The MCUXpresso SDK provides a driver for the SCTimer Module (SCT) of MCUXpresso SDK devices.
Function groups
The SCTimer driver supports the generation of PWM signals. The driver also supports enabling events in various states of the SCTimer and the actions that will be triggered when an event occurs.
Initialization and deinitialization
The function SCTIMER_Init() initializes the SCTimer with specified configurations. The function SCTIMER_GetDefaultConfig() gets the default configurations.
The function SCTIMER_Deinit() halts the SCTimer counter and turns off the module clock.
PWM Operations
The function SCTIMER_SetupPwm() sets up SCTimer channels for PWM output. The function can set up the PWM signal properties duty cycle and level-mode (active low or high) to use. However, the same PWM period and PWM mode (edge or center-aligned) is applied to all channels requesting the PWM output. The signal duty cycle is provided as a percentage of the PWM period. Its value should be between 1 and 100.
The function SCTIMER_UpdatePwmDutycycle() updates the PWM signal duty cycle of a particular SCTimer channel.
Provides functions to get and clear the SCTimer status.
Provides functions to enable/disable SCTimer interrupts and get current enabled interrupts.
SCTimer State machine and operations
The SCTimer has 10 states and each state can have a set of events enabled that can trigger a user specified action when the event occurs.
SCTimer event operations
The user can create an event and enable it in the current state using the functions SCTIMER_CreateAndScheduleEvent() and SCTIMER_ScheduleEvent(). SCTIMER_CreateAndScheduleEvent() creates a new event based on the users preference and enables it in the current state. SCTIMER_ScheduleEvent() enables an event created earlier in the current state.
SCTimer state operations
The user can get the current state number by calling SCTIMER_GetCurrentState(), he can use this state number to set state transitions when a particular event is triggered.
Once the user has created and enabled events for the current state he can go to the next state by calling the function SCTIMER_IncreaseState(). The user can then start creating events to be enabled in this new state.
SCTimer action operations
There are a set of functions that decide what action should be taken when an event is triggered. SCTIMER_SetupCaptureAction() sets up which counter to capture and which capture register to read on event trigger. SCTIMER_SetupNextStateAction() sets up which state the SCTimer state machine should transition to on event trigger. SCTIMER_SetupOutputSetAction() sets up which pin to set on event trigger. SCTIMER_SetupOutputClearAction() sets up which pin to clear on event trigger. SCTIMER_SetupOutputToggleAction() sets up which pin to toggle on event trigger. SCTIMER_SetupCounterLimitAction() sets up which counter will be limited on event trigger. SCTIMER_SetupCounterStopAction() sets up which counter will be stopped on event trigger. SCTIMER_SetupCounterStartAction() sets up which counter will be started on event trigger. SCTIMER_SetupCounterHaltAction() sets up which counter will be halted on event trigger. SCTIMER_SetupDmaTriggerAction() sets up which DMA request will be activated on event trigger.
16-bit counter mode
The SCTimer is configurable to run as two 16-bit counters via the enableCounterUnify flag that is available in the configuration structure passed in to the SCTIMER_Init() function.
When operating in 16-bit mode, it is important the user specify the appropriate counter to use when working with the functions: SCTIMER_StartTimer(), SCTIMER_StopTimer(), SCTIMER_CreateAndScheduleEvent(), SCTIMER_SetupCaptureAction(), SCTIMER_SetupCounterLimitAction(), SCTIMER_SetupCounterStopAction(), SCTIMER_SetupCounterStartAction(), and SCTIMER_SetupCounterHaltAction().
Typical use case
PWM output
Output a PWM signal on 2 SCTimer channels with different duty cycles. Refer to the driver examples codes located at <SDK_ROOT>/boards/<BOARD>/driver_examples/sctimer
enum | sctimer_pwm_mode_t {
kSCTIMER_EdgeAlignedPwm = 0U,
} |
| SCTimer PWM operation modes. More...
enum | sctimer_counter_t {
kSCTIMER_Counter_L = 0U,
kSCTIMER_Counter_H = 1U,
kSCTIMER_Counter_U = 2U
} |
| SCTimer counters type. More...
