MCUXpresso SDK API Reference Manual  Rev. 0
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 The formats allowed by the pcap_open() are the following:

Data Structures

struct  pcap_rmtauth
 This structure keeps the information needed to autheticate the user on a remote machine. More...
struct  pcap_samp
 This structure defines the information related to sampling. More...


#define PCAP_BUF_SIZE   1024
 Defines the maximum buffer size in which address, port, interface names are kept. More...
#define RPCAP_HOSTLIST_SIZE   1024
 Maximum lenght of an host name (needed for the RPCAP active mode)

Data Structure Documentation

struct pcap_rmtauth

The remote machine can either grant or refuse the access according to the information provided. In case the NULL authentication is required, both 'username' and 'password' can be NULL pointers.

This structure is meaningless if the source is not a remote interface; in that case, the functions which requires such a structure can accept a NULL pointer as well.

Data Fields

int type
 Type of the authentication required. More...
char * username
 Zero-terminated string containing the username that has to be used on the remote machine for authentication. More...
char * password
 Zero-terminated string containing the password that has to be used on the remote machine for authentication. More...

Field Documentation

int pcap_rmtauth::type

In order to provide maximum flexibility, we can support different types of authentication based on the value of this 'type' variable. The currently supported authentication methods are defined into the Remote Authentication Methods Section.

char* pcap_rmtauth::username

This field is meaningless in case of the RPCAP_RMTAUTH_NULL authentication and it can be NULL.

char* pcap_rmtauth::password

This field is meaningless in case of the RPCAP_RMTAUTH_NULL authentication and it can be NULL.

struct pcap_samp

In case the sampling is requested, the capturing device should read only a subset of the packets coming from the source. The returned packets depend on the sampling parameters.

The sampling process is applied after the filtering process. In other words, packets are filtered first, then the sampling process selects a subset of the 'filtered' packets and it returns them to the caller.

Data Fields

int method
 Method used for sampling. More...
int value
 This value depends on the sampling method defined. More...

Field Documentation

int pcap_samp::method

Currently, the supported methods are listed in the Sampling Methods Section.

int pcap_samp::value

For its meaning, please check at the Sampling Methods Section.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define PCAP_BUF_SIZE   1024

In case the adapter name or such is larger than this value, it is truncated. This is not used by the user; however it must be aware that an hostname / interface name longer than this value will be truncated.