

This is a ncp host demo. Need to use with ncp_device application.

Running the demo

  1. Enter ‘help’ in the terminal to get help information.

    help wlan-scan wlan-connect wlan-info wlan-disconnect ping [-s <packet_size>][-c <packet_count>] [-W ] wlan-ncp-iperf [tcp|udp] [tx|rx] <packet_count>

  2. Enter command


    3 networks found: 94:10:3E:02:60:F0 [nxp_mrvl] channel: 1 rssi: -25 dBm security: OPEN

    94:10:3E:02:60:F1 [nxp_mrvl_5ghz] channel: 36 rssi: -39 dBm security: WPA/WPA2 Mixed

    90:72:40:21:B3:1A [apple_g] channel: 11 rssi: -51 dBm security: WPA3 SAE

    #wlan-connect net-5g


    Already connected to an AP: SSID = {net-5g} IPv4 Address: {}


    Already disconnect to network

    #ping -s 100 -c 10

    — ping statistics — 10 packets transmitted, 10 packets received, 0% packets loss

    #wlan-socket-open tcp #wlan-socket-connect 0 5001 #wlan-ncp-iperf 0 tcp tx 100 #wlan-socket-close 0

    TCP_DONE_CLIENT (TX) Local address : Port : 49153 Remote address : Port : 5001 Bytes Transferred 106642804 Duration (ms) 20000 BandWidth (Mbit/sec) 42

Supported Boards

NCP API reference doc