MCUXpresso SDK API Reference Manual  Rev. 0
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FlexIO DMA SPI Driver


Data Structures

struct  flexio_spi_master_dma_handle_t
 FlexIO SPI DMA transfer handle, users should not touch the content of the handle. More...


 Slave handle is the same with master handle. More...
typedef void(* flexio_spi_master_dma_transfer_callback_t )(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_master_dma_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
 FlexIO SPI master callback for finished transmit.
typedef void(* flexio_spi_slave_dma_transfer_callback_t )(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_slave_dma_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
 FlexIO SPI slave callback for finished transmit.
 Slave handle is the same with master handle. More...
typedef void(* flexio_spi_master_dma_transfer_callback_t )(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_master_dma_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
 FlexIO SPI master callback for finished transmit.
typedef void(* flexio_spi_slave_dma_transfer_callback_t )(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_slave_dma_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
 FlexIO SPI slave callback for finished transmit.

Driver version

 FlexIO SPI DMA driver version 2.1.3. More...

DMA Transactional

status_t FLEXIO_SPI_MasterTransferCreateHandleDMA (FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_master_dma_handle_t *handle, flexio_spi_master_dma_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData, dma_handle_t *txHandle, dma_handle_t *rxHandle)
 Initializes the FLEXO SPI master DMA handle. More...
status_t FLEXIO_SPI_MasterTransferDMA (FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_master_dma_handle_t *handle, flexio_spi_transfer_t *xfer)
 Performs a non-blocking FlexIO SPI transfer using DMA. More...
void FLEXIO_SPI_MasterTransferAbortDMA (FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_master_dma_handle_t *handle)
 Aborts a FlexIO SPI transfer using DMA. More...
status_t FLEXIO_SPI_MasterTransferGetCountDMA (FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_master_dma_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
 Gets the remaining bytes for FlexIO SPI DMA transfer. More...
static void FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveTransferCreateHandleDMA (FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_slave_dma_handle_t *handle, flexio_spi_slave_dma_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData, dma_handle_t *txHandle, dma_handle_t *rxHandle)
 Initializes the FlexIO SPI slave DMA handle. More...
status_t FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveTransferDMA (FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_slave_dma_handle_t *handle, flexio_spi_transfer_t *xfer)
 Performs a non-blocking FlexIO SPI transfer using DMA. More...
static void FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveTransferAbortDMA (FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_slave_dma_handle_t *handle)
 Aborts a FlexIO SPI transfer using DMA. More...
static status_t FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveTransferGetCountDMA (FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_slave_dma_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
 Gets the remaining bytes to be transferred for FlexIO SPI DMA. More...

Driver version

 FlexIO SPI DMA driver version 2.1.3. More...

Data Structure Documentation

struct _flexio_spi_master_dma_handle

typedef for flexio_spi_master_dma_handle_t in advance.

Data Fields

size_t transferSize
 Total bytes to be transferred. More...
bool txInProgress
 Send transfer in progress.
bool rxInProgress
 Receive transfer in progress.
 DMA handler for SPI send.
 DMA handler for SPI receive.
flexio_spi_master_dma_transfer_callback_t callback
 Callback for SPI DMA transfer.
void * userData
 User Data for SPI DMA callback.

Field Documentation

size_t flexio_spi_master_dma_handle_t::transferSize

Macro Definition Documentation


Typedef Documentation

typedef flexio_spi_master_dma_handle_t flexio_spi_slave_dma_handle_t
typedef flexio_spi_master_dma_handle_t flexio_spi_slave_dma_handle_t

Function Documentation

status_t FLEXIO_SPI_MasterTransferCreateHandleDMA ( FLEXIO_SPI_Type base,
flexio_spi_master_dma_handle_t *  handle,
flexio_spi_master_dma_transfer_callback_t  callback,
void *  userData,
dma_handle_t txHandle,
dma_handle_t rxHandle 

This function initializes the FLEXO SPI master DMA handle which can be used for other FLEXO SPI master transactional APIs. Usually, for a specified FLEXO SPI instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.

basePointer to FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
handlePointer to flexio_spi_master_dma_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
callbackSPI callback, NULL means no callback.
userDatacallback function parameter.
txHandleUser requested DMA handle for FlexIO SPI RX DMA transfer.
rxHandleUser requested DMA handle for FlexIO SPI TX DMA transfer.
Return values
kStatus_SuccessSuccessfully create the handle.
kStatus_OutOfRangeThe FlexIO SPI DMA type/handle table out of range.
status_t FLEXIO_SPI_MasterTransferDMA ( FLEXIO_SPI_Type base,
flexio_spi_master_dma_handle_t *  handle,
flexio_spi_transfer_t xfer 
This interface returned immediately after transfer initiates. Call FLEXIO_SPI_MasterGetTransferCountDMA to poll the transfer status to check whether the FlexIO SPI transfer is finished.
basePointer to FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
handlePointer to flexio_spi_master_dma_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
xferPointer to FlexIO SPI transfer structure.
Return values
kStatus_SuccessSuccessfully start a transfer.
kStatus_InvalidArgumentInput argument is invalid.
kStatus_FLEXIO_SPI_BusyFlexIO SPI is not idle, is running another transfer.
void FLEXIO_SPI_MasterTransferAbortDMA ( FLEXIO_SPI_Type base,
flexio_spi_master_dma_handle_t *  handle 
basePointer to FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
handleFlexIO SPI DMA handle pointer.
status_t FLEXIO_SPI_MasterTransferGetCountDMA ( FLEXIO_SPI_Type base,
flexio_spi_master_dma_handle_t *  handle,
size_t *  count 
basePointer to FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
handleFlexIO SPI DMA handle pointer.
countNumber of bytes transferred so far by the non-blocking transaction.
static void FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveTransferCreateHandleDMA ( FLEXIO_SPI_Type base,
flexio_spi_slave_dma_handle_t handle,
flexio_spi_slave_dma_transfer_callback_t  callback,
void *  userData,
dma_handle_t txHandle,
dma_handle_t rxHandle 

This function initializes the FlexIO SPI slave DMA handle.

basePointer to FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
handlePointer to flexio_spi_slave_dma_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
callbackSPI callback, NULL means no callback.
userDatacallback function parameter.
txHandleUser requested DMA handle for FlexIO SPI TX DMA transfer.
rxHandleUser requested DMA handle for FlexIO SPI RX DMA transfer.
status_t FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveTransferDMA ( FLEXIO_SPI_Type base,
flexio_spi_slave_dma_handle_t handle,
flexio_spi_transfer_t xfer 
This interface returns immediately after transfer initiates. Call FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveGetTransferCountDMA to poll the transfer status and check whether the FlexIO SPI transfer is finished.
basePointer to FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
handlePointer to flexio_spi_slave_dma_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
xferPointer to FlexIO SPI transfer structure.
Return values
kStatus_SuccessSuccessfully start a transfer.
kStatus_InvalidArgumentInput argument is invalid.
kStatus_FLEXIO_SPI_BusyFlexIO SPI is not idle, is running another transfer.
static void FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveTransferAbortDMA ( FLEXIO_SPI_Type base,
flexio_spi_slave_dma_handle_t handle 
basePointer to FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
handlePointer to flexio_spi_slave_dma_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
static status_t FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveTransferGetCountDMA ( FLEXIO_SPI_Type base,
flexio_spi_slave_dma_handle_t handle,
size_t *  count 
basePointer to FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
handleFlexIO SPI DMA handle pointer.
countNumber of bytes transferred so far by the non-blocking transaction.