MCUXpresso SDK API Reference Manual  Rev. 0
NXP Semiconductors
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API Reference
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 123]
oACMP: Analog Comparator Driver
oCACHE: CACHE Memory Controller
oCASPER: The Cryptographic Accelerator and Signal Processing Engine with RAM sharing
oCODEC codec Driver
|ocodec common Driver
|ocs42888 Driver
||\cs42888 adapter
|otfa9xxx Driver
||\tfa9xxx adapter
|\wm8904 Driver
| \wm8904 adapter
oCRC: Cyclic Redundancy Check Driver
oCTIMER: Standard counter/timers
oClock Driver
oCommon Driver
oDMA: Direct Memory Access Controller Driver
oDMIC: Digital Microphone
|oDMIC DMA Driver
|\DMIC Driver
oDSP Driver
oDebug Console
oFLEXSPI: Flexible Serial Peripheral Interface Driver
oFMEAS: Frequency Measure Driver
oGPIO: General Purpose I/O
oHashcrypt: The Cryptographic Accelerator
|oHashcrypt AES
|oHashcrypt Background HASH
|\Hashcrypt HASH
oI2C: Inter-Integrated Circuit Driver
|oI2C CMSIS Driver
|oI2C DMA Driver
|oI2C Driver
|oI2C FreeRTOS Driver
|oI2C Master Driver
|\I2C Slave Driver
oI2S: I2S Driver
|\I2S Driver
oI3C: Low Power I2C Driver
|oI3C FreeRTOS Driver
|oI3C Master DMA Driver
|oI3C Master Driver
|\I3C Slave Driver
oIAP: In Application Programming Driver
|oIAP Boot Driver
|oIAP FlexSPI Driver
|\IAP OTP Driver
oINPUTMUX: Input Multiplexing Driver
oIOPCTL: Input/Output Pad Controller
oLPADC: 12-bit SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter Driver
oMRT: Multi-Rate Timer
oMU: Messaging Unit
oOSTIMER: OS Event Timer Driver
oPINT: Pin Interrupt and Pattern Match Driver
oPOWERQUAD: PowerQuad hardware accelerator
oPUF: Physical Unclonable Function
oPower Driver
oRTC: Real Time Clock
oReset Driver
oSCTimer: SCTimer/PWM (SCT)
oSEMA42: Hardware Semaphores Driver
oSPI: Serial Peripheral Interface Driver
|oSPI CMSIS driver
|oSPI DMA Driver
|oSPI Driver
|\SPI FreeRTOS driver
oSecure Digital Card/Embedded MultiMedia Card/SDIO card
|oHOST Driver
||\USDHC HOST adapter Driver
|oMMC Card Driver
|oSD Card Driver
|oSDIO Card Driver
|oSDMMC Common
|oSerial Port SWO
|oSerial Port USB
||\USB Device Configuration
|\Serial Port Uart
oTRNG: True Random Number Generator
oUSART: Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter Driver
|oUSART DMA Driver
|oUSART Driver
|\USART FreeRTOS Driver
oUSDHC: Ultra Secured Digital Host Controller Driver
oUTICK: MictoTick Timer Driver
\WWDT: Windowed Watchdog Timer Driver