CACHE: LPCAC CACHE Memory Controller
static inline void L1CACHE_EnableCodeCache(void)
Enables the processor code bus cache.
static inline void L1CACHE_DisableCodeCache(void)
Disables the processor code bus cache.
static inline void L1CACHE_InvalidateCodeCache(void)
Clears cache.
static inline void L1CACHE_EnableAllocation(void)
Enables allocation.
static inline void L1CACHE_DisableAllocation(void)
Disables allocation.
static inline void L1CACHE_EnableParity(void)
Enables parity.
static inline void L1CACHE_DisableParity(void)
Disable parity.
cache driver version
status_t CDOG_Init(CDOG_Type *base, cdog_config_t *conf)
Initialize CDOG.
This function initializes CDOG block and setting.
- Parameters:
base – CDOG peripheral base address
conf – CDOG configuration structure
- Returns:
Status of the init operation
void CDOG_Deinit(CDOG_Type *base)
Deinitialize CDOG.
This function deinitializes CDOG secure counter.
- Parameters:
base – CDOG peripheral base address
void CDOG_GetDefaultConfig(cdog_config_t *conf)
Sets the default configuration of CDOG.
This function initialize CDOG config structure to default values.
- Parameters:
conf – CDOG configuration structure
void CDOG_Stop(CDOG_Type *base, uint32_t stop)
Stops secure counter and instruction timer.
This function stops instruction timer and secure counter. This also change state od CDOG to IDLE.
- Parameters:
base – CDOG peripheral base address
stop – expected value which will be compared with value of secure counter
void CDOG_Start(CDOG_Type *base, uint32_t reload, uint32_t start)
Sets secure counter and instruction timer values.
This function sets value in RELOAD and START registers for instruction timer and secure counter
- Parameters:
base – CDOG peripheral base address
reload – reload value
start – start value
void CDOG_Check(CDOG_Type *base, uint32_t check)
Checks secure counter.
This function compares stop value in handler with secure counter value by writting to RELOAD refister.
- Parameters:
base – CDOG peripheral base address
check – expected (stop) value
void CDOG_Set(CDOG_Type *base, uint32_t stop, uint32_t reload, uint32_t start)
Sets secure counter and instruction timer values.
This function sets value in STOP, RELOAD and START registers for instruction timer and secure counter.
- Parameters:
base – CDOG peripheral base address
stop – expected value which will be compared with value of secure counter
reload – reload value for instruction timer
start – start value for secure timer
void CDOG_Add(CDOG_Type *base, uint32_t add)
Add value to secure counter.
This function add specified value to secure counter.
- Parameters:
base – CDOG peripheral base address.
add – Value to be added.
void CDOG_Add1(CDOG_Type *base)
Add 1 to secure counter.
This function add 1 to secure counter.
- Parameters:
base – CDOG peripheral base address.
void CDOG_Add16(CDOG_Type *base)
Add 16 to secure counter.
This function add 16 to secure counter.
- Parameters:
base – CDOG peripheral base address.
void CDOG_Add256(CDOG_Type *base)
Add 256 to secure counter.
This function add 256 to secure counter.
- Parameters:
base – CDOG peripheral base address.
void CDOG_Sub(CDOG_Type *base, uint32_t sub)
brief Substract value to secure counter
This function substract specified value to secure counter.
param base CDOG peripheral base address. param sub Value to be substracted.
void CDOG_Sub1(CDOG_Type *base)
Substract 1 from secure counter.
This function substract specified 1 from secure counter.
- Parameters:
base – CDOG peripheral base address.
void CDOG_Sub16(CDOG_Type *base)
Substract 16 from secure counter.
This function substract specified 16 from secure counter.
- Parameters:
base – CDOG peripheral base address.
void CDOG_Sub256(CDOG_Type *base)
Substract 256 from secure counter.
This function substract specified 256 from secure counter.
- Parameters:
base – CDOG peripheral base address.
void CDOG_WritePersistent(CDOG_Type *base, uint32_t value)
Set the CDOG persistent word.
- Parameters:
base – CDOG peripheral base address.
value – The value to be written.
uint32_t CDOG_ReadPersistent(CDOG_Type *base)
Get the CDOG persistent word.
- Parameters:
base – CDOG peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The persistent word.
Defines CDOG driver version 2.1.3.
Change log:
Version 2.1.3
Re-design multiple instance IRQs and Clocks
Add fix for RESTART command errata
Version 2.1.2
Support multiple IRQs
Fix default CONTROL values
Version 2.1.1
Version 2.1.0
Rename CWT to CDOG
Version 2.0.2
Fix MISRA-2012 issues
Version 2.0.1
Fix doxygen issues
Version 2.0.0
initial version
enum __cdog_debug_Action_ctrl_enum
enumerator kCDOG_DebugHaltCtrl_Run
enumerator kCDOG_DebugHaltCtrl_Pause
enumerator kCDOG_DebugHaltCtrl_Run
enum __cdog_irq_pause_ctrl_enum
enumerator kCDOG_IrqPauseCtrl_Run
enumerator kCDOG_IrqPauseCtrl_Pause
enumerator kCDOG_IrqPauseCtrl_Run
enum __cdog_fault_ctrl_enum
enumerator kCDOG_FaultCtrl_EnableReset
enumerator kCDOG_FaultCtrl_EnableInterrupt
enumerator kCDOG_FaultCtrl_NoAction
enumerator kCDOG_FaultCtrl_EnableReset
enum __code_lock_ctrl_enum
enumerator kCDOG_LockCtrl_Lock
enumerator kCDOG_LockCtrl_Unlock
enumerator kCDOG_LockCtrl_Lock
typedef uint32_t secure_counter_t
struct cdog_config_t
- #include <fsl_cdog.h>
Clock Driver
enum _clock_ip_name
Clock gate name used for CLOCK_EnableClock/CLOCK_DisableClock.
enumerator kCLOCK_IpInvalid
Invalid Ip Name.
enumerator kCLOCK_None
None clock gate.
enumerator kCLOCK_Rom
Clock gate name: Rom.
enumerator kCLOCK_Sram1
Clock gate name: Sram1.
enumerator kCLOCK_Sram2
Clock gate name: Sram2.
enumerator kCLOCK_Sram3
Clock gate name: Sram3.
enumerator kCLOCK_Sram4
Clock gate name: Sram4.
enumerator kCLOCK_Sram5
Clock gate name: Sram5.
enumerator kCLOCK_Sram6
Clock gate name: Sram6.
enumerator kCLOCK_Sram7
Clock gate name: Sram7.
enumerator kCLOCK_Fmu
Clock gate name: Fmu.
enumerator kCLOCK_Fmc
Clock gate name: Fmc.
enumerator kCLOCK_InputMux0
Clock gate name: InputMux0.
enumerator kCLOCK_InputMux
Clock gate name: InputMux0.
enumerator kCLOCK_Port0
Clock gate name: Port0.
enumerator kCLOCK_Port1
Clock gate name: Port1.
enumerator kCLOCK_Port2
Clock gate name: Port2.
enumerator kCLOCK_Port3
Clock gate name: Port3.
enumerator kCLOCK_Port4
Clock gate name: Port4.
enumerator kCLOCK_Gpio0
Clock gate name: Gpio0.
enumerator kCLOCK_Gpio1
Clock gate name: Gpio1.
enumerator kCLOCK_Gpio2
Clock gate name: Gpio2.
enumerator kCLOCK_Gpio3
Clock gate name: Gpio3.
enumerator kCLOCK_Gpio4
Clock gate name: Gpio4.
enumerator kCLOCK_Pint
Clock gate name: Pint.
enumerator kCLOCK_Dma0
Clock gate name: Dma0.
enumerator kCLOCK_Crc0
Clock gate name: Crc.
enumerator kCLOCK_Wwdt0
Clock gate name: Wwdt0.
enumerator kCLOCK_Wwdt1
Clock gate name: Wwdt1.
enumerator kCLOCK_Mrt
Clock gate name: Mrt.
enumerator kCLOCK_OsTimer
Clock gate name: OsTimer.
enumerator kCLOCK_Sct
Clock gate name: Sct.
enumerator kCLOCK_Adc0
Clock gate name: Adc0.
enumerator kCLOCK_Adc1
Clock gate name: Adc1.
enumerator kCLOCK_Rtc0
Clock gate name: Rtc.
enumerator kCLOCK_Utick
Clock gate name: Utick.
enumerator kCLOCK_LPFlexComm0
Clock gate name: LPFlexComm0.
enumerator kCLOCK_LPFlexComm1
Clock gate name: LPFlexComm1.
enumerator kCLOCK_LPFlexComm2
Clock gate name: LPFlexComm2.
enumerator kCLOCK_LPFlexComm3
Clock gate name: LPFlexComm3.
enumerator kCLOCK_LPFlexComm4
Clock gate name: LPFlexComm4.
enumerator kCLOCK_LPFlexComm5
Clock gate name: LPFlexComm5.
enumerator kCLOCK_LPFlexComm6
Clock gate name: LPFlexComm6.
enumerator kCLOCK_LPFlexComm7
Clock gate name: LPFlexComm7.
enumerator kCLOCK_LPUart0
Clock gate name: LPUart0.
enumerator kCLOCK_LPUart1
Clock gate name: LPUart1.
enumerator kCLOCK_LPUart2
Clock gate name: LPUart2.
enumerator kCLOCK_LPUart3
Clock gate name: LPUart3.
enumerator kCLOCK_LPUart4
Clock gate name: LPUart4.
enumerator kCLOCK_LPUart5
Clock gate name: LPUart5.
enumerator kCLOCK_LPUart6
Clock gate name: LPUart6.
enumerator kCLOCK_LPUart7
Clock gate name: LPUart7.
enumerator kCLOCK_LPSpi0
Clock gate name: LPSpi0.
enumerator kCLOCK_LPSpi1
Clock gate name: LPSpi1.
enumerator kCLOCK_LPSpi2
Clock gate name: LPSpi2.
enumerator kCLOCK_LPSpi3
Clock gate name: LPSpi3.
enumerator kCLOCK_LPSpi4
Clock gate name: LPSpi4.
enumerator kCLOCK_LPSpi5
Clock gate name: LPSpi5.
enumerator kCLOCK_LPSpi6
Clock gate name: LPSpi6.
enumerator kCLOCK_LPSpi7
Clock gate name: LPSpi7.
enumerator kCLOCK_LPI2c0
Clock gate name: LPI2c0.
enumerator kCLOCK_LPI2c1
Clock gate name: LPI2c1.
enumerator kCLOCK_LPI2c2
Clock gate name: LPI2c2.
enumerator kCLOCK_LPI2c3
Clock gate name: LPI2c3.
enumerator kCLOCK_LPI2c4
Clock gate name: LPI2c4.
enumerator kCLOCK_LPI2c5
Clock gate name: LPI2c5.
enumerator kCLOCK_LPI2c6
Clock gate name: LPI2c6.
enumerator kCLOCK_LPI2c7
Clock gate name: LPI2c7.
enumerator kCLOCK_Micfil
Clock gate name: Micfil.
enumerator kCLOCK_Timer2
Clock gate name: Timer2.
enumerator kCLOCK_Usb0FsDcd
Clock gate name: Usb0FsDcd.
enumerator kCLOCK_Timer0
Clock gate name: Timer0.
enumerator kCLOCK_Timer1
Clock gate name: Timer1.
enumerator kCLOCK_PkcRam
Clock gate name: PkcRam.
enumerator kCLOCK_Smartdma
Clock gate name: SmartDma.
enumerator kCLOCK_Espi
Clock gate name: Espi.
enumerator kCLOCK_Dma1
Clock gate name: Dma1.
enumerator kCLOCK_Flexio
Clock gate name: Flexio.
enumerator kCLOCK_Sai0
Clock gate name: Sai0.
enumerator kCLOCK_Sai1
Clock gate name: Sai1.
enumerator kCLOCK_Tro
Clock gate name: Tro.
enumerator kCLOCK_Freqme
Clock gate name: Freqme.
enumerator kCLOCK_Trng
Clock gate name: Trng.
enumerator kCLOCK_Flexcan0
Clock gate name: Flexcan0.
enumerator kCLOCK_Flexcan1
Clock gate name: Flexcan1.
enumerator kCLOCK_UsbHs
Clock gate name: UsbHs.
enumerator kCLOCK_UsbHsPhy
Clock gate name: UsbHsPhy.
enumerator kCLOCK_Css
Clock gate name: Css.
enumerator kCLOCK_Timer3
Clock gate name: Timer3.
enumerator kCLOCK_Timer4
Clock gate name: Timer4.
enumerator kCLOCK_Puf
Clock gate name: Puf.
enumerator kCLOCK_Pkc
Clock gate name: Pkc.
enumerator kCLOCK_Scg
Clock gate name: Scg.
enumerator kCLOCK_Gdet
Clock gate name: Gdet.
enumerator kCLOCK_Sm3
Clock gate name: Sm3.
enumerator kCLOCK_I3c0
Clock gate name: I3c0.
enumerator kCLOCK_I3c1
Clock gate name: I3c1.
enumerator kCLOCK_Qdc0
Clock gate name: Qdc0.
enumerator kCLOCK_Qdc1
Clock gate name: Qdc1.
enumerator kCLOCK_Pwm0
Clock gate name: Pwm0.
enumerator kCLOCK_Pwm1
Clock gate name: Pwm1.
enumerator kCLOCK_Evtg
Clock gate name: Evtg.
enumerator kCLOCK_Cmp2
Clock gate name: Cmp2.
enumerator kCLOCK_Vref
Clock gate name: Vref.
enumerator kCLOCK_Ewm
Clock gate name: Ewm.
enumerator kCLOCK_Ewm0
Clock gate name: Ewm.
enumerator kCLOCK_Eim
Clock gate name: Eim.
enumerator kCLOCK_Erm
Clock gate name: Erm.
enumerator kCLOCK_Intm
Clock gate name: Intm.
enumerator kCLOCK_Pwm0_Sm0
Clock gate name: PWM0 SM0.
enumerator kCLOCK_Pwm0_Sm1
Clock gate name: PWM0 SM1.
enumerator kCLOCK_Pwm0_Sm2
Clock gate name: PWM0 SM2.
enumerator kCLOCK_Pwm0_Sm3
Clock gate name: PWM0 SM3.
enumerator kCLOCK_Pwm1_Sm0
Clock gate name: PWM1 SM0.
enumerator kCLOCK_Pwm1_Sm1
Clock gate name: PWM1 SM1.
enumerator kCLOCK_Pwm1_Sm2
Clock gate name: PWM1 SM2.
enumerator kCLOCK_Pwm1_Sm3
Clock gate name: PWM1 SM3.
enumerator kCLOCK_IpInvalid
enum _clock_name
Clock name used to get clock frequency.
enumerator kCLOCK_CoreSysClk
Core/system clock (aka MAIN_CLK)
enumerator kCLOCK_BusClk
Bus clock (AHB clock)
enumerator kCLOCK_SystickClk0
Systick clock0
enumerator kCLOCK_ClockOut
enumerator kCLOCK_Fro12M
enumerator kCLOCK_Clk1M
enumerator kCLOCK_FroHf
enumerator kCLOCK_Clk48M
enumerator kCLOCK_Clk144M
enumerator kCLOCK_Clk16K0
enumerator kCLOCK_Clk16K1
enumerator kCLOCK_Clk16K2
enumerator kCLOCK_Clk16K3
enumerator kCLOCK_ExtClk
External Clock
enumerator kCLOCK_Osc32K0
enumerator kCLOCK_Osc32K1
enumerator kCLOCK_Osc32K2
enumerator kCLOCK_Osc32K3
enumerator kCLOCK_Pll0Out
PLL0 Output
enumerator kCLOCK_Pll1Out
PLL1 Output
enumerator kCLOCK_UsbPllOut
USB PLL Output
enumerator kCLOCK_LpOsc
enumerator kCLOCK_CoreSysClk
enum _clock_attach_id
The enumerator of clock attach Id.
enumerator kCLK_IN_to_MAIN_CLK
Attach clk_in to MAIN_CLK.
enumerator kFRO12M_to_MAIN_CLK
Attach FRO_12M to MAIN_CLK.
enumerator kFRO_HF_to_MAIN_CLK
Attach FRO_HF to MAIN_CLK.
enumerator kXTAL32K2_to_MAIN_CLK
Attach xtal32k[2] to MAIN_CLK.
enumerator kPLL0_to_MAIN_CLK
Attach PLL0 to MAIN_CLK.
enumerator kPLL1_to_MAIN_CLK
Attach PLL1 to MAIN_CLK.
enumerator kUSB_PLL_to_MAIN_CLK
enumerator kNONE_to_MAIN_CLK
Attach NONE to MAIN_CLK.
enumerator kSYSTICK_DIV0_to_SYSTICK0
enumerator kCLK_1M_to_SYSTICK0
Attach Clk 1 MHz to SYSTICK0.
enumerator kLPOSC_to_SYSTICK0
Attach LP Oscillator to SYSTICK0.
enumerator kNONE_to_SYSTICK0
Attach NONE to SYSTICK0.
enumerator kTRACE_DIV_to_TRACE
enumerator kCLK_1M_to_TRACE
Attach Clk 1 MHz to TRACE.
enumerator kLPOSC_to_TRACE
Attach LP Oscillator to TRACE.
enumerator kNONE_to_TRACE
Attach NONE to TRACE.
enumerator kCLK_1M_to_CTIMER0
Attach CLK_1M to CTIMER0.
enumerator kPLL0_to_CTIMER0
Attach PLL0 to CTIMER0.
enumerator kPLL1_CLK0_to_CTIMER0
Attach PLL1_clk0 to CTIMER0.
enumerator kFRO_HF_to_CTIMER0
Attach FRO_HF to CTIMER0.
enumerator kFRO12M_to_CTIMER0
Attach FRO 12MHz to CTIMER0.
enumerator kSAI0_MCLK_IN_to_CTIMER0
enumerator kLPOSC_to_CTIMER0
Attach LP Oscillator to CTIMER0.
enumerator kSAI1_MCLK_IN_to_CTIMER0
enumerator kSAI0_TX_BCLK_to_CTIMER0
enumerator kSAI0_RX_BCLK_to_CTIMER0
enumerator kSAI1_TX_BCLK_to_CTIMER0
enumerator kSAI1_RX_BCLK_to_CTIMER0
enumerator kNONE_to_CTIMER0
Attach NONE to CTIMER0.
enumerator kCLK_1M_to_CTIMER1
Attach CLK_1M to CTIMER1.
enumerator kPLL0_to_CTIMER1
Attach PLL0 to CTIMER1.
enumerator kPLL1_CLK0_to_CTIMER1
Attach PLL1_clk0 to CTIMER1.
enumerator kFRO_HF_to_CTIMER1
Attach FRO_HF to CTIMER1.
enumerator kFRO12M_to_CTIMER1
Attach FRO 12MHz to CTIMER1.
enumerator kSAI0_MCLK_IN_to_CTIMER1
enumerator kLPOSC_to_CTIMER1
Attach LP Oscillator to CTIMER1.
enumerator kSAI1_MCLK_IN_to_CTIMER1
enumerator kSAI0_TX_BCLK_to_CTIMER1
enumerator kSAI0_RX_BCLK_to_CTIMER1
enumerator kSAI1_TX_BCLK_to_CTIMER1
enumerator kSAI1_RX_BCLK_to_CTIMER1
enumerator kNONE_to_CTIMER1
Attach NONE to CTIMER1.
enumerator kCLK_1M_to_CTIMER2
Attach CLK_1M to CTIMER2.
enumerator kPLL0_to_CTIMER2
Attach PLL0 to CTIMER2.
enumerator kPLL1_CLK0_to_CTIMER2
Attach PLL1_clk0 to CTIMER2.
enumerator kFRO_HF_to_CTIMER2
Attach FRO_HF to CTIMER2.
enumerator kFRO12M_to_CTIMER2
Attach FRO 12MHz to CTIMER2.
enumerator kSAI0_MCLK_IN_to_CTIMER2
enumerator kLPOSC_to_CTIMER2
Attach LP Oscillator to CTIMER2.
enumerator kSAI1_MCLK_IN_to_CTIMER2
enumerator kSAI0_TX_BCLK_to_CTIMER2
enumerator kSAI0_RX_BCLK_to_CTIMER2
enumerator kSAI1_TX_BCLK_to_CTIMER2
enumerator kSAI1_RX_BCLK_to_CTIMER2
enumerator kNONE_to_CTIMER2
Attach NONE to CTIMER2.
enumerator kCLK_1M_to_CTIMER3
Attach CLK_1M to CTIMER3.
enumerator kPLL0_to_CTIMER3
Attach PLL0 to CTIMER3.
enumerator kPLL1_CLK0_to_CTIMER3
Attach PLL1_clk0 to CTIMER3.
enumerator kFRO_HF_to_CTIMER3
Attach FRO_HF to CTIMER3.
enumerator kFRO12M_to_CTIMER3
Attach FRO 12MHz to CTIMER3.
enumerator kSAI0_MCLK_IN_to_CTIMER3
enumerator kLPOSC_to_CTIMER3
Attach LP Oscillator to CTIMER3.
enumerator kSAI1_MCLK_IN_to_CTIMER3
enumerator kSAI0_TX_BCLK_to_CTIMER3
enumerator kSAI0_RX_BCLK_to_CTIMER3
enumerator kSAI1_TX_BCLK_to_CTIMER3
enumerator kSAI1_RX_BCLK_to_CTIMER3
enumerator kNONE_to_CTIMER3
Attach NONE to CTIMER3.
enumerator kCLK_1M_to_CTIMER4
Attach CLK_1M to CTIMER4.
enumerator kPLL0_to_CTIMER4
Attach PLL0 to CTIMER4.
enumerator kPLL1_CLK0_to_CTIMER4
Attach PLL1_clk0 to CTIMER4.
enumerator kFRO_HF_to_CTIMER4
Attach FRO_HF to CTIMER4.
enumerator kFRO12M_to_CTIMER4
Attach FRO 12MHz to CTIMER4.
enumerator kSAI0_MCLK_IN_to_CTIMER4
enumerator kLPOSC_to_CTIMER4
Attach LP Oscillator to CTIMER4.
enumerator kSAI1_MCLK_IN_to_CTIMER4
enumerator kSAI0_TX_BCLK_to_CTIMER4
enumerator kSAI0_RX_BCLK_to_CTIMER4
enumerator kSAI1_TX_BCLK_to_CTIMER4
enumerator kSAI1_RX_BCLK_to_CTIMER4
enumerator kNONE_to_CTIMER4
Attach NONE to CTIMER4.
enumerator kMAIN_CLK_to_CLKOUT
enumerator kPLL0_to_CLKOUT
Attach PLL0 to CLKOUT.
enumerator kCLK_IN_to_CLKOUT
Attach Clk_in to CLKOUT.
enumerator kFRO_HF_to_CLKOUT
Attach FRO_HF to CLKOUT.
enumerator kFRO12M_to_CLKOUT
Attach FRO 12 MHz to CLKOUT.
enumerator kPLL1_CLK0_to_CLKOUT
Attach PLL1_clk0 to CLKOUT.
enumerator kLPOSC_to_CLKOUT
Attach LP Oscillator to CLKOUT.
enumerator kUSB_PLL_to_CLKOUT
enumerator kNONE_to_CLKOUT
Attach NONE to CLKOUT.
enumerator kPLL0_to_ADC0
Attach PLL0 to ADC0.
enumerator kFRO_HF_to_ADC0
Attach FRO_HF to ADC0.
enumerator kFRO12M_to_ADC0
Attach FRO 12 MHz to ADC0.
enumerator kCLK_IN_to_ADC0
Attach Clk_in to ADC0.
enumerator kPLL1_CLK0_to_ADC0
Attach PLL1_clk0 to ADC0.
enumerator kUSB_PLL_to_ADC0
Attach USB PLL to ADC0.
enumerator kNONE_to_ADC0
Attach NONE to ADC0.
enumerator kPLL_DIV_to_FLEXCOMM0
enumerator kFRO12M_to_FLEXCOMM0
Attach FRO12M to FLEXCOMM0.
enumerator kFRO_HF_DIV_to_FLEXCOMM0
enumerator kCLK_1M_to_FLEXCOMM0
Attach CLK_1MHz to FLEXCOMM0.
enumerator kUSB_PLL_to_FLEXCOMM0
enumerator kLPOSC_to_FLEXCOMM0
Attach LP Oscillator to FLEXCOMM0.
enumerator kNONE_to_FLEXCOMM0
enumerator kPLL_DIV_to_FLEXCOMM1
enumerator kFRO12M_to_FLEXCOMM1
Attach FRO12M to FLEXCOMM1.
enumerator kFRO_HF_DIV_to_FLEXCOMM1
enumerator kCLK_1M_to_FLEXCOMM1
Attach CLK_1MHz to FLEXCOMM1.
enumerator kUSB_PLL_to_FLEXCOMM1
enumerator kLPOSC_to_FLEXCOMM1
Attach LP Oscillator to FLEXCOMM1.
enumerator kNONE_to_FLEXCOMM1
enumerator kPLL_DIV_to_FLEXCOMM2
enumerator kFRO12M_to_FLEXCOMM2
Attach FRO12M to FLEXCOMM2.
enumerator kFRO_HF_DIV_to_FLEXCOMM2
enumerator kCLK_1M_to_FLEXCOMM2
Attach CLK_1MHz to FLEXCOMM2.
enumerator kUSB_PLL_to_FLEXCOMM2
enumerator kLPOSC_to_FLEXCOMM2
Attach LP Oscillator to FLEXCOMM2.
enumerator kNONE_to_FLEXCOMM2
enumerator kPLL_DIV_to_FLEXCOMM3
enumerator kFRO12M_to_FLEXCOMM3
Attach FRO12M to FLEXCOMM3.
enumerator kFRO_HF_DIV_to_FLEXCOMM3
enumerator kCLK_1M_to_FLEXCOMM3
Attach CLK_1MHz to FLEXCOMM3.
enumerator kUSB_PLL_to_FLEXCOMM3
enumerator kLPOSC_to_FLEXCOMM3
Attach LP Oscillator to FLEXCOMM3.
enumerator kNONE_to_FLEXCOMM3
enumerator kPLL_DIV_to_FLEXCOMM4
enumerator kFRO12M_to_FLEXCOMM4
Attach FRO12M to FLEXCOMM4.
enumerator kFRO_HF_DIV_to_FLEXCOMM4
enumerator kCLK_1M_to_FLEXCOMM4
Attach CLK_1MHz to FLEXCOMM4.
enumerator kUSB_PLL_to_FLEXCOMM4
enumerator kLPOSC_to_FLEXCOMM4
Attach LP Oscillator to FLEXCOMM4.
enumerator kNONE_to_FLEXCOMM4
enumerator kPLL_DIV_to_FLEXCOMM5
enumerator kFRO12M_to_FLEXCOMM5
Attach FRO12M to FLEXCOMM5.
enumerator kFRO_HF_DIV_to_FLEXCOMM5
enumerator kCLK_1M_to_FLEXCOMM5
Attach CLK_1MHz to FLEXCOMM5.
enumerator kUSB_PLL_to_FLEXCOMM5
enumerator kLPOSC_to_FLEXCOMM5
Attach LP Oscillator to FLEXCOMM5.
enumerator kNONE_to_FLEXCOMM5
enumerator kPLL_DIV_to_FLEXCOMM6
enumerator kFRO12M_to_FLEXCOMM6
Attach FRO12M to FLEXCOMM6.
enumerator kFRO_HF_DIV_to_FLEXCOMM6
enumerator kCLK_1M_to_FLEXCOMM6
Attach CLK_1MHz to FLEXCOMM6.
enumerator kUSB_PLL_to_FLEXCOMM6
enumerator kLPOSC_to_FLEXCOMM6
Attach LP Oscillator to FLEXCOMM6.
enumerator kNONE_to_FLEXCOMM6
enumerator kPLL_DIV_to_FLEXCOMM7
enumerator kFRO12M_to_FLEXCOMM7
Attach FRO12M to FLEXCOMM7.
enumerator kFRO_HF_DIV_to_FLEXCOMM7
enumerator kCLK_1M_to_FLEXCOMM7
Attach CLK_1MHz to FLEXCOMM7.
enumerator kUSB_PLL_to_FLEXCOMM7
enumerator kLPOSC_to_FLEXCOMM7
Attach LP Oscillator to FLEXCOMM7.
enumerator kNONE_to_FLEXCOMM7
enumerator kPLL0_to_ADC1
Attach PLL0 to ADC1.
enumerator kFRO_HF_to_ADC1
Attach FRO_HF to ADC1.
enumerator kFRO12M_to_ADC1
Attach FRO12M to ADC1.
enumerator kCLK_IN_to_ADC1
Attach clk_in to ADC1.
enumerator kPLL1_CLK0_to_ADC1
Attach PLL1_clk0 to ADC1.
enumerator kUSB_PLL_to_ADC1
Attach USB PLL to ADC1.
enumerator kNONE_to_ADC1
Attach NONE to ADC1.
enumerator kPLL0_to_PLLCLKDIV
enumerator kPLL1_CLK0_to_PLLCLKDIV
Attach pll1_clk0 to PLLCLKDIV.
enumerator kNONE_to_PLLCLKDIV
enumerator kPLL0_to_I3C0FCLK
Attach PLL0 to I3C0FCLK.
enumerator kFRO_HF_to_I3C0FCLK
Attach FRO_HF to I3C0FCLK.
enumerator kCLK_1M_to_I3C0FCLK
Attach CLK_1M to I3C0FCLK.
enumerator kPLL1_CLK0_to_I3C0FCLK
Attach PLL1_clk0 to I3C0FCLK.
enumerator kUSB_PLL_to_I3C0FCLK
Attach USB PLL to I3C0FCLK.
enumerator kNONE_to_I3C0FCLK
Attach NONE to I3C0FCLK.
enumerator kPLL0_to_I3C0FCLKSTC
Attach PLL0 to I3C0FCLKSTC.
enumerator kFRO_HF_to_I3C0FCLKSTC
enumerator kCLK_1M_to_I3C0FCLKSTC
Attach CLK_1M to I3C0FCLKSTC.
enumerator kPLL1_CLK0_to_I3C0FCLKSTC
Attach PLL1_clk0 to I3C0FCLKSTC.
enumerator kUSB_PLL_to_I3C0FCLKSTC
enumerator kNONE_to_I3C0FCLKSTC
enumerator kPLL0_to_I3C0FCLKSlow
Attach PLL0 to I3C0FCLKS.
enumerator kFRO_HF_to_I3C0FCLKSlow
Attach FRO_HF to I3C0FCLKS.
enumerator kCLK_1M_to_I3C0FCLKSlow
Attach CLK_1M to I3C0FCLKS.
enumerator kPLL1_CLK0_to_I3C0FCLKSlow
Attach PLL1_clk0 to I3C0FCLKS.
enumerator kUSB_PLL_to_I3C0FCLKSlow
Attach USB PLL to I3C0FCLKS.
enumerator kNONE_to_I3C0FCLKSlow
Attach NONE to I3C0FCLKS.
enumerator kFRO12M_to_MICFILF
Attach FRO_12M to MICFILF.
enumerator kPLL0_to_MICFILF
Attach PLL0 to MICFILF.
enumerator kCLK_IN_to_MICFILF
Attach Clk_in to MICFILF.
enumerator kFRO_HF_to_MICFILF
enumerator kPLL1_CLK0_to_MICFILF
Attach PLL1_clk0 to MICFILF.
enumerator kSAI0_MCLK_IN_to_MICFILF
enumerator kUSB_PLL_to_MICFILF
enumerator kSAI1_MCLK_IN_to_MICFILF
enumerator kNONE_to_MICFILF
enumerator kPLL0_to_FLEXIO
Attach PLL0 to FLEXIO.
enumerator kCLK_IN_to_FLEXIO
Attach Clk_in to FLEXIO.
enumerator kFRO_HF_to_FLEXIO
Attach FRO_HF to FLEXIO.
enumerator kFRO12M_to_FLEXIO
Attach FRO_12M to FLEXIO.
enumerator kPLL1_CLK0_to_FLEXIO
Attach pll1_clk0 to FLEXIO.
enumerator kUSB_PLL_to_FLEXIO
enumerator kNONE_to_FLEXIO
Attach NONE to FLEXIO.
enumerator kPLL0_to_FLEXCAN0
Attach PLL0 to FLEXCAN0.
enumerator kCLK_IN_to_FLEXCAN0
Attach Clk_in to FLEXCAN0.
enumerator kFRO_HF_to_FLEXCAN0
Attach FRO_HF to FLEXCAN0.
enumerator kPLL1_CLK0_to_FLEXCAN0
Attach pll1_clk0 to FLEXCAN0.
enumerator kUSB_PLL_to_FLEXCAN0
enumerator kNONE_to_FLEXCAN0
Attach NONE to FLEXCAN0.
enumerator kPLL0_to_FLEXCAN1
Attach PLL0 to FLEXCAN1.
enumerator kCLK_IN_to_FLEXCAN1
Attach Clk_in to FLEXCAN1.
enumerator kFRO_HF_to_FLEXCAN1
Attach FRO_HF to FLEXCAN1.
enumerator kPLL1_CLK0_to_FLEXCAN1
Attach pll1_clk0 to FLEXCAN1.
enumerator kUSB_PLL_to_FLEXCAN1
enumerator kNONE_to_FLEXCAN1
Attach NONE to FLEXCAN1.
enumerator kCLK_16K2_to_EWM0
Attach clk_16k[2] to EWM0.
enumerator kXTAL32K2_to_EWM0
Attach xtal32k[2] to EWM0.
enumerator kCLK_16K2_to_WDT1
Attach FRO16K clock 2 to WDT1.
enumerator kFRO_HF_DIV_to_WDT1
Attach FRO_HF_DIV to WDT1.
enumerator kCLK_1M_to_WDT1
Attach clk_1m to WDT1.
enumerator kCLK_1M_2_to_WDT1
Attach clk_1m to WDT1.
enumerator kCLK_16K2_to_OSTIMER
Attach clk_16k[2] to OSTIMER.
enumerator kXTAL32K2_to_OSTIMER
Attach xtal32k[2] to OSTIMER.
enumerator kCLK_1M_to_OSTIMER
Attach clk_1m to OSTIMER.
enumerator kNONE_to_OSTIMER
enumerator kPLL0_to_CMP0F
Attach PLL0 to CMP0F.
enumerator kFRO_HF_to_CMP0F
Attach FRO_HF to CMP0F.
enumerator kFRO12M_to_CMP0F
Attach FRO_12M to CMP0F.
enumerator kCLK_IN_to_CMP0F
Attach Clk_in to CMP0F.
enumerator kPLL1_CLK0_to_CMP0F
Attach PLL1_clk0 to CMP0F.
enumerator kUSB_PLL_to_CMP0F
Attach USB PLL to CMP0F.
enumerator kNONE_to_CMP0F
Attach NONE to CMP0F.
enumerator kPLL0_to_CMP0RR
Attach PLL0 to CMP0RR.
enumerator kFRO_HF_to_CMP0RR
Attach FRO_HF to CMP0RR.
enumerator kFRO12M_to_CMP0RR
Attach FRO_12M to CMP0RR.
enumerator kCLK_IN_to_CMP0RR
Attach Clk_in to CMP0RR.
enumerator kPLL1_CLK0_to_CMP0RR
Attach PLL1_clk0 to CMP0RR.
enumerator kUSB_PLL_to_CMP0RR
Attach USB PLL to CMP0RR.
enumerator kNONE_to_CMP0RR
Attach NONE to CMP0RR.
enumerator kPLL0_to_CMP1F
Attach PLL0 to CMP1F.
enumerator kFRO_HF_to_CMP1F
Attach FRO_HF to CMP1F.
enumerator kFRO12M_to_CMP1F
Attach FRO_12M to CMP1F.
enumerator kCLK_IN_to_CMP1F
Attach Clk_in to CMP1F.
enumerator kPLL1_CLK0_to_CMP1F
Attach PLL1_clk0 to CMP1F.
enumerator kUSB_PLL_to_CMP1F
Attach USB PLL to CMP1F.
enumerator kNONE_to_CMP1F
Attach NONE to CMP1F.
enumerator kPLL0_to_CMP1RR
Attach PLL0 to CMP1RR.
enumerator kFRO_HF_to_CMP1RR
Attach FRO_HF to CMP1RR.
enumerator kFRO12M_to_CMP1RR
Attach FRO_12M to CMP1RR.
enumerator kCLK_IN_to_CMP1RR
Attach Clk_in to CMP1RR.
enumerator kPLL1_CLK0_to_CMP1RR
Attach PLL1_clk0 to CMP1RR.
enumerator kUSB_PLL_to_CMP1RR
Attach USB PLL to CMP1RR.
enumerator kNONE_to_CMP1RR
Attach NONE to CMP1RR.
enumerator kCLK_IN_to_UTICK
Attach Clk_in to UTICK.
enumerator kXTAL32K2_to_UTICK
Attach xtal32k[2] to UTICK.
enumerator kCLK_1M_to_UTICK
Attach clk_1m to UTICK.
enumerator kNONE_to_UTICK
Attach NONE to UTICK.
enumerator kPLL0_to_SAI0
Attach PLL0 to SAI0.
enumerator kCLK_IN_to_SAI0
Attach Clk_in to SAI0.
enumerator kFRO_HF_to_SAI0
Attach FRO_HF to SAI0.
enumerator kPLL1_CLK0_to_SAI0
Attach PLL1_clk0 to SAI0.
enumerator kUSB_PLL_to_SAI0
Attach USB PLL to SAI0.
enumerator kNONE_to_SAI0
Attach NONE to SAI0.
enumerator kPLL0_to_SAI1
Attach PLL0 to SAI1.
enumerator kCLK_IN_to_SAI1
Attach Clk_in to SAI1.
enumerator kFRO_HF_to_SAI1
Attach FRO_HF to SAI1.
enumerator kPLL1_CLK0_to_SAI1
Attach PLL1_clk0 to SAI1.
enumerator kUSB_PLL_to_SAI1
Attach USB PLL to SAI1.
enumerator kNONE_to_SAI1
Attach NONE to SAI1.
enumerator kPLL0_to_I3C1FCLK
Attach PLL0 to I3C1FCLK.
enumerator kFRO_HF_to_I3C1FCLK
Attach FRO_HF to I3C1FCLK.
enumerator kCLK_1M_to_I3C1FCLK
Attach CLK_1M to I3C1FCLK.
enumerator kPLL1_CLK0_to_I3C1FCLK
Attach PLL1_clk0 to I3C1FCLK.
enumerator kUSB_PLL_to_I3C1FCLK
Attach USB PLL to I3C1FCLK.
enumerator kNONE_to_I3C1FCLK
Attach NONE to I3C1FCLK.
enumerator kPLL0_to_I3C1FCLKSTC
Attach PLL0 to I3C1FCLKSTC.
enumerator kFRO_HF_to_I3C1FCLKSTC
enumerator kCLK_1M_to_I3C1FCLKSTC
Attach CLK_1M to I3C1FCLKSTC.
enumerator kPLL1_CLK0_to_I3C1FCLKSTC
Attach PLL1_clk0 to I3C1FCLKSTC.
enumerator kUSB_PLL_to_I3C1FCLKSTC
enumerator kNONE_to_I3C1FCLKSTC
enumerator kPLL0_to_I3C1FCLKSlow
Attach PLL0 to I3C1FCLKS.
enumerator kFRO_HF_to_I3C1FCLKSlow
Attach FRO_HF to I3C1FCLKS.
enumerator kCLK_1M_to_I3C1FCLKSlow
Attach CLK_1M to I3C1FCLKS.
enumerator kPLL1_CLK0_to_I3C1FCLKSlow
Attach PLL1_clk0 to I3C1FCLKS.
enumerator kUSB_PLL_to_I3C1FCLKSlow
Attach USB PLL to I3C1FCLKS.
enumerator kNONE_to_I3C1FCLKSlow
Attach NONE to I3C1FCLKS.
enumerator kNONE_to_NONE
Attach NONE to NONE.
enumerator kCLK_IN_to_MAIN_CLK
enum _clock_div_name
Clock dividers.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivSystickClk0
Systick Clk0 Divider.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivTraceClk
Trace Clk Divider.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivSlowClk
SLOW CLK Divider.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivAhbClk
Ahb Clk Divider.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivClkOut
ClkOut Clk Divider.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivFrohfClk
Frohf Clk Divider.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivWdt0Clk
Wdt0 Clk Divider.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivAdc0Clk
Adc0 Clk Divider.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivPllClk
Pll Clk Divider.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivCtimer0Clk
Ctimer0 Clk Divider.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivCtimer1Clk
Ctimer1 Clk Divider.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivCtimer2Clk
Ctimer2 Clk Divider.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivCtimer3Clk
Ctimer3 Clk Divider.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivCtimer4Clk
Ctimer4 Clk Divider.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivPLL1Clk0
PLL1 Clk0 Divider.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivPLL1Clk1
Pll1 Clk1 Divider.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivUtickClk
Utick Clk Divider.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivFrg
CLKOUT FRG Clk Divider.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivAdc1Clk
Adc1 Clk Divider.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivI3c0FClk
I3C0 FClk Divider.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivMicfilFClk
enumerator kCLOCK_DivFlexioClk
Flexio Clk Divider.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivFlexcan0Clk
Flexcan0 Clk Divider.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivFlexcan1Clk
Flexcan1 Clk Divider.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivWdt1Clk
Wdt1 Clk Divider.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivCmp0FClk
Cmp0 FClk Divider.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivCmp0rrClk
Cmp0rr Clk Divider.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivCmp1FClk
Cmp1 FClk Divider.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivCmp1rrClk
Cmp1rr Clk Divider.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivFlexcom0Clk
Flexcom0 Clk Divider.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivFlexcom1Clk
Flexcom1 Clk Divider.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivFlexcom2Clk
Flexcom2 Clk Divider.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivFlexcom3Clk
Flexcom3 Clk Divider.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivFlexcom4Clk
Flexcom4 Clk Divider.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivFlexcom5Clk
Flexcom5 Clk Divider.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivFlexcom6Clk
Flexcom6 Clk Divider.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivFlexcom7Clk
Flexcom7 Clk Divider.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivSai0Clk
Sai0 Clk Divider.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivSai1Clk
Sai1 Clk Divider.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivI3c1FClk
I3C1 FClk Divider.
enumerator kCLOCK_DivSystickClk0
enum _osc32k_clk_gate_id
OSC32K clock gate.
enumerator kCLOCK_Osc32kToVbat
OSC32K[0] to VBAT domain.
enumerator kCLOCK_Osc32kToVsys
OSC32K[1] to VSYS domain.
enumerator kCLOCK_Osc32kToWake
OSC32K[2] to WAKE domain.
enumerator kCLOCK_Osc32kToMain
OSC32K[3] to MAIN domain.
enumerator kCLOCK_Osc32kToAll
enumerator kCLOCK_Osc32kToVbat
enum _clk16k_clk_gate_id
CLK16K clock gate.
enumerator kCLOCK_Clk16KToVbat
Clk16k[0] to VBAT domain.
enumerator kCLOCK_Clk16KToVsys
Clk16k[1] to VSYS domain.
enumerator kCLOCK_Clk16KToWake
Clk16k[2] to WAKE domain.
enumerator kCLOCK_Clk16KToMain
Clk16k[3] to MAIN domain.
enumerator kCLOCK_Clk16KToAll
Clk16k to VBAT,VSYS,WAKE,MAIN domain.
enumerator kCLOCK_Clk16KToVbat
enum _clock_ctrl_enable
system clocks enable controls
Enables FRO_1MHz clock for clock muxing in clock gen.
enumerator kCLOCK_CLKIN_ENA
Enables clk_in clock for MICD, EMVSIM0/1, CAN0/1, I3C0/1, SAI0/1, clkout
enumerator kCLOCK_FRO_HF_ENA
Enables FRO HF clock for the Frequency Measure module.
enumerator kCLOCK_FRO12MHZ_ENA
Enables the FRO_12MHz clock for the Flash, LPTIMER0/1, and Frequency Measurement modules.
enumerator kCLOCK_FRO1MHZ_ENA
Enables the FRO_1MHz clock for RTC module and for UTICK.
Enables the clk_in clock for the Frequency Measurement, USB HS and LPTIMER0/1 modules.
enum _clock_usb_phy_src
Source of the USB HS PHY.
enumerator kCLOCK_Usbphy480M
Use 480M.
enumerator kCLOCK_Usbphy480M
enum _scg_status
SCG status return codes.
enumerator kStatus_SCG_Busy
Clock is busy.
enumerator kStatus_SCG_InvalidSrc
Invalid source.
enumerator kStatus_SCG_Busy
enum _firc_trim_mode
firc trim mode.
enumerator kSCG_FircTrimNonUpdate
Trim enable but not enable trim value update. In this mode, the trim value is fixed to the initialized value which is defined by trimCoar and trimFine in configure structure trim_config_t.
enumerator kSCG_FircTrimUpdate
Trim enable and trim value update enable. In this mode, the trim value is auto update.
enumerator kSCG_FircTrimNonUpdate
enum _firc_trim_src
firc trim source.
enumerator kSCG_FircTrimSrcUsb0
USB0 start of frame (1kHz).
enumerator kSCG_FircTrimSrcSysOsc
System OSC.
enumerator kSCG_FircTrimSrcRtcOsc
RTC OSC (32.768 kHz).
enumerator kSCG_FircTrimSrcUsb0
enum _sirc_trim_mode
sirc trim mode.
enumerator kSCG_SircTrimNonUpdate
Trim enable but not enable trim value update. In this mode, the trim value is fixed to the initialized value which is defined by trimCoar and trimFine in configure structure trim_config_t.
enumerator kSCG_SircTrimUpdate
Trim enable and trim value update enable. In this mode, the trim value is auto update.
enumerator kSCG_SircTrimNonUpdate
enum _sirc_trim_src
sirc trim source.
enumerator kSCG_SircTrimSrcSysOsc
System OSC.
enumerator kSCG_SircTrimSrcRtcOsc
RTC OSC (32.768 kHz).
enumerator kSCG_SircTrimSrcSysOsc
enum _scg_sosc_monitor_mode
SCG system OSC monitor mode.
enumerator kSCG_SysOscMonitorDisable
Monitor disabled.
enumerator kSCG_SysOscMonitorInt
Interrupt when the SOSC error is detected.
enumerator kSCG_SysOscMonitorReset
Reset when the SOSC error is detected.
enumerator kSCG_SysOscMonitorDisable
enum _scg_rosc_monitor_mode
SCG ROSC monitor mode.
enumerator kSCG_RoscMonitorDisable
Monitor disabled.
enumerator kSCG_RoscMonitorInt
Interrupt when the RTC OSC error is detected.
enumerator kSCG_RoscMonitorReset
Reset when the RTC OSC error is detected.
enumerator kSCG_RoscMonitorDisable
enum _scg_upll_monitor_mode
SCG UPLL monitor mode.
enumerator kSCG_UpllMonitorDisable
Monitor disabled.
enumerator kSCG_UpllMonitorInt
Interrupt when the UPLL error is detected.
enumerator kSCG_UpllMonitorReset
Reset when the UPLL error is detected.
enumerator kSCG_UpllMonitorDisable
enum _scg_pll0_monitor_mode
SCG PLL0 monitor mode.
enumerator kSCG_Pll0MonitorDisable
Monitor disabled.
enumerator kSCG_Pll0MonitorInt
Interrupt when the PLL0 Clock error is detected.
enumerator kSCG_Pll0MonitorReset
Reset when the PLL0 Clock error is detected.
enumerator kSCG_Pll0MonitorDisable
enum _scg_pll1_monitor_mode
SCG PLL1 monitor mode.
enumerator kSCG_Pll1MonitorDisable
Monitor disabled.
enumerator kSCG_Pll1MonitorInt
Interrupt when the PLL1 Clock error is detected.
enumerator kSCG_Pll1MonitorReset
Reset when the PLL1 Clock error is detected.
enumerator kSCG_Pll1MonitorDisable
enum _vbat_osc_xtal_cap
The enumerator of internal capacitance of OSC’s XTAL pin.
enumerator kVBAT_OscXtal0pFCap
The internal capacitance for XTAL pin is 0pF.
enumerator kVBAT_OscXtal2pFCap
The internal capacitance for XTAL pin is 2pF.
enumerator kVBAT_OscXtal4pFCap
The internal capacitance for XTAL pin is 4pF.
enumerator kVBAT_OscXtal6pFCap
The internal capacitance for XTAL pin is 6pF.
enumerator kVBAT_OscXtal8pFCap
The internal capacitance for XTAL pin is 8pF.
enumerator kVBAT_OscXtal10pFCap
The internal capacitance for XTAL pin is 10pF.
enumerator kVBAT_OscXtal12pFCap
The internal capacitance for XTAL pin is 12pF.
enumerator kVBAT_OscXtal14pFCap
The internal capacitance for XTAL pin is 14pF.
enumerator kVBAT_OscXtal16pFCap
The internal capacitance for XTAL pin is 16pF.
enumerator kVBAT_OscXtal18pFCap
The internal capacitance for XTAL pin is 18pF.
enumerator kVBAT_OscXtal20pFCap
The internal capacitance for XTAL pin is 20pF.
enumerator kVBAT_OscXtal22pFCap
The internal capacitance for XTAL pin is 22pF.
enumerator kVBAT_OscXtal24pFCap
The internal capacitance for XTAL pin is 24pF.
enumerator kVBAT_OscXtal26pFCap
The internal capacitance for XTAL pin is 26pF.
enumerator kVBAT_OscXtal28pFCap
The internal capacitance for XTAL pin is 28pF.
enumerator kVBAT_OscXtal30pFCap
The internal capacitance for XTAL pin is 30pF.
enumerator kVBAT_OscXtal0pFCap
enum _vbat_osc_extal_cap
The enumerator of internal capacitance of OSC’s EXTAL pin.
enumerator kVBAT_OscExtal0pFCap
The internal capacitance for EXTAL pin is 0pF.
enumerator kVBAT_OscExtal2pFCap
The internal capacitance for EXTAL pin is 2pF.
enumerator kVBAT_OscExtal4pFCap
The internal capacitance for EXTAL pin is 4pF.
enumerator kVBAT_OscExtal6pFCap
The internal capacitance for EXTAL pin is 6pF.
enumerator kVBAT_OscExtal8pFCap
The internal capacitance for EXTAL pin is 8pF.
enumerator kVBAT_OscExtal10pFCap
The internal capacitance for EXTAL pin is 10pF.
enumerator kVBAT_OscExtal12pFCap
The internal capacitance for EXTAL pin is 12pF.
enumerator kVBAT_OscExtal14pFCap
The internal capacitance for EXTAL pin is 14pF.
enumerator kVBAT_OscExtal16pFCap
The internal capacitance for EXTAL pin is 16pF.
enumerator kVBAT_OscExtal18pFCap
The internal capacitance for EXTAL pin is 18pF.
enumerator kVBAT_OscExtal20pFCap
The internal capacitance for EXTAL pin is 20pF.
enumerator kVBAT_OscExtal22pFCap
The internal capacitance for EXTAL pin is 22pF.
enumerator kVBAT_OscExtal24pFCap
The internal capacitance for EXTAL pin is 24pF.
enumerator kVBAT_OscExtal26pFCap
The internal capacitance for EXTAL pin is 26pF.
enumerator kVBAT_OscExtal28pFCap
The internal capacitance for EXTAL pin is 28pF.
enumerator kVBAT_OscExtal30pFCap
The internal capacitance for EXTAL pin is 30pF.
enumerator kVBAT_OscExtal0pFCap
enum _vbat_osc_fine_adjustment_value
The enumerator of osc amplifier gain fine adjustment. Changes the oscillator amplitude by modifying the automatic gain control (AGC).
enumerator kVBAT_OscCoarseAdjustment05
enumerator kVBAT_OscCoarseAdjustment10
enumerator kVBAT_OscCoarseAdjustment18
enumerator kVBAT_OscCoarseAdjustment33
enumerator kVBAT_OscCoarseAdjustment05
enum _run_mode
The active run mode (voltage level).
enumerator kMD_Mode
Midvoltage (1.0 V).
enumerator kSD_Mode
Normal voltage (1.1 V).
enumerator kOD_Mode
Overdrive voltage (1.2 V).
enumerator kMD_Mode
enum _vbat_osc_init_trim
The enumerator of Initialization Trim.
enumerator kVBAT_OscInitTrim8000ms
Configures the start-up time of the oscillator to 8s.
enumerator kVBAT_OscInitTrim4000ms
Configures the start-up time of the oscillator to 4s.
enumerator kVBAT_OscInitTrim2000ms
Configures the start-up time of the oscillator to 2s.
enumerator kVBAT_OscInitTrim1000ms
Configures the start-up time of the oscillator to 1s.
enumerator kVBAT_OscInitTrim500ms
Configures the start-up time of the oscillator to 0.5s.
enumerator kVBAT_OscInitTrim250ms
Configures the start-up time of the oscillator to 0.25s.
enumerator kVBAT_OscInitTrim125ms
Configures the start-up time of the oscillator to 0.125s.
enumerator kVBAT_OscInitTrimHalfms
Configures the start-up time of the oscillator to 0.5ms.
enumerator kVBAT_OscInitTrim8000ms
enum _vbat_osc_cap_trim
The enumerator of Capacitor Trim.
enumerator kVBAT_OscCapTrimDefault
enumerator kVBAT_OscCapTrim1us
enumerator kVBAT_OscCapTrim2us
enumerator kVBAT_OscCapTrim2andhalfus
enumerator kVBAT_OscCapTrimDefault
enum _vbat_osc_dly_trim
The enumerator of Delay Trim.
enumerator kVBAT_OscDlyTrim0
P current 9(nA) and N Current 6(nA).
enumerator kVBAT_OscDlyTrim1
P current 13(nA) and N Current 6(nA).
enumerator kVBAT_OscDlyTrim3
P current 4(nA) and N Current 6(nA).
enumerator kVBAT_OscDlyTrim4
P current 9(nA) and N Current 4(nA).
enumerator kVBAT_OscDlyTrim5
P current 13(nA) and N Current 4(nA).
enumerator kVBAT_OscDlyTrim6
P current 4(nA) and N Current 4(nA).
enumerator kVBAT_OscDlyTrim7
P current 9(nA) and N Current 2(nA).
enumerator kVBAT_OscDlyTrim8
P current 13(nA) and N Current 2(nA).
enumerator kVBAT_OscDlyTrim9
P current 4(nA) and N Current 2(nA).
enumerator kVBAT_OscDlyTrim0
enum _vbat_osc_cap2_trim
The enumerator of CAP2_TRIM.
enumerator kVBAT_OscCap2Trim0
enumerator kVBAT_OscCap2Trim1
enumerator kVBAT_OscCap2Trim0
enum _vbat_osc_cmp_trim
The enumerator of Comparator Trim.
enumerator kVBAT_OscCmpTrim760mv
enumerator kVBAT_OscCmpTrim770mv
enumerator kVBAT_OscCmpTrim740mv
enumerator kVBAT_OscCmpTrim760mv
enum _vbat_osc_mode_en
The enumerator of configures Crystal Oscillator mode..
enumerator kVBAT_OscNormalModeEnable
enumerator kVBAT_OscStartupModeEnable
enumerator kVBAT_OscLowpowerModeEnable
enumerator kVBAT_OscNormalModeEnable
enum _pll_clk_src
PLL clock source.
enumerator kPll_ClkSrcSysOsc
System OSC.
enumerator kPll_ClkSrcFirc
Fast IRC.
enumerator kPll_ClkSrcRosc
enumerator kPll_ClkSrcSysOsc
enum _ss_progmodfm
PLL Spread Spectrum (SS) Programmable modulation frequency See (MF) field in the PLL0SSCG1 register in the UM.
enumerator kSS_MF_512
Nss = 512 (fm ~= 3.9 - 7.8 kHz)
enumerator kSS_MF_384
Nss ~= 384 (fm ~= 5.2 - 10.4 kHz)
enumerator kSS_MF_256
Nss = 256 (fm ~= 7.8 - 15.6 kHz)
enumerator kSS_MF_128
Nss = 128 (fm ~= 15.6 - 31.3 kHz)
enumerator kSS_MF_64
Nss = 64 (fm ~= 32.3 - 64.5 kHz)
enumerator kSS_MF_32
Nss = 32 (fm ~= 62.5 - 125 kHz)
enumerator kSS_MF_24
Nss ~= 24 (fm ~= 83.3 - 166.6 kHz)
enumerator kSS_MF_16
Nss = 16 (fm ~= 125 - 250 kHz)
enumerator kSS_MF_512
enum _ss_progmoddp
PLL Spread Spectrum (SS) Programmable frequency modulation depth See (MR) field in the PLL0SSCG1 register in the UM.
enumerator kSS_MR_K0
k = 0 (no spread spectrum)
enumerator kSS_MR_K1
k ~= 1
enumerator kSS_MR_K1_5
k ~= 1.5
enumerator kSS_MR_K2
k ~= 2
enumerator kSS_MR_K3
k ~= 3
enumerator kSS_MR_K4
k ~= 4
enumerator kSS_MR_K6
k ~= 6
enumerator kSS_MR_K8
k ~= 8
enumerator kSS_MR_K0
enum _ss_modwvctrl
PLL Spread Spectrum (SS) Modulation waveform control See (MC) field in the PLL0SSCG1 register in the UM.
Compensation for low pass filtering of the PLL to get a triangular modulation at the output of the PLL, giving a flat frequency spectrum.
enumerator kSS_MC_NOC
no compensation
enumerator kSS_MC_RECC
recommended setting
enumerator kSS_MC_MAXC
max. compensation
enumerator kSS_MC_NOC
enum _pll_error
PLL status definitions.
enumerator kStatus_PLL_Success
PLL operation was successful
enumerator kStatus_PLL_OutputTooLow
PLL output rate request was too low
enumerator kStatus_PLL_OutputTooHigh
PLL output rate request was too high
enumerator kStatus_PLL_OutputError
PLL output rate error
enumerator kStatus_PLL_InputTooLow
PLL input rate is too low
enumerator kStatus_PLL_InputTooHigh
PLL input rate is too high
enumerator kStatus_PLL_OutsideIntLimit
Requested output rate isn’t possible
enumerator kStatus_PLL_CCOTooLow
Requested CCO rate isn’t possible
enumerator kStatus_PLL_CCOTooHigh
Requested CCO rate isn’t possible
enumerator kStatus_PLL_Success
typedef enum _clock_ip_name clock_ip_name_t
Clock gate name used for CLOCK_EnableClock/CLOCK_DisableClock.
typedef enum _clock_name clock_name_t
Clock name used to get clock frequency.
typedef enum _clock_attach_id clock_attach_id_t
The enumerator of clock attach Id.
typedef enum _clock_div_name clock_div_name_t
Clock dividers.
typedef enum _osc32k_clk_gate_id osc32k_clk_gate_id_t
OSC32K clock gate.
typedef enum _clk16k_clk_gate_id clk16k_clk_gate_id_t
CLK16K clock gate.
typedef enum _clock_ctrl_enable clock_ctrl_enable_t
system clocks enable controls
typedef enum _clock_usb_phy_src clock_usb_phy_src_t
Source of the USB HS PHY.
typedef enum _firc_trim_mode firc_trim_mode_t
firc trim mode.
typedef enum _firc_trim_src firc_trim_src_t
firc trim source.
typedef struct _firc_trim_config firc_trim_config_t
firc trim configuration.
typedef enum _sirc_trim_mode sirc_trim_mode_t
sirc trim mode.
typedef enum _sirc_trim_src sirc_trim_src_t
sirc trim source.
typedef struct _sirc_trim_config sirc_trim_config_t
sirc trim configuration.
typedef enum _scg_sosc_monitor_mode scg_sosc_monitor_mode_t
SCG system OSC monitor mode.
typedef enum _scg_rosc_monitor_mode scg_rosc_monitor_mode_t
SCG ROSC monitor mode.
typedef enum _scg_upll_monitor_mode scg_upll_monitor_mode_t
SCG UPLL monitor mode.
typedef enum _scg_pll0_monitor_mode scg_pll0_monitor_mode_t
SCG PLL0 monitor mode.
typedef enum _scg_pll1_monitor_mode scg_pll1_monitor_mode_t
SCG PLL1 monitor mode.
typedef enum _vbat_osc_xtal_cap vbat_osc_xtal_cap_t
The enumerator of internal capacitance of OSC’s XTAL pin.
typedef enum _vbat_osc_extal_cap vbat_osc_extal_cap_t
The enumerator of internal capacitance of OSC’s EXTAL pin.
typedef enum _vbat_osc_fine_adjustment_value vbat_osc_coarse_adjustment_value_t
The enumerator of osc amplifier gain fine adjustment. Changes the oscillator amplitude by modifying the automatic gain control (AGC).
typedef struct _vbat_osc_config vbat_osc_config_t
The structure of oscillator configuration.
typedef enum _run_mode run_mode_t
The active run mode (voltage level).
typedef enum _vbat_osc_init_trim vbat_osc_init_trim_t
The enumerator of Initialization Trim.
typedef enum _vbat_osc_cap_trim vbat_osc_cap_trim_t
The enumerator of Capacitor Trim.
typedef enum _vbat_osc_dly_trim vbat_osc_dly_trim_t
The enumerator of Delay Trim.
typedef enum _vbat_osc_cap2_trim vbat_osc_cap2_trim_t
The enumerator of CAP2_TRIM.
typedef enum _vbat_osc_cmp_trim vbat_osc_cmp_trim_t
The enumerator of Comparator Trim.
typedef enum _vbat_osc_mode_en vbat_osc_mode_en_t
The enumerator of configures Crystal Oscillator mode..
typedef struct _osc_32k_config osc_32k_config_t
The structure of oscillator configuration.
typedef enum _pll_clk_src pll_clk_src_t
PLL clock source.
typedef enum _ss_progmodfm ss_progmodfm_t
PLL Spread Spectrum (SS) Programmable modulation frequency See (MF) field in the PLL0SSCG1 register in the UM.
typedef enum _ss_progmoddp ss_progmoddp_t
PLL Spread Spectrum (SS) Programmable frequency modulation depth See (MR) field in the PLL0SSCG1 register in the UM.
typedef enum _ss_modwvctrl ss_modwvctrl_t
PLL Spread Spectrum (SS) Modulation waveform control See (MC) field in the PLL0SSCG1 register in the UM.
Compensation for low pass filtering of the PLL to get a triangular modulation at the output of the PLL, giving a flat frequency spectrum.
typedef struct _pll_config pll_config_t
PLL configuration structure.
This structure can be used to configure the settings for a PLL setup structure. Fill in the desired configuration for the PLL and call the PLL setup function to fill in a PLL setup structure.
typedef struct _pll_setup pll_setup_t
PLL0 setup structure This structure can be used to pre-build a PLL setup configuration at run-time and quickly set the PLL to the configuration. It can be populated with the PLL setup function. If powering up or waiting for PLL lock, the PLL input clock source should be configured prior to PLL setup.
typedef enum _pll_error pll_error_t
PLL status definitions.
static inline void CLOCK_EnableClock(clock_ip_name_t clk)
Enable the clock for specific IP.
- Parameters:
clk – : Clock to be enabled.
- Returns:
static inline void CLOCK_DisableClock(clock_ip_name_t clk)
Disable the clock for specific IP.
- Parameters:
clk – : Clock to be Disabled.
- Returns:
status_t CLOCK_SetupFROHFClocking(uint32_t iFreq)
Initialize the Core clock to given frequency (48 or 144 MHz). This function turns on FIRC and select the given frequency as the source of fro_hf.
- Parameters:
iFreq – : Desired frequency (must be one of CLK_FRO_44MHZ or CLK_FRO_144MHZ)
- Returns:
returns success or fail status.
status_t CLOCK_SetupExtClocking(uint32_t iFreq)
Initialize the external osc clock to given frequency.
- Parameters:
iFreq – : Desired frequency (must be equal to exact rate in Hz)
- Returns:
returns success or fail status.
status_t CLOCK_SetupExtRefClocking(uint32_t iFreq)
Initialize the external reference clock to given frequency.
- Parameters:
iFreq – : Desired frequency (must be equal to exact rate in Hz)
- Returns:
returns success or fail status.
status_t CLOCK_SetupOsc32KClocking(uint32_t id)
Initialize the XTAL32/EXTAL32 input clock to given frequency.
- Parameters:
id – : OSC 32 kHz output clock to specified modules, it should use osc32k_clk_gate_id_t value
- Returns:
returns success or fail status.
void CLOCK_GetDefaultOsc32KConfig(osc_32k_config_t *config)
Get default XTAL32/EXTAL32 clock configuration structure. This function initializes the osc 32k configuration structure to a default value. The default values are: config->initTrim = kVBAT_OscInitTrim500ms; config->capTrim = kVBAT_OscCapTrimDefault; config->dlyTrim = kVBAT_OscDlyTrim5; config->cap2Trim = kVBAT_OscCap2Trim0; config->cmpTrim = kVBAT_OscCmpTrim760mv; config->mode = kVBAT_OscNormalModeEnable; config->xtalCap = kVBAT_OscXtal24pFCap; config->extalCap = kVBAT_OscExtal22pFCap; config->ampGain = kVBAT_OscCoarseAdjustment05; config->id = kCLOCK_Osc32kToVbat;.
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to a configuration structure
status_t CLOCK_SetupOsc32KClockingConfig(osc_32k_config_t config)
Initialize the OSC 32K with user-defined settings.
- Parameters:
config – : OSC 32K configuration structure
- Returns:
returns success or fail status.
status_t CLOCK_SetupClk16KClocking(uint32_t id)
Initialize the FRO16K input clock to given frequency.
- Parameters:
id – : FRO 16 kHz output clock to specified modules, it should use clk16k_clk_gate_id_t value
- Returns:
returns success or fail status.
status_t CLOCK_FROHFTrimConfig(firc_trim_config_t config)
Setup FROHF trim.
- Parameters:
config – : FROHF trim value
- Returns:
returns success or fail status.
status_t CLOCK_FRO12MTrimConfig(sirc_trim_config_t config)
Setup FRO 12M trim.
- Parameters:
config – : FRO 12M trim value
- Returns:
returns success or fail status.
void CLOCK_SetSysOscMonitorMode(scg_sosc_monitor_mode_t mode)
Sets the system OSC monitor mode.
This function sets the system OSC monitor mode. The mode can be disabled, it can generate an interrupt when the error is disabled, or reset when the error is detected.
- Parameters:
mode – Monitor mode to set.
void CLOCK_SetRoscMonitorMode(scg_rosc_monitor_mode_t mode)
Sets the ROSC monitor mode.
This function sets the ROSC monitor mode. The mode can be disabled, it can generate an interrupt when the error is disabled, or reset when the error is detected.
- Parameters:
mode – Monitor mode to set.
void CLOCK_SetUpllMonitorMode(scg_upll_monitor_mode_t mode)
Sets the UPLL monitor mode.
This function sets the UPLL monitor mode. The mode can be disabled, it can generate an interrupt when the error is disabled, or reset when the error is detected.
- Parameters:
mode – Monitor mode to set.
void CLOCK_SetPll0MonitorMode(scg_pll0_monitor_mode_t mode)
Sets the PLL0 monitor mode.
This function sets the PLL0 monitor mode. The mode can be disabled, it can generate an interrupt when the error is disabled, or reset when the error is detected.
- Parameters:
mode – Monitor mode to set.
void CLOCK_SetPll1MonitorMode(scg_pll1_monitor_mode_t mode)
Sets the PLL1 monitor mode.
This function sets the PLL1 monitor mode. The mode can be disabled, it can generate an interrupt when the error is disabled, or reset when the error is detected.
- Parameters:
mode – Monitor mode to set.
void VBAT_SetOscConfig(VBAT_Type *base, const vbat_osc_config_t *config)
Config 32k Crystal Oscillator.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
config – The pointer to the structure vbat_osc_config_t.
status_t CLOCK_SetFLASHAccessCyclesForFreq(uint32_t system_freq_hz, run_mode_t mode)
Set the additional number of wait-states added to account for the ratio of system clock period to flash access time during full speed power mode.
- Parameters:
system_freq_hz – : Input frequency
mode – : Active run mode (voltage level).
- Returns:
success or fail status
void CLOCK_AttachClk(clock_attach_id_t connection)
Configure the clock selection muxes.
- Parameters:
connection – : Clock to be configured.
- Returns:
clock_attach_id_t CLOCK_GetClockAttachId(clock_attach_id_t attachId)
Get the actual clock attach id. This fuction uses the offset in input attach id, then it reads the actual source value in the register and combine the offset to obtain an actual attach id.
- Parameters:
attachId – : Clock attach id to get.
- Returns:
Clock source value.
void CLOCK_SetClkDiv(clock_div_name_t div_name, uint32_t divided_by_value)
Setup peripheral clock dividers.
- Parameters:
div_name – : Clock divider name
divided_by_value – Value to be divided
- Returns:
uint32_t CLOCK_GetClkDiv(clock_div_name_t div_name)
Get peripheral clock dividers.
- Parameters:
div_name – : Clock divider name
- Returns:
peripheral clock dividers
void CLOCK_HaltClkDiv(clock_div_name_t div_name)
Halt peripheral clock dividers.
- Parameters:
div_name – : Clock divider name
- Returns:
void CLOCK_SetupClockCtrl(uint32_t mask)
system clocks enable controls.
- Parameters:
mask – : system clocks enable value, it should use clock_ctrl_enable_t value
- Returns:
uint32_t CLOCK_GetFreq(clock_name_t clockName)
Return Frequency of selected clock.
- Returns:
Frequency of selected clock
uint32_t CLOCK_GetCoreSysClkFreq(void)
Return Frequency of core.
- Returns:
Frequency of the core
uint32_t CLOCK_GetCTimerClkFreq(uint32_t id)
Return Frequency of CTimer functional Clock.
- Returns:
Frequency of CTimer functional Clock
uint32_t CLOCK_GetAdcClkFreq(uint32_t id)
Return Frequency of Adc Clock.
- Returns:
Frequency of Adc.
uint32_t CLOCK_GetLPFlexCommClkFreq(uint32_t id)
Return Frequency of LPFlexComm Clock.
- Returns:
Frequency of LPFlexComm Clock
uint32_t CLOCK_GetPll0OutFreq(void)
Return Frequency of PLL.
- Returns:
Frequency of PLL
uint32_t CLOCK_GetPll1OutFreq(void)
Return Frequency of USB PLL.
- Returns:
Frequency of PLL
uint32_t CLOCK_GetPllClkDivFreq(void)
Return Frequency of PLLCLKDIV.
- Returns:
Frequency of PLLCLKDIV Clock
uint32_t CLOCK_GetI3cClkFreq(uint32_t id)
Return Frequency of I3C function Clock.
- Returns:
Frequency of I3C function Clock
uint32_t CLOCK_GetMicfilClkFreq(void)
Return Frequency of MICFIL Clock.
- Returns:
Frequency of MICFIL.
uint32_t CLOCK_GetFlexioClkFreq(void)
Return Frequency of FLEXIO.
- Returns:
Frequency of FLEXIO Clock
uint32_t CLOCK_GetFlexcanClkFreq(uint32_t id)
Return Frequency of FLEXCAN.
- Returns:
Frequency of FLEXCAN Clock
uint32_t CLOCK_GetEwm0ClkFreq(void)
Return Frequency of EWM0 Clock.
- Returns:
Frequency of EWM0.
uint32_t CLOCK_GetWdtClkFreq(uint32_t id)
Return Frequency of Watchdog.
- Returns:
Frequency of Watchdog
uint32_t CLOCK_GetOstimerClkFreq(void)
Return Frequency of OSTIMER.
- Returns:
Frequency of OSTIMER Clock
uint32_t CLOCK_GetCmpFClkFreq(uint32_t id)
Return Frequency of CMP Function Clock.
- Returns:
Frequency of CMP Function.
uint32_t CLOCK_GetCmpRRClkFreq(uint32_t id)
Return Frequency of CMP Round Robin Clock.
- Returns:
Frequency of CMP Round Robin.
uint32_t CLOCK_GetUtickClkFreq(void)
Return Frequency of UTICK Clock.
- Returns:
Frequency of UTICK Clock.
uint32_t CLOCK_GetSaiClkFreq(uint32_t id)
Return Frequency of SAI Clock.
- Returns:
Frequency of SAI Clock.
void CLOCK_SetupSaiMclk(uint32_t id, uint32_t iFreq)
Initialize the SAI MCLK to given frequency.
- Parameters:
iFreq – : Desired frequency
- Returns:
void CLOCK_SetupSaiTxBclk(uint32_t id, uint32_t iFreq)
Initialize the SAI TX BCLK to given frequency.
- Parameters:
iFreq – : Desired frequency
- Returns:
void CLOCK_SetupSaiRxBclk(uint32_t id, uint32_t iFreq)
Initialize the SAI RX BCLK to given frequency.
- Parameters:
iFreq – : Desired frequency
- Returns:
uint32_t CLOCK_GetSaiMclkFreq(uint32_t id)
Return Frequency of SAI MCLK.
- Returns:
Frequency of SAI MCLK
uint32_t CLOCK_GetSaiTxBclkFreq(uint32_t id)
Return Frequency of SAI TX BCLK.
- Returns:
Frequency of SAI TX BCLK
uint32_t CLOCK_GetSaiRxBclkFreq(uint32_t id)
Return Frequency of SAI RX BCLK.
- Returns:
Frequency of SAI RX BCLK
uint32_t CLOCK_GetPLL0InClockRate(void)
Return PLL0 input clock rate.
- Returns:
PLL0 input clock rate
uint32_t CLOCK_GetPLL1InClockRate(void)
Return PLL1 input clock rate.
- Returns:
PLL1 input clock rate
uint32_t CLOCK_GetExtUpllFreq(void)
Gets the external UPLL frequency.
- Returns:
The frequency of the external UPLL.
void CLOCK_SetExtUpllFreq(uint32_t freq)
Sets the external UPLL frequency.
- Parameters:
The – frequency of external UPLL.
- __STATIC_INLINE bool CLOCK_IsPLL0Locked (void)
Check if PLL is locked or not.
- Returns:
true if the PLL is locked, false if not locked
- __STATIC_INLINE bool CLOCK_IsPLL1Locked (void)
Check if PLL1 is locked or not.
- Returns:
true if the PLL1 is locked, false if not locked
uint32_t CLOCK_GetPLLOutFromSetup(pll_setup_t *pSetup)
Return PLL0 output clock rate from setup structure.
- Parameters:
pSetup – : Pointer to a PLL setup structure
- Returns:
System PLL output clock rate the setup structure will generate
pll_error_t CLOCK_SetupPLLData(pll_config_t *pControl, pll_setup_t *pSetup)
Set PLL output based on the passed PLL setup data.
Actual frequency for setup may vary from the desired frequency based on the accuracy of input clocks, rounding, non-fractional PLL mode, etc.
- Parameters:
pControl – : Pointer to populated PLL control structure to generate setup with
pSetup – : Pointer to PLL setup structure to be filled
- Returns:
PLL_ERROR_SUCCESS on success, or PLL setup error code
pll_error_t CLOCK_SetPLL0Freq(const pll_setup_t *pSetup)
Set PLL output from PLL setup structure (precise frequency)
This function will power off the PLL, setup the PLL with the new setup data, and then optionally powerup the PLL, wait for PLL lock, and adjust system voltages to the new PLL rate. The function will not alter any source clocks (ie, main systen clock) that may use the PLL, so these should be setup prior to and after exiting the function.
- Parameters:
pSetup – : Pointer to populated PLL setup structure
- Returns:
kStatus_PLL_Success on success, or PLL setup error code
pll_error_t CLOCK_SetPLL1Freq(const pll_setup_t *pSetup)
Set PLL output from PLL setup structure (precise frequency)
This function will power off the PLL, setup the PLL with the new setup data, and then optionally powerup the PLL, wait for PLL lock, and adjust system voltages to the new PLL rate. The function will not alter any source clocks (ie, main systen clock) that may use the PLL, so these should be setup prior to and after exiting the function.
- Parameters:
pSetup – : Pointer to populated PLL setup structure
- Returns:
kStatus_PLL_Success on success, or PLL setup error code
void CLOCK_EnableOstimer32kClock(void)
Enable the OSTIMER 32k clock.
- Returns:
bool CLOCK_EnableUsbhsPhyPllClock(clock_usb_phy_src_t src, uint32_t freq)
brief Enable USB HS PHY PLL clock.
This function enables the internal 480MHz USB PHY PLL clock.
param src USB HS PHY PLL clock source. param freq The frequency specified by src. retval true The clock is set successfully. retval false The clock source is invalid to get proper USB HS clock.
void CLOCK_DisableUsbhsPhyPllClock(void)
brief Disable USB HS PHY PLL clock.
This function disables USB HS PHY PLL clock.
bool CLOCK_EnableUsbhsClock(void)
brief Enable USB HS clock. retval true The clock is set successfully. retval false The clock source is invalid to get proper USB HS clock.
status_t CLOCK_FIRCAutoTrimWithSOF(void)
FIRC Auto Trim With SOF.
- Returns:
returns success or fail status.
CLOCK driver version 2.0.0.
Configure whether driver controls clock.
When set to 0, peripheral drivers will enable clock in initialize function and disable clock in de-initialize function. When set to 1, peripheral driver will not control the clock, application could control the clock out of the driver.
All drivers share this feature switcher. If it is set to 1, application should handle clock enable and disable for all drivers.
User-defined the size of cache for CLOCK_PllGetConfig() function.
Once define this MACRO to be non-zero value, CLOCK_PllGetConfig() function would cache the recent calulation and accelerate the execution to get the right settings.
Clock ip name array for ROM.
Clock ip name array for SRAM.
Clock ip name array for FMC.
Clock ip name array for INPUTMUX.
Clock ip name array for GPIO.
Clock ip name array for GDET.
Clock ip name array for PINT.
Clock ip name array for DMA.
Clock gate name array for EDMA.
Clock ip name array for CRC.
Clock ip name array for WWDT.
Clock ip name array for LPADC.
Clock ip name array for MRT.
Clock ip name array for OSTIMER.
Clock ip name array for UTICK.
Clock ip name array for LP_FLEXCOMM.
Clock ip name array for LPUART.
Clock ip name array for LPI2C.
Clock ip name array for LSPI.
Clock ip name array for CTIMER.
Clock ip name array for FREQME.
Clock ip name array for PUF.
Clock ip name array for VREF.
Clock ip name array for PWM.
Clock ip name array for QDC.
Clock ip name array for FLEXIO.
Clock ip name array for FLEXCAN.
Clock ip name array for I3C.
Clock ip name array for USDHC.
Clock ip name array for SAI.
Clock ip name array for RTC.
Clock ip name array for PDM.
Clock ip name array for ERM.
Clock ip name array for EIM.
Clock ip name array for TRNG.
Clock ip name array for LPCMP.
Clock gate name used for CLOCK_EnableClock/CLOCK_DisableClock.
CLK_GATE_DEFINE(reg_offset, bit_shift)
Peripherals clock source definition.
CLK_ATTACH_ID(mux, sel, pos)
Clock Mux Switches The encoding is as follows each connection identified is 32bits wide while 24bits are valuable starting from LSB upwards.
[4 bits for choice, 0 means invalid choice] [8 bits mux ID]*
MUX_A(mux, sel)
MUX_B(mux, sel, selector)
PLL configuration structure flags for ‘flags’ field These flags control how the PLL configuration function sets up the PLL setup structure.
When the PLL_CONFIGFLAG_FORCENOFRACT flag is selected, the PLL hardware for the automatic bandwidth selection, Spread Spectrum (SS) support, and fractional M-divider are not used.
Force non-fractional output mode, PLL output will not use the fractional, automatic bandwidth, or SS hardware
firc_trim_mode_t trimMode
Trim mode.
firc_trim_src_t trimSrc
Trim source.
uint16_t trimDiv
Divider of SOSC.
uint8_t trimCoar
Trim coarse value; Irrelevant if trimMode is kSCG_TrimUpdate.
uint8_t trimFine
Trim fine value; Irrelevant if trimMode is kSCG_TrimUpdate.
sirc_trim_mode_t trimMode
Trim mode.
sirc_trim_src_t trimSrc
Trim source.
uint16_t trimDiv
Divider of SOSC.
uint8_t cltrim
Trim coarse value; Irrelevant if trimMode is kSCG_TrimUpdate.
uint8_t ccotrim
Trim fine value; Irrelevant if trimMode is kSCG_TrimUpdate.
bool enableInternalCapBank
enable/disable the internal capacitance bank.
bool enableCrystalOscillatorBypass
enable/disable the crystal oscillator bypass.
vbat_osc_xtal_cap_t xtalCap
The internal capacitance for the OSC XTAL pin from the capacitor bank, only useful when the internal capacitance bank is enabled.
vbat_osc_extal_cap_t extalCap
The internal capacitance for the OSC EXTAL pin from the capacitor bank, only useful when the internal capacitance bank is enabled.
vbat_osc_coarse_adjustment_value_t coarseAdjustment
32kHz crystal oscillator amplifier coarse adjustment value.
vbat_osc_init_trim_t initTrim
vbat_osc_cap_trim_t capTrim
vbat_osc_dly_trim_t dlyTrim
vbat_osc_cap2_trim_t cap2Trim
vbat_osc_cmp_trim_t cmpTrim
vbat_osc_mode_en_t mode
vbat_osc_xtal_cap_t xtalCap
vbat_osc_extal_cap_t extalCap
uint32_t desiredRate
Desired PLL rate in Hz
uint32_t inputSource
PLL input source
uint32_t flags
PLL configuration flags, Or’ed value of PLL_CONFIGFLAG_* definitions
ss_progmodfm_t ss_mf
SS Programmable modulation frequency, only applicable when not using PLL_CONFIGFLAG_FORCENOFRACT flag
ss_progmoddp_t ss_mr
SS Programmable frequency modulation depth, only applicable when not using PLL_CONFIGFLAG_FORCENOFRACT flag
ss_modwvctrl_t ss_mc
SS Modulation waveform control, only applicable when not using PLL_CONFIGFLAG_FORCENOFRACT flag
bool mfDither
false for fixed modulation frequency or true for dithering, only applicable when not using PLL_CONFIGFLAG_FORCENOFRACT flag
uint32_t pllctrl
PLL Control register APLLCTRL
uint32_t pllndiv
PLL N Divider register APLLNDIV
uint32_t pllpdiv
PLL P Divider register APLLPDIV
uint32_t pllmdiv
PLL M Divider register APLLMDIV
uint32_t pllsscg[2]
PLL Spread Spectrum Control registers APLLSSCG
uint32_t pllRate
Acutal PLL rate
struct _firc_trim_config
- #include <fsl_clock.h>
firc trim configuration.
struct _sirc_trim_config
- #include <fsl_clock.h>
sirc trim configuration.
struct _vbat_osc_config
- #include <fsl_clock.h>
The structure of oscillator configuration.
struct _osc_32k_config
- #include <fsl_clock.h>
The structure of oscillator configuration.
struct _pll_config
- #include <fsl_clock.h>
PLL configuration structure.
This structure can be used to configure the settings for a PLL setup structure. Fill in the desired configuration for the PLL and call the PLL setup function to fill in a PLL setup structure.
struct _pll_setup
- #include <fsl_clock.h>
PLL0 setup structure This structure can be used to pre-build a PLL setup configuration at run-time and quickly set the PLL to the configuration. It can be populated with the PLL setup function. If powering up or waiting for PLL lock, the PLL input clock source should be configured prior to PLL setup.
CRC: Cyclic Redundancy Check Driver
CRC driver version. Version 2.0.4.
Current version: 2.0.4
Change log:
Version 2.0.4
Release peripheral from reset if necessary in init function.
Version 2.0.3
Fix MISRA issues
Version 2.0.2
Fix MISRA issues
Version 2.0.1
move DATA and DATALL macro definition from header file to source file
enum _crc_bits
CRC bit width.
enumerator kCrcBits16
Generate 16-bit CRC code
enumerator kCrcBits32
Generate 32-bit CRC code
enumerator kCrcBits16
enum _crc_result
CRC result type.
enumerator kCrcFinalChecksum
CRC data register read value is the final checksum. Reflect out and final xor protocol features are applied.
enumerator kCrcIntermediateChecksum
CRC data register read value is intermediate checksum (raw value). Reflect out and final xor protocol feature are not applied. Intermediate checksum can be used as a seed for CRC_Init() to continue adding data to this checksum.
enumerator kCrcFinalChecksum
typedef enum _crc_bits crc_bits_t
CRC bit width.
typedef enum _crc_result crc_result_t
CRC result type.
typedef struct _crc_config crc_config_t
CRC protocol configuration.
This structure holds the configuration for the CRC protocol.
void CRC_Init(CRC_Type *base, const crc_config_t *config)
Enables and configures the CRC peripheral module.
This function enables the clock gate in the SIM module for the CRC peripheral. It also configures the CRC module and starts a checksum computation by writing the seed.
- Parameters:
base – CRC peripheral address.
config – CRC module configuration structure.
static inline void CRC_Deinit(CRC_Type *base)
Disables the CRC peripheral module.
This function disables the clock gate in the SIM module for the CRC peripheral.
- Parameters:
base – CRC peripheral address.
void CRC_GetDefaultConfig(crc_config_t *config)
Loads default values to the CRC protocol configuration structure.
Loads default values to the CRC protocol configuration structure. The default values are as follows.
config->polynomial = 0x1021; config->seed = 0xFFFF; config->reflectIn = false; config->reflectOut = false; config->complementChecksum = false; config->crcBits = kCrcBits16; config->crcResult = kCrcFinalChecksum;
- Parameters:
config – CRC protocol configuration structure.
void CRC_WriteData(CRC_Type *base, const uint8_t *data, size_t dataSize)
Writes data to the CRC module.
Writes input data buffer bytes to the CRC data register. The configured type of transpose is applied.
- Parameters:
base – CRC peripheral address.
data – Input data stream, MSByte in data[0].
dataSize – Size in bytes of the input data buffer.
uint32_t CRC_Get32bitResult(CRC_Type *base)
Reads the 32-bit checksum from the CRC module.
Reads the CRC data register (either an intermediate or the final checksum). The configured type of transpose and complement is applied.
- Parameters:
base – CRC peripheral address.
- Returns:
An intermediate or the final 32-bit checksum, after configured transpose and complement operations.
uint16_t CRC_Get16bitResult(CRC_Type *base)
Reads a 16-bit checksum from the CRC module.
Reads the CRC data register (either an intermediate or the final checksum). The configured type of transpose and complement is applied.
- Parameters:
base – CRC peripheral address.
- Returns:
An intermediate or the final 16-bit checksum, after configured transpose and complement operations.
Default configuration structure filled by CRC_GetDefaultConfig(). Use CRC16-CCIT-FALSE as defeault.
struct _crc_config
- #include <fsl_crc.h>
CRC protocol configuration.
This structure holds the configuration for the CRC protocol.
Public Members
uint32_t polynomial
CRC Polynomial, MSBit first. Example polynomial: 0x1021 = 1_0000_0010_0001 = x^12+x^5+1
uint32_t seed
Starting checksum value
bool reflectIn
Reflect bits on input.
bool reflectOut
Reflect bits on output.
bool complementChecksum
True if the result shall be complement of the actual checksum.
crc_bits_t crcBits
Selects 16- or 32- bit CRC protocol.
crc_result_t crcResult
Selects final or intermediate checksum return from CRC_Get16bitResult() or CRC_Get32bitResult()
uint32_t polynomial
CTIMER: Standard counter/timers
void CTIMER_Init(CTIMER_Type *base, const ctimer_config_t *config)
Ungates the clock and configures the peripheral for basic operation.
This API should be called at the beginning of the application before using the driver.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
config – Pointer to the user configuration structure.
void CTIMER_Deinit(CTIMER_Type *base)
Gates the timer clock.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
void CTIMER_GetDefaultConfig(ctimer_config_t *config)
Fills in the timers configuration structure with the default settings.
The default values are:
config->mode = kCTIMER_TimerMode; config->input = kCTIMER_Capture_0; config->prescale = 0;
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to the user configuration structure.
status_t CTIMER_SetupPwmPeriod(CTIMER_Type *base, const ctimer_match_t pwmPeriodChannel, ctimer_match_t matchChannel, uint32_t pwmPeriod, uint32_t pulsePeriod, bool enableInt)
Configures the PWM signal parameters.
Enables PWM mode on the match channel passed in and will then setup the match value and other match parameters to generate a PWM signal. This function can manually assign the specified channel to set the PWM cycle.
When setting PWM output from multiple output pins, all should use the same PWM period
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
pwmPeriodChannel – Specify the channel to control the PWM period
matchChannel – Match pin to be used to output the PWM signal
pwmPeriod – PWM period match value
pulsePeriod – Pulse width match value
enableInt – Enable interrupt when the timer value reaches the match value of the PWM pulse, if it is 0 then no interrupt will be generated.
- Returns:
kStatus_Success on success kStatus_Fail If matchChannel is equal to pwmPeriodChannel; this channel is reserved to set the PWM cycle If PWM pulse width register value is larger than 0xFFFFFFFF.
status_t CTIMER_SetupPwm(CTIMER_Type *base, const ctimer_match_t pwmPeriodChannel, ctimer_match_t matchChannel, uint8_t dutyCyclePercent, uint32_t pwmFreq_Hz, uint32_t srcClock_Hz, bool enableInt)
Configures the PWM signal parameters.
Enables PWM mode on the match channel passed in and will then setup the match value and other match parameters to generate a PWM signal. This function can manually assign the specified channel to set the PWM cycle.
When setting PWM output from multiple output pins, all should use the same PWM frequency. Please use CTIMER_SetupPwmPeriod to set up the PWM with high resolution.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
pwmPeriodChannel – Specify the channel to control the PWM period
matchChannel – Match pin to be used to output the PWM signal
dutyCyclePercent – PWM pulse width; the value should be between 0 to 100
pwmFreq_Hz – PWM signal frequency in Hz
srcClock_Hz – Timer counter clock in Hz
enableInt – Enable interrupt when the timer value reaches the match value of the PWM pulse, if it is 0 then no interrupt will be generated.
static inline void CTIMER_UpdatePwmPulsePeriod(CTIMER_Type *base, ctimer_match_t matchChannel, uint32_t pulsePeriod)
Updates the pulse period of an active PWM signal.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
matchChannel – Match pin to be used to output the PWM signal
pulsePeriod – New PWM pulse width match value
status_t CTIMER_UpdatePwmDutycycle(CTIMER_Type *base, const ctimer_match_t pwmPeriodChannel, ctimer_match_t matchChannel, uint8_t dutyCyclePercent)
Updates the duty cycle of an active PWM signal.
Please use CTIMER_SetupPwmPeriod to update the PWM with high resolution. This function can manually assign the specified channel to set the PWM cycle.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
pwmPeriodChannel – Specify the channel to control the PWM period
matchChannel – Match pin to be used to output the PWM signal
dutyCyclePercent – New PWM pulse width; the value should be between 0 to 100
- Returns:
kStatus_Success on success kStatus_Fail If PWM pulse width register value is larger than 0xFFFFFFFF.
static inline void CTIMER_EnableInterrupts(CTIMER_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the selected Timer interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
mask – The interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration ctimer_interrupt_enable_t
static inline void CTIMER_DisableInterrupts(CTIMER_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the selected Timer interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
mask – The interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration ctimer_interrupt_enable_t
static inline uint32_t CTIMER_GetEnabledInterrupts(CTIMER_Type *base)
Gets the enabled Timer interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
- Returns:
The enabled interrupts. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration ctimer_interrupt_enable_t
static inline uint32_t CTIMER_GetStatusFlags(CTIMER_Type *base)
Gets the Timer status flags.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
- Returns:
The status flags. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration ctimer_status_flags_t
static inline void CTIMER_ClearStatusFlags(CTIMER_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears the Timer status flags.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
mask – The status flags to clear. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration ctimer_status_flags_t
static inline void CTIMER_StartTimer(CTIMER_Type *base)
Starts the Timer counter.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
static inline void CTIMER_StopTimer(CTIMER_Type *base)
Stops the Timer counter.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
Version 2.3.3
enum _ctimer_capture_channel
List of Timer capture channels.
enumerator kCTIMER_Capture_0
Timer capture channel 0
enumerator kCTIMER_Capture_1
Timer capture channel 1
enumerator kCTIMER_Capture_3
Timer capture channel 3
enumerator kCTIMER_Capture_0
enum _ctimer_capture_edge
List of capture edge options.
enumerator kCTIMER_Capture_RiseEdge
Capture on rising edge
enumerator kCTIMER_Capture_FallEdge
Capture on falling edge
enumerator kCTIMER_Capture_BothEdge
Capture on rising and falling edge
enumerator kCTIMER_Capture_RiseEdge
enum _ctimer_match
List of Timer match registers.
enumerator kCTIMER_Match_0
Timer match register 0
enumerator kCTIMER_Match_1
Timer match register 1
enumerator kCTIMER_Match_2
Timer match register 2
enumerator kCTIMER_Match_3
Timer match register 3
enumerator kCTIMER_Match_0
enum _ctimer_external_match
List of external match.
enumerator kCTIMER_External_Match_0
External match 0
enumerator kCTIMER_External_Match_1
External match 1
enumerator kCTIMER_External_Match_2
External match 2
enumerator kCTIMER_External_Match_3
External match 3
enumerator kCTIMER_External_Match_0
enum _ctimer_match_output_control
List of output control options.
enumerator kCTIMER_Output_NoAction
No action is taken
enumerator kCTIMER_Output_Clear
Clear the EM bit/output to 0
enumerator kCTIMER_Output_Set
Set the EM bit/output to 1
enumerator kCTIMER_Output_Toggle
Toggle the EM bit/output
enumerator kCTIMER_Output_NoAction
enum _ctimer_timer_mode
List of Timer modes.
enumerator kCTIMER_TimerMode
enumerator kCTIMER_IncreaseOnRiseEdge
enumerator kCTIMER_IncreaseOnFallEdge
enumerator kCTIMER_IncreaseOnBothEdge
enumerator kCTIMER_TimerMode
enum _ctimer_interrupt_enable
List of Timer interrupts.
enumerator kCTIMER_Match0InterruptEnable
Match 0 interrupt
enumerator kCTIMER_Match1InterruptEnable
Match 1 interrupt
enumerator kCTIMER_Match2InterruptEnable
Match 2 interrupt
enumerator kCTIMER_Match3InterruptEnable
Match 3 interrupt
enumerator kCTIMER_Match0InterruptEnable
enum _ctimer_status_flags
List of Timer flags.
enumerator kCTIMER_Match0Flag
Match 0 interrupt flag
enumerator kCTIMER_Match1Flag
Match 1 interrupt flag
enumerator kCTIMER_Match2Flag
Match 2 interrupt flag
enumerator kCTIMER_Match3Flag
Match 3 interrupt flag
enumerator kCTIMER_Match0Flag
enum ctimer_callback_type_t
Callback type when registering for a callback. When registering a callback an array of function pointers is passed the size could be 1 or 8, the callback type will tell that.
enumerator kCTIMER_SingleCallback
Single Callback type where there is only one callback for the timer. based on the status flags different channels needs to be handled differently
enumerator kCTIMER_MultipleCallback
Multiple Callback type where there can be 8 valid callbacks, one per channel. for both match/capture
enumerator kCTIMER_SingleCallback
typedef enum _ctimer_capture_channel ctimer_capture_channel_t
List of Timer capture channels.
typedef enum _ctimer_capture_edge ctimer_capture_edge_t
List of capture edge options.
typedef enum _ctimer_match ctimer_match_t
List of Timer match registers.
typedef enum _ctimer_external_match ctimer_external_match_t
List of external match.
typedef enum _ctimer_match_output_control ctimer_match_output_control_t
List of output control options.
typedef enum _ctimer_timer_mode ctimer_timer_mode_t
List of Timer modes.
typedef enum _ctimer_interrupt_enable ctimer_interrupt_enable_t
List of Timer interrupts.
typedef enum _ctimer_status_flags ctimer_status_flags_t
List of Timer flags.
typedef void (*ctimer_callback_t)(uint32_t flags)
typedef struct _ctimer_match_config ctimer_match_config_t
Match configuration.
This structure holds the configuration settings for each match register.
typedef struct _ctimer_config ctimer_config_t
Timer configuration structure.
This structure holds the configuration settings for the Timer peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the CTIMER_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to the configuration structure instance.
The configuration structure can be made constant so as to reside in flash.
void CTIMER_SetupMatch(CTIMER_Type *base, ctimer_match_t matchChannel, const ctimer_match_config_t *config)
Setup the match register.
User configuration is used to setup the match value and action to be taken when a match occurs.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
matchChannel – Match register to configure
config – Pointer to the match configuration structure
uint32_t CTIMER_GetOutputMatchStatus(CTIMER_Type *base, uint32_t matchChannel)
Get the status of output match.
This function gets the status of output MAT, whether or not this output is connected to a pin. This status is driven to the MAT pins if the match function is selected via IOCON. 0 = LOW. 1 = HIGH.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
matchChannel – External match channel, user can obtain the status of multiple match channels at the same time by using the logic of “|” enumeration ctimer_external_match_t
- Returns:
The mask of external match channel status flags. Users need to use the _ctimer_external_match type to decode the return variables.
void CTIMER_SetupCapture(CTIMER_Type *base, ctimer_capture_channel_t capture, ctimer_capture_edge_t edge, bool enableInt)
Setup the capture.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
capture – Capture channel to configure
edge – Edge on the channel that will trigger a capture
enableInt – Flag to enable channel interrupts, if enabled then the registered call back is called upon capture
static inline uint32_t CTIMER_GetTimerCountValue(CTIMER_Type *base)
Get the timer count value from TC register.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address.
- Returns:
return the timer count value.
void CTIMER_RegisterCallBack(CTIMER_Type *base, ctimer_callback_t *cb_func, ctimer_callback_type_t cb_type)
Register callback.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
cb_func – callback function
cb_type – callback function type, singular or multiple
static inline void CTIMER_Reset(CTIMER_Type *base)
Reset the counter.
The timer counter and prescale counter are reset on the next positive edge of the APB clock.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
static inline void CTIMER_SetPrescale(CTIMER_Type *base, uint32_t prescale)
Setup the timer prescale value.
Specifies the maximum value for the Prescale Counter.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
prescale – Prescale value
static inline uint32_t CTIMER_GetCaptureValue(CTIMER_Type *base, ctimer_capture_channel_t capture)
Get capture channel value.
Get the counter/timer value on the corresponding capture channel.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
capture – Select capture channel
- Returns:
The timer count capture value.
static inline void CTIMER_EnableResetMatchChannel(CTIMER_Type *base, ctimer_match_t match, bool enable)
Enable reset match channel.
Set the specified match channel reset operation.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address
match – match channel used
enable – Enable match channel reset operation.
static inline void CTIMER_EnableStopMatchChannel(CTIMER_Type *base, ctimer_match_t match, bool enable)
Enable stop match channel.
Set the specified match channel stop operation.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address.
match – match channel used.
enable – Enable match channel stop operation.
static inline void CTIMER_EnableMatchChannelReload(CTIMER_Type *base, ctimer_match_t match, bool enable)
Enable reload channel falling edge.
Enable the specified match channel reload match shadow value.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address.
match – match channel used.
enable – Enable .
static inline void CTIMER_EnableRisingEdgeCapture(CTIMER_Type *base, ctimer_capture_channel_t capture, bool enable)
Enable capture channel rising edge.
Sets the specified capture channel for rising edge capture.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address.
capture – capture channel used.
enable – Enable rising edge capture.
static inline void CTIMER_EnableFallingEdgeCapture(CTIMER_Type *base, ctimer_capture_channel_t capture, bool enable)
Enable capture channel falling edge.
Sets the specified capture channel for falling edge capture.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address.
capture – capture channel used.
enable – Enable falling edge capture.
static inline void CTIMER_SetShadowValue(CTIMER_Type *base, ctimer_match_t match, uint32_t matchvalue)
Set the specified match shadow channel.
- Parameters:
base – Ctimer peripheral base address.
match – match channel used.
matchvalue – Reload the value of the corresponding match register.
struct _ctimer_match_config
- #include <fsl_ctimer.h>
Match configuration.
This structure holds the configuration settings for each match register.
Public Members
uint32_t matchValue
This is stored in the match register
bool enableCounterReset
true: Match will reset the counter false: Match will not reser the counter
bool enableCounterStop
true: Match will stop the counter false: Match will not stop the counter
ctimer_match_output_control_t outControl
Action to be taken on a match on the EM bit/output
bool outPinInitState
Initial value of the EM bit/output
bool enableInterrupt
true: Generate interrupt upon match false: Do not generate interrupt on match
uint32_t matchValue
struct _ctimer_config
- #include <fsl_ctimer.h>
Timer configuration structure.
This structure holds the configuration settings for the Timer peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the CTIMER_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to the configuration structure instance.
The configuration structure can be made constant so as to reside in flash.
Public Members
ctimer_timer_mode_t mode
Timer mode
ctimer_capture_channel_t input
Input channel to increment the timer, used only in timer modes that rely on this input signal to increment TC
uint32_t prescale
Prescale value
ctimer_timer_mode_t mode
eDMA: Enhanced Direct Memory Access (eDMA) Controller Driver
void EDMA_Init(EDMA_Type *base, const edma_config_t *config)
Initializes the eDMA peripheral.
This function ungates the eDMA clock and configures the eDMA peripheral according to the configuration structure. All emda enabled request will be cleared in this function.
This function enables the minor loop map feature.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
config – A pointer to the configuration structure, see “edma_config_t”.
void EDMA_Deinit(EDMA_Type *base)
Deinitializes the eDMA peripheral.
This function gates the eDMA clock.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
void EDMA_InstallTCD(EDMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, edma_tcd_t *tcd)
Push content of TCD structure into hardware TCD register.
- Parameters:
base – EDMA peripheral base address.
channel – EDMA channel number.
tcd – Point to TCD structure.
void EDMA_GetDefaultConfig(edma_config_t *config)
Gets the eDMA default configuration structure.
This function sets the configuration structure to default values. The default configuration is set to the following values.
config.enableContinuousLinkMode = false; config.enableHaltOnError = true; config.enableRoundRobinArbitration = false; config.enableDebugMode = false;
- Parameters:
config – A pointer to the eDMA configuration structure.
void EDMA_InitChannel(EDMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, edma_channel_config_t *channelConfig)
EDMA Channel initialization.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA4 peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA4 channel number.
channelConfig – pointer to user’s eDMA4 channel config structure, see edma_channel_config_t for detail.
static inline void EDMA_SetChannelMemoryAttribute(EDMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, edma_channel_memory_attribute_t writeAttribute, edma_channel_memory_attribute_t readAttribute)
Set channel memory attribute.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA4 peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA4 channel number.
writeAttribute – Attributes associated with a write transaction.
readAttribute – Attributes associated with a read transaction.
static inline void EDMA_SetChannelSignExtension(EDMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, uint8_t position)
Set channel sign extension.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA4 peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA4 channel number.
position – A non-zero value specifing the sign extend bit position. If 0, sign extension is disabled.
static inline void EDMA_SetChannelSwapSize(EDMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, edma_channel_swap_size_t swapSize)
Set channel swap size.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA4 peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA4 channel number.
swapSize – Swap occurs with respect to the specified transfer size. If 0, swap is disabled.
static inline void EDMA_SetChannelAccessType(EDMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, edma_channel_access_type_t channelAccessType)
Set channel access type.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA4 peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA4 channel number.
channelAccessType – eDMA4’s transactions type on the system bus when the channel is active.
static inline void EDMA_SetChannelMux(EDMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, uint32_t channelRequestSource)
Set channel request source.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA channel number.
channelRequestSource – eDMA hardware service request source for the channel. User need to use the dma_request_source_t type as the input parameter. Note that devices may use other enum type to express dma request source and User can fined it in SOC header or fsl_edma_soc.h.
static inline uint32_t EDMA_GetChannelSystemBusInformation(EDMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Gets the channel identification and attribute information on the system bus interface.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA channel number.
- Returns:
The mask of the channel system bus information. Users need to use the _edma_channel_sys_bus_info type to decode the return variables.
static inline void EDMA_EnableChannelMasterIDReplication(EDMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, bool enable)
Set channel master ID replication.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA channel number.
enable – true is enable, false is disable.
static inline void EDMA_SetChannelProtectionLevel(EDMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, edma_channel_protection_level_t level)
Set channel security level.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA channel number.
level – security level.
void EDMA_ResetChannel(EDMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Sets all TCD registers to default values.
This function sets TCD registers for this channel to default values.
This function must not be called while the channel transfer is ongoing or it causes unpredictable results.
This function enables the auto stop request feature.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA channel number.
void EDMA_SetTransferConfig(EDMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, const edma_transfer_config_t *config, edma_tcd_t *nextTcd)
Configures the eDMA transfer attribute.
This function configures the transfer attribute, including source address, destination address, transfer size, address offset, and so on. It also configures the scatter gather feature if the user supplies the TCD address. Example:
edma_transfer_t config; edma_tcd_t tcd; config.srcAddr = ..; config.destAddr = ..; ... EDMA_SetTransferConfig(DMA0, channel, &config, &stcd);
If nextTcd is not NULL, it means scatter gather feature is enabled and DREQ bit is cleared in the previous transfer configuration, which is set in the eDMA_ResetChannel.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA channel number.
config – Pointer to eDMA transfer configuration structure.
nextTcd – Point to TCD structure. It can be NULL if users do not want to enable scatter/gather feature.
void EDMA_SetMinorOffsetConfig(EDMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, const edma_minor_offset_config_t *config)
Configures the eDMA minor offset feature.
The minor offset means that the signed-extended value is added to the source address or destination address after each minor loop.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA channel number.
config – A pointer to the minor offset configuration structure.
void EDMA_SetChannelPreemptionConfig(EDMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, const edma_channel_Preemption_config_t *config)
Configures the eDMA channel preemption feature.
This function configures the channel preemption attribute and the priority of the channel.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA channel number
config – A pointer to the channel preemption configuration structure.
void EDMA_SetChannelLink(EDMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, edma_channel_link_type_t type, uint32_t linkedChannel)
Sets the channel link for the eDMA transfer.
This function configures either the minor link or the major link mode. The minor link means that the channel link is triggered every time CITER decreases by 1. The major link means that the channel link is triggered when the CITER is exhausted.
Users should ensure that DONE flag is cleared before calling this interface, or the configuration is invalid.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA channel number.
type – A channel link type, which can be one of the following:
linkedChannel – The linked channel number.
void EDMA_SetBandWidth(EDMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, edma_bandwidth_t bandWidth)
Sets the bandwidth for the eDMA transfer.
Because the eDMA processes the minor loop, it continuously generates read/write sequences until the minor count is exhausted. The bandwidth forces the eDMA to stall after the completion of each read/write access to control the bus request bandwidth seen by the crossbar switch.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA channel number.
bandWidth – A bandwidth setting, which can be one of the following:
void EDMA_SetModulo(EDMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, edma_modulo_t srcModulo, edma_modulo_t destModulo)
Sets the source modulo and the destination modulo for the eDMA transfer.
This function defines a specific address range specified to be the value after (SADDR + SOFF)/(DADDR + DOFF) calculation is performed or the original register value. It provides the ability to implement a circular data queue easily.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA channel number.
srcModulo – A source modulo value.
destModulo – A destination modulo value.
static inline void EDMA_EnableAsyncRequest(EDMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, bool enable)
Enables an async request for the eDMA transfer.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA channel number.
enable – The command to enable (true) or disable (false).
static inline void EDMA_EnableAutoStopRequest(EDMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, bool enable)
Enables an auto stop request for the eDMA transfer.
If enabling the auto stop request, the eDMA hardware automatically disables the hardware channel request.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA channel number.
enable – The command to enable (true) or disable (false).
void EDMA_EnableChannelInterrupts(EDMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, uint32_t mask)
Enables the interrupt source for the eDMA transfer.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA channel number.
mask – The mask of interrupt source to be set. Users need to use the defined edma_interrupt_enable_t type.
void EDMA_DisableChannelInterrupts(EDMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, uint32_t mask)
Disables the interrupt source for the eDMA transfer.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA channel number.
mask – The mask of the interrupt source to be set. Use the defined edma_interrupt_enable_t type.
void EDMA_SetMajorOffsetConfig(EDMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, int32_t sourceOffset, int32_t destOffset)
Configures the eDMA channel TCD major offset feature.
Adjustment value added to the source address at the completion of the major iteration count
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – edma channel number.
sourceOffset – source address offset will be applied to source address after major loop done.
destOffset – destination address offset will be applied to source address after major loop done.
void EDMA_ConfigChannelSoftwareTCD(edma_tcd_t *tcd, const edma_transfer_config_t *transfer)
Sets TCD fields according to the user’s channel transfer configuration structure, edma_transfer_config_t.
@Note This API only supports EDMA4 TCD type. It can be used to support all types with extension API EDMA_ConfigChannelSoftwareTCDExt
Application should be careful about the TCD pool buffer storage class,
For the platform has cache, the software TCD should be put in non cache section
The TCD pool buffer should have a consistent storage class.
This function enables the auto stop request feature.
- Parameters:
tcd – Pointer to the TCD structure.
transfer – channel transfer configuration pointer.
void EDMA_TcdReset(edma_tcd_t *tcd)
Sets all fields to default values for the TCD structure.
@Note This API only supports EDMA4 TCD type. It can be used to support all types with extension API EDMA_TcdResetExt
This function sets all fields for this TCD structure to default value.
This function enables the auto stop request feature.
- Parameters:
tcd – Pointer to the TCD structure.
void EDMA_TcdSetTransferConfig(edma_tcd_t *tcd, const edma_transfer_config_t *config, edma_tcd_t *nextTcd)
Configures the eDMA TCD transfer attribute.
@Note This API only supports EDMA4 TCD type. It can be used to support all types with extension API EDMA_TcdSetTransferConfigExt
The TCD is a transfer control descriptor. The content of the TCD is the same as the hardware TCD registers. The TCD is used in the scatter-gather mode. This function configures the TCD transfer attribute, including source address, destination address, transfer size, address offset, and so on. It also configures the scatter gather feature if the user supplies the next TCD address. Example:
edma_transfer_t config = { ... } edma_tcd_t tcd __aligned(32); edma_tcd_t nextTcd __aligned(32); EDMA_TcdSetTransferConfig(&tcd, &config, &nextTcd);
TCD address should be 32 bytes aligned or it causes an eDMA error.
If the nextTcd is not NULL, the scatter gather feature is enabled and DREQ bit is cleared in the previous transfer configuration, which is set in the EDMA_TcdReset.
- Parameters:
tcd – Pointer to the TCD structure.
config – Pointer to eDMA transfer configuration structure.
nextTcd – Pointer to the next TCD structure. It can be NULL if users do not want to enable scatter/gather feature.
void EDMA_TcdSetMinorOffsetConfig(edma_tcd_t *tcd, const edma_minor_offset_config_t *config)
Configures the eDMA TCD minor offset feature.
@Note This API only supports EDMA4 TCD type. It can be used to support all types with extension API EDMA_TcdSetMinorOffsetConfigExt
A minor offset is a signed-extended value added to the source address or a destination address after each minor loop.
- Parameters:
tcd – A point to the TCD structure.
config – A pointer to the minor offset configuration structure.
void EDMA_TcdSetChannelLink(edma_tcd_t *tcd, edma_channel_link_type_t type, uint32_t linkedChannel)
Sets the channel link for the eDMA TCD.
@Note This API only supports EDMA4 TCD type. It can be used to support all types with extension API EDMA_TcdSetChannelLinkExt
This function configures either a minor link or a major link. The minor link means the channel link is triggered every time CITER decreases by 1. The major link means that the channel link is triggered when the CITER is exhausted.
Users should ensure that DONE flag is cleared before calling this interface, or the configuration is invalid.
- Parameters:
tcd – Point to the TCD structure.
type – Channel link type, it can be one of:
linkedChannel – The linked channel number.
static inline void EDMA_TcdSetBandWidth(edma_tcd_t *tcd, edma_bandwidth_t bandWidth)
Sets the bandwidth for the eDMA TCD.
@Note This API only supports EDMA4 TCD type. It can be used to support all types with extension API EDMA_TcdSetBandWidthExt
Because the eDMA processes the minor loop, it continuously generates read/write sequences until the minor count is exhausted. The bandwidth forces the eDMA to stall after the completion of each read/write access to control the bus request bandwidth seen by the crossbar switch.
- Parameters:
tcd – A pointer to the TCD structure.
bandWidth – A bandwidth setting, which can be one of the following:
void EDMA_TcdSetModulo(edma_tcd_t *tcd, edma_modulo_t srcModulo, edma_modulo_t destModulo)
Sets the source modulo and the destination modulo for the eDMA TCD.
@Note This API only supports EDMA4 TCD type. It can be used to support all types with extension API EDMA_TcdSetModuloExt
This function defines a specific address range specified to be the value after (SADDR + SOFF)/(DADDR + DOFF) calculation is performed or the original register value. It provides the ability to implement a circular data queue easily.
- Parameters:
tcd – A pointer to the TCD structure.
srcModulo – A source modulo value.
destModulo – A destination modulo value.
static inline void EDMA_TcdEnableAutoStopRequest(edma_tcd_t *tcd, bool enable)
Sets the auto stop request for the eDMA TCD.
@Note This API only supports EDMA4 TCD type. It can be used to support all types with extension API EDMA_TcdEnableAutoStopRequestExt
If enabling the auto stop request, the eDMA hardware automatically disables the hardware channel request.
- Parameters:
tcd – A pointer to the TCD structure.
enable – The command to enable (true) or disable (false).
void EDMA_TcdEnableInterrupts(edma_tcd_t *tcd, uint32_t mask)
Enables the interrupt source for the eDMA TCD.
@Note This API only supports EDMA4 TCD type. It can be used to support all types with extension API EDMA_TcdEnableInterruptsExt
- Parameters:
tcd – Point to the TCD structure.
mask – The mask of interrupt source to be set. Users need to use the defined edma_interrupt_enable_t type.
void EDMA_TcdDisableInterrupts(edma_tcd_t *tcd, uint32_t mask)
Disables the interrupt source for the eDMA TCD.
@Note This API only supports EDMA4 TCD type. It can be used to support all types with extension API EDMA_TcdDisableInterruptsExt
- Parameters:
tcd – Point to the TCD structure.
mask – The mask of interrupt source to be set. Users need to use the defined edma_interrupt_enable_t type.
void EDMA_TcdSetMajorOffsetConfig(edma_tcd_t *tcd, int32_t sourceOffset, int32_t destOffset)
Configures the eDMA TCD major offset feature.
@Note This API only supports EDMA4 TCD type. It can be used to support all types with extension API EDMA_TcdSetMajorOffsetConfigExt
Adjustment value added to the source address at the completion of the major iteration count
- Parameters:
tcd – A point to the TCD structure.
sourceOffset – source address offset wiil be applied to source address after major loop done.
destOffset – destination address offset will be applied to source address after major loop done.
void EDMA_ConfigChannelSoftwareTCDExt(EDMA_Type *base, edma_tcd_t *tcd, const edma_transfer_config_t *transfer)
Sets TCD fields according to the user’s channel transfer configuration structure, edma_transfer_config_t.
Application should be careful about the TCD pool buffer storage class,
For the platform has cache, the software TCD should be put in non cache section
The TCD pool buffer should have a consistent storage class.
This function enables the auto stop request feature.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
tcd – Pointer to the TCD structure.
transfer – channel transfer configuration pointer.
void EDMA_TcdResetExt(EDMA_Type *base, edma_tcd_t *tcd)
Sets all fields to default values for the TCD structure.
This function sets all fields for this TCD structure to default value.
This function enables the auto stop request feature.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
tcd – Pointer to the TCD structure.
void EDMA_TcdSetTransferConfigExt(EDMA_Type *base, edma_tcd_t *tcd, const edma_transfer_config_t *config, edma_tcd_t *nextTcd)
Configures the eDMA TCD transfer attribute.
The TCD is a transfer control descriptor. The content of the TCD is the same as the hardware TCD registers. The TCD is used in the scatter-gather mode. This function configures the TCD transfer attribute, including source address, destination address, transfer size, address offset, and so on. It also configures the scatter gather feature if the user supplies the next TCD address. Example:
edma_transfer_t config = { ... } edma_tcd_t tcd __aligned(32); edma_tcd_t nextTcd __aligned(32); EDMA_TcdSetTransferConfig(&tcd, &config, &nextTcd);
TCD address should be 32 bytes aligned or it causes an eDMA error.
If the nextTcd is not NULL, the scatter gather feature is enabled and DREQ bit is cleared in the previous transfer configuration, which is set in the EDMA_TcdReset.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
tcd – Pointer to the TCD structure.
config – Pointer to eDMA transfer configuration structure.
nextTcd – Pointer to the next TCD structure. It can be NULL if users do not want to enable scatter/gather feature.
void EDMA_TcdSetMinorOffsetConfigExt(EDMA_Type *base, edma_tcd_t *tcd, const edma_minor_offset_config_t *config)
Configures the eDMA TCD minor offset feature.
A minor offset is a signed-extended value added to the source address or a destination address after each minor loop.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
tcd – A point to the TCD structure.
config – A pointer to the minor offset configuration structure.
void EDMA_TcdSetChannelLinkExt(EDMA_Type *base, edma_tcd_t *tcd, edma_channel_link_type_t type, uint32_t linkedChannel)
Sets the channel link for the eDMA TCD.
This function configures either a minor link or a major link. The minor link means the channel link is triggered every time CITER decreases by 1. The major link means that the channel link is triggered when the CITER is exhausted.
Users should ensure that DONE flag is cleared before calling this interface, or the configuration is invalid.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
tcd – Point to the TCD structure.
type – Channel link type, it can be one of:
linkedChannel – The linked channel number.
static inline void EDMA_TcdSetBandWidthExt(EDMA_Type *base, edma_tcd_t *tcd, edma_bandwidth_t bandWidth)
Sets the bandwidth for the eDMA TCD.
Because the eDMA processes the minor loop, it continuously generates read/write sequences until the minor count is exhausted. The bandwidth forces the eDMA to stall after the completion of each read/write access to control the bus request bandwidth seen by the crossbar switch.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
tcd – A pointer to the TCD structure.
bandWidth – A bandwidth setting, which can be one of the following:
void EDMA_TcdSetModuloExt(EDMA_Type *base, edma_tcd_t *tcd, edma_modulo_t srcModulo, edma_modulo_t destModulo)
Sets the source modulo and the destination modulo for the eDMA TCD.
This function defines a specific address range specified to be the value after (SADDR + SOFF)/(DADDR + DOFF) calculation is performed or the original register value. It provides the ability to implement a circular data queue easily.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
tcd – A pointer to the TCD structure.
srcModulo – A source modulo value.
destModulo – A destination modulo value.
static inline void EDMA_TcdEnableAutoStopRequestExt(EDMA_Type *base, edma_tcd_t *tcd, bool enable)
Sets the auto stop request for the eDMA TCD.
If enabling the auto stop request, the eDMA hardware automatically disables the hardware channel request.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
tcd – A pointer to the TCD structure.
enable – The command to enable (true) or disable (false).
void EDMA_TcdEnableInterruptsExt(EDMA_Type *base, edma_tcd_t *tcd, uint32_t mask)
Enables the interrupt source for the eDMA TCD.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
tcd – Point to the TCD structure.
mask – The mask of interrupt source to be set. Users need to use the defined edma_interrupt_enable_t type.
void EDMA_TcdDisableInterruptsExt(EDMA_Type *base, edma_tcd_t *tcd, uint32_t mask)
Disables the interrupt source for the eDMA TCD.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
tcd – Point to the TCD structure.
mask – The mask of interrupt source to be set. Users need to use the defined edma_interrupt_enable_t type.
void EDMA_TcdSetMajorOffsetConfigExt(EDMA_Type *base, edma_tcd_t *tcd, int32_t sourceOffset, int32_t destOffset)
Configures the eDMA TCD major offset feature.
Adjustment value added to the source address at the completion of the major iteration count
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
tcd – A point to the TCD structure.
sourceOffset – source address offset wiil be applied to source address after major loop done.
destOffset – destination address offset will be applied to source address after major loop done.
static inline void EDMA_EnableChannelRequest(EDMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Enables the eDMA hardware channel request.
This function enables the hardware channel request.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA channel number.
static inline void EDMA_DisableChannelRequest(EDMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Disables the eDMA hardware channel request.
This function disables the hardware channel request.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA channel number.
static inline void EDMA_TriggerChannelStart(EDMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Starts the eDMA transfer by using the software trigger.
This function starts a minor loop transfer.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA channel number.
uint32_t EDMA_GetRemainingMajorLoopCount(EDMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Gets the remaining major loop count from the eDMA current channel TCD.
This function checks the TCD (Task Control Descriptor) status for a specified eDMA channel and returns the number of major loop count that has not finished.
1. This function can only be used to get unfinished major loop count of transfer without the next TCD, or it might be inaccuracy.
The unfinished/remaining transfer bytes cannot be obtained directly from registers while the channel is running. Because to calculate the remaining bytes, the initial NBYTES configured in DMA_TCDn_NBYTES_MLNO register is needed while the eDMA IP does not support getting it while a channel is active. In another word, the NBYTES value reading is always the actual (decrementing) NBYTES value the dma_engine is working with while a channel is running. Consequently, to get the remaining transfer bytes, a software-saved initial value of NBYTES (for example copied before enabling the channel) is needed. The formula to calculate it is shown below: RemainingBytes = RemainingMajorLoopCount * NBYTES(initially configured)
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA channel number.
- Returns:
Major loop count which has not been transferred yet for the current TCD.
static inline uint32_t EDMA_GetErrorStatusFlags(EDMA_Type *base)
Gets the eDMA channel error status flags.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The mask of error status flags. Users need to use the _edma_error_status_flags type to decode the return variables.
uint32_t EDMA_GetChannelStatusFlags(EDMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Gets the eDMA channel status flags.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA channel number.
- Returns:
The mask of channel status flags. Users need to use the _edma_channel_status_flags type to decode the return variables.
void EDMA_ClearChannelStatusFlags(EDMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel, uint32_t mask)
Clears the eDMA channel status flags.
- Parameters:
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA channel number.
mask – The mask of channel status to be cleared. Users need to use the defined _edma_channel_status_flags type.
void EDMA_CreateHandle(edma_handle_t *handle, EDMA_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Creates the eDMA handle.
This function is called if using the transactional API for eDMA. This function initializes the internal state of the eDMA handle.
- Parameters:
handle – eDMA handle pointer. The eDMA handle stores callback function and parameters.
base – eDMA peripheral base address.
channel – eDMA channel number.
void EDMA_InstallTCDMemory(edma_handle_t *handle, edma_tcd_t *tcdPool, uint32_t tcdSize)
Installs the TCDs memory pool into the eDMA handle.
This function is called after the EDMA_CreateHandle to use scatter/gather feature. This function shall only be used while users need to use scatter gather mode. Scatter gather mode enables EDMA to load a new transfer control block (tcd) in hardware, and automatically reconfigure that DMA channel for a new transfer. Users need to prepare tcd memory and also configure tcds using interface EDMA_SubmitTransfer.
- Parameters:
handle – eDMA handle pointer.
tcdPool – A memory pool to store TCDs. It must be 32 bytes aligned.
tcdSize – The number of TCD slots.
void EDMA_SetCallback(edma_handle_t *handle, edma_callback callback, void *userData)
Installs a callback function for the eDMA transfer.
This callback is called in the eDMA IRQ handler. Use the callback to do something after the current major loop transfer completes. This function will be called every time one tcd finished transfer.
- Parameters:
handle – eDMA handle pointer.
callback – eDMA callback function pointer.
userData – A parameter for the callback function.
void EDMA_PrepareTransferConfig(edma_transfer_config_t *config, void *srcAddr, uint32_t srcWidth, int16_t srcOffset, void *destAddr, uint32_t destWidth, int16_t destOffset, uint32_t bytesEachRequest, uint32_t transferBytes)
Prepares the eDMA transfer structure configurations.
This function prepares the transfer configuration structure according to the user input.
The data address and the data width must be consistent. For example, if the SRC is 4 bytes, the source address must be 4 bytes aligned, or it results in source address error (SAE). User can check if 128 bytes support is available for specific instance by FSL_FEATURE_EDMA_INSTANCE_SUPPORT_128_BYTES_TRANSFERn.
- Parameters:
config – The user configuration structure of type edma_transfer_t.
srcAddr – eDMA transfer source address.
srcWidth – eDMA transfer source address width(bytes).
srcOffset – source address offset.
destAddr – eDMA transfer destination address.
destWidth – eDMA transfer destination address width(bytes).
destOffset – destination address offset.
bytesEachRequest – eDMA transfer bytes per channel request.
transferBytes – eDMA transfer bytes to be transferred.
void EDMA_PrepareTransfer(edma_transfer_config_t *config, void *srcAddr, uint32_t srcWidth, void *destAddr, uint32_t destWidth, uint32_t bytesEachRequest, uint32_t transferBytes, edma_transfer_type_t type)
Prepares the eDMA transfer structure.
This function prepares the transfer configuration structure according to the user input.
The data address and the data width must be consistent. For example, if the SRC is 4 bytes, the source address must be 4 bytes aligned, or it results in source address error (SAE).
- Parameters:
config – The user configuration structure of type edma_transfer_t.
srcAddr – eDMA transfer source address.
srcWidth – eDMA transfer source address width(bytes).
destAddr – eDMA transfer destination address.
destWidth – eDMA transfer destination address width(bytes).
bytesEachRequest – eDMA transfer bytes per channel request.
transferBytes – eDMA transfer bytes to be transferred.
type – eDMA transfer type.
void EDMA_PrepareTransferTCD(edma_handle_t *handle, edma_tcd_t *tcd, void *srcAddr, uint32_t srcWidth, int16_t srcOffset, void *destAddr, uint32_t destWidth, int16_t destOffset, uint32_t bytesEachRequest, uint32_t transferBytes, edma_tcd_t *nextTcd)
Prepares the eDMA transfer content descriptor.
This function prepares the transfer content descriptor structure according to the user input.
The data address and the data width must be consistent. For example, if the SRC is 4 bytes, the source address must be 4 bytes aligned, or it results in source address error (SAE).
- Parameters:
handle – eDMA handle pointer.
tcd – Pointer to eDMA transfer content descriptor structure.
srcAddr – eDMA transfer source address.
srcWidth – eDMA transfer source address width(bytes).
srcOffset – source address offset.
destAddr – eDMA transfer destination address.
destWidth – eDMA transfer destination address width(bytes).
destOffset – destination address offset.
bytesEachRequest – eDMA transfer bytes per channel request.
transferBytes – eDMA transfer bytes to be transferred.
nextTcd – eDMA transfer linked TCD address.
status_t EDMA_SubmitTransferTCD(edma_handle_t *handle, edma_tcd_t *tcd)
Submits the eDMA transfer content descriptor.
This function submits the eDMA transfer request according to the transfer content descriptor. In scatter gather mode, call this function will add a configured tcd to the circular list of tcd pool. The tcd pools is setup by call function EDMA_InstallTCDMemory before.
Typical user case:
submit single transfer
edma_tcd_t tcd; EDMA_PrepareTransferTCD(handle, tcd, ....) EDMA_SubmitTransferTCD(handle, tcd) EDMA_StartTransfer(handle)
submit static link transfer,
edma_tcd_t tcd[2]; EDMA_PrepareTransferTCD(handle, &tcd[0], ....) EDMA_PrepareTransferTCD(handle, &tcd[1], ....) EDMA_SubmitTransferTCD(handle, &tcd[0]) EDMA_StartTransfer(handle)
submit dynamic link transfer
edma_tcd_t tcdpool[2]; EDMA_InstallTCDMemory(&g_DMA_Handle, tcdpool, 2); edma_tcd_t tcd; EDMA_PrepareTransferTCD(handle, tcd, ....) EDMA_SubmitTransferTCD(handle, tcd) EDMA_PrepareTransferTCD(handle, tcd, ....) EDMA_SubmitTransferTCD(handle, tcd) EDMA_StartTransfer(handle)
submit loop transfer
edma_tcd_t tcd[2]; EDMA_PrepareTransferTCD(handle, &tcd[0], ...,&tcd[1]) EDMA_PrepareTransferTCD(handle, &tcd[1], ..., &tcd[0]) EDMA_SubmitTransferTCD(handle, &tcd[0]) EDMA_StartTransfer(handle)
- Parameters:
handle – eDMA handle pointer.
tcd – Pointer to eDMA transfer content descriptor structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_EDMA_Success – It means submit transfer request succeed.
kStatus_EDMA_QueueFull – It means TCD queue is full. Submit transfer request is not allowed.
kStatus_EDMA_Busy – It means the given channel is busy, need to submit request later.
status_t EDMA_SubmitTransfer(edma_handle_t *handle, const edma_transfer_config_t *config)
Submits the eDMA transfer request.
This function submits the eDMA transfer request according to the transfer configuration structure. In scatter gather mode, call this function will add a configured tcd to the circular list of tcd pool. The tcd pools is setup by call function EDMA_InstallTCDMemory before.
- Parameters:
handle – eDMA handle pointer.
config – Pointer to eDMA transfer configuration structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_EDMA_Success – It means submit transfer request succeed.
kStatus_EDMA_QueueFull – It means TCD queue is full. Submit transfer request is not allowed.
kStatus_EDMA_Busy – It means the given channel is busy, need to submit request later.
status_t EDMA_SubmitLoopTransfer(edma_handle_t *handle, edma_transfer_config_t *transfer, uint32_t transferLoopCount)
Submits the eDMA scatter gather transfer configurations.
The function is target for submit loop transfer request, the ring transfer request means that the transfer request TAIL is link to HEAD, such as, A->B->C->D->A, or A->A
To use the ring transfer feature, the application should allocate several transfer object, such as
Then eDMA driver will link transfer[0] and transfer[1] to each otheredma_channel_transfer_config_t transfer[2]; EDMA_TransferSubmitLoopTransfer(psHandle, &transfer, 2U);
Application should check the return value of this function to avoid transfer request submit failed
- Parameters:
handle – eDMA handle pointer
transfer – pointer to user’s eDMA channel configure structure, see edma_channel_transfer_config_t for detail
transferLoopCount – the count of the transfer ring, if loop count is 1, that means that the one will link to itself.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – It means submit transfer request succeed
kStatus_EDMA_Busy – channel is in busy status
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Invalid Argument
void EDMA_StartTransfer(edma_handle_t *handle)
eDMA starts transfer.
This function enables the channel request. Users can call this function after submitting the transfer request or before submitting the transfer request.
- Parameters:
handle – eDMA handle pointer.
void EDMA_StopTransfer(edma_handle_t *handle)
eDMA stops transfer.
This function disables the channel request to pause the transfer. Users can call EDMA_StartTransfer() again to resume the transfer.
- Parameters:
handle – eDMA handle pointer.
void EDMA_AbortTransfer(edma_handle_t *handle)
eDMA aborts transfer.
This function disables the channel request and clear transfer status bits. Users can submit another transfer after calling this API.
- Parameters:
handle – DMA handle pointer.
static inline uint32_t EDMA_GetUnusedTCDNumber(edma_handle_t *handle)
Get unused TCD slot number.
This function gets current tcd index which is run. If the TCD pool pointer is NULL, it will return 0.
- Parameters:
handle – DMA handle pointer.
- Returns:
The unused tcd slot number.
static inline uint32_t EDMA_GetNextTCDAddress(edma_handle_t *handle)
Get the next tcd address.
This function gets the next tcd address. If this is last TCD, return 0.
- Parameters:
handle – DMA handle pointer.
- Returns:
The next TCD address.
void EDMA_HandleIRQ(edma_handle_t *handle)
eDMA IRQ handler for the current major loop transfer completion.
This function clears the channel major interrupt flag and calls the callback function if it is not NULL.
Note: For the case using TCD queue, when the major iteration count is exhausted, additional operations are performed. These include the final address adjustments and reloading of the BITER field into the CITER. Assertion of an optional interrupt request also occurs at this time, as does a possible fetch of a new TCD from memory using the scatter/gather address pointer included in the descriptor (if scatter/gather is enabled).
For instance, when the time interrupt of TCD[0] happens, the TCD[1] has already been loaded into the eDMA engine. As sga and sga_index are calculated based on the DLAST_SGA bitfield lies in the TCD_CSR register, the sga_index in this case should be 2 (DLAST_SGA of TCD[1] stores the address of TCD[2]). Thus, the “tcdUsed” updated should be (tcdUsed - 2U) which indicates the number of TCDs can be loaded in the memory pool (because TCD[0] and TCD[1] have been loaded into the eDMA engine at this point already.).
For the last two continuous ISRs in a scatter/gather process, they both load the last TCD (The last ISR does not load a new TCD) from the memory pool to the eDMA engine when major loop completes. Therefore, ensure that the header and tcdUsed updated are identical for them. tcdUsed are both 0 in this case as no TCD to be loaded.
See the “eDMA basic data flow” in the eDMA Functional description section of the Reference Manual for further details.
- Parameters:
handle – eDMA handle pointer.
eDMA driver version
Version 2.10.4.
