
The EdgeFast Bluetooth Protocol Abstraction Layer host stack software is built based on MCUXpresso SDK. The following chapter uses RT1060 as an example, other boards have similar folder structure and corresponding document.

Folder structure

The following figure shows the EdgeFast Bluetooth examples folder structure.

The following figure shows the EdgeFast Bluetooth Protocol Abstraction Layer host stack folder structure.

The following table provides information regarding the structure and description.



| |————|—————–| |boards/







|MCUXpresso SDK directory. Refer to Chapter 5

Release contents of MCUXpresso SDK Release Notes at root/docs/ MCUXpresso SDK Release Notes for EVK-MIMXRT1060.pdf to know the details

| |boards/<board>/wireless/edgefast_bluetooth_examples

|EdgeFast Bluetooth Protocol Abstraction Layer host stack example projects| |middleware/wireless/edgefast_bluetooth

|EdgeFast Bluetooth Protocol Abstraction Layer host stack source code


The EdgeFast Bluetooth folder includes two subfolders:

  • include: This subfolder includes EdgeFast Bluetooth Protocol Abstraction Layer host stack headers.

  • source: This subfolder includes EdgeFast Bluetooth Protocol Abstraction Layer host stack source code based on the Ethermind Bluetooth host stack APIs.

Parent topic:Overview


The figure Architecture of EdgeFast Bluetooth Protocol Abstraction Layer demo in MCUXpresso SDK below shows that the EdgeFast Bluetooth Protocol Abstraction Layer host stack is integrated into the MCUXpresso SDK as a middleware component. It leverages the RTOS, the board support, the peripheral driver/component, and other components in the MCUXpresso SDK. The Bluetooth application is built on top of the EdgeFast Bluetooth Protocol Abstraction Layer host stack and supports different peripheral features, Bluetooth features, and different RTOSes required by the user.

MCUXpresso SDK has the dual-chip architecture defined by EdgeFast Bluetooth Protocol Abstraction Layer project, the Bluetooth application code, and the EdgeFast Bluetooth Protocol Abstraction Layer host stack running on the reference board. For example, MIMXRT1060-EVK and the Linker Layer (LL) run on the Bluetooth modules like AW-AM457-USD, Murata Type 1XK, and Murata Type 1ZM and has single-chip architecture. Bluetooth Host stack and LL runs on the same chip, and communicate with Internal Communication Unit (IMU).

The communication between the host stack and the LL is implemented via the standard HCI UART interface and PCM interface for voice, or the IMU interface.

For details about the different components in MCUXpresso SDK, see Getting Started with MCUXpresso SDK User’s Guide (document MCUXSDKGSUG) at root/docs/Getting Started with MCUXpresso SDK.pdf. For details on possible hardware rework requirements, see the hardware rework guide document of the relative board. For example, Hardware Rework Guide for EdgeFast BT PAL. Parent topic:Overview


This section provides an overview of Bluetooth features, toolchain support, and RTOS support.

Bluetooth features

  • Bluetooth 5.0 compliant

  • Protocol support


      Note: The Enhanced Attribute (EATT) protocol is not supported in the current version. However, the support will be available in a future version.

  • Classic profile

    • SPP, A2DP, and HFP

  • LE profile


  • Integrated the Fatfs based on USB Host MSD in SDK

  • Digital Audio Interface including PCM interface for HFP

Parent topic:Features

Toolchain support

  • IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM®

  • MCUXpresso IDE

  • Keil® MDK/μVision

  • Makefiles support with GCC from Arm Embedded

Note: For details on IDE Development tools version details, see Section 3, Development tools in MCUXpresso SDK Release Notes (document MCUXSDKMIMXRT106XRN). The Release Notes document is available at root/docs/ MCUXpresso SDK Release Notes for EVK-MIMXRT1060.pdf.

Parent topic:Features

RTOS support


Parent topic:Features

Parent topic:Overview

Examples list

  • The following examples are provided. Not all the examples are implemented on all the boards. See the board package for a list of the implemented examples.

    • central_hpc (central http proxy service client): Demonstrates a basic Bluetooth Low Energy Central role functionality. The application scans for other Bluetooth Low Energy devices and establishes a connection to the peripheral with the strongest signal. The application specifically looks for HPS Server and programs a set of characteristics that configures a Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) request, initiates request, and reads the response once connected.

    • central_ht (central health thermometer): Demonstrates a basic Bluetooth Low Energy Central role functionality. The application scans for other Bluetooth Low Energy devices and establishes a connection to the peripheral with the strongest signal. The application specifically looks for health thermometer sensor and reports the die temperature readings once connected.

