
Voltage level at 0.8V is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_RBBNWellVoltageLevelAt0_9V
Voltage level at 0.9V is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_RBBNWellVoltageLevelAt1_0V
Voltage level at 1.0V is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_RBBNWellVoltageLevelAt1_1V
Voltage level at 1.1V is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_RBBNWellVoltageLevelAt1_2V
Voltage level at 1.2V is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_RBBNWellVoltageLevelAt1_3V
Voltage level at 1.3V is selected.
enumerator kPMC0_RBBNWellVoltageLevelAt0_5V
enum _pmc0_status_flags
PMC 0 status flags.
enumerator kPMC0_LowVoltDetectEventFlag
1.2V Low-Voltage Detector Flag, sets when low-voltage event was detected.
enumerator kPMC0_LowVoltDetectValueFlag
1.2V Low-Voltage Detector Value, sets when current value of the 1.2V LVD monitor output is 1.
enumerator kPMC0_HighVoltDetectEventFlag
1.8V High-Voltage Detector Flag, sets when high-voltage event was detected.
enumerator kPMC0_HighVoltDetectValueFlag
1.8V High-Voltage Detector Value, sets when current value of the 1.8V HVD monitor output is 1.
enumerator kPMC0_CoreRegulatorVoltLevelFlag
Core Regulator Voltage Level Flag, sets when core regulator voltage level is changing (not stable).
enumerator kPMC0_SramFlag
SRAM Flag, sets when a change mode request is being processed in the SRAMs.
enumerator kPMC0_PMC1VoltageSourceFlag
This flag indicates what is the voltage source selected to supply the PMC 1 and where the sense point of the PMC 1’s LVD/HVD is placed. ‘0’ means internal LDO supplies the PMC 1. ‘1’ means external PMIC supplies the PMC 1.
enumerator kPMC0_LowVoltDetectEventFlag
enum _pmc0_power_mode_status_flags
PMC 0 power mode status flags.
enumerator kPMC0_HSRUNModeStatusFlags
The PMC 0 is in HSRUN mode.
enumerator kPMC0_RUNModeStatusFlags
The PMC 0 is in RUN mode.
enumerator kPMC0_STOPModeStatusFlags
The PMC 0 is in STOP mode.
enumerator kPMC0_VLPRModeStatusFlags
The PMC 0 is in VLPR mode.
enumerator kPMC0_VLPSModeStatusFlags
The PMC 0 is in VLPS mode.
enumerator kPMC0_LLSModeStatusFlags
The PMC 0 is in LLSM mode.
enumerator kPMC0_VLLSModeStatusFlags
The PMC 0 is in VLLS mode.
enumerator kPMC0_HSRUNModeStatusFlags
typedef enum _pmc0_high_volt_detect_monitor_select pmc0_high_volt_detect_monitor_select_t
High Voltage Detect Monitor Select.
typedef enum _pmc0_low_volt_detect_monitor_select pmc0_low_volt_detect_monitor_select_t
Low Voltage Detect Monitor Select.
typedef enum _pmc0_core_regulator_select pmc0_core_regulator_select_t
Core Regulator Select.
typedef enum _pmc0_array_regulator_select pmc0_array_regulator_select_t
Array Regulator Select.
typedef enum _pmc0_vlls_array_regulator_select pmc0_vlls_array_regulator_select_t
VLLS mode array Regulator Select.
typedef enum _pmc0_fbb_p_well_voltage_level_select pmc0_fbb_p_well_voltage_level_select_t
FBB P-Well voltage level select.
typedef enum _pmc0_fbb_n_well_voltage_level_select pmc0_fbb_n_well_voltage_level_select_t
FBB N-Well voltage level select.
typedef enum _pmc0_rbb_p_well_voltage_level_select pmc0_rbb_p_well_voltage_level_select_t
RBB P-Well voltage level select.
typedef enum _pmc0_rbb_n_well_voltage_level_select pmc0_rbb_n_well_voltage_level_select_t
RBB N-Well voltage level select.
typedef struct _pmc0_hsrun_mode_config pmc0_hsrun_mode_config_t
PMC 0 HSRUN mode configuration.
typedef struct _pmc0_run_mode_config pmc0_run_mode_config_t
PMC 0 RUN mode configuration.
typedef struct _pmc0_vlpr_mode_config pmc0_vlpr_mode_config_t
PMC 0 VLPR mode configuration.
typedef struct _pmc0_stop_mode_config pmc0_stop_mode_config_t
PMC 0 STOP mode configuration.
typedef struct _pmc0_vlps_mode_config pmc0_vlps_mode_config_t
PMC 0 VLPS mode configuration.
typedef struct _pmc0_lls_mode_config pmc0_lls_mode_config_t
PMC 0 LLS mode configuration.
typedef struct _pmc0_vlls_mode_config pmc0_vlls_mode_config_t
PMC 0 VLLS mode configuration.
typedef struct _pmc0_bias_config pmc0_bias_config_t
PMC 0 bias configuration.
MAX valid values of Core Regulator Voltage Level.
struct _pmc0_hsrun_mode_config
- #include <fsl_pmc0.h>
PMC 0 HSRUN mode configuration.
Public Members
uint32_t __pad0__
uint32_t coreRegulatorVoltLevel
Core Regulator Voltage Level.
uint32_t __pad1__
uint32_t enableForwardBias
Enable forward bias.
uint32_t __pad2__
uint32_t __pad0__
struct _pmc0_run_mode_config
- #include <fsl_pmc0.h>
PMC 0 RUN mode configuration.
Public Members
uint32_t __pad0__
uint32_t coreRegulatorVoltLevel
Core Regulator Voltage Level.
uint32_t __pad1__
uint32_t __pad0__
struct _pmc0_vlpr_mode_config
- #include <fsl_pmc0.h>
PMC 0 VLPR mode configuration.
Public Members
uint32_t arrayRegulatorSelect
Array Regulator Select. pmc0_array_regulator_select_t
uint32_t __pad0__
uint32_t coreRegulatorSelect
Core Regulator Select. pmc0_core_regulator_select_t
uint32_t __pad1__
uint32_t lvdMonitorSelect
1.2V LVD Monitor Select. pmc0_low_volt_detect_monitor_select_t
uint32_t hvdMonitorSelect
1.2V HVD Monitor Select. pmc0_high_volt_detect_monitor_select_t
uint32_t __pad2__
uint32_t enableForceHpBandgap
Enable force HP band-gap.
uint32_t __pad3__
uint32_t coreRegulatorVoltLevel
Core Regulator Voltage Level.
uint32_t __pad4__
uint32_t enableReverseBackBias
Enable reverse back bias.
uint32_t __pad5__
uint32_t arrayRegulatorSelect
struct _pmc0_stop_mode_config
- #include <fsl_pmc0.h>
PMC 0 STOP mode configuration.
Public Members
uint32_t __pad0__
uint32_t coreRegulatorVoltLevel
Core Regulator Voltage Level.
uint32_t __pad1__
uint32_t __pad0__
struct _pmc0_vlps_mode_config
- #include <fsl_pmc0.h>
PMC 0 VLPS mode configuration.
Public Members
uint32_t arrayRegulatorSelect
Array Regulator Select. pmc0_array_regulator_select_t
uint32_t __pad0__
uint32_t coreRegulatorSelect
Core Regulator Select. pmc0_core_regulator_select_t
uint32_t __pad1__
uint32_t lvdMonitorSelect
1.2V LVD Monitor Select. pmc0_low_volt_detect_monitor_select_t
uint32_t hvdMonitorSelect
1.2V HVD Monitor Select. pmc0_high_volt_detect_monitor_select_t
uint32_t __pad2__
uint32_t enableForceHpBandgap
Enable force HP band-gap.
uint32_t __pad3__
uint32_t coreRegulatorVoltLevel
Core Regulator Voltage Level.
uint32_t __pad4__
uint32_t enableReverseBackBias
Enable reverse back bias.
uint32_t __pad5__
uint32_t arrayRegulatorSelect
struct _pmc0_lls_mode_config
- #include <fsl_pmc0.h>
PMC 0 LLS mode configuration.
Public Members
uint32_t arrayRegulatorSelect
Array Regulator Select. pmc0_array_regulator_select_t
uint32_t __pad0__
uint32_t coreRegulatorSelect
Core Regulator Select. pmc0_core_regulator_select_t
uint32_t __pad1__
uint32_t lvdMonitorSelect
1.2V LVD Monitor Select. pmc0_low_volt_detect_monitor_select_t
uint32_t hvdMonitorSelect
1.2V HVD Monitor Select. pmc0_high_volt_detect_monitor_select_t
uint32_t __pad2__
uint32_t enableForceHpBandgap
Enable force HP band-gap.
uint32_t __pad3__
uint32_t coreRegulatorVoltLevel
Core Regulator Voltage Level.
uint32_t __pad4__
uint32_t enableReverseBackBias
Enable reverse back bias.
uint32_t __pad5__
uint32_t arrayRegulatorSelect
struct _pmc0_vlls_mode_config
- #include <fsl_pmc0.h>
PMC 0 VLLS mode configuration.
Public Members
uint32_t arrayRegulatorSelect
Array Regulator Select. pmc0_vlls_array_regulator_select_t
uint32_t __pad0__
uint32_t lvdMonitorSelect
1.2V LVD Monitor Select. pmc0_low_volt_detect_monitor_select_t
uint32_t hvdMonitorSelect
1.2V HVD Monitor Select. pmc0_high_volt_detect_monitor_select_t
uint32_t __pad1__
uint32_t enableForceHpBandgap
Enable force HP band-gap.
uint32_t __pad2__
uint32_t arrayRegulatorSelect
struct _pmc0_bias_config
- #include <fsl_pmc0.h>
PMC 0 bias configuration.
Public Members
uint32_t __pad0__
uint32_t RBBPWellVoltageLevelSelect
Select PMC0 RBB P-Well voltage level. pmc0_rbb_p_well_voltage_level_select_t
uint32_t __pad1__
uint32_t DisableRBBPullDown
Disable RBB pull-down. ‘1’ means to disable pull-down. ‘0’ means to enable pull-down.
uint32_t FBBNWellVoltageLevelSelect
Select PMC0 FBB N-Well voltage level. pmc0_fbb_n_well_voltage_level_select_t
uint32_t __pad2__
uint32_t FBBPWellVoltageLevelSelect
Select PMC0 FBB P-Well voltage level. pmc0_fbb_p_well_voltage_level_select_t
uint32_t __pad3__
uint32_t __pad0__
PORT: Port Control and Interrupts
static inline void PORT_SetPinInterruptConfig(PORT_Type *base, uint32_t pin, port_interrupt_t config)
Configures the port pin interrupt/DMA request.
- Parameters:
base – PORT peripheral base pointer.
pin – PORT pin number.
config – PORT pin interrupt configuration.
kPORT_InterruptOrDMADisabled: Interrupt/DMA request disabled.
#kPORT_DMARisingEdge : DMA request on rising edge(if the DMA requests exit).
#kPORT_DMAFallingEdge: DMA request on falling edge(if the DMA requests exit).
#kPORT_DMAEitherEdge : DMA request on either edge(if the DMA requests exit).
#kPORT_FlagRisingEdge : Flag sets on rising edge(if the Flag states exit).
#kPORT_FlagFallingEdge : Flag sets on falling edge(if the Flag states exit).
#kPORT_FlagEitherEdge : Flag sets on either edge(if the Flag states exit).
kPORT_InterruptLogicZero : Interrupt when logic zero.
kPORT_InterruptRisingEdge : Interrupt on rising edge.
kPORT_InterruptFallingEdge: Interrupt on falling edge.
kPORT_InterruptEitherEdge : Interrupt on either edge.
kPORT_InterruptLogicOne : Interrupt when logic one.
#kPORT_ActiveHighTriggerOutputEnable : Enable active high-trigger output (if the trigger states exit).
#kPORT_ActiveLowTriggerOutputEnable : Enable active low-trigger output (if the trigger states exit).
static inline uint32_t PORT_GetPinsInterruptFlags(PORT_Type *base)
Reads the whole port status flag.
If a pin is configured to generate the DMA request, the corresponding flag is cleared automatically at the completion of the requested DMA transfer. Otherwise, the flag remains set until a logic one is written to that flag. If configured for a level sensitive interrupt that remains asserted, the flag is set again immediately.
- Parameters:
base – PORT peripheral base pointer.
- Returns:
Current port interrupt status flags, for example, 0x00010001 means the pin 0 and 16 have the interrupt.
static inline void PORT_ClearPinsInterruptFlags(PORT_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears the multiple pin interrupt status flag.
- Parameters:
base – PORT peripheral base pointer.
mask – PORT pin number macro.
PORT driver version.
enum _port_interrupt
Configures the interrupt generation condition.
enumerator kPORT_InterruptOrDMADisabled
Interrupt/DMA request is disabled.
enumerator kPORT_InterruptLogicZero
Interrupt when logic zero.
enumerator kPORT_InterruptRisingEdge
Interrupt on rising edge.
enumerator kPORT_InterruptFallingEdge
Interrupt on falling edge.
enumerator kPORT_InterruptEitherEdge
Interrupt on either edge.
enumerator kPORT_InterruptLogicOne
Interrupt when logic one.
enumerator kPORT_InterruptOrDMADisabled
typedef enum _port_interrupt port_interrupt_t
Configures the interrupt generation condition.
QSPI: Quad Serial Peripheral Interface
Quad Serial Peripheral Interface Driver
uint32_t QSPI_GetInstance(QuadSPI_Type *base)
Get the instance number for QSPI.
- Parameters:
base – QSPI base pointer.
void QSPI_Init(QuadSPI_Type *base, qspi_config_t *config, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
Initializes the QSPI module and internal state.
This function enables the clock for QSPI and also configures the QSPI with the input configure parameters. Users should call this function before any QSPI operations.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
config – QSPI configure structure.
srcClock_Hz – QSPI source clock frequency in Hz.
void QSPI_GetDefaultQspiConfig(qspi_config_t *config)
Gets default settings for QSPI.
- Parameters:
config – QSPI configuration structure.
void QSPI_Deinit(QuadSPI_Type *base)
Deinitializes the QSPI module.
Clears the QSPI state and QSPI module registers.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
void QSPI_SetFlashConfig(QuadSPI_Type *base, qspi_flash_config_t *config)
Configures the serial flash parameter.
This function configures the serial flash relevant parameters, such as the size, command, and so on. The flash configuration value cannot have a default value. The user needs to configure it according to the QSPI features.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
config – Flash configuration parameters.
void QSPI_SetDqsConfig(QuadSPI_Type *base, qspi_dqs_config_t *config)
Configures the serial flash DQS parameter.
This function configures the serial flash DQS relevant parameters, such as the delay chain tap number, . DQS shift phase, whether need to inverse and the rxc sample clock selection.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
config – Dqs configuration parameters.
void QSPI_SoftwareReset(QuadSPI_Type *base)
Software reset for the QSPI logic.
This function sets the software reset flags for both AHB and buffer domain and resets both AHB buffer and also IP FIFOs.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
static inline void QSPI_Enable(QuadSPI_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables or disables the QSPI module.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
enable – True means enable QSPI, false means disable.
static inline uint32_t QSPI_GetStatusFlags(QuadSPI_Type *base)
Gets the state value of QSPI.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
- Returns:
status flag, use status flag to AND _qspi_flags could get the related status.
static inline uint32_t QSPI_GetErrorStatusFlags(QuadSPI_Type *base)
Gets QSPI error status flags.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
- Returns:
status flag, use status flag to AND _qspi_error_flags could get the related status.
static inline void QSPI_ClearErrorFlag(QuadSPI_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears the QSPI error flags.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
mask – Which kind of QSPI flags to be cleared, a combination of _qspi_error_flags.
static inline void QSPI_EnableInterrupts(QuadSPI_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the QSPI interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
mask – QSPI interrupt source.
static inline void QSPI_DisableInterrupts(QuadSPI_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the QSPI interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
mask – QSPI interrupt source.
static inline void QSPI_EnableDMA(QuadSPI_Type *base, uint32_t mask, bool enable)
Enables the QSPI DMA source.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
mask – QSPI DMA source.
enable – True means enable DMA, false means disable.
static inline uint32_t QSPI_GetTxDataRegisterAddress(QuadSPI_Type *base)
Gets the Tx data register address. It is used for DMA operation.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
- Returns:
QSPI Tx data register address.
uint32_t QSPI_GetRxDataRegisterAddress(QuadSPI_Type *base)
Gets the Rx data register address used for DMA operation.
This function returns the Rx data register address or Rx buffer address according to the Rx read area settings.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
- Returns:
QSPI Rx data register address.
static inline void QSPI_SetIPCommandAddress(QuadSPI_Type *base, uint32_t addr)
Sets the IP command address.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
addr – IP command address.
static inline void QSPI_SetIPCommandSize(QuadSPI_Type *base, uint32_t size)
Sets the IP command size.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
size – IP command size.
void QSPI_ExecuteIPCommand(QuadSPI_Type *base, uint32_t index)
Executes IP commands located in LUT table.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
index – IP command located in which LUT table index.
void QSPI_ExecuteAHBCommand(QuadSPI_Type *base, uint32_t index)
Executes AHB commands located in LUT table.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
index – AHB command located in which LUT table index.
void QSPI_UpdateLUT(QuadSPI_Type *base, uint32_t index, uint32_t *cmd)
Updates the LUT table.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
index – Which LUT index needs to be located. It should be an integer divided by 4.
cmd – Command sequence array.
static inline void QSPI_ClearFifo(QuadSPI_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears the QSPI FIFO logic.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
mask – Which kind of QSPI FIFO to be cleared.
static inline void QSPI_ClearCommandSequence(QuadSPI_Type *base, qspi_command_seq_t seq)
@ brief Clears the command sequence for the IP/buffer command.
This function can reset the command sequence.
- Parameters:
base – QSPI base address.
seq – Which command sequence need to reset, IP command, buffer command or both.
static inline void QSPI_EnableDDRMode(QuadSPI_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable or disable DDR mode.
- Parameters:
base – QSPI base pointer
enable – True means enable DDR mode, false means disable DDR mode.
void QSPI_SetReadDataArea(QuadSPI_Type *base, qspi_read_area_t area)
@ brief Set the RX buffer readout area.
This function can set the RX buffer readout, from AHB bus or IP Bus.
- Parameters:
base – QSPI base address.
area – QSPI Rx buffer readout area. AHB bus buffer or IP bus buffer.
void QSPI_WriteBlocking(QuadSPI_Type *base, const uint32_t *buffer, size_t size)
Sends a buffer of data bytes using a blocking method.
This function blocks via polling until all bytes have been sent.
- Parameters:
base – QSPI base pointer
buffer – The data bytes to send
size – The number of data bytes to send
static inline void QSPI_WriteData(QuadSPI_Type *base, uint32_t data)
Writes data into FIFO.
- Parameters:
base – QSPI base pointer
data – The data bytes to send
void QSPI_ReadBlocking(QuadSPI_Type *base, uint32_t *buffer, size_t size)
Receives a buffer of data bytes using a blocking method.
This function blocks via polling until all bytes have been sent. Users shall notice that this receive size shall not bigger than 64 bytes. As this interface is used to read flash status registers. For flash contents read, please use AHB bus read, this is much more efficiency.
- Parameters:
base – QSPI base pointer
buffer – The data bytes to send
size – The number of data bytes to receive
uint32_t QSPI_ReadData(QuadSPI_Type *base)
Receives data from data FIFO.
- Parameters:
base – QSPI base pointer
- Returns:
The data in the FIFO.
static inline void QSPI_TransferSendBlocking(QuadSPI_Type *base, qspi_transfer_t *xfer)
Writes data to the QSPI transmit buffer.
This function writes a continuous data to the QSPI transmit FIFO. This function is a block function and can return only when finished. This function uses polling methods.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
xfer – QSPI transfer structure.
static inline void QSPI_TransferReceiveBlocking(QuadSPI_Type *base, qspi_transfer_t *xfer)
Reads data from the QSPI receive buffer in polling way.
This function reads continuous data from the QSPI receive buffer/FIFO. This function is a blocking function and can return only when finished. This function uses polling methods. Users shall notice that this receive size shall not bigger than 64 bytes. As this interface is used to read flash status registers. For flash contents read, please use AHB bus read, this is much more efficiency.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
xfer – QSPI transfer structure.
QSPI driver version 2.2.3.