enum | sctimer_input_t {
kSCTIMER_Input_0 = 0U,
} |
| List of SCTimer input pins. More...
enum | sctimer_out_t {
kSCTIMER_Out_0 = 0U,
} |
| List of SCTimer output pins. More...
enum | sctimer_pwm_level_select_t {
kSCTIMER_LowTrue = 0U,
} |
| SCTimer PWM output pulse mode: high-true, low-true or no output. More...
enum | sctimer_clock_mode_t {
kSCTIMER_System_ClockMode = 0U,
} |
| SCTimer clock mode options. More...
enum | sctimer_clock_select_t {
kSCTIMER_Clock_On_Rise_Input_0 = 0U,
} |
| SCTimer clock select options. More...
enum | sctimer_conflict_resolution_t {
kSCTIMER_ResolveNone = 0U,
} |
| SCTimer output conflict resolution options. More...
enum | sctimer_event_t |
| List of SCTimer event types.
enum | sctimer_interrupt_enable_t {
kSCTIMER_Event0InterruptEnable = (1U << 0),
kSCTIMER_Event1InterruptEnable = (1U << 1),
kSCTIMER_Event2InterruptEnable = (1U << 2),
kSCTIMER_Event3InterruptEnable = (1U << 3),
kSCTIMER_Event4InterruptEnable = (1U << 4),
kSCTIMER_Event5InterruptEnable = (1U << 5),
kSCTIMER_Event6InterruptEnable = (1U << 6),
kSCTIMER_Event7InterruptEnable = (1U << 7),
kSCTIMER_Event8InterruptEnable = (1U << 8),
kSCTIMER_Event9InterruptEnable = (1U << 9),
kSCTIMER_Event10InterruptEnable = (1U << 10),
kSCTIMER_Event11InterruptEnable = (1U << 11),
kSCTIMER_Event12InterruptEnable = (1U << 12)
} |
| List of SCTimer interrupts. More...
enum | sctimer_status_flags_t {
kSCTIMER_Event0Flag = (1U << 0),
kSCTIMER_Event1Flag = (1U << 1),
kSCTIMER_Event2Flag = (1U << 2),
kSCTIMER_Event3Flag = (1U << 3),
kSCTIMER_Event4Flag = (1U << 4),
kSCTIMER_Event5Flag = (1U << 5),
kSCTIMER_Event6Flag = (1U << 6),
kSCTIMER_Event7Flag = (1U << 7),
kSCTIMER_Event8Flag = (1U << 8),
kSCTIMER_Event9Flag = (1U << 9),
kSCTIMER_Event10Flag = (1U << 10),
kSCTIMER_Event11Flag = (1U << 11),
kSCTIMER_Event12Flag = (1U << 12),
} |
| List of SCTimer flags. More...
status_t | SCTIMER_SetupCaptureAction (SCT_Type *base, sctimer_counter_t whichCounter, uint32_t *captureRegister, uint32_t event) |
| Setup capture of the counter value on trigger of a selected event. More...
void | SCTIMER_SetCallback (SCT_Type *base, sctimer_event_callback_t callback, uint32_t event) |
| Receive noticification when the event trigger an interrupt. More...
static void | SCTIMER_SetupStateLdMethodAction (SCT_Type *base, uint32_t event, bool fgLoad) |
| Change the load method of transition to the specified state. More...
static void | SCTIMER_SetupNextStateActionwithLdMethod (SCT_Type *base, uint32_t nextState, uint32_t event, bool fgLoad) |
| Transition to the specified state with Load method. More...
static void | SCTIMER_SetupNextStateAction (SCT_Type *base, uint32_t nextState, uint32_t event) |
| Transition to the specified state. More...
static void | SCTIMER_SetupOutputSetAction (SCT_Type *base, uint32_t whichIO, uint32_t event) |
| Set the Output. More...
static void | SCTIMER_SetupOutputClearAction (SCT_Type *base, uint32_t whichIO, uint32_t event) |
| Clear the Output. More...
void | SCTIMER_SetupOutputToggleAction (SCT_Type *base, uint32_t whichIO, uint32_t event) |
| Toggle the output level. More...
static void | SCTIMER_SetupCounterLimitAction (SCT_Type *base, sctimer_counter_t whichCounter, uint32_t event) |
| Limit the running counter. More...
