Maestro decoder sample


Tests and demonstrates decoder functionality in Maestro pipeline.

Supported decoders:

  • MP3

  • WAV

  • AAC

  • FLAC

  • OPUS with OGG envelop

  • (RAW OPUS - TBD)

Data Input:

  • Prepared encoded audio data (part of Maestro repository, folder zephyr/audioTracks)

  • Prepared decoded audio data (RAW PCM format, part of Maestro repository, folder zephyr/audioTracks)


  1. Loads encoded data into source buffer stored in RAM

  2. Decodes audio data using selected decoder and stores data in RAM

  3. Compares prepared data with decoded data to check if its the same

  4. Prints Demo result: OK or Demo result: FAIL via UART

User Input/Output

  • Input:


  • Output:

    UART Output

    • Demo result: OK if everything went OK

    • Demo result: FAIL otherwise


  • Audio voice component library (pulled in by Maestro’s west), containing Decoder libraries


  • See prj.conf for user input sections

    • Selecting decoder may be done by enabling CONFIG_MAESTRO_EXAMPLE_DECODER_SELECTED_<DECODER_NAME> in prj.conf file. When no decoder is selected, default one (WAV) is used instead.

    • System settings should be modified (stack size, heap size) based on selected decoder and system capabilities/requirements in prj.conf.

  • For other configuration options, see example’s Kconfig and prj.conf.

Supported platforms

Currently tested for:

  • RD_RW612_BGA - Working decoders: FLAC, WAV, OPUS OGG