Status structure of QSPI.
enumerator kStatus_QSPI_Idle
QSPI is in idle state
enumerator kStatus_QSPI_Busy
QSPI is busy
enumerator kStatus_QSPI_Error
Error occurred during QSPI transfer
enumerator kStatus_QSPI_Idle
enum _qspi_read_area
QSPI read data area, from IP FIFO or AHB buffer.
enumerator kQSPI_ReadAHB
QSPI read from AHB buffer.
enumerator kQSPI_ReadIP
QSPI read from IP FIFO.
enumerator kQSPI_ReadAHB
enum _qspi_command_seq
QSPI command sequence type.
enumerator kQSPI_IPSeq
IP command sequence
enumerator kQSPI_BufferSeq
Buffer command sequence
enumerator kQSPI_AllSeq
enumerator kQSPI_IPSeq
enum _qspi_fifo
QSPI buffer type.
enumerator kQSPI_TxFifo
enumerator kQSPI_RxFifo
enumerator kQSPI_AllFifo
QSPI all FIFO, including Tx and Rx
enumerator kQSPI_TxFifo
enum _qspi_endianness
QSPI transfer endianess.
enumerator kQSPI_64BigEndian
64 bits big endian
enumerator kQSPI_32LittleEndian
32 bit little endian
enumerator kQSPI_32BigEndian
32 bit big endian
enumerator kQSPI_64LittleEndian
64 bit little endian
enumerator kQSPI_64BigEndian
enum _qspi_error_flags
QSPI error flags.
enumerator kQSPI_DataLearningFail
Data learning pattern failure flag
enumerator kQSPI_TxBufferFill
Tx buffer fill flag
enumerator kQSPI_TxBufferUnderrun
Tx buffer underrun flag
enumerator kQSPI_IllegalInstruction
Illegal instruction error flag
enumerator kQSPI_RxBufferOverflow
Rx buffer overflow flag
enumerator kQSPI_RxBufferDrain
Rx buffer drain flag
enumerator kQSPI_AHBSequenceError
AHB sequence error flag
enumerator kQSPI_AHBIllegalTransaction
AHB illegal transaction error flag
enumerator kQSPI_AHBIllegalBurstSize
AHB illegal burst error flag
enumerator kQSPI_AHBBufferOverflow
AHB buffer overflow flag
enumerator kQSPI_IPCommandTriggerDuringAHBAccess
IP command trigger during AHB access error
enumerator kQSPI_IPCommandTriggerDuringIPAccess
IP command trigger cannot be executed
enumerator kQSPI_IPCommandTriggerDuringAHBGrant
IP command trigger during AHB grant error
enumerator kQSPI_IPCommandTransactionFinished
IP command transaction finished flag
enumerator kQSPI_FlagAll
All error flag
enumerator kQSPI_DataLearningFail
enum _qspi_flags
QSPI state bit.
enumerator kQSPI_DataLearningSamplePoint
Data learning sample point
enumerator kQSPI_TxBufferFull
Tx buffer full flag
enumerator kQSPI_TxDMA
Tx DMA is requested or running
enumerator kQSPI_TxWatermark
Tx buffer watermark available
enumerator kQSPI_TxBufferEnoughData
Tx buffer enough data available
enumerator kQSPI_RxDMA
Rx DMA is requesting or running
enumerator kQSPI_RxBufferFull
Rx buffer full
enumerator kQSPI_RxWatermark
Rx buffer watermark exceeded
enumerator kQSPI_AHB3BufferFull
AHB buffer 3 full
enumerator kQSPI_AHB2BufferFull
AHB buffer 2 full
enumerator kQSPI_AHB1BufferFull
AHB buffer 1 full
enumerator kQSPI_AHB0BufferFull
AHB buffer 0 full
enumerator kQSPI_AHB3BufferNotEmpty
AHB buffer 3 not empty
enumerator kQSPI_AHB2BufferNotEmpty
AHB buffer 2 not empty
enumerator kQSPI_AHB1BufferNotEmpty
AHB buffer 1 not empty
enumerator kQSPI_AHB0BufferNotEmpty
AHB buffer 0 not empty
enumerator kQSPI_AHBTransactionPending
AHB access transaction pending
enumerator kQSPI_AHBCommandPriorityGranted
AHB command priority granted
enumerator kQSPI_AHBAccess
AHB access
enumerator kQSPI_IPAccess
IP access
enumerator kQSPI_Busy
Module busy
enumerator kQSPI_StateAll
All flags
enumerator kQSPI_DataLearningSamplePoint
enum _qspi_interrupt_enable
QSPI interrupt enable.
enumerator kQSPI_DataLearningFailInterruptEnable
Data learning pattern failure interrupt enable
enumerator kQSPI_TxBufferFillInterruptEnable
Tx buffer fill interrupt enable
enumerator kQSPI_TxBufferUnderrunInterruptEnable
Tx buffer underrun interrupt enable
enumerator kQSPI_IllegalInstructionInterruptEnable
Illegal instruction error interrupt enable
enumerator kQSPI_RxBufferOverflowInterruptEnable
Rx buffer overflow interrupt enable
enumerator kQSPI_RxBufferDrainInterruptEnable
Rx buffer drain interrupt enable
enumerator kQSPI_AHBSequenceErrorInterruptEnable
AHB sequence error interrupt enable
enumerator kQSPI_AHBIllegalTransactionInterruptEnable
AHB illegal transaction error interrupt enable
enumerator kQSPI_AHBIllegalBurstSizeInterruptEnable
AHB illegal burst error interrupt enable
enumerator kQSPI_AHBBufferOverflowInterruptEnable
AHB buffer overflow interrupt enable
enumerator kQSPI_IPCommandTriggerDuringAHBAccessInterruptEnable
IP command trigger during AHB access error
enumerator kQSPI_IPCommandTriggerDuringIPAccessInterruptEnable
IP command trigger cannot be executed
enumerator kQSPI_IPCommandTriggerDuringAHBGrantInterruptEnable
IP command trigger during AHB grant error
enumerator kQSPI_IPCommandTransactionFinishedInterruptEnable
IP command transaction finished interrupt enable
enumerator kQSPI_AllInterruptEnable
All error interrupt enable
enumerator kQSPI_DataLearningFailInterruptEnable
enum _qspi_dma_enable
QSPI DMA request flag.
enumerator kQSPI_TxBufferFillDMAEnable
Tx buffer fill DMA
enumerator kQSPI_RxBufferDrainDMAEnable
Rx buffer drain DMA
enumerator kQSPI_AllDDMAEnable
All DMA source
enumerator kQSPI_TxBufferFillDMAEnable
enum _qspi_dqs_phrase_shift
Phrase shift number for DQS mode.
enumerator kQSPI_DQSNoPhraseShift
No phase shift
enumerator kQSPI_DQSPhraseShift45Degree
Select 45 degree phase shift
enumerator kQSPI_DQSPhraseShift90Degree
Select 90 degree phase shift
enumerator kQSPI_DQSPhraseShift135Degree
Select 135 degree phase shift
enumerator kQSPI_DQSNoPhraseShift
enum _qspi_dqs_read_sample_clock
Qspi read sampling option.
enumerator kQSPI_ReadSampleClkInternalLoopback
Read sample clock adopts internal loopback mode.
enumerator kQSPI_ReadSampleClkLoopbackFromDqsPad
Dummy Read strobe generated by QSPI Controller and loopback from DQS pad.
enumerator kQSPI_ReadSampleClkExternalInputFromDqsPad
Flash provided Read strobe and input from DQS pad.
enumerator kQSPI_ReadSampleClkInternalLoopback
typedef enum _qspi_read_area qspi_read_area_t
QSPI read data area, from IP FIFO or AHB buffer.
typedef enum _qspi_command_seq qspi_command_seq_t
QSPI command sequence type.
typedef enum _qspi_fifo qspi_fifo_t
QSPI buffer type.
typedef enum _qspi_endianness qspi_endianness_t
QSPI transfer endianess.
typedef enum _qspi_dqs_phrase_shift qspi_dqs_phrase_shift_t
Phrase shift number for DQS mode.
typedef enum _qspi_dqs_read_sample_clock qspi_dqs_read_sample_clock_t
Qspi read sampling option.
typedef struct QspiDQSConfig qspi_dqs_config_t
DQS configure features.
typedef struct QspiFlashTiming qspi_flash_timing_t
Flash timing configuration.
typedef struct QspiConfig qspi_config_t
QSPI configuration structure.
typedef struct _qspi_flash_config qspi_flash_config_t
External flash configuration items.
typedef struct _qspi_transfer qspi_transfer_t
Transfer structure for QSPI.
typedef struct _ip_command_config ip_command_config_t
16-bit access reg for IPCR register
QSPI_LUT_SEQ(cmd0, pad0, op0, cmd1, pad1, op1)
Macro functions for LUT table.
Macro for QSPI LUT command.
Macro for QSPI PAD.
struct QspiDQSConfig
- #include <fsl_qspi.h>
DQS configure features.
Public Members
uint32_t portADelayTapNum
Delay chain tap number selection for QSPI port A DQS
qspi_dqs_phrase_shift_t shift
Phase shift for internal DQS generation
qspi_dqs_read_sample_clock_t rxSampleClock
Read sample clock for Dqs.
bool enableDQSClkInverse
Enable inverse clock for internal DQS generation
uint32_t portADelayTapNum
struct QspiFlashTiming
- #include <fsl_qspi.h>
Flash timing configuration.
Public Members
uint32_t dataHoldTime
Serial flash data in hold time
uint32_t CSHoldTime
Serial flash CS hold time in terms of serial flash clock cycles
uint32_t CSSetupTime
Serial flash CS setup time in terms of serial flash clock cycles
uint32_t dataHoldTime
struct QspiConfig
- #include <fsl_qspi.h>
QSPI configuration structure.
Public Members
uint32_t clockSource
Clock source for QSPI module
uint32_t baudRate
Serial flash clock baud rate
uint8_t txWatermark
QSPI transmit watermark value
uint8_t rxWatermark
QSPI receive watermark value.
AHB buffer size.
AHB buffer master.
bool enableAHBbuffer3AllMaster
Is AHB buffer3 for all master.
qspi_read_area_t area
Which area Rx data readout
bool enableQspi
Enable QSPI after initialization
uint32_t clockSource
struct _qspi_flash_config
- #include <fsl_qspi.h>
External flash configuration items.
Public Members
uint32_t flashA1Size
Flash A1 size
uint32_t flashA2Size
Flash A2 size
uint32_t lookuptable[FSL_FEATURE_QSPI_LUT_DEPTH]
Flash command in LUT
uint32_t dataHoldTime
Data line hold time.
uint32_t CSHoldTime
CS line hold time
uint32_t CSSetupTime
CS line setup time
uint32_t cloumnspace
Column space size
uint32_t dataLearnValue
Data Learn value if enable data learn
qspi_endianness_t endian
Flash data endianess.
bool enableWordAddress
If enable word address.
uint32_t flashA1Size
struct _qspi_transfer
- #include <fsl_qspi.h>
Transfer structure for QSPI.
Public Members
uint32_t *data
Pointer to data to transmit
size_t dataSize
Bytes to be transmit
uint32_t *data
struct _ip_command_config
- #include <fsl_qspi.h>
16-bit access reg for IPCR register
union IPCR_REG
Public Members
- __IO uint16_t IDATZ
16-bit access for IDATZ field in IPCR register
- __IO uint8_t RESERVED_0
8-bit access for RESERVED_0 field in IPCR register
- __IO uint8_t SEQID
8-bit access for SEQID field in IPCR register
Quad Serial Peripheral Interface EDMA Driver
void QSPI_TransferTxCreateHandleEDMA(QuadSPI_Type *base, qspi_edma_handle_t *handle, qspi_edma_callback_t callback, void *userData, edma_handle_t *dmaHandle)
Initializes the QSPI handle for send which is used in transactional functions and set the callback.
- Parameters:
base – QSPI peripheral base address
handle – Pointer to qspi_edma_handle_t structure
callback – QSPI callback, NULL means no callback.
userData – User callback function data.
dmaHandle – User requested eDMA handle for eDMA transfer
void QSPI_TransferRxCreateHandleEDMA(QuadSPI_Type *base, qspi_edma_handle_t *handle, qspi_edma_callback_t callback, void *userData, edma_handle_t *dmaHandle)
Initializes the QSPI handle for receive which is used in transactional functions and set the callback.
- Parameters:
base – QSPI peripheral base address
handle – Pointer to qspi_edma_handle_t structure
callback – QSPI callback, NULL means no callback.
userData – User callback function data.
dmaHandle – User requested eDMA handle for eDMA transfer
status_t QSPI_TransferSendEDMA(QuadSPI_Type *base, qspi_edma_handle_t *handle, qspi_transfer_t *xfer)
Transfers QSPI data using an eDMA non-blocking method.
This function writes data to the QSPI transmit FIFO. This function is non-blocking.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
handle – Pointer to qspi_edma_handle_t structure
xfer – QSPI transfer structure.
status_t QSPI_TransferReceiveEDMA(QuadSPI_Type *base, qspi_edma_handle_t *handle, qspi_transfer_t *xfer)
Receives data using an eDMA non-blocking method.
This function receive data from the QSPI receive buffer/FIFO. This function is non-blocking. Users shall notice that this receive size shall not bigger than 64 bytes. As this interface is used to read flash status registers. For flash contents read, please use AHB bus read, this is much more efficiency.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
handle – Pointer to qspi_edma_handle_t structure
xfer – QSPI transfer structure.
void QSPI_TransferAbortSendEDMA(QuadSPI_Type *base, qspi_edma_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the sent data using eDMA.
This function aborts the sent data using eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – QSPI peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to qspi_edma_handle_t structure
void QSPI_TransferAbortReceiveEDMA(QuadSPI_Type *base, qspi_edma_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the receive data using eDMA.
This function abort receive data which using eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – QSPI peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to qspi_edma_handle_t structure
status_t QSPI_TransferGetSendCountEDMA(QuadSPI_Type *base, qspi_edma_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the transferred counts of send.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
handle – Pointer to qspi_edma_handle_t structure.
count – Bytes sent.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Succeed get the transfer count.
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – There is not a non-blocking transaction currently in progress.
status_t QSPI_TransferGetReceiveCountEDMA(QuadSPI_Type *base, qspi_edma_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the status of the receive transfer.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to QuadSPI Type.
handle – Pointer to qspi_edma_handle_t structure
count – Bytes received.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Succeed get the transfer count.
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – There is not a non-blocking transaction currently in progress.
QSPI EDMA driver version 2.2.2.
typedef struct _qspi_edma_handle qspi_edma_handle_t
typedef void (*qspi_edma_callback_t)(QuadSPI_Type *base, qspi_edma_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
QSPI eDMA transfer callback function for finish and error.
struct _qspi_edma_handle
- #include <fsl_qspi_edma.h>
QSPI DMA transfer handle, users should not touch the content of the handle.
Public Members
edma_handle_t *dmaHandle
eDMA handler for QSPI send
size_t transferSize
Bytes need to transfer.
uint8_t nbytes
eDMA minor byte transfer count initially configured.
uint8_t count
The transfer data count in a DMA request
uint32_t state
Internal state for QSPI eDMA transfer
qspi_edma_callback_t callback
Callback for users while transfer finish or error occurred
void *userData
User callback parameter
edma_handle_t *dmaHandle
SAI: Serial Audio Interface
SAI Driver
void SAI_Init(I2S_Type *base)
Initializes the SAI peripheral.
This API gates the SAI clock. The SAI module can’t operate unless SAI_Init is called to enable the clock.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
void SAI_Deinit(I2S_Type *base)
De-initializes the SAI peripheral.
This API gates the SAI clock. The SAI module can’t operate unless SAI_TxInit or SAI_RxInit is called to enable the clock.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
void SAI_TxReset(I2S_Type *base)
Resets the SAI Tx.
This function enables the software reset and FIFO reset of SAI Tx. After reset, clear the reset bit.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
void SAI_RxReset(I2S_Type *base)
Resets the SAI Rx.
This function enables the software reset and FIFO reset of SAI Rx. After reset, clear the reset bit.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
void SAI_TxEnable(I2S_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/disables the SAI Tx.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
enable – True means enable SAI Tx, false means disable.
void SAI_RxEnable(I2S_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/disables the SAI Rx.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
enable – True means enable SAI Rx, false means disable.
static inline void SAI_TxSetBitClockDirection(I2S_Type *base, sai_master_slave_t masterSlave)
Set Rx bit clock direction.
Select bit clock direction, master or slave.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
masterSlave – reference sai_master_slave_t.
static inline void SAI_RxSetBitClockDirection(I2S_Type *base, sai_master_slave_t masterSlave)
Set Rx bit clock direction.
Select bit clock direction, master or slave.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
masterSlave – reference sai_master_slave_t.
static inline void SAI_RxSetFrameSyncDirection(I2S_Type *base, sai_master_slave_t masterSlave)
Set Rx frame sync direction.
Select frame sync direction, master or slave.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
masterSlave – reference sai_master_slave_t.
static inline void SAI_TxSetFrameSyncDirection(I2S_Type *base, sai_master_slave_t masterSlave)
Set Tx frame sync direction.
Select frame sync direction, master or slave.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
masterSlave – reference sai_master_slave_t.
void SAI_TxSetBitClockRate(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t sourceClockHz, uint32_t sampleRate, uint32_t bitWidth, uint32_t channelNumbers)
Transmitter bit clock rate configurations.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
sourceClockHz – Bit clock source frequency.
sampleRate – Audio data sample rate.
bitWidth – Audio data bitWidth.
channelNumbers – Audio channel numbers.
void SAI_RxSetBitClockRate(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t sourceClockHz, uint32_t sampleRate, uint32_t bitWidth, uint32_t channelNumbers)
Receiver bit clock rate configurations.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
sourceClockHz – Bit clock source frequency.
sampleRate – Audio data sample rate.
bitWidth – Audio data bitWidth.
channelNumbers – Audio channel numbers.
void SAI_TxSetBitclockConfig(I2S_Type *base, sai_master_slave_t masterSlave, sai_bit_clock_t *config)
Transmitter Bit clock configurations.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
masterSlave – master or slave.
config – bit clock other configurations, can be NULL in slave mode.
void SAI_RxSetBitclockConfig(I2S_Type *base, sai_master_slave_t masterSlave, sai_bit_clock_t *config)
Receiver Bit clock configurations.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
masterSlave – master or slave.
config – bit clock other configurations, can be NULL in slave mode.
void SAI_TxSetFrameSyncConfig(I2S_Type *base, sai_master_slave_t masterSlave, sai_frame_sync_t *config)
SAI transmitter Frame sync configurations.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
masterSlave – master or slave.
config – frame sync configurations, can be NULL in slave mode.
void SAI_RxSetFrameSyncConfig(I2S_Type *base, sai_master_slave_t masterSlave, sai_frame_sync_t *config)
SAI receiver Frame sync configurations.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
masterSlave – master or slave.
config – frame sync configurations, can be NULL in slave mode.
void SAI_TxSetSerialDataConfig(I2S_Type *base, sai_serial_data_t *config)
SAI transmitter Serial data configurations.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
config – serial data configurations.
void SAI_RxSetSerialDataConfig(I2S_Type *base, sai_serial_data_t *config)
SAI receiver Serial data configurations.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
config – serial data configurations.
void SAI_TxSetConfig(I2S_Type *base, sai_transceiver_t *config)
SAI transmitter configurations.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
config – transmitter configurations.
void SAI_RxSetConfig(I2S_Type *base, sai_transceiver_t *config)
SAI receiver configurations.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
config – receiver configurations.
void SAI_GetClassicI2SConfig(sai_transceiver_t *config, sai_word_width_t bitWidth, sai_mono_stereo_t mode, uint32_t saiChannelMask)
Get classic I2S mode configurations.
- Parameters:
config – transceiver configurations.
bitWidth – audio data bitWidth.
mode – audio data channel.
saiChannelMask – mask value of the channel to be enable.
void SAI_GetLeftJustifiedConfig(sai_transceiver_t *config, sai_word_width_t bitWidth, sai_mono_stereo_t mode, uint32_t saiChannelMask)
Get left justified mode configurations.
- Parameters:
config – transceiver configurations.
bitWidth – audio data bitWidth.
mode – audio data channel.
saiChannelMask – mask value of the channel to be enable.
void SAI_GetRightJustifiedConfig(sai_transceiver_t *config, sai_word_width_t bitWidth, sai_mono_stereo_t mode, uint32_t saiChannelMask)
Get right justified mode configurations.
- Parameters:
config – transceiver configurations.
bitWidth – audio data bitWidth.
mode – audio data channel.
saiChannelMask – mask value of the channel to be enable.
void SAI_GetTDMConfig(sai_transceiver_t *config, sai_frame_sync_len_t frameSyncWidth, sai_word_width_t bitWidth, uint32_t dataWordNum, uint32_t saiChannelMask)
Get TDM mode configurations.
- Parameters:
config – transceiver configurations.
frameSyncWidth – length of frame sync.
bitWidth – audio data word width.
dataWordNum – word number in one frame.
saiChannelMask – mask value of the channel to be enable.
void SAI_GetDSPConfig(sai_transceiver_t *config, sai_frame_sync_len_t frameSyncWidth, sai_word_width_t bitWidth, sai_mono_stereo_t mode, uint32_t saiChannelMask)
Get DSP mode configurations.