static void | SCTIMER_SetupCounterStopAction (SCT_Type *base, sctimer_counter_t whichCounter, uint32_t event) |
| Stop the running counter. More...
static void | SCTIMER_SetupCounterStartAction (SCT_Type *base, sctimer_counter_t whichCounter, uint32_t event) |
| Re-start the stopped counter. More...
static void | SCTIMER_SetupCounterHaltAction (SCT_Type *base, sctimer_counter_t whichCounter, uint32_t event) |
| Halt the running counter. More...
static void | SCTIMER_SetupDmaTriggerAction (SCT_Type *base, uint32_t dmaNumber, uint32_t event) |
| Generate a DMA request. More...
static void | SCTIMER_SetCOUNTValue (SCT_Type *base, sctimer_counter_t whichCounter, uint32_t value) |
| Set the value of counter. More...
static uint32_t | SCTIMER_GetCOUNTValue (SCT_Type *base, sctimer_counter_t whichCounter) |
| Get the value of counter. More...
static void | SCTIMER_SetEventInState (SCT_Type *base, sctimer_counter_t whichCounter, uint32_t event) |
| Set the event bit field of STATE register. More...
static void | SCTIMER_ClearEventInState (SCT_Type *base, sctimer_counter_t whichCounter, uint32_t event) |
| Clear the event bit field of STATE register. More...
static bool | SCTIMER_GetEventInState (SCT_Type *base, sctimer_counter_t whichCounter, uint32_t event) |
| Get the event bit field of STATE register. More...
void | SCTIMER_EventHandleIRQ (SCT_Type *base) |
| SCTimer interrupt handler. More...
struct sctimer_pwm_signal_param_t |
uint8_t sctimer_pwm_signal_param_t::dutyCyclePercent |
This structure holds the configuration settings for the SCTimer peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the SCTMR_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to the configuration structure instance.
The configuration structure can be made constant so as to reside in flash.
bool sctimer_config_t::enableCounterUnify |
User can use the 16-bit low counter and the 16-bit high counters at the same time; for Hardware limit, user can not use unified 32-bit counter and any 16-bit low/high counter at the same time.
bool sctimer_config_t::enableBidirection_h |
This field is used only if the enableCounterUnify is set to false
uint8_t sctimer_config_t::prescale_h |
This field is used only if the enableCounterUnify is set to false
uint8_t sctimer_config_t::inputsync |
it is used to define synchronization for input N: bit 9 = input 0 bit 10 = input 1 bit 11 = input 2 bit 12 = input 3 All other bits are reserved (bit13 ~bit 16). How User to set the the value for the member inputsync. IE: delay for input0, and input 1, bypasses for input 2 and input 3 MACRO definition in user level. #define INPUTSYNC0 (0U) #define INPUTSYNC1 (1U) #define INPUTSYNC2 (2U) #define INPUTSYNC3 (3U) User Code. sctimerInfo.inputsync = (1 << INPUTSYNC2) | (1 << INPUTSYNC3);
typedef void(* sctimer_event_callback_t)(void) |
Enumerator |
kSCTIMER_EdgeAlignedPwm |
Edge-aligned PWM.
kSCTIMER_CenterAlignedPwm |
Center-aligned PWM.
Enumerator |
kSCTIMER_Counter_L |
16-bit Low counter.
kSCTIMER_Counter_H |
16-bit High counter.
kSCTIMER_Counter_U |
32-bit Unified counter.
Enumerator |
kSCTIMER_Input_0 |
SCTIMER input 0.
kSCTIMER_Input_1 |
SCTIMER input 1.
kSCTIMER_Input_2 |
SCTIMER input 2.
kSCTIMER_Input_3 |
SCTIMER input 3.
kSCTIMER_Input_4 |
SCTIMER input 4.
kSCTIMER_Input_5 |
SCTIMER input 5.
kSCTIMER_Input_6 |
SCTIMER input 6.
kSCTIMER_Input_7 |
SCTIMER input 7.
