MCUXpresso SDK API Reference Manual  Rev 2.16.000
NXP Semiconductors
 All Data Structures Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Groups Pages


Data Structures

struct  enet_qos_rx_bd_struct_t
 Defines the receive descriptor structure has the read-format and write-back format structure. More...
struct  enet_qos_tx_bd_struct_t
 Defines the transmit descriptor structure has the read-format and write-back format structure. More...
struct  enet_qos_tx_bd_config_struct_t
 Defines the Tx BD configuration structure. More...
struct  enet_qos_ptp_time_t
 Defines the ENET PTP time stamp structure. More...
struct  enet_qos_frame_info_t
 Defines the frame info structure. More...
struct  enet_qos_tx_dirty_ring_t
 Defines the ENET transmit dirty addresses ring/queue structure. More...
struct  enet_qos_ptp_config_t
 Defines the ENET PTP configuration structure. More...
struct  enet_qos_est_gate_op_t
 Defines the EST gate operation structure. More...
struct  enet_qos_est_gcl_t
 Defines the EST gate control list structure. More...
struct  enet_qos_rxp_config_t
 Defines the ENET_QOS Rx parser configuration structure. More...
struct  enet_qos_buffer_config_t
 Defines the buffer descriptor configure structure. More...
struct  enet_qos_cbs_config_t
 Defines the CBS configuration for queue. More...
struct  enet_qos_queue_tx_config_t
 Defines the queue configuration structure. More...
struct  enet_qos_queue_rx_config_t
 Defines the queue configuration structure. More...
struct  enet_qos_multiqueue_config_t
 Defines the configuration when multi-queue is used. More...
struct  enet_qos_config_t
 Defines the basic configuration structure for the ENET device. More...
struct  enet_qos_tx_bd_ring_t
 Defines the ENET transmit buffer descriptor ring/queue structure. More...
struct  enet_qos_rx_bd_ring_t
 Defines the ENET receive buffer descriptor ring/queue structure. More...
struct  enet_qos_handle_t
 Defines the ENET handler structure. More...
struct  enet_qos_buffer_struct_t
 Defines the frame buffer structure. More...
struct  enet_qos_rx_frame_error_t
 Defines the Rx frame error structure. More...
struct  enet_qos_rx_frame_struct_t
 Defines the Rx frame data structure. More...
struct  enet_qos_transfer_stats_t
 Defines the ENET QOS transfer statistics structure. More...


typedef void *(* enet_qos_rx_alloc_callback_t )(ENET_QOS_Type *base, void *userData, uint8_t channel)
 Defines the Rx memory buffer alloc function pointer. More...
typedef void(* enet_qos_rx_free_callback_t )(ENET_QOS_Type *base, void *buffer, void *userData, uint8_t channel)
 Defines the Rx memory buffer free function pointer. More...
typedef void(* enet_qos_callback_t )(ENET_QOS_Type *base, enet_qos_handle_t *handle, enet_qos_event_t event, uint8_t channel, void *userData)
 ENET callback function. More...


enum  {
  kStatus_ENET_QOS_RxFrameFail = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_ENET_QOS, 2U),
  kStatus_ENET_QOS_RxFrameEmpty = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_ENET_QOS, 3U),
  kStatus_ENET_QOS_TxFrameFail = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_ENET_QOS, 6U),
  kStatus_ENET_QOS_TxFrameOverLen = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_ENET_QOS, 7U),
  kStatus_ENET_QOS_Est_SwListWriteAbort = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_ENET_QOS, 9U),
  kStatus_ENET_QOS_Est_BtrError = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_ENET_QOS, 11U),
  kStatus_ENET_QOS_TrgtBusy = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_ENET_QOS, 12U),
  kStatus_ENET_QOS_Timeout = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_ENET_QOS, 13U),
  kStatus_ENET_QOS_PpsBusy = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_ENET_QOS, 14U)
 Defines the status return codes for transaction. More...
enum  enet_qos_mii_mode_t {
  kENET_QOS_MiiMode = 0U,
  kENET_QOS_RgmiiMode = 1U,
  kENET_QOS_RmiiMode = 4U
 Defines the MII/RGMII mode for data interface between the MAC and the PHY. More...
enum  enet_qos_mii_speed_t {
 Defines the 10/100/1000 Mbps speed for the MII data interface. More...
enum  enet_qos_mii_duplex_t {
  kENET_QOS_MiiHalfDuplex = 0U,
 Defines the half or full duplex for the MII data interface. More...
enum  enet_qos_mii_normal_opcode {
 Define the MII opcode for normal MDIO_CLAUSES_22 Frame. More...
enum  enet_qos_dma_burstlen {
  kENET_QOS_BurstLen1 = 0x00001U,
  kENET_QOS_BurstLen2 = 0x00002U,
  kENET_QOS_BurstLen4 = 0x00004U,
  kENET_QOS_BurstLen8 = 0x00008U,
  kENET_QOS_BurstLen16 = 0x00010U,
  kENET_QOS_BurstLen32 = 0x00020U,
  kENET_QOS_BurstLen64 = 0x10008U,
  kENET_QOS_BurstLen128 = 0x10010U,
  kENET_QOS_BurstLen256 = 0x10020U
 Define the DMA maximum transmit burst length. More...
enum  enet_qos_desc_flag {
  kENET_QOS_MiddleFlag = 0,
 Define the flag for the descriptor. More...
enum  enet_qos_systime_op {
  kENET_QOS_SystimeAdd = 0U,
  kENET_QOS_SystimeSubtract = 1U
 Define the system time adjust operation control. More...
enum  enet_qos_ts_rollover_type {
  kENET_QOS_BinaryRollover = 0,
  kENET_QOS_DigitalRollover = 1
 Define the system time rollover control. More...
enum  enet_qos_special_config_t {
  kENET_QOS_DescDoubleBuffer = 0x0001U,
  kENET_QOS_StoreAndForward = 0x0002U,
  kENET_QOS_PromiscuousEnable = 0x0004U,
  kENET_QOS_FlowControlEnable = 0x0008U,
  kENET_QOS_BroadCastRxDisable = 0x0010U,
  kENET_QOS_MulticastAllEnable = 0x0020U,
  kENET_QOS_8023AS2KPacket = 0x0040U,
  kENET_QOS_HashMulticastEnable = 0x0080U,
  kENET_QOS_RxChecksumOffloadEnable = 0x0100U
 Defines some special configuration for ENET. More...
enum  enet_qos_dma_interrupt_enable_t {
 List of DMA interrupts supported by the ENET interrupt. More...
enum  enet_qos_mac_interrupt_enable_t
 List of mac interrupts supported by the ENET interrupt. More...
enum  enet_qos_event_t {
 Defines the common interrupt event for callback use. More...
enum  enet_qos_queue_mode_t {
  kENET_QOS_AVB_Mode = 1U,
  kENET_QOS_DCB_Mode = 2U
 Define the MTL mode for multiple queues/rings. More...
enum  enet_qos_mtl_multiqueue_txsche {
  kENET_QOS_txWeightRR = 0U,
  kENET_QOS_txWeightFQ = 1U,
  kENET_QOS_txDefictWeightRR = 2U,
  kENET_QOS_txStrPrio = 3U
 Define the MTL tx scheduling algorithm for multiple queues/rings. More...
enum  enet_qos_mtl_multiqueue_rxsche {
  kENET_QOS_rxStrPrio = 0U,
 Define the MTL rx scheduling algorithm for multiple queues/rings. More...
enum  enet_qos_mtl_rxqueuemap_t {
  kENET_QOS_StaticDirctMap = 0x100U,
 Define the MTL rx queue and DMA channel mapping. More...
enum  enet_qos_rx_queue_route_t
 Defines the package type for receive queue routing. More...
enum  enet_qos_ptp_event_type_t {
  kENET_QOS_PtpEventMsgType = 3U,
  kENET_QOS_PtpSrcPortIdLen = 10U,
  kENET_QOS_PtpEventPort = 319U,
  kENET_QOS_PtpGnrlPort = 320U
 Defines the ENET PTP message related constant. More...
enum  enet_qos_ptp_pps_instance_t {
  kENET_QOS_PtpPpsIstance0 = 0U,
 Defines the PPS instance numbers. More...
enum  enet_qos_ptp_pps_trgt_mode_t {
  kENET_QOS_PtpPpsTrgtModeOnlyInt = 0U,
  kENET_QOS_PtpPpsTrgtModeIntSt = 2,
  kENET_QOS_PtpPpsTrgtModeOnlySt = 3
 Defines the Target Time register mode. More...
enum  enet_qos_ptp_pps_cmd_t {
  kENET_QOS_PtpPpsCmdNC = 0U,
  kENET_QOS_PtpPpsCmdSSP = 1U,
  kENET_QOS_PtpPpsCmdSPT = 2U,
  kENET_QOS_PtpPpsCmdCS = 3U,
  kENET_QOS_PtpPpsCmdSPTAT = 4U,
  kENET_QOS_PtpPpsCmdSPTI = 5U,
  kENET_QOS_PtpPpsCmdCSPT = 6U
 Defines commands for ppscmd register. More...
enum  enet_qos_ets_list_length_t {
  kENET_QOS_Ets_List_64 = 7U,
  kENET_QOS_Ets_List_128 = 8U,
  kENET_QOS_Ets_List_256 = 9U,
  kENET_QOS_Ets_List_512 = 10U,
  kENET_QOS_Ets_List_1024 = 11U
 Defines the enmueration of ETS list length. More...
enum  enet_qos_ets_gccr_addr_t {
  kENET_QOS_Ets_btr_low = 0U,
  kENET_QOS_Ets_btr_high = 1U,
  kENET_QOS_Ets_ctr_low = 2U,
  kENET_QOS_Ets_ctr_high = 3U,
  kENET_QOS_Ets_ter = 4U,
  kENET_QOS_Ets_llr = 5U
 Defines the enmueration of ETS gate control address. More...
enum  enet_qos_rxp_dma_chn_t {
  kENET_QOS_Rxp_DMAChn0 = 1U,
  kENET_QOS_Rxp_DMAChn1 = 2U,
  kENET_QOS_Rxp_DMAChn2 = 4U,
  kENET_QOS_Rxp_DMAChn3 = 8U,
  kENET_QOS_Rxp_DMAChn4 = 16U
 Defines the enmueration of DMA channel used for rx parser entry. More...
enum  enet_qos_tx_offload_t {
  kENET_QOS_TxOffloadDisable = 0U,
  kENET_QOS_TxOffloadIPHeader = 1U,
  kENET_QOS_TxOffloadIPHeaderPlusPayload = 2U,
  kENET_QOS_TxOffloadAll = 3U
 Define the Tx checksum offload options. More...


void ENET_QOS_SetSYSControl (enet_qos_mii_mode_t miiMode)
 Set ENET system configuration. More...
void ENET_QOS_EnableClock (bool enable)
 Enable/Disable ENET qos clock. More...


const clock_ip_name_t s_enetqosClock []
 Pointers to enet clocks for each instance. More...

