If the installation instruction asks/selects whether to have the tool installation path be added to the PATH variable, please agree/select the choice. This ensures the tool can be used in any terminal in any path. After each tool installation, please verify the installation.
Basic tools
Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency. For installation, you could visit the official Git website, download the appropriate version (suggest use the latest one) for your operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux). Then run the installer and follow the installation instructions.
User git --version
to check the version if you have a version installed.
Then configure your username and email using below commands:
git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global ""
Install python 3.10
or above, please follow the guideline at Python Download.
Use python --version
to check the version if you have a version installed.
Please use the west version equal or greater than 1.2.0
# Note: you can add option '--default-timeout=1000' if you meet connection issue. Or you may set a different source using option '-i'.
# for example, in China you could try: pip install -U west -i
pip install -U west
Build And Configuration System
Follow the CMake doc to install CMake. The minimum version is 3.30.0
Use cmake --version
to check the version if you have a version installed.
Install the Ninja. Please use the ninja version equal or greater than 1.12.1
Use ninja --version
to check the version if you have a version installed.
Kconfig is installed during python library installation
Ruby - Optional
If you don’t need GUI based IAR/MDK project, skip this step.
Install ruby for GUI project generation and standalone project generation. Follow the guide ruby environment setup.
Download and install IAR toolchain referring IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM.
Download and install MDK toolchain referring MDK Installation.
Download and install ARMGCC toolchain referring Arm GNU Toolchain Downloads.
Download and install armclang toolchain referring Installing Arm Compiler for Embedded.
Download and install Zephyr SDK referring Zephyr SDK.
Download and install CodeWarrior toolchain referring NXP CodeWarrior.
Download and install Xtensa toolchain referring Tensilica Tools.
NXP S32Compiler RISC-V Zen-V
Download and install NXP S32Compiler RISC-V Zen-V compiler referring NXP Website
Environment Variables
After you installed the toolchains, to make the west build recognize them, you need to register them in the system environment variables:
Toolchain |
Environment Variable |
Example |
Cmd Line Argument |
–toolchain iar |
–toolchain mdk |
Armgcc |
–toolchain armgcc(default) |
Armclang |
–toolchain mdk |
Zephyr |
–toolchain zephyr |
CodeWarrior |
–toolchain codewarrior |
Xtensa |
–toolchain xtensa |
NXP S32Compiler RISC-V Zen-V |
–toolchain riscvllvm |
is the root installation folder.MDK IDE using armclang toolchain only officially supports Windows. In Linux, please directly use armclang toolchain by setting
. In Windows, since most Keil users will install MDK IDE instead of standalone armclang toolchain, theMDK_DIR
has higher priority thanARMCLANG_DIR
.For Xtensa toolchain, please set the
environment variable. Here’s an example list:Device Core
RT500 fusion1
RT600 hifi4
RT700 hifi1
RT700 hifi4
i.MX8ULP fusion1
In Windows, the short path is used in environment variables. If any toolchain is using the long path, you can open a command window from the toolchain folder and use below command to get the short path:
for %i in (.) do echo %~fsi
Document Installation
It is only needed when you want to generate the HTML version of the document in your local environment
Install make for windows using choco
, other OS has make installed by default. Ensure you are running command in administrator mode.
choco install make
If you do not have choco
installed, you can install it from chocolatey
The doxygen installation is needed if you want to try documentation generation. The versions for the doxygen tools are as below:
Doxygen version
Latexmk version
For installation, you can refer to the guideline as below, which is referenced from the Zephyr documentation generation guideline
On Ubuntu Linux:
sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends doxygen graphviz librsvg2-bin \ texlive-latex-base texlive-latex-extra latexmk texlive-fonts-recommended imagemagick
On Fedora Linux:
sudo dnf install doxygen graphviz texlive-latex latexmk \ texlive-collection-fontsrecommended librsvg2-tools ImageMagick
On Clear Linux:
sudo swupd bundle-add texlive graphviz ImageMagick
On Arch Linux:
sudo pacman -S graphviz doxygen librsvg texlive-core texlive-bin \ texlive-latexextra texlive-fontsextra imagemagick
macOS Use
to install the tools:brew install doxygen graphviz mactex librsvg imagemagick
tlmgr install latexmk
tlmgr install collection-fontsrecommended
Windows Open a
window as Administrator and run the following command:choco install doxygen.install graphviz strawberryperl miktex rsvg-convert imagemagick
Tool installation check
Once installed, open a terminal or command prompt and type the associated command to verify the installation.
If you see the version number, you have successfully installed the tool. Else please check whether the tool installation path be added into the PATH variable, if not, you could check the PATH variable add the tool installation path to the PATH with below commands:
Windows: Open command prompt or powershell, run below command to show the user PATH variable.
reg query HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment /v PATH
Assume the tool installation path is under C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Programs\Git\cmd and the path is not seen in above result, you need to append the path value to the PATH variable with below command:
reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment /v PATH /d "%PATH%;C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Programs\Git\cmd"
Then close the command prompt or powershell and verify the tool command again.
Open the
file using a text editor, such asvim
.Go to the end of the file.
Add the line which append the tool installation path to PATH variable and export PATH at the end of the file. For example,
export PATH="/Directory1:$PATH"
Save and exit.
Execute the script with
source .bashrc
or reboot the system to make the changes live. To verify the changes, runecho $PATH
Open the
file using a text editor, such asnano
.Go to the end of the file.
Add the line which append the tool installation path to PATH variable and export PATH at the end of the file. For example,
export PATH="/Directory1:$PATH"
Save and exit.
Execute the script with
source .bash_profile
or reboot the system to make the changes live. To verify the changes, runecho $PATH
Get MCUXpresso SDK Repo
To get the MCUXpresso SDK repository, use the west
tool to clone the manifest repository and checkout all the west projects.
# Initialize west with the manifest repository
west init -m mcuxpresso-sdk
# Update the west projects
cd mcuxpresso-sdk
west update
# Allow the usage of west extensions provided by MCUXpresso SDK
west config commands.allow_extensions true
Install Python Dependency
To create a Python virtual environment in the west workspace core repo directory mcuxsdk, follow these steps:
Navigate to the core directory:
cd mcuxsdk
[Optional] Create and activate the virtual environment: If you don’t want to use the python virtual environment, skip this step. We strongly suggest you use venv to avoid conflicts with other projects using python.
python -m venv .venv # For Linux/MacOS source .venv/bin/activate # For Windows .\.venv\Scripts\activate # If you are using powershell and see the issue that the activate script cannot be run. # You may fix the issue by opening the powershell as administrator and run below command: powershell Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned # then run above activate command again.
Once activated, your shell will be prefixed with
. The virtual environment can be deactivated at any time by runningdeactivate
command.Remember to activate the virtual environment every time you start working in this directory. If you are using some modern shell like
, there are some powerful plugins to help you auto switch venv among workspaces. For example, zsh-autoswitch-virtualenv.Install the required Python packages:
# Note: you can add option '--default-timeout=1000' if you meet connection issue. Or you may set a different source using option '-i'. # for example, in China you could try: pip3 install -r mcu-sdk-3.0/scripts/requirements.txt -i pip install -r scripts/requirements.txt
Document Python dependencies
There are several needed python packages for documentation generation, such as Sphinx tool, which we used to do the generation process. Run below command to install those python dependencies.
cd core/docs
pip install -r requirements.txt