MCUXpresso SDK API Reference Manual  Rev. 0
NXP Semiconductors
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CADC: 12-bit Cyclic Analog-to-Digital Converter Driver

Read Guidance

This document consists of sections titled with Driver Overview, Data Structures, Enumerations, Functions, etc., each with an overview list and detailed documentation. It is recommended to read the Driver Overview first for it includes a comprehensive description of the peripheral, driver and driver changes. Other sections give detailed information for APIs, enums, macros, etc., for your further reference.

Driver Overview

 CADC Peripheral and Driver Overview
 Content including 1) peripheral features, work logic and work method; 2) driver design logic and use method; 3) typical use case.
 The Driver Change Log
 The current CADC driver version is 2.0.0.

Data Structures

struct  cadc_sample_slot_independentParallel_mode_disabled_t
 The structure of the disabled sample slots in independent parallel mode. More...
union  cadc_sample_slot_disabled_t
 The union of disabled sample slot for each scan mode. More...
struct  cadc_sample_slot_config_t
 The structure for configuring the sample slot. More...
struct  cadc_scan_ctrl_seq_mode_t
 Cadc scan control for sequential scan mode. More...
struct  cadc_scan_ctrl_simultParallel_mode_t
 Cadc scan control for simultaneous parallel scan mode. More...
struct  cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterA_t
 The scan ctrl struture for converterA in independent scan mode. More...
struct  cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterB_t
 The scan ctrl struture for converterB in independent scan mode. More...
union  cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_t
 The union for converters in independent parallel mode. More...
union  cadc_scan_control_t
 The union of the scan control for each scan mode. More...
struct  cadc_converter_config_t
 The structure for configuring each converter. More...
struct  cadc_config_t
 The structure for configuring the Cyclic ADC's setting. More...


