Software installation
This section provides a list of steps to download and install MCUXpresso IDE, MCUXpresso SDK, and import SDK to MCUXpresso IDE.
Download and Install MCUXpresso IDE
Click the Download button.
Follow the wizard and install the MCUXpresso IDE application.
Parent topic:Software installation
Download and Install MCUXpresso SDK
Select a development board, as shown in Figure 1.
Select a board from the drop-down list, as shown in Figure 2.
Click Build MCUXpresso SDK, as shown in Figure 3.
Select the Host Operating System.
Select the Toolchain/IDE.
Click the Select All button to select the components.
After selecting the desired components, click the Download SDK button.
Wait until the build finishes and the download the SDK zip file.
Parent topic:Software installation
Import SDK to MCUXpresso IDE
Open the MCUXpresso IDE.
Select the Installed SDKs view tab within the MCUXpresso IDE window.
Open Windows Explorer.
Drag and drop the previously downloaded SDK zip file into the Installed SDKs view tab.
Click OK to the confirm.
Verify that the new SDK appears in the Installed SDKs view tab.
Parent topic:Software installation
Parent topic:Software overview