DSP/PCM MODE B configuration flow for TX. RX is similiar but uses SAI_RxSetConfig instead of SAI_TxSetConfig:
SAI_GetDSPConfig(config, kSAI_FrameSyncLenOneBitClk, bitWidth, kSAI_Stereo, channelMask) SAI_TxSetConfig(base, config)
DSP mode is also called PCM mode which support MODE A and MODE B, DSP/PCM MODE A configuration flow. RX is similiar but uses SAI_RxSetConfig instead of SAI_TxSetConfig:
SAI_GetDSPConfig(config, kSAI_FrameSyncLenOneBitClk, bitWidth, kSAI_Stereo, channelMask) config->frameSync.frameSyncEarly = true; SAI_TxSetConfig(base, config)
- Parameters:
config – transceiver configurations.
frameSyncWidth – length of frame sync.
bitWidth – audio data bitWidth.
mode – audio data channel.
saiChannelMask – mask value of the channel to enable.
static inline uint32_t SAI_TxGetStatusFlag(I2S_Type *base)
Gets the SAI Tx status flag state.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
- Returns:
SAI Tx status flag value. Use the Status Mask to get the status value needed.
static inline void SAI_TxClearStatusFlags(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears the SAI Tx status flag state.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
mask – State mask. It can be a combination of the following source if defined:
static inline uint32_t SAI_RxGetStatusFlag(I2S_Type *base)
Gets the SAI Tx status flag state.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
- Returns:
SAI Rx status flag value. Use the Status Mask to get the status value needed.
static inline void SAI_RxClearStatusFlags(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears the SAI Rx status flag state.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
mask – State mask. It can be a combination of the following sources if defined.
void SAI_TxSoftwareReset(I2S_Type *base, sai_reset_type_t resetType)
Do software reset or FIFO reset .
FIFO reset means clear all the data in the FIFO, and make the FIFO pointer both to 0. Software reset means clear the Tx internal logic, including the bit clock, frame count etc. But software reset will not clear any configuration registers like TCR1~TCR5. This function will also clear all the error flags such as FIFO error, sync error etc.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
resetType – Reset type, FIFO reset or software reset
void SAI_RxSoftwareReset(I2S_Type *base, sai_reset_type_t resetType)
Do software reset or FIFO reset .
FIFO reset means clear all the data in the FIFO, and make the FIFO pointer both to 0. Software reset means clear the Rx internal logic, including the bit clock, frame count etc. But software reset will not clear any configuration registers like RCR1~RCR5. This function will also clear all the error flags such as FIFO error, sync error etc.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
resetType – Reset type, FIFO reset or software reset
void SAI_TxSetChannelFIFOMask(I2S_Type *base, uint8_t mask)
Set the Tx channel FIFO enable mask.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
mask – Channel enable mask, 0 means all channel FIFO disabled, 1 means channel 0 enabled, 3 means both channel 0 and channel 1 enabled.
void SAI_RxSetChannelFIFOMask(I2S_Type *base, uint8_t mask)
Set the Rx channel FIFO enable mask.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
mask – Channel enable mask, 0 means all channel FIFO disabled, 1 means channel 0 enabled, 3 means both channel 0 and channel 1 enabled.
void SAI_TxSetDataOrder(I2S_Type *base, sai_data_order_t order)
Set the Tx data order.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
order – Data order MSB or LSB
void SAI_RxSetDataOrder(I2S_Type *base, sai_data_order_t order)
Set the Rx data order.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
order – Data order MSB or LSB
void SAI_TxSetBitClockPolarity(I2S_Type *base, sai_clock_polarity_t polarity)
Set the Tx data order.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
polarity –
void SAI_RxSetBitClockPolarity(I2S_Type *base, sai_clock_polarity_t polarity)
Set the Rx data order.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
polarity –
void SAI_TxSetFrameSyncPolarity(I2S_Type *base, sai_clock_polarity_t polarity)
Set the Tx data order.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
polarity –
void SAI_RxSetFrameSyncPolarity(I2S_Type *base, sai_clock_polarity_t polarity)
Set the Rx data order.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
polarity –
static inline void SAI_TxEnableInterrupts(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the SAI Tx interrupt requests.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
mask – interrupt source The parameter can be a combination of the following sources if defined.
static inline void SAI_RxEnableInterrupts(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the SAI Rx interrupt requests.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
mask – interrupt source The parameter can be a combination of the following sources if defined.
static inline void SAI_TxDisableInterrupts(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the SAI Tx interrupt requests.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
mask – interrupt source The parameter can be a combination of the following sources if defined.
static inline void SAI_RxDisableInterrupts(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the SAI Rx interrupt requests.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
mask – interrupt source The parameter can be a combination of the following sources if defined.
static inline void SAI_TxEnableDMA(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t mask, bool enable)
Enables/disables the SAI Tx DMA requests.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
mask – DMA source The parameter can be combination of the following sources if defined.
enable – True means enable DMA, false means disable DMA.
static inline void SAI_RxEnableDMA(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t mask, bool enable)
Enables/disables the SAI Rx DMA requests.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
mask – DMA source The parameter can be a combination of the following sources if defined.
enable – True means enable DMA, false means disable DMA.
static inline uintptr_t SAI_TxGetDataRegisterAddress(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Gets the SAI Tx data register address.
This API is used to provide a transfer address for the SAI DMA transfer configuration.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
channel – Which data channel used.
- Returns:
data register address.
static inline uintptr_t SAI_RxGetDataRegisterAddress(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Gets the SAI Rx data register address.
This API is used to provide a transfer address for the SAI DMA transfer configuration.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
channel – Which data channel used.
- Returns:
data register address.
void SAI_WriteBlocking(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t channel, uint32_t bitWidth, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t size)
Sends data using a blocking method.
This function blocks by polling until data is ready to be sent.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
channel – Data channel used.
bitWidth – How many bits in an audio word; usually 8/16/24/32 bits.
buffer – Pointer to the data to be written.
size – Bytes to be written.
void SAI_WriteMultiChannelBlocking(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t channel, uint32_t channelMask, uint32_t bitWidth, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t size)
Sends data to multi channel using a blocking method.
This function blocks by polling until data is ready to be sent.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
channel – Data channel used.
channelMask – channel mask.
bitWidth – How many bits in an audio word; usually 8/16/24/32 bits.
buffer – Pointer to the data to be written.
size – Bytes to be written.
static inline void SAI_WriteData(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t channel, uint32_t data)
Writes data into SAI FIFO.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
channel – Data channel used.
data – Data needs to be written.
void SAI_ReadBlocking(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t channel, uint32_t bitWidth, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t size)
Receives data using a blocking method.
This function blocks by polling until data is ready to be sent.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
channel – Data channel used.
bitWidth – How many bits in an audio word; usually 8/16/24/32 bits.
buffer – Pointer to the data to be read.
size – Bytes to be read.
void SAI_ReadMultiChannelBlocking(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t channel, uint32_t channelMask, uint32_t bitWidth, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t size)
Receives multi channel data using a blocking method.
This function blocks by polling until data is ready to be sent.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
channel – Data channel used.
channelMask – channel mask.
bitWidth – How many bits in an audio word; usually 8/16/24/32 bits.
buffer – Pointer to the data to be read.
size – Bytes to be read.
static inline uint32_t SAI_ReadData(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Reads data from the SAI FIFO.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
channel – Data channel used.
- Returns:
Data in SAI FIFO.
void SAI_TransferTxCreateHandle(I2S_Type *base, sai_handle_t *handle, sai_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Initializes the SAI Tx handle.
This function initializes the Tx handle for the SAI Tx transactional APIs. Call this function once to get the handle initialized.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
handle – SAI handle pointer.
callback – Pointer to the user callback function.
userData – User parameter passed to the callback function
void SAI_TransferRxCreateHandle(I2S_Type *base, sai_handle_t *handle, sai_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Initializes the SAI Rx handle.
This function initializes the Rx handle for the SAI Rx transactional APIs. Call this function once to get the handle initialized.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – SAI handle pointer.
callback – Pointer to the user callback function.
userData – User parameter passed to the callback function.
void SAI_TransferTxSetConfig(I2S_Type *base, sai_handle_t *handle, sai_transceiver_t *config)
SAI transmitter transfer configurations.
This function initializes the Tx, include bit clock, frame sync, master clock, serial data and fifo configurations.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – SAI handle pointer.
config – tranmitter configurations.
void SAI_TransferRxSetConfig(I2S_Type *base, sai_handle_t *handle, sai_transceiver_t *config)
SAI receiver transfer configurations.
This function initializes the Rx, include bit clock, frame sync, master clock, serial data and fifo configurations.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – SAI handle pointer.
config – receiver configurations.
status_t SAI_TransferSendNonBlocking(I2S_Type *base, sai_handle_t *handle, sai_transfer_t *xfer)
Performs an interrupt non-blocking send transfer on SAI.
This API returns immediately after the transfer initiates. Call the SAI_TxGetTransferStatusIRQ to poll the transfer status and check whether the transfer is finished. If the return status is not kStatus_SAI_Busy, the transfer is finished.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – Pointer to the sai_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
xfer – Pointer to the sai_transfer_t structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully started the data receive.
kStatus_SAI_TxBusy – Previous receive still not finished.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – The input parameter is invalid.
status_t SAI_TransferReceiveNonBlocking(I2S_Type *base, sai_handle_t *handle, sai_transfer_t *xfer)
Performs an interrupt non-blocking receive transfer on SAI.
This API returns immediately after the transfer initiates. Call the SAI_RxGetTransferStatusIRQ to poll the transfer status and check whether the transfer is finished. If the return status is not kStatus_SAI_Busy, the transfer is finished.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
handle – Pointer to the sai_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
xfer – Pointer to the sai_transfer_t structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully started the data receive.
kStatus_SAI_RxBusy – Previous receive still not finished.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – The input parameter is invalid.
status_t SAI_TransferGetSendCount(I2S_Type *base, sai_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets a set byte count.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – Pointer to the sai_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
count – Bytes count sent.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Succeed get the transfer count.
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – There is not a non-blocking transaction currently in progress.
status_t SAI_TransferGetReceiveCount(I2S_Type *base, sai_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets a received byte count.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – Pointer to the sai_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
count – Bytes count received.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Succeed get the transfer count.
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – There is not a non-blocking transaction currently in progress.
void SAI_TransferAbortSend(I2S_Type *base, sai_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the current send.
This API can be called any time when an interrupt non-blocking transfer initiates to abort the transfer early.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – Pointer to the sai_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
void SAI_TransferAbortReceive(I2S_Type *base, sai_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the current IRQ receive.
This API can be called when an interrupt non-blocking transfer initiates to abort the transfer early.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
handle – Pointer to the sai_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
void SAI_TransferTerminateSend(I2S_Type *base, sai_handle_t *handle)
Terminate all SAI send.
This function will clear all transfer slots buffered in the sai queue. If users only want to abort the current transfer slot, please call SAI_TransferAbortSend.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – SAI eDMA handle pointer.
void SAI_TransferTerminateReceive(I2S_Type *base, sai_handle_t *handle)
Terminate all SAI receive.
This function will clear all transfer slots buffered in the sai queue. If users only want to abort the current transfer slot, please call SAI_TransferAbortReceive.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – SAI eDMA handle pointer.
void SAI_TransferTxHandleIRQ(I2S_Type *base, sai_handle_t *handle)
Tx interrupt handler.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – Pointer to the sai_handle_t structure.
void SAI_TransferRxHandleIRQ(I2S_Type *base, sai_handle_t *handle)
Tx interrupt handler.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – Pointer to the sai_handle_t structure.
Version 2.4.4
_sai_status_t, SAI return status.
enumerator kStatus_SAI_TxBusy
SAI Tx is busy.
enumerator kStatus_SAI_RxBusy
SAI Rx is busy.
enumerator kStatus_SAI_TxError
SAI Tx FIFO error.
enumerator kStatus_SAI_RxError
SAI Rx FIFO error.
enumerator kStatus_SAI_QueueFull
SAI transfer queue is full.
enumerator kStatus_SAI_TxIdle
SAI Tx is idle
enumerator kStatus_SAI_RxIdle
SAI Rx is idle
enumerator kStatus_SAI_TxBusy
_sai_channel_mask,.sai channel mask value, actual channel numbers is depend soc specific
enumerator kSAI_Channel0Mask
channel 0 mask value
enumerator kSAI_Channel1Mask
channel 1 mask value
enumerator kSAI_Channel2Mask
channel 2 mask value
enumerator kSAI_Channel3Mask
channel 3 mask value
enumerator kSAI_Channel4Mask
channel 4 mask value
enumerator kSAI_Channel5Mask
channel 5 mask value
enumerator kSAI_Channel6Mask
channel 6 mask value
enumerator kSAI_Channel7Mask
channel 7 mask value
enumerator kSAI_Channel0Mask
enum _sai_protocol
Define the SAI bus type.
enumerator kSAI_BusLeftJustified
Uses left justified format.
enumerator kSAI_BusRightJustified
Uses right justified format.
enumerator kSAI_BusI2S
Uses I2S format.
enumerator kSAI_BusPCMA
Uses I2S PCM A format.
enumerator kSAI_BusPCMB
Uses I2S PCM B format.
enumerator kSAI_BusLeftJustified
enum _sai_master_slave
Master or slave mode.
enumerator kSAI_Master
Master mode include bclk and frame sync
enumerator kSAI_Slave
Slave mode include bclk and frame sync
enumerator kSAI_Bclk_Master_FrameSync_Slave
bclk in master mode, frame sync in slave mode
enumerator kSAI_Bclk_Slave_FrameSync_Master
bclk in slave mode, frame sync in master mode
enumerator kSAI_Master
enum _sai_mono_stereo
Mono or stereo audio format.
enumerator kSAI_Stereo
Stereo sound.
enumerator kSAI_MonoRight
Only Right channel have sound.
enumerator kSAI_MonoLeft
Only left channel have sound.
enumerator kSAI_Stereo
enum _sai_data_order
SAI data order, MSB or LSB.
enumerator kSAI_DataLSB
LSB bit transferred first
enumerator kSAI_DataMSB
MSB bit transferred first
enumerator kSAI_DataLSB
enum _sai_clock_polarity
SAI clock polarity, active high or low.
enumerator kSAI_PolarityActiveHigh
Drive outputs on rising edge
enumerator kSAI_PolarityActiveLow
Drive outputs on falling edge
enumerator kSAI_SampleOnFallingEdge
Sample inputs on falling edge
enumerator kSAI_SampleOnRisingEdge
Sample inputs on rising edge
enumerator kSAI_PolarityActiveHigh
enum _sai_sync_mode
Synchronous or asynchronous mode.
enumerator kSAI_ModeAsync
Asynchronous mode
enumerator kSAI_ModeSync
Synchronous mode (with receiver or transmit)
enumerator kSAI_ModeAsync
enum _sai_mclk_source
Mater clock source.
enumerator kSAI_MclkSourceSysclk
Master clock from the system clock
enumerator kSAI_MclkSourceSelect1
Master clock from source 1
enumerator kSAI_MclkSourceSelect2
Master clock from source 2
enumerator kSAI_MclkSourceSelect3
Master clock from source 3
enumerator kSAI_MclkSourceSysclk
enum _sai_bclk_source
Bit clock source.
enumerator kSAI_BclkSourceBusclk
Bit clock using bus clock
enumerator kSAI_BclkSourceMclkOption1
Bit clock MCLK option 1
enumerator kSAI_BclkSourceMclkOption2
Bit clock MCLK option2
enumerator kSAI_BclkSourceMclkOption3
Bit clock MCLK option3
enumerator kSAI_BclkSourceMclkDiv
Bit clock using master clock divider
enumerator kSAI_BclkSourceOtherSai0
Bit clock from other SAI device
enumerator kSAI_BclkSourceOtherSai1
Bit clock from other SAI device
enumerator kSAI_BclkSourceBusclk
_sai_interrupt_enable_t, The SAI interrupt enable flag
enumerator kSAI_WordStartInterruptEnable
Word start flag, means the first word in a frame detected
enumerator kSAI_SyncErrorInterruptEnable
Sync error flag, means the sync error is detected
enumerator kSAI_FIFOWarningInterruptEnable
FIFO warning flag, means the FIFO is empty
enumerator kSAI_FIFOErrorInterruptEnable
FIFO error flag
enumerator kSAI_WordStartInterruptEnable
_sai_dma_enable_t, The DMA request sources
enumerator kSAI_FIFOWarningDMAEnable
FIFO warning caused by the DMA request
enumerator kSAI_FIFOWarningDMAEnable
_sai_flags, The SAI status flag
enumerator kSAI_WordStartFlag
Word start flag, means the first word in a frame detected
enumerator kSAI_SyncErrorFlag
Sync error flag, means the sync error is detected
enumerator kSAI_FIFOErrorFlag
FIFO error flag
enumerator kSAI_FIFOWarningFlag
FIFO warning flag
enumerator kSAI_WordStartFlag
enum _sai_reset_type
The reset type.
enumerator kSAI_ResetTypeSoftware
Software reset, reset the logic state
enumerator kSAI_ResetTypeFIFO
FIFO reset, reset the FIFO read and write pointer
enumerator kSAI_ResetAll
All reset.
enumerator kSAI_ResetTypeSoftware
enum _sai_sample_rate
Audio sample rate.
enumerator kSAI_SampleRate8KHz
Sample rate 8000 Hz
enumerator kSAI_SampleRate11025Hz
Sample rate 11025 Hz
enumerator kSAI_SampleRate12KHz
Sample rate 12000 Hz
enumerator kSAI_SampleRate16KHz
Sample rate 16000 Hz
enumerator kSAI_SampleRate22050Hz
Sample rate 22050 Hz
enumerator kSAI_SampleRate24KHz
Sample rate 24000 Hz
enumerator kSAI_SampleRate32KHz
Sample rate 32000 Hz
enumerator kSAI_SampleRate44100Hz
Sample rate 44100 Hz
enumerator kSAI_SampleRate48KHz
Sample rate 48000 Hz
enumerator kSAI_SampleRate96KHz
Sample rate 96000 Hz
enumerator kSAI_SampleRate192KHz
Sample rate 192000 Hz
enumerator kSAI_SampleRate384KHz
Sample rate 384000 Hz
enumerator kSAI_SampleRate8KHz
enum _sai_word_width
Audio word width.
enumerator kSAI_WordWidth8bits
Audio data width 8 bits
enumerator kSAI_WordWidth16bits
Audio data width 16 bits
enumerator kSAI_WordWidth24bits
Audio data width 24 bits
enumerator kSAI_WordWidth32bits
Audio data width 32 bits
enumerator kSAI_WordWidth8bits
enum _sai_transceiver_type
sai transceiver type
enumerator kSAI_Transmitter
sai transmitter
enumerator kSAI_Receiver
sai receiver
enumerator kSAI_Transmitter
enum _sai_frame_sync_len
sai frame sync len
enumerator kSAI_FrameSyncLenOneBitClk
1 bit clock frame sync len for DSP mode
enumerator kSAI_FrameSyncLenPerWordWidth
Frame sync length decided by word width
enumerator kSAI_FrameSyncLenOneBitClk
typedef enum _sai_protocol sai_protocol_t
Define the SAI bus type.
typedef enum _sai_master_slave sai_master_slave_t
Master or slave mode.
typedef enum _sai_mono_stereo sai_mono_stereo_t
Mono or stereo audio format.
typedef enum _sai_data_order sai_data_order_t
SAI data order, MSB or LSB.
typedef enum _sai_clock_polarity sai_clock_polarity_t
SAI clock polarity, active high or low.
typedef enum _sai_sync_mode sai_sync_mode_t
Synchronous or asynchronous mode.
typedef enum _sai_mclk_source sai_mclk_source_t
Mater clock source.
typedef enum _sai_bclk_source sai_bclk_source_t
Bit clock source.
typedef enum _sai_reset_type sai_reset_type_t
The reset type.
typedef struct _sai_config sai_config_t
SAI user configuration structure.
typedef enum _sai_sample_rate sai_sample_rate_t
Audio sample rate.
typedef enum _sai_word_width sai_word_width_t
Audio word width.
typedef enum _sai_transceiver_type sai_transceiver_type_t
sai transceiver type
typedef enum _sai_frame_sync_len sai_frame_sync_len_t
sai frame sync len
typedef struct _sai_transfer_format sai_transfer_format_t
sai transfer format
typedef struct _sai_bit_clock sai_bit_clock_t
sai bit clock configurations
typedef struct _sai_frame_sync sai_frame_sync_t
sai frame sync configurations
typedef struct _sai_serial_data sai_serial_data_t
sai serial data configurations
typedef struct _sai_transceiver sai_transceiver_t
sai transceiver configurations
typedef struct _sai_transfer sai_transfer_t
SAI transfer structure.
typedef struct _sai_handle sai_handle_t
typedef void (*sai_transfer_callback_t)(I2S_Type *base, sai_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
SAI transfer callback prototype.