_edma_transfer_status eDMA transfer status
enumerator kStatus_EDMA_QueueFull
TCD queue is full.
enumerator kStatus_EDMA_Busy
Channel is busy and can’t handle the transfer request.
enumerator kStatus_EDMA_QueueFull
enum _edma_transfer_size
eDMA transfer configuration
enumerator kEDMA_TransferSize1Bytes
Source/Destination data transfer size is 1 byte every time
enumerator kEDMA_TransferSize2Bytes
Source/Destination data transfer size is 2 bytes every time
enumerator kEDMA_TransferSize4Bytes
Source/Destination data transfer size is 4 bytes every time
enumerator kEDMA_TransferSize8Bytes
Source/Destination data transfer size is 8 bytes every time
enumerator kEDMA_TransferSize16Bytes
Source/Destination data transfer size is 16 bytes every time
enumerator kEDMA_TransferSize32Bytes
Source/Destination data transfer size is 32 bytes every time
enumerator kEDMA_TransferSize64Bytes
Source/Destination data transfer size is 64 bytes every time
enumerator kEDMA_TransferSize128Bytes
Source/Destination data transfer size is 128 bytes every time
enumerator kEDMA_TransferSize1Bytes
enum _edma_modulo
eDMA modulo configuration
enumerator kEDMA_ModuloDisable
Disable modulo
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo2bytes
Circular buffer size is 2 bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo4bytes
Circular buffer size is 4 bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo8bytes
Circular buffer size is 8 bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo16bytes
Circular buffer size is 16 bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo32bytes
Circular buffer size is 32 bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo64bytes
Circular buffer size is 64 bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo128bytes
Circular buffer size is 128 bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo256bytes
Circular buffer size is 256 bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo512bytes
Circular buffer size is 512 bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo1Kbytes
Circular buffer size is 1 K bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo2Kbytes
Circular buffer size is 2 K bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo4Kbytes
Circular buffer size is 4 K bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo8Kbytes
Circular buffer size is 8 K bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo16Kbytes
Circular buffer size is 16 K bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo32Kbytes
Circular buffer size is 32 K bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo64Kbytes
Circular buffer size is 64 K bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo128Kbytes
Circular buffer size is 128 K bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo256Kbytes
Circular buffer size is 256 K bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo512Kbytes
Circular buffer size is 512 K bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo1Mbytes
Circular buffer size is 1 M bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo2Mbytes
Circular buffer size is 2 M bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo4Mbytes
Circular buffer size is 4 M bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo8Mbytes
Circular buffer size is 8 M bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo16Mbytes
Circular buffer size is 16 M bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo32Mbytes
Circular buffer size is 32 M bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo64Mbytes
Circular buffer size is 64 M bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo128Mbytes
Circular buffer size is 128 M bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo256Mbytes
Circular buffer size is 256 M bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo512Mbytes
Circular buffer size is 512 M bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo1Gbytes
Circular buffer size is 1 G bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_Modulo2Gbytes
Circular buffer size is 2 G bytes.
enumerator kEDMA_ModuloDisable
enum _edma_bandwidth
Bandwidth control.
enumerator kEDMA_BandwidthStallNone
No eDMA engine stalls.
enumerator kEDMA_BandwidthStall4Cycle
eDMA engine stalls for 4 cycles after each read/write.
enumerator kEDMA_BandwidthStall8Cycle
eDMA engine stalls for 8 cycles after each read/write.
enumerator kEDMA_BandwidthStallNone
enum _edma_channel_link_type
Channel link type.
enumerator kEDMA_LinkNone
No channel link
enumerator kEDMA_MinorLink
Channel link after each minor loop
enumerator kEDMA_MajorLink
Channel link while major loop count exhausted
enumerator kEDMA_LinkNone
_edma_channel_status_flags eDMA channel status flags.
enumerator kEDMA_DoneFlag
DONE flag, set while transfer finished, CITER value exhausted
enumerator kEDMA_ErrorFlag
eDMA error flag, an error occurred in a transfer
enumerator kEDMA_InterruptFlag
eDMA interrupt flag, set while an interrupt occurred of this channel
enumerator kEDMA_DoneFlag
_edma_error_status_flags eDMA channel error status flags.
enumerator kEDMA_DestinationBusErrorFlag
Bus error on destination address
enumerator kEDMA_SourceBusErrorFlag
Bus error on the source address
enumerator kEDMA_ScatterGatherErrorFlag
Error on the Scatter/Gather address, not 32byte aligned.
enumerator kEDMA_NbytesErrorFlag
NBYTES/CITER configuration error
enumerator kEDMA_DestinationOffsetErrorFlag
Destination offset not aligned with destination size
enumerator kEDMA_DestinationAddressErrorFlag
Destination address not aligned with destination size
enumerator kEDMA_SourceOffsetErrorFlag
Source offset not aligned with source size
enumerator kEDMA_SourceAddressErrorFlag
Source address not aligned with source size
enumerator kEDMA_ErrorChannelFlag
Error channel number of the cancelled channel number
enumerator kEDMA_TransferCanceledFlag
Transfer cancelled
enumerator kEDMA_ValidFlag
No error occurred, this bit is 0. Otherwise, it is 1.
enumerator kEDMA_DestinationBusErrorFlag
_edma_interrupt_enable eDMA interrupt source
enumerator kEDMA_ErrorInterruptEnable
Enable interrupt while channel error occurs.
enumerator kEDMA_MajorInterruptEnable
Enable interrupt while major count exhausted.
enumerator kEDMA_HalfInterruptEnable
Enable interrupt while major count to half value.
enumerator kEDMA_ErrorInterruptEnable
enum _edma_transfer_type
eDMA transfer type
enumerator kEDMA_MemoryToMemory
Transfer from memory to memory
enumerator kEDMA_PeripheralToMemory
Transfer from peripheral to memory
enumerator kEDMA_MemoryToPeripheral
Transfer from memory to peripheral
enumerator kEDMA_PeripheralToPeripheral
Transfer from Peripheral to peripheral
enumerator kEDMA_MemoryToMemory
enum edma_channel_memory_attribute
eDMA channel memory attribute
enumerator kEDMA_ChannelNoWriteNoReadNoCacheNoBuffer
No write allocate, no read allocate, non-cacheable, non-bufferable.
enumerator kEDMA_ChannelNoWriteNoReadNoCacheBufferable
No write allocate, no read allocate, non-cacheable, bufferable.
enumerator kEDMA_ChannelNoWriteNoReadCacheableNoBuffer
No write allocate, no read allocate, cacheable, non-bufferable.
enumerator kEDMA_ChannelNoWriteNoReadCacheableBufferable
No write allocate, no read allocate, cacheable, bufferable.
enumerator kEDMA_ChannelNoWriteReadNoCacheNoBuffer
No write allocate, read allocate, non-cacheable, non-bufferable.
enumerator kEDMA_ChannelNoWriteReadNoCacheBufferable
No write allocate, read allocate, non-cacheable, bufferable.
enumerator kEDMA_ChannelNoWriteReadCacheableNoBuffer
No write allocate, read allocate, cacheable, non-bufferable.
enumerator kEDMA_ChannelNoWriteReadCacheableBufferable
No write allocate, read allocate, cacheable, bufferable.
enumerator kEDMA_ChannelWriteNoReadNoCacheNoBuffer
write allocate, no read allocate, non-cacheable, non-bufferable.
enumerator kEDMA_ChannelWriteNoReadNoCacheBufferable
write allocate, no read allocate, non-cacheable, bufferable.
enumerator kEDMA_ChannelWriteNoReadCacheableNoBuffer
write allocate, no read allocate, cacheable, non-bufferable.
enumerator kEDMA_ChannelWriteNoReadCacheableBufferable
write allocate, no read allocate, cacheable, bufferable.
enumerator kEDMA_ChannelWriteReadNoCacheNoBuffer
write allocate, read allocate, non-cacheable, non-bufferable.
enumerator kEDMA_ChannelWriteReadNoCacheBufferable
write allocate, read allocate, non-cacheable, bufferable.
enumerator kEDMA_ChannelWriteReadCacheableNoBuffer
write allocate, read allocate, cacheable, non-bufferable.
enumerator kEDMA_ChannelWriteReadCacheableBufferable
write allocate, read allocate, cacheable, bufferable.
enumerator kEDMA_ChannelNoWriteNoReadNoCacheNoBuffer
enum _edma_channel_swap_size
eDMA4 channel swap size
enumerator kEDMA_ChannelSwapDisabled
Swap is disabled.
enumerator kEDMA_ChannelReadWith8bitSwap
Swap occurs with respect to the read 8bit.
enumerator kEDMA_ChannelReadWith16bitSwap
Swap occurs with respect to the read 16bit.
enumerator kEDMA_ChannelReadWith32bitSwap
Swap occurs with respect to the read 32bit.
enumerator kEDMA_ChannelWriteWith8bitSwap
Swap occurs with respect to the write 8bit.
enumerator kEDMA_ChannelWriteWith16bitSwap
Swap occurs with respect to the write 16bit.
enumerator kEDMA_ChannelWriteWith32bitSwap
Swap occurs with respect to the write 32bit.
enumerator kEDMA_ChannelSwapDisabled
eDMA channel system bus information, _edma_channel_sys_bus_info
enumerator kEDMA_PrivilegedAccessLevel
Privileged Access Level for DMA transfers. 0b - User protection level; 1b - Privileged protection level.
enumerator kEDMA_MasterId
DMA’s master ID when channel is active and master ID replication is enabled.
enumerator kEDMA_PrivilegedAccessLevel
enum _edma_channel_access_type
eDMA4 channel access type
enumerator kEDMA_ChannelDataAccess
Data access for eDMA4 transfers.
enumerator kEDMA_ChannelInstructionAccess
Instruction access for eDMA4 transfers.
enumerator kEDMA_ChannelDataAccess
enum _edma_channel_protection_level
eDMA4 channel protection level
enumerator kEDMA_ChannelProtectionLevelUser
user protection level for eDMA transfers.
enumerator kEDMA_ChannelProtectionLevelPrivileged
Privileged protection level eDMA transfers.
enumerator kEDMA_ChannelProtectionLevelUser
typedef enum _edma_transfer_size edma_transfer_size_t
eDMA transfer configuration
typedef enum _edma_modulo edma_modulo_t
eDMA modulo configuration
typedef enum _edma_bandwidth edma_bandwidth_t
Bandwidth control.
typedef enum _edma_channel_link_type edma_channel_link_type_t
Channel link type.
typedef enum _edma_transfer_type edma_transfer_type_t
eDMA transfer type
typedef struct _edma_channel_Preemption_config edma_channel_Preemption_config_t
eDMA channel priority configuration
typedef struct _edma_minor_offset_config edma_minor_offset_config_t
eDMA minor offset configuration
typedef enum edma_channel_memory_attribute edma_channel_memory_attribute_t
eDMA channel memory attribute
typedef enum _edma_channel_swap_size edma_channel_swap_size_t
eDMA4 channel swap size
typedef enum _edma_channel_access_type edma_channel_access_type_t
eDMA4 channel access type
typedef enum _edma_channel_protection_level edma_channel_protection_level_t
eDMA4 channel protection level
typedef struct _edma_channel_config edma_channel_config_t
eDMA4 channel configuration
typedef edma_core_tcd_t edma_tcd_t
This structure is same as TCD register which is described in reference manual, and is used to configure the scatter/gather feature as a next hardware TCD.
typedef struct _edma_transfer_config edma_transfer_config_t
edma4 channel transfer configuration
The transfer configuration structure support full feature configuration of the transfer control descriptor.
1.To perform a simple transfer, below members should be initialized at least .srcAddr - source address .dstAddr - destination address .srcWidthOfEachTransfer - data width of source address .dstWidthOfEachTransfer - data width of destination address, normally it should be as same as srcWidthOfEachTransfer .bytesEachRequest - bytes to be transferred in each DMA request .totalBytes - total bytes to be transferred .srcOffsetOfEachTransfer - offset value in bytes unit to be applied to source address as each source read is completed .dstOffsetOfEachTransfer - offset value in bytes unit to be applied to destination address as each destination write is completed enablchannelRequest - channel request can be enabled together with transfer configure submission
2.The transfer configuration structure also support advance feature: Programmable source/destination address range(MODULO) Programmable minor loop offset Programmable major loop offset Programmable channel chain feature Programmable channel transfer control descriptor link feature
User should pay attention to the transfer size alignment limitation
the bytesEachRequest should align with the srcWidthOfEachTransfer and the dstWidthOfEachTransfer that is to say bytesEachRequest % srcWidthOfEachTransfer should be 0
the srcOffsetOfEachTransfer and dstOffsetOfEachTransfer must be aligne with transfer width
the totalBytes should align with the bytesEachRequest
the srcAddr should align with the srcWidthOfEachTransfer
the dstAddr should align with the dstWidthOfEachTransfer
the srcAddr should align with srcAddrModulo if modulo feature is enabled
the dstAddr should align with dstAddrModulo if modulo feature is enabled If anyone of above condition can not be satisfied, the edma4 interfaces will generate assert error.
typedef struct _edma_config edma_config_t
eDMA global configuration structure.
typedef void (*edma_callback)(struct _edma_handle *handle, void *userData, bool transferDone, uint32_t tcds)
Define callback function for eDMA.
This callback function is called in the EDMA interrupt handle. In normal mode, run into callback function means the transfer users need is done. In scatter gather mode, run into callback function means a transfer control block (tcd) is finished. Not all transfer finished, users can get the finished tcd numbers using interface EDMA_GetUnusedTCDNumber.
- Param handle:
EDMA handle pointer, users shall not touch the values inside.
- Param userData:
The callback user parameter pointer. Users can use this parameter to involve things users need to change in EDMA callback function.
- Param transferDone:
If the current loaded transfer done. In normal mode it means if all transfer done. In scatter gather mode, this parameter shows is the current transfer block in EDMA register is done. As the load of core is different, it will be different if the new tcd loaded into EDMA registers while this callback called. If true, it always means new tcd still not loaded into registers, while false means new tcd already loaded into registers.
- Param tcds:
How many tcds are done from the last callback. This parameter only used in scatter gather mode. It tells user how many tcds are finished between the last callback and this.
typedef struct _edma_handle edma_handle_t
eDMA transfer handle structure
eDMA driver name
EDMA_ALLOCATE_TCD(name, number)
Macro used for allocate edma TCD.
Compute the offset unit from DCHPRI3.
struct _edma_channel_Preemption_config
- #include <fsl_edma.h>
eDMA channel priority configuration
Public Members
bool enableChannelPreemption
If true: a channel can be suspended by other channel with higher priority
bool enablePreemptAbility
If true: a channel can suspend other channel with low priority
uint8_t channelPriority
Channel priority
bool enableChannelPreemption
struct _edma_minor_offset_config
- #include <fsl_edma.h>
eDMA minor offset configuration
Public Members
bool enableSrcMinorOffset
Enable(true) or Disable(false) source minor loop offset.
bool enableDestMinorOffset
Enable(true) or Disable(false) destination minor loop offset.
uint32_t minorOffset
Offset for a minor loop mapping.
bool enableSrcMinorOffset
struct _edma_channel_config
- #include <fsl_edma.h>
eDMA4 channel configuration
Public Members
edma_channel_Preemption_config_t channelPreemptionConfig
channel preemption configuration
edma_channel_memory_attribute_t channelReadMemoryAttribute
channel memory read attribute configuration
edma_channel_memory_attribute_t channelWriteMemoryAttribute
channel memory write attribute configuration
edma_channel_swap_size_t channelSwapSize
channel swap size configuration
edma_channel_access_type_t channelAccessType
channel access type configuration
uint8_t channelDataSignExtensionBitPosition
channel data sign extension bit psition configuration
uint32_t channelRequestSource
hardware service request source for the channel
bool enableMasterIDReplication
enable master ID replication
edma_channel_protection_level_t protectionLevel
protection level
edma_channel_Preemption_config_t channelPreemptionConfig
struct _edma_transfer_config
- #include <fsl_edma.h>
edma4 channel transfer configuration
The transfer configuration structure support full feature configuration of the transfer control descriptor.
1.To perform a simple transfer, below members should be initialized at least .srcAddr - source address .dstAddr - destination address .srcWidthOfEachTransfer - data width of source address .dstWidthOfEachTransfer - data width of destination address, normally it should be as same as srcWidthOfEachTransfer .bytesEachRequest - bytes to be transferred in each DMA request .totalBytes - total bytes to be transferred .srcOffsetOfEachTransfer - offset value in bytes unit to be applied to source address as each source read is completed .dstOffsetOfEachTransfer - offset value in bytes unit to be applied to destination address as each destination write is completed enablchannelRequest - channel request can be enabled together with transfer configure submission
2.The transfer configuration structure also support advance feature: Programmable source/destination address range(MODULO) Programmable minor loop offset Programmable major loop offset Programmable channel chain feature Programmable channel transfer control descriptor link feature
User should pay attention to the transfer size alignment limitation
the bytesEachRequest should align with the srcWidthOfEachTransfer and the dstWidthOfEachTransfer that is to say bytesEachRequest % srcWidthOfEachTransfer should be 0
the srcOffsetOfEachTransfer and dstOffsetOfEachTransfer must be aligne with transfer width
the totalBytes should align with the bytesEachRequest
the srcAddr should align with the srcWidthOfEachTransfer
the dstAddr should align with the dstWidthOfEachTransfer
the srcAddr should align with srcAddrModulo if modulo feature is enabled
the dstAddr should align with dstAddrModulo if modulo feature is enabled If anyone of above condition can not be satisfied, the edma4 interfaces will generate assert error.
Public Members
uint32_t srcAddr
Source data address.
uint32_t destAddr
Destination data address.
edma_transfer_size_t srcTransferSize
Source data transfer size.
edma_transfer_size_t destTransferSize
Destination data transfer size.
int16_t srcOffset
Sign-extended offset value in byte unit applied to the current source address to form the next-state value as each source read is completed
int16_t destOffset
Sign-extended offset value in byte unit applied to the current destination address to form the next-state value as each destination write is completed.
uint32_t minorLoopBytes
bytes in each minor loop or each request range: 1 - (2^30 -1) when minor loop mapping is enabled range: 1 - (2^10 - 1) when minor loop mapping is enabled and source or dest minor loop offset is enabled range: 1 - (2^32 - 1) when minor loop mapping is disabled
uint32_t majorLoopCounts
minor loop counts in each major loop, should be 1 at least for each transfer range: (0 - (2^15 - 1)) when minor loop channel link is disabled range: (0 - (2^9 - 1)) when minor loop channel link is enabled total bytes in a transfer = minorLoopCountsEachMajorLoop * bytesEachMinorLoop
uint16_t enabledInterruptMask
channel interrupt to enable, can be OR’ed value of _edma_interrupt_enable
edma_modulo_t srcAddrModulo
source circular data queue range
int32_t srcMajorLoopOffset
source major loop offset
edma_modulo_t dstAddrModulo
destination circular data queue range
int32_t dstMajorLoopOffset
destination major loop offset
bool enableSrcMinorLoopOffset
enable source minor loop offset
bool enableDstMinorLoopOffset
enable dest minor loop offset
int32_t minorLoopOffset
burst offset, the offset will be applied after minor loop update
bool enableChannelMajorLoopLink
channel link when major loop complete
uint32_t majorLoopLinkChannel
major loop link channel number
bool enableChannelMinorLoopLink
channel link when minor loop complete
uint32_t minorLoopLinkChannel
minor loop link channel number
edma_tcd_t *linkTCD
pointer to the link transfer control descriptor
struct _edma_config
- #include <fsl_edma.h>
eDMA global configuration structure.
Public Members
bool enableMasterIdReplication
Enable (true) master ID replication. If Master ID replication is disabled, the privileged protection level (supervisor mode) for eDMA4 transfers is used.
bool enableGlobalChannelLink
Enable(true) channel linking is available and controlled by each channel’s link settings.
bool enableHaltOnError
Enable (true) transfer halt on error. Any error causes the HALT bit to set. Subsequently, all service requests are ignored until the HALT bit is cleared.
bool enableDebugMode
Enable(true) eDMA4 debug mode. When in debug mode, the eDMA4 stalls the start of a new channel. Executing channels are allowed to complete.
bool enableRoundRobinArbitration
Enable(true) channel linking is available and controlled by each channel’s link settings.
edma_channel_config_t *channelConfig[1]
channel preemption configuration
bool enableMasterIdReplication
struct _edma_handle
- #include <fsl_edma.h>
eDMA transfer handle structure
Public Members
edma_callback callback
Callback function for major count exhausted.
void *userData
Callback function parameter.
EDMA_ChannelType *channelBase
eDMA peripheral channel base address.
EDMA_Type *base
eDMA peripheral base address
EDMA_TCDType *tcdBase
eDMA peripheral tcd base address.
edma_tcd_t *tcdPool
Pointer to memory stored TCDs.
uint32_t channel
eDMA channel number.
volatile int8_t header
The first TCD index. Should point to the next TCD to be loaded into the eDMA engine.
volatile int8_t tail
The last TCD index. Should point to the next TCD to be stored into the memory pool.
volatile int8_t tcdUsed
The number of used TCD slots. Should reflect the number of TCDs can be used/loaded in the memory.
volatile int8_t tcdSize
The total number of TCD slots in the queue.
edma_callback callback
eDMA core Driver
enum _edma_tcd_type
eDMA tcd flag type
enumerator kEDMA_EDMA4Flag
Data access for eDMA4 transfers.
enumerator kEDMA_EDMA5Flag
Instruction access for eDMA4 transfers.
enumerator kEDMA_EDMA4Flag
typedef struct _edma_core_mp edma_core_mp_t
edma core channel struture definition
typedef struct _edma_core_channel edma_core_channel_t
edma core channel struture definition
typedef enum _edma_tcd_type edma_tcd_type_t
eDMA tcd flag type
typedef struct _edma5_core_tcd edma5_core_tcd_t
edma5 core TCD struture definition
typedef struct _edma4_core_tcd edma4_core_tcd_t
edma4 core TCD struture definition
typedef struct _edma_core_tcd edma_core_tcd_t
edma core TCD struture definition
typedef edma_core_channel_t EDMA_ChannelType
EDMA typedef.
typedef edma_core_tcd_t EDMA_TCDType
typedef void EDMA_Type
DMA error flag.
DMA_CLEAR_DONE_STATUS(base, channel)
get/clear DONE bit
DMA_GET_DONE_STATUS(base, channel)
DMA_ENABLE_ERROR_INT(base, channel)
enable/disable error interupt
DMA_DISABLE_ERROR_INT(base, channel)
get/clear error status
DMA_GET_ERROR_STATUS(base, channel)
DMA_CLEAR_INT_STATUS(base, channel)
get/clear INT status
DMA_GET_INT_STATUS(base, channel)
DMA_ENABLE_MAJOR_INT(base, channel)
enable/dsiable MAJOR/HALF INT
DMA_ENABLE_HALF_INT(base, channel)
DMA_DISABLE_MAJOR_INT(base, channel)
DMA_DISABLE_HALF_INT(base, channel)
EDMA tcd align size.
EDMA base address convert macro.
EDMA_CHANNEL_BASE(base, channel)
EDMA_TCD_BASE(base, channel)
EDMA TCD type macro.
EDMA_TCD_SADDR(tcd, flag)
EDMA TCD address convert macro.
EDMA_TCD_SOFF(tcd, flag)
EDMA_TCD_ATTR(tcd, flag)
EDMA_TCD_NBYTES(tcd, flag)
EDMA_TCD_SLAST(tcd, flag)
EDMA_TCD_DADDR(tcd, flag)
EDMA_TCD_DOFF(tcd, flag)
EDMA_TCD_CITER(tcd, flag)
EDMA_TCD_CSR(tcd, flag)
EDMA_TCD_BITER(tcd, flag)
struct _edma_core_mp
- #include <fsl_edma_core.h>
edma core channel struture definition
Public Members
- __IO uint32_t MP_CSR
Channel Control and Status, array offset: 0x10000, array step: 0x10000
- __IO uint32_t MP_ES
Channel Error Status, array offset: 0x10004, array step: 0x10000
struct _edma_core_channel
- #include <fsl_edma_core.h>
edma core channel struture definition
Public Members
- __IO uint32_t CH_CSR
Channel Control and Status, array offset: 0x10000, array step: 0x10000
- __IO uint32_t CH_ES
Channel Error Status, array offset: 0x10004, array step: 0x10000
- __IO uint32_t CH_INT
Channel Interrupt Status, array offset: 0x10008, array step: 0x10000
- __IO uint32_t CH_SBR
Channel System Bus, array offset: 0x1000C, array step: 0x10000
- __IO uint32_t CH_PRI
Channel Priority, array offset: 0x10010, array step: 0x10000
struct _edma5_core_tcd
- #include <fsl_edma_core.h>
edma5 core TCD struture definition
Public Members
- __IO uint32_t SADDR
SADDR register, used to save source address
- __IO uint32_t SADDR_HIGH
SADDR HIGH register, used to save source address
- __IO uint16_t SOFF
SOFF register, save offset bytes every transfer
- __IO uint16_t ATTR
ATTR register, source/destination transfer size and modulo
- __IO uint32_t NBYTES
Nbytes register, minor loop length in bytes
- __IO uint32_t SLAST
SLAST register
- __IO uint32_t SLAST_SDA_HIGH
- __IO uint32_t DADDR
DADDR register, used for destination address
- __IO uint32_t DADDR_HIGH
DADDR HIGH register, used for destination address
- __IO uint32_t DLAST_SGA
DLASTSGA register, next tcd address used in scatter-gather mode
- __IO uint32_t DLAST_SGA_HIGH
DLASTSGA HIGH register, next tcd address used in scatter-gather mode
- __IO uint16_t DOFF
DOFF register, used for destination offset
- __IO uint16_t CITER
CITER register, current minor loop numbers, for unfinished minor loop.
- __IO uint16_t CSR
CSR register, for TCD control status
- __IO uint16_t BITER
BITER register, begin minor loop count.
uint8_t RESERVED[16]
Aligned 64 bytes
struct _edma4_core_tcd
- #include <fsl_edma_core.h>
edma4 core TCD struture definition
Public Members
- __IO uint32_t SADDR
SADDR register, used to save source address
- __IO uint16_t SOFF
SOFF register, save offset bytes every transfer
- __IO uint16_t ATTR
ATTR register, source/destination transfer size and modulo
- __IO uint32_t NBYTES
Nbytes register, minor loop length in bytes
- __IO uint32_t SLAST
SLAST register
- __IO uint32_t DADDR
DADDR register, used for destination address
- __IO uint16_t DOFF
DOFF register, used for destination offset
- __IO uint16_t CITER
CITER register, current minor loop numbers, for unfinished minor loop.
- __IO uint32_t DLAST_SGA
DLASTSGA register, next tcd address used in scatter-gather mode
- __IO uint16_t CSR
CSR register, for TCD control status
- __IO uint16_t BITER
BITER register, begin minor loop count.
struct _edma_core_tcd
- #include <fsl_edma_core.h>
edma core TCD struture definition
union MP_REGS
Public Members
struct _edma_core_mp EDMA5_REG
struct _edma_core_mp EDMA5_REG
struct EDMA5_REG
Public Members
- __IO uint32_t MP_INT_LOW
Channel Control and Status, array offset: 0x10008, array step: 0x10000
- __I uint32_t MP_INT_HIGH
Channel Control and Status, array offset: 0x1000C, array step: 0x10000
- __I uint32_t MP_HRS_LOW
Channel Control and Status, array offset: 0x10010, array step: 0x10000
- __I uint32_t MP_HRS_HIGH
Channel Control and Status, array offset: 0x10014, array step: 0x10000
- __IO uint32_t MP_STOPCH
Channel Control and Status, array offset: 0x10020, array step: 0x10000
- __I uint32_t MP_SSR_LOW
Channel Control and Status, array offset: 0x10030, array step: 0x10000
- __I uint32_t MP_SSR_HIGH
Channel Control and Status, array offset: 0x10034, array step: 0x10000
- __IO uint32_t CH_GRPRI [64]
Channel Control and Status, array offset: 0x10100, array step: 0x10000
- __IO uint32_t CH_MUX [64]
Channel Control and Status, array offset: 0x10200, array step: 0x10000
- __IO uint32_t CH_PROT [64]
Channel Control and Status, array offset: 0x10400, array step: 0x10000
union CH_REGS
struct EDMA5_REG
Public Members
- __IO uint32_t CH_MATTR
Memory Attributes Register, array offset: 0x10018, array step: 0x8000
struct EDMA4_REG
Public Members
- __IO uint32_t CH_MUX
Channel Multiplexor Configuration, array offset: 0x10014, array step: 0x10000
- __IO uint16_t CH_MATTR
Memory Attributes Register, array offset: 0x10018, array step: 0x8000
union TCD_REGS
Public Members
edma4_core_tcd_t edma4_tcd
edma4_core_tcd_t edma4_tcd
eDMA soc Driver
Driver version 2.0.0.
DMA IP version.
DMA base table.
EDMA base address convert macro.
EIM: error injection module
Driver version.
void EIM_Init(EIM_Type *base)
EIM module initialization function.
- Parameters:
base – EIM base address.
void EIM_Deinit(EIM_Type *base)
De-initializes the EIM.
ERM: error recording module
void ERM_Init(ERM_Type *base)
ERM module initialization function.
- Parameters:
base – ERM base address.
void ERM_Deinit(ERM_Type *base)
De-initializes the ERM.
static inline void ERM_EnableInterrupts(ERM_Type *base, erm_memory_channel_t channel, uint32_t mask)
ERM enable interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – ERM peripheral base address.
channel – memory channel.
mask – single correction interrupt or non-correction interrupt enable to disable for one specific memory region. Refer to “_erm_interrupt_enable” enumeration.
static inline void ERM_DisableInterrupts(ERM_Type *base, erm_memory_channel_t channel, uint32_t mask)
ERM module disable interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – ERM base address.
channel – memory channel.
mask – single correction interrupt or non-correction interrupt enable to disable for one specific memory region. Refer to “_erm_interrupt_enable” enumeration.
static inline uint32_t ERM_GetInterruptStatus(ERM_Type *base, erm_memory_channel_t channel)
Gets ERM interrupt flags.
- Parameters:
base – ERM peripheral base address.
- Returns:
ERM event flags.
static inline void ERM_ClearInterruptStatus(ERM_Type *base, erm_memory_channel_t channel, uint32_t mask)
ERM module clear interrupt status flag.
- Parameters:
base – ERM base address.
mask – event flag to clear. Refer to “_erm_interrupt_flag” enumeration.
uint32_t ERM_GetMemoryErrorAddr(ERM_Type *base, erm_memory_channel_t channel)
ERM get memory error absolute address, which capturing the address of the last ECC event in Memory n.
- Parameters:
base – ERM base address.
channel – memory channel.
- Return values:
memory – error absolute address.
uint32_t ERM_GetSyndrome(ERM_Type *base, erm_memory_channel_t channel)
ERM get syndrome, which identifies the pertinent bit position on a correctable, single-bit data inversion or a non-correctable, single-bit address inversion. The syndrome value does not provide any additional diagnostic information on non-correctable, multi-bit inversions.
- Parameters:
base – ERM base address.
channel – memory channel.
- Return values:
syndrome – value.
uint32_t ERM_GetErrorCount(ERM_Type *base, erm_memory_channel_t channel)
ERM get error count, which records the count value of the number of correctable ECC error events for Memory n. Non-correctable errors are considered a serious fault, so the ERM does not provide any mechanism to count non-correctable errors. Only correctable errors are counted.
- Parameters:
base – ERM base address.
channel – memory channel.
- Return values:
error – count.
void ERM_ResetErrorCount(ERM_Type *base, erm_memory_channel_t channel)
ERM reset error count.
- Parameters:
base – ERM base address.
channel – memory channel.
Driver version.
ERM interrupt configuration structure, default settings all disabled, _erm_interrupt_enable.
This structure contains the settings for all of the ERM interrupt configurations.
enumerator kERM_SingleCorrectionIntEnable
Single Correction Interrupt Notification enable.
enumerator kERM_NonCorrectableIntEnable
Non-Correction Interrupt Notification enable.
enumerator kERM_AllInterruptsEnable
All Interrupts enable
enumerator kERM_SingleCorrectionIntEnable
ERM interrupt status, _erm_interrupt_flag.
This provides constants for the ERM event status for use in the ERM functions.
enumerator kERM_SingleBitCorrectionIntFlag
Single-Bit Correction Event.
enumerator kERM_NonCorrectableErrorIntFlag
Non-Correctable Error Event.
enumerator kERM_AllIntsFlag
All Events.
enumerator kERM_SingleBitCorrectionIntFlag
EVTG: Event Generator Driver
EVTG driver version.
Version 2.0.1.
enum _evtg_index
EVTG instance index.
enumerator kEVTG_Index0
EVTG instance index 0.
enumerator kEVTG_Index1
EVTG instance index 1.
enumerator kEVTG_Index2
EVTG instance index 2.
enumerator kEVTG_Index3
EVTG instance index 3.
enumerator kEVTG_Index0
enum _evtg_input_index
EVTG input index.
enumerator kEVTG_InputA
EVTG input A.
enumerator kEVTG_InputB
EVTG input B.
enumerator kEVTG_InputC
EVTG input C.
enumerator kEVTG_InputD
EVTG input D.
enumerator kEVTG_InputA
enum _evtg_aoi_index
EVTG AOI index.
enumerator kEVTG_AOI0
EVTG AOI index 0.
enumerator kEVTG_AOI1
EVTG AOI index 1.
enumerator kEVTG_AOI0
enum _evtg_aoi_product_term
EVTG AOI product term index.
enumerator kEVTG_ProductTerm0
EVTG AOI product term index 0.
enumerator kEVTG_ProductTerm1
EVTG AOI product term index 1.
enumerator kEVTG_ProductTerm2
EVTG AOI product term index 2.
enumerator kEVTG_ProductTerm3
EVTG AOI product term index 3.
enumerator kEVTG_ProductTerm0
enum _evtg_aoi_input_config
EVTG input configuration.
enumerator kEVTG_InputLogicZero
Force input in product term to a logical zero.
enumerator kEVTG_InputDirectPass
Pass input in product term.
enumerator kEVTG_InputComplement
Complement input in product term.
enumerator kEVTG_InputLogicOne
Force input in product term to a logical one.
enumerator kEVTG_InputLogicZero
enum _evtg_aoi_outfilter_count
EVTG AOI Output Filter Sample Count.
enumerator kEVTG_AOIOutFilterSampleCount3
EVTG AOI output filter sample count is 3.
enumerator kEVTG_AOIOutFilterSampleCount4
EVTG AOI output filter sample count is 4.
enumerator kEVTG_AOIOutFilterSampleCount5
EVTG AOI output filter sample count is 5.
enumerator kEVTG_AOIOutFilterSampleCount6
EVTG AOI output filter sample count is 6.
enumerator kEVTG_AOIOutFilterSampleCount7
EVTG AOI output filter sample count is 7.
enumerator kEVTG_AOIOutFilterSampleCount8
EVTG AOI output filter sample count is 8.
enumerator kEVTG_AOIOutFilterSampleCount9
EVTG AOI output filter sample count is 9.
enumerator kEVTG_AOIOutFilterSampleCount10
EVTG AOI output filter sample count is 10.
enumerator kEVTG_AOIOutFilterSampleCount3
enum _evtg_outfdbk_override_input
EVTG output feedback override control mode. When FF is configured as JK-FF mode, need EVTG_OUTA feedback to EVTG input and replace one of the four inputs.
enumerator kEVTG_OutputOverrideInputA
Replace input A.
enumerator kEVTG_OutputOverrideInputB
Replace input B.
enumerator kEVTG_OutputOverrideInputC
Replace input C.
enumerator kEVTG_OutputOverrideInputD
Replace input D.
enumerator kEVTG_OutputOverrideInputA
enum _evtg_flipflop_mode
EVTG flip flop mode configuration.
enumerator kEVTG_FFModeBypass
Bypass mode (default).In this mode, user can choose to enable or disable input sync logic and filter function.
enumerator kEVTG_FFModeRSTrigger
RS trigger mode. In this mode, user can choose to enable or disable input sync logic and filter function.
enumerator kEVTG_FFModeTFF
T-FF mode. In this mode, input sync or filter has to be enabled to remove the possible glitch.
enumerator kEVTG_FFModeDFF
D-FF mode. In this mode, input sync or filter has to be enabled to remove the possible glitch.
enumerator kEVTG_FFModeJKFF
JK-FF mode. In this mode, input sync or filter has to be enabled to remove the possible glitch.
enumerator kEVTG_FFModeLatch
Latch mode. In this mode, input sync or filter has to be enabled to remove the possible glitch.
enumerator kEVTG_FFModeBypass
enum _evtg_flipflop_init_output
EVTG flip-flop initial value.
enumerator kEVTG_FFInitOut0
Configure the positive output of flip-flop as 0.
enumerator kEVTG_FFInitOut1
Configure the positive output of flip-flop as 1.
enumerator kEVTG_FFInitOut0
typedef enum _evtg_index evtg_index_t
EVTG instance index.
typedef enum _evtg_input_index evtg_input_index_t
EVTG input index.
typedef enum _evtg_aoi_index evtg_aoi_index_t
EVTG AOI index.
typedef enum _evtg_aoi_product_term evtg_aoi_product_term_t
EVTG AOI product term index.
typedef enum _evtg_aoi_input_config evtg_aoi_input_config_t
EVTG input configuration.
typedef enum _evtg_aoi_outfilter_count evtg_aoi_outfilter_count_t
EVTG AOI Output Filter Sample Count.
typedef enum _evtg_outfdbk_override_input evtg_outfdbk_override_input_t
EVTG output feedback override control mode. When FF is configured as JK-FF mode, need EVTG_OUTA feedback to EVTG input and replace one of the four inputs.
typedef enum _evtg_flipflop_mode evtg_flipflop_mode_t
EVTG flip flop mode configuration.
typedef enum _evtg_flipflop_init_output evtg_flipflop_init_output_t
EVTG flip-flop initial value.
typedef struct _evtg_aoi_outfilter_config evtg_aoi_outfilter_config_t
The structure for configuring an AOI output filter sample.
AOI output filter sample count represent the number of consecutive samples that must agree prior to the AOI output filter accepting an transition. AOI output filter sample period represent the sampling period (in IP bus clock cycles) of the AOI output signals. Each AOI output is sampled multiple times at the rate specified by this period.
For the modes with Filter function enabled, filter delay is “(FILT_CNT + 3) x FILT_PER + 2”.
typedef struct _evtg_aoi_product_term_config evtg_aoi_product_term_config_t
The structure for configuring an AOI product term.
typedef struct _evtg_aoi_config evtg_aoi_config_t
EVTG AOI configuration structure.
typedef struct _evtg_config evtg_config_t
EVTG configuration covering all configurable fields.
struct _evtg_aoi_outfilter_config
- #include <fsl_evtg.h>
The structure for configuring an AOI output filter sample.
AOI output filter sample count represent the number of consecutive samples that must agree prior to the AOI output filter accepting an transition. AOI output filter sample period represent the sampling period (in IP bus clock cycles) of the AOI output signals. Each AOI output is sampled multiple times at the rate specified by this period.
For the modes with Filter function enabled, filter delay is “(FILT_CNT + 3) x FILT_PER + 2”.
Public Members
evtg_aoi_outfilter_count_t sampleCount
EVTG AOI output filter sample count. refer to evtg_aoi_outfilter_count_t.
uint8_t samplePeriod
EVTG AOI output filter sample period, within 0~255. If sample period value is 0x00 (default), then the input filter is bypassed.
evtg_aoi_outfilter_count_t sampleCount
struct _evtg_aoi_product_term_config
- #include <fsl_evtg.h>
The structure for configuring an AOI product term.
Public Members
evtg_aoi_input_config_t aInput
Input A configuration.
evtg_aoi_input_config_t bInput
Input B configuration.
evtg_aoi_input_config_t cInput
Input C configuration.
evtg_aoi_input_config_t dInput
Input D configuration.
evtg_aoi_input_config_t aInput
struct _evtg_aoi_config
- #include <fsl_evtg.h>
EVTG AOI configuration structure.
Public Members
evtg_aoi_outfilter_config_t aoiOutFilterConfig
EVTG AOI output filter sample configuration structure.
evtg_aoi_product_term_config_t productTerm0
Configure AOI product term0.
evtg_aoi_product_term_config_t productTerm1
Configure AOI product term1.
evtg_aoi_product_term_config_t productTerm2
Configure AOI product term2.
evtg_aoi_product_term_config_t productTerm3
Configure AOI product term3.
evtg_aoi_outfilter_config_t aoiOutFilterConfig
struct _evtg_config
- #include <fsl_evtg.h>
EVTG configuration covering all configurable fields.
Public Members
bool enableInputASync
Enable/Disable EVTG A input synchronous with bus clk.
bool enableInputBSync
Enable/Disable EVTG B input synchronous with bus clk.
bool enableInputCSync
Enable/Disable EVTG C input synchronous with bus clk.
bool enableInputDSync
Enable/Disable EVTG D input synchronous with bus clk.
evtg_outfdbk_override_input_t outfdbkOverideinput
EVTG output feedback to EVTG input and replace one of the four inputs.
evtg_flipflop_mode_t flipflopMode
Flip-Flop can be configured as one of Bypass mode, RS trigger mode, T-FF mode, D-FF mode, JK-FF mode, Latch mode.
bool enableFlipflopInitOutput
Flip-flop initial output value enable/disable.
evtg_flipflop_init_output_t flipflopInitOutputValue
Flip-flop initial output value configuration.
bool enableForceBypassFlipFlopAOI0
Enable/Disable force bypass Flip-Flop and route the AOI_0(Filter_0) value directly to EVTG_OUTA
bool enableForceBypassFlipFlopAOI1
Enable/Disable force bypass Flip-Flop and route the AOI_1(Filter_1) value directly to EVTG_OUTB
evtg_aoi_config_t aoi0Config
Configure EVTG AOI0.
evtg_aoi_config_t aoi1Config
Configure EVTG AOI1.
bool enableInputASync
EVTG Driver
void EVTG_Init(EVTG_Type *base, evtg_index_t evtgIndex, evtg_config_t *psConfig)
Initialize EVTG with a user configuration structure.
- Parameters:
base – EVTG base address.
evtgIndex – EVTG instance index.
psConfig – EVTG initial configuration structure pointer.
void EVTG_GetDefaultConfig(evtg_config_t *psConfig, evtg_flipflop_mode_t flipflopMode)
Loads default values to the EVTG configuration structure.
The purpose of this API is to initialize the configuration structure to default value for EVTG_Init() to use. The Flip-Flop can be configured as Bypass mode, RS trigger mode, T-FF mode, D-FF mode, JK-FF mode, Latch mode. Please check RM INTC chapter for more details.
- Parameters:
psConfig – EVTG initial configuration structure pointer.
flipflopMode – EVTG flip flop mode. see @ ref _evtg_flipflop_mode
static inline void EVTG_ForceFlipflopInitOutput(EVTG_Type *base, evtg_index_t evtgIndex, evtg_flipflop_init_output_t flipflopInitOutputValue)
Force Flip-flop initial output value to be presented on flip-flop positive output.
- Parameters:
base – EVTG base address.
evtgIndex – EVTG instance index.
flipflopInitOutputValue – EVTG flip-flop initial output control. see evtg_flipflop_init_output_t
static inline void EVTG_SetProductTermInput(EVTG_Type *base, evtg_index_t evtgIndex, evtg_aoi_index_t aoiIndex, evtg_aoi_product_term_t productTerm, evtg_input_index_t inputIndex, evtg_aoi_input_config_t input)
Configure each input value of AOI product term. Each selected input term in each product term can be configured to produce a logical 0 or 1 or pass the true or complement of the selected event input. Adapt to some simple aoi expressions.
- Parameters:
base – EVTG base address.
evtgIndex – EVTG instance index.
aoiIndex – EVTG AOI index. see enum ref evtg_aoi_index_t
productTerm – EVTG product term index.
inputIndex – EVTG input index.
input – EVTG input configuration with enum evtg_aoi_input_config_t.
void EVTG_ConfigAOIProductTerm(EVTG_Type *base, evtg_index_t evtgIndex, evtg_aoi_index_t aoiIndex, evtg_aoi_product_term_t productTerm, evtg_aoi_product_term_config_t *psProductTermConfig)
Configure AOI product term by initializing the product term configuration structure.
- Parameters:
base – EVTG base address.
evtgIndex – EVTG instance index.
aoiIndex – EVTG AOI index. see enum evtg_aoi_index_t
productTerm – EVTG AOI product term index.
psProductTermConfig – Pointer to EVTG product term configuration structure. see ref _evtg_aoi_product_term_config
EWM: External Watchdog Monitor Driver
void EWM_Init(EWM_Type *base, const ewm_config_t *config)
Initializes the EWM peripheral.
This function is used to initialize the EWM. After calling, the EWM runs immediately according to the configuration. Note that, except for the interrupt enable control bit, other control bits and registers are write once after a CPU reset. Modifying them more than once generates a bus transfer error.
This is an example.
ewm_config_t config; EWM_GetDefaultConfig(&config); config.compareHighValue = 0xAAU; EWM_Init(ewm_base,&config);
- Parameters:
base – EWM peripheral base address
config – The configuration of the EWM
void EWM_Deinit(EWM_Type *base)
Deinitializes the EWM peripheral.
This function is used to shut down the EWM.
- Parameters:
base – EWM peripheral base address
void EWM_GetDefaultConfig(ewm_config_t *config)
Initializes the EWM configuration structure.
This function initializes the EWM configuration structure to default values. The default values are as follows.
ewmConfig->enableEwm = true; ewmConfig->enableEwmInput = false; ewmConfig->setInputAssertLogic = false; ewmConfig->enableInterrupt = false; ewmConfig->ewm_lpo_clock_source_t = kEWM_LpoClockSource0; ewmConfig->prescaler = 0; ewmConfig->compareLowValue = 0; ewmConfig->compareHighValue = 0xFEU;
See also
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to the EWM configuration structure.
static inline void EWM_EnableInterrupts(EWM_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the EWM interrupt.
This function enables the EWM interrupt.
- Parameters:
base – EWM peripheral base address
mask – The interrupts to enable The parameter can be combination of the following source if defined
static inline void EWM_DisableInterrupts(EWM_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the EWM interrupt.
This function enables the EWM interrupt.
- Parameters:
base – EWM peripheral base address
mask – The interrupts to disable The parameter can be combination of the following source if defined
static inline uint32_t EWM_GetStatusFlags(EWM_Type *base)
Gets all status flags.
This function gets all status flags.
This is an example for getting the running flag.
uint32_t status; status = EWM_GetStatusFlags(ewm_base) & kEWM_RunningFlag;
See also
True: a related status flag has been set.
False: a related status flag is not set.
- Parameters:
base – EWM peripheral base address
- Returns:
State of the status flag: asserted (true) or not-asserted (false).
void EWM_Refresh(EWM_Type *base)
Services the EWM.
This function resets the EWM counter to zero.
- Parameters:
base – EWM peripheral base address
EWM driver version 2.0.3.
enum _ewm_interrupt_enable_t
EWM interrupt configuration structure with default settings all disabled.
This structure contains the settings for all of EWM interrupt configurations.
enumerator kEWM_InterruptEnable
Enable the EWM to generate an interrupt
enumerator kEWM_InterruptEnable
enum _ewm_status_flags_t
EWM status flags.
This structure contains the constants for the EWM status flags for use in the EWM functions.
enumerator kEWM_RunningFlag
Running flag, set when EWM is enabled
enumerator kEWM_RunningFlag
typedef struct _ewm_config ewm_config_t
Describes EWM clock source.
Data structure for EWM configuration.
This structure is used to configure the EWM.
struct _ewm_config
- #include <fsl_ewm.h>
Describes EWM clock source.
Data structure for EWM configuration.
This structure is used to configure the EWM.
Public Members
bool enableEwm
Enable EWM module
bool enableEwmInput
Enable EWM_in input
bool setInputAssertLogic
EWM_in signal assertion state
bool enableInterrupt
Enable EWM interrupt
uint8_t compareLowValue
Compare low-register value
uint8_t compareHighValue
Compare high-register value
bool enableEwm
FGPIO Driver
FlexCAN: Flex Controller Area Network Driver
FlexCAN Driver
bool FLEXCAN_IsInstanceHasFDMode(CAN_Type *base)
Determine whether the FlexCAN instance support CAN FD mode at run time.
Use this API only if different soc parts share the SOC part name macro define. Otherwise, a different SOC part name can be used to determine at compile time whether the FlexCAN instance supports CAN FD mode or not. If need use this API to determine if CAN FD mode is supported, the FLEXCAN_Init function needs to be executed first, and then call this API and use the return to value determines whether to supports CAN FD mode, if return true, continue calling FLEXCAN_FDInit to enable CAN FD mode.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
- Returns:
return TRUE if instance support CAN FD mode, FALSE if instance only support classic CAN (2.0) mode.
void FLEXCAN_EnterFreezeMode(CAN_Type *base)
Enter FlexCAN Freeze Mode.
This function makes the FlexCAN work under Freeze Mode.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
void FLEXCAN_ExitFreezeMode(CAN_Type *base)
Exit FlexCAN Freeze Mode.
This function makes the FlexCAN leave Freeze Mode.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
uint32_t FLEXCAN_GetInstance(CAN_Type *base)
Get the FlexCAN instance from peripheral base address.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
- Returns:
FlexCAN instance.
bool FLEXCAN_CalculateImprovedTimingValues(CAN_Type *base, uint32_t bitRate, uint32_t sourceClock_Hz, flexcan_timing_config_t *pTimingConfig)
Calculates the improved timing values by specific bit Rates for classical CAN.
This function use to calculates the Classical CAN timing values according to the given bit rate. The Calculated timing values will be set in CTRL1/CBT/ENCBT register. The calculation is based on the recommendation of the CiA 301 v4.2.0 and previous version document.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
bitRate – The classical CAN speed in bps defined by user, should be less than or equal to 1Mbps.
sourceClock_Hz – The Source clock frequency in Hz.
pTimingConfig – Pointer to the FlexCAN timing configuration structure.
- Returns:
TRUE if timing configuration found, FALSE if failed to find configuration.
void FLEXCAN_Init(CAN_Type *base, const flexcan_config_t *pConfig, uint32_t sourceClock_Hz)
Initializes a FlexCAN instance.
This function initializes the FlexCAN module with user-defined settings. This example shows how to set up the flexcan_config_t parameters and how to call the FLEXCAN_Init function by passing in these parameters.
flexcan_config_t flexcanConfig; flexcanConfig.clkSrc = kFLEXCAN_ClkSrc0; flexcanConfig.bitRate = 1000000U; flexcanConfig.maxMbNum = 16; flexcanConfig.enableLoopBack = false; flexcanConfig.enableSelfWakeup = false; flexcanConfig.enableIndividMask = false; flexcanConfig.enableDoze = false; flexcanConfig.disableSelfReception = false; flexcanConfig.enableListenOnlyMode = false; flexcanConfig.timingConfig = timingConfig; FLEXCAN_Init(CAN0, &flexcanConfig, 40000000UL);
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
pConfig – Pointer to the user-defined configuration structure.
sourceClock_Hz – FlexCAN Protocol Engine clock source frequency in Hz.
bool FLEXCAN_FDCalculateImprovedTimingValues(CAN_Type *base, uint32_t bitRate, uint32_t bitRateFD, uint32_t sourceClock_Hz, flexcan_timing_config_t *pTimingConfig)
Calculates the improved timing values by specific bit rates for CANFD.
This function use to calculates the CANFD timing values according to the given nominal phase bit rate and data phase bit rate. The Calculated timing values will be set in CBT/ENCBT and FDCBT/EDCBT registers. The calculation is based on the recommendation of the CiA 1301 v1.0.0 document.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
bitRate – The CANFD bus control speed in bps defined by user.
bitRateFD – The CAN FD data phase speed in bps defined by user. Equal to bitRate means disable bit rate switching.
sourceClock_Hz – The Source clock frequency in Hz.
pTimingConfig – Pointer to the FlexCAN timing configuration structure.
- Returns:
TRUE if timing configuration found, FALSE if failed to find configuration
void FLEXCAN_FDInit(CAN_Type *base, const flexcan_config_t *pConfig, uint32_t sourceClock_Hz, flexcan_mb_size_t dataSize, bool brs)
Initializes a FlexCAN instance.
This function initializes the FlexCAN module with user-defined settings. This example shows how to set up the flexcan_config_t parameters and how to call the FLEXCAN_FDInit function by passing in these parameters.
flexcan_config_t flexcanConfig; flexcanConfig.clkSrc = kFLEXCAN_ClkSrc0; flexcanConfig.bitRate = 1000000U; flexcanConfig.bitRateFD = 2000000U; flexcanConfig.maxMbNum = 16; flexcanConfig.enableLoopBack = false; flexcanConfig.enableSelfWakeup = false; flexcanConfig.enableIndividMask = false; flexcanConfig.disableSelfReception = false; flexcanConfig.enableListenOnlyMode = false; flexcanConfig.enableDoze = false; flexcanConfig.timingConfig = timingConfig; FLEXCAN_FDInit(CAN0, &flexcanConfig, 80000000UL, kFLEXCAN_16BperMB, true);
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
pConfig – Pointer to the user-defined configuration structure.
sourceClock_Hz – FlexCAN Protocol Engine clock source frequency in Hz.
dataSize – FlexCAN Message Buffer payload size. The actual transmitted or received CAN FD frame data size needs to be less than or equal to this value.
brs – True if bit rate switch is enabled in FD mode.
void FLEXCAN_Deinit(CAN_Type *base)
De-initializes a FlexCAN instance.
This function disables the FlexCAN module clock and sets all register values to the reset value.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
void FLEXCAN_GetDefaultConfig(flexcan_config_t *pConfig)
Gets the default configuration structure.
This function initializes the FlexCAN configuration structure to default values. The default values are as follows. flexcanConfig->clkSrc = kFLEXCAN_ClkSrc0; flexcanConfig->bitRate = 1000000U; flexcanConfig->bitRateFD = 2000000U; flexcanConfig->maxMbNum = 16; flexcanConfig->enableLoopBack = false; flexcanConfig->enableSelfWakeup = false; flexcanConfig->enableIndividMask = false; flexcanConfig->disableSelfReception = false; flexcanConfig->enableListenOnlyMode = false; flexcanConfig->enableDoze = false; flexcanConfig->enablePretendedeNetworking = false; flexcanConfig->enableMemoryErrorControl = true; flexcanConfig->enableNonCorrectableErrorEnterFreeze = true; flexcanConfig->enableTransceiverDelayMeasure = true; flexcanConfig->enableRemoteRequestFrameStored = true; flexcanConfig->payloadEndianness = kFLEXCAN_bigEndian; flexcanConfig.timingConfig = timingConfig;
- Parameters:
pConfig – Pointer to the FlexCAN configuration structure.
void FLEXCAN_SetTimingConfig(CAN_Type *base, const flexcan_timing_config_t *pConfig)
Sets the FlexCAN classical CAN protocol timing characteristic.
This function gives user settings to classical CAN or CAN FD nominal phase timing characteristic. The function is for an experienced user. For less experienced users, call the FLEXCAN_SetBitRate() instead.
Calling FLEXCAN_SetTimingConfig() overrides the bit rate set in FLEXCAN_Init() or FLEXCAN_SetBitRate().
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
pConfig – Pointer to the timing configuration structure.
status_t FLEXCAN_SetBitRate(CAN_Type *base, uint32_t sourceClock_Hz, uint32_t bitRate_Bps)
Set bit rate of FlexCAN classical CAN frame or CAN FD frame nominal phase.
This function set the bit rate of classical CAN frame or CAN FD frame nominal phase base on FLEXCAN_CalculateImprovedTimingValues() API calculated timing values.
Calling FLEXCAN_SetBitRate() overrides the bit rate set in FLEXCAN_Init().
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
sourceClock_Hz – Source Clock in Hz.
bitRate_Bps – Bit rate in Bps.
- Returns:
kStatus_Success - Set CAN baud rate (only Nominal phase) successfully.
void FLEXCAN_SetFDTimingConfig(CAN_Type *base, const flexcan_timing_config_t *pConfig)
Sets the FlexCAN CANFD data phase timing characteristic.
This function gives user settings to CANFD data phase timing characteristic. The function is for an experienced user. For less experienced users, call the FLEXCAN_SetFDBitRate() to set both Nominal/Data bit Rate instead.
Calling FLEXCAN_SetFDTimingConfig() overrides the data phase bit rate set in FLEXCAN_FDInit()/FLEXCAN_SetFDBitRate().
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
pConfig – Pointer to the timing configuration structure.
status_t FLEXCAN_SetFDBitRate(CAN_Type *base, uint32_t sourceClock_Hz, uint32_t bitRateN_Bps, uint32_t bitRateD_Bps)
Set bit rate of FlexCAN FD frame.
This function set the baud rate of FLEXCAN FD base on FLEXCAN_FDCalculateImprovedTimingValues() API calculated timing values.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
sourceClock_Hz – Source Clock in Hz.
bitRateN_Bps – Nominal bit Rate in Bps.
bitRateD_Bps – Data bit Rate in Bps.
- Returns:
kStatus_Success - Set CAN FD bit rate (include Nominal and Data phase) successfully.
void FLEXCAN_SetRxMbGlobalMask(CAN_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Sets the FlexCAN receive message buffer global mask.
This function sets the global mask for the FlexCAN message buffer in a matching process. The configuration is only effective when the Rx individual mask is disabled in the FLEXCAN_Init().
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
mask – Rx Message Buffer Global Mask value.
void FLEXCAN_SetRxFifoGlobalMask(CAN_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Sets the FlexCAN receive FIFO global mask.
This function sets the global mask for FlexCAN FIFO in a matching process.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
mask – Rx Fifo Global Mask value.
void FLEXCAN_SetRxIndividualMask(CAN_Type *base, uint8_t maskIdx, uint32_t mask)
Sets the FlexCAN receive individual mask.
This function sets the individual mask for the FlexCAN matching process. The configuration is only effective when the Rx individual mask is enabled in the FLEXCAN_Init(). If the Rx FIFO is disabled, the individual mask is applied to the corresponding Message Buffer. If the Rx FIFO is enabled, the individual mask for Rx FIFO occupied Message Buffer is applied to the Rx Filter with the same index. Note that only the first 32 individual masks can be used as the Rx FIFO filter mask.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
maskIdx – The Index of individual Mask.
mask – Rx Individual Mask value.
void FLEXCAN_SetTxMbConfig(CAN_Type *base, uint8_t mbIdx, bool enable)
Configures a FlexCAN transmit message buffer.
This function aborts the previous transmission, cleans the Message Buffer, and configures it as a Transmit Message Buffer.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
mbIdx – The Message Buffer index.
enable – Enable/disable Tx Message Buffer.
true: Enable Tx Message Buffer.
false: Disable Tx Message Buffer.
void FLEXCAN_SetRxMbConfig(CAN_Type *base, uint8_t mbIdx, const flexcan_rx_mb_config_t *pRxMbConfig, bool enable)
Configures a FlexCAN Receive Message Buffer.
This function cleans a FlexCAN build-in Message Buffer and configures it as a Receive Message Buffer. User should invoke this API when CTRL2[RRS]=1. When CTRL2[RRS]=1, frame’s ID is compared to the IDs of the receive mailboxes with the CODE field configured as kFLEXCAN_RxMbEmpty, kFLEXCAN_RxMbFull or kFLEXCAN_RxMbOverrun. Message buffer will store the remote frame in the same fashion of a data frame. No automatic remote response frame will be generated. User need to setup another message buffer to respond remote request.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
mbIdx – The Message Buffer index.
pRxMbConfig – Pointer to the FlexCAN Message Buffer configuration structure.
enable – Enable/disable Rx Message Buffer.
true: Enable Rx Message Buffer.
false: Disable Rx Message Buffer.
void FLEXCAN_SetFDTxMbConfig(CAN_Type *base, uint8_t mbIdx, bool enable)
Configures a FlexCAN transmit message buffer.
This function aborts the previous transmission, cleans the Message Buffer, and configures it as a Transmit Message Buffer.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
mbIdx – The Message Buffer index.
enable – Enable/disable Tx Message Buffer.
true: Enable Tx Message Buffer.
false: Disable Tx Message Buffer.
void FLEXCAN_SetFDRxMbConfig(CAN_Type *base, uint8_t mbIdx, const flexcan_rx_mb_config_t *pRxMbConfig, bool enable)
Configures a FlexCAN Receive Message Buffer.
This function cleans a FlexCAN build-in Message Buffer and configures it as a Receive Message Buffer.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
mbIdx – The Message Buffer index.
pRxMbConfig – Pointer to the FlexCAN Message Buffer configuration structure.
enable – Enable/disable Rx Message Buffer.
true: Enable Rx Message Buffer.
false: Disable Rx Message Buffer.
void FLEXCAN_SetRemoteResponseMbConfig(CAN_Type *base, uint8_t mbIdx, const flexcan_frame_t *pFrame)
Configures a FlexCAN Remote Response Message Buffer.
User should invoke this API when CTRL2[RRS]=0. When CTRL2[RRS]=0, frame’s ID is compared to the IDs of the receive mailboxes with the CODE field configured as kFLEXCAN_RxMbRanswer. If there is a matching ID, then this mailbox content will be transmitted as response. The received remote request frame is not stored in receive buffer. It is only used to trigger a transmission of a frame in response.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
mbIdx – The Message Buffer index.
pFrame – Pointer to CAN message frame structure for response.
void FLEXCAN_SetRxFifoConfig(CAN_Type *base, const flexcan_rx_fifo_config_t *pRxFifoConfig, bool enable)
Configures the FlexCAN Legacy Rx FIFO.
This function configures the FlexCAN Rx FIFO with given configuration.
Legacy Rx FIFO only can receive classic CAN message.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
pRxFifoConfig – Pointer to the FlexCAN Legacy Rx FIFO configuration structure. Can be NULL when enable parameter is false.
enable – Enable/disable Legacy Rx FIFO.
true: Enable Legacy Rx FIFO.
false: Disable Legacy Rx FIFO.
void FLEXCAN_SetEnhancedRxFifoConfig(CAN_Type *base, const flexcan_enhanced_rx_fifo_config_t *pConfig, bool enable)
Configures the FlexCAN Enhanced Rx FIFO.
This function configures the Enhanced Rx FIFO with given configuration.
Enhanced Rx FIFO support receive classic CAN or CAN FD messages, Legacy Rx FIFO and Enhanced Rx FIFO cannot be enabled at the same time.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
pConfig – Pointer to the FlexCAN Enhanced Rx FIFO configuration structure. Can be NULL when enable parameter is false.
enable – Enable/disable Enhanced Rx FIFO.
true: Enable Enhanced Rx FIFO.
false: Disable Enhanced Rx FIFO.
void FLEXCAN_SetPNConfig(CAN_Type *base, const flexcan_pn_config_t *pConfig)
Configures the FlexCAN Pretended Networking mode.
This function configures the FlexCAN Pretended Networking mode with given configuration.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
pConfig – Pointer to the FlexCAN Rx FIFO configuration structure.
static inline uint64_t FLEXCAN_GetStatusFlags(CAN_Type *base)
Gets the FlexCAN module interrupt flags.
This function gets all FlexCAN status flags. The flags are returned as the logical OR value of the enumerators _flexcan_flags. To check the specific status, compare the return value with enumerators in _flexcan_flags.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
- Returns:
FlexCAN status flags which are ORed by the enumerators in the _flexcan_flags.
static inline void FLEXCAN_ClearStatusFlags(CAN_Type *base, uint64_t mask)
Clears status flags with the provided mask.
This function clears the FlexCAN status flags with a provided mask. An automatically cleared flag can’t be cleared by this function.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
mask – The status flags to be cleared, it is logical OR value of _flexcan_flags.
static inline void FLEXCAN_GetBusErrCount(CAN_Type *base, uint8_t *txErrBuf, uint8_t *rxErrBuf)
Gets the FlexCAN Bus Error Counter value.
This function gets the FlexCAN Bus Error Counter value for both Tx and Rx direction. These values may be needed in the upper layer error handling.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
txErrBuf – Buffer to store Tx Error Counter value.
rxErrBuf – Buffer to store Rx Error Counter value.
static inline uint64_t FLEXCAN_GetMbStatusFlags(CAN_Type *base, uint64_t mask)
Gets the FlexCAN Message Buffer interrupt flags.
This function gets the interrupt flags of a given Message Buffers.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
mask – The ORed FlexCAN Message Buffer mask.
- Returns:
The status of given Message Buffers.
static inline uint64_t FLEXCAN_GetHigh64MbStatusFlags(CAN_Type *base, uint64_t mask)
Gets the FlexCAN High 64 Message Buffer interrupt flags.
Valid only if the number of available MBs exceeds 64.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
mask – The ORed FlexCAN Message Buffer mask.
- Returns:
The status of given Message Buffers.
static inline void FLEXCAN_ClearMbStatusFlags(CAN_Type *base, uint64_t mask)
Clears the FlexCAN Message Buffer interrupt flags.
This function clears the interrupt flags of a given Message Buffers.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
mask – The ORed FlexCAN Message Buffer mask.
static inline void FLEXCAN_ClearHigh64MbStatusFlags(CAN_Type *base, uint64_t mask)
Clears the FlexCAN High 64 Message Buffer interrupt flags.
Valid only if the number of available MBs exceeds 64.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
mask – The ORed FlexCAN Message Buffer mask.
void FLEXCAN_GetMemoryErrorReportStatus(CAN_Type *base, flexcan_memory_error_report_status_t *errorStatus)
Gets the FlexCAN Memory Error Report registers status.
This function gets the FlexCAN Memory Error Report registers status.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
errorStatus – Pointer to FlexCAN Memory Error Report registers status structure.
static inline uint8_t FLEXCAN_GetPNMatchCount(CAN_Type *base)
Gets the FlexCAN Number of Matches when in Pretended Networking.
This function gets the number of times a given message has matched the predefined filtering criteria for ID and/or PL before a wakeup event.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The number of received wake up msessages.
static inline uint32_t FLEXCAN_GetEnhancedFifoDataCount(CAN_Type *base)
Gets the number of FlexCAN Enhanced Rx FIFO available frames.
This function gets the number of CAN messages stored in the Enhanced Rx FIFO.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The number of available CAN messages stored in the Enhanced Rx FIFO.
static inline void FLEXCAN_EnableInterrupts(CAN_Type *base, uint64_t mask)
Enables FlexCAN interrupts according to the provided mask.
This function enables the FlexCAN interrupts according to the provided mask. The mask is a logical OR of enumeration members, see _flexcan_interrupt_enable.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
mask – The interrupts to enable. Logical OR of _flexcan_interrupt_enable.
static inline void FLEXCAN_DisableInterrupts(CAN_Type *base, uint64_t mask)
Disables FlexCAN interrupts according to the provided mask.
This function disables the FlexCAN interrupts according to the provided mask. The mask is a logical OR of enumeration members, see _flexcan_interrupt_enable.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
mask – The interrupts to disable. Logical OR of _flexcan_interrupt_enable.
static inline void FLEXCAN_EnableMbInterrupts(CAN_Type *base, uint64_t mask)
Enables FlexCAN Message Buffer interrupts.
This function enables the interrupts of given Message Buffers.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
mask – The ORed FlexCAN Message Buffer mask.
static inline void FLEXCAN_EnableHigh64MbInterrupts(CAN_Type *base, uint64_t mask)
Enables FlexCAN high 64 Message Buffer interrupts.
Valid only if the number of available MBs exceeds 64.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
mask – The ORed FlexCAN Message Buffer mask.
static inline void FLEXCAN_DisableMbInterrupts(CAN_Type *base, uint64_t mask)
Disables FlexCAN Message Buffer interrupts.
This function disables the interrupts of given Message Buffers.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
mask – The ORed FlexCAN Message Buffer mask.
static inline void FLEXCAN_DisableHigh64MbInterrupts(CAN_Type *base, uint64_t mask)
Disables FlexCAN high 64 Message Buffer interrupts.
Valid only if the number of available MBs exceeds 64.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
mask – The ORed FlexCAN Message Buffer mask.
void FLEXCAN_EnableRxFifoDMA(CAN_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables or disables the FlexCAN Rx FIFO DMA request.
This function enables or disables the DMA feature of FlexCAN build-in Rx FIFO.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
enable – true to enable, false to disable.
static inline uintptr_t FLEXCAN_GetRxFifoHeadAddr(CAN_Type *base)
Gets the Rx FIFO Head address.
This function returns the FlexCAN Rx FIFO Head address, which is mainly used for the DMA/eDMA use case.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
- Returns:
FlexCAN Rx FIFO Head address.
static inline void FLEXCAN_Enable(CAN_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables or disables the FlexCAN module operation.
This function enables or disables the FlexCAN module.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN base pointer.
enable – true to enable, false to disable.
status_t FLEXCAN_WriteTxMb(CAN_Type *base, uint8_t mbIdx, const flexcan_frame_t *pTxFrame)
Writes a FlexCAN Message to the Transmit Message Buffer.
This function writes a CAN Message to the specified Transmit Message Buffer and changes the Message Buffer state to start CAN Message transmit. After that the function returns immediately.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
mbIdx – The FlexCAN Message Buffer index.
pTxFrame – Pointer to CAN message frame to be sent.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – - Write Tx Message Buffer Successfully.
kStatus_Fail – - Tx Message Buffer is currently in use.
status_t FLEXCAN_ReadRxMb(CAN_Type *base, uint8_t mbIdx, flexcan_frame_t *pRxFrame)
Reads a FlexCAN Message from Receive Message Buffer.
This function reads a CAN message from a specified Receive Message Buffer. The function fills a receive CAN message frame structure with just received data and activates the Message Buffer again. The function returns immediately.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
mbIdx – The FlexCAN Message Buffer index.
pRxFrame – Pointer to CAN message frame structure for reception.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – - Rx Message Buffer is full and has been read successfully.
kStatus_FLEXCAN_RxOverflow – - Rx Message Buffer is already overflowed and has been read successfully.
kStatus_Fail – - Rx Message Buffer is empty.
status_t FLEXCAN_WriteFDTxMb(CAN_Type *base, uint8_t mbIdx, const flexcan_fd_frame_t *pTxFrame)
Writes a FlexCAN FD Message to the Transmit Message Buffer.
This function writes a CAN FD Message to the specified Transmit Message Buffer and changes the Message Buffer state to start CAN FD Message transmit. After that the function returns immediately.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
mbIdx – The FlexCAN FD Message Buffer index.
pTxFrame – Pointer to CAN FD message frame to be sent.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – - Write Tx Message Buffer Successfully.
kStatus_Fail – - Tx Message Buffer is currently in use.
status_t FLEXCAN_ReadFDRxMb(CAN_Type *base, uint8_t mbIdx, flexcan_fd_frame_t *pRxFrame)
Reads a FlexCAN FD Message from Receive Message Buffer.
This function reads a CAN FD message from a specified Receive Message Buffer. The function fills a receive CAN FD message frame structure with just received data and activates the Message Buffer again. The function returns immediately.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
mbIdx – The FlexCAN FD Message Buffer index.
pRxFrame – Pointer to CAN FD message frame structure for reception.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – - Rx Message Buffer is full and has been read successfully.
kStatus_FLEXCAN_RxOverflow – - Rx Message Buffer is already overflowed and has been read successfully.
kStatus_Fail – - Rx Message Buffer is empty.
status_t FLEXCAN_ReadRxFifo(CAN_Type *base, flexcan_frame_t *pRxFrame)
Reads a FlexCAN Message from Legacy Rx FIFO.
This function reads a CAN message from the FlexCAN Legacy Rx FIFO.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
pRxFrame – Pointer to CAN message frame structure for reception.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – - Read Message from Rx FIFO successfully.
kStatus_Fail – - Rx FIFO is not enabled.
status_t FLEXCAN_ReadEnhancedRxFifo(CAN_Type *base, flexcan_fd_frame_t *pRxFrame)
Reads a FlexCAN Message from Enhanced Rx FIFO.
This function reads a CAN or CAN FD message from the FlexCAN Enhanced Rx FIFO.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
pRxFrame – Pointer to CAN FD message frame structure for reception.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – - Read Message from Rx FIFO successfully.
kStatus_Fail – - Rx FIFO is not enabled.
status_t FLEXCAN_ReadPNWakeUpMB(CAN_Type *base, uint8_t mbIdx, flexcan_frame_t *pRxFrame)
Reads a FlexCAN Message from Wake Up MB.
This function reads a CAN message from the FlexCAN Wake up Message Buffers. There are four Wake up Message Buffers (WMBs) used to store incoming messages in Pretended Networking mode. The WMB index indicates the arrival order. The last message is stored in WMB3.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
pRxFrame – Pointer to CAN message frame structure for reception.
mbIdx – The FlexCAN Wake up Message Buffer index. Range in 0x0 ~ 0x3.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – - Read Message from Wake up Message Buffer successfully.
kStatus_Fail – - Wake up Message Buffer has no valid content.
status_t FLEXCAN_TransferFDSendBlocking(CAN_Type *base, uint8_t mbIdx, flexcan_fd_frame_t *pTxFrame)
Performs a polling send transaction on the CAN bus.
A transfer handle does not need to be created before calling this API.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base pointer.
mbIdx – The FlexCAN FD Message Buffer index.
pTxFrame – Pointer to CAN FD message frame to be sent.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – - Write Tx Message Buffer Successfully.
kStatus_Fail – - Tx Message Buffer is currently in use.
status_t FLEXCAN_TransferFDReceiveBlocking(CAN_Type *base, uint8_t mbIdx, flexcan_fd_frame_t *pRxFrame)
Performs a polling receive transaction on the CAN bus.
A transfer handle does not need to be created before calling this API.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base pointer.
mbIdx – The FlexCAN FD Message Buffer index.
pRxFrame – Pointer to CAN FD message frame structure for reception.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – - Rx Message Buffer is full and has been read successfully.
kStatus_FLEXCAN_RxOverflow – - Rx Message Buffer is already overflowed and has been read successfully.
kStatus_Fail – - Rx Message Buffer is empty.
status_t FLEXCAN_TransferFDSendNonBlocking(CAN_Type *base, flexcan_handle_t *handle, flexcan_mb_transfer_t *pMbXfer)
Sends a message using IRQ.
This function sends a message using IRQ. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When messages have been sent out, the send callback function is called.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
handle – FlexCAN handle pointer.
pMbXfer – FlexCAN FD Message Buffer transfer structure. See the flexcan_mb_transfer_t.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Start Tx Message Buffer sending process successfully.
kStatus_Fail – Write Tx Message Buffer failed.
kStatus_FLEXCAN_TxBusy – Tx Message Buffer is in use.
status_t FLEXCAN_TransferFDReceiveNonBlocking(CAN_Type *base, flexcan_handle_t *handle, flexcan_mb_transfer_t *pMbXfer)
Receives a message using IRQ.
This function receives a message using IRQ. This is non-blocking function, which returns right away. When the message has been received, the receive callback function is called.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
handle – FlexCAN handle pointer.
pMbXfer – FlexCAN FD Message Buffer transfer structure. See the flexcan_mb_transfer_t.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – - Start Rx Message Buffer receiving process successfully.
kStatus_FLEXCAN_RxBusy – - Rx Message Buffer is in use.
void FLEXCAN_TransferFDAbortSend(CAN_Type *base, flexcan_handle_t *handle, uint8_t mbIdx)
Aborts the interrupt driven message send process.
This function aborts the interrupt driven message send process.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
handle – FlexCAN handle pointer.
mbIdx – The FlexCAN FD Message Buffer index.
void FLEXCAN_TransferFDAbortReceive(CAN_Type *base, flexcan_handle_t *handle, uint8_t mbIdx)
Aborts the interrupt driven message receive process.
This function aborts the interrupt driven message receive process.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
handle – FlexCAN handle pointer.
mbIdx – The FlexCAN FD Message Buffer index.
status_t FLEXCAN_TransferSendBlocking(CAN_Type *base, uint8_t mbIdx, flexcan_frame_t *pTxFrame)
Performs a polling send transaction on the CAN bus.
A transfer handle does not need to be created before calling this API.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base pointer.
mbIdx – The FlexCAN Message Buffer index.
pTxFrame – Pointer to CAN message frame to be sent.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – - Write Tx Message Buffer Successfully.
kStatus_Fail – - Tx Message Buffer is currently in use.
status_t FLEXCAN_TransferReceiveBlocking(CAN_Type *base, uint8_t mbIdx, flexcan_frame_t *pRxFrame)
Performs a polling receive transaction on the CAN bus.
A transfer handle does not need to be created before calling this API.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base pointer.
mbIdx – The FlexCAN Message Buffer index.
pRxFrame – Pointer to CAN message frame structure for reception.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – - Rx Message Buffer is full and has been read successfully.
kStatus_FLEXCAN_RxOverflow – - Rx Message Buffer is already overflowed and has been read successfully.
kStatus_Fail – - Rx Message Buffer is empty.
status_t FLEXCAN_TransferReceiveFifoBlocking(CAN_Type *base, flexcan_frame_t *pRxFrame)
Performs a polling receive transaction from Legacy Rx FIFO on the CAN bus.
A transfer handle does not need to be created before calling this API.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base pointer.
pRxFrame – Pointer to CAN message frame structure for reception.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – - Read Message from Rx FIFO successfully.
kStatus_Fail – - Rx FIFO is not enabled.
status_t FLEXCAN_TransferReceiveEnhancedFifoBlocking(CAN_Type *base, flexcan_fd_frame_t *pRxFrame)
Performs a polling receive transaction from Enhanced Rx FIFO on the CAN bus.
A transfer handle does not need to be created before calling this API.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base pointer.
pRxFrame – Pointer to CAN FD message frame structure for reception.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – - Read Message from Rx FIFO successfully.
kStatus_Fail – - Rx FIFO is not enabled.
void FLEXCAN_TransferCreateHandle(CAN_Type *base, flexcan_handle_t *handle, flexcan_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Initializes the FlexCAN handle.
This function initializes the FlexCAN handle, which can be used for other FlexCAN transactional APIs. Usually, for a specified FlexCAN instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
handle – FlexCAN handle pointer.
callback – The callback function.
userData – The parameter of the callback function.
status_t FLEXCAN_TransferSendNonBlocking(CAN_Type *base, flexcan_handle_t *handle, flexcan_mb_transfer_t *pMbXfer)
Sends a message using IRQ.
This function sends a message using IRQ. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When messages have been sent out, the send callback function is called.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
handle – FlexCAN handle pointer.
pMbXfer – FlexCAN Message Buffer transfer structure. See the flexcan_mb_transfer_t.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Start Tx Message Buffer sending process successfully.
kStatus_Fail – Write Tx Message Buffer failed.
kStatus_FLEXCAN_TxBusy – Tx Message Buffer is in use.
status_t FLEXCAN_TransferReceiveNonBlocking(CAN_Type *base, flexcan_handle_t *handle, flexcan_mb_transfer_t *pMbXfer)
Receives a message using IRQ.
This function receives a message using IRQ. This is non-blocking function, which returns right away. When the message has been received, the receive callback function is called.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
handle – FlexCAN handle pointer.
pMbXfer – FlexCAN Message Buffer transfer structure. See the flexcan_mb_transfer_t.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – - Start Rx Message Buffer receiving process successfully.
kStatus_FLEXCAN_RxBusy – - Rx Message Buffer is in use.
status_t FLEXCAN_TransferReceiveFifoNonBlocking(CAN_Type *base, flexcan_handle_t *handle, flexcan_fifo_transfer_t *pFifoXfer)
Receives a message from Rx FIFO using IRQ.
This function receives a message using IRQ. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all messages have been received, the receive callback function is called.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
handle – FlexCAN handle pointer.
pFifoXfer – FlexCAN Rx FIFO transfer structure. See the flexcan_fifo_transfer_t.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – - Start Rx FIFO receiving process successfully.
kStatus_FLEXCAN_RxFifoBusy – - Rx FIFO is currently in use.
status_t FLEXCAN_TransferGetReceiveFifoCount(CAN_Type *base, flexcan_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the Legacy Rx Fifo transfer status during a interrupt non-blocking receive.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
handle – FlexCAN handle pointer.
count – Number of CAN messages receive so far by the non-blocking transaction.
- Return values:
kStatus_InvalidArgument – count is Invalid.
kStatus_Success – Successfully return the count.
status_t FLEXCAN_TransferReceiveEnhancedFifoNonBlocking(CAN_Type *base, flexcan_handle_t *handle, flexcan_fifo_transfer_t *pFifoXfer)
Receives a message from Enhanced Rx FIFO using IRQ.
This function receives a message using IRQ. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all messages have been received, the receive callback function is called.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
handle – FlexCAN handle pointer.
pFifoXfer – FlexCAN Rx FIFO transfer structure. See the ref flexcan_fifo_transfer_t.@
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – - Start Rx FIFO receiving process successfully.
kStatus_FLEXCAN_RxFifoBusy – - Rx FIFO is currently in use.
static inline status_t FLEXCAN_TransferGetReceiveEnhancedFifoCount(CAN_Type *base, flexcan_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the Enhanced Rx Fifo transfer status during a interrupt non-blocking receive.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
handle – FlexCAN handle pointer.
count – Number of CAN messages receive so far by the non-blocking transaction.
- Return values:
kStatus_InvalidArgument – count is Invalid.
kStatus_Success – Successfully return the count.
uint32_t FLEXCAN_GetTimeStamp(flexcan_handle_t *handle, uint8_t mbIdx)
Gets the detail index of Mailbox’s Timestamp by handle.
Then function can only be used when calling non-blocking Data transfer (TX/RX) API, After TX/RX data transfer done (User can get the status by handler’s callback function), we can get the detail index of Mailbox’s timestamp by handle, Detail non-blocking data transfer API (TX/RX) contain. -FLEXCAN_TransferSendNonBlocking -FLEXCAN_TransferFDSendNonBlocking -FLEXCAN_TransferReceiveNonBlocking -FLEXCAN_TransferFDReceiveNonBlocking -FLEXCAN_TransferReceiveFifoNonBlocking
- Parameters:
handle – FlexCAN handle pointer.
mbIdx – The FlexCAN Message Buffer index.
- Return values:
the – index of mailbox ‘s timestamp stored in the handle.
void FLEXCAN_TransferAbortSend(CAN_Type *base, flexcan_handle_t *handle, uint8_t mbIdx)
Aborts the interrupt driven message send process.
This function aborts the interrupt driven message send process.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
handle – FlexCAN handle pointer.
mbIdx – The FlexCAN Message Buffer index.
void FLEXCAN_TransferAbortReceive(CAN_Type *base, flexcan_handle_t *handle, uint8_t mbIdx)
Aborts the interrupt driven message receive process.
This function aborts the interrupt driven message receive process.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
handle – FlexCAN handle pointer.
mbIdx – The FlexCAN Message Buffer index.
void FLEXCAN_TransferAbortReceiveFifo(CAN_Type *base, flexcan_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the interrupt driven message receive from Rx FIFO process.
This function aborts the interrupt driven message receive from Rx FIFO process.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
handle – FlexCAN handle pointer.
void FLEXCAN_TransferAbortReceiveEnhancedFifo(CAN_Type *base, flexcan_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the interrupt driven message receive from Enhanced Rx FIFO process.
This function aborts the interrupt driven message receive from Enhanced Rx FIFO process.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
handle – FlexCAN handle pointer.
void FLEXCAN_TransferHandleIRQ(CAN_Type *base, flexcan_handle_t *handle)
FlexCAN IRQ handle function.
This function handles the FlexCAN Error, the Message Buffer, and the Rx FIFO IRQ request.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
handle – FlexCAN handle pointer.
FlexCAN driver version.
FlexCAN transfer status.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXCAN_TxBusy
Tx Message Buffer is Busy.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXCAN_TxIdle
Tx Message Buffer is Idle.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXCAN_TxSwitchToRx
Remote Message is send out and Message buffer changed to Receive one.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXCAN_RxBusy
Rx Message Buffer is Busy.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXCAN_RxIdle
Rx Message Buffer is Idle.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXCAN_RxOverflow
Rx Message Buffer is Overflowed.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXCAN_RxFifoBusy
Rx Message FIFO is Busy.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXCAN_RxFifoIdle
Rx Message FIFO is Idle.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXCAN_RxFifoOverflow
Rx Message FIFO is overflowed.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXCAN_RxFifoWarning
Rx Message FIFO is almost overflowed.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXCAN_RxFifoDisabled
Rx Message FIFO is disabled during reading.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXCAN_ErrorStatus
FlexCAN Module Error and Status.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXCAN_WakeUp
FlexCAN is waken up from STOP mode.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXCAN_UnHandled
UnHadled Interrupt asserted.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXCAN_RxRemote
Rx Remote Message Received in Mail box.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXCAN_RxFifoUnderflow
Enhanced Rx Message FIFO is underflow.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXCAN_TxBusy
enum _flexcan_frame_format
FlexCAN frame format.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_FrameFormatStandard
Standard frame format attribute.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_FrameFormatExtend
Extend frame format attribute.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_FrameFormatStandard
enum _flexcan_frame_type
FlexCAN frame type.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_FrameTypeData
Data frame type attribute.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_FrameTypeRemote
Remote frame type attribute.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_FrameTypeData
enum _flexcan_clock_source
FlexCAN clock source.
- Deprecated:
Do not use the kFLEXCAN_ClkSrcOs. It has been superceded kFLEXCAN_ClkSrc0
Do not use the kFLEXCAN_ClkSrcPeri. It has been superceded kFLEXCAN_ClkSrc1
enumerator kFLEXCAN_ClkSrcOsc
FlexCAN Protocol Engine clock from Oscillator.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_ClkSrcPeri
FlexCAN Protocol Engine clock from Peripheral Clock.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_ClkSrc0
FlexCAN Protocol Engine clock selected by user as SRC == 0.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_ClkSrc1
FlexCAN Protocol Engine clock selected by user as SRC == 1.
enum _flexcan_wake_up_source
FlexCAN wake up source.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_WakeupSrcUnfiltered
FlexCAN uses unfiltered Rx input to detect edge.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_WakeupSrcFiltered
FlexCAN uses filtered Rx input to detect edge.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_WakeupSrcUnfiltered
enum _flexcan_rx_fifo_filter_type
FlexCAN Rx Fifo Filter type.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_RxFifoFilterTypeA
One full ID (standard and extended) per ID Filter element.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_RxFifoFilterTypeB
Two full standard IDs or two partial 14-bit ID slices per ID Filter Table element.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_RxFifoFilterTypeC
Four partial 8-bit Standard or extended ID slices per ID Filter Table element.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_RxFifoFilterTypeD
All frames rejected.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_RxFifoFilterTypeA
enum _flexcan_mb_size
FlexCAN Message Buffer Payload size.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_8BperMB
Selects 8 bytes per Message Buffer.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_16BperMB
Selects 16 bytes per Message Buffer.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_32BperMB
Selects 32 bytes per Message Buffer.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_64BperMB
Selects 64 bytes per Message Buffer.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_8BperMB
enum _flexcan_fd_frame_length
FlexCAN CAN FD frame supporting data length (available DLC values).
For Tx, when the Data size corresponding to DLC value stored in the MB selected for transmission is larger than the MB Payload size, FlexCAN adds the necessary number of bytes with constant 0xCC pattern to complete the expected DLC. For Rx, when the Data size corresponding to DLC value received from the CAN bus is larger than the MB Payload size, the high order bytes that do not fit the Payload size will lose.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_0BperFrame
Frame contains 0 valid data bytes.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_1BperFrame
Frame contains 1 valid data bytes.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_2BperFrame
Frame contains 2 valid data bytes.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_3BperFrame
Frame contains 3 valid data bytes.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_4BperFrame
Frame contains 4 valid data bytes.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_5BperFrame
Frame contains 5 valid data bytes.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_6BperFrame
Frame contains 6 valid data bytes.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_7BperFrame
Frame contains 7 valid data bytes.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_8BperFrame
Frame contains 8 valid data bytes.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_12BperFrame
Frame contains 12 valid data bytes.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_16BperFrame
Frame contains 16 valid data bytes.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_20BperFrame
Frame contains 20 valid data bytes.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_24BperFrame
Frame contains 24 valid data bytes.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_32BperFrame
Frame contains 32 valid data bytes.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_48BperFrame
Frame contains 48 valid data bytes.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_64BperFrame
Frame contains 64 valid data bytes.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_0BperFrame
enum _flexcan_efifo_dma_per_read_length
FlexCAN Enhanced Rx Fifo DMA transfer per read length enumerations.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_1WordPerRead
Transfer 1 32-bit words (CS).
enumerator kFLEXCAN_2WordPerRead
Transfer 2 32-bit words (CS + ID).
enumerator kFLEXCAN_3WordPerRead
Transfer 3 32-bit words (CS + ID + 1~4 bytes data).
enumerator kFLEXCAN_4WordPerRead
Transfer 4 32-bit words (CS + ID + 5~8 bytes data).
enumerator kFLEXCAN_5WordPerRead
Transfer 5 32-bit words (CS + ID + 9~12 bytes data).
enumerator kFLEXCAN_6WordPerRead
Transfer 6 32-bit words (CS + ID + 13~16 bytes data).
enumerator kFLEXCAN_7WordPerRead
Transfer 7 32-bit words (CS + ID + 17~20 bytes data).
enumerator kFLEXCAN_8WordPerRead
Transfer 8 32-bit words (CS + ID + 21~24 bytes data).
enumerator kFLEXCAN_9WordPerRead
Transfer 9 32-bit words (CS + ID + 25~28 bytes data).
enumerator kFLEXCAN_10WordPerRead
Transfer 10 32-bit words (CS + ID + 29~32 bytes data).
enumerator kFLEXCAN_11WordPerRead
Transfer 11 32-bit words (CS + ID + 33~36 bytes data).
enumerator kFLEXCAN_12WordPerRead
Transfer 12 32-bit words (CS + ID + 37~40 bytes data).
enumerator kFLEXCAN_13WordPerRead
Transfer 13 32-bit words (CS + ID + 41~44 bytes data).
enumerator kFLEXCAN_14WordPerRead
Transfer 14 32-bit words (CS + ID + 45~48 bytes data).
enumerator kFLEXCAN_15WordPerRead
Transfer 15 32-bit words (CS + ID + 49~52 bytes data).
enumerator kFLEXCAN_16WordPerRead
Transfer 16 32-bit words (CS + ID + 53~56 bytes data).
enumerator kFLEXCAN_17WordPerRead
Transfer 17 32-bit words (CS + ID + 57~60 bytes data).
enumerator kFLEXCAN_18WordPerRead
Transfer 18 32-bit words (CS + ID + 61~64 bytes data).
enumerator kFLEXCAN_19WordPerRead
Transfer 19 32-bit words (CS + ID + 64 bytes data + ID HIT).
enumerator kFLEXCAN_1WordPerRead
enum _flexcan_rx_fifo_priority
FlexCAN Enhanced/Legacy Rx FIFO priority.
The matching process starts from the Rx MB(or Enhanced/Legacy Rx FIFO) with higher priority. If no MB(or Enhanced/Legacy Rx FIFO filter) is satisfied, the matching process goes on with the Enhanced/Legacy Rx FIFO(or Rx MB) with lower priority.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_RxFifoPrioLow
Matching process start from Rx Message Buffer first.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_RxFifoPrioHigh
Matching process start from Enhanced/Legacy Rx FIFO first.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_RxFifoPrioLow
enum _flexcan_interrupt_enable
FlexCAN interrupt enable enumerations.
This provides constants for the FlexCAN interrupt enable enumerations for use in the FlexCAN functions.
FlexCAN Message Buffers and Legacy Rx FIFO interrupts not included in.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_BusOffInterruptEnable
Bus Off interrupt, use bit 15.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_ErrorInterruptEnable
CAN Error interrupt, use bit 14.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_TxWarningInterruptEnable
Tx Warning interrupt, use bit 11.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_RxWarningInterruptEnable
Rx Warning interrupt, use bit 10.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_WakeUpInterruptEnable
Self Wake Up interrupt, use bit 26.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_FDErrorInterruptEnable
CAN FD Error interrupt, use bit 31.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_PNMatchWakeUpInterruptEnable
PN Match Wake Up interrupt, use high word bit 17.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_PNTimeoutWakeUpInterruptEnable
PN Timeout Wake Up interrupt, use high word bit 16. Enhanced Rx FIFO Underflow interrupt, use high word bit 31.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_ERxFifoUnderflowInterruptEnable
Enhanced Rx FIFO Overflow interrupt, use high word bit 30.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_ERxFifoOverflowInterruptEnable
Enhanced Rx FIFO Watermark interrupt, use high word bit 29.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_ERxFifoWatermarkInterruptEnable
Enhanced Rx FIFO Data Avilable interrupt, use high word bit 28.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_ERxFifoDataAvlInterruptEnable
enumerator kFLEXCAN_HostAccessNCErrorInterruptEnable
Host Access With Non-Correctable Errors interrupt, use high word bit 0.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_FlexCanAccessNCErrorInterruptEnable
FlexCAN Access With Non-Correctable Errors interrupt, use high word bit 2.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_HostOrFlexCanCErrorInterruptEnable
Host or FlexCAN Access With Correctable Errors interrupt, use high word bit 3.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_BusOffInterruptEnable
enum _flexcan_flags
FlexCAN status flags.
This provides constants for the FlexCAN status flags for use in the FlexCAN functions.
The CPU read action clears the bits corresponding to the FlEXCAN_ErrorFlag macro, therefore user need to read status flags and distinguish which error is occur using _flexcan_error_flags enumerations.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_ErrorOverrunFlag
Error Overrun Status.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_FDErrorIntFlag
CAN FD Error Interrupt Flag.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_BusoffDoneIntFlag
Bus Off process completed Interrupt Flag.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_SynchFlag
CAN Synchronization Status.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_TxWarningIntFlag
Tx Warning Interrupt Flag.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_RxWarningIntFlag
Rx Warning Interrupt Flag.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_IdleFlag
FlexCAN In IDLE Status.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_FaultConfinementFlag
FlexCAN Fault Confinement State.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_TransmittingFlag
FlexCAN In Transmission Status.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_ReceivingFlag
FlexCAN In Reception Status.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_BusOffIntFlag
Bus Off Interrupt Flag.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_ErrorIntFlag
CAN Error Interrupt Flag.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_WakeUpIntFlag
Self Wake-Up Interrupt Flag.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_ErrorFlag
enumerator kFLEXCAN_PNMatchIntFlag
PN Matching Event Interrupt Flag.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_PNTimeoutIntFlag
PN Timeout Event Interrupt Flag.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_ERxFifoUnderflowIntFlag
Enhanced Rx FIFO underflow Interrupt Flag.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_ERxFifoOverflowIntFlag
Enhanced Rx FIFO overflow Interrupt Flag.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_ERxFifoWatermarkIntFlag
Enhanced Rx FIFO watermark Interrupt Flag.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_ERxFifoDataAvlIntFlag
Enhanced Rx FIFO data available Interrupt Flag.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_ERxFifoEmptyFlag
Enhanced Rx FIFO empty status.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_ERxFifoFullFlag
Enhanced Rx FIFO full status.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_HostAccessNonCorrectableErrorIntFlag
Host Access With Non-Correctable Error Interrupt Flag.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_FlexCanAccessNonCorrectableErrorIntFlag
FlexCAN Access With Non-Correctable Error Interrupt Flag.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_CorrectableErrorIntFlag
Correctable Error Interrupt Flag.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_HostAccessNonCorrectableErrorOverrunFlag
Host Access With Non-Correctable Error Interrupt Overrun Flag.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_FlexCanAccessNonCorrectableErrorOverrunFlag
FlexCAN Access With Non-Correctable Error Interrupt Overrun Flag.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_CorrectableErrorOverrunFlag
Correctable Error Interrupt Overrun Flag.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_AllMemoryErrorFlag
All Memory Error Flags.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_ErrorOverrunFlag
enum _flexcan_error_flags
FlexCAN error status flags.
The FlexCAN Error Status enumerations is used to report current error of the FlexCAN bus. This enumerations should be used with KFLEXCAN_ErrorFlag in _flexcan_flags enumerations to ditermine which error is generated.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_FDStuffingError
Stuffing Error.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_FDFormError
Form Error.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_FDCrcError
Cyclic Redundancy Check Error.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_FDBit0Error
Unable to send dominant bit.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_FDBit1Error
Unable to send recessive bit.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_TxErrorWarningFlag
Tx Error Warning Status.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_RxErrorWarningFlag
Rx Error Warning Status.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_StuffingError
Stuffing Error.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_FormError
Form Error.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_CrcError
Cyclic Redundancy Check Error.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_AckError
Received no ACK on transmission.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_Bit0Error
Unable to send dominant bit.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_Bit1Error
Unable to send recessive bit.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_FDStuffingError
FlexCAN Legacy Rx FIFO status flags.
The FlexCAN Legacy Rx FIFO Status enumerations are used to determine the status of the Rx FIFO. Because Rx FIFO occupy the MB0 ~ MB7 (Rx Fifo filter also occupies more Message Buffer space), Rx FIFO status flags are mapped to the corresponding Message Buffer status flags.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_RxFifoOverflowFlag
Rx FIFO overflow flag.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_RxFifoWarningFlag
Rx FIFO almost full flag.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_RxFifoFrameAvlFlag
Frames available in Rx FIFO flag.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_RxFifoOverflowFlag
enum _flexcan_memory_error_type
FlexCAN Memory Error Type.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_CorrectableError
The memory error is correctable which means on bit error.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_NonCorrectableError
The memory error is non-correctable which means two bit errors.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_CorrectableError
enum _flexcan_memory_access_type
FlexCAN Memory Access Type.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_MoveOutFlexCanAccess
The memory error was detected during move-out FlexCAN access.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_MoveInAccess
The memory error was detected during move-in FlexCAN access.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_TxArbitrationAccess
The memory error was detected during Tx Arbitration FlexCAN access.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_RxMatchingAccess
The memory error was detected during Rx Matching FlexCAN access.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_MoveOutHostAccess
The memory error was detected during Rx Matching Host (CPU) access.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_MoveOutFlexCanAccess
enum _flexcan_byte_error_syndrome
FlexCAN Memory Error Byte Syndrome.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_NoError
No bit error in this byte.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_ParityBits0Error
Parity bit 0 error in this byte.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_ParityBits1Error
Parity bit 1 error in this byte.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_ParityBits2Error
Parity bit 2 error in this byte.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_ParityBits3Error
Parity bit 3 error in this byte.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_ParityBits4Error
Parity bit 4 error in this byte.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_DataBits0Error
Data bit 0 error in this byte.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_DataBits1Error
Data bit 1 error in this byte.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_DataBits2Error
Data bit 2 error in this byte.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_DataBits3Error
Data bit 3 error in this byte.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_DataBits4Error
Data bit 4 error in this byte.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_DataBits5Error
Data bit 5 error in this byte.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_DataBits6Error
Data bit 6 error in this byte.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_DataBits7Error
Data bit 7 error in this byte.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_AllZeroError
All-zeros non-correctable error in this byte.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_AllOneError
All-ones non-correctable error in this byte.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_NonCorrectableErrors
Non-correctable error in this byte.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_NoError
enum _flexcan_pn_match_source
FlexCAN Pretended Networking match source selection.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_PNMatSrcID
Message match with ID filtering.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_PNMatSrcIDAndData
Message match with ID filtering and payload filtering.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_PNMatSrcID
enum _flexcan_pn_match_mode
FlexCAN Pretended Networking mode match type.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_PNMatModeEqual
Match upon ID/Payload contents against an exact target value.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_PNMatModeGreater
Match upon an ID/Payload value greater than or equal to a specified target value.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_PNMatModeSmaller
Match upon an ID/Payload value smaller than or equal to a specified target value.
enumerator kFLEXCAN_PNMatModeRange
Match upon an ID/Payload value inside a range, greater than or equal to a specified lower limit, and smaller than or equal to a specified upper limit
enumerator kFLEXCAN_PNMatModeEqual
typedef enum _flexcan_frame_format flexcan_frame_format_t
FlexCAN frame format.
typedef enum _flexcan_frame_type flexcan_frame_type_t
FlexCAN frame type.
typedef enum _flexcan_clock_source flexcan_clock_source_t
FlexCAN clock source.
- Deprecated:
Do not use the kFLEXCAN_ClkSrcOs. It has been superceded kFLEXCAN_ClkSrc0
Do not use the kFLEXCAN_ClkSrcPeri. It has been superceded kFLEXCAN_ClkSrc1
typedef enum _flexcan_wake_up_source flexcan_wake_up_source_t
FlexCAN wake up source.
typedef enum _flexcan_rx_fifo_filter_type flexcan_rx_fifo_filter_type_t
FlexCAN Rx Fifo Filter type.
typedef enum _flexcan_mb_size flexcan_mb_size_t
FlexCAN Message Buffer Payload size.
typedef enum _flexcan_efifo_dma_per_read_length flexcan_efifo_dma_per_read_length_t
FlexCAN Enhanced Rx Fifo DMA transfer per read length enumerations.
typedef enum _flexcan_rx_fifo_priority flexcan_rx_fifo_priority_t
FlexCAN Enhanced/Legacy Rx FIFO priority.
The matching process starts from the Rx MB(or Enhanced/Legacy Rx FIFO) with higher priority. If no MB(or Enhanced/Legacy Rx FIFO filter) is satisfied, the matching process goes on with the Enhanced/Legacy Rx FIFO(or Rx MB) with lower priority.
typedef enum _flexcan_memory_error_type flexcan_memory_error_type_t
FlexCAN Memory Error Type.
typedef enum _flexcan_memory_access_type flexcan_memory_access_type_t
FlexCAN Memory Access Type.
typedef enum _flexcan_byte_error_syndrome flexcan_byte_error_syndrome_t
FlexCAN Memory Error Byte Syndrome.
typedef struct _flexcan_memory_error_report_status flexcan_memory_error_report_status_t
FlexCAN memory error register status structure.
This structure contains the memory access properties that caused a memory error access. It is used as the parameter of FLEXCAN_GetMemoryErrorReportStatus() function. And user can use FLEXCAN_GetMemoryErrorReportStatus to get the status of the last memory error access.
typedef struct _flexcan_frame flexcan_frame_t
FlexCAN message frame structure.
typedef struct _flexcan_fd_frame flexcan_fd_frame_t
CAN FD message frame structure.
The CAN FD message supporting up to sixty four bytes can be used for a data frame, depending on the length selected for the message buffers. The length should be a enumeration member, see _flexcan_fd_frame_length.
typedef struct _flexcan_timing_config flexcan_timing_config_t
FlexCAN protocol timing characteristic configuration structure.
typedef struct _flexcan_config flexcan_config_t
FlexCAN module configuration structure.
- Deprecated:
Do not use the baudRate. It has been superceded bitRate
Do not use the baudRateFD. It has been superceded bitRateFD
typedef struct _flexcan_rx_mb_config flexcan_rx_mb_config_t
FlexCAN Receive Message Buffer configuration structure.
This structure is used as the parameter of FLEXCAN_SetRxMbConfig() function. The FLEXCAN_SetRxMbConfig() function is used to configure FlexCAN Receive Message Buffer. The function abort previous receiving process, clean the Message Buffer and activate the Rx Message Buffer using given Message Buffer setting.
typedef enum _flexcan_pn_match_source flexcan_pn_match_source_t
FlexCAN Pretended Networking match source selection.
typedef enum _flexcan_pn_match_mode flexcan_pn_match_mode_t
FlexCAN Pretended Networking mode match type.
typedef struct _flexcan_pn_config flexcan_pn_config_t
FlexCAN Pretended Networking configuration structure.
This structure is used as the parameter of FLEXCAN_SetPNConfig() function. The FLEXCAN_SetPNConfig() function is used to configure FlexCAN Networking work mode.
typedef struct _flexcan_rx_fifo_config flexcan_rx_fifo_config_t
FlexCAN Legacy Rx FIFO configuration structure.
typedef struct _flexcan_enhanced_rx_fifo_std_id_filter flexcan_enhanced_rx_fifo_std_id_filter_t
FlexCAN Enhanced Rx FIFO Standard ID filter element structure.
typedef struct _flexcan_enhanced_rx_fifo_ext_id_filter flexcan_enhanced_rx_fifo_ext_id_filter_t
FlexCAN Enhanced Rx FIFO Extended ID filter element structure.
typedef struct _flexcan_enhanced_rx_fifo_config flexcan_enhanced_rx_fifo_config_t
FlexCAN Enhanced Rx FIFO configuration structure.
typedef struct _flexcan_mb_transfer flexcan_mb_transfer_t
FlexCAN Message Buffer transfer.
typedef struct _flexcan_fifo_transfer flexcan_fifo_transfer_t
FlexCAN Rx FIFO transfer.
typedef struct _flexcan_handle flexcan_handle_t
FlexCAN handle structure definition.
typedef void (*flexcan_transfer_callback_t)(CAN_Type *base, flexcan_handle_t *handle, status_t status, uint64_t result, void *userData)
FlexCAN frame length helper macro.
FlexCAN Frame ID helper macro.
Standard Frame ID helper macro.
Extend Frame ID helper macro.
FLEXCAN_RX_MB_STD_MASK(id, rtr, ide)
FlexCAN Rx Message Buffer Mask helper macro.
Standard Rx Message Buffer Mask helper macro.
FLEXCAN_RX_MB_EXT_MASK(id, rtr, ide)
Extend Rx Message Buffer Mask helper macro.
FlexCAN Legacy Rx FIFO Mask helper macro.
Standard Rx FIFO Mask helper macro Type A helper macro.
Standard Rx FIFO Mask helper macro Type B upper part helper macro.
Standard Rx FIFO Mask helper macro Type B lower part helper macro.
Standard Rx FIFO Mask helper macro Type C upper part helper macro.
Standard Rx FIFO Mask helper macro Type C mid-upper part helper macro.
Standard Rx FIFO Mask helper macro Type C mid-lower part helper macro.
Standard Rx FIFO Mask helper macro Type C lower part helper macro.
Extend Rx FIFO Mask helper macro Type A helper macro.
Extend Rx FIFO Mask helper macro Type B upper part helper macro.
Extend Rx FIFO Mask helper macro Type B lower part helper macro.
Extend Rx FIFO Mask helper macro Type C upper part helper macro.
Extend Rx FIFO Mask helper macro Type C mid-upper part helper macro.
Extend Rx FIFO Mask helper macro Type C mid-lower part helper macro.
Extend Rx FIFO Mask helper macro Type C lower part helper macro.
FlexCAN Rx FIFO Filter helper macro.
Standard Rx FIFO Filter helper macro Type A helper macro.
Standard Rx FIFO Filter helper macro Type B upper part helper macro.
Standard Rx FIFO Filter helper macro Type B lower part helper macro.
Standard Rx FIFO Filter helper macro Type C upper part helper macro.
Standard Rx FIFO Filter helper macro Type C mid-upper part helper macro.
Standard Rx FIFO Filter helper macro Type C mid-lower part helper macro.
Standard Rx FIFO Filter helper macro Type C lower part helper macro.
Extend Rx FIFO Filter helper macro Type A helper macro.
Extend Rx FIFO Filter helper macro Type B upper part helper macro.
Extend Rx FIFO Filter helper macro Type B lower part helper macro.
Extend Rx FIFO Filter helper macro Type C upper part helper macro.
Extend Rx FIFO Filter helper macro Type C mid-upper part helper macro.
Extend Rx FIFO Filter helper macro Type C mid-lower part helper macro.
Extend Rx FIFO Filter helper macro Type C lower part helper macro.
FlexCAN Enhanced Rx FIFO Filter and Mask helper macro.
Standard ID filter element with filter + mask scheme.
FLEXCAN_ENHANCED_RX_FIFO_STD_FILTER_WITH_RANGE(id_upper, rtr, id_lower, rtr_mask)
Standard ID filter element with filter range.
Standard ID filter element with two filters without masks.
Extended ID filter element with filter + mask scheme low word.
Extended ID filter element with filter + mask scheme high word.
Extended ID filter element with range scheme low word.
Extended ID filter element with range scheme high word.
Extended ID filter element with two filters without masks low word.
Extended ID filter element with two filters without masks high word.
FlexCAN Pretended Networking ID Mask helper macro.
Standard Rx Message Buffer Mask helper macro.
Extend Rx Message Buffer Mask helper macro.
FlexCAN interrupt/status flag helper macro.
FlexCAN Enhanced Rx FIFO base address helper macro.
FlexCAN transfer callback function.
The FlexCAN transfer callback returns a value from the underlying layer. If the status equals to kStatus_FLEXCAN_ErrorStatus, the result parameter is the Content of FlexCAN status register which can be used to get the working status(or error status) of FlexCAN module. If the status equals to other FlexCAN Message Buffer transfer status, the result is the index of Message Buffer that generate transfer event. If the status equals to other FlexCAN Message Buffer transfer status, the result is meaningless and should be Ignored.
struct _flexcan_memory_error_report_status
- #include <fsl_flexcan.h>
FlexCAN memory error register status structure.
This structure contains the memory access properties that caused a memory error access. It is used as the parameter of FLEXCAN_GetMemoryErrorReportStatus() function. And user can use FLEXCAN_GetMemoryErrorReportStatus to get the status of the last memory error access.
Public Members
flexcan_memory_error_type_t errorType
The type of memory error that giving rise to the report.
flexcan_memory_access_type_t accessType
The type of memory access that giving rise to the memory error.
uint16_t accessAddress
The address where memory error detected.
uint32_t errorData
The raw data word read from memory with error.
flexcan_memory_error_type_t errorType
struct _flexcan_frame
- #include <fsl_flexcan.h>
FlexCAN message frame structure.
struct _flexcan_fd_frame
- #include <fsl_flexcan.h>
CAN FD message frame structure.
The CAN FD message supporting up to sixty four bytes can be used for a data frame, depending on the length selected for the message buffers. The length should be a enumeration member, see _flexcan_fd_frame_length.
Public Members
uint32_t idhit
ID HIT offset is changed dynamically according to data length code (DLC), when DLC is 15, they will be located below. Using FLEXCAN_FixEnhancedRxFifoFrameIdHit API is recommended to ensure this idhit value is correct. CAN Enhanced Rx FIFO filter hit id (This value is only used in Enhanced Rx FIFO receive mode).
uint32_t idhit
struct _flexcan_timing_config
- #include <fsl_flexcan.h>
FlexCAN protocol timing characteristic configuration structure.
Public Members
uint16_t preDivider
Classic CAN or CAN FD nominal phase bit rate prescaler.
uint8_t rJumpwidth
Classic CAN or CAN FD nominal phase Re-sync Jump Width.
uint8_t phaseSeg1
Classic CAN or CAN FD nominal phase Segment 1.
uint8_t phaseSeg2
Classic CAN or CAN FD nominal phase Segment 2.
uint8_t propSeg
Classic CAN or CAN FD nominal phase Propagation Segment.
uint16_t fpreDivider
CAN FD data phase bit rate prescaler.
uint8_t frJumpwidth
CAN FD data phase Re-sync Jump Width.
uint8_t fphaseSeg1
CAN FD data phase Phase Segment 1.
uint8_t fphaseSeg2
CAN FD data phase Phase Segment 2.
uint8_t fpropSeg
CAN FD data phase Propagation Segment.
uint16_t preDivider
struct _flexcan_config
- #include <fsl_flexcan.h>
FlexCAN module configuration structure.
- Deprecated:
Do not use the baudRate. It has been superceded bitRate
Do not use the baudRateFD. It has been superceded bitRateFD
Public Members
flexcan_clock_source_t clkSrc
Clock source for FlexCAN Protocol Engine.
flexcan_wake_up_source_t wakeupSrc
Wake up source selection.
uint8_t maxMbNum
The maximum number of Message Buffers used by user.
bool enableLoopBack
Enable or Disable Loop Back Self Test Mode.
bool enableTimerSync
Enable or Disable Timer Synchronization.
bool enableSelfWakeup
Enable or Disable Self Wakeup Mode.
bool enableIndividMask
Enable or Disable Rx Individual Mask and Queue feature.
bool disableSelfReception
Enable or Disable Self Reflection.
bool enableListenOnlyMode
Enable or Disable Listen Only Mode.
bool enableDoze
Enable or Disable Doze Mode.
bool enablePretendedeNetworking
Enable or Disable the Pretended Networking mode.
bool enableMemoryErrorControl
Enable or Disable the memory errors detection and correction mechanism.
bool enableNonCorrectableErrorEnterFreeze
Enable or Disable Non-Correctable Errors In FlexCAN Access Put Device In Freeze Mode.
bool enableTransceiverDelayMeasure
Enable or Disable the transceiver delay measurement, when it is enabled, then the secondary sample point position is determined by the sum of the transceiver delay measurement plus the enhanced TDC offset.
bool enableRemoteRequestFrameStored
true: Store Remote Request Frame in the same fashion of data frame. false: Generate an automatic Remote Response Frame.
struct _flexcan_rx_mb_config
- #include <fsl_flexcan.h>
FlexCAN Receive Message Buffer configuration structure.
This structure is used as the parameter of FLEXCAN_SetRxMbConfig() function. The FLEXCAN_SetRxMbConfig() function is used to configure FlexCAN Receive Message Buffer. The function abort previous receiving process, clean the Message Buffer and activate the Rx Message Buffer using given Message Buffer setting.
Public Members
uint32_t id
CAN Message Buffer Frame Identifier, should be set using FLEXCAN_ID_EXT() or FLEXCAN_ID_STD() macro.
flexcan_frame_format_t format
CAN Frame Identifier format(Standard of Extend).
flexcan_frame_type_t type
CAN Frame Type(Data or Remote).
uint32_t id
struct _flexcan_pn_config
- #include <fsl_flexcan.h>
FlexCAN Pretended Networking configuration structure.
This structure is used as the parameter of FLEXCAN_SetPNConfig() function. The FLEXCAN_SetPNConfig() function is used to configure FlexCAN Networking work mode.
Public Members
bool enableTimeout
Enable or Disable timeout event trigger wakeup.
uint16_t timeoutValue
The timeout value that generates a wakeup event, the counter timer is incremented based on 64 times the CAN Bit Time unit.
bool enableMatch
Enable or Disable match event trigger wakeup.
flexcan_pn_match_source_t matchSrc
Selects the match source (ID and/or data match) to trigger wakeup.
uint8_t matchNum
The number of times a given message must match the predefined ID and/or data before generating a wakeup event, range in 0x1 ~ 0xFF.
flexcan_pn_match_mode_t idMatchMode
The ID match type.
flexcan_pn_match_mode_t dataMatchMode
The data match type.
uint32_t idLower
The ID target values 1 which used either for ID match “equal to”, “smaller than”, “greater than” comparisons, or as the lower limit value in ID match “range detection”.
uint32_t idUpper
The ID target values 2 which used only as the upper limit value in ID match “range
detection” or used to store the ID mask in “equal to”.
uint8_t lengthLower
The lower limit for length of data bytes which used only in data match “range
detection”. Range in 0x0 ~ 0x8.
uint8_t lengthUpper
The upper limit for length of data bytes which used only in data match “range
detection”. Range in 0x0 ~ 0x8.
bool enableTimeout
struct _flexcan_rx_fifo_config
- #include <fsl_flexcan.h>
FlexCAN Legacy Rx FIFO configuration structure.
Public Members
uint32_t *idFilterTable
Pointer to the FlexCAN Legacy Rx FIFO identifier filter table.
uint8_t idFilterNum
The FlexCAN Legacy Rx FIFO Filter elements quantity.
flexcan_rx_fifo_filter_type_t idFilterType
The FlexCAN Legacy Rx FIFO Filter type.
flexcan_rx_fifo_priority_t priority
The FlexCAN Legacy Rx FIFO receive priority.
uint32_t *idFilterTable
struct _flexcan_enhanced_rx_fifo_std_id_filter
- #include <fsl_flexcan.h>
FlexCAN Enhanced Rx FIFO Standard ID filter element structure.
Public Members
uint32_t filterType
FlexCAN internal Free-Running Counter Time Stamp.
uint32_t rtr1
CAN FD frame data length code (DLC), range see _flexcan_fd_frame_length, When the length <= 8, it equal to the data length, otherwise the number of valid frame data is not equal to the length value. user can use DLC_LENGTH_DECODE(length) macro to get the number of valid data bytes.
uint32_t std1
CAN Frame Type(DATA or REMOTE).
uint32_t rtr2
CAN Frame Identifier(STD or EXT format).
uint32_t std2
Substitute Remote request.
uint32_t filterType
struct _flexcan_enhanced_rx_fifo_ext_id_filter
- #include <fsl_flexcan.h>
FlexCAN Enhanced Rx FIFO Extended ID filter element structure.
Public Members
uint32_t filterType
FlexCAN internal Free-Running Counter Time Stamp.
uint32_t rtr1
CAN FD frame data length code (DLC), range see _flexcan_fd_frame_length, When the length <= 8, it equal to the data length, otherwise the number of valid frame data is not equal to the length value. user can use DLC_LENGTH_DECODE(length) macro to get the number of valid data bytes.
uint32_t std1
CAN Frame Type(DATA or REMOTE).
uint32_t rtr2
CAN Frame Identifier(STD or EXT format).
uint32_t std2
Substitute Remote request.
uint32_t filterType
struct _flexcan_enhanced_rx_fifo_config
- #include <fsl_flexcan.h>
FlexCAN Enhanced Rx FIFO configuration structure.
Public Members
uint32_t *idFilterTable
Pointer to the FlexCAN Enhanced Rx FIFO identifier filter table, each table member occupies 32 bit word, table size should be equal to idFilterNum. There are two types of Enhanced Rx FIFO filter elements that can be stored in table : extended-ID filter element (1 word, occupie 1 table members) and standard-ID filter element (2 words, occupies 2 table members), the extended-ID filter element needs to be placed in front of the table.
uint8_t idFilterPairNum
idFilterPairNum is the Enhanced Rx FIFO identifier filter element pair numbers, each pair of filter elements occupies 2 words and can consist of one extended ID filter element or two standard ID filter elements.
uint8_t extendIdFilterNum
The number of extended ID filter element items in the FlexCAN enhanced Rx FIFO identifier filter table, each extended-ID filter element occupies 2 words, extendIdFilterNum need less than or equal to idFilterPairNum.
uint8_t fifoWatermark
(fifoWatermark + 1) is the minimum number of CAN messages stored in the Enhanced RX FIFO which can trigger FIFO watermark interrupt or a DMA request.
flexcan_efifo_dma_per_read_length_t dmaPerReadLength
Define the length of each read of the Enhanced RX FIFO element by the DAM, see _flexcan_fd_frame_length.
flexcan_rx_fifo_priority_t priority
The FlexCAN Enhanced Rx FIFO receive priority.
uint32_t *idFilterTable
struct _flexcan_mb_transfer
- #include <fsl_flexcan.h>
FlexCAN Message Buffer transfer.
Public Members
flexcan_frame_t *frame
The buffer of CAN Message to be transfer.
uint8_t mbIdx
The index of Message buffer used to transfer Message.
flexcan_frame_t *frame
struct _flexcan_fifo_transfer
- #include <fsl_flexcan.h>
FlexCAN Rx FIFO transfer.
Public Members
flexcan_fd_frame_t *framefd
The buffer of CAN Message to be received from Enhanced Rx FIFO.
flexcan_frame_t *frame
The buffer of CAN Message to be received from Legacy Rx FIFO.
size_t frameNum
Number of CAN Message need to be received from Legacy or Ehanced Rx FIFO.
flexcan_fd_frame_t *framefd
struct _flexcan_handle
- #include <fsl_flexcan.h>
FlexCAN handle structure.
Public Members
flexcan_transfer_callback_t callback
Callback function.
void *userData
FlexCAN callback function parameter.
flexcan_frame_t *volatile mbFrameBuf[CAN_WORD1_COUNT]
The buffer for received CAN data from Message Buffers.
flexcan_fd_frame_t *volatile mbFDFrameBuf[CAN_WORD1_COUNT]
The buffer for received CAN FD data from Message Buffers.
flexcan_frame_t *volatile rxFifoFrameBuf
The buffer for received CAN data from Legacy Rx FIFO.
flexcan_fd_frame_t *volatile rxFifoFDFrameBuf
The buffer for received CAN FD data from Ehanced Rx FIFO.
size_t rxFifoFrameNum
The number of CAN messages remaining to be received from Legacy or Ehanced Rx FIFO.
size_t rxFifoTransferTotalNum
Total CAN Message number need to be received from Legacy or Ehanced Rx FIFO.
volatile uint8_t mbState[CAN_WORD1_COUNT]
Message Buffer transfer state.
volatile uint8_t rxFifoState
Rx FIFO transfer state.
volatile uint32_t timestamp[CAN_WORD1_COUNT]
Mailbox transfer timestamp.
flexcan_transfer_callback_t callback
struct byteStatus
Public Members
bool byteIsRead
The byte n (0~3) was read or not. The type of error and which bit in byte (n) is affected by the error.
bool byteIsRead
struct __unnamed18__
Public Members
uint32_t timestamp
FlexCAN internal Free-Running Counter Time Stamp.
uint32_t length
CAN frame data length in bytes (Range: 0~8).
uint32_t type
CAN Frame Type(DATA or REMOTE).
uint32_t format
CAN Frame Identifier(STD or EXT format).
uint32_t __pad0__
uint32_t idhit
CAN Rx FIFO filter hit id(This value is only used in Rx FIFO receive mode).
uint32_t timestamp
struct __unnamed20__
Public Members
uint32_t id
CAN Frame Identifier, should be set using FLEXCAN_ID_EXT() or FLEXCAN_ID_STD() macro.
uint32_t __pad0__
uint32_t id
union __unnamed22__
Public Members
- struct _flexcan_frame
- struct _flexcan_frame
struct __unnamed24__
Public Members
uint32_t dataWord0
CAN Frame payload word0.
uint32_t dataWord1
CAN Frame payload word1.
uint32_t dataWord0
struct __unnamed26__
Public Members
uint8_t dataByte3
CAN Frame payload byte3.
uint8_t dataByte2
CAN Frame payload byte2.
uint8_t dataByte1
CAN Frame payload byte1.
uint8_t dataByte0
CAN Frame payload byte0.
uint8_t dataByte7
CAN Frame payload byte7.
uint8_t dataByte6
CAN Frame payload byte6.
uint8_t dataByte5
CAN Frame payload byte5.
uint8_t dataByte4
CAN Frame payload byte4.
uint8_t dataByte3
struct __unnamed28__
Public Members
uint32_t timestamp
FlexCAN internal Free-Running Counter Time Stamp.
uint32_t length
CAN FD frame data length code (DLC), range see _flexcan_fd_frame_length, When the length <= 8, it equal to the data length, otherwise the number of valid frame data is not equal to the length value. user can use DLC_LENGTH_DECODE(length) macro to get the number of valid data bytes.
uint32_t type
CAN Frame Type(DATA or REMOTE).
uint32_t format
CAN Frame Identifier(STD or EXT format).
uint32_t srr
Substitute Remote request.
uint32_t esi
Error State Indicator.
uint32_t brs
Bit Rate Switch.
uint32_t edl
Extended Data Length.
uint32_t timestamp
struct __unnamed30__
Public Members
uint32_t id
CAN Frame Identifier, should be set using FLEXCAN_ID_EXT() or FLEXCAN_ID_STD() macro.
uint32_t __pad0__
uint32_t id
union __unnamed32__
Public Members
- struct _flexcan_fd_frame
- struct _flexcan_fd_frame
struct __unnamed34__
Public Members
uint32_t dataWord[16]
CAN FD Frame payload, 16 double word maximum.
uint32_t dataWord[16]
struct __unnamed36__
Public Members
uint8_t dataByte3
CAN Frame payload byte3.
uint8_t dataByte2
CAN Frame payload byte2.
uint8_t dataByte1
CAN Frame payload byte1.
uint8_t dataByte0
CAN Frame payload byte0.
uint8_t dataByte7
CAN Frame payload byte7.
uint8_t dataByte6
CAN Frame payload byte6.
uint8_t dataByte5
CAN Frame payload byte5.
uint8_t dataByte4
CAN Frame payload byte4.
uint8_t dataByte3
union __unnamed38__
Public Members
- struct _flexcan_config
- struct _flexcan_config
struct __unnamed40__
Public Members
uint32_t baudRate
FlexCAN bit rate in bps, for classical CAN or CANFD nominal phase.
uint32_t baudRateFD
FlexCAN FD bit rate in bps, for CANFD data phase.
uint32_t baudRate
struct __unnamed42__
Public Members
uint32_t bitRate
FlexCAN bit rate in bps, for classical CAN or CANFD nominal phase.
uint32_t bitRateFD
FlexCAN FD bit rate in bps, for CANFD data phase.
uint32_t bitRate
union __unnamed44__
Public Members
- struct _flexcan_pn_config
< The data target values 1 which used either for data match “equal to”, “smaller than”, “greater than” comparisons, or as the lower limit value in data match “range
- struct _flexcan_pn_config
struct __unnamed48__
< The data target values 1 which used either for data match “equal to”, “smaller than”, “greater than” comparisons, or as the lower limit value in data match “range
Public Members
uint32_t lowerWord0
CAN Frame payload word0.
uint32_t lowerWord1
CAN Frame payload word1.
uint32_t lowerWord0
struct __unnamed50__
Public Members
uint8_t lowerByte3
CAN Frame payload byte3.
uint8_t lowerByte2
CAN Frame payload byte2.
uint8_t lowerByte1
CAN Frame payload byte1.
uint8_t lowerByte0
CAN Frame payload byte0.
uint8_t lowerByte7
CAN Frame payload byte7.
uint8_t lowerByte6
CAN Frame payload byte6.
uint8_t lowerByte5
CAN Frame payload byte5.
uint8_t lowerByte4
CAN Frame payload byte4.
uint8_t lowerByte3
union __unnamed46__
Public Members
- struct _flexcan_pn_config
< The data target values 2 which used only as the upper limit value in data match “range
detection” or used to store the data mask in “equal to”.
- struct _flexcan_pn_config
struct __unnamed52__
< The data target values 2 which used only as the upper limit value in data match “range
detection” or used to store the data mask in “equal to”.
Public Members
uint32_t upperWord0
CAN Frame payload word0.
uint32_t upperWord1
CAN Frame payload word1.
uint32_t upperWord0
struct __unnamed54__
Public Members
uint8_t upperByte3
CAN Frame payload byte3.
uint8_t upperByte2
CAN Frame payload byte2.
uint8_t upperByte1
CAN Frame payload byte1.
uint8_t upperByte0
CAN Frame payload byte0.
uint8_t upperByte7
CAN Frame payload byte7.
uint8_t upperByte6
CAN Frame payload byte6.
uint8_t upperByte5
CAN Frame payload byte5.
uint8_t upperByte4
CAN Frame payload byte4.
uint8_t upperByte3
FlexCAN eDMA Driver
void FLEXCAN_TransferCreateHandleEDMA(CAN_Type *base, flexcan_edma_handle_t *handle, flexcan_edma_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData, edma_handle_t *rxFifoEdmaHandle)
Initializes the FlexCAN handle, which is used in transactional functions.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to flexcan_edma_handle_t structure.
callback – The callback function.
userData – The parameter of the callback function.
rxFifoEdmaHandle – User-requested DMA handle for Rx FIFO DMA transfer.
void FLEXCAN_PrepareTransfConfiguration(CAN_Type *base, flexcan_fifo_transfer_t *pFifoXfer, edma_transfer_config_t *pEdmaConfig)
Prepares the eDMA transfer configuration for FLEXCAN Legacy RX FIFO.
This function prepares the eDMA transfer configuration structure according to FLEXCAN Legacy RX FIFO.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
pFifoXfer – FlexCAN Rx FIFO EDMA transfer structure, see flexcan_fifo_transfer_t.
pEdmaConfig – The user configuration structure of type edma_transfer_t.
status_t FLEXCAN_StartTransferDatafromRxFIFO(CAN_Type *base, flexcan_edma_handle_t *handle, edma_transfer_config_t *pEdmaConfig)
Start Transfer Data from the FLEXCAN Legacy Rx FIFO using eDMA.
This function to Update edma transfer confiugration and Start eDMA transfer
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to flexcan_edma_handle_t structure.
pEdmaConfig – The user configuration structure of type edma_transfer_t.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – if succeed, others failed.
kStatus_FLEXCAN_RxFifoBusy – Previous transfer ongoing.
status_t FLEXCAN_TransferReceiveFifoEDMA(CAN_Type *base, flexcan_edma_handle_t *handle, flexcan_fifo_transfer_t *pFifoXfer)
Receives the CAN Message from the Legacy Rx FIFO using eDMA.
This function receives the CAN Message using eDMA. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. After the CAN Message is received, the receive callback function is called.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to flexcan_edma_handle_t structure.
pFifoXfer – FlexCAN Rx FIFO EDMA transfer structure, see flexcan_fifo_transfer_t.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – if succeed, others failed.
kStatus_FLEXCAN_RxFifoBusy – Previous transfer ongoing.
status_t FLEXCAN_TransferGetReceiveFifoCountEMDA(CAN_Type *base, flexcan_edma_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the Legacy Rx Fifo transfer status during a interrupt non-blocking receive.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
handle – FlexCAN handle pointer.
count – Number of CAN messages receive so far by the non-blocking transaction.
- Return values:
kStatus_InvalidArgument – count is Invalid.
kStatus_Success – Successfully return the count.
void FLEXCAN_TransferAbortReceiveFifoEDMA(CAN_Type *base, flexcan_edma_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the receive Legacy/Enhanced Rx FIFO process which used eDMA.
This function aborts the receive Legacy/Enhanced Rx FIFO process which used eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to flexcan_edma_handle_t structure.
status_t FLEXCAN_TransferReceiveEnhancedFifoEDMA(CAN_Type *base, flexcan_edma_handle_t *handle, flexcan_fifo_transfer_t *pFifoXfer)
Receives the CAN FD Message from the Enhanced Rx FIFO using eDMA.
This function receives the CAN FD Message using eDMA. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. After the CAN Message is received, the receive callback function is called.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to flexcan_edma_handle_t structure.
pFifoXfer – FlexCAN Rx FIFO EDMA transfer structure, see flexcan_fifo_transfer_t.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – if succeed, others failed.
kStatus_FLEXCAN_RxFifoBusy – Previous transfer ongoing.
static inline status_t FLEXCAN_TransferGetReceiveEnhancedFifoCountEMDA(CAN_Type *base, flexcan_edma_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the Enhanced Rx Fifo transfer status during a interrupt non-blocking receive.
- Parameters:
base – FlexCAN peripheral base address.
handle – FlexCAN handle pointer.
count – Number of CAN messages receive so far by the non-blocking transaction.
- Return values:
kStatus_InvalidArgument – count is Invalid.
kStatus_Success – Successfully return the count.
FlexCAN EDMA driver version.
typedef struct _flexcan_edma_handle flexcan_edma_handle_t
typedef void (*flexcan_edma_transfer_callback_t)(CAN_Type *base, flexcan_edma_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
FlexCAN transfer callback function.
struct _flexcan_edma_handle
- #include <fsl_flexcan_edma.h>
FlexCAN eDMA handle.
Public Members
flexcan_edma_transfer_callback_t callback
Callback function.
void *userData
FlexCAN callback function parameter.
edma_handle_t *rxFifoEdmaHandle
The EDMA handler for Rx FIFO.
volatile uint8_t rxFifoState
Rx FIFO transfer state.
size_t frameNum
The number of messages that need to be received.
flexcan_fd_frame_t *framefd
Point to the buffer of CAN Message to be received from Enhanced Rx FIFO.
flexcan_edma_transfer_callback_t callback
FlexIO: FlexIO Driver
FlexIO Driver
void FLEXIO_GetDefaultConfig(flexio_config_t *userConfig)
Gets the default configuration to configure the FlexIO module. The configuration can used directly to call the FLEXIO_Configure().
flexio_config_t config; FLEXIO_GetDefaultConfig(&config);
- Parameters:
userConfig – pointer to flexio_config_t structure
void FLEXIO_Init(FLEXIO_Type *base, const flexio_config_t *userConfig)
Configures the FlexIO with a FlexIO configuration. The configuration structure can be filled by the user or be set with default values by FLEXIO_GetDefaultConfig().
flexio_config_t config = { .enableFlexio = true, .enableInDoze = false, .enableInDebug = true, .enableFastAccess = false }; FLEXIO_Configure(base, &config);
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
userConfig – pointer to flexio_config_t structure
void FLEXIO_Deinit(FLEXIO_Type *base)
Gates the FlexIO clock. Call this API to stop the FlexIO clock.
After calling this API, call the FLEXO_Init to use the FlexIO module.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
uint32_t FLEXIO_GetInstance(FLEXIO_Type *base)
Get instance number for FLEXIO module.