Driver version

 Defines the driver version. More...

Control and status region bit masks of the receive buffer descriptor.

 Defines for read format. More...
 Buffer2 address valid. More...
 Interrupt enable on complete. More...
 Own bit. More...
#define ENET_QOS_RXDESCRIP_WR_ERR_MASK   ((1UL << 3U) | (1UL << 7U))
 Defines for write back format. More...

Control and status bit masks of the transmit buffer descriptor.

 Defines for read format. More...
#define ENET_QOS_TXDESCRIP_RD_BL2(n)   (((uint32_t)(n)&ENET_QOS_TXDESCRIP_RD_BL1_MASK) << 16)
#define ENET_QOS_TXDESCRIP_RD_CIC(n)   (((uint32_t)(n)&0x3U) << 16U)
#define ENET_QOS_TXDESCRIP_RD_SLOT(n)   (((uint32_t)(n)&0x0fU) << 19U)
#define ENET_QOS_TXDESCRIP_RD_SAIC(n)   (((uint32_t)(n)&0x07U) << 23U)
#define ENET_QOS_TXDESCRIP_RD_CPC(n)   (((uint32_t)(n)&0x03U) << 26U)
#define ENET_QOS_TXDESCRIP_RD_LDFD(n)   (((uint32_t)(n)&0x03U) << 28U)
 Defines for write back format. More...

Bit mask for interrupt enable type.


Defines some Ethernet parameters.

#define ENET_QOS_RING_NUM_MAX   (5U)
 The Maximum number of tx/rx descriptor rings. More...
 Default maximum Ethernet frame size. More...
#define ENET_QOS_FCS_LEN   (4U)
 Ethernet FCS length. More...
 Recommended Ethernet buffer alignment. More...
 Receive buffer alignment shall be 4bytes-aligned. More...
 The rx fifo size. More...
 The tx fifo size. More...
 The offest for mac interrupt in enum type. More...
 RXP table entry count, implied by FRPES in MAC_HW_FEATURE3.
 RXP Buffer size, implied by FRPBS in MAC_HW_FEATURE3.
#define ENET_QOS_EST_WID   (24U)
 Width of the time interval in Gate Control List.
#define ENET_QOS_EST_DEP   (512U)
 Maxmimum depth of Gate Control List.

Initialization and De-initialization

void ENET_QOS_GetDefaultConfig (enet_qos_config_t *config)
 Gets the ENET default configuration structure. More...
status_t ENET_QOS_Up (ENET_QOS_Type *base, const enet_qos_config_t *config, uint8_t *macAddr, uint8_t macCount, uint32_t refclkSrc_Hz)
 Initializes the ENET module. More...
status_t ENET_QOS_Init (ENET_QOS_Type *base, const enet_qos_config_t *config, uint8_t *macAddr, uint8_t macCount, uint32_t refclkSrc_Hz)
 Initializes the ENET module. More...
void ENET_QOS_Down (ENET_QOS_Type *base)
 Stops the ENET module. More...
void ENET_QOS_Deinit (ENET_QOS_Type *base)
 Deinitializes the ENET module. More...
uint32_t ENET_QOS_GetInstance (ENET_QOS_Type *base)
 Get the ENET instance from peripheral base address. More...
status_t ENET_QOS_DescriptorInit (ENET_QOS_Type *base, enet_qos_config_t *config, enet_qos_buffer_config_t *bufferConfig)
 Initialize for all ENET descriptors. More...
status_t ENET_QOS_RxBufferAllocAll (ENET_QOS_Type *base, enet_qos_handle_t *handle)
 Allocates Rx buffers for all BDs. More...
void ENET_QOS_RxBufferFreeAll (ENET_QOS_Type *base, enet_qos_handle_t *handle)
 Frees Rx buffers in all BDs. More...
void ENET_QOS_StartRxTx (ENET_QOS_Type *base, uint8_t txRingNum, uint8_t rxRingNum)
 Starts the ENET rx/tx. More...

MII interface operation

static void ENET_QOS_SetMII (ENET_QOS_Type *base, enet_qos_mii_speed_t speed, enet_qos_mii_duplex_t duplex)
 Sets the ENET MII speed and duplex. More...
void ENET_QOS_SetSMI (ENET_QOS_Type *base, uint32_t csrClock_Hz)
 Sets the ENET SMI(serial management interface)- MII management interface. More...
static bool ENET_QOS_IsSMIBusy (ENET_QOS_Type *base)
 Checks if the SMI is busy. More...
static uint16_t ENET_QOS_ReadSMIData (ENET_QOS_Type *base)
 Reads data from the PHY register through SMI interface. More...
void ENET_QOS_StartSMIWrite (ENET_QOS_Type *base, uint8_t phyAddr, uint8_t regAddr, uint16_t data)
 Sends the MDIO IEEE802.3 Clause 22 format write command. More...
void ENET_QOS_StartSMIRead (ENET_QOS_Type *base, uint8_t phyAddr, uint8_t regAddr)
 Sends the MDIO IEEE802.3 Clause 22 format read command. More...
void ENET_QOS_StartExtC45SMIWrite (ENET_QOS_Type *base, uint8_t portAddr, uint8_t devAddr, uint16_t regAddr, uint16_t data)
 Sends the MDIO IEEE802.3 Clause 45 format write command. More...
void ENET_QOS_StartExtC45SMIRead (ENET_QOS_Type *base, uint8_t portAddr, uint8_t devAddr, uint16_t regAddr)
 Sends the MDIO IEEE802.3 Clause 45 format read command. More...
status_t ENET_QOS_MDIOWrite (ENET_QOS_Type *base, uint8_t phyAddr, uint8_t regAddr, uint16_t data)
 MDIO write with IEEE802.3 MDIO Clause 22 format. More...
status_t ENET_QOS_MDIORead (ENET_QOS_Type *base, uint8_t phyAddr, uint8_t regAddr, uint16_t *pData)
 MDIO read with IEEE802.3 MDIO Clause 22 format. More...
status_t ENET_QOS_MDIOC45Write (ENET_QOS_Type *base, uint8_t portAddr, uint8_t devAddr, uint16_t regAddr, uint16_t data)
 MDIO write with IEEE802.3 Clause 45 format. More...
status_t ENET_QOS_MDIOC45Read (ENET_QOS_Type *base, uint8_t portAddr, uint8_t devAddr, uint16_t regAddr, uint16_t *pData)
 MDIO read with IEEE802.3 Clause 45 format. More...

Other basic operation

static void ENET_QOS_SetMacAddr (ENET_QOS_Type *base, uint8_t *macAddr, uint8_t index)
 Sets the ENET module Mac address. More...
void ENET_QOS_GetMacAddr (ENET_QOS_Type *base, uint8_t *macAddr, uint8_t index)
 Gets the ENET module Mac address. More...
void ENET_QOS_AddMulticastGroup (ENET_QOS_Type *base, uint8_t *address)
 Adds the ENET_QOS device to a multicast group. More...
void ENET_QOS_LeaveMulticastGroup (ENET_QOS_Type *base, uint8_t *address)
 Moves the ENET_QOS device from a multicast group. More...
static void ENET_QOS_AcceptAllMulticast (ENET_QOS_Type *base)
 Enable ENET device to accept all multicast frames. More...
static void ENET_QOS_RejectAllMulticast (ENET_QOS_Type *base)
 ENET device reject to accept all multicast frames. More...
void ENET_QOS_EnterPowerDown (ENET_QOS_Type *base, uint32_t *wakeFilter)
 Set the MAC to enter into power down mode. More...
static void ENET_QOS_ExitPowerDown (ENET_QOS_Type *base)
 Set the MAC to exit power down mode. More...
status_t ENET_QOS_EnableRxParser (ENET_QOS_Type *base, bool enable)
 Enable/Disable Rx parser,please notice that for enable/disable Rx Parser, should better disable Receive first. More...


void ENET_QOS_EnableInterrupts (ENET_QOS_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
 Enables the ENET DMA and MAC interrupts. More...
void ENET_QOS_DisableInterrupts (ENET_QOS_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
 Disables the ENET DMA and MAC interrupts. More...
static uint32_t ENET_QOS_GetDmaInterruptStatus (ENET_QOS_Type *base, uint8_t channel)
 Gets the ENET DMA interrupt status flag. More...
static void ENET_QOS_ClearDmaInterruptStatus (ENET_QOS_Type *base, uint8_t channel, uint32_t mask)
 Clear the ENET DMA interrupt status flag. More...
static uint32_t ENET_QOS_GetMacInterruptStatus (ENET_QOS_Type *base)
 Gets the ENET MAC interrupt status flag. More...
void ENET_QOS_ClearMacInterruptStatus (ENET_QOS_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
 Clears the ENET mac interrupt events status flag. More...