SAI transfer queue size, user can refine it according to use case.
sai fifo feature
struct _sai_config
- #include <fsl_sai.h>
SAI user configuration structure.
Public Members
sai_protocol_t protocol
Audio bus protocol in SAI
sai_sync_mode_t syncMode
SAI sync mode, control Tx/Rx clock sync
sai_bclk_source_t bclkSource
Bit Clock source
sai_master_slave_t masterSlave
Master or slave
sai_protocol_t protocol
struct _sai_transfer_format
- #include <fsl_sai.h>
sai transfer format
Public Members
uint32_t sampleRate_Hz
Sample rate of audio data
uint32_t bitWidth
Data length of audio data, usually 8/16/24/32 bits
sai_mono_stereo_t stereo
Mono or stereo
uint8_t channel
Transfer start channel
uint8_t channelMask
enabled channel mask value, reference _sai_channel_mask
uint8_t endChannel
end channel number
uint8_t channelNums
Total enabled channel numbers
sai_protocol_t protocol
Which audio protocol used
bool isFrameSyncCompact
True means Frame sync length is configurable according to bitWidth, false means frame sync length is 64 times of bit clock.
uint32_t sampleRate_Hz
struct _sai_bit_clock
- #include <fsl_sai.h>
sai bit clock configurations
Public Members
bool bclkSrcSwap
bit clock source swap
bool bclkInputDelay
bit clock actually used by the transmitter is delayed by the pad output delay, this has effect of decreasing the data input setup time, but increasing the data output valid time .
sai_clock_polarity_t bclkPolarity
bit clock polarity
sai_bclk_source_t bclkSource
bit Clock source
bool bclkSrcSwap
struct _sai_frame_sync
- #include <fsl_sai.h>
sai frame sync configurations
Public Members
uint8_t frameSyncWidth
frame sync width in number of bit clocks
bool frameSyncEarly
TRUE is frame sync assert one bit before the first bit of frame FALSE is frame sync assert with the first bit of the frame
sai_clock_polarity_t frameSyncPolarity
frame sync polarity
uint8_t frameSyncWidth
struct _sai_serial_data
- #include <fsl_sai.h>
sai serial data configurations
Public Members
sai_data_order_t dataOrder
configure whether the LSB or MSB is transmitted first
uint8_t dataWord0Length
configure the number of bits in the first word in each frame
uint8_t dataWordNLength
configure the number of bits in the each word in each frame, except the first word
uint8_t dataWordLength
used to record the data length for dma transfer
uint8_t dataFirstBitShifted
Configure the bit index for the first bit transmitted for each word in the frame
uint8_t dataWordNum
configure the number of words in each frame
uint32_t dataMaskedWord
configure whether the transmit word is masked
sai_data_order_t dataOrder
struct _sai_transceiver
- #include <fsl_sai.h>
sai transceiver configurations
Public Members
sai_serial_data_t serialData
serial data configurations
sai_frame_sync_t frameSync
ws configurations
sai_bit_clock_t bitClock
bit clock configurations
sai_master_slave_t masterSlave
transceiver is master or slave
sai_sync_mode_t syncMode
transceiver sync mode
uint8_t startChannel
Transfer start channel
uint8_t channelMask
enabled channel mask value, reference _sai_channel_mask
uint8_t endChannel
end channel number
uint8_t channelNums
Total enabled channel numbers
sai_serial_data_t serialData
struct _sai_transfer
- #include <fsl_sai.h>
SAI transfer structure.
Public Members
uint8_t *data
Data start address to transfer.
size_t dataSize
Transfer size.
uint8_t *data
struct _sai_handle
- #include <fsl_sai.h>
SAI handle structure.
Public Members
I2S_Type *base
base address
uint32_t state
Transfer status
sai_transfer_callback_t callback
Callback function called at transfer event
void *userData
Callback parameter passed to callback function
uint8_t bitWidth
Bit width for transfer, 8/16/24/32 bits
uint8_t channel
Transfer start channel
uint8_t channelMask
enabled channel mask value, refernece _sai_channel_mask
uint8_t endChannel
end channel number
uint8_t channelNums
Total enabled channel numbers
sai_transfer_t saiQueue[(4U)]
Transfer queue storing queued transfer
size_t transferSize[(4U)]
Data bytes need to transfer
volatile uint8_t queueUser
Index for user to queue transfer
volatile uint8_t queueDriver
Index for driver to get the transfer data and size
I2S_Type *base
void SAI_TransferTxCreateHandleEDMA(I2S_Type *base, sai_edma_handle_t *handle, sai_edma_callback_t callback, void *userData, edma_handle_t *txDmaHandle)
Initializes the SAI eDMA handle.
This function initializes the SAI master DMA handle, which can be used for other SAI master transactional APIs. Usually, for a specified SAI instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – SAI eDMA handle pointer.
callback – Pointer to user callback function.
userData – User parameter passed to the callback function.
txDmaHandle – eDMA handle pointer, this handle shall be static allocated by users.
void SAI_TransferRxCreateHandleEDMA(I2S_Type *base, sai_edma_handle_t *handle, sai_edma_callback_t callback, void *userData, edma_handle_t *rxDmaHandle)
Initializes the SAI Rx eDMA handle.
This function initializes the SAI slave DMA handle, which can be used for other SAI master transactional APIs. Usually, for a specified SAI instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – SAI eDMA handle pointer.
callback – Pointer to user callback function.
userData – User parameter passed to the callback function.
rxDmaHandle – eDMA handle pointer, this handle shall be static allocated by users.
void SAI_TransferSetInterleaveType(sai_edma_handle_t *handle, sai_edma_interleave_t interleaveType)
Initializes the SAI interleave type.
This function initializes the SAI DMA handle member interleaveType, it shall be called only when application would like to use type kSAI_EDMAInterleavePerChannelBlock, since the default interleaveType is kSAI_EDMAInterleavePerChannelSample always
- Parameters:
handle – SAI eDMA handle pointer.
interleaveType – Multi channel interleave type.
void SAI_TransferTxSetConfigEDMA(I2S_Type *base, sai_edma_handle_t *handle, sai_transceiver_t *saiConfig)
Configures the SAI Tx.
SAI eDMA supports data transfer in a multiple SAI channels if the FIFO Combine feature is supported. To activate the multi-channel transfer enable SAI channels by filling the channelMask of sai_transceiver_t with the corresponding values of _sai_channel_mask enum, enable the FIFO Combine mode by assigning kSAI_FifoCombineModeEnabledOnWrite to the fifoCombine member of sai_fifo_combine_t which is a member of sai_transceiver_t. This is an example of multi-channel data transfer configuration step.
sai_transceiver_t config; SAI_GetClassicI2SConfig(&config, kSAI_WordWidth16bits, kSAI_Stereo, kSAI_Channel0Mask|kSAI_Channel1Mask); config.fifo.fifoCombine = kSAI_FifoCombineModeEnabledOnWrite; SAI_TransferTxSetConfigEDMA(I2S0, &edmaHandle, &config);
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – SAI eDMA handle pointer.
saiConfig – sai configurations.
void SAI_TransferRxSetConfigEDMA(I2S_Type *base, sai_edma_handle_t *handle, sai_transceiver_t *saiConfig)
Configures the SAI Rx.
SAI eDMA supports data transfer in a multiple SAI channels if the FIFO Combine feature is supported. To activate the multi-channel transfer enable SAI channels by filling the channelMask of sai_transceiver_t with the corresponding values of _sai_channel_mask enum, enable the FIFO Combine mode by assigning kSAI_FifoCombineModeEnabledOnRead to the fifoCombine member of sai_fifo_combine_t which is a member of sai_transceiver_t. This is an example of multi-channel data transfer configuration step.
sai_transceiver_t config; SAI_GetClassicI2SConfig(&config, kSAI_WordWidth16bits, kSAI_Stereo, kSAI_Channel0Mask|kSAI_Channel1Mask); config.fifo.fifoCombine = kSAI_FifoCombineModeEnabledOnRead; SAI_TransferRxSetConfigEDMA(I2S0, &edmaHandle, &config);
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – SAI eDMA handle pointer.
saiConfig – sai configurations.
status_t SAI_TransferSendEDMA(I2S_Type *base, sai_edma_handle_t *handle, sai_transfer_t *xfer)
Performs a non-blocking SAI transfer using DMA.
This function support multi channel transfer,
for the sai IP support fifo combine mode, application should enable the fifo combine mode, no limitation on channel numbers
for the sai IP not support fifo combine mode, sai edma provide another solution which using EDMA modulo feature, but support 2 or 4 channels only.
This interface returns immediately after the transfer initiates. Call SAI_GetTransferStatus to poll the transfer status and check whether the SAI transfer is finished.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – SAI eDMA handle pointer.
xfer – Pointer to the DMA transfer structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Start a SAI eDMA send successfully.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – The input argument is invalid.
kStatus_TxBusy – SAI is busy sending data.
status_t SAI_TransferReceiveEDMA(I2S_Type *base, sai_edma_handle_t *handle, sai_transfer_t *xfer)
Performs a non-blocking SAI receive using eDMA.
This function support multi channel transfer,
for the sai IP support fifo combine mode, application should enable the fifo combine mode, no limitation on channel numbers
for the sai IP not support fifo combine mode, sai edma provide another solution which using EDMA modulo feature, but support 2 or 4 channels only.
This interface returns immediately after the transfer initiates. Call the SAI_GetReceiveRemainingBytes to poll the transfer status and check whether the SAI transfer is finished.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
handle – SAI eDMA handle pointer.
xfer – Pointer to DMA transfer structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Start a SAI eDMA receive successfully.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – The input argument is invalid.
kStatus_RxBusy – SAI is busy receiving data.
status_t SAI_TransferSendLoopEDMA(I2S_Type *base, sai_edma_handle_t *handle, sai_transfer_t *xfer, uint32_t loopTransferCount)
Performs a non-blocking SAI loop transfer using eDMA.
Once the loop transfer start, application can use function SAI_TransferAbortSendEDMA to stop the loop transfer.
This function support loop transfer only,such as A->B->…->A, application must be aware of that the more counts of the loop transfer, then more tcd memory required, as the function use the tcd pool in sai_edma_handle_t, so application could redefine the SAI_XFER_QUEUE_SIZE to determine the proper TCD pool size. This function support one sai channel only.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – SAI eDMA handle pointer.
xfer – Pointer to the DMA transfer structure, should be a array with elements counts >=1(loopTransferCount).
loopTransferCount – the counts of xfer array.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Start a SAI eDMA send successfully.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – The input argument is invalid.
status_t SAI_TransferReceiveLoopEDMA(I2S_Type *base, sai_edma_handle_t *handle, sai_transfer_t *xfer, uint32_t loopTransferCount)
Performs a non-blocking SAI loop transfer using eDMA.
Once the loop transfer start, application can use function SAI_TransferAbortReceiveEDMA to stop the loop transfer.
This function support loop transfer only,such as A->B->…->A, application must be aware of that the more counts of the loop transfer, then more tcd memory required, as the function use the tcd pool in sai_edma_handle_t, so application could redefine the SAI_XFER_QUEUE_SIZE to determine the proper TCD pool size. This function support one sai channel only.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – SAI eDMA handle pointer.
xfer – Pointer to the DMA transfer structure, should be a array with elements counts >=1(loopTransferCount).
loopTransferCount – the counts of xfer array.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Start a SAI eDMA receive successfully.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – The input argument is invalid.
void SAI_TransferTerminateSendEDMA(I2S_Type *base, sai_edma_handle_t *handle)
Terminate all SAI send.
This function will clear all transfer slots buffered in the sai queue. If users only want to abort the current transfer slot, please call SAI_TransferAbortSendEDMA.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – SAI eDMA handle pointer.
void SAI_TransferTerminateReceiveEDMA(I2S_Type *base, sai_edma_handle_t *handle)
Terminate all SAI receive.
This function will clear all transfer slots buffered in the sai queue. If users only want to abort the current transfer slot, please call SAI_TransferAbortReceiveEDMA.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – SAI eDMA handle pointer.
void SAI_TransferAbortSendEDMA(I2S_Type *base, sai_edma_handle_t *handle)
Aborts a SAI transfer using eDMA.
This function only aborts the current transfer slots, the other transfer slots’ information still kept in the handler. If users want to terminate all transfer slots, just call SAI_TransferTerminateSendEDMA.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – SAI eDMA handle pointer.
void SAI_TransferAbortReceiveEDMA(I2S_Type *base, sai_edma_handle_t *handle)
Aborts a SAI receive using eDMA.
This function only aborts the current transfer slots, the other transfer slots’ information still kept in the handler. If users want to terminate all transfer slots, just call SAI_TransferTerminateReceiveEDMA.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
handle – SAI eDMA handle pointer.
status_t SAI_TransferGetSendCountEDMA(I2S_Type *base, sai_edma_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets byte count sent by SAI.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – SAI eDMA handle pointer.
count – Bytes count sent by SAI.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Succeed get the transfer count.
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – There is no non-blocking transaction in progress.
status_t SAI_TransferGetReceiveCountEDMA(I2S_Type *base, sai_edma_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets byte count received by SAI.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
handle – SAI eDMA handle pointer.
count – Bytes count received by SAI.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Succeed get the transfer count.
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – There is no non-blocking transaction in progress.
uint32_t SAI_TransferGetValidTransferSlotsEDMA(I2S_Type *base, sai_edma_handle_t *handle)
Gets valid transfer slot.
This function can be used to query the valid transfer request slot that the application can submit. It should be called in the critical section, that means the application could call it in the corresponding callback function or disable IRQ before calling it in the application, otherwise, the returned value may not correct.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
handle – SAI eDMA handle pointer.
- Return values:
valid – slot count that application submit.
Version 2.7.1
enum _sai_edma_interleave
sai interleave type
enumerator kSAI_EDMAInterleavePerChannelSample
enumerator kSAI_EDMAInterleavePerChannelBlock
enumerator kSAI_EDMAInterleavePerChannelSample
typedef struct sai_edma_handle sai_edma_handle_t
typedef void (*sai_edma_callback_t)(I2S_Type *base, sai_edma_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
SAI eDMA transfer callback function for finish and error.
typedef enum _sai_edma_interleave sai_edma_interleave_t
sai interleave type
struct sai_edma_handle
- #include <fsl_sai_edma.h>
SAI DMA transfer handle, users should not touch the content of the handle.
Public Members
edma_handle_t *dmaHandle
DMA handler for SAI send
uint8_t nbytes
eDMA minor byte transfer count initially configured.
uint8_t bytesPerFrame
Bytes in a frame
uint8_t channelMask
Enabled channel mask value, reference _sai_channel_mask
uint8_t channelNums
total enabled channel nums
uint8_t channel
Which data channel
uint8_t count
The transfer data count in a DMA request
uint32_t state
Internal state for SAI eDMA transfer
sai_edma_callback_t callback
Callback for users while transfer finish or error occurs
void *userData
User callback parameter
uint8_t tcd[((4U) + 1U) * sizeof(edma_tcd_t)]
TCD pool for eDMA transfer.
sai_transfer_t saiQueue[(4U)]
Transfer queue storing queued transfer.
size_t transferSize[(4U)]
Data bytes need to transfer
sai_edma_interleave_t interleaveType
Transfer interleave type
volatile uint8_t queueUser
Index for user to queue transfer.
volatile uint8_t queueDriver
Index for driver to get the transfer data and size
edma_handle_t *dmaHandle
SEMA42: Hardware Semaphores Driver
SEMA42 driver version.
SEMA42 status return codes.
enumerator kStatus_SEMA42_Busy
SEMA42 gate has been locked by other processor.
enumerator kStatus_SEMA42_Reseting
SEMA42 gate reseting is ongoing.
enumerator kStatus_SEMA42_Busy
enum _sema42_gate_status
SEMA42 gate lock status.
enumerator kSEMA42_Unlocked
The gate is unlocked.
enumerator kSEMA42_LockedByProc0
The gate is locked by processor 0.
enumerator kSEMA42_LockedByProc1
The gate is locked by processor 1.
enumerator kSEMA42_LockedByProc2
The gate is locked by processor 2.
enumerator kSEMA42_LockedByProc3
The gate is locked by processor 3.
enumerator kSEMA42_LockedByProc4
The gate is locked by processor 4.
enumerator kSEMA42_LockedByProc5
The gate is locked by processor 5.
enumerator kSEMA42_LockedByProc6
The gate is locked by processor 6.
enumerator kSEMA42_LockedByProc7
The gate is locked by processor 7.
enumerator kSEMA42_LockedByProc8
The gate is locked by processor 8.
enumerator kSEMA42_LockedByProc9
The gate is locked by processor 9.
enumerator kSEMA42_LockedByProc10
The gate is locked by processor 10.
enumerator kSEMA42_LockedByProc11
The gate is locked by processor 11.
enumerator kSEMA42_LockedByProc12
The gate is locked by processor 12.
enumerator kSEMA42_LockedByProc13
The gate is locked by processor 13.
enumerator kSEMA42_LockedByProc14
The gate is locked by processor 14.
enumerator kSEMA42_Unlocked
typedef enum _sema42_gate_status sema42_gate_status_t
SEMA42 gate lock status.
void SEMA42_Init(SEMA42_Type *base)
Initializes the SEMA42 module.
This function initializes the SEMA42 module. It only enables the clock but does not reset the gates because the module might be used by other processors at the same time. To reset the gates, call either SEMA42_ResetGate or SEMA42_ResetAllGates function.
- Parameters:
base – SEMA42 peripheral base address.
void SEMA42_Deinit(SEMA42_Type *base)
De-initializes the SEMA42 module.
This function de-initializes the SEMA42 module. It only disables the clock.
- Parameters:
base – SEMA42 peripheral base address.
status_t SEMA42_TryLock(SEMA42_Type *base, uint8_t gateNum, uint8_t procNum)
Tries to lock the SEMA42 gate.
This function tries to lock the specific SEMA42 gate. If the gate has been locked by another processor, this function returns an error code.
- Parameters:
base – SEMA42 peripheral base address.
gateNum – Gate number to lock.
procNum – Current processor number.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Lock the sema42 gate successfully.
kStatus_SEMA42_Busy – Sema42 gate has been locked by another processor.
void SEMA42_Lock(SEMA42_Type *base, uint8_t gateNum, uint8_t procNum)
Locks the SEMA42 gate.
This function locks the specific SEMA42 gate. If the gate has been locked by other processors, this function waits until it is unlocked and then lock it.
- Parameters:
base – SEMA42 peripheral base address.
gateNum – Gate number to lock.
procNum – Current processor number.
static inline void SEMA42_Unlock(SEMA42_Type *base, uint8_t gateNum)
Unlocks the SEMA42 gate.
This function unlocks the specific SEMA42 gate. It only writes unlock value to the SEMA42 gate register. However, it does not check whether the SEMA42 gate is locked by the current processor or not. As a result, if the SEMA42 gate is not locked by the current processor, this function has no effect.
- Parameters:
base – SEMA42 peripheral base address.
gateNum – Gate number to unlock.
static inline sema42_gate_status_t SEMA42_GetGateStatus(SEMA42_Type *base, uint8_t gateNum)
Gets the status of the SEMA42 gate.
This function checks the lock status of a specific SEMA42 gate.
- Parameters:
base – SEMA42 peripheral base address.
gateNum – Gate number.
- Returns:
status Current status.
status_t SEMA42_ResetGate(SEMA42_Type *base, uint8_t gateNum)
Resets the SEMA42 gate to an unlocked status.
This function resets a SEMA42 gate to an unlocked status.
- Parameters:
base – SEMA42 peripheral base address.
gateNum – Gate number.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – SEMA42 gate is reset successfully.
kStatus_SEMA42_Reseting – Some other reset process is ongoing.
static inline status_t SEMA42_ResetAllGates(SEMA42_Type *base)
Resets all SEMA42 gates to an unlocked status.
This function resets all SEMA42 gate to an unlocked status.
- Parameters:
base – SEMA42 peripheral base address.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – SEMA42 is reset successfully.
kStatus_SEMA42_Reseting – Some other reset process is ongoing.
The number to reset all SEMA42 gates.
SEMA42_GATEn(base, n)
SEMA42 gate n register address.
The SEMA42 gates are sorted in the order 3, 2, 1, 0, 7, 6, 5, 4, … not in the order 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, … The macro SEMA42_GATEn gets the SEMA42 gate based on the gate index.
