Hardware Rework Guide for MIMXRT1060-EVKC and Murata 2EL M.2 Adapter
This section is a brief hardware rework guidance of the EdgeFast Bluetooth PAL on the NXP i.MX MIMXRT1060-EVKC and the Murata 2EL M.2 solution - direct M.2 connection to Embedded Artists’ Rev-A1 (2EL) M.2 modules.
The hardware rework has three parts:
HCI UART rework
PCM interface rework
LE Audio Synchronization interface rework (only used on sink side)
Hardware rework
HCI UART rework
Mount R93, R96.
Remove R193.
Connect J109, connect J76 2-3.
PCM interface rework
Remove J54 and J55, connect J56, and J57.
Remove R220.
Connect J103.
Note: When J103 is connected, flash cannot be downloaded. So, remove the connection when downloading flash and reconnect it after downloading.
LE Audio Synchronization interface rework (only used on sink side)
Remove J110 jumper cap.
Remove R196, R201, R213, and R211.
Connect J110-1 (GPT2_CLK) to R2140 (SAI_MCLK).
Connect ENET_MDIO (GPT2_CAP1) with J97 (SAI_SW).
Connect ENET_MDC (GPT2_CAP2) with 2EL’s GPIO_27 (Sync Signal).
Parent topic:Hardware Rework Guide for MIMXRT1060-EVKC and Murata 2EL M.2 Adapter