The dmic multi channel example is a simple demonstration program about how to use the DMIC multi channel to gathering audio data with dma.
In this example, dmic channel 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 will be used to record audio data, the raw audio data will be stored: In buffer 0: dmic0, dmic1, dmic2, dmic3, dmic0, dmic1……. In buffer 1: dmic4, dmic5, dmic6, dmic7, dmic4, dmic5…….
Then another two dma channels will convert the raw audio data to the required TDM format, One DMA channel responsible for copy buffer 0 to the playback buffer Another DMA channel responsible for copy buffer 1 to the playback buffer
Finally, the data in the playback buffer will be organized as below: dmic0, dmic4, dmic1, dmic5, dmic2, dmic6, dmic3, dmic7……
At last the data in the playback buffer will be sent out through I2S with TDM format.