The input gate index is XOR’ed with 3U: 0 ^ 3 = 3 1 ^ 3 = 2 2 ^ 3 = 1 3 ^ 3 = 0 4 ^ 3 = 7 5 ^ 3 = 6 6 ^ 3 = 5 7 ^ 3 = 4 …
SIM: System Integration Module Driver
Driver version.
enum _sim_flash_mode
Flash enable mode.
enumerator kSIM_FlashDisableInWait
Disable flash in wait mode.
enumerator kSIM_FlashDisable
Disable flash in normal mode.
enumerator kSIM_FlashDisableInWait
typedef struct _sim_uid sim_uid_t
Unique ID.
void SIM_GetUniqueId(sim_uid_t *uid)
Gets the unique identification register value.
- Parameters:
uid – Pointer to the structure to save the UID value.
static inline void SIM_SetFlashMode(uint8_t mode)
Sets the flash enable mode.
- Parameters:
mode – The mode to set; see _sim_flash_mode for mode details.
struct _sim_uid
- #include <fsl_sim.h>
Unique ID.
Public Members
uint32_t MH
uint32_t ML
uint32_t L
uint32_t MH
SNVS: Secure Non-Volatile Storage
Secure Non-Volatile Storage High-Power
void SNVS_HP_Init(SNVS_Type *base)
Initialize the SNVS.
This API should be called at the beginning of the application using the SNVS driver.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
void SNVS_HP_Deinit(SNVS_Type *base)
Deinitialize the SNVS.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
void SNVS_HP_RTC_Init(SNVS_Type *base, const snvs_hp_rtc_config_t *config)
Ungates the SNVS clock and configures the peripheral for basic operation.
This API should be called at the beginning of the application using the SNVS driver.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
config – Pointer to the user’s SNVS configuration structure.
void SNVS_HP_RTC_Deinit(SNVS_Type *base)
Stops the RTC and SRTC timers.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
void SNVS_HP_RTC_GetDefaultConfig(snvs_hp_rtc_config_t *config)
Fills in the SNVS config struct with the default settings.
The default values are as follows.
config->rtccalenable = false; config->rtccalvalue = 0U; config->PIFreq = 0U;
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to the user’s SNVS configuration structure.
status_t SNVS_HP_RTC_SetDatetime(SNVS_Type *base, const snvs_hp_rtc_datetime_t *datetime)
Sets the SNVS RTC date and time according to the given time structure.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
datetime – Pointer to the structure where the date and time details are stored.
- Returns:
kStatus_Success: Success in setting the time and starting the SNVS RTC kStatus_InvalidArgument: Error because the datetime format is incorrect
void SNVS_HP_RTC_GetDatetime(SNVS_Type *base, snvs_hp_rtc_datetime_t *datetime)
Gets the SNVS RTC time and stores it in the given time structure.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
datetime – Pointer to the structure where the date and time details are stored.
status_t SNVS_HP_RTC_SetAlarm(SNVS_Type *base, const snvs_hp_rtc_datetime_t *alarmTime)
Sets the SNVS RTC alarm time.
The function sets the RTC alarm. It also checks whether the specified alarm time is greater than the present time. If not, the function does not set the alarm and returns an error.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
alarmTime – Pointer to the structure where the alarm time is stored.
- Returns:
kStatus_Success: success in setting the SNVS RTC alarm kStatus_InvalidArgument: Error because the alarm datetime format is incorrect kStatus_Fail: Error because the alarm time has already passed
void SNVS_HP_RTC_GetAlarm(SNVS_Type *base, snvs_hp_rtc_datetime_t *datetime)
Returns the SNVS RTC alarm time.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
datetime – Pointer to the structure where the alarm date and time details are stored.
static inline void SNVS_HP_RTC_EnableInterrupts(SNVS_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the selected SNVS interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
mask – The interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration :: _snvs_hp_interrupts_t
static inline void SNVS_HP_RTC_DisableInterrupts(SNVS_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the selected SNVS interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
mask – The interrupts to disable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration :: _snvs_hp_interrupts_t
uint32_t SNVS_HP_RTC_GetEnabledInterrupts(SNVS_Type *base)
Gets the enabled SNVS interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
- Returns:
The enabled interrupts. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration :: _snvs_hp_interrupts_t
uint32_t SNVS_HP_RTC_GetStatusFlags(SNVS_Type *base)
Gets the SNVS status flags.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
- Returns:
The status flags. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration :: _snvs_hp_status_flags_t
static inline void SNVS_HP_RTC_ClearStatusFlags(SNVS_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears the SNVS status flags.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
mask – The status flags to clear. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration :: _snvs_hp_status_flags_t
static inline void SNVS_HP_RTC_StartTimer(SNVS_Type *base)
Starts the SNVS RTC time counter.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
static inline void SNVS_HP_RTC_StopTimer(SNVS_Type *base)
Stops the SNVS RTC time counter.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
static inline void SNVS_HP_EnableHighAssuranceCounter(SNVS_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable or disable the High Assurance Counter (HAC)
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
enable – Pass true to enable, false to disable.
static inline void SNVS_HP_StartHighAssuranceCounter(SNVS_Type *base, bool start)
Start or stop the High Assurance Counter (HAC)
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
start – Pass true to start, false to stop.
static inline void SNVS_HP_SetHighAssuranceCounterInitialValue(SNVS_Type *base, uint32_t value)
Set the High Assurance Counter (HAC) initialize value.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
value – The initial value to set.
static inline void SNVS_HP_LoadHighAssuranceCounter(SNVS_Type *base)
Load the High Assurance Counter (HAC)
This function loads the HAC initialize value to counter register.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
static inline uint32_t SNVS_HP_GetHighAssuranceCounter(SNVS_Type *base)
Get the current High Assurance Counter (HAC) value.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
- Returns:
HAC currnet value.
static inline void SNVS_HP_ClearHighAssuranceCounter(SNVS_Type *base)
Clear the High Assurance Counter (HAC)
This function can be called in a functional or soft fail state. When the HAC is enabled:
If the HAC is cleared in the soft fail state, the SSM transitions to the hard fail state immediately;
If the HAC is cleared in functional state, the SSM will transition to hard fail immediately after transitioning to soft fail.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
static inline void SNVS_HP_LockHighAssuranceCounter(SNVS_Type *base)
Lock the High Assurance Counter (HAC)
Once locked, the HAC initialize value could not be changed, the HAC enable status could not be changed. This could only be unlocked by system reset.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
Version 2.3.2
enum _snvs_hp_interrupts
List of SNVS interrupts.
enumerator kSNVS_RTC_AlarmInterrupt
RTC time alarm
enumerator kSNVS_RTC_PeriodicInterrupt
RTC periodic interrupt
enumerator kSNVS_RTC_AlarmInterrupt
enum _snvs_hp_status_flags
List of SNVS flags.
enumerator kSNVS_RTC_AlarmInterruptFlag
RTC time alarm flag
enumerator kSNVS_RTC_PeriodicInterruptFlag
RTC periodic interrupt flag
enumerator kSNVS_ZMK_ZeroFlag
The ZMK is zero
enumerator kSNVS_OTPMK_ZeroFlag
The OTPMK is zero
enumerator kSNVS_RTC_AlarmInterruptFlag
enum _snvs_hp_sv_status_flags
List of SNVS security violation flags.
enumerator kSNVS_LP_ViolationFlag
Low Power section Security Violation
enumerator kSNVS_ZMK_EccFailFlag
Zeroizable Master Key Error Correcting Code Check Failure
enumerator kSNVS_LP_SoftwareViolationFlag
LP Software Security Violation
enumerator kSNVS_FatalSoftwareViolationFlag
Software Fatal Security Violation
enumerator kSNVS_SoftwareViolationFlag
Software Security Violation
enumerator kSNVS_Violation0Flag
Security Violation 0
enumerator kSNVS_Violation1Flag
Security Violation 1
enumerator kSNVS_Violation2Flag
Security Violation 2
enumerator kSNVS_Violation4Flag
Security Violation 4
enumerator kSNVS_Violation5Flag
Security Violation 5
enumerator kSNVS_LP_ViolationFlag
enum _snvs_hp_ssm_state
List of SNVS Security State Machine State.
enumerator kSNVS_SSMInit
enumerator kSNVS_SSMHardFail
Hard Fail
enumerator kSNVS_SSMSoftFail
Soft Fail
enumerator kSNVS_SSMInitInter
Init Intermediate (transition state between Init and Check)
enumerator kSNVS_SSMCheck
enumerator kSNVS_SSMNonSecure
enumerator kSNVS_SSMTrusted
enumerator kSNVS_SSMSecure
enumerator kSNVS_SSMInit
typedef enum _snvs_hp_interrupts snvs_hp_interrupts_t
List of SNVS interrupts.
typedef enum _snvs_hp_status_flags snvs_hp_status_flags_t
List of SNVS flags.
typedef enum _snvs_hp_sv_status_flags snvs_hp_sv_status_flags_t
List of SNVS security violation flags.
typedef struct _snvs_hp_rtc_datetime snvs_hp_rtc_datetime_t
Structure is used to hold the date and time.
typedef struct _snvs_hp_rtc_config snvs_hp_rtc_config_t
SNVS config structure.
This structure holds the configuration settings for the SNVS peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the SNVS_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your config structure instance.
The config struct can be made const so it resides in flash
typedef enum _snvs_hp_ssm_state snvs_hp_ssm_state_t
List of SNVS Security State Machine State.
static inline void SNVS_HP_EnableMasterKeySelection(SNVS_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable or disable master key selection.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
enable – Pass true to enable, false to disable.
static inline void SNVS_HP_ProgramZeroizableMasterKey(SNVS_Type *base)
Trigger to program Zeroizable Master Key.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
static inline void SNVS_HP_ChangeSSMState(SNVS_Type *base)
Trigger SSM State Transition.
Trigger state transition of the system security monitor (SSM). It results only the following transitions of the SSM:
Check State -> Non-Secure (when Non-Secure Boot and not in Fab Configuration)
Check State –> Trusted (when Secure Boot or in Fab Configuration )
Trusted State –> Secure
Secure State –> Trusted
Soft Fail –> Non-Secure
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
static inline void SNVS_HP_SetSoftwareFatalSecurityViolation(SNVS_Type *base)
Trigger Software Fatal Security Violation.
The result SSM state transition is:
Check State -> Soft Fail
Non-Secure State -> Soft Fail
Trusted State -> Soft Fail
Secure State -> Soft Fail
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
static inline void SNVS_HP_SetSoftwareSecurityViolation(SNVS_Type *base)
Trigger Software Security Violation.
The result SSM state transition is:
Check -> Non-Secure
Trusted -> Soft Fail
Secure -> Soft Fail
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
static inline snvs_hp_ssm_state_t SNVS_HP_GetSSMState(SNVS_Type *base)
Get current SSM State.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
- Returns:
Current SSM state
static inline void SNVS_HP_ResetLP(SNVS_Type *base)
Reset the SNVS LP section.
Reset the LP section except SRTC and Time alarm.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
static inline uint32_t SNVS_HP_GetStatusFlags(SNVS_Type *base)
Get the SNVS HP status flags.
The flags are returned as the OR’ed value f the enumeration :: _snvs_hp_status_flags_t.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
- Returns:
The OR’ed value of status flags.
static inline void SNVS_HP_ClearStatusFlags(SNVS_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clear the SNVS HP status flags.
The flags to clear are passed in as the OR’ed value of the enumeration :: _snvs_hp_status_flags_t. Only these flags could be cleared using this API.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
mask – OR’ed value of the flags to clear.
static inline uint32_t SNVS_HP_GetSecurityViolationStatusFlags(SNVS_Type *base)
Get the SNVS HP security violation status flags.
The flags are returned as the OR’ed value of the enumeration :: _snvs_hp_sv_status_flags_t.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
- Returns:
The OR’ed value of security violation status flags.
static inline void SNVS_HP_ClearSecurityViolationStatusFlags(SNVS_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clear the SNVS HP security violation status flags.
The flags to clear are passed in as the OR’ed value of the enumeration :: _snvs_hp_sv_status_flags_t. Only these flags could be cleared using this API.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
mask – OR’ed value of the flags to clear.
Macro to make security violation flag.
Macro help to make security violation flag kSNVS_Violation0Flag to kSNVS_Violation5Flag, For example, SNVS_MAKE_HP_SV_FLAG(0) is kSNVS_Violation0Flag.
struct _snvs_hp_rtc_datetime
- #include <fsl_snvs_hp.h>
Structure is used to hold the date and time.
Public Members
uint16_t year
Range from 1970 to 2099.
uint8_t month
Range from 1 to 12.
uint8_t day
Range from 1 to 31 (depending on month).
uint8_t hour
Range from 0 to 23.
uint8_t minute
Range from 0 to 59.
uint8_t second
Range from 0 to 59.
uint16_t year
struct _snvs_hp_rtc_config
- #include <fsl_snvs_hp.h>
SNVS config structure.
This structure holds the configuration settings for the SNVS peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the SNVS_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your config structure instance.
The config struct can be made const so it resides in flash
Public Members
bool rtcCalEnable
true: RTC calibration mechanism is enabled; false:No calibration is used
uint32_t rtcCalValue
Defines signed calibration value for nonsecure RTC; This is a 5-bit 2’s complement value, range from -16 to +15
uint32_t periodicInterruptFreq
Defines frequency of the periodic interrupt; Range from 0 to 15
bool rtcCalEnable
Secure Non-Volatile Storage Low-Power
void SNVS_LP_Init(SNVS_Type *base)
Ungates the SNVS clock and configures the peripheral for basic operation.
This API should be called at the beginning of the application using the SNVS driver.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
void SNVS_LP_Deinit(SNVS_Type *base)
Deinit the SNVS LP section.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
status_t SNVS_LP_SRTC_SetDatetime(SNVS_Type *base, const snvs_lp_srtc_datetime_t *datetime)
Sets the SNVS SRTC date and time according to the given time structure.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
datetime – Pointer to the structure where the date and time details are stored.
- Returns:
kStatus_Success: Success in setting the time and starting the SNVS SRTC kStatus_InvalidArgument: Error because the datetime format is incorrect
void SNVS_LP_SRTC_GetDatetime(SNVS_Type *base, snvs_lp_srtc_datetime_t *datetime)
Gets the SNVS SRTC time and stores it in the given time structure.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
datetime – Pointer to the structure where the date and time details are stored.
status_t SNVS_LP_SRTC_SetAlarm(SNVS_Type *base, const snvs_lp_srtc_datetime_t *alarmTime)
Sets the SNVS SRTC alarm time.
The function sets the SRTC alarm. It also checks whether the specified alarm time is greater than the present time. If not, the function does not set the alarm and returns an error. Please note, that SRTC alarm has limited resolution because only 32 most significant bits of SRTC counter are compared to SRTC Alarm register. If the alarm time is beyond SRTC resolution, the function does not set the alarm and returns an error.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
alarmTime – Pointer to the structure where the alarm time is stored.
- Returns:
kStatus_Success: success in setting the SNVS SRTC alarm kStatus_InvalidArgument: Error because the alarm datetime format is incorrect kStatus_Fail: Error because the alarm time has already passed or is beyond resolution
void SNVS_LP_SRTC_GetAlarm(SNVS_Type *base, snvs_lp_srtc_datetime_t *datetime)
Returns the SNVS SRTC alarm time.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
datetime – Pointer to the structure where the alarm date and time details are stored.
static inline void SNVS_LP_SRTC_EnableInterrupts(SNVS_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the selected SNVS interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
mask – The interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration :: _snvs_lp_srtc_interrupts
static inline void SNVS_LP_SRTC_DisableInterrupts(SNVS_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the selected SNVS interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
mask – The interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration :: _snvs_lp_srtc_interrupts
uint32_t SNVS_LP_SRTC_GetEnabledInterrupts(SNVS_Type *base)
Gets the enabled SNVS interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
- Returns:
The enabled interrupts. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration :: _snvs_lp_srtc_interrupts
uint32_t SNVS_LP_SRTC_GetStatusFlags(SNVS_Type *base)
Gets the SNVS status flags.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
- Returns:
The status flags. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration :: _snvs_lp_srtc_status_flags
static inline void SNVS_LP_SRTC_ClearStatusFlags(SNVS_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears the SNVS status flags.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
mask – The status flags to clear. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration :: _snvs_lp_srtc_status_flags
static inline void SNVS_LP_SRTC_StartTimer(SNVS_Type *base)
Starts the SNVS SRTC time counter.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
static inline void SNVS_LP_SRTC_StopTimer(SNVS_Type *base)
Stops the SNVS SRTC time counter.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
void SNVS_LP_PassiveTamperPin_GetDefaultConfig(snvs_lp_passive_tamper_t *config)
Fills in the SNVS tamper pin config struct with the default settings.
The default values are as follows. code config->polarity = 0U; config->filterenable = 0U; if available on SoC config->filter = 0U; if available on SoC endcode
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to the user’s SNVS configuration structure.
static inline void SNVS_LP_EnableMonotonicCounter(SNVS_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable or disable the Monotonic Counter.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
enable – Pass true to enable, false to disable.
uint64_t SNVS_LP_GetMonotonicCounter(SNVS_Type *base)
Get the current Monotonic Counter.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
- Returns:
Current Monotonic Counter value.
static inline void SNVS_LP_IncreaseMonotonicCounter(SNVS_Type *base)
Increase the Monotonic Counter.
Increase the Monotonic Counter by 1.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
void SNVS_LP_WriteZeroizableMasterKey(SNVS_Type *base, uint32_t ZMKey[8U])
Write Zeroizable Master Key (ZMK) to the SNVS registers.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
ZMKey – The ZMK write to the SNVS register.
static inline void SNVS_LP_SetZeroizableMasterKeyValid(SNVS_Type *base, bool valid)
Set Zeroizable Master Key valid.
This API could only be called when using software programming mode. After writing ZMK using SNVS_LP_WriteZeroizableMasterKey, call this API to make the ZMK valid.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
valid – Pass true to set valid, false to set invalid.
static inline bool SNVS_LP_GetZeroizableMasterKeyValid(SNVS_Type *base)
Get Zeroizable Master Key valid status.
In hardware programming mode, call this API to check whether the ZMK is valid.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
- Returns:
true if valid, false if invalid.
static inline void SNVS_LP_SetZeroizableMasterKeyProgramMode(SNVS_Type *base, snvs_lp_zmk_program_mode_t mode)
Set Zeroizable Master Key programming mode.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
mode – ZMK programming mode.
static inline void SNVS_LP_EnableZeroizableMasterKeyECC(SNVS_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable or disable Zeroizable Master Key ECC.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
enable – Pass true to enable, false to disable.
static inline void SNVS_LP_SetMasterKeyMode(SNVS_Type *base, snvs_lp_master_key_mode_t mode)
Set SNVS Master Key mode.
When kSNVS_ZMK or kSNVS_CMK used, the SNVS_HP must be configured to enable the master key selection.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
mode – Master Key mode.
Version 2.4.6
enum _snvs_lp_srtc_interrupts
List of SNVS_LP interrupts.
enumerator kSNVS_SRTC_AlarmInterrupt
SRTC time alarm.
enumerator kSNVS_SRTC_AlarmInterrupt
enum _snvs_lp_srtc_status_flags
List of SNVS_LP flags.
enumerator kSNVS_SRTC_AlarmInterruptFlag
SRTC time alarm flag
enumerator kSNVS_SRTC_AlarmInterruptFlag
enum _snvs_lp_external_tamper_status
List of SNVS_LP external tampers status.
enumerator kSNVS_TamperNotDetected
enumerator kSNVS_TamperDetected
enumerator kSNVS_TamperNotDetected
enum _snvs_lp_external_tamper_polarity
SNVS_LP external tamper polarity.
enumerator kSNVS_ExternalTamperActiveLow
enumerator kSNVS_ExternalTamperActiveHigh
enumerator kSNVS_ExternalTamperActiveLow
enum _snvs_lp_zmk_program_mode
SNVS_LP Zeroizable Master Key programming mode.
enumerator kSNVS_ZMKSoftwareProgram
Software programming mode.
enumerator kSNVS_ZMKHardwareProgram
Hardware programming mode.
enumerator kSNVS_ZMKSoftwareProgram
enum _snvs_lp_master_key_mode
SNVS_LP Master Key mode.
enumerator kSNVS_OTPMK
One Time Programmable Master Key.
enumerator kSNVS_ZMK
Zeroizable Master Key.
enumerator kSNVS_CMK
Combined Master Key, it is XOR of OPTMK and ZMK.
enumerator kSNVS_OTPMK
typedef enum _snvs_lp_srtc_interrupts snvs_lp_srtc_interrupts_t
List of SNVS_LP interrupts.
typedef enum _snvs_lp_srtc_status_flags snvs_lp_srtc_status_flags_t
List of SNVS_LP flags.
typedef enum _snvs_lp_external_tamper_status snvs_lp_external_tamper_status_t
List of SNVS_LP external tampers status.
typedef enum _snvs_lp_external_tamper_polarity snvs_lp_external_tamper_polarity_t
SNVS_LP external tamper polarity.
typedef struct _snvs_lp_srtc_datetime snvs_lp_srtc_datetime_t
Structure is used to hold the date and time.
typedef struct _snvs_lp_srtc_config snvs_lp_srtc_config_t
SNVS_LP config structure.