Functional operation.

static bool ENET_QOS_IsTxDescriptorDmaOwn (enet_qos_tx_bd_struct_t *txDesc)
 Get the tx descriptor DMA Own flag. More...
void ENET_QOS_SetupTxDescriptor (enet_qos_tx_bd_struct_t *txDesc, void *buffer1, uint32_t bytes1, void *buffer2, uint32_t bytes2, uint32_t framelen, bool intEnable, bool tsEnable, enet_qos_desc_flag flag, uint8_t slotNum)
 Setup a given tx descriptor. More...
static void ENET_QOS_UpdateTxDescriptorTail (ENET_QOS_Type *base, uint8_t channel, uint32_t txDescTailAddrAlign)
 Update the tx descriptor tail pointer. More...
static void ENET_QOS_UpdateRxDescriptorTail (ENET_QOS_Type *base, uint8_t channel, uint32_t rxDescTailAddrAlign)
 Update the rx descriptor tail pointer. More...
static uint32_t ENET_QOS_GetRxDescriptor (enet_qos_rx_bd_struct_t *rxDesc)
 Gets the context in the ENET rx descriptor. More...
void ENET_QOS_UpdateRxDescriptor (enet_qos_rx_bd_struct_t *rxDesc, void *buffer1, void *buffer2, bool intEnable, bool doubleBuffEnable)
 Updates the buffers and the own status for a given rx descriptor. More...
status_t ENET_QOS_ConfigureRxParser (ENET_QOS_Type *base, enet_qos_rxp_config_t *rxpConfig, uint16_t entryCount)
 Configure flexible rx parser. More...
status_t ENET_QOS_ReadRxParser (ENET_QOS_Type *base, enet_qos_rxp_config_t *rxpConfig, uint16_t entryIndex)
 Read flexible rx parser configuration at specified index. More...
status_t ENET_QOS_EstProgramGcl (ENET_QOS_Type *base, enet_qos_est_gcl_t *gcl, uint32_t ptpClk_Hz)
 Program Gate Control List. More...
status_t ENET_QOS_EstReadGcl (ENET_QOS_Type *base, enet_qos_est_gcl_t *gcl, uint32_t listLen, bool hwList)
 Read Gate Control List. More...
static void ENET_QOS_FpeEnable (ENET_QOS_Type *base)
 Enable Frame Preemption. More...
static void ENET_QOS_FpeDisable (ENET_QOS_Type *base)
 Disable Frame Preemption. More...
static void ENET_QOS_FpeConfigPreemptable (ENET_QOS_Type *base, uint8_t queueMask)
 Configure preemptable transmit queues. More...
void ENET_QOS_AVBConfigure (ENET_QOS_Type *base, const enet_qos_cbs_config_t *config, uint8_t queueIndex)
 Sets the ENET AVB feature. More...
void ENET_QOS_GetStatistics (ENET_QOS_Type *base, enet_qos_transfer_stats_t *statistics)
 Gets statistical data in transfer. More...

Transactional operation

void ENET_QOS_CreateHandler (ENET_QOS_Type *base, enet_qos_handle_t *handle, enet_qos_config_t *config, enet_qos_buffer_config_t *bufferConfig, enet_qos_callback_t callback, void *userData)
 Create ENET Handler. More...
status_t ENET_QOS_GetRxFrameSize (ENET_QOS_Type *base, enet_qos_handle_t *handle, uint32_t *length, uint8_t channel)
 Gets the size of the read frame. More...
status_t ENET_QOS_ReadFrame (ENET_QOS_Type *base, enet_qos_handle_t *handle, uint8_t *data, uint32_t length, uint8_t channel, enet_qos_ptp_time_t *ts)
 Reads a frame from the ENET device. More...
status_t ENET_QOS_SendFrame (ENET_QOS_Type *base, enet_qos_handle_t *handle, uint8_t *data, uint32_t length, uint8_t channel, bool isNeedTs, void *context, enet_qos_tx_offload_t txOffloadOps)
 Transmits an ENET frame. More...
void ENET_QOS_ReclaimTxDescriptor (ENET_QOS_Type *base, enet_qos_handle_t *handle, uint8_t channel)
 Reclaim tx descriptors. More...
void ENET_QOS_CommonIRQHandler (ENET_QOS_Type *base, enet_qos_handle_t *handle)
 The ENET IRQ handler. More...
void ENET_QOS_SetISRHandler (ENET_QOS_Type *base, enet_qos_isr_t ISRHandler)
 Set the second level IRQ handler, allow user to overwrite the default second level weak IRQ handler. More...

ENET Enhanced function operation

status_t ENET_QOS_Ptp1588CorrectTimerInCoarse (ENET_QOS_Type *base, enet_qos_systime_op operation, uint32_t second, uint32_t nanosecond)
 Correct the ENET PTP 1588 timer in coarse method. More...
status_t ENET_QOS_Ptp1588CorrectTimerInFine (ENET_QOS_Type *base, uint32_t addend)
 Correct the ENET PTP 1588 timer in fine method. More...
static uint32_t ENET_QOS_Ptp1588GetAddend (ENET_QOS_Type *base)
 Get the ENET Time stamp current addend value. More...
void ENET_QOS_Ptp1588GetTimerNoIRQDisable (ENET_QOS_Type *base, uint64_t *second, uint32_t *nanosecond)
 Gets the current ENET time from the PTP 1588 timer without IRQ disable. More...
static status_t ENET_Ptp1588PpsControl (ENET_QOS_Type *base, enet_qos_ptp_pps_instance_t instance, enet_qos_ptp_pps_trgt_mode_t trgtMode, enet_qos_ptp_pps_cmd_t cmd)
 Sets the ENET PTP 1588 PPS control. More...
status_t ENET_QOS_Ptp1588PpsSetTrgtTime (ENET_QOS_Type *base, enet_qos_ptp_pps_instance_t instance, uint32_t seconds, uint32_t nanoseconds)
 Sets the ENET OQS PTP 1588 PPS target time registers. More...
static void ENET_QOS_Ptp1588PpsSetWidth (ENET_QOS_Type *base, enet_qos_ptp_pps_instance_t instance, uint32_t width)
 Sets the ENET OQS PTP 1588 PPS output signal interval. More...
static void ENET_QOS_Ptp1588PpsSetInterval (ENET_QOS_Type *base, enet_qos_ptp_pps_instance_t instance, uint32_t interval)
 Sets the ENET OQS PTP 1588 PPS output signal width. More...
void ENET_QOS_Ptp1588GetTimer (ENET_QOS_Type *base, uint64_t *second, uint32_t *nanosecond)
 Gets the current ENET time from the PTP 1588 timer. More...
void ENET_QOS_GetTxFrame (enet_qos_handle_t *handle, enet_qos_frame_info_t *txFrame, uint8_t channel)
 Gets the time stamp of the transmit frame. More...
status_t ENET_QOS_GetRxFrame (ENET_QOS_Type *base, enet_qos_handle_t *handle, enet_qos_rx_frame_struct_t *rxFrame, uint8_t channel)
 Receives one frame in specified BD ring with zero copy. More...

Data Structure Documentation

struct enet_qos_rx_bd_struct_t

They both has the same size with different region definition. so we define the read-format region as the receive descriptor structure Use the read-format region mask bits in the descriptor initialization Use the write-back format region mask bits in the receive data process.

Data Fields

__IO uint32_t buff1Addr
 Buffer 1 address.
__IO uint32_t reserved
__IO uint32_t buff2Addr
 Buffer 2 or next descriptor address.
__IO uint32_t control
 Buffer 1/2 byte counts and control.
struct enet_qos_tx_bd_struct_t

They both has the same size with different region definition. so we define the read-format region as the transmit descriptor structure Use the read-format region mask bits in the descriptor initialization Use the write-back format region mask bits in the transmit data process.

Data Fields

__IO uint32_t buff1Addr
 Buffer 1 address.
__IO uint32_t buff2Addr
 Buffer 2 address.
__IO uint32_t buffLen
 Buffer 1/2 byte counts.
__IO uint32_t controlStat
 TDES control and status word.
struct enet_qos_tx_bd_config_struct_t

Data Fields

void * buffer1
 The first buffer address in the descriptor. More...
uint32_t bytes1
 The bytes in the fist buffer. More...
void * buffer2
 The second buffer address in the descriptor. More...
uint32_t bytes2
 The bytes in the second buffer. More...
uint32_t framelen
 The length of the frame to be transmitted. More...
bool intEnable
 Interrupt enable flag. More...
bool tsEnable
 The timestamp enable. More...
enet_qos_tx_offload_t txOffloadOps
 The Tx checksum offload option. More...
enet_qos_desc_flag flag
 The flag of this tx desciriptor, see "enet_qos_desc_flag". More...

Field Documentation

void* enet_qos_tx_bd_config_struct_t::buffer1
uint32_t enet_qos_tx_bd_config_struct_t::bytes1
void* enet_qos_tx_bd_config_struct_t::buffer2
uint32_t enet_qos_tx_bd_config_struct_t::bytes2
uint32_t enet_qos_tx_bd_config_struct_t::framelen
bool enet_qos_tx_bd_config_struct_t::intEnable
bool enet_qos_tx_bd_config_struct_t::tsEnable
enet_qos_tx_offload_t enet_qos_tx_bd_config_struct_t::txOffloadOps
enet_qos_desc_flag enet_qos_tx_bd_config_struct_t::flag
struct enet_qos_ptp_time_t

Data Fields

uint64_t second
 Second. More...
uint32_t nanosecond
 Nanosecond. More...

Field Documentation

uint64_t enet_qos_ptp_time_t::second
uint32_t enet_qos_ptp_time_t::nanosecond
struct enet_qos_frame_info_t

Data Fields

void * context
 User specified data, could be buffer address for free.
bool isTsAvail
 Flag indicates timestamp available status.
enet_qos_ptp_time_t timeStamp
 Timestamp of frame.
struct enet_qos_tx_dirty_ring_t

Data Fields

 Dirty buffer descriptor base address pointer. More...
uint16_t txGenIdx
 tx generate index. More...
uint16_t txConsumIdx
 tx consume index. More...
uint16_t txRingLen
 tx ring length. More...
bool isFull
 tx ring is full flag, add this parameter to avoid waste one element. More...