Enumerator |
kSCTIMER_Out_0 |
SCTIMER output 0.
kSCTIMER_Out_1 |
SCTIMER output 1.
kSCTIMER_Out_2 |
SCTIMER output 2.
kSCTIMER_Out_3 |
SCTIMER output 3.
kSCTIMER_Out_4 |
SCTIMER output 4.
kSCTIMER_Out_5 |
SCTIMER output 5.
kSCTIMER_Out_6 |
SCTIMER output 6.
kSCTIMER_Out_7 |
SCTIMER output 7.
kSCTIMER_Out_8 |
SCTIMER output 8.
kSCTIMER_Out_9 |
SCTIMER output 9.
Enumerator |
kSCTIMER_LowTrue |
Low true pulses.
kSCTIMER_HighTrue |
High true pulses.
Enumerator |
kSCTIMER_System_ClockMode |
System Clock Mode.
kSCTIMER_Sampled_ClockMode |
Sampled System Clock Mode.
kSCTIMER_Input_ClockMode |
SCT Input Clock Mode.
kSCTIMER_Asynchronous_ClockMode |
Asynchronous Mode.
Enumerator |
kSCTIMER_Clock_On_Rise_Input_0 |
Rising edges on input 0.
kSCTIMER_Clock_On_Fall_Input_0 |
Falling edges on input 0.
kSCTIMER_Clock_On_Rise_Input_1 |
Rising edges on input 1.
kSCTIMER_Clock_On_Fall_Input_1 |
Falling edges on input 1.
kSCTIMER_Clock_On_Rise_Input_2 |
Rising edges on input 2.
kSCTIMER_Clock_On_Fall_Input_2 |
Falling edges on input 2.
kSCTIMER_Clock_On_Rise_Input_3 |
Rising edges on input 3.
kSCTIMER_Clock_On_Fall_Input_3 |
Falling edges on input 3.
kSCTIMER_Clock_On_Rise_Input_4 |
Rising edges on input 4.
kSCTIMER_Clock_On_Fall_Input_4 |
Falling edges on input 4.
kSCTIMER_Clock_On_Rise_Input_5 |
Rising edges on input 5.
kSCTIMER_Clock_On_Fall_Input_5 |
Falling edges on input 5.
kSCTIMER_Clock_On_Rise_Input_6 |
Rising edges on input 6.
kSCTIMER_Clock_On_Fall_Input_6 |
Falling edges on input 6.
kSCTIMER_Clock_On_Rise_Input_7 |
Rising edges on input 7.
kSCTIMER_Clock_On_Fall_Input_7 |
Falling edges on input 7.
Specifies what action should be taken if multiple events dictate that a given output should be both set and cleared at the same time
Enumerator |
kSCTIMER_ResolveNone |
No change.
kSCTIMER_ResolveSet |
Set output.
kSCTIMER_ResolveClear |
Clear output.
kSCTIMER_ResolveToggle |
Toggle output.
Enumerator |
kSCTIMER_Event0InterruptEnable |
Event 0 interrupt.
kSCTIMER_Event1InterruptEnable |
Event 1 interrupt.
kSCTIMER_Event2InterruptEnable |
Event 2 interrupt.
kSCTIMER_Event3InterruptEnable |
Event 3 interrupt.
kSCTIMER_Event4InterruptEnable |
Event 4 interrupt.
kSCTIMER_Event5InterruptEnable |
Event 5 interrupt.
kSCTIMER_Event6InterruptEnable |
Event 6 interrupt.
kSCTIMER_Event7InterruptEnable |
Event 7 interrupt.
kSCTIMER_Event8InterruptEnable |
Event 8 interrupt.
kSCTIMER_Event9InterruptEnable |
Event 9 interrupt.
kSCTIMER_Event10InterruptEnable |
Event 10 interrupt.
kSCTIMER_Event11InterruptEnable |
Event 11 interrupt.
kSCTIMER_Event12InterruptEnable |
Event 12 interrupt.