- Parameters:
base – FLEXIO peripheral base address.
void FLEXIO_Reset(FLEXIO_Type *base)
Resets the FlexIO module.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
static inline void FLEXIO_Enable(FLEXIO_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables the FlexIO module operation.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
enable – true to enable, false to disable.
static inline uint32_t FLEXIO_ReadPinInput(FLEXIO_Type *base)
Reads the input data on each of the FlexIO pins.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
- Returns:
FlexIO pin input data
static inline uint8_t FLEXIO_GetShifterState(FLEXIO_Type *base)
Gets the current state pointer for state mode use.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
- Returns:
current State pointer
void FLEXIO_SetShifterConfig(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint8_t index, const flexio_shifter_config_t *shifterConfig)
Configures the shifter with the shifter configuration. The configuration structure covers both the SHIFTCTL and SHIFTCFG registers. To configure the shifter to the proper mode, select which timer controls the shifter to shift, whether to generate start bit/stop bit, and the polarity of start bit and stop bit.
flexio_shifter_config_t config = { .timerSelect = 0, .timerPolarity = kFLEXIO_ShifterTimerPolarityOnPositive, .pinConfig = kFLEXIO_PinConfigOpenDrainOrBidirection, .pinPolarity = kFLEXIO_PinActiveLow, .shifterMode = kFLEXIO_ShifterModeTransmit, .inputSource = kFLEXIO_ShifterInputFromPin, .shifterStop = kFLEXIO_ShifterStopBitHigh, .shifterStart = kFLEXIO_ShifterStartBitLow }; FLEXIO_SetShifterConfig(base, &config);
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
index – Shifter index
shifterConfig – Pointer to flexio_shifter_config_t structure
void FLEXIO_SetTimerConfig(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint8_t index, const flexio_timer_config_t *timerConfig)
Configures the timer with the timer configuration. The configuration structure covers both the TIMCTL and TIMCFG registers. To configure the timer to the proper mode, select trigger source for timer and the timer pin output and the timing for timer.
flexio_timer_config_t config = { .triggerSelect = FLEXIO_TIMER_TRIGGER_SEL_SHIFTnSTAT(0), .triggerPolarity = kFLEXIO_TimerTriggerPolarityActiveLow, .triggerSource = kFLEXIO_TimerTriggerSourceInternal, .pinConfig = kFLEXIO_PinConfigOpenDrainOrBidirection, .pinSelect = 0, .pinPolarity = kFLEXIO_PinActiveHigh, .timerMode = kFLEXIO_TimerModeDual8BitBaudBit, .timerOutput = kFLEXIO_TimerOutputZeroNotAffectedByReset, .timerDecrement = kFLEXIO_TimerDecSrcOnFlexIOClockShiftTimerOutput, .timerReset = kFLEXIO_TimerResetOnTimerPinEqualToTimerOutput, .timerDisable = kFLEXIO_TimerDisableOnTimerCompare, .timerEnable = kFLEXIO_TimerEnableOnTriggerHigh, .timerStop = kFLEXIO_TimerStopBitEnableOnTimerDisable, .timerStart = kFLEXIO_TimerStartBitEnabled }; FLEXIO_SetTimerConfig(base, &config);
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
index – Timer index
timerConfig – Pointer to the flexio_timer_config_t structure
static inline void FLEXIO_SetClockMode(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint8_t index, flexio_timer_decrement_source_t clocksource)
This function set the value of the prescaler on flexio channels.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FlexIO simulated peripheral type.
index – Timer index
clocksource – Set clock value
static inline void FLEXIO_EnableShifterStatusInterrupts(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the shifter status interrupt. The interrupt generates when the corresponding SSF is set.
For multiple shifter status interrupt enable, for example, two shifter status enable, can calculate the mask by using ((1 << shifter index0) | (1 << shifter index1))
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
mask – The shifter status mask which can be calculated by (1 << shifter index)
static inline void FLEXIO_DisableShifterStatusInterrupts(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the shifter status interrupt. The interrupt won’t generate when the corresponding SSF is set.
For multiple shifter status interrupt enable, for example, two shifter status enable, can calculate the mask by using ((1 << shifter index0) | (1 << shifter index1))
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
mask – The shifter status mask which can be calculated by (1 << shifter index)
static inline void FLEXIO_EnableShifterErrorInterrupts(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the shifter error interrupt. The interrupt generates when the corresponding SEF is set.
For multiple shifter error interrupt enable, for example, two shifter error enable, can calculate the mask by using ((1 << shifter index0) | (1 << shifter index1))
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
mask – The shifter error mask which can be calculated by (1 << shifter index)
static inline void FLEXIO_DisableShifterErrorInterrupts(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the shifter error interrupt. The interrupt won’t generate when the corresponding SEF is set.
For multiple shifter error interrupt enable, for example, two shifter error enable, can calculate the mask by using ((1 << shifter index0) | (1 << shifter index1))
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
mask – The shifter error mask which can be calculated by (1 << shifter index)
static inline void FLEXIO_EnableTimerStatusInterrupts(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the timer status interrupt. The interrupt generates when the corresponding SSF is set.
For multiple timer status interrupt enable, for example, two timer status enable, can calculate the mask by using ((1 << timer index0) | (1 << timer index1))
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
mask – The timer status mask which can be calculated by (1 << timer index)
static inline void FLEXIO_DisableTimerStatusInterrupts(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the timer status interrupt. The interrupt won’t generate when the corresponding SSF is set.
For multiple timer status interrupt enable, for example, two timer status enable, can calculate the mask by using ((1 << timer index0) | (1 << timer index1))
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
mask – The timer status mask which can be calculated by (1 << timer index)
static inline uint32_t FLEXIO_GetShifterStatusFlags(FLEXIO_Type *base)
Gets the shifter status flags.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
- Returns:
Shifter status flags
static inline void FLEXIO_ClearShifterStatusFlags(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears the shifter status flags.
For clearing multiple shifter status flags, for example, two shifter status flags, can calculate the mask by using ((1 << shifter index0) | (1 << shifter index1))
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
mask – The shifter status mask which can be calculated by (1 << shifter index)
static inline uint32_t FLEXIO_GetShifterErrorFlags(FLEXIO_Type *base)
Gets the shifter error flags.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
- Returns:
Shifter error flags
static inline void FLEXIO_ClearShifterErrorFlags(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears the shifter error flags.
For clearing multiple shifter error flags, for example, two shifter error flags, can calculate the mask by using ((1 << shifter index0) | (1 << shifter index1))
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
mask – The shifter error mask which can be calculated by (1 << shifter index)
static inline uint32_t FLEXIO_GetTimerStatusFlags(FLEXIO_Type *base)
Gets the timer status flags.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
- Returns:
Timer status flags
static inline void FLEXIO_ClearTimerStatusFlags(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears the timer status flags.
For clearing multiple timer status flags, for example, two timer status flags, can calculate the mask by using ((1 << timer index0) | (1 << timer index1))
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
mask – The timer status mask which can be calculated by (1 << timer index)
static inline void FLEXIO_EnableShifterStatusDMA(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask, bool enable)
Enables/disables the shifter status DMA. The DMA request generates when the corresponding SSF is set.
For multiple shifter status DMA enables, for example, calculate the mask by using ((1 << shifter index0) | (1 << shifter index1))
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
mask – The shifter status mask which can be calculated by (1 << shifter index)
enable – True to enable, false to disable.
uint32_t FLEXIO_GetShifterBufferAddress(FLEXIO_Type *base, flexio_shifter_buffer_type_t type, uint8_t index)
Gets the shifter buffer address for the DMA transfer usage.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
type – Shifter type of flexio_shifter_buffer_type_t
index – Shifter index
- Returns:
Corresponding shifter buffer index
status_t FLEXIO_RegisterHandleIRQ(void *base, void *handle, flexio_isr_t isr)
Registers the handle and the interrupt handler for the FlexIO-simulated peripheral.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FlexIO simulated peripheral type.
handle – Pointer to the handler for FlexIO simulated peripheral.
isr – FlexIO simulated peripheral interrupt handler.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully create the handle.
kStatus_OutOfRange – The FlexIO type/handle/ISR table out of range.
status_t FLEXIO_UnregisterHandleIRQ(void *base)
Unregisters the handle and the interrupt handler for the FlexIO-simulated peripheral.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FlexIO simulated peripheral type.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully create the handle.
kStatus_OutOfRange – The FlexIO type/handle/ISR table out of range.
static inline void FLEXIO_ClearPortOutput(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Sets the output level of the multiple FLEXIO pins to the logic 0.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
mask – FLEXIO pin number mask
static inline void FLEXIO_SetPortOutput(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Sets the output level of the multiple FLEXIO pins to the logic 1.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
mask – FLEXIO pin number mask
static inline void FLEXIO_TogglePortOutput(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Reverses the current output logic of the multiple FLEXIO pins.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
mask – FLEXIO pin number mask
static inline void FLEXIO_PinWrite(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t pin, uint8_t output)
Sets the output level of the FLEXIO pins to the logic 1 or 0.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
pin – FLEXIO pin number.
output – FLEXIO pin output logic level.
0: corresponding pin output low-logic level.
1: corresponding pin output high-logic level.
static inline void FLEXIO_EnablePinOutput(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t pin)
Enables the FLEXIO output pin function.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
pin – FLEXIO pin number.
static inline uint32_t FLEXIO_PinRead(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t pin)
Reads the current input value of the FLEXIO pin.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
pin – FLEXIO pin number.
- Return values:
FLEXIO – port input value
0: corresponding pin input low-logic level.
1: corresponding pin input high-logic level.
static inline uint32_t FLEXIO_GetPinStatus(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t pin)
Gets the FLEXIO input pin status.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
pin – FLEXIO pin number.
- Return values:
FLEXIO – port input status
0: corresponding pin input capture no status.
1: corresponding pin input capture rising or falling edge.
static inline void FLEXIO_ClearPortStatus(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears the multiple FLEXIO input pins status.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
mask – FLEXIO pin number mask
FlexIO driver version.
enum _flexio_timer_trigger_polarity
Define time of timer trigger polarity.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerTriggerPolarityActiveHigh
Active high.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerTriggerPolarityActiveLow
Active low.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerTriggerPolarityActiveHigh
enum _flexio_timer_trigger_source
Define type of timer trigger source.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerTriggerSourceExternal
External trigger selected.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerTriggerSourceInternal
Internal trigger selected.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerTriggerSourceExternal
enum _flexio_pin_config
Define type of timer/shifter pin configuration.
enumerator kFLEXIO_PinConfigOutputDisabled
Pin output disabled.
enumerator kFLEXIO_PinConfigOpenDrainOrBidirection
Pin open drain or bidirectional output enable.
enumerator kFLEXIO_PinConfigBidirectionOutputData
Pin bidirectional output data.
enumerator kFLEXIO_PinConfigOutput
Pin output.
enumerator kFLEXIO_PinConfigOutputDisabled
enum _flexio_pin_polarity
Definition of pin polarity.
enumerator kFLEXIO_PinActiveHigh
Active high.
enumerator kFLEXIO_PinActiveLow
Active low.
enumerator kFLEXIO_PinActiveHigh
enum _flexio_timer_mode
Define type of timer work mode.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerModeDisabled
Timer Disabled.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerModeDual8BitBaudBit
Dual 8-bit counters baud/bit mode.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerModeDual8BitPWM
Dual 8-bit counters PWM mode.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerModeSingle16Bit
Single 16-bit counter mode.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerModeDisabled
enum _flexio_timer_output
Define type of timer initial output or timer reset condition.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerOutputOneNotAffectedByReset
Logic one when enabled and is not affected by timer reset.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerOutputZeroNotAffectedByReset
Logic zero when enabled and is not affected by timer reset.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerOutputOneAffectedByReset
Logic one when enabled and on timer reset.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerOutputZeroAffectedByReset
Logic zero when enabled and on timer reset.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerOutputOneNotAffectedByReset
enum _flexio_timer_decrement_source
Define type of timer decrement.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerDecSrcOnFlexIOClockShiftTimerOutput
Decrement counter on FlexIO clock, Shift clock equals Timer output.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerDecSrcOnTriggerInputShiftTimerOutput
Decrement counter on Trigger input (both edges), Shift clock equals Timer output.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerDecSrcOnPinInputShiftPinInput
Decrement counter on Pin input (both edges), Shift clock equals Pin input.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerDecSrcOnTriggerInputShiftTriggerInput
Decrement counter on Trigger input (both edges), Shift clock equals Trigger input.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerDecSrcOnFlexIOClockShiftTimerOutput
enum _flexio_timer_reset_condition
Define type of timer reset condition.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerResetNever
Timer never reset.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerResetOnTimerPinEqualToTimerOutput
Timer reset on Timer Pin equal to Timer Output.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerResetOnTimerTriggerEqualToTimerOutput
Timer reset on Timer Trigger equal to Timer Output.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerResetOnTimerPinRisingEdge
Timer reset on Timer Pin rising edge.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerResetOnTimerTriggerRisingEdge
Timer reset on Trigger rising edge.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerResetOnTimerTriggerBothEdge
Timer reset on Trigger rising or falling edge.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerResetNever
enum _flexio_timer_disable_condition
Define type of timer disable condition.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerDisableNever
Timer never disabled.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerDisableOnPreTimerDisable
Timer disabled on Timer N-1 disable.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerDisableOnTimerCompare
Timer disabled on Timer compare.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerDisableOnTimerCompareTriggerLow
Timer disabled on Timer compare and Trigger Low.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerDisableOnPinBothEdge
Timer disabled on Pin rising or falling edge.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerDisableOnPinBothEdgeTriggerHigh
Timer disabled on Pin rising or falling edge provided Trigger is high.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerDisableOnTriggerFallingEdge
Timer disabled on Trigger falling edge.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerDisableNever
enum _flexio_timer_enable_condition
Define type of timer enable condition.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerEnabledAlways
Timer always enabled.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerEnableOnPrevTimerEnable
Timer enabled on Timer N-1 enable.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerEnableOnTriggerHigh
Timer enabled on Trigger high.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerEnableOnTriggerHighPinHigh
Timer enabled on Trigger high and Pin high.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerEnableOnPinRisingEdge
Timer enabled on Pin rising edge.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerEnableOnPinRisingEdgeTriggerHigh
Timer enabled on Pin rising edge and Trigger high.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerEnableOnTriggerRisingEdge
Timer enabled on Trigger rising edge.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerEnableOnTriggerBothEdge
Timer enabled on Trigger rising or falling edge.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerEnabledAlways
enum _flexio_timer_stop_bit_condition
Define type of timer stop bit generate condition.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerStopBitDisabled
Stop bit disabled.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerStopBitEnableOnTimerCompare
Stop bit is enabled on timer compare.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerStopBitEnableOnTimerDisable
Stop bit is enabled on timer disable.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerStopBitEnableOnTimerCompareDisable
Stop bit is enabled on timer compare and timer disable.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerStopBitDisabled
enum _flexio_timer_start_bit_condition
Define type of timer start bit generate condition.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerStartBitDisabled
Start bit disabled.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerStartBitEnabled
Start bit enabled.
enumerator kFLEXIO_TimerStartBitDisabled
enum _flexio_timer_output_state
FlexIO as PWM channel output state.
enumerator kFLEXIO_PwmLow
The output state of PWM channel is low
enumerator kFLEXIO_PwmHigh
The output state of PWM channel is high
enumerator kFLEXIO_PwmLow
enum _flexio_shifter_timer_polarity
Define type of timer polarity for shifter control.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterTimerPolarityOnPositive
Shift on positive edge of shift clock.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterTimerPolarityOnNegitive
Shift on negative edge of shift clock.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterTimerPolarityOnPositive
enum _flexio_shifter_mode
Define type of shifter working mode.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterDisabled
Shifter is disabled.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterModeReceive
Receive mode.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterModeTransmit
Transmit mode.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterModeMatchStore
Match store mode.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterModeMatchContinuous
Match continuous mode.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterModeState
SHIFTBUF contents are used for storing programmable state attributes.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterModeLogic
SHIFTBUF contents are used for implementing programmable logic look up table.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterDisabled
enum _flexio_shifter_input_source
Define type of shifter input source.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterInputFromPin
Shifter input from pin.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterInputFromNextShifterOutput
Shifter input from Shifter N+1.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterInputFromPin
enum _flexio_shifter_stop_bit
Define of STOP bit configuration.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterStopBitDisable
Disable shifter stop bit.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterStopBitLow
Set shifter stop bit to logic low level.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterStopBitHigh
Set shifter stop bit to logic high level.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterStopBitDisable
enum _flexio_shifter_start_bit
Define type of START bit configuration.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterStartBitDisabledLoadDataOnEnable
Disable shifter start bit, transmitter loads data on enable.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterStartBitDisabledLoadDataOnShift
Disable shifter start bit, transmitter loads data on first shift.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterStartBitLow
Set shifter start bit to logic low level.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterStartBitHigh
Set shifter start bit to logic high level.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterStartBitDisabledLoadDataOnEnable
enum _flexio_shifter_buffer_type
Define FlexIO shifter buffer type.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterBuffer
Shifter Buffer N Register.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterBufferBitSwapped
Shifter Buffer N Bit Byte Swapped Register.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterBufferByteSwapped
Shifter Buffer N Byte Swapped Register.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterBufferBitByteSwapped
Shifter Buffer N Bit Swapped Register.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterBufferNibbleByteSwapped
Shifter Buffer N Nibble Byte Swapped Register.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterBufferHalfWordSwapped
Shifter Buffer N Half Word Swapped Register.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterBufferNibbleSwapped
Shifter Buffer N Nibble Swapped Register.
enumerator kFLEXIO_ShifterBuffer
enum _flexio_gpio_direction
FLEXIO gpio direction definition.
enumerator kFLEXIO_DigitalInput
Set current pin as digital input
enumerator kFLEXIO_DigitalOutput
Set current pin as digital output
enumerator kFLEXIO_DigitalInput
enum _flexio_pin_input_config
FLEXIO gpio input config.
enumerator kFLEXIO_InputInterruptDisabled
Interrupt request is disabled.
enumerator kFLEXIO_InputInterruptEnable
Interrupt request is enable.
enumerator kFLEXIO_FlagRisingEdgeEnable
Input pin flag on rising edge.
enumerator kFLEXIO_FlagFallingEdgeEnable
Input pin flag on falling edge.
enumerator kFLEXIO_InputInterruptDisabled
typedef enum _flexio_timer_trigger_polarity flexio_timer_trigger_polarity_t
Define time of timer trigger polarity.
typedef enum _flexio_timer_trigger_source flexio_timer_trigger_source_t
Define type of timer trigger source.
typedef enum _flexio_pin_config flexio_pin_config_t
Define type of timer/shifter pin configuration.
typedef enum _flexio_pin_polarity flexio_pin_polarity_t
Definition of pin polarity.
typedef enum _flexio_timer_mode flexio_timer_mode_t
Define type of timer work mode.
typedef enum _flexio_timer_output flexio_timer_output_t
Define type of timer initial output or timer reset condition.
typedef enum _flexio_timer_decrement_source flexio_timer_decrement_source_t
Define type of timer decrement.
typedef enum _flexio_timer_reset_condition flexio_timer_reset_condition_t
Define type of timer reset condition.
typedef enum _flexio_timer_disable_condition flexio_timer_disable_condition_t
Define type of timer disable condition.
typedef enum _flexio_timer_enable_condition flexio_timer_enable_condition_t
Define type of timer enable condition.
typedef enum _flexio_timer_stop_bit_condition flexio_timer_stop_bit_condition_t
Define type of timer stop bit generate condition.
typedef enum _flexio_timer_start_bit_condition flexio_timer_start_bit_condition_t
Define type of timer start bit generate condition.
typedef enum _flexio_timer_output_state flexio_timer_output_state_t
FlexIO as PWM channel output state.
typedef enum _flexio_shifter_timer_polarity flexio_shifter_timer_polarity_t
Define type of timer polarity for shifter control.
typedef enum _flexio_shifter_mode flexio_shifter_mode_t
Define type of shifter working mode.
typedef enum _flexio_shifter_input_source flexio_shifter_input_source_t
Define type of shifter input source.
typedef enum _flexio_shifter_stop_bit flexio_shifter_stop_bit_t
Define of STOP bit configuration.
typedef enum _flexio_shifter_start_bit flexio_shifter_start_bit_t
Define type of START bit configuration.
typedef enum _flexio_shifter_buffer_type flexio_shifter_buffer_type_t
Define FlexIO shifter buffer type.
typedef struct _flexio_config_ flexio_config_t
Define FlexIO user configuration structure.
typedef struct _flexio_timer_config flexio_timer_config_t
Define FlexIO timer configuration structure.
typedef struct _flexio_shifter_config flexio_shifter_config_t
Define FlexIO shifter configuration structure.
typedef enum _flexio_gpio_direction flexio_gpio_direction_t
FLEXIO gpio direction definition.
typedef enum _flexio_pin_input_config flexio_pin_input_config_t
FLEXIO gpio input config.
typedef struct _flexio_gpio_config flexio_gpio_config_t
The FLEXIO pin configuration structure.
Each pin can only be configured as either an output pin or an input pin at a time. If configured as an input pin, use inputConfig param. If configured as an output pin, use outputLogic.
typedef void (*flexio_isr_t)(void *base, void *handle)
typedef for FlexIO simulated driver interrupt handler.
FLEXIO_Type *const s_flexioBases[]
Pointers to flexio bases for each instance.
const clock_ip_name_t s_flexioClocks[]
Pointers to flexio clocks for each instance.
void FLEXIO_SetPinConfig(FLEXIO_Type *base, uint32_t pin, flexio_gpio_config_t *config)
Configure a FLEXIO pin used by the board.
To Config the FLEXIO PIN, define a pin configuration, as either input or output, in the user file. Then, call the FLEXIO_SetPinConfig() function.
This is an example to define an input pin or an output pin configuration.
Define a digital input pin configuration, flexio_gpio_config_t config = { kFLEXIO_DigitalInput, 0U, kFLEXIO_FlagRisingEdgeEnable | kFLEXIO_InputInterruptEnable, } Define a digital output pin configuration, flexio_gpio_config_t config = { kFLEXIO_DigitalOutput, 0U, 0U }
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO peripheral base address
pin – FLEXIO pin number.
config – FLEXIO pin configuration pointer.
Calculate FlexIO timer trigger.
struct _flexio_config_
- #include <fsl_flexio.h>
Define FlexIO user configuration structure.
Public Members
bool enableFlexio
Enable/disable FlexIO module
bool enableInDoze
Enable/disable FlexIO operation in doze mode
bool enableInDebug
Enable/disable FlexIO operation in debug mode
bool enableFastAccess
Enable/disable fast access to FlexIO registers, fast access requires the FlexIO clock to be at least twice the frequency of the bus clock.
bool enableFlexio
struct _flexio_timer_config
- #include <fsl_flexio.h>
Define FlexIO timer configuration structure.
Public Members
uint32_t triggerSelect
The internal trigger selection number using MACROs.
flexio_timer_trigger_polarity_t triggerPolarity
Trigger Polarity.
flexio_timer_trigger_source_t triggerSource
Trigger Source, internal (see ‘trgsel’) or external.
flexio_pin_config_t pinConfig
Timer Pin Configuration.
uint32_t pinSelect
Timer Pin number Select.
flexio_pin_polarity_t pinPolarity
Timer Pin Polarity.
flexio_timer_mode_t timerMode
Timer work Mode.
flexio_timer_output_t timerOutput
Configures the initial state of the Timer Output and whether it is affected by the Timer reset.
flexio_timer_decrement_source_t timerDecrement
Configures the source of the Timer decrement and the source of the Shift clock.
flexio_timer_reset_condition_t timerReset
Configures the condition that causes the timer counter (and optionally the timer output) to be reset.
flexio_timer_disable_condition_t timerDisable
Configures the condition that causes the Timer to be disabled and stop decrementing.
flexio_timer_enable_condition_t timerEnable
Configures the condition that causes the Timer to be enabled and start decrementing.
flexio_timer_stop_bit_condition_t timerStop
Timer STOP Bit generation.
flexio_timer_start_bit_condition_t timerStart
Timer STRAT Bit generation.
uint32_t timerCompare
Value for Timer Compare N Register.
uint32_t triggerSelect
struct _flexio_shifter_config
- #include <fsl_flexio.h>
Define FlexIO shifter configuration structure.
Public Members
uint32_t timerSelect
Selects which Timer is used for controlling the logic/shift register and generating the Shift clock.
flexio_shifter_timer_polarity_t timerPolarity
Timer Polarity.
flexio_pin_config_t pinConfig
Shifter Pin Configuration.
uint32_t pinSelect
Shifter Pin number Select.
flexio_pin_polarity_t pinPolarity
Shifter Pin Polarity.
flexio_shifter_mode_t shifterMode
Configures the mode of the Shifter.
uint32_t parallelWidth
Configures the parallel width when using parallel mode.
flexio_shifter_input_source_t inputSource
Selects the input source for the shifter.
flexio_shifter_stop_bit_t shifterStop
Shifter STOP bit.
flexio_shifter_start_bit_t shifterStart
Shifter START bit.
uint32_t timerSelect
struct _flexio_gpio_config
- #include <fsl_flexio.h>
The FLEXIO pin configuration structure.
Each pin can only be configured as either an output pin or an input pin at a time. If configured as an input pin, use inputConfig param. If configured as an output pin, use outputLogic.
Public Members
flexio_gpio_direction_t pinDirection
FLEXIO pin direction, input or output
uint8_t outputLogic
Set a default output logic, which has no use in input
uint8_t inputConfig
Set an input config
flexio_gpio_direction_t pinDirection
FlexIO eDMA I2S Driver
void FLEXIO_I2S_TransferTxCreateHandleEDMA(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_edma_handle_t *handle, flexio_i2s_edma_callback_t callback, void *userData, edma_handle_t *dmaHandle)
Initializes the FlexIO I2S eDMA handle.
This function initializes the FlexIO I2S master DMA handle which can be used for other FlexIO I2S master transactional APIs. Usually, for a specified FlexIO I2S instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO I2S peripheral base address.
handle – FlexIO I2S eDMA handle pointer.
callback – FlexIO I2S eDMA callback function called while finished a block.
userData – User parameter for callback.
dmaHandle – eDMA handle for FlexIO I2S. This handle is a static value allocated by users.
void FLEXIO_I2S_TransferRxCreateHandleEDMA(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_edma_handle_t *handle, flexio_i2s_edma_callback_t callback, void *userData, edma_handle_t *dmaHandle)
Initializes the FlexIO I2S Rx eDMA handle.
This function initializes the FlexIO I2S slave DMA handle which can be used for other FlexIO I2S master transactional APIs. Usually, for a specified FlexIO I2S instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO I2S peripheral base address.
handle – FlexIO I2S eDMA handle pointer.
callback – FlexIO I2S eDMA callback function called while finished a block.
userData – User parameter for callback.
dmaHandle – eDMA handle for FlexIO I2S. This handle is a static value allocated by users.
void FLEXIO_I2S_TransferSetFormatEDMA(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_edma_handle_t *handle, flexio_i2s_format_t *format, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
Configures the FlexIO I2S Tx audio format.
Audio format can be changed in run-time of FlexIO I2S. This function configures the sample rate and audio data format to be transferred. This function also sets the eDMA parameter according to format.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO I2S peripheral base address.
handle – FlexIO I2S eDMA handle pointer
format – Pointer to FlexIO I2S audio data format structure.
srcClock_Hz – FlexIO I2S clock source frequency in Hz, it should be 0 while in slave mode.
status_t FLEXIO_I2S_TransferSendEDMA(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_edma_handle_t *handle, flexio_i2s_transfer_t *xfer)
Performs a non-blocking FlexIO I2S transfer using DMA.
This interface returned immediately after transfer initiates. Users should call FLEXIO_I2S_GetTransferStatus to poll the transfer status and check whether the FlexIO I2S transfer is finished.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO I2S peripheral base address.
handle – FlexIO I2S DMA handle pointer.
xfer – Pointer to DMA transfer structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Start a FlexIO I2S eDMA send successfully.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – The input arguments is invalid.
kStatus_TxBusy – FlexIO I2S is busy sending data.
status_t FLEXIO_I2S_TransferReceiveEDMA(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_edma_handle_t *handle, flexio_i2s_transfer_t *xfer)
Performs a non-blocking FlexIO I2S receive using eDMA.
This interface returned immediately after transfer initiates. Users should call FLEXIO_I2S_GetReceiveRemainingBytes to poll the transfer status and check whether the FlexIO I2S transfer is finished.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO I2S peripheral base address.
handle – FlexIO I2S DMA handle pointer.
xfer – Pointer to DMA transfer structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Start a FlexIO I2S eDMA receive successfully.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – The input arguments is invalid.
kStatus_RxBusy – FlexIO I2S is busy receiving data.
void FLEXIO_I2S_TransferAbortSendEDMA(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_edma_handle_t *handle)
Aborts a FlexIO I2S transfer using eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO I2S peripheral base address.
handle – FlexIO I2S DMA handle pointer.
void FLEXIO_I2S_TransferAbortReceiveEDMA(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_edma_handle_t *handle)
Aborts a FlexIO I2S receive using eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO I2S peripheral base address.
handle – FlexIO I2S DMA handle pointer.
status_t FLEXIO_I2S_TransferGetSendCountEDMA(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_edma_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the remaining bytes to be sent.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO I2S peripheral base address.
handle – FlexIO I2S DMA handle pointer.
count – Bytes sent.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Succeed get the transfer count.
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – There is not a non-blocking transaction currently in progress.
status_t FLEXIO_I2S_TransferGetReceiveCountEDMA(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_edma_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Get the remaining bytes to be received.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO I2S peripheral base address.
handle – FlexIO I2S DMA handle pointer.
count – Bytes received.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Succeed get the transfer count.
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – There is not a non-blocking transaction currently in progress.
FlexIO I2S EDMA driver version 2.1.8.
typedef struct _flexio_i2s_edma_handle flexio_i2s_edma_handle_t
typedef void (*flexio_i2s_edma_callback_t)(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_edma_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
FlexIO I2S eDMA transfer callback function for finish and error.
struct _flexio_i2s_edma_handle
- #include <fsl_flexio_i2s_edma.h>
FlexIO I2S DMA transfer handle, users should not touch the content of the handle.
Public Members
edma_handle_t *dmaHandle
DMA handler for FlexIO I2S send
uint8_t bytesPerFrame
Bytes in a frame
uint8_t nbytes
eDMA minor byte transfer count initially configured.
uint32_t state
Internal state for FlexIO I2S eDMA transfer
flexio_i2s_edma_callback_t callback
Callback for users while transfer finish or error occurred
void *userData
User callback parameter
edma_tcd_t tcd[(4U) + 1U]
TCD pool for eDMA transfer.
flexio_i2s_transfer_t queue[(4U)]
Transfer queue storing queued transfer.
size_t transferSize[(4U)]
Data bytes need to transfer
volatile uint8_t queueUser
Index for user to queue transfer.
volatile uint8_t queueDriver
Index for driver to get the transfer data and size
edma_handle_t *dmaHandle
FlexIO eDMA SPI Driver
status_t FLEXIO_SPI_MasterTransferCreateHandleEDMA(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_master_edma_handle_t *handle, flexio_spi_master_edma_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData, edma_handle_t *txHandle, edma_handle_t *rxHandle)
Initializes the FlexIO SPI master eDMA handle.
This function initializes the FlexIO SPI master eDMA handle which can be used for other FlexIO SPI master transactional APIs. For a specified FlexIO SPI instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to flexio_spi_master_edma_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
callback – SPI callback, NULL means no callback.
userData – callback function parameter.
txHandle – User requested eDMA handle for FlexIO SPI RX eDMA transfer.
rxHandle – User requested eDMA handle for FlexIO SPI TX eDMA transfer.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully create the handle.
kStatus_OutOfRange – The FlexIO SPI eDMA type/handle table out of range.
status_t FLEXIO_SPI_MasterTransferEDMA(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_master_edma_handle_t *handle, flexio_spi_transfer_t *xfer)
Performs a non-blocking FlexIO SPI transfer using eDMA.
This interface returns immediately after transfer initiates. Call FLEXIO_SPI_MasterGetTransferCountEDMA to poll the transfer status and check whether the FlexIO SPI transfer is finished.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to flexio_spi_master_edma_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
xfer – Pointer to FlexIO SPI transfer structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully start a transfer.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Input argument is invalid.
kStatus_FLEXIO_SPI_Busy – FlexIO SPI is not idle, is running another transfer.
void FLEXIO_SPI_MasterTransferAbortEDMA(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_master_edma_handle_t *handle)
Aborts a FlexIO SPI transfer using eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
handle – FlexIO SPI eDMA handle pointer.
status_t FLEXIO_SPI_MasterTransferGetCountEDMA(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_master_edma_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the number of bytes transferred so far using FlexIO SPI master eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
handle – FlexIO SPI eDMA handle pointer.
count – Number of bytes transferred so far by the non-blocking transaction.
static inline void FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveTransferCreateHandleEDMA(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_slave_edma_handle_t *handle, flexio_spi_slave_edma_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData, edma_handle_t *txHandle, edma_handle_t *rxHandle)
Initializes the FlexIO SPI slave eDMA handle.
This function initializes the FlexIO SPI slave eDMA handle.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to flexio_spi_slave_edma_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
callback – SPI callback, NULL means no callback.
userData – callback function parameter.
txHandle – User requested eDMA handle for FlexIO SPI TX eDMA transfer.
rxHandle – User requested eDMA handle for FlexIO SPI RX eDMA transfer.
status_t FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveTransferEDMA(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_slave_edma_handle_t *handle, flexio_spi_transfer_t *xfer)
Performs a non-blocking FlexIO SPI transfer using eDMA.
This interface returns immediately after transfer initiates. Call FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveGetTransferCountEDMA to poll the transfer status and check whether the FlexIO SPI transfer is finished.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to flexio_spi_slave_edma_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
xfer – Pointer to FlexIO SPI transfer structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully start a transfer.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Input argument is invalid.
kStatus_FLEXIO_SPI_Busy – FlexIO SPI is not idle, is running another transfer.
static inline void FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveTransferAbortEDMA(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_slave_edma_handle_t *handle)
Aborts a FlexIO SPI transfer using eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to flexio_spi_slave_edma_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
static inline status_t FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveTransferGetCountEDMA(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_slave_edma_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the number of bytes transferred so far using FlexIO SPI slave eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
handle – FlexIO SPI eDMA handle pointer.
count – Number of bytes transferred so far by the non-blocking transaction.
FlexIO SPI EDMA driver version.
typedef struct _flexio_spi_master_edma_handle flexio_spi_master_edma_handle_t
typedef for flexio_spi_master_edma_handle_t in advance.
typedef flexio_spi_master_edma_handle_t flexio_spi_slave_edma_handle_t
Slave handle is the same with master handle.
typedef void (*flexio_spi_master_edma_transfer_callback_t)(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_master_edma_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
FlexIO SPI master callback for finished transmit.
typedef void (*flexio_spi_slave_edma_transfer_callback_t)(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_slave_edma_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
FlexIO SPI slave callback for finished transmit.
struct _flexio_spi_master_edma_handle
- #include <fsl_flexio_spi_edma.h>
FlexIO SPI eDMA transfer handle, users should not touch the content of the handle.
Public Members
size_t transferSize
Total bytes to be transferred.
uint8_t nbytes
eDMA minor byte transfer count initially configured.
bool txInProgress
Send transfer in progress
bool rxInProgress
Receive transfer in progress
edma_handle_t *txHandle
DMA handler for SPI send
edma_handle_t *rxHandle
DMA handler for SPI receive
flexio_spi_master_edma_transfer_callback_t callback
Callback for SPI DMA transfer
void *userData
User Data for SPI DMA callback
size_t transferSize
FlexIO eDMA UART Driver
status_t FLEXIO_UART_TransferCreateHandleEDMA(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, flexio_uart_edma_handle_t *handle, flexio_uart_edma_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData, edma_handle_t *txEdmaHandle, edma_handle_t *rxEdmaHandle)
Initializes the UART handle which is used in transactional functions.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_UART_Type.
handle – Pointer to flexio_uart_edma_handle_t structure.
callback – The callback function.
userData – The parameter of the callback function.
rxEdmaHandle – User requested DMA handle for RX DMA transfer.
txEdmaHandle – User requested DMA handle for TX DMA transfer.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully create the handle.
kStatus_OutOfRange – The FlexIO SPI eDMA type/handle table out of range.
status_t FLEXIO_UART_TransferSendEDMA(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, flexio_uart_edma_handle_t *handle, flexio_uart_transfer_t *xfer)
Sends data using eDMA.
This function sends data using eDMA. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all data is sent out, the send callback function is called.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_UART_Type
handle – UART handle pointer.
xfer – UART eDMA transfer structure, see flexio_uart_transfer_t.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – if succeed, others failed.
kStatus_FLEXIO_UART_TxBusy – Previous transfer on going.
status_t FLEXIO_UART_TransferReceiveEDMA(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, flexio_uart_edma_handle_t *handle, flexio_uart_transfer_t *xfer)
Receives data using eDMA.
This function receives data using eDMA. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all data is received, the receive callback function is called.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_UART_Type
handle – Pointer to flexio_uart_edma_handle_t structure
xfer – UART eDMA transfer structure, see flexio_uart_transfer_t.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – if succeed, others failed.
kStatus_UART_RxBusy – Previous transfer on going.
void FLEXIO_UART_TransferAbortSendEDMA(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, flexio_uart_edma_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the sent data which using eDMA.
This function aborts sent data which using eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_UART_Type
handle – Pointer to flexio_uart_edma_handle_t structure
void FLEXIO_UART_TransferAbortReceiveEDMA(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, flexio_uart_edma_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the receive data which using eDMA.
This function aborts the receive data which using eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_UART_Type
handle – Pointer to flexio_uart_edma_handle_t structure
status_t FLEXIO_UART_TransferGetSendCountEDMA(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, flexio_uart_edma_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the number of bytes sent out.
This function gets the number of bytes sent out.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_UART_Type
handle – Pointer to flexio_uart_edma_handle_t structure
count – Number of bytes sent so far by the non-blocking transaction.
- Return values:
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – transfer has finished or no transfer in progress.
kStatus_Success – Successfully return the count.
status_t FLEXIO_UART_TransferGetReceiveCountEDMA(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, flexio_uart_edma_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the number of bytes received.
This function gets the number of bytes received.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_UART_Type
handle – Pointer to flexio_uart_edma_handle_t structure
count – Number of bytes received so far by the non-blocking transaction.
- Return values:
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – transfer has finished or no transfer in progress.
kStatus_Success – Successfully return the count.
FlexIO UART EDMA driver version.
typedef struct _flexio_uart_edma_handle flexio_uart_edma_handle_t
typedef void (*flexio_uart_edma_transfer_callback_t)(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, flexio_uart_edma_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
UART transfer callback function.
struct _flexio_uart_edma_handle
- #include <fsl_flexio_uart_edma.h>
UART eDMA handle.
Public Members
flexio_uart_edma_transfer_callback_t callback
Callback function.
void *userData
UART callback function parameter.
size_t txDataSizeAll
Total bytes to be sent.
size_t rxDataSizeAll
Total bytes to be received.
edma_handle_t *txEdmaHandle
The eDMA TX channel used.
edma_handle_t *rxEdmaHandle
The eDMA RX channel used.
uint8_t nbytes
eDMA minor byte transfer count initially configured.
volatile uint8_t txState
TX transfer state.
volatile uint8_t rxState
RX transfer state
flexio_uart_edma_transfer_callback_t callback
FlexIO I2C Master Driver
status_t FLEXIO_I2C_CheckForBusyBus(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base)
Make sure the bus isn’t already pulled down.
Check the FLEXIO pin status to see whether either of SDA and SCL pin is pulled down.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure..
- Return values:
kStatus_Success –
kStatus_FLEXIO_I2C_Busy –
status_t FLEXIO_I2C_MasterInit(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base, flexio_i2c_master_config_t *masterConfig, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
Ungates the FlexIO clock, resets the FlexIO module, and configures the FlexIO I2C hardware configuration.
FLEXIO_I2C_Type base = { .flexioBase = FLEXIO, .SDAPinIndex = 0, .SCLPinIndex = 1, .shifterIndex = {0,1}, .timerIndex = {0,1} }; flexio_i2c_master_config_t config = { .enableInDoze = false, .enableInDebug = true, .enableFastAccess = false, .baudRate_Bps = 100000 }; FLEXIO_I2C_MasterInit(base, &config, srcClock_Hz);
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure.
masterConfig – Pointer to flexio_i2c_master_config_t structure.
srcClock_Hz – FlexIO source clock in Hz.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Initialization successful
kStatus_InvalidArgument – The source clock exceed upper range limitation
void FLEXIO_I2C_MasterDeinit(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base)
De-initializes the FlexIO I2C master peripheral. Calling this API Resets the FlexIO I2C master shifer and timer config, module can’t work unless the FLEXIO_I2C_MasterInit is called.
- Parameters:
base – pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure.
void FLEXIO_I2C_MasterGetDefaultConfig(flexio_i2c_master_config_t *masterConfig)
Gets the default configuration to configure the FlexIO module. The configuration can be used directly for calling the FLEXIO_I2C_MasterInit().
flexio_i2c_master_config_t config; FLEXIO_I2C_MasterGetDefaultConfig(&config);
- Parameters:
masterConfig – Pointer to flexio_i2c_master_config_t structure.
static inline void FLEXIO_I2C_MasterEnable(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/disables the FlexIO module operation.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure.
enable – Pass true to enable module, false does not have any effect.
uint32_t FLEXIO_I2C_MasterGetStatusFlags(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base)
Gets the FlexIO I2C master status flags.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure
- Returns:
Status flag, use status flag to AND _flexio_i2c_master_status_flags can get the related status.
void FLEXIO_I2C_MasterClearStatusFlags(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears the FlexIO I2C master status flags.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure.
mask – Status flag. The parameter can be any combination of the following values:
void FLEXIO_I2C_MasterEnableInterrupts(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the FlexIO i2c master interrupt requests.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure.
mask – Interrupt source. Currently only one interrupt request source:
void FLEXIO_I2C_MasterDisableInterrupts(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the FlexIO I2C master interrupt requests.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure.
mask – Interrupt source.
void FLEXIO_I2C_MasterSetBaudRate(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base, uint32_t baudRate_Bps, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
Sets the FlexIO I2C master transfer baudrate.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure
baudRate_Bps – the baud rate value in HZ
srcClock_Hz – source clock in HZ
void FLEXIO_I2C_MasterStart(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base, uint8_t address, flexio_i2c_direction_t direction)
Sends START + 7-bit address to the bus.
This API should be called when the transfer configuration is ready to send a START signal and 7-bit address to the bus. This is a non-blocking API, which returns directly after the address is put into the data register but the address transfer is not finished on the bus. Ensure that the kFLEXIO_I2C_RxFullFlag status is asserted before calling this API.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure.
address – 7-bit address.
direction – transfer direction. This parameter is one of the values in flexio_i2c_direction_t:
kFLEXIO_I2C_Write: Transmit
kFLEXIO_I2C_Read: Receive
void FLEXIO_I2C_MasterStop(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base)
Sends the stop signal on the bus.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure.
void FLEXIO_I2C_MasterRepeatedStart(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base)
Sends the repeated start signal on the bus.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure.
void FLEXIO_I2C_MasterAbortStop(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base)
Sends the stop signal when transfer is still on-going.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure.
void FLEXIO_I2C_MasterEnableAck(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base, bool enable)
Configures the sent ACK/NAK for the following byte.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure.
enable – True to configure send ACK, false configure to send NAK.
status_t FLEXIO_I2C_MasterSetTransferCount(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base, uint16_t count)
Sets the number of bytes to be transferred from a start signal to a stop signal.
Call this API before a transfer begins because the timer generates a number of clocks according to the number of bytes that need to be transferred.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure.
count – Number of bytes need to be transferred from a start signal to a re-start/stop signal
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully configured the count.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Input argument is invalid.
static inline void FLEXIO_I2C_MasterWriteByte(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base, uint32_t data)
Writes one byte of data to the I2C bus.
This is a non-blocking API, which returns directly after the data is put into the data register but the data transfer is not finished on the bus. Ensure that the TxEmptyFlag is asserted before calling this API.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure.
data – a byte of data.
static inline uint8_t FLEXIO_I2C_MasterReadByte(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base)
Reads one byte of data from the I2C bus.
This is a non-blocking API, which returns directly after the data is read from the data register. Ensure that the data is ready in the register.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure.
- Returns:
data byte read.
status_t FLEXIO_I2C_MasterWriteBlocking(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base, const uint8_t *txBuff, uint8_t txSize)
Sends a buffer of data in bytes.
This function blocks via polling until all bytes have been sent.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure.
txBuff – The data bytes to send.
txSize – The number of data bytes to send.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully write data.
kStatus_FLEXIO_I2C_Nak – Receive NAK during writing data.
kStatus_FLEXIO_I2C_Timeout – Timeout polling status flags.
status_t FLEXIO_I2C_MasterReadBlocking(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base, uint8_t *rxBuff, uint8_t rxSize)
Receives a buffer of bytes.
This function blocks via polling until all bytes have been received.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure.
rxBuff – The buffer to store the received bytes.
rxSize – The number of data bytes to be received.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully read data.
kStatus_FLEXIO_I2C_Timeout – Timeout polling status flags.
status_t FLEXIO_I2C_MasterTransferBlocking(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base, flexio_i2c_master_transfer_t *xfer)
Performs a master polling transfer on the I2C bus.
The API does not return until the transfer succeeds or fails due to receiving NAK.
- Parameters:
base – pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure.
xfer – pointer to flexio_i2c_master_transfer_t structure.
- Returns:
status of status_t.
status_t FLEXIO_I2C_MasterTransferCreateHandle(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base, flexio_i2c_master_handle_t *handle, flexio_i2c_master_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Initializes the I2C handle which is used in transactional functions.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to flexio_i2c_master_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
callback – Pointer to user callback function.
userData – User param passed to the callback function.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully create the handle.
kStatus_OutOfRange – The FlexIO type/handle/isr table out of range.
status_t FLEXIO_I2C_MasterTransferNonBlocking(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base, flexio_i2c_master_handle_t *handle, flexio_i2c_master_transfer_t *xfer)
Performs a master interrupt non-blocking transfer on the I2C bus.
The API returns immediately after the transfer initiates. Call FLEXIO_I2C_MasterTransferGetCount to poll the transfer status to check whether the transfer is finished. If the return status is not kStatus_FLEXIO_I2C_Busy, the transfer is finished.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure
handle – Pointer to flexio_i2c_master_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state
xfer – pointer to flexio_i2c_master_transfer_t structure
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully start a transfer.
kStatus_FLEXIO_I2C_Busy – FlexIO I2C is not idle, is running another transfer.
status_t FLEXIO_I2C_MasterTransferGetCount(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base, flexio_i2c_master_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the master transfer status during a interrupt non-blocking transfer.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to flexio_i2c_master_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
count – Number of bytes transferred so far by the non-blocking transaction.
- Return values:
kStatus_InvalidArgument – count is Invalid.
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – There is not a non-blocking transaction currently in progress.
kStatus_Success – Successfully return the count.
void FLEXIO_I2C_MasterTransferAbort(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base, flexio_i2c_master_handle_t *handle)
Aborts an interrupt non-blocking transfer early.
This API can be called at any time when an interrupt non-blocking transfer initiates to abort the transfer early.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure
handle – Pointer to flexio_i2c_master_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state
void FLEXIO_I2C_MasterTransferHandleIRQ(void *i2cType, void *i2cHandle)
Master interrupt handler.
- Parameters:
i2cType – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2C_Type structure
i2cHandle – Pointer to flexio_i2c_master_transfer_t structure
FlexIO I2C transfer status.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_I2C_Busy
I2C is busy doing transfer.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_I2C_Idle
I2C is busy doing transfer.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_I2C_Nak
NAK received during transfer.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_I2C_Timeout
Timeout polling status flags.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_I2C_Busy
enum _flexio_i2c_master_interrupt
Define FlexIO I2C master interrupt mask.
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2C_TxEmptyInterruptEnable
Tx buffer empty interrupt enable.
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2C_RxFullInterruptEnable
Rx buffer full interrupt enable.
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2C_TxEmptyInterruptEnable
enum _flexio_i2c_master_status_flags
Define FlexIO I2C master status mask.
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2C_TxEmptyFlag
Tx shifter empty flag.
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2C_RxFullFlag
Rx shifter full/Transfer complete flag.
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2C_ReceiveNakFlag
Receive NAK flag.
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2C_TxEmptyFlag
enum _flexio_i2c_direction
Direction of master transfer.
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2C_Write
Master send to slave.
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2C_Read
Master receive from slave.
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2C_Write
typedef enum _flexio_i2c_direction flexio_i2c_direction_t
Direction of master transfer.
typedef struct _flexio_i2c_type FLEXIO_I2C_Type
Define FlexIO I2C master access structure typedef.
typedef struct _flexio_i2c_master_config flexio_i2c_master_config_t
Define FlexIO I2C master user configuration structure.
typedef struct _flexio_i2c_master_transfer flexio_i2c_master_transfer_t
Define FlexIO I2C master transfer structure.
typedef struct _flexio_i2c_master_handle flexio_i2c_master_handle_t
FlexIO I2C master handle typedef.
typedef void (*flexio_i2c_master_transfer_callback_t)(FLEXIO_I2C_Type *base, flexio_i2c_master_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
FlexIO I2C master transfer callback typedef.
Retry times for waiting flag.
struct _flexio_i2c_type
- #include <fsl_flexio_i2c_master.h>
Define FlexIO I2C master access structure typedef.
Public Members
FLEXIO_Type *flexioBase
FlexIO base pointer.
uint8_t SDAPinIndex
Pin select for I2C SDA.
uint8_t SCLPinIndex
Pin select for I2C SCL.
uint8_t shifterIndex[2]
Shifter index used in FlexIO I2C.
uint8_t timerIndex[3]
Timer index used in FlexIO I2C.
uint32_t baudrate
Master transfer baudrate, used to calculate delay time.
FLEXIO_Type *flexioBase
struct _flexio_i2c_master_config
- #include <fsl_flexio_i2c_master.h>
Define FlexIO I2C master user configuration structure.
Public Members
bool enableMaster
Enables the FlexIO I2C peripheral at initialization time.
bool enableInDoze
Enable/disable FlexIO operation in doze mode.
bool enableInDebug
Enable/disable FlexIO operation in debug mode.
bool enableFastAccess
Enable/disable fast access to FlexIO registers, fast access requires the FlexIO clock to be at least twice the frequency of the bus clock.
uint32_t baudRate_Bps
Baud rate in Bps.
bool enableMaster
struct _flexio_i2c_master_transfer
- #include <fsl_flexio_i2c_master.h>
Define FlexIO I2C master transfer structure.
Public Members
uint32_t flags
Transfer flag which controls the transfer, reserved for FlexIO I2C.
uint8_t slaveAddress
7-bit slave address.
flexio_i2c_direction_t direction
Transfer direction, read or write.
uint32_t subaddress
Sub address. Transferred MSB first.
uint8_t subaddressSize
Size of command buffer.
uint8_t volatile *data
Transfer buffer.
volatile size_t dataSize
Transfer size.
uint32_t flags
struct _flexio_i2c_master_handle
- #include <fsl_flexio_i2c_master.h>
Define FlexIO I2C master handle structure.
Public Members
flexio_i2c_master_transfer_t transfer
FlexIO I2C master transfer copy.
size_t transferSize
Total bytes to be transferred.
uint8_t state
Transfer state maintained during transfer.
flexio_i2c_master_transfer_callback_t completionCallback
Callback function called at transfer event. Callback function called at transfer event.
void *userData
Callback parameter passed to callback function.
bool needRestart
Whether master needs to send re-start signal.
flexio_i2c_master_transfer_t transfer
FlexIO I2S Driver
void FLEXIO_I2S_Init(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, const flexio_i2s_config_t *config)
Initializes the FlexIO I2S.
This API configures FlexIO pins and shifter to I2S and configures the FlexIO I2S with a configuration structure. The configuration structure can be filled by the user, or be set with default values by FLEXIO_I2S_GetDefaultConfig().
This API should be called at the beginning of the application to use the FlexIO I2S driver. Otherwise, any access to the FlexIO I2S module can cause hard fault because the clock is not enabled.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO I2S base pointer
config – FlexIO I2S configure structure.
void FLEXIO_I2S_GetDefaultConfig(flexio_i2s_config_t *config)
Sets the FlexIO I2S configuration structure to default values.
The purpose of this API is to get the configuration structure initialized for use in FLEXIO_I2S_Init(). Users may use the initialized structure unchanged in FLEXIO_I2S_Init() or modify some fields of the structure before calling FLEXIO_I2S_Init().
- Parameters:
config – pointer to master configuration structure
void FLEXIO_I2S_Deinit(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base)
De-initializes the FlexIO I2S.
Calling this API resets the FlexIO I2S shifter and timer config. After calling this API, call the FLEXO_I2S_Init to use the FlexIO I2S module.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO I2S base pointer
static inline void FLEXIO_I2S_Enable(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/disables the FlexIO I2S module operation.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2S_Type
enable – True to enable, false dose not have any effect.
uint32_t FLEXIO_I2S_GetStatusFlags(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base)
Gets the FlexIO I2S status flags.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2S_Type structure
- Returns:
Status flag, which are ORed by the enumerators in the _flexio_i2s_status_flags.
void FLEXIO_I2S_EnableInterrupts(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the FlexIO I2S interrupt.
This function enables the FlexIO UART interrupt.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2S_Type structure
mask – interrupt source
void FLEXIO_I2S_DisableInterrupts(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the FlexIO I2S interrupt.
This function enables the FlexIO UART interrupt.
- Parameters:
base – pointer to FLEXIO_I2S_Type structure
mask – interrupt source
static inline void FLEXIO_I2S_TxEnableDMA(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/disables the FlexIO I2S Tx DMA requests.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO I2S base pointer
enable – True means enable DMA, false means disable DMA.
static inline void FLEXIO_I2S_RxEnableDMA(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/disables the FlexIO I2S Rx DMA requests.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO I2S base pointer
enable – True means enable DMA, false means disable DMA.
static inline uint32_t FLEXIO_I2S_TxGetDataRegisterAddress(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base)
Gets the FlexIO I2S send data register address.
This function returns the I2S data register address, mainly used by DMA/eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2S_Type structure
- Returns:
FlexIO i2s send data register address.
static inline uint32_t FLEXIO_I2S_RxGetDataRegisterAddress(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base)
Gets the FlexIO I2S receive data register address.
This function returns the I2S data register address, mainly used by DMA/eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2S_Type structure
- Returns:
FlexIO i2s receive data register address.
void FLEXIO_I2S_MasterSetFormat(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_format_t *format, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
Configures the FlexIO I2S audio format in master mode.
Audio format can be changed in run-time of FlexIO I2S. This function configures the sample rate and audio data format to be transferred.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2S_Type structure
format – Pointer to FlexIO I2S audio data format structure.
srcClock_Hz – I2S master clock source frequency in Hz.
void FLEXIO_I2S_SlaveSetFormat(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_format_t *format)
Configures the FlexIO I2S audio format in slave mode.
Audio format can be changed in run-time of FlexIO I2S. This function configures the sample rate and audio data format to be transferred.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2S_Type structure
format – Pointer to FlexIO I2S audio data format structure.
status_t FLEXIO_I2S_WriteBlocking(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, uint8_t bitWidth, uint8_t *txData, size_t size)
Sends data using a blocking method.
This function blocks via polling until data is ready to be sent.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO I2S base pointer.
bitWidth – How many bits in a audio word, usually 8/16/24/32 bits.
txData – Pointer to the data to be written.
size – Bytes to be written.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully write data.
kStatus_FLEXIO_I2C_Timeout – Timeout polling status flags.
static inline void FLEXIO_I2S_WriteData(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, uint8_t bitWidth, uint32_t data)
Writes data into a data register.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO I2S base pointer.
bitWidth – How many bits in a audio word, usually 8/16/24/32 bits.
data – Data to be written.
status_t FLEXIO_I2S_ReadBlocking(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, uint8_t bitWidth, uint8_t *rxData, size_t size)
Receives a piece of data using a blocking method.
This function blocks via polling until data is ready to be sent.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO I2S base pointer
bitWidth – How many bits in a audio word, usually 8/16/24/32 bits.
rxData – Pointer to the data to be read.
size – Bytes to be read.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully read data.
kStatus_FLEXIO_I2C_Timeout – Timeout polling status flags.
static inline uint32_t FLEXIO_I2S_ReadData(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base)
Reads a data from the data register.
- Parameters:
base – FlexIO I2S base pointer
- Returns:
Data read from data register.
void FLEXIO_I2S_TransferTxCreateHandle(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_handle_t *handle, flexio_i2s_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Initializes the FlexIO I2S handle.
This function initializes the FlexIO I2S handle which can be used for other FlexIO I2S transactional APIs. Call this API once to get the initialized handle.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2S_Type structure
handle – Pointer to flexio_i2s_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
callback – FlexIO I2S callback function, which is called while finished a block.
userData – User parameter for the FlexIO I2S callback.
void FLEXIO_I2S_TransferSetFormat(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_handle_t *handle, flexio_i2s_format_t *format, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
Configures the FlexIO I2S audio format.
Audio format can be changed at run-time of FlexIO I2S. This function configures the sample rate and audio data format to be transferred.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2S_Type structure.
handle – FlexIO I2S handle pointer.
format – Pointer to audio data format structure.
srcClock_Hz – FlexIO I2S bit clock source frequency in Hz. This parameter should be 0 while in slave mode.
void FLEXIO_I2S_TransferRxCreateHandle(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_handle_t *handle, flexio_i2s_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Initializes the FlexIO I2S receive handle.
This function initializes the FlexIO I2S handle which can be used for other FlexIO I2S transactional APIs. Call this API once to get the initialized handle.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2S_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to flexio_i2s_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
callback – FlexIO I2S callback function, which is called while finished a block.
userData – User parameter for the FlexIO I2S callback.
status_t FLEXIO_I2S_TransferSendNonBlocking(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_handle_t *handle, flexio_i2s_transfer_t *xfer)
Performs an interrupt non-blocking send transfer on FlexIO I2S.
The API returns immediately after transfer initiates. Call FLEXIO_I2S_GetRemainingBytes to poll the transfer status and check whether the transfer is finished. If the return status is 0, the transfer is finished.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2S_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to flexio_i2s_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state
xfer – Pointer to flexio_i2s_transfer_t structure
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully start the data transmission.
kStatus_FLEXIO_I2S_TxBusy – Previous transmission still not finished, data not all written to TX register yet.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – The input parameter is invalid.
status_t FLEXIO_I2S_TransferReceiveNonBlocking(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_handle_t *handle, flexio_i2s_transfer_t *xfer)
Performs an interrupt non-blocking receive transfer on FlexIO I2S.
The API returns immediately after transfer initiates. Call FLEXIO_I2S_GetRemainingBytes to poll the transfer status to check whether the transfer is finished. If the return status is 0, the transfer is finished.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2S_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to flexio_i2s_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state
xfer – Pointer to flexio_i2s_transfer_t structure
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully start the data receive.
kStatus_FLEXIO_I2S_RxBusy – Previous receive still not finished.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – The input parameter is invalid.
void FLEXIO_I2S_TransferAbortSend(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the current send.
This API can be called at any time when interrupt non-blocking transfer initiates to abort the transfer in a early time.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2S_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to flexio_i2s_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state
void FLEXIO_I2S_TransferAbortReceive(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the current receive.
This API can be called at any time when interrupt non-blocking transfer initiates to abort the transfer in a early time.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2S_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to flexio_i2s_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state
status_t FLEXIO_I2S_TransferGetSendCount(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the remaining bytes to be sent.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2S_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to flexio_i2s_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state
count – Bytes sent.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Succeed get the transfer count.
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – There is not a non-blocking transaction currently in progress.
status_t FLEXIO_I2S_TransferGetReceiveCount(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the remaining bytes to be received.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2S_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to flexio_i2s_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state
count – Bytes recieved.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Succeed get the transfer count.
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – There is not a non-blocking transaction currently in progress.
- Returns:
count Bytes received.
void FLEXIO_I2S_TransferTxHandleIRQ(void *i2sBase, void *i2sHandle)
Tx interrupt handler.
- Parameters:
i2sBase – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2S_Type structure.
i2sHandle – Pointer to flexio_i2s_handle_t structure
void FLEXIO_I2S_TransferRxHandleIRQ(void *i2sBase, void *i2sHandle)
Rx interrupt handler.
- Parameters:
i2sBase – Pointer to FLEXIO_I2S_Type structure.
i2sHandle – Pointer to flexio_i2s_handle_t structure.
FlexIO I2S driver version 2.2.0.
FlexIO I2S transfer status.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_I2S_Idle
FlexIO I2S is in idle state
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_I2S_TxBusy
FlexIO I2S Tx is busy
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_I2S_RxBusy
FlexIO I2S Tx is busy
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_I2S_Error
FlexIO I2S error occurred
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_I2S_QueueFull
FlexIO I2S transfer queue is full.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_I2S_Timeout
FlexIO I2S timeout polling status flags.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_I2S_Idle
enum _flexio_i2s_master_slave
Master or slave mode.
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_Master
Master mode
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_Slave
Slave mode
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_Master
_flexio_i2s_interrupt_enable Define FlexIO FlexIO I2S interrupt mask.
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_TxDataRegEmptyInterruptEnable
Transmit buffer empty interrupt enable.
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_RxDataRegFullInterruptEnable
Receive buffer full interrupt enable.
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_TxDataRegEmptyInterruptEnable
_flexio_i2s_status_flags Define FlexIO FlexIO I2S status mask.
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_TxDataRegEmptyFlag
Transmit buffer empty flag.
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_RxDataRegFullFlag
Receive buffer full flag.
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_TxDataRegEmptyFlag
enum _flexio_i2s_sample_rate
Audio sample rate.
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_SampleRate8KHz
Sample rate 8000Hz
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_SampleRate11025Hz
Sample rate 11025Hz
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_SampleRate12KHz
Sample rate 12000Hz
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_SampleRate16KHz
Sample rate 16000Hz
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_SampleRate22050Hz
Sample rate 22050Hz
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_SampleRate24KHz
Sample rate 24000Hz
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_SampleRate32KHz
Sample rate 32000Hz
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_SampleRate44100Hz
Sample rate 44100Hz
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_SampleRate48KHz
Sample rate 48000Hz
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_SampleRate96KHz
Sample rate 96000Hz
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_SampleRate8KHz
enum _flexio_i2s_word_width
Audio word width.
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_WordWidth8bits
Audio data width 8 bits
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_WordWidth16bits
Audio data width 16 bits
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_WordWidth24bits
Audio data width 24 bits
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_WordWidth32bits
Audio data width 32 bits
enumerator kFLEXIO_I2S_WordWidth8bits
typedef struct _flexio_i2s_type FLEXIO_I2S_Type
Define FlexIO I2S access structure typedef.
typedef enum _flexio_i2s_master_slave flexio_i2s_master_slave_t
Master or slave mode.
typedef struct _flexio_i2s_config flexio_i2s_config_t
FlexIO I2S configure structure.
typedef struct _flexio_i2s_format flexio_i2s_format_t
FlexIO I2S audio format, FlexIO I2S only support the same format in Tx and Rx.
typedef enum _flexio_i2s_sample_rate flexio_i2s_sample_rate_t
Audio sample rate.
typedef enum _flexio_i2s_word_width flexio_i2s_word_width_t
Audio word width.
typedef struct _flexio_i2s_transfer flexio_i2s_transfer_t
Define FlexIO I2S transfer structure.
typedef struct _flexio_i2s_handle flexio_i2s_handle_t
typedef void (*flexio_i2s_callback_t)(FLEXIO_I2S_Type *base, flexio_i2s_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
FlexIO I2S xfer callback prototype.
Retry times for waiting flag.
FlexIO I2S transfer queue size, user can refine it according to use case.
struct _flexio_i2s_type
- #include <fsl_flexio_i2s.h>
Define FlexIO I2S access structure typedef.
Public Members
FLEXIO_Type *flexioBase
FlexIO base pointer
uint8_t txPinIndex
Tx data pin index in FlexIO pins
uint8_t rxPinIndex
Rx data pin index
uint8_t bclkPinIndex
Bit clock pin index
uint8_t fsPinIndex
Frame sync pin index
uint8_t txShifterIndex
Tx data shifter index
uint8_t rxShifterIndex
Rx data shifter index
uint8_t bclkTimerIndex
Bit clock timer index
uint8_t fsTimerIndex
Frame sync timer index
FLEXIO_Type *flexioBase
struct _flexio_i2s_config
- #include <fsl_flexio_i2s.h>
FlexIO I2S configure structure.
Public Members
bool enableI2S
Enable FlexIO I2S
flexio_i2s_master_slave_t masterSlave
Master or slave
flexio_pin_polarity_t txPinPolarity
Tx data pin polarity, active high or low
flexio_pin_polarity_t rxPinPolarity
Rx data pin polarity
flexio_pin_polarity_t bclkPinPolarity
Bit clock pin polarity
flexio_pin_polarity_t fsPinPolarity
Frame sync pin polarity
flexio_shifter_timer_polarity_t txTimerPolarity
Tx data valid on bclk rising or falling edge
flexio_shifter_timer_polarity_t rxTimerPolarity
Rx data valid on bclk rising or falling edge
bool enableI2S
struct _flexio_i2s_format
- #include <fsl_flexio_i2s.h>
FlexIO I2S audio format, FlexIO I2S only support the same format in Tx and Rx.
Public Members
uint8_t bitWidth
Bit width of audio data, always 8/16/24/32 bits
uint32_t sampleRate_Hz
Sample rate of the audio data
uint8_t bitWidth
struct _flexio_i2s_transfer
- #include <fsl_flexio_i2s.h>
Define FlexIO I2S transfer structure.
Public Members
uint8_t *data
Data buffer start pointer
size_t dataSize
Bytes to be transferred.
uint8_t *data
struct _flexio_i2s_handle
- #include <fsl_flexio_i2s.h>
Define FlexIO I2S handle structure.
Public Members
uint32_t state
Internal state
flexio_i2s_callback_t callback
Callback function called at transfer event
void *userData
Callback parameter passed to callback function
uint8_t bitWidth
Bit width for transfer, 8/16/24/32bits
flexio_i2s_transfer_t queue[(4U)]
Transfer queue storing queued transfer
size_t transferSize[(4U)]
Data bytes need to transfer
volatile uint8_t queueUser
Index for user to queue transfer
volatile uint8_t queueDriver
Index for driver to get the transfer data and size
uint32_t state
FlexIO SPI Driver
void FLEXIO_SPI_MasterInit(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_master_config_t *masterConfig, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
Ungates the FlexIO clock, resets the FlexIO module, configures the FlexIO SPI master hardware, and configures the FlexIO SPI with FlexIO SPI master configuration. The configuration structure can be filled by the user, or be set with default values by the FLEXIO_SPI_MasterGetDefaultConfig().
FLEXIO_SPI_Type spiDev = { .flexioBase = FLEXIO, .SDOPinIndex = 0, .SDIPinIndex = 1, .SCKPinIndex = 2, .CSnPinIndex = 3, .shifterIndex = {0,1}, .timerIndex = {0,1} }; flexio_spi_master_config_t config = { .enableMaster = true, .enableInDoze = false, .enableInDebug = true, .enableFastAccess = false, .baudRate_Bps = 500000, .phase = kFLEXIO_SPI_ClockPhaseFirstEdge, .direction = kFLEXIO_SPI_MsbFirst, .dataMode = kFLEXIO_SPI_8BitMode }; FLEXIO_SPI_MasterInit(&spiDev, &config, srcClock_Hz);
1.FlexIO SPI master only support CPOL = 0, which means clock inactive low. 2.For FlexIO SPI master, the input valid time is 1.5 clock cycles, for slave the output valid time is 2.5 clock cycles. So if FlexIO SPI master communicates with other spi IPs, the maximum baud rate is FlexIO clock frequency divided by 2*2=4. If FlexIO SPI master communicates with FlexIO SPI slave, the maximum baud rate is FlexIO clock frequency divided by (1.5+2.5)*2=8.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
masterConfig – Pointer to the flexio_spi_master_config_t structure.
srcClock_Hz – FlexIO source clock in Hz.
void FLEXIO_SPI_MasterDeinit(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base)
Resets the FlexIO SPI timer and shifter config.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type.
void FLEXIO_SPI_MasterGetDefaultConfig(flexio_spi_master_config_t *masterConfig)
Gets the default configuration to configure the FlexIO SPI master. The configuration can be used directly by calling the FLEXIO_SPI_MasterConfigure(). Example:
flexio_spi_master_config_t masterConfig; FLEXIO_SPI_MasterGetDefaultConfig(&masterConfig);
- Parameters:
masterConfig – Pointer to the flexio_spi_master_config_t structure.
void FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveInit(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_slave_config_t *slaveConfig)
Ungates the FlexIO clock, resets the FlexIO module, configures the FlexIO SPI slave hardware configuration, and configures the FlexIO SPI with FlexIO SPI slave configuration. The configuration structure can be filled by the user, or be set with default values by the FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveGetDefaultConfig().
1.Only one timer is needed in the FlexIO SPI slave. As a result, the second timer index is ignored. 2.FlexIO SPI slave only support CPOL = 0, which means clock inactive low. 3.For FlexIO SPI master, the input valid time is 1.5 clock cycles, for slave the output valid time is 2.5 clock cycles. So if FlexIO SPI slave communicates with other spi IPs, the maximum baud rate is FlexIO clock frequency divided by 3*2=6. If FlexIO SPI slave communicates with FlexIO SPI master, the maximum baud rate is FlexIO clock frequency divided by (1.5+2.5)*2=8. Example
FLEXIO_SPI_Type spiDev = { .flexioBase = FLEXIO, .SDOPinIndex = 0, .SDIPinIndex = 1, .SCKPinIndex = 2, .CSnPinIndex = 3, .shifterIndex = {0,1}, .timerIndex = {0} }; flexio_spi_slave_config_t config = { .enableSlave = true, .enableInDoze = false, .enableInDebug = true, .enableFastAccess = false, .phase = kFLEXIO_SPI_ClockPhaseFirstEdge, .direction = kFLEXIO_SPI_MsbFirst, .dataMode = kFLEXIO_SPI_8BitMode }; FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveInit(&spiDev, &config);
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
slaveConfig – Pointer to the flexio_spi_slave_config_t structure.
void FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveDeinit(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base)
Gates the FlexIO clock.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type.
void FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveGetDefaultConfig(flexio_spi_slave_config_t *slaveConfig)
Gets the default configuration to configure the FlexIO SPI slave. The configuration can be used directly for calling the FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveConfigure(). Example:
flexio_spi_slave_config_t slaveConfig; FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveGetDefaultConfig(&slaveConfig);
- Parameters:
slaveConfig – Pointer to the flexio_spi_slave_config_t structure.
uint32_t FLEXIO_SPI_GetStatusFlags(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base)
Gets FlexIO SPI status flags.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
- Returns:
status flag; Use the status flag to AND the following flag mask and get the status.
void FLEXIO_SPI_ClearStatusFlags(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears FlexIO SPI status flags.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
mask – status flag The parameter can be any combination of the following values:
void FLEXIO_SPI_EnableInterrupts(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the FlexIO SPI interrupt.
This function enables the FlexIO SPI interrupt.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
mask – interrupt source. The parameter can be any combination of the following values:
void FLEXIO_SPI_DisableInterrupts(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the FlexIO SPI interrupt.
This function disables the FlexIO SPI interrupt.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
mask – interrupt source The parameter can be any combination of the following values:
void FLEXIO_SPI_EnableDMA(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, uint32_t mask, bool enable)
Enables/disables the FlexIO SPI transmit DMA. This function enables/disables the FlexIO SPI Tx DMA, which means that asserting the kFLEXIO_SPI_TxEmptyFlag does/doesn’t trigger the DMA request.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
mask – SPI DMA source.
enable – True means enable DMA, false means disable DMA.
static inline uint32_t FLEXIO_SPI_GetTxDataRegisterAddress(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_shift_direction_t direction)
Gets the FlexIO SPI transmit data register address for MSB first transfer.
This function returns the SPI data register address, which is mainly used by DMA/eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
direction – Shift direction of MSB first or LSB first.
- Returns:
FlexIO SPI transmit data register address.
static inline uint32_t FLEXIO_SPI_GetRxDataRegisterAddress(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_shift_direction_t direction)
Gets the FlexIO SPI receive data register address for the MSB first transfer.
This function returns the SPI data register address, which is mainly used by DMA/eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
direction – Shift direction of MSB first or LSB first.
- Returns:
FlexIO SPI receive data register address.
static inline void FLEXIO_SPI_Enable(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/disables the FlexIO SPI module operation.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type.
enable – True to enable, false does not have any effect.
void FLEXIO_SPI_MasterSetBaudRate(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, uint32_t baudRate_Bps, uint32_t srcClockHz)
Sets baud rate for the FlexIO SPI transfer, which is only used for the master.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
baudRate_Bps – Baud Rate needed in Hz.
srcClockHz – SPI source clock frequency in Hz.
static inline void FLEXIO_SPI_WriteData(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_shift_direction_t direction, uint32_t data)
Writes one byte of data, which is sent using the MSB method.
This is a non-blocking API, which returns directly after the data is put into the data register but the data transfer is not finished on the bus. Ensure that the TxEmptyFlag is asserted before calling this API.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
direction – Shift direction of MSB first or LSB first.
data – 8/16/32 bit data.
static inline uint32_t FLEXIO_SPI_ReadData(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_shift_direction_t direction)
Reads 8 bit/16 bit data.
This is a non-blocking API, which returns directly after the data is read from the data register. Ensure that the RxFullFlag is asserted before calling this API.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
direction – Shift direction of MSB first or LSB first.
- Returns:
8 bit/16 bit data received.
status_t FLEXIO_SPI_WriteBlocking(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_shift_direction_t direction, const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size)
Sends a buffer of data bytes.
This function blocks using the polling method until all bytes have been sent.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
direction – Shift direction of MSB first or LSB first.
buffer – The data bytes to send.
size – The number of data bytes to send.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully create the handle.
kStatus_FLEXIO_SPI_Timeout – The transfer timed out and was aborted.
status_t FLEXIO_SPI_ReadBlocking(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_shift_direction_t direction, uint8_t *buffer, size_t size)
Receives a buffer of bytes.
This function blocks using the polling method until all bytes have been received.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
direction – Shift direction of MSB first or LSB first.
buffer – The buffer to store the received bytes.
size – The number of data bytes to be received.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully create the handle.
kStatus_FLEXIO_SPI_Timeout – The transfer timed out and was aborted.
status_t FLEXIO_SPI_MasterTransferBlocking(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_transfer_t *xfer)
Receives a buffer of bytes.
This function blocks via polling until all bytes have been received.
- Parameters:
base – pointer to FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure
xfer – FlexIO SPI transfer structure, see flexio_spi_transfer_t.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully create the handle.
kStatus_FLEXIO_SPI_Timeout – The transfer timed out and was aborted.
void FLEXIO_SPI_FlushShifters(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base)
Flush tx/rx shifters.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
status_t FLEXIO_SPI_MasterTransferCreateHandle(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_master_handle_t *handle, flexio_spi_master_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Initializes the FlexIO SPI Master handle, which is used in transactional functions.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to the flexio_spi_master_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
callback – The callback function.
userData – The parameter of the callback function.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully create the handle.
kStatus_OutOfRange – The FlexIO type/handle/ISR table out of range.
status_t FLEXIO_SPI_MasterTransferNonBlocking(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_master_handle_t *handle, flexio_spi_transfer_t *xfer)
Master transfer data using IRQ.
This function sends data using IRQ. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all data is sent out/received, the callback function is called.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to the flexio_spi_master_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
xfer – FlexIO SPI transfer structure. See flexio_spi_transfer_t.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully start a transfer.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Input argument is invalid.
kStatus_FLEXIO_SPI_Busy – SPI is not idle, is running another transfer.
void FLEXIO_SPI_MasterTransferAbort(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_master_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the master data transfer, which used IRQ.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to the flexio_spi_master_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
status_t FLEXIO_SPI_MasterTransferGetCount(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_master_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the data transfer status which used IRQ.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to the flexio_spi_master_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
count – Number of bytes transferred so far by the non-blocking transaction.
- Return values:
kStatus_InvalidArgument – count is Invalid.
kStatus_Success – Successfully return the count.
void FLEXIO_SPI_MasterTransferHandleIRQ(void *spiType, void *spiHandle)
FlexIO SPI master IRQ handler function.
- Parameters:
spiType – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
spiHandle – Pointer to the flexio_spi_master_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
status_t FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveTransferCreateHandle(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_slave_handle_t *handle, flexio_spi_slave_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Initializes the FlexIO SPI Slave handle, which is used in transactional functions.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to the flexio_spi_slave_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
callback – The callback function.
userData – The parameter of the callback function.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully create the handle.
kStatus_OutOfRange – The FlexIO type/handle/ISR table out of range.
status_t FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveTransferNonBlocking(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_slave_handle_t *handle, flexio_spi_transfer_t *xfer)
Slave transfer data using IRQ.
This function sends data using IRQ. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all data is sent out/received, the callback function is called.
- Parameters:
handle – Pointer to the flexio_spi_slave_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
xfer – FlexIO SPI transfer structure. See flexio_spi_transfer_t.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully start a transfer.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Input argument is invalid.
kStatus_FLEXIO_SPI_Busy – SPI is not idle; it is running another transfer.
static inline void FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveTransferAbort(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_slave_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the slave data transfer which used IRQ, share same API with master.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to the flexio_spi_slave_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
static inline status_t FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveTransferGetCount(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_slave_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the data transfer status which used IRQ, share same API with master.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to the flexio_spi_slave_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
count – Number of bytes transferred so far by the non-blocking transaction.
- Return values:
kStatus_InvalidArgument – count is Invalid.
kStatus_Success – Successfully return the count.
void FLEXIO_SPI_SlaveTransferHandleIRQ(void *spiType, void *spiHandle)
FlexIO SPI slave IRQ handler function.
- Parameters:
spiType – Pointer to the FLEXIO_SPI_Type structure.
spiHandle – Pointer to the flexio_spi_slave_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
FlexIO SPI driver version.
Error codes for the FlexIO SPI driver.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_SPI_Busy
FlexIO SPI is busy.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_SPI_Idle
SPI is idle
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_SPI_Error
FlexIO SPI error.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_SPI_Timeout
FlexIO SPI timeout polling status flags.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_SPI_Busy
enum _flexio_spi_clock_phase
FlexIO SPI clock phase configuration.
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_ClockPhaseFirstEdge
First edge on SPSCK occurs at the middle of the first cycle of a data transfer.
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_ClockPhaseSecondEdge
First edge on SPSCK occurs at the start of the first cycle of a data transfer.
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_ClockPhaseFirstEdge
enum _flexio_spi_shift_direction
FlexIO SPI data shifter direction options.
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_MsbFirst
Data transfers start with most significant bit.
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_LsbFirst
Data transfers start with least significant bit.
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_MsbFirst
enum _flexio_spi_data_bitcount_mode
FlexIO SPI data length mode options.
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_8BitMode
8-bit data transmission mode.
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_16BitMode
16-bit data transmission mode.
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_32BitMode
32-bit data transmission mode.
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_8BitMode
enum _flexio_spi_interrupt_enable
Define FlexIO SPI interrupt mask.
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_TxEmptyInterruptEnable
Transmit buffer empty interrupt enable.
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_RxFullInterruptEnable
Receive buffer full interrupt enable.
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_TxEmptyInterruptEnable
enum _flexio_spi_status_flags
Define FlexIO SPI status mask.
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_TxBufferEmptyFlag
Transmit buffer empty flag.
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_RxBufferFullFlag
Receive buffer full flag.
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_TxBufferEmptyFlag
enum _flexio_spi_dma_enable
Define FlexIO SPI DMA mask.
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_TxDmaEnable
Tx DMA request source
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_RxDmaEnable
Rx DMA request source
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_DmaAllEnable
All DMA request source
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_TxDmaEnable
enum _flexio_spi_transfer_flags
Define FlexIO SPI transfer flags.
Use kFLEXIO_SPI_csContinuous and one of the other flags to OR together to form the transfer flag.
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_8bitMsb
FlexIO SPI 8-bit MSB first
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_8bitLsb
FlexIO SPI 8-bit LSB first
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_16bitMsb
FlexIO SPI 16-bit MSB first
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_16bitLsb
FlexIO SPI 16-bit LSB first
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_32bitMsb
FlexIO SPI 32-bit MSB first
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_32bitLsb
FlexIO SPI 32-bit LSB first
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_csContinuous
Enable the CS signal continuous mode
enumerator kFLEXIO_SPI_8bitMsb
typedef enum _flexio_spi_clock_phase flexio_spi_clock_phase_t
FlexIO SPI clock phase configuration.
typedef enum _flexio_spi_shift_direction flexio_spi_shift_direction_t
FlexIO SPI data shifter direction options.
typedef enum _flexio_spi_data_bitcount_mode flexio_spi_data_bitcount_mode_t
FlexIO SPI data length mode options.
typedef struct _flexio_spi_type FLEXIO_SPI_Type
Define FlexIO SPI access structure typedef.
typedef struct _flexio_spi_master_config flexio_spi_master_config_t
Define FlexIO SPI master configuration structure.
typedef struct _flexio_spi_slave_config flexio_spi_slave_config_t
Define FlexIO SPI slave configuration structure.
typedef struct _flexio_spi_transfer flexio_spi_transfer_t
Define FlexIO SPI transfer structure.
typedef struct _flexio_spi_master_handle flexio_spi_master_handle_t
typedef for flexio_spi_master_handle_t in advance.
typedef flexio_spi_master_handle_t flexio_spi_slave_handle_t
Slave handle is the same with master handle.
typedef void (*flexio_spi_master_transfer_callback_t)(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_master_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
FlexIO SPI master callback for finished transmit.
typedef void (*flexio_spi_slave_transfer_callback_t)(FLEXIO_SPI_Type *base, flexio_spi_slave_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
FlexIO SPI slave callback for finished transmit.
FlexIO SPI dummy transfer data, the data is sent while txData is NULL.
Retry times for waiting flag.
Get the transfer data format of width and bit order.
struct _flexio_spi_type
- #include <fsl_flexio_spi.h>
Define FlexIO SPI access structure typedef.
Public Members
FLEXIO_Type *flexioBase
FlexIO base pointer.
uint8_t SDOPinIndex
Pin select for data output. To set SDO pin in Hi-Z state, user needs to mux the pin as GPIO input and disable all pull up/down in application.
uint8_t SDIPinIndex
Pin select for data input.
uint8_t SCKPinIndex
Pin select for clock.
uint8_t CSnPinIndex
Pin select for enable.
uint8_t shifterIndex[2]
Shifter index used in FlexIO SPI.
uint8_t timerIndex[2]
Timer index used in FlexIO SPI.
FLEXIO_Type *flexioBase
struct _flexio_spi_master_config
- #include <fsl_flexio_spi.h>
Define FlexIO SPI master configuration structure.
Public Members
bool enableMaster
Enable/disable FlexIO SPI master after configuration.
bool enableInDoze
Enable/disable FlexIO operation in doze mode.
bool enableInDebug
Enable/disable FlexIO operation in debug mode.
bool enableFastAccess
Enable/disable fast access to FlexIO registers, fast access requires the FlexIO clock to be at least twice the frequency of the bus clock.
uint32_t baudRate_Bps
Baud rate in Bps.
flexio_spi_clock_phase_t phase
Clock phase.
flexio_spi_data_bitcount_mode_t dataMode
8bit or 16bit mode.
bool enableMaster
struct _flexio_spi_slave_config
- #include <fsl_flexio_spi.h>
Define FlexIO SPI slave configuration structure.
Public Members
bool enableSlave
Enable/disable FlexIO SPI slave after configuration.
bool enableInDoze
Enable/disable FlexIO operation in doze mode.
bool enableInDebug
Enable/disable FlexIO operation in debug mode.
bool enableFastAccess
Enable/disable fast access to FlexIO registers, fast access requires the FlexIO clock to be at least twice the frequency of the bus clock.
flexio_spi_clock_phase_t phase
Clock phase.
flexio_spi_data_bitcount_mode_t dataMode
8bit or 16bit mode.
bool enableSlave
struct _flexio_spi_transfer
- #include <fsl_flexio_spi.h>
Define FlexIO SPI transfer structure.
Public Members
const uint8_t *txData
Send buffer.
uint8_t *rxData
Receive buffer.
size_t dataSize
Transfer bytes.
uint8_t flags
FlexIO SPI control flag, MSB first or LSB first.
const uint8_t *txData
struct _flexio_spi_master_handle
- #include <fsl_flexio_spi.h>
Define FlexIO SPI handle structure.
Public Members
const uint8_t *txData
Transfer buffer.
uint8_t *rxData
Receive buffer.
size_t transferSize
Total bytes to be transferred.
volatile size_t txRemainingBytes
Send data remaining in bytes.
volatile size_t rxRemainingBytes
Receive data remaining in bytes.
volatile uint32_t state
FlexIO SPI internal state.
uint8_t bytePerFrame
SPI mode, 2bytes or 1byte in a frame
flexio_spi_shift_direction_t direction
Shift direction.
flexio_spi_master_transfer_callback_t callback
FlexIO SPI callback.
void *userData
Callback parameter.
const uint8_t *txData
FlexIO UART Driver
status_t FLEXIO_UART_Init(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, const flexio_uart_config_t *userConfig, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
Ungates the FlexIO clock, resets the FlexIO module, configures FlexIO UART hardware, and configures the FlexIO UART with FlexIO UART configuration. The configuration structure can be filled by the user or be set with default values by FLEXIO_UART_GetDefaultConfig().
FLEXIO_UART_Type base = { .flexioBase = FLEXIO, .TxPinIndex = 0, .RxPinIndex = 1, .shifterIndex = {0,1}, .timerIndex = {0,1} }; flexio_uart_config_t config = { .enableInDoze = false, .enableInDebug = true, .enableFastAccess = false, .baudRate_Bps = 115200U, .bitCountPerChar = 8 }; FLEXIO_UART_Init(base, &config, srcClock_Hz);
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
userConfig – Pointer to the flexio_uart_config_t structure.
srcClock_Hz – FlexIO source clock in Hz.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Configuration success.
kStatus_FLEXIO_UART_BaudrateNotSupport – Baudrate is not supported for current clock source frequency.
void FLEXIO_UART_Deinit(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base)
Resets the FlexIO UART shifter and timer config.
After calling this API, call the FLEXO_UART_Init to use the FlexIO UART module.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to FLEXIO_UART_Type structure
void FLEXIO_UART_GetDefaultConfig(flexio_uart_config_t *userConfig)
Gets the default configuration to configure the FlexIO UART. The configuration can be used directly for calling the FLEXIO_UART_Init(). Example:
flexio_uart_config_t config; FLEXIO_UART_GetDefaultConfig(&userConfig);
- Parameters:
userConfig – Pointer to the flexio_uart_config_t structure.
uint32_t FLEXIO_UART_GetStatusFlags(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base)
Gets the FlexIO UART status flags.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
- Returns:
FlexIO UART status flags.
void FLEXIO_UART_ClearStatusFlags(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Gets the FlexIO UART status flags.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
mask – Status flag. The parameter can be any combination of the following values:
void FLEXIO_UART_EnableInterrupts(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the FlexIO UART interrupt.
This function enables the FlexIO UART interrupt.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
mask – Interrupt source.
void FLEXIO_UART_DisableInterrupts(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the FlexIO UART interrupt.
This function disables the FlexIO UART interrupt.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
mask – Interrupt source.
static inline uint32_t FLEXIO_UART_GetTxDataRegisterAddress(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base)
Gets the FlexIO UARt transmit data register address.
This function returns the UART data register address, which is mainly used by DMA/eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
- Returns:
FlexIO UART transmit data register address.
static inline uint32_t FLEXIO_UART_GetRxDataRegisterAddress(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base)
Gets the FlexIO UART receive data register address.
This function returns the UART data register address, which is mainly used by DMA/eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
- Returns:
FlexIO UART receive data register address.
static inline void FLEXIO_UART_EnableTxDMA(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/disables the FlexIO UART transmit DMA. This function enables/disables the FlexIO UART Tx DMA, which means asserting the kFLEXIO_UART_TxDataRegEmptyFlag does/doesn’t trigger the DMA request.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
enable – True to enable, false to disable.
static inline void FLEXIO_UART_EnableRxDMA(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/disables the FlexIO UART receive DMA. This function enables/disables the FlexIO UART Rx DMA, which means asserting kFLEXIO_UART_RxDataRegFullFlag does/doesn’t trigger the DMA request.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
enable – True to enable, false to disable.
static inline void FLEXIO_UART_Enable(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/disables the FlexIO UART module operation.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type.
enable – True to enable, false does not have any effect.
static inline void FLEXIO_UART_WriteByte(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, const uint8_t *buffer)
Writes one byte of data.
This is a non-blocking API, which returns directly after the data is put into the data register. Ensure that the TxEmptyFlag is asserted before calling this API.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
buffer – The data bytes to send.
static inline void FLEXIO_UART_ReadByte(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, uint8_t *buffer)
Reads one byte of data.
This is a non-blocking API, which returns directly after the data is read from the data register. Ensure that the RxFullFlag is asserted before calling this API.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
buffer – The buffer to store the received bytes.
status_t FLEXIO_UART_WriteBlocking(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, const uint8_t *txData, size_t txSize)
Sends a buffer of data bytes.
This function blocks using the polling method until all bytes have been sent.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
txData – The data bytes to send.
txSize – The number of data bytes to send.
- Return values:
kStatus_FLEXIO_UART_Timeout – Transmission timed out and was aborted.
kStatus_Success – Successfully wrote all data.
status_t FLEXIO_UART_ReadBlocking(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, uint8_t *rxData, size_t rxSize)
Receives a buffer of bytes.
This function blocks using the polling method until all bytes have been received.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
rxData – The buffer to store the received bytes.
rxSize – The number of data bytes to be received.
- Return values:
kStatus_FLEXIO_UART_Timeout – Transmission timed out and was aborted.
kStatus_Success – Successfully received all data.
status_t FLEXIO_UART_TransferCreateHandle(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, flexio_uart_handle_t *handle, flexio_uart_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Initializes the UART handle.
This function initializes the FlexIO UART handle, which can be used for other FlexIO UART transactional APIs. Call this API once to get the initialized handle.
The UART driver supports the “background” receiving, which means that users can set up a RX ring buffer optionally. Data received is stored into the ring buffer even when the user doesn’t call the FLEXIO_UART_TransferReceiveNonBlocking() API. If there is already data received in the ring buffer, users can get the received data from the ring buffer directly. The ring buffer is disabled if passing NULL as
.- Parameters:
base – to FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to the flexio_uart_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
callback – The callback function.
userData – The parameter of the callback function.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully create the handle.
kStatus_OutOfRange – The FlexIO type/handle/ISR table out of range.
void FLEXIO_UART_TransferStartRingBuffer(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, flexio_uart_handle_t *handle, uint8_t *ringBuffer, size_t ringBufferSize)
Sets up the RX ring buffer.
This function sets up the RX ring buffer to a specific UART handle.
When the RX ring buffer is used, data received is stored into the ring buffer even when the user doesn’t call the UART_ReceiveNonBlocking() API. If there is already data received in the ring buffer, users can get the received data from the ring buffer directly.
When using the RX ring buffer, one byte is reserved for internal use. In other words, if
is 32, only 31 bytes are used for saving data.- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to the flexio_uart_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
ringBuffer – Start address of ring buffer for background receiving. Pass NULL to disable the ring buffer.
ringBufferSize – Size of the ring buffer.
void FLEXIO_UART_TransferStopRingBuffer(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, flexio_uart_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the background transfer and uninstalls the ring buffer.
This function aborts the background transfer and uninstalls the ring buffer.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to the flexio_uart_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
status_t FLEXIO_UART_TransferSendNonBlocking(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, flexio_uart_handle_t *handle, flexio_uart_transfer_t *xfer)
Transmits a buffer of data using the interrupt method.
This function sends data using an interrupt method. This is a non-blocking function, which returns directly without waiting for all data to be written to the TX register. When all data is written to the TX register in ISR, the FlexIO UART driver calls the callback function and passes the kStatus_FLEXIO_UART_TxIdle as status parameter.
The kStatus_FLEXIO_UART_TxIdle is passed to the upper layer when all data is written to the TX register. However, it does not ensure that all data is sent out.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to the flexio_uart_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
xfer – FlexIO UART transfer structure. See flexio_uart_transfer_t.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully starts the data transmission.
kStatus_UART_TxBusy – Previous transmission still not finished, data not written to the TX register.
void FLEXIO_UART_TransferAbortSend(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, flexio_uart_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the interrupt-driven data transmit.
This function aborts the interrupt-driven data sending. Get the remainBytes to find out how many bytes are still not sent out.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to the flexio_uart_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
status_t FLEXIO_UART_TransferGetSendCount(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, flexio_uart_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the number of bytes sent.
This function gets the number of bytes sent driven by interrupt.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to the flexio_uart_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
count – Number of bytes sent so far by the non-blocking transaction.
- Return values:
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – transfer has finished or no transfer in progress.
kStatus_Success – Successfully return the count.
status_t FLEXIO_UART_TransferReceiveNonBlocking(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, flexio_uart_handle_t *handle, flexio_uart_transfer_t *xfer, size_t *receivedBytes)
Receives a buffer of data using the interrupt method.
This function receives data using the interrupt method. This is a non-blocking function, which returns without waiting for all data to be received. If the RX ring buffer is used and not empty, the data in ring buffer is copied and the parameter
shows how many bytes are copied from the ring buffer. After copying, if the data in ring buffer is not enough to read, the receive request is saved by the UART driver. When new data arrives, the receive request is serviced first. When all data is received, the UART driver notifies the upper layer through a callback function and passes the status parameter kStatus_UART_RxIdle. For example, if the upper layer needs 10 bytes but there are only 5 bytes in the ring buffer, the 5 bytes are copied to xfer->data. This function returns with the parameterreceivedBytes
set to 5. For the last 5 bytes, newly arrived data is saved from the xfer->data[5]. When 5 bytes are received, the UART driver notifies upper layer. If the RX ring buffer is not enabled, this function enables the RX and RX interrupt to receive data to xfer->data. When all data is received, the upper layer is notified.- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to the flexio_uart_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
xfer – UART transfer structure. See flexio_uart_transfer_t.
receivedBytes – Bytes received from the ring buffer directly.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully queue the transfer into the transmit queue.
kStatus_FLEXIO_UART_RxBusy – Previous receive request is not finished.
void FLEXIO_UART_TransferAbortReceive(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, flexio_uart_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the receive data which was using IRQ.
This function aborts the receive data which was using IRQ.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to the flexio_uart_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
status_t FLEXIO_UART_TransferGetReceiveCount(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, flexio_uart_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the number of bytes received.
This function gets the number of bytes received driven by interrupt.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
handle – Pointer to the flexio_uart_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
count – Number of bytes received so far by the non-blocking transaction.
- Return values:
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – transfer has finished or no transfer in progress.
kStatus_Success – Successfully return the count.
void FLEXIO_UART_TransferHandleIRQ(void *uartType, void *uartHandle)
FlexIO UART IRQ handler function.
This function processes the FlexIO UART transmit and receives the IRQ request.
- Parameters:
uartType – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
uartHandle – Pointer to the flexio_uart_handle_t structure to store the transfer state.
void FLEXIO_UART_FlushShifters(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base)
Flush tx/rx shifters.
- Parameters:
base – Pointer to the FLEXIO_UART_Type structure.
FlexIO UART driver version.
Error codes for the UART driver.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_UART_TxBusy
Transmitter is busy.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_UART_RxBusy
Receiver is busy.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_UART_TxIdle
UART transmitter is idle.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_UART_RxIdle
UART receiver is idle.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_UART_ERROR
ERROR happens on UART.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_UART_RxRingBufferOverrun
UART RX software ring buffer overrun.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_UART_RxHardwareOverrun
UART RX receiver overrun.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_UART_Timeout
UART times out.
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_UART_BaudrateNotSupport
Baudrate is not supported in current clock source
enumerator kStatus_FLEXIO_UART_TxBusy
enum _flexio_uart_bit_count_per_char
FlexIO UART bit count per char.
enumerator kFLEXIO_UART_7BitsPerChar
7-bit data characters
enumerator kFLEXIO_UART_8BitsPerChar
8-bit data characters
enumerator kFLEXIO_UART_9BitsPerChar
9-bit data characters
enumerator kFLEXIO_UART_7BitsPerChar
enum _flexio_uart_interrupt_enable
Define FlexIO UART interrupt mask.
enumerator kFLEXIO_UART_TxDataRegEmptyInterruptEnable
Transmit buffer empty interrupt enable.
enumerator kFLEXIO_UART_RxDataRegFullInterruptEnable
Receive buffer full interrupt enable.
enumerator kFLEXIO_UART_TxDataRegEmptyInterruptEnable
enum _flexio_uart_status_flags
Define FlexIO UART status mask.
enumerator kFLEXIO_UART_TxDataRegEmptyFlag
Transmit buffer empty flag.
enumerator kFLEXIO_UART_RxDataRegFullFlag
Receive buffer full flag.
enumerator kFLEXIO_UART_RxOverRunFlag
Receive buffer over run flag.
enumerator kFLEXIO_UART_TxDataRegEmptyFlag
typedef enum _flexio_uart_bit_count_per_char flexio_uart_bit_count_per_char_t
FlexIO UART bit count per char.
typedef struct _flexio_uart_type FLEXIO_UART_Type
Define FlexIO UART access structure typedef.
typedef struct _flexio_uart_config flexio_uart_config_t
Define FlexIO UART user configuration structure.
typedef struct _flexio_uart_transfer flexio_uart_transfer_t
Define FlexIO UART transfer structure.
typedef struct _flexio_uart_handle flexio_uart_handle_t
typedef void (*flexio_uart_transfer_callback_t)(FLEXIO_UART_Type *base, flexio_uart_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
FlexIO UART transfer callback function.
Retry times for waiting flag.
struct _flexio_uart_type
- #include <fsl_flexio_uart.h>
Define FlexIO UART access structure typedef.
Public Members
FLEXIO_Type *flexioBase
FlexIO base pointer.
uint8_t TxPinIndex
Pin select for UART_Tx.
uint8_t RxPinIndex
Pin select for UART_Rx.
uint8_t shifterIndex[2]
Shifter index used in FlexIO UART.
uint8_t timerIndex[2]
Timer index used in FlexIO UART.
FLEXIO_Type *flexioBase
struct _flexio_uart_config
- #include <fsl_flexio_uart.h>
Define FlexIO UART user configuration structure.
Public Members
bool enableUart
Enable/disable FlexIO UART TX & RX.
bool enableInDoze
Enable/disable FlexIO operation in doze mode
bool enableInDebug
Enable/disable FlexIO operation in debug mode
bool enableFastAccess
Enable/disable fast access to FlexIO registers, fast access requires the FlexIO clock to be at least twice the frequency of the bus clock.
uint32_t baudRate_Bps
Baud rate in Bps.
flexio_uart_bit_count_per_char_t bitCountPerChar
number of bits, 7/8/9 -bit
bool enableUart
struct _flexio_uart_transfer
- #include <fsl_flexio_uart.h>
Define FlexIO UART transfer structure.
Public Members
size_t dataSize
Transfer size
size_t dataSize
struct _flexio_uart_handle
- #include <fsl_flexio_uart.h>
Define FLEXIO UART handle structure.
Public Members
const uint8_t *volatile txData
Address of remaining data to send.
volatile size_t txDataSize
Size of the remaining data to send.
uint8_t *volatile rxData
Address of remaining data to receive.
volatile size_t rxDataSize
Size of the remaining data to receive.
size_t txDataSizeAll
Total bytes to be sent.
size_t rxDataSizeAll
Total bytes to be received.
uint8_t *rxRingBuffer
Start address of the receiver ring buffer.
size_t rxRingBufferSize
Size of the ring buffer.
volatile uint16_t rxRingBufferHead
Index for the driver to store received data into ring buffer.
volatile uint16_t rxRingBufferTail
Index for the user to get data from the ring buffer.
flexio_uart_transfer_callback_t callback
Callback function.
void *userData
UART callback function parameter.
volatile uint8_t txState
TX transfer state.
volatile uint8_t rxState
RX transfer state
const uint8_t *volatile txData
union __unnamed79__
Public Members
uint8_t *data
The buffer of data to be transfer.
uint8_t *rxData
The buffer to receive data.
const uint8_t *txData
The buffer of data to be sent.
uint8_t *data
FREQME: Frequency Measurement
status_t GDET_Init(GDET_Type *base)
Initialize GDET.
This function initializes GDET block and setting.
- Parameters:
base – GDET peripheral base address
- Returns:
Status of the init operation
void GDET_Deinit(GDET_Type *base)
Deinitialize GDET.
This function deinitializes GDET secure counter.
- Parameters:
base – GDET peripheral base address
status_t GDET_Enable(GDET_Type *base)
Enable GDET.
This function enables GDET and interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – GDET peripheral base address
- Returns:
Status of the enable operation
status_t GDET_Disable(GDET_Type *base)
Disable GDET.
This function disables GDET and interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – GDET peripheral base address
- Returns:
Status of the disable operation
status_t GDET_IsolateOn(GDET_Type *base)
Turn on GDET isolation.
This function turns on isolation of GDET peripheral
- Parameters:
base – GDET peripheral base address
- Returns:
Status of the operation
status_t GDET_IsolateOff(GDET_Type *base)
Turn off GDET isolation.
This function turns off isolation of GDET peripheral
- Parameters:
base – GDET peripheral base address
- Returns:
Status of the operation
status_t GDET_ReconfigureVoltageMode(GDET_Type *base, gdet_core_voltage_t voltage)
Change expected core voltage.
This function changes core voltage which Glitch detector expect.
- Parameters:
base – GDET peripheral base address
voltage – Expected core voltage
- Returns:
Status of the GDET reconfiguration operation
Defines GDET driver version 2.1.0.
Change log:
Version 2.1.0
Update for multiple instances
Fix bug in isolation off API
Add enable and disable APIs
Fix MISRA in GDET_ReconfigureVoltageMode()
Version 2.0.0
initial version
typedef uint32_t gdet_core_voltage_t
GDET Core Voltage.
These constants are used to define core voltage argument to be used with GDET_ReconfigureVoltageMode(). Different SoC may support various volatages, refer to documentation.
void GDET_DriverIRQHandler(void)
Voltage (0.9V)
Voltage (1.0V)
Voltage (1.1V)
Glitch Detect
GPIO: General-Purpose Input/Output Driver
GPIO driver version.
enum _gpio_pin_direction
GPIO direction definition.
enumerator kGPIO_DigitalInput
Set current pin as digital input
enumerator kGPIO_DigitalOutput
Set current pin as digital output
enumerator kGPIO_DigitalInput
enum _gpio_checker_attribute
GPIO checker attribute.
enumerator kGPIO_UsernonsecureRWUsersecureRWPrivilegedsecureRW
User nonsecure:Read+Write; User Secure:Read+Write; Privileged Secure:Read+Write
enumerator kGPIO_UsernonsecureRUsersecureRWPrivilegedsecureRW
User nonsecure:Read; User Secure:Read+Write; Privileged Secure:Read+Write
enumerator kGPIO_UsernonsecureNUsersecureRWPrivilegedsecureRW
User nonsecure:None; User Secure:Read+Write; Privileged Secure:Read+Write
enumerator kGPIO_UsernonsecureRUsersecureRPrivilegedsecureRW
User nonsecure:Read; User Secure:Read; Privileged Secure:Read+Write
enumerator kGPIO_UsernonsecureNUsersecureRPrivilegedsecureRW
User nonsecure:None; User Secure:Read; Privileged Secure:Read+Write
enumerator kGPIO_UsernonsecureNUsersecureNPrivilegedsecureRW
User nonsecure:None; User Secure:None; Privileged Secure:Read+Write
enumerator kGPIO_UsernonsecureNUsersecureNPrivilegedsecureR
User nonsecure:None; User Secure:None; Privileged Secure:Read
enumerator kGPIO_UsernonsecureNUsersecureNPrivilegedsecureN
User nonsecure:None; User Secure:None; Privileged Secure:None
enumerator kGPIO_IgnoreAttributeCheck
Ignores the attribute check
enumerator kGPIO_UsernonsecureRWUsersecureRWPrivilegedsecureRW
enum _gpio_interrupt_config
Configures the interrupt generation condition.
enumerator kGPIO_InterruptStatusFlagDisabled
Interrupt status flag is disabled.
enumerator kGPIO_DMARisingEdge
ISF flag and DMA request on rising edge.
enumerator kGPIO_DMAFallingEdge
ISF flag and DMA request on falling edge.
enumerator kGPIO_DMAEitherEdge
ISF flag and DMA request on either edge.
enumerator kGPIO_FlagRisingEdge
Flag sets on rising edge.
enumerator kGPIO_FlagFallingEdge
Flag sets on falling edge.
enumerator kGPIO_FlagEitherEdge
Flag sets on either edge.
enumerator kGPIO_InterruptLogicZero
Interrupt when logic zero.
enumerator kGPIO_InterruptRisingEdge
Interrupt on rising edge.
enumerator kGPIO_InterruptFallingEdge
Interrupt on falling edge.
enumerator kGPIO_InterruptEitherEdge
Interrupt on either edge.
enumerator kGPIO_InterruptLogicOne
Interrupt when logic one.
enumerator kGPIO_ActiveHighTriggerOutputEnable
Enable active high-trigger output.
enumerator kGPIO_ActiveLowTriggerOutputEnable
Enable active low-trigger output.
enumerator kGPIO_InterruptStatusFlagDisabled
enum _gpio_interrupt_selection
Configures the selection of interrupt/DMA request/trigger output.
enumerator kGPIO_InterruptOutput0
Interrupt/DMA request/trigger output 0.
enumerator kGPIO_InterruptOutput1
Interrupt/DMA request/trigger output 1.
enumerator kGPIO_InterruptOutput0
enum gpio_pin_interrupt_control_t
GPIO pin and interrupt control.
enumerator kGPIO_PinControlNonSecure
Pin Control Non-Secure.
enumerator kGPIO_InterruptControlNonSecure
Interrupt Control Non-Secure.
enumerator kGPIO_PinControlNonPrivilege
Pin Control Non-Privilege.
enumerator kGPIO_InterruptControlNonPrivilege
Interrupt Control Non-Privilege.
enumerator kGPIO_PinControlNonSecure
typedef enum _gpio_pin_direction gpio_pin_direction_t
GPIO direction definition.
typedef enum _gpio_checker_attribute gpio_checker_attribute_t
GPIO checker attribute.
typedef struct _gpio_pin_config gpio_pin_config_t
The GPIO pin configuration structure.
Each pin can only be configured as either an output pin or an input pin at a time. If configured as an input pin, leave the outputConfig unused. Note that in some use cases, the corresponding port property should be configured in advance with the PORT_SetPinConfig().
typedef enum _gpio_interrupt_config gpio_interrupt_config_t
Configures the interrupt generation condition.
typedef enum _gpio_interrupt_selection gpio_interrupt_selection_t
Configures the selection of interrupt/DMA request/trigger output.
typedef struct _gpio_version_info gpio_version_info_t
GPIO version information.
struct _gpio_pin_config
- #include <fsl_gpio.h>
The GPIO pin configuration structure.
Each pin can only be configured as either an output pin or an input pin at a time. If configured as an input pin, leave the outputConfig unused. Note that in some use cases, the corresponding port property should be configured in advance with the PORT_SetPinConfig().
Public Members
gpio_pin_direction_t pinDirection
GPIO direction, input or output
uint8_t outputLogic
Set a default output logic, which has no use in input
gpio_pin_direction_t pinDirection
struct _gpio_version_info
- #include <fsl_gpio.h>
GPIO version information.
Public Members
uint16_t feature
Feature Specification Number.
uint8_t minor
Minor Version Number.
uint8_t major
Major Version Number.
uint16_t feature
GPIO Driver
void GPIO_PortInit(GPIO_Type *base)
Initializes the GPIO peripheral.
This function ungates the GPIO clock.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer.
void GPIO_PortDenit(GPIO_Type *base)
Denitializes the GPIO peripheral.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer.
void GPIO_PinInit(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t pin, const gpio_pin_config_t *config)
Initializes a GPIO pin used by the board.
To initialize the GPIO, define a pin configuration, as either input or output, in the user file. Then, call the GPIO_PinInit() function.
This is an example to define an input pin or an output pin configuration.
Define a digital input pin configuration, gpio_pin_config_t config = { kGPIO_DigitalInput, 0, } Define a digital output pin configuration, gpio_pin_config_t config = { kGPIO_DigitalOutput, 0, }
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)
pin – GPIO port pin number
config – GPIO pin configuration pointer
void GPIO_GetVersionInfo(GPIO_Type *base, gpio_version_info_t *info)
Get GPIO version information.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)
info – GPIO version information
static inline void GPIO_SecurePrivilegeLock(GPIO_Type *base, gpio_pin_interrupt_control_t mask)
lock or unlock secure privilege.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)
mask – pin or interrupt macro
static inline void GPIO_EnablePinControlNonSecure(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enable Pin Control Non-Secure.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)
mask – GPIO pin number macro
static inline void GPIO_DisablePinControlNonSecure(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disable Pin Control Non-Secure.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)
mask – GPIO pin number macro
static inline void GPIO_EnablePinControlNonPrivilege(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enable Pin Control Non-Privilege.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)
mask – GPIO pin number macro
static inline void GPIO_DisablePinControlNonPrivilege(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disable Pin Control Non-Privilege.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)
mask – GPIO pin number macro
static inline void GPIO_EnableInterruptControlNonSecure(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enable Interrupt Control Non-Secure.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)
mask – GPIO pin number macro
static inline void GPIO_DisableInterruptControlNonSecure(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disable Interrupt Control Non-Secure.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)
mask – GPIO pin number macro
static inline void GPIO_EnableInterruptControlNonPrivilege(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enable Interrupt Control Non-Privilege.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)
mask – GPIO pin number macro
static inline void GPIO_DisableInterruptControlNonPrivilege(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disable Interrupt Control Non-Privilege.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)
mask – GPIO pin number macro
static inline void GPIO_PortInputEnable(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enable port input.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)
mask – GPIO pin number macro
static inline void GPIO_PortInputDisable(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disable port input.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)
mask – GPIO pin number macro
static inline void GPIO_PinWrite(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t pin, uint8_t output)
Sets the output level of the multiple GPIO pins to the logic 1 or 0.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)
pin – GPIO pin number
output – GPIO pin output logic level.
0: corresponding pin output low-logic level.
1: corresponding pin output high-logic level.
static inline void GPIO_PortSet(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Sets the output level of the multiple GPIO pins to the logic 1.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)
mask – GPIO pin number macro
static inline void GPIO_PortClear(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Sets the output level of the multiple GPIO pins to the logic 0.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)
mask – GPIO pin number macro
static inline void GPIO_PortToggle(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Reverses the current output logic of the multiple GPIO pins.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)
mask – GPIO pin number macro
static inline uint32_t GPIO_PinRead(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t pin)
Reads the current input value of the GPIO port.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)
pin – GPIO pin number
- Return values:
GPIO – port input value
0: corresponding pin input low-logic level.
1: corresponding pin input high-logic level.
static inline void GPIO_SetPinInterruptConfig(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t pin, gpio_interrupt_config_t config)
Configures the gpio pin interrupt/DMA request.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer.
pin – GPIO pin number.
config – GPIO pin interrupt configuration.
kGPIO_InterruptStatusFlagDisabled: Interrupt/DMA request disabled.
kGPIO_DMARisingEdge : DMA request on rising edge(if the DMA requests exit).
kGPIO_DMAFallingEdge: DMA request on falling edge(if the DMA requests exit).
kGPIO_DMAEitherEdge : DMA request on either edge(if the DMA requests exit).
kGPIO_FlagRisingEdge : Flag sets on rising edge(if the Flag states exit).
kGPIO_FlagFallingEdge : Flag sets on falling edge(if the Flag states exit).
kGPIO_FlagEitherEdge : Flag sets on either edge(if the Flag states exit).
kGPIO_InterruptLogicZero : Interrupt when logic zero.
kGPIO_InterruptRisingEdge : Interrupt on rising edge.
kGPIO_InterruptFallingEdge: Interrupt on falling edge.
kGPIO_InterruptEitherEdge : Interrupt on either edge.
kGPIO_InterruptLogicOne : Interrupt when logic one.
kGPIO_ActiveHighTriggerOutputEnable : Enable active high-trigger output (if the trigger states exit).
kGPIO_ActiveLowTriggerOutputEnable : Enable active low-trigger output (if the trigger states exit).
static inline void GPIO_SetPinInterruptChannel(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t pin, gpio_interrupt_selection_t selection)
Configures the gpio pin interrupt/DMA request/trigger output channel selection.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer.
pin – GPIO pin number.
selection – GPIO pin interrupt output selection.
kGPIO_InterruptOutput0: Interrupt/DMA request/trigger output 0.
kGPIO_InterruptOutput1 : Interrupt/DMA request/trigger output 1.
uint32_t GPIO_GpioGetInterruptFlags(GPIO_Type *base)
Read the GPIO interrupt status flags.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer. (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)
- Returns:
The current GPIO’s interrupt status flag. ‘1’ means the related pin’s flag is set, ‘0’ means the related pin’s flag not set. For example, the return value 0x00010001 means the pin 0 and 17 have the interrupt pending.
uint32_t GPIO_GpioGetInterruptChannelFlags(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Read the GPIO interrupt status flags based on selected interrupt channel(IRQS).
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer. (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)
channel – ‘0’ means selete interrupt channel 0, ‘1’ means selete interrupt channel 1.
- Returns:
The current GPIO’s interrupt status flag based on the selected interrupt channel. ‘1’ means the related pin’s flag is set, ‘0’ means the related pin’s flag not set. For example, the return value 0x00010001 means the pin 0 and 17 have the interrupt pending.
uint8_t GPIO_PinGetInterruptFlag(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t pin)
Read individual pin’s interrupt status flag.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer. (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on)
pin – GPIO specific pin number.
- Returns:
The current selected pin’s interrupt status flag.
void GPIO_GpioClearInterruptFlags(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears GPIO pin interrupt status flags.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)
mask – GPIO pin number macro
void GPIO_GpioClearInterruptChannelFlags(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask, uint32_t channel)
Clears GPIO pin interrupt status flags based on selected interrupt channel(IRQS).
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)
mask – GPIO pin number macro
channel – ‘0’ means selete interrupt channel 0, ‘1’ means selete interrupt channel 1.
void GPIO_PinClearInterruptFlag(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t pin)
Clear GPIO individual pin’s interrupt status flag.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on).
pin – GPIO specific pin number.
static inline void GPIO_SetMultipleInterruptPinsConfig(GPIO_Type *base, uint32_t mask, gpio_interrupt_config_t config)
Sets the GPIO interrupt configuration in PCR register for multiple pins.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer.
mask – GPIO pin number macro.
config – GPIO pin interrupt configuration.
kGPIO_InterruptStatusFlagDisabled: Interrupt disabled.
kGPIO_DMARisingEdge : DMA request on rising edge(if the DMA requests exit).
kGPIO_DMAFallingEdge: DMA request on falling edge(if the DMA requests exit).
kGPIO_DMAEitherEdge : DMA request on either edge(if the DMA requests exit).
kGPIO_FlagRisingEdge : Flag sets on rising edge(if the Flag states exit).
kGPIO_FlagFallingEdge : Flag sets on falling edge(if the Flag states exit).
kGPIO_FlagEitherEdge : Flag sets on either edge(if the Flag states exit).
kGPIO_InterruptLogicZero : Interrupt when logic zero.
kGPIO_InterruptRisingEdge : Interrupt on rising edge.
kGPIO_InterruptFallingEdge: Interrupt on falling edge.
kGPIO_InterruptEitherEdge : Interrupt on either edge.
kGPIO_InterruptLogicOne : Interrupt when logic one.
kGPIO_ActiveHighTriggerOutputEnable : Enable active high-trigger output (if the trigger states exit).
kGPIO_ActiveLowTriggerOutputEnable : Enable active low-trigger output (if the trigger states exit)..
void GPIO_CheckAttributeBytes(GPIO_Type *base, gpio_checker_attribute_t attribute)
brief The GPIO module supports a device-specific number of data ports, organized as 32-bit words/8-bit Bytes. Each 32-bit/8-bit data port includes a GACR register, which defines the byte-level attributes required for a successful access to the GPIO programming model. If the GPIO module’s GACR register organized as 32-bit words, the attribute controls for the 4 data bytes in the GACR follow a standard little endian data convention.
- Parameters:
base – GPIO peripheral base pointer (GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC, and so on.)
attribute – GPIO checker attribute
I3C: I3C Driver
I3C driver version.
I3C status return codes.
enumerator kStatus_I3C_Busy
The master is already performing a transfer.
enumerator kStatus_I3C_Idle
The slave driver is idle.
enumerator kStatus_I3C_Nak
The slave device sent a NAK in response to an address.
enumerator kStatus_I3C_WriteAbort
The slave device sent a NAK in response to a write.
enumerator kStatus_I3C_Term
The master terminates slave read.
enumerator kStatus_I3C_HdrParityError
Parity error from DDR read.
enumerator kStatus_I3C_CrcError
CRC error from DDR read.
enumerator kStatus_I3C_ReadFifoError
Read from M/SRDATAB register when FIFO empty.
enumerator kStatus_I3C_WriteFifoError
Write to M/SWDATAB register when FIFO full.
enumerator kStatus_I3C_MsgError
Message SDR/DDR mismatch or read/write message in wrong state
enumerator kStatus_I3C_InvalidReq
Invalid use of request.
enumerator kStatus_I3C_Timeout
The module has stalled too long in a frame.
enumerator kStatus_I3C_SlaveCountExceed
The I3C slave count has exceed the definition in I3C_MAX_DEVCNT.
enumerator kStatus_I3C_IBIWon
The I3C slave event IBI or MR or HJ won the arbitration on a header address.
enumerator kStatus_I3C_OverrunError
Slave internal from-bus buffer/FIFO overrun.
enumerator kStatus_I3C_UnderrunError
Slave internal to-bus buffer/FIFO underrun
enumerator kStatus_I3C_UnderrunNak
Slave internal from-bus buffer/FIFO underrun and NACK error
enumerator kStatus_I3C_InvalidStart
Slave invalid start flag
enumerator kStatus_I3C_SdrParityError
SDR parity error
enumerator kStatus_I3C_S0S1Error
S0 or S1 error
enumerator kStatus_I3C_Busy
enum _i3c_hdr_mode
I3C HDR modes.
enumerator kI3C_HDRModeNone
enumerator kI3C_HDRModeDDR
enumerator kI3C_HDRModeTSP
enumerator kI3C_HDRModeTSL
enumerator kI3C_HDRModeNone
typedef enum _i3c_hdr_mode i3c_hdr_mode_t
I3C HDR modes.
typedef struct _i3c_device_info i3c_device_info_t
I3C device information.
Timeout times for waiting flag.
struct _i3c_device_info
- #include <fsl_i3c.h>
I3C device information.
Public Members
uint8_t dynamicAddr
Device dynamic address.
uint8_t staticAddr
Static address.
uint8_t dcr
Device characteristics register information.
uint8_t bcr
Bus characteristics register information.
uint16_t vendorID
Device vendor ID(manufacture ID).
uint32_t partNumber
Device part number info
uint16_t maxReadLength
Maximum read length.
uint16_t maxWriteLength
Maximum write length.
uint8_t hdrMode
Support hdr mode, could be OR logic in i3c_hdr_mode.
uint8_t dynamicAddr
I3C Common Driver
typedef struct _i3c_config i3c_config_t
Structure with settings to initialize the I3C module, could both initialize master and slave functionality.
This structure holds configuration settings for the I3C peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the I3C_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your configuration structure instance.
The configuration structure can be made constant so it resides in flash.
uint32_t I3C_GetInstance(I3C_Type *base)
Get which instance current I3C is used.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
void I3C_GetDefaultConfig(i3c_config_t *config)
Provides a default configuration for the I3C peripheral, the configuration covers both master functionality and slave functionality.
This function provides the following default configuration for I3C:
config->enableMaster = kI3C_MasterCapable; config->disableTimeout = false; config->hKeep = kI3C_MasterHighKeeperNone; config->enableOpenDrainStop = true; config->enableOpenDrainHigh = true; config->baudRate_Hz.i2cBaud = 400000U; config->baudRate_Hz.i3cPushPullBaud = 12500000U; config->baudRate_Hz.i3cOpenDrainBaud = 2500000U; config->masterDynamicAddress = 0x0AU; config->slowClock_Hz = 1000000U; config->enableSlave = true; config->vendorID = 0x11BU; config->enableRandomPart = false; config->partNumber = 0; config->dcr = 0; config->bcr = 0; config->hdrMode = (uint8_t)kI3C_HDRModeDDR; config->nakAllRequest = false; config->ignoreS0S1Error = false; config->offline = false; config->matchSlaveStartStop = false;
After calling this function, you can override any settings in order to customize the configuration, prior to initializing the common I3C driver with I3C_Init().
- Parameters:
config – [out] User provided configuration structure for default values. Refer to i3c_config_t.
void I3C_Init(I3C_Type *base, const i3c_config_t *config, uint32_t sourceClock_Hz)
Initializes the I3C peripheral. This function enables the peripheral clock and initializes the I3C peripheral as described by the user provided configuration. This will initialize both the master peripheral and slave peripheral so that I3C module could work as pure master, pure slave or secondary master, etc. A software reset is performed prior to configuration.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
config – User provided peripheral configuration. Use I3C_GetDefaultConfig() to get a set of defaults that you can override.
sourceClock_Hz – Frequency in Hertz of the I3C functional clock. Used to calculate the baud rate divisors, filter widths, and timeout periods.
struct _i3c_config
- #include <fsl_i3c.h>
Structure with settings to initialize the I3C module, could both initialize master and slave functionality.
This structure holds configuration settings for the I3C peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the I3C_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your configuration structure instance.
The configuration structure can be made constant so it resides in flash.
Public Members
i3c_master_enable_t enableMaster
Enable master mode.
bool disableTimeout
Whether to disable timeout to prevent the ERRWARN.
i3c_master_hkeep_t hKeep
High keeper mode setting.
bool enableOpenDrainStop
Whether to emit open-drain speed STOP.
bool enableOpenDrainHigh
Enable Open-Drain High to be 1 PPBAUD count for i3c messages, or 1 ODBAUD.
i3c_baudrate_hz_t baudRate_Hz
Desired baud rate settings.
i3c_start_scl_delay_t startSclDelay
I3C SCL delay after START.
i3c_start_scl_delay_t restartSclDelay
I3C SCL delay after Repeated START.
uint8_t masterDynamicAddress
Main master dynamic address configuration.
uint32_t maxWriteLength
Maximum write length.
uint32_t maxReadLength
Maximum read length.
bool enableSlave
Whether to enable slave.
uint8_t staticAddr
Static address.
uint16_t vendorID
Device vendor ID(manufacture ID).
uint32_t partNumber
Device part number info
uint8_t dcr
Device characteristics register information.
uint8_t bcr
Bus characteristics register information.
uint8_t hdrMode
Support hdr mode, could be OR logic in enumeration:i3c_hdr_mode_t.
bool nakAllRequest
Whether to reply NAK to all requests except broadcast CCC.
bool ignoreS0S1Error
Whether to ignore S0/S1 error in SDR mode.
bool offline
Whether to wait 60 us of bus quiet or HDR request to ensure slave track SDR mode safely.
bool matchSlaveStartStop
Whether to assert start/stop status only the time slave is addressed.
i3c_master_enable_t enableMaster
I3C Master Driver
void I3C_MasterGetDefaultConfig(i3c_master_config_t *masterConfig)
Provides a default configuration for the I3C master peripheral.
This function provides the following default configuration for the I3C master peripheral:
masterConfig->enableMaster = kI3C_MasterOn; masterConfig->disableTimeout = false; masterConfig->hKeep = kI3C_MasterHighKeeperNone; masterConfig->enableOpenDrainStop = true; masterConfig->enableOpenDrainHigh = true; masterConfig->baudRate_Hz = 100000U; masterConfig->busType = kI3C_TypeI2C;
After calling this function, you can override any settings in order to customize the configuration, prior to initializing the master driver with I3C_MasterInit().
- Parameters:
masterConfig – [out] User provided configuration structure for default values. Refer to i3c_master_config_t.
void I3C_MasterInit(I3C_Type *base, const i3c_master_config_t *masterConfig, uint32_t sourceClock_Hz)
Initializes the I3C master peripheral.
This function enables the peripheral clock and initializes the I3C master peripheral as described by the user provided configuration. A software reset is performed prior to configuration.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
masterConfig – User provided peripheral configuration. Use I3C_MasterGetDefaultConfig() to get a set of defaults that you can override.
sourceClock_Hz – Frequency in Hertz of the I3C functional clock. Used to calculate the baud rate divisors, filter widths, and timeout periods.
void I3C_MasterDeinit(I3C_Type *base)
Deinitializes the I3C master peripheral.
This function disables the I3C master peripheral and gates the clock. It also performs a software reset to restore the peripheral to reset conditions.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
status_t I3C_MasterCheckAndClearError(I3C_Type *base, uint32_t status)
status_t I3C_MasterWaitForCtrlDone(I3C_Type *base, bool waitIdle)
status_t I3C_CheckForBusyBus(I3C_Type *base)
static inline void I3C_MasterEnable(I3C_Type *base, i3c_master_enable_t enable)
Set I3C module master mode.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
enable – Enable master mode.
void I3C_SlaveGetDefaultConfig(i3c_slave_config_t *slaveConfig)
Provides a default configuration for the I3C slave peripheral.
This function provides the following default configuration for the I3C slave peripheral:
slaveConfig->enableslave = true;
After calling this function, you can override any settings in order to customize the configuration, prior to initializing the slave driver with I3C_SlaveInit().
- Parameters:
slaveConfig – [out] User provided configuration structure for default values. Refer to i3c_slave_config_t.
void I3C_SlaveInit(I3C_Type *base, const i3c_slave_config_t *slaveConfig, uint32_t slowClock_Hz)
Initializes the I3C slave peripheral.
This function enables the peripheral clock and initializes the I3C slave peripheral as described by the user provided configuration.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
slaveConfig – User provided peripheral configuration. Use I3C_SlaveGetDefaultConfig() to get a set of defaults that you can override.
slowClock_Hz – Frequency in Hertz of the I3C slow clock. Used to calculate the bus match condition values. If FSL_FEATURE_I3C_HAS_NO_SCONFIG_BAMATCH defines as 1, this parameter is useless.
void I3C_SlaveDeinit(I3C_Type *base)
Deinitializes the I3C slave peripheral.
This function disables the I3C slave peripheral and gates the clock.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
static inline void I3C_SlaveEnable(I3C_Type *base, bool isEnable)
Enable/Disable Slave.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
isEnable – Enable or disable.
static inline uint32_t I3C_MasterGetStatusFlags(I3C_Type *base)
Gets the I3C master status flags.
A bit mask with the state of all I3C master status flags is returned. For each flag, the corresponding bit in the return value is set if the flag is asserted.
See also
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
- Returns:
State of the status flags:
1: related status flag is set.
0: related status flag is not set.
static inline void I3C_MasterClearStatusFlags(I3C_Type *base, uint32_t statusMask)
Clears the I3C master status flag state.
The following status register flags can be cleared:
Attempts to clear other flags has no effect.
See also
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
statusMask – A bitmask of status flags that are to be cleared. The mask is composed of _i3c_master_flags enumerators OR’d together. You may pass the result of a previous call to I3C_MasterGetStatusFlags().
static inline uint32_t I3C_MasterGetErrorStatusFlags(I3C_Type *base)
Gets the I3C master error status flags.
A bit mask with the state of all I3C master error status flags is returned. For each flag, the corresponding bit in the return value is set if the flag is asserted.
See also
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
- Returns:
State of the error status flags:
1: related status flag is set.
0: related status flag is not set.
static inline void I3C_MasterClearErrorStatusFlags(I3C_Type *base, uint32_t statusMask)
Clears the I3C master error status flag state.
See also
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
statusMask – A bitmask of error status flags that are to be cleared. The mask is composed of _i3c_master_error_flags enumerators OR’d together. You may pass the result of a previous call to I3C_MasterGetStatusFlags().
i3c_master_state_t I3C_MasterGetState(I3C_Type *base)
Gets the I3C master state.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
- Returns:
I3C master state.
static inline uint32_t I3C_SlaveGetStatusFlags(I3C_Type *base)
Gets the I3C slave status flags.
A bit mask with the state of all I3C slave status flags is returned. For each flag, the corresponding bit in the return value is set if the flag is asserted.
See also
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
- Returns:
State of the status flags:
1: related status flag is set.
0: related status flag is not set.
static inline void I3C_SlaveClearStatusFlags(I3C_Type *base, uint32_t statusMask)
Clears the I3C slave status flag state.
The following status register flags can be cleared:
Attempts to clear other flags has no effect.
See also
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
statusMask – A bitmask of status flags that are to be cleared. The mask is composed of _i3c_slave_flags enumerators OR’d together. You may pass the result of a previous call to I3C_SlaveGetStatusFlags().
static inline uint32_t I3C_SlaveGetErrorStatusFlags(I3C_Type *base)
Gets the I3C slave error status flags.
A bit mask with the state of all I3C slave error status flags is returned. For each flag, the corresponding bit in the return value is set if the flag is asserted.
See also
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
- Returns:
State of the error status flags:
1: related status flag is set.
0: related status flag is not set.
static inline void I3C_SlaveClearErrorStatusFlags(I3C_Type *base, uint32_t statusMask)
Clears the I3C slave error status flag state.
See also
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
statusMask – A bitmask of error status flags that are to be cleared. The mask is composed of _i3c_slave_error_flags enumerators OR’d together. You may pass the result of a previous call to I3C_SlaveGetErrorStatusFlags().
i3c_slave_activity_state_t I3C_SlaveGetActivityState(I3C_Type *base)
Gets the I3C slave state.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
- Returns:
I3C slave activity state, refer i3c_slave_activity_state_t.
status_t I3C_SlaveCheckAndClearError(I3C_Type *base, uint32_t status)
static inline void I3C_MasterEnableInterrupts(I3C_Type *base, uint32_t interruptMask)
Enables the I3C master interrupt requests.
All flags except kI3C_MasterBetweenFlag and kI3C_MasterNackDetectFlag can be enabled as interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
interruptMask – Bit mask of interrupts to enable. See _i3c_master_flags for the set of constants that should be OR’d together to form the bit mask.
static inline void I3C_MasterDisableInterrupts(I3C_Type *base, uint32_t interruptMask)
Disables the I3C master interrupt requests.
All flags except kI3C_MasterBetweenFlag and kI3C_MasterNackDetectFlag can be enabled as interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
interruptMask – Bit mask of interrupts to disable. See _i3c_master_flags for the set of constants that should be OR’d together to form the bit mask.
static inline uint32_t I3C_MasterGetEnabledInterrupts(I3C_Type *base)
Returns the set of currently enabled I3C master interrupt requests.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
- Returns:
A bitmask composed of _i3c_master_flags enumerators OR’d together to indicate the set of enabled interrupts.
static inline uint32_t I3C_MasterGetPendingInterrupts(I3C_Type *base)
Returns the set of pending I3C master interrupt requests.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
- Returns:
A bitmask composed of _i3c_master_flags enumerators OR’d together to indicate the set of pending interrupts.
static inline void I3C_SlaveEnableInterrupts(I3C_Type *base, uint32_t interruptMask)
Enables the I3C slave interrupt requests.
Only below flags can be enabled as interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
interruptMask – Bit mask of interrupts to enable. See _i3c_slave_flags for the set of constants that should be OR’d together to form the bit mask.
static inline void I3C_SlaveDisableInterrupts(I3C_Type *base, uint32_t interruptMask)
Disables the I3C slave interrupt requests.
Only below flags can be disabled as interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
interruptMask – Bit mask of interrupts to disable. See _i3c_slave_flags for the set of constants that should be OR’d together to form the bit mask.
static inline uint32_t I3C_SlaveGetEnabledInterrupts(I3C_Type *base)
Returns the set of currently enabled I3C slave interrupt requests.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
- Returns:
A bitmask composed of _i3c_slave_flags enumerators OR’d together to indicate the set of enabled interrupts.
static inline uint32_t I3C_SlaveGetPendingInterrupts(I3C_Type *base)
Returns the set of pending I3C slave interrupt requests.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
- Returns:
A bitmask composed of _i3c_slave_flags enumerators OR’d together to indicate the set of pending interrupts.
static inline void I3C_MasterEnableDMA(I3C_Type *base, bool enableTx, bool enableRx, uint32_t width)
Enables or disables I3C master DMA requests.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
enableTx – Enable flag for transmit DMA request. Pass true for enable, false for disable.
enableRx – Enable flag for receive DMA request. Pass true for enable, false for disable.
width – DMA read/write unit in bytes.
static inline uint32_t I3C_MasterGetTxFifoAddress(I3C_Type *base, uint32_t width)
Gets I3C master transmit data register address for DMA transfer.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
width – DMA read/write unit in bytes.
- Returns:
The I3C Master Transmit Data Register address.
static inline uint32_t I3C_MasterGetRxFifoAddress(I3C_Type *base, uint32_t width)
Gets I3C master receive data register address for DMA transfer.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
width – DMA read/write unit in bytes.
- Returns:
The I3C Master Receive Data Register address.
static inline void I3C_SlaveEnableDMA(I3C_Type *base, bool enableTx, bool enableRx, uint32_t width)
Enables or disables I3C slave DMA requests.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
enableTx – Enable flag for transmit DMA request. Pass true for enable, false for disable.
enableRx – Enable flag for receive DMA request. Pass true for enable, false for disable.
width – DMA read/write unit in bytes.
static inline uint32_t I3C_SlaveGetTxFifoAddress(I3C_Type *base, uint32_t width)
Gets I3C slave transmit data register address for DMA transfer.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
width – DMA read/write unit in bytes.
- Returns:
The I3C Slave Transmit Data Register address.
static inline uint32_t I3C_SlaveGetRxFifoAddress(I3C_Type *base, uint32_t width)
Gets I3C slave receive data register address for DMA transfer.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
width – DMA read/write unit in bytes.
