OtaSupport: Over-the-Air Programming Support


This module includes APIs for the over-the-air image upgrade process. A Server device receives an image over the serial interface from a PC or other device thorough FSCI commands. If the Server has an image storage, the image is saved locally. If not, the image is requested chunk by chunk: With image storage

  • OTA_RegisterToFsci()

  • OTA_InitExternalMemory()

  • OTA_WriteExternalMemory()

  • OTA_WriteExternalMemory()

Without image storage:

  • OTA_RegisterToFsci()

  • OTA_QueryImageReq()

  • OTA_ImageChunkReq()

  • OTA_ImageChunkReq()

A Client device processes the received image by computing the CRC and filter unused data and stores the received image into a non-volatile storage. After the entire image has been transferred and verified, the Client device informs the Bootloader application that a new image is available, and that the MCU must be reset to start the upgrade process. See the following command sequence:

  • OTA_StartImage()

  • OTA_PushImageChunk() and OTA_CrcCompute ()

  • OTA_PushImageChunk() and OTA_CrcCompute ()

  • OTA_CommitImage()

  • OTA_SetNewImageFlag()

  • ResetMCU()