Run a demo application
This section describes the steps to download the flash.bin to sd and emmc, run the example applications provided in the MCUXpresso SDK. The hello_world_sm
demo application targeted for the i.MX 95 hardware platform is used as an example, although these steps can be applied to any example application in the MCUXpresso SDK.
Connect LPUART on board to console on PC
To download and run the application, perform these steps:
Connect the development platform to your PC via USB cable between the DBG USB connector (J31) and the PC. It provides console output.
Open the terminal application on the PC, such as PuTTY or TeraTerm, and connect to the debug COM port (to determine the COM port number, see How to determine COM port). Configure the terminal with these settings:
115200 baud rate
No parity
8 data bits
1 stop bit |
Parent topic:Run a demo application
Make a flash.bin
Get the boot images and the imx-mkimage source repository from corresponding Linux BSP release. The boot images required to be put into imx-mkimage/i.MX95 are:
- oei-m33-tcm.bin
- oei-m33-ddr.bin
- m33_image.bin (m33_image-mx95alt.bin/m33_image-mx95evk.bin/m33_image-mx95netc. bin)
- lpddr5_dmem_qb_v202311.bin (lpddr4x_dmem_qb_v202311.bin for IMX95LP4XEVK-15)
- lpddr5_dmem_v202311.bin (lpddr4x_dmem_v202311.bin for IMX95LP4XEVK-15)
- lpddr5_imem_qb_v202311.bin (lpddr4x_imem_qb_v202311.bin for IMX95LP4XEVK-15)
- lpddr5_imem_v202311.bin (lpddr4x_imem_v202311.bin for IMX95LP4XEVK-15)
- u-boot.bin
- u-boot-spl.bin
- bl31.bin
- tee.bin
- mx95a0-ahab-container.img
mx95evk for
is used forrpmsg str echo
,rpmsg ping pong
.mx95netc for
is used fornetc_share_sm
.mx95alt for
is used for almost other examples.
Copy binary built by ARMGCC/IAR into imx-mkimage/i.MX95, and rename it to m7_image.bin.
make image for ram target.
Make flash.bin with imx-mkimage.
make SOC=iMX95 OEI=YES flash_all LPDDR_TYPE=lpddr5
(boot A core and M7)or
make SOC=iMX95 OEI=YES flash_lpboot_sm_m7 LPDDR_TYPE=lpddr5
(does not boot A core, just boot M7)Make image for ddr target:
make SOC=i.MX95 OEI=YES flash_m7_ddr LPDDR_TYPE=lpddr5
make SOC=iMX95 OEI=YES flash_lpboot_sm_m7 LPDDR_TYPE=lpddr5
Note: For IMX95LP4XEVK-15, LPDDR_TYPE=lpddr4x.
Burn flash.bin to MicroSD/eMMC at 32 K(0x8000) offset with dd or HxD or UUU and then plug the MicroSD card to the board.
For example:
Burn flash.bin to Micro SD card with dd
dd if=flash.bin of=/dev/sdh bs=1k seek=32 && sync
Burn flash.bin to SD/eMMC with UUU
Connect USB Type-C port to PC through the USB cable. It is used for downloading firmware of the board.
Switch to serial downloader mode; boot core is cortex-m33.
sd: uuu -b sd imx-boot-imx95-19x19-lpddr5-evk-sd.bin-flash_all new-flash.bin
Burn flash.bin with uuu.
emmc: uuu -b emmc imx-boot-imx95-19x19-lpddr5-evk-sd.bin-flash_all new-flash.bin
imx-boot-imx95-19x19-lpddr5-evk-sd.bin-flash_all (imx-boot-imx95-15x15-lpddr4x-evk-sd.bin-flash_all for IMX95LP4XEVK-15 and imx-boot-imx95-19x19-verdin-sd.bin-flash_all for imx95verdinevk)
. Get it from linux
. Generate it yourself.
Change the boot mode to
SW7[1:4] = 1011
for sd boot,SW7[1:4] = 1010
for emmc boot.Power on the board .
Parent topic:Run a demo application