enum  _cadc_misc_status_flags {
  kCADC_ZeroCrossingInterruptFlag = ADC_STAT_ZCI_MASK,
  kCADC_HighLimitInterruptFlag = ADC_STAT_HLMTI_MASK,
  kCADC_LowLimitInterruptFlag = ADC_STAT_LLMTI_MASK,
  kCADC_ConverterAInProgressFlag = ADC_STAT_CIP0_MASK,
  kCADC_ConverterBInProgressFlag = ADC_STAT_CIP1_MASK,
  kCADC_ConverterAEndOfScanFlag = ADC_STAT_EOSI0_MASK,
  kCADC_ConverterBEndOfScanFlag = ADC_STAT_EOSI1_MASK
 CADC miscellaneous status flags used to tell peripheral's miscellaneous status, such as zerocrossing, end of scan flags. More...
enum  _cadc_converter_power_status_flags {
  kCADC_ConverterAPowerDownFlag = ADC_PWR_PSTS0_MASK,
  kCADC_ConverterBPowerDownFlag = ADC_PWR_PSTS1_MASK
 The enumeration of converter power status. More...
enum  _cadc_interrupt_enable {
  kCADC_Sample0ScanInterruptEnable = 1UL << 0UL,
  kCADC_Sample1ScanInterruptEnable = 1UL << 1UL,
  kCADC_Sample2ScanInterruptEnable = 1UL << 2UL,
  kCADC_Sample3ScanInterruptEnable = 1UL << 3UL,
  kCADC_Sample4ScanInterruptEnable = 1UL << 4UL,
  kCADC_Sample5ScanInterruptEnable = 1UL << 5UL,
  kCADC_Sample6ScanInterruptEnable = 1UL << 6UL,
  kCADC_Sample7ScanInterruptEnable = 1UL << 7UL,
  kCADC_Sample8ScanInterruptEnable = 1UL << 8UL,
  kCADC_Sample9ScanInterruptEnable = 1UL << 9UL,
  kCADC_Sample10ScanInterruptEnable = 1UL << 10UL,
  kCADC_Sample11ScanInterruptEnable = 1UL << 11UL,
  kCADC_Sample12ScanInterruptEnable = 1UL << 12UL,
  kCADC_Sample13ScanInterruptEnable = 1UL << 13UL,
  kCADC_Sample14ScanInterruptEnable = 1UL << 14UL,
  kCADC_Sample15ScanInterruptEnable = 1UL << 15UL,
  kCADC_Sample16ScanInterruptEnable = 1UL << 16UL,
  kCADC_Sample17ScanInterruptEnable = 1UL << 17UL,
  kCADC_Sample18ScanInterruptEnable = 1UL << 18UL,
  kCADC_Sample19ScanInterruptEnable = 1UL << 19UL,
  kCADC_HighLimitInterruptEnable = ((uint32_t)ADC_CTRL1_HLMTIE_MASK << 16UL),
  kCADC_LowLimitInterruptEnable = ((uint32_t)ADC_CTRL1_LLMTIE_MASK << 16UL),
  kCADC_ZeroCrossingInterruptEnable = ((uint32_t)ADC_CTRL1_ZCIE_MASK << 16UL),
  kCADC_ConversionCompleteInterrupt0Enable = ((uint32_t)ADC_CTRL1_EOSIE0_MASK << 16UL),
  kCADC_ConversionCompleteInterrupt1Enable = ((uint32_t)ADC_CTRL2_EOSIE1_MASK << 12UL)
 CADC Interrupts enumeration. More...
enum  cadc_converter_id_t {
  kCADC_ConverterA = 0x1U,
  kCADC_ConverterB = 0x2U
 CADC Converter identifier. More...
enum  cadc_idle_work_mode_t {
  kCADC_IdleKeepNormal = 0U,
 The enumeration of work mode when the module is not used. More...
enum  cadc_dma_trigger_source_t {
  kCADC_DMATrigSrcEndofScan = 0U,
  kCADC_DMATrigSrcSampleReady = 1U
 The enumeration of DMA trigger source. More...
enum  cadc_scan_mode_t {
  kCADC_ScanModeOnceSequential = 0U,
  kCADC_ScanModeOnceParallelIndependent = 1U,
  kCADC_ScanModeLoopSequential = 2U,
  kCADC_ScanModeLoopParallelIndependent = 3U,
  kCADC_ScanModeTriggeredSequential = 4U,
  kCADC_ScanModeTriggeredParallelIndependent = 5U,
  kCADC_ScanModeOnceParallelSimultaneous = 1U << 4U,
  kCADC_ScanModeLoopParallelSimultaneous = 3U << 4U,
  kCADC_ScanModeTriggeredParallelSimultaneous = 5U << 4U
 The enumeration of dual converter's scan mode. More...
enum  cadc_reference_voltage_source_t {
  kCADC_ReferenceVoltageVrefPad = 0U,
  kCADC_ReferenceVoltageChannelPad = 1U
 The enumeration of converter's reference voltage source. More...
enum  cadc_channel_gain_t {
  kCADC_SignalGainX1 = 0U,
  kCADC_SignalGainX2 = 1U,
  kCADC_SignalGainX4 = 2U
 The enumeration of sample slot connected channel gain. More...
enum  cadc_channel_mode_t {
  kCADC_ANA0_1_SingleEnd = 1UL << 0UL,
  kCADC_ANA0_1_FullyDifferential = 2UL << 0UL,
  kCADC_ANA0_1_UnipolarDifferential = 3UL << 0UL,
  kCADC_ANA2_3_SingleEnd = 1UL << 3UL,
  kCADC_ANA2_3_FullyDifferential = 2UL << 3UL,
  kCADC_ANA2_3_UnipolarDifferential = 3UL << 3UL,
  kCADC_ANB0_1_SingleEnd = 1UL << 6UL,
  kCADC_ANB0_1_FullyDifferential = 2UL << 6UL,
  kCADC_ANB0_1_UnipolarDifferential = 3UL << 6UL,
  kCADC_ANB2_3_SingleEnd = 1UL << 9UL,
  kCADC_ANB2_3_FullyDifferential = 2UL << 9UL,
  kCADC_ANB2_3_UnipolarDifferential = 3UL << 9UL,
  kCADC_ANA4_5_SingleEnd = 1UL << 12UL,
  kCADC_ANA4_5_FullyDifferential = 2UL << 12UL,
  kCADC_ANA4_5_UnipolarDifferential = 3UL << 12UL,
  kCADC_ANA6_7_SingleEnd = 1UL << 15UL,
  kCADC_ANA6_7_FullyDifferential = 2UL << 15UL,
  kCADC_ANA6_7_UnipolarDifferential = 3UL << 15UL,
  kCADC_ANA6_InternalTempSensor_ANA7_Normal = 4UL << 15UL,
  kCADC_ANA6_Normal_ANA7_InternalAnalogInput = 5UL << 15UL,
  kCADC_ANA6_InternalTempSensor_ANA7_InternalAnalogInput = 6UL << 15UL,
  kCADC_ANB4_5_SingleEnd = 1UL << 18UL,
  kCADC_ANB4_5_FullyDifferential = 2UL << 18UL,
  kCADC_ANB4_5_UnipolarDifferential = 3UL << 18UL,
  kCADC_ANB6_7_SingleEnd = 1UL << 21UL,
  kCADC_ANB6_7_FullyDifferential = 2UL << 21UL,
  kCADC_ANB6_7_UnipolarDifferential = 3UL << 21UL,
  kCADC_ANB6_InternalTempSensor_ANB7_Normal = 4UL << 21UL,
  kCADC_ANB6_Normal_ANB7_InternalAnalogInput = 5UL << 21UL,
  kCADC_ANB6_InternalTempSensor_ANB7_InternalAnalogInput = 6UL << 21UL
 The enumeration of all channels' channel mode. More...
enum  cadc_channel_number_t {
  kCADC_SingleEndANA0_DiffANA0pANA1n = 0U,
  kCADC_SingleEndANA1_DiffANA0pANA1n = 1U,
  kCADC_SingleEndANA2_DiffANA2pANA3n = 2U,
  kCADC_SingleEndANA3_DiffANA2pANA3n = 3U,
  kCADC_SingleEndANA4_DiffANA4pANA5n = 4U,
  kCADC_SingleEndANA5_DiffANA4pANA5n = 5U,
  kCADC_SingleEndANA6_DiffANA6pANA7n = 6U,
  kCADC_SingleEndANA7_DiffANA6pANA7n = 7U,
  kCADC_SingleEndANB0_DiffANB0pANB1n = 8U,
  kCADC_SingleEndANB1_DiffANB0pANB1n = 9U,
  kCADC_SingleEndANB2_DiffANB2pANB3n = 10U,
  kCADC_SingleEndANB3_DiffANB2pANB3n = 11U,
  kCADC_SingleEndANB4_DiffANB4pANB5n = 12U,
  kCADC_SingleEndANB5_DiffANB4pANB5n = 13U,
  kCADC_SingleEndANB6_DiffANB6pANB7n = 14U,
  kCADC_SingleEndANB7_DiffANB6pANB7n = 15U,
  kCADC_ADCATemperatureSensor = 16U,
  kCADC_ADCAAnalogInput = 17U,
  kCADC_ADCBTemperatureSensor = 18U,
  kCADC_ADCBAnalogInput = 19U
 The enumerator of all channels that can be routed to the specific sample slot. More...
enum  cadc_sample_slot_mask_t { ,
  kCADC_SampleSlot0Mask = 1UL << 0UL,
  kCADC_SampleSlot1Mask = 1UL << 1UL,
  kCADC_SampleSlot2Mask = 1UL << 2UL,
  kCADC_SampleSlot3Mask = 1UL << 3UL,
  kCADC_SampleSlot4Mask = 1UL << 4UL,
  kCADC_SampleSlot5Mask = 1UL << 5UL,
  kCADC_SampleSlot6Mask = 1UL << 6UL,
  kCADC_SampleSlot7Mask = 1UL << 7UL,
  kCADC_SampleSlot8Mask = 1UL << 8UL,
  kCADC_SampleSlot9Mask = 1UL << 9UL,
  kCADC_SampleSlot10Mask = 1UL << 10UL,
  kCADC_SampleSlot11Mask = 1UL << 11UL,
  kCADC_SampleSlot12Mask = 1UL << 12UL,
  kCADC_SampleSlot13Mask = 1UL << 13UL,
  kCADC_SampleSlot14Mask = 1UL << 14UL,
  kCADC_SampleSlot15Mask = 1UL << 15UL,
  kCADC_SampleSlot16Mask = 1UL << 16UL,
  kCADC_SampleSlot17Mask = 1UL << 17UL,
  kCADC_SampleSlot18Mask = 1UL << 18UL,
  kCADC_SampleSlot19Mask = 1UL << 19UL,
  kCADC_AllSampleSlotsMask = 0xFFFFFUL
 The enumeration of sample slot mask. More...
enum  cadc_sample_slot_index_t {
  kCADC_SampleSlot0Index = 0U,
  kCADC_SampleSlot1Index = 1U,
  kCADC_SampleSlot2Index = 2U,
  kCADC_SampleSlot3Index = 3U,
  kCADC_SampleSlot4Index = 4U,
  kCADC_SampleSlot5Index = 5U,
  kCADC_SampleSlot6Index = 6U,
  kCADC_SampleSlot7Index = 7U,
  kCADC_SampleSlot8Index = 8U,
  kCADC_SampleSlot9Index = 9U,
  kCADC_SampleSlot10Index = 10U,
  kCADC_SampleSlot11Index = 11U,
  kCADC_SampleSlot12Index = 12U,
  kCADC_SampleSlot13Index = 13U,
  kCADC_SampleSlot14Index = 14U,
  kCADC_SampleSlot15Index = 15U,
  kCADC_SampleSlot16Index = 16U,
  kCADC_SampleSlot17Index = 17U,
  kCADC_SampleSlot18Index = 18U,
  kCADC_SampleSlot19Index = 19U
 The enumeration of sample slot index. More...
enum  cadc_sample_slot_sequential_mode_disabled_t {
  kCADC_Sample0Disabled = 1UL << 0UL,
  kCADC_Sample1Disabled = 1UL << 1UL,
  kCADC_Sample2Disabled = 1UL << 2UL,
  kCADC_Sample3Disabled = 1UL << 3UL,
  kCADC_Sample4Disabled = 1UL << 4UL,
  kCADC_Sample5Disabled = 1UL << 5UL,
  kCADC_Sample6Disabled = 1UL << 6UL,
  kCADC_Sample7Disabled = 1UL << 7UL,
  kCADC_Sample8Disabled = 1UL << 8UL,
  kCADC_Sample9Disabled = 1UL << 9UL,
  kCADC_Sample10Disabled = 1UL << 10UL,
  kCADC_Sample11Disabled = 1UL << 11UL,
  kCADC_Sample12Disabled = 1UL << 12UL,
  kCADC_Sample13Disabled = 1UL << 13UL,
  kCADC_Sample14Disabled = 1UL << 14UL,
  kCADC_Sample15Disabled = 1UL << 15UL,
  kCADC_Sample16Disabled = 1UL << 16UL,
  kCADC_Sample17Disabled = 1UL << 17UL,
  kCADC_Sample18Disabled = 1UL << 18UL,
  kCADC_Sample19Disabled = 1UL << 19UL
 The enumeration for the sample slot to be disabled in sequential mode. More...
enum  cadc_sample_slot_simultParallel_mode_disabled_t {
  kCADC_Sample0_8Disabled = 1UL << 0UL,
  kCADC_Sample1_9Disabled = 1UL << 1UL,
  kCADC_Sample2_10Disabled = 1UL << 2UL,
  kCADC_Sample3_11Disabled = 1UL << 3UL,
  kCADC_Sample4_12Disabled = 1UL << 4UL,
  kCADC_Sample5_13Disabled = 1UL << 5UL,
  kCADC_Sample6_14Disabled = 1UL << 6UL,
  kCADC_Sample7_15Disabled = 1UL << 7UL,
  kCADC_Sample16_18Disabled = 1UL << 16UL,
  kCADC_Sample17_19Disabled = 1UL << 17UL
 The enumeration for the sample slot to be disabled in simultaneous parallel mode. More...
enum  cadc_sample_slot_independentParallel_mode_convA_disabled_t {
  kCADC_ConvASample0Disabled = 1U << 0U,
  kCADC_ConvASample1Disabled = 1U << 1U,
  kCADC_ConvASample2Disabled = 1U << 2U,
  kCADC_ConvASample3Disabled = 1U << 3U,
  kCADC_ConvASample4Disabled = 1U << 4U,
  kCADC_ConvASample5Disabled = 1U << 5U,
  kCADC_ConvASample6Disabled = 1U << 6U,
  kCADC_ConvASample7Disabled = 1U << 7U,
  kCADC_ConvASample16Disabled = (1U << (16U - 8U)),
  kCADC_ConvASample17Disabled = (1U << (17U - 8U))
 The enumeration for the sample slot to be disabled for the converter A in independent parallel mode. More...
enum  cadc_sample_slot_independentParallel_mode_convB_disabled_t {
  kCADC_ConvBSample8Disabled = (1UL << (8U - 8U)),
  kCADC_ConvBSample9Disabled = (1UL << (9U - 8U)),
  kCADC_ConvBSample10Disabled = (1UL << (10U - 8U)),
  kCADC_ConvBSample11Disabled = (1UL << (11U - 8U)),
  kCADC_ConvBSample12Disabled = (1UL << (12U - 8UL)),
  kCADC_ConvBSample13Disabled = (1UL << (13U - 8U)),
  kCADC_ConvBSample14Disabled = (1UL << (14U - 8U)),
  kCADC_ConvBSample15Disabled = (1UL << (15U - 8U)),
  kCADC_ConvBSample18Disabled = (1UL << (18U - 8U)),
  kCADC_ConvBSample19Disabled = (1UL << (19U - 8U))
 The enumeration for the sample slot to be disabled for the converter B in independent parallel mode. More...
enum  cadc_sample_slot_zero_crossing_mode_t {
  kCADC_ZeroCrossingDisabled = 0U,
  kCADC_ZeroCrossingForPtoNSign = 1U,
  kCADC_ZeroCrossingForNtoPSign = 2U,
  kCADC_ZeroCrossingForAnySignChanged = 3U
 The enumeration for the sample slot's zero crossing event. More...