This structure holds the configuration settings for the SNVS_LP peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the SNVS_LP_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your config structure instance.
The config struct can be made const so it resides in flash
typedef enum _snvs_lp_zmk_program_mode snvs_lp_zmk_program_mode_t
SNVS_LP Zeroizable Master Key programming mode.
typedef enum _snvs_lp_master_key_mode snvs_lp_master_key_mode_t
SNVS_LP Master Key mode.
void SNVS_LP_SRTC_Init(SNVS_Type *base, const snvs_lp_srtc_config_t *config)
Ungates the SNVS clock and configures the peripheral for basic operation.
This API should be called at the beginning of the application using the SNVS driver.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
config – Pointer to the user’s SNVS configuration structure.
void SNVS_LP_SRTC_Deinit(SNVS_Type *base)
Stops the SRTC timer.
- Parameters:
base – SNVS peripheral base address
void SNVS_LP_SRTC_GetDefaultConfig(snvs_lp_srtc_config_t *config)
Fills in the SNVS_LP config struct with the default settings.
The default values are as follows.
config->srtccalenable = false; config->srtccalvalue = 0U;
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to the user’s SNVS configuration structure.
Define of SNVS_LP Zeroizable Master Key registers.
Define of SNVS_LP Max possible tamper.
struct snvs_lp_passive_tamper_t
- #include <fsl_snvs_lp.h>
Structure is used to configure SNVS LP passive tamper pins.
struct _snvs_lp_srtc_datetime
- #include <fsl_snvs_lp.h>
Structure is used to hold the date and time.
Public Members
uint16_t year
Range from 1970 to 2099.
uint8_t month
Range from 1 to 12.
uint8_t day
Range from 1 to 31 (depending on month).
uint8_t hour
Range from 0 to 23.
uint8_t minute
Range from 0 to 59.
uint8_t second
Range from 0 to 59.
uint16_t year
struct _snvs_lp_srtc_config
- #include <fsl_snvs_lp.h>
SNVS_LP config structure.
This structure holds the configuration settings for the SNVS_LP peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the SNVS_LP_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your config structure instance.
The config struct can be made const so it resides in flash
Public Members
bool srtcCalEnable
true: SRTC calibration mechanism is enabled; false: No calibration is used
uint32_t srtcCalValue
Defines signed calibration value for SRTC; This is a 5-bit 2’s complement value, range from -16 to +15
bool srtcCalEnable
TPM: Timer PWM Module
uint32_t TPM_GetInstance(TPM_Type *base)
Gets the instance from the base address.
- Parameters:
base – TPM peripheral base address
- Returns:
The TPM instance
void TPM_Init(TPM_Type *base, const tpm_config_t *config)
Ungates the TPM clock and configures the peripheral for basic operation.
This API should be called at the beginning of the application using the TPM driver.
- Parameters:
base – TPM peripheral base address
config – Pointer to user’s TPM config structure.
void TPM_Deinit(TPM_Type *base)
Stops the counter and gates the TPM clock.
- Parameters:
base – TPM peripheral base address
void TPM_GetDefaultConfig(tpm_config_t *config)
Fill in the TPM config struct with the default settings.
The default values are:
config->prescale = kTPM_Prescale_Divide_1; config->useGlobalTimeBase = false; config->syncGlobalTimeBase = false; config->dozeEnable = false; config->dbgMode = false; config->enableReloadOnTrigger = false; config->enableStopOnOverflow = false; config->enableStartOnTrigger = false; #if FSL_FEATURE_TPM_HAS_PAUSE_COUNTER_ON_TRIGGER config->enablePauseOnTrigger = false; #endif config->triggerSelect = kTPM_Trigger_Select_0; #if FSL_FEATURE_TPM_HAS_EXTERNAL_TRIGGER_SELECTION config->triggerSource = kTPM_TriggerSource_External; config->extTriggerPolarity = kTPM_ExtTrigger_Active_High; #endif #if defined(FSL_FEATURE_TPM_HAS_POL) && FSL_FEATURE_TPM_HAS_POL config->chnlPolarity = 0U; #endif
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to user’s TPM config structure.
tpm_clock_prescale_t TPM_CalculateCounterClkDiv(TPM_Type *base, uint32_t counterPeriod_Hz, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
Calculates the counter clock prescaler.
This function calculates the values for SC[PS].
return Calculated clock prescaler value.
- Parameters:
base – TPM peripheral base address
counterPeriod_Hz – The desired frequency in Hz which corresponding to the time when the counter reaches the mod value
srcClock_Hz – TPM counter clock in Hz
status_t TPM_SetupPwm(TPM_Type *base, const tpm_chnl_pwm_signal_param_t *chnlParams, uint8_t numOfChnls, tpm_pwm_mode_t mode, uint32_t pwmFreq_Hz, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
Configures the PWM signal parameters.
User calls this function to configure the PWM signals period, mode, dutycycle and edge. Use this function to configure all the TPM channels that will be used to output a PWM signal
- Parameters:
base – TPM peripheral base address
chnlParams – Array of PWM channel parameters to configure the channel(s)
numOfChnls – Number of channels to configure, this should be the size of the array passed in
mode – PWM operation mode, options available in enumeration tpm_pwm_mode_t
pwmFreq_Hz – PWM signal frequency in Hz
srcClock_Hz – TPM counter clock in Hz
- Returns:
kStatus_Success if the PWM setup was successful, kStatus_Error on failure
status_t TPM_UpdatePwmDutycycle(TPM_Type *base, tpm_chnl_t chnlNumber, tpm_pwm_mode_t currentPwmMode, uint8_t dutyCyclePercent)
Update the duty cycle of an active PWM signal.
- Parameters:
base – TPM peripheral base address
chnlNumber – The channel number. In combined mode, this represents the channel pair number
currentPwmMode – The current PWM mode set during PWM setup
dutyCyclePercent – New PWM pulse width, value should be between 0 to 100 0=inactive signal(0% duty cycle)… 100=active signal (100% duty cycle)
- Returns:
kStatus_Success if the PWM setup was successful, kStatus_Error on failure
void TPM_UpdateChnlEdgeLevelSelect(TPM_Type *base, tpm_chnl_t chnlNumber, uint8_t level)
Update the edge level selection for a channel.
When the TPM has PWM pause level select feature (FSL_FEATURE_TPM_HAS_PAUSE_LEVEL_SELECT = 1), the PWM output cannot be turned off by selecting the output level. In this case, must use TPM_DisableChannel API to close the PWM output.
- Parameters:
base – TPM peripheral base address
chnlNumber – The channel number
level – The level to be set to the ELSnB:ELSnA field; valid values are 00, 01, 10, 11. See the appropriate SoC reference manual for details about this field.
static inline uint8_t TPM_GetChannelContorlBits(TPM_Type *base, tpm_chnl_t chnlNumber)
Get the channel control bits value (mode, edge and level bit fileds).
This function disable the channel by clear all mode and level control bits.
- Parameters:
base – TPM peripheral base address
chnlNumber – The channel number
- Returns:
The contorl bits value. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration tpm_chnl_control_bit_mask_t.
static inline void TPM_DisableChannel(TPM_Type *base, tpm_chnl_t chnlNumber)
Dsiable the channel.
This function disable the channel by clear all mode and level control bits.
- Parameters:
base – TPM peripheral base address
chnlNumber – The channel number
static inline void TPM_EnableChannel(TPM_Type *base, tpm_chnl_t chnlNumber, uint8_t control)
Enable the channel according to mode and level configs.
This function enable the channel output according to input mode/level config parameters.
- Parameters:
base – TPM peripheral base address
chnlNumber – The channel number
control – The contorl bits value. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration tpm_chnl_control_bit_mask_t.
void TPM_SetupInputCapture(TPM_Type *base, tpm_chnl_t chnlNumber, tpm_input_capture_edge_t captureMode)
Enables capturing an input signal on the channel using the function parameters.
When the edge specified in the captureMode argument occurs on the channel, the TPM counter is captured into the CnV register. The user has to read the CnV register separately to get this value.
- Parameters:
base – TPM peripheral base address
chnlNumber – The channel number
captureMode – Specifies which edge to capture
void TPM_SetupOutputCompare(TPM_Type *base, tpm_chnl_t chnlNumber, tpm_output_compare_mode_t compareMode, uint32_t compareValue)
Configures the TPM to generate timed pulses.
When the TPM counter matches the value of compareVal argument (this is written into CnV reg), the channel output is changed based on what is specified in the compareMode argument.
- Parameters:
base – TPM peripheral base address
chnlNumber – The channel number
compareMode – Action to take on the channel output when the compare condition is met
compareValue – Value to be programmed in the CnV register.
void TPM_EnableInterrupts(TPM_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the selected TPM interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – TPM peripheral base address
mask – The interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration tpm_interrupt_enable_t
void TPM_DisableInterrupts(TPM_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the selected TPM interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – TPM peripheral base address
mask – The interrupts to disable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration tpm_interrupt_enable_t
uint32_t TPM_GetEnabledInterrupts(TPM_Type *base)
Gets the enabled TPM interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – TPM peripheral base address
- Returns:
The enabled interrupts. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration tpm_interrupt_enable_t
void TPM_RegisterCallBack(TPM_Type *base, tpm_callback_t callback)
Register callback.
If channel or overflow interrupt is enabled by the user, then a callback can be registered which will be invoked when the interrupt is triggered.
- Parameters:
base – TPM peripheral base address
callback – Callback function
static inline uint32_t TPM_GetChannelValue(TPM_Type *base, tpm_chnl_t chnlNumber)
Gets the TPM channel value.
The TPM channel value contain the captured TPM counter value for the input modes or the match value for the output modes.
- Parameters:
base – TPM peripheral base address
chnlNumber – The channel number
- Returns:
The channle CnV regisyer value.
static inline uint32_t TPM_GetStatusFlags(TPM_Type *base)
Gets the TPM status flags.
- Parameters:
base – TPM peripheral base address
- Returns:
The status flags. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration tpm_status_flags_t
static inline void TPM_ClearStatusFlags(TPM_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears the TPM status flags.
- Parameters:
base – TPM peripheral base address
mask – The status flags to clear. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration tpm_status_flags_t
static inline void TPM_SetTimerPeriod(TPM_Type *base, uint32_t ticks)
Sets the timer period in units of ticks.
Timers counts from 0 until it equals the count value set here. The count value is written to the MOD register.
This API allows the user to use the TPM module as a timer. Do not mix usage of this API with TPM’s PWM setup API’s.
Call the utility macros provided in the fsl_common.h to convert usec or msec to ticks.
- Parameters:
base – TPM peripheral base address
ticks – A timer period in units of ticks, which should be equal or greater than 1.
static inline uint32_t TPM_GetCurrentTimerCount(TPM_Type *base)
Reads the current timer counting value.
This function returns the real-time timer counting value in a range from 0 to a timer period.
Call the utility macros provided in the fsl_common.h to convert ticks to usec or msec.
- Parameters:
base – TPM peripheral base address
- Returns:
The current counter value in ticks
static inline void TPM_StartTimer(TPM_Type *base, tpm_clock_source_t clockSource)
Starts the TPM counter.
- Parameters:
base – TPM peripheral base address
clockSource – TPM clock source; once clock source is set the counter will start running
static inline void TPM_StopTimer(TPM_Type *base)
Stops the TPM counter.
- Parameters:
base – TPM peripheral base address
TPM driver version 2.3.2.
enum _tpm_chnl
List of TPM channels.
Actual number of available channels is SoC dependent
enumerator kTPM_Chnl_0
TPM channel number 0
enumerator kTPM_Chnl_1
TPM channel number 1
enumerator kTPM_Chnl_2
TPM channel number 2
enumerator kTPM_Chnl_3
TPM channel number 3
enumerator kTPM_Chnl_4
TPM channel number 4
enumerator kTPM_Chnl_5
TPM channel number 5
enumerator kTPM_Chnl_6
TPM channel number 6
enumerator kTPM_Chnl_7
TPM channel number 7
enumerator kTPM_Chnl_0
enum _tpm_pwm_mode
TPM PWM operation modes.
enumerator kTPM_EdgeAlignedPwm
Edge aligned PWM
enumerator kTPM_CenterAlignedPwm
Center aligned PWM
enumerator kTPM_EdgeAlignedPwm
enum _tpm_pwm_level_select
TPM PWM output pulse mode: high-true, low-true or no output.
When the TPM has PWM pause level select feature, the PWM output cannot be turned off by selecting the output level. In this case, the channel must be closed to close the PWM output.
enumerator kTPM_NoPwmSignal
No PWM output on pin
enumerator kTPM_LowTrue
Low true pulses
enumerator kTPM_HighTrue
High true pulses
enumerator kTPM_NoPwmSignal
enum _tpm_chnl_control_bit_mask
List of TPM channel modes and level control bit mask.
enumerator kTPM_ChnlELSnAMask
Channel ELSA bit mask.
enumerator kTPM_ChnlELSnBMask
Channel ELSB bit mask.
enumerator kTPM_ChnlMSAMask
Channel MSA bit mask.
enumerator kTPM_ChnlMSBMask
Channel MSB bit mask.
enumerator kTPM_ChnlELSnAMask
enum _tpm_trigger_select
Trigger sources available.
This is used for both internal & external trigger sources (external trigger sources available in certain SoC’s)
The actual trigger sources available is SoC-specific.
enumerator kTPM_Trigger_Select_0
enumerator kTPM_Trigger_Select_1
enumerator kTPM_Trigger_Select_2
enumerator kTPM_Trigger_Select_3
enumerator kTPM_Trigger_Select_4
enumerator kTPM_Trigger_Select_5
enumerator kTPM_Trigger_Select_6
enumerator kTPM_Trigger_Select_7
enumerator kTPM_Trigger_Select_8
enumerator kTPM_Trigger_Select_9
enumerator kTPM_Trigger_Select_10
enumerator kTPM_Trigger_Select_11
enumerator kTPM_Trigger_Select_12
enumerator kTPM_Trigger_Select_13
enumerator kTPM_Trigger_Select_14
enumerator kTPM_Trigger_Select_15
enumerator kTPM_Trigger_Select_0
enum _tpm_output_compare_mode
TPM output compare modes.
enumerator kTPM_NoOutputSignal
No channel output when counter reaches CnV
enumerator kTPM_ToggleOnMatch
Toggle output
enumerator kTPM_ClearOnMatch
Clear output
enumerator kTPM_SetOnMatch
Set output
enumerator kTPM_HighPulseOutput
Pulse output high
enumerator kTPM_LowPulseOutput
Pulse output low
enumerator kTPM_NoOutputSignal
enum _tpm_input_capture_edge
TPM input capture edge.
enumerator kTPM_RisingEdge
Capture on rising edge only
enumerator kTPM_FallingEdge
Capture on falling edge only
enumerator kTPM_RiseAndFallEdge
Capture on rising or falling edge
enumerator kTPM_RisingEdge
enum _tpm_clock_source
TPM clock source selection.
enumerator kTPM_SystemClock
System clock
enumerator kTPM_ExternalClock
External TPM_EXTCLK pin clock
enumerator kTPM_SystemClock
enum _tpm_clock_prescale
TPM prescale value selection for the clock source.
enumerator kTPM_Prescale_Divide_1
Divide by 1
enumerator kTPM_Prescale_Divide_2
Divide by 2
enumerator kTPM_Prescale_Divide_4
Divide by 4
enumerator kTPM_Prescale_Divide_8
Divide by 8
enumerator kTPM_Prescale_Divide_16
Divide by 16
enumerator kTPM_Prescale_Divide_32
Divide by 32
enumerator kTPM_Prescale_Divide_64
Divide by 64
enumerator kTPM_Prescale_Divide_128
Divide by 128
enumerator kTPM_Prescale_Divide_1
enum _tpm_interrupt_enable
List of TPM interrupts.
enumerator kTPM_Chnl0InterruptEnable
Channel 0 interrupt.
enumerator kTPM_Chnl1InterruptEnable
Channel 1 interrupt.
enumerator kTPM_Chnl2InterruptEnable
Channel 2 interrupt.
enumerator kTPM_Chnl3InterruptEnable
Channel 3 interrupt.
enumerator kTPM_Chnl4InterruptEnable
Channel 4 interrupt.
enumerator kTPM_Chnl5InterruptEnable
Channel 5 interrupt.
enumerator kTPM_Chnl6InterruptEnable
Channel 6 interrupt.
enumerator kTPM_Chnl7InterruptEnable
Channel 7 interrupt.
enumerator kTPM_TimeOverflowInterruptEnable
Time overflow interrupt.
enumerator kTPM_Chnl0InterruptEnable
enum _tpm_status_flags
List of TPM flags.
enumerator kTPM_Chnl0Flag
Channel 0 flag
enumerator kTPM_Chnl1Flag
Channel 1 flag
enumerator kTPM_Chnl2Flag
Channel 2 flag
enumerator kTPM_Chnl3Flag
Channel 3 flag
enumerator kTPM_Chnl4Flag
Channel 4 flag
enumerator kTPM_Chnl5Flag
Channel 5 flag
enumerator kTPM_Chnl6Flag
Channel 6 flag
enumerator kTPM_Chnl7Flag
Channel 7 flag
enumerator kTPM_TimeOverflowFlag
Time overflow flag
enumerator kTPM_Chnl0Flag
typedef enum _tpm_chnl tpm_chnl_t
List of TPM channels.
Actual number of available channels is SoC dependent
typedef enum _tpm_pwm_mode tpm_pwm_mode_t
TPM PWM operation modes.
typedef enum _tpm_pwm_level_select tpm_pwm_level_select_t
TPM PWM output pulse mode: high-true, low-true or no output.
When the TPM has PWM pause level select feature, the PWM output cannot be turned off by selecting the output level. In this case, the channel must be closed to close the PWM output.
typedef enum _tpm_chnl_control_bit_mask tpm_chnl_control_bit_mask_t
List of TPM channel modes and level control bit mask.
typedef struct _tpm_chnl_pwm_signal_param tpm_chnl_pwm_signal_param_t
Options to configure a TPM channel’s PWM signal.
typedef enum _tpm_trigger_select tpm_trigger_select_t
Trigger sources available.
This is used for both internal & external trigger sources (external trigger sources available in certain SoC’s)
The actual trigger sources available is SoC-specific.
typedef enum _tpm_output_compare_mode tpm_output_compare_mode_t
TPM output compare modes.
typedef enum _tpm_input_capture_edge tpm_input_capture_edge_t
TPM input capture edge.
typedef enum _tpm_clock_source tpm_clock_source_t
TPM clock source selection.
typedef enum _tpm_clock_prescale tpm_clock_prescale_t
TPM prescale value selection for the clock source.
typedef struct _tpm_config tpm_config_t
TPM config structure.
This structure holds the configuration settings for the TPM peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the TPM_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your config structure instance.
The config struct can be made const so it resides in flash
typedef enum _tpm_interrupt_enable tpm_interrupt_enable_t
List of TPM interrupts.
typedef enum _tpm_status_flags tpm_status_flags_t
List of TPM flags.
typedef void (*tpm_callback_t)(TPM_Type *base)
TPM callback function pointer.
- Param base:
TPM peripheral base address.
Help macro to get the max counter value.
struct _tpm_chnl_pwm_signal_param
- #include <fsl_tpm.h>
Options to configure a TPM channel’s PWM signal.
Public Members
tpm_chnl_t chnlNumber
TPM channel to configure. In combined mode (available in some SoC’s), this represents the channel pair number
tpm_pwm_level_select_t level
PWM output active level select
uint8_t dutyCyclePercent
PWM pulse width, value should be between 0 to 100 0=inactive signal(0% duty cycle)… 100=always active signal (100% duty cycle)
tpm_chnl_t chnlNumber
struct _tpm_config
- #include <fsl_tpm.h>
TPM config structure.
This structure holds the configuration settings for the TPM peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the TPM_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your config structure instance.
The config struct can be made const so it resides in flash
Public Members
tpm_clock_prescale_t prescale
Select TPM clock prescale value
bool useGlobalTimeBase
true: The TPM channels use an external global time base (the local counter still use for generate overflow interrupt and DMA request); false: All TPM channels use the local counter as their timebase
bool syncGlobalTimeBase
true: The TPM counter is synchronized to the global time base; false: disabled
tpm_trigger_select_t triggerSelect
Input trigger to use for controlling the counter operation
bool enableDoze
true: TPM counter is paused in doze mode; false: TPM counter continues in doze mode
bool enableDebugMode
true: TPM counter continues in debug mode; false: TPM counter is paused in debug mode
bool enableReloadOnTrigger
true: TPM counter is reloaded on trigger; false: TPM counter not reloaded
bool enableStopOnOverflow
true: TPM counter stops after overflow; false: TPM counter continues running after overflow
bool enableStartOnTrigger
true: TPM counter only starts when a trigger is detected; false: TPM counter starts immediately
tpm_clock_prescale_t prescale
TRGMUX: Trigger Mux Driver
static inline void TRGMUX_LockRegister(TRGMUX_Type *base, uint32_t index)
Sets the flag of the register which is used to mark writeable.