Field Documentation

enet_qos_frame_info_t* enet_qos_tx_dirty_ring_t::txDirtyBase
uint16_t enet_qos_tx_dirty_ring_t::txGenIdx
uint16_t enet_qos_tx_dirty_ring_t::txConsumIdx
uint16_t enet_qos_tx_dirty_ring_t::txRingLen
bool enet_qos_tx_dirty_ring_t::isFull
struct enet_qos_ptp_config_t

Data Fields

bool fineUpdateEnable
 Use the fine update. More...
uint32_t defaultAddend
 Default addend value when fine update is enable, could be 2^32 / (refClk_Hz / ENET_QOS_MICRSECS_ONESECOND / ENET_QOS_SYSTIME_REQUIRED_CLK_MHZ). More...
bool ptp1588V2Enable
 The desired system time frequency. More...
enet_qos_ts_rollover_type tsRollover
 1588 time nanosecond rollover. More...

Field Documentation

bool enet_qos_ptp_config_t::fineUpdateEnable
uint32_t enet_qos_ptp_config_t::defaultAddend
bool enet_qos_ptp_config_t::ptp1588V2Enable

Must be lower than reference clock. (Only used with fine correction method). ptp 1588 version 2 is used.

enet_qos_ts_rollover_type enet_qos_ptp_config_t::tsRollover
struct enet_qos_est_gate_op_t
struct enet_qos_est_gcl_t

Data Fields

bool enable
 Enable or disable EST.
uint64_t cycleTime
 Base Time 32 bits seconds 32 bits nanoseconds.
uint32_t extTime
 Cycle Time 32 bits seconds 32 bits nanoseconds.
uint32_t numEntries
 Time Extension 32 bits seconds 32 bits nanoseconds.
 Number of entries.
struct enet_qos_rxp_config_t

Data Fields

uint32_t matchEnable
 4-byte match data used for comparing with incoming packet
uint8_t acceptFrame: 1
 When matchEnable is set to 1, the matchData is used for comparing.
uint8_t rejectFrame: 1
 When acceptFrame = 1 and data is matched, the frame will be sent to DMA channel.
uint8_t inverseMatch: 1
 When rejectFrame = 1 and data is matched, the frame will be dropped.
uint8_t nextControl: 1
 Inverse match.
uint8_t reserved: 4
 Next instruction indexing control.
uint8_t frameOffset
 Reserved control fields.
uint8_t okIndex
 Frame offset in the packet data to be compared for match, in terms of 4 bytes. More...
uint8_t dmaChannel
 Memory Index to be used next. More...
uint32_t reserved2
 The DMA channel enet_qos_rxp_dma_chn_t used for receiving the frame when frame match and acceptFrame = 1.

Field Documentation

uint8_t enet_qos_rxp_config_t::okIndex
uint8_t enet_qos_rxp_config_t::dmaChannel
struct enet_qos_buffer_config_t
  1. The receive and transmit descriptor start address pointer and tail pointer must be word-aligned.
  2. The recommended minimum tx/rx ring length is 4.
  3. The tx/rx descriptor tail address shall be the address pointer to the address just after the end of the last last descriptor. because only the descriptors between the start address and the tail address will be used by DMA.
  4. The descriptor address is the start address of all used contiguous memory. for example, the rxDescStartAddrAlign is the start address of rxRingLen contiguous descriptor memories for rx descriptor ring 0.
  5. The "*rxBufferstartAddr" is the first element of rxRingLen (2*rxRingLen for double buffers) rx buffers. It means the *rxBufferStartAddr is the rx buffer for the first descriptor the *rxBufferStartAddr + 1 is the rx buffer for the second descriptor or the rx buffer for the second buffer in the first descriptor. so please make sure the rxBufferStartAddr is the address of a rxRingLen or 2*rxRingLen array.

Data Fields

uint8_t rxRingLen
 The length of receive buffer descriptor ring. More...
uint8_t txRingLen
 The length of transmit buffer descriptor ring. More...
 Aligned transmit descriptor start address. More...
 Aligned transmit descriptor tail address. More...
 Start address of the dirty tx frame information. More...
 Aligned receive descriptor start address. More...
 Aligned receive descriptor tail address. More...
uint32_t * rxBufferStartAddr
 Start address of the rx buffers. More...
uint32_t rxBuffSizeAlign
 Aligned receive data buffer size. More...
bool rxBuffNeedMaintain
 Whether receive data buffer need cache maintain. More...

Field Documentation

uint8_t enet_qos_buffer_config_t::rxRingLen
uint8_t enet_qos_buffer_config_t::txRingLen
enet_qos_tx_bd_struct_t* enet_qos_buffer_config_t::txDescStartAddrAlign
enet_qos_tx_bd_struct_t* enet_qos_buffer_config_t::txDescTailAddrAlign
enet_qos_frame_info_t* enet_qos_buffer_config_t::txDirtyStartAddr
enet_qos_rx_bd_struct_t* enet_qos_buffer_config_t::rxDescStartAddrAlign
enet_qos_rx_bd_struct_t* enet_qos_buffer_config_t::rxDescTailAddrAlign
uint32_t* enet_qos_buffer_config_t::rxBufferStartAddr
uint32_t enet_qos_buffer_config_t::rxBuffSizeAlign
bool enet_qos_buffer_config_t::rxBuffNeedMaintain
struct enet_qos_cbs_config_t

Data Fields

uint16_t sendSlope
 Send slope configuration. More...
uint16_t idleSlope
 Idle slope configuration. More...
uint32_t highCredit
 High credit. More...
uint32_t lowCredit
 Low credit. More...

Field Documentation

uint16_t enet_qos_cbs_config_t::sendSlope
uint16_t enet_qos_cbs_config_t::idleSlope
uint32_t enet_qos_cbs_config_t::highCredit
uint32_t enet_qos_cbs_config_t::lowCredit
struct enet_qos_queue_tx_config_t

Data Fields

enet_qos_queue_mode_t mode
 tx queue mode configuration. More...
uint32_t weight
 Refer to the MTL TxQ Quantum Weight register. More...
uint32_t priority
 Refer to Transmit Queue Priority Mapping register. More...
 CBS configuration if queue use AVB mode. More...

Field Documentation

enet_qos_queue_mode_t enet_qos_queue_tx_config_t::mode
uint32_t enet_qos_queue_tx_config_t::weight
uint32_t enet_qos_queue_tx_config_t::priority
enet_qos_cbs_config_t* enet_qos_queue_tx_config_t::cbsConfig
struct enet_qos_queue_rx_config_t

Data Fields

enet_qos_queue_mode_t mode
 rx queue mode configuration. More...
uint8_t mapChannel
 tx queue map dma channel. More...
uint32_t priority
 Rx queue priority. More...
enet_qos_rx_queue_route_t packetRoute
 Receive packet routing. More...

Field Documentation

enet_qos_queue_mode_t enet_qos_queue_rx_config_t::mode
uint8_t enet_qos_queue_rx_config_t::mapChannel
uint32_t enet_qos_queue_rx_config_t::priority
enet_qos_rx_queue_route_t enet_qos_queue_rx_config_t::packetRoute
struct enet_qos_multiqueue_config_t

Data Fields

enet_qos_dma_burstlen burstLen
 Burst len for the multi-queue. More...
uint8_t txQueueUse
 Used Tx queue count. More...
enet_qos_mtl_multiqueue_txsche mtltxSche
 Transmit schedule for multi-queue. More...
enet_qos_queue_tx_config_t txQueueConfig [ENET_QOS_RING_NUM_MAX]
 Tx Queue configuration. More...
uint8_t rxQueueUse
 Used Rx queue count. More...
enet_qos_mtl_multiqueue_rxsche mtlrxSche
 Receive schedule for multi-queue. More...
enet_qos_queue_rx_config_t rxQueueConfig [ENET_QOS_RING_NUM_MAX]
 Rx Queue configuration. More...

Field Documentation

enet_qos_dma_burstlen enet_qos_multiqueue_config_t::burstLen
uint8_t enet_qos_multiqueue_config_t::txQueueUse
enet_qos_mtl_multiqueue_txsche enet_qos_multiqueue_config_t::mtltxSche
enet_qos_queue_tx_config_t enet_qos_multiqueue_config_t::txQueueConfig[ENET_QOS_RING_NUM_MAX]
uint8_t enet_qos_multiqueue_config_t::rxQueueUse
enet_qos_mtl_multiqueue_rxsche enet_qos_multiqueue_config_t::mtlrxSche
enet_qos_queue_rx_config_t enet_qos_multiqueue_config_t::rxQueueConfig[ENET_QOS_RING_NUM_MAX]
struct enet_qos_config_t
Default the signal queue is used so the "*multiqueueCfg" is set default with NULL. Set the pointer with a valid configuration pointer if the multiple queues are required. If multiple queue is enabled, please make sure the buffer configuration for all are prepared also.

Data Fields

uint16_t specialControl
 The logic or of enet_qos_special_config_t.
 Use multi-queue. More...
enet_qos_mii_mode_t miiMode
 MII mode. More...
enet_qos_mii_speed_t miiSpeed
 MII Speed. More...
enet_qos_mii_duplex_t miiDuplex
 MII duplex. More...
uint16_t pauseDuration
 Used in the tx flow control frame, only valid when kENET_QOS_FlowControlEnable is set. More...
 PTP 1588 feature configuration.
uint32_t csrClock_Hz
 CSR clock frequency in HZ. More...
enet_qos_rx_alloc_callback_t rxBuffAlloc
 Callback to alloc memory, must be provided for zero-copy Rx. More...
enet_qos_rx_free_callback_t rxBuffFree
 Callback to free memory, must be provided for zero-copy Rx. More...

Field Documentation

enet_qos_multiqueue_config_t* enet_qos_config_t::multiqueueCfg
enet_qos_mii_mode_t enet_qos_config_t::miiMode
enet_qos_mii_speed_t enet_qos_config_t::miiSpeed
enet_qos_mii_duplex_t enet_qos_config_t::miiDuplex
uint16_t enet_qos_config_t::pauseDuration
uint32_t enet_qos_config_t::csrClock_Hz
enet_qos_rx_alloc_callback_t enet_qos_config_t::rxBuffAlloc
enet_qos_rx_free_callback_t enet_qos_config_t::rxBuffFree
struct enet_qos_tx_bd_ring_t

Data Fields

 Buffer descriptor base address pointer. More...
uint16_t txGenIdx
 tx generate index. More...
uint16_t txConsumIdx
 tx consume index. More...
volatile uint16_t txDescUsed
 tx descriptor used number. More...
uint16_t txRingLen
 tx ring length. More...