Driver version


Initialization and deinitialization Interfaces

void CADC_Init (ADC_Type *base, const cadc_config_t *psConfig)
 Initializes the CADC module, such as scan mode, DMA trigger source, interrupt mask and so on. More...
void CADC_GetDefaultConfig (cadc_config_t *psConfig)
 Gets an available pre-defined options(such as scan mode, DMA trigger source, interrupt mask and so on) for module's configuration. More...
void CADC_Deinit (ADC_Type *base)
 De-initializes the CADC module, including power down both converter and disable the clock(Optional). More...

Scan related Interfaces

static void CADC_SetScanMode (ADC_Type *base, cadc_scan_mode_t eScanMode)
 Sets the scan mode(such as Sequential scan mode, Simultaneous parallel scan mode, Independent parallel scan mode) of dual converters. More...
static void CADC_SetScanControl (ADC_Type *base, cadc_scan_control_t uScanControl)
 The function provides the ability to pause and await new sync in the conversion sequence. More...

Channel control Interfaces

void CADC_SetChannelMode (ADC_Type *base, cadc_channel_mode_t eChannelMode)
 Sets mode for the specific channel(Each channel can be set as single-end, fully differential and unipolar differential(Optional) mode). More...
void CADC_SetChannelGain (ADC_Type *base, cadc_channel_number_t eChannelNumber, cadc_channel_gain_t eChannelGain)
 Sets the gain(Supports X1, X2, X4) of selected channel. More...

Sample Slot Control Interfaces

void CADC_GetSampleSlotDefaultConfig (cadc_sample_slot_config_t *psConfig)
 Gets sample slot default configuration including zero crossing mode, high limit value, low limit value and offset value. More...
void CADC_SetSampleSlotConfig (ADC_Type *base, cadc_sample_slot_index_t eSampleIndex, const cadc_sample_slot_config_t *psConfig)
 Configures the options(including zero crossing mode, high limit value, low limit value and offset value) for sample slot. More...
void CADC_SetSampleSlotZeroCrossingMode (ADC_Type *base, cadc_sample_slot_index_t eSampleIndex, cadc_sample_slot_zero_crossing_mode_t eZeroCrossingMode)
 Sets zero-crossing mode for the selected sample slot. More...
void CADC_RouteChannelToSampleSlot (ADC_Type *base, cadc_sample_slot_index_t eSampleIndex, cadc_channel_number_t eChannelNumber)
 Routes the channel to the sample slot. More...
static void CADC_SetSampleSlotLowLimitValue (ADC_Type *base, cadc_sample_slot_index_t eSampleIndex, uint16_t u16LowLimitValue)
 Sets the low limit value(-32768 ~ 32767 with lower three bits of fixed value 0) for the specific sample slot. More...
static void CADC_SetSampleSlotHighLimitValue (ADC_Type *base, cadc_sample_slot_index_t eSampleIndex, uint16_t u16HighLimitValue)
 Sets the high limit value(-32768 ~ 32767 with lower three bits of fixed value 0) for the specific sample slot. More...
static void CADC_SetSampleSlotOffsetValue (ADC_Type *base, cadc_sample_slot_index_t eSampleIndex, uint16_t u16OffsetValue)
 Sets the offset value(-32768 ~ 32767 with lower three bits of fixed value 0) for the specific sample slot. More...
static uint16_t CADC_GetSampleSlotResultValue (ADC_Type *base, cadc_sample_slot_index_t eSampleIndex)
 Gets the sample result value. More...

Converters Control Interfaces

void CADC_GetConverterDefaultConfig (cadc_converter_config_t *psConfig)
 Gets available pre-defined settings(such as clock divisor, reference voltage source, and so on) for each converter's configuration. More...
void CADC_SetConverterConfig (ADC_Type *base, cadc_converter_id_t eConverterId, const cadc_converter_config_t *psConfig)
 Configures the options(such as clock divisor, reference voltage source, and so on) for the converter. More...
static void CADC_EnableConverter (ADC_Type *base, cadc_converter_id_t eConverterId, bool bEnable)
 Changes the converter to stop mode or normal mode. More...
static void CADC_EnableConverterSyncInput (ADC_Type *base, cadc_converter_id_t eConverterId, bool bEnable)
 Enables/Disables the external sync input pulse to initiate a scan. More...
static void CADC_DoSoftwareTriggerConverter (ADC_Type *base, cadc_converter_id_t eConverterId)
 Uses software trigger to start a conversion sequence. More...
static void CADC_SetConverterClockDivisor (ADC_Type *base, cadc_converter_id_t eConverterId, uint16_t u16ClockDivisor)
 Sets clock divisor(Range from 0 to 63) for converterA and conveter B. More...
void CADC_SetConverterReferenceVoltageSource (ADC_Type *base, cadc_converter_id_t eConverterId, cadc_reference_voltage_source_t eHighReferenceVoltage, cadc_reference_voltage_source_t eLowReferenceVoltage)
 Sets converter's reference voltage source(Including high reference voltage source and low reference voltage source). More...
void CADC_EnableConverterPower (ADC_Type *base, cadc_converter_id_t eConverterId, bool bEnable)
 Powers up/down the specific converter. More...
static void CADC_EnableConverterDMA (ADC_Type *base, cadc_converter_id_t eConverterId, bool bEnable)
 Enables/Disables the converter's DMA feature. More...

Power Control Interfaces

static void CADC_SetPowerUpDelay (ADC_Type *base, uint16_t u16PowerUpDelay)
 Sets power up delay(The number of ADC clocks to power up the converters before allowing a scan to start). More...
static void CADC_EnableAutoPowerDownMode (ADC_Type *base, bool bEnable)
 Enables/Disables auto-powerdown converters when the module is not in use for a scan. More...

DMA Control Interfaces

static void CADC_SetDMATriggerSource (ADC_Type *base, cadc_dma_trigger_source_t eDMATriggerSource)
 Sets DMA trigger source(available selections are "End of scan" and "Sample Ready"). More...

Interrupt Control Interfaces

static void CADC_EnableInterrupts (ADC_Type *base, uint32_t u32Mask)
 Enables the interrupts(such as high/low limit interrupts, end of scan interrupts, and so on). More...
static void CADC_DisableInterrupts (ADC_Type *base, uint32_t u32Mask)
 Disables the interrupts(such as high/low limit interrupts, end of scan interrupts, and so on). More...

ADC Status Flag Interfaces

static uint16_t CADC_GetMiscStatusFlags (ADC_Type *base)
 Gets Miscellaneous status flags, such as end of scan status flag, high/low limit interrupt flags and so on. More...
static void CADC_ClearMiscStatusFlags (ADC_Type *base, uint16_t u16Flags)
 Clears Miscellaneous status flags(Only for "end of scan" status flags). More...
static uint32_t CADC_GetSampleSlotReadyStatusFlags (ADC_Type *base)
 Gets sample slots ready status flag, those status flags are cleared by reading the corresponding sample slots' result. More...
static uint32_t CADC_GetSampleSlotLowLimitStatusFlags (ADC_Type *base)
 Gets sample slot low limit status flags(Each bit represents one sample slot). More...
static void CADC_ClearSampleSlotLowLimitStatusFlags (ADC_Type *base, uint32_t u32SampleMask)
 Clears sample slot's low limit status flags(Each bit represents one sample slot). More...
static uint32_t CADC_GetSampleSlotHighLimitStatusFlags (ADC_Type *base)
 Gets sample slot high limit status flags(Each bit represents one sample slot). More...
static void CADC_ClearSampleSlotHighLimitStatusFlags (ADC_Type *base, uint32_t u32SampleMask)
 Clears sample slot's high limit status flags(Each bit represents one sample slot). More...
static uint32_t CADC_GetSampleSlotZeroCrossingStatusFlags (ADC_Type *base)
 Gets sample slot zero crossing status flags(Each bit represents one sample slot). More...
static void CADC_ClearSampleSlotZeroCrossingStatusFlags (ADC_Type *base, uint32_t u32SampleMask)
 Clears sample slot's zero crossing status flags(Each bit represents one sample slot). More...
static uint16_t CADC_GetPowerStatusFlags (ADC_Type *base)
 Gets converters power status(Those power status can not be cleared). More...

