This is the documentation for the latest (main) development branch of mcuxpresso sdk. If you are looking for the documentation of previous releases, use the drop-down menu on the left and select the desired version.

Host setup

An MCUXpresso SDK build requires that some packages are installed on the Host. Depending on the used Host operating system, the following tools should be installed.


  • Cmake

    $ sudo apt-get install cmake
    $ # Check the version >= 3.0.x
    $ cmake –-version


  • MinGW

    The Minimalist GNU for Windows OS (MinGW) development tools provide a set of tools that are not dependent on third party C-Runtime DLLs (such as Cygwin). The build environment used by the SDK does not utilize the MinGW build tools, but does leverage the base install of both MinGW and MSYS. MSYS provides a basic shell with a Unix-like interface and tools.

    1. Download the latest MinGW mingw-get-setup installer from

    2. Run the installer. The recommended installation path is C:\MinGW, however, you may install to any location.

      Note: The installation path cannot contain any spaces.

    3. Ensure that mingw32-base and msys-base are selected under Basic Setup.



4.  Click **Apply Changes** in the **Installation** menu and follow the remaining instructions to complete the installation.

    |![](../images/complete_mingw_and_msys_installation.png "Complete MinGW and MSYS installation")


5.  Add the appropriate item to the Windows operating system path environment variable. It can be found under **Control Panel**-\>**System and Security**-\>**System**-\>**Advanced System Settings** in the **Environment Variables...** section. The path is: `<mingw_install_dir>\bin`.

    Assuming the default installation path, `C:\MinGW`, an example is as shown in [Figure 3]( If the path is not set correctly, the toolchain does not work.

    **Note:** If you have `C:\MinGW\msys\x.x\bin` in your PATH variable \(as required by KSDK 1.0.0\), remove it to ensure that the new GCC build system works correctly.

    |![](../images/add_path_to_systems_environment.png "Add Path to systems environment")


  • Cmake

    1. Download CMake 3.0.x from

    2. Install CMake, ensuring that the option Add CMake to system PATH is selected when installing. The user chooses to select whether it is installed into the PATH for all users or just the current user. In this example, it is installed for all users.



3.  Follow the remaining instructions of the installer.
4.  You may need to reboot your system for the PATH changes to take effect.