Field Documentation

enet_qos_tx_bd_struct_t* enet_qos_tx_bd_ring_t::txBdBase
uint16_t enet_qos_tx_bd_ring_t::txGenIdx
uint16_t enet_qos_tx_bd_ring_t::txConsumIdx
volatile uint16_t enet_qos_tx_bd_ring_t::txDescUsed
uint16_t enet_qos_tx_bd_ring_t::txRingLen
struct enet_qos_rx_bd_ring_t

Data Fields

 Buffer descriptor base address pointer. More...
uint16_t rxGenIdx
 The current available receive buffer descriptor pointer. More...
uint16_t rxRingLen
 Receive ring length. More...
uint32_t rxBuffSizeAlign
 Receive buffer size. More...

Field Documentation

enet_qos_rx_bd_struct_t* enet_qos_rx_bd_ring_t::rxBdBase
uint16_t enet_qos_rx_bd_ring_t::rxGenIdx
uint16_t enet_qos_rx_bd_ring_t::rxRingLen
uint32_t enet_qos_rx_bd_ring_t::rxBuffSizeAlign
struct _enet_qos_handle

Data Fields

uint8_t txQueueUse
 Used tx queue count. More...
uint8_t rxQueueUse
 Used rx queue count. More...
bool doubleBuffEnable
 The double buffer is used in the descriptor. More...
bool rxintEnable
 Rx interrupt enabled. More...
bool rxMaintainEnable [ENET_QOS_RING_NUM_MAX]
 Rx buffer cache maintain enabled. More...
enet_qos_rx_bd_ring_t rxBdRing [ENET_QOS_RING_NUM_MAX]
 Receive buffer descriptor. More...
enet_qos_tx_bd_ring_t txBdRing [ENET_QOS_RING_NUM_MAX]
 Transmit buffer descriptor. More...
enet_qos_tx_dirty_ring_t txDirtyRing [ENET_QOS_RING_NUM_MAX]
 Transmit dirty buffers addresses. More...
uint32_t * rxBufferStartAddr [ENET_QOS_RING_NUM_MAX]
 Rx buffer start address for reInitialize. More...
enet_qos_callback_t callback
 Callback function. More...
void * userData
 Callback function parameter. More...
uint8_t multicastCount [64]
 Multicast collisions counter.
enet_qos_rx_alloc_callback_t rxBuffAlloc
 Callback to alloc memory, must be provided for zero-copy Rx. More...
enet_qos_rx_free_callback_t rxBuffFree
 Callback to free memory, must be provided for zero-copy Rx. More...

Field Documentation

uint8_t enet_qos_handle_t::txQueueUse
uint8_t enet_qos_handle_t::rxQueueUse
bool enet_qos_handle_t::doubleBuffEnable
bool enet_qos_handle_t::rxintEnable
bool enet_qos_handle_t::rxMaintainEnable[ENET_QOS_RING_NUM_MAX]
enet_qos_rx_bd_ring_t enet_qos_handle_t::rxBdRing[ENET_QOS_RING_NUM_MAX]
enet_qos_tx_bd_ring_t enet_qos_handle_t::txBdRing[ENET_QOS_RING_NUM_MAX]
enet_qos_tx_dirty_ring_t enet_qos_handle_t::txDirtyRing[ENET_QOS_RING_NUM_MAX]
uint32_t* enet_qos_handle_t::rxBufferStartAddr[ENET_QOS_RING_NUM_MAX]
enet_qos_callback_t enet_qos_handle_t::callback
void* enet_qos_handle_t::userData
enet_qos_rx_alloc_callback_t enet_qos_handle_t::rxBuffAlloc
enet_qos_rx_free_callback_t enet_qos_handle_t::rxBuffFree
struct enet_qos_buffer_struct_t

Data Fields

void * buffer
 The buffer store the whole or partial frame. More...
uint16_t length
 The byte length of this buffer. More...

Field Documentation

void* enet_qos_buffer_struct_t::buffer
uint16_t enet_qos_buffer_struct_t::length
struct enet_qos_rx_frame_error_t

Data Fields

bool rxDstAddrFilterErr: 1
 Destination Address Filter Fail. More...
bool rxSrcAddrFilterErr: 1
 SA Address Filter Fail. More...
bool rxDribbleErr: 1
 Dribble error. More...
bool rxReceiveErr: 1
 Receive error. More...
bool rxOverFlowErr: 1
 Receive over flow. More...
bool rxWatchDogErr: 1
 Watch dog timeout. More...
bool rxGaintPacketErr: 1
 Receive gaint packet. More...
bool rxCrcErr: 1
 Receive CRC error. More...

Field Documentation

bool enet_qos_rx_frame_error_t::rxDstAddrFilterErr
bool enet_qos_rx_frame_error_t::rxSrcAddrFilterErr
bool enet_qos_rx_frame_error_t::rxDribbleErr
bool enet_qos_rx_frame_error_t::rxReceiveErr
bool enet_qos_rx_frame_error_t::rxOverFlowErr
bool enet_qos_rx_frame_error_t::rxWatchDogErr
bool enet_qos_rx_frame_error_t::rxGaintPacketErr
bool enet_qos_rx_frame_error_t::rxCrcErr
struct enet_qos_rx_frame_struct_t

Data Fields

 Rx frame buffer structure. More...
uint16_t totLen
 Rx frame total length. More...
enet_qos_rx_frame_attribute_t rxAttribute
 Rx frame attribute structure. More...
enet_qos_rx_frame_error_t rxFrameError
 Rx frame error. More...

Field Documentation

enet_qos_buffer_struct_t* enet_qos_rx_frame_struct_t::rxBuffArray
uint16_t enet_qos_rx_frame_struct_t::totLen
enet_qos_rx_frame_attribute_t enet_qos_rx_frame_struct_t::rxAttribute
enet_qos_rx_frame_error_t enet_qos_rx_frame_struct_t::rxFrameError
struct enet_qos_transfer_stats_t

Data Fields

uint32_t statsRxFrameCount
 Rx frame number. More...
uint32_t statsRxCrcErr
 Rx frame number with CRC error. More...
uint32_t statsRxAlignErr
 Rx frame number with alignment error. More...
uint32_t statsRxLengthErr
 Rx frame length field doesn't equal to packet size. More...
uint32_t statsRxFifoOverflowErr
 Rx FIFO overflow count. More...
uint32_t statsTxFrameCount
 Tx frame number. More...
uint32_t statsTxFifoUnderRunErr
 Tx FIFO underrun count. More...

Field Documentation

uint32_t enet_qos_transfer_stats_t::statsRxFrameCount
uint32_t enet_qos_transfer_stats_t::statsRxCrcErr
uint32_t enet_qos_transfer_stats_t::statsRxAlignErr
uint32_t enet_qos_transfer_stats_t::statsRxLengthErr
uint32_t enet_qos_transfer_stats_t::statsRxFifoOverflowErr
uint32_t enet_qos_transfer_stats_t::statsTxFrameCount
uint32_t enet_qos_transfer_stats_t::statsTxFifoUnderRunErr

Macro Definition Documentation


Buffer1 address valid.

#define ENET_QOS_RXDESCRIP_WR_ERR_MASK   ((1UL << 3U) | (1UL << 7U))
#define ENET_QOS_RING_NUM_MAX   (5U)
#define ENET_QOS_FCS_LEN   (4U)

Typedef Documentation

typedef void*(* enet_qos_rx_alloc_callback_t)(ENET_QOS_Type *base, void *userData, uint8_t channel)
typedef void(* enet_qos_rx_free_callback_t)(ENET_QOS_Type *base, void *buffer, void *userData, uint8_t channel)
typedef void(* enet_qos_callback_t)(ENET_QOS_Type *base, enet_qos_handle_t *handle, enet_qos_event_t event, uint8_t channel, void *userData)

Enumeration Type Documentation

anonymous enum

Init fails since buffer memory is not enough.


A frame received but data error happen.


Failed to receive a frame.


No frame arrive.


Rx frame is dropped since no buffer memory.


Transmit descriptors are under process.


Transmit frame fail.


Transmit oversize.


SW Gcl List not yet processed by HW.


SW Gcl List write aborted .


Invalid parameter in Gcl List .


Base Time Error when loading list.


Target time register busy.


Target time register busy.


Pps command busy.


MII mode for data interface.


RGMII mode for data interface.


RMII mode for data interface.


Speed 10 Mbps.


Speed 100 Mbps.


Speed 1000 Mbps.


Speed 2500 Mbps.


Half duplex mode.


Full duplex mode.


Write frame operation for a valid MII management frame.


Read frame operation for a valid MII management frame.


DMA burst length 1.


DMA burst length 2.


DMA burst length 4.


DMA burst length 8.


DMA burst length 16.


DMA burst length 32.


DMA burst length 64.

eight times enabled.


DMA burst length 128.

eight times enabled.


DMA burst length 256.

eight times enabled.


It's a middle descriptor of the frame.


It's the last descriptor of the frame.


It's the first descriptor of the frame.


It's the first and last descriptor of the frame.


System time add to.


System time subtract.


System time binary rollover.


System time digital rollover.

These control flags are provided for special user requirements. Normally, these is no need to set this control flags for ENET initialization. But if you have some special requirements, set the flags to specialControl in the enet_qos_config_t.

"kENET_QOS_StoreAndForward" is recommended to be set.

The double buffer is used in the tx/rx descriptor.


The rx/tx store and forward enable.


The promiscuous enabled.


The flow control enabled.


The broadcast disabled.


All multicast are passed.


8023as support for 2K packets.


The multicast packets are filtered through hash table.


The Rx checksum offload enabled.

This enumeration uses one-bot encoding to allow a logical OR of multiple members.


Tx interrupt.


Tx stop interrupt.


Tx buffer unavailable.


Rx interrupt.


Rx buffer unavailable.