Data Structure Documentation

struct cadc_sample_slot_independentParallel_mode_disabled_t

Data Fields

cadc_sample_slot_independentParallel_mode_convA_disabled_t eConverterA
     The sample slot to be

disabled for the converter A, when the scan mode is set as independent parallel mode. More...

cadc_sample_slot_independentParallel_mode_convB_disabled_t eConverterB
     The sample slot to be

disabled for the converter B, when the scan mode is set as independent parallel mode. More...


Field Documentation

cadc_sample_slot_independentParallel_mode_convA_disabled_t cadc_sample_slot_independentParallel_mode_disabled_t::eConverterA
cadc_sample_slot_independentParallel_mode_convB_disabled_t cadc_sample_slot_independentParallel_mode_disabled_t::eConverterB
union cadc_sample_slot_disabled_t

Data Fields

uint32_t u32SampleDisVal
 The 32 bits width of disabled sample slot value. More...
cadc_sample_slot_sequential_mode_disabled_t eSequentialModeDisSample
   If the scan mode is selected as

sequential mode, the application must use this member to set the disabled sample slot. More...

cadc_sample_slot_simultParallel_mode_disabled_t eSimultParallelModeDisSample
           In simultaneous parallel scan

mode, the application must use this member to set the disabled sample slot. More...

cadc_sample_slot_independentParallel_mode_disabled_t sIndependentParallelModeDisSample
                         In independent parallel

scan mode, the application must use this member to set the disabled sample slot. More...


Field Documentation

uint32_t cadc_sample_slot_disabled_t::u32SampleDisVal

This member used to get the disabled sample slot which sets in different scan modes in word type. This member is not recommended to be used to set the disabled sample slot. This member is designed to be used in driver level only, the application should not use this member.

cadc_sample_slot_sequential_mode_disabled_t cadc_sample_slot_disabled_t::eSequentialModeDisSample

This member is used to set disabled sample slot when the scan mode is selected as sequential mode. The scan will stop at the first disabled sample slot in that mode. So for the application, this member should be set as one sample slot index that the scan will stop.

cadc_sample_slot_simultParallel_mode_disabled_t cadc_sample_slot_disabled_t::eSimultParallelModeDisSample

In that scan mode, the scan will stop when either converter encounters a disabled sample.

cadc_sample_slot_independentParallel_mode_disabled_t cadc_sample_slot_disabled_t::sIndependentParallelModeDisSample

In that scan mode, the converter will stop scan when it encounters a disabled sample slot. In this mode, the disabled sample slot for converterA and converterB may different.

struct cadc_sample_slot_config_t

Data Fields

cadc_sample_slot_zero_crossing_mode_t eZeroCrossingMode
 Zero crossing mode. More...
uint16_t u16HighLimitValue
 High limit value. More...
uint16_t u16LowLimitValue
 Low limit value. More...
uint16_t u16OffsetValue
 Offset value. More...

Field Documentation

cadc_sample_slot_zero_crossing_mode_t cadc_sample_slot_config_t::eZeroCrossingMode
uint16_t cadc_sample_slot_config_t::u16HighLimitValue

Original value formation as hardware register, with 3-bits left shifted.

uint16_t cadc_sample_slot_config_t::u16LowLimitValue

Original value formation as hardware register, with 3-bits left shifted.

uint16_t cadc_sample_slot_config_t::u16OffsetValue

Original value formation as hardware register, with 3-bits left shifted.

struct cadc_scan_ctrl_seq_mode_t
Each member of this structure represent one bit of the word. Asserted the structure's member means delay sample until a new sync input occurs. Cleared the structure's member means perform sample immediately after the completion of the current sample.

Data Fields

uint32_t bitSample0: 1U
 Control whether delay sample0 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample1: 1U
 Control whether delay sample1 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample2: 1U
 Control whether delay sample2 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample3: 1U
 Control whether delay sample3 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample4: 1U
 Control whether delay sample4 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample5: 1U
 Control whether delay sample5 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample6: 1U
 Control whether delay sample6 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample7: 1U
 Control whether delay sample7 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample8: 1U
 Control whether delay sample8 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample9: 1U
 Control whether delay sample9 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample10: 1U
 Control whether delay sample10 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample11: 1U
 Control whether delay sample11 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample12: 1U
 Control whether delay sample12 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample13: 1U
 Control whether delay sample13 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample14: 1U
 Control whether delay sample14 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample15: 1U
 Control whether delay sample15 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample16: 1U
 Control whether delay sample16 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample17: 1U
 Control whether delay sample17 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample18: 1U
 Control whether delay sample18 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample19: 1U
 Control whether delay sample19 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitsReserved: 12U
 Reserved 12 bits. More...

Field Documentation

uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_seq_mode_t::bitSample0
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_seq_mode_t::bitSample1
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_seq_mode_t::bitSample2
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_seq_mode_t::bitSample3
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_seq_mode_t::bitSample4
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_seq_mode_t::bitSample5
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_seq_mode_t::bitSample6
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_seq_mode_t::bitSample7
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_seq_mode_t::bitSample8
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_seq_mode_t::bitSample9
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_seq_mode_t::bitSample10
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_seq_mode_t::bitSample11
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_seq_mode_t::bitSample12
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_seq_mode_t::bitSample13
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_seq_mode_t::bitSample14
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_seq_mode_t::bitSample15
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_seq_mode_t::bitSample16
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_seq_mode_t::bitSample17
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_seq_mode_t::bitSample18
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_seq_mode_t::bitSample19
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_seq_mode_t::bitsReserved
struct cadc_scan_ctrl_simultParallel_mode_t
Each member of this structure represent one bit of the word. Asserted the structure's member means delay sample until a new sync input occurs. Cleared the structure's member means perform sample immediately after the completion of the current sample.

Data Fields

uint32_t bitSample0_8: 1U
 Control whether delay sample0 and sample8 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample1_9: 1U
 Control whether delay sample1 and sample9 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample2_10: 1U
 Control whether delay sample2 and sample10 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample3_11: 1U
 Control whether delay sample3 and sample11 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitsReserved1: 4U
 Reserved 4 bits. More...
uint32_t bitSample4_12: 1U
 Control whether delay sample4 and sample12 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample5_13: 1U
 Control whether delay sample5 and sample13 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample6_14: 1U
 Control whether delay sample6 and sample14 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample7_15: 1U
 Control whether delay sample7 and sample15 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitsReserved2: 4U
 Reserved 4 bits. More...
uint32_t bitSample16_18: 1U
 Control whether delay sample16 and sample18 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample17_19: 1U
 Control whether delay sample17 and sample19 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitsReserved3: 14U
 Reserved 14 bits. More...

Field Documentation

uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_simultParallel_mode_t::bitSample0_8
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_simultParallel_mode_t::bitSample1_9
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_simultParallel_mode_t::bitSample2_10
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_simultParallel_mode_t::bitSample3_11
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_simultParallel_mode_t::bitsReserved1
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_simultParallel_mode_t::bitSample4_12
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_simultParallel_mode_t::bitSample5_13
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_simultParallel_mode_t::bitSample6_14
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_simultParallel_mode_t::bitSample7_15
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_simultParallel_mode_t::bitsReserved2
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_simultParallel_mode_t::bitSample16_18
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_simultParallel_mode_t::bitSample17_19
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_simultParallel_mode_t::bitsReserved3
struct cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterA_t

Data Fields

uint32_t bitSample0: 1U
 Control whether delay converterA's sample0 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample1: 1U
 Control whether delay converterA's sample1 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample2: 1U
 Control whether delay converterA's sample2 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample3: 1U
 Control whether delay converterA's sample3 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitsReserved1: 4U
 Reserved 4 bits. More...
uint32_t bitSample4: 1U
 Control whether delay converterA's sample4 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample5: 1U
 Control whether delay converterA's sample5 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample6: 1U
 Control whether delay converterA's sample6 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample7: 1U
 Control whether delay converterA's sample7 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitsReserved2: 4U
 Reserved 4 bits.
uint32_t bitSample16: 1U
 Control whether delay converterA's sample16 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample17: 1U
 Control whether delay converterA's sample17 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitsReserved3: 14U
 Reserved 14 bits. More...

