Install Xtensa On Chip Debugger Daemon

The Xtensa On Chip Debugger Daemon (xt-ocd), is a powerful gdb-based debugging tool. It is not installed by default with the Xplorer IDE. A self-extracting executable installer is included with the IDE, which can be found at the following location:





At this moment xt-ocd supports J-Link and ARM RVI/DSTREAM probes over Serial Wire Debug (SWD) for RT500. xt-ocd installs support for J-Link probes but does not install the required J-Link drivers which must be installed separately. The RT500 requires J-Link software version 6.46 or newer.

Note: When installing xt-ocd on Linux, you must manually add a symlink to the installed J-Link driver:

ln -s <jlink-install-dir> <xocd-install-dir>/modules/

xt-ocd is configured with an XML input file ‘topology.xml’ that you will need to modify to fit your debugger hardware. Using J-link as example, use below content to replace the original template.

Note: You must replace ‘usbser’ section to your own JINK serial number (9 digits number on the back of the J-Link hardware).

<controller id='Controller0' module='jlink' usbser='600100000' type='swd' speed='1000000' locking='1'/>
<driver id='XtensaDriver0' dap='1' xdm-id='12' module='xtensa' step-intr='mask,stepover,setps' />
<chain controller='Controller0'>
<tap id='TAP0' irwidth='4' />
<system module='jtag'>
<component id='Component0' tap='TAP0' config='trax' />
<device id='Xtensa0' component='Component0' driver='XtensaDriver0' ap-sel='3' />
<application id='GDBStub' module='gdbstub' port='20000' sys-reset='0'>
<target device='Xtensa0' />

Below showing another topology.xml example for ARM RealView ICE (RVI) and DSTREAM debug probes.

<controller id='Controller0' module='rvi' />
<driver id='XtensaDriver0' debug='' inst-verify='mem' module='xtensa' step-intr='mask,stepover,setps'/>
<driver id='TraxDriver0'   module='trax' />
<chain controller='Controller0'>
<tap id='TAP0' irwidth='4' />
<system module='jtag'>
<component id='Component0' tap='TAP0' config='trax' />
<device id='Xtensa0' component='Component0' driver='XtensaDriver0' xdm-id='12' />
<device id='Trax0'   component='Component0' driver='TraxDriver0' xdm-id='12' />
<application id='GDBStub' module='gdbstub' port='20000' >
<target device='Xtensa0' />
<application id='TraxApp' module='traxapp' port='11444'>
<target device='Trax0' />

Congratulations! Now you have all Xplorer toolchains installed.

For more details, about Xtensa software tools, build configurations, or xt-ocd daemon, see the full set of documents in Xplorer menu Help > PDF Documentation.

Parent topic:Install Xplorer Toolchains