Rx stop.


Rx watchdog timeout.


Early transmit.


Early receive.


Fatal bus error.

This enumeration uses one-bot encoding to allow a logical OR of multiple members.


Receive interrupt event.


Transmit interrupt event.


Wake up interrupt event.


Time stamp interrupt event.


Enable queue in AVB mode.


Enable queue in DCB mode.


Tx weight round-robin.


Tx weight fair queuing.


Tx deficit weighted round-robin.


Tx strict priority.


Rx strict priority, Queue 0 has the lowest priority.


Weighted Strict Priority.


The received fame in rx Qn(n = 0,1) directly map to dma channel n.


The received frame in rx Qn(n = 0,1) map to the dma channel m(m = 0,1) related with the same Mac.


PTP event message type.


PTP message sequence id length.


PTP event port number.


PTP general port number.


PPS instance 0.


PPS instance 1.


PPS instance 2.


PPS instance 3.


Only interrupts.


Both interrupt and output signal.


Only output signal.


No Command.


Start Single Pulse.


Start Pulse Train.


Cancel Start.


Stop Pulse Train At Time.


Stop Pulse Train Immediately.


Cancel Stop Pulse Train.


List length of 64.


List length of 128.


List length of 256.


List length of 512.


List length of 1024.


BTR Low.


BTR High.


CTR Low.


CTR High.






DMA Channel 0 used for RXP entry match.


DMA Channel 1 used for RXP entry match.


DMA Channel 2 used for RXP entry match.


DMA Channel 3 used for RXP entry match.


DMA Channel 4 used for RXP entry match.


Disable Tx checksum offload.


Enable IP header checksum calculation and insertion.


Enable IP header and payload checksum calculation and insertion.


Enable IP header, payload and pseudo header checksum calculation and insertion.

Function Documentation

void ENET_QOS_SetSYSControl ( enet_qos_mii_mode_t  miiMode)
User needs to provide the implementation because the implementation is SoC specific. This function set the phy selection and enable clock. It should be called before any other ethernet operation.
miiModeThe MII/RGMII/RMII mode for interface between the phy and Ethernet.
void ENET_QOS_EnableClock ( bool  enable)
User needs to provide the implementation because the implementation is SoC specific. This function should be called before config RMII mode.
void ENET_QOS_GetDefaultConfig ( enet_qos_config_t config)

The purpose of this API is to get the default ENET configure structure for ENET_QOS_Init(). User may use the initialized structure unchanged in ENET_QOS_Init(), or modify some fields of the structure before calling ENET_QOS_Init(). Example:

configThe ENET mac controller configuration structure pointer.
status_t ENET_QOS_Up ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
const enet_qos_config_t config,
uint8_t *  macAddr,
uint8_t  macCount,
uint32_t  refclkSrc_Hz 

This function initializes it with the ENET basic configuration.

baseENET peripheral base address.
configENET mac configuration structure pointer. The "enet_qos_config_t" type mac configuration return from ENET_QOS_GetDefaultConfig can be used directly. It is also possible to verify the Mac configuration using other methods.
macAddrPointer to ENET mac address array of Ethernet device. This MAC address should be provided.
macCountCount of macAddr in the ENET mac address array
refclkSrc_HzENET input reference clock.
status_t ENET_QOS_Init ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
const enet_qos_config_t config,
uint8_t *  macAddr,
uint8_t  macCount,
uint32_t  refclkSrc_Hz 

This function ungates the module clock and initializes it with the ENET basic configuration.

baseENET peripheral base address.
configENET mac configuration structure pointer. The "enet_qos_config_t" type mac configuration return from ENET_QOS_GetDefaultConfig can be used directly. It is also possible to verify the Mac configuration using other methods.
macAddrPointer to ENET mac address array of Ethernet device. This MAC address should be provided.
macCountCount of macAddr in the ENET mac address array
refclkSrc_HzENET input reference clock.
void ENET_QOS_Down ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base)

This function disables the ENET module.

baseENET peripheral base address.
void ENET_QOS_Deinit ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base)

This function gates the module clock and disables the ENET module.

baseENET peripheral base address.
uint32_t ENET_QOS_GetInstance ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base)
baseENET peripheral base address.
ENET instance.
status_t ENET_QOS_DescriptorInit ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
enet_qos_config_t config,
enet_qos_buffer_config_t bufferConfig 
This function is do all tx/rx descriptors initialization. Because this API read all interrupt registers first and then set the interrupt flag for all descriptors, if the interrupt register is set. so the descriptor initialization should be called after ENET_QOS_Init(), ENET_QOS_EnableInterrupts() and ENET_QOS_CreateHandle()(if transactional APIs are used).
baseENET peripheral base address.
configThe configuration for ENET.
bufferConfigAll buffers configuration.
status_t ENET_QOS_RxBufferAllocAll ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
enet_qos_handle_t *  handle 

It's used for zero copy Rx. In zero copy Rx case, Rx buffers are dynamic. This function will populate initial buffers in all BDs for receiving. Then ENET_QOS_GetRxFrame() is used to get Rx frame with zero copy, it will allocate new buffer to replace the buffer in BD taken by application application should free those buffers after they're used.

This function should be called after ENET_QOS_CreateHandler() and buffer allocating callback function should be ready.
baseENET_QOS peripheral base address.
handleThe ENET_QOS handler structure. This is the same handler pointer used in the ENET_QOS_Init.
void ENET_QOS_RxBufferFreeAll ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
enet_qos_handle_t *  handle 

It's used for zero copy Rx. In zero copy Rx case, Rx buffers are dynamic. This function will free left buffers in all BDs.

baseENET_QOS peripheral base address.
handleThe ENET_QOS handler structure. This is the same handler pointer used in the ENET_QOS_Init.
void ENET_QOS_StartRxTx ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
uint8_t  txRingNum,
uint8_t  rxRingNum 

This function enable the tx/rx and starts the rx/tx DMA. This shall be set after ENET initialization and before starting to receive the data.

baseENET peripheral base address.
rxRingNumThe number of the used rx rings. It shall not be larger than the ENET_QOS_RING_NUM_MAX(2). If the ringNum is set with 1, the ring 0 will be used.
txRingNumThe number of the used tx rings. It shall not be larger than the ENET_QOS_RING_NUM_MAX(2). If the ringNum is set with 1, the ring 0 will be used.
This must be called after all the ENET initialization. And should be called when the ENET receive/transmit is required.
static void ENET_QOS_SetMII ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
enet_qos_mii_speed_t  speed,
enet_qos_mii_duplex_t  duplex 

This API is provided to dynamically change the speed and duplex for MAC.

baseENET peripheral base address.
speedThe speed of the RMII mode.
duplexThe duplex of the RMII mode.
void ENET_QOS_SetSMI ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
uint32_t  csrClock_Hz 
baseENET peripheral base address.
csrClock_HzCSR clock frequency in HZ
static bool ENET_QOS_IsSMIBusy ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base)
baseENET peripheral base address.
The status of MII Busy status.
static uint16_t ENET_QOS_ReadSMIData ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base)
baseENET peripheral base address.
The data read from PHY
void ENET_QOS_StartSMIWrite ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
uint8_t  phyAddr,
uint8_t  regAddr,
uint16_t  data 

After send command, user needs to check whether the transmission is over with ENET_QOS_IsSMIBusy().

baseENET peripheral base address.
phyAddrThe PHY address.
regAddrThe PHY register address.
dataThe data written to PHY.
void ENET_QOS_StartSMIRead ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
uint8_t  phyAddr,
uint8_t  regAddr 

After send command, user needs to check whether the transmission is over with ENET_QOS_IsSMIBusy().

baseENET peripheral base address.
phyAddrThe PHY address.
regAddrThe PHY register address.
void ENET_QOS_StartExtC45SMIWrite ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
uint8_t  portAddr,
uint8_t  devAddr,
uint16_t  regAddr,
uint16_t  data 

After send command, user needs to check whether the transmission is over with ENET_QOS_IsSMIBusy().

baseENET peripheral base address.
portAddrThe MDIO port address(PHY address).
devAddrThe device address.
regAddrThe PHY register address.
dataThe data written to PHY.
void ENET_QOS_StartExtC45SMIRead ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
uint8_t  portAddr,
uint8_t  devAddr,
uint16_t  regAddr 

After send command, user needs to check whether the transmission is over with ENET_QOS_IsSMIBusy().

baseENET peripheral base address.
portAddrThe MDIO port address(PHY address).
devAddrThe device address.
regAddrThe PHY register address.
status_t ENET_QOS_MDIOWrite ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
uint8_t  phyAddr,
uint8_t  regAddr,
uint16_t  data 
baseENET peripheral base address.
phyAddrThe PHY address.
regAddrThe PHY register.
dataThe data written to PHY.
kStatus_Success MDIO access succeeds.
kStatus_Timeout MDIO access timeout.
status_t ENET_QOS_MDIORead ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
uint8_t  phyAddr,
uint8_t  regAddr,
uint16_t *  pData 
baseENET peripheral base address.
phyAddrThe PHY address.
regAddrThe PHY register.
pDataThe data read from PHY.
kStatus_Success MDIO access succeeds.
kStatus_Timeout MDIO access timeout.
status_t ENET_QOS_MDIOC45Write ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
uint8_t  portAddr,
uint8_t  devAddr,
uint16_t  regAddr,
uint16_t  data 
baseENET peripheral base address.
portAddrThe MDIO port address(PHY address).
devAddrThe device address.
regAddrThe PHY register address.
dataThe data written to PHY.
kStatus_Success MDIO access succeeds.
kStatus_Timeout MDIO access timeout.
status_t ENET_QOS_MDIOC45Read ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
uint8_t  portAddr,
uint8_t  devAddr,
uint16_t  regAddr,
uint16_t *  pData 
baseENET peripheral base address.
portAddrThe MDIO port address(PHY address).
devAddrThe device address.
regAddrThe PHY register address.
pDataThe data read from PHY.
kStatus_Success MDIO access succeeds.
kStatus_Timeout MDIO access timeout.
static void ENET_QOS_SetMacAddr ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
uint8_t *  macAddr,
uint8_t  index 
baseENET peripheral base address.
macAddrThe six-byte Mac address pointer. The pointer is allocated by application and input into the API.
indexConfigure macAddr to MAC_ADDRESS[index] register.
void ENET_QOS_GetMacAddr ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
uint8_t *  macAddr,
uint8_t  index 
baseENET peripheral base address.
macAddrThe six-byte Mac address pointer. The pointer is allocated by application and input into the API.
indexGet macAddr from MAC_ADDRESS[index] register.
void ENET_QOS_AddMulticastGroup ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
uint8_t *  address 
baseENET_QOS peripheral base address.
addressThe six-byte multicast group address which is provided by application.
void ENET_QOS_LeaveMulticastGroup ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
uint8_t *  address 
baseENET_QOS peripheral base address.
addressThe six-byte multicast group address which is provided by application.
static void ENET_QOS_AcceptAllMulticast ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base)
baseENET peripheral base address.
static void ENET_QOS_RejectAllMulticast ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base)
baseENET peripheral base address.
void ENET_QOS_EnterPowerDown ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
uint32_t *  wakeFilter 

the remote power wake up frame and magic frame can wake up the ENET from the power down mode.