Field Documentation

uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterA_t::bitSample0
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterA_t::bitSample1
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterA_t::bitSample2
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterA_t::bitSample3
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterA_t::bitsReserved1
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterA_t::bitSample4
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterA_t::bitSample5
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterA_t::bitSample6
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterA_t::bitSample7
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterA_t::bitSample16
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterA_t::bitSample17
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterA_t::bitsReserved3
struct cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterB_t

Data Fields

uint32_t bitsReserved1: 4U
 Reserved 4 bits. More...
uint32_t bitSample8: 1U
 Control whether delay converterB's sample8 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample9: 1U
 Control whether delay converterB's sample9 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample10: 1U
 Control whether delay converterB's sample10 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample11: 1U
 Control whether delay converterB's sample11 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitsReserved2: 4U
 Reserved 4 bits. More...
uint32_t bitSample12: 1U
 Control whether delay converterB's sample12 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample13: 1U
 Control whether delay converterB's sample13 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample14: 1U
 Control whether delay converterB's sample14 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample15: 1U
 Control whether delay converterB's sample15 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitsReserved3: 2U
 Reserved 2 bits. More...
uint32_t bitSample18: 1U
 Control whether delay converterB's sample18 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitSample19: 1U
 Control whether delay converterB's sample19 until a new sync input occurs. More...
uint32_t bitsReserved4: 12U
 Reserved 12 bits. More...

Field Documentation

uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterB_t::bitsReserved1
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterB_t::bitSample8
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterB_t::bitSample9
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterB_t::bitSample10
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterB_t::bitSample11
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterB_t::bitsReserved2
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterB_t::bitSample12
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterB_t::bitSample13
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterB_t::bitSample14
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterB_t::bitSample15
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterB_t::bitsReserved3
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterB_t::bitSample18
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterB_t::bitSample19
uint32_t cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterB_t::bitsReserved4
union cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_t

Data Fields

cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterA_t sConverterA
 Scan control for converterA. More...
cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterB_t sConverterB
 Scan control for converterB. More...

Field Documentation

cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterA_t cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_t::sConverterA
cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_converterB_t cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_t::sConverterB
union cadc_scan_control_t

Data Fields

uint32_t u32ScanCtrlVal
 The 32 bits value of the scan control value. More...
cadc_scan_ctrl_seq_mode_t sSequential
 Scan control for sequential scan mode. More...
cadc_scan_ctrl_simultParallel_mode_t sSimultParallel
 Scan control for simultaneous parallel scan mode. More...
cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_t uIndependentParallel
 Scan control for independent scan mode. More...

Field Documentation

uint32_t cadc_scan_control_t::u32ScanCtrlVal
cadc_scan_ctrl_seq_mode_t cadc_scan_control_t::sSequential
cadc_scan_ctrl_simultParallel_mode_t cadc_scan_control_t::sSimultParallel
cadc_scan_ctrl_independent_parallel_mode_t cadc_scan_control_t::uIndependentParallel
struct cadc_converter_config_t

Data Fields

uint16_t u16ClockDivisor
 Converter's clock divisor for the clock source. More...
cadc_reference_voltage_source_t eHighReferenceVoltageSource
 High voltage reference source. More...
cadc_reference_voltage_source_t eLowReferenceVoltageSource
 Low reference voltage source. More...
bool bEnableDMA
 Enable/Disable DMA. More...
bool bPowerUp
 Power up or power down the converter. More...
bool bScanInitBySync
 The member user to control the initiate method of the scan. More...

Field Documentation

uint16_t cadc_converter_config_t::u16ClockDivisor

Available setting range is 0-63.

  • When the clockDivisor is 0, the divisor is 2.
  • For all other clockDivisor values, the divisor is 1 more than the decimal value of clockDivisor: clockDivisor + 1
cadc_reference_voltage_source_t cadc_converter_config_t::eHighReferenceVoltageSource
cadc_reference_voltage_source_t cadc_converter_config_t::eLowReferenceVoltageSource
bool cadc_converter_config_t::bEnableDMA
bool cadc_converter_config_t::bPowerUp
bool cadc_converter_config_t::bScanInitBySync
  • true Use a SYNC input pulse or START command to initiate a scan.
  • false Scan is initiated by the assertion of START command only.
struct cadc_config_t

Data Fields

cadc_idle_work_mode_t eIdleWorkMode
 Idle work mode for the module. More...
cadc_dma_trigger_source_t eDMATriggerSource
 Selects the dma trigger source for the module. More...
uint16_t u16PowerUpDelay
 The number of ADC clocks to power up the converters (if powered up), before allowing a scan to start. More...
uint32_t u32EnabledInterruptMask
 The mask of the interrupts to be enabled, should be the OR'ed value of _cadc_interrupt. More...
cadc_scan_mode_t eScanMode
 The scan mode of the module. More...
cadc_sample_slot_disabled_t uDisabledSampleSlot
 The member used to config the which sample slot is disabled for the scan. More...
cadc_scan_control_t uScanControl
 Scan control provides the ability to pause and await a new sync signal while current sample completed. More...
uint32_t u32ChannelModeMask
 The mask of each channel's mode, should be the OR'ed value of cadc_channel_mode_t. More...
cadc_channel_gain_t eChannelGain [CADC_SAMPLE_SLOTS_COUNT]
 The gain value for each channel. More...
cadc_channel_number_t eSampleSlot [CADC_SAMPLE_SLOTS_COUNT]
 The channel assigned to each sample slot. More...
cadc_converter_config_t sConverterA
 The configuration for converterA. More...
cadc_converter_config_t sConverterB
 The configuration for converterB. More...

Field Documentation

cadc_idle_work_mode_t cadc_config_t::eIdleWorkMode
cadc_dma_trigger_source_t cadc_config_t::eDMATriggerSource
uint16_t cadc_config_t::u16PowerUpDelay

The available range is 0 to 63 .

uint32_t cadc_config_t::u32EnabledInterruptMask
cadc_scan_mode_t cadc_config_t::eScanMode
cadc_sample_slot_disabled_t cadc_config_t::uDisabledSampleSlot

The scan will continue until the first disabled sample slot is encountered.

cadc_scan_control_t cadc_config_t::uScanControl
uint32_t cadc_config_t::u32ChannelModeMask

Each channel supports single-end and differential(Fully differentail and Unipolar differential). Some devices also support alternate source mode.

cadc_channel_gain_t cadc_config_t::eChannelGain[CADC_SAMPLE_SLOTS_COUNT]

Each element of the array represents the gain of the channel. E.g. eChannelGain[0] means channel gain of channel0, which is ANA0.

cadc_channel_number_t cadc_config_t::eSampleSlot[CADC_SAMPLE_SLOTS_COUNT]

The index of the array represents sample slot index.

cadc_converter_config_t cadc_config_t::sConverterA
cadc_converter_config_t cadc_config_t::sConverterB

Enumeration Type Documentation


Zero crossing encountered.

IRQ pending if enabled Zero Crossing Interrupt.


High limit exceeded flag.

IRQ pending if enabled high limit interrupt.


Low limit exceeded flag.

IRQ pending if enabled low limit interrupt.


Conversion in progress, converter A.


Conversion in progress, converter B.


End of scan, converter A.


End of scan, converter B.


The converterA is powered down.


The converterB is powered down.


If sample0 is converted, generate the scan interrupt.


If sample1 is converted, generate the scan interrupt.


If sample2 is converted, generate the scan interrupt.


If sample3 is converted, generate the scan interrupt.


If sample4 is converted, generate the scan interrupt.


If sample5 is converted, generate the scan interrupt.


If sample6 is converted, generate the scan interrupt.


If sample7 is converted, generate the scan interrupt.


If sample8 is converted, generate the scan interrupt.


If sample9 is converted, generate the scan interrupt.


If sample10 is converted, generate the scan interrupt.


If sample11 is converted, generate the scan interrupt.


If sample12 is converted, generate the scan interrupt.


If sample13 is converted, generate the scan interrupt.


If sample14 is converted, generate the scan interrupt.


If sample15 is converted, generate the scan interrupt.


If sample16 is converted, generate the scan interrupt.


If sample17 is converted, generate the scan interrupt.


If sample18 is converted, generate the scan interrupt.


If sample19 is converted, generate the scan interrupt.


If the result value is greater than the high limit value, generate high limit interrupt.


If the result value is less than the low limit value, generate low limit interrupt.


If the current value has a sign change from the previous result in the selected zero crossing mode, generate the zero crossing mode.


Upon the completion of the scan, generate the end of scan interrupt, when the scan mode is selected as sequential mode or simultaneous parallel mode.

For looping scan mode, the interrupt will trigger after the completion of each iteration of loop.


When the scan mode is independent parallel mode, up the completion of the converter scan, generate te end of scan interrupt.

For looping scan mode, the interrupt will trigger after the completion of each iteration of loop.


Converter A.


Converter B.


Keep normal.


Fall into power down mode automatically.