The function sets the flag of the register which is used to mark writeable. Example:
- Parameters:
base – TRGMUX peripheral base address.
index – The index of the TRGMUX register, see the enum trgmux_device_t defined in <SOC>.h.
status_t TRGMUX_SetTriggerSource(TRGMUX_Type *base, uint32_t index, trgmux_trigger_input_t input, uint32_t trigger_src)
Configures the trigger source of the appointed peripheral.
The function configures the trigger source of the appointed peripheral. Example:
TRGMUX_SetTriggerSource(TRGMUX0, kTRGMUX_Trgmux0Dmamux0, kTRGMUX_TriggerInput0, kTRGMUX_SourcePortPin);
- Parameters:
base – TRGMUX peripheral base address.
index – The index of the TRGMUX register, see the enum trgmux_device_t defined in <SOC>.h.
input – The MUX select for peripheral trigger input
trigger_src – The trigger inputs for various peripherals. See the enum trgmux_source_t defined in <SOC>.h.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Configured successfully.
kStatus_TRGMUX_Locked – Configuration failed because the register is locked.
TRGMUX driver version.
TRGMUX configure status.
enumerator kStatus_TRGMUX_Locked
Configure failed for register is locked
enumerator kStatus_TRGMUX_Locked
enum _trgmux_trigger_input
Defines the MUX select for peripheral trigger input.
enumerator kTRGMUX_TriggerInput0
The MUX select for peripheral trigger input 0
enumerator kTRGMUX_TriggerInput1
The MUX select for peripheral trigger input 1
enumerator kTRGMUX_TriggerInput2
The MUX select for peripheral trigger input 2
enumerator kTRGMUX_TriggerInput3
The MUX select for peripheral trigger input 3
enumerator kTRGMUX_TriggerInput0
typedef enum _trgmux_trigger_input trgmux_trigger_input_t
Defines the MUX select for peripheral trigger input.
TRNG: True Random Number Generator
TSTMR: Timestamp Timer Driver
Version 2.0.2
static inline uint64_t TSTMR_ReadTimeStamp(TSTMR_Type *base)
Reads the time stamp.
This function reads the low and high registers and returns the 56-bit free running counter value. This can be read by software at any time to determine the software ticks. TSTMR registers can be read with 32-bit accesses only. The TSTMR LOW read should occur first, followed by the TSTMR HIGH read.
- Parameters:
base – TSTMR peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The 56-bit time stamp value.
static inline void TSTMR_DelayUs(TSTMR_Type *base, uint64_t delayInUs)
Delays for a specified number of microseconds.
This function repeatedly reads the timestamp register and waits for the user-specified delay value.
- Parameters:
base – TSTMR peripheral base address.
delayInUs – Delay value in microseconds.
WDOG32: 32-bit Watchdog Timer
void WDOG32_GetDefaultConfig(wdog32_config_t *config)
Initializes the WDOG32 configuration structure.
This function initializes the WDOG32 configuration structure to default values. The default values are:
wdog32Config->enableWdog32 = true; wdog32Config->clockSource = kWDOG32_ClockSource1; wdog32Config->prescaler = kWDOG32_ClockPrescalerDivide1; wdog32Config->workMode.enableWait = true; wdog32Config->workMode.enableStop = false; wdog32Config->workMode.enableDebug = false; wdog32Config->testMode = kWDOG32_TestModeDisabled; wdog32Config->enableUpdate = true; wdog32Config->enableInterrupt = false; wdog32Config->enableWindowMode = false; wdog32Config->windowValue = 0U; wdog32Config->timeoutValue = 0xFFFFU;
See also
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to the WDOG32 configuration structure.
- AT_QUICKACCESS_SECTION_CODE (void WDOG32_Init(WDOG_Type *base, const wdog32_config_t *config))
Initializes the WDOG32 module.
This function initializes the WDOG32. To reconfigure the WDOG32 without forcing a reset first, enableUpdate must be set to true in the configuration.
wdog32_config_t config; WDOG32_GetDefaultConfig(&config); config.timeoutValue = 0x7ffU; config.enableUpdate = true; WDOG32_Init(wdog_base,&config);
If there is errata ERR010536 (FSL_FEATURE_WDOG_HAS_ERRATA_010536 defined as 1), then after calling this function, user need delay at least 4 LPO clock cycles before accessing other WDOG32 registers.
- Parameters:
base – WDOG32 peripheral base address.
config – The configuration of the WDOG32.
void WDOG32_Deinit(WDOG_Type *base)
De-initializes the WDOG32 module.
This function shuts down the WDOG32. Ensure that the WDOG_CS.UPDATE is 1, which means that the register update is enabled.
- Parameters:
base – WDOG32 peripheral base address.
Unlocks the WDOG32 register written.
Disables the WDOG32 module.
Enables the WDOG32 module.
This function unlocks the WDOG32 register written.
Before starting the unlock sequence and following the configuration, disable the global interrupts. Otherwise, an interrupt could effectively invalidate the unlock sequence and the WCT may expire. After the configuration finishes, re-enable the global interrupts.
This function writes a value into the WDOG_CS register to enable the WDOG32. The WDOG_CS register is a write-once register. Please check the enableUpdate is set to true for calling WDOG32_Init to do wdog initialize. Before call the re-configuration APIs, ensure that the WCT window is still open and this register has not been written in this WCT while the function is called.
This function writes a value into the WDOG_CS register to disable the WDOG32. The WDOG_CS register is a write-once register. Please check the enableUpdate is set to true for calling WDOG32_Init to do wdog initialize. Before call the re-configuration APIs, ensure that the WCT window is still open and this register has not been written in this WCT while the function is called.
- Parameters:
base – WDOG32 peripheral base address
base – WDOG32 peripheral base address.
base – WDOG32 peripheral base address
- AT_QUICKACCESS_SECTION_CODE (void WDOG32_EnableInterrupts(WDOG_Type *base, uint32_t mask))
Enables the WDOG32 interrupt.
Clears the WDOG32 flag.
Disables the WDOG32 interrupt.
This function writes a value into the WDOG_CS register to enable the WDOG32 interrupt. The WDOG_CS register is a write-once register. Please check the enableUpdate is set to true for calling WDOG32_Init to do wdog initialize. Before call the re-configuration APIs, ensure that the WCT window is still open and this register has not been written in this WCT while the function is called.
Example to clear an interrupt flag:
- Parameters:
base – WDOG32 peripheral base address.
mask – The interrupts to enable. The parameter can be a combination of the following source if defined:
base – WDOG32 peripheral base address.
mask – The interrupts to disabled. The parameter can be a combination of the following source if defined:
base – WDOG32 peripheral base address.
mask – The status flags to clear. The parameter can be any combination of the following values:
static inline uint32_t WDOG32_GetStatusFlags(WDOG_Type *base)
Gets the WDOG32 all status flags.
This function gets all status flags.
Example to get the running flag:
uint32_t status; status = WDOG32_GetStatusFlags(wdog_base) & kWDOG32_RunningFlag;
See also
true: related status flag has been set.
false: related status flag is not set.
- Parameters:
base – WDOG32 peripheral base address
- Returns:
State of the status flag: asserted (true) or not-asserted (false).
- AT_QUICKACCESS_SECTION_CODE (void WDOG32_SetTimeoutValue(WDOG_Type *base, uint16_t timeoutCount))
Sets the WDOG32 timeout value.
This function writes a timeout value into the WDOG_TOVAL register. The WDOG_TOVAL register is a write-once register. To ensure the reconfiguration fits the timing of WCT, unlock function will be called inline.
- Parameters:
base – WDOG32 peripheral base address
timeoutCount – WDOG32 timeout value, count of WDOG32 clock ticks.
- AT_QUICKACCESS_SECTION_CODE (void WDOG32_SetWindowValue(WDOG_Type *base, uint16_t windowValue))
Sets the WDOG32 window value.
This function writes a window value into the WDOG_WIN register. The WDOG_WIN register is a write-once register. Please check the enableUpdate is set to true for calling WDOG32_Init to do wdog initialize. Before call the re-configuration APIs, ensure that the WCT window is still open and this register has not been written in this WCT while the function is called.
- Parameters:
base – WDOG32 peripheral base address.
windowValue – WDOG32 window value.
static inline void WDOG32_Refresh(WDOG_Type *base)
Refreshes the WDOG32 timer.
This function feeds the WDOG32. This function should be called before the Watchdog timer is in timeout. Otherwise, a reset is asserted.
- Parameters:
base – WDOG32 peripheral base address
static inline uint16_t WDOG32_GetCounterValue(WDOG_Type *base)
Gets the WDOG32 counter value.
This function gets the WDOG32 counter value.
- Parameters:
base – WDOG32 peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Current WDOG32 counter value.
First word of unlock sequence
Second word of unlock sequence
First word of refresh sequence
Second word of refresh sequence
WDOG32 driver version.
enum _wdog32_clock_source
Describes WDOG32 clock source.
enumerator kWDOG32_ClockSource0
Clock source 0
enumerator kWDOG32_ClockSource1
Clock source 1
enumerator kWDOG32_ClockSource2
Clock source 2
enumerator kWDOG32_ClockSource3
Clock source 3
enumerator kWDOG32_ClockSource0
enum _wdog32_clock_prescaler
Describes the selection of the clock prescaler.
enumerator kWDOG32_ClockPrescalerDivide1
Divided by 1
enumerator kWDOG32_ClockPrescalerDivide256
Divided by 256
enumerator kWDOG32_ClockPrescalerDivide1
enum _wdog32_test_mode
Describes WDOG32 test mode.
enumerator kWDOG32_TestModeDisabled
Test Mode disabled
enumerator kWDOG32_UserModeEnabled
User Mode enabled
enumerator kWDOG32_LowByteTest
Test Mode enabled, only low byte is used
enumerator kWDOG32_HighByteTest
Test Mode enabled, only high byte is used
enumerator kWDOG32_TestModeDisabled
enum _wdog32_interrupt_enable_t
WDOG32 interrupt configuration structure.
This structure contains the settings for all of the WDOG32 interrupt configurations.
enumerator kWDOG32_InterruptEnable
Interrupt is generated before forcing a reset
enumerator kWDOG32_InterruptEnable
enum _wdog32_status_flags_t
WDOG32 status flags.
This structure contains the WDOG32 status flags for use in the WDOG32 functions.
enumerator kWDOG32_RunningFlag
Running flag, set when WDOG32 is enabled
enumerator kWDOG32_InterruptFlag
Interrupt flag, set when interrupt occurs
enumerator kWDOG32_RunningFlag
typedef enum _wdog32_clock_source wdog32_clock_source_t
Describes WDOG32 clock source.
typedef enum _wdog32_clock_prescaler wdog32_clock_prescaler_t
Describes the selection of the clock prescaler.
typedef struct _wdog32_work_mode wdog32_work_mode_t
Defines WDOG32 work mode.
typedef enum _wdog32_test_mode wdog32_test_mode_t
Describes WDOG32 test mode.
typedef struct _wdog32_config wdog32_config_t
Describes WDOG32 configuration structure.
struct _wdog32_work_mode
- #include <fsl_wdog32.h>
Defines WDOG32 work mode.
Public Members
bool enableWait
Enables or disables WDOG32 in wait mode
bool enableStop
Enables or disables WDOG32 in stop mode
bool enableDebug
Enables or disables WDOG32 in debug mode
bool enableWait
struct _wdog32_config
- #include <fsl_wdog32.h>
Describes WDOG32 configuration structure.
Public Members
bool enableWdog32
Enables or disables WDOG32
wdog32_clock_source_t clockSource
Clock source select
wdog32_clock_prescaler_t prescaler
Clock prescaler value
wdog32_work_mode_t workMode
Configures WDOG32 work mode in debug stop and wait mode
wdog32_test_mode_t testMode
Configures WDOG32 test mode
bool enableUpdate
Update write-once register enable
bool enableInterrupt
Enables or disables WDOG32 interrupt
bool enableWindowMode
Enables or disables WDOG32 window mode
uint16_t windowValue
Window value
uint16_t timeoutValue
Timeout value
bool enableWdog32
XRDC: Extended Resource Domain Controller
void XRDC_GetHardwareConfig(XRDC_Type *base, xrdc_hardware_config_t *config)
Gets the XRDC hardware configuration.
This function gets the XRDC hardware configurations, including number of bus masters, number of domains, number of MRCs and number of PACs.
- Parameters:
base – XRDC peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to the structure to get the configuration.
static inline void XRDC_LockGlobalControl(XRDC_Type *base)
Locks the XRDC global control register XRDC_CR.
This function locks the XRDC_CR register. After it is locked, the register is read-only until the next reset.
- Parameters:
base – XRDC peripheral base address.
static inline void XRDC_SetGlobalValid(XRDC_Type *base, bool valid)
Sets the XRDC global valid.
This function sets the XRDC global valid or invalid. When the XRDC is global invalid, all accesses from all bus masters to all slaves are allowed.
- Parameters:
base – XRDC peripheral base address.
valid – True to valid XRDC.
static inline uint8_t XRDC_GetCurrentMasterDomainId(XRDC_Type *base)
Gets the domain ID of the current bus master.
This function returns the domain ID of the current bus master.
- Parameters:
base – XRDC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Domain ID of current bus master.
status_t XRDC_GetAndClearFirstDomainError(XRDC_Type *base, xrdc_error_t *error)
Gets and clears the first domain error of the current domain.
This function gets the first access violation information for the current domain and clears the pending flag. There might be multiple access violations pending for the current domain. This function only processes the first error.
- Parameters:
base – XRDC peripheral base address.
error – Pointer to the error information.
- Returns:
If the access violation is captured, this function returns the kStatus_Success. The error information can be obtained from the parameter error. If no access violation is captured, this function returns the kStatus_XRDC_NoError.
status_t XRDC_GetAndClearFirstSpecificDomainError(XRDC_Type *base, xrdc_error_t *error, uint8_t domainId)
Gets and clears the first domain error of the specific domain.
This function gets the first access violation information for the specific domain and clears the pending flag. There might be multiple access violations pending for the current domain. This function only processes the first error.
- Parameters:
base – XRDC peripheral base address.
error – Pointer to the error information.
domainId – The error of which domain to get and clear.
- Returns:
If the access violation is captured, this function returns the kStatus_Success. The error information can be obtained from the parameter error. If no access violation is captured, this function returns the kStatus_XRDC_NoError.
void XRDC_GetPidDefaultConfig(xrdc_pid_config_t *config)
Gets the default PID configuration structure.
This function initializes the configuration structure to default values. The default values are:
config->pid = 0U; config->tsmEnable = 0U; config->sp4smEnable = 0U; config->lockMode = kXRDC_PidLockSecurePrivilegeWritable;
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to the configuration structure.
void XRDC_SetPidConfig(XRDC_Type *base, xrdc_master_t master, const xrdc_pid_config_t *config)
Configures the PID for a specific bus master.
This function configures the PID for a specific bus master. Do not use this function for non-processor bus masters.
- Parameters:
base – XRDC peripheral base address.
master – Which bus master to configure.
config – Pointer to the configuration structure.
static inline void XRDC_SetPidLockMode(XRDC_Type *base, xrdc_master_t master, xrdc_pid_lock_t lockMode)
Sets the PID configuration register lock mode.
This function sets the PID configuration register lock XRDC_PIDn[LK2].
- Parameters:
base – XRDC peripheral base address.
master – Which master’s PID to lock.
lockMode – Lock mode to set.
void XRDC_GetDefaultNonProcessorDomainAssignment(xrdc_non_processor_domain_assignment_t *domainAssignment)
Gets the default master domain assignment for non-processor bus master.
This function gets the default master domain assignment for non-processor bus master. It should only be used for the non-processor bus masters, such as DMA. This function sets the assignment as follows:
assignment->domainId = 0U; assignment->privilegeAttr = kXRDC_ForceUser; assignment->privilegeAttr = kXRDC_ForceSecure; assignment->bypassDomainId = 0U; assignment->blogicPartId = 0U; assignment->benableLogicPartId = 0U; assignment->lock = 0U;
- Parameters:
domainAssignment – Pointer to the assignment structure.
void XRDC_GetDefaultProcessorDomainAssignment(xrdc_processor_domain_assignment_t *domainAssignment)
Gets the default master domain assignment for the processor bus master.
This function gets the default master domain assignment for the processor bus master. It should only be used for the processor bus masters, such as CORE0. This function sets the assignment as follows:
assignment->domainId = 0U; assignment->domainIdSelect = kXRDC_DidMda; assignment->dpidEnable = kXRDC_PidDisable; assignment->pidMask = 0U; assignment->pid = 0U; assignment->logicPartId = 0U; assignment->enableLogicPartId = 0U; assignment->lock = 0U;
- Parameters:
domainAssignment – Pointer to the assignment structure.
void XRDC_SetNonProcessorDomainAssignment(XRDC_Type *base, xrdc_master_t master, uint8_t assignIndex, const xrdc_non_processor_domain_assignment_t *domainAssignment)
Sets the non-processor bus master domain assignment.
This function sets the non-processor master domain assignment as valid. One bus master might have multiple domain assignment registers. The parameter
specifies which assignment register to set.Example: Set domain assignment for DMA0.
xrdc_non_processor_domain_assignment_t nonProcessorAssignment; XRDC_GetDefaultNonProcessorDomainAssignment(&nonProcessorAssignment); nonProcessorAssignment.domainId = 1; = xxx; XRDC_SetMasterDomainAssignment(XRDC, kXrdcMasterDma0, 0U, &nonProcessorAssignment);
- Parameters:
base – XRDC peripheral base address.
master – Which master to configure.
assignIndex – Which assignment register to set.
domainAssignment – Pointer to the assignment structure.
void XRDC_SetProcessorDomainAssignment(XRDC_Type *base, xrdc_master_t master, uint8_t assignIndex, const xrdc_processor_domain_assignment_t *domainAssignment)
Sets the processor bus master domain assignment.
This function sets the processor master domain assignment as valid. One bus master might have multiple domain assignment registers. The parameter
specifies which assignment register to set.Example: Set domain assignment for core 0. In this example, there are 3 assignment registers for core 0.
xrdc_processor_domain_assignment_t processorAssignment; XRDC_GetDefaultProcessorDomainAssignment(&processorAssignment); processorAssignment.domainId = 1; = xxx; XRDC_SetMasterDomainAssignment(XRDC, kXrdcMasterCpu0, 0U, &processorAssignment); processorAssignment.domainId = 2; = xxx; XRDC_SetMasterDomainAssignment(XRDC, kXrdcMasterCpu0, 1U, &processorAssignment); processorAssignment.domainId = 0; = xxx; XRDC_SetMasterDomainAssignment(XRDC, kXrdcMasterCpu0, 2U, &processorAssignment);
- Parameters:
base – XRDC peripheral base address.
master – Which master to configure.
assignIndex – Which assignment register to set.
domainAssignment – Pointer to the assignment structure.
static inline void XRDC_LockMasterDomainAssignment(XRDC_Type *base, xrdc_master_t master, uint8_t assignIndex)
Locks the bus master domain assignment register.
This function locks the master domain assignment. One bus master might have multiple domain assignment registers. The parameter
specifies which assignment register to lock. After it is locked, the register can’t be changed until next reset.- Parameters:
base – XRDC peripheral base address.
master – Which master to configure.
assignIndex – Which assignment register to lock.
static inline void XRDC_SetMasterDomainAssignmentValid(XRDC_Type *base, xrdc_master_t master, uint8_t assignIndex, bool valid)
Sets the master domain assignment as valid or invalid.
This function sets the master domain assignment as valid or invalid. One bus master might have multiple domain assignment registers. The parameter
specifies which assignment register to configure.- Parameters:
base – XRDC peripheral base address.
master – Which master to configure.
assignIndex – Index for the domain assignment register.
valid – True to set valid, false to set invalid.
void XRDC_GetMemAccessDefaultConfig(xrdc_mem_access_config_t *config)
Gets the default memory region access policy.
This function gets the default memory region access policy. It sets the policy as follows:
config->enableSema = false; config->semaNum = 0U; config->subRegionDisableMask = 0U; config->size = kXrdcMemSizeNone; config->lockMode = kXRDC_AccessConfigLockWritable; config->baseAddress = 0U; config->policy[0] = kXRDC_AccessPolicyNone; config->policy[1] = kXRDC_AccessPolicyNone; ... config->policy[15] = kXRDC_AccessPolicyNone;
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to the configuration structure.
void XRDC_SetMemAccessConfig(XRDC_Type *base, const xrdc_mem_access_config_t *config)
Sets the memory region access policy.