baseENET peripheral base address.
wakeFilterThe wakeFilter provided to configure the wake up frame filter. Set the wakeFilter to NULL is not required. But if you have the filter requirement, please make sure the wakeFilter pointer shall be eight continuous 32-bits configuration.
static void ENET_QOS_ExitPowerDown ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base)

Exit from the power down mode and recover to normal work mode.

baseENET peripheral base address.
status_t ENET_QOS_EnableRxParser ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
bool  enable 
baseENET_QOS peripheral base address.
enableEnable/Disable Rx parser function
Return values
kStatus_SuccessConfigure rx parser success.
kStatus_ENET_QOS_TimeoutPoll status flag timeout.
void ENET_QOS_EnableInterrupts ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
uint32_t  mask 

This function enables the ENET interrupt according to the provided mask. The mask is a logical OR of enet_qos_dma_interrupt_enable_t and enet_qos_mac_interrupt_enable_t. For example, to enable the dma and mac interrupt, do the following.

baseENET peripheral base address.
maskENET interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of both enumeration :: enet_qos_dma_interrupt_enable_t and enet_qos_mac_interrupt_enable_t.
void ENET_QOS_DisableInterrupts ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
uint32_t  mask 

This function disables the ENET interrupt according to the provided mask. The mask is a logical OR of enet_qos_dma_interrupt_enable_t and enet_qos_mac_interrupt_enable_t. For example, to disable the dma and mac interrupt, do the following.

baseENET peripheral base address.
maskENET interrupts to disables. This is a logical OR of both enumeration :: enet_qos_dma_interrupt_enable_t and enet_qos_mac_interrupt_enable_t.
static uint32_t ENET_QOS_GetDmaInterruptStatus ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
uint8_t  channel 
baseENET peripheral base address.
channelThe DMA Channel. Shall not be larger than ENET_QOS_RING_NUM_MAX.
The event status of the interrupt source. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration :: enet_qos_dma_interrupt_enable_t.
static void ENET_QOS_ClearDmaInterruptStatus ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
uint8_t  channel,
uint32_t  mask 
baseENET peripheral base address.
channelThe DMA Channel. Shall not be larger than ENET_QOS_RING_NUM_MAX.
maskThe interrupt status to be cleared. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration :: enet_qos_dma_interrupt_enable_t.
static uint32_t ENET_QOS_GetMacInterruptStatus ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base)
baseENET peripheral base address.
The event status of the interrupt source. Use the enum in enet_qos_mac_interrupt_enable_t and right shift ENET_QOS_MACINT_ENUM_OFFSET to mask the returned value to get the exact interrupt status.
void ENET_QOS_ClearMacInterruptStatus ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
uint32_t  mask 

This function clears enabled ENET interrupts according to the provided mask. The mask is a logical OR of enumeration members. See the enet_qos_mac_interrupt_enable_t. For example, to clear the TX frame interrupt and RX frame interrupt, do the following.

* ENET_QOS_ClearMacInterruptStatus(ENET, kENET_QOS_MacPmt);
baseENET peripheral base address.
maskENET interrupt source to be cleared. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration :: enet_qos_mac_interrupt_enable_t.
static bool ENET_QOS_IsTxDescriptorDmaOwn ( enet_qos_tx_bd_struct_t txDesc)
txDescThe given tx descriptor.
Return values
Truethe dma own tx descriptor, false application own tx descriptor.
void ENET_QOS_SetupTxDescriptor ( enet_qos_tx_bd_struct_t txDesc,
void *  buffer1,
uint32_t  bytes1,
void *  buffer2,
uint32_t  bytes2,
uint32_t  framelen,
bool  intEnable,
bool  tsEnable,
enet_qos_desc_flag  flag,
uint8_t  slotNum 

This function is a low level functional API to setup or prepare a given tx descriptor.

txDescThe given tx descriptor.
buffer1The first buffer address in the descriptor.
bytes1The bytes in the fist buffer.
buffer2The second buffer address in the descriptor.
bytes2The bytes in the second buffer.
framelenThe length of the frame to be transmitted.
intEnableInterrupt enable flag.
tsEnableThe timestamp enable.
flagThe flag of this tx descriptor, enet_qos_desc_flag .
slotNumThe slot num used for AV only.
This must be called after all the ENET initialization. And should be called when the ENET receive/transmit is required. Transmit buffers are 'zero-copy' buffers, so the buffer must remain in memory until the packet has been fully transmitted. The buffers should be free or requeued in the transmit interrupt irq handler.
static void ENET_QOS_UpdateTxDescriptorTail ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
uint8_t  channel,
uint32_t  txDescTailAddrAlign 

This function is a low level functional API to update the the tx descriptor tail. This is called after you setup a new tx descriptor to update the tail pointer to make the new descriptor accessible by DMA.

baseENET peripheral base address.
channelThe tx DMA channel.
txDescTailAddrAlignThe new tx tail pointer address.
static void ENET_QOS_UpdateRxDescriptorTail ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
uint8_t  channel,
uint32_t  rxDescTailAddrAlign 

This function is a low level functional API to update the the rx descriptor tail. This is called after you setup a new rx descriptor to update the tail pointer to make the new descriptor accessible by DMA and to anouse the rx poll command for DMA.

baseENET peripheral base address.
channelThe rx DMA channel.
rxDescTailAddrAlignThe new rx tail pointer address.
static uint32_t ENET_QOS_GetRxDescriptor ( enet_qos_rx_bd_struct_t rxDesc)

This function is a low level functional API to get the the status flag from a given rx descriptor.

rxDescThe given rx descriptor.
Return values
TheRDES3 regions for write-back format rx buffer descriptor.
This must be called after all the ENET initialization. And should be called when the ENET receive/transmit is required.
void ENET_QOS_UpdateRxDescriptor ( enet_qos_rx_bd_struct_t rxDesc,
void *  buffer1,
void *  buffer2,
bool  intEnable,
bool  doubleBuffEnable 

This function is a low level functional API to Updates the buffers and the own status for a given rx descriptor.

rxDescThe given rx descriptor.
buffer1The first buffer address in the descriptor.
buffer2The second buffer address in the descriptor.
intEnableInterrupt enable flag.
doubleBuffEnableThe double buffer enable flag.
This must be called after all the ENET initialization. And should be called when the ENET receive/transmit is required.
status_t ENET_QOS_ConfigureRxParser ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
enet_qos_rxp_config_t rxpConfig,
uint16_t  entryCount 

This function is used to configure the flexible rx parser table.

baseENET peripheral base address..
rxpConfigThe rx parser configuration pointer.
entryCountThe rx parser entry count.
Return values
kStatus_SuccessConfigure rx parser success.
kStatus_ENET_QOS_TimeoutPoll status flag timeout.
status_t ENET_QOS_ReadRxParser ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
enet_qos_rxp_config_t rxpConfig,
uint16_t  entryIndex 

This function is used to read flexible rx parser configuration at specified index.

baseENET peripheral base address..
rxpConfigThe rx parser configuration pointer.
entryIndexThe rx parser entry index to read, start from 0.
Return values
kStatus_SuccessConfigure rx parser success.
kStatus_ENET_QOS_TimeoutPoll status flag timeout.
status_t ENET_QOS_EstProgramGcl ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
enet_qos_est_gcl_t gcl,
uint32_t  ptpClk_Hz 

This function is used to program the Enhanced Scheduled Transmisson. (IEEE802.1Qbv)

baseENET peripheral base address..
gclPointer to the Gate Control List structure.
ptpClk_Hzfrequency of the PTP clock.
status_t ENET_QOS_EstReadGcl ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
enet_qos_est_gcl_t gcl,
uint32_t  listLen,
bool  hwList 

This function is used to read the Enhanced Scheduled Transmisson list. (IEEE802.1Qbv)

baseENET peripheral base address..
gclPointer to the Gate Control List structure.
listLenlength of the provided opList array in gcl structure.
hwListBoolean if True read HW list, false read SW list.
static void ENET_QOS_FpeEnable ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base)

This function is used to enable frame preemption. (IEEE802.1Qbu)

baseENET peripheral base address..
static void ENET_QOS_FpeDisable ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base)

This function is used to disable frame preemption. (IEEE802.1Qbu)

baseENET peripheral base address..
static void ENET_QOS_FpeConfigPreemptable ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
uint8_t  queueMask 

This function is used to configure the preemptable queues. (IEEE802.1Qbu)

baseENET peripheral base address..
queueMaskbitmask representing queues to set in preemptable mode. The N-th bit represents the queue N.
void ENET_QOS_AVBConfigure ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
const enet_qos_cbs_config_t config,
uint8_t  queueIndex 

ENET_QOS AVB feature configuration, set transmit bandwidth. This API is called when the AVB feature is required.

baseENET_QOS peripheral base address.
configThe ENET_QOS AVB feature configuration structure.
queueIndexENET_QOS queue index.
void ENET_QOS_GetStatistics ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
enet_qos_transfer_stats_t statistics 
baseENET_QOS peripheral base address.
statisticsThe statistics structure pointer.
void ENET_QOS_CreateHandler ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
enet_qos_handle_t *  handle,
enet_qos_config_t config,
enet_qos_buffer_config_t bufferConfig,
enet_qos_callback_t  callback,
void *  userData 

This is a transactional API and it's provided to store all data which are needed during the whole transactional process. This API should not be used when you use functional APIs to do data tx/rx. This is function will store many data/flag for transactional use, so all configure API such as ENET_QOS_Init(), ENET_QOS_DescriptorInit(), ENET_QOS_EnableInterrupts() etc.

as our transactional transmit API use the zero-copy transmit buffer. so there are two thing we emphasize here:
  1. tx buffer free/requeue for application should be done in the tx interrupt handler. Please set callback: kENET_QOS_TxIntEvent with tx buffer free/requeue process APIs.
  2. the tx interrupt is forced to open.
baseENET peripheral base address.
handleENET handler.
configENET configuration.
bufferConfigENET buffer configuration.
callbackThe callback function.
userDataThe application data.
status_t ENET_QOS_GetRxFrameSize ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
enet_qos_handle_t *  handle,
uint32_t *  length,
uint8_t  channel 

This function gets a received frame size from the ENET buffer descriptors.