Enumerator |
kSCTIMER_Event0Flag |
Event 0 Flag.
kSCTIMER_Event1Flag |
Event 1 Flag.
kSCTIMER_Event2Flag |
Event 2 Flag.
kSCTIMER_Event3Flag |
Event 3 Flag.
kSCTIMER_Event4Flag |
Event 4 Flag.
kSCTIMER_Event5Flag |
Event 5 Flag.
kSCTIMER_Event6Flag |
Event 6 Flag.
kSCTIMER_Event7Flag |
Event 7 Flag.
kSCTIMER_Event8Flag |
Event 8 Flag.
kSCTIMER_Event9Flag |
Event 9 Flag.
kSCTIMER_Event10Flag |
Event 10 Flag.
kSCTIMER_Event11Flag |
Event 11 Flag.
kSCTIMER_Event12Flag |
Event 12 Flag.
kSCTIMER_BusErrorLFlag |
Bus error due to write when L counter was not halted.
kSCTIMER_BusErrorHFlag |
Bus error due to write when H counter was not halted.
- Note
- This API should be called at the beginning of the application using the SCTimer driver.
- Parameters
base | SCTimer peripheral base address |
config | Pointer to the user configuration structure. |
- Returns
- kStatus_Success indicates success; Else indicates failure.
void SCTIMER_Deinit |
( |
SCT_Type * |
base | ) |
- Parameters
base | SCTimer peripheral base address |
The default values are:
* config->enableCounterUnify = true;
* config->enableBidirection_l = false;
* config->enableBidirection_h = false;
* config->prescale_l = 0U;
* config->prescale_h = 0U;
* config->outInitState = 0U;
* config->inputsync = 0xFU;
- Parameters
config | Pointer to the user configuration structure. |
Call this function to configure the PWM signal period, mode, duty cycle, and edge. This function will create 2 events; one of the events will trigger on match with the pulse value and the other will trigger when the counter matches the PWM period. The PWM period event is also used as a limit event to reset the counter or change direction. Both events are enabled for the same state. The state number can be retrieved by calling the function SCTIMER_GetCurrentStateNumber(). The counter is set to operate as one 32-bit counter (unify bit is set to 1). The counter operates in bi-directional mode when generating a center-aligned PWM.
- Note
- When setting PWM output from multiple output pins, they all should use the same PWM mode i.e all PWM's should be either edge-aligned or center-aligned. When using this API, the PWM signal frequency of all the initialized channels must be the same. Otherwise all the initialized channels' PWM signal frequency is equal to the last call to the API's pwmFreq_Hz.
- Parameters
base | SCTimer peripheral base address |
pwmParams | PWM parameters to configure the output |
mode | PWM operation mode, options available in enumeration sctimer_pwm_mode_t |
pwmFreq_Hz | PWM signal frequency in Hz |
srcClock_Hz | SCTimer counter clock in Hz |
event | Pointer to a variable where the PWM period event number is stored |
- Returns
- kStatus_Success on success kStatus_Fail If we have hit the limit in terms of number of events created or if an incorrect PWM dutycylce is passed in.
void SCTIMER_UpdatePwmDutycycle |
( |
SCT_Type * |
base, |
sctimer_out_t |
output, |
uint8_t |
dutyCyclePercent, |
uint32_t |
event |
) |
| |
Before calling this function, the counter is set to operate as one 32-bit counter (unify bit is set to 1).
- Parameters
base | SCTimer peripheral base address |
output | The output to configure |
dutyCyclePercent | New PWM pulse width; the value should be between 1 to 100 |
event | Event number associated with this PWM signal. This was returned to the user by the function SCTIMER_SetupPwm(). |
static void SCTIMER_EnableInterrupts |
( |
SCT_Type * |
base, |
uint32_t |
mask |
) |
| |
inlinestatic |
- Parameters
base | SCTimer peripheral base address |
mask | The interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration sctimer_interrupt_enable_t |
static void SCTIMER_DisableInterrupts |
( |
SCT_Type * |
base, |
uint32_t |
mask |
) |
| |
inlinestatic |
- Parameters
base | SCTimer peripheral base address |
mask | The interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration sctimer_interrupt_enable_t |
static uint32_t SCTIMER_GetEnabledInterrupts |
( |
SCT_Type * |
base | ) |
inlinestatic |
- Parameters
base | SCTimer peripheral base address |
- Returns
- The enabled interrupts. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration sctimer_interrupt_enable_t
static uint32_t SCTIMER_GetStatusFlags |
( |
SCT_Type * |
base | ) |
inlinestatic |
- Parameters
base | SCTimer peripheral base address |
- Returns
- The status flags. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration sctimer_status_flags_t
static void SCTIMER_ClearStatusFlags |
( |
SCT_Type * |
base, |
uint32_t |
mask |
) |
| |
inlinestatic |
- Parameters
base | SCTimer peripheral base address |
mask | The status flags to clear. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration sctimer_status_flags_t |
- Parameters
base | SCTimer peripheral base address |
countertoStart | SCTimer counter to use. In 16-bit mode, we can select Counter_L and Counter_H, In 32-bit mode, we can select Counter_U. |
- Parameters
base | SCTimer peripheral base address |
countertoStop | SCTimer counter to use. In 16-bit mode, we can select Counter_L and Counter_H, In 32-bit mode, we can select Counter_U. |
This function will configure an event using the options provided by the user. If the event type uses the counter match, then the function will set the user provided match value into a match register and put this match register number into the event control register. The event is enabled for the current state and the event number is increased by one at the end. The function returns the event number; this event number can be used to configure actions to be done when this event is triggered.