- Returns:
The I3C Slave Receive Data Register address.
static inline void I3C_MasterSetWatermarks(I3C_Type *base, i3c_tx_trigger_level_t txLvl, i3c_rx_trigger_level_t rxLvl, bool flushTx, bool flushRx)
Sets the watermarks for I3C master FIFOs.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
txLvl – Transmit FIFO watermark level. The kI3C_MasterTxReadyFlag flag is set whenever the number of words in the transmit FIFO reaches txLvl.
rxLvl – Receive FIFO watermark level. The kI3C_MasterRxReadyFlag flag is set whenever the number of words in the receive FIFO reaches rxLvl.
flushTx – true if TX FIFO is to be cleared, otherwise TX FIFO remains unchanged.
flushRx – true if RX FIFO is to be cleared, otherwise RX FIFO remains unchanged.
static inline void I3C_MasterGetFifoCounts(I3C_Type *base, size_t *rxCount, size_t *txCount)
Gets the current number of bytes in the I3C master FIFOs.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
txCount – [out] Pointer through which the current number of bytes in the transmit FIFO is returned. Pass NULL if this value is not required.
rxCount – [out] Pointer through which the current number of bytes in the receive FIFO is returned. Pass NULL if this value is not required.
static inline void I3C_SlaveSetWatermarks(I3C_Type *base, i3c_tx_trigger_level_t txLvl, i3c_rx_trigger_level_t rxLvl, bool flushTx, bool flushRx)
Sets the watermarks for I3C slave FIFOs.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
txLvl – Transmit FIFO watermark level. The kI3C_SlaveTxReadyFlag flag is set whenever the number of words in the transmit FIFO reaches txLvl.
rxLvl – Receive FIFO watermark level. The kI3C_SlaveRxReadyFlag flag is set whenever the number of words in the receive FIFO reaches rxLvl.
flushTx – true if TX FIFO is to be cleared, otherwise TX FIFO remains unchanged.
flushRx – true if RX FIFO is to be cleared, otherwise RX FIFO remains unchanged.
static inline void I3C_SlaveGetFifoCounts(I3C_Type *base, size_t *rxCount, size_t *txCount)
Gets the current number of bytes in the I3C slave FIFOs.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
txCount – [out] Pointer through which the current number of bytes in the transmit FIFO is returned. Pass NULL if this value is not required.
rxCount – [out] Pointer through which the current number of bytes in the receive FIFO is returned. Pass NULL if this value is not required.
void I3C_MasterSetBaudRate(I3C_Type *base, const i3c_baudrate_hz_t *baudRate_Hz, uint32_t sourceClock_Hz)
Sets the I3C bus frequency for master transactions.
The I3C master is automatically disabled and re-enabled as necessary to configure the baud rate. Do not call this function during a transfer, or the transfer is aborted.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
baudRate_Hz – Pointer to structure of requested bus frequency in Hertz.
sourceClock_Hz – I3C functional clock frequency in Hertz.
static inline bool I3C_MasterGetBusIdleState(I3C_Type *base)
Returns whether the bus is idle.
Requires the master mode to be enabled.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
- Return values:
true – Bus is busy.
false – Bus is idle.
status_t I3C_MasterStartWithRxSize(I3C_Type *base, i3c_bus_type_t type, uint8_t address, i3c_direction_t dir, uint8_t rxSize)
Sends a START signal and slave address on the I2C/I3C bus, receive size is also specified in the call.
This function is used to initiate a new master mode transfer. First, the bus state is checked to ensure that another master is not occupying the bus. Then a START signal is transmitted, followed by the 7-bit address specified in the a address parameter. Note that this function does not actually wait until the START and address are successfully sent on the bus before returning.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
type – The bus type to use in this transaction.
address – 7-bit slave device address, in bits [6:0].
dir – Master transfer direction, either kI3C_Read or kI3C_Write. This parameter is used to set the R/w bit (bit 0) in the transmitted slave address.
rxSize – Read terminate size for the followed read transfer, limit to 255 bytes.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – START signal and address were successfully enqueued in the transmit FIFO.
kStatus_I3C_Busy – Another master is currently utilizing the bus.
status_t I3C_MasterStart(I3C_Type *base, i3c_bus_type_t type, uint8_t address, i3c_direction_t dir)
Sends a START signal and slave address on the I2C/I3C bus.
This function is used to initiate a new master mode transfer. First, the bus state is checked to ensure that another master is not occupying the bus. Then a START signal is transmitted, followed by the 7-bit address specified in the address parameter. Note that this function does not actually wait until the START and address are successfully sent on the bus before returning.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
type – The bus type to use in this transaction.
address – 7-bit slave device address, in bits [6:0].
dir – Master transfer direction, either kI3C_Read or kI3C_Write. This parameter is used to set the R/w bit (bit 0) in the transmitted slave address.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – START signal and address were successfully enqueued in the transmit FIFO.
kStatus_I3C_Busy – Another master is currently utilizing the bus.
status_t I3C_MasterRepeatedStartWithRxSize(I3C_Type *base, i3c_bus_type_t type, uint8_t address, i3c_direction_t dir, uint8_t rxSize)
Sends a repeated START signal and slave address on the I2C/I3C bus, receive size is also specified in the call.
This function is used to send a Repeated START signal when a transfer is already in progress. Like I3C_MasterStart(), it also sends the specified 7-bit address. Call this API also configures the read terminate size for the following read transfer. For example, set the rxSize = 2, the following read transfer will be terminated after two bytes of data received. Write transfer will not be affected by the rxSize configuration.
This function exists primarily to maintain compatible APIs between I3C and I2C drivers, as well as to better document the intent of code that uses these APIs.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
type – The bus type to use in this transaction.
address – 7-bit slave device address, in bits [6:0].
dir – Master transfer direction, either kI3C_Read or kI3C_Write. This parameter is used to set the R/w bit (bit 0) in the transmitted slave address.
rxSize – Read terminate size for the followed read transfer, limit to 255 bytes.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Repeated START signal and address were successfully enqueued in the transmit FIFO.
static inline status_t I3C_MasterRepeatedStart(I3C_Type *base, i3c_bus_type_t type, uint8_t address, i3c_direction_t dir)
Sends a repeated START signal and slave address on the I2C/I3C bus.
This function is used to send a Repeated START signal when a transfer is already in progress. Like I3C_MasterStart(), it also sends the specified 7-bit address.
This function exists primarily to maintain compatible APIs between I3C and I2C drivers, as well as to better document the intent of code that uses these APIs.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
type – The bus type to use in this transaction.
address – 7-bit slave device address, in bits [6:0].
dir – Master transfer direction, either kI3C_Read or kI3C_Write. This parameter is used to set the R/w bit (bit 0) in the transmitted slave address.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Repeated START signal and address were successfully enqueued in the transmit FIFO.
status_t I3C_MasterSend(I3C_Type *base, const void *txBuff, size_t txSize, uint32_t flags)
Performs a polling send transfer on the I2C/I3C bus.
Sends up to txSize number of bytes to the previously addressed slave device. The slave may reply with a NAK to any byte in order to terminate the transfer early. If this happens, this function returns kStatus_I3C_Nak.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
txBuff – The pointer to the data to be transferred.
txSize – The length in bytes of the data to be transferred.
flags – Bit mask of options for the transfer. See enumeration _i3c_master_transfer_flags for available options.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Data was sent successfully.
kStatus_I3C_Busy – Another master is currently utilizing the bus.
kStatus_I3C_Timeout – The module has stalled too long in a frame.
kStatus_I3C_Nak – The slave device sent a NAK in response to an address.
kStatus_I3C_WriteAbort – The slave device sent a NAK in response to a write.
kStatus_I3C_MsgError – Message SDR/DDR mismatch or read/write message in wrong state.
kStatus_I3C_WriteFifoError – Write to M/SWDATAB register when FIFO full.
kStatus_I3C_InvalidReq – Invalid use of request.
status_t I3C_MasterReceive(I3C_Type *base, void *rxBuff, size_t rxSize, uint32_t flags)
Performs a polling receive transfer on the I2C/I3C bus.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
rxBuff – The pointer to the data to be transferred.
rxSize – The length in bytes of the data to be transferred.
flags – Bit mask of options for the transfer. See enumeration _i3c_master_transfer_flags for available options.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Data was received successfully.
kStatus_I3C_Busy – Another master is currently utilizing the bus.
kStatus_I3C_Timeout – The module has stalled too long in a frame.
kStatus_I3C_Term – The master terminates slave read.
kStatus_I3C_HdrParityError – Parity error from DDR read.
kStatus_I3C_CrcError – CRC error from DDR read.
kStatus_I3C_MsgError – Message SDR/DDR mismatch or read/write message in wrong state.
kStatus_I3C_ReadFifoError – Read from M/SRDATAB register when FIFO empty.
kStatus_I3C_InvalidReq – Invalid use of request.
status_t I3C_MasterStop(I3C_Type *base)
Sends a STOP signal on the I2C/I3C bus.
This function does not return until the STOP signal is seen on the bus, or an error occurs.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – The STOP signal was successfully sent on the bus and the transaction terminated.
kStatus_I3C_Busy – Another master is currently utilizing the bus.
kStatus_I3C_Timeout – The module has stalled too long in a frame.
kStatus_I3C_InvalidReq – Invalid use of request.
void I3C_MasterEmitRequest(I3C_Type *base, i3c_bus_request_t masterReq)
I3C master emit request.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
masterReq – I3C master request of type i3c_bus_request_t
static inline void I3C_MasterEmitIBIResponse(I3C_Type *base, i3c_ibi_response_t ibiResponse)
I3C master emit request.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
ibiResponse – I3C master emit IBI response of type i3c_ibi_response_t
void I3C_MasterRegisterIBI(I3C_Type *base, i3c_register_ibi_addr_t *ibiRule)
I3C master register IBI rule.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
ibiRule – Pointer to ibi rule description of type i3c_register_ibi_addr_t
void I3C_MasterGetIBIRules(I3C_Type *base, i3c_register_ibi_addr_t *ibiRule)
I3C master get IBI rule.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
ibiRule – Pointer to store the read out ibi rule description.
i3c_ibi_type_t I3C_GetIBIType(I3C_Type *base)
I3C master get IBI Type.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
- Return values:
i3c_ibi_type_t – Type of i3c_ibi_type_t.
static inline uint8_t I3C_GetIBIAddress(I3C_Type *base)
I3C master get IBI Address.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
- Return values:
The – 8-bit IBI address.
status_t I3C_MasterProcessDAASpecifiedBaudrate(I3C_Type *base, uint8_t *addressList, uint32_t count, i3c_master_daa_baudrate_t *daaBaudRate)
Performs a DAA in the i3c bus with specified temporary baud rate.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
addressList – The pointer for address list which is used to do DAA.
count – The address count in the address list.
daaBaudRate – The temporary baud rate in DAA process, NULL for using initial setting. The initial setting is set back between the completion of the DAA and the return of this function.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – The transaction was started successfully.
kStatus_I3C_Busy – Either another master is currently utilizing the bus, or a non-blocking transaction is already in progress.
kStatus_I3C_SlaveCountExceed – The I3C slave count has exceed the definition in I3C_MAX_DEVCNT.
static inline status_t I3C_MasterProcessDAA(I3C_Type *base, uint8_t *addressList, uint32_t count)
Performs a DAA in the i3c bus.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
addressList – The pointer for address list which is used to do DAA.
count – The address count in the address list. The initial setting is set back between the completion of the DAA and the return of this function.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – The transaction was started successfully.
kStatus_I3C_Busy – Either another master is currently utilizing the bus, or a non-blocking transaction is already in progress.
kStatus_I3C_SlaveCountExceed – The I3C slave count has exceed the definition in I3C_MAX_DEVCNT.
i3c_device_info_t *I3C_MasterGetDeviceListAfterDAA(I3C_Type *base, uint8_t *count)
Get device information list after DAA process is done.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
count – [out] The pointer to store the available device count.
- Returns:
Pointer to the i3c_device_info_t array.
void I3C_MasterClearDeviceCount(I3C_Type *base)
Clear the global device count which represents current devices number on the bus. When user resets all dynamic addresses on the bus, should call this API.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
status_t I3C_MasterTransferBlocking(I3C_Type *base, i3c_master_transfer_t *transfer)
Performs a master polling transfer on the I2C/I3C bus.
The API does not return until the transfer succeeds or fails due to error happens during transfer.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
transfer – Pointer to the transfer structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Data was received successfully.
kStatus_I3C_Busy – Another master is currently utilizing the bus.
kStatus_I3C_IBIWon – The I3C slave event IBI or MR or HJ won the arbitration on a header address.
kStatus_I3C_Timeout – The module has stalled too long in a frame.
kStatus_I3C_Nak – The slave device sent a NAK in response to an address.
kStatus_I3C_WriteAbort – The slave device sent a NAK in response to a write.
kStatus_I3C_Term – The master terminates slave read.
kStatus_I3C_HdrParityError – Parity error from DDR read.
kStatus_I3C_CrcError – CRC error from DDR read.
kStatus_I3C_MsgError – Message SDR/DDR mismatch or read/write message in wrong state.
kStatus_I3C_ReadFifoError – Read from M/SRDATAB register when FIFO empty.
kStatus_I3C_WriteFifoError – Write to M/SWDATAB register when FIFO full.
kStatus_I3C_InvalidReq – Invalid use of request.
status_t I3C_SlaveSend(I3C_Type *base, const void *txBuff, size_t txSize)
Performs a polling send transfer on the I3C bus.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
txBuff – The pointer to the data to be transferred.
txSize – The length in bytes of the data to be transferred.
- Returns:
Error or success status returned by API.
status_t I3C_SlaveReceive(I3C_Type *base, void *rxBuff, size_t rxSize)
Performs a polling receive transfer on the I3C bus.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
rxBuff – The pointer to the data to be transferred.
rxSize – The length in bytes of the data to be transferred.
- Returns:
Error or success status returned by API.
void I3C_MasterTransferCreateHandle(I3C_Type *base, i3c_master_handle_t *handle, const i3c_master_transfer_callback_t *callback, void *userData)
Creates a new handle for the I3C master non-blocking APIs.
The creation of a handle is for use with the non-blocking APIs. Once a handle is created, there is not a corresponding destroy handle. If the user wants to terminate a transfer, the I3C_MasterTransferAbort() API shall be called.
The function also enables the NVIC IRQ for the input I3C. Need to notice that on some SoCs the I3C IRQ is connected to INTMUX, in this case user needs to enable the associated INTMUX IRQ in application.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
handle – [out] Pointer to the I3C master driver handle.
callback – User provided pointer to the asynchronous callback function.
userData – User provided pointer to the application callback data.
status_t I3C_MasterTransferNonBlocking(I3C_Type *base, i3c_master_handle_t *handle, i3c_master_transfer_t *transfer)
Performs a non-blocking transaction on the I2C/I3C bus.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to the I3C master driver handle.
transfer – The pointer to the transfer descriptor.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – The transaction was started successfully.
kStatus_I3C_Busy – Either another master is currently utilizing the bus, or a non-blocking transaction is already in progress.
status_t I3C_MasterTransferGetCount(I3C_Type *base, i3c_master_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Returns number of bytes transferred so far.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to the I3C master driver handle.
count – [out] Number of bytes transferred so far by the non-blocking transaction.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success –
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – There is not a non-blocking transaction currently in progress.
void I3C_MasterTransferAbort(I3C_Type *base, i3c_master_handle_t *handle)
Terminates a non-blocking I3C master transmission early.
It is not safe to call this function from an IRQ handler that has a higher priority than the I3C peripheral’s IRQ priority.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to the I3C master driver handle.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – A transaction was successfully aborted.
kStatus_I3C_Idle – There is not a non-blocking transaction currently in progress.
void I3C_MasterTransferHandleIRQ(I3C_Type *base, void *intHandle)
Reusable routine to handle master interrupts.
This function does not need to be called unless you are reimplementing the nonblocking API’s interrupt handler routines to add special functionality.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
intHandle – Pointer to the I3C master driver handle.
enum _i3c_master_flags
I3C master peripheral flags.
The following status register flags can be cleared:
All flags except kI3C_MasterBetweenFlag and kI3C_MasterNackDetectFlag can be enabled as interrupts.
These enums are meant to be OR’d together to form a bit mask.
enumerator kI3C_MasterBetweenFlag
Between messages/DAAs flag
enumerator kI3C_MasterNackDetectFlag
NACK detected flag
enumerator kI3C_MasterSlaveStartFlag
Slave request start flag
enumerator kI3C_MasterControlDoneFlag
Master request complete flag
enumerator kI3C_MasterCompleteFlag
Transfer complete flag
enumerator kI3C_MasterRxReadyFlag
Rx data ready in Rx buffer flag
enumerator kI3C_MasterTxReadyFlag
Tx buffer ready for Tx data flag
enumerator kI3C_MasterArbitrationWonFlag
Header address won arbitration flag
enumerator kI3C_MasterErrorFlag
Error occurred flag
enumerator kI3C_MasterSlave2MasterFlag
Switch from slave to master flag
enumerator kI3C_MasterClearFlags
enum _i3c_master_error_flags
I3C master error flags to indicate the causes.
These enums are meant to be OR’d together to form a bit mask.
enumerator kI3C_MasterErrorNackFlag
Slave NACKed the last address
enumerator kI3C_MasterErrorWriteAbortFlag
Slave NACKed the write data
enumerator kI3C_MasterErrorParityFlag
Parity error from DDR read
enumerator kI3C_MasterErrorCrcFlag
CRC error from DDR read
enumerator kI3C_MasterErrorReadFlag
Read from MRDATAB register when FIFO empty
enumerator kI3C_MasterErrorWriteFlag
Write to MWDATAB register when FIFO full
enumerator kI3C_MasterErrorMsgFlag
Message SDR/DDR mismatch or read/write message in wrong state
enumerator kI3C_MasterErrorInvalidReqFlag
Invalid use of request
enumerator kI3C_MasterErrorTimeoutFlag
The module has stalled too long in a frame
enumerator kI3C_MasterAllErrorFlags
All error flags
enumerator kI3C_MasterErrorNackFlag
enum _i3c_master_state
I3C working master state.
enumerator kI3C_MasterStateIdle
Bus stopped.
enumerator kI3C_MasterStateSlvReq
Bus stopped but slave holding SDA low.
enumerator kI3C_MasterStateMsgSdr
In SDR Message mode from using MWMSG_SDR.
enumerator kI3C_MasterStateNormAct
In normal active SDR mode.
enumerator kI3C_MasterStateDdr
In DDR Message mode.
enumerator kI3C_MasterStateDaa
In ENTDAA mode.
enumerator kI3C_MasterStateIbiAck
Waiting on IBI ACK/NACK decision.
enumerator kI3C_MasterStateIbiRcv
Receiving IBI.
enumerator kI3C_MasterStateIdle
enum _i3c_master_enable
I3C master enable configuration.
enumerator kI3C_MasterOff
Master off.
enumerator kI3C_MasterOn
Master on.
enumerator kI3C_MasterCapable
Master capable.
enumerator kI3C_MasterOff
enum _i3c_master_hkeep
I3C high keeper configuration.
enumerator kI3C_MasterHighKeeperNone
Use PUR to hold SCL high.
enumerator kI3C_MasterHighKeeperWiredIn
Use pin_HK controls.
enumerator kI3C_MasterPassiveSDA
Hi-Z for Bus Free and hold SDA.
enumerator kI3C_MasterPassiveSDASCL
Hi-Z both for Bus Free, and can Hi-Z SDA for hold.
enumerator kI3C_MasterHighKeeperNone
enum _i3c_bus_request
Emits the requested operation when doing in pieces vs. by message.
enumerator kI3C_RequestNone
No request.
enumerator kI3C_RequestEmitStartAddr
Request to emit start and address on bus.
enumerator kI3C_RequestEmitStop
Request to emit stop on bus.
enumerator kI3C_RequestIbiAckNack
Manual IBI ACK or NACK.
enumerator kI3C_RequestProcessDAA
Process DAA.
enumerator kI3C_RequestForceExit
Request to force exit.
enumerator kI3C_RequestAutoIbi
Hold in stopped state, but Auto-emit START,7E.
enumerator kI3C_RequestNone
enum _i3c_bus_type
Bus type with EmitStartAddr.
enumerator kI3C_TypeI3CSdr
SDR mode of I3C.
enumerator kI3C_TypeI2C
Standard i2c protocol.
enumerator kI3C_TypeI3CDdr
HDR-DDR mode of I3C.
enumerator kI3C_TypeI3CSdr
enum _i3c_ibi_response
IBI response.
enumerator kI3C_IbiRespAck
ACK with no mandatory byte.
enumerator kI3C_IbiRespNack
enumerator kI3C_IbiRespAckMandatory
ACK with mandatory byte.
enumerator kI3C_IbiRespManual
enumerator kI3C_IbiRespAck
enum _i3c_ibi_type
IBI type.
enumerator kI3C_IbiNormal
In-band interrupt.
enumerator kI3C_IbiHotJoin
slave hot join.
enumerator kI3C_IbiMasterRequest
slave master ship request.
enumerator kI3C_IbiNormal
enum _i3c_ibi_state
IBI state.
enumerator kI3C_IbiReady
In-band interrupt ready state, ready for user to handle.
enumerator kI3C_IbiDataBuffNeed
In-band interrupt need data buffer for data receive.
enumerator kI3C_IbiAckNackPending
In-band interrupt Ack/Nack pending for decision.
enumerator kI3C_IbiReady
enum _i3c_direction
Direction of master and slave transfers.
enumerator kI3C_Write
Master transmit.
enumerator kI3C_Read
Master receive.
enumerator kI3C_Write
enum _i3c_tx_trigger_level
Watermark of TX int/dma trigger level.
enumerator kI3C_TxTriggerOnEmpty
Trigger on empty.
enumerator kI3C_TxTriggerUntilOneQuarterOrLess
Trigger on 1/4 full or less.
enumerator kI3C_TxTriggerUntilOneHalfOrLess
Trigger on 1/2 full or less.
enumerator kI3C_TxTriggerUntilOneLessThanFull
Trigger on 1 less than full or less.
enumerator kI3C_TxTriggerOnEmpty
enum _i3c_rx_trigger_level
Watermark of RX int/dma trigger level.
enumerator kI3C_RxTriggerOnNotEmpty
Trigger on not empty.
enumerator kI3C_RxTriggerUntilOneQuarterOrMore
Trigger on 1/4 full or more.
enumerator kI3C_RxTriggerUntilOneHalfOrMore
Trigger on 1/2 full or more.
enumerator kI3C_RxTriggerUntilThreeQuarterOrMore
Trigger on 3/4 full or more.
enumerator kI3C_RxTriggerOnNotEmpty
enum _i3c_rx_term_ops
I3C master read termination operations.
enumerator kI3C_RxTermDisable
Master doesn’t terminate read, used for CCC transfer.
enumerator kI3C_RxAutoTerm
Master auto terminate read after receiving specified bytes(<=255).
enumerator kI3C_RxTermLastByte
Master terminates read at any time after START, no length limitation.
enumerator kI3C_RxTermDisable
enum _i3c_start_scl_delay
I3C start SCL delay options.
enumerator kI3C_NoDelay
No delay.
enumerator kI3C_IncreaseSclHalfPeriod
Increases SCL clock period by 1/2.
enumerator kI3C_IncreaseSclOnePeriod
Increases SCL clock period by 1.
enumerator kI3C_IncreaseSclOneAndHalfPeriod
Increases SCL clock period by 1 1/2
enumerator kI3C_NoDelay
enum _i3c_master_transfer_flags
Transfer option flags.
These enumerations are intended to be OR’d together to form a bit mask of options for the _i3c_master_transfer::flags field.
enumerator kI3C_TransferDefaultFlag
Transfer starts with a start signal, stops with a stop signal.
enumerator kI3C_TransferNoStartFlag
Don’t send a start condition, address, and sub address
enumerator kI3C_TransferRepeatedStartFlag
Send a repeated start condition
enumerator kI3C_TransferNoStopFlag
Don’t send a stop condition.
enumerator kI3C_TransferWordsFlag
Transfer in words, else transfer in bytes.
enumerator kI3C_TransferDisableRxTermFlag
Disable Rx termination. Note: It’s for I3C CCC transfer.
enumerator kI3C_TransferRxAutoTermFlag
Set Rx auto-termination. Note: It’s adaptive based on Rx size(<=255 bytes) except in I3C_MasterReceive.
enumerator kI3C_TransferStartWithBroadcastAddr
Start transfer with 0x7E, then read/write data with device address.
enumerator kI3C_TransferDefaultFlag
typedef enum _i3c_master_state i3c_master_state_t
I3C working master state.
typedef enum _i3c_master_enable i3c_master_enable_t
I3C master enable configuration.
typedef enum _i3c_master_hkeep i3c_master_hkeep_t
I3C high keeper configuration.
typedef enum _i3c_bus_request i3c_bus_request_t
Emits the requested operation when doing in pieces vs. by message.
typedef enum _i3c_bus_type i3c_bus_type_t
Bus type with EmitStartAddr.
typedef enum _i3c_ibi_response i3c_ibi_response_t
IBI response.
typedef enum _i3c_ibi_type i3c_ibi_type_t
IBI type.
typedef enum _i3c_ibi_state i3c_ibi_state_t
IBI state.
typedef enum _i3c_direction i3c_direction_t
Direction of master and slave transfers.
typedef enum _i3c_tx_trigger_level i3c_tx_trigger_level_t
Watermark of TX int/dma trigger level.
typedef enum _i3c_rx_trigger_level i3c_rx_trigger_level_t
Watermark of RX int/dma trigger level.
typedef enum _i3c_rx_term_ops i3c_rx_term_ops_t
I3C master read termination operations.
typedef enum _i3c_start_scl_delay i3c_start_scl_delay_t
I3C start SCL delay options.
typedef struct _i3c_register_ibi_addr i3c_register_ibi_addr_t
Structure with setting master IBI rules and slave registry.
typedef struct _i3c_baudrate i3c_baudrate_hz_t
Structure with I3C baudrate settings.
typedef struct _i3c_master_daa_baudrate i3c_master_daa_baudrate_t
I3C DAA baud rate configuration.
typedef struct _i3c_master_config i3c_master_config_t
Structure with settings to initialize the I3C master module.
This structure holds configuration settings for the I3C peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the I3C_MasterGetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your configuration structure instance.
The configuration structure can be made constant so it resides in flash.
typedef struct _i3c_master_transfer i3c_master_transfer_t
typedef struct _i3c_master_handle i3c_master_handle_t
typedef struct _i3c_master_transfer_callback i3c_master_transfer_callback_t
i3c master callback functions.
typedef void (*i3c_master_isr_t)(I3C_Type *base, void *handle)
Typedef for master interrupt handler.
struct _i3c_register_ibi_addr
- #include <fsl_i3c.h>
Structure with setting master IBI rules and slave registry.
Public Members
uint8_t address[5]
Address array for registry.
bool ibiHasPayload
Whether the address array has mandatory IBI byte.
uint8_t address[5]
struct _i3c_baudrate
- #include <fsl_i3c.h>
Structure with I3C baudrate settings.
Public Members
uint32_t i2cBaud
Desired I2C baud rate in Hertz.
uint32_t i3cPushPullBaud
Desired I3C push-pull baud rate in Hertz.
uint32_t i3cOpenDrainBaud
Desired I3C open-drain baud rate in Hertz.
uint32_t i2cBaud
struct _i3c_master_daa_baudrate
- #include <fsl_i3c.h>
I3C DAA baud rate configuration.
Public Members
uint32_t sourceClock_Hz
FCLK, function clock in Hertz.
uint32_t i3cPushPullBaud
Desired I3C push-pull baud rate in Hertz.
uint32_t i3cOpenDrainBaud
Desired I3C open-drain baud rate in Hertz.
uint32_t sourceClock_Hz
struct _i3c_master_config
- #include <fsl_i3c.h>
Structure with settings to initialize the I3C master module.
This structure holds configuration settings for the I3C peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the I3C_MasterGetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your configuration structure instance.
The configuration structure can be made constant so it resides in flash.
Public Members
i3c_master_enable_t enableMaster
Enable master mode.
bool disableTimeout
Whether to disable timeout to prevent the ERRWARN.
i3c_master_hkeep_t hKeep
High keeper mode setting.
bool enableOpenDrainStop
Whether to emit open-drain speed STOP.
bool enableOpenDrainHigh
Enable Open-Drain High to be 1 PPBAUD count for i3c messages, or 1 ODBAUD.
i3c_baudrate_hz_t baudRate_Hz
Desired baud rate settings.
i3c_start_scl_delay_t startSclDelay
I3C SCL delay after START.
i3c_start_scl_delay_t restartSclDelay
I3C SCL delay after Repeated START.
i3c_master_enable_t enableMaster
struct _i3c_master_transfer_callback
- #include <fsl_i3c.h>
i3c master callback functions.
Public Members
void (*slave2Master)(I3C_Type *base, void *userData)
Transfer complete callback
void (*ibiCallback)(I3C_Type *base, i3c_master_handle_t *handle, i3c_ibi_type_t ibiType, i3c_ibi_state_t ibiState)
IBI event callback
void (*transferComplete)(I3C_Type *base, i3c_master_handle_t *handle, status_t completionStatus, void *userData)
Transfer complete callback
void (*slave2Master)(I3C_Type *base, void *userData)
struct _i3c_master_transfer
- #include <fsl_i3c.h>
Non-blocking transfer descriptor structure.
This structure is used to pass transaction parameters to the I3C_MasterTransferNonBlocking() API.
Public Members
uint32_t flags
Bit mask of options for the transfer. See enumeration _i3c_master_transfer_flags for available options. Set to 0 or kI3C_TransferDefaultFlag for normal transfers.
uint8_t slaveAddress
The 7-bit slave address.
i3c_direction_t direction
Either kI3C_Read or kI3C_Write.
uint32_t subaddress
Sub address. Transferred MSB first.
size_t subaddressSize
Length of sub address to send in bytes. Maximum size is 4 bytes.
void *data
Pointer to data to transfer.
size_t dataSize
Number of bytes to transfer.
i3c_bus_type_t busType
bus type.
i3c_ibi_response_t ibiResponse
ibi response during transfer.
uint32_t flags
struct _i3c_master_handle
- #include <fsl_i3c.h>
Driver handle for master non-blocking APIs.
The contents of this structure are private and subject to change.
Public Members
uint8_t state
Transfer state machine current state.
uint32_t remainingBytes
Remaining byte count in current state.
i3c_rx_term_ops_t rxTermOps
Read termination operation.
i3c_master_transfer_t transfer
Copy of the current transfer info.
uint8_t ibiAddress
Slave address which request IBI.
uint8_t *ibiBuff
Pointer to IBI buffer to keep ibi bytes.
size_t ibiPayloadSize
IBI payload size.
i3c_ibi_type_t ibiType
IBI type.
i3c_master_transfer_callback_t callback
Callback functions pointer.
void *userData
Application data passed to callback.
uint8_t state
I3C Master DMA Driver
void I3C_MasterTransferCreateHandleEDMA(I3C_Type *base, i3c_master_edma_handle_t *handle, const i3c_master_edma_callback_t *callback, void *userData, edma_handle_t *rxDmaHandle, edma_handle_t *txDmaHandle)
Create a new handle for the I3C master DMA APIs.
The creation of a handle is for use with the DMA APIs. Once a handle is created, there is not a corresponding destroy handle. If the user wants to terminate a transfer, the I3C_MasterTransferAbortDMA() API shall be called.
For devices where the I3C send and receive DMA requests are OR’d together, the txDmaHandle parameter is ignored and may be set to NULL.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to the I3C master driver handle.
callback – User provided pointer to the asynchronous callback function.
userData – User provided pointer to the application callback data.
rxDmaHandle – Handle for the DMA receive channel. Created by the user prior to calling this function.
txDmaHandle – Handle for the DMA transmit channel. Created by the user prior to calling this function.
status_t I3C_MasterTransferEDMA(I3C_Type *base, i3c_master_edma_handle_t *handle, i3c_master_transfer_t *transfer)
Performs a non-blocking DMA-based transaction on the I3C bus.
The callback specified when the handle was created is invoked when the transaction has completed.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to the I3C master driver handle.
transfer – The pointer to the transfer descriptor.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – The transaction was started successfully.
kStatus_I3C_Busy – Either another master is currently utilizing the bus, or another DMA transaction is already in progress.
status_t I3C_MasterTransferGetCountEDMA(I3C_Type *base, i3c_master_edma_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Returns number of bytes transferred so far.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to the I3C master driver handle.
count – [out] Number of bytes transferred so far by the non-blocking transaction.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success –
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – There is not a DMA transaction currently in progress.
void I3C_MasterTransferAbortEDMA(I3C_Type *base, i3c_master_edma_handle_t *handle)
Terminates a non-blocking I3C master transmission early.
It is not safe to call this function from an IRQ handler that has a higher priority than the DMA peripheral’s IRQ priority.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to the I3C master driver handle.
void I3C_MasterTransferEDMAHandleIRQ(I3C_Type *base, void *i3cHandle)
Reusable routine to handle master interrupts.
This function does not need to be called unless you are reimplementing the nonblocking API’s interrupt handler routines to add special functionality.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
i3cHandle – Pointer to the I3C master DMA driver handle.
typedef struct _i3c_master_edma_handle i3c_master_edma_handle_t
typedef struct _i3c_master_edma_callback i3c_master_edma_callback_t
i3c master callback functions.
struct _i3c_master_edma_callback
- #include <fsl_i3c_edma.h>
i3c master callback functions.
Public Members
void (*slave2Master)(I3C_Type *base, void *userData)
Transfer complete callback
void (*ibiCallback)(I3C_Type *base, i3c_master_edma_handle_t *handle, i3c_ibi_type_t ibiType, i3c_ibi_state_t ibiState)
IBI event callback
void (*transferComplete)(I3C_Type *base, i3c_master_edma_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
Transfer complete callback
void (*slave2Master)(I3C_Type *base, void *userData)
struct _i3c_master_edma_handle
- #include <fsl_i3c_edma.h>
Driver handle for master EDMA APIs.
The contents of this structure are private and subject to change.
Public Members
I3C_Type *base
I3C base pointer.
uint8_t state
Transfer state machine current state.
uint32_t transferCount
Indicates progress of the transfer
uint8_t subaddressBuffer[4]
Saving subaddress command.
uint8_t subaddressCount
Saving command count.
i3c_master_transfer_t transfer
Copy of the current transfer info.
i3c_master_edma_callback_t callback
Callback function pointer.
void *userData
Application data passed to callback.
edma_handle_t *rxDmaHandle
Handle for receive DMA channel.
edma_handle_t *txDmaHandle
Handle for transmit DMA channel.
uint8_t ibiAddress
Slave address which request IBI.
uint8_t *ibiBuff
Pointer to IBI buffer to keep ibi bytes.
size_t ibiPayloadSize
IBI payload size.
i3c_ibi_type_t ibiType
IBI type.
I3C_Type *base
I3C Slave Driver
void I3C_SlaveGetDefaultConfig(i3c_slave_config_t *slaveConfig)
Provides a default configuration for the I3C slave peripheral.
This function provides the following default configuration for the I3C slave peripheral:
slaveConfig->enableslave = true;
After calling this function, you can override any settings in order to customize the configuration, prior to initializing the slave driver with I3C_SlaveInit().
- Parameters:
slaveConfig – [out] User provided configuration structure for default values. Refer to i3c_slave_config_t.
void I3C_SlaveInit(I3C_Type *base, const i3c_slave_config_t *slaveConfig, uint32_t slowClock_Hz)
Initializes the I3C slave peripheral.
This function enables the peripheral clock and initializes the I3C slave peripheral as described by the user provided configuration.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
slaveConfig – User provided peripheral configuration. Use I3C_SlaveGetDefaultConfig() to get a set of defaults that you can override.
slowClock_Hz – Frequency in Hertz of the I3C slow clock. Used to calculate the bus match condition values. If FSL_FEATURE_I3C_HAS_NO_SCONFIG_BAMATCH defines as 1, this parameter is useless.
void I3C_SlaveDeinit(I3C_Type *base)
Deinitializes the I3C slave peripheral.
This function disables the I3C slave peripheral and gates the clock.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
static inline void I3C_SlaveEnable(I3C_Type *base, bool isEnable)
Enable/Disable Slave.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
isEnable – Enable or disable.
static inline uint32_t I3C_SlaveGetStatusFlags(I3C_Type *base)
Gets the I3C slave status flags.
A bit mask with the state of all I3C slave status flags is returned. For each flag, the corresponding bit in the return value is set if the flag is asserted.
See also
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
- Returns:
State of the status flags:
1: related status flag is set.
0: related status flag is not set.
static inline void I3C_SlaveClearStatusFlags(I3C_Type *base, uint32_t statusMask)
Clears the I3C slave status flag state.
The following status register flags can be cleared:
Attempts to clear other flags has no effect.
See also
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
statusMask – A bitmask of status flags that are to be cleared. The mask is composed of _i3c_slave_flags enumerators OR’d together. You may pass the result of a previous call to I3C_SlaveGetStatusFlags().
static inline uint32_t I3C_SlaveGetErrorStatusFlags(I3C_Type *base)
Gets the I3C slave error status flags.
A bit mask with the state of all I3C slave error status flags is returned. For each flag, the corresponding bit in the return value is set if the flag is asserted.
See also
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
- Returns:
State of the error status flags:
1: related status flag is set.
0: related status flag is not set.
static inline void I3C_SlaveClearErrorStatusFlags(I3C_Type *base, uint32_t statusMask)
Clears the I3C slave error status flag state.
See also
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
statusMask – A bitmask of error status flags that are to be cleared. The mask is composed of _i3c_slave_error_flags enumerators OR’d together. You may pass the result of a previous call to I3C_SlaveGetErrorStatusFlags().
i3c_slave_activity_state_t I3C_SlaveGetActivityState(I3C_Type *base)
Gets the I3C slave state.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
- Returns:
I3C slave activity state, refer i3c_slave_activity_state_t.
status_t I3C_SlaveCheckAndClearError(I3C_Type *base, uint32_t status)
static inline void I3C_SlaveEnableInterrupts(I3C_Type *base, uint32_t interruptMask)
Enables the I3C slave interrupt requests.
Only below flags can be enabled as interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
interruptMask – Bit mask of interrupts to enable. See _i3c_slave_flags for the set of constants that should be OR’d together to form the bit mask.
static inline void I3C_SlaveDisableInterrupts(I3C_Type *base, uint32_t interruptMask)
Disables the I3C slave interrupt requests.
Only below flags can be disabled as interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
interruptMask – Bit mask of interrupts to disable. See _i3c_slave_flags for the set of constants that should be OR’d together to form the bit mask.
static inline uint32_t I3C_SlaveGetEnabledInterrupts(I3C_Type *base)
Returns the set of currently enabled I3C slave interrupt requests.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
- Returns:
A bitmask composed of _i3c_slave_flags enumerators OR’d together to indicate the set of enabled interrupts.
static inline uint32_t I3C_SlaveGetPendingInterrupts(I3C_Type *base)
Returns the set of pending I3C slave interrupt requests.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
- Returns:
A bitmask composed of _i3c_slave_flags enumerators OR’d together to indicate the set of pending interrupts.
static inline void I3C_SlaveEnableDMA(I3C_Type *base, bool enableTx, bool enableRx, uint32_t width)
Enables or disables I3C slave DMA requests.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
enableTx – Enable flag for transmit DMA request. Pass true for enable, false for disable.
enableRx – Enable flag for receive DMA request. Pass true for enable, false for disable.
width – DMA read/write unit in bytes.
static inline uint32_t I3C_SlaveGetTxFifoAddress(I3C_Type *base, uint32_t width)
Gets I3C slave transmit data register address for DMA transfer.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
width – DMA read/write unit in bytes.
- Returns:
The I3C Slave Transmit Data Register address.
static inline uint32_t I3C_SlaveGetRxFifoAddress(I3C_Type *base, uint32_t width)
Gets I3C slave receive data register address for DMA transfer.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
width – DMA read/write unit in bytes.
- Returns:
The I3C Slave Receive Data Register address.
static inline void I3C_SlaveSetWatermarks(I3C_Type *base, i3c_tx_trigger_level_t txLvl, i3c_rx_trigger_level_t rxLvl, bool flushTx, bool flushRx)
Sets the watermarks for I3C slave FIFOs.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
txLvl – Transmit FIFO watermark level. The kI3C_SlaveTxReadyFlag flag is set whenever the number of words in the transmit FIFO reaches txLvl.
rxLvl – Receive FIFO watermark level. The kI3C_SlaveRxReadyFlag flag is set whenever the number of words in the receive FIFO reaches rxLvl.
flushTx – true if TX FIFO is to be cleared, otherwise TX FIFO remains unchanged.
flushRx – true if RX FIFO is to be cleared, otherwise RX FIFO remains unchanged.
static inline void I3C_SlaveGetFifoCounts(I3C_Type *base, size_t *rxCount, size_t *txCount)
Gets the current number of bytes in the I3C slave FIFOs.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
txCount – [out] Pointer through which the current number of bytes in the transmit FIFO is returned. Pass NULL if this value is not required.
rxCount – [out] Pointer through which the current number of bytes in the receive FIFO is returned. Pass NULL if this value is not required.
status_t I3C_SlaveSend(I3C_Type *base, const void *txBuff, size_t txSize)
Performs a polling send transfer on the I3C bus.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
txBuff – The pointer to the data to be transferred.
txSize – The length in bytes of the data to be transferred.
- Returns:
Error or success status returned by API.
status_t I3C_SlaveReceive(I3C_Type *base, void *rxBuff, size_t rxSize)
Performs a polling receive transfer on the I3C bus.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
rxBuff – The pointer to the data to be transferred.
rxSize – The length in bytes of the data to be transferred.
- Returns:
Error or success status returned by API.
void I3C_SlaveTransferCreateHandle(I3C_Type *base, i3c_slave_handle_t *handle, i3c_slave_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Creates a new handle for the I3C slave non-blocking APIs.
The creation of a handle is for use with the non-blocking APIs. Once a handle is created, there is not a corresponding destroy handle. If the user wants to terminate a transfer, the I3C_SlaveTransferAbort() API shall be called.
The function also enables the NVIC IRQ for the input I3C. Need to notice that on some SoCs the I3C IRQ is connected to INTMUX, in this case user needs to enable the associated INTMUX IRQ in application.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
handle – [out] Pointer to the I3C slave driver handle.
callback – User provided pointer to the asynchronous callback function.
userData – User provided pointer to the application callback data.
status_t I3C_SlaveTransferNonBlocking(I3C_Type *base, i3c_slave_handle_t *handle, uint32_t eventMask)
Starts accepting slave transfers.
Call this API after calling I2C_SlaveInit() and I3C_SlaveTransferCreateHandle() to start processing transactions driven by an I2C master. The slave monitors the I2C bus and pass events to the callback that was passed into the call to I3C_SlaveTransferCreateHandle(). The callback is always invoked from the interrupt context.
The set of events received by the callback is customizable. To do so, set the eventMask parameter to the OR’d combination of i3c_slave_transfer_event_t enumerators for the events you wish to receive. The kI3C_SlaveTransmitEvent and kI3C_SlaveReceiveEvent events are always enabled and do not need to be included in the mask. Alternatively, you can pass 0 to get a default set of only the transmit and receive events that are always enabled. In addition, the kI3C_SlaveAllEvents constant is provided as a convenient way to enable all events.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to struct: _i3c_slave_handle structure which stores the transfer state.
eventMask – Bit mask formed by OR’ing together i3c_slave_transfer_event_t enumerators to specify which events to send to the callback. Other accepted values are 0 to get a default set of only the transmit and receive events, and kI3C_SlaveAllEvents to enable all events.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Slave transfers were successfully started.
kStatus_I3C_Busy – Slave transfers have already been started on this handle.
status_t I3C_SlaveTransferGetCount(I3C_Type *base, i3c_slave_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the slave transfer status during a non-blocking transfer.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to i2c_slave_handle_t structure.
count – [out] Pointer to a value to hold the number of bytes transferred. May be NULL if the count is not required.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success –
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress –
void I3C_SlaveTransferAbort(I3C_Type *base, i3c_slave_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the slave non-blocking transfers.
This API could be called at any time to stop slave for handling the bus events.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to struct: _i3c_slave_handle structure which stores the transfer state.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success –
kStatus_I3C_Idle –
void I3C_SlaveTransferHandleIRQ(I3C_Type *base, void *intHandle)
Reusable routine to handle slave interrupts.
This function does not need to be called unless you are reimplementing the non blocking API’s interrupt handler routines to add special functionality.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
intHandle – Pointer to struct: _i3c_slave_handle structure which stores the transfer state.
enum _i3c_slave_flags
I3C slave peripheral flags.
The following status register flags can be cleared:
Only below flags can be enabled as interrupts.
These enums are meant to be OR’d together to form a bit mask.
enumerator kI3C_SlaveNotStopFlag
Slave status not stop flag
enumerator kI3C_SlaveMessageFlag
Slave status message, indicating slave is listening to the bus traffic or responding
enumerator kI3C_SlaveRequiredReadFlag
Slave status required, either is master doing SDR read from slave, or is IBI pushing out.
enumerator kI3C_SlaveRequiredWriteFlag
Slave status request write, master is doing SDR write to slave, except slave in ENTDAA mode
enumerator kI3C_SlaveBusDAAFlag
I3C bus is in ENTDAA mode
enumerator kI3C_SlaveBusHDRModeFlag
I3C bus is in HDR mode
enumerator kI3C_SlaveBusStartFlag
Start/Re-start event is seen since the bus was last cleared
enumerator kI3C_SlaveMatchedFlag
Slave address(dynamic/static) matched since last cleared
enumerator kI3C_SlaveBusStopFlag
Stop event is seen since the bus was last cleared
enumerator kI3C_SlaveRxReadyFlag
Rx data ready in rx buffer flag
enumerator kI3C_SlaveTxReadyFlag
Tx buffer ready for Tx data flag
enumerator kI3C_SlaveDynamicAddrChangedFlag
Slave dynamic address has been assigned, re-assigned, or lost
enumerator kI3C_SlaveReceivedCCCFlag
Slave received Common command code
enumerator kI3C_SlaveErrorFlag
Error occurred flag
enumerator kI3C_SlaveHDRCommandMatchFlag
High data rate command match
enumerator kI3C_SlaveCCCHandledFlag
Slave received Common command code is handled by I3C module
enumerator kI3C_SlaveEventSentFlag
Slave IBI/P2P/MR/HJ event has been sent
enumerator kI3C_SlaveIbiDisableFlag
Slave in band interrupt is disabled.
enumerator kI3C_SlaveMasterRequestDisabledFlag
Slave master request is disabled.
enumerator kI3C_SlaveHotJoinDisabledFlag
Slave Hot-Join is disabled.
enumerator kI3C_SlaveClearFlags
All flags which are cleared by the driver upon starting a transfer.
enumerator kI3C_SlaveAllIrqFlags
enum _i3c_slave_error_flags
I3C slave error flags to indicate the causes.
These enums are meant to be OR’d together to form a bit mask.
enumerator kI3C_SlaveErrorOverrunFlag
Slave internal from-bus buffer/FIFO overrun.
enumerator kI3C_SlaveErrorUnderrunFlag
Slave internal to-bus buffer/FIFO underrun
enumerator kI3C_SlaveErrorUnderrunNakFlag
Slave internal from-bus buffer/FIFO underrun and NACK error
enumerator kI3C_SlaveErrorTermFlag
Terminate error from master
enumerator kI3C_SlaveErrorInvalidStartFlag
Slave invalid start flag
enumerator kI3C_SlaveErrorSdrParityFlag
SDR parity error
enumerator kI3C_SlaveErrorHdrParityFlag
HDR parity error
enumerator kI3C_SlaveErrorHdrCRCFlag
enumerator kI3C_SlaveErrorS0S1Flag
S0 or S1 error
enumerator kI3C_SlaveErrorOverreadFlag
Over-read error
enumerator kI3C_SlaveErrorOverwriteFlag
Over-write error
enumerator kI3C_SlaveErrorOverrunFlag
enum _i3c_slave_event
I3C slave.event.
enumerator kI3C_SlaveEventNormal
Normal mode.
enumerator kI3C_SlaveEventIBI
In band interrupt event.
enumerator kI3C_SlaveEventMasterReq
Master request event.
enumerator kI3C_SlaveEventHotJoinReq
Hot-join event.
enumerator kI3C_SlaveEventNormal
enum _i3c_slave_activity_state
I3C slave.activity state.
enumerator kI3C_SlaveNoLatency
Normal bus operation
enumerator kI3C_SlaveLatency1Ms
1ms of latency.
enumerator kI3C_SlaveLatency100Ms
100ms of latency.
enumerator kI3C_SlaveLatency10S
10s latency.
enumerator kI3C_SlaveNoLatency
enum _i3c_slave_transfer_event
Set of events sent to the callback for non blocking slave transfers.
These event enumerations are used for two related purposes. First, a bit mask created by OR’ing together events is passed to I3C_SlaveTransferNonBlocking() in order to specify which events to enable. Then, when the slave callback is invoked, it is passed the current event through its transfer parameter.
These enumerations are meant to be OR’d together to form a bit mask of events.
enumerator kI3C_SlaveAddressMatchEvent
Received the slave address after a start or repeated start.
enumerator kI3C_SlaveTransmitEvent
Callback is requested to provide data to transmit (slave-transmitter role).
enumerator kI3C_SlaveReceiveEvent
Callback is requested to provide a buffer in which to place received data (slave-receiver role).
enumerator kI3C_SlaveRequiredTransmitEvent
Callback is requested to provide a buffer in which to place received data (slave-receiver role).
enumerator kI3C_SlaveStartEvent
A start/repeated start was detected.
enumerator kI3C_SlaveHDRCommandMatchEvent
Slave Match HDR Command.
enumerator kI3C_SlaveCompletionEvent
A stop was detected, completing the transfer.
enumerator kI3C_SlaveRequestSentEvent
Slave request event sent.
enumerator kI3C_SlaveReceivedCCCEvent
Slave received CCC event, need to handle by application.
enumerator kI3C_SlaveAllEvents
Bit mask of all available events.
enumerator kI3C_SlaveAddressMatchEvent
typedef enum _i3c_slave_event i3c_slave_event_t
I3C slave.event.
typedef enum _i3c_slave_activity_state i3c_slave_activity_state_t
I3C slave.activity state.
typedef struct _i3c_slave_config i3c_slave_config_t
Structure with settings to initialize the I3C slave module.
This structure holds configuration settings for the I3C peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the I3C_SlaveGetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your configuration structure instance.
The configuration structure can be made constant so it resides in flash.
typedef enum _i3c_slave_transfer_event i3c_slave_transfer_event_t
Set of events sent to the callback for non blocking slave transfers.
These event enumerations are used for two related purposes. First, a bit mask created by OR’ing together events is passed to I3C_SlaveTransferNonBlocking() in order to specify which events to enable. Then, when the slave callback is invoked, it is passed the current event through its transfer parameter.
These enumerations are meant to be OR’d together to form a bit mask of events.
typedef struct _i3c_slave_transfer i3c_slave_transfer_t
I3C slave transfer structure.
typedef struct _i3c_slave_handle i3c_slave_handle_t
typedef void (*i3c_slave_transfer_callback_t)(I3C_Type *base, i3c_slave_transfer_t *transfer, void *userData)
Slave event callback function pointer type.
This callback is used only for the slave non-blocking transfer API. To install a callback, use the I3C_SlaveSetCallback() function after you have created a handle.
- Param base:
Base address for the I3C instance on which the event occurred.
- Param transfer:
Pointer to transfer descriptor containing values passed to and/or from the callback.
- Param userData:
Arbitrary pointer-sized value passed from the application.
typedef void (*i3c_slave_isr_t)(I3C_Type *base, void *handle)
Typedef for slave interrupt handler.
struct _i3c_slave_config
- #include <fsl_i3c.h>
Structure with settings to initialize the I3C slave module.
This structure holds configuration settings for the I3C peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the I3C_SlaveGetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your configuration structure instance.
The configuration structure can be made constant so it resides in flash.
Public Members
bool enableSlave
Whether to enable slave.
uint8_t staticAddr
Static address.
uint16_t vendorID
Device vendor ID(manufacture ID).
uint32_t partNumber
Device part number info
uint8_t dcr
Device characteristics register information.
uint8_t bcr
Bus characteristics register information.
uint8_t hdrMode
Support hdr mode, could be OR logic in enumeration:i3c_hdr_mode_t.
bool nakAllRequest
Whether to reply NAK to all requests except broadcast CCC.
bool ignoreS0S1Error
Whether to ignore S0/S1 error in SDR mode.
bool offline
Whether to wait 60 us of bus quiet or HDR request to ensure slave track SDR mode safely.
bool matchSlaveStartStop
Whether to assert start/stop status only the time slave is addressed.
uint32_t maxWriteLength
Maximum write length.
uint32_t maxReadLength
Maximum read length.
bool enableSlave
struct _i3c_slave_transfer
- #include <fsl_i3c.h>
I3C slave transfer structure.
Public Members
uint32_t event
Reason the callback is being invoked.
uint8_t *txData
Transfer buffer
size_t txDataSize
Transfer size
uint8_t *rxData
Transfer buffer
size_t rxDataSize
Transfer size
status_t completionStatus
Success or error code describing how the transfer completed. Only applies for kI3C_SlaveCompletionEvent.
size_t transferredCount
Number of bytes actually transferred since start or last repeated start.
uint32_t event
struct _i3c_slave_handle
- #include <fsl_i3c.h>
I3C slave handle structure.
The contents of this structure are private and subject to change.
Public Members
i3c_slave_transfer_t transfer
I3C slave transfer copy.
bool isBusy
Whether transfer is busy.
bool wasTransmit
Whether the last transfer was a transmit.
uint32_t eventMask
Mask of enabled events.
uint32_t transferredCount
Count of bytes transferred.
i3c_slave_transfer_callback_t callback
Callback function called at transfer event.
void *userData
Callback parameter passed to callback.
uint8_t txFifoSize
Tx Fifo size
i3c_slave_transfer_t transfer
I3C Slave DMA Driver
void I3C_SlaveTransferCreateHandleEDMA(I3C_Type *base, i3c_slave_edma_handle_t *handle, i3c_slave_edma_callback_t callback, void *userData, edma_handle_t *rxDmaHandle, edma_handle_t *txDmaHandle)
Create a new handle for the I3C slave DMA APIs.
The creation of a handle is for use with the DMA APIs. Once a handle is created, there is not a corresponding destroy handle. If the user wants to terminate a transfer, the I3C_SlaveTransferAbortDMA() API shall be called.
For devices where the I3C send and receive DMA requests are OR’d together, the txDmaHandle parameter is ignored and may be set to NULL.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to the I3C slave driver handle.
callback – User provided pointer to the asynchronous callback function.
userData – User provided pointer to the application callback data.
rxDmaHandle – Handle for the DMA receive channel. Created by the user prior to calling this function.
txDmaHandle – Handle for the DMA transmit channel. Created by the user prior to calling this function.
status_t I3C_SlaveTransferEDMA(I3C_Type *base, i3c_slave_edma_handle_t *handle, i3c_slave_edma_transfer_t *transfer, uint32_t eventMask)
Prepares for a non-blocking DMA-based transaction on the I3C bus.
The API will do DMA configuration according to the input transfer descriptor, and the data will be transferred when there’s bus master requesting transfer from/to this slave. So the timing of call to this API need be aligned with master application to ensure the transfer is executed as expected. Callback specified when the handle was created is invoked when the transaction has completed.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to the I3C slave driver handle.
transfer – The pointer to the transfer descriptor.
eventMask – Bit mask formed by OR’ing together i3c_slave_transfer_event_t enumerators to specify which events to send to the callback. The transmit and receive events is not allowed to be enabled.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – The transaction was started successfully.
kStatus_I3C_Busy – Either another master is currently utilizing the bus, or another DMA transaction is already in progress.
kStatus_Fail – The transaction can’t be set.
void I3C_SlaveTransferAbortEDMA(I3C_Type *base, i3c_slave_edma_handle_t *handle)
Abort a slave edma non-blocking transfer in a early time.
- Parameters:
base – I3C peripheral base address
handle – pointer to i3c_slave_edma_handle_t structure
void I3C_SlaveTransferEDMAHandleIRQ(I3C_Type *base, void *i3cHandle)
Reusable routine to handle slave interrupts.
This function does not need to be called unless you are reimplementing the nonblocking API’s interrupt handler routines to add special functionality.
- Parameters:
base – The I3C peripheral base address.
i3cHandle – Pointer to the I3C slave DMA driver handle.
typedef struct _i3c_slave_edma_handle i3c_slave_edma_handle_t
typedef struct _i3c_slave_edma_transfer i3c_slave_edma_transfer_t
I3C slave transfer structure.
typedef void (*i3c_slave_edma_callback_t)(I3C_Type *base, i3c_slave_edma_transfer_t *transfer, void *userData)
Slave event callback function pointer type.
This callback is used only for the slave DMA transfer API.
- Param base:
Base address for the I3C instance on which the event occurred.
- Param handle:
Pointer to slave DMA transfer handle.
- Param transfer:
Pointer to transfer descriptor containing values passed to and/or from the callback.
- Param userData:
Arbitrary pointer-sized value passed from the application.
struct _i3c_slave_edma_transfer
- #include <fsl_i3c_edma.h>
I3C slave transfer structure.
Public Members
uint32_t event
Reason the callback is being invoked.
uint8_t *txData
Transfer buffer
size_t txDataSize
Transfer size
uint8_t *rxData
Transfer buffer
size_t rxDataSize
Transfer size
status_t completionStatus
Success or error code describing how the transfer completed. Only applies for kI3C_SlaveCompletionEvent.
uint32_t event
struct _i3c_slave_edma_handle
- #include <fsl_i3c_edma.h>
I3C slave edma handle structure.
The contents of this structure are private and subject to change.
Public Members
I3C_Type *base
I3C base pointer.
i3c_slave_edma_transfer_t transfer
I3C slave transfer copy.
bool isBusy
Whether transfer is busy.
bool wasTransmit
Whether the last transfer was a transmit.
uint32_t eventMask
Mask of enabled events.
i3c_slave_edma_callback_t callback
Callback function called at transfer event.
edma_handle_t *rxDmaHandle
Handle for receive DMA channel.
edma_handle_t *txDmaHandle
Handle for transmit DMA channel.
void *userData
Callback parameter passed to callback.
I3C_Type *base
INPUTMUX: Input Multiplexing Driver
enum _inputmux_connection_t
INPUTMUX connections type.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp0ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp1ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp2ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp3ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp4ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp5ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp6ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp7ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp8ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp9ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp10ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp11ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp12ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp13ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp14ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp15ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp16ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp17ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp18ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp19ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Usb0StartOfFrameToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Usb1StartOfFrameToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_DcdcBurstActiveToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai0TxSyncOutToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai0RxSyncOutToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0IrqToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1IrqToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig01ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig01ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig01ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig01ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig01ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig01ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig01ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig01ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm0Trig0ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm0Trig1ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm0Trig2ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm1Trig0ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm1Trig1ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm1Trig2ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm2Trig0ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm2Trig1ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm2Trig2ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig0ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig1ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig2ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig3ToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai1TxSyncOutToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai1RxSyncOutToTimer0Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp0ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp1ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp2ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp3ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp4ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp5ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp6ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp7ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp8ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp9ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp10ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp11ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp12ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp13ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp14ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp15ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp16ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp17ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp18ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp19ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Usb0StartOfFrameToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Usb1StartOfFrameToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_DcdcBurstActiveToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai0TxSyncOutToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai0RxSyncOutToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0IrqToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1IrqToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig01ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig01ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig01ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig01ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig01ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig01ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig01ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig01ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm0Trig0ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm0Trig1ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm0Trig2ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm1Trig0ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm1Trig1ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm1Trig2ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm2Trig0ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm2Trig1ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm2Trig2ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig0ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig1ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig2ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig3ToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai1TxSyncOutToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai1RxSyncOutToTimer1Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp0ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp1ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp2ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp3ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp4ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp5ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp6ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp7ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp8ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp9ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp10ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp11ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp12ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp13ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp14ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp15ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp16ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp17ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp18ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp19ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Usb0StartOfFrameToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Usb1StartOfFrameToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_DcdcBurstActiveToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai0TxSyncOutToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai0RxSyncOutToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0IrqToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1IrqToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig01ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig01ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig01ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig01ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig01ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig01ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig01ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig01ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm0Trig0ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm0Trig1ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm0Trig2ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm1Trig0ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm1Trig1ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm1Trig2ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm2Trig0ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm2Trig1ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm2Trig2ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig0ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig1ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig2ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig3ToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai1TxSyncOutToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai1RxSyncOutToTimer2Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp0ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp1ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp2ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp3ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp4ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp5ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp6ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp7ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp8ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp9ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp10ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp11ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp12ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp13ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp14ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp15ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp16ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp17ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp18ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp19ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Usb0StartOfFrameToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Usb1StartOfFrameToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_DcdcBurstActiveToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai0TxSyncOutToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai0RxSyncOutToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0IrqToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1IrqToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig01ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig01ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig01ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig01ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig01ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig01ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig01ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig01ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm0Trig0ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm0Trig1ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm0Trig2ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm1Trig0ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm1Trig1ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm1Trig2ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm2Trig0ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm2Trig1ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm2Trig2ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig0ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig1ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig2ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig3ToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai1TxSyncOutToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai1RxSyncOutToTimer3Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp0ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp1ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp2ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp3ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp4ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp5ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp6ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp7ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp8ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp9ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp10ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp11ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp12ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp13ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp14ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp15ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp16ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp17ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp18ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp19ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Usb0StartOfFrameToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Usb1StartOfFrameToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_DcdcBurstActiveToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai0TxSyncOutToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai0RxSyncOutToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0IrqToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1IrqToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig01ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig01ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig01ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig01ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig01ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig01ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig01ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig01ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm0Trig0ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm0Trig1ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm0Trig2ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm1Trig0ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm1Trig1ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm1Trig2ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm2Trig0ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm2Trig1ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm2Trig2ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig0ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig1ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig2ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig3ToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai1TxSyncOutToTimer4Captsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai1RxSyncOutToTimer4Captsel
TIMER0 Trigger.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp0ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp1ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp2ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp3ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp4ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp5ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp6ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp7ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp8ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp9ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp10ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp11ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp12ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp13ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp14ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp15ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp16ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp17ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp18ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp19ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Usb0StartOfFrameToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Usb1StartOfFrameToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_DcdcBurstActiveToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai0TxSyncOutToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai0RxSyncOutToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0IrqToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1IrqToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig01ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig01ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig01ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig01ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig01ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig01ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig01ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig01ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm0Trig0ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm0Trig1ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm0Trig2ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm1Trig0ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm1Trig1ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm1Trig2ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm2Trig0ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm2Trig1ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm2Trig2ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig0ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig1ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig2ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig3ToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai1TxSyncOutToTimer0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai1RxSyncOutToTimer0Trigger
TIMER1 Trigger.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp0ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp1ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp2ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp3ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp4ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp5ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp6ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp7ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp8ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp9ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp10ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp11ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp12ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp13ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp14ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp15ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp16ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp17ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp18ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp19ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Usb0StartOfFrameToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Usb1StartOfFrameToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_DcdcBurstActiveToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai0TxSyncOutToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai0RxSyncOutToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0IrqToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1IrqToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig01ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig01ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig01ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig01ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig01ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig01ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig01ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig01ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm0Trig0ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm0Trig1ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm0Trig2ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm1Trig0ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm1Trig1ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm1Trig2ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm2Trig0ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm2Trig1ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm2Trig2ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig0ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig1ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig2ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig3ToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai1TxSyncOutToTimer1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai1RxSyncOutToTimer1Trigger
TIMER2 Trigger.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp0ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp1ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp2ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp3ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp4ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp5ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp6ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp7ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp8ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp9ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp10ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp11ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp12ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp13ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp14ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp15ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp16ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp17ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp18ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp19ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Usb0StartOfFrameToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Usb1StartOfFrameToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_DcdcBurstActiveToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai0TxSyncOutToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai0RxSyncOutToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0IrqToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1IrqToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig01ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig01ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig01ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig01ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig01ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig01ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig01ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig01ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm0Trig0ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm0Trig1ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm0Trig2ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm1Trig0ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm1Trig1ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm1Trig2ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm2Trig0ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm2Trig1ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm2Trig2ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig0ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig1ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig2ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig3ToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai1TxSyncOutToTimer2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai1RxSyncOutToTimer2Trigger
TIMER3 Trigger.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp0ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp1ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp2ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp3ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp4ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp5ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp6ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp7ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp8ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp9ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp10ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp11ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp12ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp13ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp14ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp15ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp16ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp17ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp18ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp19ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Usb0StartOfFrameToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Usb1StartOfFrameToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_DcdcBurstActiveToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai0TxSyncOutToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai0RxSyncOutToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0IrqToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1IrqToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig01ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig01ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig01ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig01ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig01ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig01ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig01ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig01ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm0Trig0ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm0Trig1ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm0Trig2ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm1Trig0ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm1Trig1ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm1Trig2ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm2Trig0ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm2Trig1ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm2Trig2ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig0ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig1ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig2ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig3ToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai1TxSyncOutToTimer3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai1RxSyncOutToTimer3Trigger
TIMER4 Trigger.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp0ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp1ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp2ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp3ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp4ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp5ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp6ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp7ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp8ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp9ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp10ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp11ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp12ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp13ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp14ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp15ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp16ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp17ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp18ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp19ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Usb0StartOfFrameToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Usb1StartOfFrameToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_DcdcBurstActiveToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai0TxSyncOutToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai0RxSyncOutToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0IrqToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1IrqToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig01ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig01ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig01ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig01ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig01ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig01ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig01ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig01ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm0Trig0ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm0Trig1ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm0Trig2ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm1Trig0ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm1Trig1ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm1Trig2ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm2Trig0ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm2Trig1ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm2Trig2ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig0ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig1ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig2ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3Trig3ToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai1TxSyncOutToTimer4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai1RxSyncOutToTimer4Trigger
SMARTDMA arch B inputs.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin0ToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin1ToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin2ToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin3ToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin4ToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin5ToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin6ToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin7ToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin12ToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin13ToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin14ToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin15ToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_MrtCh0IrqToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_MrtCh1IrqToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M3ToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M2ToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer3M3ToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer3M2ToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M2ToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_UtickIrqToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Wdt0IrqToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0IrqToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0IrqToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm7IrqToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm6IrqToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm5IrqToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm4IrqToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3IrqToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm2IrqToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm1IrqToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm0IrqToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma0IrqToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Dma1IrqToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_SysIrqToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_RtcComboIrqToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Usb0StartOfFrameIrqToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Usb1StartOfFrameIrqToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_OsEventTimerIrqToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1IrqToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp01IrqToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0IrqToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1IrqToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0IrqToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1IrqToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio1PinEventTrig0ToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio1PinEventTrig1ToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig0ToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig1ToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig0ToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig1ToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioShifterDmaRequest0ToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioShifterDmaRequest1ToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioShifterDmaRequest2ToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioShifterDmaRequest3ToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioShifterDmaRequest4ToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioShifterDmaRequest5ToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioShifterDmaRequest6ToSmartDma
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioShifterDmaRequest7ToSmartDma
Pin interrupt select.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin0ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin1ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin2ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin3ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin4ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin5ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin6ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin7ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin12ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin13ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin14ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin15ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin16ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin17ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin18ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin19ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin20ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin21ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin22ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin23ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin24ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin25ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin26ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin27ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin28ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin29ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin0ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin1ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin2ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin3ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin4ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin5ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin6ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin7ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin8ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin9ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin10ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin11ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin12ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin13ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin14ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin15ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin16ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin17ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin18ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin19ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin30ToPintsel
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioPort1Pin31ToPintsel
Selection for frequency measurement reference clock.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ClkInToFreqmeasRef
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Fro12MToFreqmeasRef
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Fro144MToFreqmeasRef
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Osc32KToFreqmeasRef
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CpuAhbClkToFreqmeasRef
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FreqmeClkIn0ToFreqmeasRef
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FreqmeClkIn1ToFreqmeasRef
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToFreqmeasRef
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToFreqmeasRef
Selection for frequency measurement target clock.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ClkInToFreqmeasTar
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Fro12MToFreqmeasTar
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Fro144MToFreqmeasTar
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Osc32KToFreqmeasTar
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CpuAhbClkToFreqmeasTar
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FreqmeClkIn0ToFreqmeasTar
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FreqmeClkIn1ToFreqmeasTar
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToFreqmeasTar
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToFreqmeasTar
Cmp0 Trigger.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToCmp0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt6ToCmp0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToCmp0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToCmp0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToCmp0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M0ToCmp0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M0ToCmp0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToCmp0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToCmp0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToCmp0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToCmp0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig01ToCmp0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig01ToCmp0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig01ToCmp0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig01ToCmp0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig01ToCmp0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig01ToCmp0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig01ToCmp0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig01ToCmp0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToCmp0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToCmp0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToCmp0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToCmp0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToCmp0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToCmp0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToCmp0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToCmp0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToCmp0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToCmp0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lptmr0ToCmp0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lptmr1ToCmp0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig0ToCmp0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig1ToCmp0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig0ToCmp0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig1ToCmp0Trigger
Cmp1 Trigger.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToCmp1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt7ToCmp1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToCmp1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToCmp1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToCmp1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer3M1ToCmp1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M1ToCmp1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToCmp1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToCmp1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToCmp1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToCmp1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig01ToCmp1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig01ToCmp1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig01ToCmp1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig01ToCmp1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig01ToCmp1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig01ToCmp1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig01ToCmp1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig01ToCmp1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToCmp1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToCmp1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToCmp1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToCmp1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToCmp1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToCmp1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToCmp1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToCmp1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToCmp1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToCmp1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lptmr0ToCmp1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lptmr1ToCmp1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig0ToCmp1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig1ToCmp1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig0ToCmp1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig1ToCmp1Trigger
Adc0 Trigger.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt1ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer3M3ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M3ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_DcdcBurstDoneTrigToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig0ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig1ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig0ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig1ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig0ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig1ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig0ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig1ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig0ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig1ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig0ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig1ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig0ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig1ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig0ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig1ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lptmr0ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lptmr1ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh0ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh1ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh2ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh3ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig0ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig1ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig0ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig1ToAdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_WuuToAdc0Trigger
Adc1 Trigger.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt2ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer3M2ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M1ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_DcdcBurstDoneTrigToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig0ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig1ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig0ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig1ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig0ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig1ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig0ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig1ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig0ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig1ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig0ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig1ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig0ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig1ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig0ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig1ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lptmr0ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lptmr1ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh0ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh1ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh2ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh3ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig0ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig1ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig0ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig1ToAdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_WuuToAdc1Trigger
QDC0 Trigger Input Connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt4ToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M0ToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer3M0ToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig0ToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig1ToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig0ToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig1ToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig0ToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig1ToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig0ToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig1ToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn5ToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn6ToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn7ToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn8ToQdc0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn9ToQdc0Trigger
QDC0 Home Input Connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt4ToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M0ToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer3M0ToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig0ToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig1ToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig0ToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig1ToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig0ToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig1ToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig0ToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig1ToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn5ToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn6ToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn7ToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn8ToQdc0Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn9ToQdc0Home
QDC0 Index Input Connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt4ToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M0ToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer3M0ToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig0ToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig1ToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig0ToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig1ToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig0ToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig1ToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig0ToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig1ToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn5ToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn6ToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn7ToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn8ToQdc0Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn9ToQdc0Index
QDC0 Phaseb Input Connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt4ToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M0ToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer3M0ToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig0ToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig1ToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig0ToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig1ToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig0ToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig1ToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig0ToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig1ToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn5ToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn6ToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn7ToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn8ToQdc0Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn9ToQdc0Phaseb
QDC0 Phasea Input Connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt4ToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M0ToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer3M0ToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig0ToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig1ToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig0ToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig1ToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig0ToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig1ToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig0ToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig1ToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn5ToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn6ToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn7ToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn8ToQdc0Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn9ToQdc0Phasea
QDC1 Trigger Input Connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt4ToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M0ToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer3M0ToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig0ToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig1ToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig0ToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig1ToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig0ToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig1ToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig0ToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig1ToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn5ToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn6ToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn7ToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn8ToQdc1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn9ToQdc1Trigger
QDC1 Home Input Connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt4ToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M0ToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer3M0ToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig0ToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig1ToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig0ToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig1ToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig0ToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig1ToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig0ToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig1ToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn5ToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn6ToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn7ToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn8ToQdc1Home
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn9ToQdc1Home
QDC1 Index Input Connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt4ToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M0ToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer3M0ToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig0ToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig1ToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig0ToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig1ToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig0ToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig1ToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig0ToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig1ToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn5ToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn6ToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn7ToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn8ToQdc1Index
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn9ToQdc1Index
QDC1 Phaseb Input Connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt4ToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M0ToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer3M0ToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig0ToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig1ToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig0ToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig1ToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig0ToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig1ToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig0ToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig1ToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn5ToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn6ToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn7ToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn8ToQdc1Phaseb
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn9ToQdc1Phaseb
QDC1 Phasea Input Connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt4ToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M0ToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer3M0ToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig0ToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig1ToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig0ToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig1ToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig0ToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig1ToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig0ToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig1ToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn5ToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn6ToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn7ToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn8ToQdc1Phasea
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn9ToQdc1Phasea
FlexPWM0_SM0_EXTSYNC input trigger connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt5ToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M0ToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M0ToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig0ToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig1ToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig0ToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig1ToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig0ToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig1ToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig0ToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig1ToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn5ToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn6ToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn7ToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn8ToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn9ToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm0Sm0ExtSync
FlexPWM0_SM1_EXTSYNC input trigger connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt5ToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M0ToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M0ToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig0ToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig1ToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig0ToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig1ToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig0ToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig1ToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig0ToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig1ToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn5ToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn6ToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn7ToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn8ToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn9ToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm0Sm1ExtSync
FlexPWM0_SM2_EXTSYNC2 input trigger connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt5ToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M0ToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M0ToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig0ToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig1ToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig0ToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig1ToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig0ToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig1ToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig0ToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig1ToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn5ToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn6ToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn7ToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn8ToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn9ToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm0Sm2ExtSync
FlexPWM0_SM3_EXTSYNC input trigger connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt5ToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M0ToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M0ToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig0ToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig1ToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig0ToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig1ToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig0ToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig1ToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig0ToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig1ToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn5ToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn6ToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn7ToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn8ToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn9ToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm0Sm3ExtSync
FlexPWM0_SM0_EXTA input trigger connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt5ToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M0ToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M0ToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig0ToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig1ToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig0ToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig1ToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig0ToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig1ToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig0ToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig1ToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn5ToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn6ToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn7ToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn8ToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn9ToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm0Sm0Exta
FlexPWM0_SM1_EXTA input trigger connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt5ToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M0ToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M0ToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig0ToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig1ToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig0ToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig1ToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig0ToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig1ToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig0ToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig1ToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn5ToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn6ToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn7ToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn8ToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn9ToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm0Sm1Exta
FlexPWM0_SM2_EXTA input trigger connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt5ToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M0ToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M0ToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig0ToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig1ToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig0ToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig1ToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig0ToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig1ToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig0ToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig1ToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn5ToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn6ToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn7ToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn8ToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn9ToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm0Sm2Exta
FlexPWM0_SM3_EXTA input trigger connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt5ToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M0ToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M0ToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig0ToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig1ToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig0ToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig1ToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig0ToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig1ToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig0ToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig1ToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn5ToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn6ToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn7ToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn8ToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn9ToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm0Sm3Exta
FlexPWM0_EXTFORCE input trigger connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt5ToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M0ToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M0ToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig0ToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig1ToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig0ToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig1ToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig0ToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig1ToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig0ToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig1ToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn5ToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn6ToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn7ToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn8ToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn9ToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm0ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm0ExtForce
FlexPWM0_FAULT0 input trigger connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt5ToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M0ToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M0ToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig0ToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig1ToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig0ToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig1ToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig0ToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig1ToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig0ToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig1ToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn5ToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn6ToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn7ToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn8ToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn9ToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm0Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm0Fault0
FlexPWM0_FAULT1 input trigger connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt5ToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M0ToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M0ToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig0ToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig1ToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig0ToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig1ToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig0ToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig1ToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig0ToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig1ToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn5ToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn6ToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn7ToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn8ToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn9ToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm0Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm0Fault1
FlexPWM0_FAULT2 input trigger connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt5ToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M0ToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M0ToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig0ToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig1ToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig0ToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig1ToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig0ToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig1ToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig0ToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig1ToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn5ToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn6ToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn7ToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn8ToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn9ToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm0Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm0Fault2
FlexPWM0_FAULT3 input trigger connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt5ToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M0ToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M0ToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig0ToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig1ToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig0ToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig1ToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig0ToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig1ToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig0ToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig1ToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn5ToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn6ToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn7ToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn8ToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn9ToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm0Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm0Fault3
FlexPWM1_SM0_EXTSYNC input trigger connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt2ToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M1ToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M1ToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig0ToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig1ToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig0ToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig1ToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig0ToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig1ToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig0ToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig1ToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn5ToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn6ToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn7ToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn8ToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn9ToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm1Sm0ExtSync
FlexPWM1_SM1_EXTSYNC input trigger connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt2ToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M1ToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M1ToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig0ToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig1ToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig0ToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig1ToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig0ToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig1ToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig0ToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig1ToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn5ToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn6ToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn7ToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn8ToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn9ToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm1Sm1ExtSync
FlexPWM1_SM2_EXTSYNC2 input trigger connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt2ToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M1ToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M1ToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig0ToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig1ToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig0ToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig1ToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig0ToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig1ToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig0ToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig1ToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn5ToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn6ToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn7ToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn8ToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn9ToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm1Sm2ExtSync
FlexPWM1_SM3_EXTSYNC input trigger connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt2ToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M1ToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M1ToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig0ToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig1ToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig0ToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig1ToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig0ToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig1ToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig0ToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig1ToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn5ToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn6ToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn7ToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn8ToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn9ToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm1Sm3ExtSync
FlexPWM1_SM0_EXTA input trigger connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt2ToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M1ToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M1ToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig0ToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig1ToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig0ToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig1ToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig0ToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig1ToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig0ToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig1ToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn5ToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn6ToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn7ToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn8ToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn9ToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm1Sm0Exta
FlexPWM1_SM1_EXTA input trigger connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt2ToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M1ToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M1ToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig0ToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig1ToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig0ToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig1ToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig0ToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig1ToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig0ToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig1ToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn5ToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn6ToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn7ToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn8ToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn9ToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm1Sm1Exta
FlexPWM1_SM2_EXTA input trigger connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt2ToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M1ToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M1ToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig0ToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig1ToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig0ToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig1ToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig0ToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig1ToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig0ToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig1ToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn5ToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn6ToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn7ToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn8ToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn9ToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm1Sm2Exta
FlexPWM1_SM3_EXTA input trigger connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt2ToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M1ToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M1ToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig0ToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig1ToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig0ToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig1ToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig0ToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig1ToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig0ToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig1ToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn5ToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn6ToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn7ToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn8ToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn9ToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm1Sm3Exta
FlexPWM1_EXTFORCE input trigger connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt2ToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M1ToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M1ToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig0ToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig1ToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig0ToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig1ToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig0ToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig1ToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig0ToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig1ToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn5ToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn6ToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn7ToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn8ToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn9ToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm1ExtForce
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm1ExtForce
FlexPWM1_FAULT0 input trigger connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt2ToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M1ToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M1ToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig0ToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig1ToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig0ToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig1ToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig0ToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig1ToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig0ToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig1ToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn5ToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn6ToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn7ToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn8ToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn9ToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm1Fault0
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm1Fault0
FlexPWM1_FAULT1 input trigger connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt2ToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M1ToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M1ToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig0ToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig1ToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig0ToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig1ToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig0ToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig1ToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig0ToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig1ToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn5ToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn6ToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn7ToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn8ToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn9ToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm1Fault1
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm1Fault1
FlexPWM1_FAULT2 input trigger connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt2ToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M1ToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M1ToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig0ToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig1ToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig0ToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig1ToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig0ToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig1ToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig0ToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig1ToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn5ToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn6ToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn7ToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn8ToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn9ToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm1Fault2
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm1Fault2
FlexPWM1_FAULT3 input trigger connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt2ToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M1ToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M1ToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig0ToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig1ToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig0ToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig1ToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig0ToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig1ToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig0ToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig1ToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn5ToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn6ToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn7ToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn8ToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn9ToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig0ToFlexPwm1Fault3
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig1ToFlexPwm1Fault3
PWM0 external clock trigger.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Fro16KToPwm0ExtClk
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Osc32KToPwm0ExtClk
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToPwm0ExtClk
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToPwm0ExtClk
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ExttrigIn0ToPwm0ExtClk
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ExttrigIn1ToPwm0ExtClk
PWM1 external clock trigger.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Fro16KToPwm1ExtClk
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Osc32KToPwm1ExtClk
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToPwm1ExtClk
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToPwm1ExtClk
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ExttrigIn0ToPwm1ExtClk
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ExttrigIn1ToPwm1ExtClk
EVTG trigger input connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt1ToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M3ToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M3ToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M2ToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer3M2ToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M2ToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0IrqToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1IrqToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig0ToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig1ToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig0ToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig1ToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig0ToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig1ToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig0ToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig1ToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig0ToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig1ToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig0ToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig1ToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig0ToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig1ToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig0ToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig1ToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lptmr0ToEvtgTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lptmr1ToEvtgTrigger
EXT trigger connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToExtTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt1ToExtTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0IrqToExtTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1IrqToExtTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToExtTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToExtTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig01ToExtTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig01ToExtTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig01ToExtTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig01ToExtTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig01ToExtTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig01ToExtTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig01ToExtTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig01ToExtTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc0CmpPosMatchToExtTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Qdc1CmpPosMatchToExtTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToExtTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToExtTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToExtTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToExtTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToExtTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToExtTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToExtTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToExtTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lptmr0ToExtTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lptmr1ToExtTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lpflexcomm0Trig3ToExtTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lpflexcomm1Trig3ToExtTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lpflexcomm2Trig3ToExtTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lpflexcomm3Trig3ToExtTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lpflexcomm4Trig3ToExtTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lpflexcomm5Trig3ToExtTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lpflexcomm6Trig3ToExtTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lpflexcomm7Trig3ToExtTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToExtTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToExtTrigger
FLEXCOMM0 trigger input connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt4ToFlexcomm0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt5ToFlexcomm0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt6ToFlexcomm0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M1ToFlexcomm0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M1ToFlexcomm0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M0ToFlexcomm0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer3M0ToFlexcomm0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M0ToFlexcomm0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lptmr0ToFlexcomm0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lptmr1ToFlexcomm0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToFlexcomm0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToFlexcomm0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToFlexcomm0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToFlexcomm0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToFlexcomm0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToFlexcomm0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToFlexcomm0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToFlexcomm0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToFlexcomm0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToFlexcomm0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToFlexcomm0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToFlexcomm0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToFlexcomm0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToFlexcomm0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToFlexcomm0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToFlexcomm0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToFlexcomm0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn10ToFlexcomm0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn11ToFlexcomm0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh4ToFlexcomm0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh5ToFlexcomm0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh6ToFlexcomm0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh7ToFlexcomm0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Usb0IppIndUartRxdUsbmuxToFlexcomm0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig0ToFlexcomm0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig1ToFlexcomm0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig0ToFlexcomm0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig1ToFlexcomm0Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_WuuToFlexcomm0Trigger
FLEXCOMM1 trigger input connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt4ToFlexcomm1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt5ToFlexcomm1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt6ToFlexcomm1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M1ToFlexcomm1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M1ToFlexcomm1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M0ToFlexcomm1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer3M0ToFlexcomm1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M0ToFlexcomm1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lptmr0ToFlexcomm1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lptmr1ToFlexcomm1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToFlexcomm1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToFlexcomm1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToFlexcomm1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToFlexcomm1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToFlexcomm1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToFlexcomm1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToFlexcomm1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToFlexcomm1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToFlexcomm1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToFlexcomm1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToFlexcomm1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToFlexcomm1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToFlexcomm1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToFlexcomm1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToFlexcomm1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToFlexcomm1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToFlexcomm1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn10ToFlexcomm1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn11ToFlexcomm1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh4ToFlexcomm1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh5ToFlexcomm1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh6ToFlexcomm1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh7ToFlexcomm1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Usb0IppIndUartRxdUsbmuxToFlexcomm1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig0ToFlexcomm1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig1ToFlexcomm1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig0ToFlexcomm1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig1ToFlexcomm1Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_WuuToFlexcomm1Trigger
FLEXCOMM2 trigger input connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt4ToFlexcomm2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt6ToFlexcomm2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt7ToFlexcomm2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M1ToFlexcomm2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M1ToFlexcomm2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M1ToFlexcomm2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer3M1ToFlexcomm2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M1ToFlexcomm2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lptmr0ToFlexcomm2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lptmr1ToFlexcomm2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToFlexcomm2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToFlexcomm2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToFlexcomm2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToFlexcomm2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToFlexcomm2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToFlexcomm2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToFlexcomm2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToFlexcomm2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToFlexcomm2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToFlexcomm2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToFlexcomm2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToFlexcomm2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToFlexcomm2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToFlexcomm2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToFlexcomm2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToFlexcomm2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToFlexcomm2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn10ToFlexcomm2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn11ToFlexcomm2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh4ToFlexcomm2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh5ToFlexcomm2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh6ToFlexcomm2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh7ToFlexcomm2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Usb0IppIndUartRxdUsbmuxToFlexcomm2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig0ToFlexcomm2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig1ToFlexcomm2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig0ToFlexcomm2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig1ToFlexcomm2Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_WuuToFlexcomm2Trigger
FLEXCOMM3 trigger input connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt4ToFlexcomm3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt5ToFlexcomm3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt7ToFlexcomm3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M1ToFlexcomm3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M1ToFlexcomm3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M1ToFlexcomm3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer3M1ToFlexcomm3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M1ToFlexcomm3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lptmr0ToFlexcomm3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lptmr1ToFlexcomm3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToFlexcomm3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToFlexcomm3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToFlexcomm3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToFlexcomm3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToFlexcomm3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToFlexcomm3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToFlexcomm3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToFlexcomm3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToFlexcomm3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToFlexcomm3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToFlexcomm3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToFlexcomm3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToFlexcomm3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToFlexcomm3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToFlexcomm3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToFlexcomm3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToFlexcomm3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn10ToFlexcomm3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn11ToFlexcomm3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh4ToFlexcomm3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh5ToFlexcomm3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh6ToFlexcomm3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh7ToFlexcomm3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Usb0IppIndUartRxdUsbmuxToFlexcomm3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig0ToFlexcomm3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig1ToFlexcomm3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig0ToFlexcomm3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig1ToFlexcomm3Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_WuuToFlexcomm3Trigger
FLEXCOMM4 trigger input connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt4ToFlexcomm4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt5ToFlexcomm4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt7ToFlexcomm4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M1ToFlexcomm4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M1ToFlexcomm4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M2ToFlexcomm4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer3M2ToFlexcomm4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M2ToFlexcomm4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lptmr0ToFlexcomm4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lptmr1ToFlexcomm4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToFlexcomm4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToFlexcomm4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToFlexcomm4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToFlexcomm4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToFlexcomm4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToFlexcomm4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToFlexcomm4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToFlexcomm4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToFlexcomm4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToFlexcomm4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToFlexcomm4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToFlexcomm4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToFlexcomm4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToFlexcomm4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToFlexcomm4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToFlexcomm4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToFlexcomm4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn10ToFlexcomm4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn11ToFlexcomm4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh4ToFlexcomm4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh5ToFlexcomm4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh6ToFlexcomm4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh7ToFlexcomm4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Usb0IppIndUartRxdUsbmuxToFlexcomm4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig0ToFlexcomm4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig1ToFlexcomm4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig0ToFlexcomm4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig1ToFlexcomm4Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_WuuToFlexcomm4Trigger
FLEXCOMM5 trigger input connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt4ToFlexcomm5Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt5ToFlexcomm5Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt7ToFlexcomm5Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M1ToFlexcomm5Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M1ToFlexcomm5Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M2ToFlexcomm5Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer3M2ToFlexcomm5Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M2ToFlexcomm5Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lptmr0ToFlexcomm5Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lptmr1ToFlexcomm5Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToFlexcomm5Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToFlexcomm5Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToFlexcomm5Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToFlexcomm5Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToFlexcomm5Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToFlexcomm5Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToFlexcomm5Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToFlexcomm5Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToFlexcomm5Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToFlexcomm5Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToFlexcomm5Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToFlexcomm5Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToFlexcomm5Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToFlexcomm5Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToFlexcomm5Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToFlexcomm5Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToFlexcomm5Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn10ToFlexcomm5Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn11ToFlexcomm5Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh4ToFlexcomm5Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh5ToFlexcomm5Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh6ToFlexcomm5Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh7ToFlexcomm5Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Usb0IppIndUartRxdUsbmuxToFlexcomm5Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig0ToFlexcomm5Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig1ToFlexcomm5Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig0ToFlexcomm5Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig1ToFlexcomm5Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_WuuToFlexcomm5Trigger
FLEXCOMM6 trigger input connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt4ToFlexcomm6Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt5ToFlexcomm6Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt7ToFlexcomm6Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M1ToFlexcomm6Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M1ToFlexcomm6Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToFlexcomm6Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer3M3ToFlexcomm6Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M3ToFlexcomm6Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lptmr0ToFlexcomm6Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lptmr1ToFlexcomm6Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToFlexcomm6Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToFlexcomm6Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToFlexcomm6Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToFlexcomm6Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToFlexcomm6Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToFlexcomm6Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToFlexcomm6Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToFlexcomm6Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToFlexcomm6Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToFlexcomm6Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToFlexcomm6Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToFlexcomm6Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToFlexcomm6Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToFlexcomm6Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToFlexcomm6Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToFlexcomm6Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToFlexcomm6Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn10ToFlexcomm6Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn11ToFlexcomm6Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh4ToFlexcomm6Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh5ToFlexcomm6Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh6ToFlexcomm6Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh7ToFlexcomm6Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Usb0IppIndUartRxdUsbmuxToFlexcomm6Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig0ToFlexcomm6Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig1ToFlexcomm6Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig0ToFlexcomm6Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig1ToFlexcomm6Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_WuuToFlexcomm6Trigger
FLEXCOMM7 trigger input connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt4ToFlexcomm7Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt5ToFlexcomm7Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt7ToFlexcomm7Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M1ToFlexcomm7Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M1ToFlexcomm7Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M3ToFlexcomm7Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer3M3ToFlexcomm7Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M3ToFlexcomm7Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lptmr0ToFlexcomm7Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lptmr1ToFlexcomm7Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToFlexcomm7Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToFlexcomm7Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToFlexcomm7Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToFlexcomm7Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToFlexcomm7Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToFlexcomm7Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToFlexcomm7Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToFlexcomm7Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToFlexcomm7Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToFlexcomm7Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToFlexcomm7Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToFlexcomm7Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToFlexcomm7Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToFlexcomm7Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToFlexcomm7Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToFlexcomm7Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToFlexcomm7Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn10ToFlexcomm7Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn11ToFlexcomm7Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh4ToFlexcomm7Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh5ToFlexcomm7Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh6ToFlexcomm7Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexioCh7ToFlexcomm7Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Usb0IppIndUartRxdUsbmuxToFlexcomm7Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig0ToFlexcomm7Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventTrig1ToFlexcomm7Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig0ToFlexcomm7Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventTrig1ToFlexcomm7Trigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_WuuToFlexcomm7Trigger
FlexIO trigger input connections.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt4ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt5ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt6ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt7ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M1ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M1ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M1ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer3M1ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M1ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lptmr0ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lptmr1ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ArmTxevToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_GpioIntBmatchToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp0ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp1ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp2ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0Tcomp3ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp0ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp1ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp2ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1Tcomp3ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp0OutToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Cmp1OutToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig0ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A0Trig1ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig0ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A1Trig1ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig0ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A2Trig1ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig0ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm0A3Trig1ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig0ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A0Trig1ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig0ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A1Trig1ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig0ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A2Trig1ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig0ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Pwm1A3Trig1ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0AToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut0BToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1AToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut1BToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2AToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut2BToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3AToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_EvtgOut3BToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn0ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn1ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn2ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn3ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_TrigIn4ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lpflexcomm0Trig0ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lpflexcomm0Trig1ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lpflexcomm0Trig2ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lpflexcomm1Trig0ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lpflexcomm1Trig1ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lpflexcomm1Trig2ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lpflexcomm2Trig0ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lpflexcomm2Trig1ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lpflexcomm2Trig2ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lpflexcomm3Trig0ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lpflexcomm3Trig1ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lpflexcomm3Trig2ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lpflexcomm3Trig3ToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_WuuToFlexioTrigger
enumerator kINPUTMUX_CtimerInp0ToTimer0Captsel
enum _inputmux_signal_t
INPUTMUX signal enable/disable type.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToDma0Ch3Ena
DMA0 REQ ENABLE0 signal.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt1ToDma0Ch4Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt2ToDma0Ch5Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt3ToDma0Ch6Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M0ToDma0Ch7Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M1ToDma0Ch8Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M0ToDma0Ch9Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M1ToDma0Ch10Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M0ToDma0Ch11Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M1ToDma0Ch12Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer3M0ToDma0Ch13Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer3M1ToDma0Ch14Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M0ToDma0Ch15Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M1ToDma0Ch16Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Wuu0ToDma0Ch17Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Micfil0FifoRequestToDma0Ch18Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0FifoARequestToDma0Ch21Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0FifoBRequestToDma0Ch22Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1FifoARequestToDma0Ch23Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1FifoBRequestoDma0Ch24Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_HsCmp0DmaRequestToDma0Ch28Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_HsCmp1DmaRequestToDma0Ch29Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Evtg0Out0AToDma0Ch31Ena
DMA0 REQ ENABLE1 signal.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Evtg0Out0BToDma0Ch32Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Evtg0Out1AToDma0Ch33Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Evtg0Out1BToDma0Ch34Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Evtg0Out2AToDma0Ch35Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Evtg0Out2BToDma0Ch36Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Evtg0Out3AToDma0Ch37Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Evtg0Out3BToDma0Ch38Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexPwm0ReqCapt0ToDma0Ch39Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexPwm0ReqCapt1ToDma0Ch40Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexPwm0ReqCapt2ToDma0Ch41Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexPwm0ReqCapt3ToDma0Ch42Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexPwm0ReqVal0ToDma0Ch43Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexPwm0ReqVal1ToDma0Ch44Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexPwm0ReqVal2ToDma0Ch45Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexPwm0ReqVal3ToDma0Ch46Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexPwm1ReqCapt0ToDma0Ch47Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexPwm1ReqCapt1ToDma0Ch48Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexPwm1ReqCapt2ToDma0Ch49Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexPwm1ReqCapt3ToDma0Ch50Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexPwm1ReqVal0ToDma0Ch51Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexPwm1ReqVal1ToDma0Ch52Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexPwm1ReqVal2ToDma0Ch53Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexPwm1ReqVal3ToDma0Ch54Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lptmr0ToDma0Ch57Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lptmr1ToDma0Ch58Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexCan0DmaRequestToDma0Ch59Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexCan1DmaRequestToDma0Ch60Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexIO0ShiftRegister0RequestToDma0Ch61Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexIO0ShiftRegister1RequestToDma0Ch62Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexIO0ShiftRegister2RequestToDma0Ch63Ena
DMA0 REQ ENABLE2 signal.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexIO0ShiftRegister3RequestToDma0Ch64Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexIO0ShiftRegister4RequestToDma0Ch65Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexIO0ShiftRegister5RequestToDma0Ch66Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexIO0ShiftRegister6RequestToDma0Ch67Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexIO0ShiftRegister7RequestToDma0Ch68Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm0RxToDma0Ch69Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm0TxToDma0Ch70Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm1RxToDma0Ch71Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm1TxToDma0Ch72Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm2RxToDma0Ch73Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm2TxToDma0Ch74Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3RxToDma0Ch75Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3TxToDma0Ch76Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm4RxToDma0Ch77Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm4TxToDma0Ch78Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm5RxToDma0Ch79Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm5TxToDma0Ch80Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm6RxToDma0Ch81Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm6TxToDma0Ch82Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm7RxToDma0Ch83Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm7TxToDma0Ch84Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_I3c0RxToDma0Ch95Ena
DMA0 REQ ENABLE3 signal.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_I3c0TxToDma0Ch96Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_I3c1RxToDma0Ch97Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_I3c1TxToDma0Ch98Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai0RxToDma0Ch99Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai0TxToDma0Ch100Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai1RxToDma0Ch101Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai1TxToDma0Ch102Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio0PinEventRequest0ToDma0Ch108Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio0PinEventRequest1ToDma0Ch109Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio1PinEventRequest0ToDma0Ch110Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio1PinEventRequest1ToDma0Ch111Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventRequest0ToDma0Ch112Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventRequest1ToDma0Ch113Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventRequest0ToDma0Ch114Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventRequest1ToDma0Ch115Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio4PinEventRequest0ToDma0Ch116Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio4PinEventRequest1ToDma0Ch117Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio5PinEventRequest0ToDma0Ch118Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio5PinEventRequest1ToDma0Ch119Ena
DMA1 REQ ENABLE0 signal.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToDma1Ch3Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt1ToDma1Ch4Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt2ToDma1Ch5Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt3ToDma1Ch6Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M0ToDma1Ch7Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer0M1ToDma1Ch8Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M0ToDma1Ch9Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer1M1ToDma1Ch10Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M0ToDma1Ch11Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer2M1ToDma1Ch12Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer3M0ToDma1Ch13Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer3M1ToDma1Ch14Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M0ToDma1Ch15Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Ctimer4M1ToDma1Ch16Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Wuu0ToDma1Ch17Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Micfil0FifoRequestToDma1Ch18Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0FifoARequestToDma1Ch21Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc0FifoBRequestToDma1Ch22Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1FifoARequestToDma1Ch23Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Adc1FifoBRequestToDma1Ch24Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_HsCmp0DmaRequestToDma1Ch28Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_HsCmp1DmaRequestToDma1Ch29Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Evtg0Out0AToDma1Ch31Ena
DMA1 REQ ENABLE1 signal.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Evtg0Out0BToDma1Ch32Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Evtg0Out1AToDma1Ch33Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Evtg0Out1BToDma1Ch34Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Evtg0Out2AToDma1Ch35Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Evtg0Out2BToDma1Ch36Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Evtg0Out3AToDma1Ch37Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Evtg0Out3BToDma1Ch38Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexPwm0ReqCapt0ToDma1Ch39Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexPwm0ReqCapt1ToDma1Ch40Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexPwm0ReqCapt2ToDma1Ch41Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexPwm0ReqCapt3ToDma1Ch42Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexPwm0ReqVal0ToDma1Ch43Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexPwm0ReqVal1ToDma1Ch44Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexPwm0ReqVal2ToDma1Ch45Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexPwm0ReqVal3ToDma1Ch46Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexPwm1ReqCapt0ToDma1Ch47Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexPwm1ReqCapt1ToDma1Ch48Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexPwm1ReqCapt2ToDma1Ch49Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexPwm1ReqCapt3ToDma1Ch50Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexPwm1ReqVal0ToDma1Ch51Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexPwm1ReqVal1ToDma1Ch52Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexPwm1ReqVal2ToDma1Ch53Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexPwm1ReqVal3ToDma1Ch54Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lptmr0ToDma1Ch57Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Lptmr1ToDma1Ch58Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexCan0DmaRequestToDma1Ch59Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexCan1DmaRequestToDma1Ch60Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexIO0ShiftRegister0RequestToDma1Ch61Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexIO0ShiftRegister1RequestToDma1Ch62Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexIO0ShiftRegister2RequestToDma1Ch63Ena
DMA1 REQ ENABLE2 signal.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexIO0ShiftRegister3RequestToDma1Ch64Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexIO0ShiftRegister4RequestToDma1Ch65Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexIO0ShiftRegister5RequestToDma1Ch66Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexIO0ShiftRegister6RequestToDma1Ch67Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_FlexIO0ShiftRegister7RequestToDma1Ch68Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm0RxToDma1Ch69Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm0TxToDma1Ch70Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm1RxToDma1Ch71Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm1TxToDma1Ch72Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm2RxToDma1Ch73Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm2TxToDma1Ch74Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3RxToDma1Ch75Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm3TxToDma1Ch76Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm4RxToDma1Ch77Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm4TxToDma1Ch78Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm5RxToDma1Ch79Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm5TxToDma1Ch80Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm6RxToDma1Ch81Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm6TxToDma1Ch82Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm7RxToDma1Ch83Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_LpFlexcomm7TxToDma1Ch84Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ESpi0Ch0ToDma1Ch89Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_ESpi0Ch1ToDma1Ch90Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_I3c0RxToDma1Ch95Ena
DMA1 REQ ENABLE3 signal.
enumerator kINPUTMUX_I3c0TxToDma1Ch96Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_I3c1RxToDma1Ch97Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_I3c1TxToDma1Ch98Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai0RxToDma1Ch99Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai0TxToDma1Ch100Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai1RxToDma1Ch101Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Sai1TxToDma1Ch102Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio0PinEventRequest0ToDma1Ch108Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio0PinEventRequest1ToDma1Ch109Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio1PinEventRequest0ToDma1Ch110Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio1PinEventRequest1ToDma1Ch111Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventRequest0ToDma1Ch112Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio2PinEventRequest1ToDma1Ch113Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventRequest0ToDma1Ch114Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio3PinEventRequest1ToDma1Ch115Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio4PinEventRequest0ToDma1Ch116Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio4PinEventRequest1ToDma1Ch117Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio5PinEventRequest0ToDma1Ch118Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_Gpio5PinEventRequest1ToDma1Ch119Ena
enumerator kINPUTMUX_PinInt0ToDma0Ch3Ena
typedef enum _inputmux_connection_t inputmux_connection_t
INPUTMUX connections type.
typedef enum _inputmux_signal_t inputmux_signal_t
INPUTMUX signal enable/disable type.
Periphinmux IDs.
Group interrupt driver version for SDK.
void INPUTMUX_Init(INPUTMUX_Type *base)
Initialize INPUTMUX peripheral.
This function enables the INPUTMUX clock.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the INPUTMUX peripheral.
- Return values:
None. –
void INPUTMUX_AttachSignal(INPUTMUX_Type *base, uint16_t index, inputmux_connection_t connection)
Attaches a signal.
This function attaches multiplexed signals from INPUTMUX to target signals. For example, to attach GPIO PORT0 Pin 5 to PINT peripheral, do the following:
In this example, INTMUX has 8 registers for PINT, PINT_SEL0~PINT_SEL7. With parameterINPUTMUX_AttachSignal(INPUTMUX, 2, kINPUTMUX_GpioPort0Pin5ToPintsel);
specified as 2, this function configures register PINT_SEL2.- Parameters:
base – Base address of the INPUTMUX peripheral.
index – The serial number of destination register in the group of INPUTMUX registers with same name.
connection – Applies signal from source signals collection to target signal.
- Return values:
None. –
void INPUTMUX_EnableSignal(INPUTMUX_Type *base, inputmux_signal_t signal, bool enable)
Enable/disable a signal.
This function gates the INPUTPMUX clock.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the INPUTMUX peripheral.
signal – Enable signal register id and bit offset.
enable – Selects enable or disable.
- Return values:
None. –
void INPUTMUX_Deinit(INPUTMUX_Type *base)
Deinitialize INPUTMUX peripheral.
This function disables the INPUTMUX clock.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the INPUTMUX peripheral.
- Return values:
None. –
INTM: Interrupt Monitor Driver
INTM driver version.
enum _intm_monitor
Interrupt monitors.
enumerator kINTM_Monitor1
enumerator kINTM_Monitor2
enumerator kINTM_Monitor3
enumerator kINTM_Monitor4
enumerator kINTM_Monitor1
typedef enum _intm_monitor intm_monitor_t
Interrupt monitors.
typedef struct _intm_monitor_config intm_monitor_config_t
INTM interrupt source configuration structure.
typedef struct _intm_config intm_config_t
INTM configuration structure.
void INTM_GetDefaultConfig(intm_config_t *config)
Fill in the INTM config struct with the default settings.
The default values are:
config[0].irqnumber = NotAvail_IRQn; config[0].maxtimer = 1000U; config[1].irqnumber = NotAvail_IRQn; config[1].maxtimer = 1000U; config[2].irqnumber = NotAvail_IRQn; config[2].maxtimer = 1000U; config[3].irqnumber = NotAvail_IRQn; config[3].maxtimer = 1000U; config->enable = false;
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to user’s INTM config structure.
void INTM_Init(INTM_Type *base, const intm_config_t *config)
Ungates the INTM clock and configures the peripheral for basic operation.
This API should be called at the beginning of the application using the INTM driver.
- Parameters:
base – INTM peripheral base address
config – Pointer to user’s INTM config structure.
void INTM_Deinit(INTM_Type *base)
Disables the INTM module.
- Parameters:
base – INTM peripheral base address
static inline void INTM_EnableCycleCount(INTM_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable the cycle count timer mode.
Monitor mode enables the cycle count timer on a monitored interrupt request for comparison to the latency register.
- Parameters:
base – INTM peripheral base address.
enable – Enable the cycle count or not.
static inline void INTM_AckIrq(INTM_Type *base, IRQn_Type irq)
Interrupt Acknowledge.
Call this function in ISR to acknowledge interrupt.
- Parameters:
base – INTM peripheral base address.
irq – Handle interrupt number.
static inline void INTM_SetInterruptRequestNumber(INTM_Type *base, intm_monitor_t intms, IRQn_Type irq)
Interrupt Request Select.
This function is used to set the interrupt request number to monitor or check.
- Parameters:
base – INTM peripheral base address.
intms – Programmable interrupt monitors.
irq – Interrupt request number to monitor.
- Returns:
Select the interrupt request number to monitor.
static inline void INTM_SetMaxTime(INTM_Type *base, intm_monitor_t intms, uint32_t count)
Set the maximum count time.
This function is to set the maximum time from interrupt generation to confirmation.
- Parameters:
base – INTM peripheral base address.
intms – Programmable interrupt monitors.
count – Timer maximum count.
static inline void INTM_ClearTimeCount(INTM_Type *base, intm_monitor_t intms)
Clear the timer period in units of count.
This function is used to clear the INTM_TIMERa register.
- Parameters:
base – INTM peripheral base address.
intms – Programmable interrupt monitors.
static inline uint32_t INTM_GetTimeCount(INTM_Type *base, intm_monitor_t intms)
Gets the timer period in units of count.
This function is used to get the number of INTM clock cycles from interrupt request to confirmation interrupt processing. If this number exceeds the set maximum time, will be an error signal.
- Parameters:
base – INTM peripheral base address.
intms – Programmable interrupt monitors.
static inline bool INTM_GetStatusFlags(INTM_Type *base, intm_monitor_t intms)
Interrupt monitor status.
This function indicates whether the INTM_TIMERa value has exceeded the INTM_LATENCYa value. If any interrupt source in INTM_TIMERa exceeds the programmed delay value, the monitor state can be cleared by calling the INTM_ClearTimeCount() API to clear the corresponding INTM_TIMERa register.
- Parameters:
base – INTM peripheral base address.
intms – Programmable interrupt monitors.
- Returns:
Whether INTM_TIMER value has exceeded INTM_LATENCY value. false:INTM_TIMER value has not exceeded the INTM_LATENCY value; true:INTM_TIMER value has exceeded the INTM_LATENCY value.
struct _intm_monitor_config
- #include <fsl_intm.h>
INTM interrupt source configuration structure.
Public Members
uint32_t maxtimer
Set the maximum timer
IRQn_Type irqnumber
Select the interrupt request number to monitor.
uint32_t maxtimer
struct _intm_config
- #include <fsl_intm.h>
INTM configuration structure.
Public Members
bool enable
Interrupt source monitor config. enables the cycle count timer on a monitored interrupt request for comparison to the latency register.
bool enable
status_t IRTC_Init(RTC_Type *base, const irtc_config_t *config)
Ungates the IRTC clock and configures the peripheral for basic operation.
This function initiates a soft-reset of the IRTC module, this has not effect on DST, calendaring, standby time and tamper detect registers.
This API should be called at the beginning of the application using the IRTC driver.
- Parameters:
base – IRTC peripheral base address
config – Pointer to user’s IRTC config structure.
- Returns:
kStatus_Success If the driver is initialized successfully.
- Returns:
kStatus_Fail if we cannot disable register write protection
- Returns:
kStatus_InvalidArgument If the input parameters are wrong.
status_t IRTC_Deinit(RTC_Type *base)
Gate the IRTC clock.
- Parameters:
base – IRTC peripheral base address
- Returns:
kStatus_Success If the driver is initialized successfully.
- Returns:
kStatus_InvalidArgument If the input parameters are wrong.
void IRTC_GetDefaultConfig(irtc_config_t *config)
Fill in the IRTC config struct with the default settings.
The default values are:
config->wakeupSelect = true; config->timerStdMask = false; config->alrmMatch = kRTC_MatchSecMinHr;
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to user’s IRTC config structure.
status_t IRTC_SetDatetime(RTC_Type *base, const irtc_datetime_t *datetime)
Sets the IRTC date and time according to the given time structure.
The IRTC counter is started after the time is set.
- Parameters:
base – IRTC peripheral base address
datetime – Pointer to structure where the date and time details to set are stored
- Returns:
kStatus_Success: success in setting the time and starting the IRTC kStatus_InvalidArgument: failure. An error occurs because the datetime format is incorrect.
void IRTC_GetDatetime(RTC_Type *base, irtc_datetime_t *datetime)
Gets the IRTC time and stores it in the given time structure.
- Parameters:
base – IRTC peripheral base address
datetime – Pointer to structure where the date and time details are stored.
status_t IRTC_SetAlarm(RTC_Type *base, const irtc_datetime_t *alarmTime)
Sets the IRTC alarm time.
weekDay field of alarmTime is not used during alarm match and should be set to 0
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
alarmTime – Pointer to structure where the alarm time is stored.
- Returns:
kStatus_Success: success in setting the alarm kStatus_InvalidArgument: error in setting the alarm. Error occurs because the alarm datetime format is incorrect.
void IRTC_GetAlarm(RTC_Type *base, irtc_datetime_t *datetime)
Returns the IRTC alarm time.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
datetime – Pointer to structure where the alarm date and time details are stored.
static inline void IRTC_EnableInterrupts(RTC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the selected IRTC interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – IRTC peripheral base address
mask – The interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration irtc_interrupt_enable_t
static inline void IRTC_DisableInterrupts(RTC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the selected IRTC interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – IRTC peripheral base address
mask – The interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration irtc_interrupt_enable_t
static inline uint32_t IRTC_GetEnabledInterrupts(RTC_Type *base)
Gets the enabled IRTC interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – IRTC peripheral base address
- Returns:
The enabled interrupts. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration irtc_interrupt_enable_t
static inline uint32_t IRTC_GetStatusFlags(RTC_Type *base)
Gets the IRTC status flags.
- Parameters:
base – IRTC peripheral base address
- Returns:
The status flags. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration irtc_status_flags_t
static inline void IRTC_ClearStatusFlags(RTC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears the IRTC status flags.
- Parameters:
base – IRTC peripheral base address
mask – The status flags to clear. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration irtc_status_flags_t
void IRTC_SetDaylightTime(RTC_Type *base, const irtc_daylight_time_t *datetime)
Sets the IRTC daylight savings start and stop date and time.
It also enables the daylight saving bit in the IRTC control register
- Parameters:
base – IRTC peripheral base address
datetime – Pointer to a structure where the date and time details are stored.
void IRTC_GetDaylightTime(RTC_Type *base, irtc_daylight_time_t *datetime)
Gets the IRTC daylight savings time and stores it in the given time structure.
- Parameters:
base – IRTC peripheral base address
datetime – Pointer to a structure where the date and time details are stored.
void IRTC_SetCoarseCompensation(RTC_Type *base, uint8_t compensationValue, uint8_t compensationInterval)
Enables the coarse compensation and sets the value in the IRTC compensation register.
- Parameters:
base – IRTC peripheral base address
compensationValue – Compensation value is a 2’s complement value.
compensationInterval – Compensation interval.
void IRTC_SetFineCompensation(RTC_Type *base, uint8_t integralValue, uint8_t fractionValue, bool accumulateFractional)
Enables the fine compensation and sets the value in the IRTC compensation register.
- Parameters:
base – The IRTC peripheral base address
integralValue – Compensation integral value; twos complement value of the integer part
fractionValue – Compensation fraction value expressed as number of clock cycles of a fixed 4.194304Mhz clock that have to be added.
accumulateFractional – Flag indicating if we want to add to previous fractional part; true: Add to previously accumulated fractional part, false: Start afresh and overwrite current value
static inline void IRTC_EnableSubsecondCounter(RTC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable the RTC wake-up timer.
1HZ clock out selected via call to API IRTC_ConfigClockOut in order for the subsecond counter to synchronize with the RTC_SECONDS counter.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
enable – Use/Un-use the sub-second counter.
true: Use RTC wake-up timer at the same time.
false: Un-use RTC wake-up timer, RTC only use the normal seconds timer by default.
static inline uint32_t IRTC_GetSubsecondCount(RTC_Type *base)
Read the actual RTC sub-second COUNT value.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
- Returns:
The actual RTC sub-second COUNT value.
static inline void IRTC_SetWakeupCount(RTC_Type *base, bool enable1kHzClk, uint32_t wakeupValue)
Set countdown value to the RTC wake timer counter register.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
enable1kHzClk – Enable 1kHz clock source for the wake timer, else use the 32kHz clock.
wakeupValue – The value to be loaded into the WAKE register in wake timer counter.
static inline uint32_t IRTC_GetWakeupCount(RTC_Type *base)
Read the actual value from the WAKE register value in RTC wake timer.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
- Returns:
The actual value of the WAKE register value in wake timer counter.
enum _irtc_clock_select
IRTC clock select.
enumerator kIRTC_Clk16K
16.384 kHz clock is selected.
enumerator kIRTC_Clk32K
32.768 kHz clock is selected.
enumerator kIRTC_Clk16K
enum _irtc_interrupt_enable
List of IRTC interrupts.
enumerator kIRTC_AlarmInterruptEnable
Alarm Interrupt Enable
enumerator kIRTC_DayInterruptEnable
Days Interrupt Enable
enumerator kIRTC_HourInterruptEnable
Hours Interrupt Enable
enumerator kIRTC_MinInterruptEnable
Minutes Interrupt Enable
enumerator kIRTC_1hzInterruptEnable
1 Hz interval Interrupt Enable
enumerator kIRTC_2hzInterruptEnable
2 Hz interval Interrupt Enable
enumerator kIRTC_4hzInterruptEnable
4 Hz interval Interrupt Enable
enumerator kIRTC_8hzInterruptEnable
8 Hz interval Interrupt Enable
enumerator kIRTC_16hzInterruptEnable
16 Hz interval Interrupt Enable
enumerator kIRTC_32hzInterruptEnable
32 Hz interval Interrupt Enable
enumerator kIRTC_64hzInterruptEnable
64 Hz interval Interrupt Enable
enumerator kIRTC_128hzInterruptEnable
128 Hz interval Interrupt Enable
enumerator kIRTC_256hzInterruptEnable
256 Hz interval Interrupt Enable
enumerator kIRTC_512hzInterruptEnable
512 Hz interval Interrupt Enable
enumerator kIRTC_WakeTimerInterruptEnable
Wake timer Interrupt Enable
enumerator kIRTC_TamperQueueFullInterruptEnable
Tamper queue full Interrupt Enable
enumerator kIRTC_AlarmInterruptEnable
enum _irtc_status_flags
List of IRTC flags.
enumerator kIRTC_AlarmFlag
Alarm Status flag
enumerator kIRTC_DayFlag
Days Status flag
enumerator kIRTC_HourFlag
Hour Status flag
enumerator kIRTC_MinFlag
Minutes Status flag
enumerator kIRTC_1hzFlag
1 Hz interval status flag
enumerator kIRTC_2hzFlag
2 Hz interval status flag
enumerator kIRTC_4hzFlag
4 Hz interval status flag
enumerator kIRTC_8hzFlag
8 Hz interval status flag
enumerator kIRTC_16hzFlag
16 Hz interval status flag
enumerator kIRTC_32hzFlag
32 Hz interval status flag
enumerator kIRTC_64hzFlag
64 Hz interval status flag
enumerator kIRTC_128hzFlag
128 Hz interval status flag
enumerator kIRTC_256hzFlag
256 Hz interval status flag
enumerator kIRTC_512hzFlag
512 Hz interval status flag
enumerator kIRTC_InvalidFlag
Indicates if time/date counters are invalid
enumerator kIRTC_WriteProtFlag
Write protect enable status flag
enumerator kIRTC_CmpIntFlag
Compensation interval status flag
enumerator kIRTC_CmpDoneFlag
Compensation done flag
enumerator kIRTC_BusErrFlag
Bus error flag
enumerator kIRTC_WakeTimerFlag
Wake timer status flag
enumerator kIRTC_AlarmFlag
enum _irtc_alarm_match
IRTC alarm match options.
enumerator kRTC_MatchSecMinHr
Only match second, minute and hour
enumerator kRTC_MatchSecMinHrDay
Only match second, minute, hour and day
enumerator kRTC_MatchSecMinHrDayMnth
Only match second, minute, hour, day and month
enumerator kRTC_MatchSecMinHrDayMnthYr
Only match second, minute, hour, day, month and year
enumerator kRTC_MatchSecMinHr
enum _irtc_clockout_sel
IRTC clockout select.
enumerator kIRTC_ClkoutNo
No clock out
enumerator kIRTC_ClkoutFine1Hz
clock out fine 1Hz
enumerator kIRTC_Clkout32kHz
clock out 32.768kHz
enumerator kIRTC_ClkoutCoarse1Hz
clock out coarse 1Hz
enumerator kIRTC_ClkoutNo
typedef enum _irtc_clock_select irtc_clock_select_t
IRTC clock select.
typedef enum _irtc_interrupt_enable irtc_interrupt_enable_t
List of IRTC interrupts.
typedef enum _irtc_status_flags irtc_status_flags_t
List of IRTC flags.
typedef enum _irtc_alarm_match irtc_alarm_match_t
IRTC alarm match options.
typedef enum _irtc_clockout_sel irtc_clockout_sel_t
IRTC clockout select.
typedef struct _irtc_datetime irtc_datetime_t
Structure is used to hold the date and time.
typedef struct _irtc_daylight_time irtc_daylight_time_t
Structure is used to hold the daylight saving time.
typedef struct _irtc_config irtc_config_t
RTC config structure.
This structure holds the configuration settings for the RTC peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the IRTC_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your config structure instance.
The config struct can be made const so it resides in flash
status_t IRTC_SetWriteProtection(RTC_Type *base, bool lock)
Locks or unlocks IRTC registers for write access.
When the registers are unlocked, they remain in unlocked state for 2 seconds, after which they are locked automatically. After power-on-reset, the registers come out unlocked and they are locked automatically 15 seconds after power on.
- Parameters:
base – IRTC peripheral base address
lock – true: Lock IRTC registers; false: Unlock IRTC registers.
- Returns:
kStatus_Success: if lock or unlock operation is successful kStatus_Fail: if lock or unlock operation fails even after multiple retry attempts
static inline void IRTC_Reset(RTC_Type *base)
Performs a software reset on the IRTC module.
Clears contents of alarm, interrupt (status and enable except tamper interrupt enable bit) registers, STATUS[CMP_DONE] and STATUS[BUS_ERR]. This has no effect on DST, calendaring, standby time and tamper detect registers.
- Parameters:
base – IRTC peripheral base address
void IRTC_ConfigClockOut(RTC_Type *base, irtc_clockout_sel_t clkOut)
Select which clock to output from RTC.
Select which clock to output from RTC for other modules to use inside SoC, for example, RTC subsystem needs RTC to output 1HZ clock for sub-second counter.
- Parameters:
base – IRTC peripheral base address
clkOut – select clock to use for output,
void IRTC_ConfigClockSelect(RTC_Type *base, irtc_clock_select_t clkSelect)
Select which clock is used by RTC.
Select which clock is used by RTC to output to the peripheral and divided to generate a 512 Hz clock and a 1 Hz clock.
- Parameters:
base – IRTC peripheral base address
clkSelect – select clock used by RTC
static inline void IRTC_EnableClockOutputToPeripheral(RTC_Type *base, bool enable)
Determines whether the selected clock is output to other peripherals.
Determines whether the selected clock is output to other peripherals.
- Parameters:
base – IRTC peripheral base address
enable – determine whether the selected clock is output to other peripherals
struct _irtc_datetime
- #include <fsl_irtc.h>
Structure is used to hold the date and time.
Public Members
uint16_t year
Range from 1984 to 2239.
uint8_t month
Range from 1 to 12.
uint8_t day
Range from 1 to 31 (depending on month).
uint8_t weekDay
Range from 0(Sunday) to 6(Saturday).
uint8_t hour
Range from 0 to 23.
uint8_t minute
Range from 0 to 59.
uint8_t second
Range from 0 to 59.
uint16_t year
struct _irtc_daylight_time
- #include <fsl_irtc.h>
Structure is used to hold the daylight saving time.
Public Members
uint8_t startMonth
Range from 1 to 12
uint8_t endMonth
Range from 1 to 12
uint8_t startDay
Range from 1 to 31 (depending on month)
uint8_t endDay
Range from 1 to 31 (depending on month)
uint8_t startHour
Range from 0 to 23
uint8_t endHour
Range from 0 to 23
uint8_t startMonth
struct _irtc_config
- #include <fsl_irtc.h>
RTC config structure.
This structure holds the configuration settings for the RTC peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the IRTC_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your config structure instance.
The config struct can be made const so it resides in flash
Public Members
irtc_alarm_match_t alrmMatch
Pick one option from enumeration :: irtc_alarm_match_t
irtc_clock_select_t clockSelect
Pick one option from enumeration :: irtc_clock_select_t
bool disableClockOutput
true: The selected clock is not output to other peripherals; false: The selected clock is output to other peripherals
irtc_alarm_match_t alrmMatch
Intrusion and Tamper Response Controller
status_t ITRC_SetActionToEvent(ITRC_Type *base, itrc_out_signals_t out, itrc_input_signals_t in, itrc_lock_t lock, itrc_enable_t enable)
Set ITRC Action to Event.
This function sets input Event signal to corresponding output Action response signal.
- Parameters:
base – ITRC peripheral base address
out – ITRC OUT signal action
in – ITRC IN signal event
lock – if set locks INx_SEL configuration. This can be cleared only by PMC Core reset.
enable – if set input Event will be selected for output Action, otherwise disable (if not already locked).
- Returns:
kStatus_Success if success, kStatus_InvalidArgument otherwise
void ITRC_SetSWEvent0(ITRC_Type *base)
Trigger ITRC SW Event 0.
This funciton set SW_EVENT0 register with value !=0 which triggers ITRC SW Event 0.
- Parameters:
base – ITRC peripheral base address
void ITRC_SetSWEvent1(ITRC_Type *base)
Trigger ITRC SW Event 1.
This funciton set SW_EVENT1 register with value !=0 which triggers ITRC SW Event 1.
- Parameters:
base – ITRC peripheral base address
uint32_t ITRC_GetStatus(ITRC_Type *base)
Get ITRC Status.
This function returns ITRC register status.
- Parameters:
base – ITRC peripheral base address
- Returns:
Value of ITRC STATUS register
status_t ITRC_ClearStatus(ITRC_Type *base, uint32_t word)
Clear ITRC status.
This function clears corresponding ITRC event or action in STATUS register.
- Parameters:
base – ITRC peripheral base address
word – 32bit word represent corresponding event/action in STATUS register to be cleared (see ITRC_STATUS_INx/OUTx_STATUS)
- Returns:
kStatus_Success if success, kStatus_InvalidArgument otherwise
status_t ITRC_ClearAllStatus(ITRC_Type *base)
Clear All ITRC status.
This function clears all event and action status.
- Parameters:
base – ITRC peripheral base address
- Returns:
kStatus_Success if success
status_t ITRC_Init(ITRC_Type *base)
Initialize ITRC.
This function initializes ITRC by enabling IRQ.
- Parameters:
base – ITRC peripheral base address
conf – ITRC configuration structure
- Returns:
Status of the init operation
void ITRC_Deinit(ITRC_Type *base)
Deinitialize ITRC.
This function deinitializes ITRC by disabling IRQ.
- Parameters:
base – ITRC peripheral base address
Defines ITRC driver version 2.4.0.
Change log:
Version 2.4.0
Rework the input signal definition for better flexibility
Version 2.3.0
Update names of kITRC_SwEvent1/2 to kITRC_SwEvent0/1 to align with RM
Version 2.2.0
Update driver to new version and input events
Version 2.1.0
Make SYSCON glitch platform dependent
Version 2.0.0
initial version
enum _itrc_input_signals
enum _itrc_lock
enumerator kITRC_Unlock
enumerator kITRC_Lock
enumerator kITRC_Unlock
enum _itrc_enable
enumerator kITRC_Enable
enumerator kITRC_Disable
enumerator kITRC_Enable
enum _itrc_out_signals
enumerator kITRC_Irq
enumerator kITRC_ElsReset
enumerator kITRC_PufZeroize
enumerator kITRC_RamZeroize
enumerator kITRC_ChipReset
enumerator kITRC_TamperOut
enumerator kITRC_TamperOut1
enumerator kITRC_Irq
typedef enum _itrc_input_signals itrc_input_signals_t
typedef enum _itrc_lock itrc_lock_t
typedef enum _itrc_enable itrc_enable_t
typedef enum _itrc_out_signals itrc_out_signals_t
void ITRC0_DriverIRQHandler(void)
Common Driver
common driver version.
No debug console.
Debug console based on UART.
Debug console based on LPUART.
Debug console based on LPSCI.
Debug console based on USBCDC.
Debug console based on FLEXCOMM.
Debug console based on i.MX UART.
Debug console based on LPC_VUSART.
Debug console based on LPC_USART.
Debug console based on SWO.
Debug console based on QSCI.
MIN(a, b)
Computes the minimum of a and b.
MAX(a, b)
Computes the maximum of a and b.
Max value of uint16_t type.
Max value of uint32_t type.
Add value val from the variable at address address.
Subtract value val to the variable at address address.
Set the bits specifiled by bits to the variable at address address.
Clear the bits specifiled by bits to the variable at address address.
Toggle the bits specifiled by bits to the variable at address address.
SDK_ATOMIC_LOCAL_CLEAR_AND_SET(addr, clearBits, setBits)
For the variable at address address, clear the bits specifiled by clearBits and set the bits specifiled by setBits.
SDK_ATOMIC_LOCAL_COMPARE_AND_SET(addr, expected, newValue)
For the variable at address address, check whether the value equal to expected. If value same as expected then update newValue to address and return true , else return false .
For the variable at address address, set as newValue value and return old value.
USEC_TO_COUNT(us, clockFreqInHz)
Macro to convert a microsecond period to raw count value
COUNT_TO_USEC(count, clockFreqInHz)
Macro to convert a raw count value to microsecond
MSEC_TO_COUNT(ms, clockFreqInHz)
Macro to convert a millisecond period to raw count value
COUNT_TO_MSEC(count, clockFreqInHz)
Macro to convert a raw count value to millisecond
SDK_SIZEALIGN(var, alignbytes)
Macro to define a variable with L1 d-cache line size alignment
Macro to define a variable with L2 cache line size alignment
Macro to change a value to a given size aligned value
Define a variable var, and place it in non-cacheable section.
Define a variable var, and place it in non-cacheable section, the start address of the variable is aligned to alignbytes.
Define a variable var with initial value, and place it in non-cacheable section.
Define a variable var with initial value, and place it in non-cacheable section, the start address of the variable is aligned to alignbytes.
enum _status_groups
Status group numbers.
enumerator kStatusGroup_Generic
Group number for generic status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_FLASH
Group number for FLASH status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_LPSPI
Group number for LPSPI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXIO_SPI
Group number for FLEXIO SPI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_DSPI
Group number for DSPI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXIO_UART
Group number for FLEXIO UART status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXIO_I2C
Group number for FLEXIO I2C status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_LPI2C
Group number for LPI2C status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_UART
Group number for UART status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_I2C
Group number for UART status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_LPSCI
Group number for LPSCI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_LPUART
Group number for LPUART status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SPI
Group number for SPI status code.
enumerator kStatusGroup_XRDC
Group number for XRDC status code.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SEMA42
Group number for SEMA42 status code.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SDHC
Group number for SDHC status code
enumerator kStatusGroup_SDMMC
Group number for SDMMC status code
enumerator kStatusGroup_SAI
Group number for SAI status code
enumerator kStatusGroup_MCG
Group number for MCG status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SCG
Group number for SCG status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SDSPI
Group number for SDSPI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXIO_I2S
Group number for FLEXIO I2S status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXIO_MCULCD
Group number for FLEXIO LCD status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_FLASHIAP
Group number for FLASHIAP status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXCOMM_I2C
Group number for FLEXCOMM I2C status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_I2S
Group number for I2S status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_IUART
Group number for IUART status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_CSI
Group number for CSI status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_MIPI_DSI
Group number for MIPI DSI status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_SDRAMC
Group number for SDRAMC status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_POWER
Group number for POWER status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_ENET
Group number for ENET status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_PHY
Group number for PHY status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_TRGMUX
Group number for TRGMUX status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SMARTCARD
Group number for SMARTCARD status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_LMEM
Group number for LMEM status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_QSPI
Group number for QSPI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_DMA
Group number for DMA status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_EDMA
Group number for EDMA status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_DMAMGR
Group number for DMAMGR status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXCAN
Group number for FlexCAN status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_LTC
Group number for LTC status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXIO_CAMERA
Group number for FLEXIO CAMERA status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_LPC_SPI
Group number for LPC_SPI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_LPC_USART
Group number for LPC_USART status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_DMIC
Group number for DMIC status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SDIF
Group number for SDIF status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SPIFI
Group number for SPIFI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_OTP
Group number for OTP status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_MCAN
Group number for MCAN status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_CAAM
Group number for CAAM status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_ECSPI
Group number for ECSPI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_USDHC
Group number for USDHC status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_LPC_I2C
Group number for LPC_I2C status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_DCP
Group number for DCP status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_MSCAN
Group number for MSCAN status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_ESAI
Group number for ESAI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_FLEXSPI
Group number for FLEXSPI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_MMDC
Group number for MMDC status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_PDM
Group number for MIC status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SDMA
Group number for SDMA status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_ICS
Group number for ICS status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SPDIF
Group number for SPDIF status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_LPC_MINISPI
Group number for LPC_MINISPI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_HASHCRYPT
Group number for Hashcrypt status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_LPC_SPI_SSP
Group number for LPC_SPI_SSP status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_I3C
Group number for I3C status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_LPC_I2C_1
Group number for LPC_I2C_1 status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_NOTIFIER
Group number for NOTIFIER status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_DebugConsole
Group number for debug console status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SEMC
Group number for SEMC status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_ApplicationRangeStart
Starting number for application groups.
enumerator kStatusGroup_IAP
Group number for IAP status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_SFA
Group number for SFA status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_SPC
Group number for SPC status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_PUF
Group number for PUF status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_TOUCH_PANEL
Group number for touch panel status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_VBAT
Group number for VBAT status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_XSPI
Group number for XSPI status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_PNGDEC
Group number for PNGDEC status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_JPEGDEC
Group number for JPEGDEC status codes
enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_GPIO
Group number for HAL GPIO status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_UART
Group number for HAL UART status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_TIMER
Group number for HAL TIMER status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_SPI
Group number for HAL SPI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_I2C
Group number for HAL I2C status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_FLASH
Group number for HAL FLASH status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_PWM
Group number for HAL PWM status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_RNG
Group number for HAL RNG status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_I2S
Group number for HAL I2S status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_HAL_ADC_SENSOR
Group number for HAL ADC SENSOR status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_TIMERMANAGER
Group number for TiMER MANAGER status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SERIALMANAGER
Group number for SERIAL MANAGER status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_LED
Group number for LED status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_BUTTON
Group number for BUTTON status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_EXTERN_EEPROM
Group number for EXTERN EEPROM status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SHELL
Group number for SHELL status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_MEM_MANAGER
Group number for MEM MANAGER status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_LIST
Group number for List status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_OSA
Group number for OSA status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_COMMON_TASK
Group number for Common task status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_MSG
Group number for messaging status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SDK_OCOTP
Group number for OCOTP status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SDK_FLEXSPINOR
Group number for FLEXSPINOR status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_CODEC
Group number for codec status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_ASRC
Group number for codec status ASRC.
enumerator kStatusGroup_OTFAD
Group number for codec status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_SDIOSLV
Group number for SDIOSLV status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_MECC
Group number for MECC status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_ENET_QOS
Group number for ENET_QOS status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_LOG
Group number for LOG status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_I3CBUS
Group number for I3CBUS status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_QSCI
Group number for QSCI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_ELEMU
Group number for ELEMU status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_QUEUEDSPI
Group number for QSPI status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_POWER_MANAGER
Group number for POWER_MANAGER status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_IPED
Group number for IPED status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_ELS_PKC
Group number for ELS PKC status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_CSS_PKC
Group number for CSS PKC status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_HOSTIF
Group number for HOSTIF status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_CLIF
Group number for CLIF status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_BMA
Group number for BMA status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_NETC
Group number for NETC status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_ELE
Group number for ELE status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_GLIKEY
Group number for GLIKEY status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_AON_POWER
Group number for AON_POWER status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_AON_COMMON
Group number for AON_COMMON status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_ENDAT3
Group number for ENDAT3 status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_HIPERFACE
Group number for HIPERFACE status codes.
enumerator kStatusGroup_Generic
Generic status return codes.
enumerator kStatus_Success
Generic status for Success.
enumerator kStatus_Fail
Generic status for Fail.
enumerator kStatus_ReadOnly
Generic status for read only failure.
enumerator kStatus_OutOfRange
Generic status for out of range access.
enumerator kStatus_InvalidArgument
Generic status for invalid argument check.
enumerator kStatus_Timeout
Generic status for timeout.
enumerator kStatus_NoTransferInProgress
Generic status for no transfer in progress.
enumerator kStatus_Busy
Generic status for module is busy.
enumerator kStatus_NoData
Generic status for no data is found for the operation.
enumerator kStatus_Success
typedef int32_t status_t
Type used for all status and error return values.
void *SDK_Malloc(size_t size, size_t alignbytes)
Allocate memory with given alignment and aligned size.
This is provided to support the dynamically allocated memory used in cache-able region.
- Parameters:
size – The length required to malloc.
alignbytes – The alignment size.
- Return values:
The – allocated memory.
void SDK_Free(void *ptr)
Free memory.
- Parameters:
ptr – The memory to be release.
void SDK_DelayAtLeastUs(uint32_t delayTime_us, uint32_t coreClock_Hz)
Delay at least for some time. Please note that, this API uses while loop for delay, different run-time environments make the time not precise, if precise delay count was needed, please implement a new delay function with hardware timer.
- Parameters:
delayTime_us – Delay time in unit of microsecond.
coreClock_Hz – Core clock frequency with Hz.
static inline status_t EnableIRQ(IRQn_Type interrupt)
Enable specific interrupt.
Enable LEVEL1 interrupt. For some devices, there might be multiple interrupt levels. For example, there are NVIC and intmux. Here the interrupts connected to NVIC are the LEVEL1 interrupts, because they are routed to the core directly. The interrupts connected to intmux are the LEVEL2 interrupts, they are routed to NVIC first then routed to core.
This function only enables the LEVEL1 interrupts. The number of LEVEL1 interrupts is indicated by the feature macro FSL_FEATURE_NUMBER_OF_LEVEL1_INT_VECTORS.
