This is the documentation for the latest (main) development branch of mcuxpresso sdk. If you are looking for the documentation of previous releases, use the drop-down menu on the left and select the desired version.

Known issues

This section lists the known issues, limitations, and/or workarounds.

New Project Wizard compile failure

The following components request the user to manually select other components that they depend upon in order to compile.

These components depend on several other components and the New Project Wizard (NPW) is not able to decide which one is needed by the user.

Components: wireless_framework_lfs_config, sdu_adapter, and sdu.

Note: Most of middleware components have complex dependencies and are not fully supported in new project wizard. Adding a middleware component may result in compile failure.

Parent topic:Known issues

SDK does not fully support the MCUX Config Tool

Currently, the pin/clock config files in the MCUXpresso SDK are not generated from the MCUXpresso Config Tool. As a result, there is an error reported during project import/clone from the SDK package. However, the Config Tool itself can work without any issue.

Parent topic:Known issues

Cloned project cannot build issue

Some cloned projects cannot build due to missing dependent component configuration. To fix the issue, you must correct the configuration manually in the cloned project.

The failed projects include nbu_bb_bm, wifi_cli_over_ble_wu, and ncp_device.

Parent topic:Known issues

Maximum file path length in Windows 7 operating system

The Windows 7 operating system imposes a 260-character maximum length for file paths. When installing the MCUXpresso SDK, place it in a directory close to the root to prevent file paths from exceeding the maximum character length specified by the Windows operating system. The recommended location is the C:\<folder>.

Parent topic:Known issues

Romapi_flexspi example not working

The romapi_flexspi example fails to work with armgcc flash_debug target.

Parent topic:Known issues

No UART simulated for hello_world_virtual_com

No UART peripheral is simulated for hello_world_virtual_com after downloading.

Parent topic:Known issues

Limitations when creating a new FreeRTOS-based C/C++ project

Due to the missing component dependencies definition, there are several limitations when creating a new FreeRTOS-based C/C++ project in MCUXpresso IDE. When the FreeRTOS kernel component is selected (under Operating Systems/RTOS/Core menu), you must manually select the FreeRTOS cm33 non trustzone port component (under Middleware/RTOS menu) for projects without TrustZone. For FreeRTOS TrustZone projects creation, the support is not ready.

Parent topic:Known issues

GPIO toggle operation not working on NCP SPI slave side with flash release build

Due to IDE compile optimization for the flash release target, the GPIO toggle operation on the NCP SPI slave side to indicate RX DMA ready or slave to master transfer is not working. The issue occurs because the GPIO toggle time is too short for the host to detect it.

Parent topic:Known issues

El2go_agent_demo_wifi issue

The el2go_agent_demo_wifi project does not work on MCUXpresso for VSCode. However, Arm GCC standalone, MCUXpresso IDE, MDK, or IAR have no limitations.

Note: The above issue is not really a limitation of the SDK release, as it gets fixed by a toolchain update. The issue also partially applies to all other examples using TF-M.

When using MCUX IDE, do not specify a custom prefix or suffix while importing the example.

However, if it is a custom prefix or suffix is added, you must adapt the names of the library projects el2go_mbedtls_lib and el2go_tfm_psa_ns_lib in the el2go_agent_demo_wifi_ns project. To change the linker import paths to the right name, select Project settings > C/C++ Build > Settings > MCU linker > Miscellaneous > Other Objects.

Note: This limitation stays as it depends on the SDK generator fixes.

Parent topic:Known issues