DMA trigger source is end of scan interrupt.


DMA trigger source is RDY bits.


Once (single) sequential.


Once parallel independently.


Loop sequential.


Loop parallel independently.


Triggered sequential.


Triggered parallel independently.


Once parallel simultaneously.


Loop parallel simultaneously.


Triggered parallel simultaneously.


VREF pin.


ANx2 or ANx3 pin.


Gain x1.


Gain x2.


Gain x4.


ANA0 and ANA1 both configured as single ended inputs.


ANA0 configured as fully differential positive input, ANA1 configured as fully differential negative input.


ANA0 configured as unipolar differential positive input, ANA1 configured as unipolar differential negative input.


ANA2 and ANA3 both configured as single ended inputs.


ANA2 configured as fully differential positive input, ANA3 configured as fully differential negative input.


ANA2 configured as unipolar differential positive input, ANA3 configured as unipolar differential negative input.


ANB0 and ANB1 both configured as single ended inputs.


ANB0 configured as fully differential positive input, ANB1 configured as fully differential negative input.


ANB0 configured as unipolar differential positive input, ANB1 configured as unipolar differential negative input.


ANB2 and ANB3 both configured as single ended inputs.


ANB2 configured as fully differential positive input, ANB3 configured as fully differential negative input.


ANB2 configured as unipolar differential positive input, ANB3 configured as unipolar differential negative input.


ANA4 and ANA5 both configured as single ended inputs.


ANA4 configured as fully differential positive input, ANA5 configured as fully differential negative input.


ANA4 configured as unipolar differential positive input, ANA5 configured as unipolar differential negative input.


ANA6 and ANA7 both configured as single ended inputs.


ANA6 configured as fully differential positive input, ANA7 configured as fully differential negative input.


ANA6 configured as unipolar differential positive input, ANA7 configured as unipolar differential negative input.


ANA6 configured as Internal temperature sensor, ANA7 configured as normal single-end operate mode.


ANA6 configured as normal single-end operate mode, ANA7 configuread as internal analog input.


ANA6 configured as internal temperature sensor, ANA7 configured as internal analog input.


ANB4 and ANB5 both configured as single ended inputs.


ANB4 configured as fully differential positive input, ANB5 configured as fully differential negative input.


ANB4 configured as unipolar differential positive input, ANB5 configured as unipolar differential negative input.


ANB6 and ANB7 both configured as single ended inputs.


ANB6 configured as fully differential positive input, ANB7 configured as fully differential negative input.


ANB6 configured as unipolar differential positive input, ANB7 configured as unipolar differential negative input.


ANB6 configured as internal temperature sensor, ANB7 configured as normal single-end operate mode.


ANB6 configured as normal single-end operate mode, ANB7 configuread as internal analog input.


ANB6 configured as internal temperature sensor, ANB7 configured as internal analog input.


Single Endned ANA0 Signal Or Differential ANA0+, ANA1- signal.


Single Endned ANA1 Signal Or Differential ANA0+, ANA1- signal.


Single Endned ANA2 Signal Or Differential ANA2+, ANA3- signal.


Single Endned ANA3 Signal Or Differential ANA2+, ANA3- signal.


Single Endned ANA4 Signal Or Differential ANA4+, ANA5- signal.


Single Endned ANA5 Signal Or Differential ANA4+, ANA5- signal.


Single Endned ANA6 Signal Or Differential ANA6+, ANA7- signal.


Single Endned ANA7 Signal Or Differential ANA6+, ANA7- signal.


Single Endned ANB0 Signal Or Differential ANB0+, ANB1- signal.


Single Endned ANB1 Signal Or Differential ANB0+, ANB1- signal.


Single Endned ANB2 Signal Or Differential ANB2+, ANB3- signal.


Single Endned ANB3 Signal Or Differential ANB2+, ANB3- signal.


Single Endned ANB4 Signal Or Differential ANB4+, ANB5- signal.


Single Endned ANB5 Signal Or Differential ANB4+, ANB5- signal.


Single Endned ANB6 Signal Or Differential ANB6+, ANB7- signal.


Single Endned ANB7 Signal Or Differential ANB6+, ANB7- signal.


Single Ended ADCA Temperature sensor.


Single Ended ADCA analog input for on-chip generated signals.


Single Ended ADCB Temperature sensor.


Single Ended ADCB analog input for on-chip generated signals.


The mask of sample slot0.


The mask of sample slot1.


The mask of sample slot2.


The mask of sample slot3.


The mask of sample slot4.


The mask of sample slot5.


The mask of sample slot6.


The mask of sample slot7.


The mask of sample slot8.


The mask of sample slot9.


The mask of sample slot10.


The mask of sample slot11.


The mask of sample slot12.


The mask of sample slot13.


The mask of sample slot14.


The mask of sample slot15.


The mask of sample slot16.


The mask of sample slot17.


The mask of sample slot18.


The mask of sample slot19.


The mask of all sample slots.


The index of sample slot0.


The index of sample slot1.


The index of sample slot2.


The index of sample slot3.


The index of sample slot4.


The index of sample slot5.


The index of sample slot6.


The index of sample slot7.


The index of sample slot8.


The index of sample slot9.


The index of sample slot10.


The index of sample slot11.


The index of sample slot12.


The index of sample slot13.


The index of sample slot14.


The index of sample slot15.


The index of sample slot16.


The index of sample slot17.


The index of sample slot18.


The index of sample slot19.


Disable Sample slot0, the scan will stop at sample slot0 in sequential scan mode.


Disable Sample slot1, the scan will stop at sample slot1 in sequential scan mode.


Disable Sample slot2, the scan will stop at sample slot2 in sequential scan mode.


Disable Sample slot3, the scan will stop at sample slot3 in sequential scan mode.


Disable Sample slot4, the scan will stop at sample slot4 in sequential scan mode.


Disable Sample slot5, the scan will stop at sample slot5 in sequential scan mode.


Disable Sample slot6, the scan will stop at sample slot6 in sequential scan mode.


Disable Sample slot7, the scan will stop at sample slot7 in sequential scan mode.


Disable Sample slot8, the scan will stop at sample slot8 in sequential scan mode.


Disable Sample slot9, the scan will stop at sample slot9 in sequential scan mode.


Disable Sample slot10, the scan will stop at sample slot10 in sequential scan mode.


Disable Sample slot11, the scan will stop at sample slot11 in sequential scan mode.


Disable Sample slot12, the scan will stop at sample slot12 in sequential scan mode.


Disable Sample slot13, the scan will stop at sample slot13 in sequential scan mode.


Disable Sample slot14, the scan will stop at sample slot14 in sequential scan mode.


Disable Sample slot15, the scan will stop at sample slot15 in sequential scan mode.


Disable Sample slot16, the scan will stop at sample slot16 in sequential scan mode.


Disable Sample slot17, the scan will stop at sample slot17 in sequential scan mode.


Disable Sample slot18, the scan will stop at sample slot18 in sequential scan mode.


Disable Sample slot19, the scan will stop at sample slot19 in sequential scan mode.


Disable Sample slot0 and Sample Slot 8, in the simultaneous parallel mode the converter A and converter B will stop at Sample slot0 and Sample slot 8.


Disable Sample slot1 and Sample Slot 9, in the simultaneous parallel mode the converter A and converter B will stop at Sample slot1 and Sample slot 9.


Disable Sample slot2 and Sample Slot 10, in the simultaneous parallel mode the converter A and converter B will stop at Sample slot2 and Sample slot 10.


Disable Sample slot3 and Sample Slot 11, in the simultaneous parallel mode the converter A and converter B will stop at Sample slot3 and Sample slot 11.


Disable Sample slot4 and Sample Slot 12, in the simultaneous parallel mode the converter A and converter B will stop at Sample slot4 and Sample slot 12.


Disable Sample slot5 and Sample Slot 13, in the simultaneous parallel mode the converter A and converter B will stop at Sample slot5 and Sample slot 13.


Disable Sample slot6 and Sample Slot 14, in the simultaneous parallel mode the converter A and converter B will stop at Sample slot7 and Sample slot 14.


Disable Sample slot7 and Sample Slot 15, in the simultaneous parallel mode the converter A and converter B will stop at Sample slot7 and Sample slot 15.


Disable Sample slot16 and Sample Slot 18, in the simultaneous parallel mode the converter A and converter B will stop at Sample slot16 and Sample slot 18.


Disable Sample slot17 and Sample Slot 19, in the simultaneous parallel mode the converter A and converter B will stop at Sample slot17 and Sample slot 19.


Disable Sample slot0, the scan will stop at sample slot0 in sequential scan mode.


Disable Sample slot1, the scan will stop at sample slot1 in sequential scan mode.


Disable Sample slot2, the scan will stop at sample slot2 in sequential scan mode.


