

Application demonstrating how to use the broadcast media sender feature.

There should be three boards: 1 BMS + 1 BMR(left) + 1 BMR(right). BMS: broadcast stereo audio stream, left channel on first BIS and right channel on another BIS. BMR: lisen one of BIS channel and render it.

Prepare the Demo

  1. Open example’s project and build it.

  2. Connect a USB cable between the PC host and the OpenSDA USB port on the target board.

  3. Provide 5V voltage for the target board.

  4. Save a wav music file to a USB disk’s root directory and named as “music_16_2.wav”.

  5. Connect the USB disk to USB OTG port.

  6. Open a serial terminal on PC for OpenSDA serial device with these settings:

    • 115200 baud rate

    • 8 data bits

    • No parity

    • One stop bit

    • No flow control

  7. Download the program to the target board.

  8. Either press the reset button on your board or launch the debugger in your IDE to begin running the example.

Running the demo

The log below shows the output of the example in the terminal window.

Bluetooth initialized

wav file list:
1, 1:/._music_8000_2ch_16bits.wav
2, 1:/music_48000_2ch_16bits.wav
3, 1:/._music_16_2.wav
4, 1:/music_44100_2ch_16bits.wav
5, 1:/music_32000_2ch_16bits.wav
6, 1:/play_1ksin_48k_16b.wav
7, 1:/music_24000_2ch_16bits.wav
8, 1:/music_16000_2ch_16bits.wav
9, 1:/music_8000_2ch_16bits.wav
10, 1:/music_16_2.wav
11, 1:/sine_16_2.wav
12, 1:/sine_8000_2ch_16bits.wav
13, 1:/sine_16000_2ch_16bits.wav
14, 1:/sine_24000_2ch_16bits.wav
15, 1:/sine_32000_2ch_16bits.wav
16, 1:/sine_44100_2ch_16bits.wav
17, 1:/sine_48000_2ch_16bits.wav
18, 1:/sine_16000_2ch_32bits.wav
19, 1:/sine_16000_2ch_24bits.wav
20, 1:/sine_8000_2ch_16bits_0_75.wav
21, 1:/sine_16000_2ch_16bits_0_75.wav
22, 1:/sine_32000_2ch_16bits_0_75.wav
23, 1:/sine_48000_2ch_16bits_0_75.wav
24, 1:/chrip_48000_2ch_16bits_0_80.wav
25, 1:/play_1ksin_8k_16b.wav
26, 1:/play_1ksin_32k_16b.wav
wav file list complete!

Please open the wav file you want use "wav_open <path>" command.
wav_open 1:/music_48000_2ch_16bits.wav
wav file info:
BMS>>   sample_rate: 48000
        channels: 2
        bits: 16
        size: 3490796
        samples: 872699

Please select lc3 preset use "lc3_preset <name>" command.

BMS>> lc3_preset 48_1_1
        codec_cfg - sample_rate: 48000, duration: 7500, len: 75
        qos - interval: 7500, framing: 0, phy: 2, sdu: 75, rtn: 4, pd: 40000
BMS>> LC3 encoder setup done!
Creating broadcast source
Creating broadcast source with 1 subgroups with 2 streams
Starting broadcast source
Broadcast source started

Procedures to run 1 input “help” to show command list 2 input “wav_open ” open the wav file. 3 input “lc3_preset ” load lc3 preset, then the broadcast will start. 4 input “pause” to stop the broadcast. 5 input “play” to start broadcast.

Other cmds could be used: 1 “lc3_preset_list” used to list all the lc3 preset this demo support. 2 “sync_info” used to get iso_interval/sync_delay, and this cmd should be used after the audio stream start. 3 “config_rtn” used to config the rtn, and this cmd should be used before “lc3_preset”. 4 “config_pd” used to config the pd, and this cmd should be used before “lc3_preset”. 5 “config_phy” used to config the phy, and this cmd should be used before “lc3_preset”. 6 “config_packing” used to config iso packing mode, and this cmd should be used before “lc3_preset”. 7 “set_broadcast_code” used to set broadcast code, and this cmd should be used before “lc3_preset”.

Note: 1 “exit” command is a shell internal command, only used to exit shell module and could not used to exit demo. 2 the “music_16_2.wav” should be 16/24/32bits 2 channel with sample rate 8000/16000/24000/32000/48000.

Supported Boards