- Parameters:
interrupt – The IRQ number.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Interrupt enabled successfully
kStatus_Fail – Failed to enable the interrupt
static inline status_t DisableIRQ(IRQn_Type interrupt)
Disable specific interrupt.
Disable LEVEL1 interrupt. For some devices, there might be multiple interrupt levels. For example, there are NVIC and intmux. Here the interrupts connected to NVIC are the LEVEL1 interrupts, because they are routed to the core directly. The interrupts connected to intmux are the LEVEL2 interrupts, they are routed to NVIC first then routed to core.
This function only disables the LEVEL1 interrupts. The number of LEVEL1 interrupts is indicated by the feature macro FSL_FEATURE_NUMBER_OF_LEVEL1_INT_VECTORS.
- Parameters:
interrupt – The IRQ number.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Interrupt disabled successfully
kStatus_Fail – Failed to disable the interrupt
static inline status_t EnableIRQWithPriority(IRQn_Type interrupt, uint8_t priNum)
Enable the IRQ, and also set the interrupt priority.
Only handle LEVEL1 interrupt. For some devices, there might be multiple interrupt levels. For example, there are NVIC and intmux. Here the interrupts connected to NVIC are the LEVEL1 interrupts, because they are routed to the core directly. The interrupts connected to intmux are the LEVEL2 interrupts, they are routed to NVIC first then routed to core.
This function only handles the LEVEL1 interrupts. The number of LEVEL1 interrupts is indicated by the feature macro FSL_FEATURE_NUMBER_OF_LEVEL1_INT_VECTORS.
- Parameters:
interrupt – The IRQ to Enable.
priNum – Priority number set to interrupt controller register.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Interrupt priority set successfully
kStatus_Fail – Failed to set the interrupt priority.
static inline status_t IRQ_SetPriority(IRQn_Type interrupt, uint8_t priNum)
Set the IRQ priority.
Only handle LEVEL1 interrupt. For some devices, there might be multiple interrupt levels. For example, there are NVIC and intmux. Here the interrupts connected to NVIC are the LEVEL1 interrupts, because they are routed to the core directly. The interrupts connected to intmux are the LEVEL2 interrupts, they are routed to NVIC first then routed to core.
This function only handles the LEVEL1 interrupts. The number of LEVEL1 interrupts is indicated by the feature macro FSL_FEATURE_NUMBER_OF_LEVEL1_INT_VECTORS.
- Parameters:
interrupt – The IRQ to set.
priNum – Priority number set to interrupt controller register.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Interrupt priority set successfully
kStatus_Fail – Failed to set the interrupt priority.
static inline status_t IRQ_ClearPendingIRQ(IRQn_Type interrupt)
Clear the pending IRQ flag.
Only handle LEVEL1 interrupt. For some devices, there might be multiple interrupt levels. For example, there are NVIC and intmux. Here the interrupts connected to NVIC are the LEVEL1 interrupts, because they are routed to the core directly. The interrupts connected to intmux are the LEVEL2 interrupts, they are routed to NVIC first then routed to core.
This function only handles the LEVEL1 interrupts. The number of LEVEL1 interrupts is indicated by the feature macro FSL_FEATURE_NUMBER_OF_LEVEL1_INT_VECTORS.
- Parameters:
interrupt – The flag which IRQ to clear.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Interrupt priority set successfully
kStatus_Fail – Failed to set the interrupt priority.
static inline uint32_t DisableGlobalIRQ(void)
Disable the global IRQ.
Disable the global interrupt and return the current primask register. User is required to provided the primask register for the EnableGlobalIRQ().
- Returns:
Current primask value.
static inline void EnableGlobalIRQ(uint32_t primask)
Enable the global IRQ.
Set the primask register with the provided primask value but not just enable the primask. The idea is for the convenience of integration of RTOS. some RTOS get its own management mechanism of primask. User is required to use the EnableGlobalIRQ() and DisableGlobalIRQ() in pair.
- Parameters:
primask – value of primask register to be restored. The primask value is supposed to be provided by the DisableGlobalIRQ().
static inline bool _SDK_AtomicLocalCompareAndSet(uint32_t *addr, uint32_t expected, uint32_t newValue)
static inline uint32_t _SDK_AtomicTestAndSet(uint32_t *addr, uint32_t newValue)
Macro to use the default weak IRQ handler in drivers.
MAKE_STATUS(group, code)
Construct a status code value from a group and code number.
MAKE_VERSION(major, minor, bugfix)
Construct the version number for drivers.
The driver version is a 32-bit number, for both 32-bit platforms(such as Cortex M) and 16-bit platforms(such as DSC).
| Unused || Major Version || Minor Version || Bug Fix | 31 25 24 17 16 9 8 0
Computes the number of elements in an array.
Macro to get upper 32 bits of a 64-bit value
Macro to get lower 32 bits of a 64-bit value
For switch case code block, if case section ends without “break;” statement, there wil be fallthrough warning with compiler flag -Wextra or -Wimplicit-fallthrough=n when using armgcc. To suppress this warning, “SUPPRESS_FALL_THROUGH_WARNING();” need to be added at the end of each case section which misses “break;”statement.
Convert the register address to the one used in secure mode.
Convert the register address to the one used in non-secure mode.
LPADC: 12-bit SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter Driver
void LPADC_Init(ADC_Type *base, const lpadc_config_t *config)
Initializes the LPADC module.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to configuration structure. See “lpadc_config_t”.
void LPADC_GetDefaultConfig(lpadc_config_t *config)
Gets an available pre-defined settings for initial configuration.
This function initializes the converter configuration structure with an available settings. The default values are:
config->enableInDozeMode = true; config->enableAnalogPreliminary = false; config->powerUpDelay = 0x80; config->referenceVoltageSource = kLPADC_ReferenceVoltageAlt1; config->powerLevelMode = kLPADC_PowerLevelAlt1; config->triggerPriorityPolicy = kLPADC_TriggerPriorityPreemptImmediately; config->enableConvPause = false; config->convPauseDelay = 0U; config->FIFOWatermark = 0U;
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to configuration structure.
void LPADC_Deinit(ADC_Type *base)
De-initializes the LPADC module.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
static inline void LPADC_Enable(ADC_Type *base, bool enable)
Switch on/off the LPADC module.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
enable – switcher to the module.
static inline void LPADC_DoResetFIFO(ADC_Type *base)
Do reset the conversion FIFO.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
static inline void LPADC_DoResetConfig(ADC_Type *base)
Do reset the module’s configuration.
Reset all ADC internal logic and registers, except the Control Register (ADCx_CTRL).
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
static inline uint32_t LPADC_GetStatusFlags(ADC_Type *base)
Get status flags.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
status flags’ mask. See to _lpadc_status_flags.
static inline void LPADC_ClearStatusFlags(ADC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clear status flags.
Only the flags can be cleared by writing ADCx_STATUS register would be cleared by this API.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
mask – Mask value for flags to be cleared. See to _lpadc_status_flags.
static inline uint32_t LPADC_GetTriggerStatusFlags(ADC_Type *base)
Get trigger status flags to indicate which trigger sequences have been completed or interrupted by a high priority trigger exception.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The OR’ed value of _lpadc_trigger_status_flags.
static inline void LPADC_ClearTriggerStatusFlags(ADC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clear trigger status flags.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
mask – The mask of trigger status flags to be cleared, should be the OR’ed value of _lpadc_trigger_status_flags.
static inline void LPADC_EnableInterrupts(ADC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enable interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
mask – Mask value for interrupt events. See to _lpadc_interrupt_enable.
static inline void LPADC_DisableInterrupts(ADC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disable interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
mask – Mask value for interrupt events. See to _lpadc_interrupt_enable.
static inline void LPADC_EnableFIFOWatermarkDMA(ADC_Type *base, bool enable)
Switch on/off the DMA trigger for FIFO watermark event.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
enable – Switcher to the event.
static inline uint32_t LPADC_GetConvResultCount(ADC_Type *base)
Get the count of result kept in conversion FIFO.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The count of result kept in conversion FIFO.
bool LPADC_GetConvResult(ADC_Type *base, lpadc_conv_result_t *result)
Get the result in conversion FIFO.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
result – Pointer to structure variable that keeps the conversion result in conversion FIFO.
- Returns:
Status whether FIFO entry is valid.
void LPADC_GetConvResultBlocking(ADC_Type *base, lpadc_conv_result_t *result)
Get the result in conversion FIFO using blocking method.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
result – Pointer to structure variable that keeps the conversion result in conversion FIFO.
void LPADC_SetConvTriggerConfig(ADC_Type *base, uint32_t triggerId, const lpadc_conv_trigger_config_t *config)
Configure the conversion trigger source.
Each programmable trigger can launch the conversion command in command buffer.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
triggerId – ID for each trigger. Typically, the available value range is from 0.
config – Pointer to configuration structure. See to lpadc_conv_trigger_config_t.
void LPADC_GetDefaultConvTriggerConfig(lpadc_conv_trigger_config_t *config)
Gets an available pre-defined settings for trigger’s configuration.
This function initializes the trigger’s configuration structure with an available settings. The default values are:
config->targetCommandId = 0U; config->delayPower = 0U; config->priority = 0U; config->channelAFIFOSelect = 0U; config->channelBFIFOSelect = 0U; config->enableHardwareTrigger = false;
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to configuration structure.
static inline void LPADC_DoSoftwareTrigger(ADC_Type *base, uint32_t triggerIdMask)
Do software trigger to conversion command.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
triggerIdMask – Mask value for software trigger indexes, which count from zero.
void LPADC_SetConvCommandConfig(ADC_Type *base, uint32_t commandId, const lpadc_conv_command_config_t *config)
Configure conversion command.
The number of compare value register on different chips is different, that is mean in some chips, some command buffers do not have the compare functionality.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
commandId – ID for command in command buffer. Typically, the available value range is 1 - 15.
config – Pointer to configuration structure. See to lpadc_conv_command_config_t.
void LPADC_GetDefaultConvCommandConfig(lpadc_conv_command_config_t *config)
Gets an available pre-defined settings for conversion command’s configuration.
This function initializes the conversion command’s configuration structure with an available settings. The default values are:
config->sampleScaleMode = kLPADC_SampleFullScale; config->channelBScaleMode = kLPADC_SampleFullScale; config->sampleChannelMode = kLPADC_SampleChannelSingleEndSideA; config->channelNumber = 0U; config->channelBNumber = 0U; config->chainedNextCommandNumber = 0U; config->enableAutoChannelIncrement = false; config->loopCount = 0U; config->hardwareAverageMode = kLPADC_HardwareAverageCount1; config->sampleTimeMode = kLPADC_SampleTimeADCK3; config->hardwareCompareMode = kLPADC_HardwareCompareDisabled; config->hardwareCompareValueHigh = 0U; config->hardwareCompareValueLow = 0U; config->conversionResolutionMode = kLPADC_ConversionResolutionStandard; config->enableWaitTrigger = false; config->enableChannelB = false;
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to configuration structure.
void LPADC_EnableCalibration(ADC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable the calibration function.
When CALOFS is set, the ADC is configured to perform a calibration function anytime the ADC executes a conversion. Any channel selected is ignored and the value returned in the RESFIFO is a signed value between -31 and 31. -32 is not a valid and is never a returned value. Software should copy the lower 6- bits of the conversion result stored in the RESFIFO after a completed calibration conversion to the OFSTRIM field. The OFSTRIM field is used in normal operation for offset correction.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
enable – switcher to the calibration function.
static inline void LPADC_SetOffsetValue(ADC_Type *base, uint32_t value)
Set proper offset value to trim ADC.
To minimize the offset during normal operation, software should read the conversion result from the RESFIFO calibration operation and write the lower 6 bits to the OFSTRIM register.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
value – Setting offset value.
void LPADC_DoAutoCalibration(ADC_Type *base)
Do auto calibration.
Calibration function should be executed before using converter in application. It used the software trigger and a dummy conversion, get the offset and write them into the OFSTRIM register. It called some of functional API including: -LPADC_EnableCalibration(…) -LPADC_LPADC_SetOffsetValue(…) -LPADC_SetConvCommandConfig(…) -LPADC_SetConvTriggerConfig(…)
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
static inline void LPADC_SetOffsetValue(ADC_Type *base, int16_t value)
Set trim value for offset.
For 16-bit conversions, each increment is 1/2 LSB resulting in a programmable offset range of -256 LSB to 255.5 LSB; For 12-bit conversions, each increment is 1/32 LSB resulting in a programmable offset range of -16 LSB to 15.96875 LSB.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
value – Offset trim value, is a 10-bit signed value between -512 and 511.
static inline void LPADC_GetOffsetValue(ADC_Type *base, int16_t *pValue)
Get trim value of offset.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
pValue – Pointer to the variable in type of int16_t to store offset value.
static inline void LPADC_EnableOffsetCalibration(ADC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable the offset calibration function.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
enable – switcher to the calibration function.
static inline void LPADC_SetOffsetCalibrationMode(ADC_Type *base, lpadc_offset_calibration_mode_t mode)
Set offset calibration mode.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
mode – set offset calibration mode.see to lpadc_offset_calibration_mode_t .
void LPADC_DoOffsetCalibration(ADC_Type *base)
Do offset calibration.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
void LPADC_PrepareAutoCalibration(ADC_Type *base)
Prepare auto calibration, LPADC_FinishAutoCalibration has to be called before using the LPADC. LPADC_DoAutoCalibration has been split in two API to avoid to be stuck too long in the function.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
void LPADC_FinishAutoCalibration(ADC_Type *base)
Finish auto calibration start with LPADC_PrepareAutoCalibration.
This feature is used for LPADC with CTRL[CALOFSMODE].
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
void LPADC_GetCalibrationValue(ADC_Type *base, lpadc_calibration_value_t *ptrCalibrationValue)
Get calibration value into the memory which is defined by invoker.
Please note the ADC will be disabled temporary.
This function should be used after finish calibration.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
ptrCalibrationValue – Pointer to lpadc_calibration_value_t structure, this memory block should be always powered on even in low power modes.
void LPADC_SetCalibrationValue(ADC_Type *base, const lpadc_calibration_value_t *ptrCalibrationValue)
Set calibration value into ADC calibration registers.
Please note the ADC will be disabled temporary.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
ptrCalibrationValue – Pointer to lpadc_calibration_value_t structure which contains ADC’s calibration value.
static inline void LPADC_RequestHighSpeedModeTrim(ADC_Type *base)
Request high speed mode trim calculation.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
static inline int8_t LPADC_GetHighSpeedTrimValue(ADC_Type *base)
Get high speed mode trim value, the result is a 5-bit signed value between -16 and 15.
The high speed mode trim value is used to minimize offset for high speed conversion.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The calculated high speed mode trim value.
static inline void LPADC_SetHighSpeedTrimValue(ADC_Type *base, int8_t trimValue)
Set high speed mode trim value.
If is possible to set the trim value manually, but it is recommended to use the LPADC_RequestHighSpeedModeTrim.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
trimValue – The trim value to be set.
static inline void LPADC_EnableHighSpeedConversionMode(ADC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable/disable high speed conversion mode, if enabled conversions complete 2 or 3 ADCK cycles sooner compared to conversion cycle counts when high speed mode is disabled.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
enable – Used to enable/disable high speed conversion mode:
true Enable high speed conversion mode;
false Disable high speed conversion mode.
static inline void LPADC_EnableExtraCycle(ADC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable/disable an additional ADCK cycle to conversion.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
enable – Used to enable/disable an additional ADCK cycle to conversion:
true Enable an additional ADCK cycle to conversion;
false Disable an additional ADCK cycle to conversion.
static inline void LPADC_SetTuneValue(ADC_Type *base, lpadc_tune_value_t tuneValue)
Set tune value which provides some variability in how many cycles are needed to complete a conversion.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
tuneValue – The tune value to be set, please refer to lpadc_tune_value_t.
static inline lpadc_tune_value_t LPADC_GetTuneValue(ADC_Type *base)
Get tune value which provides some variability in how many cycles are needed to complete a conversion.
- Parameters:
base – LPADC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The tune value, please refer to lpadc_tune_value_t.
LPADC driver version 2.9.1.
enum _lpadc_status_flags
Define hardware flags of the module.
enumerator kLPADC_ResultFIFO0OverflowFlag
Indicates that more data has been written to the Result FIFO 0 than it can hold.
enumerator kLPADC_ResultFIFO0ReadyFlag
Indicates when the number of valid datawords in the result FIFO 0 is greater than the setting watermark level.
enumerator kLPADC_TriggerExceptionFlag
Indicates that a trigger exception event has occurred.
enumerator kLPADC_TriggerCompletionFlag
Indicates that a trigger completion event has occurred.
enumerator kLPADC_CalibrationReadyFlag
Indicates that the calibration process is done.
enumerator kLPADC_ActiveFlag
Indicates that the ADC is in active state.
enumerator kLPADC_ResultFIFOOverflowFlag
To compilitable with old version, do not recommend using this, please use kLPADC_ResultFIFO0OverflowFlag as instead.
enumerator kLPADC_ResultFIFOReadyFlag
To compilitable with old version, do not recommend using this, please use kLPADC_ResultFIFO0ReadyFlag as instead.
enumerator kLPADC_ResultFIFO0OverflowFlag
enum _lpadc_interrupt_enable
Define interrupt switchers of the module.
Note: LPADC of different chips supports different number of trigger sources, please check the Reference Manual for details.
enumerator kLPADC_ResultFIFO0OverflowInterruptEnable
Configures ADC to generate overflow interrupt requests when FOF0 flag is asserted.
enumerator kLPADC_FIFO0WatermarkInterruptEnable
Configures ADC to generate watermark interrupt requests when RDY0 flag is asserted.
enumerator kLPADC_ResultFIFOOverflowInterruptEnable
To compilitable with old version, do not recommend using this, please use kLPADC_ResultFIFO0OverflowInterruptEnable as instead.
enumerator kLPADC_FIFOWatermarkInterruptEnable
To compilitable with old version, do not recommend using this, please use kLPADC_FIFO0WatermarkInterruptEnable as instead.
enumerator kLPADC_TriggerExceptionInterruptEnable
Configures ADC to generate trigger exception interrupt.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger0CompletionInterruptEnable
Configures ADC to generate interrupt when trigger 0 completion.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger1CompletionInterruptEnable
Configures ADC to generate interrupt when trigger 1 completion.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger2CompletionInterruptEnable
Configures ADC to generate interrupt when trigger 2 completion.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger3CompletionInterruptEnable
Configures ADC to generate interrupt when trigger 3 completion.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger4CompletionInterruptEnable
Configures ADC to generate interrupt when trigger 4 completion.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger5CompletionInterruptEnable
Configures ADC to generate interrupt when trigger 5 completion.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger6CompletionInterruptEnable
Configures ADC to generate interrupt when trigger 6 completion.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger7CompletionInterruptEnable
Configures ADC to generate interrupt when trigger 7 completion.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger8CompletionInterruptEnable
Configures ADC to generate interrupt when trigger 8 completion.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger9CompletionInterruptEnable
Configures ADC to generate interrupt when trigger 9 completion.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger10CompletionInterruptEnable
Configures ADC to generate interrupt when trigger 10 completion.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger11CompletionInterruptEnable
Configures ADC to generate interrupt when trigger 11 completion.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger12CompletionInterruptEnable
Configures ADC to generate interrupt when trigger 12 completion.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger13CompletionInterruptEnable
Configures ADC to generate interrupt when trigger 13 completion.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger14CompletionInterruptEnable
Configures ADC to generate interrupt when trigger 14 completion.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger15CompletionInterruptEnable
Configures ADC to generate interrupt when trigger 15 completion.
enumerator kLPADC_ResultFIFO0OverflowInterruptEnable
enum _lpadc_trigger_status_flags
The enumerator of lpadc trigger status flags, including interrupted flags and completed flags.
Note: LPADC of different chips supports different number of trigger sources, please check the Reference Manual for details.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger0InterruptedFlag
Trigger 0 is interrupted by a high priority exception.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger1InterruptedFlag
Trigger 1 is interrupted by a high priority exception.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger2InterruptedFlag
Trigger 2 is interrupted by a high priority exception.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger3InterruptedFlag
Trigger 3 is interrupted by a high priority exception.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger4InterruptedFlag
Trigger 4 is interrupted by a high priority exception.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger5InterruptedFlag
Trigger 5 is interrupted by a high priority exception.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger6InterruptedFlag
Trigger 6 is interrupted by a high priority exception.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger7InterruptedFlag
Trigger 7 is interrupted by a high priority exception.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger8InterruptedFlag
Trigger 8 is interrupted by a high priority exception.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger9InterruptedFlag
Trigger 9 is interrupted by a high priority exception.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger10InterruptedFlag
Trigger 10 is interrupted by a high priority exception.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger11InterruptedFlag
Trigger 11 is interrupted by a high priority exception.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger12InterruptedFlag
Trigger 12 is interrupted by a high priority exception.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger13InterruptedFlag
Trigger 13 is interrupted by a high priority exception.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger14InterruptedFlag
Trigger 14 is interrupted by a high priority exception.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger15InterruptedFlag
Trigger 15 is interrupted by a high priority exception.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger0CompletedFlag
Trigger 0 is completed and trigger 0 has enabled completion interrupts.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger1CompletedFlag
Trigger 1 is completed and trigger 1 has enabled completion interrupts.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger2CompletedFlag
Trigger 2 is completed and trigger 2 has enabled completion interrupts.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger3CompletedFlag
Trigger 3 is completed and trigger 3 has enabled completion interrupts.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger4CompletedFlag
Trigger 4 is completed and trigger 4 has enabled completion interrupts.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger5CompletedFlag
Trigger 5 is completed and trigger 5 has enabled completion interrupts.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger6CompletedFlag
Trigger 6 is completed and trigger 6 has enabled completion interrupts.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger7CompletedFlag
Trigger 7 is completed and trigger 7 has enabled completion interrupts.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger8CompletedFlag
Trigger 8 is completed and trigger 8 has enabled completion interrupts.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger9CompletedFlag
Trigger 9 is completed and trigger 9 has enabled completion interrupts.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger10CompletedFlag
Trigger 10 is completed and trigger 10 has enabled completion interrupts.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger11CompletedFlag
Trigger 11 is completed and trigger 11 has enabled completion interrupts.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger12CompletedFlag
Trigger 12 is completed and trigger 12 has enabled completion interrupts.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger13CompletedFlag
Trigger 13 is completed and trigger 13 has enabled completion interrupts.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger14CompletedFlag
Trigger 14 is completed and trigger 14 has enabled completion interrupts.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger15CompletedFlag
Trigger 15 is completed and trigger 15 has enabled completion interrupts.
enumerator kLPADC_Trigger0InterruptedFlag
enum _lpadc_sample_scale_mode
Define enumeration of sample scale mode.
The sample scale mode is used to reduce the selected ADC analog channel input voltage level by a factor. The maximum possible voltage on the ADC channel input should be considered when selecting a scale mode to ensure that the reducing factor always results voltage level at or below the VREFH reference. This reducing capability allows conversion of analog inputs higher than VREFH. A-side and B-side channel inputs are both scaled using the scale mode.
enumerator kLPADC_SamplePartScale
Use divided input voltage signal. (For scale select,please refer to the reference manual).
enumerator kLPADC_SampleFullScale
Full scale (Factor of 1).
enumerator kLPADC_SamplePartScale
enum _lpadc_sample_channel_mode
Define enumeration of channel sample mode.
The channel sample mode configures the channel with single-end/differential/dual-single-end, side A/B.
enumerator kLPADC_SampleChannelSingleEndSideA
Single-end mode, only A-side channel is converted.
enumerator kLPADC_SampleChannelSingleEndSideB
Single-end mode, only B-side channel is converted.
enumerator kLPADC_SampleChannelDiffBothSideAB
Differential mode, the ADC result is (CHnA-CHnB).
enumerator kLPADC_SampleChannelDiffBothSideBA
Differential mode, the ADC result is (CHnB-CHnA).
enumerator kLPADC_SampleChannelDiffBothSide
Differential mode, the ADC result is (CHnA-CHnB).
enumerator kLPADC_SampleChannelDualSingleEndBothSide
Dual-Single-Ended Mode. Both A side and B side channels are converted independently.
enumerator kLPADC_SampleChannelSingleEndSideA
enum _lpadc_hardware_average_mode
Define enumeration of hardware average selection.
It Selects how many ADC conversions are averaged to create the ADC result. An internal storage buffer is used to capture temporary results while the averaging iterations are executed.
Some enumerator values are not available on some devices, mainly depends on the size of AVGS field in CMDH register.
enumerator kLPADC_HardwareAverageCount1
Single conversion.
enumerator kLPADC_HardwareAverageCount2
2 conversions averaged.
enumerator kLPADC_HardwareAverageCount4
4 conversions averaged.
enumerator kLPADC_HardwareAverageCount8
8 conversions averaged.
enumerator kLPADC_HardwareAverageCount16
16 conversions averaged.
enumerator kLPADC_HardwareAverageCount32
32 conversions averaged.
enumerator kLPADC_HardwareAverageCount64
64 conversions averaged.
enumerator kLPADC_HardwareAverageCount128
128 conversions averaged.
enumerator kLPADC_HardwareAverageCount1
enum _lpadc_sample_time_mode
Define enumeration of sample time selection.
The shortest sample time maximizes conversion speed for lower impedance inputs. Extending sample time allows higher impedance inputs to be accurately sampled. Longer sample times can also be used to lower overall power consumption when command looping and sequencing is configured and high conversion rates are not required.
enumerator kLPADC_SampleTimeADCK3
3 ADCK cycles total sample time.
enumerator kLPADC_SampleTimeADCK5
5 ADCK cycles total sample time.
enumerator kLPADC_SampleTimeADCK7
7 ADCK cycles total sample time.
enumerator kLPADC_SampleTimeADCK11
11 ADCK cycles total sample time.
enumerator kLPADC_SampleTimeADCK19
19 ADCK cycles total sample time.
enumerator kLPADC_SampleTimeADCK35
35 ADCK cycles total sample time.
enumerator kLPADC_SampleTimeADCK67
69 ADCK cycles total sample time.
enumerator kLPADC_SampleTimeADCK131
131 ADCK cycles total sample time.
enumerator kLPADC_SampleTimeADCK3
enum _lpadc_hardware_compare_mode
Define enumeration of hardware compare mode.
After an ADC channel input is sampled and converted and any averaging iterations are performed, this mode setting guides operation of the automatic compare function to optionally only store when the compare operation is true. When compare is enabled, the conversion result is compared to the compare values.
enumerator kLPADC_HardwareCompareDisabled
Compare disabled.
enumerator kLPADC_HardwareCompareStoreOnTrue
Compare enabled. Store on true.
enumerator kLPADC_HardwareCompareRepeatUntilTrue
Compare enabled. Repeat channel acquisition until true.
enumerator kLPADC_HardwareCompareDisabled
enum _lpadc_conversion_resolution_mode
Define enumeration of conversion resolution mode.
Configure the resolution bit in specific conversion type. For detailed resolution accuracy, see to lpadc_sample_channel_mode_t
enumerator kLPADC_ConversionResolutionStandard
Standard resolution. Single-ended 12-bit conversion, Differential 13-bit conversion with 2’s complement output.
enumerator kLPADC_ConversionResolutionHigh
High resolution. Single-ended 16-bit conversion; Differential 16-bit conversion with 2’s complement output.
enumerator kLPADC_ConversionResolutionStandard
enum _lpadc_conversion_average_mode
Define enumeration of conversion averages mode.
Configure the converion average number for auto-calibration.
Some enumerator values are not available on some devices, mainly depends on the size of CAL_AVGS field in CTRL register.
enumerator kLPADC_ConversionAverage1
Single conversion.
enumerator kLPADC_ConversionAverage2
2 conversions averaged.
enumerator kLPADC_ConversionAverage4
4 conversions averaged.
enumerator kLPADC_ConversionAverage8
8 conversions averaged.
enumerator kLPADC_ConversionAverage16
16 conversions averaged.
enumerator kLPADC_ConversionAverage32
32 conversions averaged.
enumerator kLPADC_ConversionAverage64
64 conversions averaged.
enumerator kLPADC_ConversionAverage128
128 conversions averaged.
enumerator kLPADC_ConversionAverage1
enum _lpadc_reference_voltage_mode
Define enumeration of reference voltage source.
For detail information, need to check the SoC’s specification.
enumerator kLPADC_ReferenceVoltageAlt1
Option 1 setting.
enumerator kLPADC_ReferenceVoltageAlt2
Option 2 setting.
enumerator kLPADC_ReferenceVoltageAlt3
Option 3 setting.
enumerator kLPADC_ReferenceVoltageAlt1
enum _lpadc_power_level_mode
Define enumeration of power configuration.
Configures the ADC for power and performance. In the highest power setting the highest conversion rates will be possible. Refer to the device data sheet for power and performance capabilities for each setting.
enumerator kLPADC_PowerLevelAlt1
Lowest power setting.
enumerator kLPADC_PowerLevelAlt2
Next lowest power setting.
enumerator kLPADC_PowerLevelAlt3
enumerator kLPADC_PowerLevelAlt4
Highest power setting.
enumerator kLPADC_PowerLevelAlt1
enum _lpadc_offset_calibration_mode
Define enumeration of offset calibration mode.
enumerator kLPADC_OffsetCalibration12bitMode
12 bit offset calibration mode.
enumerator kLPADC_OffsetCalibration16bitMode
16 bit offset calibration mode.
enumerator kLPADC_OffsetCalibration12bitMode
enum _lpadc_trigger_priority_policy
Define enumeration of trigger priority policy.
This selection controls how higher priority triggers are handled.
kLPADC_TriggerPriorityPreemptSubsequently is not available on some devices, mainly depends on the size of TPRICTRL field in CFG register.
enumerator kLPADC_ConvPreemptImmediatelyNotAutoResumed
If a higher priority trigger is detected during command processing, the current conversion is aborted and the new command specified by the trigger is started, when higher priority conversion finishes, the preempted conversion is not automatically resumed or restarted.
enumerator kLPADC_ConvPreemptSoftlyNotAutoResumed
If a higher priority trigger is received during command processing, the current conversion is completed (including averaging iterations and compare function if enabled) and stored to the result FIFO before the higher priority trigger/command is initiated, when higher priority conversion finishes, the preempted conversion is not resumed or restarted.
enumerator kLPADC_ConvPreemptImmediatelyAutoRestarted
If a higher priority trigger is detected during command processing, the current conversion is aborted and the new command specified by the trigger is started, when higher priority conversion finishes, the preempted conversion will automatically be restarted.
enumerator kLPADC_ConvPreemptSoftlyAutoRestarted
If a higher priority trigger is received during command processing, the current conversion is completed (including averaging iterations and compare function if enabled) and stored to the result FIFO before the higher priority trigger/command is initiated, when higher priority conversion finishes, the preempted conversion will automatically be restarted.
enumerator kLPADC_ConvPreemptImmediatelyAutoResumed
If a higher priority trigger is detected during command processing, the current conversion is aborted and the new command specified by the trigger is started, when higher priority conversion finishes, the preempted conversion will automatically be resumed.
enumerator kLPADC_ConvPreemptSoftlyAutoResumed
If a higher priority trigger is received during command processing, the current conversion is completed (including averaging iterations and compare function if enabled) and stored to the result FIFO before the higher priority trigger/command is initiated, when higher priority conversion finishes, the preempted conversion will be automatically be resumed.
enumerator kLPADC_TriggerPriorityPreemptImmediately
Legacy support is not recommended as it only ensures compatibility with older versions.
enumerator kLPADC_TriggerPriorityPreemptSoftly
Legacy support is not recommended as it only ensures compatibility with older versions.
enumerator kLPADC_TriggerPriorityExceptionDisabled
High priority trigger exception disabled.
enumerator kLPADC_ConvPreemptImmediatelyNotAutoResumed
enum _lpadc_tune_value
Define enumeration of tune value.
enumerator kLPADC_TuneValue0
Tune value 0.
enumerator kLPADC_TuneValue1
Tune value 1.
enumerator kLPADC_TuneValue2
Tune value 2.
enumerator kLPADC_TuneValue3
Tune value 3.
enumerator kLPADC_TuneValue0
typedef enum _lpadc_sample_scale_mode lpadc_sample_scale_mode_t
Define enumeration of sample scale mode.
The sample scale mode is used to reduce the selected ADC analog channel input voltage level by a factor. The maximum possible voltage on the ADC channel input should be considered when selecting a scale mode to ensure that the reducing factor always results voltage level at or below the VREFH reference. This reducing capability allows conversion of analog inputs higher than VREFH. A-side and B-side channel inputs are both scaled using the scale mode.
typedef enum _lpadc_sample_channel_mode lpadc_sample_channel_mode_t
Define enumeration of channel sample mode.
The channel sample mode configures the channel with single-end/differential/dual-single-end, side A/B.
typedef enum _lpadc_hardware_average_mode lpadc_hardware_average_mode_t
Define enumeration of hardware average selection.
It Selects how many ADC conversions are averaged to create the ADC result. An internal storage buffer is used to capture temporary results while the averaging iterations are executed.
Some enumerator values are not available on some devices, mainly depends on the size of AVGS field in CMDH register.
typedef enum _lpadc_sample_time_mode lpadc_sample_time_mode_t
Define enumeration of sample time selection.
The shortest sample time maximizes conversion speed for lower impedance inputs. Extending sample time allows higher impedance inputs to be accurately sampled. Longer sample times can also be used to lower overall power consumption when command looping and sequencing is configured and high conversion rates are not required.
typedef enum _lpadc_hardware_compare_mode lpadc_hardware_compare_mode_t
Define enumeration of hardware compare mode.
After an ADC channel input is sampled and converted and any averaging iterations are performed, this mode setting guides operation of the automatic compare function to optionally only store when the compare operation is true. When compare is enabled, the conversion result is compared to the compare values.
typedef enum _lpadc_conversion_resolution_mode lpadc_conversion_resolution_mode_t
Define enumeration of conversion resolution mode.
Configure the resolution bit in specific conversion type. For detailed resolution accuracy, see to lpadc_sample_channel_mode_t
typedef enum _lpadc_conversion_average_mode lpadc_conversion_average_mode_t
Define enumeration of conversion averages mode.
Configure the converion average number for auto-calibration.
Some enumerator values are not available on some devices, mainly depends on the size of CAL_AVGS field in CTRL register.
typedef enum _lpadc_reference_voltage_mode lpadc_reference_voltage_source_t
Define enumeration of reference voltage source.
For detail information, need to check the SoC’s specification.
typedef enum _lpadc_power_level_mode lpadc_power_level_mode_t
Define enumeration of power configuration.
Configures the ADC for power and performance. In the highest power setting the highest conversion rates will be possible. Refer to the device data sheet for power and performance capabilities for each setting.
typedef enum _lpadc_offset_calibration_mode lpadc_offset_calibration_mode_t
Define enumeration of offset calibration mode.
typedef enum _lpadc_trigger_priority_policy lpadc_trigger_priority_policy_t
Define enumeration of trigger priority policy.
This selection controls how higher priority triggers are handled.
kLPADC_TriggerPriorityPreemptSubsequently is not available on some devices, mainly depends on the size of TPRICTRL field in CFG register.
typedef enum _lpadc_tune_value lpadc_tune_value_t
Define enumeration of tune value.
typedef struct _lpadc_calibration_value lpadc_calibration_value_t
A structure of calibration value.
Define the MACRO function to get command status from status value.
The statusVal is the return value from LPADC_GetStatusFlags().
Define the MACRO function to get trigger status from status value.
The statusVal is the return value from LPADC_GetStatusFlags().
struct lpadc_config_t
- #include <fsl_lpadc.h>
LPADC global configuration.
This structure would used to keep the settings for initialization.
Public Members
bool enableInternalClock
Enables the internally generated clock source. The clock source is used in clock selection logic at the chip level and is optionally used for the ADC clock source.
bool enableVref1LowVoltage
If voltage reference option1 input is below 1.8V, it should be “true”. If voltage reference option1 input is above 1.8V, it should be “false”.
bool enableInDozeMode
Control system transition to Stop and Wait power modes while ADC is converting. When enabled in Doze mode, immediate entries to Wait or Stop are allowed. When disabled, the ADC will wait for the current averaging iteration/FIFO storage to complete before acknowledging stop or wait mode entry.
lpadc_conversion_average_mode_t conversionAverageMode
Auto-Calibration Averages.
bool enableAnalogPreliminary
ADC analog circuits are pre-enabled and ready to execute conversions without startup delays(at the cost of higher DC current consumption).
uint32_t powerUpDelay
When the analog circuits are not pre-enabled, the ADC analog circuits are only powered while the ADC is active and there is a counted delay defined by this field after an initial trigger transitions the ADC from its Idle state to allow time for the analog circuits to stabilize. The startup delay count of (powerUpDelay * 4) ADCK cycles must result in a longer delay than the analog startup time.
lpadc_reference_voltage_source_t referenceVoltageSource
Selects the voltage reference high used for conversions.
lpadc_power_level_mode_t powerLevelMode
Power Configuration Selection.
lpadc_trigger_priority_policy_t triggerPriorityPolicy
Control how higher priority triggers are handled, see to lpadc_trigger_priority_policy_t.
bool enableConvPause
Enables the ADC pausing function. When enabled, a programmable delay is inserted during command execution sequencing between LOOP iterations, between commands in a sequence, and between conversions when command is executing in “Compare Until True” configuration.
uint32_t convPauseDelay
Controls the duration of pausing during command execution sequencing. The pause delay is a count of (convPauseDelay*4) ADCK cycles. Only available when ADC pausing function is enabled. The available value range is in 9-bit.
uint32_t FIFOWatermark
FIFOWatermark is a programmable threshold setting. When the number of datawords stored in the ADC Result FIFO is greater than the value in this field, the ready flag would be asserted to indicate stored data has reached the programmable threshold.
bool enableInternalClock
struct lpadc_conv_command_config_t
- #include <fsl_lpadc.h>
Define structure to keep the configuration for conversion command.
Public Members
lpadc_sample_scale_mode_t sampleScaleMode
Sample scale mode.
lpadc_sample_scale_mode_t channelBScaleMode
Alternate channe B Scale mode.
lpadc_sample_channel_mode_t sampleChannelMode
Channel sample mode.
uint32_t channelNumber
Channel number, select the channel or channel pair.
uint32_t channelBNumber
Alternate Channel B number, select the channel.
uint32_t chainedNextCommandNumber
Selects the next command to be executed after this command completes. 1-15 is available, 0 is to terminate the chain after this command.
bool enableAutoChannelIncrement
Loop with increment: when disabled, the “loopCount” field selects the number of times the selected channel is converted consecutively; when enabled, the “loopCount” field defines how many consecutive channels are converted as part of the command execution.
uint32_t loopCount
Selects how many times this command executes before finish and transition to the next command or Idle state. Command executes LOOP+1 times. 0-15 is available.
lpadc_hardware_average_mode_t hardwareAverageMode
Hardware average selection.
lpadc_sample_time_mode_t sampleTimeMode
Sample time selection.
lpadc_hardware_compare_mode_t hardwareCompareMode
Hardware compare selection.
uint32_t hardwareCompareValueHigh
Compare Value High. The available value range is in 16-bit.
uint32_t hardwareCompareValueLow
Compare Value Low. The available value range is in 16-bit.
lpadc_conversion_resolution_mode_t conversionResolutionMode
Conversion resolution mode.
bool enableWaitTrigger
Wait for trigger assertion before execution: when disabled, this command will be automatically executed; when enabled, the active trigger must be asserted again before executing this command.
lpadc_sample_scale_mode_t sampleScaleMode
struct lpadc_conv_trigger_config_t
- #include <fsl_lpadc.h>
Define structure to keep the configuration for conversion trigger.
Public Members
uint32_t targetCommandId
Select the command from command buffer to execute upon detect of the associated trigger event.
uint32_t delayPower
Select the trigger delay duration to wait at the start of servicing a trigger event. When this field is clear, then no delay is incurred. When this field is set to a non-zero value, the duration for the delay is 2^delayPower ADCK cycles. The available value range is 4-bit.
uint32_t priority
Sets the priority of the associated trigger source. If two or more triggers have the same priority level setting, the lower order trigger event has the higher priority. The lower value for this field is for the higher priority, the available value range is 1-bit.
bool enableHardwareTrigger
Enable hardware trigger source to initiate conversion on the rising edge of the input trigger source or not. THe software trigger is always available.
uint32_t targetCommandId
struct lpadc_conv_result_t
- #include <fsl_lpadc.h>
Define the structure to keep the conversion result.
Public Members
uint32_t commandIdSource
Indicate the command buffer being executed that generated this result.
uint32_t loopCountIndex
Indicate the loop count value during command execution that generated this result.
uint32_t triggerIdSource
Indicate the trigger source that initiated a conversion and generated this result.
uint16_t convValue
Data result.
uint32_t commandIdSource
struct _lpadc_calibration_value
- #include <fsl_lpadc.h>
A structure of calibration value.
void FREQME_Init(FREQME_Type *base, const freq_measure_config_t *config)
Initialize freqme module, set operate mode, operate mode attribute and initialize measurement cycle.
- Parameters:
base – FREQME peripheral base address.
config – The pointer to module basic configuration, please refer to freq_measure_config_t.
void FREQME_GetDefaultConfig(freq_measure_config_t *config)
Get default configuration.
config->operateMode = kFREQME_FreqMeasurementMode; config->operateModeAttribute.refClkScaleFactor = 0U; config->enableContinuousMode = false; config->startMeasurement = false;
- Parameters:
config – The pointer to module basic configuration, please refer to freq_measure_config_t.
static inline void FREQME_StartMeasurementCycle(FREQME_Type *base)
Start frequency or pulse width measurement process.
- Parameters:
base – FREQME peripheral base address.
static inline void FREQME_TerminateMeasurementCycle(FREQME_Type *base)
Force the termination of any measurement cycle currently in progress and resets RESULT or just reset RESULT if the module in idle state.
- Parameters:
base – FREQME peripheral base address.
static inline void FREQME_EnableContinuousMode(FREQME_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable/disable Continuous mode.
- Parameters:
base – FREQME peripheral base address.
enable – Used to enable/disable continuous mode,
true Enable Continuous mode.
false Disable Continuous mode.
static inline bool FREQME_CheckContinuousMode(FREQME_Type *base)
Check whether continuous mode is enabled.
- Parameters:
base – FREQME peripheral base address.
- Return values:
True – Continuous mode is enabled, the measurement is performed continuously.
False – Continuous mode is disabled.
static inline void FREQME_SetOperateMode(FREQME_Type *base, freqme_operate_mode_t operateMode)
Set operate mode of freqme module.
- Parameters:
base – FREQME peripheral base address.
operateMode – The operate mode to be set, please refer to freqme_operate_mode_t.
static inline bool FREQME_CheckOperateMode(FREQME_Type *base)
Check module’s operate mode.
- Parameters:
base – FREQME peripheral base address.
- Return values:
True – Pulse width measurement mode.
False – Frequency measurement mode.
static inline void FREQME_SetMinExpectedValue(FREQME_Type *base, uint32_t minValue)
Set the minimum expected value for the measurement result.
- Parameters:
base – FREQME peripheral base address.
minValue – The minimum value to set, please note that this value is 31 bits width.
static inline void FREQME_SetMaxExpectedValue(FREQME_Type *base, uint32_t maxValue)
Set the maximum expected value for the measurement result.
- Parameters:
base – FREQME peripheral base address.
maxValue – The maximum value to set, please note that this value is 31 bits width.
uint32_t FREQME_CalculateTargetClkFreq(FREQME_Type *base, uint32_t refClkFrequency)
Calculate the frequency of selected target clock。
The formula: Ftarget = (RESULT - 2) * Freference / 2 ^ REF_SCALE.
This function only useful when the operate mode is selected as frequency measurement mode.
- Parameters:
base – FREQME peripheral base address.
refClkFrequency – The frequency of reference clock.
- Returns:
The frequency of target clock the unit is Hz, if the output result is 0, please check the module’s operate mode.
static inline uint8_t FREQME_GetReferenceClkScaleValue(FREQME_Type *base)
Get reference clock scaling factor.
- Parameters:
base – FREQME peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Reference clock scaling factor, the reference count cycle is 2 ^ ref_scale.
static inline void FREQME_SetPulsePolarity(FREQME_Type *base, freqme_pulse_polarity_t pulsePolarity)
Set pulse polarity when operate mode is selected as Pulse Width Measurement mode.
- Parameters:
base – FREQME peripheral base address.
pulsePolarity – The pulse polarity to be set, please refer to freqme_pulse_polarity_t.
static inline bool FREQME_CheckPulsePolarity(FREQME_Type *base)
Check pulse polarity when the operate mode is selected as pulse width measurement mode.
- Parameters:
base – FREQME peripheral base address.
- Return values:
True – Low period.
False – High period.
static inline uint32_t FREQME_GetMeasurementResult(FREQME_Type *base)
Get measurement result, if operate mode is selected as pulse width measurement mode this function can be used to calculate pulse width.
Pulse width = counter result / Frequency of target clock.
- Parameters:
base – FREQME peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Measurement result.
static inline uint32_t FREQME_GetInterruptStatusFlags(FREQME_Type *base)
Get interrupt status flags, such as overflow interrupt status flag, underflow interrupt status flag, and so on.
- Parameters:
base – FREQME peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Current interrupt status flags, should be the OR’ed value of _freqme_interrupt_status_flags.
static inline void FREQME_ClearInterruptStatusFlags(FREQME_Type *base, uint32_t statusFlags)
Clear interrupt status flags.
- Parameters:
base – FREQME peripheral base address.
statusFlags – The combination of interrupt status flags to clear, should be the OR’ed value of _freqme_interrupt_status_flags.
static inline void FREQME_EnableInterrupts(FREQME_Type *base, uint32_t masks)
Enable interrupts, such as result ready interrupt, overflow interrupt and so on.
- Parameters:
base – FREQME peripheral base address.
masks – The mask of interrupts to enable, should be the OR’ed value of _freqme_interrupt_enable.
static inline void FREQME_DisableInterrupts(FREQME_Type *base, uint32_t masks)
Disable interrupts, such as result ready interrupt, overflow interrupt and so on.
- Parameters:
base – FREQME peripheral base address.
masks – The mask of interrupts to disable, should be the OR’ed value of _freqme_interrupt_enable.
FREQME driver version 2.1.2.
enum _freqme_interrupt_status_flags
The enumeration of interrupt status flags. .
enumerator kFREQME_UnderflowInterruptStatusFlag
Indicate the measurement is just done and the result is less than minimun value.
enumerator kFREQME_OverflowInterruptStatusFlag
Indicate the measurement is just done and the result is greater than maximum value.
enumerator kFREQME_ReadyInterruptStatusFlag
Indicate the measurement is just done and the result is ready to read.
enumerator kFREQME_AllInterruptStatusFlags
All interrupt status flags.
enumerator kFREQME_UnderflowInterruptStatusFlag
enum _freqme_interrupt_enable
The enumeration of interrupts, including underflow interrupt, overflow interrupt, and result ready interrupt. .
enumerator kFREQME_UnderflowInterruptEnable
Enable interrupt when the result is less than minimum value.
enumerator kFREQME_OverflowInterruptEnable
Enable interrupt when the result is greater than maximum value.
enumerator kFREQME_ReadyInterruptEnable
Enable interrupt when a measurement completes and the result is ready.
enumerator kFREQME_UnderflowInterruptEnable
enum _freqme_operate_mode
FREQME module operate mode enumeration, including frequency measurement mode and pulse width measurement mode.
enumerator kFREQME_FreqMeasurementMode
The module works in the frequency measurement mode.
enumerator kFREOME_PulseWidthMeasurementMode
The module works in the pulse width measurement mode.
enumerator kFREQME_FreqMeasurementMode
enum _freqme_pulse_polarity
The enumeration of pulse polarity.
enumerator kFREQME_PulseHighPeriod
Select high period of the reference clock.
enumerator kFREQME_PulseLowPeriod
Select low period of the reference clock.
enumerator kFREQME_PulseHighPeriod
typedef enum _freqme_operate_mode freqme_operate_mode_t
FREQME module operate mode enumeration, including frequency measurement mode and pulse width measurement mode.
typedef enum _freqme_pulse_polarity freqme_pulse_polarity_t
The enumeration of pulse polarity.
typedef union _freqme_mode_attribute freqme_mode_attribute_t
The union of operate mode attribute.
If the operate mode is selected as frequency measurement mode the member refClkScaleFactor should be used, if the operate mode is selected as pulse width measurement mode the member pulsePolarity should be used.
typedef struct _freq_measure_config freq_measure_config_t
The structure of freqme module basic configuration, including operate mode, operate mode attribute and so on.
union _freqme_mode_attribute
- #include <fsl_freqme.h>
The union of operate mode attribute.
If the operate mode is selected as frequency measurement mode the member refClkScaleFactor should be used, if the operate mode is selected as pulse width measurement mode the member pulsePolarity should be used.
Public Members
uint8_t refClkScaleFactor
Only useful in frequency measurement operate mode, used to set the reference clock counter scaling factor.
freqme_pulse_polarity_t pulsePolarity
Only Useful in pulse width measurement operate mode, used to set period polarity.
uint8_t refClkScaleFactor
struct _freq_measure_config
- #include <fsl_freqme.h>
The structure of freqme module basic configuration, including operate mode, operate mode attribute and so on.
Public Members
freqme_operate_mode_t operateMode
Select operate mode, please refer to freqme_operate_mode_t.
freqme_mode_attribute_t operateModeAttribute
Used to set the attribute of the selected operate mode, if the operate mode is selected as kFREQME_FreqMeasurementMode set freqme_mode_attribute_t::refClkScaleFactor, if operate mode is selected as kFREOME_PulseWidthMeasurementMode, please set freqme_mode_attribute_t::pulsePolarity.
bool enableContinuousMode
Enable/disable continuous mode, if continuous mode is enable, the measurement is performed continuously and the result for the last completed measurement is available in the result register.
freqme_operate_mode_t operateMode
LPCMP: Low Power Analog Comparator Driver
void LPCMP_Init(LPCMP_Type *base, const lpcmp_config_t *config)
Initialize the LPCMP.
This function initializes the LPCMP module. The operations included are:
Enabling the clock for LPCMP module.
Configuring the comparator.
Enabling the LPCMP module. Note: For some devices, multiple LPCMP instance share the same clock gate. In this case, to enable the clock for any instance enables all the LPCMPs. Check the chip reference manual for the clock assignment of the LPCMP.
- Parameters:
base – LPCMP peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to “lpcmp_config_t” structure.
void LPCMP_Deinit(LPCMP_Type *base)
De-initializes the LPCMP module.
This function de-initializes the LPCMP module. The operations included are:
Disabling the LPCMP module.
Disabling the clock for LPCMP module.
This function disables the clock for the LPCMP. Note: For some devices, multiple LPCMP instance shares the same clock gate. In this case, before disabling the clock for the LPCMP, ensure that all the LPCMP instances are not used.
- Parameters:
base – LPCMP peripheral base address.
void LPCMP_GetDefaultConfig(lpcmp_config_t *config)
Gets an available pre-defined settings for the comparator’s configuration.
This function initializes the comparator configuration structure to these default values:
config->enableStopMode = false; config->enableOutputPin = false; config->enableCmpToDacLink = false; config->useUnfilteredOutput = false; config->enableInvertOutput = false; config->hysteresisMode = kLPCMP_HysteresisLevel0; config->powerMode = kLPCMP_LowSpeedPowerMode; config->functionalSourceClock = kLPCMP_FunctionalClockSource0; config->plusInputSrc = kLPCMP_PlusInputSrcMux; config->minusInputSrc = kLPCMP_MinusInputSrcMux;
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to “lpcmp_config_t” structure.
static inline void LPCMP_Enable(LPCMP_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable/Disable LPCMP module.
- Parameters:
base – LPCMP peripheral base address.
enable – “true” means enable the module, and “false” means disable the module.
void LPCMP_SetInputChannels(LPCMP_Type *base, uint32_t positiveChannel, uint32_t negativeChannel)
Select the input channels for LPCMP. This function determines which input is selected for the negative and positive mux.
- Parameters:
base – LPCMP peripheral base address.
positiveChannel – Positive side input channel number. Available range is 0-7.
negativeChannel – Negative side input channel number. Available range is 0-7.
static inline void LPCMP_EnableDMA(LPCMP_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/disables the DMA request for rising/falling events. Normally, the LPCMP generates a CPU interrupt if there is a rising/falling event. When DMA support is enabled and the rising/falling interrupt is enabled , the rising/falling event forces a DMA transfer request rather than a CPU interrupt instead.
- Parameters:
base – LPCMP peripheral base address.
enable – “true” means enable DMA support, and “false” means disable DMA support.
void LPCMP_SetFilterConfig(LPCMP_Type *base, const lpcmp_filter_config_t *config)
Configures the filter.
- Parameters:
base – LPCMP peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to “lpcmp_filter_config_t” structure.
void LPCMP_SetDACConfig(LPCMP_Type *base, const lpcmp_dac_config_t *config)
Configure the internal DAC module.
- Parameters:
base – LPCMP peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to “lpcmp_dac_config_t” structure. If config is “NULL”, disable internal DAC.
static inline void LPCMP_EnableInterrupts(LPCMP_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enable the interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – LPCMP peripheral base address.
mask – Mask value for interrupts. See “_lpcmp_interrupt_enable”.
static inline void LPCMP_DisableInterrupts(LPCMP_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disable the interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – LPCMP peripheral base address.
mask – Mask value for interrupts. See “_lpcmp_interrupt_enable”.
static inline uint32_t LPCMP_GetStatusFlags(LPCMP_Type *base)
Get the LPCMP status flags.
- Parameters:
base – LPCMP peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Mask value for the asserted flags. See “_lpcmp_status_flags”.
static inline void LPCMP_ClearStatusFlags(LPCMP_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clear the LPCMP status flags.
- Parameters:
base – LPCMP peripheral base address.
mask – Mask value for the flags. See “_lpcmp_status_flags”.
static inline void LPCMP_EnableWindowMode(LPCMP_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable/Disable window mode.When any windowed mode is active, COUTA is clocked by the bus clock whenever WINDOW = 1. The last latched value is held when WINDOW = 0. The optionally inverted comparator output COUT_RAW is sampled on every bus clock when WINDOW=1 to generate COUTA.
- Parameters:
base – LPCMP peripheral base address.
enable – “true” means enable window mode, and “false” means disable window mode.
void LPCMP_SetWindowControl(LPCMP_Type *base, const lpcmp_window_control_config_t *config)
Configure the window control, users can use this API to implement operations on the window, such as inverting the window signal, setting the window closing event(only valid in windowing mode), and setting the COUTA signal after the window is closed(only valid in windowing mode).
- Parameters:
base – LPCMP peripheral base address.
config – Pointer “lpcmp_window_control_config_t” structure.
void LPCMP_SetRoundRobinConfig(LPCMP_Type *base, const lpcmp_roundrobin_config_t *config)
Configure the roundrobin mode.
- Parameters:
base – LPCMP peripheral base address.
config – Pointer “lpcmp_roundrobin_config_t” structure.
static inline void LPCMP_EnableRoundRobinMode(LPCMP_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable/Disable roundrobin mode.
- Parameters:
base – LPCMP peripheral base address.
enable – “true” means enable roundrobin mode, and “false” means disable roundrobin mode.
void LPCMP_SetRoundRobinInternalTimer(LPCMP_Type *base, uint32_t value)
brief Configure the roundrobin internal timer reload value.
param base LPCMP peripheral base address. param value RoundRobin internal timer reload value, allowed range:0x0UL-0xFFFFFFFUL.
static inline void LPCMP_EnableRoundRobinInternalTimer(LPCMP_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable/Disable roundrobin internal timer, note that this function is only valid when using the internal trigger source.
- Parameters:
base – LPCMP peripheral base address.
enable – “true” means enable roundrobin internal timer, and “false” means disable roundrobin internal timer.
static inline void LPCMP_SetPreSetValue(LPCMP_Type *base, uint8_t mask)
Set preset value for all channels, users can set all channels’ preset vaule through this API, for example, if the mask set to 0x03U means channel0 and channel2’s preset value set to 1U and other channels’ preset value set to 0U.
- Parameters:
base – LPCMP peripheral base address.
mask – Mask of channel index.
static inline uint8_t LPCMP_GetComparisonResult(LPCMP_Type *base)
Get comparison results for all channels, users can get all channels’ comparison results through this API.
- Parameters:
base – LPCMP peripheral base address.
- Returns:
return All channels’ comparison result.
static inline void LPCMP_ClearInputChangedFlags(LPCMP_Type *base, uint8_t mask)
Clear input changed flags for single channel or multiple channels, users can clear input changed flag of a single channel or multiple channels through this API, for example, if the mask set to 0x03U means clear channel0 and channel2’s input changed flags.
- Parameters:
base – LPCMP peripheral base address.
mask – Mask of channel index.
static inline uint8_t LPCMP_GetInputChangedFlags(LPCMP_Type *base)
Get input changed flags for all channels, Users can get all channels’ input changed flags through this API.
- Parameters:
base – LPCMP peripheral base address.
- Returns:
return All channels’ changed flag.
LPCMP driver version 2.3.0.
enum _lpcmp_status_flags
LPCMP status falgs mask.
enumerator kLPCMP_OutputRisingEventFlag
Rising-edge on the comparison output has occurred.
enumerator kLPCMP_OutputFallingEventFlag
Falling-edge on the comparison output has occurred.
enumerator kLPCMP_OutputRoundRobinEventFlag
Detects when any channel’s last comparison result is different from the pre-set value in trigger mode.
enumerator kLPCMP_OutputAssertEventFlag
Return the current value of the analog comparator output. The flag does not support W1C.
enumerator kLPCMP_OutputRisingEventFlag
enum _lpcmp_interrupt_enable
LPCMP interrupt enable/disable mask.
enumerator kLPCMP_OutputRisingInterruptEnable
Comparator interrupt enable rising.
enumerator kLPCMP_OutputFallingInterruptEnable
Comparator interrupt enable falling.
enumerator kLPCMP_RoundRobinInterruptEnable
Comparator round robin mode interrupt occurred when the comparison result changes for a given channel.
enumerator kLPCMP_OutputRisingInterruptEnable
enum _lpcmp_hysteresis_mode
LPCMP hysteresis mode. See chip data sheet to get the actual hystersis value with each level.
enumerator kLPCMP_HysteresisLevel0
The hard block output has level 0 hysteresis internally.
enumerator kLPCMP_HysteresisLevel1
The hard block output has level 1 hysteresis internally.
enumerator kLPCMP_HysteresisLevel2
The hard block output has level 2 hysteresis internally.
enumerator kLPCMP_HysteresisLevel3
The hard block output has level 3 hysteresis internally.
enumerator kLPCMP_HysteresisLevel0
enum _lpcmp_power_mode
LPCMP nano mode.
enumerator kLPCMP_LowSpeedPowerMode
Low speed comparison mode is selected.
enumerator kLPCMP_HighSpeedPowerMode
High speed comparison mode is selected.
enumerator kLPCMP_NanoPowerMode
Nano power comparator is enabled.
enumerator kLPCMP_LowSpeedPowerMode
enum _lpcmp_dac_reference_voltage_source
Internal DAC reference voltage source.
enumerator kLPCMP_VrefSourceVin1
vrefh_int is selected as resistor ladder network supply reference Vin.
enumerator kLPCMP_VrefSourceVin2
vrefh_ext is selected as resistor ladder network supply reference Vin.
enumerator kLPCMP_VrefSourceVin1
enum _lpcmp_functional_source_clock
LPCMP functional mode clock source selection.
Note: In different devices, the functional mode clock source selection is different, please refer to specific device Reference Manual for details.
enumerator kLPCMP_FunctionalClockSource0
Select functional mode clock source0.
enumerator kLPCMP_FunctionalClockSource1
Select functional mode clock source1.
enumerator kLPCMP_FunctionalClockSource2
Select functional mode clock source2.
enumerator kLPCMP_FunctionalClockSource3
Select functional mode clock source3.
enumerator kLPCMP_FunctionalClockSource0
enum _lpcmp_couta_signal
Set the COUTA signal value when the window is closed.
enumerator kLPCMP_COUTASignalNoSet
NO set the COUTA signal value when the window is closed.
enumerator kLPCMP_COUTASignalLow
Set COUTA signal low(0) when the window is closed.
enumerator kLPCMP_COUTASignalHigh
Set COUTA signal high(1) when the window is closed.
enumerator kLPCMP_COUTASignalNoSet
enum _lpcmp_close_window_event
Set COUT event, which can close the active window in window mode.
enumerator kLPCMP_CLoseWindowEventNoSet
No Set COUT event, which can close the active window in window mode.
enumerator kLPCMP_CloseWindowEventRisingEdge
Set rising edge COUT signal as COUT event.
enumerator kLPCMP_CloseWindowEventFallingEdge
Set falling edge COUT signal as COUT event.
enumerator kLPCMP_CLoseWindowEventBothEdge
Set both rising and falling edge COUT signal as COUT event.
enumerator kLPCMP_CLoseWindowEventNoSet
enum _lpcmp_roundrobin_fixedmuxport
LPCMP round robin mode fixed mux port.
enumerator kLPCMP_FixedPlusMuxPort
Fixed plus mux port.
enumerator kLPCMP_FixedMinusMuxPort
Fixed minus mux port.
enumerator kLPCMP_FixedPlusMuxPort
enum _lpcmp_roundrobin_clock_source
LPCMP round robin mode clock source selection.
Note: In different devices,the round robin mode clock source selection is different, please refer to the specific device Reference Manual for details.
enumerator kLPCMP_RoundRobinClockSource0
Select roundrobin mode clock source0.
enumerator kLPCMP_RoundRobinClockSource1
Select roundrobin mode clock source1.
enumerator kLPCMP_RoundRobinClockSource2
Select roundrobin mode clock source2.
enumerator kLPCMP_RoundRobinClockSource3
Select roundrobin mode clock source3.
enumerator kLPCMP_RoundRobinClockSource0
enum _lpcmp_roundrobin_trigger_source
LPCMP round robin mode trigger source.
enumerator kLPCMP_TriggerSourceExternally
Select external trigger source.
enumerator kLPCMP_TriggerSourceInternally
Select internal trigger source.
enumerator kLPCMP_TriggerSourceExternally
typedef enum _lpcmp_hysteresis_mode lpcmp_hysteresis_mode_t
LPCMP hysteresis mode. See chip data sheet to get the actual hystersis value with each level.
typedef enum _lpcmp_power_mode lpcmp_power_mode_t
LPCMP nano mode.
typedef enum _lpcmp_dac_reference_voltage_source lpcmp_dac_reference_voltage_source_t
Internal DAC reference voltage source.
typedef enum _lpcmp_functional_source_clock lpcmp_functional_source_clock_t
LPCMP functional mode clock source selection.
Note: In different devices, the functional mode clock source selection is different, please refer to specific device Reference Manual for details.
typedef enum _lpcmp_couta_signal lpcmp_couta_signal_t
Set the COUTA signal value when the window is closed.
typedef enum _lpcmp_close_window_event lpcmp_close_window_event_t
Set COUT event, which can close the active window in window mode.
typedef enum _lpcmp_roundrobin_fixedmuxport lpcmp_roundrobin_fixedmuxport_t
LPCMP round robin mode fixed mux port.
typedef enum _lpcmp_roundrobin_clock_source lpcmp_roundrobin_clock_source_t
LPCMP round robin mode clock source selection.
Note: In different devices,the round robin mode clock source selection is different, please refer to the specific device Reference Manual for details.
typedef enum _lpcmp_roundrobin_trigger_source lpcmp_roundrobin_trigger_source_t
LPCMP round robin mode trigger source.
typedef struct _lpcmp_filter_config lpcmp_filter_config_t
Configure the filter.
typedef struct _lpcmp_dac_config lpcmp_dac_config_t
configure the internal DAC.
typedef struct _lpcmp_config lpcmp_config_t
Configures the comparator.
typedef struct _lpcmp_window_control_config lpcmp_window_control_config_t
Configure the window mode control.
typedef struct _lpcmp_roundrobin_config lpcmp_roundrobin_config_t
Configure the round robin mode.
struct _lpcmp_filter_config
- #include <fsl_lpcmp.h>
Configure the filter.
Public Members
bool enableSample
Decide whether to use the external SAMPLE as a sampling clock input.
uint8_t filterSampleCount
Filter Sample Count. Available range is 1-7; 0 disables the filter.
uint8_t filterSamplePeriod
Filter Sample Period. The divider to the bus clock. Available range is 0-255. The sampling clock must be at least 4 times slower than the system clock to the comparator. So if enableSample is “false”, filterSamplePeriod should be set greater than 4.
bool enableSample
struct _lpcmp_dac_config
- #include <fsl_lpcmp.h>
configure the internal DAC.
Public Members
bool enableLowPowerMode
Decide whether to enable DAC low power mode.
lpcmp_dac_reference_voltage_source_t referenceVoltageSource
Internal DAC supply voltage reference source.
uint8_t DACValue
Value for the DAC Output Voltage. Different devices has different available range, for specific values, please refer to the reference manual.
bool enableLowPowerMode
struct _lpcmp_config
- #include <fsl_lpcmp.h>
Configures the comparator.
Public Members
bool enableStopMode
Decide whether to enable the comparator when in STOP modes.
bool enableOutputPin
Decide whether to enable the comparator is available in selected pin.
bool useUnfilteredOutput
Decide whether to use unfiltered output.
bool enableInvertOutput
Decide whether to inverts the comparator output.
lpcmp_hysteresis_mode_t hysteresisMode
LPCMP hysteresis mode.
lpcmp_power_mode_t powerMode
LPCMP power mode.
lpcmp_functional_source_clock_t functionalSourceClock
Select LPCMP functional mode clock source.
bool enableStopMode
struct _lpcmp_window_control_config
- #include <fsl_lpcmp.h>
Configure the window mode control.
Public Members
bool enableInvertWindowSignal
True: enable invert window signal, False: disable invert window signal.
lpcmp_couta_signal_t COUTASignal
Decide whether to define the COUTA signal value when the window is closed.
lpcmp_close_window_event_t closeWindowEvent
Decide whether to select COUT event signal edge defines a COUT event to close window.
bool enableInvertWindowSignal
struct _lpcmp_roundrobin_config
- #include <fsl_lpcmp.h>
Configure the round robin mode.
Public Members
uint8_t initDelayModules
Comparator and DAC initialization delay modulus, See Reference Manual and DataSheet for specific value.
uint8_t sampleClockNumbers
Specify the number of the round robin clock cycles(0~3) to wait after scanning the active channel before sampling the channel’s comparison result.
uint8_t channelSampleNumbers
Specify the number of samples for one channel, note that channelSampleNumbers must not smaller than sampleTimeThreshhold.
uint8_t sampleTimeThreshhold
Specify that for one channel, when (sampleTimeThreshhold + 1) sample results are “1”,the final result is “1”, otherwise the final result is “0”, note that the sampleTimeThreshhold must not be larger than channelSampleNumbers.
lpcmp_roundrobin_clock_source_t roundrobinClockSource
Decide which clock source to choose in round robin mode.
lpcmp_roundrobin_trigger_source_t roundrobinTriggerSource
Decide which trigger source to choose in round robin mode.
lpcmp_roundrobin_fixedmuxport_t fixedMuxPort
Decide which mux port to choose as fixed channel in round robin mode.
uint8_t fixedChannel
Indicate which channel of the fixed mux port is used in round robin mode.
uint8_t checkerChannelMask
Indicate which channel of the non-fixed mux port to check its voltage value in round robin mode, for example, if checkerChannelMask set to 0x11U means select channel 0 and channel 4 as checker channel.
uint8_t initDelayModules
FlexCOMM driver version.
LP_FLEXCOMM peripheral modes.
No peripheral
LPUART peripheral
LPSPI Peripheral
LPI2C Peripheral
LPI2C and LPUART Peripheral
enum _lpflexcomm_interrupt_flag
LP_FLEXCOMM interrupt source flags.
enumerator kLPFLEXCOMM_I2cSlaveInterruptFlag
enumerator kLPFLEXCOMM_I2cMasterInterruptFlag
enumerator kLPFLEXCOMM_SpiInterruptFlag
enumerator kLPFLEXCOMM_UartRxInterruptFlag
enumerator kLPFLEXCOMM_UartTxInterruptFlag
enumerator kLPFLEXCOMM_AllInterruptFlag
enumerator kLPFLEXCOMM_I2cSlaveInterruptFlag
typedef void (*lpflexcomm_irq_handler_t)(uint32_t instance, void *handle)
Typedef for interrupt handler.
IRQn_Type const kFlexcommIrqs[]
Array with IRQ number for each LP_FLEXCOMM module.
uint32_t LP_FLEXCOMM_GetInstance(void *base)
Returns instance number for LP_FLEXCOMM module with given base address.
uint32_t LP_FLEXCOMM_GetBaseAddress(uint32_t instance)
Returns for LP_FLEXCOMM base address.
uint32_t LP_FLEXCOMM_GetInterruptStatus(uint32_t instance)
brief Returns for LP_FLEXCOMM interrupt source,see _lpflexcomm_interrupt_flag.
status_t LP_FLEXCOMM_Init(uint32_t instance, LP_FLEXCOMM_PERIPH_T periph)
Initializes LP_FLEXCOMM and selects peripheral mode according to the second parameter.
void LP_FLEXCOMM_Deinit(uint32_t instance)
Deinitializes LP_FLEXCOMM.
void LP_FLEXCOMM_SetIRQHandler(uint32_t instance, lpflexcomm_irq_handler_t handler, void *lpflexcommHandle, LP_FLEXCOMM_PERIPH_T periph)
Sets IRQ handler for given LP_FLEXCOMM module. It is used by drivers register IRQ handler according to LP_FLEXCOMM mode.
LPI2C: Low Power Inter-Integrated Circuit Driver
LPI2C driver version.
LPI2C status return codes.
enumerator kStatus_LPI2C_Busy
The master is already performing a transfer.
enumerator kStatus_LPI2C_Idle
The slave driver is idle.
enumerator kStatus_LPI2C_Nak
The slave device sent a NAK in response to a byte.
enumerator kStatus_LPI2C_FifoError
FIFO under run or overrun.
enumerator kStatus_LPI2C_BitError
Transferred bit was not seen on the bus.
enumerator kStatus_LPI2C_ArbitrationLost
Arbitration lost error.
enumerator kStatus_LPI2C_PinLowTimeout
SCL or SDA were held low longer than the timeout.
enumerator kStatus_LPI2C_NoTransferInProgress
Attempt to abort a transfer when one is not in progress.
enumerator kStatus_LPI2C_DmaRequestFail
DMA request failed.
enumerator kStatus_LPI2C_Timeout
Timeout polling status flags.
enumerator kStatus_LPI2C_Busy
Retry times for waiting flag.
LPI2C Master Driver
void LPI2C_MasterGetDefaultConfig(lpi2c_master_config_t *masterConfig)
Provides a default configuration for the LPI2C master peripheral.
This function provides the following default configuration for the LPI2C master peripheral:
masterConfig->enableMaster = true; masterConfig->debugEnable = false; masterConfig->ignoreAck = false; masterConfig->pinConfig = kLPI2C_2PinOpenDrain; masterConfig->baudRate_Hz = 100000U; masterConfig->busIdleTimeout_ns = 0; masterConfig->pinLowTimeout_ns = 0; masterConfig->sdaGlitchFilterWidth_ns = 0; masterConfig->sclGlitchFilterWidth_ns = 0; masterConfig->hostRequest.enable = false; masterConfig->hostRequest.source = kLPI2C_HostRequestExternalPin; masterConfig->hostRequest.polarity = kLPI2C_HostRequestPinActiveHigh;
After calling this function, you can override any settings in order to customize the configuration, prior to initializing the master driver with LPI2C_MasterInit().
- Parameters:
masterConfig – [out] User provided configuration structure for default values. Refer to lpi2c_master_config_t.
void LPI2C_MasterInit(LPI2C_Type *base, const lpi2c_master_config_t *masterConfig, uint32_t sourceClock_Hz)
Initializes the LPI2C master peripheral.
This function enables the peripheral clock and initializes the LPI2C master peripheral as described by the user provided configuration. A software reset is performed prior to configuration.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
masterConfig – User provided peripheral configuration. Use LPI2C_MasterGetDefaultConfig() to get a set of defaults that you can override.
sourceClock_Hz – Frequency in Hertz of the LPI2C functional clock. Used to calculate the baud rate divisors, filter widths, and timeout periods.
void LPI2C_MasterDeinit(LPI2C_Type *base)
Deinitializes the LPI2C master peripheral.
This function disables the LPI2C master peripheral and gates the clock. It also performs a software reset to restore the peripheral to reset conditions.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
void LPI2C_MasterConfigureDataMatch(LPI2C_Type *base, const lpi2c_data_match_config_t *matchConfig)
Configures LPI2C master data match feature.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
matchConfig – Settings for the data match feature.
status_t LPI2C_MasterCheckAndClearError(LPI2C_Type *base, uint32_t status)
status_t LPI2C_CheckForBusyBus(LPI2C_Type *base)
static inline void LPI2C_MasterReset(LPI2C_Type *base)
Performs a software reset.
Restores the LPI2C master peripheral to reset conditions.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
static inline void LPI2C_MasterEnable(LPI2C_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables or disables the LPI2C module as master.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
enable – Pass true to enable or false to disable the specified LPI2C as master.
static inline uint32_t LPI2C_MasterGetStatusFlags(LPI2C_Type *base)
Gets the LPI2C master status flags.
A bit mask with the state of all LPI2C master status flags is returned. For each flag, the corresponding bit in the return value is set if the flag is asserted.
See also
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
- Returns:
State of the status flags:
1: related status flag is set.
0: related status flag is not set.
static inline void LPI2C_MasterClearStatusFlags(LPI2C_Type *base, uint32_t statusMask)
Clears the LPI2C master status flag state.
The following status register flags can be cleared:
Attempts to clear other flags has no effect.
See also
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
statusMask – A bitmask of status flags that are to be cleared. The mask is composed of _lpi2c_master_flags enumerators OR’d together. You may pass the result of a previous call to LPI2C_MasterGetStatusFlags().
static inline void LPI2C_MasterEnableInterrupts(LPI2C_Type *base, uint32_t interruptMask)
Enables the LPI2C master interrupt requests.
All flags except kLPI2C_MasterBusyFlag and kLPI2C_MasterBusBusyFlag can be enabled as interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
interruptMask – Bit mask of interrupts to enable. See _lpi2c_master_flags for the set of constants that should be OR’d together to form the bit mask.
static inline void LPI2C_MasterDisableInterrupts(LPI2C_Type *base, uint32_t interruptMask)
Disables the LPI2C master interrupt requests.
All flags except kLPI2C_MasterBusyFlag and kLPI2C_MasterBusBusyFlag can be enabled as interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
interruptMask – Bit mask of interrupts to disable. See _lpi2c_master_flags for the set of constants that should be OR’d together to form the bit mask.
static inline uint32_t LPI2C_MasterGetEnabledInterrupts(LPI2C_Type *base)
Returns the set of currently enabled LPI2C master interrupt requests.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
- Returns:
A bitmask composed of _lpi2c_master_flags enumerators OR’d together to indicate the set of enabled interrupts.
static inline void LPI2C_MasterEnableDMA(LPI2C_Type *base, bool enableTx, bool enableRx)
Enables or disables LPI2C master DMA requests.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
enableTx – Enable flag for transmit DMA request. Pass true for enable, false for disable.
enableRx – Enable flag for receive DMA request. Pass true for enable, false for disable.
static inline uint32_t LPI2C_MasterGetTxFifoAddress(LPI2C_Type *base)
Gets LPI2C master transmit data register address for DMA transfer.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The LPI2C Master Transmit Data Register address.
static inline uint32_t LPI2C_MasterGetRxFifoAddress(LPI2C_Type *base)
Gets LPI2C master receive data register address for DMA transfer.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The LPI2C Master Receive Data Register address.
static inline void LPI2C_MasterSetWatermarks(LPI2C_Type *base, size_t txWords, size_t rxWords)
Sets the watermarks for LPI2C master FIFOs.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
txWords – Transmit FIFO watermark value in words. The kLPI2C_MasterTxReadyFlag flag is set whenever the number of words in the transmit FIFO is equal or less than txWords. Writing a value equal or greater than the FIFO size is truncated.
rxWords – Receive FIFO watermark value in words. The kLPI2C_MasterRxReadyFlag flag is set whenever the number of words in the receive FIFO is greater than rxWords. Writing a value equal or greater than the FIFO size is truncated.
static inline void LPI2C_MasterGetFifoCounts(LPI2C_Type *base, size_t *rxCount, size_t *txCount)
Gets the current number of words in the LPI2C master FIFOs.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
txCount – [out] Pointer through which the current number of words in the transmit FIFO is returned. Pass NULL if this value is not required.
rxCount – [out] Pointer through which the current number of words in the receive FIFO is returned. Pass NULL if this value is not required.
void LPI2C_MasterSetBaudRate(LPI2C_Type *base, uint32_t sourceClock_Hz, uint32_t baudRate_Hz)
Sets the I2C bus frequency for master transactions.
The LPI2C master is automatically disabled and re-enabled as necessary to configure the baud rate. Do not call this function during a transfer, or the transfer is aborted.
Please note that the second parameter is the clock frequency of LPI2C module, the third parameter means user configured bus baudrate, this implementation is different from other I2C drivers which use baudrate configuration as second parameter and source clock frequency as third parameter.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
sourceClock_Hz – LPI2C functional clock frequency in Hertz.
baudRate_Hz – Requested bus frequency in Hertz.
static inline bool LPI2C_MasterGetBusIdleState(LPI2C_Type *base)
Returns whether the bus is idle.
Requires the master mode to be enabled.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
- Return values:
true – Bus is busy.
false – Bus is idle.
status_t LPI2C_MasterStart(LPI2C_Type *base, uint8_t address, lpi2c_direction_t dir)
Sends a START signal and slave address on the I2C bus.
This function is used to initiate a new master mode transfer. First, the bus state is checked to ensure that another master is not occupying the bus. Then a START signal is transmitted, followed by the 7-bit address specified in the address parameter. Note that this function does not actually wait until the START and address are successfully sent on the bus before returning.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
address – 7-bit slave device address, in bits [6:0].
dir – Master transfer direction, either kLPI2C_Read or kLPI2C_Write. This parameter is used to set the R/w bit (bit 0) in the transmitted slave address.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – START signal and address were successfully enqueued in the transmit FIFO.
kStatus_LPI2C_Busy – Another master is currently utilizing the bus.
static inline status_t LPI2C_MasterRepeatedStart(LPI2C_Type *base, uint8_t address, lpi2c_direction_t dir)
Sends a repeated START signal and slave address on the I2C bus.
This function is used to send a Repeated START signal when a transfer is already in progress. Like LPI2C_MasterStart(), it also sends the specified 7-bit address.
This function exists primarily to maintain compatible APIs between LPI2C and I2C drivers, as well as to better document the intent of code that uses these APIs.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
address – 7-bit slave device address, in bits [6:0].
dir – Master transfer direction, either kLPI2C_Read or kLPI2C_Write. This parameter is used to set the R/w bit (bit 0) in the transmitted slave address.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Repeated START signal and address were successfully enqueued in the transmit FIFO.
kStatus_LPI2C_Busy – Another master is currently utilizing the bus.
status_t LPI2C_MasterSend(LPI2C_Type *base, void *txBuff, size_t txSize)
Performs a polling send transfer on the I2C bus.
Sends up to txSize number of bytes to the previously addressed slave device. The slave may reply with a NAK to any byte in order to terminate the transfer early. If this happens, this function returns kStatus_LPI2C_Nak.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
txBuff – The pointer to the data to be transferred.
txSize – The length in bytes of the data to be transferred.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Data was sent successfully.
kStatus_LPI2C_Busy – Another master is currently utilizing the bus.
kStatus_LPI2C_Nak – The slave device sent a NAK in response to a byte.
kStatus_LPI2C_FifoError – FIFO under run or over run.
kStatus_LPI2C_ArbitrationLost – Arbitration lost error.
kStatus_LPI2C_PinLowTimeout – SCL or SDA were held low longer than the timeout.
status_t LPI2C_MasterReceive(LPI2C_Type *base, void *rxBuff, size_t rxSize)
Performs a polling receive transfer on the I2C bus.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
rxBuff – The pointer to the data to be transferred.
rxSize – The length in bytes of the data to be transferred.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Data was received successfully.
kStatus_LPI2C_Busy – Another master is currently utilizing the bus.
kStatus_LPI2C_Nak – The slave device sent a NAK in response to a byte.
kStatus_LPI2C_FifoError – FIFO under run or overrun.
kStatus_LPI2C_ArbitrationLost – Arbitration lost error.
kStatus_LPI2C_PinLowTimeout – SCL or SDA were held low longer than the timeout.
status_t LPI2C_MasterStop(LPI2C_Type *base)
Sends a STOP signal on the I2C bus.
This function does not return until the STOP signal is seen on the bus, or an error occurs.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – The STOP signal was successfully sent on the bus and the transaction terminated.
kStatus_LPI2C_Busy – Another master is currently utilizing the bus.
kStatus_LPI2C_Nak – The slave device sent a NAK in response to a byte.
kStatus_LPI2C_FifoError – FIFO under run or overrun.
kStatus_LPI2C_ArbitrationLost – Arbitration lost error.
kStatus_LPI2C_PinLowTimeout – SCL or SDA were held low longer than the timeout.
status_t LPI2C_MasterTransferBlocking(LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_master_transfer_t *transfer)
Performs a master polling transfer on the I2C bus.
The API does not return until the transfer succeeds or fails due to error happens during transfer.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
transfer – Pointer to the transfer structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Data was received successfully.
kStatus_LPI2C_Busy – Another master is currently utilizing the bus.
kStatus_LPI2C_Nak – The slave device sent a NAK in response to a byte.
kStatus_LPI2C_FifoError – FIFO under run or overrun.
kStatus_LPI2C_ArbitrationLost – Arbitration lost error.
kStatus_LPI2C_PinLowTimeout – SCL or SDA were held low longer than the timeout.
void LPI2C_MasterTransferCreateHandle(LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_master_handle_t *handle, lpi2c_master_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Creates a new handle for the LPI2C master non-blocking APIs.
The creation of a handle is for use with the non-blocking APIs. Once a handle is created, there is not a corresponding destroy handle. If the user wants to terminate a transfer, the LPI2C_MasterTransferAbort() API shall be called.
The function also enables the NVIC IRQ for the input LPI2C. Need to notice that on some SoCs the LPI2C IRQ is connected to INTMUX, in this case user needs to enable the associated INTMUX IRQ in application.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
handle – [out] Pointer to the LPI2C master driver handle.
callback – User provided pointer to the asynchronous callback function.
userData – User provided pointer to the application callback data.
status_t LPI2C_MasterTransferNonBlocking(LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_master_handle_t *handle, lpi2c_master_transfer_t *transfer)
Performs a non-blocking transaction on the I2C bus.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to the LPI2C master driver handle.
transfer – The pointer to the transfer descriptor.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – The transaction was started successfully.
kStatus_LPI2C_Busy – Either another master is currently utilizing the bus, or a non-blocking transaction is already in progress.
status_t LPI2C_MasterTransferGetCount(LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_master_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Returns number of bytes transferred so far.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to the LPI2C master driver handle.
count – [out] Number of bytes transferred so far by the non-blocking transaction.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success –
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – There is not a non-blocking transaction currently in progress.
void LPI2C_MasterTransferAbort(LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_master_handle_t *handle)
Terminates a non-blocking LPI2C master transmission early.
It is not safe to call this function from an IRQ handler that has a higher priority than the LPI2C peripheral’s IRQ priority.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to the LPI2C master driver handle.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – A transaction was successfully aborted.
kStatus_LPI2C_Idle – There is not a non-blocking transaction currently in progress.
void LPI2C_MasterTransferHandleIRQ(uint32_t instance, void *lpi2cMasterHandle)
Reusable routine to handle master interrupts.
This function does not need to be called unless you are reimplementing the nonblocking API’s interrupt handler routines to add special functionality.
- Parameters:
instance – The LPI2C instance.
lpi2cMasterHandle – Pointer to the LPI2C master driver handle.
enum _lpi2c_master_flags
LPI2C master peripheral flags.
The following status register flags can be cleared:
All flags except kLPI2C_MasterBusyFlag and kLPI2C_MasterBusBusyFlag can be enabled as interrupts.
These enums are meant to be OR’d together to form a bit mask.
enumerator kLPI2C_MasterTxReadyFlag
Transmit data flag
enumerator kLPI2C_MasterRxReadyFlag
Receive data flag
enumerator kLPI2C_MasterEndOfPacketFlag
End Packet flag
enumerator kLPI2C_MasterStopDetectFlag
Stop detect flag
enumerator kLPI2C_MasterNackDetectFlag
NACK detect flag
enumerator kLPI2C_MasterArbitrationLostFlag
Arbitration lost flag
enumerator kLPI2C_MasterFifoErrFlag
FIFO error flag
enumerator kLPI2C_MasterPinLowTimeoutFlag
Pin low timeout flag
enumerator kLPI2C_MasterDataMatchFlag
Data match flag
enumerator kLPI2C_MasterBusyFlag
Master busy flag
enumerator kLPI2C_MasterBusBusyFlag
Bus busy flag
enumerator kLPI2C_MasterClearFlags
All flags which are cleared by the driver upon starting a transfer.
enumerator kLPI2C_MasterIrqFlags
IRQ sources enabled by the non-blocking transactional API.
enumerator kLPI2C_MasterErrorFlags
Errors to check for.
enum _lpi2c_direction
Direction of master and slave transfers.
enumerator kLPI2C_Write
Master transmit.
enumerator kLPI2C_Read
Master receive.
enumerator kLPI2C_Write
enum _lpi2c_master_pin_config
LPI2C pin configuration.
enumerator kLPI2C_2PinOpenDrain
LPI2C Configured for 2-pin open drain mode
enumerator kLPI2C_2PinOutputOnly
LPI2C Configured for 2-pin output only mode (ultra-fast mode)
enumerator kLPI2C_2PinPushPull
LPI2C Configured for 2-pin push-pull mode
enumerator kLPI2C_4PinPushPull
LPI2C Configured for 4-pin push-pull mode
enumerator kLPI2C_2PinOpenDrainWithSeparateSlave
LPI2C Configured for 2-pin open drain mode with separate LPI2C slave
enumerator kLPI2C_2PinOutputOnlyWithSeparateSlave
LPI2C Configured for 2-pin output only mode(ultra-fast mode) with separate LPI2C slave
enumerator kLPI2C_2PinPushPullWithSeparateSlave
LPI2C Configured for 2-pin push-pull mode with separate LPI2C slave
enumerator kLPI2C_4PinPushPullWithInvertedOutput
LPI2C Configured for 4-pin push-pull mode(inverted outputs)
enumerator kLPI2C_2PinOpenDrain
enum _lpi2c_host_request_source
LPI2C master host request selection.
enumerator kLPI2C_HostRequestExternalPin
Select the LPI2C_HREQ pin as the host request input
enumerator kLPI2C_HostRequestInputTrigger
Select the input trigger as the host request input
enumerator kLPI2C_HostRequestExternalPin
enum _lpi2c_host_request_polarity
LPI2C master host request pin polarity configuration.
enumerator kLPI2C_HostRequestPinActiveLow
Configure the LPI2C_HREQ pin active low
enumerator kLPI2C_HostRequestPinActiveHigh
Configure the LPI2C_HREQ pin active high
enumerator kLPI2C_HostRequestPinActiveLow
enum _lpi2c_data_match_config_mode
LPI2C master data match configuration modes.
enumerator kLPI2C_MatchDisabled
LPI2C Match Disabled
enumerator kLPI2C_1stWordEqualsM0OrM1
LPI2C Match Enabled and 1st data word equals MATCH0 OR MATCH1
enumerator kLPI2C_AnyWordEqualsM0OrM1
LPI2C Match Enabled and any data word equals MATCH0 OR MATCH1
enumerator kLPI2C_1stWordEqualsM0And2ndWordEqualsM1
LPI2C Match Enabled and 1st data word equals MATCH0, 2nd data equals MATCH1
enumerator kLPI2C_AnyWordEqualsM0AndNextWordEqualsM1
LPI2C Match Enabled and any data word equals MATCH0, next data equals MATCH1
enumerator kLPI2C_1stWordAndM1EqualsM0AndM1
LPI2C Match Enabled and 1st data word and MATCH0 equals MATCH0 and MATCH1
enumerator kLPI2C_AnyWordAndM1EqualsM0AndM1
LPI2C Match Enabled and any data word and MATCH0 equals MATCH0 and MATCH1
enumerator kLPI2C_MatchDisabled
enum _lpi2c_master_transfer_flags
Transfer option flags.
These enumerations are intended to be OR’d together to form a bit mask of options for the _lpi2c_master_transfer::flags field.
enumerator kLPI2C_TransferDefaultFlag
Transfer starts with a start signal, stops with a stop signal.
enumerator kLPI2C_TransferNoStartFlag
Don’t send a start condition, address, and sub address
enumerator kLPI2C_TransferRepeatedStartFlag
Send a repeated start condition
enumerator kLPI2C_TransferNoStopFlag
Don’t send a stop condition.
enumerator kLPI2C_TransferDefaultFlag
typedef enum _lpi2c_direction lpi2c_direction_t
Direction of master and slave transfers.
typedef enum _lpi2c_master_pin_config lpi2c_master_pin_config_t
LPI2C pin configuration.
typedef enum _lpi2c_host_request_source lpi2c_host_request_source_t
LPI2C master host request selection.
typedef enum _lpi2c_host_request_polarity lpi2c_host_request_polarity_t
LPI2C master host request pin polarity configuration.
typedef struct _lpi2c_master_config lpi2c_master_config_t
Structure with settings to initialize the LPI2C master module.
This structure holds configuration settings for the LPI2C peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the LPI2C_MasterGetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your configuration structure instance.
The configuration structure can be made constant so it resides in flash.
typedef enum _lpi2c_data_match_config_mode lpi2c_data_match_config_mode_t
LPI2C master data match configuration modes.
typedef struct _lpi2c_match_config lpi2c_data_match_config_t
LPI2C master data match configuration structure.
typedef struct _lpi2c_master_transfer lpi2c_master_transfer_t
typedef struct _lpi2c_master_handle lpi2c_master_handle_t
typedef void (*lpi2c_master_transfer_callback_t)(LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_master_handle_t *handle, status_t completionStatus, void *userData)
Master completion callback function pointer type.
This callback is used only for the non-blocking master transfer API. Specify the callback you wish to use in the call to LPI2C_MasterTransferCreateHandle().
- Param base:
The LPI2C peripheral base address.
- Param completionStatus:
Either kStatus_Success or an error code describing how the transfer completed.
- Param userData:
Arbitrary pointer-sized value passed from the application.
typedef void (*lpi2c_master_isr_t)(uint32_t instance, void *handle)
Typedef for master interrupt handler, used internally for LPI2C master interrupt and EDMA transactional APIs.
struct _lpi2c_master_config
- #include <fsl_lpi2c.h>
Structure with settings to initialize the LPI2C master module.
This structure holds configuration settings for the LPI2C peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the LPI2C_MasterGetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your configuration structure instance.
The configuration structure can be made constant so it resides in flash.
Public Members
bool enableMaster
Whether to enable master mode.
bool enableDoze
Whether master is enabled in doze mode.
bool debugEnable
Enable transfers to continue when halted in debug mode.
bool ignoreAck
Whether to ignore ACK/NACK.
lpi2c_master_pin_config_t pinConfig
The pin configuration option.
uint32_t baudRate_Hz
Desired baud rate in Hertz.
uint32_t busIdleTimeout_ns
Bus idle timeout in nanoseconds. Set to 0 to disable.
uint32_t pinLowTimeout_ns
Pin low timeout in nanoseconds. Set to 0 to disable.
uint8_t sdaGlitchFilterWidth_ns
Width in nanoseconds of glitch filter on SDA pin. Set to 0 to disable.
uint8_t sclGlitchFilterWidth_ns
Width in nanoseconds of glitch filter on SCL pin. Set to 0 to disable.
struct _lpi2c_master_config hostRequest
Host request options.
bool enableMaster
struct _lpi2c_match_config
- #include <fsl_lpi2c.h>
LPI2C master data match configuration structure.
Public Members
lpi2c_data_match_config_mode_t matchMode
Data match configuration setting.
bool rxDataMatchOnly
When set to true, received data is ignored until a successful match.
uint32_t match0
Match value 0.
uint32_t match1
Match value 1.
lpi2c_data_match_config_mode_t matchMode
struct _lpi2c_master_transfer
- #include <fsl_lpi2c.h>
Non-blocking transfer descriptor structure.
This structure is used to pass transaction parameters to the LPI2C_MasterTransferNonBlocking() API.
Public Members
uint32_t flags
Bit mask of options for the transfer. See enumeration _lpi2c_master_transfer_flags for available options. Set to 0 or kLPI2C_TransferDefaultFlag for normal transfers.
uint16_t slaveAddress
The 7-bit slave address.
lpi2c_direction_t direction
Either kLPI2C_Read or kLPI2C_Write.
uint32_t subaddress
Sub address. Transferred MSB first.
size_t subaddressSize
Length of sub address to send in bytes. Maximum size is 4 bytes.
void *data
Pointer to data to transfer.
size_t dataSize
Number of bytes to transfer.
uint32_t flags
struct _lpi2c_master_handle
- #include <fsl_lpi2c.h>
Driver handle for master non-blocking APIs.
The contents of this structure are private and subject to change.
Public Members
uint8_t state
Transfer state machine current state.
uint16_t remainingBytes
Remaining byte count in current state.
uint8_t *buf
Buffer pointer for current state.
uint16_t commandBuffer[6]
LPI2C command sequence. When all 6 command words are used: Start&addr&write[1 word] + subaddr[4 words] + restart&addr&read[1 word]
lpi2c_master_transfer_t transfer
Copy of the current transfer info.
lpi2c_master_transfer_callback_t completionCallback
Callback function pointer.
void *userData
Application data passed to callback.
uint8_t state
struct hostRequest
Public Members
bool enable
Enable host request.
lpi2c_host_request_source_t source
Host request source.
lpi2c_host_request_polarity_t polarity
Host request pin polarity.
bool enable
LPI2C Master DMA Driver
void LPI2C_MasterCreateEDMAHandle(LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_master_edma_handle_t *handle, edma_handle_t *rxDmaHandle, edma_handle_t *txDmaHandle, lpi2c_master_edma_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Create a new handle for the LPI2C master DMA APIs.
The creation of a handle is for use with the DMA APIs. Once a handle is created, there is not a corresponding destroy handle. If the user wants to terminate a transfer, the LPI2C_MasterTransferAbortEDMA() API shall be called.
For devices where the LPI2C send and receive DMA requests are OR’d together, the txDmaHandle parameter is ignored and may be set to NULL.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
handle – [out] Pointer to the LPI2C master driver handle.
rxDmaHandle – Handle for the eDMA receive channel. Created by the user prior to calling this function.
txDmaHandle – Handle for the eDMA transmit channel. Created by the user prior to calling this function.
callback – User provided pointer to the asynchronous callback function.
userData – User provided pointer to the application callback data.
status_t LPI2C_MasterTransferEDMA(LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_master_edma_handle_t *handle, lpi2c_master_transfer_t *transfer)
Performs a non-blocking DMA-based transaction on the I2C bus.
The callback specified when the handle was created is invoked when the transaction has completed.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to the LPI2C master driver handle.
transfer – The pointer to the transfer descriptor.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – The transaction was started successfully.
kStatus_LPI2C_Busy – Either another master is currently utilizing the bus, or another DMA transaction is already in progress.
status_t LPI2C_MasterTransferGetCountEDMA(LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_master_edma_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Returns number of bytes transferred so far.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to the LPI2C master driver handle.
count – [out] Number of bytes transferred so far by the non-blocking transaction.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success –
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – There is not a DMA transaction currently in progress.
status_t LPI2C_MasterTransferAbortEDMA(LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_master_edma_handle_t *handle)
Terminates a non-blocking LPI2C master transmission early.
It is not safe to call this function from an IRQ handler that has a higher priority than the eDMA peripheral’s IRQ priority.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to the LPI2C master driver handle.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – A transaction was successfully aborted.
kStatus_LPI2C_Idle – There is not a DMA transaction currently in progress.
typedef struct _lpi2c_master_edma_handle lpi2c_master_edma_handle_t
typedef void (*lpi2c_master_edma_transfer_callback_t)(LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_master_edma_handle_t *handle, status_t completionStatus, void *userData)
Master DMA completion callback function pointer type.
This callback is used only for the non-blocking master transfer API. Specify the callback you wish to use in the call to LPI2C_MasterCreateEDMAHandle().
- Param base:
The LPI2C peripheral base address.
- Param handle:
Handle associated with the completed transfer.
- Param completionStatus:
Either kStatus_Success or an error code describing how the transfer completed.
- Param userData:
Arbitrary pointer-sized value passed from the application.
struct _lpi2c_master_edma_handle
- #include <fsl_lpi2c_edma.h>
Driver handle for master DMA APIs.
The contents of this structure are private and subject to change.
Public Members
LPI2C_Type *base
LPI2C base pointer.
bool isBusy
Transfer state machine current state.
uint8_t nbytes
eDMA minor byte transfer count initially configured.
uint16_t commandBuffer[10]
LPI2C command sequence. When all 10 command words are used: Start&addr&write[1 word] + subaddr[4 words] + restart&addr&read[1 word] + receive&Size[4 words]
lpi2c_master_transfer_t transfer
Copy of the current transfer info.
lpi2c_master_edma_transfer_callback_t completionCallback
Callback function pointer.
void *userData
Application data passed to callback.
edma_handle_t *rx
Handle for receive DMA channel.
edma_handle_t *tx
Handle for transmit DMA channel.
edma_tcd_t tcds[3]
Software TCD. Three are allocated to provide enough room to align to 32-bytes.
LPI2C_Type *base
LPI2C Slave Driver
void LPI2C_SlaveGetDefaultConfig(lpi2c_slave_config_t *slaveConfig)
Provides a default configuration for the LPI2C slave peripheral.
This function provides the following default configuration for the LPI2C slave peripheral:
slaveConfig->enableSlave = true; slaveConfig->address0 = 0U; slaveConfig->address1 = 0U; slaveConfig->addressMatchMode = kLPI2C_MatchAddress0; slaveConfig->filterDozeEnable = true; slaveConfig->filterEnable = true; slaveConfig->enableGeneralCall = false; slaveConfig->sclStall.enableAck = false; slaveConfig->sclStall.enableTx = true; slaveConfig->sclStall.enableRx = true; slaveConfig->sclStall.enableAddress = true; slaveConfig->ignoreAck = false; slaveConfig->enableReceivedAddressRead = false; slaveConfig->sdaGlitchFilterWidth_ns = 0; slaveConfig->sclGlitchFilterWidth_ns = 0; slaveConfig->dataValidDelay_ns = 0; slaveConfig->clockHoldTime_ns = 0;
After calling this function, override any settings to customize the configuration, prior to initializing the master driver with LPI2C_SlaveInit(). Be sure to override at least the address0 member of the configuration structure with the desired slave address.
- Parameters:
slaveConfig – [out] User provided configuration structure that is set to default values. Refer to lpi2c_slave_config_t.
void LPI2C_SlaveInit(LPI2C_Type *base, const lpi2c_slave_config_t *slaveConfig, uint32_t sourceClock_Hz)
Initializes the LPI2C slave peripheral.
This function enables the peripheral clock and initializes the LPI2C slave peripheral as described by the user provided configuration.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
slaveConfig – User provided peripheral configuration. Use LPI2C_SlaveGetDefaultConfig() to get a set of defaults that you can override.
sourceClock_Hz – Frequency in Hertz of the LPI2C functional clock. Used to calculate the filter widths, data valid delay, and clock hold time.
void LPI2C_SlaveDeinit(LPI2C_Type *base)
Deinitializes the LPI2C slave peripheral.
This function disables the LPI2C slave peripheral and gates the clock. It also performs a software reset to restore the peripheral to reset conditions.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
static inline void LPI2C_SlaveReset(LPI2C_Type *base)
Performs a software reset of the LPI2C slave peripheral.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
static inline void LPI2C_SlaveEnable(LPI2C_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables or disables the LPI2C module as slave.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
enable – Pass true to enable or false to disable the specified LPI2C as slave.
static inline uint32_t LPI2C_SlaveGetStatusFlags(LPI2C_Type *base)
Gets the LPI2C slave status flags.
A bit mask with the state of all LPI2C slave status flags is returned. For each flag, the corresponding bit in the return value is set if the flag is asserted.
See also
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
- Returns:
State of the status flags:
1: related status flag is set.
0: related status flag is not set.
static inline void LPI2C_SlaveClearStatusFlags(LPI2C_Type *base, uint32_t statusMask)
Clears the LPI2C status flag state.
The following status register flags can be cleared:
Attempts to clear other flags has no effect.
See also
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
statusMask – A bitmask of status flags that are to be cleared. The mask is composed of _lpi2c_slave_flags enumerators OR’d together. You may pass the result of a previous call to LPI2C_SlaveGetStatusFlags().
static inline void LPI2C_SlaveEnableInterrupts(LPI2C_Type *base, uint32_t interruptMask)
Enables the LPI2C slave interrupt requests.
All flags except kLPI2C_SlaveBusyFlag and kLPI2C_SlaveBusBusyFlag can be enabled as interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
interruptMask – Bit mask of interrupts to enable. See _lpi2c_slave_flags for the set of constants that should be OR’d together to form the bit mask.
static inline void LPI2C_SlaveDisableInterrupts(LPI2C_Type *base, uint32_t interruptMask)
Disables the LPI2C slave interrupt requests.
All flags except kLPI2C_SlaveBusyFlag and kLPI2C_SlaveBusBusyFlag can be enabled as interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
interruptMask – Bit mask of interrupts to disable. See _lpi2c_slave_flags for the set of constants that should be OR’d together to form the bit mask.
static inline uint32_t LPI2C_SlaveGetEnabledInterrupts(LPI2C_Type *base)
Returns the set of currently enabled LPI2C slave interrupt requests.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
- Returns:
A bitmask composed of _lpi2c_slave_flags enumerators OR’d together to indicate the set of enabled interrupts.
static inline void LPI2C_SlaveEnableDMA(LPI2C_Type *base, bool enableAddressValid, bool enableRx, bool enableTx)
Enables or disables the LPI2C slave peripheral DMA requests.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
enableAddressValid – Enable flag for the address valid DMA request. Pass true for enable, false for disable. The address valid DMA request is shared with the receive data DMA request.
enableRx – Enable flag for the receive data DMA request. Pass true for enable, false for disable.
enableTx – Enable flag for the transmit data DMA request. Pass true for enable, false for disable.
static inline bool LPI2C_SlaveGetBusIdleState(LPI2C_Type *base)
Returns whether the bus is idle.
Requires the slave mode to be enabled.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
- Return values:
true – Bus is busy.
false – Bus is idle.
static inline void LPI2C_SlaveTransmitAck(LPI2C_Type *base, bool ackOrNack)
Transmits either an ACK or NAK on the I2C bus in response to a byte from the master.
Use this function to send an ACK or NAK when the kLPI2C_SlaveTransmitAckFlag is asserted. This only happens if you enable the sclStall.enableAck field of the lpi2c_slave_config_t configuration structure used to initialize the slave peripheral.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
ackOrNack – Pass true for an ACK or false for a NAK.
static inline void LPI2C_SlaveEnableAckStall(LPI2C_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables or disables ACKSTALL.
When enables ACKSTALL, software can transmit either an ACK or NAK on the I2C bus in response to a byte from the master.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
enable – True will enable ACKSTALL,false will disable ACKSTALL.
static inline uint32_t LPI2C_SlaveGetReceivedAddress(LPI2C_Type *base)
Returns the slave address sent by the I2C master.
This function should only be called if the kLPI2C_SlaveAddressValidFlag is asserted.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The 8-bit address matched by the LPI2C slave. Bit 0 contains the R/w direction bit, and the 7-bit slave address is in the upper 7 bits.
status_t LPI2C_SlaveSend(LPI2C_Type *base, void *txBuff, size_t txSize, size_t *actualTxSize)
Performs a polling send transfer on the I2C bus.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
txBuff – The pointer to the data to be transferred.
txSize – The length in bytes of the data to be transferred.
actualTxSize – [out]
- Returns:
Error or success status returned by API.
status_t LPI2C_SlaveReceive(LPI2C_Type *base, void *rxBuff, size_t rxSize, size_t *actualRxSize)
Performs a polling receive transfer on the I2C bus.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
rxBuff – The pointer to the data to be transferred.
rxSize – The length in bytes of the data to be transferred.
actualRxSize – [out]
- Returns:
Error or success status returned by API.
void LPI2C_SlaveTransferCreateHandle(LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_slave_handle_t *handle, lpi2c_slave_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Creates a new handle for the LPI2C slave non-blocking APIs.
The creation of a handle is for use with the non-blocking APIs. Once a handle is created, there is not a corresponding destroy handle. If the user wants to terminate a transfer, the LPI2C_SlaveTransferAbort() API shall be called.
The function also enables the NVIC IRQ for the input LPI2C. Need to notice that on some SoCs the LPI2C IRQ is connected to INTMUX, in this case user needs to enable the associated INTMUX IRQ in application.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
handle – [out] Pointer to the LPI2C slave driver handle.
callback – User provided pointer to the asynchronous callback function.
userData – User provided pointer to the application callback data.
status_t LPI2C_SlaveTransferNonBlocking(LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_slave_handle_t *handle, uint32_t eventMask)
Starts accepting slave transfers.
Call this API after calling I2C_SlaveInit() and LPI2C_SlaveTransferCreateHandle() to start processing transactions driven by an I2C master. The slave monitors the I2C bus and pass events to the callback that was passed into the call to LPI2C_SlaveTransferCreateHandle(). The callback is always invoked from the interrupt context.
The set of events received by the callback is customizable. To do so, set the eventMask parameter to the OR’d combination of lpi2c_slave_transfer_event_t enumerators for the events you wish to receive. The kLPI2C_SlaveTransmitEvent and kLPI2C_SlaveReceiveEvent events are always enabled and do not need to be included in the mask. Alternatively, you can pass 0 to get a default set of only the transmit and receive events that are always enabled. In addition, the kLPI2C_SlaveAllEvents constant is provided as a convenient way to enable all events.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to lpi2c_slave_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
eventMask – Bit mask formed by OR’ing together lpi2c_slave_transfer_event_t enumerators to specify which events to send to the callback. Other accepted values are 0 to get a default set of only the transmit and receive events, and kLPI2C_SlaveAllEvents to enable all events.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Slave transfers were successfully started.
kStatus_LPI2C_Busy – Slave transfers have already been started on this handle.
status_t LPI2C_SlaveTransferGetCount(LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_slave_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the slave transfer status during a non-blocking transfer.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to i2c_slave_handle_t structure.
count – [out] Pointer to a value to hold the number of bytes transferred. May be NULL if the count is not required.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success –
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress –
void LPI2C_SlaveTransferAbort(LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_slave_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the slave non-blocking transfers.
This API could be called at any time to stop slave for handling the bus events.
- Parameters:
base – The LPI2C peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to lpi2c_slave_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success –
kStatus_LPI2C_Idle –
void LPI2C_SlaveTransferHandleIRQ(uint32_t instance, void *lpi2cSlaveHandle)
Reusable routine to handle slave interrupts.
This function does not need to be called unless you are reimplementing the non blocking API’s interrupt handler routines to add special functionality.
- Parameters:
instance – The LPI2C instance.
lpi2cSlaveHandle – Pointer to lpi2c_slave_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
enum _lpi2c_slave_flags
LPI2C slave peripheral flags.
The following status register flags can be cleared:
All flags except kLPI2C_SlaveBusyFlag and kLPI2C_SlaveBusBusyFlag can be enabled as interrupts.
These enumerations are meant to be OR’d together to form a bit mask.
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveTxReadyFlag
Transmit data flag
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveRxReadyFlag
Receive data flag
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveAddressValidFlag
Address valid flag
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveTransmitAckFlag
Transmit ACK flag
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveRepeatedStartDetectFlag
Repeated start detect flag
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveStopDetectFlag
Stop detect flag
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveBitErrFlag
Bit error flag
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveFifoErrFlag
FIFO error flag
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveAddressMatch0Flag
Address match 0 flag
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveAddressMatch1Flag
Address match 1 flag
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveGeneralCallFlag
General call flag
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveBusyFlag
Master busy flag
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveBusBusyFlag
Bus busy flag
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveClearFlags
All flags which are cleared by the driver upon starting a transfer.
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveIrqFlags
IRQ sources enabled by the non-blocking transactional API.
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveErrorFlags
Errors to check for.
enum _lpi2c_slave_address_match
LPI2C slave address match options.
enumerator kLPI2C_MatchAddress0
Match only address 0.
enumerator kLPI2C_MatchAddress0OrAddress1
Match either address 0 or address 1.
enumerator kLPI2C_MatchAddress0ThroughAddress1
Match a range of slave addresses from address 0 through address 1.
enumerator kLPI2C_MatchAddress0
enum _lpi2c_slave_transfer_event
Set of events sent to the callback for non blocking slave transfers.
These event enumerations are used for two related purposes. First, a bit mask created by OR’ing together events is passed to LPI2C_SlaveTransferNonBlocking() in order to specify which events to enable. Then, when the slave callback is invoked, it is passed the current event through its transfer parameter.
These enumerations are meant to be OR’d together to form a bit mask of events.
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveAddressMatchEvent
Received the slave address after a start or repeated start.
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveTransmitEvent
Callback is requested to provide data to transmit (slave-transmitter role).
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveReceiveEvent
Callback is requested to provide a buffer in which to place received data (slave-receiver role).
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveTransmitAckEvent
Callback needs to either transmit an ACK or NACK. When this event is set, the driver will no longer decide to reply to ack/nack.
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveRepeatedStartEvent
A repeated start was detected.
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveCompletionEvent
A stop was detected, completing the transfer.
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveAllEvents
Bit mask of all available events.
enumerator kLPI2C_SlaveAddressMatchEvent
typedef enum _lpi2c_slave_address_match lpi2c_slave_address_match_t
LPI2C slave address match options.
typedef struct _lpi2c_slave_config lpi2c_slave_config_t
Structure with settings to initialize the LPI2C slave module.
This structure holds configuration settings for the LPI2C slave peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the LPI2C_SlaveGetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your configuration structure instance.
The configuration structure can be made constant so it resides in flash.
typedef enum _lpi2c_slave_transfer_event lpi2c_slave_transfer_event_t
Set of events sent to the callback for non blocking slave transfers.
These event enumerations are used for two related purposes. First, a bit mask created by OR’ing together events is passed to LPI2C_SlaveTransferNonBlocking() in order to specify which events to enable. Then, when the slave callback is invoked, it is passed the current event through its transfer parameter.
These enumerations are meant to be OR’d together to form a bit mask of events.
typedef struct _lpi2c_slave_transfer lpi2c_slave_transfer_t
LPI2C slave transfer structure.
typedef struct _lpi2c_slave_handle lpi2c_slave_handle_t
typedef void (*lpi2c_slave_transfer_callback_t)(LPI2C_Type *base, lpi2c_slave_transfer_t *transfer, void *userData)
Slave event callback function pointer type.
This callback is used only for the slave non-blocking transfer API. To install a callback, use the LPI2C_SlaveSetCallback() function after you have created a handle.
- Param base:
Base address for the LPI2C instance on which the event occurred.
- Param transfer:
Pointer to transfer descriptor containing values passed to and/or from the callback.
- Param userData:
Arbitrary pointer-sized value passed from the application.
struct _lpi2c_slave_config
- #include <fsl_lpi2c.h>
Structure with settings to initialize the LPI2C slave module.
This structure holds configuration settings for the LPI2C slave peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the LPI2C_SlaveGetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your configuration structure instance.
The configuration structure can be made constant so it resides in flash.
Public Members
bool enableSlave
Enable slave mode.
uint8_t address0
Slave’s 7-bit address.
uint8_t address1
Alternate slave 7-bit address.
lpi2c_slave_address_match_t addressMatchMode
Address matching options.
bool filterDozeEnable
Enable digital glitch filter in doze mode.
bool filterEnable
Enable digital glitch filter.
bool enableGeneralCall
Enable general call address matching.
bool ignoreAck
Continue transfers after a NACK is detected.
bool enableReceivedAddressRead
Enable reading the address received address as the first byte of data.
uint32_t sdaGlitchFilterWidth_ns
Width in nanoseconds of the digital filter on the SDA signal. Set to 0 to disable.
uint32_t sclGlitchFilterWidth_ns
Width in nanoseconds of the digital filter on the SCL signal. Set to 0 to disable.
uint32_t dataValidDelay_ns
Width in nanoseconds of the data valid delay.
uint32_t clockHoldTime_ns
Width in nanoseconds of the clock hold time.
bool enableSlave
struct _lpi2c_slave_transfer
- #include <fsl_lpi2c.h>
LPI2C slave transfer structure.
Public Members
lpi2c_slave_transfer_event_t event
Reason the callback is being invoked.
uint8_t receivedAddress
Matching address send by master.
uint8_t *data
Transfer buffer
size_t dataSize
Transfer size
status_t completionStatus
Success or error code describing how the transfer completed. Only applies for kLPI2C_SlaveCompletionEvent.
size_t transferredCount
Number of bytes actually transferred since start or last repeated start.
lpi2c_slave_transfer_event_t event
struct _lpi2c_slave_handle
- #include <fsl_lpi2c.h>
LPI2C slave handle structure.
The contents of this structure are private and subject to change.
Public Members
lpi2c_slave_transfer_t transfer
LPI2C slave transfer copy.
bool isBusy
Whether transfer is busy.
bool wasTransmit
Whether the last transfer was a transmit.
uint32_t eventMask
Mask of enabled events.
uint32_t transferredCount
Count of bytes transferred.
lpi2c_slave_transfer_callback_t callback
Callback function called at transfer event.
void *userData
Callback parameter passed to callback.
lpi2c_slave_transfer_t transfer
struct sclStall
Public Members
bool enableAck
Enables SCL clock stretching during slave-transmit address byte(s) and slave-receiver address and data byte(s) to allow software to write the Transmit ACK Register before the ACK or NACK is transmitted. Clock stretching occurs when transmitting the 9th bit. When enableAckSCLStall is enabled, there is no need to set either enableRxDataSCLStall or enableAddressSCLStall.
bool enableTx
Enables SCL clock stretching when the transmit data flag is set during a slave-transmit transfer.
bool enableRx
Enables SCL clock stretching when receive data flag is set during a slave-receive transfer.
bool enableAddress
Enables SCL clock stretching when the address valid flag is asserted.
bool enableAck
LPSPI: Low Power Serial Peripheral Interface
LPSPI Peripheral driver
void LPSPI_MasterInit(LPSPI_Type *base, const lpspi_master_config_t *masterConfig, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
Initializes the LPSPI master.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
masterConfig – Pointer to structure lpspi_master_config_t.
srcClock_Hz – Module source input clock in Hertz
void LPSPI_MasterGetDefaultConfig(lpspi_master_config_t *masterConfig)
Sets the lpspi_master_config_t structure to default values.
This API initializes the configuration structure for LPSPI_MasterInit(). The initialized structure can remain unchanged in LPSPI_MasterInit(), or can be modified before calling the LPSPI_MasterInit(). Example:
lpspi_master_config_t masterConfig; LPSPI_MasterGetDefaultConfig(&masterConfig);
- Parameters:
masterConfig – pointer to lpspi_master_config_t structure
void LPSPI_SlaveInit(LPSPI_Type *base, const lpspi_slave_config_t *slaveConfig)
LPSPI slave configuration.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
slaveConfig – Pointer to a structure lpspi_slave_config_t.
void LPSPI_SlaveGetDefaultConfig(lpspi_slave_config_t *slaveConfig)
Sets the lpspi_slave_config_t structure to default values.
This API initializes the configuration structure for LPSPI_SlaveInit(). The initialized structure can remain unchanged in LPSPI_SlaveInit() or can be modified before calling the LPSPI_SlaveInit(). Example:
lpspi_slave_config_t slaveConfig; LPSPI_SlaveGetDefaultConfig(&slaveConfig);
- Parameters:
slaveConfig – pointer to lpspi_slave_config_t structure.
void LPSPI_Deinit(LPSPI_Type *base)
De-initializes the LPSPI peripheral. Call this API to disable the LPSPI clock.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
void LPSPI_Reset(LPSPI_Type *base)
Restores the LPSPI peripheral to reset state. Note that this function sets all registers to reset state. As a result, the LPSPI module can’t work after calling this API.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
uint32_t LPSPI_GetInstance(LPSPI_Type *base)
Get the LPSPI instance from peripheral base address.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral base address.
- Returns:
LPSPI instance.
static inline void LPSPI_Enable(LPSPI_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables the LPSPI peripheral and sets the MCR MDIS to 0.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
enable – Pass true to enable module, false to disable module.
static inline uint32_t LPSPI_GetStatusFlags(LPSPI_Type *base)
Gets the LPSPI status flag state.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
- Returns:
The LPSPI status(in SR register).
static inline uint8_t LPSPI_GetTxFifoSize(LPSPI_Type *base)
Gets the LPSPI Tx FIFO size.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
- Returns:
The LPSPI Tx FIFO size.
static inline uint8_t LPSPI_GetRxFifoSize(LPSPI_Type *base)
Gets the LPSPI Rx FIFO size.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
- Returns:
The LPSPI Rx FIFO size.
static inline uint32_t LPSPI_GetTxFifoCount(LPSPI_Type *base)
Gets the LPSPI Tx FIFO count.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
- Returns:
The number of words in the transmit FIFO.
static inline uint32_t LPSPI_GetRxFifoCount(LPSPI_Type *base)
Gets the LPSPI Rx FIFO count.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
- Returns:
The number of words in the receive FIFO.
static inline void LPSPI_ClearStatusFlags(LPSPI_Type *base, uint32_t statusFlags)
Clears the LPSPI status flag.
This function clears the desired status bit by using a write-1-to-clear. The user passes in the base and the desired status flag bit to clear. The list of status flags is defined in the _lpspi_flags. Example usage:
LPSPI_ClearStatusFlags(base, kLPSPI_TxDataRequestFlag|kLPSPI_RxDataReadyFlag);
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
statusFlags – The status flag used from type _lpspi_flags.
static inline uint32_t LPSPI_GetTcr(LPSPI_Type *base)
static inline void LPSPI_EnableInterrupts(LPSPI_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the LPSPI interrupts.
This function configures the various interrupt masks of the LPSPI. The parameters are base and an interrupt mask. Note that, for Tx fill and Rx FIFO drain requests, enabling the interrupt request disables the DMA request.
LPSPI_EnableInterrupts(base, kLPSPI_TxInterruptEnable | kLPSPI_RxInterruptEnable );
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
mask – The interrupt mask; Use the enum _lpspi_interrupt_enable.
static inline void LPSPI_DisableInterrupts(LPSPI_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the LPSPI interrupts.
LPSPI_DisableInterrupts(base, kLPSPI_TxInterruptEnable | kLPSPI_RxInterruptEnable );
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
mask – The interrupt mask; Use the enum _lpspi_interrupt_enable.
static inline void LPSPI_EnableDMA(LPSPI_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the LPSPI DMA request.
This function configures the Rx and Tx DMA mask of the LPSPI. The parameters are base and a DMA mask.
LPSPI_EnableDMA(base, kLPSPI_TxDmaEnable | kLPSPI_RxDmaEnable);
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
mask – The interrupt mask; Use the enum _lpspi_dma_enable.
static inline void LPSPI_DisableDMA(LPSPI_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the LPSPI DMA request.
This function configures the Rx and Tx DMA mask of the LPSPI. The parameters are base and a DMA mask.
SPI_DisableDMA(base, kLPSPI_TxDmaEnable | kLPSPI_RxDmaEnable);
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
mask – The interrupt mask; Use the enum _lpspi_dma_enable.
static inline uint32_t LPSPI_GetTxRegisterAddress(LPSPI_Type *base)
Gets the LPSPI Transmit Data Register address for a DMA operation.
This function gets the LPSPI Transmit Data Register address because this value is needed for the DMA operation. This function can be used for either master or slave mode.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
- Returns:
The LPSPI Transmit Data Register address.
static inline uint32_t LPSPI_GetRxRegisterAddress(LPSPI_Type *base)
Gets the LPSPI Receive Data Register address for a DMA operation.
This function gets the LPSPI Receive Data Register address because this value is needed for the DMA operation. This function can be used for either master or slave mode.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
- Returns:
The LPSPI Receive Data Register address.
bool LPSPI_CheckTransferArgument(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_transfer_t *transfer, bool isEdma)
Check the argument for transfer .
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
transfer – the transfer struct to be used.
isEdma – True to check for EDMA transfer, false to check interrupt non-blocking transfer
- Returns:
Return true for right and false for wrong.
static inline void LPSPI_SetMasterSlaveMode(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_master_slave_mode_t mode)
Configures the LPSPI for either master or slave.
Note that the CFGR1 should only be written when the LPSPI is disabled (LPSPIx_CR_MEN = 0).
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
mode – Mode setting (master or slave) of type lpspi_master_slave_mode_t.
static inline void LPSPI_SelectTransferPCS(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_which_pcs_t select)
Configures the peripheral chip select used for the transfer.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
select – LPSPI Peripheral Chip Select (PCS) configuration.
static inline void LPSPI_SetPCSContinous(LPSPI_Type *base, bool IsContinous)
Set the PCS signal to continuous or uncontinuous mode.
In master mode, continuous transfer will keep the PCS asserted at the end of the frame size, until a command word is received that starts a new frame. So PCS must be set back to uncontinuous when transfer finishes. In slave mode, when continuous transfer is enabled, the LPSPI will only transmit the first frame size bits, after that the LPSPI will transmit received data back (assuming a 32-bit shift register).
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
IsContinous – True to set the transfer PCS to continuous mode, false to set to uncontinuous mode.
static inline bool LPSPI_IsMaster(LPSPI_Type *base)
Returns whether the LPSPI module is in master mode.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
- Returns:
Returns true if the module is in master mode or false if the module is in slave mode.
static inline void LPSPI_FlushFifo(LPSPI_Type *base, bool flushTxFifo, bool flushRxFifo)
Flushes the LPSPI FIFOs.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
flushTxFifo – Flushes (true) the Tx FIFO, else do not flush (false) the Tx FIFO.
flushRxFifo – Flushes (true) the Rx FIFO, else do not flush (false) the Rx FIFO.
static inline void LPSPI_SetFifoWatermarks(LPSPI_Type *base, uint32_t txWater, uint32_t rxWater)
Sets the transmit and receive FIFO watermark values.
This function allows the user to set the receive and transmit FIFO watermarks. The function does not compare the watermark settings to the FIFO size. The FIFO watermark should not be equal to or greater than the FIFO size. It is up to the higher level driver to make this check.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
txWater – The TX FIFO watermark value. Writing a value equal or greater than the FIFO size is truncated.
rxWater – The RX FIFO watermark value. Writing a value equal or greater than the FIFO size is truncated.
static inline void LPSPI_SetAllPcsPolarity(LPSPI_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Configures all LPSPI peripheral chip select polarities simultaneously.
Note that the CFGR1 should only be written when the LPSPI is disabled (LPSPIx_CR_MEN = 0).
This is an example: PCS0 and PCS1 set to active low and other PCSs set to active high. Note that the number of PCS is device-specific.
LPSPI_SetAllPcsPolarity(base, kLPSPI_Pcs0ActiveLow | kLPSPI_Pcs1ActiveLow);
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
mask – The PCS polarity mask; Use the enum _lpspi_pcs_polarity.
static inline void LPSPI_SetFrameSize(LPSPI_Type *base, uint32_t frameSize)
Configures the frame size.
The minimum frame size is 8-bits and the maximum frame size is 4096-bits. If the frame size is less than or equal to 32-bits, the word size and frame size are identical. If the frame size is greater than 32-bits, the word size is 32-bits for each word except the last (the last word contains the remainder bits if the frame size is not divisible by 32). The minimum word size is 2-bits. A frame size of 33-bits (or similar) is not supported.
Note 1: The transmit command register should be initialized before enabling the LPSPI in slave mode, although the command register does not update until after the LPSPI is enabled. After it is enabled, the transmit command register should only be changed if the LPSPI is idle.
Note 2: The transmit and command FIFO is a combined FIFO that includes both transmit data and command words. That means the TCR register should be written to when the Tx FIFO is not full.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
frameSize – The frame size in number of bits.
uint32_t LPSPI_MasterSetBaudRate(LPSPI_Type *base, uint32_t baudRate_Bps, uint32_t srcClock_Hz, uint32_t *tcrPrescaleValue)
Sets the LPSPI baud rate in bits per second.
This function takes in the desired bitsPerSec (baud rate) and calculates the nearest possible baud rate without exceeding the desired baud rate and returns the calculated baud rate in bits-per-second. It requires the caller to provide the frequency of the module source clock (in Hertz). Note that the baud rate does not go into effect until the Transmit Control Register (TCR) is programmed with the prescale value. Hence, this function returns the prescale tcrPrescaleValue parameter for later programming in the TCR. The higher level peripheral driver should alert the user of an out of range baud rate input.
Note that the LPSPI module must first be disabled before configuring this. Note that the LPSPI module must be configured for master mode before configuring this.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
baudRate_Bps – The desired baud rate in bits per second.
srcClock_Hz – Module source input clock in Hertz.
tcrPrescaleValue – The TCR prescale value needed to program the TCR.
- Returns:
The actual calculated baud rate. This function may also return a “0” if the LPSPI is not configured for master mode or if the LPSPI module is not disabled.
void LPSPI_MasterSetDelayScaler(LPSPI_Type *base, uint32_t scaler, lpspi_delay_type_t whichDelay)
Manually configures a specific LPSPI delay parameter (module must be disabled to change the delay values).
This function configures the following: SCK to PCS delay, or PCS to SCK delay, or The configurations must occur between the transfer delay.
The delay names are available in type lpspi_delay_type_t.
The user passes the desired delay along with the delay value. This allows the user to directly set the delay values if they have pre-calculated them or if they simply wish to manually increment the value.
Note that the LPSPI module must first be disabled before configuring this. Note that the LPSPI module must be configured for master mode before configuring this.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
scaler – The 8-bit delay value 0x00 to 0xFF (255).
whichDelay – The desired delay to configure, must be of type lpspi_delay_type_t.
uint32_t LPSPI_MasterSetDelayTimes(LPSPI_Type *base, uint32_t delayTimeInNanoSec, lpspi_delay_type_t whichDelay, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
Calculates the delay based on the desired delay input in nanoseconds (module must be disabled to change the delay values).
This function calculates the values for the following: SCK to PCS delay, or PCS to SCK delay, or The configurations must occur between the transfer delay.
The delay names are available in type lpspi_delay_type_t.
The user passes the desired delay and the desired delay value in nano-seconds. The function calculates the value needed for the desired delay parameter and returns the actual calculated delay because an exact delay match may not be possible. In this case, the closest match is calculated without going below the desired delay value input. It is possible to input a very large delay value that exceeds the capability of the part, in which case the maximum supported delay is returned. It is up to the higher level peripheral driver to alert the user of an out of range delay input.
Note that the LPSPI module must be configured for master mode before configuring this. And note that the delayTime = LPSPI_clockSource / (PRESCALE * Delay_scaler).
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
delayTimeInNanoSec – The desired delay value in nano-seconds.
whichDelay – The desired delay to configuration, which must be of type lpspi_delay_type_t.
srcClock_Hz – Module source input clock in Hertz.
- Returns:
actual Calculated delay value in nano-seconds.
static inline void LPSPI_WriteData(LPSPI_Type *base, uint32_t data)
Writes data into the transmit data buffer.
This function writes data passed in by the user to the Transmit Data Register (TDR). The user can pass up to 32-bits of data to load into the TDR. If the frame size exceeds 32-bits, the user has to manage sending the data one 32-bit word at a time. Any writes to the TDR result in an immediate push to the transmit FIFO. This function can be used for either master or slave modes.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
data – The data word to be sent.
static inline uint32_t LPSPI_ReadData(LPSPI_Type *base)
Reads data from the data buffer.
This function reads the data from the Receive Data Register (RDR). This function can be used for either master or slave mode.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
- Returns:
The data read from the data buffer.
void LPSPI_SetDummyData(LPSPI_Type *base, uint8_t dummyData)
Set up the dummy data.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
dummyData – Data to be transferred when tx buffer is NULL. Note: This API has no effect when LPSPI in slave interrupt mode, because driver will set the TXMSK bit to 1 if txData is NULL, no data is loaded from transmit FIFO and output pin is tristated.
void LPSPI_MasterTransferCreateHandle(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_master_handle_t *handle, lpspi_master_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Initializes the LPSPI master handle.
This function initializes the LPSPI handle, which can be used for other LPSPI transactional APIs. Usually, for a specified LPSPI instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
handle – LPSPI handle pointer to lpspi_master_handle_t.
callback – DSPI callback.
userData – callback function parameter.
status_t LPSPI_MasterTransferBlocking(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_transfer_t *transfer)
LPSPI master transfer data using a polling method.
This function transfers data using a polling method. This is a blocking function, which does not return until all transfers have been completed.
Note: The transfer data size should be integer multiples of bytesPerFrame if bytesPerFrame is less than or equal to 4. For bytesPerFrame greater than 4: The transfer data size should be equal to bytesPerFrame if the bytesPerFrame is not integer multiples of 4. Otherwise, the transfer data size can be an integer multiple of bytesPerFrame.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
transfer – pointer to lpspi_transfer_t structure.
- Returns:
status of status_t.
status_t LPSPI_MasterTransferNonBlocking(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_master_handle_t *handle, lpspi_transfer_t *transfer)
LPSPI master transfer data using an interrupt method.
This function transfers data using an interrupt method. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all data is transferred, the callback function is called.
Note: The transfer data size should be integer multiples of bytesPerFrame if bytesPerFrame is less than or equal to 4. For bytesPerFrame greater than 4: The transfer data size should be equal to bytesPerFrame if the bytesPerFrame is not integer multiples of 4. Otherwise, the transfer data size can be an integer multiple of bytesPerFrame.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
handle – pointer to lpspi_master_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
transfer – pointer to lpspi_transfer_t structure.
- Returns:
status of status_t.
status_t LPSPI_MasterTransferGetCount(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_master_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the master transfer remaining bytes.
This function gets the master transfer remaining bytes.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
handle – pointer to lpspi_master_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
count – Number of bytes transferred so far by the non-blocking transaction.
- Returns:
status of status_t.
void LPSPI_MasterTransferAbort(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_master_handle_t *handle)
LPSPI master abort transfer which uses an interrupt method.
This function aborts a transfer which uses an interrupt method.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
handle – pointer to lpspi_master_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
void LPSPI_MasterTransferHandleIRQ(uint32_t instance, lpspi_master_handle_t *handle)
LPSPI Master IRQ handler function.
This function processes the LPSPI transmit and receive IRQ.
- Parameters:
instance – LPSPI instance.
handle – pointer to lpspi_master_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
void LPSPI_SlaveTransferCreateHandle(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_slave_handle_t *handle, lpspi_slave_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Initializes the LPSPI slave handle.
This function initializes the LPSPI handle, which can be used for other LPSPI transactional APIs. Usually, for a specified LPSPI instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
handle – LPSPI handle pointer to lpspi_slave_handle_t.
callback – DSPI callback.
userData – callback function parameter.
status_t LPSPI_SlaveTransferNonBlocking(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_slave_handle_t *handle, lpspi_transfer_t *transfer)
LPSPI slave transfer data using an interrupt method.
This function transfer data using an interrupt method. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all data is transferred, the callback function is called.
Note: The transfer data size should be integer multiples of bytesPerFrame if bytesPerFrame is less than or equal to 4. For bytesPerFrame greater than 4: The transfer data size should be equal to bytesPerFrame if the bytesPerFrame is not an integer multiple of 4. Otherwise, the transfer data size can be an integer multiple of bytesPerFrame.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
handle – pointer to lpspi_slave_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
transfer – pointer to lpspi_transfer_t structure.
- Returns:
status of status_t.
status_t LPSPI_SlaveTransferGetCount(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_slave_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the slave transfer remaining bytes.
This function gets the slave transfer remaining bytes.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
handle – pointer to lpspi_slave_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
count – Number of bytes transferred so far by the non-blocking transaction.
- Returns:
status of status_t.
void LPSPI_SlaveTransferAbort(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_slave_handle_t *handle)
LPSPI slave aborts a transfer which uses an interrupt method.
This function aborts a transfer which uses an interrupt method.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral address.
handle – pointer to lpspi_slave_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
void LPSPI_SlaveTransferHandleIRQ(uint32_t instance, lpspi_slave_handle_t *handle)
LPSPI Slave IRQ handler function.
This function processes the LPSPI transmit and receives an IRQ.
- Parameters:
instance – LPSPI instance index.
handle – pointer to lpspi_slave_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
LPSPI driver version.