The FCS of the frame is automatically removed by MAC and the size is the length without the FCS. After calling ENET_QOS_GetRxFrameSize, ENET_QOS_ReadFrame() should be called to update the receive buffers If the result is not "kStatus_ENET_QOS_RxFrameEmpty".
baseENET peripheral base address.
handleThe ENET handler structure. This is the same handler pointer used in the ENET_QOS_Init.
lengthThe length of the valid frame received.
channelThe DMAC channel for the rx.
Return values
kStatus_ENET_QOS_RxFrameEmptyNo frame received. Should not call ENET_QOS_ReadFrame to read frame.
kStatus_ENET_QOS_RxFrameErrorData error happens. ENET_QOS_ReadFrame should be called with NULL data and NULL length to update the receive buffers.
kStatus_SuccessReceive a frame Successfully then the ENET_QOS_ReadFrame should be called with the right data buffer and the captured data length input.
status_t ENET_QOS_ReadFrame ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
enet_qos_handle_t *  handle,
uint8_t *  data,
uint32_t  length,
uint8_t  channel,
enet_qos_ptp_time_t ts 

This function reads a frame from the ENET DMA descriptors. The ENET_QOS_GetRxFrameSize should be used to get the size of the prepared data buffer. For example use rx dma channel 0:

* uint32_t length;
* enet_qos_handle_t g_handle;
* status = ENET_QOS_GetRxFrameSize(&g_handle, &length, 0);
* if (length != 0)
* {
* uint8_t *data = memory allocate interface;
* if (!data)
* {
* ENET_QOS_ReadFrame(ENET, &g_handle, NULL, 0, 0);
* }
* else
* {
* status = ENET_QOS_ReadFrame(ENET, &g_handle, data, length, 0);
* }
* }
* else if (status == kStatus_ENET_QOS_RxFrameError)
* {
* ENET_QOS_ReadFrame(ENET, &g_handle, NULL, 0, 0);
* }
baseENET peripheral base address.
handleThe ENET handler structure. This is the same handler pointer used in the ENET_QOS_Init.
dataThe data buffer provided by user to store the frame which memory size should be at least "length".
lengthThe size of the data buffer which is still the length of the received frame.
channelThe rx DMA channel. shall not be larger than 2.
tsPointer to the structure enet_qos_ptp_time_t to save frame timestamp.
The execute status, successful or failure.
status_t ENET_QOS_SendFrame ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
enet_qos_handle_t *  handle,
uint8_t *  data,
uint32_t  length,
uint8_t  channel,
bool  isNeedTs,
void *  context,
enet_qos_tx_offload_t  txOffloadOps 
The CRC is automatically appended to the data. Input the data to send without the CRC.
baseENET peripheral base address.
handleThe ENET handler pointer. This is the same handler pointer used in the ENET_QOS_Init.
dataThe data buffer provided by user to be send.
lengthThe length of the data to be send.
channelChannel to send the frame, same with queue index.
isNeedTsTrue to enable timestamp save for the frame
contextpointer to user context to be kept in the tx dirty frame information.
txOffloadOpsThe Tx frame checksum offload option.
Return values
kStatus_SuccessSend frame succeed.
kStatus_ENET_QOS_TxFrameBusyTransmit buffer descriptor is busy under transmission. The transmit busy happens when the data send rate is over the MAC capacity. The waiting mechanism is recommended to be added after each call return with kStatus_ENET_QOS_TxFrameBusy.
void ENET_QOS_ReclaimTxDescriptor ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
enet_qos_handle_t *  handle,
uint8_t  channel 

This function is used to update the tx descriptor status and store the tx timestamp when the 1588 feature is enabled. This is called by the transmit interrupt IRQ handler after the complete of a frame transmission.

baseENET peripheral base address.
handleThe ENET handler pointer. This is the same handler pointer used in the ENET_QOS_Init.
channelThe tx DMA channel.
void ENET_QOS_CommonIRQHandler ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
enet_qos_handle_t *  handle 
baseENET peripheral base address.
handleThe ENET handler pointer.
void ENET_QOS_SetISRHandler ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
enet_qos_isr_t  ISRHandler 
baseENET peripheral base address.
ISRHandlerThe handler to install.
status_t ENET_QOS_Ptp1588CorrectTimerInCoarse ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
enet_qos_systime_op  operation,
uint32_t  second,
uint32_t  nanosecond 
baseENET peripheral base address.
operationThe system time operation, refer to "enet_qos_systime_op"
secondThe correction second.
nanosecondThe correction nanosecond.
status_t ENET_QOS_Ptp1588CorrectTimerInFine ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
uint32_t  addend 
baseENET peripheral base address.
addendThe addend value to be set in the fine method
Should take refer to the chapter "System time correction" and see the description for the "fine correction method".
static uint32_t ENET_QOS_Ptp1588GetAddend ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base)
baseENET peripheral base address.
The addend value.
void ENET_QOS_Ptp1588GetTimerNoIRQDisable ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
uint64_t *  second,
uint32_t *  nanosecond 
baseENET peripheral base address.
secondThe PTP 1588 system timer second.
nanosecondThe PTP 1588 system timer nanosecond. For the unit of the nanosecond is 1ns. so the nanosecond is the real nanosecond.
static status_t ENET_Ptp1588PpsControl ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
enet_qos_ptp_pps_instance_t  instance,
enet_qos_ptp_pps_trgt_mode_t  trgtMode,
enet_qos_ptp_pps_cmd_t  cmd 

All channels operate in flexible PPS output mode.

baseENET peripheral base address.
instanceThe ENET QOS PTP PPS instance.
trgtModeThe target time register mode.
cmdThe target flexible PPS output control command.
status_t ENET_QOS_Ptp1588PpsSetTrgtTime ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
enet_qos_ptp_pps_instance_t  instance,
uint32_t  seconds,
uint32_t  nanoseconds 
baseENET QOS peripheral base address.
instanceThe ENET QOS PTP PPS instance.
secondsThe target seconds.
nanosecondsThe target nanoseconds.
static void ENET_QOS_Ptp1588PpsSetWidth ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
enet_qos_ptp_pps_instance_t  instance,
uint32_t  width 
baseENET QOS peripheral base address.
instanceThe ENET QOS PTP PPS instance.
widthSignal Width. It is stored in terms of number of units of sub-second increment value. The width value must be lesser than interval value.
static void ENET_QOS_Ptp1588PpsSetInterval ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
enet_qos_ptp_pps_instance_t  instance,
uint32_t  interval 
baseENET QOS peripheral base address.
instanceThe ENET QOS PTP PPS instance.
intervalSignal Interval. It is stored in terms of number of units of sub-second increment value.
void ENET_QOS_Ptp1588GetTimer ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
uint64_t *  second,
uint32_t *  nanosecond 
baseENET peripheral base address.
secondThe PTP 1588 system timer second.
nanosecondThe PTP 1588 system timer nanosecond. For the unit of the nanosecond is the nanosecond is the real nanosecond.
void ENET_QOS_GetTxFrame ( enet_qos_handle_t *  handle,
enet_qos_frame_info_t txFrame,
uint8_t  channel 

This function is used for PTP stack to get the timestamp captured by the ENET driver.

handleThe ENET handler pointer.This is the same state pointer used in ENET_QOS_Init.
txFrameInput parameter, pointer to enet_qos_frame_info_t for saving read out frame information.
channelChannel for searching the tx frame.
status_t ENET_QOS_GetRxFrame ( ENET_QOS_Type *  base,
enet_qos_handle_t *  handle,
enet_qos_rx_frame_struct_t rxFrame,
uint8_t  channel 

This function will use the user-defined allocate and free callback. Every time application gets one frame through this function, driver will allocate new buffers for the BDs whose buffers have been taken by application.

This function will drop current frame and update related BDs as available for DMA if new buffers allocating fails. Application must provide a memory pool including at least BD number + 1 buffers(+2 if enable double buffer) to make this function work normally. If user calls this function in Rx interrupt handler, be careful that this function makes Rx BD ready with allocating new buffer(normal) or updating current BD(out of memory). If there's always new Rx frame input, Rx interrupt will be triggered forever. Application need to disable Rx interrupt according to specific design in this case.
baseENET peripheral base address.
handleThe ENET handler pointer. This is the same handler pointer used in the ENET_Init.
rxFrameThe received frame information structure provided by user.
channelChannel for searching the rx frame.
Return values
kStatus_SuccessSucceed to get one frame and allocate new memory for Rx buffer.
kStatus_ENET_QOS_RxFrameEmptyThere's no Rx frame in the BD.
kStatus_ENET_QOS_RxFrameErrorThere's issue in this receiving.
kStatus_ENET_QOS_RxFrameDropThere's no new buffer memory for BD, drop this frame.

Variable Documentation

const clock_ip_name_t s_enetqosClock[]