- Parameters
base | SCTimer peripheral base address |
howToMonitor | Event type; options are available in the enumeration sctimer_interrupt_enable_t |
matchValue | The match value that will be programmed to a match register |
whichIO | The input or output that will be involved in event triggering. This field is ignored if the event type is "match only" |
whichCounter | SCTimer counter to use. In 16-bit mode, we can select Counter_L and Counter_H, In 32-bit mode, we can select Counter_U. |
event | Pointer to a variable where the new event number is stored |
- Returns
- kStatus_Success on success kStatus_Error if we have hit the limit in terms of number of events created or if we have reached the limit in terms of number of match registers
void SCTIMER_ScheduleEvent |
( |
SCT_Type * |
base, |
uint32_t |
event |
) |
| |
This function will allow the event passed in to trigger in the current state. The event must be created earlier by either calling the function SCTIMER_SetupPwm() or function SCTIMER_CreateAndScheduleEvent() .
- Parameters
base | SCTimer peripheral base address |
event | Event number to enable in the current state |
status_t SCTIMER_IncreaseState |
( |
SCT_Type * |
base | ) |
All future events created by calling the function SCTIMER_ScheduleEvent() will be enabled in this new state.
- Parameters
base | SCTimer peripheral base address |
- Returns
- kStatus_Success on success kStatus_Error if we have hit the limit in terms of states used
uint32_t SCTIMER_GetCurrentState |
( |
SCT_Type * |
base | ) |
User can use this to set the next state by calling the function SCTIMER_SetupNextStateAction().
- Parameters
base | SCTimer peripheral base address |
- Returns
- The current state
status_t SCTIMER_SetupCaptureAction |
( |
SCT_Type * |
base, |
sctimer_counter_t |
whichCounter, |
uint32_t * |
captureRegister, |
uint32_t |
event |
) |
| |
- Parameters
base | SCTimer peripheral base address |
whichCounter | SCTimer counter to use. In 16-bit mode, we can select Counter_L and Counter_H, In 32-bit mode, we can select Counter_U. |
captureRegister | Pointer to a variable where the capture register number will be returned. User can read the captured value from this register when the specified event is triggered. |
event | Event number that will trigger the capture |
- Returns
- kStatus_Success on success kStatus_Error if we have hit the limit in terms of number of match/capture registers available
If the interrupt for the event is enabled by the user, then a callback can be registered which will be invoked when the event is triggered
- Parameters
base | SCTimer peripheral base address |
event | Event number that will trigger the interrupt |
callback | Function to invoke when the event is triggered |
static void SCTIMER_SetupStateLdMethodAction |
( |
SCT_Type * |
base, |
uint32_t |
event, |
bool |
fgLoad |
) |
| |
inlinestatic |
Change the load method of transition, it will be triggered by the event number that is passed in by the user.
- Parameters
base | SCTimer peripheral base address |
event | Event number that will change the method to trigger the state transition |
fgLoad | The method to load highest-numbered event occurring for that state to the STATE register.
- true: Load the STATEV value to STATE when the event occurs to be the next state.
