MCUXpresso SDK API Reference Manual  Rev 2.16.000
NXP Semiconductors
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API Reference
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 123]
oCACHE: LMEM CACHE Memory Controller
oCODEC Driver
|oCODEC Common Driver
|oCODEC I2C Driver
|oDA7212 Driver
|oSGTL5000 Driver
|\WM8960 Driver
oCRC: Cyclic Redundancy Check Driver
oClock Driver
|\System Clock Generator (SCG)
oCommon Driver
oDAC12: 12-bit Digital-to-Analog Converter Driver
oDMAMUX: Direct Memory Access Multiplexer Driver
oDebug Console
|\debug console configurationThe configuration is used for debug console only
oENET: Ethernet MAC Driver
oEQOS-TSN: Ethernet QoS with TSN Driver
oEWM: External Watchdog Monitor Driver
oFlexCAN: Flex Controller Area Network Driver
|oFlexCAN Driver
|\FlexCAN eDMA Driver
oFlexIO: FlexIO Driver
|oFlexIO Camera Driver
|oFlexIO Driver
|oFlexIO I2C Master Driver
|oFlexIO I2S Driver
|oFlexIO MCU Interface LCD Driver
|oFlexIO SPI Driver
|\FlexIO UART Driver
oGPIO: General-Purpose Input/Output Driver
|oFGPIO Driver
|\GPIO Driver
oI3C: I3C Driver
|oI3C Common Driver
|oI3C Master Driver
|\I3C Slave Driver
oIOMUXC: IOMUX Controller
oLCDIF: LCD interface
oLLWU: Low-Leakage Wakeup Unit Driver
oLPADC: 12-bit SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter Driver
oLPI2C: Low Power Inter-Integrated Circuit Driver
|oLPI2C CMSIS Driver
|oLPI2C FreeRTOS Driver
|oLPI2C Master DMA Driver
|oLPI2C Master Driver
|\LPI2C Slave Driver
oLPIT: Low-Power Interrupt Timer
oLPSPI: Low Power Serial Peripheral Interface
|oLPSPI FreeRTOS Driver
|oLPSPI Peripheral driver
|\LPSPI eDMA Driver
oLPTMR: Low-Power Timer
oLPUART: Low Power Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter Driver
|oLPUART Driver
|oLPUART FreeRTOS Driver
|\LPUART eDMA Driver
oLTC: LP Trusted Cryptography
|oLTC Blocking APIs
|\LTC Non-blocking eDMA APIs
oMSMC: Multicore System Mode Controller
oMU: Messaging Unit
oNotification Framework
oOCOTP: On Chip One-Time Programmable controller.
oPDM: Microphone Interface
|oPDM Driver
|\PDM EDMA Driver
oPORT: Port Control and Interrupts
oPXP: Pixel Pipeline
oRGPIO: Rapid General-Purpose Input/Output Driver
|oFGPIO Driver
|\RGPIO Driver
oSAI: Serial Audio Interface
|oSAI Driver
|\SAI EDMA Driver
oSEMA42: Hardware Semaphores Driver
oSerial Manager
|oSerial Port SWO
|\Serial Port Uart
oTMU: Thermal Management Unit Driver
oTPM: Timer PWM Module
oTRDC: Trusted Resource Domain Controller
oTRGMUX: Trigger Mux Driver
oTSTMR: Timestamp Timer Driver
oWDOG32: 32-bit Watchdog Timer
\eDMA: Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) Controller Driver
 oeDMA core Driver
 \eDMA soc Driver