This function sets the memory region access configuration as valid. There are two methods to use it:
Example 1: Set one configuration run time. Set memory region 0x20000000 ~ 0x20000400 accessible by domain 0, use MRC0_1.
xrdc_mem_access_config_t config = { .mem = kXRDC_MemMrc0_1, .baseAddress = 0x20000000U, .size = kXRDC_MemSize1K, .policy[0] = kXRDC_AccessPolicyAll }; XRDC_SetMemAccessConfig(XRDC, &config);
Example 2: Set multiple configurations during startup. Set memory region 0x20000000 ~ 0x20000400 accessible by domain 0, use MRC0_1. Set memory region 0x1FFF0000 ~ 0x1FFF0800 accessible by domain 0, use MRC0_2.
xrdc_mem_access_config_t configs[] = { { .mem = kXRDC_MemMrc0_1, .baseAddress = 0x20000000U, .size = kXRDC_MemSize1K, .policy[0] = kXRDC_AccessPolicyAll }, { .mem = kXRDC_MemMrc0_2, .baseAddress = 0x1FFF0000U, .size = kXRDC_MemSize2K, .policy[0] = kXRDC_AccessPolicyAll } }; for (i=0U; i<((sizeof(configs)/sizeof(configs[0]))); i++) { XRDC_SetMemAccessConfig(XRDC, &configs[i]); }
- Parameters:
base – XRDC peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to the access policy configuration structure.
static inline void XRDC_SetMemAccessLockMode(XRDC_Type *base, xrdc_mem_t mem, xrdc_access_config_lock_t lockMode)
Sets the memory region descriptor register lock mode.
- Parameters:
base – XRDC peripheral base address.
mem – Which memory region descriptor to lock.
lockMode – The lock mode to set.
static inline void XRDC_SetMemAccessValid(XRDC_Type *base, xrdc_mem_t mem, bool valid)
Sets the memory region descriptor as valid or invalid.
This function sets the memory region access configuration dynamically. For example:
xrdc_mem_access_config_t config = { .mem = kXRDC_MemMrc0_1, .baseAddress = 0x20000000U, .size = kXRDC_MemSize1K, .policy[0] = kXRDC_AccessPolicyAll }; XRDC_SetMemAccessConfig(XRDC, &config); XRDC_SetMemAccessValid(kXRDC_MemMrc0_1, false); XRDC_SetMemAccessValid(kXRDC_MemMrc0_1, true);
- Parameters:
base – XRDC peripheral base address.
mem – Which memory region descriptor to set.
valid – True to set valid, false to set invalid.
void XRDC_GetPeriphAccessDefaultConfig(xrdc_periph_access_config_t *config)
Gets the default peripheral access configuration.
The default configuration is set as follows:
config->enableSema = false; config->semaNum = 0U; config->lockMode = kXRDC_AccessConfigLockWritable; config->policy[0] = kXRDC_AccessPolicyNone; config->policy[1] = kXRDC_AccessPolicyNone; ... config->policy[15] = kXRDC_AccessPolicyNone;
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to the configuration structure.
void XRDC_SetPeriphAccessConfig(XRDC_Type *base, const xrdc_periph_access_config_t *config)
Sets the peripheral access configuration.
This function sets the peripheral access configuration as valid. Two methods to use it: Method 1: Set for one peripheral, which is used for runtime settings. Example: set LPTMR0 accessible by domain 0
xrdc_periph_access_config_t config; config.periph = kXRDC_PeriphLptmr0; config.policy[0] = kXRDC_AccessPolicyAll; XRDC_SetPeriphAccessConfig(XRDC, &config);
Method 2: Set for multiple peripherals, which is used for initialization settings.
xrdc_periph_access_config_t configs[] = { { .periph = kXRDC_PeriphLptmr0, .policy[0] = kXRDC_AccessPolicyAll, .policy[1] = kXRDC_AccessPolicyAll }, { .periph = kXRDC_PeriphLpuart0, .policy[0] = kXRDC_AccessPolicyAll, .policy[1] = kXRDC_AccessPolicyAll } }; for (i=0U; i<(sizeof(configs)/sizeof(configs[0])), i++) { XRDC_SetPeriphAccessConfig(XRDC, &config[i]); }
- Parameters:
base – XRDC peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to the configuration structure.
static inline void XRDC_SetPeriphAccessLockMode(XRDC_Type *base, xrdc_periph_t periph, xrdc_access_config_lock_t lockMode)
Sets the peripheral access configuration register lock mode.
- Parameters:
base – XRDC peripheral base address.
periph – Which peripheral access configuration register to lock.
lockMode – The lock mode to set.
static inline void XRDC_SetPeriphAccessValid(XRDC_Type *base, xrdc_periph_t periph, bool valid)
Sets the peripheral access as valid or invalid.
This function sets the peripheral access configuration dynamically. For example:
xrdc_periph_access_config_t config = { .periph = kXRDC_PeriphLptmr0; .policy[0] = kXRDC_AccessPolicyAll; }; XRDC_SetPeriphAccessConfig(XRDC, &config); XRDC_SetPeriphAccessValid(kXrdcPeriLptmr0, false); XRDC_SetPeriphAccessValid(kXrdcPeriLptmr0, true);
- Parameters:
base – XRDC peripheral base address.
periph – Which peripheral access configuration to set.
valid – True to set valid, false to set invalid.
XRDC status _xrdc_status.
enumerator kStatus_XRDC_NoError
No error captured.
enumerator kStatus_XRDC_NoError
enum _xrdc_pid_enable
XRDC PID enable mode, the register bit XRDC_MDA_Wx[PE], used for domain hit evaluation.
enumerator kXRDC_PidDisable
PID is not used in domain hit evalution.
enumerator kXRDC_PidDisable1
PID is not used in domain hit evalution.
enumerator kXRDC_PidExp0
enumerator kXRDC_PidExp1
enumerator kXRDC_PidDisable
enum _xrdc_did_sel
XRDC domain ID select method, the register bit XRDC_MDA_Wx[DIDS], used for domain hit evaluation.
enumerator kXRDC_DidMda
Use MDAn[3:0] as DID.
enumerator kXRDC_DidInput
Use the input DID (DID_in) as DID.
enumerator kXRDC_DidMdaAndInput
Use MDAn[3:2] concatenated with DID_in[1:0] as DID.
enumerator kXRDC_DidReserved
enumerator kXRDC_DidMda
enum _xrdc_secure_attr
XRDC secure attribute, the register bit XRDC_MDA_Wx[SA], used for non-processor bus master domain assignment.
enumerator kXRDC_ForceSecure
Force the bus attribute for this master to secure.
enumerator kXRDC_ForceNonSecure
Force the bus attribute for this master to non-secure.
enumerator kXRDC_MasterSecure
Use the bus master’s secure/nonsecure attribute directly.
enumerator kXRDC_MasterSecure1
Use the bus master’s secure/nonsecure attribute directly.
enumerator kXRDC_ForceSecure
enum _xrdc_privilege_attr
XRDC privileged attribute, the register bit XRDC_MDA_Wx[PA], used for non-processor bus master domain assignment.
enumerator kXRDC_ForceUser
Force the bus attribute for this master to user.
enumerator kXRDC_ForcePrivilege
Force the bus attribute for this master to privileged.
enumerator kXRDC_MasterPrivilege
Use the bus master’s attribute directly.
enumerator kXRDC_MasterPrivilege1
Use the bus master’s attribute directly.
enumerator kXRDC_ForceUser
enum _xrdc_pid_lock
XRDC PID LK2 definition XRDC_PIDn[LK2].
enumerator kXRDC_PidLockSecurePrivilegeWritable
Writable by any secure privileged write.
enumerator kXRDC_PidLockSecurePrivilegeWritable1
Writable by any secure privileged write.
enumerator kXRDC_PidLockMasterXOnly
PIDx is only writable by master x.
enumerator kXRDC_PidLockLocked
Read-only until the next reset.
enumerator kXRDC_PidLockSecurePrivilegeWritable
enum _xrdc_access_policy
XRDC domain access control policy.
enumerator kXRDC_AccessPolicyNone
enumerator kXRDC_AccessPolicySpuR
enumerator kXRDC_AccessPolicySpRw
enumerator kXRDC_AccessPolicySpuRw
enumerator kXRDC_AccessPolicySpuRwNpR
enumerator kXRDC_AccessPolicySpuRwNpuR
enumerator kXRDC_AccessPolicySpuRwNpRw
enumerator kXRDC_AccessPolicyAll
enumerator kXRDC_AccessPolicyNone
enum _xrdc_access_config_lock
Access configuration lock mode, the register field PDAC and MRGD LK2.
enumerator kXRDC_AccessConfigLockWritable
Entire PDACn/MRGDn can be written.
enumerator kXRDC_AccessConfigLockWritable1
Entire PDACn/MRGDn can be written.
enumerator kXRDC_AccessConfigLockDomainXOnly
Domain x only write the DxACP field.
enumerator kXRDC_AccessConfigLockLocked
PDACn is read-only until the next reset.
enumerator kXRDC_AccessConfigLockWritable
enum _xrdc_mem_size
XRDC memory size definition.
enumerator kXRDC_MemSizeNone
None size.
enumerator kXRDC_MemSize32B
2^(4+1) = 32
enumerator kXRDC_MemSize64B
2^(5+1) = 64
enumerator kXRDC_MemSize128B
2^(6+1) = 128
enumerator kXRDC_MemSize256B
2^(7+1) = 256
enumerator kXRDC_MemSize512B
2^(8+1) = 512
enumerator kXRDC_MemSize1K
2^(9+1) = 1kB
enumerator kXRDC_MemSize2K
2^(10+1) = 2kB
enumerator kXRDC_MemSize4K
2^(11+1) = 4kB
enumerator kXRDC_MemSize8K
2^(12+1) = 8kB
enumerator kXRDC_MemSize16K
2^(13+1) = 16kB
enumerator kXRDC_MemSize32K
2^(14+1) = 32kB
enumerator kXRDC_MemSize64K
2^(15+1) = 64kB
enumerator kXRDC_MemSize128K
2^(16+1) = 128kB
enumerator kXRDC_MemSize256K
2^(17+1) = 256kB
enumerator kXRDC_MemSize512K
2^(18+1) = 512kB
enumerator kXRDC_MemSize1M
2^(19+1) = 1MB
enumerator kXRDC_MemSize2M
2^(20+1) = 2MB
enumerator kXRDC_MemSize4M
2^(21+1) = 4MB
enumerator kXRDC_MemSize8M
2^(22+1) = 8MB
enumerator kXRDC_MemSize16M
2^(23+1) = 16MB
enumerator kXRDC_MemSize32M
2^(24+1) = 32MB
enumerator kXRDC_MemSize64M
2^(25+1) = 64MB
enumerator kXRDC_MemSize128M
2^(26+1) = 128MB
enumerator kXRDC_MemSize256M
2^(27+1) = 256MB
enumerator kXRDC_MemSize512M
2^(28+1) = 512MB
enumerator kXRDC_MemSize1G
2^(29+1) = 1GB
enumerator kXRDC_MemSize2G
2^(30+1) = 2GB
enumerator kXRDC_MemSize4G
2^(31+1) = 4GB
enumerator kXRDC_MemSizeNone
enum _xrdc_controller
XRDC controller definition for domain error check.
enumerator kXRDC_MemController0
Memory region controller 0.
enumerator kXRDC_MemController1
Memory region controller 1.
enumerator kXRDC_MemController2
Memory region controller 2.
enumerator kXRDC_MemController3
Memory region controller 3.
enumerator kXRDC_MemController4
Memory region controller 4.
enumerator kXRDC_MemController5
Memory region controller 5.
enumerator kXRDC_MemController6
Memory region controller 6.
enumerator kXRDC_MemController7
Memory region controller 7.
enumerator kXRDC_MemController8
Memory region controller 8.
enumerator kXRDC_MemController9
Memory region controller 9.
enumerator kXRDC_MemController10
Memory region controller 10.
enumerator kXRDC_MemController11
Memory region controller 11.
enumerator kXRDC_MemController12
Memory region controller 12.
enumerator kXRDC_MemController13
Memory region controller 13.
enumerator kXRDC_MemController14
Memory region controller 14.
enumerator kXRDC_MemController15
Memory region controller 15.
enumerator kXRDC_PeriphController0
Peripheral access controller 0.
enumerator kXRDC_PeriphController1
Peripheral access controller 1.
enumerator kXRDC_PeriphController2
Peripheral access controller 2.
enumerator kXRDC_PeriphController3
Peripheral access controller 3.
enumerator kXRDC_MemController0
enum _xrdc_error_state
XRDC domain error state definition XRDC_DERR_W1_n[EST].
enumerator kXRDC_ErrorStateNone
No access violation detected.
enumerator kXRDC_ErrorStateNone1
No access violation detected.
enumerator kXRDC_ErrorStateSingle
Single access violation detected.
enumerator kXRDC_ErrorStateMulti
Multiple access violation detected.
enumerator kXRDC_ErrorStateNone
enum _xrdc_error_attr
XRDC domain error attribute definition XRDC_DERR_W1_n[EATR].
enumerator kXRDC_ErrorSecureUserInst
Secure user mode, instruction fetch access.
enumerator kXRDC_ErrorSecureUserData
Secure user mode, data access.
enumerator kXRDC_ErrorSecurePrivilegeInst
Secure privileged mode, instruction fetch access.
enumerator kXRDC_ErrorSecurePrivilegeData
Secure privileged mode, data access.
enumerator kXRDC_ErrorNonSecureUserInst
NonSecure user mode, instruction fetch access.
enumerator kXRDC_ErrorNonSecureUserData
NonSecure user mode, data access.
enumerator kXRDC_ErrorNonSecurePrivilegeInst
NonSecure privileged mode, instruction fetch access.
enumerator kXRDC_ErrorNonSecurePrivilegeData
NonSecure privileged mode, data access.
enumerator kXRDC_ErrorSecureUserInst
enum _xrdc_error_type
XRDC domain error access type definition XRDC_DERR_W1_n[ERW].
enumerator kXRDC_ErrorTypeRead
Error occurs on read reference.
enumerator kXRDC_ErrorTypeWrite
Error occurs on write reference.
enumerator kXRDC_ErrorTypeRead
typedef struct _xrdc_hardware_config xrdc_hardware_config_t
XRDC hardware configuration.
typedef enum _xrdc_pid_enable xrdc_pid_enable_t
XRDC PID enable mode, the register bit XRDC_MDA_Wx[PE], used for domain hit evaluation.
typedef enum _xrdc_did_sel xrdc_did_sel_t
XRDC domain ID select method, the register bit XRDC_MDA_Wx[DIDS], used for domain hit evaluation.
typedef enum _xrdc_secure_attr xrdc_secure_attr_t
XRDC secure attribute, the register bit XRDC_MDA_Wx[SA], used for non-processor bus master domain assignment.
typedef enum _xrdc_privilege_attr xrdc_privilege_attr_t
XRDC privileged attribute, the register bit XRDC_MDA_Wx[PA], used for non-processor bus master domain assignment.
typedef struct _xrdc_processor_domain_assignment xrdc_processor_domain_assignment_t
Domain assignment for the processor bus master.
typedef struct _xrdc_non_processor_domain_assignment xrdc_non_processor_domain_assignment_t
Domain assignment for the non-processor bus master.
typedef enum _xrdc_pid_lock xrdc_pid_lock_t
XRDC PID LK2 definition XRDC_PIDn[LK2].
typedef struct _xrdc_pid_config xrdc_pid_config_t
XRDC process identifier (PID) configuration.
typedef enum _xrdc_access_policy xrdc_access_policy_t
XRDC domain access control policy.
typedef enum _xrdc_access_config_lock xrdc_access_config_lock_t
Access configuration lock mode, the register field PDAC and MRGD LK2.
typedef struct _xrdc_periph_access_config xrdc_periph_access_config_t
XRDC peripheral domain access control configuration.
typedef enum _xrdc_mem_size xrdc_mem_size_t
XRDC memory size definition.
typedef struct _xrdc_mem_access_config xrdc_mem_access_config_t
XRDC memory region domain access control configuration.
typedef enum _xrdc_controller xrdc_controller_t
XRDC controller definition for domain error check.
typedef enum _xrdc_error_state xrdc_error_state_t
XRDC domain error state definition XRDC_DERR_W1_n[EST].
typedef enum _xrdc_error_attr xrdc_error_attr_t
XRDC domain error attribute definition XRDC_DERR_W1_n[EATR].
typedef enum _xrdc_error_type xrdc_error_type_t
XRDC domain error access type definition XRDC_DERR_W1_n[ERW].
typedef struct _xrdc_error xrdc_error_t
XRDC domain error definition.
void XRDC_Init(XRDC_Type *base)
Initializes the XRDC module.
This function enables the XRDC clock.
- Parameters:
base – XRDC peripheral base address.
void XRDC_Deinit(XRDC_Type *base)
De-initializes the XRDC module.
This function disables the XRDC clock.
- Parameters:
base – XRDC peripheral base address.
struct _xrdc_hardware_config
- #include <fsl_xrdc.h>
XRDC hardware configuration.
Public Members
uint8_t masterNumber
Number of bus masters.
uint8_t domainNumber
Number of domains.
uint8_t pacNumber
Number of PACs.
uint8_t mrcNumber
Number of MRCs.
uint8_t masterNumber
struct _xrdc_processor_domain_assignment
- #include <fsl_xrdc.h>
Domain assignment for the processor bus master.
Public Members
uint32_t domainId
Domain ID.
uint32_t domainIdSelect
Domain ID select method, see xrdc_did_sel_t.
uint32_t pidEnable
PId enable method, see xrdc_pid_enable_t.
uint32_t pidMask
PId mask.
uint32_t __pad0__
uint32_t pid
PId value.
uint32_t __pad1__
uint32_t logicPartId
Logical partition ID.
uint32_t enableLogicPartId
Logical partition ID.
uint32_t __pad2__
uint32_t lock
Lock the register.
uint32_t __pad3__
uint32_t domainId
struct _xrdc_non_processor_domain_assignment
- #include <fsl_xrdc.h>
Domain assignment for the non-processor bus master.
Public Members
uint32_t domainId
Domain ID.
uint32_t privilegeAttr
Privileged attribute, see xrdc_privilege_attr_t.
uint32_t secureAttr
Secure attribute, see xrdc_secure_attr_t.
uint32_t bypassDomainId
Bypass domain ID.
uint32_t __pad0__
uint32_t logicPartId
Logical partition ID.
uint32_t enableLogicPartId
Enable logical partition ID.
uint32_t __pad1__
uint32_t lock
Lock the register.
uint32_t __pad2__
uint32_t domainId
struct _xrdc_pid_config
- #include <fsl_xrdc.h>
XRDC process identifier (PID) configuration.
Public Members
uint32_t pid
PID value, PIDn[PID].
uint32_t __pad0__
uint32_t tsmEnable
Enable three-state model.
uint32_t lockMode
PIDn configuration lock mode, see xrdc_pid_lock_t.
uint32_t __pad1__
uint32_t pid
struct _xrdc_periph_access_config
- #include <fsl_xrdc.h>
XRDC peripheral domain access control configuration.
Public Members
xrdc_periph_t periph
Peripheral name.
xrdc_access_config_lock_t lockMode
PDACn lock configuration.
bool enableSema
Enable semaphore or not.
uint32_t semaNum
Semaphore number.
xrdc_access_policy_t policy[FSL_FEATURE_XRDC_DOMAIN_COUNT]
Access policy for each domain.
xrdc_periph_t periph
struct _xrdc_mem_access_config
- #include <fsl_xrdc.h>
XRDC memory region domain access control configuration.
Public Members
xrdc_mem_t mem
Memory region descriptor name.
bool enableSema
Enable semaphore or not.
uint8_t semaNum
Semaphore number.
xrdc_mem_size_t size
Memory region size.
uint8_t subRegionDisableMask
Sub-region disable mask.
xrdc_access_config_lock_t lockMode
MRGDn lock configuration.
xrdc_access_policy_t policy[FSL_FEATURE_XRDC_DOMAIN_COUNT]
Access policy for each domain.
uint32_t baseAddress
Memory region base/start address.
xrdc_mem_t mem
struct _xrdc_error
- #include <fsl_xrdc.h>
XRDC domain error definition.
Public Members
xrdc_controller_t controller
Which controller captured access violation.
uint32_t address
Access address that generated access violation.
xrdc_error_state_t errorState
Error state.
xrdc_error_attr_t errorAttr
Error attribute.
xrdc_error_type_t errorType
Error type.
uint8_t errorPort
Error port.
uint8_t domainId
Domain ID.
xrdc_controller_t controller