- false: Add the STATEV value to STATE when the event occurs to be the next state.
static void SCTIMER_SetupNextStateActionwithLdMethod |
( |
SCT_Type * |
base, |
uint32_t |
nextState, |
uint32_t |
event, |
bool |
fgLoad |
) |
| |
inlinestatic |
This transition will be triggered by the event number that is passed in by the user, the method decide how to load the highest-numbered event occurring for that state to the STATE register.
- Parameters
base | SCTimer peripheral base address |
nextState | The next state SCTimer will transition to |
event | Event number that will trigger the state transition |
fgLoad | The method to load the highest-numbered event occurring for that state to the STATE register.
- true: Load the STATEV value to STATE when the event occurs to be the next state.
- false: Add the STATEV value to STATE when the event occurs to be the next state.
static void SCTIMER_SetupNextStateAction |
( |
SCT_Type * |
base, |
uint32_t |
nextState, |
uint32_t |
event |
) |
| |
inlinestatic |
- Deprecated:
- Do not use this function. It has been superceded by SCTIMER_SetupNextStateActionwithLdMethod
This transition will be triggered by the event number that is passed in by the user.
- Parameters
base | SCTimer peripheral base address |
nextState | The next state SCTimer will transition to |
event | Event number that will trigger the state transition |
static void SCTIMER_SetupOutputSetAction |
( |
SCT_Type * |
base, |
uint32_t |
whichIO, |
uint32_t |
event |
) |
| |
inlinestatic |
This output will be set when the event number that is passed in by the user is triggered.
- Parameters
base | SCTimer peripheral base address |
whichIO | The output to set |
event | Event number that will trigger the output change |
static void SCTIMER_SetupOutputClearAction |
( |
SCT_Type * |
base, |
uint32_t |
whichIO, |
uint32_t |
event |
) |
| |
inlinestatic |
This output will be cleared when the event number that is passed in by the user is triggered.
- Parameters
base | SCTimer peripheral base address |
whichIO | The output to clear |
event | Event number that will trigger the output change |
void SCTIMER_SetupOutputToggleAction |
( |
SCT_Type * |
base, |
uint32_t |
whichIO, |
uint32_t |
event |
) |
| |
This change in the output level is triggered by the event number that is passed in by the user.
- Parameters
base | SCTimer peripheral base address |
whichIO | The output to toggle |
event | Event number that will trigger the output change |
static void SCTIMER_SetupCounterLimitAction |
( |
SCT_Type * |
base, |
sctimer_counter_t |
whichCounter, |
uint32_t |
event |
) |
| |
inlinestatic |
The counter is limited when the event number that is passed in by the user is triggered.
- Parameters
base | SCTimer peripheral base address |
whichCounter | SCTimer counter to use. In 16-bit mode, we can select Counter_L and Counter_H, In 32-bit mode, we can select Counter_U. |
event | Event number that will trigger the counter to be limited |
static void SCTIMER_SetupCounterStopAction |
( |
SCT_Type * |
base, |
sctimer_counter_t |
whichCounter, |
uint32_t |
event |
) |
| |
inlinestatic |
The counter is stopped when the event number that is passed in by the user is triggered.
- Parameters
base | SCTimer peripheral base address |
whichCounter | SCTimer counter to use. In 16-bit mode, we can select Counter_L and Counter_H, In 32-bit mode, we can select Counter_U. |
event | Event number that will trigger the counter to be stopped |
static void SCTIMER_SetupCounterStartAction |
( |
SCT_Type * |
base, |
sctimer_counter_t |
whichCounter, |
uint32_t |
event |
) |
| |
inlinestatic |
The counter will re-start when the event number that is passed in by the user is triggered.
- Parameters
base | SCTimer peripheral base address |
whichCounter | SCTimer counter to use. In 16-bit mode, we can select Counter_L and Counter_H, In 32-bit mode, we can select Counter_U. |
event | Event number that will trigger the counter to re-start |
static void SCTIMER_SetupCounterHaltAction |
( |
SCT_Type * |
base, |
sctimer_counter_t |
whichCounter, |
uint32_t |
event |
) |
| |
inlinestatic |
The counter is disabled (halted) when the event number that is passed in by the user is triggered. When the counter is halted, all further events are disabled. The HALT condition can only be removed by calling the SCTIMER_StartTimer() function.