Disable Sample slot3, the scan will stop at sample slot3 in sequential scan mode.


Disable Sample slot4, the scan will stop at sample slot4 in sequential scan mode.


Disable Sample slot5, the scan will stop at sample slot5 in sequential scan mode.


Disable Sample slot6, the scan will stop at sample slot6 in sequential scan mode.


Disable Sample slot7, the scan will stop at sample slot7 in sequential scan mode.


Disable Sample slot16, the scan will stop at sample slot16 in sequential scan mode.


Disable Sample slot17, the scan will stop at sample slot17 in sequential scan mode.


Disable Sample slot8, the scan will stop at sample slot8 in sequential scan mode.


Disable Sample slot9, the scan will stop at sample slot9 in sequential scan mode.


Disable Sample slot10, the scan will stop at sample slot10 in sequential scan mode.


Disable Sample slot11, the scan will stop at sample slot11 in sequential scan mode.


Disable Sample slot12, the scan will stop at sample slot12 in sequential scan mode.


Disable Sample slot13, the scan will stop at sample slot13 in sequential scan mode.


Disable Sample slot14, the scan will stop at sample slot14 in sequential scan mode.


Disable Sample slot15, the scan will stop at sample slot15 in sequential scan mode.


Disable Sample slot18, the scan will stop at sample slot18 in sequential scan mode.


Disable Sample slot19, the scan will stop at sample slot19 in sequential scan mode.


Zero Crossing disabled.


Zero Crossing enabled for positive to negative sign change.


Zero Crossing enabled for negative to positive sign change.


Zero Crossing enabled for any sign change.

Function Documentation

void CADC_Init ( ADC_Type *  base,
const cadc_config_t psConfig 

This function is to make the initialization for using CADC module. The operations are:

  • Enable the clock for CADC.
  • Set power up delay and Idle work mode.
  • Set DMA trigger source.
  • Enable the interrupts(Including High/Low limit interrupt, zero crossing interrupt interrupt, end of scan interrupt and each sample slot's scan interrupt).
  • Set scan mode.
  • Set disabled sample slot for the scan.
  • Set scan control options.
  • Set selected channels' mode.
  • Set gain for each channel.
  • Config conterA and converterB.
The high limit value, low limit value, offset value and zerocrossing mode of each sample slot will not be configured in this function, to set those options, the APIs in "Sample Slot Control Interfaces" function group can be used.
baseCADC peripheral base address.
psConfigPointer to configuration structure. See cadc_config_t.
void CADC_GetDefaultConfig ( cadc_config_t psConfig)

This function initializes the module's configuration structure with an available settings. The default value are:

psConfig->eDMATriggerSource = kCADC_DMATrigSrcEndofScan;
psConfig->eIdleWorkMode = kCADC_IdleKeepNormal;
psConfig-s>u16PowerUpDelay = 26U;
psConfig->u32EnabledInterruptMask = 0U;
psConfig->uDisabledSampleSlot.u32SampleDisVal = 0xFF0F0UL;
psConfig->uScanControl.u32ScanCtrlVal = 0x0UL;
psConfig->eChannelGain[x] = kCADC_SignalGainX1;
psConfig->sampleSlotScanInterruptEnableMask = kCADC_NonSampleSlotMask;
For the default setting of converter, please see CADC_GetConverterDefaultConfig().
psConfigPointer to configuration structure. See cadc_config_t.
void CADC_Deinit ( ADC_Type *  base)

This function is to make the de-initialization for using CADC module. The operations are:

  • Power down both converter.
  • Disable the clock for CADC.
baseCADC peripheral base address.
static void CADC_SetScanMode ( ADC_Type *  base,
cadc_scan_mode_t  eScanMode 
baseCADC peripheral base address.
eScanModeDual converters' scan mode, please see cadc_scan_mode_t for details.
static void CADC_SetScanControl ( ADC_Type *  base,
cadc_scan_control_t  uScanControl 
baseCADC peripheral base address.
uScanControlThe scan control value, please refer to cadc_scan_control_t for details.
void CADC_SetChannelMode ( ADC_Type *  base,
cadc_channel_mode_t  eChannelMode 
baseCADC peripheral base address.
eChannelModeThe channel mode to be set, please refer to cadc_channel_mode_t for details.
void CADC_SetChannelGain ( ADC_Type *  base,
cadc_channel_number_t  eChannelNumber,
cadc_channel_gain_t  eChannelGain 
baseCADC peripheral base address.
eChannelNumberThe number of channel, please refer to cadc_channel_number_t.
eChannelGainThe gain amplification, please refer to cadc_channel_gain_t for details.
void CADC_GetSampleSlotDefaultConfig ( cadc_sample_slot_config_t psConfig)
psConfig->eZeroCrossingMode = kCADC_ZeroCrossingDisabled;
psConfig->u16HighLimitValue = 0x7FF8U;
psConfig->u16LowLimitValue = 0x0U;
psConfig->u16OffsetValue = 0x0U;
psConfigPointer to configuration structure. See cadc_sample_slot_config_t.
void CADC_SetSampleSlotConfig ( ADC_Type *  base,
cadc_sample_slot_index_t  eSampleIndex,
const cadc_sample_slot_config_t psConfig 
This function can be used to set high limit value, low limit value, offset value and zerocrossing mode of the sample slot.
baseCADC peripheral base address.
eSampleIndexIndex of sample slot in conversion sequence. Please refer to cadc_sample_slot_index_t.
psConfigPointer to configuration structure. See cadc_sample_slot_config_t.
void CADC_SetSampleSlotZeroCrossingMode ( ADC_Type *  base,
cadc_sample_slot_index_t  eSampleIndex,
cadc_sample_slot_zero_crossing_mode_t  eZeroCrossingMode 
baseCADC peripheral base address.
eSampleIndexThe index of sample slot. Please refer to cadc_sample_slot_index_t for details.
eZeroCrossingModeZero crossing mode, please refer to cadc_sample_slot_zero_crossing_mode_t for details.
void CADC_RouteChannelToSampleSlot ( ADC_Type *  base,
cadc_sample_slot_index_t  eSampleIndex,
cadc_channel_number_t  eChannelNumber 
baseCADC peripheral base address.
eSampleIndexThe index of sample slot, please refer to cadc_sample_slot_index_t for details.
eChannelNumberSample channel number, please refer to cadc_channel_number_t for details.
static void CADC_SetSampleSlotLowLimitValue ( ADC_Type *  base,
cadc_sample_slot_index_t  eSampleIndex,
uint16_t  u16LowLimitValue 
baseCADC peripheral base address.
eSampleIndexThe index of sample slot. Please refer to cadc_sample_slot_index_t for details.
u16LowLimitValueLow limit value(-32768 ~ 32767 with lower three bits of fixed value 0). Original value formation as hardware register, with 3-bits left shifted.
static void CADC_SetSampleSlotHighLimitValue ( ADC_Type *  base,
cadc_sample_slot_index_t  eSampleIndex,
uint16_t  u16HighLimitValue 
baseCADC peripheral base address.
eSampleIndexThe index of sample slot. Please refer to cadc_sample_slot_index_t for details.
u16HighLimitValueHigh limit value(-32768 ~ 32767 with lower three bits of fixed value 0). Original value formation as hardware register, with 3-bits left shifted.
static void CADC_SetSampleSlotOffsetValue ( ADC_Type *  base,
cadc_sample_slot_index_t  eSampleIndex,
uint16_t  u16OffsetValue 
baseCADC peripheral base address.
eSampleIndexThe index of sample slot. Please refer to cadc_sample_slot_index_t for details.
u16OffsetValueOffset value(-32768 ~ 32767 with lower three bits of fixed value 0). Original value formation as hardware register, with 3-bits left shifted.
static uint16_t CADC_GetSampleSlotResultValue ( ADC_Type *  base,
cadc_sample_slot_index_t  eSampleIndex 

This function is to get the sample result value. The returned value keeps it original formation just like in hardware result register. It includes the sign bit as the MSB and 3-bit left shifted value.

baseCADC peripheral base address.
eSampleIndexIndex of sample slot. For the counts of sample slots, please refer to cadc_sample_slot_index_t for details.
Sample's conversion value.
void CADC_GetConverterDefaultConfig ( cadc_converter_config_t psConfig)

This function initializes each converter's configuration structure with an available settings. The default value are:

psConfig->u16ClockDivisor = 4U;(ADC clock = Peripheral clock / 5)
psConfig->eSpeedMode = kCADC_SpeedMode0; (Chip specific)
psConfig->eHighReferenceVoltageSource = kCADC_ReferenceVoltageVrefPad;
psConfig->eLowReferenceVoltageSource = kCADC_ReferenceVoltageVrefPad;
psConfig->u16SampleWindowCount = 0U; (Chip specific)
psConfig->bEnableDMA = false;
psConfig->bPowerUp = false;
psConfig->bScanInitBySync = true;
psConfigPointer to configuration structure. See cadc_converter_config_t.
void CADC_SetConverterConfig ( ADC_Type *  base,
cadc_converter_id_t  eConverterId,
const cadc_converter_config_t psConfig 