Status for the LPSPI driver.
enumerator kStatus_LPSPI_Busy
LPSPI transfer is busy.
enumerator kStatus_LPSPI_Error
LPSPI driver error.
enumerator kStatus_LPSPI_Idle
LPSPI is idle.
enumerator kStatus_LPSPI_OutOfRange
LPSPI transfer out Of range.
enumerator kStatus_LPSPI_Timeout
LPSPI timeout polling status flags.
enumerator kStatus_LPSPI_Busy
enum _lpspi_flags
LPSPI status flags in SPIx_SR register.
enumerator kLPSPI_TxDataRequestFlag
Transmit data flag
enumerator kLPSPI_RxDataReadyFlag
Receive data flag
enumerator kLPSPI_WordCompleteFlag
Word Complete flag
enumerator kLPSPI_FrameCompleteFlag
Frame Complete flag
enumerator kLPSPI_TransferCompleteFlag
Transfer Complete flag
enumerator kLPSPI_TransmitErrorFlag
Transmit Error flag (FIFO underrun)
enumerator kLPSPI_ReceiveErrorFlag
Receive Error flag (FIFO overrun)
enumerator kLPSPI_DataMatchFlag
Data Match flag
enumerator kLPSPI_ModuleBusyFlag
Module Busy flag
enumerator kLPSPI_AllStatusFlag
Used for clearing all w1c status flags
enumerator kLPSPI_TxDataRequestFlag
enum _lpspi_interrupt_enable
LPSPI interrupt source.
enumerator kLPSPI_TxInterruptEnable
Transmit data interrupt enable
enumerator kLPSPI_RxInterruptEnable
Receive data interrupt enable
enumerator kLPSPI_WordCompleteInterruptEnable
Word complete interrupt enable
enumerator kLPSPI_FrameCompleteInterruptEnable
Frame complete interrupt enable
enumerator kLPSPI_TransferCompleteInterruptEnable
Transfer complete interrupt enable
enumerator kLPSPI_TransmitErrorInterruptEnable
Transmit error interrupt enable(FIFO underrun)
enumerator kLPSPI_ReceiveErrorInterruptEnable
Receive Error interrupt enable (FIFO overrun)
enumerator kLPSPI_DataMatchInterruptEnable
Data Match interrupt enable
enumerator kLPSPI_AllInterruptEnable
All above interrupts enable.
enumerator kLPSPI_TxInterruptEnable
enum _lpspi_dma_enable
LPSPI DMA source.
enumerator kLPSPI_TxDmaEnable
Transmit data DMA enable
enumerator kLPSPI_RxDmaEnable
Receive data DMA enable
enumerator kLPSPI_TxDmaEnable
enum _lpspi_master_slave_mode
LPSPI master or slave mode configuration.
enumerator kLPSPI_Master
LPSPI peripheral operates in master mode.
enumerator kLPSPI_Slave
LPSPI peripheral operates in slave mode.
enumerator kLPSPI_Master
enum _lpspi_which_pcs_config
LPSPI Peripheral Chip Select (PCS) configuration (which PCS to configure).
enumerator kLPSPI_Pcs0
enumerator kLPSPI_Pcs1
enumerator kLPSPI_Pcs2
enumerator kLPSPI_Pcs3
enumerator kLPSPI_Pcs0
enum _lpspi_pcs_polarity_config
LPSPI Peripheral Chip Select (PCS) Polarity configuration.
enumerator kLPSPI_PcsActiveHigh
PCS Active High (idles low)
enumerator kLPSPI_PcsActiveLow
PCS Active Low (idles high)
enumerator kLPSPI_PcsActiveHigh
enum _lpspi_pcs_polarity
LPSPI Peripheral Chip Select (PCS) Polarity.
enumerator kLPSPI_Pcs0ActiveLow
Pcs0 Active Low (idles high).
enumerator kLPSPI_Pcs1ActiveLow
Pcs1 Active Low (idles high).
enumerator kLPSPI_Pcs2ActiveLow
Pcs2 Active Low (idles high).
enumerator kLPSPI_Pcs3ActiveLow
Pcs3 Active Low (idles high).
enumerator kLPSPI_PcsAllActiveLow
Pcs0 to Pcs5 Active Low (idles high).
enumerator kLPSPI_Pcs0ActiveLow
enum _lpspi_clock_polarity
LPSPI clock polarity configuration.
enumerator kLPSPI_ClockPolarityActiveHigh
CPOL=0. Active-high LPSPI clock (idles low)
enumerator kLPSPI_ClockPolarityActiveLow
CPOL=1. Active-low LPSPI clock (idles high)
enumerator kLPSPI_ClockPolarityActiveHigh
enum _lpspi_clock_phase
LPSPI clock phase configuration.
enumerator kLPSPI_ClockPhaseFirstEdge
CPHA=0. Data is captured on the leading edge of the SCK and changed on the following edge.
enumerator kLPSPI_ClockPhaseSecondEdge
CPHA=1. Data is changed on the leading edge of the SCK and captured on the following edge.
enumerator kLPSPI_ClockPhaseFirstEdge
enum _lpspi_shift_direction
LPSPI data shifter direction options.
enumerator kLPSPI_MsbFirst
Data transfers start with most significant bit.
enumerator kLPSPI_LsbFirst
Data transfers start with least significant bit.
enumerator kLPSPI_MsbFirst
enum _lpspi_host_request_select
LPSPI Host Request select configuration.
enumerator kLPSPI_HostReqExtPin
Host Request is an ext pin.
enumerator kLPSPI_HostReqInternalTrigger
Host Request is an internal trigger.
enumerator kLPSPI_HostReqExtPin
enum _lpspi_match_config
LPSPI Match configuration options.
enumerator kLPSI_MatchDisabled
LPSPI Match Disabled.
enumerator kLPSI_1stWordEqualsM0orM1
LPSPI Match Enabled.
enumerator kLPSI_AnyWordEqualsM0orM1
LPSPI Match Enabled.
enumerator kLPSI_1stWordEqualsM0and2ndWordEqualsM1
LPSPI Match Enabled.
enumerator kLPSI_AnyWordEqualsM0andNxtWordEqualsM1
LPSPI Match Enabled.
enumerator kLPSI_1stWordAndM1EqualsM0andM1
LPSPI Match Enabled.
enumerator kLPSI_AnyWordAndM1EqualsM0andM1
LPSPI Match Enabled.
enumerator kLPSI_MatchDisabled
enum _lpspi_pin_config
LPSPI pin (SDO and SDI) configuration.
enumerator kLPSPI_SdiInSdoOut
LPSPI SDI input, SDO output.
enumerator kLPSPI_SdiInSdiOut
LPSPI SDI input, SDI output.
enumerator kLPSPI_SdoInSdoOut
LPSPI SDO input, SDO output.
enumerator kLPSPI_SdoInSdiOut
LPSPI SDO input, SDI output.
enumerator kLPSPI_SdiInSdoOut
enum _lpspi_data_out_config
LPSPI data output configuration.
enumerator kLpspiDataOutRetained
Data out retains last value when chip select is de-asserted
enumerator kLpspiDataOutTristate
Data out is tristated when chip select is de-asserted
enumerator kLpspiDataOutRetained
enum _lpspi_pcs_function_config
LPSPI cs function configuration.
enumerator kLPSPI_PcsAsCs
PCS pin select as cs function
enumerator kLPSPI_PcsAsData
PCS pin select as date function
enumerator kLPSPI_PcsAsCs
enum _lpspi_transfer_width
LPSPI transfer width configuration.
enumerator kLPSPI_SingleBitXfer
1-bit shift at a time, data out on SDO, in on SDI (normal mode)
enumerator kLPSPI_TwoBitXfer
2-bits shift out on SDO/SDI and in on SDO/SDI
enumerator kLPSPI_FourBitXfer
4-bits shift out on SDO/SDI/PCS[3:2] and in on SDO/SDI/PCS[3:2]
enumerator kLPSPI_SingleBitXfer
enum _lpspi_delay_type
LPSPI delay type selection.
enumerator kLPSPI_PcsToSck
PCS-to-SCK delay.
enumerator kLPSPI_LastSckToPcs
Last SCK edge to PCS delay.
enumerator kLPSPI_BetweenTransfer
Delay between transfers.
enumerator kLPSPI_PcsToSck
enum _lpspi_transfer_config_flag_for_master
Use this enumeration for LPSPI master transfer configFlags.
enumerator kLPSPI_MasterPcs0
LPSPI master PCS shift macro , internal used. LPSPI master transfer use PCS0 signal
enumerator kLPSPI_MasterPcs1
LPSPI master PCS shift macro , internal used. LPSPI master transfer use PCS1 signal
enumerator kLPSPI_MasterPcs2
LPSPI master PCS shift macro , internal used. LPSPI master transfer use PCS2 signal
enumerator kLPSPI_MasterPcs3
LPSPI master PCS shift macro , internal used. LPSPI master transfer use PCS3 signal
enumerator kLPSPI_MasterWidth1
LPSPI master width shift macro, internal used LPSPI master transfer 1bit
enumerator kLPSPI_MasterWidth2
LPSPI master width shift macro, internal used LPSPI master transfer 2bit
enumerator kLPSPI_MasterWidth4
LPSPI master width shift macro, internal used LPSPI master transfer 4bit
enumerator kLPSPI_MasterPcsContinuous
Is PCS signal continuous
enumerator kLPSPI_MasterByteSwap
Is master swap the byte. For example, when want to send data 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (suppose you set lpspi_shift_direction_t to MSB).
If you set bitPerFrame = 8 , no matter the kLPSPI_MasterByteSwapyou flag is used or not, the waveform is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8.
If you set bitPerFrame = 16 : (1) the waveform is 2 1 4 3 6 5 8 7 if you do not use the kLPSPI_MasterByteSwap flag. (2) the waveform is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 if you use the kLPSPI_MasterByteSwap flag.
If you set bitPerFrame = 32 : (1) the waveform is 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 if you do not use the kLPSPI_MasterByteSwap flag. (2) the waveform is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 if you use the kLPSPI_MasterByteSwap flag.
enumerator kLPSPI_MasterPcs0
enum _lpspi_transfer_config_flag_for_slave
Use this enumeration for LPSPI slave transfer configFlags.
enumerator kLPSPI_SlavePcs0
LPSPI slave PCS shift macro , internal used. LPSPI slave transfer use PCS0 signal
enumerator kLPSPI_SlavePcs1
LPSPI slave PCS shift macro , internal used. LPSPI slave transfer use PCS1 signal
enumerator kLPSPI_SlavePcs2
LPSPI slave PCS shift macro , internal used. LPSPI slave transfer use PCS2 signal
enumerator kLPSPI_SlavePcs3
LPSPI slave PCS shift macro , internal used. LPSPI slave transfer use PCS3 signal
enumerator kLPSPI_SlaveByteSwap
Is slave swap the byte. For example, when want to send data 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (suppose you set lpspi_shift_direction_t to MSB).
If you set bitPerFrame = 8 , no matter the kLPSPI_SlaveByteSwap flag is used or not, the waveform is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8.
If you set bitPerFrame = 16 : (1) the waveform is 2 1 4 3 6 5 8 7 if you do not use the kLPSPI_SlaveByteSwap flag. (2) the waveform is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 if you use the kLPSPI_SlaveByteSwap flag.
If you set bitPerFrame = 32 : (1) the waveform is 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 if you do not use the kLPSPI_SlaveByteSwap flag. (2) the waveform is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 if you use the kLPSPI_SlaveByteSwap flag.
enumerator kLPSPI_SlavePcs0
enum _lpspi_transfer_state
LPSPI transfer state, which is used for LPSPI transactional API state machine.
enumerator kLPSPI_Idle
Nothing in the transmitter/receiver.
enumerator kLPSPI_Busy
Transfer queue is not finished.
enumerator kLPSPI_Error
Transfer error.
enumerator kLPSPI_Idle
typedef enum _lpspi_master_slave_mode lpspi_master_slave_mode_t
LPSPI master or slave mode configuration.
typedef enum _lpspi_which_pcs_config lpspi_which_pcs_t
LPSPI Peripheral Chip Select (PCS) configuration (which PCS to configure).
typedef enum _lpspi_pcs_polarity_config lpspi_pcs_polarity_config_t
LPSPI Peripheral Chip Select (PCS) Polarity configuration.
typedef enum _lpspi_clock_polarity lpspi_clock_polarity_t
LPSPI clock polarity configuration.
typedef enum _lpspi_clock_phase lpspi_clock_phase_t
LPSPI clock phase configuration.
typedef enum _lpspi_shift_direction lpspi_shift_direction_t
LPSPI data shifter direction options.
typedef enum _lpspi_host_request_select lpspi_host_request_select_t
LPSPI Host Request select configuration.
typedef enum _lpspi_match_config lpspi_match_config_t
LPSPI Match configuration options.
typedef enum _lpspi_pin_config lpspi_pin_config_t
LPSPI pin (SDO and SDI) configuration.
typedef enum _lpspi_data_out_config lpspi_data_out_config_t
LPSPI data output configuration.
typedef enum _lpspi_pcs_function_config lpspi_pcs_function_config_t
LPSPI cs function configuration.
typedef enum _lpspi_transfer_width lpspi_transfer_width_t
LPSPI transfer width configuration.
typedef enum _lpspi_delay_type lpspi_delay_type_t
LPSPI delay type selection.
typedef struct _lpspi_master_config lpspi_master_config_t
LPSPI master configuration structure.
typedef struct _lpspi_slave_config lpspi_slave_config_t
LPSPI slave configuration structure.
typedef struct _lpspi_master_handle lpspi_master_handle_t
Forward declaration of the _lpspi_master_handle typedefs.
typedef struct _lpspi_slave_handle lpspi_slave_handle_t
Forward declaration of the _lpspi_slave_handle typedefs.
typedef void (*lpspi_master_transfer_callback_t)(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_master_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
Master completion callback function pointer type.
- Param base:
LPSPI peripheral address.
- Param handle:
Pointer to the handle for the LPSPI master.
- Param status:
Success or error code describing whether the transfer is completed.
- Param userData:
Arbitrary pointer-dataSized value passed from the application.
typedef void (*lpspi_slave_transfer_callback_t)(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_slave_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
Slave completion callback function pointer type.
- Param base:
LPSPI peripheral address.
- Param handle:
Pointer to the handle for the LPSPI slave.
- Param status:
Success or error code describing whether the transfer is completed.
- Param userData:
Arbitrary pointer-dataSized value passed from the application.
typedef struct _lpspi_transfer lpspi_transfer_t
LPSPI master/slave transfer structure.
volatile uint8_t g_lpspiDummyData[]
Global variable for dummy data value setting.
LPSPI dummy data if no Tx data.
Dummy data used for tx if there is not txData.
Retry times for waiting flag.
LPSPI master PCS shift macro , internal used.
LPSPI master PCS shift macro , internal used.
LPSPI master width shift macro, internal used
LPSPI master width shift mask, internal used
LPSPI slave PCS shift macro , internal used.
LPSPI slave PCS shift macro , internal used.
struct _lpspi_master_config
- #include <fsl_lpspi.h>
LPSPI master configuration structure.
Public Members
uint32_t baudRate
Baud Rate for LPSPI.
uint32_t bitsPerFrame
Bits per frame, minimum 8, maximum 4096.
lpspi_clock_polarity_t cpol
Clock polarity.
lpspi_clock_phase_t cpha
Clock phase.
lpspi_shift_direction_t direction
MSB or LSB data shift direction.
uint32_t pcsToSckDelayInNanoSec
PCS to SCK delay time in nanoseconds, setting to 0 sets the minimum delay. It sets the boundary value if out of range.
uint32_t lastSckToPcsDelayInNanoSec
Last SCK to PCS delay time in nanoseconds, setting to 0 sets the minimum delay. It sets the boundary value if out of range.
uint32_t betweenTransferDelayInNanoSec
After the SCK delay time with nanoseconds, setting to 0 sets the minimum delay. It sets the boundary value if out of range.
lpspi_which_pcs_t whichPcs
Desired Peripheral Chip Select (PCS).
lpspi_pcs_polarity_config_t pcsActiveHighOrLow
Desired PCS active high or low
lpspi_pin_config_t pinCfg
Configures which pins are used for input and output data during single bit transfers.
lpspi_pcs_function_config_t pcsFunc
Configures cs pins function.
lpspi_data_out_config_t dataOutConfig
Configures if the output data is tristated between accesses (LPSPI_PCS is negated).
bool enableInputDelay
Enable master to sample the input data on a delayed SCK. This can help improve slave setup time. Refer to device data sheet for specific time length.
uint32_t baudRate
struct _lpspi_slave_config
- #include <fsl_lpspi.h>
LPSPI slave configuration structure.
Public Members
uint32_t bitsPerFrame
Bits per frame, minimum 8, maximum 4096.
lpspi_clock_polarity_t cpol
Clock polarity.
lpspi_clock_phase_t cpha
Clock phase.
lpspi_shift_direction_t direction
MSB or LSB data shift direction.
lpspi_which_pcs_t whichPcs
Desired Peripheral Chip Select (pcs)
lpspi_pcs_polarity_config_t pcsActiveHighOrLow
Desired PCS active high or low
lpspi_pin_config_t pinCfg
Configures which pins are used for input and output data during single bit transfers.
lpspi_data_out_config_t dataOutConfig
Configures if the output data is tristated between accesses (LPSPI_PCS is negated).
uint32_t bitsPerFrame
struct _lpspi_transfer
- #include <fsl_lpspi.h>
LPSPI master/slave transfer structure.
Public Members
const uint8_t *txData
Send buffer.
uint8_t *rxData
Receive buffer.
volatile size_t dataSize
Transfer bytes.
uint32_t configFlags
Transfer transfer configuration flags. Set from _lpspi_transfer_config_flag_for_master if the transfer is used for master or _lpspi_transfer_config_flag_for_slave enumeration if the transfer is used for slave.
const uint8_t *txData
struct _lpspi_master_handle
- #include <fsl_lpspi.h>
LPSPI master transfer handle structure used for transactional API.
Public Members
volatile bool isPcsContinuous
Is PCS continuous in transfer.
volatile bool writeTcrInIsr
A flag that whether should write TCR in ISR.
volatile bool isByteSwap
A flag that whether should byte swap.
volatile bool isTxMask
A flag that whether TCR[TXMSK] is set.
volatile uint16_t bytesPerFrame
Number of bytes in each frame
volatile uint8_t fifoSize
FIFO dataSize.
volatile uint8_t rxWatermark
Rx watermark.
volatile uint8_t bytesEachWrite
Bytes for each write TDR.
volatile uint8_t bytesEachRead
Bytes for each read RDR.
const uint8_t *volatile txData
Send buffer.
uint8_t *volatile rxData
Receive buffer.
volatile size_t txRemainingByteCount
Number of bytes remaining to send.
volatile size_t rxRemainingByteCount
Number of bytes remaining to receive.
volatile uint32_t writeRegRemainingTimes
Write TDR register remaining times.
volatile uint32_t readRegRemainingTimes
Read RDR register remaining times.
uint32_t totalByteCount
Number of transfer bytes
uint32_t txBuffIfNull
Used if the txData is NULL.
volatile uint8_t state
LPSPI transfer state , _lpspi_transfer_state.
lpspi_master_transfer_callback_t callback
Completion callback.
void *userData
Callback user data.
volatile bool isPcsContinuous
struct _lpspi_slave_handle
- #include <fsl_lpspi.h>
LPSPI slave transfer handle structure used for transactional API.
Public Members
volatile bool isByteSwap
A flag that whether should byte swap.
volatile uint8_t fifoSize
FIFO dataSize.
volatile uint8_t rxWatermark
Rx watermark.
volatile uint8_t bytesEachWrite
Bytes for each write TDR.
volatile uint8_t bytesEachRead
Bytes for each read RDR.
const uint8_t *volatile txData
Send buffer.
uint8_t *volatile rxData
Receive buffer.
volatile size_t txRemainingByteCount
Number of bytes remaining to send.
volatile size_t rxRemainingByteCount
Number of bytes remaining to receive.
volatile uint32_t writeRegRemainingTimes
Write TDR register remaining times.
volatile uint32_t readRegRemainingTimes
Read RDR register remaining times.
uint32_t totalByteCount
Number of transfer bytes
volatile uint8_t state
LPSPI transfer state , _lpspi_transfer_state.
volatile uint32_t errorCount
Error count for slave transfer.
lpspi_slave_transfer_callback_t callback
Completion callback.
void *userData
Callback user data.
volatile bool isByteSwap
LPSPI EDMA driver version.
typedef struct _lpspi_master_edma_handle lpspi_master_edma_handle_t
Forward declaration of the _lpspi_master_edma_handle typedefs.
typedef struct _lpspi_slave_edma_handle lpspi_slave_edma_handle_t
Forward declaration of the _lpspi_slave_edma_handle typedefs.
typedef void (*lpspi_master_edma_transfer_callback_t)(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_master_edma_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
Completion callback function pointer type.
- Param base:
LPSPI peripheral base address.
- Param handle:
Pointer to the handle for the LPSPI master.
- Param status:
Success or error code describing whether the transfer completed.
- Param userData:
Arbitrary pointer-dataSized value passed from the application.
typedef void (*lpspi_slave_edma_transfer_callback_t)(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_slave_edma_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
Completion callback function pointer type.
- Param base:
LPSPI peripheral base address.
- Param handle:
Pointer to the handle for the LPSPI slave.
- Param status:
Success or error code describing whether the transfer completed.
- Param userData:
Arbitrary pointer-dataSized value passed from the application.
void LPSPI_MasterTransferCreateHandleEDMA(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_master_edma_handle_t *handle, lpspi_master_edma_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData, edma_handle_t *edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle, edma_handle_t *edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle)
Initializes the LPSPI master eDMA handle.
This function initializes the LPSPI eDMA handle which can be used for other LPSPI transactional APIs. Usually, for a specified LPSPI instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.
Note that the LPSPI eDMA has a separated (Rx and Tx as two sources) or shared (Rx and Tx are the same source) DMA request source. (1) For a separated DMA request source, enable and set the Rx DMAMUX source for edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle and Tx DMAMUX source for edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle. (2) For a shared DMA request source, enable and set the Rx/Tx DMAMUX source for edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral base address.
handle – LPSPI handle pointer to lpspi_master_edma_handle_t.
callback – LPSPI callback.
userData – callback function parameter.
edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle – edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle pointer to edma_handle_t.
edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle – edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle pointer to edma_handle_t.
status_t LPSPI_MasterTransferEDMA(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_master_edma_handle_t *handle, lpspi_transfer_t *transfer)
LPSPI master transfer data using eDMA.
This function transfers data using eDMA. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all data is transferred, the callback function is called.
Note: The transfer data size should be an integer multiple of bytesPerFrame if bytesPerFrame is less than or equal to 4. For bytesPerFrame greater than 4: The transfer data size should be equal to bytesPerFrame if the bytesPerFrame is not an integer multiple of 4. Otherwise, the transfer data size can be an integer multiple of bytesPerFrame.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral base address.
handle – pointer to lpspi_master_edma_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
transfer – pointer to lpspi_transfer_t structure.
- Returns:
status of status_t.
status_t LPSPI_MasterTransferPrepareEDMALite(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_master_edma_handle_t *handle, uint32_t configFlags)
LPSPI master config transfer parameter while using eDMA.
This function is preparing to transfer data using eDMA, work with LPSPI_MasterTransferEDMALite.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral base address.
handle – pointer to lpspi_master_edma_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
configFlags – transfer configuration flags. _lpspi_transfer_config_flag_for_master.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Execution successfully.
kStatus_LPSPI_Busy – The LPSPI device is busy.
- Returns:
Indicates whether LPSPI master transfer was successful or not.
status_t LPSPI_MasterTransferEDMALite(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_master_edma_handle_t *handle, lpspi_transfer_t *transfer)
LPSPI master transfer data using eDMA without configs.
This function transfers data using eDMA. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all data is transferred, the callback function is called.
Note: This API is only for transfer through DMA without configuration. Before calling this API, you must call LPSPI_MasterTransferPrepareEDMALite to configure it once. The transfer data size should be an integer multiple of bytesPerFrame if bytesPerFrame is less than or equal to 4. For bytesPerFrame greater than 4: The transfer data size should be equal to bytesPerFrame if the bytesPerFrame is not an integer multiple of 4. Otherwise, the transfer data size can be an integer multiple of bytesPerFrame.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral base address.
handle – pointer to lpspi_master_edma_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
transfer – pointer to lpspi_transfer_t structure, config field is not uesed.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Execution successfully.
kStatus_LPSPI_Busy – The LPSPI device is busy.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – The transfer structure is invalid.
- Returns:
Indicates whether LPSPI master transfer was successful or not.
void LPSPI_MasterTransferAbortEDMA(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_master_edma_handle_t *handle)
LPSPI master aborts a transfer which is using eDMA.
This function aborts a transfer which is using eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral base address.
handle – pointer to lpspi_master_edma_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
status_t LPSPI_MasterTransferGetCountEDMA(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_master_edma_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the master eDMA transfer remaining bytes.
This function gets the master eDMA transfer remaining bytes.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral base address.
handle – pointer to lpspi_master_edma_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
count – Number of bytes transferred so far by the EDMA transaction.
- Returns:
status of status_t.
void LPSPI_SlaveTransferCreateHandleEDMA(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_slave_edma_handle_t *handle, lpspi_slave_edma_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData, edma_handle_t *edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle, edma_handle_t *edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle)
Initializes the LPSPI slave eDMA handle.
This function initializes the LPSPI eDMA handle which can be used for other LPSPI transactional APIs. Usually, for a specified LPSPI instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.
Note that LPSPI eDMA has a separated (Rx and Tx as two sources) or shared (Rx and Tx as the same source) DMA request source.
(1) For a separated DMA request source, enable and set the Rx DMAMUX source for edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle and Tx DMAMUX source for edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle. (2) For a shared DMA request source, enable and set the Rx/Rx DMAMUX source for edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle .
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral base address.
handle – LPSPI handle pointer to lpspi_slave_edma_handle_t.
callback – LPSPI callback.
userData – callback function parameter.
edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle – edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle pointer to edma_handle_t.
edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle – edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle pointer to edma_handle_t.
status_t LPSPI_SlaveTransferEDMA(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_slave_edma_handle_t *handle, lpspi_transfer_t *transfer)
LPSPI slave transfers data using eDMA.
This function transfers data using eDMA. This is a non-blocking function, which return right away. When all data is transferred, the callback function is called.
Note: The transfer data size should be an integer multiple of bytesPerFrame if bytesPerFrame is less than or equal to 4. For bytesPerFrame greater than 4: The transfer data size should be equal to bytesPerFrame if the bytesPerFrame is not an integer multiple of 4. Otherwise, the transfer data size can be an integer multiple of bytesPerFrame.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral base address.
handle – pointer to lpspi_slave_edma_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
transfer – pointer to lpspi_transfer_t structure.
- Returns:
status of status_t.
void LPSPI_SlaveTransferAbortEDMA(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_slave_edma_handle_t *handle)
LPSPI slave aborts a transfer which is using eDMA.
This function aborts a transfer which is using eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral base address.
handle – pointer to lpspi_slave_edma_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
status_t LPSPI_SlaveTransferGetCountEDMA(LPSPI_Type *base, lpspi_slave_edma_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets the slave eDMA transfer remaining bytes.
This function gets the slave eDMA transfer remaining bytes.
- Parameters:
base – LPSPI peripheral base address.
handle – pointer to lpspi_slave_edma_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
count – Number of bytes transferred so far by the eDMA transaction.
- Returns:
status of status_t.
struct _lpspi_master_edma_handle
- #include <fsl_lpspi_edma.h>
LPSPI master eDMA transfer handle structure used for transactional API.
Public Members
volatile bool isPcsContinuous
Is PCS continuous in transfer.
volatile bool isByteSwap
A flag that whether should byte swap.
volatile uint8_t fifoSize
FIFO dataSize.
volatile uint8_t rxWatermark
Rx watermark.
volatile uint8_t bytesEachWrite
Bytes for each write TDR.
volatile uint8_t bytesEachRead
Bytes for each read RDR.
volatile uint8_t bytesLastRead
Bytes for last read RDR.
volatile bool isThereExtraRxBytes
Is there extra RX byte.
const uint8_t *volatile txData
Send buffer.
uint8_t *volatile rxData
Receive buffer.
volatile size_t txRemainingByteCount
Number of bytes remaining to send.
volatile size_t rxRemainingByteCount
Number of bytes remaining to receive.
volatile uint32_t writeRegRemainingTimes
Write TDR register remaining times.
volatile uint32_t readRegRemainingTimes
Read RDR register remaining times.
uint32_t totalByteCount
Number of transfer bytes
uint32_t txBuffIfNull
Used if there is not txData for DMA purpose.
uint32_t rxBuffIfNull
Used if there is not rxData for DMA purpose.
uint32_t transmitCommand
Used to write TCR for DMA purpose.
volatile uint8_t state
LPSPI transfer state , _lpspi_transfer_state.
uint8_t nbytes
eDMA minor byte transfer count initially configured.
lpspi_master_edma_transfer_callback_t callback
Completion callback.
void *userData
Callback user data.
edma_handle_t *edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle
edma_handle_t handle point used for RxReg to RxData buff
edma_handle_t *edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle
edma_handle_t handle point used for TxData to TxReg buff
edma_tcd_t lpspiSoftwareTCD[3]
SoftwareTCD, internal used
volatile bool isPcsContinuous
struct _lpspi_slave_edma_handle
- #include <fsl_lpspi_edma.h>
LPSPI slave eDMA transfer handle structure used for transactional API.
Public Members
volatile bool isByteSwap
A flag that whether should byte swap.
volatile uint8_t fifoSize
FIFO dataSize.
volatile uint8_t rxWatermark
Rx watermark.
volatile uint8_t bytesEachWrite
Bytes for each write TDR.
volatile uint8_t bytesEachRead
Bytes for each read RDR.
volatile uint8_t bytesLastRead
Bytes for last read RDR.
volatile bool isThereExtraRxBytes
Is there extra RX byte.
uint8_t nbytes
eDMA minor byte transfer count initially configured.
const uint8_t *volatile txData
Send buffer.
uint8_t *volatile rxData
Receive buffer.
volatile size_t txRemainingByteCount
Number of bytes remaining to send.
volatile size_t rxRemainingByteCount
Number of bytes remaining to receive.
volatile uint32_t writeRegRemainingTimes
Write TDR register remaining times.
volatile uint32_t readRegRemainingTimes
Read RDR register remaining times.
uint32_t totalByteCount
Number of transfer bytes
uint32_t txBuffIfNull
Used if there is not txData for DMA purpose.
uint32_t rxBuffIfNull
Used if there is not rxData for DMA purpose.
volatile uint8_t state
LPSPI transfer state.
uint32_t errorCount
Error count for slave transfer.
lpspi_slave_edma_transfer_callback_t callback
Completion callback.
void *userData
Callback user data.
edma_handle_t *edmaRxRegToRxDataHandle
edma_handle_t handle point used for RxReg to RxData buff
edma_handle_t *edmaTxDataToTxRegHandle
edma_handle_t handle point used for TxData to TxReg
edma_tcd_t lpspiSoftwareTCD[2]
SoftwareTCD, internal used
volatile bool isByteSwap
LPTMR: Low-Power Timer
void LPTMR_Init(LPTMR_Type *base, const lptmr_config_t *config)
Ungates the LPTMR clock and configures the peripheral for a basic operation.
This API should be called at the beginning of the application using the LPTMR driver.
- Parameters:
base – LPTMR peripheral base address
config – A pointer to the LPTMR configuration structure.
void LPTMR_Deinit(LPTMR_Type *base)
Gates the LPTMR clock.
- Parameters:
base – LPTMR peripheral base address
void LPTMR_GetDefaultConfig(lptmr_config_t *config)
Fills in the LPTMR configuration structure with default settings.
The default values are as follows.
config->timerMode = kLPTMR_TimerModeTimeCounter; config->pinSelect = kLPTMR_PinSelectInput_0; config->pinPolarity = kLPTMR_PinPolarityActiveHigh; config->enableFreeRunning = false; config->bypassPrescaler = true; config->prescalerClockSource = kLPTMR_PrescalerClock_1; config->value = kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_0;
- Parameters:
config – A pointer to the LPTMR configuration structure.
static inline void LPTMR_EnableInterrupts(LPTMR_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the selected LPTMR interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – LPTMR peripheral base address
mask – The interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration lptmr_interrupt_enable_t
static inline void LPTMR_DisableInterrupts(LPTMR_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the selected LPTMR interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – LPTMR peripheral base address
mask – The interrupts to disable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration lptmr_interrupt_enable_t.
static inline uint32_t LPTMR_GetEnabledInterrupts(LPTMR_Type *base)
Gets the enabled LPTMR interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – LPTMR peripheral base address
- Returns:
The enabled interrupts. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration lptmr_interrupt_enable_t
static inline uint32_t LPTMR_GetStatusFlags(LPTMR_Type *base)
Gets the LPTMR status flags.
- Parameters:
base – LPTMR peripheral base address
- Returns:
The status flags. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration lptmr_status_flags_t
static inline void LPTMR_ClearStatusFlags(LPTMR_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears the LPTMR status flags.
- Parameters:
base – LPTMR peripheral base address
mask – The status flags to clear. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration lptmr_status_flags_t.
static inline void LPTMR_SetTimerPeriod(LPTMR_Type *base, uint32_t ticks)
Sets the timer period in units of count.
Timers counts from 0 until it equals the count value set here. The count value is written to the CMR register.
The TCF flag is set with the CNR equals the count provided here and then increments.
Call the utility macros provided in the fsl_common.h to convert to ticks.
- Parameters:
base – LPTMR peripheral base address
ticks – A timer period in units of ticks, which should be equal or greater than 1.
static inline uint32_t LPTMR_GetCurrentTimerCount(LPTMR_Type *base)
Reads the current timer counting value.
This function returns the real-time timer counting value in a range from 0 to a timer period.
Call the utility macros provided in the fsl_common.h to convert ticks to usec or msec.
- Parameters:
base – LPTMR peripheral base address
- Returns:
The current counter value in ticks
static inline void LPTMR_StartTimer(LPTMR_Type *base)
Starts the timer.
After calling this function, the timer counts up to the CMR register value. Each time the timer reaches the CMR value and then increments, it generates a trigger pulse and sets the timeout interrupt flag. An interrupt is also triggered if the timer interrupt is enabled.
- Parameters:
base – LPTMR peripheral base address
static inline void LPTMR_StopTimer(LPTMR_Type *base)
Stops the timer.
This function stops the timer and resets the timer’s counter register.
- Parameters:
base – LPTMR peripheral base address
Driver Version
enum _lptmr_pin_select
LPTMR pin selection used in pulse counter mode.
enumerator kLPTMR_PinSelectInput_0
Pulse counter input 0 is selected
enumerator kLPTMR_PinSelectInput_1
Pulse counter input 1 is selected
enumerator kLPTMR_PinSelectInput_2
Pulse counter input 2 is selected
enumerator kLPTMR_PinSelectInput_3
Pulse counter input 3 is selected
enumerator kLPTMR_PinSelectInput_0
enum _lptmr_pin_polarity
LPTMR pin polarity used in pulse counter mode.
enumerator kLPTMR_PinPolarityActiveHigh
Pulse Counter input source is active-high
enumerator kLPTMR_PinPolarityActiveLow
Pulse Counter input source is active-low
enumerator kLPTMR_PinPolarityActiveHigh
enum _lptmr_timer_mode
LPTMR timer mode selection.
enumerator kLPTMR_TimerModeTimeCounter
Time Counter mode
enumerator kLPTMR_TimerModePulseCounter
Pulse Counter mode
enumerator kLPTMR_TimerModeTimeCounter
enum _lptmr_prescaler_glitch_value
LPTMR prescaler/glitch filter values.
enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_0
Prescaler divide 2, glitch filter does not support this setting
enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_1
Prescaler divide 4, glitch filter 2
enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_2
Prescaler divide 8, glitch filter 4
enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_3
Prescaler divide 16, glitch filter 8
enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_4
Prescaler divide 32, glitch filter 16
enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_5
Prescaler divide 64, glitch filter 32
enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_6
Prescaler divide 128, glitch filter 64
enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_7
Prescaler divide 256, glitch filter 128
enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_8
Prescaler divide 512, glitch filter 256
enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_9
Prescaler divide 1024, glitch filter 512
enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_10
Prescaler divide 2048 glitch filter 1024
enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_11
Prescaler divide 4096, glitch filter 2048
enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_12
Prescaler divide 8192, glitch filter 4096
enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_13
Prescaler divide 16384, glitch filter 8192
enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_14
Prescaler divide 32768, glitch filter 16384
enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_15
Prescaler divide 65536, glitch filter 32768
enumerator kLPTMR_Prescale_Glitch_0
enum _lptmr_prescaler_clock_select
LPTMR prescaler/glitch filter clock select.
Clock connections are SoC-specific
enum _lptmr_interrupt_enable
List of the LPTMR interrupts.
enumerator kLPTMR_TimerInterruptEnable
Timer interrupt enable
enumerator kLPTMR_TimerInterruptEnable
enum _lptmr_status_flags
List of the LPTMR status flags.
enumerator kLPTMR_TimerCompareFlag
Timer compare flag
enumerator kLPTMR_TimerCompareFlag
typedef enum _lptmr_pin_select lptmr_pin_select_t
LPTMR pin selection used in pulse counter mode.
typedef enum _lptmr_pin_polarity lptmr_pin_polarity_t
LPTMR pin polarity used in pulse counter mode.
typedef enum _lptmr_timer_mode lptmr_timer_mode_t
LPTMR timer mode selection.
typedef enum _lptmr_prescaler_glitch_value lptmr_prescaler_glitch_value_t
LPTMR prescaler/glitch filter values.
typedef enum _lptmr_prescaler_clock_select lptmr_prescaler_clock_select_t
LPTMR prescaler/glitch filter clock select.
Clock connections are SoC-specific
typedef enum _lptmr_interrupt_enable lptmr_interrupt_enable_t
List of the LPTMR interrupts.
typedef enum _lptmr_status_flags lptmr_status_flags_t
List of the LPTMR status flags.
typedef struct _lptmr_config lptmr_config_t
LPTMR config structure.
This structure holds the configuration settings for the LPTMR peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the LPTMR_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your configuration structure instance.
The configuration struct can be made constant so it resides in flash.
static inline void LPTMR_EnableTimerDMA(LPTMR_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable or disable timer DMA request.
- Parameters:
base – base LPTMR peripheral base address
enable – Switcher of timer DMA feature. “true” means to enable, “false” means to disable.
struct _lptmr_config
- #include <fsl_lptmr.h>
LPTMR config structure.
This structure holds the configuration settings for the LPTMR peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the LPTMR_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your configuration structure instance.
The configuration struct can be made constant so it resides in flash.
Public Members
lptmr_timer_mode_t timerMode
Time counter mode or pulse counter mode
lptmr_pin_select_t pinSelect
LPTMR pulse input pin select; used only in pulse counter mode
lptmr_pin_polarity_t pinPolarity
LPTMR pulse input pin polarity; used only in pulse counter mode
bool enableFreeRunning
True: enable free running, counter is reset on overflow False: counter is reset when the compare flag is set
bool bypassPrescaler
True: bypass prescaler; false: use clock from prescaler
lptmr_prescaler_clock_select_t prescalerClockSource
LPTMR clock source
lptmr_prescaler_glitch_value_t value
Prescaler or glitch filter value
lptmr_timer_mode_t timerMode
LPUART: Low Power Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter Driver
static inline void LPUART_SoftwareReset(LPUART_Type *base)
Resets the LPUART using software.
This function resets all internal logic and registers except the Global Register. Remains set until cleared by software.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
status_t LPUART_Init(LPUART_Type *base, const lpuart_config_t *config, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
Initializes an LPUART instance with the user configuration structure and the peripheral clock.
This function configures the LPUART module with user-defined settings. Call the LPUART_GetDefaultConfig() function to configure the configuration structure and get the default configuration. The example below shows how to use this API to configure the LPUART.
lpuart_config_t lpuartConfig; lpuartConfig.baudRate_Bps = 115200U; lpuartConfig.parityMode = kLPUART_ParityDisabled; lpuartConfig.dataBitsCount = kLPUART_EightDataBits; lpuartConfig.isMsb = false; lpuartConfig.stopBitCount = kLPUART_OneStopBit; lpuartConfig.txFifoWatermark = 0; lpuartConfig.rxFifoWatermark = 1; LPUART_Init(LPUART1, &lpuartConfig, 20000000U);
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to a user-defined configuration structure.
srcClock_Hz – LPUART clock source frequency in HZ.
- Return values:
kStatus_LPUART_BaudrateNotSupport – Baudrate is not support in current clock source.
kStatus_Success – LPUART initialize succeed
void LPUART_Deinit(LPUART_Type *base)
Deinitializes a LPUART instance.
This function waits for transmit to complete, disables TX and RX, and disables the LPUART clock.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
void LPUART_GetDefaultConfig(lpuart_config_t *config)
Gets the default configuration structure.
This function initializes the LPUART configuration structure to a default value. The default values are: lpuartConfig->baudRate_Bps = 115200U; lpuartConfig->parityMode = kLPUART_ParityDisabled; lpuartConfig->dataBitsCount = kLPUART_EightDataBits; lpuartConfig->isMsb = false; lpuartConfig->stopBitCount = kLPUART_OneStopBit; lpuartConfig->txFifoWatermark = 0; lpuartConfig->rxFifoWatermark = 1; lpuartConfig->rxIdleType = kLPUART_IdleTypeStartBit; lpuartConfig->rxIdleConfig = kLPUART_IdleCharacter1; lpuartConfig->enableTx = false; lpuartConfig->enableRx = false;
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to a configuration structure.
status_t LPUART_SetBaudRate(LPUART_Type *base, uint32_t baudRate_Bps, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
Sets the LPUART instance baudrate.
This function configures the LPUART module baudrate. This function is used to update the LPUART module baudrate after the LPUART module is initialized by the LPUART_Init.
LPUART_SetBaudRate(LPUART1, 115200U, 20000000U);
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
baudRate_Bps – LPUART baudrate to be set.
srcClock_Hz – LPUART clock source frequency in HZ.
- Return values:
kStatus_LPUART_BaudrateNotSupport – Baudrate is not supported in the current clock source.
kStatus_Success – Set baudrate succeeded.
void LPUART_Enable9bitMode(LPUART_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable 9-bit data mode for LPUART.
This function set the 9-bit mode for LPUART module. The 9th bit is not used for parity thus can be modified by user.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
enable – true to enable, flase to disable.
static inline void LPUART_SetMatchAddress(LPUART_Type *base, uint16_t address1, uint16_t address2)
Set the LPUART address.
This function configures the address for LPUART module that works as slave in 9-bit data mode. One or two address fields can be configured. When the address field’s match enable bit is set, the frame it receices with MSB being 1 is considered as an address frame, otherwise it is considered as data frame. Once the address frame matches one of slave’s own addresses, this slave is addressed. This address frame and its following data frames are stored in the receive buffer, otherwise the frames will be discarded. To un-address a slave, just send an address frame with unmatched address.
Any LPUART instance joined in the multi-slave system can work as slave. The position of the address mark is the same as the parity bit when parity is enabled for 8 bit and 9 bit data formats.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
address1 – LPUART slave address1.
address2 – LPUART slave address2.
static inline void LPUART_EnableMatchAddress(LPUART_Type *base, bool match1, bool match2)
Enable the LPUART match address feature.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
match1 – true to enable match address1, false to disable.
match2 – true to enable match address2, false to disable.
static inline void LPUART_SetRxFifoWatermark(LPUART_Type *base, uint8_t water)
Sets the rx FIFO watermark.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
water – Rx FIFO watermark.
static inline void LPUART_SetTxFifoWatermark(LPUART_Type *base, uint8_t water)
Sets the tx FIFO watermark.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
water – Tx FIFO watermark.
static inline void LPUART_TransferEnable16Bit(lpuart_handle_t *handle, bool enable)
Sets the LPUART using 16bit transmit, only for 9bit or 10bit mode.
This function Enable 16bit Data transmit in lpuart_handle_t.
- Parameters:
handle – LPUART handle pointer.
enable – true to enable, false to disable.
uint32_t LPUART_GetStatusFlags(LPUART_Type *base)
Gets LPUART status flags.
This function gets all LPUART status flags. The flags are returned as the logical OR value of the enumerators _lpuart_flags. To check for a specific status, compare the return value with enumerators in the _lpuart_flags. For example, to check whether the TX is empty:
if (kLPUART_TxDataRegEmptyFlag & LPUART_GetStatusFlags(LPUART1)) { ... }
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
- Returns:
LPUART status flags which are ORed by the enumerators in the _lpuart_flags.
status_t LPUART_ClearStatusFlags(LPUART_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears status flags with a provided mask.
This function clears LPUART status flags with a provided mask. Automatically cleared flags can’t be cleared by this function. Flags that can only cleared or set by hardware are: kLPUART_TxDataRegEmptyFlag, kLPUART_TransmissionCompleteFlag, kLPUART_RxDataRegFullFlag, kLPUART_RxActiveFlag, kLPUART_NoiseErrorInRxDataRegFlag, kLPUART_ParityErrorInRxDataRegFlag, kLPUART_TxFifoEmptyFlag,kLPUART_RxFifoEmptyFlag Note: This API should be called when the Tx/Rx is idle, otherwise it takes no effects.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
mask – the status flags to be cleared. The user can use the enumerators in the _lpuart_status_flag_t to do the OR operation and get the mask.
- Return values:
kStatus_LPUART_FlagCannotClearManually – The flag can’t be cleared by this function but it is cleared automatically by hardware.
kStatus_Success – Status in the mask are cleared.
- Returns:
0 succeed, others failed.
void LPUART_EnableInterrupts(LPUART_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables LPUART interrupts according to a provided mask.
This function enables the LPUART interrupts according to a provided mask. The mask is a logical OR of enumeration members. See the _lpuart_interrupt_enable. This examples shows how to enable TX empty interrupt and RX full interrupt:
LPUART_EnableInterrupts(LPUART1,kLPUART_TxDataRegEmptyInterruptEnable | kLPUART_RxDataRegFullInterruptEnable);
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
mask – The interrupts to enable. Logical OR of the enumeration _uart_interrupt_enable.
void LPUART_DisableInterrupts(LPUART_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables LPUART interrupts according to a provided mask.
This function disables the LPUART interrupts according to a provided mask. The mask is a logical OR of enumeration members. See _lpuart_interrupt_enable. This example shows how to disable the TX empty interrupt and RX full interrupt:
LPUART_DisableInterrupts(LPUART1,kLPUART_TxDataRegEmptyInterruptEnable | kLPUART_RxDataRegFullInterruptEnable);
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
mask – The interrupts to disable. Logical OR of _lpuart_interrupt_enable.
uint32_t LPUART_GetEnabledInterrupts(LPUART_Type *base)
Gets enabled LPUART interrupts.
This function gets the enabled LPUART interrupts. The enabled interrupts are returned as the logical OR value of the enumerators _lpuart_interrupt_enable. To check a specific interrupt enable status, compare the return value with enumerators in _lpuart_interrupt_enable. For example, to check whether the TX empty interrupt is enabled:
uint32_t enabledInterrupts = LPUART_GetEnabledInterrupts(LPUART1); if (kLPUART_TxDataRegEmptyInterruptEnable & enabledInterrupts) { ... }
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
- Returns:
LPUART interrupt flags which are logical OR of the enumerators in _lpuart_interrupt_enable.
static inline uint32_t LPUART_GetDataRegisterAddress(LPUART_Type *base)
Gets the LPUART data register address.
This function returns the LPUART data register address, which is mainly used by the DMA/eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
- Returns:
LPUART data register addresses which are used both by the transmitter and receiver.
static inline void LPUART_EnableTxDMA(LPUART_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables or disables the LPUART transmitter DMA request.
This function enables or disables the transmit data register empty flag, STAT[TDRE], to generate DMA requests.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
enable – True to enable, false to disable.
static inline void LPUART_EnableRxDMA(LPUART_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables or disables the LPUART receiver DMA.
This function enables or disables the receiver data register full flag, STAT[RDRF], to generate DMA requests.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
enable – True to enable, false to disable.
uint32_t LPUART_GetInstance(LPUART_Type *base)
Get the LPUART instance from peripheral base address.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
- Returns:
LPUART instance.
static inline void LPUART_EnableTx(LPUART_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables or disables the LPUART transmitter.
This function enables or disables the LPUART transmitter.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
enable – True to enable, false to disable.
static inline void LPUART_EnableRx(LPUART_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables or disables the LPUART receiver.
This function enables or disables the LPUART receiver.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
enable – True to enable, false to disable.
static inline void LPUART_WriteByte(LPUART_Type *base, uint8_t data)
Writes to the transmitter register.
This function writes data to the transmitter register directly. The upper layer must ensure that the TX register is empty or that the TX FIFO has room before calling this function.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
data – Data write to the TX register.
static inline uint8_t LPUART_ReadByte(LPUART_Type *base)
Reads the receiver register.
This function reads data from the receiver register directly. The upper layer must ensure that the receiver register is full or that the RX FIFO has data before calling this function.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Data read from data register.
static inline uint8_t LPUART_GetRxFifoCount(LPUART_Type *base)
Gets the rx FIFO data count.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
- Returns:
rx FIFO data count.
static inline uint8_t LPUART_GetTxFifoCount(LPUART_Type *base)
Gets the tx FIFO data count.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
- Returns:
tx FIFO data count.
void LPUART_SendAddress(LPUART_Type *base, uint8_t address)
Transmit an address frame in 9-bit data mode.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
address – LPUART slave address.
status_t LPUART_WriteBlocking(LPUART_Type *base, const uint8_t *data, size_t length)
Writes to the transmitter register using a blocking method.
This function polls the transmitter register, first waits for the register to be empty or TX FIFO to have room, and writes data to the transmitter buffer, then waits for the dat to be sent out to the bus.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
data – Start address of the data to write.
length – Size of the data to write.
- Return values:
kStatus_LPUART_Timeout – Transmission timed out and was aborted.
kStatus_Success – Successfully wrote all data.
status_t LPUART_WriteBlocking16bit(LPUART_Type *base, const uint16_t *data, size_t length)
Writes to the transmitter register using a blocking method in 9bit or 10bit mode.
This function only support 9bit or 10bit transfer. Please make sure only 10bit of data is valid and other bits are 0.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
data – Start address of the data to write.
length – Size of the data to write.
- Return values:
kStatus_LPUART_Timeout – Transmission timed out and was aborted.
kStatus_Success – Successfully wrote all data.
status_t LPUART_ReadBlocking(LPUART_Type *base, uint8_t *data, size_t length)
Reads the receiver data register using a blocking method.
This function polls the receiver register, waits for the receiver register full or receiver FIFO has data, and reads data from the TX register.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
data – Start address of the buffer to store the received data.
length – Size of the buffer.
- Return values:
kStatus_LPUART_RxHardwareOverrun – Receiver overrun happened while receiving data.
kStatus_LPUART_NoiseError – Noise error happened while receiving data.
kStatus_LPUART_FramingError – Framing error happened while receiving data.
kStatus_LPUART_ParityError – Parity error happened while receiving data.
kStatus_LPUART_Timeout – Transmission timed out and was aborted.
kStatus_Success – Successfully received all data.
status_t LPUART_ReadBlocking16bit(LPUART_Type *base, uint16_t *data, size_t length)
Reads the receiver data register in 9bit or 10bit mode.
This function only support 9bit or 10bit transfer.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
data – Start address of the buffer to store the received data by 16bit, only 10bit is valid.
length – Size of the buffer.
- Return values:
kStatus_LPUART_RxHardwareOverrun – Receiver overrun happened while receiving data.
kStatus_LPUART_NoiseError – Noise error happened while receiving data.
kStatus_LPUART_FramingError – Framing error happened while receiving data.
kStatus_LPUART_ParityError – Parity error happened while receiving data.
kStatus_LPUART_Timeout – Transmission timed out and was aborted.
kStatus_Success – Successfully received all data.
void LPUART_TransferCreateHandle(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle, lpuart_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Initializes the LPUART handle.
This function initializes the LPUART handle, which can be used for other LPUART transactional APIs. Usually, for a specified LPUART instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.
The LPUART driver supports the “background” receiving, which means that user can set up an RX ring buffer optionally. Data received is stored into the ring buffer even when the user doesn’t call the LPUART_TransferReceiveNonBlocking() API. If there is already data received in the ring buffer, the user can get the received data from the ring buffer directly. The ring buffer is disabled if passing NULL as
.- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
handle – LPUART handle pointer.
callback – Callback function.
userData – User data.
status_t LPUART_TransferSendNonBlocking(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle, lpuart_transfer_t *xfer)
Transmits a buffer of data using the interrupt method.
This function send data using an interrupt method. This is a non-blocking function, which returns directly without waiting for all data written to the transmitter register. When all data is written to the TX register in the ISR, the LPUART driver calls the callback function and passes the kStatus_LPUART_TxIdle as status parameter.
The kStatus_LPUART_TxIdle is passed to the upper layer when all data are written to the TX register. However, there is no check to ensure that all the data sent out. Before disabling the TX, check the kLPUART_TransmissionCompleteFlag to ensure that the transmit is finished.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
handle – LPUART handle pointer.
xfer – LPUART transfer structure, see lpuart_transfer_t.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully start the data transmission.
kStatus_LPUART_TxBusy – Previous transmission still not finished, data not all written to the TX register.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Invalid argument.
void LPUART_TransferStartRingBuffer(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle, uint8_t *ringBuffer, size_t ringBufferSize)
Sets up the RX ring buffer.
This function sets up the RX ring buffer to a specific UART handle.
When the RX ring buffer is used, data received is stored into the ring buffer even when the user doesn’t call the UART_TransferReceiveNonBlocking() API. If there is already data received in the ring buffer, the user can get the received data from the ring buffer directly.
When using RX ring buffer, one byte is reserved for internal use. In other words, if
is 32, then only 31 bytes are used for saving data.- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
handle – LPUART handle pointer.
ringBuffer – Start address of ring buffer for background receiving. Pass NULL to disable the ring buffer.
ringBufferSize – size of the ring buffer.
void LPUART_TransferStopRingBuffer(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the background transfer and uninstalls the ring buffer.
This function aborts the background transfer and uninstalls the ring buffer.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
handle – LPUART handle pointer.
size_t LPUART_TransferGetRxRingBufferLength(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle)
Get the length of received data in RX ring buffer.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
handle – LPUART handle pointer.
- Returns:
Length of received data in RX ring buffer.
void LPUART_TransferAbortSend(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the interrupt-driven data transmit.
This function aborts the interrupt driven data sending. The user can get the remainBtyes to find out how many bytes are not sent out.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
handle – LPUART handle pointer.
status_t LPUART_TransferGetSendCount(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle, uint32_t *count)
Gets the number of bytes that have been sent out to bus.
This function gets the number of bytes that have been sent out to bus by an interrupt method.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
handle – LPUART handle pointer.
count – Send bytes count.
- Return values:
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – No send in progress.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Parameter is invalid.
kStatus_Success – Get successfully through the parameter
status_t LPUART_TransferReceiveNonBlocking(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle, lpuart_transfer_t *xfer, size_t *receivedBytes)
Receives a buffer of data using the interrupt method.
This function receives data using an interrupt method. This is a non-blocking function which returns without waiting to ensure that all data are received. If the RX ring buffer is used and not empty, the data in the ring buffer is copied and the parameter
shows how many bytes are copied from the ring buffer. After copying, if the data in the ring buffer is not enough for read, the receive request is saved by the LPUART driver. When the new data arrives, the receive request is serviced first. When all data is received, the LPUART driver notifies the upper layer through a callback function and passes a status parameter kStatus_UART_RxIdle. For example, the upper layer needs 10 bytes but there are only 5 bytes in ring buffer. The 5 bytes are copied to xfer->data, which returns with the parameterreceivedBytes
set to 5. For the remaining 5 bytes, the newly arrived data is saved from xfer->data[5]. When 5 bytes are received, the LPUART driver notifies the upper layer. If the RX ring buffer is not enabled, this function enables the RX and RX interrupt to receive data to xfer->data. When all data is received, the upper layer is notified.- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
handle – LPUART handle pointer.
xfer – LPUART transfer structure, see uart_transfer_t.
receivedBytes – Bytes received from the ring buffer directly.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully queue the transfer into the transmit queue.
kStatus_LPUART_RxBusy – Previous receive request is not finished.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Invalid argument.
void LPUART_TransferAbortReceive(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the interrupt-driven data receiving.
This function aborts the interrupt-driven data receiving. The user can get the remainBytes to find out how many bytes not received yet.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
handle – LPUART handle pointer.
status_t LPUART_TransferGetReceiveCount(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle, uint32_t *count)
Gets the number of bytes that have been received.
This function gets the number of bytes that have been received.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
handle – LPUART handle pointer.
count – Receive bytes count.
- Return values:
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – No receive in progress.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Parameter is invalid.
kStatus_Success – Get successfully through the parameter
void LPUART_TransferHandleIRQ(uint32_t instance, void *irqHandle)
LPUART IRQ handle function.
This function handles the LPUART transmit and receive IRQ request.
- Parameters:
instance – LPUART instance.
irqHandle – LPUART handle pointer.
void LPUART_TransferHandleErrorIRQ(LPUART_Type *base, void *irqHandle)
LPUART Error IRQ handle function.
This function handles the LPUART error IRQ request.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
irqHandle – LPUART handle pointer.
LPUART driver version.
Error codes for the LPUART driver.
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_TxBusy
TX busy
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_RxBusy
RX busy
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_TxIdle
LPUART transmitter is idle.
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_RxIdle
LPUART receiver is idle.
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_TxWatermarkTooLarge
TX FIFO watermark too large
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_RxWatermarkTooLarge
RX FIFO watermark too large
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_FlagCannotClearManually
Some flag can’t manually clear
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_Error
Error happens on LPUART.
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_RxRingBufferOverrun
LPUART RX software ring buffer overrun.
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_RxHardwareOverrun
LPUART RX receiver overrun.
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_NoiseError
LPUART noise error.
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_FramingError
LPUART framing error.
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_ParityError
LPUART parity error.
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_BaudrateNotSupport
Baudrate is not support in current clock source
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_IdleLineDetected
IDLE flag.
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_Timeout
LPUART times out.
enumerator kStatus_LPUART_TxBusy
enum _lpuart_parity_mode
LPUART parity mode.
enumerator kLPUART_ParityDisabled
Parity disabled
enumerator kLPUART_ParityEven
Parity enabled, type even, bit setting: PE|PT = 10
enumerator kLPUART_ParityOdd
Parity enabled, type odd, bit setting: PE|PT = 11
enumerator kLPUART_ParityDisabled
enum _lpuart_data_bits
LPUART data bits count.
enumerator kLPUART_EightDataBits
Eight data bit
enumerator kLPUART_SevenDataBits
Seven data bit
enumerator kLPUART_EightDataBits
enum _lpuart_stop_bit_count
LPUART stop bit count.
enumerator kLPUART_OneStopBit
One stop bit
enumerator kLPUART_TwoStopBit
Two stop bits
enumerator kLPUART_OneStopBit
enum _lpuart_transmit_cts_source
LPUART transmit CTS source.
enumerator kLPUART_CtsSourcePin
CTS resource is the LPUART_CTS pin.
enumerator kLPUART_CtsSourceMatchResult
CTS resource is the match result.
enumerator kLPUART_CtsSourcePin
enum _lpuart_transmit_cts_config
LPUART transmit CTS configure.
enumerator kLPUART_CtsSampleAtStart
CTS input is sampled at the start of each character.
enumerator kLPUART_CtsSampleAtIdle
CTS input is sampled when the transmitter is idle
enumerator kLPUART_CtsSampleAtStart
enum _lpuart_idle_type_select
LPUART idle flag type defines when the receiver starts counting.
enumerator kLPUART_IdleTypeStartBit
Start counting after a valid start bit.
enumerator kLPUART_IdleTypeStopBit
Start counting after a stop bit.
enumerator kLPUART_IdleTypeStartBit
enum _lpuart_idle_config
LPUART idle detected configuration. This structure defines the number of idle characters that must be received before the IDLE flag is set.
enumerator kLPUART_IdleCharacter1
the number of idle characters.
enumerator kLPUART_IdleCharacter2
the number of idle characters.
enumerator kLPUART_IdleCharacter4
the number of idle characters.
enumerator kLPUART_IdleCharacter8
the number of idle characters.
enumerator kLPUART_IdleCharacter16
the number of idle characters.
enumerator kLPUART_IdleCharacter32
the number of idle characters.
enumerator kLPUART_IdleCharacter64
the number of idle characters.
enumerator kLPUART_IdleCharacter128
the number of idle characters.
enumerator kLPUART_IdleCharacter1
enum _lpuart_interrupt_enable
LPUART interrupt configuration structure, default settings all disabled.
This structure contains the settings for all LPUART interrupt configurations.
enumerator kLPUART_CtsStateChangeInterruptEnable
Change of state on CTS_B pin. bit 0
enumerator kLPUART_DsrStateChangeInterruptEnable
Change of state on DSR_B pin. bit 1
enumerator kLPUART_RinStateChangeInterruptEnable
Change of state on RIN_B pin. bit 2
enumerator kLPUART_DcdStateChangeInterruptEnable
Change of state on DCD_B pin. bit 3
enumerator kLPUART_RxActiveEdgeInterruptEnable
Receive Active Edge. bit 6
enumerator kLPUART_LinBreakInterruptEnable
LIN break detect. bit 7
enumerator kLPUART_RxFifoUnderflowInterruptEnable
Receive FIFO Underflow. bit 8
enumerator kLPUART_TxFifoOverflowInterruptEnable
Transmit FIFO Overflow. bit 9
enumerator kLPUART_RxCounter0TimeoutInterruptEnable
Receiver counter0 timeout. bit 10
enumerator kLPUART_RxCounter1TimeoutInterruptEnable
Receiver counter1 timeout. bit 11
enumerator kLPUART_TxCounter0TimeoutInterruptEnable
Transmitter counter0 timeout. bit 12
enumerator kLPUART_TxCounter1TimeoutInterruptEnable
Transmitter counter1 timeout. bit 13
enumerator kLPUART_DataMatch2InterruptEnable
The next character to be read from LPUART_DATA matches MA2. bit 14
enumerator kLPUART_DataMatch1InterruptEnable
The next character to be read from LPUART_DATA matches MA1. bit 15
enumerator kLPUART_IdleLineInterruptEnable
Idle line. bit 20
enumerator kLPUART_RxDataRegFullInterruptEnable
Receiver data register full. bit 21
enumerator kLPUART_TransmissionCompleteInterruptEnable
Transmission complete. bit 22
enumerator kLPUART_TxDataRegEmptyInterruptEnable
Transmit data register empty. bit 23
enumerator kLPUART_ParityErrorInterruptEnable
Parity error flag. bit 24
enumerator kLPUART_FramingErrorInterruptEnable
Framing error flag. bit 25
enumerator kLPUART_NoiseErrorInterruptEnable
Noise error flag. bit 26
enumerator kLPUART_RxOverrunInterruptEnable
Receiver Overrun. bit 27
enumerator kLPUART_AllInterruptEnable
enumerator kLPUART_CtsStateChangeInterruptEnable
enum _lpuart_flags
LPUART status flags.
This provides constants for the LPUART status flags for use in the LPUART functions.
enumerator kLPUART_RxFifoUnderflowFlag
RXUF bit, sets if receive buffer underflow occurred. bit 0
enumerator kLPUART_TxFifoOverflowFlag
TXOF bit, sets if transmit buffer overflow occurred. bit 1
enumerator kLPUART_RxFifoEmptyFlag
RXEMPT bit, sets if receive buffer is empty. bit 6
enumerator kLPUART_TxFifoEmptyFlag
TXEMPT bit, sets if transmit buffer is empty. bit 7
enumerator kLPUART_CtsStateChangeFlag
Change of state on CTS_B pin. bit 2
enumerator kLPUART_DsrStateChangeFlag
Change of state on DSR_B pin. bit 3
enumerator kLPUART_RinStateChangeFlag
Change of state on RIN_B pin. bit 4
enumerator kLPUART_DcdStateChangeFlag
Change of state on DCD_B pin. bit 5
enumerator kLPUART_RxCounter0TimeoutFlag
Receiver counter0 timeout. bit 10
enumerator kLPUART_RxCounter1TimeoutFlag
Receiver counter1 timeout. bit 11
enumerator kLPUART_TxCounter0TimeoutFlag
Transmitter counter0 timeout. bit 12
enumerator kLPUART_TxCounter1TimeoutFlag
Transmitter counter1 timeout. bit 13
enumerator kLPUART_DataMatch2Flag
The next character to be read from LPUART_DATA matches MA2. bit 14
enumerator kLPUART_DataMatch1Flag
The next character to be read from LPUART_DATA matches MA1. bit 15
enumerator kLPUART_ParityErrorFlag
If parity enabled, sets upon parity error detection. bit 16
enumerator kLPUART_FramingErrorFlag
Frame error flag, sets if logic 0 was detected where stop bit expected. bit 17
enumerator kLPUART_NoiseErrorFlag
Receive takes 3 samples of each received bit. If any of these samples differ, noise flag sets. bit 18
enumerator kLPUART_RxOverrunFlag
Receive Overrun, sets when new data is received before data is read from receive register. bit 19
enumerator kLPUART_IdleLineFlag
Idle line detect flag, sets when idle line detected. bit 20
enumerator kLPUART_RxDataRegFullFlag
Receive data register full flag, sets when the receive data buffer is full. bit 21
enumerator kLPUART_TransmissionCompleteFlag
Transmission complete flag, sets when transmission activity complete. bit 22
enumerator kLPUART_TxDataRegEmptyFlag
Transmit data register empty flag, sets when transmit buffer is empty. bit 23
enumerator kLPUART_RxActiveFlag
Receiver Active Flag (RAF), sets at beginning of valid start. bit 24
enumerator kLPUART_RxActiveEdgeFlag
Receive pin active edge interrupt flag, sets when active edge detected. bit 30
enumerator kLPUART_LinBreakFlag
LIN break detect interrupt flag, sets when LIN break char detected and LIN circuit enabled. bit 31
enumerator kLPUART_AllClearFlags
enumerator kLPUART_AllFlags
enumerator kLPUART_RxFifoUnderflowFlag
enum _lpuart_timeout_condition
LPUART timeout condition. This structure defines the conditions when the counter timeout occur.
enumerator kLPUART_TimeoutAfterCharacters
Timeout occurs when the number of characters specified by timeoutValue are received.
enumerator kLPUART_TimeoutAfterIdle
Timeout occurs when rx/tx remains idle for timeoutValue of bit clocks after idle condition is detected.
enumerator kLPUART_TimeoutAfterNext
Timeout occurs when rx/tx remains idle for timeoutValue of bit clocks after next character is received/transmitted.
enumerator kLPUART_TimeoutAfterIdleBeforeExtended
Timeout occurs when tx/rx is idle for larger than timeoutValue of bit clocks and smaller than tx/rx extended timeout value.
enumerator kLPUART_TimeoutAfterCharacters
typedef enum _lpuart_parity_mode lpuart_parity_mode_t
LPUART parity mode.
typedef enum _lpuart_data_bits lpuart_data_bits_t
LPUART data bits count.
typedef enum _lpuart_stop_bit_count lpuart_stop_bit_count_t
LPUART stop bit count.
typedef enum _lpuart_transmit_cts_source lpuart_transmit_cts_source_t
LPUART transmit CTS source.
typedef enum _lpuart_transmit_cts_config lpuart_transmit_cts_config_t
LPUART transmit CTS configure.
typedef enum _lpuart_idle_type_select lpuart_idle_type_select_t
LPUART idle flag type defines when the receiver starts counting.
typedef enum _lpuart_idle_config lpuart_idle_config_t
LPUART idle detected configuration. This structure defines the number of idle characters that must be received before the IDLE flag is set.
typedef enum _lpuart_timeout_condition lpuart_timeout_condition_t
LPUART timeout condition. This structure defines the conditions when the counter timeout occur.
typedef struct _lpuart_timeout_counter_config lpuart_timeout_counter_config_t
LPUART timeout counter configuration structure.
typedef struct _lpuart_timeout_config lpuart_timeout_config_t
LPUART timeout configuration structure.
typedef struct _lpuart_config lpuart_config_t
LPUART configuration structure.
typedef struct _lpuart_transfer lpuart_transfer_t
LPUART transfer structure.
typedef struct _lpuart_handle lpuart_handle_t
typedef void (*lpuart_transfer_callback_t)(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
LPUART transfer callback function.
typedef void (*lpuart_irq_handler_t)(uint32_t instance, void *handle)
const IRQn_Type s_lpuartIRQ[]
Retry times for waiting flag.
struct _lpuart_timeout_counter_config
- #include <fsl_lpuart.h>
LPUART timeout counter configuration structure.
Public Members
bool enableCounter
Eneble the timeout counter.
lpuart_timeout_condition_t timeoutCondition
Timeout condition.
uint16_t timeoutValue
Timeout value.
bool enableCounter
struct _lpuart_timeout_config
- #include <fsl_lpuart.h>
LPUART timeout configuration structure.
Public Members
uint16_t rxExtendedTimeoutValue
The number of bits since the last stop bit that is required for an idle condition to be detected. Enable this will disable rxIdleType and rxIdleConfig. Set to 0 to disable.
uint16_t txExtendedTimeoutValue
The transmitter idle time in number of bits (baud rate) whenever an idle character is queued through the transmit FIFO.
lpuart_timeout_counter_config_t rxCounter0
Rx counter 0 configuration.
lpuart_timeout_counter_config_t rxCounter1
Rx counter 1 configuration.
lpuart_timeout_counter_config_t txCounter0
Tx counter 0 configuration.
lpuart_timeout_counter_config_t txCounter1
Tx counter 1 configuration.
uint16_t rxExtendedTimeoutValue
struct _lpuart_config
- #include <fsl_lpuart.h>
LPUART configuration structure.
Public Members
uint32_t baudRate_Bps
LPUART baud rate
lpuart_parity_mode_t parityMode
Parity mode, disabled (default), even, odd
lpuart_data_bits_t dataBitsCount
Data bits count, eight (default), seven
bool isMsb
Data bits order, LSB (default), MSB
lpuart_stop_bit_count_t stopBitCount
Number of stop bits, 1 stop bit (default) or 2 stop bits
uint8_t txFifoWatermark
TX FIFO watermark
uint8_t rxFifoWatermark
RX FIFO watermark
bool enableRxRTS
RX RTS enable
bool enableTxCTS
TX CTS enable
lpuart_transmit_cts_source_t txCtsSource
TX CTS source
lpuart_transmit_cts_config_t txCtsConfig
TX CTS configure
lpuart_idle_type_select_t rxIdleType
RX IDLE type.
lpuart_idle_config_t rxIdleConfig
RX IDLE configuration.
lpuart_timeout_config_t timeoutConfig
Timeout configuration.
bool enableSingleWire
Use TXD pin as the source for the receiver. When enabled the TXD pin should be configured as open drain.
uint8_t rtsDelay
Delay the negation of RTS by the configured number of bit clocks.
bool enableTx
Enable TX
bool enableRx
Enable RX
uint32_t baudRate_Bps
struct _lpuart_transfer
- #include <fsl_lpuart.h>
LPUART transfer structure.
Public Members
size_t dataSize
The byte count to be transfer.
size_t dataSize
struct _lpuart_handle
- #include <fsl_lpuart.h>
LPUART handle structure.
Public Members
volatile size_t txDataSize
Size of the remaining data to send.
size_t txDataSizeAll
Size of the data to send out.
volatile size_t rxDataSize
Size of the remaining data to receive.
size_t rxDataSizeAll
Size of the data to receive.
size_t rxRingBufferSize
Size of the ring buffer.
volatile uint16_t rxRingBufferHead
Index for the driver to store received data into ring buffer.
volatile uint16_t rxRingBufferTail
Index for the user to get data from the ring buffer.
lpuart_transfer_callback_t callback
Callback function.
void *userData
LPUART callback function parameter.
volatile uint8_t txState
TX transfer state.
volatile uint8_t rxState
RX transfer state.
bool isSevenDataBits
Seven data bits flag.
bool is16bitData
16bit data bits flag, only used for 9bit or 10bit data
volatile size_t txDataSize
union __unnamed86__
Public Members
uint8_t *data
The buffer of data to be transfer.
uint8_t *rxData
The buffer to receive data.
uint16_t *rxData16
The buffer to receive data.
const uint8_t *txData
The buffer of data to be sent.
const uint16_t *txData16
The buffer of data to be sent.
uint8_t *data
union __unnamed88__
Public Members
const uint8_t *volatile txData
Address of remaining data to send.
const uint16_t *volatile txData16
Address of remaining data to send.
const uint8_t *volatile txData
union __unnamed90__
Public Members
uint8_t *volatile rxData
Address of remaining data to receive.
uint16_t *volatile rxData16
Address of remaining data to receive.
uint8_t *volatile rxData
union __unnamed92__
Public Members
uint8_t *rxRingBuffer
Start address of the receiver ring buffer.
uint16_t *rxRingBuffer16
Start address of the receiver ring buffer.
uint8_t *rxRingBuffer
void LPUART_TransferCreateHandleEDMA(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_edma_handle_t *handle, lpuart_edma_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData, edma_handle_t *txEdmaHandle, edma_handle_t *rxEdmaHandle)
Initializes the LPUART handle which is used in transactional functions.
This function disables all LPUART interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to lpuart_edma_handle_t structure.
callback – Callback function.
userData – User data.
txEdmaHandle – User requested DMA handle for TX DMA transfer.
rxEdmaHandle – User requested DMA handle for RX DMA transfer.
status_t LPUART_SendEDMA(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_edma_handle_t *handle, lpuart_transfer_t *xfer)
Sends data using eDMA.
This function sends data using eDMA. This is a non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all data is sent, the send callback function is called.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
handle – LPUART handle pointer.
xfer – LPUART eDMA transfer structure. See lpuart_transfer_t.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – if succeed, others failed.
kStatus_LPUART_TxBusy – Previous transfer on going.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Invalid argument.
status_t LPUART_ReceiveEDMA(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_edma_handle_t *handle, lpuart_transfer_t *xfer)
Receives data using eDMA.
This function receives data using eDMA. This is non-blocking function, which returns right away. When all data is received, the receive callback function is called.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to lpuart_edma_handle_t structure.
xfer – LPUART eDMA transfer structure, see lpuart_transfer_t.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – if succeed, others fail.
kStatus_LPUART_RxBusy – Previous transfer ongoing.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Invalid argument.
void LPUART_TransferAbortSendEDMA(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_edma_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the sent data using eDMA.
This function aborts the sent data using eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to lpuart_edma_handle_t structure.
void LPUART_TransferAbortReceiveEDMA(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_edma_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the received data using eDMA.
This function aborts the received data using eDMA.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
handle – Pointer to lpuart_edma_handle_t structure.
status_t LPUART_TransferGetSendCountEDMA(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_edma_handle_t *handle, uint32_t *count)
Gets the number of bytes written to the LPUART TX register.
This function gets the number of bytes written to the LPUART TX register by DMA.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
handle – LPUART handle pointer.
count – Send bytes count.
- Return values:
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – No send in progress.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Parameter is invalid.
kStatus_Success – Get successfully through the parameter
status_t LPUART_TransferGetReceiveCountEDMA(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_edma_handle_t *handle, uint32_t *count)
Gets the number of received bytes.
This function gets the number of received bytes.
- Parameters:
base – LPUART peripheral base address.
handle – LPUART handle pointer.
count – Receive bytes count.
- Return values:
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – No receive in progress.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – Parameter is invalid.
kStatus_Success – Get successfully through the parameter
void LPUART_TransferEdmaHandleIRQ(uint32_t instance, void *lpuartEdmaHandle)
LPUART eDMA IRQ handle function.
This function handles the LPUART tx complete IRQ request and invoke user callback. It is not set to static so that it can be used in user application.
This function is used as default IRQ handler by double weak mechanism. If user’s specific IRQ handler is implemented, make sure this function is invoked in the handler.
- Parameters:
instance – LPUART peripheral index.
lpuartEdmaHandle – LPUART handle pointer.
LPUART EDMA driver version.
typedef struct _lpuart_edma_handle lpuart_edma_handle_t
typedef void (*lpuart_edma_transfer_callback_t)(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_edma_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
LPUART transfer callback function.
struct _lpuart_edma_handle
- #include <fsl_lpuart_edma.h>
LPUART eDMA handle.
Public Members
lpuart_edma_transfer_callback_t callback
Callback function.
void *userData
LPUART callback function parameter.
size_t rxDataSizeAll
Size of the data to receive.
size_t txDataSizeAll
Size of the data to send out.
edma_handle_t *txEdmaHandle
The eDMA TX channel used.
edma_handle_t *rxEdmaHandle
The eDMA RX channel used.
uint8_t nbytes
eDMA minor byte transfer count initially configured.
volatile uint8_t txState
TX transfer state.
volatile uint8_t rxState
RX transfer state
lpuart_edma_transfer_callback_t callback
MCX_CMC: Core Mode Controller Driver
enum _cmc_power_mode_protection
CMC power mode Protection enumeration.
enumerator kCMC_AllowDeepSleepMode
Allow Deep Sleep mode.
enumerator kCMC_AllowPowerDownMode
Allow Power Down mode.
enumerator kCMC_AllowDeepPowerDownMode
Allow Deep Power Down mode.
enumerator kCMC_AllowAllLowPowerModes
Allow Deep Sleep, Power Down, Deep Power Down modes.
enumerator kCMC_AllowDeepSleepMode
enum _cmc_wakeup_sources
Wake up sources from the previous low power mode entry.
kCMC_WakeupFromUsbFs, kCMC_WakeupFromITRC, kCMC_WakeupFromCpu1 are not supported in MCXA family.
enumerator kCMC_WakeupFromResetInterruptOrPowerDown
Wakeup source is reset interrupt, or wake up from Deep Power Down.
enumerator kCMC_WakeupFromDebugReuqest
Wakeup source is debug request.
enumerator kCMC_WakeupFromInterrupt
Wakeup source is interrupt.
enumerator kCMC_WakeupFromDMAWakeup
Wakeup source is DMA Wakeup.
enumerator kCMC_WakeupFromWUURequest
Wakeup source is WUU request.
enumerator kCMC_WakeupFromUsbFs
Wakeup source is USBFS(USB0).
enumerator kCMC_WakeupFromITRC
Wakeup source is ITRC.
enumerator kCMC_WakeupFromCpu1
Wakeup source is CPU1.
enumerator kCMC_WakeupFromResetInterruptOrPowerDown
enum _cmc_system_reset_interrupt_enable
System Reset Interrupt enable enumeration.
enumerator kCMC_PinResetInterruptEnable
Pin Reset interrupt enable.
enumerator kCMC_DAPResetInterruptEnable
DAP Reset interrupt enable.
enumerator kCMC_LowPowerAcknowledgeTimeoutResetInterruptEnable
Low Power Acknowledge Timeout Reset interrupt enable.
enumerator kCMC_WindowedWatchdog0ResetInterruptEnable
Windowed Watchdog 0 reset interrupt enable.
enumerator kCMC_SoftwareResetInterruptEnable
Software Reset interrupt enable.
enumerator kCMC_LockupResetInterruptEnable
Lockup Reset interrupt enable.
enumerator kCMC_CodeWatchDog0ResetInterruptEnable
Code watchdog 0 reset interrupt enable.
enumerator kCMC_PinResetInterruptEnable
enum _cmc_system_reset_interrupt_flag
CMC System Reset Interrupt Status flag.
enumerator kCMC_PinResetInterruptFlag
Pin Reset interrupt flag.
enumerator kCMC_DAPResetInterruptFlag
DAP Reset interrupt flag.
enumerator kCMC_LowPowerAcknowledgeTimeoutResetFlag
Low Power Acknowledge Timeout Reset interrupt flag.
enumerator kCMC_WindowedWatchdog0ResetInterruptFlag
Windowned Watchdog 0 Reset interrupt flag.
enumerator kCMC_SoftwareResetInterruptFlag
Software Reset interrupt flag.
enumerator kCMC_LockupResetInterruptFlag
Lock up Reset interrupt flag.
enumerator kCMC_CodeWatchdog0ResetInterruptFlag
Code watchdog0 reset interrupt flag.
enumerator kCMC_PinResetInterruptFlag
enum _cmc_system_sram_arrays
CMC System SRAM arrays low power mode enable enumeration.
enumerator kCMC_RAMX0
Used to control RAMX0.
enumerator kCMC_RAMX1
Used to control RAMX1.
enumerator kCMC_RAMX2
Used to control RAMX2.
enumerator kCMC_RAMB
Used to control RAMB.
enumerator kCMC_RAMC0
Used to control RAMC0.
enumerator kCMC_RAMC1
Used to control RAMC1.
enumerator kCMC_RAMD0
Used to control RAMD0.
enumerator kCMC_RAMD1
Used to control RAMD1.
enumerator kCMC_RAME0
Used to control RAME0.
enumerator kCMC_RAME1
Used to control RAME1.
enumerator kCMC_RAMF0
Used to control RAMF0.
enumerator kCMC_RAMF1
Used to control RAMF1.
enumerator kCMC_RAMG0_RAMG1
Used to control RAMG0 and RAMG1.
enumerator kCMC_RAMG2_RAMG3
Used to control RAMG2 and RAMG3.
enumerator kCMC_RAMH0_RAMH1
Used to control RAMH0 and RAMH1.
enumerator kCMC_LPCAC
Used to control LPCAC.
enumerator kCMC_DMA0_DMA1_PKC
Used to control DMA0, DMA1 and PKC.
enumerator kCMC_USB0
Used to control USB0.
enumerator kCMC_PQ
Used to control PQ.
enumerator kCMC_CAN0_CAN1_ENET_USB1
Used to control CAN0, CAN1, ENET, USB1.
enumerator kCMC_FlexSPI
Used to control FlexSPI.
enumerator kCMC_AllSramArrays
Mask of all System SRAM arrays.
enumerator kCMC_RAMX0
enum _cmc_system_reset_sources
System reset sources enumeration.
enumerator kCMC_WakeUpReset
The reset caused by a wakeup from Power Down or Deep Power Down mode.
enumerator kCMC_PORReset
The reset caused by power on reset detection logic.
enumerator kCMC_VDReset
The reset caused by an LVD or HVD.
enumerator kCMC_WarmReset
The last reset source is a warm reset source.
enumerator kCMC_FatalReset
The last reset source is a fatal reset source.
enumerator kCMC_PinReset
The reset caused by the RESET_b pin.
enumerator kCMC_DAPReset
The reset caused by a reset request from the Debug Access port.
enumerator kCMC_ResetTimeout
The reset caused by a timeout or other error condition in the system reset generation.
enumerator kCMC_LowPowerAcknowledgeTimeoutReset
The reset caused by a timeout in low power mode entry logic.
enumerator kCMC_SCGReset
The reset caused by a loss of clock or loss of lock event in the SCG.
enumerator kCMC_WindowedWatchdog0Reset
The reset caused by the Windowed WatchDog 0 timeout.
enumerator kCMC_SoftwareReset
The reset caused by a software reset request.
enumerator kCMC_LockUoReset
The reset caused by the ARM core indication of a LOCKUP event.
enumerator kCMC_CodeWatchDog0Reset
The reset caused by the code watchdog0 fault.
enumerator kCMC_JTAGSystemReset
The reset caused by a JTAG system reset request.
enumerator kCMC_WakeUpReset
enum _cmc_core_clock_gate_status
Indicate the core clock was gated.
enumerator kCMC_CoreClockNotGated
Core clock not gated.
enumerator kCMC_CoreClockGated
Core clock was gated due to low power mode entry.
enumerator kCMC_CoreClockNotGated
enum _cmc_clock_mode
CMC clock mode enumeration.
enumerator kCMC_GateNoneClock
No clock gating.
enumerator kCMC_GateCoreClock
Gate Core clock.
enumerator kCMC_GateCorePlatformClock
Gate Core clock and platform clock.
enumerator kCMC_GateAllSystemClocks
Gate all System clocks, without getting core entering into low power mode.
enumerator kCMC_GateAllSystemClocksEnterLowPowerMode
Gate all System clocks, with core entering into low power mode.
enumerator kCMC_GateNoneClock
enum _cmc_low_power_mode
CMC power mode enumeration.
enumerator kCMC_ActiveOrSleepMode
Select Active/Sleep mode.
enumerator kCMC_DeepSleepMode
Select Deep Sleep mode when a core executes WFI or WFE instruction.
enumerator kCMC_PowerDownMode
Select Power Down mode when a core executes WFI or WFE instruction.
enumerator kCMC_DeepPowerDown
Select Deep Power Down mode when a core executes WFI or WFE instruction.
enumerator kCMC_ActiveOrSleepMode
typedef enum _cmc_core_clock_gate_status cmc_core_clock_gate_status_t
Indicate the core clock was gated.
typedef enum _cmc_clock_mode cmc_clock_mode_t
CMC clock mode enumeration.
typedef enum _cmc_low_power_mode cmc_low_power_mode_t
CMC power mode enumeration.
typedef struct _cmc_reset_pin_config cmc_reset_pin_config_t
CMC reset pin configuration.
typedef struct _cmc_power_domain_config cmc_power_domain_config_t
power mode configuration for each power domain.
CMC driver version 2.2.3.
void CMC_SetClockMode(CMC_Type *base, cmc_clock_mode_t mode)
Sets clock mode.
This function configs the amount of clock gating when the core asserts Sleeping due to WFI, WFE or SLEEPONEXIT.
- Parameters:
base – CMC peripheral base address.
mode – System clock mode.
static inline void CMC_LockClockModeSetting(CMC_Type *base)
Locks the clock mode setting.
After invoking this function, any clock mode setting will be blocked.
- Parameters:
base – CMC peripheral base address.
static inline cmc_core_clock_gate_status_t CMC_GetCoreClockGatedStatus(CMC_Type *base)
Gets the core clock gated status.
This function get the status to indicate whether the core clock is gated. The core clock gated status can be cleared by software.
- Parameters:
base – CMC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The status to indicate whether the core clock is gated.
static inline void CMC_ClearCoreClockGatedStatus(CMC_Type *base)
Clears the core clock gated status.
This function clear clock status flag by software.
- Parameters:
base – CMC peripheral base address.
static inline uint8_t CMC_GetWakeupSource(CMC_Type *base)
Gets the Wakeup Source.
This function gets the Wakeup sources from the previous low power mode entry.
- Parameters:
base – CMC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The Wakeup sources from the previous low power mode entry. See _cmc_wakeup_sources for details.
static inline cmc_clock_mode_t CMC_GetClockMode(CMC_Type *base)
Gets the Clock mode.
This function gets the clock mode of the previous low power mode entry.
- Parameters:
base – CMC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The Low Power status.
static inline uint32_t CMC_GetSystemResetStatus(CMC_Type *base)
Gets the System reset status.
This function returns the system reset status. Those status updates on every MAIN Warm Reset to indicate the type/source of the most recent reset.
- Parameters:
base – CMC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The most recent system reset status. See _cmc_system_reset_sources for details.
static inline uint32_t CMC_GetStickySystemResetStatus(CMC_Type *base)
Gets the sticky system reset status since the last WAKE Cold Reset.
This function gets all source of system reset that have generated a system reset since the last WAKE Cold Reset, and that have not been cleared by software.
- Parameters:
base – CMC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
System reset status that have not been cleared by software. See _cmc_system_reset_sources for details.
static inline void CMC_ClearStickySystemResetStatus(CMC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears the sticky system reset status flags.
- Parameters:
base – CMC peripheral base address.
mask – Bitmap of the sticky system reset status to be cleared.
static inline uint8_t CMC_GetResetCount(CMC_Type *base)
Gets the number of reset sequences completed since the last Cold Reset.
- Parameters:
base – CMC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The number of reset sequences.
void CMC_SetPowerModeProtection(CMC_Type *base, uint32_t allowedModes)
Configures all power mode protection settings.
This function configures the power mode protection settings for supported power modes. This should be done before set the lowPower mode for each power doamin.
The allowed lowpower modes are passed as bit map. For example, to allow Sleep and DeepSleep, use CMC_SetPowerModeProtection(CMC_base, kCMC_AllowSleepMode|kCMC_AllowDeepSleepMode). To allow all low power modes, use CMC_SetPowerModeProtection(CMC_base, kCMC_AllowAllLowPowerModes).
- Parameters:
base – CMC peripheral base address.
allowedModes – Bitmaps of the allowed power modes. See _cmc_power_mode_protection for details.
static inline void CMC_LockPowerModeProtectionSetting(CMC_Type *base)
Locks the power mode protection.
This function locks the power mode protection. After invoking this function, any power mode protection setting will be ignored.
- Parameters:
base – CMC peripheral base address.
static inline void CMC_SetGlobalPowerMode(CMC_Type *base, cmc_low_power_mode_t lowPowerMode)
Config the same lowPower mode for all power domain.
This function configures the same low power mode for MAIN power domian and WAKE power domain.
- Parameters:
base – CMC peripheral base address.
lowPowerMode – The desired lowPower mode. See cmc_low_power_mode_t for details.
static inline void CMC_SetMAINPowerMode(CMC_Type *base, cmc_low_power_mode_t lowPowerMode)
Configures entry into low power mode for the MAIN Power domain.
This function configures the low power mode for the MAIN power domian, when the core executes WFI/WFE instruction. The available lowPower modes are defined in the cmc_low_power_mode_t.
- Parameters:
base – CMC peripheral base address.
lowPowerMode – The desired lowPower mode. See cmc_low_power_mode_t for details.
static inline cmc_low_power_mode_t CMC_GetMAINPowerMode(CMC_Type *base)
Gets the power mode of the MAIN Power domain.
- Parameters:
base – CMC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The power mode of MAIN Power domain. See cmc_low_power_mode_t for details.
void CMC_ConfigResetPin(CMC_Type *base, const cmc_reset_pin_config_t *config)
Configure reset pin.
This function configures reset pin. When enabled, the low power filter is enabled in both Active and Low power modes, the reset filter is only enabled in Active mode. When both filers are enabled, they operate in series.
- Parameters:
base – CMC peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to the reset pin config structure.
static inline void CMC_EnableSystemResetInterrupt(CMC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enable system reset interrupts.
This function enables the system reset interrupts. The assertion of non-fatal warm reset can be delayed for 258 cycles of the 32K_CLK clock while an enabled interrupt is generated. Then Software can perform a graceful shutdown or abort the non-fatal warm reset provided the pending reset source is cleared by resetting the reset source and then clearing the pending flag.
- Parameters:
base – CMC peripheral base address.
mask – System reset interrupts. See _cmc_system_reset_interrupt_enable for details.
static inline void CMC_DisableSystemResetInterrupt(CMC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disable system reset interrupts.
This function disables the system reset interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – CMC peripheral base address.
mask – System reset interrupts. See _cmc_system_reset_interrupt_enable for details.
static inline uint32_t CMC_GetSystemResetInterruptFlags(CMC_Type *base)
Gets System Reset interrupt flags.
This function returns the System reset interrupt flags.
- Parameters:
base – CMC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
System reset interrupt flags. See _cmc_system_reset_interrupt_flag for details.
static inline void CMC_ClearSystemResetInterruptFlags(CMC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears System Reset interrupt flags.
This function clears system reset interrupt flags. The pending reset source can be cleared by resetting the source of the reset and then clearing the pending flags.
- Parameters:
base – CMC peripheral base address.
mask – System Reset interrupt flags. See _cmc_system_reset_interrupt_flag for details.
static inline void CMC_EnableNonMaskablePinInterrupt(CMC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable/Disable Non maskable Pin interrupt.
- Parameters:
base – CMC peripheral base address.
enable – Enable or disable Non maskable pin interrupt. true - enable Non-maskable pin interrupt. false - disable Non-maskable pin interupt.
static inline uint8_t CMC_GetISPMODEPinLogic(CMC_Type *base)
Gets the logic state of the ISPMODE_n pin.
This function returns the logic state of the ISPMODE_n pin on the last negation of RESET_b pin.
- Parameters:
base – CMC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The logic state of the ISPMODE_n pin on the last negation of RESET_b pin.
static inline void CMC_ClearISPMODEPinLogic(CMC_Type *base)
Clears ISPMODE_n pin state.
- Parameters:
base – CMC peripheral base address.
static inline void CMC_ForceBootConfiguration(CMC_Type *base, bool assert)
Set the logic state of the BOOT_CONFIGn pin.
This function force the logic state of the Boot_Confign pin to assert on next system reset.
- Parameters:
base – CMC peripheral base address.
assert – Assert the corresponding pin or not. true - Assert corresponding pin on next system reset. false - No effect.
static inline uint32_t CMC_GetBootRomStatus(CMC_Type *base)
Gets the status information written by the BootROM.
- Parameters:
base – CMC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The status information written by the BootROM.
static inline void CMC_SetBootRomStatus(CMC_Type *base, uint32_t statValue)
Sets the bootROM status value.
This function is useful when result of CMC_CheckBootRomRegisterWrittable() is true.
- Parameters:
base – CMC peripheral base address.
stat – The state value to set.
static inline bool CMC_CheckBootRomRegisterWrittable(CMC_Type *base)
Check if BootROM status and lock registers is writtable.
- Parameters:
base – CMC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The result of whether BootROM status and lock register is writtable.
true BootROM status and lock registers are writtable;
false BootROM status and lock registers are not writtable.
static inline void CMC_LockBootRomStatusWritten(CMC_Type *base)
After invoking this function, BootROM status and lock registers cannot be written.
- Parameters:
base – CMC peripheral base address.
static inline void CMC_UnlockBootRomStatusWritten(CMC_Type *base)
After invoking this function, BootROM status and lock register can be written.s.
- Parameters:
base –
void CMC_PowerOffSRAMAllMode(CMC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Power off the selected system SRAM always.
This function power off the selected system SRAM always. The SRAM arrays should not be accessed while they are shut down. SRAM array contents are not retained if they are powered off.
Once invoked, the previous settings will be overwritten.
- Parameters:
base – CMC peripheral base address.
mask – Bitmap of the SRAM arrays to be powered off all modes. See _cmc_system_sram_arrays for details. Check Reference Manual for the SRAM region and mask bit relationship.
static inline void CMC_PowerOnSRAMAllMode(CMC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Power on SRAM during all mode.
Once invoked, the previous settings will be overwritten.
- Parameters:
base – CMC peripheral base address.
mask – Bitmap of the SRAM arrays to be powered on all modes. See _cmc_system_sram_arrays for details. Check Reference Manual for the SRAM region and mask bit relationship.
void CMC_PowerOffSRAMLowPowerOnly(CMC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Power off the selected system SRAM during low power modes only.
This function power off the selected system SRAM only during low power mode. SRAM array contents are not retained if they are power off.
- Parameters:
base – CMC peripheral base address.
mask – Bitmap of the SRAM arrays to be power off during low power mode only. See _cmc_system_sram_arrays for details. Check Reference Manual for the SRAM region and mask bit relationship.
static inline void CMC_PowerOnSRAMLowPowerOnly(CMC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Power on the selected system SRAM during low power modes only.
This function power on the selected system SRAM. The SRAM arrray contents are retained in low power modes.
- Parameters:
base – CMC peripheral base address.
mask – Bitmap of the SRAM arrays to be power on during low power mode only. See _cmc_system_sram_arrays for details. Check Reference Manual for the SRAM region and mask bit relationship.
void CMC_ConfigFlashMode(CMC_Type *base, bool doze, bool disable)
Configs the low power mode of the on-chip flash memory.
This function configs the low power mode of the on-chip flash memory.
- Parameters:
base – CMC peripheral base address.
doze – true: Flash is disabled while core is sleeping false: No effect.
disable – true: Flash memory is placed in low power state. false: No effect.
static inline void CMC_EnableDebugOperation(CMC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/Disables debug Operation when the core sleep.
This function configs what happens to debug when core sleeps.
- Parameters:
base – CMC peripheral base address.
enable – Enable or disable Debug when Core is sleeping. true - Debug remains enabled when the core is sleeping. false - Debug is disabled when the core is sleeping.
void CMC_PreEnterLowPowerMode(void)
Prepares to enter low power modes.
This function should be called before entering low power modes.
void CMC_PostExitLowPowerMode(void)
Recovers after wake up from low power modes.
This function should be called after wake up from low power modes. This function should be used with CMC_PreEnterLowPowerMode()
void CMC_GlobalEnterLowPowerMode(CMC_Type *base, cmc_low_power_mode_t lowPowerMode)
Configs the entry into the same low power mode for each power domains.
This function provides the feature to entry into the same low power mode for each power domains. Before invoking this function, please ensure the selected power mode have been allowed.
- Parameters:
base – CMC peripheral base address.
lowPowerMode – The low power mode to be entered. See cmc_low_power_mode_t for the details.
void CMC_EnterLowPowerMode(CMC_Type *base, const cmc_power_domain_config_t *config)
Configs the entry into different low power modes for each power domains.
This function provides the feature to entry into different low power modes for each power domains. Before invoking this function please ensure the selected modes are allowed.
- Parameters:
base – CMC peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to the cmc_power_domain_config_t structure.
bool lowpowerFilterEnable
Low Power Filter enable.
bool resetFilterEnable
Reset Filter enable.
uint8_t resetFilterWidth
Width of the Reset Filter.
cmc_clock_mode_t clock_mode
Clock mode for each power domain.
cmc_low_power_mode_t main_domain
The low power mode of the MAIN power domain.
struct _cmc_reset_pin_config
- #include <fsl_cmc.h>
CMC reset pin configuration.
struct _cmc_power_domain_config
- #include <fsl_cmc.h>
power mode configuration for each power domain.
MCX_SPC: System Power Control driver
uint8_t SPC_GetPeriphIOIsolationStatus(SPC_Type *base)
Gets Isolation status for each power domains.
This function gets the status which indicates whether certain peripheral and the IO pads are in a latched state as a result of having been in POWERDOWN mode.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Current isolation status for each power domains. See _spc_power_domains for details.
static inline void SPC_ClearPeriphIOIsolationFlag(SPC_Type *base)
Clears peripherals and I/O pads isolation flags for each power domains.
This function clears peripherals and I/O pads isolation flags for each power domains. After recovering from the POWERDOWN mode, user must invoke this function to release the I/O pads and certain peripherals to their normal run mode state. Before invoking this function, user must restore chip configuration in particular pin configuration for enabled WUU wakeup pins.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
static inline bool SPC_GetBusyStatusFlag(SPC_Type *base)
Gets SPC busy status flag.
This function gets SPC busy status flag. When SPC executing any type of power mode transition in ACTIVE mode or any of the SOC low power mode, the SPC busy status flag is set and this function returns true. When changing CORE LDO voltage level and DCDC voltage level in ACTIVE mode, the SPC busy status flag is set and this function return true.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Ack busy flag. true - SPC is busy. false - SPC is not busy.
static inline bool SPC_CheckLowPowerReqest(SPC_Type *base)
Checks system low power request.
Only when all power domains request low power mode entry, the result of this function is true. That means when all power domains request low power mode entry, the SPC regulators will be controlled by LP_CFG register.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The system low power request check result.
true All power domains have requested low power mode and SPC has entered a low power state and power mode configuration are based on the LP_CFG configuration register.
false SPC in active mode and ACTIVE_CFG register control system power supply.
static inline void SPC_ClearLowPowerRequest(SPC_Type *base)
Clears system low power request, set SPC in active mode.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
static inline spc_power_domain_low_power_mode_t SPC_GetRequestedLowPowerMode(SPC_Type *base)
Check the last low-power mode that the power domain requested.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The last low-power mode that the power domain requested.
static inline bool SPC_CheckSwitchState(SPC_Type *base)
Checks whether the power switch is on.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
- Return values:
true – The power switch is on.
false – The power switch is off.
spc_power_domain_low_power_mode_t SPC_GetPowerDomainLowPowerMode(SPC_Type *base, spc_power_domain_id_t powerDomainId)
Gets selected power domain’s requested low power mode.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
powerDomainId – Power Domain Id, please refer to spc_power_domain_id_t.
- Returns:
The selected power domain’s requested low power mode, please refer to spc_power_domain_low_power_mode_t.
static inline bool SPC_CheckPowerDomainLowPowerRequest(SPC_Type *base, spc_power_domain_id_t powerDomainId)
Checks power domain’s low power request.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
powerDomainId – Power Domain Id, please refer to spc_power_domain_id_t.
- Returns:
The result of power domain’s low power request.
true The selected power domain requests low power mode entry.
false The selected power domain does not request low power mode entry.
static inline void SPC_ClearPowerDomainLowPowerRequestFlag(SPC_Type *base, spc_power_domain_id_t powerDomainId)
Clears selected power domain’s low power request flag.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
powerDomainId – Power Domain Id, please refer to spc_power_domain_id_t.
static inline void SPC_TrimSRAMLdoRefVoltage(SPC_Type *base, uint8_t trimValue)
Trims SRAM retention regulator reference voltage, trim step is 12 mV, range is around 0.48V to 0.85V.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
trimValue – Reference voltage trim value.
static inline void SPC_EnableSRAMLdo(SPC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/disables SRAM retention LDO.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
enable – Used to enable/disable SRAM LDO :
true Enable SRAM LDO;
false Disable SRAM LDO.
static inline void SPC_RetainSRAMArray(SPC_Type *base, uint8_t mask)
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
mask – The OR’ed value of SRAM Array.
static inline void SPC_UnRetainSRAMArray(SPC_Type *base, uint8_t mask)
Unretain SRAM array.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
mask – The OR’ed value of SRAM Array.
void SPC_SetLowPowerRequestConfig(SPC_Type *base, const spc_lowpower_request_config_t *config)
Configs Low power request output pin.
This function config the low power request output pin
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
config – Pointer the spc_lowpower_request_config_t structure.
static inline void SPC_EnableIntegratedPowerSwitchManually(SPC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/disables the integrated power switch manually.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
enable – Used to enable/disable the integrated power switch:
true Enable the integrated power switch;
false Disable the integrated power switch.
static inline void SPC_EnableIntegratedPowerSwitchAutomatically(SPC_Type *base, bool sleepGate, bool wakeupUngate)
Enables/disables the integrated power switch automatically.
To gate the integrated power switch when chip enter low power modes, and ungate the switch after wake-up from low power modes:
SPC_EnableIntegratedPowerSwitchAutomatically(SPC, true, true);
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
sleepGate – Enable the integrated power switch when chip enter low power modes:
true SPC asserts an output pin at low-power entry to power-gate the switch;
false SPC does not assert an output pin at low-power entry to power-gate the switch.
wakeupUngate – Enables the switch after wake-up from low power modes:
true SPC asserts an output pin at low-power exit to power-ungate the switch;
false SPC does not assert an output pin at low-power exit to power-ungate the switch.
void SPC_ConfigVddCoreGlitchDetector(SPC_Type *base, const spc_vdd_core_glitch_detector_config_t *config)
Configures VDD Core Glitch detector, including ripple counter selection, timeout value and so on.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to the structure in type of spc_vdd_core_glitch_detector_config_t.
static inline bool SPC_CheckGlitchRippleCounterOutput(SPC_Type *base, spc_vdd_core_glitch_ripple_counter_select_t rippleCounter)
Checks selected 4-bit glitch ripple counter’s output.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
rippleCounter – The ripple counter to check, please refer to spc_vdd_core_glitch_ripple_counter_select_t.
- Return values:
true – The selected ripple counter output is 1, will generate interrupt or reset based on settings.
false – The selected ripple counter output is 0.
static inline void SPC_ClearGlitchRippleCounterOutput(SPC_Type *base, spc_vdd_core_glitch_ripple_counter_select_t rippleCounter)
Clears output of selected glitch ripple counter.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
rippleCounter – The ripple counter to check, please refer to spc_vdd_core_glitch_ripple_counter_select_t.
static inline void SPC_LockVddCoreVoltageGlitchDetectResetControl(SPC_Type *base)
After invoking this function, writes to SPC_VDD_CORE_GLITCH_DETECT_SC[RE] register are ignored.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
static inline void SPC_UnlockVddCoreVoltageGlitchDetectResetControl(SPC_Type *base)
After invoking this function, writes to SPC_VDD_CORE_GLITCH_DETECT_SC[RE] register are allowed.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
static inline bool SPC_CheckVddCoreVoltageGlitchResetControlState(SPC_Type *base)
Checks if SPC_VDD_CORE_GLITCH_DETECT_SC[RE] register is writable.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
- Return values:
true – SPC_VDD_CORE_GLITCH_DETECT_SC[RE] register is writable.
false – SPC_VDD_CORE_GLITCH_DETECT_SC[RE] register is not writable.
void SPC_SetSRAMOperateVoltage(SPC_Type *base, const spc_sram_voltage_config_t *config)
Set SRAM operate voltage.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
config – The pointer to spc_sram_voltage_config_t, specifies the configuration of sram voltage.
static inline spc_bandgap_mode_t SPC_GetActiveModeBandgapMode(SPC_Type *base)
Gets the Bandgap mode in Active mode.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Bandgap mode in the type of spc_bandgap_mode_t enumeration.
static inline uint32_t SPC_GetActiveModeVoltageDetectStatus(SPC_Type *base)
Gets all voltage detectors status in Active mode.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
All voltage detectors status in Active mode.
status_t SPC_SetActiveModeBandgapModeConfig(SPC_Type *base, spc_bandgap_mode_t mode)
Configs Bandgap mode in Active mode.
To disable bandgap in Active mode:
Disable all LVD’s and HVD’s in active mode;
Disable Glitch detect;
Configrue LDO’s and DCDC to low drive strength in active mode;
Invoke this function to disable bandgap in active mode; otherwise the error status will be reported.
Some other system resources(such as PLL, CMP) require bandgap to be enabled, to disable bandgap please take care of other system resources.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
mode – The Bandgap mode be selected.
- Return values:
kStatus_SPC_BandgapModeWrong – The Bandgap can not be disabled in active mode.
kStatus_Success – Config Bandgap mode in Active power mode successful.
static inline void SPC_EnableActiveModeCMPBandgapBuffer(SPC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/Disable the CMP Bandgap Buffer in Active mode.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
enable – Enable/Disable CMP Bandgap buffer. true - Enable Buffer Stored Reference voltage to CMP. false - Disable Buffer Stored Reference voltage to CMP.
static inline void SPC_SetActiveModeVoltageTrimDelay(SPC_Type *base, uint16_t delay)
Sets the delay when the regulators change voltage level in Active mode.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
delay – The number of SPC timer clock cycles.
status_t SPC_SetActiveModeRegulatorsConfig(SPC_Type *base, const spc_active_mode_regulators_config_t *config)
Configs all settings of regulators in Active mode at a time.
This function is used to overwrite all settings of regulators(including bandgap mode, regulators’ drive strength and voltage level) in active mode at a time.
Enable/disable LVDs/HVDs before invoking this function.
This function will check input parameters based on hardware restrictions before setting registers, if input parameters do not satisfy hardware restrictions the specific error will be reported.
Some hardware restrictions not covered, application should be aware of this and follow this hardware restrictions otherwise some unkown issue may occur:
If Core LDO’s drive strength are set to same value in both Active mode and low power mode, the voltage level should also set to same value.
When switching Core LDO’s drive strength from low to normal, ensure the LDO_CORE high voltage level is set to same level that was set prior to switching to the LDO_CORE drive strength. Otherwise, if the LVDs are enabled, an unexpected LVD can occur.
If this function can not satisfy some tricky settings, please invoke other APIs in low-level function group.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to spc_active_mode_regulators_config_t structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Config regulators in Active power mode successful.
kStatus_SPC_BandgapModeWrong – Based on input setting, bandgap can not be disabled.
kStatus_SPC_Busy – The SPC instance is busy to execute any type of power mode transition.
kStatus_SPC_CORELDOLowDriveStrengthIgnore – Any of LVDs/HVDs kept enabled before invoking this function.
kStatus_SPC_SYSLDOOverDriveVoltageFail – Fail to regulator to Over Drive Voltage due to System VDD HVD is not disabled.
kStatus_SPC_SYSLDOLowDriveStrengthIgnore – Any of LVDs/HVDs kept enabled before invoking this function.
kStatus_SPC_CORELDOVoltageWrong – Core LDO and System LDO do not have same voltage level.
static inline void SPC_DisableActiveModeVddCoreGlitchDetect(SPC_Type *base, bool disable)
Disables/Enables VDD Core Glitch Detect in Active mode.
State of glitch detect disable feature will be ignored if bandgap is disabled and glitch detect hardware will be forced to OFF state.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
disable – Used to disable/enable VDD Core Glitch detect feature.
true Disable VDD Core Low Voltage detect;
false Enable VDD Core Low Voltage detect.
static inline bool SPC_CheckActiveModeVddCoreGlitchDetectEnabled(SPC_Type *base)
Check if Glitch detect hardware is enabled in active mode.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Indicate if Glitch detector is enabled.
static inline void SPC_EnableActiveModeAnalogModules(SPC_Type *base, uint32_t maskValue)
Enables analog modules in active mode.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
maskValue – The mask of analog modules to enable in active mode, should be the OR’ed value of spc_analog_module_control.
static inline void SPC_DisableActiveModeAnalogModules(SPC_Type *base, uint32_t maskValue)
Disables analog modules in active mode.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
maskValue – The mask of analog modules to disable in active mode, should be the OR’ed value of spc_analog_module_control.
static inline uint32_t SPC_GetActiveModeEnabledAnalogModules(SPC_Type *base)
Gets enabled analog modules that enabled in active mode.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The mask of enabled analog modules that enabled in active mode.
static inline spc_bandgap_mode_t SPC_GetLowPowerModeBandgapMode(SPC_Type *base)
Gets the Bandgap mode in Low Power mode.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Bandgap mode in the type of spc_bandgap_mode_t enumeration.
static inline uint32_t SPC_GetLowPowerModeVoltageDetectStatus(SPC_Type *base)
Gets the status of all voltage detectors in Low Power mode.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The status of all voltage detectors in low power mode.
static inline void SPC_EnableLowPowerModeLowPowerIREF(SPC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/Disables Low Power IREF in low power modes.
This function enables/disables Low Power IREF. Low Power IREF can only get disabled in Deep power down mode. In other low power modes, the Low Power IREF is always enabled.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
enable – Enable/Disable Low Power IREF. true - Enable Low Power IREF for Low Power modes. false - Disable Low Power IREF for Deep Power Down mode.
status_t SPC_SetLowPowerModeBandgapmodeConfig(SPC_Type *base, spc_bandgap_mode_t mode)
Configs Bandgap mode in Low Power mode.
To disable Bandgap in Low-power mode:
Disable all LVD’s ad HVD’s in low power mode;
Disable Glitch detect in low power mode;
Configure LDO’s and DCDC to low drive strength in low power mode;
Disable bandgap in low power mode; Otherwise, the error status will be reported.
Some other system resources(such as PLL, CMP) require bandgap to be enabled, to disable bandgap please take care of other system resources.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
mode – The Bandgap mode be selected.
- Return values:
kStatus_SPC_BandgapModeWrong – The bandgap mode setting in Low Power mode is wrong.
kStatus_Success – Config Bandgap mode in Low Power power mode successful.
static inline void SPC_EnableSRAMLdOLowPowerModeIREF(SPC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/disables SRAM_LDO deep power low power IREF.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
enable – Used to enable/disable low power IREF :
true: Low Power IREF is enabled ;
false: Low Power IREF is disabled for power saving.
static inline void SPC_EnableLowPowerModeCMPBandgapBufferMode(SPC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/Disables CMP Bandgap Buffer.
This function gates CMP bandgap buffer. CMP bandgap buffer is automatically disabled and turned off in Deep Power Down mode.
- Deprecated:
No longer used, please use SPC_EnableLowPowerModeCMPBandgapBuffer as instead.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
enable – Enable/Disable CMP Bandgap buffer. true - Enable Buffer Stored Reference Voltage to CMP. false - Disable Buffer Stored Reference Voltage to CMP.
static inline void SPC_EnableLowPowerModeCMPBandgapBuffer(SPC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/Disables CMP Bandgap Buffer.
This function gates CMP bandgap buffer. CMP bandgap buffer is automatically disabled and turned off in Deep Power Down mode.
- Deprecated:
No longer used.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
enable – Enable/Disable CMP Bandgap buffer. true - Enable Buffer Stored Reference Voltage to CMP. false - Disable Buffer Stored Reference Voltage to CMP.
static inline void SPC_EnableLowPowerModeCoreVDDInternalVoltageScaling(SPC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/Disables CORE VDD IVS(Internal Voltage Scaling) in power down modes.
This function gates CORE VDD IVS. When enabled, the IVS regulator will scale the external input CORE VDD to a lower voltage level to reduce internal leakage. IVS is invalid in Sleep or Deep power down mode.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
enable – Enable/Disable IVS. true - enable CORE VDD IVS in Power Down mode. false - disable CORE VDD IVS in Power Down mode.
static inline void SPC_SetLowPowerWakeUpDelay(SPC_Type *base, uint16_t delay)
Sets the delay when exit the low power modes.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
delay – The number of SPC timer clock cycles that the SPC waits on exit from low power modes.
status_t SPC_SetLowPowerModeRegulatorsConfig(SPC_Type *base, const spc_lowpower_mode_regulators_config_t *config)
Configs all settings of regulators in Low power mode at a time.
This function is used to overwrite all settings of regulators(including bandgap mode, regulators’ drive strength and voltage level) in low power mode at a time.
Enable/disable LVDs/HVDs before invoking this function.
This function will check input parameters based on hardware restrictions before setting registers, if input parameters do not satisfy hardware restrictions the specific error will be reported.
Some hardware restrictions not covered, application should be aware of this and follow this hardware restrictions otherwise some unkown issue may occur:
If Core LDO’s drive strength are set to same value in both Active mode and low power mode, the voltage level should also set to same value.
When switching Core LDO’s drive strength from low to normal, ensure the LDO_CORE high voltage level is set to same level that was set prior to switching to the LDO_CORE drive strength. Otherwise, if the LVDs are enabled, an unexpected LVD can occur.
If this function can not satisfy some tricky settings, please invoke other APIs in low-level function group.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to spc_lowpower_mode_regulators_config_t structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Config regulators in Low power mode successful.
kStatus_SPC_BandgapModeWrong – The bandgap should not be disabled based on input settings.
kStatus_SPC_CORELDOLowDriveStrengthIgnore – Set driver strength to low will be ignored.
kStatus_SPC_SYSLDOLowDriveStrengthIgnore – Set driver strength to low will be ignored.
kStatus_SPC_CORELDOVoltageWrong – Core LDO and System LDO do not have same voltage level.
static inline void SPC_DisableLowPowerModeVddCoreGlitchDetect(SPC_Type *base, bool disable)
Disable/Enable VDD Core Glitch Detect in low power mode.
State of glitch detect disable feature will be ignored if bandgap is disabled and glitch detect hardware will be forced to OFF state.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
disable – Used to disable/enable VDD Core Glitch detect feature.
true Disable VDD Core Low Voltage detect;
false Enable VDD Core Low Voltage detect.
static inline bool SPC_CheckLowPowerModeVddCoreGlitchDetectEnabled(SPC_Type *base)
Check if Glitch detect hardware is enabled in low power mode.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Indicate if Glitch detector is enabled.
static inline void SPC_EnableLowPowerModeAnalogModules(SPC_Type *base, uint32_t maskValue)
Enables analog modules in low power modes.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
maskValue – The mask of analog modules to enable in low power modes, should be OR’ed value of spc_analog_module_control.
static inline void SPC_DisableLowPowerModeAnalogModules(SPC_Type *base, uint32_t maskValue)
Disables analog modules in low power modes.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
maskValue – The mask of analog modules to disable in low power modes, should be OR’ed value of spc_analog_module_control.
static inline uint32_t SPC_GetLowPowerModeEnabledAnalogModules(SPC_Type *base)
Gets enabled analog modules that enabled in low power modes.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The mask of enabled analog modules that enabled in low power modes.
static inline uint8_t SPC_GetVoltageDetectStatusFlag(SPC_Type *base)
Get Voltage Detect Status Flags.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Voltage Detect Status Flags. See _spc_voltage_detect_flags for details.
static inline void SPC_ClearVoltageDetectStatusFlag(SPC_Type *base, uint8_t mask)
Clear Voltage Detect Status Flags.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
mask – The mask of the voltage detect status flags. See _spc_voltage_detect_flags for details.
void SPC_SetCoreVoltageDetectConfig(SPC_Type *base, const spc_core_voltage_detect_config_t *config)
Configs CORE voltage detect options.
: Setting both the voltage detect interrupt and reset enable will cause interrupt to be generated on exit from reset. If those conditioned is not desired, interrupt/reset so only one is enabled.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to spc_core_voltage_detect_config_t structure.
static inline void SPC_LockCoreVoltageDetectResetSetting(SPC_Type *base)
Locks Core voltage detect reset setting.
This function locks core voltage detect reset setting. After invoking this function any configuration of Core voltage detect reset will be ignored.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
static inline void SPC_UnlockCoreVoltageDetectResetSetting(SPC_Type *base)
Unlocks Core voltage detect reset setting.
This function unlocks core voltage detect reset setting. If locks the Core voltage detect reset setting, invoking this function to unlock.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
status_t SPC_EnableActiveModeCoreLowVoltageDetect(SPC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/Disables the Core Low Voltage Detector in Active mode.
If the CORE_LDO low voltage detect is enabled in Active mode, please note that the bandgap must be enabled and the drive strength of each regulator must not set to low.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
enable – Enable/Disable Core LVD. true - Enable Core Low voltage detector in active mode. false - Disable Core Low voltage detector in active mode.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Enable/Disable Core Low Voltage Detect successfully.
status_t SPC_EnableLowPowerModeCoreLowVoltageDetect(SPC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/Disables the Core Low Voltage Detector in Low Power mode.
This function enables/disables the Core Low Voltage Detector. If enabled the Core Low Voltage detector. The Bandgap mode in low power mode must be programmed so that Bandgap is enabled.
If the CORE_LDO low voltage detect is enabled in Low Power mode, please note that the bandgap must be enabled and the drive strength of each regulator must not set to low in Low Power mode.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
enable – Enable/Disable Core HVD. true - Enable Core Low voltage detector in low power mode. false - Disable Core Low voltage detector in low power mode.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Enable/Disable Core Low Voltage Detect in low power mode successfully.
status_t SPC_EnableActiveModeCoreHighVoltageDetect(SPC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/Disables the Core High Voltage Detector in Active mode.
If the CORE_LDO high voltage detect is enabled in Active mode, please note that the bandgap must be enabled and the drive strength of each regulator must not set to low.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
enable – Enable/Disable Core HVD. true - Enable Core High voltage detector in active mode. false - Disable Core High voltage detector in active mode.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Enable/Disable Core High Voltage Detect successfully.
status_t SPC_EnableLowPowerModeCoreHighVoltageDetect(SPC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/Disables the Core High Voltage Detector in Low Power mode.
This function enables/disables the Core High Voltage Detector. If enabled the Core High Voltage detector. The Bandgap mode in low power mode must be programmed so that Bandgap is enabled.
If the CORE_LDO high voltage detect is enabled in Low Power mode, please note that the bandgap must be enabled and the drive strength of each regulator must not set to low in low power mode.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
enable – Enable/Disable Core HVD. true - Enable Core High voltage detector in low power mode. false - Disable Core High voltage detector in low power mode.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Enable/Disable Core High Voltage Detect in low power mode successfully.
void SPC_SetSystemVDDLowVoltageLevel(SPC_Type *base, spc_low_voltage_level_select_t level)
Set system VDD Low-voltage level selection.
This function selects the system VDD low-voltage level. Changing system VDD low-voltage level must be done after disabling the System VDD low voltage reset and interrupt.
- Deprecated:
In latest RM, reserved for all devices, will removed in next release.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
level – System VDD Low-Voltage level selection.
void SPC_SetSystemVoltageDetectConfig(SPC_Type *base, const spc_system_voltage_detect_config_t *config)
Configs SYS voltage detect options.
This function config SYS voltage detect options.
: Setting both the voltage detect interrupt and reset enable will cause interrupt to be generated on exit from reset. If those conditioned is not desired, interrupt/reset so only one is enabled.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to spc_system_voltage_detect_config_t structure.
static inline void SPC_LockSystemVoltageDetectResetSetting(SPC_Type *base)
Lock System voltage detect reset setting.
This function locks system voltage detect reset setting. After invoking this function any configuration of System Voltage detect reset will be ignored.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
static inline void SPC_UnlockSystemVoltageDetectResetSetting(SPC_Type *base)
Unlock System voltage detect reset setting.
This function unlocks system voltage detect reset setting. If locks the System voltage detect reset setting, invoking this function to unlock.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
status_t SPC_EnableActiveModeSystemHighVoltageDetect(SPC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/Disables the System High Voltage Detector in Active mode.
If the System_LDO high voltage detect is enabled in Active mode, please note that the bandgap must be enabled and the drive strength of each regulator must not set to low in Active mode.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
enable – Enable/Disable System HVD. true - Enable System High voltage detector in active mode. false - Disable System High voltage detector in active mode.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Enable/Disable System High Voltage Detect successfully.
status_t SPC_EnableActiveModeSystemLowVoltageDetect(SPC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/Disable the System Low Voltage Detector in Active mode.
If the System_LDO low voltage detect is enabled in Active mode, please note that the bandgap must be enabled and the drive strength of each regulator must not set to low in Active mode.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
enable – Enable/Disable System LVD. true - Enable System Low voltage detector in active mode. false - Disable System Low voltage detector in active mode.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Enable/Disable the System Low Voltage Detect successfully.
status_t SPC_EnableLowPowerModeSystemHighVoltageDetect(SPC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/Disables the System High Voltage Detector in Low Power mode.
If the System_LDO high voltage detect is enabled in Low Power mode, please note that the bandgap must be enabled and the drive strength of each regulator must not set to low in Low Power mode.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
enable – Enable/Disable System HVD. true - Enable System High voltage detector in low power mode. false - Disable System High voltage detector in low power mode.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Enable/Disable System High Voltage Detect in low power mode successfully.
status_t SPC_EnableLowPowerModeSystemLowVoltageDetect(SPC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/Disables the System Low Voltage Detector in Low Power mode.
If the System_LDO low voltage detect is enabled in Low Power mode, please note that the bandgap must be enabled and the drive strength of each regulator must not set to low in Low Power mode.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
enable – Enable/Disable System HVD. true - Enable System Low voltage detector in low power mode. false - Disable System Low voltage detector in low power mode.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Enables System Low Voltage Detect in low power mode successfully.
void SPC_SetIOVDDLowVoltageLevel(SPC_Type *base, spc_low_voltage_level_select_t level)
Set IO VDD Low-Voltage level selection.
This function selects the IO VDD Low-voltage level. Changing IO VDD low-voltage level must be done after disabling the IO VDD low voltage reset and interrupt.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
level – IO VDD Low-voltage level selection.
void SPC_SetIOVoltageDetectConfig(SPC_Type *base, const spc_io_voltage_detect_config_t *config)
Configs IO voltage detect options.
This function config IO voltage detect options.
: Setting both the voltage detect interrupt and reset enable will cause interrupt to be generated on exit from reset. If those conditioned is not desired, interrupt/reset so only one is enabled.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to spc_voltage_detect_config_t structure.
static inline void SPC_LockIOVoltageDetectResetSetting(SPC_Type *base)
Lock IO Voltage detect reset setting.
This function locks IO voltage detect reset setting. After invoking this function any configuration of system voltage detect reset will be ignored.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
static inline void SPC_UnlockIOVoltageDetectResetSetting(SPC_Type *base)
Unlock IO voltage detect reset setting.
This function unlocks IO voltage detect reset setting. If locks the IO voltage detect reset setting, invoking this function to unlock.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
status_t SPC_EnableActiveModeIOHighVoltageDetect(SPC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/Disables the IO High Voltage Detector in Active mode.
If the IO high voltage detect is enabled in Active mode, please note that the bandgap must be enabled and the drive strength of each regulator must not set to low in Active mode.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
enable – Enable/Disable IO HVD. true - Enable IO High voltage detector in active mode. false - Disable IO High voltage detector in active mode.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Enable/Disable IO High Voltage Detect successfully.
status_t SPC_EnableActiveModeIOLowVoltageDetect(SPC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/Disables the IO Low Voltage Detector in Active mode.
If the IO low voltage detect is enabled in Active mode, please note that the bandgap must be enabled and the drive strength of each regulator must not set to low in Active mode.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
enable – Enable/Disable IO LVD. true - Enable IO Low voltage detector in active mode. false - Disable IO Low voltage detector in active mode.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Enable IO Low Voltage Detect successfully.
status_t SPC_EnableLowPowerModeIOHighVoltageDetect(SPC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/Disables the IO High Voltage Detector in Low Power mode.
If the IO high voltage detect is enabled in Low Power mode, please note that the bandgap must be enabled and the drive strength of each regulator must not set to low in Low Power mode.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
enable – Enable/Disable IO HVD. true - Enable IO High voltage detector in low power mode. false - Disable IO High voltage detector in low power mode.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Enable IO High Voltage Detect in low power mode successfully.
status_t SPC_EnableLowPowerModeIOLowVoltageDetect(SPC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/Disables the IO Low Voltage Detector in Low Power mode.
If the IO low voltage detect is enabled in Low Power mode, please note that the bandgap must be enabled and the drive strength of each regulator must not set to low in Low Power mode.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
enable – Enable/Disable IO LVD. true - Enable IO Low voltage detector in low power mode. false - Disable IO Low voltage detector in low power mode.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Enable/Disable IO Low Voltage Detect in low power mode successfully.
void SPC_SetExternalVoltageDomainsConfig(SPC_Type *base, uint8_t lowPowerIsoMask, uint8_t IsoMask)
Configs external voltage domains.
This function configs external voltage domains isolation.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
lowPowerIsoMask – The mask of external domains isolate enable during low power mode. Please read the Reference Manual for the Bitmap.
IsoMask – The mask of external domains isolate. Please read the Reference Manual for the Bitmap.
static inline uint8_t SPC_GetExternalDomainsStatus(SPC_Type *base)
Gets External Domains status.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The status of each external domain.
static inline void SPC_EnableCoreLDORegulator(SPC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable/Disable Core LDO regulator.
The CORE LDO enable bit is write-once.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
enable – Enable/Disable CORE LDO Regulator. true - Enable CORE LDO Regulator. false - Disable CORE LDO Regulator.
static inline void SPC_PullDownCoreLDORegulator(SPC_Type *base, bool pulldown)
Enable/Disable the CORE LDO Regulator pull down in Deep Power Down.
This function only useful when enabled the CORE LDO Regulator.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
pulldown – Enable/Disable CORE LDO pulldown in Deep Power Down mode. true - CORE LDO Regulator will discharge in Deep Power Down mode. false - CORE LDO Regulator will not discharge in Deep Power Down mode.
status_t SPC_SetActiveModeCoreLDORegulatorConfig(SPC_Type *base, const spc_active_mode_core_ldo_option_t *option)
Configs Core LDO Regulator in Active mode.
The bandgap must be enabled before invoking this function.
To set Core LDO as low drive strength, all HVDs/LVDs must be disabled previously.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
option – Pointer to the spc_active_mode_core_ldo_option_t structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Config Core LDO regulator in Active power mode successful.
kStatus_SPC_Busy – The SPC instance is busy to execute any type of power mode transition.
kStatus_SPC_BandgapModeWrong – Bandgap should be enabled before invoking this function.
kStatus_SPC_CORELDOLowDriveStrengthIgnore – To set Core LDO as low drive strength, all LVDs/HVDs must be disabled before invoking this function.
status_t SPC_SetActiveModeCoreLDORegulatorVoltageLevel(SPC_Type *base, spc_core_ldo_voltage_level_t voltageLevel)
Set Core LDO Regulator Voltage level in Active mode.
In active mode, the Core LDO voltage level should only be changed when the Core LDO is in normal drive strength.
Update Core LDO voltage level will set Busy flag, this function return only when busy flag is cleared by hardware
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
voltageLevel – Specify the voltage level of CORE LDO Regulator in Active mode, please refer to spc_core_ldo_voltage_level_t.
- Return values:
kStatus_SPC_CORELDOVoltageSetFail – The drive strength of Core LDO is not normal.
kStatus_Success – Set Core LDO regulator voltage level in Active power mode successful.
static inline spc_core_ldo_voltage_level_t SPC_GetActiveModeCoreLDOVDDVoltageLevel(SPC_Type *base)
Gets CORE LDO Regulator Voltage level.
This function returns the voltage level of CORE LDO Regulator in Active mode.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Voltage level of CORE LDO in type of spc_core_ldo_voltage_level_t enumeration.
status_t SPC_SetActiveModeCoreLDORegulatorDriveStrength(SPC_Type *base, spc_core_ldo_drive_strength_t driveStrength)
Set Core LDO VDD Regulator Drive Strength in Active mode.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
driveStrength – Specify the drive strength of CORE LDO Regulator in Active mode, please refer to spc_core_ldo_drive_strength_t.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Set Core LDO regulator drive strength in Active power mode successful.
kStatus_SPC_CORELDOLowDriveStrengthIgnore – If any voltage detect enabled, core_ldo’s drive strength can not set to low.
kStatus_SPC_BandgapModeWrong – The selected bandgap mode is not allowed.
static inline spc_core_ldo_drive_strength_t SPC_GetActiveModeCoreLDODriveStrength(SPC_Type *base)
Gets CORE LDO VDD Regulator Drive Strength in Active mode.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Drive Strength of CORE LDO regulator in Active mode, please refer to spc_core_ldo_drive_strength_t.
status_t SPC_SetLowPowerModeCoreLDORegulatorConfig(SPC_Type *base, const spc_lowpower_mode_core_ldo_option_t *option)
Configs CORE LDO Regulator in low power mode.
This function configs CORE LDO Regulator in Low Power mode. If CORE LDO VDD Drive Strength is set to Normal, the CORE LDO VDD regulator voltage level in Active mode must be equal to the voltage level in Low power mode. And the Bandgap must be programmed to select bandgap enabled. Core VDD voltage levels for the Core LDO low power regulator can only be changed when the CORE LDO Drive Strength set as Normal.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
option – Pointer to the spc_lowpower_mode_core_ldo_option_t structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Config Core LDO regulator in power mode successfully.
kStatus_SPC_Busy – The SPC instance is busy to execute any type of power mode transition.
kStatus_SPC_CORELDOLowDriveStrengthIgnore – Set driver strength to low will be ignored.
#kStatus_SPC_CORELDOVoltageSetFail. – Fail to change Core LDO voltage level.
status_t SPC_SetLowPowerModeCoreLDORegulatorVoltageLevel(SPC_Type *base, spc_core_ldo_voltage_level_t voltageLevel)
Set Core LDO VDD Regulator Voltage level in Low power mode.
If CORE LDO’s drive strength is set to Normal, the CORE LDO VDD regulator voltage in active mode and low power mode must be same.
Voltage level for the CORE LDO in low power mode can only be changed when the CORE LDO Drive Strength set as Normal.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
voltageLevel – Voltage level of CORE LDO Regulator in Low power mode, please refer to spc_core_ldo_voltage_level_t.
- Return values:
kStatus_SPC_CORELDOVoltageWrong – Voltage level in active mode and low power mode is not same.
kStatus_Success – Set Core LDO regulator voltage level in Low power mode successful.
kStatus_SPC_CORELDOVoltageSetFail – Fail to update voltage level because drive strength is incorrect.
static inline spc_core_ldo_voltage_level_t SPC_GetLowPowerCoreLDOVDDVoltageLevel(SPC_Type *base)
Gets the CORE LDO VDD Regulator Voltage Level for Low Power modes.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The CORE LDO VDD Regulator’s voltage level.
status_t SPC_SetLowPowerModeCoreLDORegulatorDriveStrength(SPC_Type *base, spc_core_ldo_drive_strength_t driveStrength)
Set Core LDO VDD Regulator Drive Strength in Low power mode.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
driveStrength – Specify drive strength of CORE LDO in low power mode.
- Return values:
kStatus_SPC_CORELDOLowDriveStrengthIgnore – Some voltage detect enabled, CORE LDO’s drive strength can not set as low.
kStatus_Success – Set Core LDO regulator drive strength in Low power mode successful.
kStatus_SPC_BandgapModeWrong – Bandgap is disabled when attempt to set CORE LDO work as normal drive strength.
static inline spc_core_ldo_drive_strength_t SPC_GetLowPowerCoreLDOVDDDriveStrength(SPC_Type *base)
Gets CORE LDO VDD Drive Strength for Low Power modes.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The CORE LDO’s VDD Drive Strength.
static inline void SPC_EnableSystemLDORegulator(SPC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable/Disable System LDO regulator.
The SYSTEM LDO enable bit is write-once.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
enable – Enable/Disable System LDO Regulator. true - Enable System LDO Regulator. false - Disable System LDO Regulator.
static inline void SPC_EnableSystemLDOSinkFeature(SPC_Type *base, bool sink)
Enable/Disable current sink feature of System LDO Regulator.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
sink – Enable/Disable current sink feature. true - Enable current sink feature of System LDO Regulator. false - Disable current sink feature of System LDO Regulator.
status_t SPC_SetActiveModeSystemLDORegulatorConfig(SPC_Type *base, const spc_active_mode_sys_ldo_option_t *option)
Configs System LDO VDD Regulator in Active mode.
If System LDO VDD Drive Strength is set to Normal, the Bandgap mode in Active mode must be programmed to a value that enables the bandgap.
If any voltage detects are kept enabled, configuration to set System LDO VDD drive strength to low will be ignored.
If select System LDO VDD Regulator voltage level to Over Drive Voltage, the Drive Strength of System LDO VDD Regulator must be set to Normal otherwise the regulator Drive Strength will be forced to Normal.