- Parameters
base | SCTimer peripheral base address |
whichCounter | SCTimer counter to use. In 16-bit mode, we can select Counter_L and Counter_H, In 32-bit mode, we can select Counter_U. |
event | Event number that will trigger the counter to be halted |
static void SCTIMER_SetupDmaTriggerAction |
( |
SCT_Type * |
base, |
uint32_t |
dmaNumber, |
uint32_t |
event |
) |
| |
inlinestatic |
DMA request will be triggered by the event number that is passed in by the user.
- Parameters
base | SCTimer peripheral base address |
dmaNumber | The DMA request to generate |
event | Event number that will trigger the DMA request |
static void SCTIMER_SetCOUNTValue |
( |
SCT_Type * |
base, |
sctimer_counter_t |
whichCounter, |
uint32_t |
value |
) |
| |
inlinestatic |
The function is to set the value of Count register, Writing to the COUNT_L, COUNT_H, or unified register is only allowed when the corresponding counter is halted (HALT bits are set to 1 in the CTRL register).
- Parameters
base | SCTimer peripheral base address |
whichCounter | SCTimer counter to use. In 16-bit mode, we can select Counter_L and Counter_H, In 32-bit mode, we can select Counter_U. |
value | the counter value update to the COUNT register. |
static uint32_t SCTIMER_GetCOUNTValue |
( |
SCT_Type * |
base, |
sctimer_counter_t |
whichCounter |
) |
| |
inlinestatic |
The function is to read the value of Count register, software can read the counter registers at any time..
- Parameters
base | SCTimer peripheral base address |
whichCounter | SCTimer counter to use. In 16-bit mode, we can select Counter_L and Counter_H, In 32-bit mode, we can select Counter_U. |
- Returns
- The value of counter selected.
static void SCTIMER_SetEventInState |
( |
SCT_Type * |
base, |
sctimer_counter_t |
whichCounter, |
uint32_t |
event |
) |
| |
inlinestatic |
The function is to set the event bit field of STATE register. Writing to the STATE_L, STATE_H, or unified register is only allowed when the corresponding counter is halted (HALT bits are set to 1 in the CTRL register).
- Parameters
base | SCTimer peripheral base address |
whichCounter | SCTimer counter to use. In 16-bit mode, we can select Counter_L and Counter_H, In 32-bit mode, we can select Counter_U. |
event | the event bit field of STATE register need to be set (only support from bit 0 to bit 4). |
static void SCTIMER_ClearEventInState |
( |
SCT_Type * |
base, |
sctimer_counter_t |
whichCounter, |
uint32_t |
event |
) |
| |
inlinestatic |
The function is to clear the event bit field of STATE register. Writing to the STATE_L, STATE_H, or unified register is only allowed when the corresponding counter is halted (HALT bits are set to 1 in the CTRL register).
- Parameters
base | SCTimer peripheral base address |
whichCounter | SCTimer counter to use. In 16-bit mode, we can select Counter_L and Counter_H, In 32-bit mode, we can select Counter_U. |
event | the event bit field of STATE register need to be set (only support from bit 0 to bit 4). |
static bool SCTIMER_GetEventInState |
( |
SCT_Type * |
base, |
sctimer_counter_t |
whichCounter, |
uint32_t |
event |
) |
| |
inlinestatic |
The function is to get the event bit field of STATE register. Writing to the STATE_L, STATE_H, or unified register is only allowed when the corresponding counter is halted (HALT bits are set to 1 in the CTRL register).
- Parameters
base | SCTimer peripheral base address |
whichCounter | SCTimer counter to use. In 16-bit mode, we can select Counter_L and Counter_H, In 32-bit mode, we can select Counter_U. |
event | the event bit field of STATE register need to be set (only support from bit 0 to bit 4). |
- Returns
- The the event bit field of STATE register.
- true: The event bit field of STATE register set.
- false: The event bit field of STATE register cleared.
void SCTIMER_EventHandleIRQ |
( |
SCT_Type * |
base | ) |
- Parameters
base | SCTimer peripheral base address. |