    • central_ipsp (central Internet protocol support profile): Demonstrates a basic Bluetooth Low Energy Central role functionality. The application scans for other Bluetooth Low Energy devices and establishes connection to the peripheral with the strongest signal. The application specifically looks for IPSP Service and communicates between the devices that support IPSP. Once connected, the communication is done using IPv6 packets over the Bluetooth Low Energy transport.

    • central_pxm (central proximity monitor): Demonstrates a basic Bluetooth Low Energy Central role functionality. The application scans for other Bluetooth Low Energy devices and establishes a connection to the peripheral with the strongest signal. The application specifically looks for Proximity Reporter.

    • peripheral beacon: Demonstrates the Bluetooth Low Energy Peripheral role, This application implements types of beacon applications.

      • beacon: Demonstrates the Bluetooth Low Energy Broadcaster role functionality by advertising Company Identifier, Beacon Identifier, UUID, A, B, C, RSSI.

      • Eddystone: The Eddystone Configuration Service runs as a GATT service on the beacon while it is connectable and allows configuration of the advertised data, the broadcast power levels, and the advertising intervals.

      • iBeacon: Demonstrates the Bluetooth Low Energy Broadcaster role functionality by advertising an Apple iBeacon.

    • peripheral_hps (peripheral http proxy service): Demonstrates the Bluetooth Low Energy Peripheral role. The application specifically exposes the HTTP Proxy GATT Service.

    • peripheral_ht (peripheral health thermometer): Demonstrates the Bluetooth Low Energy Peripheral role. The application specifically exposes the HT (Health Thermometer) GATT Service. Once a device connects, it generates dummy temperature values.

    • peripheral_ipsp (peripheral Internet protocol support profile): Demonstrates the Bluetooth Low Energy Peripheral role. The application specifically exposes the Internet Protocol Support GATT Service.

    • peripheral_pxr (peripheral proximity reporter): Demonstrates the Bluetooth Low Energy Peripheral role. The application specifically exposes the Proximity Reporter (including LLS, IAS, and TPS) GATT Service.

    • wireless uart: The application automatically starts advertising the wireless uart service and connects to the wireless uart service after the role switch. The wireless UART service is a custom service that implements a custom writable ASCII Char characteristic (UUID: 01ff0101-ba5e-f4ee-5ca1-eb1e5e4b1ce0) that holds the character written by the peer device.

    • spp (serial prot profile): Application demonstrates the use of the SPP feature.

    • handsfree: Application demonstrating usage of the Hands-free Profile (HFP) feature.

    • handsfree_ag: Application demonstrating usage of the Hands-free Profile Audio Gateway (HFP-AG) feature.

    • a2dp_sink: Application demonstrating how to use the a2dp sink feature.

    • a2dp_source: Application demonstrating how to use the a2dp source feature.

    • audio_profile: Demonstrates the following functions.

      • There are five parts working in the demo: AWS cloud, Android app, audio demo (running on RT1060), U-disk, and Bluetooth headset.

      • With an app running on the smartphone (Android phone), the end user connects to the AWS cloud and controls the audio demo running on the RT1060 EVK board through AWS cloud. Some operations like play, play next, and pause are used to control the media play functionalities.

      • Audio demo running on the RT1060 EVK board connects to the AWS through WiFi. A connection establishes between the RT1060 EVK board and a Bluetooth headset. To get the media resource (mp3 files) from the U-disk, an HS USB host is enabled, and a U-disk with mp3 files is connected to RT1060 EVK board via the USB port. The audio demo searches the root directory of the U-disk for the music files (only mp3 files are supported) and uploads the song file list to AWS. The song list is shown in the app running on the smartphone. The music can then be played out via the Bluetooth headset once end user controls the app to play the mp3 file.

    • wifi_provisioning: Demonstrates the WiFi provisioning service that safely sends credential from phone to device over Bluetooth low energy. By default, AWS Wi-Fi provisioning demo starts advertising if the Wi-Fi access point (AP) is not configured and waits for the Wi-Fi AP configuration. After connecting to the Android APK, the demo executes the request from cellphone and sends the response. When the Wi-Fi AP is configured, the Shadow demo connects to the AWS via Wi-Fi and publishes the configured Wi-Fi AP information.

    • shell: Shell application demonstrating the shell mode of the simplified Adapter APIs.

Parent topic:Overview