This function can be used to configure the converter The operations are:

  • Set clock divisor;
  • Set reference voltage source
  • Enable/Disable DMA
  • Power-up/power-down converter
baseCADC peripheral base address.
eConverterIdThe converter Id. See cadc_converter_id_t.
psConfigPointer to configuration structure. See cadc_converter_config_t.
static void CADC_EnableConverter ( ADC_Type *  base,
cadc_converter_id_t  eConverterId,
bool  bEnable 

The conversion should only be launched after the converter is in normal mode. When in stop mode, the current scan is stopped and no further scans can start. All the software trigger and hardware trigger are ignored.

baseCADC peripheral base address.
eConverterIdThe converter Id. See cadc_converter_id_t.
bEnableUsed to change the operation mode.
  • true Changed to normal mode.
  • false Changed to stop mode
static void CADC_EnableConverterSyncInput ( ADC_Type *  base,
cadc_converter_id_t  eConverterId,
bool  bEnable 
When in "Once" scan mode, this gate would be off automatically after an available sync is received. User needs to enable the input again manually if another sync signal is wanted.
baseCADC peripheral base address.
eConverterIdThe converter Id. See cadc_converter_id_t.
bEnableEnable the feature or not.
  • true Used a SYNC input pulse or START command to initiate a scan.
  • false Only use the START command to initiate a scan.
static void CADC_DoSoftwareTriggerConverter ( ADC_Type *  base,
cadc_converter_id_t  eConverterId 

This function is to do the software trigger to the converter. The software trigger can used to start a conversion sequence.

baseCADC peripheral base address.
eConverterIdThe ID of the converter to be started. See cadc_converter_id_t.
static void CADC_SetConverterClockDivisor ( ADC_Type *  base,
cadc_converter_id_t  eConverterId,
uint16_t  u16ClockDivisor 
baseCADC peripheral base address.
eConverterIdThe converter Id. See cadc_converter_id_t.
u16ClockDivisorConverter's clock divisor for the clock source.Available setting range is 0-63.
  • When the clockDivisor is 0, the divisor is 2.
  • For all other clockDivisor values, the divisor is 1 more than the decimal value of clockDivisor: clockDivisor + 1
void CADC_SetConverterReferenceVoltageSource ( ADC_Type *  base,
cadc_converter_id_t  eConverterId,
cadc_reference_voltage_source_t  eHighReferenceVoltage,
cadc_reference_voltage_source_t  eLowReferenceVoltage 
baseCADC peripheral base address.
eConverterIdThe converter Id. See cadc_converter_id_t.
eHighReferenceVoltageHigh voltage reference source, please refer to cadc_reference_voltage_source_t.
eLowReferenceVoltageLow voltage reference source, please refer to cadc_reference_voltage_source_t.
void CADC_EnableConverterPower ( ADC_Type *  base,
cadc_converter_id_t  eConverterId,
bool  bEnable 

This function is to enable the power for the converter. The converter should be powered up before the conversion. Once this API is called to power up the converter, the converter would be powered on after a few moment (so-called power up delay, the function CADC_SetPowerUpDelay() can be used to set the power up delay), so that the power would be stable.

baseCADC peripheral base address.
eConverterIdThe converter to be powered. See cadc_converter_id_t.
bEnablePowers up/down the converter.
  • true Power up the specific converter.
  • false Power down the specific converter.
static void CADC_EnableConverterDMA ( ADC_Type *  base,
cadc_converter_id_t  eConverterId,
bool  bEnable 
baseCADC peripheral base address.
eConverterIdThe converter id. See cadc_converter_id_t.
bEnableEnables/Disables the DMA.
  • true Enable the converter's DMA.
  • false Disable the converter's DMA.
static void CADC_SetPowerUpDelay ( ADC_Type *  base,
uint16_t  u16PowerUpDelay 
baseCADC peripheral base address.
u16PowerUpDelayThe number of ADC clocks to power up an ADC converter. Ranges from 0 to 63.
static void CADC_EnableAutoPowerDownMode ( ADC_Type *  base,
bool  bEnable 
baseCADC peripheral base address.
bEnableEnable/Disable auto-powerdown mode.
  • true Enable auto-powerdown mode, so when the module is not in use, it will auto-powerdown.
  • false Disable auto-powerdown mode, so when the module is not in use, the power will still on.
static void CADC_SetDMATriggerSource ( ADC_Type *  base,
cadc_dma_trigger_source_t  eDMATriggerSource 
baseCADC peripheral base address.
eDMATriggerSourceDMA trigger source. Please refer to cadc_dma_trigger_source_t for details.
static void CADC_EnableInterrupts ( ADC_Type *  base,
uint32_t  u32Mask 
baseCADC peripheral base address.
u32MaskMask value for converters interrupt events. Should be the OR'ed value of _cadc_interrupt_enable.
static void CADC_DisableInterrupts ( ADC_Type *  base,
uint32_t  u32Mask 
baseCADC peripheral base address.
u32MaskMask value for converts interrupt events. Should be the OR'ed value of _cadc_interrupt_enable.
static uint16_t CADC_GetMiscStatusFlags ( ADC_Type *  base)
This API will return the current status of the ADC module, including high limit interrupt status, low limit status flag, zero crossing interrupt status, End of scan interrupt status, conversion in progress status. But some status flags are not included in this function. To get sample slot ready status flag, please invoking CADC_GetSampleSlotReadyStatusFlags(), to get sample slot limit violations status please invoking CADC_ClearSampleSlotLowLimitStatusFlags() and CADC_GetSampleSlotHighLimitStatusFlags(), to get zerocrossing status please invoking CADC_GetSampleSlotZeroCrossingStatusFlags(). To get converters' power status please invoke CADC_GetPowerStatusFlag().
baseCADC peripheral base address.
Mask value for the event flags. See _cadc_misc_status_flags.
static void CADC_ClearMiscStatusFlags ( ADC_Type *  base,
uint16_t  u16Flags 
Only kCADC_ConverterAEndOfScanFlag and kCADC_ConverterBEndOfScanFlag can be cleared. And sample slot related status flags can not be cleared in this function. To clear the status flags of limit violations, please invoking CADC_ClearSampleSlotLowLimitStatusFlags() and CADC_ClearSampleSlotHighLimitStatusFlags(), to clear the status flags of zero crossing mode, please invoking CADC_ClearSampleSlotZeroCrossingStatusFlags().
baseCADC peripheral base address.
flagsMask value for the event flags to be cleared. See _cadc_misc_status_flags. Only the enumeration kCADC_ConverterAEndOfScanFlag and kCADC_ConverterBEndOfScanFlag are useful.
static uint32_t CADC_GetSampleSlotReadyStatusFlags ( ADC_Type *  base)
baseCADC peripheral base address.
static uint32_t CADC_GetSampleSlotLowLimitStatusFlags ( ADC_Type *  base)
baseCADC peripheral base address.
The value of all sample slots' low limit status. Each bit represents one sample slot.
static void CADC_ClearSampleSlotLowLimitStatusFlags ( ADC_Type *  base,
uint32_t  u32SampleMask 
baseCADC peripheral base address.
u32SampleMaskMask value of sample slots. This parameter should be the OR'ed value of cadc_sample_slot_mask_t.
static uint32_t CADC_GetSampleSlotHighLimitStatusFlags ( ADC_Type *  base)
baseCADC peripheral base address.
The value of all sample slots' high limit status. Each bit represents each sample slot.
static void CADC_ClearSampleSlotHighLimitStatusFlags ( ADC_Type *  base,
uint32_t  u32SampleMask 
baseCADC peripheral base address.
u32SampleMaskMask value of sample slots. This parameter should be the OR'ed value of cadc_sample_slot_mask_t.
static uint32_t CADC_GetSampleSlotZeroCrossingStatusFlags ( ADC_Type *  base)
baseCADC peripheral base address.
The value of all sample slots' zero crossing status. Each bit represents each sample slot.
static void CADC_ClearSampleSlotZeroCrossingStatusFlags ( ADC_Type *  base,
uint32_t  u32SampleMask 
baseCADC peripheral base address.
u32SampleMaskMask value of sample slots. This parameter should be the OR'ed value of cadc_sample_slot_mask_t.
static uint16_t CADC_GetPowerStatusFlags ( ADC_Type *  base)
baseCADC peripheral base address.
The mask value of the converters' power status flag, see _cadc_converter_power_status_flags.