If select System LDO VDD Regulator voltage level to Over Drive Voltage, the High voltage detect must be disabled. Otherwise it will be fail to regulator to Over Drive Voltage.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
option – Pointer to the spc_active_mode_sys_ldo_option_t structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Config System LDO regulator in Active power mode successful.
kStatus_SPC_Busy – The SPC instance is busy to execute any type of power mode transition.
kStatus_SPC_BandgapModeWrong – The bandgap is not enabled before invoking this function.
kStatus_SPC_SYSLDOOverDriveVoltageFail – HVD of System VDD is not disable before setting to Over Drive voltage.
kStatus_SPC_SYSLDOLowDriveStrengthIgnore – Set System LDO VDD regulator’s driver strength to Low will be ignored.
status_t SPC_SetActiveModeSystemLDORegulatorVoltageLevel(SPC_Type *base, spc_sys_ldo_voltage_level_t voltageLevel)
Set System LDO Regulator voltage level in Active mode.
The system LDO regulator can only operate at the overdrive voltage level for a limited amount of time for the life of chip.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
voltageLevel – Specify the voltage level of System LDO Regulator in Active mode.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Set System LDO Regulator voltage level in Active mode successfully.
kStatus_SPC_SYSLDOOverDriveVoltageFail – Must disable system LDO high voltage detector before specifing overdrive voltage.
static inline spc_sys_ldo_voltage_level_t SPC_GetActiveModeSystemLDORegulatorVoltageLevel(SPC_Type *base)
Get System LDO Regulator voltage level in Active mode.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
System LDO Regulator voltage level in Active mode, please refer to spc_sys_ldo_voltage_level_t.
status_t SPC_SetActiveModeSystemLDORegulatorDriveStrength(SPC_Type *base, spc_sys_ldo_drive_strength_t driveStrength)
Set System LDO Regulator Drive Strength in Active mode.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
driveStrength – Specify the drive strength of System LDO Regulator in Active mode.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Set System LDO Regulator drive strength in Active mode successfully.
kStatus_SPC_SYSLDOLowDriveStrengthIgnore – Attempt to specify low drive strength is ignored due to any voltage detect feature is enabled in active mode.
kStatus_SPC_BandgapModeWrong – Bandgap mode in Active mode must be programmed to a value that enables the bandgap if attempt to specify normal drive strength.
static inline spc_sys_ldo_drive_strength_t SPC_GetActiveModeSystemLDORegulatorDriveStrength(SPC_Type *base)
Get System LDO Regulator Drive Strength in Active mode.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
System LDO regulator drive strength in Active mode, please refer to spc_sys_ldo_drive_strength_t.
status_t SPC_SetLowPowerModeSystemLDORegulatorConfig(SPC_Type *base, const spc_lowpower_mode_sys_ldo_option_t *option)
Configs System LDO regulator in low power modes.
This function configs System LDO regulator in low power modes. If System LDO VDD Regulator Drive strength is set to normal, bandgap mode in low power mode must be programmed to a value that enables the Bandgap. If any High voltage detectors or Low Voltage detectors are kept enabled, configuration to set System LDO Regulator drive strength as Low will be ignored.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
option – Pointer to spc_lowpower_mode_sys_ldo_option_t structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Config System LDO regulator in Low Power Mode successfully.
kStatus_SPC_Busy – The SPC instance is busy to execute any type of power mode transition.
kStatus_SPC_SYSLDOLowDriveStrengthIgnore – Set driver strength to low will be ignored.
status_t SPC_SetLowPowerModeSystemLDORegulatorDriveStrength(SPC_Type *base, spc_sys_ldo_drive_strength_t driveStrength)
Set System LDO Regulator drive strength in Low Power Mode.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
driveStrength – Specify the drive strength of System LDO Regulator in Low Power Mode.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Set System LDO Regulator drive strength in Low Power Mode successfully.
kStatus_SPC_SYSLDOLowDriveStrengthIgnore – Attempt to specify low drive strength is ignored due to any voltage detect feature is enabled in low power mode.
kStatus_SPC_BandgapModeWrong – Bandgap mode in low power mode must be programmed to a value that enables the bandgap if attempt to specify normal drive strength.
static inline spc_sys_ldo_drive_strength_t SPC_GetLowPowerModeSystemLDORegulatorDriveStrength(SPC_Type *base)
Get System LDO Regulator drive strength in Low Power Mode.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
System LDO regulator drive strength in Low Power Mode, please refer to spc_sys_ldo_drive_strength_t.
static inline void SPC_EnableDCDCRegulator(SPC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable/Disable DCDC Regulator.
The DCDC enable bit is write-once, settings only reset after a POR, LVD, or HVD event.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
enable – Enable/Disable DCDC Regulator. true - Enable DCDC Regulator. false - Disable DCDC Regulator.
void SPC_SetDCDCBurstConfig(SPC_Type *base, spc_dcdc_burst_config_t *config)
Config DCDC Burst options.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to spc_dcdc_burst_config_t structure.
static inline void SPC_TriggerDCDCBurstRequest(SPC_Type *base)
Trigger a software burst request to DCDC.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
static inline bool SPC_CheckDCDCBurstAck(SPC_Type *base)
Check if burst acknowlege flag is asserted.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
- Return values:
false – DCDC burst not complete.
true – DCDC burst complete.
static inline void SPC_ClearDCDCBurstAckFlag(SPC_Type *base)
Clear DCDC busrt acknowledge flag.
- Parameters:
base – SPC periphral base address.
void SPC_SetDCDCRefreshCount(SPC_Type *base, uint16_t count)
Set the count value of the reference clock to configure the period of DCDC not active.
This function is only useful when DCDC’s drive strength is set as pulse refresh.
The pulse duration(time between on and off) is: reference clock period * (count + 2).
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
count – The count value, 16 bit width.
static inline void SPC_EnableDCDCBleedResistor(SPC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable a bleed resistor to discharge DCDC output when DCDC is disabled.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
enable – Used to enable/disable bleed resistor.
status_t SPC_SetActiveModeDCDCRegulatorConfig(SPC_Type *base, const spc_active_mode_dcdc_option_t *option)
Configs DCDC_CORE Regulator in Active mode.
When changing the DCDC output voltage level, take care to change the CORE LDO voltage level.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
option – Pointer to the spc_active_mode_dcdc_option_t structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Config DCDC regulator in Active power mode successful.
kStatus_SPC_Busy – The SPC instance is busy to execute any type of power mode transition.
kStatus_SPC_BandgapModeWrong – Set DCDC_CORE Regulator drive strength to Normal, the Bandgap must be enabled.
static inline void SPC_SetActiveModeDCDCRegulatorVoltageLevel(SPC_Type *base, spc_dcdc_voltage_level_t voltageLevel)
Set DCDC_CORE Regulator voltage level in Active mode.
When changing the DCDC output voltage level, take care to change the CORE LDO voltage level.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
voltageLevel – Specify the DCDC_CORE Regulator voltage level, please refer to spc_dcdc_voltage_level_t.
static inline spc_dcdc_voltage_level_t SPC_GetActiveModeDCDCRegulatorVoltageLevel(SPC_Type *base)
Get DCDC_CORE Regulator voltage level in Active mode.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
DCDC_CORE Regulator voltage level, please refer to spc_dcdc_voltage_level_t.
status_t SPC_SetActiveModeDCDCRegulatorDriveStrength(SPC_Type *base, spc_dcdc_drive_strength_t driveStrength)
Set DCDC_CORE Regulator drive strength in Active mode.
To set DCDC drive strength as Normal, the bandgap must be enabled.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
driveStrength – Specify the DCDC_CORE regulator drive strength, please refer to spc_dcdc_drive_strength_t.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Set DCDC_CORE Regulator drive strength in Active mode successfully.
kStatus_SPC_BandgapModeWrong – Set DCDC_CORE Regulator drive strength to Normal, the Bandgap must be enabled.
static inline spc_dcdc_drive_strength_t SPC_GetActiveModeDCDCRegulatorDriveStrength(SPC_Type *base)
Get DCDC_CORE Regulator drive strength in Active mode.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
DCDC_CORE Regulator drive strength, please refer to spc_dcdc_drive_strength_t.
status_t SPC_SetLowPowerModeDCDCRegulatorConfig(SPC_Type *base, const spc_lowpower_mode_dcdc_option_t *option)
Configs DCDC_CORE Regulator in Low power modes.
If DCDC_CORE Drive Strength is set to Normal, the Bandgap mode in Low Power mode must be programmed to a value that enables the Bandgap.
In Deep Power Down mode, DCDC regulator is always turned off.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
option – Pointer to the spc_lowpower_mode_dcdc_option_t structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Config DCDC regulator in low power mode successfully.
kStatus_SPC_Busy – The SPC instance is busy to execute any type of power mode transition.
kStatus_SPC_BandgapModeWrong – The bandgap mode setting in Low Power mode is wrong.
status_t SPC_SetLowPowerModeDCDCRegulatorDriveStrength(SPC_Type *base, spc_dcdc_drive_strength_t driveStrength)
Set DCDC_CORE Regulator drive strength in Low power mode.
To set drive strength as normal, the bandgap must be enabled.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
driveStrength – Specify the DCDC_CORE Regulator drive strength, please refer to spc_dcdc_drive_strength_t.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Set DCDC_CORE Regulator drive strength in Low power mode successfully.
kStatus_SPC_BandgapModeWrong – Set DCDC_CORE Regulator drive strength to Normal, the Bandgap must be enabled.
static inline spc_dcdc_drive_strength_t SPC_GetLowPowerModeDCDCRegulatorDriveStrength(SPC_Type *base)
Get DCDC_CORE Regulator drive strength in Low power mode.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
DCDC_CORE Regulator drive strength, please refer to spc_dcdc_drive_strength_t.
static inline void SPC_SetLowPowerModeDCDCRegulatorVoltageLevel(SPC_Type *base, spc_dcdc_voltage_level_t voltageLevel)
Set DCDC_CORE Regulator voltage level in Low power mode.
Configure ACTIVE_CFG[DCDC_VDD_LVL] to same level programmed in #1.
To change DCDC level in Low-Power mode:
Configure LP_CFG[DCDC_VDD_LVL] to desired level;
Configure LP_CFG[DCDC_VDD_DS] to low driver strength;
After invoking this function, the voltage level in active mode(wakeup from low power modes) also changed, if it is necessary, please invoke SPC_SetActiveModeDCDCRegulatorVoltageLevel() to change to desried voltage level.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
voltageLevel – Specify the DCDC_CORE Regulator voltage level, please refer to spc_dcdc_voltage_level_t.
static inline spc_dcdc_voltage_level_t SPC_GetLowPowerModeDCDCRegulatorVoltageLevel(SPC_Type *base)
Get DCDC_CORE Regulator voltage level in Low power mode.
- Parameters:
base – SPC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
DCDC_CORE Regulator voltage level, please refer to spc_dcdc_voltage_level_t.
SPC driver version 2.7.0.
SPC status enumeration.
Some device(such as MCXA family) do not equip DCDC or System LDO, please refer to the reference manual to check.
enumerator kStatus_SPC_Busy
The SPC instance is busy executing any type of power mode transition.
enumerator kStatus_SPC_DCDCLowDriveStrengthIgnore
DCDC Low drive strength setting be ignored for LVD/HVD enabled.
enumerator kStatus_SPC_DCDCPulseRefreshModeIgnore
DCDC Pulse Refresh Mode drive strength setting be ignored for LVD/HVD enabled.
enumerator kStatus_SPC_SYSLDOOverDriveVoltageFail
SYS LDO regulate to Over drive voltage failed for SYS LDO HVD must be disabled.
enumerator kStatus_SPC_SYSLDOLowDriveStrengthIgnore
SYS LDO Low driver strength setting be ignored for LDO LVD/HVD enabled.
enumerator kStatus_SPC_CORELDOLowDriveStrengthIgnore
CORE LDO Low driver strength setting be ignored for LDO LVD/HVD enabled.
enumerator kStatus_SPC_BandgapModeWrong
Selected Bandgap Mode wrong.
enumerator kStatus_SPC_CORELDOVoltageWrong
Core LDO voltage is wrong.
enumerator kStatus_SPC_CORELDOVoltageSetFail
Core LDO voltage set fail.
enumerator kStatus_SPC_CORELDOVoltageDetectWrong
Settings of CORE_LDO voltage detection is not allowed.
enumerator kStatus_SPC_DCDCCoreLdoVoltageMisMatch
Target voltage level of DCDC not equal to CORE_LDO.
enumerator kStatus_SPC_Busy
enum _spc_voltage_detect_flags
Voltage Detect Status Flags.
enumerator kSPC_IOVDDHighVoltageDetectFlag
IO VDD High-Voltage detect flag.
enumerator kSPC_IOVDDLowVoltageDetectFlag
IO VDD Low-Voltage detect flag.
enumerator kSPC_SystemVDDHighVoltageDetectFlag
System VDD High-Voltage detect flag.
enumerator kSPC_SystemVDDLowVoltageDetectFlag
System VDD Low-Voltage detect flag.
enumerator kSPC_CoreVDDHighVoltageDetectFlag
Core VDD High-Voltage detect flag.
enumerator kSPC_CoreVDDLowVoltageDetectFlag
Core VDD Low-Voltage detect flag.
enumerator kSPC_IOVDDHighVoltageDetectFlag
enum _spc_power_domains
SPC power domain isolation status.
Some devices(such as MCXA family) do not contain WAKE Power Domain, please refer to the reference manual to check.
enumerator kSPC_MAINPowerDomainRetain
Peripherals and IO pads retain in MAIN Power Domain.
enumerator kSPC_WAKEPowerDomainRetain
Peripherals and IO pads retain in WAKE Power Domain.
enumerator kSPC_MAINPowerDomainRetain
enum _spc_analog_module_control
The enumeration of all analog module that can be controlled by SPC in active or low-power modes.
Enumerations may not suitable for all devices, please check the specific device’s RM for supported analog modules.
enumerator kSPC_controlVref
Enable/disable VREF in active or low-power modes.
enumerator kSPC_controlUsb3vDet
Enable/disable USB3V_Det in active or low-power modes.
enumerator kSPC_controlDac0
Enable/disable DAC0 in active or low-power modes.
enumerator kSPC_controlDac1
Enable/disable DAC1 in active or low-power modes.
enumerator kSPC_controlDac2
Enable/disable DAC2 in active or low-power modes.
enumerator kSPC_controlOpamp0
Enable/disable OPAMP0 in active or low-power modes.
enumerator kSPC_controlOpamp1
Enable/disable OPAMP1 in active or low-power modes.
enumerator kSPC_controlOpamp2
Enable/disable OPAMP2 in active or low-power modes.
enumerator kSPC_controlOpamp3
Enable/disable OPAMP3 in active or low-power modes.
enumerator kSPC_controlCmp0
Enable/disable CMP0 in active or low-power modes.
enumerator kSPC_controlCmp1
Enable/disable CMP1 in active or low-power modes.
enumerator kSPC_controlCmp2
Enable/disable CMP2 in active or low-power modes.
enumerator kSPC_controlCmp0Dac
Enable/disable CMP0_DAC in active or low-power modes.
enumerator kSPC_controlCmp1Dac
Enable/disable CMP1_DAC in active or low-power modes.
enumerator kSPC_controlCmp2Dac
Enable/disable CMP2_DAC in active or low-power modes.
enumerator kSPC_controlAllModules
Enable/disable all modules in active or low-power modes.
enumerator kSPC_controlVref
enum _spc_power_domain_id
The enumeration of spc power domain, the connected power domain is chip specfic, please refer to chip’s RM for details.
enumerator kSPC_PowerDomain0
Power domain0, the connected power domain is chip specific.
enumerator kSPC_PowerDomain1
Power domain1, the connected power domain is chip specific.
enumerator kSPC_PowerDomain0
enum _spc_power_domain_low_power_mode
The enumeration of Power domain’s low power mode.
enumerator kSPC_SleepWithSYSClockRunning
Power domain request SLEEP mode with SYS clock running.
enumerator kSPC_DeepSleepWithSysClockOff
Power domain request deep sleep mode with system clock off.
enumerator kSPC_PowerDownWithSysClockOff
Power domain request power down mode with system clock off.
enumerator kSPC_DeepPowerDownWithSysClockOff
Power domain request deep power down mode with system clock off.
enumerator kSPC_SleepWithSYSClockRunning
enum _spc_lowPower_request_pin_polarity
SPC low power request output pin polarity.
enumerator kSPC_HighTruePolarity
Control the High Polarity of the Low Power Reqest Pin.
enumerator kSPC_LowTruePolarity
Control the Low Polarity of the Low Power Reqest Pin.
enumerator kSPC_HighTruePolarity
enum _spc_lowPower_request_output_override
SPC low power request output override.
enumerator kSPC_LowPowerRequestNotForced
Not Forced.
enumerator kSPC_LowPowerRequestReserved
enumerator kSPC_LowPowerRequestForcedLow
Forced Low (Ignore LowPower request output polarity setting.)
enumerator kSPC_LowPowerRequestForcedHigh
Forced High (Ignore LowPower request output polarity setting.)
enumerator kSPC_LowPowerRequestNotForced
enum _spc_bandgap_mode
SPC Bandgap mode enumeration in Active mode or Low Power mode.
enumerator kSPC_BandgapDisabled
Bandgap disabled.
enumerator kSPC_BandgapEnabledBufferDisabled
Bandgap enabled with Buffer disabled.
enumerator kSPC_BandgapEnabledBufferEnabled
Bandgap enabled with Buffer enabled.
enumerator kSPC_BandgapReserved
enumerator kSPC_BandgapDisabled
enum _spc_dcdc_voltage_level
DCDC regulator voltage level enumeration in Active mode or Low Power Mode.
kSPC_DCDC_RetentionVoltage not supported for all power modes.
enumerator kSPC_DCDC_RetentionVoltage
DCDC_CORE Regulator regulate to retention Voltage(Only supportedin low power modes)
enumerator kSPC_DCDC_MidVoltage
DCDC_CORE Regulator regulate to Mid Voltage(1.0V).
enumerator kSPC_DCDC_NormalVoltage
DCDC_CORE Regulator regulate to Normal Voltage(1.1V).
enumerator kSPC_DCDC_OverdriveVoltage
DCDC_CORE Regulator regulate to Safe-Mode Voltage(1.2V).
enumerator kSPC_DCDC_RetentionVoltage
enum _spc_dcdc_drive_strength
DCDC regulator Drive Strength enumeration in Active mode or Low Power Mode.
Different drive strength differ in these DCDC characterstics: Maximum load current Quiescent current Transient response.
enumerator kSPC_DCDC_PulseRefreshMode
DCDC_CORE Regulator Drive Strength set to Pulse Refresh Mode, This enum member is only useful for Low Power Mode config, please note that pluse refresh mode is invalid in SLEEP mode.
enumerator kSPC_DCDC_LowDriveStrength
DCDC_CORE regulator Drive Strength set to low.
enumerator kSPC_DCDC_NormalDriveStrength
DCDC_CORE regulator Drive Strength set to Normal.
enumerator kSPC_DCDC_PulseRefreshMode
enum _spc_sys_ldo_voltage_level
SYS LDO regulator voltage level enumeration in Active mode.
enumerator kSPC_SysLDO_NormalVoltage
SYS LDO VDD Regulator regulate to Normal Voltage(1.8V).
enumerator kSPC_SysLDO_OverDriveVoltage
SYS LDO VDD Regulator regulate to Over Drive Voltage(2.5V).
enumerator kSPC_SysLDO_NormalVoltage
enum _spc_sys_ldo_drive_strength
SYS LDO regulator Drive Strength enumeration in Active mode or Low Power mode.
enumerator kSPC_SysLDO_LowDriveStrength
SYS LDO VDD regulator Drive Strength set to low.
enumerator kSPC_SysLDO_NormalDriveStrength
SYS LDO VDD regulator Drive Strength set to Normal.
enumerator kSPC_SysLDO_LowDriveStrength
enum _spc_core_ldo_voltage_level
Core LDO regulator voltage level enumeration in Active mode or Low Power mode.
enumerator kSPC_CoreLDO_UnderDriveVoltage
- Deprecated:
, to align with description of latest RM, please use kSPC_Core_LDO_RetentionVoltage as instead.
enumerator kSPC_Core_LDO_RetentionVoltage
Core LDO VDD regulator regulate to retention voltage, please note that only useful in low power modes and not all devices support this options please refer to devices’ RM for details.
enumerator kSPC_CoreLDO_MidDriveVoltage
Core LDO VDD regulator regulate to Mid Drive Voltage.
enumerator kSPC_CoreLDO_NormalVoltage
Core LDO VDD regulator regulate to Normal Voltage.
enumerator kSPC_CoreLDO_OverDriveVoltage
Core LDO VDD regulator regulate to overdrive Voltage.
enumerator kSPC_CoreLDO_UnderDriveVoltage
enum _spc_core_ldo_drive_strength
CORE LDO VDD regulator Drive Strength enumeration in Low Power mode.
enumerator kSPC_CoreLDO_LowDriveStrength
Core LDO VDD regulator Drive Strength set to low.
enumerator kSPC_CoreLDO_NormalDriveStrength
Core LDO VDD regulator Drive Strength set to Normal.
enumerator kSPC_CoreLDO_LowDriveStrength
enum _spc_low_voltage_level_select
IO VDD Low-Voltage Level Select.
enumerator kSPC_LowVoltageNormalLevel
- Deprecated:
, please use kSPC_LowVoltageHighRange as instead.
enumerator kSPC_LowVoltageSafeLevel
- Deprecated:
, please use kSPC_LowVoltageLowRange as instead.
enumerator kSPC_LowVoltageHighRange
High range LVD threshold.
enumerator kSPC_LowVoltageLowRange
Low range LVD threshold.
enumerator kSPC_LowVoltageNormalLevel
enum _spc_vdd_core_glitch_ripple_counter_select
Used to select output of 4-bit ripple counter is used to monitor a glitch on VDD core.
enumerator kSPC_selectBit0Of4bitRippleCounter
Select bit-0 of 4-bit Ripple Counter to detect glitch on VDD Core.
enumerator kSPC_selectBit1Of4bitRippleCounter
Select bit-1 of 4-bit Ripple Counter to detect glitch on VDD Core.
enumerator kSPC_selectBit2Of4bitRippleCounter
Select bit-2 of 4-bit Ripple Counter to detect glitch on VDD Core.
enumerator kSPC_selectBit3Of4bitRippleCounter
Select bit-3 of 4-bit Ripple Counter to detect glitch on VDD Core.
enumerator kSPC_selectBit0Of4bitRippleCounter
enum _spc_sram_operate_voltage
The list of the operating voltage for the SRAM’s read/write timing margin.
enumerator kSPC_sramOperateAt1P0V
SRAM configured for 1.0V operation.
enumerator kSPC_sramOperateAt1P1V
SRAM configured for 1.1V operation.
enumerator kSPC_sramOperateAt1P2V
SRAM configured for 1.2V operation.
enumerator kSPC_sramOperateAt1P0V
typedef enum _spc_power_domain_id spc_power_domain_id_t
The enumeration of spc power domain, the connected power domain is chip specfic, please refer to chip’s RM for details.
typedef enum _spc_power_domain_low_power_mode spc_power_domain_low_power_mode_t
The enumeration of Power domain’s low power mode.
typedef enum _spc_lowPower_request_pin_polarity spc_lowpower_request_pin_polarity_t
SPC low power request output pin polarity.
typedef enum _spc_lowPower_request_output_override spc_lowpower_request_output_override_t
SPC low power request output override.
typedef enum _spc_bandgap_mode spc_bandgap_mode_t
SPC Bandgap mode enumeration in Active mode or Low Power mode.
typedef enum _spc_dcdc_voltage_level spc_dcdc_voltage_level_t
DCDC regulator voltage level enumeration in Active mode or Low Power Mode.
kSPC_DCDC_RetentionVoltage not supported for all power modes.
typedef enum _spc_dcdc_drive_strength spc_dcdc_drive_strength_t
DCDC regulator Drive Strength enumeration in Active mode or Low Power Mode.
Different drive strength differ in these DCDC characterstics: Maximum load current Quiescent current Transient response.
typedef enum _spc_sys_ldo_voltage_level spc_sys_ldo_voltage_level_t
SYS LDO regulator voltage level enumeration in Active mode.
typedef enum _spc_sys_ldo_drive_strength spc_sys_ldo_drive_strength_t
SYS LDO regulator Drive Strength enumeration in Active mode or Low Power mode.
typedef enum _spc_core_ldo_voltage_level spc_core_ldo_voltage_level_t
Core LDO regulator voltage level enumeration in Active mode or Low Power mode.
typedef enum _spc_core_ldo_drive_strength spc_core_ldo_drive_strength_t
CORE LDO VDD regulator Drive Strength enumeration in Low Power mode.
typedef enum _spc_low_voltage_level_select spc_low_voltage_level_select_t
IO VDD Low-Voltage Level Select.
typedef enum _spc_vdd_core_glitch_ripple_counter_select spc_vdd_core_glitch_ripple_counter_select_t
Used to select output of 4-bit ripple counter is used to monitor a glitch on VDD core.
typedef enum _spc_sram_operate_voltage spc_sram_operate_voltage_t
The list of the operating voltage for the SRAM’s read/write timing margin.
typedef struct _spc_vdd_core_glitch_detector_config spc_vdd_core_glitch_detector_config_t
The configuration of VDD Core glitch detector.
typedef struct _spc_sram_voltage_config spc_sram_voltage_config_t
typedef struct _spc_lowpower_request_config spc_lowpower_request_config_t
Low Power Request output pin configuration.
typedef struct _spc_active_mode_core_ldo_option spc_active_mode_core_ldo_option_t
Core LDO regulator options in Active mode.
typedef struct _spc_active_mode_sys_ldo_option spc_active_mode_sys_ldo_option_t
System LDO regulator options in Active mode.
typedef struct _spc_active_mode_dcdc_option spc_active_mode_dcdc_option_t
DCDC regulator options in Active mode.
typedef struct _spc_lowpower_mode_core_ldo_option spc_lowpower_mode_core_ldo_option_t
Core LDO regulator options in Low Power mode.
typedef struct _spc_lowpower_mode_sys_ldo_option spc_lowpower_mode_sys_ldo_option_t
System LDO regulator options in Low Power mode.
typedef struct _spc_lowpower_mode_dcdc_option spc_lowpower_mode_dcdc_option_t
DCDC regulator options in Low Power mode.
typedef struct _spc_dcdc_burst_config spc_dcdc_burst_config_t
DCDC Burst configuration.
- Deprecated:
Do not recommend to use this structure.
typedef struct _spc_voltage_detect_option spc_voltage_detect_option_t
CORE/SYS/IO VDD Voltage Detect options.
typedef struct _spc_core_voltage_detect_config spc_core_voltage_detect_config_t
Core Voltage Detect configuration.
typedef struct _spc_system_voltage_detect_config spc_system_voltage_detect_config_t
System Voltage Detect Configuration.
typedef struct _spc_io_voltage_detect_config spc_io_voltage_detect_config_t
IO Voltage Detect Configuration.
typedef struct _spc_active_mode_regulators_config spc_active_mode_regulators_config_t
Active mode configuration.
typedef struct _spc_lowpower_mode_regulators_config spc_lowpower_mode_regulators_config_t
Low Power Mode configuration.
struct _spc_vdd_core_glitch_detector_config
- #include <fsl_spc.h>
The configuration of VDD Core glitch detector.
Public Members
spc_vdd_core_glitch_ripple_counter_select_t rippleCounterSelect
Used to set ripple counter.
uint8_t resetTimeoutValue
The timeout value used to reset glitch detect/compare logic after an initial glitch is detected.
bool enableReset
Used to enable/disable POR/LVD reset that caused by CORE VDD glitch detect error.
bool enableInterrupt
Used to enable/disable hardware interrupt if CORE VDD glitch detect error.
spc_vdd_core_glitch_ripple_counter_select_t rippleCounterSelect
struct _spc_sram_voltage_config
- #include <fsl_spc.h>
Public Members
spc_sram_operate_voltage_t operateVoltage
Specifies the operating voltage for the SRAM’s read/write timing margin.
bool requestVoltageUpdate
Used to control whether request an SRAM trim value change.
spc_sram_operate_voltage_t operateVoltage
struct _spc_lowpower_request_config
- #include <fsl_spc.h>
Low Power Request output pin configuration.
Public Members
bool enable
Low Power Request Output enable.
spc_lowpower_request_pin_polarity_t polarity
Low Power Request Output pin polarity select.
spc_lowpower_request_output_override_t override
Low Power Request Output Override.
bool enable
struct _spc_active_mode_core_ldo_option
- #include <fsl_spc.h>
Core LDO regulator options in Active mode.
Public Members
spc_core_ldo_voltage_level_t CoreLDOVoltage
Core LDO Regulator Voltage Level selection in Active mode.
spc_core_ldo_drive_strength_t CoreLDODriveStrength
Core LDO Regulator Drive Strength selection in Active mode
spc_core_ldo_voltage_level_t CoreLDOVoltage
struct _spc_active_mode_sys_ldo_option
- #include <fsl_spc.h>
System LDO regulator options in Active mode.
Public Members
spc_sys_ldo_voltage_level_t SysLDOVoltage
System LDO Regulator Voltage Level selection in Active mode.
spc_sys_ldo_drive_strength_t SysLDODriveStrength
System LDO Regulator Drive Strength selection in Active mode.
spc_sys_ldo_voltage_level_t SysLDOVoltage
struct _spc_active_mode_dcdc_option
- #include <fsl_spc.h>
DCDC regulator options in Active mode.
Public Members
spc_dcdc_voltage_level_t DCDCVoltage
DCDC Regulator Voltage Level selection in Active mode.
spc_dcdc_drive_strength_t DCDCDriveStrength
DCDC_CORE Regulator Drive Strength selection in Active mode.
spc_dcdc_voltage_level_t DCDCVoltage
struct _spc_lowpower_mode_core_ldo_option
- #include <fsl_spc.h>
Core LDO regulator options in Low Power mode.
Public Members
spc_core_ldo_voltage_level_t CoreLDOVoltage
Core LDO Regulator Voltage Level selection in Low Power mode.
spc_core_ldo_drive_strength_t CoreLDODriveStrength
Core LDO Regulator Drive Strength selection in Low Power mode
spc_core_ldo_voltage_level_t CoreLDOVoltage
struct _spc_lowpower_mode_sys_ldo_option
- #include <fsl_spc.h>
System LDO regulator options in Low Power mode.
Public Members
spc_sys_ldo_drive_strength_t SysLDODriveStrength
System LDO Regulator Drive Strength selection in Low Power mode.
spc_sys_ldo_drive_strength_t SysLDODriveStrength
struct _spc_lowpower_mode_dcdc_option
- #include <fsl_spc.h>
DCDC regulator options in Low Power mode.
Public Members
spc_dcdc_voltage_level_t DCDCVoltage
DCDC Regulator Voltage Level selection in Low Power mode.
spc_dcdc_drive_strength_t DCDCDriveStrength
DCDC_CORE Regulator Drive Strength selection in Low Power mode.
spc_dcdc_voltage_level_t DCDCVoltage
struct _spc_dcdc_burst_config
- #include <fsl_spc.h>
DCDC Burst configuration.
- Deprecated:
Do not recommend to use this structure.
Public Members
bool sofwareBurstRequest
Enable/Disable DCDC Software Burst Request.
bool externalBurstRequest
Enable/Disable DCDC External Burst Request.
bool stabilizeBurstFreq
Enable/Disable DCDC frequency stabilization.
uint8_t freq
The frequency of the current burst.
struct _spc_voltage_detect_option
- #include <fsl_spc.h>
CORE/SYS/IO VDD Voltage Detect options.
Public Members
bool HVDInterruptEnable
CORE/SYS/IO VDD High Voltage Detect interrupt enable.
bool HVDResetEnable
CORE/SYS/IO VDD High Voltage Detect reset enable.
bool LVDInterruptEnable
CORE/SYS/IO VDD Low Voltage Detect interrupt enable.
bool LVDResetEnable
CORE/SYS/IO VDD Low Voltage Detect reset enable.
bool HVDInterruptEnable
struct _spc_core_voltage_detect_config
- #include <fsl_spc.h>
Core Voltage Detect configuration.
Public Members
spc_voltage_detect_option_t option
Core VDD Voltage Detect option.
spc_voltage_detect_option_t option
struct _spc_system_voltage_detect_config
- #include <fsl_spc.h>
System Voltage Detect Configuration.
Public Members
spc_voltage_detect_option_t option
System VDD Voltage Detect option.
spc_low_voltage_level_select_t level
- Deprecated:
, reserved for all devices, will removed in next release.
spc_voltage_detect_option_t option
struct _spc_io_voltage_detect_config
- #include <fsl_spc.h>
IO Voltage Detect Configuration.
Public Members
spc_voltage_detect_option_t option
IO VDD Voltage Detect option.
spc_low_voltage_level_select_t level
IO VDD Low-voltage level selection.
spc_voltage_detect_option_t option
struct _spc_active_mode_regulators_config
- #include <fsl_spc.h>
Active mode configuration.
Public Members
spc_bandgap_mode_t bandgapMode
Specify bandgap mode in active mode.
bool lpBuff
Enable/disable CMP bandgap buffer.
spc_active_mode_dcdc_option_t DCDCOption
Specify DCDC configurations in active mode.
spc_active_mode_sys_ldo_option_t SysLDOOption
Specify System LDO configurations in active mode.
spc_active_mode_core_ldo_option_t CoreLDOOption
Specify Core LDO configurations in active mode.
spc_bandgap_mode_t bandgapMode
struct _spc_lowpower_mode_regulators_config
- #include <fsl_spc.h>
Low Power Mode configuration.
Public Members
bool lpIREF
Enable/disable low power IREF in low power modes.
spc_bandgap_mode_t bandgapMode
Specify bandgap mode in low power modes.
bool lpBuff
Enable/disable CMP bandgap buffer in low power modes.
bool CoreIVS
Enable/disable CORE VDD internal voltage scaling.
spc_lowpower_mode_dcdc_option_t DCDCOption
Specify DCDC configurations in low power modes.
spc_lowpower_mode_sys_ldo_option_t SysLDOOption
Specify system LDO configurations in low power modes.
spc_lowpower_mode_core_ldo_option_t CoreLDOOption
Specify core LDO configurations in low power modes.
bool lpIREF
MCX_VBAT: Smart Power Switch
The enumeration of VBAT module status.
enumerator kStatus_VBAT_Fro16kNotEnabled
Internal 16kHz free running oscillator not enabled.
enumerator kStatus_VBAT_BandgapNotEnabled
Bandgap not enabled.
enumerator kStatus_VBAT_WrongCapacitanceValue
Wrong capacitance for selected oscillator mode.
enumerator kStatus_VBAT_ClockMonitorLocked
Clock monitor locked.
enumerator kStatus_VBAT_OSC32KNotReady
OSC32K not ready.
enumerator kStatus_VBAT_LDONotReady
LDO not ready.
enumerator kStatus_VBAT_TamperLocked
Tamper locked.
enumerator kStatus_VBAT_Fro16kNotEnabled
enum _vbat_status_flag
The enumeration of VBAT status flags.
enumerator kVBAT_StatusFlagPORDetect
VBAT domain has been reset
enumerator kVBAT_StatusFlagWakeupPin
A falling edge is detected on the wakeup pin.
enumerator kVBAT_StatusFlagBandgapTimer0
Bandgap Timer0 period reached.
enumerator kVBAT_StatusFlagBandgapTimer1
Bandgap Timer1 period reached.
enumerator kVBAT_StatusFlagLdoReady
LDO is enabled and ready.
enumerator kVBAT_StatusFlagOsc32kReady
OSC32k is enabled and clock is ready.
enumerator kVBAT_StatusFlagConfigDetect
Configuration error detected.
enumerator kVBAT_StatusFlagInterrupt0Detect
Interrupt 0 asserted.
enumerator kVBAT_StatusFlagInterrupt1Detect
Interrupt 1 asserted.
enumerator kVBAT_StatusFlagInterrupt2Detect
Interrupt 2 asserted.
enumerator kVBAT_StatusFlagInterrupt3Detect
Interrupt 2 asserted.
enumerator kVBAT_StatusFlagPORDetect
enum _vbat_interrupt_enable
The enumeration of VBAT interrupt enable.
enumerator kVBAT_InterruptEnablePORDetect
Enable POR detect interrupt.
enumerator kVBAT_InterruptEnableWakeupPin
Enable the interrupt when a falling edge is detected on the wakeup pin.
enumerator kVBAT_InterruptEnableBandgapTimer0
Enable the interrupt if Bandgap Timer0 period reached.
enumerator kVBAT_InterruptEnableBandgapTimer1
Enable the interrupt if Bandgap Timer1 period reached.
enumerator kVBAT_InterruptEnableLdoReady
Enable LDO ready interrupt.
enumerator kVBAT_InterruptEnableOsc32kReady
Enable OSC32K ready interrupt.
enumerator kVBAT_InterruptEnableConfigDetect
Enable configuration error detected interrupt.
enumerator kVBAT_InterruptEnableInterrupt0
Enable the interrupt0.
enumerator kVBAT_InterruptEnableInterrupt1
Enable the interrupt1.
enumerator kVBAT_InterruptEnableInterrupt2
Enable the interrupt2.
enumerator kVBAT_InterruptEnableInterrupt3
Enable the interrupt3.
enumerator kVBAT_AllInterruptsEnable
Enable all interrupts.
enumerator kVBAT_InterruptEnablePORDetect
enum _vbat_wakeup_enable
The enumeration of VBAT wakeup enable.
enumerator kVBAT_WakeupEnablePORDetect
Enable POR detect wakeup.
enumerator kVBAT_WakeupEnableWakeupPin
Enable wakeup feature when a falling edge is detected on the wakeup pin.
enumerator kVBAT_WakeupEnableBandgapTimer0
Enable wakeup feature when bandgap timer0 period reached.
enumerator kVBAT_WakeupEnableBandgapTimer1
Enable wakeup feature when bandgap timer1 period reached.
enumerator kVBAT_WakeupEnableLdoReady
Enable wakeup when LDO ready.
enumerator kVBAT_WakeupEnableOsc32kReady
Enable wakeup when OSC32k ready.
enumerator kVBAT_WakeupEnableConfigDetect
Enable wakeup when configuration error detected.
enumerator kVBAT_WakeupEnableInterrupt0
Enable wakeup when interrupt0 asserted.
enumerator kVBAT_WakeupEnableInterrupt1
Enable wakeup when interrupt1 asserted.
enumerator kVBAT_WakeupEnableInterrupt2
Enable wakeup when interrupt2 asserted.
enumerator kVBAT_WakeupEnableInterrupt3
Enable wakeup when interrupt3 asserted.
enumerator kVBAT_AllWakeupsEnable
Enable all wakeup.
enumerator kVBAT_WakeupEnablePORDetect
enum _vbat_tamper_enable
The enumeration of VBAT tamper enable.
enumerator kVBAT_TamperEnablePOR
Enable tamper if POR asserted in STATUS register.
enumerator kVBAT_TamperEnableClockDetect
Enable tamper if clock monitor detect an error.
enumerator kVBAT_TamperEnableConfigDetect
Enable tamper if configuration error detected.
enumerator kVBAT_TamperEnableVoltageDetect
Enable tamper if voltage monitor detect an error.
enumerator kVBAT_TamperEnableTemperatureDetect
Enable tamper if temperature monitor detect an error.
enumerator kVBAT_TamperEnableSec0Detect
Enable tamper if security input 0 detect an error.
enumerator kVBAT_TamperEnablePOR
enum _vbat_bandgap_timer_id
The enumeration of bandgap timer id, VBAT support two bandgap timers.
enumerator kVBAT_BandgapTimer0
Bandgap Timer0.
enumerator kVBAT_BandgapTimer1
Bandgap Timer1.
enumerator kVBAT_BandgapTimer0
enum _vbat_clock_enable
The enumeration of connections for OSC32K/FRO32K output clock to other modules.
enumerator kVBAT_EnableClockToDomain0
Enable clock to power domain0.
enumerator kVBAT_EnableClockToDomain1
Enable clock to power domain1.
enumerator kVBAT_EnableClockToDomain2
Enable clock to power domain2.
enumerator kVBAT_EnableClockToDomain3
Enable clock to power domain3.
enumerator kVBAT_EnableClockToDomain0
enum _vbat_ram_array
The enumeration of SRAM arrays that controlled by VBAT. .
enumerator kVBAT_SramArray0
Specify SRAM array0 that controlled by VBAT.
enumerator kVBAT_SramArray1
Specify SRAM array1 that controlled by VBAT.
enumerator kVBAT_SramArray2
Specify SRAM array2 that controlled by VBAT.
enumerator kVBAT_SramArray3
Specify SRAM array3 that controlled by VBAT.
enumerator kVBAT_SramArray0
enum _vbat_bandgap_refresh_period
The enumeration of bandgap refresh period.
enumerator kVBAT_BandgapRefresh7P8125ms
Bandgap refresh every 7.8125ms.
enumerator kVBAT_BandgapRefresh15P625ms
Bandgap refresh every 15.625ms.
enumerator kVBAT_BandgapRefresh31P25ms
Bandgap refresh every 31.25ms.
enumerator kVBAT_BandgapRefresh62P5ms
Bandgap refresh every 62.5ms.
enumerator kVBAT_BandgapRefresh7P8125ms
enum _vbat_bandgap_timer0_timeout_period
The enumeration of bandgap timer0 timeout period.
enumerator kVBAT_BangapTimer0Timeout1s
Bandgap timer0 timerout every 1s.
enumerator kVBAT_BangapTimer0Timeout500ms
Bandgap timer0 timerout every 500ms.
enumerator kVBAT_BangapTimer0Timeout250ms
Bandgap timer0 timerout every 250ms.
enumerator kVBAT_BangapTimer0Timeout125ms
Bandgap timer0 timerout every 125ms.
enumerator kVBAT_BangapTimer0Timeout62P5ms
Bandgap timer0 timerout every 62.5ms.
enumerator kVBAT_BangapTimer0Timeout31P25ms
Bandgap timer0 timerout every 31.25ms.
enumerator kVBAT_BangapTimer0Timeout1s
enum _vbat_osc32k_operate_mode
The enumeration of osc32k operate mode, including Bypass mode, low power switched mode and so on.
enumerator kVBAT_Osc32kEnabledToTransconductanceMode
Set to transconductance mode.
enumerator kVBAT_Osc32kEnabledToLowPowerBackupMode
Set to low power backup mode.
enumerator kVBAT_Osc32kEnabledToLowPowerSwitchedMode
Set to low power switched mode.
enumerator kVBAT_Osc32kEnabledToTransconductanceMode
enum _vbat_osc32k_load_capacitance_select
The enumeration of OSC32K load capacitance.
enumerator kVBAT_Osc32kCrystalLoadCap0pF
Internal capacitance bank is enabled, set the internal capacitance to 0 pF.
enumerator kVBAT_Osc32kCrystalLoadCap2pF
Internal capacitance bank is enabled, set the internal capacitance to 2 pF.
enumerator kVBAT_Osc32kCrystalLoadCap4pF
Internal capacitance bank is enabled, set the internal capacitance to 4 pF.
enumerator kVBAT_Osc32kCrystalLoadCap6pF
Internal capacitance bank is enabled, set the internal capacitance to 6 pF.
enumerator kVBAT_Osc32kCrystalLoadCap8pF
Internal capacitance bank is enabled, set the internal capacitance to 8 pF.
enumerator kVBAT_Osc32kCrystalLoadCap10pF
Internal capacitance bank is enabled, set the internal capacitance to 10 pF.
enumerator kVBAT_Osc32kCrystalLoadCap12pF
Internal capacitance bank is enabled, set the internal capacitance to 12 pF.
enumerator kVBAT_Osc32kCrystalLoadCap14pF
Internal capacitance bank is enabled, set the internal capacitance to 14 pF.
enumerator kVBAT_Osc32kCrystalLoadCap16pF
Internal capacitance bank is enabled, set the internal capacitance to 16 pF.
enumerator kVBAT_Osc32kCrystalLoadCap18pF
Internal capacitance bank is enabled, set the internal capacitance to 18 pF.
enumerator kVBAT_Osc32kCrystalLoadCap20pF
Internal capacitance bank is enabled, set the internal capacitance to 20 pF.
enumerator kVBAT_Osc32kCrystalLoadCap22pF
Internal capacitance bank is enabled, set the internal capacitance to 22 pF.
enumerator kVBAT_Osc32kCrystalLoadCap24pF
Internal capacitance bank is enabled, set the internal capacitance to 24 pF.
enumerator kVBAT_Osc32kCrystalLoadCap26pF
Internal capacitance bank is enabled, set the internal capacitance to 26 pF.
enumerator kVBAT_Osc32kCrystalLoadCap28pF
Internal capacitance bank is enabled, set the internal capacitance to 28 pF.
enumerator kVBAT_Osc32kCrystalLoadCap30pF
Internal capacitance bank is enabled, set the internal capacitance to 30 pF.
enumerator kVBAT_Osc32kCrystalLoadCapBankDisabled
Internal capacitance bank is disabled.
enumerator kVBAT_Osc32kCrystalLoadCap0pF
enum _vbat_osc32k_start_up_time
The enumeration of start-up time of the oscillator.
enumerator kVBAT_Osc32kStartUpTime8Sec
Configure the start-up time as 8 seconds.
enumerator kVBAT_Osc32kStartUpTime4Sec
Configure the start-up time as 4 seconds.
enumerator kVBAT_Osc32kStartUpTime2Sec
Configure the start-up time as 2 seconds.
enumerator kVBAT_Osc32kStartUpTime1Sec
Configure the start-up time as 1 seconds.
enumerator kVBAT_Osc32kStartUpTime0P5Sec
Configure the start-up time as 0.5 seconds.
enumerator kVBAT_Osc32kStartUpTime0P25Sec
Configure the start-up time as 0.25 seconds.
enumerator kVBAT_Osc32kStartUpTime0P125Sec
Configure the start-up time as 0.125 seconds.
enumerator kVBAT_Osc32kStartUpTime0P5MSec
Configure the start-up time as 0.5 milliseconds.
enumerator kVBAT_Osc32kStartUpTime8Sec
enum _vbat_internal_module_supply
The enumeration of VBAT module supplies.
enumerator kVBAT_ModuleSuppliedByVddBat
VDD_BAT supplies VBAT modules.
enumerator kVBAT_ModuleSuppliedByVddSys
VDD_SYS supplies VBAT modules.
enumerator kVBAT_ModuleSuppliedByVddBat
enum _vbat_clock_monitor_divide_trim
The enumeration of VBAT clock monitor divide trim value.
enumerator kVBAT_ClockMonitorOperateAt1kHz
Clock monitor operates at 1 kHz.
enumerator kVBAT_ClockMonitorOperateAt64Hz
Clock monitor operates at 64 Hz.
enumerator kVBAT_ClockMonitorOperateAt1kHz
enum _vbat_clock_monitor_freq_trim
The enumeration of VBAT clock monitor frequency trim value used to adjust the clock monitor assert.
enumerator kVBAT_ClockMonitorAssert2Cycle
Clock monitor assert 2 cycles after expected edge.
enumerator kVBAT_ClockMonitorAssert4Cycle
Clock monitor assert 4 cycles after expected edge.
enumerator kVBAT_ClockMonitorAssert6Cycle
Clock monitor assert 8 cycles after expected edge.
enumerator kVBAT_ClockMonitorAssert8Cycle
Clock monitor assert 8 cycles after expected edge.
enumerator kVBAT_ClockMonitorAssert2Cycle
typedef enum _vbat_bandgap_refresh_period vbat_bandgap_refresh_period_t
The enumeration of bandgap refresh period.
typedef enum _vbat_bandgap_timer0_timeout_period vbat_bandgap_timer0_timeout_period_t
The enumeration of bandgap timer0 timeout period.
typedef enum _vbat_osc32k_operate_mode vbat_osc32k_operate_mode_t
The enumeration of osc32k operate mode, including Bypass mode, low power switched mode and so on.
typedef enum _vbat_osc32k_load_capacitance_select vbat_osc32k_load_capacitance_select_t
The enumeration of OSC32K load capacitance.
typedef enum _vbat_osc32k_start_up_time vbat_osc32k_start_up_time_t
The enumeration of start-up time of the oscillator.
typedef enum _vbat_internal_module_supply vbat_internal_module_supply_t
The enumeration of VBAT module supplies.
typedef enum _vbat_clock_monitor_divide_trim vbat_clock_monitor_divide_trim_t
The enumeration of VBAT clock monitor divide trim value.
typedef enum _vbat_clock_monitor_freq_trim vbat_clock_monitor_freq_trim_t
The enumeration of VBAT clock monitor frequency trim value used to adjust the clock monitor assert.
typedef struct _vbat_fro16k_config vbat_fro16k_config_t
The structure of internal 16kHz free running oscillator attributes.
typedef struct _vbat_clock_monitor_config vbat_clock_monitor_config_t
The structure of internal clock monitor, including divide trim and frequency trim.
typedef struct _vbat_tamper_config vbat_tamper_config_t
The structure of Tamper configuration.
VBAT driver version 2.3.1.
void VBAT_ConfigFRO16k(VBAT_Type *base, const vbat_fro16k_config_t *config)
Configure internal 16kHz free running oscillator, including enabel FRO16k, gate FRO16k output.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to vbat_fro16k_config_t structure.
static inline void VBAT_EnableFRO16k(VBAT_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable/disable internal 16kHz free running oscillator.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
enable – Used to enable/disable 16kHz FRO.
true Enable internal 16kHz free running oscillator.
false Disable internal 16kHz free running oscillator.
static inline bool VBAT_CheckFRO16kEnabled(VBAT_Type *base)
Check if internal 16kHz free running oscillator is enabled.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
- Return values:
true – The internal 16kHz Free running oscillator is enabled.
false – The internal 16kHz Free running oscillator is enabled.
static inline void VBAT_UngateFRO16k(VBAT_Type *base, uint8_t connectionsMask)
Enable FRO16kHz output clock to selected modules.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
connectionsMask – The mask of modules that FRO16k is connected, should be the OR’ed value of vbat_clock_enable_t.
static inline void VBAT_GateFRO16k(VBAT_Type *base, uint8_t connectionsMask)
Disable FRO16kHz output clock to selected modules.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
connectionsMask – The OR’ed value of vbat_clock_enable_t.
static inline void VBAT_LockFRO16kSettings(VBAT_Type *base)
Lock settings of internal 16kHz free running oscillator, please note that if locked 16kHz FRO’s settings can not be updated until the next POR.
Please note that the operation to ungate/gate FRO 16kHz output clock can not be locked by this function.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
static inline bool VBAT_CheckFRO16kSettingsLocked(VBAT_Type *base)
Check if FRO16K settings are locked.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
- Returns:
in case of FRO16k settings are locked,false
in case of FRO16k settings are not locked.
static inline void VBAT_EnableCrystalOsc32k(VBAT_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable/disable 32K Crystal Oscillator.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
enable – Used to enable/disable 32k Crystal Oscillator:
true Enable crystal oscillator and polling status register to check clock is ready.
false Disable crystal oscillator.
static inline void VBAT_BypassCrystalOsc32k(VBAT_Type *base, bool enableBypass)
Bypass 32k crystal oscillator, the clock is still output by oscillator but this clock is the same as clock provided on EXTAL pin.
In bypass mode, oscillator must be enabled; To exit bypass mode, oscillator must be disabled.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
enableBypass – Used to enter/exit bypass mode:
true Enter into bypass mode;
false Exit bypass mode.
static inline void VBAT_AdjustCrystalOsc32kAmplifierGain(VBAT_Type *base, uint8_t coarse, uint8_t fine)
Adjust 32k crystal oscillator amplifier gain.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
coarse – Specify amplifier coarse trim value.
fine – Specify amplifier fine trim value.
status_t VBAT_SetCrystalOsc32kModeAndLoadCapacitance(VBAT_Type *base, vbat_osc32k_operate_mode_t operateMode, vbat_osc32k_load_capacitance_select_t xtalCap, vbat_osc32k_load_capacitance_select_t extalCap)
Set 32k crystal oscillator mode and load capacitance for the XTAL/EXTAL pin.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
operateMode – Specify the crystal oscillator mode, please refer to vbat_osc32k_operate_mode_t.
xtalCap – Specify the internal capacitance for the XTAL pin from the capacitor bank.
extalCap – Specify the internal capacitance for the EXTAL pin from the capacitor bank.
- Return values:
kStatus_VBAT_WrongCapacitanceValue – The load capacitance value to set is not align with operate mode’s requirements.
kStatus_Success – Success to set operate mode and load capacitance.
static inline void VBAT_TrimCrystalOsc32kStartupTime(VBAT_Type *base, vbat_osc32k_start_up_time_t startupTime)
Trim 32k crystal oscillator startup time.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
startupTime – Specify the startup time of the oscillator.
static inline void VBAT_SetOsc32kSwitchModeComparatorTrimValue(VBAT_Type *base, uint8_t comparatorTrimValue)
Set crystal oscillator comparator trim value when oscillator is set as low power switch mode.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
comparatorTrimValue – Comparator trim value, ranges from 0 to 7.
static inline void VBAT_SetOsc32kSwitchModeDelayTrimValue(VBAT_Type *base, uint8_t delayTrimValue)
Set crystal oscillator delay trim value when oscillator is set as low power switch mode.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
delayTrimValue – Delay trim value, ranges from 0 to 15.
static inline void VBAT_SetOsc32kSwitchModeCapacitorTrimValue(VBAT_Type *base, uint8_t capacitorTrimValue)
Set crystal oscillator capacitor trim value when oscillator is set as low power switch mode.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
capacitorTrimValue – Capacitor value to trim, ranges from 0 to 3.
static inline void VBAT_LookOsc32kSettings(VBAT_Type *base)
Lock Osc32k settings, after locked all writes to the Oscillator registers are blocked.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
static inline void VBAT_UnlockOsc32kSettings(VBAT_Type *base)
Unlock Osc32k settings.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
static inline bool VBAT_CheckOsc32kSettingsLocked(VBAT_Type *base)
Check if osc32k settings are locked.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
- Returns:
in case of osc32k settings are locked,false
in case of osc32k settings are not locked.
static inline void VBAT_UngateOsc32k(VBAT_Type *base, uint8_t connectionsMask)
Enable OSC32k output clock to selected modules.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
connectionsMask – The OR’ed value of vbat_clock_enable_t.
static inline void VBAT_GateOsc32k(VBAT_Type *base, uint8_t connectionsMask)
Disable OSC32k output clock to selected modules.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
connectionsMask – The OR’ed value of vbat_clock_enable_t.
status_t VBAT_EnableBandgap(VBAT_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable/disable Bandgap.
The FRO16K must be enabled before enabling the bandgap.
This setting can be locked by VBAT_LockRamLdoSettings() function.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
enable – Used to enable/disable bandgap.
true Enable the bandgap.
false Disable the bandgap.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Success to enable/disable the bandgap.
kStatus_VBAT_Fro16kNotEnabled – Fail to enable the bandgap due to FRO16k is not enabled previously.
static inline bool VBAT_CheckBandgapEnabled(VBAT_Type *base)
Check if bandgap is enabled.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
- Return values:
true – The bandgap is enabled.
false – The bandgap is disabled.
static inline void VBAT_EnableBandgapRefreshMode(VBAT_Type *base, bool enableRefreshMode)
Enable/disable bandgap low power refresh mode.
For lowest power consumption, refresh mode must be enabled.
This setting can be locked by VBAT_LockRamLdoSettings() function.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
enableRefreshMode – Used to enable/disable bandgap low power refresh mode.
true Enable bandgap low power refresh mode.
false Disable bandgap low power refresh mode.
status_t VBAT_EnableBackupSRAMRegulator(VBAT_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable/disable Backup RAM Regulator(RAM_LDO).
This setting can be locked by VBAT_LockRamLdoSettings() function.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
enable – Used to enable/disable RAM_LDO.
true Enable backup SRAM regulator.
false Disable backup SRAM regulator.
- Return values:
kStatusSuccess – Success to enable/disable backup SRAM regulator.
kStatus_VBAT_Fro16kNotEnabled – Fail to enable backup SRAM regulator due to FRO16k is not enabled previously.
kStatus_VBAT_BandgapNotEnabled – Fail to enable backup SRAM regulator due to the bandgap is not enabled previously.
static inline void VBAT_LockRamLdoSettings(VBAT_Type *base)
Lock settings of RAM_LDO, please note that if locked then RAM_LDO’s settings can not be updated until the next POR.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
static inline bool VBAT_CheckRamLdoSettingsLocked(VBAT_Type *base)
Check if RAM_LDO settings is locked.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
- Returns:
in case of RAM_LDO settings are locked,false
in case of RAM_LDO settings are unlocked.
status_t VBAT_SwitchSRAMPowerByLDOSRAM(VBAT_Type *base)
Switch the SRAM to be powered by LDO_RAM.
This function can be used to switch the SRAM to the VBAT retention supply at any time, but please note that the SRAM must not be accessed during this time.
Invoke this function to switch power supply before switching off external power.
RAM_LDO must be enabled before invoking this function.
To access the SRAM arrays retained by the LDO_RAM, please invoke VBAT_SwitchSRAMPowerBySocSupply(), after external power is switched back on.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
- Return values:
kStatusSuccess – Success to Switch SRAM powered by VBAT.
kStatus_VBAT_Fro16kNotEnabled – Fail to switch SRAM powered by VBAT due to FRO16K not enabled previously.
static inline void VBAT_SwitchSRAMPowerBySocSupply(VBAT_Type *base)
Switch the RAM to be powered by Soc Supply in software mode.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
static inline void VBAT_PowerOffSRAMsInLowPowerModes(VBAT_Type *base, uint8_t sramMask)
Power off selected SRAM array in low power modes.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
sramMask – The mask of SRAM array to power off, should be the OR’ed value of vbat_ram_array_t.
static inline void VBAT_RetainSRAMsInLowPowerModes(VBAT_Type *base, uint8_t sramMask)
Retain selected SRAM array in low power modes.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
sramMask – The mask of SRAM array to retain, should be the OR’ed value of vbat_ram_array_t.
static inline void VBAT_EnableSRAMIsolation(VBAT_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable/disable SRAM isolation.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
enable – Used to enable/disable SRAM violation.
true SRAM will be isolated.
false SRAM state follows the SoC power modes.
status_t VBAT_EnableBandgapTimer(VBAT_Type *base, bool enable, uint8_t timerIdMask)
Enable/disable Bandgap timer.
The bandgap timer is available when the bandgap is enabled and are clocked by the FRO16k.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
enable – Used to enable/disable bandgap timer.
timerIdMask – The mask of bandgap timer Id, should be the OR’ed value of vbat_bandgap_timer_id_t.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Success to enable/disable selected bandgap timer.
kStatus_VBAT_Fro16kNotEnabled – Fail to enable/disable selected bandgap timer due to FRO16k not enabled previously.
kStatus_VBAT_BandgapNotEnabled – Fail to enable/disable selected bandgap timer due to bandgap not enabled previously.
void VBAT_SetBandgapTimer0TimeoutValue(VBAT_Type *base, vbat_bandgap_timer0_timeout_period_t timeoutPeriod)
Set bandgap timer0 timeout value.
The timeout value can only be changed when the timer is disabled.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
timeoutPeriod – Bandgap timer timeout value, please refer to vbat_bandgap_timer0_timeout_period_t.
void VBAT_SetBandgapTimer1TimeoutValue(VBAT_Type *base, uint32_t timeoutPeriod)
Set bandgap timer1 timeout value.
The timeout value can only be changed when the timer is disabled.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
timeoutPeriod – The bandgap timerout 1 period, in number of seconds, ranging from 0 to 65535s.
static inline void VBAT_SwitchVBATModuleSupplyActiveMode(VBAT_Type *base, vbat_internal_module_supply_t supply)
Control the VBAT internal switch in active mode, VBAT modules can be suppiled by VDD_BAT and VDD_SYS.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
supply – Used to control the VBAT internal switch.
static inline vbat_internal_module_supply_t VBAT_GetVBATModuleSupply(VBAT_Type *base)
Get VBAT module supply in active mode.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
- Returns:
VDD_SYS supplies VBAT modules or VDD_BAT supplies VBAT modules, in type of vbat_internal_module_supply_t.
static inline void VBAT_SwitchVBATModuleSupplyLowPowerMode(VBAT_Type *base, vbat_internal_module_supply_t supply)
Control the VBAT internal switch in low power modes.
If VBAT modules are supplied by VDD_SYS in low power modes, VBAT module will also supplied by VDD_SYS in active mode.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
supply – Used to specify which voltage input supply VBAT modules in low power mode.
static inline void VBAT_LockSwitchControl(VBAT_Type *base)
Lock switch control, if locked all writes to the switch registers will be blocked.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
static inline void VBAT_UnlockSwitchControl(VBAT_Type *base)
Unlock switch control.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
static inline bool VBAT_CheckSwitchControlLocked(VBAT_Type *base)
Check if switch control is locked.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
- Return values:
false – switch control is not locked.
true – switch control is locked, any writes to related registers are blocked.
status_t VBAT_InitClockMonitor(VBAT_Type *base, const vbat_clock_monitor_config_t *config)
Initialize the VBAT clock monitor, enable clock monitor and set the clock monitor configuration.
Both FRO16K and OSC32K should be enabled and stable before invoking this function.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to vbat_clock_monitor_config_t structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Clock monitor is initialized successfully.
kStatus_VBAT_Fro16kNotEnabled – FRO16K is not enabled.
kStatus_VBAT_Osc32kNotReady – OSC32K is not ready.
kStatus_VBAT_ClockMonitorLocked – Clock monitor is locked.
status_t VBAT_DeinitMonitor(VBAT_Type *base)
Deinitialize the VBAT clock monitor.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Clock monitor is de-initialized successfully.
kStatus_VBAT_ClockMonitorLocked – Control of Clock monitor is locked.
static inline void VBAT_EnableClockMonitor(VBAT_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable/disable clock monitor.
false: disable clock monitor.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
enable – Switcher to enable/disable clock monitor:
true: enable clock monitor;
static inline void VBAT_SetClockMonitorDivideTrim(VBAT_Type *base, vbat_clock_monitor_divide_trim_t divideTrim)
Set clock monitor’s divide trim, avaiable value is kVBAT_ClockMonitorOperateAt1kHz and kVBAT_ClockMonitorOperateAt64Hz.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
divideTrim – Specify divide trim value, please refer to vbat_clock_monitor_divide_trim_t.
static inline void VBAT_SetClockMonitorFrequencyTrim(VBAT_Type *base, vbat_clock_monitor_freq_trim_t freqTrim)
Set clock monitor’s frequency trim, avaiable value is kVBAT_ClockMonitorAssert2Cycle, kVBAT_ClockMonitorAssert4Cycle, kVBAT_ClockMonitorAssert6Cycle and kVBAT_ClockMonitorAssert8Cycle.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
freqTrim – Specify frequency trim value, please refer to vbat_clock_monitor_freq_trim_t.
static inline void VBAT_LockClockMonitorControl(VBAT_Type *base)
Lock clock monitor enable/disable control.
If locked, it is not allowed to change clock monitor enable/disable control.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
static inline void VBAT_UnlockClockMonitorControl(VBAT_Type *base)
Unlock clock monitor enable/disable control.
- Parameters:
base – VBTA peripheral base address.
static inline bool VBAT_CheckClockMonitorControlLocked(VBAT_Type *base)
Check if clock monitor enable/disable control is locked.
If locked, it is not allowed to change clock monitor enable/disable control.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
- Return values:
false – clock monitor enable/disable control is not locked.
true – clock monitor enable/disable control is locked, any writes to related registers are blocked.
status_t VBAT_InitTamper(VBAT_Type *base, const vbat_tamper_config_t *config)
Initialize tamper control.
Both FRO16K and bandgap should be enabled before calling this function.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to vbat_tamper_config_t structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Tamper is initialized successfully.
kStatus_VBAT_TamperLocked – Tamper control is locked.
kStatus_VBAT_BandgapNotEnabled – Bandgap is not enabled.
kStatus_VBAT_Fro16kNotEnabled – FRO 16K is not enabled.
status_t VBAT_DeinitTamper(VBAT_Type *base)
De-initialize tamper control.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Tamper is de-initialized successfully.
kStatus_VBAT_TamperLocked – Tamper control is locked.
static inline void VBAT_EnableTamper(VBAT_Type *base, uint32_t tamperEnableMask)
Enable tampers for VBAT.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
tamperEnableMask – Mask of tamper to be enabled, should be the OR’ed value of _vbat_tamper_enable.
static inline void VBAT_DisableTamper(VBAT_Type *base, uint32_t tamperEnableMask)
Disable tampers for VBAT.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
tamperEnableMask – Mask of tamper to be disabled, should be the OR’ed value of _vbat_tamper_enable.
static inline uint32_t VBAT_GetTamperEnableInfo(VBAT_Type *base)
Get tamper enable information.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Mask of tamper enable information, should be the OR’ed value of _vbat_tamper_enable.
static inline void VBAT_LockTamperControl(VBAT_Type *base)
Lock tamper control, if locked, it is not allowed to change tamper control.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
static inline void VBAT_UnlockTamperControl(VBAT_Type *base)
Unlock tamper control.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
static inline bool VBAT_CheckTamperControlLocked(VBAT_Type *base)
Check if tamper control is locked.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
- Return values:
false – Tamper control is not locked.
true – Tamper control is locked, any writes to related registers are blocked.
static inline uint32_t VBAT_GetStatusFlags(VBAT_Type *base)
Get VBAT status flags.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The asserted status flags, should be the OR’ed value of vbat_status_flag_t.
static inline void VBAT_ClearStatusFlags(VBAT_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clear VBAT status flags.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
mask – The mask of status flags to be cleared, should be the OR’ed value of vbat_status_flag_t except kVBAT_StatusFlagLdoReady, kVBAT_StatusFlagOsc32kReady, kVBAT_StatusFlagInterrupt0Detect, kVBAT_StatusFlagInterrupt1Detect, kVBAT_StatusFlagInterrupt2Detect, kVBAT_StatusFlagInterrupt3Detect.
static inline void VBAT_EnableInterrupts(VBAT_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enable interrupts for the VBAT module, such as POR detect interrupt, Wakeup Pin interrupt and so on.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
mask – The mask of interrupts to be enabled, should be the OR’ed value of vbat_interrupt_enable_t.
static inline void VBAT_DisableInterrupts(VBAT_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disable interrupts for the VBAT module, such as POR detect interrupt, wakeup pin interrupt and so on.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
mask – The mask of interrupts to be disabled, should be the OR’ed value of vbat_interrupt_enable_t.
static inline void VBAT_EnableWakeup(VBAT_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enable wakeup for the VBAT module, such as POR detect wakeup, wakeup pin wakeup and so on.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
mask – The mask of enumerators in vbat_wakeup_enable_t.
static inline void VBAT_DisableWakeup(VBAT_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disable wakeup for VBAT module, such as POR detect wakeup, wakeup pin wakeup and so on.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
mask – The mask of enumerators in vbat_wakeup_enable_t.
static inline void VBAT_LockInterruptWakeupSettings(VBAT_Type *base)
Lock VBAT interrupt and wakeup settings, please note that if locked the interrupt and wakeup settings can not be updated until the next POR.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
static inline void VBAT_SetWakeupPinDefaultState(VBAT_Type *base, bool assert)
Set the default state of the WAKEUP_b pin output when no enabled wakeup source is asserted.
- Parameters:
base – VBAT peripheral base address.
assert – Used to set default state of the WAKEUP_b pin output:
true WAKEUP_b output state is logic one;
false WAKEUP_b output state is logic zero.
struct _vbat_fro16k_config
- #include <fsl_vbat.h>
The structure of internal 16kHz free running oscillator attributes.
Public Members
bool enableFRO16k
Enable/disable internal 16kHz free running oscillator.
uint8_t enabledConnectionsMask
The mask of connected modules to enable FRO16k clock output.
bool enableFRO16k
struct _vbat_clock_monitor_config
- #include <fsl_vbat.h>
The structure of internal clock monitor, including divide trim and frequency trim.
Public Members
vbat_clock_monitor_freq_trim_t freqTrim
Frequency trim value used to adjust the clock monitor assert, please refer to vbat_clock_monitor_freq_trim_t.
bool lock
Lock the clock monitor control after enabled.
vbat_clock_monitor_freq_trim_t freqTrim
struct _vbat_tamper_config
- #include <fsl_vbat.h>
The structure of Tamper configuration.
Public Members
bool enableVoltageDetect
Enable/disable voltage detection.
bool enableTemperatureDetect
Enable/disable temperature detection.
bool lock
Lock the tamper control after enabled.
bool enableVoltageDetect
MRT: Multi-Rate Timer
void MRT_Init(MRT_Type *base, const mrt_config_t *config)
Ungates the MRT clock and configures the peripheral for basic operation.
This API should be called at the beginning of the application using the MRT driver.
- Parameters:
base – Multi-Rate timer peripheral base address
config – Pointer to user’s MRT config structure. If MRT has MULTITASK bit field in MODCFG reigster, param config is useless.
void MRT_Deinit(MRT_Type *base)
Gate the MRT clock.
- Parameters:
base – Multi-Rate timer peripheral base address
static inline void MRT_GetDefaultConfig(mrt_config_t *config)
Fill in the MRT config struct with the default settings.
The default values are:
config->enableMultiTask = false;
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to user’s MRT config structure.
static inline void MRT_SetupChannelMode(MRT_Type *base, mrt_chnl_t channel, const mrt_timer_mode_t mode)
Sets up an MRT channel mode.
- Parameters:
base – Multi-Rate timer peripheral base address
channel – Channel that is being configured.
mode – Timer mode to use for the channel.
static inline void MRT_EnableInterrupts(MRT_Type *base, mrt_chnl_t channel, uint32_t mask)
Enables the MRT interrupt.
- Parameters:
base – Multi-Rate timer peripheral base address
channel – Timer channel number
mask – The interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration mrt_interrupt_enable_t
static inline void MRT_DisableInterrupts(MRT_Type *base, mrt_chnl_t channel, uint32_t mask)
Disables the selected MRT interrupt.
- Parameters:
base – Multi-Rate timer peripheral base address
channel – Timer channel number
mask – The interrupts to disable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration mrt_interrupt_enable_t
static inline uint32_t MRT_GetEnabledInterrupts(MRT_Type *base, mrt_chnl_t channel)
Gets the enabled MRT interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – Multi-Rate timer peripheral base address
channel – Timer channel number
- Returns:
The enabled interrupts. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration mrt_interrupt_enable_t
static inline uint32_t MRT_GetStatusFlags(MRT_Type *base, mrt_chnl_t channel)
Gets the MRT status flags.
- Parameters:
base – Multi-Rate timer peripheral base address
channel – Timer channel number
- Returns:
The status flags. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration mrt_status_flags_t
static inline void MRT_ClearStatusFlags(MRT_Type *base, mrt_chnl_t channel, uint32_t mask)
Clears the MRT status flags.
- Parameters:
base – Multi-Rate timer peripheral base address
channel – Timer channel number
mask – The status flags to clear. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration mrt_status_flags_t
void MRT_UpdateTimerPeriod(MRT_Type *base, mrt_chnl_t channel, uint32_t count, bool immediateLoad)
Used to update the timer period in units of count.
The new value will be immediately loaded or will be loaded at the end of the current time interval. For one-shot interrupt mode the new value will be immediately loaded.
User can call the utility macros provided in fsl_common.h to convert to ticks
- Parameters:
base – Multi-Rate timer peripheral base address
channel – Timer channel number
count – Timer period in units of ticks
immediateLoad – true: Load the new value immediately into the TIMER register; false: Load the new value at the end of current timer interval
static inline uint32_t MRT_GetCurrentTimerCount(MRT_Type *base, mrt_chnl_t channel)
Reads the current timer counting value.
This function returns the real-time timer counting value, in a range from 0 to a timer period.
User can call the utility macros provided in fsl_common.h to convert ticks to usec or msec
- Parameters:
base – Multi-Rate timer peripheral base address
channel – Timer channel number
- Returns:
Current timer counting value in ticks
static inline void MRT_StartTimer(MRT_Type *base, mrt_chnl_t channel, uint32_t count)
Starts the timer counting.
After calling this function, timers load period value, counts down to 0 and depending on the timer mode it will either load the respective start value again or stop.
User can call the utility macros provided in fsl_common.h to convert to ticks
- Parameters:
base – Multi-Rate timer peripheral base address
channel – Timer channel number.
count – Timer period in units of ticks. Count can contain the LOAD bit, which control the force load feature.
static inline void MRT_StopTimer(MRT_Type *base, mrt_chnl_t channel)
Stops the timer counting.
This function stops the timer from counting.
- Parameters:
base – Multi-Rate timer peripheral base address
channel – Timer channel number.
static inline uint32_t MRT_GetIdleChannel(MRT_Type *base)
Find the available channel.
This function returns the lowest available channel number.
- Parameters:
base – Multi-Rate timer peripheral base address
static inline void MRT_ReleaseChannel(MRT_Type *base, mrt_chnl_t channel)
Release the channel when the timer is using the multi-task mode.
In multi-task mode, the INUSE flags allow more control over when MRT channels are released for further use. The user can hold on to a channel acquired by calling MRT_GetIdleChannel() for as long as it is needed and release it by calling this function. This removes the need to ask for an available channel for every use.
- Parameters:
base – Multi-Rate timer peripheral base address
channel – Timer channel number.
enum _mrt_chnl
List of MRT channels.
enumerator kMRT_Channel_0
MRT channel number 0
enumerator kMRT_Channel_1
MRT channel number 1
enumerator kMRT_Channel_2
MRT channel number 2
enumerator kMRT_Channel_3
MRT channel number 3
enumerator kMRT_Channel_0
enum _mrt_timer_mode
List of MRT timer modes.
enumerator kMRT_RepeatMode
Repeat Interrupt mode
enumerator kMRT_OneShotMode
One-shot Interrupt mode
enumerator kMRT_OneShotStallMode
One-shot stall mode
enumerator kMRT_RepeatMode
enum _mrt_interrupt_enable
List of MRT interrupts.
enumerator kMRT_TimerInterruptEnable
Timer interrupt enable
enumerator kMRT_TimerInterruptEnable
enum _mrt_status_flags
List of MRT status flags.
enumerator kMRT_TimerInterruptFlag
Timer interrupt flag
enumerator kMRT_TimerRunFlag
Indicates state of the timer
enumerator kMRT_TimerInterruptFlag
typedef enum _mrt_chnl mrt_chnl_t
List of MRT channels.
typedef enum _mrt_timer_mode mrt_timer_mode_t
List of MRT timer modes.
typedef enum _mrt_interrupt_enable mrt_interrupt_enable_t
List of MRT interrupts.
typedef enum _mrt_status_flags mrt_status_flags_t
List of MRT status flags.
typedef struct _mrt_config mrt_config_t
MRT configuration structure.
This structure holds the configuration settings for the MRT peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the MRT_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your config structure instance.
The config struct can be made const so it resides in flash
struct _mrt_config
- #include <fsl_mrt.h>
MRT configuration structure.
This structure holds the configuration settings for the MRT peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the MRT_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your config structure instance.
The config struct can be made const so it resides in flash
Public Members
bool enableMultiTask
true: Timers run in multi-task mode; false: Timers run in hardware status mode
bool enableMultiTask
OSTIMER: OS Event Timer Driver
void OSTIMER_Init(OSTIMER_Type *base)
Initializes an OSTIMER by turning its bus clock on.
void OSTIMER_Deinit(OSTIMER_Type *base)
Deinitializes a OSTIMER instance.
This function shuts down OSTIMER bus clock
- Parameters:
base – OSTIMER peripheral base address.
uint64_t OSTIMER_GrayToDecimal(uint64_t gray)
Translate the value from gray-code to decimal.
- Parameters:
gray – The gray value input.
- Returns:
The decimal value.
static inline uint64_t OSTIMER_DecimalToGray(uint64_t dec)
Translate the value from decimal to gray-code.
- Parameters:
dec – The decimal value.
- Returns:
The gray code of the input value.
uint32_t OSTIMER_GetStatusFlags(OSTIMER_Type *base)
Get OSTIMER status Flags.
This returns the status flag. Currently, only match interrupt flag can be got.
- Parameters:
base – OSTIMER peripheral base address.
- Returns:
status register value
void OSTIMER_ClearStatusFlags(OSTIMER_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clear Status Interrupt Flags.
This clears intrrupt status flag. Currently, only match interrupt flag can be cleared.
- Parameters:
base – OSTIMER peripheral base address.
mask – Clear bit mask.
- Returns:
status_t OSTIMER_SetMatchRawValue(OSTIMER_Type *base, uint64_t count, ostimer_callback_t cb)
Set the match raw value for OSTIMER.
This function will set a match value for OSTIMER with an optional callback. And this callback will be called while the data in dedicated pair match register is equals to the value of central EVTIMER. Please note that, the data format is gray-code, if decimal data was desired, please using OSTIMER_SetMatchValue().
- Parameters:
base – OSTIMER peripheral base address.
count – OSTIMER timer match value.(Value is gray-code format)
cb – OSTIMER callback (can be left as NULL if none, otherwise should be a void func(void)).
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – - Set match raw value and enable interrupt Successfully.
kStatus_Fail – - Set match raw value fail.
status_t OSTIMER_SetMatchValue(OSTIMER_Type *base, uint64_t count, ostimer_callback_t cb)
Set the match value for OSTIMER.
This function will set a match value for OSTIMER with an optional callback. And this callback will be called while the data in dedicated pair match register is equals to the value of central OS TIMER.
- Parameters:
base – OSTIMER peripheral base address.
count – OSTIMER timer match value.(Value is decimal format, and this value will be translate to Gray code internally.)
cb – OSTIMER callback (can be left as NULL if none, otherwise should be a void func(void)).
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – - Set match value and enable interrupt Successfully.
kStatus_Fail – - Set match value fail.
static inline void OSTIMER_SetMatchRegister(OSTIMER_Type *base, uint64_t value)
Set value to OSTIMER MATCH register directly.
This function writes the input value to OSTIMER MATCH register directly, it does not touch any other registers. Note that, the data format is gray-code. The function OSTIMER_DecimalToGray could convert decimal value to gray code.
- Parameters:
base – OSTIMER peripheral base address.
value – OSTIMER timer match value (Value is gray-code format).
static inline void OSTIMER_EnableMatchInterrupt(OSTIMER_Type *base)
Enable the OSTIMER counter match interrupt.
Enable the timer counter match interrupt. The interrupt happens when OSTIMER counter matches the value in MATCH registers.
- Parameters:
base – OSTIMER peripheral base address.
static inline void OSTIMER_DisableMatchInterrupt(OSTIMER_Type *base)
Disable the OSTIMER counter match interrupt.
Disable the timer counter match interrupt. The interrupt happens when OSTIMER counter matches the value in MATCH registers.
- Parameters:
base – OSTIMER peripheral base address.
static inline uint64_t OSTIMER_GetCurrentTimerRawValue(OSTIMER_Type *base)
Get current timer raw count value from OSTIMER.
This function will get a gray code type timer count value from OS timer register. The raw value of timer count is gray code format.
- Parameters:
base – OSTIMER peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Raw value of OSTIMER, gray code format.
uint64_t OSTIMER_GetCurrentTimerValue(OSTIMER_Type *base)
Get current timer count value from OSTIMER.
This function will get a decimal timer count value. The RAW value of timer count is gray code format, will be translated to decimal data internally.
- Parameters:
base – OSTIMER peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Value of OSTIMER which will be formated to decimal value.
static inline uint64_t OSTIMER_GetCaptureRawValue(OSTIMER_Type *base)
Get the capture value from OSTIMER.
This function will get a captured gray-code value from OSTIMER. The Raw value of timer capture is gray code format.
- Parameters:
base – OSTIMER peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Raw value of capture register, data format is gray code.
uint64_t OSTIMER_GetCaptureValue(OSTIMER_Type *base)
Get the capture value from OSTIMER.
This function will get a capture decimal-value from OSTIMER. The RAW value of timer capture is gray code format, will be translated to decimal data internally.
- Parameters:
base – OSTIMER peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Value of capture register, data format is decimal.
void OSTIMER_HandleIRQ(OSTIMER_Type *base, ostimer_callback_t cb)
OS timer interrupt Service Handler.
This function handles the interrupt and refers to the callback array in the driver to callback user (as per request in OSTIMER_SetMatchValue()). if no user callback is scheduled, the interrupt will simply be cleared.
- Parameters:
base – OS timer peripheral base address.
cb – callback scheduled for this instance of OS timer
- Returns:
OSTIMER driver version.
enum _ostimer_flags
OSTIMER status flags.
enumerator kOSTIMER_MatchInterruptFlag
Match interrupt flag bit, sets if the match value was reached.
enumerator kOSTIMER_MatchInterruptFlag
typedef void (*ostimer_callback_t)(void)
ostimer callback function.
OTP: One-Time Programmable memory and API
OTP driver version 2.0.1.
Current version: 2.0.1
Change log:
Version 2.0.1
Fixed MISRA-C 2012 violations.
Version 2.0.0
Initial version.
enum _otp_bank
Bank bit flags.
enumerator kOTP_Bank0
Bank 0.
enumerator kOTP_Bank1
Bank 1.
enumerator kOTP_Bank2
Bank 2.
enumerator kOTP_Bank3
Bank 3.
enumerator kOTP_Bank0
enum _otp_word
Bank word bit flags.
enumerator kOTP_Word0
Word 0.
enumerator kOTP_Word1
Word 1.
enumerator kOTP_Word2
Word 2.
enumerator kOTP_Word3
Word 3.
enumerator kOTP_Word0
enum _otp_lock
Lock modifications of a read or write access to a bank register.
enumerator kOTP_LockDontLock
Do not lock.
enumerator kOTP_LockLock
Lock till reset.
enumerator kOTP_LockDontLock
enum _otp_status
OTP error codes.
enumerator kStatus_OTP_WrEnableInvalid
Write enable invalid.
enumerator kStatus_OTP_SomeBitsAlreadyProgrammed
Some bits already programmed.
enumerator kStatus_OTP_AllDataOrMaskZero
All data or mask zero.
enumerator kStatus_OTP_WriteAccessLocked
Write access locked.
enumerator kStatus_OTP_ReadDataMismatch
Read data mismatch.
enumerator kStatus_OTP_UsbIdEnabled
USB ID enabled.
enumerator kStatus_OTP_EthMacEnabled
Ethernet MAC enabled.
enumerator kStatus_OTP_AesKeysEnabled
AES keys enabled.
enumerator kStatus_OTP_IllegalBank
Illegal bank.
enumerator kStatus_OTP_ShufflerConfigNotValid
Shuffler config not valid.
enumerator kStatus_OTP_ShufflerNotEnabled
Shuffler not enabled.
enumerator kStatus_OTP_ShufflerCanOnlyProgSingleKey
Shuffler can only program single key.
enumerator kStatus_OTP_IllegalProgramData
Illegal program data.
enumerator kStatus_OTP_ReadAccessLocked
Read access locked.
enumerator kStatus_OTP_WrEnableInvalid
typedef enum _otp_bank otp_bank_t
Bank bit flags.
typedef enum _otp_word otp_word_t
Bank word bit flags.
typedef enum _otp_lock otp_lock_t
Lock modifications of a read or write access to a bank register.
static inline status_t OTP_Init(void)
Initializes OTP controller.
- Returns:
kStatus_Success upon successful execution, error status otherwise.
static inline status_t OTP_EnableBankWriteMask(otp_bank_t bankMask)
Unlock one or more OTP banks for write access.
- Parameters:
bankMask – bit flag that specifies which banks to unlock.
- Returns:
kStatus_Success upon successful execution, error status otherwise.
static inline status_t OTP_DisableBankWriteMask(otp_bank_t bankMask)
Lock one or more OTP banks for write access.
- Parameters:
bankMask – bit flag that specifies which banks to lock.
- Returns:
kStatus_Success upon successful execution, error status otherwise.
static inline status_t OTP_EnableBankWriteLock(uint32_t bankIndex, otp_word_t regEnableMask, otp_word_t regDisableMask, otp_lock_t lockWrite)
Locks or unlocks write access to a register of an OTP bank and possibly lock un/locking of it.
- Parameters:
bankIndex – OTP bank index, 0 = bank 0, 1 = bank 1 etc.
regEnableMask – bit flag that specifies for which words to enable writing.
regDisableMask – bit flag that specifies for which words to disable writing.
lockWrite – specifies if access set can be modified or is locked till reset.
- Returns:
kStatus_Success upon successful execution, error status otherwise.
static inline status_t OTP_EnableBankReadLock(uint32_t bankIndex, otp_word_t regEnableMask, otp_word_t regDisableMask, otp_lock_t lockWrite)
Locks or unlocks read access to a register of an OTP bank and possibly lock un/locking of it.
- Parameters:
bankIndex – OTP bank index, 0 = bank 0, 1 = bank 1 etc.
regEnableMask – bit flag that specifies for which words to enable reading.
regDisableMask – bit flag that specifies for which words to disable reading.
lockWrite – specifies if access set can be modified or is locked till reset.
- Returns:
kStatus_Success upon successful execution, error status otherwise.
static inline status_t OTP_ProgramRegister(uint32_t bankIndex, uint32_t regIndex, uint32_t value)
Program a single register in an OTP bank.
- Parameters:
bankIndex – OTP bank index, 0 = bank 0, 1 = bank 1 etc.
regIndex – OTP register index.
value – value to write.
- Returns:
kStatus_Success upon successful execution, error status otherwise.
static inline uint32_t OTP_GetDriverVersion(void)
Returns the version of the OTP driver in ROM.
- Returns:
PDM: Microphone Interface
PDM Driver
void PDM_Init(PDM_Type *base, const pdm_config_t *config)
Initializes the PDM peripheral.
Ungates the PDM clock, resets the module, and configures PDM with a configuration structure. The configuration structure can be custom filled or set with default values by PDM_GetDefaultConfig().
This API should be called at the beginning of the application to use the PDM driver. Otherwise, accessing the PDM module can cause a hard fault because the clock is not enabled.
- Parameters:
base – PDM base pointer
config – PDM configuration structure.
void PDM_Deinit(PDM_Type *base)
De-initializes the PDM peripheral.
This API gates the PDM clock. The PDM module can’t operate unless PDM_Init is called to enable the clock.
- Parameters:
base – PDM base pointer
static inline void PDM_Reset(PDM_Type *base)
Resets the PDM module.
- Parameters:
base – PDM base pointer
static inline void PDM_Enable(PDM_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/disables PDM interface.
- Parameters:
base – PDM base pointer
enable – True means PDM interface is enabled, false means PDM interface is disabled.
static inline void PDM_EnableDebugMode(PDM_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/disables debug mode for PDM. The PDM interface cannot enter debug mode once in Disable/Low Leakage or Low Power mode.
- Parameters:
base – PDM base pointer
enable – True means PDM interface enter debug mode, false means PDM interface in normal mode.
static inline void PDM_EnableInDebugMode(PDM_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/disables PDM interface in debug mode.
- Parameters:
base – PDM base pointer
enable – True means PDM interface is enabled debug mode, false means PDM interface is disabled after after completing the current frame in debug mode.
static inline void PDM_EnterLowLeakageMode(PDM_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/disables PDM interface disable/Low Leakage mode.
- Parameters:
base – PDM base pointer
enable – True means PDM interface is in disable/low leakage mode, False means PDM interface is in normal mode.
static inline void PDM_EnableChannel(PDM_Type *base, uint8_t channel, bool enable)
Enables/disables the PDM channel.
- Parameters:
base – PDM base pointer
channel – PDM channel number need to enable or disable.
enable – True means enable PDM channel, false means disable.
void PDM_SetChannelConfig(PDM_Type *base, uint32_t channel, const pdm_channel_config_t *config)
PDM one channel configurations.
- Parameters:
base – PDM base pointer
config – PDM channel configurations.
channel – channel number. after completing the current frame in debug mode.
status_t PDM_SetSampleRateConfig(PDM_Type *base, uint32_t sourceClock_HZ, uint32_t sampleRate_HZ)
PDM set sample rate.
This function is depend on the configuration of the PDM and PDM channel, so the correct call sequence is
PDM_Init(base, pdmConfig) PDM_SetChannelConfig(base, channel, &channelConfig) PDM_SetSampleRateConfig(base, source, sampleRate)
- Parameters:
base – PDM base pointer
sourceClock_HZ – PDM source clock frequency.
sampleRate_HZ – PDM sample rate.
status_t PDM_SetSampleRate(PDM_Type *base, uint32_t enableChannelMask, pdm_df_quality_mode_t qualityMode, uint8_t osr, uint32_t clkDiv)
PDM set sample rate.
- Deprecated:
Do not use this function. It has been superceded by PDM_SetSampleRateConfig
- Parameters:
base – PDM base pointer
enableChannelMask – PDM channel enable mask.
qualityMode – quality mode.
osr – cic oversample rate
clkDiv – clock divider
uint32_t PDM_GetInstance(PDM_Type *base)
Get the instance number for PDM.
- Parameters:
base – PDM base pointer.
static inline uint32_t PDM_GetStatus(PDM_Type *base)
Gets the PDM internal status flag. Use the Status Mask in _pdm_internal_status to get the status value needed.
- Parameters:
base – PDM base pointer
- Returns:
PDM status flag value.
static inline uint32_t PDM_GetFifoStatus(PDM_Type *base)
Gets the PDM FIFO status flag. Use the Status Mask in _pdm_fifo_status to get the status value needed.
- Parameters:
base – PDM base pointer
- Returns:
FIFO status.
static inline uint32_t PDM_GetRangeStatus(PDM_Type *base)
Gets the PDM Range status flag. Use the Status Mask in _pdm_range_status to get the status value needed.
- Parameters:
base – PDM base pointer
- Returns:
output status.
static inline void PDM_ClearStatus(PDM_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears the PDM Tx status.
- Parameters:
base – PDM base pointer
mask – State mask. It can be a combination of the status between kPDM_StatusFrequencyLow and kPDM_StatusCh7FifoDataAvaliable.
static inline void PDM_ClearFIFOStatus(PDM_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears the PDM Tx status.
- Parameters:
base – PDM base pointer
mask – State mask.It can be a combination of the status in _pdm_fifo_status.
static inline void PDM_ClearRangeStatus(PDM_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears the PDM range status.
- Parameters:
base – PDM base pointer
mask – State mask. It can be a combination of the status in _pdm_range_status.
void PDM_EnableInterrupts(PDM_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the PDM interrupt requests.
- Parameters:
base – PDM base pointer
mask – interrupt source The parameter can be a combination of the following sources if defined.
static inline void PDM_DisableInterrupts(PDM_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the PDM interrupt requests.
- Parameters:
base – PDM base pointer
mask – interrupt source The parameter can be a combination of the following sources if defined.
static inline void PDM_EnableDMA(PDM_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/disables the PDM DMA requests.
- Parameters:
base – PDM base pointer
enable – True means enable DMA, false means disable DMA.
static inline uint32_t PDM_GetDataRegisterAddress(PDM_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Gets the PDM data register address.
This API is used to provide a transfer address for the PDM DMA transfer configuration.
- Parameters:
base – PDM base pointer.
channel – Which data channel used.
- Returns:
data register address.
void PDM_ReadFifo(PDM_Type *base, uint32_t startChannel, uint32_t channelNums, void *buffer, size_t size, uint32_t dataWidth)
PDM read fifo.
: This function support 16 bit only for IP version that only supports 16bit.
- Parameters:
base – PDM base pointer.
startChannel – start channel number.
channelNums – total enabled channelnums.
buffer – received buffer address.
size – number of samples to read.
dataWidth – sample width.
void PDM_SetChannelGain(PDM_Type *base, uint32_t channel, pdm_df_output_gain_t gain)
Set the PDM channel gain.
Please note for different quality mode, the valid gain value is different, reference RM for detail.
- Parameters:
base – PDM base pointer.
channel – PDM channel index.
gain – channel gain, the register gain value range is 0 - 15.
void PDM_TransferCreateHandle(PDM_Type *base, pdm_handle_t *handle, pdm_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Initializes the PDM handle.
This function initializes the handle for the PDM transactional APIs. Call this function once to get the handle initialized.
- Parameters:
base – PDM base pointer.
handle – PDM handle pointer.
callback – Pointer to the user callback function.
userData – User parameter passed to the callback function.
status_t PDM_TransferSetChannelConfig(PDM_Type *base, pdm_handle_t *handle, uint32_t channel, const pdm_channel_config_t *config, uint32_t format)
PDM set channel transfer config.
- Parameters:
base – PDM base pointer.
handle – PDM handle pointer.
channel – PDM channel.
config – channel config.
format – data format, support data width configurations,_pdm_data_width.
- Return values:
kStatus_PDM_ChannelConfig_Failed – or kStatus_Success.
status_t PDM_TransferReceiveNonBlocking(PDM_Type *base, pdm_handle_t *handle, pdm_transfer_t *xfer)
Performs an interrupt non-blocking receive transfer on PDM.
This API returns immediately after the transfer initiates. Call the PDM_RxGetTransferStatusIRQ to poll the transfer status and check whether the transfer is finished. If the return status is not kStatus_PDM_Busy, the transfer is finished.
- Parameters:
base – PDM base pointer
handle – Pointer to the pdm_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
xfer – Pointer to the pdm_transfer_t structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully started the data receive.
kStatus_PDM_Busy – Previous receive still not finished.
void PDM_TransferAbortReceive(PDM_Type *base, pdm_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the current IRQ receive.
This API can be called when an interrupt non-blocking transfer initiates to abort the transfer early.
- Parameters:
base – PDM base pointer
handle – Pointer to the pdm_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
void PDM_TransferHandleIRQ(PDM_Type *base, pdm_handle_t *handle)
Tx interrupt handler.
- Parameters:
base – PDM base pointer.
handle – Pointer to the pdm_handle_t structure.
Version 2.9.1
PDM return status.
enumerator kStatus_PDM_Busy
PDM is busy.
enumerator kStatus_PDM_CLK_LOW
PDM clock frequency low
enumerator kStatus_PDM_FIFO_ERROR
PDM FIFO underrun or overflow
enumerator kStatus_PDM_QueueFull
PDM FIFO underrun or overflow
enumerator kStatus_PDM_Idle
PDM is idle
enumerator kStatus_PDM_Output_ERROR
PDM is output error
enumerator kStatus_PDM_ChannelConfig_Failed
PDM channel config failed
enumerator kStatus_PDM_Busy
enum _pdm_interrupt_enable
The PDM interrupt enable flag.
enumerator kPDM_ErrorInterruptEnable
PDM channel error interrupt enable.
enumerator kPDM_FIFOInterruptEnable
PDM channel FIFO interrupt
enumerator kPDM_ErrorInterruptEnable
enum _pdm_internal_status
The PDM status.
enumerator kPDM_StatusDfBusyFlag
Decimation filter is busy processing data
enumerator kPDM_StatusFrequencyLow
Mic app clock frequency not high enough
enumerator kPDM_StatusCh0FifoDataAvaliable
channel 0 fifo data reached watermark level
enumerator kPDM_StatusCh1FifoDataAvaliable
channel 1 fifo data reached watermark level
enumerator kPDM_StatusCh2FifoDataAvaliable
channel 2 fifo data reached watermark level
enumerator kPDM_StatusCh3FifoDataAvaliable
channel 3 fifo data reached watermark level
enumerator kPDM_StatusDfBusyFlag
enum _pdm_channel_enable_mask
PDM channel enable mask.
enumerator kPDM_EnableChannel0
channgel 0 enable mask
enumerator kPDM_EnableChannel1
channgel 1 enable mask
enumerator kPDM_EnableChannel2
channgel 2 enable mask
enumerator kPDM_EnableChannel3
channgel 3 enable mask
enumerator kPDM_EnableChannelAll
enumerator kPDM_EnableChannel0
enum _pdm_fifo_status
The PDM fifo status.
enumerator kPDM_FifoStatusUnderflowCh0
channel0 fifo status underflow
enumerator kPDM_FifoStatusUnderflowCh1
channel1 fifo status underflow
enumerator kPDM_FifoStatusUnderflowCh2
channel2 fifo status underflow
enumerator kPDM_FifoStatusUnderflowCh3
channel3 fifo status underflow
enumerator kPDM_FifoStatusOverflowCh0
channel0 fifo status overflow
enumerator kPDM_FifoStatusOverflowCh1
channel1 fifo status overflow
enumerator kPDM_FifoStatusOverflowCh2
channel2 fifo status overflow
enumerator kPDM_FifoStatusOverflowCh3
channel3 fifo status overflow
enumerator kPDM_FifoStatusUnderflowCh0
enum _pdm_range_status
The PDM output status.
enumerator kPDM_RangeStatusUnderFlowCh0
channel0 range status underflow
enumerator kPDM_RangeStatusUnderFlowCh1
channel1 range status underflow
enumerator kPDM_RangeStatusUnderFlowCh2
channel2 range status underflow
enumerator kPDM_RangeStatusUnderFlowCh3
channel3 range status underflow
enumerator kPDM_RangeStatusOverFlowCh0
channel0 range status overflow
enumerator kPDM_RangeStatusOverFlowCh1
channel1 range status overflow
enumerator kPDM_RangeStatusOverFlowCh2
channel2 range status overflow
enumerator kPDM_RangeStatusOverFlowCh3
channel3 range status overflow
enumerator kPDM_RangeStatusUnderFlowCh0
enum _pdm_dc_remover
PDM DC remover configurations.
enumerator kPDM_DcRemoverCutOff20Hz
DC remover cut off 20HZ
enumerator kPDM_DcRemoverCutOff13Hz
DC remover cut off 13.3HZ
enumerator kPDM_DcRemoverCutOff40Hz
DC remover cut off 40HZ
enumerator kPDM_DcRemoverBypass
DC remover bypass
enumerator kPDM_DcRemoverCutOff20Hz
enum _pdm_df_quality_mode
PDM decimation filter quality mode.
enumerator kPDM_QualityModeMedium
quality mode memdium
enumerator kPDM_QualityModeHigh
quality mode high
enumerator kPDM_QualityModeLow
quality mode low
enumerator kPDM_QualityModeVeryLow0
quality mode very low0
enumerator kPDM_QualityModeVeryLow1
quality mode very low1
enumerator kPDM_QualityModeVeryLow2
quality mode very low2
enumerator kPDM_QualityModeMedium
enum _pdm_qulaity_mode_k_factor
PDM quality mode K factor.
enumerator kPDM_QualityModeHighKFactor
high quality mode K factor = 1 / 2
enumerator kPDM_QualityModeMediumKFactor
medium/very low0 quality mode K factor = 2 / 2
enumerator kPDM_QualityModeLowKFactor
low/very low1 quality mode K factor = 4 / 2
enumerator kPDM_QualityModeVeryLow2KFactor
very low2 quality mode K factor = 8 / 2
enumerator kPDM_QualityModeHighKFactor
enum _pdm_df_output_gain
PDM decimation filter output gain.
enumerator kPDM_DfOutputGain0
Decimation filter output gain 0
enumerator kPDM_DfOutputGain1
Decimation filter output gain 1
enumerator kPDM_DfOutputGain2
Decimation filter output gain 2
enumerator kPDM_DfOutputGain3
Decimation filter output gain 3
enumerator kPDM_DfOutputGain4
Decimation filter output gain 4
enumerator kPDM_DfOutputGain5
Decimation filter output gain 5
enumerator kPDM_DfOutputGain6
Decimation filter output gain 6
enumerator kPDM_DfOutputGain7
Decimation filter output gain 7
enumerator kPDM_DfOutputGain8
Decimation filter output gain 8
enumerator kPDM_DfOutputGain9
Decimation filter output gain 9
enumerator kPDM_DfOutputGain10
Decimation filter output gain 10
enumerator kPDM_DfOutputGain11
Decimation filter output gain 11
enumerator kPDM_DfOutputGain12
Decimation filter output gain 12
enumerator kPDM_DfOutputGain13
Decimation filter output gain 13
enumerator kPDM_DfOutputGain14
Decimation filter output gain 14
enumerator kPDM_DfOutputGain15
Decimation filter output gain 15
enumerator kPDM_DfOutputGain0
enum _pdm_data_width
PDM data width.
enumerator kPDM_DataWwidth24
PDM data width 24bit
enumerator kPDM_DataWwidth32
PDM data width 32bit
enumerator kPDM_DataWwidth24
typedef enum _pdm_dc_remover pdm_dc_remover_t
PDM DC remover configurations.
typedef enum _pdm_df_quality_mode pdm_df_quality_mode_t
PDM decimation filter quality mode.
typedef enum _pdm_df_output_gain pdm_df_output_gain_t
PDM decimation filter output gain.
typedef struct _pdm_channel_config pdm_channel_config_t
PDM channel configurations.
typedef struct _pdm_config pdm_config_t
PDM user configuration structure.
typedef struct _pdm_transfer pdm_transfer_t
PDM SDMA transfer structure.
typedef struct _pdm_handle pdm_handle_t
PDM handle.
typedef void (*pdm_transfer_callback_t)(PDM_Type *base, pdm_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
PDM transfer callback prototype.
struct _pdm_channel_config
- #include <fsl_pdm.h>
PDM channel configurations.
Public Members
pdm_dc_remover_t outputCutOffFreq
PDM output DC remover cut off frequency
pdm_df_output_gain_t gain
Decimation Filter Output Gain
pdm_dc_remover_t outputCutOffFreq
struct _pdm_config
- #include <fsl_pdm.h>
PDM user configuration structure.
Public Members
bool enableDoze
This module will enter disable/low leakage mode if DOZEN is active with ipg_doze is asserted
bool enableFilterBypass
Switchable bypass path for the decimation filter
uint8_t fifoWatermark
Watermark value for FIFO
pdm_df_quality_mode_t qualityMode
Quality mode
uint8_t cicOverSampleRate
CIC filter over sampling rate
bool enableDoze
struct _pdm_transfer
- #include <fsl_pdm.h>
PDM SDMA transfer structure.
Public Members
volatile uint8_t *data
Data start address to transfer.
volatile size_t dataSize
Total Transfer bytes size.
volatile uint8_t *data
struct _pdm_handle
- #include <fsl_pdm.h>
PDM handle structure.
Public Members
uint32_t state
Transfer status
pdm_transfer_callback_t callback
Callback function called at transfer event
void *userData
Callback parameter passed to callback function
pdm_transfer_t pdmQueue[(4U)]
Transfer queue storing queued transfer
size_t transferSize[(4U)]
Data bytes need to transfer
volatile uint8_t queueUser
Index for user to queue transfer
volatile uint8_t queueDriver
Index for driver to get the transfer data and size
uint32_t format
data format
uint8_t watermark
Watermark value
uint8_t startChannel
end channel
uint8_t channelNums
Enabled channel number
uint32_t state
void PDM_TransferInstallEDMATCDMemory(pdm_edma_handle_t *handle, void *tcdAddr, size_t tcdNum)
Install EDMA descriptor memory.
- Parameters:
handle – Pointer to EDMA channel transfer handle.
tcdAddr – EDMA head descriptor address.
tcdNum – EDMA link descriptor address.
void PDM_TransferCreateHandleEDMA(PDM_Type *base, pdm_edma_handle_t *handle, pdm_edma_callback_t callback, void *userData, edma_handle_t *dmaHandle)
Initializes the PDM Rx eDMA handle.
This function initializes the PDM slave DMA handle, which can be used for other PDM master transactional APIs. Usually, for a specified PDM instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.
- Parameters:
base – PDM base pointer.
handle – PDM eDMA handle pointer.
callback – Pointer to user callback function.
userData – User parameter passed to the callback function.
dmaHandle – eDMA handle pointer, this handle shall be static allocated by users.
void PDM_TransferSetMultiChannelInterleaveType(pdm_edma_handle_t *handle, pdm_edma_multi_channel_interleave_t multiChannelInterleaveType)
Initializes the multi PDM channel interleave type.
This function initializes the PDM DMA handle member interleaveType, it shall be called only when application would like to use type kPDM_EDMAMultiChannelInterleavePerChannelBlock, since the default interleaveType is kPDM_EDMAMultiChannelInterleavePerChannelSample always
- Parameters:
handle – PDM eDMA handle pointer.
multiChannelInterleaveType – Multi channel interleave type.
void PDM_TransferSetChannelConfigEDMA(PDM_Type *base, pdm_edma_handle_t *handle, uint32_t channel, const pdm_channel_config_t *config)
Configures the PDM channel.
- Parameters:
base – PDM base pointer.
handle – PDM eDMA handle pointer.
channel – channel index.
config – pdm channel configurations.
status_t PDM_TransferReceiveEDMA(PDM_Type *base, pdm_edma_handle_t *handle, pdm_edma_transfer_t *xfer)
Performs a non-blocking PDM receive using eDMA.
Mcaro MCUX_SDK_PDM_EDMA_PDM_ENABLE_INTERNAL can control whether PDM is enabled internally or externally.
Scatter gather case: This functio support dynamic scatter gather and staic scatter gather, a. for the dynamic scatter gather case: Application should call PDM_TransferReceiveEDMA function continuously to make sure new receive request is submit before the previous one finish. b. for the static scatter gather case: Application should use the link transfer feature and make sure a loop link transfer is provided, such as:
pdm_edma_transfer_t pdmXfer[2] = { { .data = s_buffer, .dataSize = BUFFER_SIZE, .linkTransfer = &pdmXfer[1], }, { .data = &s_buffer[BUFFER_SIZE], .dataSize = BUFFER_SIZE, .linkTransfer = &pdmXfer[0] }, };
Multi channel case: This function support receive multi pdm channel data, for example, if two channel is requested,
The output data will be formatted as below if handle->interleaveType =PDM_TransferSetChannelConfigEDMA(DEMO_PDM, &s_pdmRxHandle_0, DEMO_PDM_ENABLE_CHANNEL_0, &channelConfig); PDM_TransferSetChannelConfigEDMA(DEMO_PDM, &s_pdmRxHandle_0, DEMO_PDM_ENABLE_CHANNEL_1, &channelConfig); PDM_TransferReceiveEDMA(DEMO_PDM, &s_pdmRxHandle_0, pdmXfer);
This interface returns immediately after the transfer initiates. Call the PDM_GetReceiveRemainingBytes to poll the transfer status and check whether the PDM transfer is finished.
void PDM_TransferTerminateReceiveEDMA(PDM_Type *base, pdm_edma_handle_t *handle)
Terminate all PDM receive.
This function will clear all transfer slots buffered in the pdm queue. If users only want to abort the current transfer slot, please call PDM_TransferAbortReceiveEDMA.
- Parameters:
base – PDM base pointer.
handle – PDM eDMA handle pointer.
void PDM_TransferAbortReceiveEDMA(PDM_Type *base, pdm_edma_handle_t *handle)
Aborts a PDM receive using eDMA.
This function only aborts the current transfer slots, the other transfer slots’ information still kept in the handler. If users want to terminate all transfer slots, just call PDM_TransferTerminateReceiveEDMA.
- Parameters:
base – PDM base pointer
handle – PDM eDMA handle pointer.
status_t PDM_TransferGetReceiveCountEDMA(PDM_Type *base, pdm_edma_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets byte count received by PDM.
- Parameters:
base – PDM base pointer
handle – PDM eDMA handle pointer.
count – Bytes count received by PDM.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Succeed get the transfer count.
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – There is no non-blocking transaction in progress.
Version 2.6.3
enum _pdm_edma_multi_channel_interleave
pdm multi channel interleave type
enumerator kPDM_EDMAMultiChannelInterleavePerChannelSample
enumerator kPDM_EDMAMultiChannelInterleavePerChannelBlock
enumerator kPDM_EDMAMultiChannelInterleavePerChannelSample
typedef struct _pdm_edma_handle pdm_edma_handle_t
PDM edma handler.
typedef enum _pdm_edma_multi_channel_interleave pdm_edma_multi_channel_interleave_t
pdm multi channel interleave type
typedef struct _pdm_edma_transfer pdm_edma_transfer_t
PDM edma transfer.
typedef void (*pdm_edma_callback_t)(PDM_Type *base, pdm_edma_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
PDM eDMA transfer callback function for finish and error.
the PDM enable position When calling PDM_TransferReceiveEDMA
struct _pdm_edma_transfer
- #include <fsl_pdm_edma.h>
PDM edma transfer.
Public Members
volatile uint8_t *data
Data start address to transfer.
volatile size_t dataSize
Total Transfer bytes size.
struct _pdm_edma_transfer *linkTransfer
linked transfer configurations
volatile uint8_t *data
struct _pdm_edma_handle
- #include <fsl_pdm_edma.h>
PDM DMA transfer handle, users should not touch the content of the handle.
Public Members
edma_handle_t *dmaHandle
DMA handler for PDM send
uint8_t count
The transfer data count in a DMA request
uint32_t receivedBytes
total transfer count
uint32_t state
Internal state for PDM eDMA transfer
pdm_edma_callback_t callback
Callback for users while transfer finish or error occurs
bool isLoopTransfer
loop transfer
void *userData
User callback parameter
edma_tcd_t *tcd
TCD pool for eDMA transfer.
uint32_t tcdNum
TCD number
uint32_t tcdUser
Index for user to queue transfer.
uint32_t tcdDriver
Index for driver to get the transfer data and size
volatile uint32_t tcdUsedNum
Index for user to queue transfer.
pdm_edma_multi_channel_interleave_t interleaveType
multi channel transfer interleave type
uint8_t endChannel
The last enabled channel
uint8_t channelNums
total channel numbers
edma_handle_t *dmaHandle
PINT: Pin Interrupt and Pattern Match Driver
enum _pint_pin_enable
PINT Pin Interrupt enable type.
enumerator kPINT_PinIntEnableNone
Do not generate Pin Interrupt
enumerator kPINT_PinIntEnableRiseEdge
Generate Pin Interrupt on rising edge
enumerator kPINT_PinIntEnableFallEdge
Generate Pin Interrupt on falling edge
enumerator kPINT_PinIntEnableBothEdges
Generate Pin Interrupt on both edges
enumerator kPINT_PinIntEnableLowLevel
Generate Pin Interrupt on low level
enumerator kPINT_PinIntEnableHighLevel
Generate Pin Interrupt on high level
enumerator kPINT_PinIntEnableNone
enum _pint_int
PINT Pin Interrupt type.
enumerator kPINT_PinInt0
Pin Interrupt 0
enumerator kPINT_PinInt0
enum _pint_pmatch_input_src
PINT Pattern Match bit slice input source type.
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchInp0Src
Input source 0
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchInp1Src
Input source 1
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchInp2Src
Input source 2
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchInp3Src
Input source 3
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchInp4Src
Input source 4
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchInp5Src
Input source 5
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchInp6Src
Input source 6
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchInp7Src
Input source 7
enumerator kPINT_SecPatternMatchInp0Src
Input source 0
enumerator kPINT_SecPatternMatchInp1Src
Input source 1
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchInp0Src
enum _pint_pmatch_bslice
PINT Pattern Match bit slice type.
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchBSlice0
Bit slice 0
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchBSlice0
enum _pint_pmatch_bslice_cfg
PINT Pattern Match configuration type.
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchAlways
Always Contributes to product term match
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchStickyRise
Sticky Rising edge
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchStickyFall
Sticky Falling edge
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchStickyBothEdges
Sticky Rising or Falling edge
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchHigh
High level
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchLow
Low level
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchNever
Never contributes to product term match
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchBothEdges
Either rising or falling edge
enumerator kPINT_PatternMatchAlways
typedef enum _pint_pin_enable pint_pin_enable_t
PINT Pin Interrupt enable type.
typedef enum _pint_int pint_pin_int_t
PINT Pin Interrupt type.
typedef enum _pint_pmatch_input_src pint_pmatch_input_src_t
PINT Pattern Match bit slice input source type.
typedef enum _pint_pmatch_bslice pint_pmatch_bslice_t
PINT Pattern Match bit slice type.
typedef enum _pint_pmatch_bslice_cfg pint_pmatch_bslice_cfg_t
PINT Pattern Match configuration type.
typedef void (*pint_cb_t)(pint_pin_int_t pintr, uint32_t pmatch_status)
PINT Callback function.
typedef struct _pint_pmatch_cfg pint_pmatch_cfg_t
void PINT_Init(PINT_Type *base)
Initialize PINT peripheral.
This function initializes the PINT peripheral and enables the clock.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
- Return values:
None. –
void PINT_PinInterruptConfig(PINT_Type *base, pint_pin_int_t intr, pint_pin_enable_t enable, pint_cb_t callback)
Configure PINT peripheral pin interrupt.
This function configures a given pin interrupt.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
intr – Pin interrupt.
enable – Selects detection logic.
callback – Callback.
- Return values:
None. –
void PINT_PinInterruptGetConfig(PINT_Type *base, pint_pin_int_t pintr, pint_pin_enable_t *enable, pint_cb_t *callback)
Get PINT peripheral pin interrupt configuration.
This function returns the configuration of a given pin interrupt.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
pintr – Pin interrupt.
enable – Pointer to store the detection logic.
callback – Callback.
- Return values:
None. –
void PINT_PinInterruptClrStatus(PINT_Type *base, pint_pin_int_t pintr)
Clear Selected pin interrupt status only when the pin was triggered by edge-sensitive.
This function clears the selected pin interrupt status.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
pintr – Pin interrupt.
- Return values:
None. –
static inline uint32_t PINT_PinInterruptGetStatus(PINT_Type *base, pint_pin_int_t pintr)
Get Selected pin interrupt status.
This function returns the selected pin interrupt status.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
pintr – Pin interrupt.
- Return values:
status – = 0 No pin interrupt request. = 1 Selected Pin interrupt request active.
void PINT_PinInterruptClrStatusAll(PINT_Type *base)
Clear all pin interrupts status only when pins were triggered by edge-sensitive.
This function clears the status of all pin interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
- Return values:
None. –
static inline uint32_t PINT_PinInterruptGetStatusAll(PINT_Type *base)
Get all pin interrupts status.
This function returns the status of all pin interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
- Return values:
status – Each bit position indicates the status of corresponding pin interrupt. = 0 No pin interrupt request. = 1 Pin interrupt request active.
static inline void PINT_PinInterruptClrFallFlag(PINT_Type *base, pint_pin_int_t pintr)
Clear Selected pin interrupt fall flag.
This function clears the selected pin interrupt fall flag.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
pintr – Pin interrupt.
- Return values:
None. –
static inline uint32_t PINT_PinInterruptGetFallFlag(PINT_Type *base, pint_pin_int_t pintr)
Get selected pin interrupt fall flag.
This function returns the selected pin interrupt fall flag.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
pintr – Pin interrupt.
- Return values:
flag – = 0 Falling edge has not been detected. = 1 Falling edge has been detected.
static inline void PINT_PinInterruptClrFallFlagAll(PINT_Type *base)
Clear all pin interrupt fall flags.
This function clears the fall flag for all pin interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
- Return values:
None. –
static inline uint32_t PINT_PinInterruptGetFallFlagAll(PINT_Type *base)
Get all pin interrupt fall flags.
This function returns the fall flag of all pin interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
- Return values:
flags – Each bit position indicates the falling edge detection of the corresponding pin interrupt. 0 Falling edge has not been detected. = 1 Falling edge has been detected.
static inline void PINT_PinInterruptClrRiseFlag(PINT_Type *base, pint_pin_int_t pintr)
Clear Selected pin interrupt rise flag.
This function clears the selected pin interrupt rise flag.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
pintr – Pin interrupt.
- Return values:
None. –
static inline uint32_t PINT_PinInterruptGetRiseFlag(PINT_Type *base, pint_pin_int_t pintr)
Get selected pin interrupt rise flag.
This function returns the selected pin interrupt rise flag.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
pintr – Pin interrupt.
- Return values:
flag – = 0 Rising edge has not been detected. = 1 Rising edge has been detected.
static inline void PINT_PinInterruptClrRiseFlagAll(PINT_Type *base)
Clear all pin interrupt rise flags.
This function clears the rise flag for all pin interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
- Return values:
None. –
static inline uint32_t PINT_PinInterruptGetRiseFlagAll(PINT_Type *base)
Get all pin interrupt rise flags.
This function returns the rise flag of all pin interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
- Return values:
flags – Each bit position indicates the rising edge detection of the corresponding pin interrupt. 0 Rising edge has not been detected. = 1 Rising edge has been detected.
void PINT_PatternMatchConfig(PINT_Type *base, pint_pmatch_bslice_t bslice, pint_pmatch_cfg_t *cfg)
Configure PINT pattern match.
This function configures a given pattern match bit slice.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
bslice – Pattern match bit slice number.
cfg – Pointer to bit slice configuration.
- Return values:
None. –
void PINT_PatternMatchGetConfig(PINT_Type *base, pint_pmatch_bslice_t bslice, pint_pmatch_cfg_t *cfg)
Get PINT pattern match configuration.
This function returns the configuration of a given pattern match bit slice.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
bslice – Pattern match bit slice number.
cfg – Pointer to bit slice configuration.
- Return values:
None. –
static inline uint32_t PINT_PatternMatchGetStatus(PINT_Type *base, pint_pmatch_bslice_t bslice)
Get pattern match bit slice status.
This function returns the status of selected bit slice.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
bslice – Pattern match bit slice number.
- Return values:
status – = 0 Match has not been detected. = 1 Match has been detected.
static inline uint32_t PINT_PatternMatchGetStatusAll(PINT_Type *base)
Get status of all pattern match bit slices.
This function returns the status of all bit slices.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
- Return values:
status – Each bit position indicates the match status of corresponding bit slice. = 0 Match has not been detected. = 1 Match has been detected.
uint32_t PINT_PatternMatchResetDetectLogic(PINT_Type *base)
Reset pattern match detection logic.
This function resets the pattern match detection logic if any of the product term is matching.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
- Return values:
pmstatus – Each bit position indicates the match status of corresponding bit slice. = 0 Match was detected. = 1 Match was not detected.
static inline void PINT_PatternMatchEnable(PINT_Type *base)
Enable pattern match function.
This function enables the pattern match function.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
- Return values:
None. –
static inline void PINT_PatternMatchDisable(PINT_Type *base)
Disable pattern match function.
This function disables the pattern match function.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
- Return values:
None. –
static inline void PINT_PatternMatchEnableRXEV(PINT_Type *base)
Enable RXEV output.
This function enables the pattern match RXEV output.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
- Return values:
None. –
static inline void PINT_PatternMatchDisableRXEV(PINT_Type *base)
Disable RXEV output.
This function disables the pattern match RXEV output.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
- Return values:
None. –
void PINT_EnableCallback(PINT_Type *base)
Enable callback.
This function enables the interrupt for the selected PINT peripheral. Although the pin(s) are monitored as soon as they are enabled, the callback function is not enabled until this function is called.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
- Return values:
None. –
void PINT_DisableCallback(PINT_Type *base)
Disable callback.
This function disables the interrupt for the selected PINT peripheral. Although the pins are still being monitored but the callback function is not called.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the peripheral.
- Return values:
None. –
void PINT_Deinit(PINT_Type *base)
Deinitialize PINT peripheral.
This function disables the PINT clock.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the PINT peripheral.
- Return values:
None. –
void PINT_EnableCallbackByIndex(PINT_Type *base, pint_pin_int_t pintIdx)
enable callback by pin index.
This function enables callback by pin index instead of enabling all pins.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the peripheral.
pintIdx – pin index.
- Return values:
None. –
void PINT_DisableCallbackByIndex(PINT_Type *base, pint_pin_int_t pintIdx)
disable callback by pin index.
This function disables callback by pin index instead of disabling all pins.
- Parameters:
base – Base address of the peripheral.
pintIdx – pin index.
- Return values:
None. –
struct _pint_pmatch_cfg
- #include <fsl_pint.h>
PORT: Port Control and Interrupts
static inline void PORT_GetVersionInfo(PORT_Type *base, port_version_info_t *info)
Get PORT version information.
- Parameters:
base – PORT peripheral base pointer
info – PORT version information
static inline void PORT_SecletPortVoltageRange(PORT_Type *base, port_voltage_range_t range)
Get PORT version information.
: PORTA_CONFIG[RANGE] controls the voltage ranges of Port A, B, and C. Read or write PORTB_CONFIG[RANGE] and PORTC_CONFIG[RANGE] does not take effect.
- Parameters:
base – PORT peripheral base pointer
range – port voltage range
static inline void PORT_SetPinConfig(PORT_Type *base, uint32_t pin, const port_pin_config_t *config)
Sets the port PCR register.
This is an example to define an input pin or output pin PCR configuration.
// Define a digital input pin PCR configuration port_pin_config_t config = { kPORT_PullUp, kPORT_FastSlewRate, kPORT_PassiveFilterDisable, kPORT_OpenDrainDisable, kPORT_LowDriveStrength, kPORT_MuxAsGpio, kPORT_UnLockRegister, };
- Parameters:
base – PORT peripheral base pointer.
pin – PORT pin number.
config – PORT PCR register configuration structure.
static inline void PORT_SetMultiplePinsConfig(PORT_Type *base, uint32_t mask, const port_pin_config_t *config)
Sets the port PCR register for multiple pins.
This is an example to define input pins or output pins PCR configuration.
Define a digital input pin PCR configuration port_pin_config_t config = { kPORT_PullUp , kPORT_PullEnable, kPORT_FastSlewRate, kPORT_PassiveFilterDisable, kPORT_OpenDrainDisable, kPORT_LowDriveStrength, kPORT_MuxAsGpio, kPORT_UnlockRegister, };
- Parameters:
base – PORT peripheral base pointer.
mask – PORT pin number macro.
config – PORT PCR register configuration structure.
static inline void PORT_SetMultipleInterruptPinsConfig(PORT_Type *base, uint32_t mask, port_interrupt_t config)
Sets the port interrupt configuration in PCR register for multiple pins.
- Parameters:
base – PORT peripheral base pointer.
mask – PORT pin number macro.
config – PORT pin interrupt configuration.
#kPORT_InterruptOrDMADisabled: Interrupt/DMA request disabled.
#kPORT_DMARisingEdge : DMA request on rising edge(if the DMA requests exit).
#kPORT_DMAFallingEdge: DMA request on falling edge(if the DMA requests exit).
#kPORT_DMAEitherEdge : DMA request on either edge(if the DMA requests exit).
#kPORT_FlagRisingEdge : Flag sets on rising edge(if the Flag states exit).
#kPORT_FlagFallingEdge : Flag sets on falling edge(if the Flag states exit).
#kPORT_FlagEitherEdge : Flag sets on either edge(if the Flag states exit).
#kPORT_InterruptLogicZero : Interrupt when logic zero.
#kPORT_InterruptRisingEdge : Interrupt on rising edge.
#kPORT_InterruptFallingEdge: Interrupt on falling edge.
#kPORT_InterruptEitherEdge : Interrupt on either edge.
#kPORT_InterruptLogicOne : Interrupt when logic one.
#kPORT_ActiveHighTriggerOutputEnable : Enable active high-trigger output (if the trigger states exit).
#kPORT_ActiveLowTriggerOutputEnable : Enable active low-trigger output (if the trigger states exit)..
static inline void PORT_SetPinMux(PORT_Type *base, uint32_t pin, port_mux_t mux)
Configures the pin muxing.
: This function is NOT recommended to use together with the PORT_SetPinsConfig, because the PORT_SetPinsConfig need to configure the pin mux anyway (Otherwise the pin mux is reset to zero : kPORT_PinDisabledOrAnalog). This function is recommended to use to reset the pin mux
- Parameters:
base – PORT peripheral base pointer.
pin – PORT pin number.
mux – pin muxing slot selection.
kPORT_PinDisabledOrAnalog: Pin disabled or work in analog function.
kPORT_MuxAsGpio : Set as GPIO.
kPORT_MuxAlt2 : chip-specific.
kPORT_MuxAlt3 : chip-specific.
kPORT_MuxAlt4 : chip-specific.
kPORT_MuxAlt5 : chip-specific.
kPORT_MuxAlt6 : chip-specific.
kPORT_MuxAlt7 : chip-specific.
static inline void PORT_EnablePinsDigitalFilter(PORT_Type *base, uint32_t mask, bool enable)
Enables the digital filter in one port, each bit of the 32-bit register represents one pin.
- Parameters:
base – PORT peripheral base pointer.
mask – PORT pin number macro.
enable – PORT digital filter configuration.
static inline void PORT_SetDigitalFilterConfig(PORT_Type *base, const port_digital_filter_config_t *config)
Sets the digital filter in one port, each bit of the 32-bit register represents one pin.
- Parameters:
base – PORT peripheral base pointer.
config – PORT digital filter configuration structure.
static inline void PORT_SetPinDriveStrength(PORT_Type *base, uint32_t pin, uint8_t strength)
Configures the port pin drive strength.
- Parameters:
base – PORT peripheral base pointer.
pin – PORT pin number.
strength – PORT pin drive strength
kPORT_LowDriveStrength = 0U - Low-drive strength is configured.
kPORT_HighDriveStrength = 1U - High-drive strength is configured.
static inline void PORT_EnablePinDoubleDriveStrength(PORT_Type *base, uint32_t pin, bool enable)
Enables the port pin double drive strength.
- Parameters:
base – PORT peripheral base pointer.
pin – PORT pin number.
enable – PORT pin drive strength configuration.
static inline void PORT_SetPinPullValue(PORT_Type *base, uint32_t pin, uint8_t value)
Configures the port pin pull value.
- Parameters:
base – PORT peripheral base pointer.
pin – PORT pin number.
value – PORT pin pull value
kPORT_LowPullResistor = 0U - Low internal pull resistor value is selected.
kPORT_HighPullResistor = 1U - High internal pull resistor value is selected.
static inline uint32_t PORT_GetEFTDetectFlags(PORT_Type *base)
Get EFT detect flags.
- Parameters:
base – PORT peripheral base pointer
- Returns:
EFT detect flags
static inline void PORT_EnableEFTDetectInterrupts(PORT_Type *base, uint32_t interrupt)
Enable EFT detect interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – PORT peripheral base pointer
interrupt – EFT detect interrupt
static inline void PORT_DisableEFTDetectInterrupts(PORT_Type *base, uint32_t interrupt)
Disable EFT detect interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – PORT peripheral base pointer
interrupt – EFT detect interrupt
static inline void PORT_ClearAllLowEFTDetectors(PORT_Type *base)
Clear all low EFT detector.
: Port B and Port C pins share the same EFT detector clear control from PORTC_EDCR register. Any write to the PORTB_EDCR does not take effect.
- Parameters:
base – PORT peripheral base pointer
interrupt – EFT detect interrupt
static inline void PORT_ClearAllHighEFTDetectors(PORT_Type *base)
Clear all high EFT detector.
- Parameters:
base – PORT peripheral base pointer
interrupt – EFT detect interrupt
PORT driver version.
enum _port_pull
Internal resistor pull feature selection.
enumerator kPORT_PullDisable
Internal pull-up/down resistor is disabled.
enumerator kPORT_PullDown
Internal pull-down resistor is enabled.
enumerator kPORT_PullUp
Internal pull-up resistor is enabled.
enumerator kPORT_PullDisable
enum _port_pull_value
Internal resistor pull value selection.
enumerator kPORT_LowPullResistor
Low internal pull resistor value is selected.
enumerator kPORT_HighPullResistor
High internal pull resistor value is selected.
enumerator kPORT_LowPullResistor
enum _port_slew_rate
Slew rate selection.
enumerator kPORT_FastSlewRate
Fast slew rate is configured.
enumerator kPORT_SlowSlewRate
Slow slew rate is configured.
enumerator kPORT_FastSlewRate
enum _port_open_drain_enable
Open Drain feature enable/disable.
enumerator kPORT_OpenDrainDisable
Open drain output is disabled.
enumerator kPORT_OpenDrainEnable
Open drain output is enabled.
enumerator kPORT_OpenDrainDisable
enum _port_passive_filter_enable
Passive filter feature enable/disable.
enumerator kPORT_PassiveFilterDisable
Passive input filter is disabled.
enumerator kPORT_PassiveFilterEnable
Passive input filter is enabled.
enumerator kPORT_PassiveFilterDisable
enum _port_drive_strength
Configures the drive strength.
enumerator kPORT_LowDriveStrength
Low-drive strength is configured.
enumerator kPORT_HighDriveStrength
High-drive strength is configured.
enumerator kPORT_LowDriveStrength
enum _port_drive_strength1
Configures the drive strength1.
enumerator kPORT_NormalDriveStrength
Normal drive strength
enumerator kPORT_DoubleDriveStrength
Double drive strength
enumerator kPORT_NormalDriveStrength
enum _port_input_buffer
input buffer disable/enable.
enumerator kPORT_InputBufferDisable
Digital input is disabled
enumerator kPORT_InputBufferEnable
Digital input is enabled
enumerator kPORT_InputBufferDisable
enum _port_invet_input
Digital input is not inverted or it is inverted.
enumerator kPORT_InputNormal
Digital input is not inverted
enumerator kPORT_InputInvert
Digital input is inverted
enumerator kPORT_InputNormal
enum _port_lock_register
Unlock/lock the pin control register field[15:0].
enumerator kPORT_UnlockRegister
Pin Control Register fields [15:0] are not locked.
enumerator kPORT_LockRegister
Pin Control Register fields [15:0] are locked.
enumerator kPORT_UnlockRegister
enum _port_mux
Pin mux selection.
enumerator kPORT_PinDisabledOrAnalog
Corresponding pin is disabled, but is used as an analog pin.
enumerator kPORT_MuxAsGpio
Corresponding pin is configured as GPIO.
enumerator kPORT_MuxAlt0
enumerator kPORT_MuxAlt1
enumerator kPORT_MuxAlt2
enumerator kPORT_MuxAlt3
enumerator kPORT_MuxAlt4
enumerator kPORT_MuxAlt5
enumerator kPORT_MuxAlt6
enumerator kPORT_MuxAlt7
enumerator kPORT_MuxAlt8
enumerator kPORT_MuxAlt9
enumerator kPORT_MuxAlt10
enumerator kPORT_MuxAlt11
enumerator kPORT_MuxAlt12
enumerator kPORT_MuxAlt13
enumerator kPORT_MuxAlt14
enumerator kPORT_MuxAlt15
enumerator kPORT_PinDisabledOrAnalog
enum _port_digital_filter_clock_source
Digital filter clock source selection.
enumerator kPORT_BusClock
Digital filters are clocked by the bus clock.
enumerator kPORT_LpoClock
Digital filters are clocked by the 1 kHz LPO clock.
enumerator kPORT_BusClock
enum _port_voltage_range
PORT voltage range.
enumerator kPORT_VoltageRange1Dot71V_3Dot6V
Port voltage range is 1.71 V - 3.6 V.
enumerator kPORT_VoltageRange2Dot70V_3Dot6V
Port voltage range is 2.70 V - 3.6 V.
enumerator kPORT_VoltageRange1Dot71V_3Dot6V
typedef enum _port_mux port_mux_t
Pin mux selection.
typedef enum _port_digital_filter_clock_source port_digital_filter_clock_source_t
Digital filter clock source selection.
typedef struct _port_digital_filter_config port_digital_filter_config_t
PORT digital filter feature configuration definition.
typedef struct _port_pin_config port_pin_config_t
PORT pin configuration structure.
typedef struct _port_version_info port_version_info_t
PORT version information.
typedef enum _port_voltage_range port_voltage_range_t
PORT voltage range.
struct _port_digital_filter_config
- #include <fsl_port.h>
PORT digital filter feature configuration definition.
Public Members
uint32_t digitalFilterWidth
Set digital filter width
port_digital_filter_clock_source_t clockSource
Set digital filter clockSource
uint32_t digitalFilterWidth
struct _port_pin_config
- #include <fsl_port.h>
PORT pin configuration structure.
Public Members
uint16_t pullSelect
No-pull/pull-down/pull-up select
uint16_t pullValueSelect
Pull value select
uint16_t slewRate
Fast/slow slew rate Configure
uint16_t passiveFilterEnable
Passive filter enable/disable
uint16_t openDrainEnable
Open drain enable/disable
uint16_t driveStrength
Fast/slow drive strength configure
uint16_t driveStrength1
Normal/Double drive strength enable/disable
uint16_t inputBuffer
Input Buffer Configure
uint16_t invertInput
Invert Input Configure
uint16_t lockRegister
Lock/unlock the PCR field[15:0]
uint16_t pullSelect
struct _port_version_info
- #include <fsl_port.h>
PORT version information.
Public Members
uint16_t feature
Feature Specification Number.
uint8_t minor
Minor Version Number.
uint8_t major
Major Version Number.
uint16_t feature
PUF: Physical Unclonable Function
PUF driver version. Version 2.1.6.
Current version: 2.1.6
Change log:
Initial version.
Fixed puf_wait_usec function optimization issue.
Add PUF configuration structure and support for PUF SRAM controller. Remove magic constants.
Fix MISRA C-2012 issue.
Align driver with PUF SRAM controller registers on LPCXpresso55s16.
Update initizalition logic .
Fix ARMGCC build warning .
Update: Add automatic big to little endian swap for user (pre-shared) keys destinated to secret hardware bus (PUF key index 0).
Fix MISRA C-2012 issue.
Replace register uint32_t ticksCount with volatile uint32_t ticksCount in puf_wait_usec() to prevent optimization out delay loop.
Use common SDK delay in puf_wait_usec()
Changed wait time in PUF_Init(), when initialization fails it will try PUF_Powercycle() with shorter time. If this shorter time will also fail, initialization will be tried with worst case time as before.
enum _puf_key_index_register
enumerator kPUF_KeyIndex_00
enumerator kPUF_KeyIndex_01
enumerator kPUF_KeyIndex_02
enumerator kPUF_KeyIndex_03
enumerator kPUF_KeyIndex_04
enumerator kPUF_KeyIndex_05
enumerator kPUF_KeyIndex_06
enumerator kPUF_KeyIndex_07
enumerator kPUF_KeyIndex_08
enumerator kPUF_KeyIndex_09
enumerator kPUF_KeyIndex_10
enumerator kPUF_KeyIndex_11
enumerator kPUF_KeyIndex_12
enumerator kPUF_KeyIndex_13
enumerator kPUF_KeyIndex_14
enumerator kPUF_KeyIndex_15
enumerator kPUF_KeyIndex_00
enum _puf_min_max
enumerator kPUF_KeySizeMin
enumerator kPUF_KeySizeMax
enumerator kPUF_KeyIndexMax
enumerator kPUF_KeySizeMin
enum _puf_key_slot
PUF key slot.
enumerator kPUF_KeySlot0
PUF key slot 0
enumerator kPUF_KeySlot1
PUF key slot 1
enumerator kPUF_KeySlot0
PUF status return codes.
enumerator kStatus_EnrollNotAllowed
enumerator kStatus_StartNotAllowed
enumerator kStatus_EnrollNotAllowed
typedef enum _puf_key_index_register puf_key_index_register_t
typedef enum _puf_min_max puf_min_max_t
typedef enum _puf_key_slot puf_key_slot_t
PUF key slot.
Get Key Code size in bytes from key size in bytes at compile time.
struct puf_config_t
- #include <fsl_puf.h>
PUFv3 driver version. Version 2.0.3.
Current version: 2.0.3
Change log:
Update for various PUF CTRL wrapper
Fix MISRA issue in driver.
Fix PUF initialization issue and update driver to reflect SoC header changes.
Initial version.
enumerator kStatus_PUF_OperationNotAllowed
enumerator kStatus_PUF_AcNotForThisProductPhase1
enumerator kStatus_PUF_AcNotForThisProductPhase2
enumerator kStatus_PUF_AcCorruptedPhase1
enumerator kStatus_PUF_AcCorruptedPhase2
enumerator kStatus_PUF_AcAuthFailedPhase1
enumerator kStatus_PUF_NBOOT_AcAuthFailedPhase2
enumerator kStatus_PUF_QualityVerificationFail
enumerator kStatus_PUF_ContextIncorrect
enumerator kStatus_PUF_DestinationNotAllowed
enumerator kStatus_PUF_Failure
enumerator kStatus_PUF_OperationNotAllowed
typedef uint32_t puf_endianness_t
typedef uint32_t puf_key_dest_t
typedef uint32_t puf_key_scope_t
typedef uint32_t puf_result_code_t
typedef uint32_t puf_sec_level_t
puf_endianness_t dataEndianness
uint8_t CKGATING
puf_key_scope_t keyScopeStarted
puf_key_scope_t keyScopeEnrolled
uint32_t userCtx0
uint32_t userCtx1
void PUF_GetDefaultConfig(puf_config_t *conf)
brief Sets the default configuration of PUF
This function initialize PUF config structure to default values.
- Parameters:
conf – PUF configuration structure
status_t PUF_Init(PUF_Type *base, puf_config_t *conf)
brief Initialize PUF
This function enables power to PUF block and waits until the block initializes.
- Parameters:
conf – PUF configuration structure
- Returns:
Status of the init operation
void PUF_Deinit(PUF_Type *base, puf_config_t *conf)
brief Denitialize PUF
This function disables power to PUF SRAM and peripheral clock.
- Parameters:
base – PUF peripheral base address
conf – PUF configuration structure
status_t PUF_Enroll(PUF_Type *base, uint8_t *activationCode, size_t activationCodeSize, uint8_t *score)
brief Enroll PUF
This function derives a digital fingerprint, generates the corresponding Activation Code (AC) and returns it to be stored in an NVM or a file. This step needs to be performed only once for each device. This function may be permanently disallowed by a fuse.
- Parameters:
base – PUF peripheral base address
activationCode – [out] Word aligned address of the resulting activation code.
activationCodeSize – Size of the activationCode buffer in bytes. Shall be FSL_FEATURE_PUF_ACTIVATION_CODE_SIZE bytes.
score – Value of the PUF Score that was obtained during the enroll operation.
- Returns:
Status of enroll operation.
status_t PUF_Start(PUF_Type *base, const uint8_t *activationCode, size_t activationCodeSize, uint8_t *score)
brief Start PUF
The Activation Code generated during the Enroll operation is used to reconstruct the digital fingerprint. This needs to be done after every power-up and reset.
- Parameters:
base – PUF peripheral base address
activationCode – [in] Word aligned address of the input activation code.
activationCodeSize – Size of the activationCode buffer in bytes. Shall be FSL_FEATURE_PUF_ACTIVATION_CODE_SIZE bytes.
score – Value of the PUF Score that was obtained during the start operation. return Status of start operation.
status_t PUF_Stop(PUF_Type *base)
brief Stop PUF
The Stop operation removes all key material from PUF flipflops and PUF SRAM, and sets PUF to the Stopped state.
- Parameters:
base – PUF peripheral base address
- Returns:
Status of stop operation.
status_t PUF_GetKey(PUF_Type *base, puf_key_ctx_t *keyCtx, puf_key_dest_t keyDest, uint8_t *key, size_t keySize)
brief PUF Get Key
The Get Key operation derives a key from the intrinsic PUF key and externally provided context.
- Parameters:
base – PUF peripheral base address
keyCtx – PUF key context struct
keyDest – output destination of the derived PUF key
key – [out] Word aligned address of output key (only used when kPUF_KeyDestRegister).
keySize – Size of the derived key in bytes.
- Returns:
Status of get key operation.
status_t PUF_WrapGeneratedRandom(PUF_Type *base, puf_key_ctx_t *keyCtx, size_t keySize, uint8_t *keyCode, size_t keyCodeSize)
brief PUF Wrap generated random
The Wrap Generated Random operation wraps a random key into a Key Code (KC).
- Parameters:
base – PUF peripheral base address
keyCtx – PUF key context struct
keySize – Size of the key to be generated in bytes.
keyCode – [out] Word aligned address of the resulting key code.
keyCodeSize – Size of the output keycode in bytes.
- Returns:
Status of wrap generated random operation.
status_t PUF_Wrap(PUF_Type *base, puf_key_ctx_t *keyCtx, uint8_t *userKey, size_t userKeySize, uint8_t *keyCode, size_t keyCodeSize)
brief PUF Wrap user key
The Wrap operation wraps a user defined key into a Key Code (KC).
- Parameters:
base – PUF peripheral base address
keyCtx – PUF key context struct.
userKey – Word aligned address of input user key.
userKeySize – Size of the key to be wrapped in bytes.
keyCode – [out] Word aligned address of the resulting key code.
keyCodeSize – Size of the output keycode in bytes.
- Returns:
Status of wrap operation.
status_t PUF_Unwrap(PUF_Type *base, puf_key_dest_t keyDest, uint8_t *keyCode, size_t keyCodeSize, uint8_t *key, size_t keySize)
brief PUF Unwrap user key
The unwrap operation unwraps the key from a previously created Key Code (KC)
- Parameters:
base – PUF peripheral base address
keyDest – output destination of the unwraped PUF key
keyCode – [in] Word aligned address of the input key code.
keyCodeSize – Size of the input keycode in bytes.
key – Word aligned address of output key (only used when kPUF_KeyDestRegister).
keySize – Size of the key to be generated in bytes.
- Returns:
Status of unwrap operation.
status_t PUF_GenerateRandom(PUF_Type *base, uint8_t *data, size_t size)
brief Generate Random
The Generate Random operation outputs the requested amount of random data as specified in a provided context.
- Parameters:
base – PUF peripheral base address
size – Size of random data to be genarated in bytes.
- Returns:
Status of generate random operation.
status_t PUF_Zeroize(PUF_Type *base)
brief Zeroize PUF
This function clears all PUF internal logic and puts the PUF to zeroized state.
- Parameters:
base – PUF peripheral base address
- Returns:
Status of the zeroize operation.
status_t PUF_Test(PUF_Type *base, uint8_t *score)
brief Test PUF
With the Test PUF operation, diagnostics about the PUF quality is collected and presented in a PUF score.
- Parameters:
base – PUF peripheral base address
score – Value of the PUF Score that was obtained during the enroll operation.
- Returns:
Status of the test operation.
static inline void PUF_BlockCommand(PUF_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Blocks specified PUF commands.
This function blocks PUF commands specified by mask parameter.
- Parameters:
base – PUF peripheral base address
mask – Mask of parameters which should be blocked until power-cycle.
- Returns:
Status of the test operation.
status_t PUF_SetLock(PUF_Type *base, puf_sec_level_t securityLevel)
brief Set lock of PUF operation
Lock the security level of PUF block until key generate, wrap or unwrap operation is completed. Note: Only security level defined in SEC_LOCK register can use PUFv3 or change its security level. Default setting after leaving ROM is Secure-Privilege
- Parameters:
base – PUF peripheral base address
securityLevel – Security level of PUF block.
- Returns:
Status of the test operation.
status_t PUF_SetCtxMask(PUF_Type *base, uint32_t appCtxMask)
brief Set App Context mask
This function sets Application defined context mask used in conjunction with key user context 2. Whenever bit in this register is 1, corresponding bit in user context 2 provided during key code creation should be zero only.
This register is only modifiable by task running at secure-privilege level.
- Parameters:
base – PUF peripheral base address
appCtxMask – Value of the Application defined context mask.
- Returns:
Status of the test operation.
struct puf_config_t
- #include <fsl_puf.h>
struct puf_key_ctx_t
- #include <fsl_puf_v3.h>
PWM: Pulse Width Modulator
status_t PWM_Init(PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, const pwm_config_t *config)
Ungates the PWM submodule clock and configures the peripheral for basic operation.
This API should be called at the beginning of the application using the PWM driver. When user select PWMX, user must choose edge aligned output, becasue there are some limitation on center aligned PWMX output. When output PWMX in center aligned mode, VAL1 register controls both PWM period and PWMX duty cycle, PWMA and PWMB output will be corrupted. But edge aligned PWMX output do not have such limit. In master reload counter initialization mode, PWM period is depended by period of set LDOK in submodule 0 because this operation will reload register. Submodule 0 counter initialization cannot be master sync or master reload.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
subModule – PWM submodule to configure
config – Pointer to user’s PWM config structure.
- Returns:
kStatus_Success means success; else failed.
void PWM_Deinit(PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule)
Gate the PWM submodule clock.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
subModule – PWM submodule to deinitialize
void PWM_GetDefaultConfig(pwm_config_t *config)
Fill in the PWM config struct with the default settings.
The default values are:
config->enableDebugMode = false; config->enableWait = false; config->reloadSelect = kPWM_LocalReload; config->clockSource = kPWM_BusClock; config->prescale = kPWM_Prescale_Divide_1; config->initializationControl = kPWM_Initialize_LocalSync; config->forceTrigger = kPWM_Force_Local; config->reloadFrequency = kPWM_LoadEveryOportunity; config->reloadLogic = kPWM_ReloadImmediate; config->pairOperation = kPWM_Independent;
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to user’s PWM config structure.
status_t PWM_SetupPwm(PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, const pwm_signal_param_t *chnlParams, uint8_t numOfChnls, pwm_mode_t mode, uint32_t pwmFreq_Hz, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
Sets up the PWM signals for a PWM submodule.
The function initializes the submodule according to the parameters passed in by the user. The function also sets up the value compare registers to match the PWM signal requirements. If the dead time insertion logic is enabled, the pulse period is reduced by the dead time period specified by the user. When user select PWMX, user must choose edge aligned output, becasue there are some limitation on center aligned PWMX output. Due to edge aligned PWMX is negative true signal, need to configure PWMX active low true level to get correct duty cycle. The half cycle point will not be exactly in the middle of the PWM cycle when PWMX enabled.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
subModule – PWM submodule to configure
chnlParams – Array of PWM channel parameters to configure the channel(s).
numOfChnls – Number of channels to configure, this should be the size of the array passed in. Array size should not be more than 3 as each submodule has 3 pins to output PWM.
mode – PWM operation mode, options available in enumeration pwm_mode_t
pwmFreq_Hz – PWM signal frequency in Hz
srcClock_Hz – PWM source clock of correspond submodule in Hz. If source clock of submodule1,2,3 is from submodule0 AUX_CLK, its source clock is submodule0 source clock divided with submodule0 prescaler value instead of submodule0 source clock.
- Returns:
Returns kStatus_Fail if there was error setting up the signal; kStatus_Success otherwise
status_t PWM_SetupPwmPhaseShift(PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, pwm_channels_t pwmChannel, uint32_t pwmFreq_Hz, uint32_t srcClock_Hz, uint8_t shiftvalue, bool doSync)
Set PWM phase shift for PWM channel running on channel PWM_A, PWM_B which with 50% duty cycle.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
subModule – PWM submodule to configure
pwmChannel – PWM channel to configure
pwmFreq_Hz – PWM signal frequency in Hz
srcClock_Hz – PWM main counter clock in Hz.
shiftvalue – Phase shift value, range in 0 ~ 50
doSync – true: Set LDOK bit for the submodule list; false: LDOK bit don’t set, need to call PWM_SetPwmLdok to sync update.
- Returns:
Returns kStatus_Fail if there was error setting up the signal; kStatus_Success otherwise
void PWM_UpdatePwmDutycycle(PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, pwm_channels_t pwmSignal, pwm_mode_t currPwmMode, uint8_t dutyCyclePercent)
Updates the PWM signal’s dutycycle.
The function updates the PWM dutycyle to the new value that is passed in. If the dead time insertion logic is enabled then the pulse period is reduced by the dead time period specified by the user.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
subModule – PWM submodule to configure
pwmSignal – Signal (PWM A, PWM B, PWM X) to update
currPwmMode – The current PWM mode set during PWM setup
dutyCyclePercent – New PWM pulse width, value should be between 0 to 100 0=inactive signal(0% duty cycle)… 100=active signal (100% duty cycle)
void PWM_UpdatePwmDutycycleHighAccuracy(PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, pwm_channels_t pwmSignal, pwm_mode_t currPwmMode, uint16_t dutyCycle)
Updates the PWM signal’s dutycycle with 16-bit accuracy.
The function updates the PWM dutycyle to the new value that is passed in. If the dead time insertion logic is enabled then the pulse period is reduced by the dead time period specified by the user.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
subModule – PWM submodule to configure
pwmSignal – Signal (PWM A, PWM B, PWM X) to update
currPwmMode – The current PWM mode set during PWM setup
dutyCycle – New PWM pulse width, value should be between 0 to 65535 0=inactive signal(0% duty cycle)… 65535=active signal (100% duty cycle)
void PWM_UpdatePwmPeriodAndDutycycle(PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, pwm_channels_t pwmSignal, pwm_mode_t currPwmMode, uint16_t pulseCnt, uint16_t dutyCycle)
Update the PWM signal’s period and dutycycle for a PWM submodule.
The function updates PWM signal period generated by a specific submodule according to the parameters passed in by the user. This function can also set dutycycle weather you want to keep original dutycycle or update new dutycycle. Call this function in local sync control mode because PWM period is depended by
INIT and VAL1 register of each submodule. In master sync initialization control mode, call this function to update INIT and VAL1 register of all submodule because PWM period is depended by INIT and VAL1 register in submodule0. If the dead time insertion logic is enabled, the pulse period is reduced by the dead time period specified by the user. PWM signal will not be generated if its period is less than dead time duration.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
subModule – PWM submodule to configure
pwmSignal – Signal (PWM A or PWM B) to update
currPwmMode – The current PWM mode set during PWM setup, options available in enumeration pwm_mode_t
pulseCnt – New PWM period, value should be between 0 to 65535 0=minimum PWM period… 65535=maximum PWM period
dutyCycle – New PWM pulse width of channel, value should be between 0 to 65535 0=inactive signal(0% duty cycle)… 65535=active signal (100% duty cycle) You can keep original duty cycle or update new duty cycle
static inline void PWM_EnableInterrupts(PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, uint32_t mask)
Enables the selected PWM interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
subModule – PWM submodule to configure
mask – The interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration pwm_interrupt_enable_t
static inline void PWM_DisableInterrupts(PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, uint32_t mask)
Disables the selected PWM interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
subModule – PWM submodule to configure
mask – The interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration pwm_interrupt_enable_t
static inline uint32_t PWM_GetEnabledInterrupts(PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule)
Gets the enabled PWM interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
subModule – PWM submodule to configure
- Returns:
The enabled interrupts. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration pwm_interrupt_enable_t
static inline void PWM_DMAFIFOWatermarkControl(PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, pwm_watermark_control_t pwm_watermark_control)
Capture DMA Enable Source Select.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
subModule – PWM submodule to configure
pwm_watermark_control – PWM FIFO watermark and control
static inline void PWM_DMACaptureSourceSelect(PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, pwm_dma_source_select_t pwm_dma_source_select)
Capture DMA Enable Source Select.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
subModule – PWM submodule to configure
pwm_dma_source_select – PWM capture DMA enable source select
static inline void PWM_EnableDMACapture(PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, uint16_t mask, bool activate)
Enables or disables the selected PWM DMA Capture read request.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
subModule – PWM submodule to configure
mask – The DMA to enable or disable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration pwm_dma_enable_t
activate – true: Enable DMA read request; false: Disable DMA read request
static inline void PWM_EnableDMAWrite(PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, bool activate)
Enables or disables the PWM DMA write request.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
subModule – PWM submodule to configure
activate – true: Enable DMA write request; false: Disable DMA write request
static inline uint32_t PWM_GetStatusFlags(PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule)
Gets the PWM status flags.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
subModule – PWM submodule to configure
- Returns:
The status flags. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration pwm_status_flags_t
static inline void PWM_ClearStatusFlags(PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, uint32_t mask)
Clears the PWM status flags.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
subModule – PWM submodule to configure
mask – The status flags to clear. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration pwm_status_flags_t
static inline void PWM_StartTimer(PWM_Type *base, uint8_t subModulesToStart)
Starts the PWM counter for a single or multiple submodules.
Sets the Run bit which enables the clocks to the PWM submodule. This function can start multiple submodules at the same time.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
subModulesToStart – PWM submodules to start. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration pwm_module_control_t
static inline void PWM_StopTimer(PWM_Type *base, uint8_t subModulesToStop)
Stops the PWM counter for a single or multiple submodules.
Clears the Run bit which resets the submodule’s counter. This function can stop multiple submodules at the same time.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
subModulesToStop – PWM submodules to stop. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration pwm_module_control_t
Version 2.9.0
enum _pwm_submodule
List of PWM submodules.
enumerator kPWM_Module_0
Submodule 0
enumerator kPWM_Module_1
Submodule 1
enumerator kPWM_Module_2
Submodule 2
enumerator kPWM_Module_0
enum _pwm_channels
List of PWM channels in each module.
enumerator kPWM_PwmB
enumerator kPWM_PwmA
enumerator kPWM_PwmX
enumerator kPWM_PwmB
enum _pwm_value_register
List of PWM value registers.
enumerator kPWM_ValueRegister_0
PWM Value0 register
enumerator kPWM_ValueRegister_1
PWM Value1 register
enumerator kPWM_ValueRegister_2
PWM Value2 register
enumerator kPWM_ValueRegister_3
PWM Value3 register
enumerator kPWM_ValueRegister_4
PWM Value4 register
enumerator kPWM_ValueRegister_5
PWM Value5 register
enumerator kPWM_ValueRegister_0
enum _pwm_value_register_mask
List of PWM value registers mask.
enumerator kPWM_ValueRegisterMask_0
PWM Value0 register mask
enumerator kPWM_ValueRegisterMask_1
PWM Value1 register mask
enumerator kPWM_ValueRegisterMask_2
PWM Value2 register mask
enumerator kPWM_ValueRegisterMask_3
PWM Value3 register mask
enumerator kPWM_ValueRegisterMask_4
PWM Value4 register mask
enumerator kPWM_ValueRegisterMask_5
PWM Value5 register mask
enumerator kPWM_ValueRegisterMask_0
enum _pwm_clock_source
PWM clock source selection.
enumerator kPWM_BusClock
The IPBus clock is used as the clock
enumerator kPWM_ExternalClock
EXT_CLK is used as the clock
enumerator kPWM_Submodule0Clock
Clock of the submodule 0 (AUX_CLK) is used as the source clock
enumerator kPWM_BusClock
enum _pwm_clock_prescale
PWM prescaler factor selection for clock source.
enumerator kPWM_Prescale_Divide_1
PWM clock frequency = fclk/1
enumerator kPWM_Prescale_Divide_2
PWM clock frequency = fclk/2
enumerator kPWM_Prescale_Divide_4
PWM clock frequency = fclk/4
enumerator kPWM_Prescale_Divide_8
PWM clock frequency = fclk/8
enumerator kPWM_Prescale_Divide_16
PWM clock frequency = fclk/16
enumerator kPWM_Prescale_Divide_32
PWM clock frequency = fclk/32
enumerator kPWM_Prescale_Divide_64
PWM clock frequency = fclk/64
enumerator kPWM_Prescale_Divide_128
PWM clock frequency = fclk/128
enumerator kPWM_Prescale_Divide_1
enum _pwm_force_output_trigger
Options that can trigger a PWM FORCE_OUT.
enumerator kPWM_Force_Local
The local force signal, CTRL2[FORCE], from the submodule is used to force updates
enumerator kPWM_Force_Master
The master force signal from submodule 0 is used to force updates
enumerator kPWM_Force_LocalReload
The local reload signal from this submodule is used to force updates without regard to the state of LDOK
enumerator kPWM_Force_MasterReload
The master reload signal from submodule 0 is used to force updates if LDOK is set
enumerator kPWM_Force_LocalSync
The local sync signal from this submodule is used to force updates
enumerator kPWM_Force_MasterSync
The master sync signal from submodule0 is used to force updates
enumerator kPWM_Force_External
The external force signal, EXT_FORCE, from outside the PWM module causes updates
enumerator kPWM_Force_ExternalSync
The external sync signal, EXT_SYNC, from outside the PWM module causes updates
enumerator kPWM_Force_Local
enum _pwm_output_state
PWM channel output status.
enumerator kPWM_HighState
The output state of PWM channel is high
enumerator kPWM_LowState
The output state of PWM channel is low
enumerator kPWM_NormalState
The output state of PWM channel is normal
enumerator kPWM_InvertState
The output state of PWM channel is invert
enumerator kPWM_MaskState
The output state of PWM channel is mask
enumerator kPWM_HighState
enum _pwm_init_source
PWM counter initialization options.
enumerator kPWM_Initialize_LocalSync
Local sync causes initialization
enumerator kPWM_Initialize_MasterReload
Master reload from submodule 0 causes initialization
enumerator kPWM_Initialize_MasterSync
Master sync from submodule 0 causes initialization
enumerator kPWM_Initialize_ExtSync
EXT_SYNC causes initialization
enumerator kPWM_Initialize_LocalSync
enum _pwm_load_frequency
PWM load frequency selection.
enumerator kPWM_LoadEveryOportunity
Every PWM opportunity
enumerator kPWM_LoadEvery2Oportunity
Every 2 PWM opportunities
enumerator kPWM_LoadEvery3Oportunity
Every 3 PWM opportunities
enumerator kPWM_LoadEvery4Oportunity
Every 4 PWM opportunities
enumerator kPWM_LoadEvery5Oportunity
Every 5 PWM opportunities
enumerator kPWM_LoadEvery6Oportunity
Every 6 PWM opportunities
enumerator kPWM_LoadEvery7Oportunity
Every 7 PWM opportunities
enumerator kPWM_LoadEvery8Oportunity
Every 8 PWM opportunities
enumerator kPWM_LoadEvery9Oportunity
Every 9 PWM opportunities
enumerator kPWM_LoadEvery10Oportunity
Every 10 PWM opportunities
enumerator kPWM_LoadEvery11Oportunity
Every 11 PWM opportunities
enumerator kPWM_LoadEvery12Oportunity
Every 12 PWM opportunities
enumerator kPWM_LoadEvery13Oportunity
Every 13 PWM opportunities
enumerator kPWM_LoadEvery14Oportunity
Every 14 PWM opportunities
enumerator kPWM_LoadEvery15Oportunity
Every 15 PWM opportunities
enumerator kPWM_LoadEvery16Oportunity
Every 16 PWM opportunities
enumerator kPWM_LoadEveryOportunity
enum _pwm_fault_input
List of PWM fault selections.
enumerator kPWM_Fault_0
Fault 0 input pin
enumerator kPWM_Fault_1
Fault 1 input pin
enumerator kPWM_Fault_2
Fault 2 input pin
enumerator kPWM_Fault_3
Fault 3 input pin
enumerator kPWM_Fault_0
enum _pwm_fault_disable
List of PWM fault disable mapping selections.
enumerator kPWM_FaultDisable_0
Fault 0 disable mapping
enumerator kPWM_FaultDisable_1
Fault 1 disable mapping
enumerator kPWM_FaultDisable_2
Fault 2 disable mapping
enumerator kPWM_FaultDisable_3
Fault 3 disable mapping
enumerator kPWM_FaultDisable_0
enum _pwm_fault_channels
List of PWM fault channels.
enumerator kPWM_faultchannel_0
enumerator kPWM_faultchannel_1
enumerator kPWM_faultchannel_0
enum _pwm_input_capture_edge
PWM capture edge select.
enumerator kPWM_Disable
enumerator kPWM_FallingEdge
Capture on falling edge only
enumerator kPWM_RisingEdge
Capture on rising edge only
enumerator kPWM_RiseAndFallEdge
Capture on rising or falling edge
enumerator kPWM_Disable
enum _pwm_force_signal
PWM output options when a FORCE_OUT signal is asserted.
enumerator kPWM_UsePwm
Generated PWM signal is used by the deadtime logic.
enumerator kPWM_InvertedPwm
Inverted PWM signal is used by the deadtime logic.
enumerator kPWM_SoftwareControl
Software controlled value is used by the deadtime logic.
enumerator kPWM_UseExternal
PWM_EXTA signal is used by the deadtime logic.
enumerator kPWM_UsePwm
enum _pwm_chnl_pair_operation
Options available for the PWM A & B pair operation.
enumerator kPWM_Independent
PWM A & PWM B operate as 2 independent channels
enumerator kPWM_ComplementaryPwmA
PWM A & PWM B are complementary channels, PWM A generates the signal
enumerator kPWM_ComplementaryPwmB
PWM A & PWM B are complementary channels, PWM B generates the signal
enumerator kPWM_Independent
enum _pwm_register_reload
Options available on how to load the buffered-registers with new values.
enumerator kPWM_ReloadImmediate
Buffered-registers get loaded with new values as soon as LDOK bit is set
enumerator kPWM_ReloadPwmHalfCycle
Registers loaded on a PWM half cycle
enumerator kPWM_ReloadPwmFullCycle
Registers loaded on a PWM full cycle
enumerator kPWM_ReloadPwmHalfAndFullCycle
Registers loaded on a PWM half & full cycle
enumerator kPWM_ReloadImmediate
enum _pwm_fault_recovery_mode
Options available on how to re-enable the PWM output when recovering from a fault.
enumerator kPWM_NoRecovery
PWM output will stay inactive
enumerator kPWM_RecoverHalfCycle
PWM output re-enabled at the first half cycle
enumerator kPWM_RecoverFullCycle
PWM output re-enabled at the first full cycle
enumerator kPWM_RecoverHalfAndFullCycle
PWM output re-enabled at the first half or full cycle
enumerator kPWM_NoRecovery
enum _pwm_interrupt_enable
List of PWM interrupt options.
enumerator kPWM_CompareVal0InterruptEnable
PWM VAL0 compare interrupt
enumerator kPWM_CompareVal1InterruptEnable
PWM VAL1 compare interrupt
enumerator kPWM_CompareVal2InterruptEnable
PWM VAL2 compare interrupt
enumerator kPWM_CompareVal3InterruptEnable
PWM VAL3 compare interrupt
enumerator kPWM_CompareVal4InterruptEnable
PWM VAL4 compare interrupt
enumerator kPWM_CompareVal5InterruptEnable
PWM VAL5 compare interrupt
enumerator kPWM_CaptureX0InterruptEnable
PWM capture X0 interrupt
enumerator kPWM_CaptureX1InterruptEnable
PWM capture X1 interrupt
enumerator kPWM_CaptureB0InterruptEnable
PWM capture B0 interrupt
enumerator kPWM_CaptureB1InterruptEnable
PWM capture B1 interrupt
enumerator kPWM_CaptureA0InterruptEnable
PWM capture A0 interrupt
enumerator kPWM_CaptureA1InterruptEnable
PWM capture A1 interrupt
enumerator kPWM_ReloadInterruptEnable
PWM reload interrupt
enumerator kPWM_ReloadErrorInterruptEnable
PWM reload error interrupt
enumerator kPWM_Fault0InterruptEnable
PWM fault 0 interrupt
enumerator kPWM_Fault1InterruptEnable
PWM fault 1 interrupt
enumerator kPWM_Fault2InterruptEnable
PWM fault 2 interrupt
enumerator kPWM_Fault3InterruptEnable
PWM fault 3 interrupt
enumerator kPWM_CompareVal0InterruptEnable
enum _pwm_status_flags
List of PWM status flags.
enumerator kPWM_CompareVal0Flag
PWM VAL0 compare flag
enumerator kPWM_CompareVal1Flag
PWM VAL1 compare flag
enumerator kPWM_CompareVal2Flag
PWM VAL2 compare flag
enumerator kPWM_CompareVal3Flag
PWM VAL3 compare flag
enumerator kPWM_CompareVal4Flag
PWM VAL4 compare flag
enumerator kPWM_CompareVal5Flag
PWM VAL5 compare flag
enumerator kPWM_CaptureX0Flag
PWM capture X0 flag
enumerator kPWM_CaptureX1Flag
PWM capture X1 flag
enumerator kPWM_CaptureB0Flag
PWM capture B0 flag
enumerator kPWM_CaptureB1Flag
PWM capture B1 flag
enumerator kPWM_CaptureA0Flag
PWM capture A0 flag
enumerator kPWM_CaptureA1Flag
PWM capture A1 flag
enumerator kPWM_ReloadFlag
PWM reload flag
enumerator kPWM_ReloadErrorFlag
PWM reload error flag
enumerator kPWM_RegUpdatedFlag
PWM registers updated flag
enumerator kPWM_Fault0Flag
PWM fault 0 flag
enumerator kPWM_Fault1Flag
PWM fault 1 flag
enumerator kPWM_Fault2Flag
PWM fault 2 flag
enumerator kPWM_Fault3Flag
PWM fault 3 flag
enumerator kPWM_CompareVal0Flag
enum _pwm_dma_enable
List of PWM DMA options.
enumerator kPWM_CaptureX0DMAEnable
PWM capture X0 DMA
enumerator kPWM_CaptureX1DMAEnable
PWM capture X1 DMA
enumerator kPWM_CaptureB0DMAEnable
PWM capture B0 DMA
enumerator kPWM_CaptureB1DMAEnable
PWM capture B1 DMA
enumerator kPWM_CaptureA0DMAEnable
PWM capture A0 DMA
enumerator kPWM_CaptureA1DMAEnable
PWM capture A1 DMA
enumerator kPWM_CaptureX0DMAEnable
enum _pwm_dma_source_select
List of PWM capture DMA enable source select.
enumerator kPWM_DMARequestDisable
Read DMA requests disabled
enumerator kPWM_DMAWatermarksEnable
Exceeding a FIFO watermark sets the DMA read request
enumerator kPWM_DMALocalSync
A local sync (VAL1 matches counter) sets the read DMA request
enumerator kPWM_DMALocalReload
A local reload (STS[RF] being set) sets the read DMA request
enumerator kPWM_DMARequestDisable
enum _pwm_watermark_control
PWM FIFO Watermark AND Control.
enumerator kPWM_FIFOWatermarksOR
Selected FIFO watermarks are OR’ed together
enumerator kPWM_FIFOWatermarksAND
Selected FIFO watermarks are AND’ed together
enumerator kPWM_FIFOWatermarksOR
enum _pwm_mode
PWM operation mode.
enumerator kPWM_SignedCenterAligned
Signed center-aligned
enumerator kPWM_CenterAligned
Unsigned cente-aligned
enumerator kPWM_SignedEdgeAligned
Signed edge-aligned
enumerator kPWM_EdgeAligned
Unsigned edge-aligned
enumerator kPWM_SignedCenterAligned
enum _pwm_level_select
PWM output pulse mode, high-true or low-true.
enumerator kPWM_HighTrue
High level represents “on” or “active” state
enumerator kPWM_LowTrue
Low level represents “on” or “active” state
enumerator kPWM_HighTrue
enum _pwm_fault_state
PWM output fault status.
enumerator kPWM_PwmFaultState0
Output is forced to logic 0 state prior to consideration of output polarity control.
enumerator kPWM_PwmFaultState1
Output is forced to logic 1 state prior to consideration of output polarity control.
enumerator kPWM_PwmFaultState2
Output is tristated.
enumerator kPWM_PwmFaultState3
Output is tristated.
enumerator kPWM_PwmFaultState0
enum _pwm_reload_source_select
PWM reload source select.
enumerator kPWM_LocalReload
The local reload signal is used to reload registers
enumerator kPWM_MasterReload
The master reload signal (from submodule 0) is used to reload
enumerator kPWM_LocalReload
enum _pwm_fault_clear
PWM fault clearing options.
enumerator kPWM_Automatic
Automatic fault clearing
enumerator kPWM_ManualNormal
Manual fault clearing with no fault safety mode
enumerator kPWM_ManualSafety
Manual fault clearing with fault safety mode
enumerator kPWM_Automatic
enum _pwm_module_control
Options for submodule master control operation.
enumerator kPWM_Control_Module_0
Control submodule 0’s start/stop,buffer reload operation
enumerator kPWM_Control_Module_1
Control submodule 1’s start/stop,buffer reload operation
enumerator kPWM_Control_Module_2
Control submodule 2’s start/stop,buffer reload operation
enumerator kPWM_Control_Module_3
Control submodule 3’s start/stop,buffer reload operation
enumerator kPWM_Control_Module_0
typedef enum _pwm_submodule pwm_submodule_t
List of PWM submodules.
typedef enum _pwm_channels pwm_channels_t
List of PWM channels in each module.
typedef enum _pwm_value_register pwm_value_register_t
List of PWM value registers.
typedef enum _pwm_clock_source pwm_clock_source_t
PWM clock source selection.
typedef enum _pwm_clock_prescale pwm_clock_prescale_t
PWM prescaler factor selection for clock source.
typedef enum _pwm_force_output_trigger pwm_force_output_trigger_t
Options that can trigger a PWM FORCE_OUT.
typedef enum _pwm_output_state pwm_output_state_t
PWM channel output status.
typedef enum _pwm_init_source pwm_init_source_t
PWM counter initialization options.
typedef enum _pwm_load_frequency pwm_load_frequency_t
PWM load frequency selection.
typedef enum _pwm_fault_input pwm_fault_input_t
List of PWM fault selections.
typedef enum _pwm_fault_disable pwm_fault_disable_t
List of PWM fault disable mapping selections.
typedef enum _pwm_fault_channels pwm_fault_channels_t
List of PWM fault channels.
typedef enum _pwm_input_capture_edge pwm_input_capture_edge_t
PWM capture edge select.
typedef enum _pwm_force_signal pwm_force_signal_t
PWM output options when a FORCE_OUT signal is asserted.
typedef enum _pwm_chnl_pair_operation pwm_chnl_pair_operation_t
Options available for the PWM A & B pair operation.
typedef enum _pwm_register_reload pwm_register_reload_t
Options available on how to load the buffered-registers with new values.
typedef enum _pwm_fault_recovery_mode pwm_fault_recovery_mode_t
Options available on how to re-enable the PWM output when recovering from a fault.
typedef enum _pwm_interrupt_enable pwm_interrupt_enable_t
List of PWM interrupt options.
typedef enum _pwm_status_flags pwm_status_flags_t
List of PWM status flags.
typedef enum _pwm_dma_enable pwm_dma_enable_t
List of PWM DMA options.
typedef enum _pwm_dma_source_select pwm_dma_source_select_t
List of PWM capture DMA enable source select.
typedef enum _pwm_watermark_control pwm_watermark_control_t
PWM FIFO Watermark AND Control.
typedef enum _pwm_mode pwm_mode_t
PWM operation mode.
typedef enum _pwm_level_select pwm_level_select_t
PWM output pulse mode, high-true or low-true.
typedef enum _pwm_fault_state pwm_fault_state_t
PWM output fault status.
typedef enum _pwm_reload_source_select pwm_reload_source_select_t
PWM reload source select.
typedef enum _pwm_fault_clear pwm_fault_clear_t
PWM fault clearing options.
typedef enum _pwm_module_control pwm_module_control_t
Options for submodule master control operation.
typedef struct _pwm_signal_param pwm_signal_param_t
Structure for the user to define the PWM signal characteristics.
typedef struct _pwm_config pwm_config_t
PWM config structure.
This structure holds the configuration settings for the PWM peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the PWM_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your config structure instance.
The config struct can be made const so it resides in flash
typedef struct _pwm_fault_input_filter_param pwm_fault_input_filter_param_t
Structure for the user to configure the fault input filter.
typedef struct _pwm_fault_param pwm_fault_param_t
Structure is used to hold the parameters to configure a PWM fault.
typedef struct _pwm_input_capture_param pwm_input_capture_param_t
Structure is used to hold parameters to configure the capture capability of a signal pin.
void PWM_SetupInputCapture(PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, pwm_channels_t pwmChannel, const pwm_input_capture_param_t *inputCaptureParams)
Sets up the PWM input capture.
Each PWM submodule has 3 pins that can be configured for use as input capture pins. This function sets up the capture parameters for each pin and enables the pin for input capture operation.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
subModule – PWM submodule to configure
pwmChannel – Channel in the submodule to setup
inputCaptureParams – Parameters passed in to set up the input pin
void PWM_SetupFaultInputFilter(PWM_Type *base, const pwm_fault_input_filter_param_t *faultInputFilterParams)
Sets up the PWM fault input filter.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
faultInputFilterParams – Parameters passed in to set up the fault input filter.
void PWM_SetupFaults(PWM_Type *base, pwm_fault_input_t faultNum, const pwm_fault_param_t *faultParams)
Sets up the PWM fault protection.
PWM has 4 fault inputs.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
faultNum – PWM fault to configure.
faultParams – Pointer to the PWM fault config structure
void PWM_FaultDefaultConfig(pwm_fault_param_t *config)
Fill in the PWM fault config struct with the default settings.
The default values are:
config->faultClearingMode = kPWM_Automatic; config->faultLevel = false; config->enableCombinationalPath = true; config->recoverMode = kPWM_NoRecovery;
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to user’s PWM fault config structure.
void PWM_SetupForceSignal(PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, pwm_channels_t pwmChannel, pwm_force_signal_t mode)
Selects the signal to output on a PWM pin when a FORCE_OUT signal is asserted.
The user specifies which channel to configure by supplying the submodule number and whether to modify PWM A or PWM B within that submodule.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
subModule – PWM submodule to configure
pwmChannel – Channel to configure
mode – Signal to output when a FORCE_OUT is triggered
static inline void PWM_SetVALxValue(PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, pwm_value_register_t valueRegister, uint16_t value)
Set the PWM VALx registers.
This function allows the user to write value into VAL registers directly. And it will destroying the PWM clock period set by the PWM_SetupPwm()/PWM_SetupPwmPhaseShift() functions. Due to VALx registers are bufferd, the new value will not active uless call PWM_SetPwmLdok() and the reload point is reached.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
subModule – PWM submodule to configure
valueRegister – VALx register that will be writen new value
value – Value that will been write into VALx register
static inline uint16_t PWM_GetVALxValue(PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, pwm_value_register_t valueRegister)
Get the PWM VALx registers.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
subModule – PWM submodule to configure
valueRegister – VALx register that will be read value
- Returns:
The VALx register value
static inline void PWM_OutputTriggerEnable(PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, pwm_value_register_t valueRegister, bool activate)
Enables or disables the PWM output trigger.
This function allows the user to enable or disable the PWM trigger. The PWM has 2 triggers. Trigger 0 is activated when the counter matches VAL 0, VAL 2, or VAL 4 register. Trigger 1 is activated when the counter matches VAL 1, VAL 3, or VAL 5 register.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
subModule – PWM submodule to configure
valueRegister – Value register that will activate the trigger
activate – true: Enable the trigger; false: Disable the trigger
static inline void PWM_ActivateOutputTrigger(PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, uint16_t valueRegisterMask)
Enables the PWM output trigger.
This function allows the user to enable one or more (VAL0-5) PWM trigger.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
subModule – PWM submodule to configure
valueRegisterMask – Value register mask that will activate one or more (VAL0-5) trigger enumeration _pwm_value_register_mask
static inline void PWM_DeactivateOutputTrigger(PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, uint16_t valueRegisterMask)
Disables the PWM output trigger.
This function allows the user to disables one or more (VAL0-5) PWM trigger.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
subModule – PWM submodule to configure
valueRegisterMask – Value register mask that will Deactivate one or more (VAL0-5) trigger enumeration _pwm_value_register_mask
static inline void PWM_SetupSwCtrlOut(PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, pwm_channels_t pwmChannel, bool value)
Sets the software control output for a pin to high or low.
The user specifies which channel to modify by supplying the submodule number and whether to modify PWM A or PWM B within that submodule.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
subModule – PWM submodule to configure
pwmChannel – Channel to configure
value – true: Supply a logic 1, false: Supply a logic 0.
static inline void PWM_SetPwmLdok(PWM_Type *base, uint8_t subModulesToUpdate, bool value)
Sets or clears the PWM LDOK bit on a single or multiple submodules.
Set LDOK bit to load buffered values into CTRL[PRSC] and the INIT, FRACVAL and VAL registers. The values are loaded immediately if kPWM_ReloadImmediate option was choosen during config. Else the values are loaded at the next PWM reload point. This function can issue the load command to multiple submodules at the same time.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
subModulesToUpdate – PWM submodules to update with buffered values. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration pwm_module_control_t
value – true: Set LDOK bit for the submodule list; false: Clear LDOK bit
static inline void PWM_SetPwmFaultState(PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, pwm_channels_t pwmChannel, pwm_fault_state_t faultState)
Set PWM output fault status.
These bits determine the fault state for the PWM_A output in fault conditions and STOP mode. It may also define the output state in WAIT and DEBUG modes depending on the settings of CTRL2[WAITEN] and CTRL2[DBGEN]. This function can update PWM output fault status.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
subModule – PWM submodule to configure
pwmChannel – Channel to configure
faultState – PWM output fault status
static inline void PWM_SetupFaultDisableMap(PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, pwm_channels_t pwmChannel, pwm_fault_channels_t pwm_fault_channels, uint16_t value)
Set PWM fault disable mapping.
Each of the four bits of this read/write field is one-to-one associated with the four FAULTx inputs of fault channel 0/1. The PWM output will be turned off if there is a logic 1 on an FAULTx input and a 1 in the corresponding bit of this field. A reset sets all bits in this field.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
subModule – PWM submodule to configure
pwmChannel – PWM channel to configure
pwm_fault_channels – PWM fault channel to configure
value – Fault disable mapping mask value enumeration pwm_fault_disable_t
static inline void PWM_OutputEnable(PWM_Type *base, pwm_channels_t pwmChannel, pwm_submodule_t subModule)
Set PWM output enable.
This feature allows the user to enable the PWM Output. Recommend to invoke this API after PWM and fault configuration. But invoke this API before configure MCTRL register is okay, such as set LDOK or start timer.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
pwmChannel – PWM channel to configure
subModule – PWM submodule to configure
static inline void PWM_OutputDisable(PWM_Type *base, pwm_channels_t pwmChannel, pwm_submodule_t subModule)
Set PWM output disable.
This feature allows the user to disable the PWM output. Recommend to invoke this API after PWM and fault configuration. But invoke this API before configure MCTRL register is okay, such as set LDOK or start timer.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
pwmChannel – PWM channel to configure
subModule – PWM submodule to configure
uint8_t PWM_GetPwmChannelState(PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, pwm_channels_t pwmChannel)
Get the dutycycle value.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
subModule – PWM submodule to configure
pwmChannel – PWM channel to configure
- Returns:
Current channel dutycycle value.
status_t PWM_SetOutputToIdle(PWM_Type *base, pwm_channels_t pwmChannel, pwm_submodule_t subModule, bool idleStatus)
Set PWM output in idle status (high or low).
This API should call after PWM_SetupPwm() APIs, and PWMX submodule is not supported.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
pwmChannel – PWM channel to configure
subModule – PWM submodule to configure
idleStatus – True: PWM output is high in idle status; false: PWM output is low in idle status.
- Returns:
kStatus_Fail if there was error setting up the signal; kStatus_Success if set output idle success
void PWM_SetClockMode(PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, pwm_clock_prescale_t prescaler)
Set the pwm submodule prescaler.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
subModule – PWM submodule to configure
prescaler – Set prescaler value
void PWM_SetPwmForceOutputToZero(PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, pwm_channels_t pwmChannel, bool forcetozero)
This function enables-disables the forcing of the output of a given eFlexPwm channel to logic 0.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
pwmChannel – PWM channel to configure
subModule – PWM submodule to configure
forcetozero – True: Enable the pwm force output to zero; False: Disable the pwm output resumes normal function.
void PWM_SetChannelOutput(PWM_Type *base, pwm_submodule_t subModule, pwm_channels_t pwmChannel, pwm_output_state_t outputstate)
This function set the output state of the PWM pin as requested for the current cycle.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
subModule – PWM submodule to configure
pwmChannel – PWM channel to configure
outputstate – Set pwm output state, see pwm_output_state_t.
status_t PWM_SetPhaseDelay(PWM_Type *base, pwm_channels_t pwmChannel, pwm_submodule_t subModule, uint16_t delayCycles)
This function set the phase delay from the master sync signal of submodule 0.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
subModule – PWM submodule to configure
pwmChannel – PWM channel to configure
delayCycles – Number of cycles delayed from submodule 0.
- Returns:
kStatus_Fail if the number of delay cycles is set larger than the period defined in submodule 0; kStatus_Success if set phase delay success
static inline void PWM_SetFilterSampleCount(PWM_Type *base, pwm_channels_t pwmChannel, pwm_submodule_t subModule, uint8_t filterSampleCount)
This function set the number of consecutive samples that must agree prior to the input filter.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
subModule – PWM submodule to configure
pwmChannel – PWM channel to configure
filterSampleCount – Number of consecutive samples.
static inline void PWM_SetFilterSamplePeriod(PWM_Type *base, pwm_channels_t pwmChannel, pwm_submodule_t subModule, uint8_t filterSamplePeriod)
This function set the sampling period of the fault pin input filter.
- Parameters:
base – PWM peripheral base address
subModule – PWM submodule to configure
pwmChannel – PWM channel to configure
filterSamplePeriod – Sampling period of input filter.
Number of bits per submodule for software output control
Submodule channels include PWMA, PWMB, PWMX.
struct _pwm_signal_param
- #include <fsl_pwm.h>
Structure for the user to define the PWM signal characteristics.
Public Members
pwm_channels_t pwmChannel
PWM channel being configured; PWM A or PWM B
uint8_t dutyCyclePercent
PWM pulse width, value should be between 0 to 100 0=inactive signal(0% duty cycle)… 100=always active signal (100% duty cycle)
pwm_level_select_t level
PWM output active level select
uint16_t deadtimeValue
The deadtime value; only used if channel pair is operating in complementary mode
pwm_fault_state_t faultState
PWM output fault status
bool pwmchannelenable
Enable PWM output
pwm_channels_t pwmChannel
struct _pwm_config
- #include <fsl_pwm.h>
PWM config structure.
This structure holds the configuration settings for the PWM peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the PWM_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your config structure instance.
The config struct can be made const so it resides in flash
Public Members
bool enableDebugMode
true: PWM continues to run in debug mode; false: PWM is paused in debug mode
pwm_init_source_t initializationControl
Option to initialize the counter
pwm_clock_source_t clockSource
Clock source for the counter
pwm_clock_prescale_t prescale
Pre-scaler to divide down the clock
pwm_chnl_pair_operation_t pairOperation
Channel pair in indepedent or complementary mode
pwm_register_reload_t reloadLogic
PWM Reload logic setup
pwm_reload_source_select_t reloadSelect
Reload source select
pwm_load_frequency_t reloadFrequency
Specifies when to reload, used when user’s choice is not immediate reload
pwm_force_output_trigger_t forceTrigger
Specify which signal will trigger a FORCE_OUT
bool enableDebugMode
struct _pwm_fault_input_filter_param
- #include <fsl_pwm.h>
Structure for the user to configure the fault input filter.
Public Members
uint8_t faultFilterCount
Fault filter count
uint8_t faultFilterPeriod
Fault filter period;value of 0 will bypass the filter
bool faultGlitchStretch
Fault Glitch Stretch Enable: A logic 1 means that input fault signals will be stretched to at least 2 IPBus clock cycles
uint8_t faultFilterCount
struct _pwm_fault_param
- #include <fsl_pwm.h>
Structure is used to hold the parameters to configure a PWM fault.
Public Members
pwm_fault_clear_t faultClearingMode
Fault clearing mode to use
bool faultLevel
true: Logic 1 indicates fault; false: Logic 0 indicates fault
bool enableCombinationalPath
true: Combinational Path from fault input is enabled; false: No combination path is available
pwm_fault_recovery_mode_t recoverMode
Specify when to re-enable the PWM output
pwm_fault_clear_t faultClearingMode
struct _pwm_input_capture_param
- #include <fsl_pwm.h>
Structure is used to hold parameters to configure the capture capability of a signal pin.
Public Members
bool captureInputSel
true: Use the edge counter signal as source false: Use the raw input signal from the pin as source
uint8_t edgeCompareValue
Compare value, used only if edge counter is used as source
pwm_input_capture_edge_t edge0
Specify which edge causes a capture for input circuitry 0
pwm_input_capture_edge_t edge1
Specify which edge causes a capture for input circuitry 1
bool enableOneShotCapture
true: Use one-shot capture mode; false: Use free-running capture mode
uint8_t fifoWatermark
Watermark level for capture FIFO. The capture flags in the status register will set if the word count in the FIFO is greater than this watermark level
bool captureInputSel
QDC: Quadrature Encoder/Decoder
void QDC_Init(QDC_Type *base, const qdc_config_t *config)
Initialization for the QDC module.
This function is to make the initialization for the QDC module. It should be called firstly before any operation to the QDC with the operations like:
Enable the clock for QDC module.
Configure the QDC’s working attributes.
- Parameters:
base – QDC peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to configuration structure. See to “qdc_config_t”.
void QDC_Deinit(QDC_Type *base)
De-initialization for the QDC module.
This function is to make the de-initialization for the QDC module. It could be called when QDC is no longer used with the operations like:
Disable the clock for QDC module.
- Parameters:
base – QDC peripheral base address.
void QDC_GetDefaultConfig(qdc_config_t *config)
Get an available pre-defined settings for QDC’s configuration.
This function initializes the QDC configuration structure with an available settings, the default value are:
config->enableReverseDirection = false; config->decoderWorkMode = kQDC_DecoderWorkAsNormalMode; config->HOMETriggerMode = kQDC_HOMETriggerDisabled; config->INDEXTriggerMode = kQDC_INDEXTriggerDisabled; config->enableTRIGGERClearPositionCounter = false; config->enableTRIGGERClearHoldPositionCounter = false; config->enableWatchdog = false; config->watchdogTimeoutValue = 0U; config->filterCount = 0U; config->filterSamplePeriod = 0U; config->positionMatchMode = kQDC_POSMATCHOnPositionCounterEqualToComapreValue; config->positionCompareValue = 0xFFFFFFFFU; config->revolutionCountCondition = kQDC_RevolutionCountOnINDEXPulse; config->enableModuloCountMode = false; config->positionModulusValue = 0U; config->positionInitialValue = 0U; config->prescalerValue = kQDC_ClockDiv1; config->enablePeriodMeasurementFunction = true;
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to a variable of configuration structure. See to “qdc_config_t”.
void QDC_DoSoftwareLoadInitialPositionValue(QDC_Type *base)
Load the initial position value to position counter.
This function is to transfer the initial position value (UINIT and LINIT) contents to position counter (UPOS and LPOS), so that to provide the consistent operation the position counter registers.
- Parameters:
base – QDC peripheral base address.
void QDC_SetSelfTestConfig(QDC_Type *base, const qdc_self_test_config_t *config)
Enable and configure the self test function.
This function is to enable and configuration the self test function. It controls and sets the frequency of a quadrature signal generator. It provides a quadrature test signal to the inputs of the quadrature decoder module. It is a factory test feature; however, it may be useful to customers’ software development and testing.
- Parameters:
base – QDC peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to configuration structure. See to “qdc_self_test_config_t”. Pass “NULL” to disable.
void QDC_EnableWatchdog(QDC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enable watchdog for QDC module.
- Parameters:
base – QDC peripheral base address
enable – Enables or disables the watchdog
void QDC_SetInitialPositionValue(QDC_Type *base, uint32_t value)
Set initial position value for QDC module.
- Parameters:
base – QDC peripheral base address
value – Positive initial value
uint32_t QDC_GetStatusFlags(QDC_Type *base)
Get the status flags.
- Parameters:
base – QDC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Mask value of status flags. For available mask, see to “_qdc_status_flags”.
void QDC_ClearStatusFlags(QDC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clear the status flags.
- Parameters:
base – QDC peripheral base address.
mask – Mask value of status flags to be cleared. For available mask, see to “_qdc_status_flags”.
static inline uint16_t QDC_GetSignalStatusFlags(QDC_Type *base)
Get the signals’ real-time status.
- Parameters:
base – QDC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Mask value of signals’ real-time status. For available mask, see to “_qdc_signal_status_flags”
void QDC_EnableInterrupts(QDC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enable the interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – QDC peripheral base address.
mask – Mask value of interrupts to be enabled. For available mask, see to “_qdc_interrupt_enable”.
void QDC_DisableInterrupts(QDC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disable the interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – QDC peripheral base address.
mask – Mask value of interrupts to be disabled. For available mask, see to “_qdc_interrupt_enable”.
uint32_t QDC_GetEnabledInterrupts(QDC_Type *base)
Get the enabled interrupts’ flags.
- Parameters:
base – QDC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Mask value of enabled interrupts.
uint32_t QDC_GetPositionValue(QDC_Type *base)
Get the current position counter’s value.
- Parameters:
base – QDC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Current position counter’s value.
uint32_t QDC_GetHoldPositionValue(QDC_Type *base)
Get the hold position counter’s value.
When any of the counter registers is read, the contents of each counter register is written to the corresponding hold register. Taking a snapshot of the counters’ values provides a consistent view of a system position and a velocity to be attained.
- Parameters:
base – QDC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Hold position counter’s value.
static inline uint16_t QDC_GetPositionDifferenceValue(QDC_Type *base)
Get the position difference counter’s value.
- Parameters:
base – QDC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The position difference counter’s value.
static inline uint16_t QDC_GetHoldPositionDifferenceValue(QDC_Type *base)
Get the hold position difference counter’s value.
When any of the counter registers is read, the contents of each counter register is written to the corresponding hold register. Taking a snapshot of the counters’ values provides a consistent view of a system position and a velocity to be attained.
- Parameters:
base – QDC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Hold position difference counter’s value.
static inline uint16_t QDC_GetRevolutionValue(QDC_Type *base)
Get the position revolution counter’s value.
- Parameters:
base – QDC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The position revolution counter’s value.
static inline uint16_t QDC_GetHoldRevolutionValue(QDC_Type *base)
Get the hold position revolution counter’s value.
When any of the counter registers is read, the contents of each counter register is written to the corresponding hold register. Taking a snapshot of the counters’ values provides a consistent view of a system position and a velocity to be attained.
- Parameters:
base – QDC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Hold position revolution counter’s value.
static inline uint16_t QDC_GetLastEdgeTimeValue(QDC_Type *base)
Get the last edge time value.
- Parameters:
base – QDC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The last edge time hold value.
static inline uint16_t QDC_GetHoldLastEdgeTimeValue(QDC_Type *base)
Get the last edge time hold value.
- Parameters:
base – QDC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The last edge time hold value.
static inline uint16_t QDC_GetPositionDifferencePeriodValue(QDC_Type *base)
Get the position difference period value.
- Parameters:
base – QDC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The position difference period hold value.
static inline uint16_t QDC_GetPositionDifferencePeriodBufferValue(QDC_Type *base)
Get the position difference period buffer value.
- Parameters:
base – QDC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The position difference period hold value.
static inline uint16_t QDC_GetHoldPositionDifferencePeriodValue(QDC_Type *base)
Get the position difference period hold value.
- Parameters:
base – QDC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
The position difference period hold value.
enum _qdc_interrupt_enable
Interrupt enable/disable mask.
enumerator kQDC_HOMETransitionInterruptEnable
HOME interrupt enable.
enumerator kQDC_INDEXPulseInterruptEnable
INDEX pulse interrupt enable.
enumerator kQDC_WatchdogTimeoutInterruptEnable
Watchdog timeout interrupt enable.
enumerator kQDC_PositionCompareInerruptEnable
Position compare interrupt enable.
enumerator kQDC_PositionRollOverInterruptEnable
Roll-over interrupt enable.
enumerator kQDC_PositionRollUnderInterruptEnable
Roll-under interrupt enable.
enumerator kQDC_HOMETransitionInterruptEnable
enum _qdc_status_flags
Status flag mask.
These flags indicate the counter’s events.
enumerator kQDC_HOMETransitionFlag
HOME signal transition interrupt request.
enumerator kQDC_INDEXPulseFlag
INDEX Pulse Interrupt Request.
enumerator kQDC_WatchdogTimeoutFlag
Watchdog timeout interrupt request.
enumerator kQDC_PositionCompareFlag
Position compare interrupt request.
enumerator kQDC_PositionRollOverFlag
Roll-over interrupt request.
enumerator kQDC_PositionRollUnderFlag
Roll-under interrupt request.
enumerator kQDC_LastCountDirectionFlag
Last count was in the up direction, or the down direction.
enumerator kQDC_HOMETransitionFlag
enum _qdc_signal_status_flags
Signal status flag mask.
These flags indicate the counter’s signal.
enumerator kQDC_RawHOMEStatusFlag
Raw HOME input.
enumerator kQDC_RawINDEXStatusFlag
Raw INDEX input.
enumerator kQDC_RawPHBStatusFlag
Raw PHASEB input.
enumerator kQDC_RawPHAEXStatusFlag
Raw PHASEA input.
enumerator kQDC_FilteredHOMEStatusFlag
The filtered version of HOME input.
enumerator kQDC_FilteredINDEXStatusFlag
The filtered version of INDEX input.
enumerator kQDC_FilteredPHBStatusFlag
The filtered version of PHASEB input.
enumerator kQDC_FilteredPHAStatusFlag
The filtered version of PHASEA input.
enumerator kQDC_RawHOMEStatusFlag
enum _qdc_home_trigger_mode
Define HOME signal’s trigger mode.
The QDC would count the trigger from HOME signal line.
enumerator kQDC_HOMETriggerDisabled
HOME signal’s trigger is disabled.
enumerator kQDC_HOMETriggerOnRisingEdge
Use positive going edge-to-trigger initialization of position counters.
enumerator kQDC_HOMETriggerOnFallingEdge
Use negative going edge-to-trigger initialization of position counters.
enumerator kQDC_HOMETriggerDisabled
enum _qdc_index_trigger_mode
Define INDEX signal’s trigger mode.
The QDC would count the trigger from INDEX signal line.
enumerator kQDC_INDEXTriggerDisabled
INDEX signal’s trigger is disabled.
enumerator kQDC_INDEXTriggerOnRisingEdge
Use positive going edge-to-trigger initialization of position counters.
enumerator kQDC_INDEXTriggerOnFallingEdge
Use negative going edge-to-trigger initialization of position counters.
enumerator kQDC_INDEXTriggerDisabled
enum _qdc_decoder_work_mode
Define type for decoder work mode.
The normal work mode uses the standard quadrature decoder with PHASEA and PHASEB. When in signal phase count mode, a positive transition of the PHASEA input generates a count signal while the PHASEB input and the reverse direction control the counter direction. If the reverse direction is not enabled, PHASEB = 0 means counting up and PHASEB = 1 means counting down. Otherwise, the direction is reversed.
enumerator kQDC_DecoderWorkAsNormalMode
Use standard quadrature decoder with PHASEA and PHASEB.
enumerator kQDC_DecoderWorkAsSignalPhaseCountMode
PHASEA input generates a count signal while PHASEB input control the direction.
enumerator kQDC_DecoderWorkAsNormalMode
enum _qdc_position_match_mode
Define type for the condition of POSMATCH pulses.
enumerator kQDC_POSMATCHOnPositionCounterEqualToComapreValue
POSMATCH pulses when a match occurs between the position counters (POS) and the compare value (COMP).
enumerator kQDC_POSMATCHOnReadingAnyPositionCounter
POSMATCH pulses when any position counter register is read.
enumerator kQDC_POSMATCHOnPositionCounterEqualToComapreValue
enum _qdc_revolution_count_condition
Define type for determining how the revolution counter (REV) is incremented/decremented.
enumerator kQDC_RevolutionCountOnINDEXPulse
Use INDEX pulse to increment/decrement revolution counter.
enumerator kQDC_RevolutionCountOnRollOverModulus
Use modulus counting roll-over/under to increment/decrement revolution counter.
enumerator kQDC_RevolutionCountOnINDEXPulse
enum _qdc_self_test_direction
Define type for direction of self test generated signal.
enumerator kQDC_SelfTestDirectionPositive
Self test generates the signal in positive direction.
enumerator kQDC_SelfTestDirectionNegative
Self test generates the signal in negative direction.
enumerator kQDC_SelfTestDirectionPositive
enum _qdc_prescaler
Define prescaler value for clock in CTRL3.
The clock is prescaled by a value of 2^PRSC which means that the prescaler logic can divide the clock by a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 32,768.
enumerator kQDC_ClockDiv1
enumerator kQDC_ClockDiv2
enumerator kQDC_ClockDiv4
enumerator kQDC_ClockDiv8
enumerator kQDC_ClockDiv16
enumerator kQDC_ClockDiv32
enumerator kQDC_ClockDiv64
enumerator kQDC_ClockDiv128
enumerator kQDC_ClockDiv256
enumerator kQDC_ClockDiv512
enumerator kQDC_ClockDiv1024
enumerator kQDC_ClockDiv2048
enumerator kQDC_ClockDiv4096
enumerator kQDC_ClockDiv8192
enumerator kQDC_ClockDiv16384
enumerator kQDC_ClockDiv32768
enumerator kQDC_ClockDiv1
enum _qdc_filter_prescaler
Define input filter prescaler value.
The input filter prescaler value is to prescale the IPBus clock. (Frequency of FILT clock) = (Frequency of IPBus clock) / 2^FILT_PRSC.
enumerator kQDC_FilterPrescalerDiv1
Input filter prescaler is 1.
enumerator kQDC_FilterPrescalerDiv2
Input filter prescaler is 2.
enumerator kQDC_FilterPrescalerDiv4
Input filter prescaler is 4.
enumerator kQDC_FilterPrescalerDiv8
Input filter prescaler is 8.
enumerator kQDC_FilterPrescalerDiv16
Input filter prescaler is 16.
enumerator kQDC_FilterPrescalerDiv32
Input filter prescaler is 32.
enumerator kQDC_FilterPrescalerDiv64
Input filter prescaler is 64.
enumerator kQDC_FilterPrescalerDiv128
Input filter prescaler is 128.
enumerator kQDC_FilterPrescalerDiv1
typedef enum _qdc_home_trigger_mode qdc_home_trigger_mode_t
Define HOME signal’s trigger mode.
The QDC would count the trigger from HOME signal line.
typedef enum _qdc_index_trigger_mode qdc_index_trigger_mode_t
Define INDEX signal’s trigger mode.
The QDC would count the trigger from INDEX signal line.
typedef enum _qdc_decoder_work_mode qdc_decoder_work_mode_t
Define type for decoder work mode.
The normal work mode uses the standard quadrature decoder with PHASEA and PHASEB. When in signal phase count mode, a positive transition of the PHASEA input generates a count signal while the PHASEB input and the reverse direction control the counter direction. If the reverse direction is not enabled, PHASEB = 0 means counting up and PHASEB = 1 means counting down. Otherwise, the direction is reversed.
typedef enum _qdc_position_match_mode qdc_position_match_mode_t
Define type for the condition of POSMATCH pulses.
typedef enum _qdc_revolution_count_condition qdc_revolution_count_condition_t
Define type for determining how the revolution counter (REV) is incremented/decremented.
typedef enum _qdc_self_test_direction qdc_self_test_direction_t
Define type for direction of self test generated signal.
typedef enum _qdc_prescaler qdc_prescaler_t
Define prescaler value for clock in CTRL3.
The clock is prescaled by a value of 2^PRSC which means that the prescaler logic can divide the clock by a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 32,768.
typedef enum _qdc_filter_prescaler qdc_filter_prescaler_t
Define input filter prescaler value.
The input filter prescaler value is to prescale the IPBus clock. (Frequency of FILT clock) = (Frequency of IPBus clock) / 2^FILT_PRSC.
typedef struct _qdc_config qdc_config_t
Define user configuration structure for QDC module.
typedef struct _qdc_self_test_config qdc_self_test_config_t
Define configuration structure for self test module.
The self test module provides a quadrature test signal to the inputs of the quadrature decoder module. This is a factory test feature. It is also useful to customers’ software development and testing.
struct _qdc_config
- #include <fsl_qdc.h>
Define user configuration structure for QDC module.
Public Members
bool enableReverseDirection
Enable reverse direction counting.
qdc_decoder_work_mode_t decoderWorkMode
Enable signal phase count mode.
qdc_home_trigger_mode_t HOMETriggerMode
Enable HOME to initialize position counters.
qdc_index_trigger_mode_t INDEXTriggerMode
Enable INDEX to initialize position counters.
bool enableTRIGGERClearPositionCounter
Clear POSD, REV, UPOS and LPOS on rising edge of TRIGGER, or not.
bool enableTRIGGERClearHoldPositionCounter
Enable update of hold registers on rising edge of TRIGGER, or not.
bool enableWatchdog
Enable the watchdog to detect if the target is moving or not.
uint16_t watchdogTimeoutValue
Watchdog timeout count value. It stores the timeout count for the quadrature decoder module watchdog timer. This field is only available when “enableWatchdog” = true. The available value is a 16-bit unsigned number.
qdc_filter_prescaler_t filterPrescaler
Input filter prescaler.
uint16_t filterCount
Input Filter Sample Count. This value should be chosen to reduce the probability of noisy samples causing an incorrect transition to be recognized. The value represent the number of consecutive samples that must agree prior to the input filter accepting an input transition. A value of 0x0 represents 3 samples. A value of 0x7 represents 10 samples. The Available range is 0 - 7.
uint16_t filterSamplePeriod
Input Filter Sample Period. This value should be set such that the sampling period is larger than the period of the expected noise. This value represents the sampling period (in IPBus clock cycles) of the decoder input signals. The available range is 0 - 255.
qdc_position_match_mode_t positionMatchMode
The condition of POSMATCH pulses.
uint32_t positionCompareValue
Position compare value. The available value is a 32-bit number.
qdc_revolution_count_condition_t revolutionCountCondition
Revolution Counter Modulus Enable.
bool enableModuloCountMode
Enable Modulo Counting.
uint32_t positionModulusValue
Position modulus value. This value would be available only when “enableModuloCountMode” = true. The available value is a 32-bit number.
uint32_t positionInitialValue
Position initial value. The available value is a 32-bit number.
bool enablePeriodMeasurementFunction
Enable period measurement function.
qdc_prescaler_t prescalerValue
The value of prescaler.
bool enableReverseDirection
struct _qdc_self_test_config
- #include <fsl_qdc.h>
Define configuration structure for self test module.
The self test module provides a quadrature test signal to the inputs of the quadrature decoder module. This is a factory test feature. It is also useful to customers’ software development and testing.
Public Members
qdc_self_test_direction_t signalDirection
Direction of self test generated signal.
uint16_t signalCount
Hold the number of quadrature advances to generate. The available range is 0 - 255.
uint16_t signalPeriod
Hold the period of quadrature phase in IPBus clock cycles. The available range is 0 - 31.
qdc_self_test_direction_t signalDirection
Reset Driver
Enumeration for peripheral reset control bits.
Defines the enumeration for peripheral reset control bits in PRESETCTRL/ASYNCPRESETCTRL registers
enumerator kFMU_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
Flash management unit reset control
enumerator kMUX_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
Input mux reset control
enumerator kPORT0_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
PORT0 reset control
enumerator kPORT1_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
PORT1 reset control
enumerator kPORT2_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
PORT2 reset control
enumerator kPORT3_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
PORT3 reset control
enumerator kPORT4_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
PORT4 reset control
enumerator kGPIO0_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
GPIO0 reset control
enumerator kGPIO1_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
GPIO1 reset control
enumerator kGPIO2_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
GPIO2 reset control
enumerator kGPIO3_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
GPIO3 reset control
enumerator kGPIO4_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
GPIO4 reset control
enumerator kPINT_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
Pin interrupt (PINT) reset control
enumerator kDMA0_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
DMA0 reset control
enumerator kCRC_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
CRC reset control
enumerator kMRT_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
Multi-rate timer (MRT) reset control
OSTimer reset control
enumerator kADC0_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
ADC0 reset control
enumerator kADC1_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
ADC1 reset control
enumerator kUTICK_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
Micro-tick timer reset control
enumerator kFC0_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
Flexcomm Interface 0 reset control
enumerator kFC1_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
Flexcomm Interface 1 reset control
enumerator kFC2_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
Flexcomm Interface 2 reset control
enumerator kFC3_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
Flexcomm Interface 3 reset control
enumerator kFC4_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
Flexcomm Interface 4 reset control
enumerator kFC5_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
Flexcomm Interface 5 reset control
enumerator kFC6_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
Flexcomm Interface 6 reset control
enumerator kFC7_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
Flexcomm Interface 7 reset control
Flexcomm Interface 7 reset control
enumerator kCTIMER2_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
CTimer 2 reset control
enumerator kUSB0_FS_DCD_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
USB0-FS DCD reset control
enumerator kCTIMER0_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
CTimer 0 reset control
enumerator kCTIMER1_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
CTimer 1 reset control
SmartDMA reset control
enumerator kDMA1_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
DMA1 reset control
enumerator kUSDHC_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
uSDHC reset control
FLEXIO reset control
enumerator kSAI0_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
SAI0 reset control
enumerator kSAI1_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
SAI1 reset control
enumerator kTRO_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
TRO reset control
FREQME reset control
enumerator kTRNG_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
TRNG reset control
Flexcan0 reset control
Flexcan1 reset control
enumerator kUSB_HS_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
USB HS reset control
USB HS PHY reset control
enumerator kCTIMER3_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
CTimer 3 reset control
enumerator kCTIMER4_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
CTimer 4 reset control
enumerator kPUF_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
PUF reset control
enumerator kPKC_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
PKC reset control
enumerator kSM3_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
SM3 reset control
enumerator kI3C0_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
I3C0 reset control
enumerator kI3C1_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
I3C1 reset control
enumerator kQDC0_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
QDC0 reset control
enumerator kQDC1_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
QDC1 reset control
enumerator kPWM0_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
PWM0 reset control
enumerator kPWM1_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
PWM1 reset control
enumerator kAOI0_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
AOI0 reset control
enumerator kVREF_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
VREF reset control
enumerator kEWM_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
EWM reset control
enumerator kEIM_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
EIM reset control
enumerator kFMU_RST_SHIFT_RSTn
typedef enum _SYSCON_RSTn SYSCON_RSTn_t
Enumeration for peripheral reset control bits.
Defines the enumeration for peripheral reset control bits in PRESETCTRL/ASYNCPRESETCTRL registers
typedef SYSCON_RSTn_t reset_ip_name_t
void RESET_SetPeripheralReset(reset_ip_name_t peripheral)
Assert reset to peripheral.
Asserts reset signal to specified peripheral module.
- Parameters:
peripheral – Assert reset to this peripheral. The enum argument contains encoding of reset register and reset bit position in the reset register.
void RESET_ClearPeripheralReset(reset_ip_name_t peripheral)
Clear reset to peripheral.
Clears reset signal to specified peripheral module, allows it to operate.
- Parameters:
peripheral – Clear reset to this peripheral. The enum argument contains encoding of reset register and reset bit position in the reset register.
void RESET_PeripheralReset(reset_ip_name_t peripheral)
Reset peripheral module.
Reset peripheral module.
- Parameters:
peripheral – Peripheral to reset. The enum argument contains encoding of reset register and reset bit position in the reset register.
static inline void RESET_ReleasePeripheralReset(reset_ip_name_t peripheral)
Release peripheral module.
Release peripheral module.
- Parameters:
peripheral – Peripheral to release. The enum argument contains encoding of reset register and reset bit position in the reset register.
reset driver version 2.4.0
Array initializers with peripheral reset bits
RTC: Real Time Clock
void RTC_Init(RTC_Type *base, const rtc_config_t *config)
Ungates the RTC clock and configures the peripheral for basic operation.
This API should be called at the beginning of the application using the RTC driver.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
config – Pointer to the user’s RTC configuration structure.
void RTC_Deinit(RTC_Type *base)
Stops the timer and gate the RTC clock.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
void RTC_GetDefaultConfig(rtc_config_t *config)
Fills in the RTC config struct with the default settings.
The default values are as follows.
config->clockSource = kRTC_BusClock; config->prescaler = kRTC_ClockDivide_16_2048; config->time_us = 1000000U;
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to the user’s RTC configuration structure.
status_t RTC_SetDatetime(rtc_datetime_t *datetime)
Sets the RTC date and time according to the given time structure.
- Parameters:
datetime – Pointer to the structure where the date and time details are stored.
- Returns:
kStatus_Success: Success in setting the time and starting the RTC kStatus_InvalidArgument: Error because the datetime format is incorrect
void RTC_GetDatetime(rtc_datetime_t *datetime)
Gets the RTC time and stores it in the given time structure.
- Parameters:
datetime – Pointer to the structure where the date and time details are stored.
void RTC_SetAlarm(uint32_t second)
Sets the RTC alarm time.
- Parameters:
second – Second value. User input the number of second. After seconds user input, alarm occurs.
void RTC_GetAlarm(rtc_datetime_t *datetime)
Returns the RTC alarm time.
- Parameters:
datetime – Pointer to the structure where the alarm date and time details are stored.
void RTC_SetAlarmCallback(rtc_alarm_callback_t callback)
Set the RTC alarm callback.
- Parameters:
callback – The callback function.
static inline void RTC_SelectSourceClock(RTC_Type *base, rtc_clock_source_t clock, rtc_clock_prescaler_t divide)
Select Real-Time Clock Source and Clock Prescaler.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
clock – Select RTC clock source
divide – Select RTC clock prescaler value
uint32_t RTC_GetDivideValue(RTC_Type *base)
Get the RTC Divide value.
This API should be called after selecting clock source and clock prescaler.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
- Returns:
The Divider value. The Divider value depends on clock source and clock prescaler
static inline void RTC_EnableInterrupts(RTC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the selected RTC interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
mask – The interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration rtc_interrupt_enable_t
static inline void RTC_DisableInterrupts(RTC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the selected RTC interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – PIT peripheral base address
mask – The interrupts to disable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration rtc_interrupt_enable_t
static inline uint32_t RTC_GetEnabledInterrupts(RTC_Type *base)
Gets the enabled RTC interrupts.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
- Returns:
The enabled interrupts. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration rtc_interrupt_enable_t
static inline uint32_t RTC_GetInterruptFlags(RTC_Type *base)
Gets the RTC interrupt flags.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
- Returns:
The interrupt flags. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration rtc_interrupt_flags_t
static inline void RTC_ClearInterruptFlags(RTC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears the RTC interrupt flags.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
mask – The interrupt flags to clear. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration rtc_interrupt_flags_t
static inline void RTC_EnableOutput(RTC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enable the RTC output. If RTC output is enabled, the RTCO pinout will be toggled when RTC counter overflows.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
mask – The Output to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration rtc_output_enable_t
static inline void RTC_DisableOutput(RTC_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disable the RTC output.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
mask – The Output to disable. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration rtc_output_enable_t
static inline void RTC_SetModuloValue(RTC_Type *base, uint32_t value)
Set the RTC module value.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
value – The Module Value. The RTC Modulo register allows the compare value to be set to any value from 0x0000 to 0xFFFF
static inline uint16_t RTC_GetCountValue(RTC_Type *base)
Get the RTC Count value.
- Parameters:
base – RTC peripheral base address
- Returns:
The Count Value. The Count Value is allowed from 0x0000 to 0xFFFF
Version 2.0.4
enum _rtc_clock_source
List of RTC clock source.
enumerator kRTC_ExternalClock
External clock source
enumerator kRTC_LPOCLK
Real-time clock source is 1 kHz (LPOCLK)
enumerator kRTC_ICSIRCLK
Internal reference clock (ICSIRCLK)
enumerator kRTC_BusClock
Bus clock
enumerator kRTC_ExternalClock
enum _rtc_clock_prescaler
List of RTC clock prescaler.
enumerator kRTC_ClockDivide_off
enumerator kRTC_ClockDivide_1_128
If RTCLKS = x0, it is 1; if RTCLKS = x1, it is 128
enumerator kRTC_ClockDivide_2_256
If RTCLKS = x0, it is 2; if RTCLKS = x1, it is 256
enumerator kRTC_ClockDivide_4_512
If RTCLKS = x0, it is 4; if RTCLKS = x1, it is 512
enumerator kRTC_ClockDivide_8_1024
If RTCLKS = x0, it is 8; if RTCLKS = x1, it is 1024
enumerator kRTC_ClockDivide_16_2048
If RTCLKS = x0, it is 16; if RTCLKS = x1, it is 2048
enumerator kRTC_ClockDivide_32_100
If RTCLKS = x0, it is 32; if RTCLKS = x1, it is 100
enumerator kRTC_ClockDivide_64_1000
If RTCLKS = x0, it is 64; if RTCLKS = x1, it is 1000
enumerator kRTC_ClockDivide_off
enum _rtc_interrupt_enable
List of RTC interrupts.
enumerator kRTC_InterruptEnable
Interrupt enable
enumerator kRTC_InterruptEnable
enum _RTC_interrupt_flags
List of RTC Interrupt flags.
enumerator kRTC_InterruptFlag
Interrupt flag
enumerator kRTC_InterruptFlag
enum _RTC_output_enable
List of RTC Output.
enumerator kRTC_OutputEnable
Output enable
enumerator kRTC_OutputEnable
typedef struct _rtc_datetime rtc_datetime_t
Structure is used to hold the date and time.
typedef enum _rtc_clock_source rtc_clock_source_t
List of RTC clock source.
typedef enum _rtc_clock_prescaler rtc_clock_prescaler_t
List of RTC clock prescaler.
typedef enum _rtc_interrupt_enable rtc_interrupt_enable_t
List of RTC interrupts.
typedef enum _RTC_interrupt_flags rtc_interrupt_flags_t
List of RTC Interrupt flags.
typedef enum _RTC_output_enable rtc_output_enable_t
List of RTC Output.
typedef struct _rtc_config rtc_config_t
RTC config structure.
This structure holds the configuration settings for the RTC peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the RTC_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your config structure instance.
typedef void (*rtc_alarm_callback_t)(void)
RTC alarm callback function.
struct _rtc_datetime
- #include <fsl_rtc.h>
Structure is used to hold the date and time.
Public Members
uint16_t year
Range from 1970 to 2099.
uint8_t month
Range from 1 to 12.
uint8_t day
Range from 1 to 31 (depending on month).
uint8_t hour
Range from 0 to 23.
uint8_t minute
Range from 0 to 59.
uint8_t second
Range from 0 to 59.
uint16_t year
struct _rtc_config
- #include <fsl_rtc.h>
RTC config structure.
This structure holds the configuration settings for the RTC peripheral. To initialize this structure to reasonable defaults, call the RTC_GetDefaultConfig() function and pass a pointer to your config structure instance.
SAI: Serial Audio Interface
SAI Driver
void SAI_Init(I2S_Type *base)
Initializes the SAI peripheral.
This API gates the SAI clock. The SAI module can’t operate unless SAI_Init is called to enable the clock.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
void SAI_Deinit(I2S_Type *base)
De-initializes the SAI peripheral.
This API gates the SAI clock. The SAI module can’t operate unless SAI_TxInit or SAI_RxInit is called to enable the clock.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
void SAI_TxReset(I2S_Type *base)
Resets the SAI Tx.
This function enables the software reset and FIFO reset of SAI Tx. After reset, clear the reset bit.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
void SAI_RxReset(I2S_Type *base)
Resets the SAI Rx.
This function enables the software reset and FIFO reset of SAI Rx. After reset, clear the reset bit.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
void SAI_TxEnable(I2S_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/disables the SAI Tx.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
enable – True means enable SAI Tx, false means disable.
void SAI_RxEnable(I2S_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/disables the SAI Rx.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
enable – True means enable SAI Rx, false means disable.
static inline void SAI_TxSetBitClockDirection(I2S_Type *base, sai_master_slave_t masterSlave)
Set Rx bit clock direction.
Select bit clock direction, master or slave.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
masterSlave – reference sai_master_slave_t.
static inline void SAI_RxSetBitClockDirection(I2S_Type *base, sai_master_slave_t masterSlave)
Set Rx bit clock direction.
Select bit clock direction, master or slave.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
masterSlave – reference sai_master_slave_t.
static inline void SAI_RxSetFrameSyncDirection(I2S_Type *base, sai_master_slave_t masterSlave)
Set Rx frame sync direction.
Select frame sync direction, master or slave.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
masterSlave – reference sai_master_slave_t.
static inline void SAI_TxSetFrameSyncDirection(I2S_Type *base, sai_master_slave_t masterSlave)
Set Tx frame sync direction.
Select frame sync direction, master or slave.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
masterSlave – reference sai_master_slave_t.
void SAI_TxSetBitClockRate(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t sourceClockHz, uint32_t sampleRate, uint32_t bitWidth, uint32_t channelNumbers)
Transmitter bit clock rate configurations.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
sourceClockHz – Bit clock source frequency.
sampleRate – Audio data sample rate.
bitWidth – Audio data bitWidth.
channelNumbers – Audio channel numbers.
void SAI_RxSetBitClockRate(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t sourceClockHz, uint32_t sampleRate, uint32_t bitWidth, uint32_t channelNumbers)
Receiver bit clock rate configurations.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
sourceClockHz – Bit clock source frequency.
sampleRate – Audio data sample rate.
bitWidth – Audio data bitWidth.
channelNumbers – Audio channel numbers.
void SAI_TxSetBitclockConfig(I2S_Type *base, sai_master_slave_t masterSlave, sai_bit_clock_t *config)
Transmitter Bit clock configurations.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
masterSlave – master or slave.
config – bit clock other configurations, can be NULL in slave mode.
void SAI_RxSetBitclockConfig(I2S_Type *base, sai_master_slave_t masterSlave, sai_bit_clock_t *config)
Receiver Bit clock configurations.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
masterSlave – master or slave.
config – bit clock other configurations, can be NULL in slave mode.
void SAI_SetMasterClockConfig(I2S_Type *base, sai_master_clock_t *config)
Master clock configurations.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
config – master clock configurations.
void SAI_TxSetFifoConfig(I2S_Type *base, sai_fifo_t *config)
SAI transmitter fifo configurations.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
config – fifo configurations.
void SAI_RxSetFifoConfig(I2S_Type *base, sai_fifo_t *config)
SAI receiver fifo configurations.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
config – fifo configurations.
void SAI_TxSetFrameSyncConfig(I2S_Type *base, sai_master_slave_t masterSlave, sai_frame_sync_t *config)
SAI transmitter Frame sync configurations.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
masterSlave – master or slave.
config – frame sync configurations, can be NULL in slave mode.
void SAI_RxSetFrameSyncConfig(I2S_Type *base, sai_master_slave_t masterSlave, sai_frame_sync_t *config)
SAI receiver Frame sync configurations.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
masterSlave – master or slave.
config – frame sync configurations, can be NULL in slave mode.
void SAI_TxSetSerialDataConfig(I2S_Type *base, sai_serial_data_t *config)
SAI transmitter Serial data configurations.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
config – serial data configurations.
void SAI_RxSetSerialDataConfig(I2S_Type *base, sai_serial_data_t *config)
SAI receiver Serial data configurations.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
config – serial data configurations.
void SAI_TxSetConfig(I2S_Type *base, sai_transceiver_t *config)
SAI transmitter configurations.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
config – transmitter configurations.
void SAI_RxSetConfig(I2S_Type *base, sai_transceiver_t *config)
SAI receiver configurations.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
config – receiver configurations.
void SAI_GetClassicI2SConfig(sai_transceiver_t *config, sai_word_width_t bitWidth, sai_mono_stereo_t mode, uint32_t saiChannelMask)
Get classic I2S mode configurations.
- Parameters:
config – transceiver configurations.
bitWidth – audio data bitWidth.
mode – audio data channel.
saiChannelMask – mask value of the channel to be enable.
void SAI_GetLeftJustifiedConfig(sai_transceiver_t *config, sai_word_width_t bitWidth, sai_mono_stereo_t mode, uint32_t saiChannelMask)
Get left justified mode configurations.
- Parameters:
config – transceiver configurations.
bitWidth – audio data bitWidth.
mode – audio data channel.
saiChannelMask – mask value of the channel to be enable.
void SAI_GetRightJustifiedConfig(sai_transceiver_t *config, sai_word_width_t bitWidth, sai_mono_stereo_t mode, uint32_t saiChannelMask)
Get right justified mode configurations.
- Parameters:
config – transceiver configurations.
bitWidth – audio data bitWidth.
mode – audio data channel.
saiChannelMask – mask value of the channel to be enable.
void SAI_GetTDMConfig(sai_transceiver_t *config, sai_frame_sync_len_t frameSyncWidth, sai_word_width_t bitWidth, uint32_t dataWordNum, uint32_t saiChannelMask)
Get TDM mode configurations.
- Parameters:
config – transceiver configurations.
frameSyncWidth – length of frame sync.
bitWidth – audio data word width.
dataWordNum – word number in one frame.
saiChannelMask – mask value of the channel to be enable.
void SAI_GetDSPConfig(sai_transceiver_t *config, sai_frame_sync_len_t frameSyncWidth, sai_word_width_t bitWidth, sai_mono_stereo_t mode, uint32_t saiChannelMask)
Get DSP mode configurations.
DSP/PCM MODE B configuration flow for TX. RX is similiar but uses SAI_RxSetConfig instead of SAI_TxSetConfig:
SAI_GetDSPConfig(config, kSAI_FrameSyncLenOneBitClk, bitWidth, kSAI_Stereo, channelMask) SAI_TxSetConfig(base, config)
DSP mode is also called PCM mode which support MODE A and MODE B, DSP/PCM MODE A configuration flow. RX is similiar but uses SAI_RxSetConfig instead of SAI_TxSetConfig:
SAI_GetDSPConfig(config, kSAI_FrameSyncLenOneBitClk, bitWidth, kSAI_Stereo, channelMask) config->frameSync.frameSyncEarly = true; SAI_TxSetConfig(base, config)
- Parameters:
config – transceiver configurations.
frameSyncWidth – length of frame sync.
bitWidth – audio data bitWidth.
mode – audio data channel.
saiChannelMask – mask value of the channel to enable.
static inline uint32_t SAI_TxGetStatusFlag(I2S_Type *base)
Gets the SAI Tx status flag state.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
- Returns:
SAI Tx status flag value. Use the Status Mask to get the status value needed.
static inline void SAI_TxClearStatusFlags(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears the SAI Tx status flag state.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
mask – State mask. It can be a combination of the following source if defined:
static inline uint32_t SAI_RxGetStatusFlag(I2S_Type *base)
Gets the SAI Tx status flag state.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
- Returns:
SAI Rx status flag value. Use the Status Mask to get the status value needed.
static inline void SAI_RxClearStatusFlags(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears the SAI Rx status flag state.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
mask – State mask. It can be a combination of the following sources if defined.
void SAI_TxSoftwareReset(I2S_Type *base, sai_reset_type_t resetType)
Do software reset or FIFO reset .
FIFO reset means clear all the data in the FIFO, and make the FIFO pointer both to 0. Software reset means clear the Tx internal logic, including the bit clock, frame count etc. But software reset will not clear any configuration registers like TCR1~TCR5. This function will also clear all the error flags such as FIFO error, sync error etc.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
resetType – Reset type, FIFO reset or software reset
void SAI_RxSoftwareReset(I2S_Type *base, sai_reset_type_t resetType)
Do software reset or FIFO reset .
FIFO reset means clear all the data in the FIFO, and make the FIFO pointer both to 0. Software reset means clear the Rx internal logic, including the bit clock, frame count etc. But software reset will not clear any configuration registers like RCR1~RCR5. This function will also clear all the error flags such as FIFO error, sync error etc.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
resetType – Reset type, FIFO reset or software reset
void SAI_TxSetChannelFIFOMask(I2S_Type *base, uint8_t mask)
Set the Tx channel FIFO enable mask.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
mask – Channel enable mask, 0 means all channel FIFO disabled, 1 means channel 0 enabled, 3 means both channel 0 and channel 1 enabled.
void SAI_RxSetChannelFIFOMask(I2S_Type *base, uint8_t mask)
Set the Rx channel FIFO enable mask.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
mask – Channel enable mask, 0 means all channel FIFO disabled, 1 means channel 0 enabled, 3 means both channel 0 and channel 1 enabled.
void SAI_TxSetDataOrder(I2S_Type *base, sai_data_order_t order)
Set the Tx data order.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
order – Data order MSB or LSB
void SAI_RxSetDataOrder(I2S_Type *base, sai_data_order_t order)
Set the Rx data order.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
order – Data order MSB or LSB
void SAI_TxSetBitClockPolarity(I2S_Type *base, sai_clock_polarity_t polarity)
Set the Tx data order.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
polarity –
void SAI_RxSetBitClockPolarity(I2S_Type *base, sai_clock_polarity_t polarity)
Set the Rx data order.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
polarity –
void SAI_TxSetFrameSyncPolarity(I2S_Type *base, sai_clock_polarity_t polarity)
Set the Tx data order.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
polarity –
void SAI_RxSetFrameSyncPolarity(I2S_Type *base, sai_clock_polarity_t polarity)
Set the Rx data order.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
polarity –
void SAI_TxSetFIFOPacking(I2S_Type *base, sai_fifo_packing_t pack)
Set Tx FIFO packing feature.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
pack – FIFO pack type. It is element of sai_fifo_packing_t.
void SAI_RxSetFIFOPacking(I2S_Type *base, sai_fifo_packing_t pack)
Set Rx FIFO packing feature.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
pack – FIFO pack type. It is element of sai_fifo_packing_t.
static inline void SAI_TxSetFIFOErrorContinue(I2S_Type *base, bool isEnabled)
Set Tx FIFO error continue.
FIFO error continue mode means SAI will keep running while FIFO error occurred. If this feature not enabled, SAI will hang and users need to clear FEF flag in TCSR register.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
isEnabled – Is FIFO error continue enabled, true means enable, false means disable.
static inline void SAI_RxSetFIFOErrorContinue(I2S_Type *base, bool isEnabled)
Set Rx FIFO error continue.
FIFO error continue mode means SAI will keep running while FIFO error occurred. If this feature not enabled, SAI will hang and users need to clear FEF flag in RCSR register.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
isEnabled – Is FIFO error continue enabled, true means enable, false means disable.
static inline void SAI_TxEnableInterrupts(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the SAI Tx interrupt requests.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
mask – interrupt source The parameter can be a combination of the following sources if defined.
static inline void SAI_RxEnableInterrupts(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Enables the SAI Rx interrupt requests.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
mask – interrupt source The parameter can be a combination of the following sources if defined.
static inline void SAI_TxDisableInterrupts(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the SAI Tx interrupt requests.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
mask – interrupt source The parameter can be a combination of the following sources if defined.
static inline void SAI_RxDisableInterrupts(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Disables the SAI Rx interrupt requests.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
mask – interrupt source The parameter can be a combination of the following sources if defined.
static inline void SAI_TxEnableDMA(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t mask, bool enable)
Enables/disables the SAI Tx DMA requests.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
mask – DMA source The parameter can be combination of the following sources if defined.
enable – True means enable DMA, false means disable DMA.
static inline void SAI_RxEnableDMA(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t mask, bool enable)
Enables/disables the SAI Rx DMA requests.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
mask – DMA source The parameter can be a combination of the following sources if defined.
enable – True means enable DMA, false means disable DMA.
static inline uintptr_t SAI_TxGetDataRegisterAddress(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Gets the SAI Tx data register address.
This API is used to provide a transfer address for the SAI DMA transfer configuration.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
channel – Which data channel used.
- Returns:
data register address.
static inline uintptr_t SAI_RxGetDataRegisterAddress(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Gets the SAI Rx data register address.
This API is used to provide a transfer address for the SAI DMA transfer configuration.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
channel – Which data channel used.
- Returns:
data register address.
void SAI_WriteBlocking(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t channel, uint32_t bitWidth, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t size)
Sends data using a blocking method.
This function blocks by polling until data is ready to be sent.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
channel – Data channel used.
bitWidth – How many bits in an audio word; usually 8/16/24/32 bits.
buffer – Pointer to the data to be written.
size – Bytes to be written.
void SAI_WriteMultiChannelBlocking(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t channel, uint32_t channelMask, uint32_t bitWidth, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t size)
Sends data to multi channel using a blocking method.
This function blocks by polling until data is ready to be sent.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
channel – Data channel used.
channelMask – channel mask.
bitWidth – How many bits in an audio word; usually 8/16/24/32 bits.
buffer – Pointer to the data to be written.
size – Bytes to be written.
static inline void SAI_WriteData(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t channel, uint32_t data)
Writes data into SAI FIFO.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
channel – Data channel used.
data – Data needs to be written.
void SAI_ReadBlocking(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t channel, uint32_t bitWidth, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t size)
Receives data using a blocking method.
This function blocks by polling until data is ready to be sent.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
channel – Data channel used.
bitWidth – How many bits in an audio word; usually 8/16/24/32 bits.
buffer – Pointer to the data to be read.
size – Bytes to be read.
void SAI_ReadMultiChannelBlocking(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t channel, uint32_t channelMask, uint32_t bitWidth, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t size)
Receives multi channel data using a blocking method.
This function blocks by polling until data is ready to be sent.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
channel – Data channel used.
channelMask – channel mask.
bitWidth – How many bits in an audio word; usually 8/16/24/32 bits.
buffer – Pointer to the data to be read.
size – Bytes to be read.
static inline uint32_t SAI_ReadData(I2S_Type *base, uint32_t channel)
Reads data from the SAI FIFO.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
channel – Data channel used.
- Returns:
Data in SAI FIFO.
void SAI_TransferTxCreateHandle(I2S_Type *base, sai_handle_t *handle, sai_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Initializes the SAI Tx handle.
This function initializes the Tx handle for the SAI Tx transactional APIs. Call this function once to get the handle initialized.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
handle – SAI handle pointer.
callback – Pointer to the user callback function.
userData – User parameter passed to the callback function
void SAI_TransferRxCreateHandle(I2S_Type *base, sai_handle_t *handle, sai_transfer_callback_t callback, void *userData)
Initializes the SAI Rx handle.
This function initializes the Rx handle for the SAI Rx transactional APIs. Call this function once to get the handle initialized.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – SAI handle pointer.
callback – Pointer to the user callback function.
userData – User parameter passed to the callback function.
void SAI_TransferTxSetConfig(I2S_Type *base, sai_handle_t *handle, sai_transceiver_t *config)
SAI transmitter transfer configurations.
This function initializes the Tx, include bit clock, frame sync, master clock, serial data and fifo configurations.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – SAI handle pointer.
config – tranmitter configurations.
void SAI_TransferRxSetConfig(I2S_Type *base, sai_handle_t *handle, sai_transceiver_t *config)
SAI receiver transfer configurations.
This function initializes the Rx, include bit clock, frame sync, master clock, serial data and fifo configurations.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – SAI handle pointer.
config – receiver configurations.
status_t SAI_TransferSendNonBlocking(I2S_Type *base, sai_handle_t *handle, sai_transfer_t *xfer)
Performs an interrupt non-blocking send transfer on SAI.
This API returns immediately after the transfer initiates. Call the SAI_TxGetTransferStatusIRQ to poll the transfer status and check whether the transfer is finished. If the return status is not kStatus_SAI_Busy, the transfer is finished.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – Pointer to the sai_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
xfer – Pointer to the sai_transfer_t structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully started the data receive.
kStatus_SAI_TxBusy – Previous receive still not finished.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – The input parameter is invalid.
status_t SAI_TransferReceiveNonBlocking(I2S_Type *base, sai_handle_t *handle, sai_transfer_t *xfer)
Performs an interrupt non-blocking receive transfer on SAI.
This API returns immediately after the transfer initiates. Call the SAI_RxGetTransferStatusIRQ to poll the transfer status and check whether the transfer is finished. If the return status is not kStatus_SAI_Busy, the transfer is finished.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
handle – Pointer to the sai_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
xfer – Pointer to the sai_transfer_t structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Successfully started the data receive.
kStatus_SAI_RxBusy – Previous receive still not finished.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – The input parameter is invalid.
status_t SAI_TransferGetSendCount(I2S_Type *base, sai_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets a set byte count.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – Pointer to the sai_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
count – Bytes count sent.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Succeed get the transfer count.
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – There is not a non-blocking transaction currently in progress.
status_t SAI_TransferGetReceiveCount(I2S_Type *base, sai_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets a received byte count.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – Pointer to the sai_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
count – Bytes count received.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Succeed get the transfer count.
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – There is not a non-blocking transaction currently in progress.
void SAI_TransferAbortSend(I2S_Type *base, sai_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the current send.
This API can be called any time when an interrupt non-blocking transfer initiates to abort the transfer early.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – Pointer to the sai_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
void SAI_TransferAbortReceive(I2S_Type *base, sai_handle_t *handle)
Aborts the current IRQ receive.
This API can be called when an interrupt non-blocking transfer initiates to abort the transfer early.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
handle – Pointer to the sai_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
void SAI_TransferTerminateSend(I2S_Type *base, sai_handle_t *handle)
Terminate all SAI send.
This function will clear all transfer slots buffered in the sai queue. If users only want to abort the current transfer slot, please call SAI_TransferAbortSend.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – SAI eDMA handle pointer.
void SAI_TransferTerminateReceive(I2S_Type *base, sai_handle_t *handle)
Terminate all SAI receive.
This function will clear all transfer slots buffered in the sai queue. If users only want to abort the current transfer slot, please call SAI_TransferAbortReceive.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – SAI eDMA handle pointer.
void SAI_TransferTxHandleIRQ(I2S_Type *base, sai_handle_t *handle)
Tx interrupt handler.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – Pointer to the sai_handle_t structure.
void SAI_TransferRxHandleIRQ(I2S_Type *base, sai_handle_t *handle)
Tx interrupt handler.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – Pointer to the sai_handle_t structure.
Version 2.4.4
_sai_status_t, SAI return status.
enumerator kStatus_SAI_TxBusy
SAI Tx is busy.
enumerator kStatus_SAI_RxBusy
SAI Rx is busy.
enumerator kStatus_SAI_TxError
SAI Tx FIFO error.
enumerator kStatus_SAI_RxError
SAI Rx FIFO error.
enumerator kStatus_SAI_QueueFull
SAI transfer queue is full.
enumerator kStatus_SAI_TxIdle
SAI Tx is idle
enumerator kStatus_SAI_RxIdle
SAI Rx is idle
enumerator kStatus_SAI_TxBusy
_sai_channel_mask,.sai channel mask value, actual channel numbers is depend soc specific
enumerator kSAI_Channel0Mask
channel 0 mask value
enumerator kSAI_Channel1Mask
channel 1 mask value
enumerator kSAI_Channel2Mask
channel 2 mask value
enumerator kSAI_Channel3Mask
channel 3 mask value
enumerator kSAI_Channel4Mask
channel 4 mask value
enumerator kSAI_Channel5Mask
channel 5 mask value
enumerator kSAI_Channel6Mask
channel 6 mask value
enumerator kSAI_Channel7Mask
channel 7 mask value
enumerator kSAI_Channel0Mask
enum _sai_protocol
Define the SAI bus type.
enumerator kSAI_BusLeftJustified
Uses left justified format.
enumerator kSAI_BusRightJustified
Uses right justified format.
enumerator kSAI_BusI2S
Uses I2S format.
enumerator kSAI_BusPCMA
Uses I2S PCM A format.
enumerator kSAI_BusPCMB
Uses I2S PCM B format.
enumerator kSAI_BusLeftJustified
enum _sai_master_slave
Master or slave mode.
enumerator kSAI_Master
Master mode include bclk and frame sync
enumerator kSAI_Slave
Slave mode include bclk and frame sync
enumerator kSAI_Bclk_Master_FrameSync_Slave
bclk in master mode, frame sync in slave mode
enumerator kSAI_Bclk_Slave_FrameSync_Master
bclk in slave mode, frame sync in master mode
enumerator kSAI_Master
enum _sai_mono_stereo
Mono or stereo audio format.
enumerator kSAI_Stereo
Stereo sound.
enumerator kSAI_MonoRight
Only Right channel have sound.
enumerator kSAI_MonoLeft
Only left channel have sound.
enumerator kSAI_Stereo
enum _sai_data_order
SAI data order, MSB or LSB.
enumerator kSAI_DataLSB
LSB bit transferred first
enumerator kSAI_DataMSB
MSB bit transferred first
enumerator kSAI_DataLSB
enum _sai_clock_polarity
SAI clock polarity, active high or low.
enumerator kSAI_PolarityActiveHigh
Drive outputs on rising edge
enumerator kSAI_PolarityActiveLow
Drive outputs on falling edge
enumerator kSAI_SampleOnFallingEdge
Sample inputs on falling edge
enumerator kSAI_SampleOnRisingEdge
Sample inputs on rising edge
enumerator kSAI_PolarityActiveHigh
enum _sai_sync_mode
Synchronous or asynchronous mode.
enumerator kSAI_ModeAsync
Asynchronous mode
enumerator kSAI_ModeSync
Synchronous mode (with receiver or transmit)
enumerator kSAI_ModeSyncWithOtherTx
Synchronous with another SAI transmit
enumerator kSAI_ModeSyncWithOtherRx
Synchronous with another SAI receiver
enumerator kSAI_ModeAsync
enum _sai_bclk_source
Bit clock source.
enumerator kSAI_BclkSourceBusclk
Bit clock using bus clock
enumerator kSAI_BclkSourceMclkOption1
Bit clock MCLK option 1
enumerator kSAI_BclkSourceMclkOption2
Bit clock MCLK option2
enumerator kSAI_BclkSourceMclkOption3
Bit clock MCLK option3
enumerator kSAI_BclkSourceMclkDiv
Bit clock using master clock divider
enumerator kSAI_BclkSourceOtherSai0
Bit clock from other SAI device
enumerator kSAI_BclkSourceOtherSai1
Bit clock from other SAI device
enumerator kSAI_BclkSourceBusclk
_sai_interrupt_enable_t, The SAI interrupt enable flag
enumerator kSAI_WordStartInterruptEnable
Word start flag, means the first word in a frame detected
enumerator kSAI_SyncErrorInterruptEnable
Sync error flag, means the sync error is detected
enumerator kSAI_FIFOWarningInterruptEnable
FIFO warning flag, means the FIFO is empty
enumerator kSAI_FIFOErrorInterruptEnable
FIFO error flag
enumerator kSAI_FIFORequestInterruptEnable
FIFO request, means reached watermark
enumerator kSAI_WordStartInterruptEnable
_sai_dma_enable_t, The DMA request sources
enumerator kSAI_FIFOWarningDMAEnable
FIFO warning caused by the DMA request
enumerator kSAI_FIFORequestDMAEnable
FIFO request caused by the DMA request
enumerator kSAI_FIFOWarningDMAEnable
_sai_flags, The SAI status flag
enumerator kSAI_WordStartFlag
Word start flag, means the first word in a frame detected
enumerator kSAI_SyncErrorFlag
Sync error flag, means the sync error is detected
enumerator kSAI_FIFOErrorFlag
FIFO error flag
enumerator kSAI_FIFORequestFlag
FIFO request flag.
enumerator kSAI_FIFOWarningFlag
FIFO warning flag
enumerator kSAI_WordStartFlag
enum _sai_reset_type
The reset type.
enumerator kSAI_ResetTypeSoftware
Software reset, reset the logic state
enumerator kSAI_ResetTypeFIFO
FIFO reset, reset the FIFO read and write pointer
enumerator kSAI_ResetAll
All reset.
enumerator kSAI_ResetTypeSoftware
enum _sai_fifo_packing
The SAI packing mode The mode includes 8 bit and 16 bit packing.
enumerator kSAI_FifoPackingDisabled
Packing disabled
enumerator kSAI_FifoPacking8bit
8 bit packing enabled
enumerator kSAI_FifoPacking16bit
16bit packing enabled
enumerator kSAI_FifoPackingDisabled
enum _sai_sample_rate
Audio sample rate.
enumerator kSAI_SampleRate8KHz
Sample rate 8000 Hz
enumerator kSAI_SampleRate11025Hz
Sample rate 11025 Hz
enumerator kSAI_SampleRate12KHz
Sample rate 12000 Hz
enumerator kSAI_SampleRate16KHz
Sample rate 16000 Hz
enumerator kSAI_SampleRate22050Hz
Sample rate 22050 Hz
enumerator kSAI_SampleRate24KHz
Sample rate 24000 Hz
enumerator kSAI_SampleRate32KHz
Sample rate 32000 Hz
enumerator kSAI_SampleRate44100Hz
Sample rate 44100 Hz
enumerator kSAI_SampleRate48KHz
Sample rate 48000 Hz
enumerator kSAI_SampleRate96KHz
Sample rate 96000 Hz
enumerator kSAI_SampleRate192KHz
Sample rate 192000 Hz
enumerator kSAI_SampleRate384KHz
Sample rate 384000 Hz
enumerator kSAI_SampleRate8KHz
enum _sai_word_width
Audio word width.
enumerator kSAI_WordWidth8bits
Audio data width 8 bits
enumerator kSAI_WordWidth16bits
Audio data width 16 bits
enumerator kSAI_WordWidth24bits
Audio data width 24 bits
enumerator kSAI_WordWidth32bits
Audio data width 32 bits
enumerator kSAI_WordWidth8bits
enum _sai_data_pin_state
sai data pin state definition
enumerator kSAI_DataPinStateTriState
transmit data pins are tri-stated when slots are masked or channels are disabled
enumerator kSAI_DataPinStateOutputZero
transmit data pins are never tri-stated and will output zero when slots are masked or channel disabled
enumerator kSAI_DataPinStateTriState
enum _sai_fifo_combine
sai fifo combine mode definition
enumerator kSAI_FifoCombineDisabled
sai TX/RX fifo combine mode disabled
enumerator kSAI_FifoCombineModeEnabledOnRead
sai TX fifo combine mode enabled on FIFO reads
enumerator kSAI_FifoCombineModeEnabledOnWrite
sai TX fifo combine mode enabled on FIFO write
enumerator kSAI_RxFifoCombineModeEnabledOnWrite
sai RX fifo combine mode enabled on FIFO write
enumerator kSAI_RXFifoCombineModeEnabledOnRead
sai RX fifo combine mode enabled on FIFO reads
enumerator kSAI_FifoCombineModeEnabledOnReadWrite
sai TX/RX fifo combined mode enabled on FIFO read/writes
enumerator kSAI_FifoCombineDisabled
enum _sai_transceiver_type
sai transceiver type
enumerator kSAI_Transmitter
sai transmitter
enumerator kSAI_Receiver
sai receiver
enumerator kSAI_Transmitter
enum _sai_frame_sync_len
sai frame sync len
enumerator kSAI_FrameSyncLenOneBitClk
1 bit clock frame sync len for DSP mode
enumerator kSAI_FrameSyncLenPerWordWidth
Frame sync length decided by word width
enumerator kSAI_FrameSyncLenOneBitClk
typedef enum _sai_protocol sai_protocol_t
Define the SAI bus type.
typedef enum _sai_master_slave sai_master_slave_t
Master or slave mode.
typedef enum _sai_mono_stereo sai_mono_stereo_t
Mono or stereo audio format.
typedef enum _sai_data_order sai_data_order_t
SAI data order, MSB or LSB.
typedef enum _sai_clock_polarity sai_clock_polarity_t
SAI clock polarity, active high or low.
typedef enum _sai_sync_mode sai_sync_mode_t
Synchronous or asynchronous mode.
typedef enum _sai_bclk_source sai_bclk_source_t
Bit clock source.
typedef enum _sai_reset_type sai_reset_type_t
The reset type.
typedef enum _sai_fifo_packing sai_fifo_packing_t
The SAI packing mode The mode includes 8 bit and 16 bit packing.
typedef struct _sai_config sai_config_t
SAI user configuration structure.
typedef enum _sai_sample_rate sai_sample_rate_t
Audio sample rate.
typedef enum _sai_word_width sai_word_width_t
Audio word width.
typedef enum _sai_data_pin_state sai_data_pin_state_t
sai data pin state definition
typedef enum _sai_fifo_combine sai_fifo_combine_t
sai fifo combine mode definition
typedef enum _sai_transceiver_type sai_transceiver_type_t
sai transceiver type
typedef enum _sai_frame_sync_len sai_frame_sync_len_t
sai frame sync len
typedef struct _sai_transfer_format sai_transfer_format_t
sai transfer format
typedef struct _sai_master_clock sai_master_clock_t
master clock configurations
typedef struct _sai_fifo sai_fifo_t
sai fifo configurations
typedef struct _sai_bit_clock sai_bit_clock_t
sai bit clock configurations
typedef struct _sai_frame_sync sai_frame_sync_t
sai frame sync configurations
typedef struct _sai_serial_data sai_serial_data_t
sai serial data configurations
typedef struct _sai_transceiver sai_transceiver_t
sai transceiver configurations
typedef struct _sai_transfer sai_transfer_t
SAI transfer structure.
typedef struct _sai_handle sai_handle_t
typedef void (*sai_transfer_callback_t)(I2S_Type *base, sai_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
SAI transfer callback prototype.
SAI transfer queue size, user can refine it according to use case.
sai fifo feature
struct _sai_config
- #include <fsl_sai.h>
SAI user configuration structure.
Public Members
sai_protocol_t protocol
Audio bus protocol in SAI
sai_sync_mode_t syncMode
SAI sync mode, control Tx/Rx clock sync
bool mclkOutputEnable
Master clock output enable, true means master clock divider enabled
sai_bclk_source_t bclkSource
Bit Clock source
sai_master_slave_t masterSlave
Master or slave
sai_protocol_t protocol
struct _sai_transfer_format
- #include <fsl_sai.h>
sai transfer format
Public Members
uint32_t sampleRate_Hz
Sample rate of audio data
uint32_t bitWidth
Data length of audio data, usually 8/16/24/32 bits
sai_mono_stereo_t stereo
Mono or stereo
uint32_t masterClockHz
Master clock frequency in Hz
uint8_t watermark
Watermark value
uint8_t channel
Transfer start channel
uint8_t channelMask
enabled channel mask value, reference _sai_channel_mask
uint8_t endChannel
end channel number
uint8_t channelNums
Total enabled channel numbers
sai_protocol_t protocol
Which audio protocol used
bool isFrameSyncCompact
True means Frame sync length is configurable according to bitWidth, false means frame sync length is 64 times of bit clock.
uint32_t sampleRate_Hz
struct _sai_master_clock
- #include <fsl_sai.h>
master clock configurations
Public Members
bool mclkOutputEnable
master clock output enable
uint32_t mclkHz
target mclk frequency
uint32_t mclkSourceClkHz
mclk source frequency
bool mclkOutputEnable
struct _sai_fifo
- #include <fsl_sai.h>
sai fifo configurations
Public Members
bool fifoContinueOneError
fifo continues when error occur
sai_fifo_combine_t fifoCombine
fifo combine mode
sai_fifo_packing_t fifoPacking
fifo packing mode
uint8_t fifoWatermark
fifo watermark
bool fifoContinueOneError
struct _sai_bit_clock
- #include <fsl_sai.h>
sai bit clock configurations
Public Members
bool bclkSrcSwap
bit clock source swap
bool bclkInputDelay
bit clock actually used by the transmitter is delayed by the pad output delay, this has effect of decreasing the data input setup time, but increasing the data output valid time .
sai_clock_polarity_t bclkPolarity
bit clock polarity
sai_bclk_source_t bclkSource
bit Clock source
bool bclkSrcSwap
struct _sai_frame_sync
- #include <fsl_sai.h>
sai frame sync configurations
Public Members
uint8_t frameSyncWidth
frame sync width in number of bit clocks
bool frameSyncEarly
TRUE is frame sync assert one bit before the first bit of frame FALSE is frame sync assert with the first bit of the frame
bool frameSyncGenerateOnDemand
internal frame sync is generated when FIFO waring flag is clear
sai_clock_polarity_t frameSyncPolarity
frame sync polarity
uint8_t frameSyncWidth
struct _sai_serial_data
- #include <fsl_sai.h>
sai serial data configurations
Public Members
sai_data_pin_state_t dataMode
sai data pin state when slots masked or channel disabled
sai_data_order_t dataOrder
configure whether the LSB or MSB is transmitted first
uint8_t dataWord0Length
configure the number of bits in the first word in each frame
uint8_t dataWordNLength
configure the number of bits in the each word in each frame, except the first word
uint8_t dataWordLength
used to record the data length for dma transfer
uint8_t dataFirstBitShifted
Configure the bit index for the first bit transmitted for each word in the frame
uint8_t dataWordNum
configure the number of words in each frame
uint32_t dataMaskedWord
configure whether the transmit word is masked
sai_data_pin_state_t dataMode
struct _sai_transceiver
- #include <fsl_sai.h>
sai transceiver configurations
Public Members
sai_serial_data_t serialData
serial data configurations
sai_frame_sync_t frameSync
ws configurations
sai_bit_clock_t bitClock
bit clock configurations
sai_fifo_t fifo
fifo configurations
sai_master_slave_t masterSlave
transceiver is master or slave
sai_sync_mode_t syncMode
transceiver sync mode
uint8_t startChannel
Transfer start channel
uint8_t channelMask
enabled channel mask value, reference _sai_channel_mask
uint8_t endChannel
end channel number
uint8_t channelNums
Total enabled channel numbers
sai_serial_data_t serialData
struct _sai_transfer
- #include <fsl_sai.h>
SAI transfer structure.
Public Members
uint8_t *data
Data start address to transfer.
size_t dataSize
Transfer size.
uint8_t *data
struct _sai_handle
- #include <fsl_sai.h>
SAI handle structure.
Public Members
I2S_Type *base
base address
uint32_t state
Transfer status
sai_transfer_callback_t callback
Callback function called at transfer event
void *userData
Callback parameter passed to callback function
uint8_t bitWidth
Bit width for transfer, 8/16/24/32 bits
uint8_t channel
Transfer start channel
uint8_t channelMask
enabled channel mask value, refernece _sai_channel_mask
uint8_t endChannel
end channel number
uint8_t channelNums
Total enabled channel numbers
sai_transfer_t saiQueue[(4U)]
Transfer queue storing queued transfer
size_t transferSize[(4U)]
Data bytes need to transfer
volatile uint8_t queueUser
Index for user to queue transfer
volatile uint8_t queueDriver
Index for driver to get the transfer data and size
uint8_t watermark
Watermark value
I2S_Type *base
void SAI_TransferTxCreateHandleEDMA(I2S_Type *base, sai_edma_handle_t *handle, sai_edma_callback_t callback, void *userData, edma_handle_t *txDmaHandle)
Initializes the SAI eDMA handle.
This function initializes the SAI master DMA handle, which can be used for other SAI master transactional APIs. Usually, for a specified SAI instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – SAI eDMA handle pointer.
callback – Pointer to user callback function.
userData – User parameter passed to the callback function.
txDmaHandle – eDMA handle pointer, this handle shall be static allocated by users.
void SAI_TransferRxCreateHandleEDMA(I2S_Type *base, sai_edma_handle_t *handle, sai_edma_callback_t callback, void *userData, edma_handle_t *rxDmaHandle)
Initializes the SAI Rx eDMA handle.
This function initializes the SAI slave DMA handle, which can be used for other SAI master transactional APIs. Usually, for a specified SAI instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – SAI eDMA handle pointer.
callback – Pointer to user callback function.
userData – User parameter passed to the callback function.
rxDmaHandle – eDMA handle pointer, this handle shall be static allocated by users.
void SAI_TransferSetInterleaveType(sai_edma_handle_t *handle, sai_edma_interleave_t interleaveType)
Initializes the SAI interleave type.
This function initializes the SAI DMA handle member interleaveType, it shall be called only when application would like to use type kSAI_EDMAInterleavePerChannelBlock, since the default interleaveType is kSAI_EDMAInterleavePerChannelSample always
- Parameters:
handle – SAI eDMA handle pointer.
interleaveType – Multi channel interleave type.
void SAI_TransferTxSetConfigEDMA(I2S_Type *base, sai_edma_handle_t *handle, sai_transceiver_t *saiConfig)
Configures the SAI Tx.
SAI eDMA supports data transfer in a multiple SAI channels if the FIFO Combine feature is supported. To activate the multi-channel transfer enable SAI channels by filling the channelMask of sai_transceiver_t with the corresponding values of _sai_channel_mask enum, enable the FIFO Combine mode by assigning kSAI_FifoCombineModeEnabledOnWrite to the fifoCombine member of sai_fifo_combine_t which is a member of sai_transceiver_t. This is an example of multi-channel data transfer configuration step.
sai_transceiver_t config; SAI_GetClassicI2SConfig(&config, kSAI_WordWidth16bits, kSAI_Stereo, kSAI_Channel0Mask|kSAI_Channel1Mask); config.fifo.fifoCombine = kSAI_FifoCombineModeEnabledOnWrite; SAI_TransferTxSetConfigEDMA(I2S0, &edmaHandle, &config);
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – SAI eDMA handle pointer.
saiConfig – sai configurations.
void SAI_TransferRxSetConfigEDMA(I2S_Type *base, sai_edma_handle_t *handle, sai_transceiver_t *saiConfig)
Configures the SAI Rx.
SAI eDMA supports data transfer in a multiple SAI channels if the FIFO Combine feature is supported. To activate the multi-channel transfer enable SAI channels by filling the channelMask of sai_transceiver_t with the corresponding values of _sai_channel_mask enum, enable the FIFO Combine mode by assigning kSAI_FifoCombineModeEnabledOnRead to the fifoCombine member of sai_fifo_combine_t which is a member of sai_transceiver_t. This is an example of multi-channel data transfer configuration step.
sai_transceiver_t config; SAI_GetClassicI2SConfig(&config, kSAI_WordWidth16bits, kSAI_Stereo, kSAI_Channel0Mask|kSAI_Channel1Mask); config.fifo.fifoCombine = kSAI_FifoCombineModeEnabledOnRead; SAI_TransferRxSetConfigEDMA(I2S0, &edmaHandle, &config);
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – SAI eDMA handle pointer.
saiConfig – sai configurations.
status_t SAI_TransferSendEDMA(I2S_Type *base, sai_edma_handle_t *handle, sai_transfer_t *xfer)
Performs a non-blocking SAI transfer using DMA.
This function support multi channel transfer,
for the sai IP support fifo combine mode, application should enable the fifo combine mode, no limitation on channel numbers
for the sai IP not support fifo combine mode, sai edma provide another solution which using EDMA modulo feature, but support 2 or 4 channels only.
This interface returns immediately after the transfer initiates. Call SAI_GetTransferStatus to poll the transfer status and check whether the SAI transfer is finished.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – SAI eDMA handle pointer.
xfer – Pointer to the DMA transfer structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Start a SAI eDMA send successfully.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – The input argument is invalid.
kStatus_TxBusy – SAI is busy sending data.
status_t SAI_TransferReceiveEDMA(I2S_Type *base, sai_edma_handle_t *handle, sai_transfer_t *xfer)
Performs a non-blocking SAI receive using eDMA.
This function support multi channel transfer,
for the sai IP support fifo combine mode, application should enable the fifo combine mode, no limitation on channel numbers
for the sai IP not support fifo combine mode, sai edma provide another solution which using EDMA modulo feature, but support 2 or 4 channels only.
This interface returns immediately after the transfer initiates. Call the SAI_GetReceiveRemainingBytes to poll the transfer status and check whether the SAI transfer is finished.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
handle – SAI eDMA handle pointer.
xfer – Pointer to DMA transfer structure.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Start a SAI eDMA receive successfully.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – The input argument is invalid.
kStatus_RxBusy – SAI is busy receiving data.
status_t SAI_TransferSendLoopEDMA(I2S_Type *base, sai_edma_handle_t *handle, sai_transfer_t *xfer, uint32_t loopTransferCount)
Performs a non-blocking SAI loop transfer using eDMA.
Once the loop transfer start, application can use function SAI_TransferAbortSendEDMA to stop the loop transfer.
This function support loop transfer only,such as A->B->…->A, application must be aware of that the more counts of the loop transfer, then more tcd memory required, as the function use the tcd pool in sai_edma_handle_t, so application could redefine the SAI_XFER_QUEUE_SIZE to determine the proper TCD pool size. This function support one sai channel only.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – SAI eDMA handle pointer.
xfer – Pointer to the DMA transfer structure, should be a array with elements counts >=1(loopTransferCount).
loopTransferCount – the counts of xfer array.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Start a SAI eDMA send successfully.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – The input argument is invalid.
status_t SAI_TransferReceiveLoopEDMA(I2S_Type *base, sai_edma_handle_t *handle, sai_transfer_t *xfer, uint32_t loopTransferCount)
Performs a non-blocking SAI loop transfer using eDMA.
Once the loop transfer start, application can use function SAI_TransferAbortReceiveEDMA to stop the loop transfer.
This function support loop transfer only,such as A->B->…->A, application must be aware of that the more counts of the loop transfer, then more tcd memory required, as the function use the tcd pool in sai_edma_handle_t, so application could redefine the SAI_XFER_QUEUE_SIZE to determine the proper TCD pool size. This function support one sai channel only.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – SAI eDMA handle pointer.
xfer – Pointer to the DMA transfer structure, should be a array with elements counts >=1(loopTransferCount).
loopTransferCount – the counts of xfer array.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Start a SAI eDMA receive successfully.
kStatus_InvalidArgument – The input argument is invalid.
void SAI_TransferTerminateSendEDMA(I2S_Type *base, sai_edma_handle_t *handle)
Terminate all SAI send.
This function will clear all transfer slots buffered in the sai queue. If users only want to abort the current transfer slot, please call SAI_TransferAbortSendEDMA.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – SAI eDMA handle pointer.
void SAI_TransferTerminateReceiveEDMA(I2S_Type *base, sai_edma_handle_t *handle)
Terminate all SAI receive.
This function will clear all transfer slots buffered in the sai queue. If users only want to abort the current transfer slot, please call SAI_TransferAbortReceiveEDMA.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – SAI eDMA handle pointer.
void SAI_TransferAbortSendEDMA(I2S_Type *base, sai_edma_handle_t *handle)
Aborts a SAI transfer using eDMA.
This function only aborts the current transfer slots, the other transfer slots’ information still kept in the handler. If users want to terminate all transfer slots, just call SAI_TransferTerminateSendEDMA.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – SAI eDMA handle pointer.
void SAI_TransferAbortReceiveEDMA(I2S_Type *base, sai_edma_handle_t *handle)
Aborts a SAI receive using eDMA.
This function only aborts the current transfer slots, the other transfer slots’ information still kept in the handler. If users want to terminate all transfer slots, just call SAI_TransferTerminateReceiveEDMA.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
handle – SAI eDMA handle pointer.
status_t SAI_TransferGetSendCountEDMA(I2S_Type *base, sai_edma_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets byte count sent by SAI.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer.
handle – SAI eDMA handle pointer.
count – Bytes count sent by SAI.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Succeed get the transfer count.
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – There is no non-blocking transaction in progress.
status_t SAI_TransferGetReceiveCountEDMA(I2S_Type *base, sai_edma_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
Gets byte count received by SAI.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
handle – SAI eDMA handle pointer.
count – Bytes count received by SAI.
- Return values:
kStatus_Success – Succeed get the transfer count.
kStatus_NoTransferInProgress – There is no non-blocking transaction in progress.
uint32_t SAI_TransferGetValidTransferSlotsEDMA(I2S_Type *base, sai_edma_handle_t *handle)
Gets valid transfer slot.
This function can be used to query the valid transfer request slot that the application can submit. It should be called in the critical section, that means the application could call it in the corresponding callback function or disable IRQ before calling it in the application, otherwise, the returned value may not correct.
- Parameters:
base – SAI base pointer
handle – SAI eDMA handle pointer.
- Return values:
valid – slot count that application submit.
Version 2.7.1
enum _sai_edma_interleave
sai interleave type
enumerator kSAI_EDMAInterleavePerChannelSample
enumerator kSAI_EDMAInterleavePerChannelBlock
enumerator kSAI_EDMAInterleavePerChannelSample
typedef struct sai_edma_handle sai_edma_handle_t
typedef void (*sai_edma_callback_t)(I2S_Type *base, sai_edma_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData)
SAI eDMA transfer callback function for finish and error.
typedef enum _sai_edma_interleave sai_edma_interleave_t
sai interleave type
struct sai_edma_handle
- #include <fsl_sai_edma.h>
SAI DMA transfer handle, users should not touch the content of the handle.
Public Members
edma_handle_t *dmaHandle
DMA handler for SAI send
uint8_t nbytes
eDMA minor byte transfer count initially configured.
uint8_t bytesPerFrame
Bytes in a frame
uint8_t channelMask
Enabled channel mask value, reference _sai_channel_mask
uint8_t channelNums
total enabled channel nums
uint8_t channel
Which data channel
uint8_t count
The transfer data count in a DMA request
uint32_t state
Internal state for SAI eDMA transfer
sai_edma_callback_t callback
Callback for users while transfer finish or error occurs
void *userData
User callback parameter
uint8_t tcd[((4U) + 1U) * sizeof(edma_tcd_t)]
TCD pool for eDMA transfer.
sai_transfer_t saiQueue[(4U)]
Transfer queue storing queued transfer.
size_t transferSize[(4U)]
Data bytes need to transfer
sai_edma_interleave_t interleaveType
Transfer interleave type
volatile uint8_t queueUser
Index for user to queue transfer.
volatile uint8_t queueDriver
Index for driver to get the transfer data and size
edma_handle_t *dmaHandle
typedef void (*smartdma_callback_t)(void *param)
Callback function prototype for the smartdma driver.
void SMARTDMA_Init(uint32_t apiMemAddr, const void *firmware, uint32_t firmwareSizeByte)
Initialize the SMARTDMA.
- Deprecated:
Do not use this function. It has been superceded by SMARTDMA_InitWithoutFirmware and SMARTDMA_InstallFirmware.
- Parameters:
apiMemAddr – The address firmware will be copied to.
firmware – The firmware to use.
firmwareSizeByte – Size of firmware.
void SMARTDMA_InitWithoutFirmware(void)
Initialize the SMARTDMA.
This function is similar with SMARTDMA_Init, the difference is this function does not install the firmware, the firmware could be installed using SMARTDMA_InstallFirmware.
void SMARTDMA_InstallFirmware(uint32_t apiMemAddr, const void *firmware, uint32_t firmwareSizeByte)
Install the firmware.
Only call this function when SMARTDMA is not busy.
- Parameters:
apiMemAddr – The address firmware will be copied to.
firmware – The firmware to use.
firmwareSizeByte – Size of firmware.
void SMARTDMA_InstallCallback(smartdma_callback_t callback, void *param)
Install the complete callback function.
Only call this function when SMARTDMA is not busy.
- Parameters:
callback – The callback called when smartdma program finished.
param – Parameter for the callback.
void SMARTDMA_Boot(uint32_t apiIndex, void *pParam, uint8_t mask)
Boot the SMARTDMA to run program.
Only call this function when SMARTDMA is not busy.
The memory *pParam shall not be freed before the SMARTDMA function finished.
- Parameters:
apiIndex – Index of the API to call.
pParam – Pointer to the parameter allocated by caller.
mask – Value set to register SMARTDMA->ARM2EZH[0:1].
void SMARTDMA_Boot1(uint32_t apiIndex, const smartdma_param_t *pParam, uint8_t mask)
Copy SMARTDMA params and Boot to run program.
This function is similar with SMARTDMA_Boot, the only difference is, this function copies the *pParam to a local variable, upper layer can free the pParam’s memory before the SMARTDMA execution finished, for example, upper layer can define the param as a local variable.
Only call this function when SMARTDMA is not busy.
- Parameters:
apiIndex – Index of the API to call.
pParam – Pointer to the parameter.
mask – Value set to SMARTDMA_ARM2SMARTDMA[0:1].
void SMARTDMA_Deinit(void)
Deinitialize the SMARTDMA.
void SMARTDMA_Reset(void)
Reset the SMARTDMA.
void SMARTDMA_HandleIRQ(void)
SMARTDMA driver version.
enum _smartdma_display_api
The API index when using s_smartdmaDisplayFirmware.
enumerator kSMARTDMA_FlexIO_DMA_Endian_Swap
enumerator kSMARTDMA_FlexIO_DMA_Reverse32
enumerator kSMARTDMA_FlexIO_DMA
enumerator kSMARTDMA_FlexIO_DMA_Reverse
Send data to FlexIO with reverse order.
enumerator kSMARTDMA_RGB565To888
Convert RGB565 to RGB888 and save to output memory, use parameter smartdma_rgb565_rgb888_param_t.
enumerator kSMARTDMA_FlexIO_DMA_RGB565To888
Convert RGB565 to RGB888 and send to FlexIO, use parameter smartdma_flexio_mculcd_param_t.
Convert ARGB to RGB and send to FlexIO, use parameter smartdma_flexio_mculcd_param_t.
enumerator kSMARTDMA_FlexIO_DMA_ARGB2RGB_Endian_Swap
Convert ARGB to RGB, then swap endian, and send to FlexIO, use parameter smartdma_flexio_mculcd_param_t.
enumerator kSMARTDMA_FlexIO_DMA_ARGB2RGB_Endian_Swap_Reverse
Convert ARGB to RGB, then swap endian and reverse, and send to FlexIO, use parameter smartdma_flexio_mculcd_param_t.
enumerator kSMARTDMA_FlexIO_DMA_Endian_Swap
enum _smartdma_camera_api
The API index when using s_smartdmaCameraFirmware.
enumerator kSMARTDMA_FlexIO_CameraWholeFrame
enumerator kSMARTDMA_FlexIO_CameraDiv16Frame
Deprecated. Use kSMARTDMA_CameraWholeFrameQVGA instead.
enumerator kSMARTDMA_CameraWholeFrameQVGA
Deprecated. Use kSMARTDMA_CameraDiv16FrameQVGA instead.
Save whole frame of QVGA(320x240) to buffer in each interrupt in RGB565 format.
enumerator kSMARTDMA_CameraDiv16FrameQVGA
Save 1/16 frame of QVGA(320x240) to buffer in each interrupt in RGB565 format, takes 16 interrupts to get the whole frame.
enumerator kSMARTDMA_CameraWholeFrame480_320
Save whole frame of 480x320 to buffer in each interrupt in RGB565 format.
enumerator kSMARTDMA_CameraDiv4FrameQVGAGrayScale
Save 1/4 frame of QVGA(320x240) to buffer in each interrupt in grayscale format, takes 4 interrupts to get the whole frame.
enumerator kSMARTDMA_CameraDiv16FrameQVGAGrayScale
Save 1/16 frame of QVGA(320x240) to buffer in each interrupt in grayscale format, takes 16 interrupts to get the whole frame.
enumerator kSMARTDMA_CameraDiv16Frame384_384
Save 1/16 frame of 384x384 to buffer in each interrupt in grayscale format, takes 16 interrupts to get the whole frame.
enumerator kSMARTDMA_CameraWholeFrame320_480
Save whole frame of 320x480 to buffer in each interrupt in RGB565 format.
enumerator kSMARTDMA_FlexIO_CameraWholeFrame
typedef struct _smartdma_flexio_mculcd_param smartdma_flexio_mculcd_param_t
Parameter for FlexIO MCULCD.
typedef struct _smartdma_rgb565_rgb888_param smartdma_rgb565_rgb888_param_t
Parameter for RGB565To888.
typedef struct _smartdma_camera_param smartdma_camera_param_t
Parameter for camera.
const uint8_t s_smartdmaDisplayFirmware[]
The firmware used for display.
const uint32_t s_smartdmaDisplayFirmwareSize
Size of s_smartdmaDisplayFirmware.
const uint8_t s_smartdmaCameraFirmware[]
The firmware used for camera.
const uint32_t s_smartdmaCameraFirmwareSize
Size of s_smartdmacameraFirmware.
The s_smartdmaDisplayFirmware firmware memory address.
Size of s_smartdmaDisplayFirmware.
The s_smartdmaCameraFirmware firmware memory address.
Size of s_smartdmacameraFirmware.
struct _smartdma_flexio_mculcd_param
- #include <fsl_smartdma_rt500.h>
Parameter for FlexIO MCULCD except kSMARTDMA_FlexIO_DMA_ONELANE.
Parameter for FlexIO MCULCD.
struct _smartdma_rgb565_rgb888_param
- #include <fsl_smartdma_rt500.h>
Parameter for RGB565To888.
struct _smartdma_camera_param
- #include <fsl_smartdma_mcxn.h>
Parameter for camera.
Public Members
uint32_t *smartdma_stack
Stack used by SMARTDMA, shall be at least 64 bytes.
uint32_t *p_buffer
Buffer to store the received camera data.
uint32_t *p_stripe_index
Pointer to stripe index. Used when only partial frame is received per interrupt.
uint32_t *p_buffer_ping_pong
Buffer to store the 2nd stripe of camera data. Used when only partial frame is received per interrupt.
uint32_t *smartdma_stack
union smartdma_param_t
- #include <fsl_smartdma_rt500.h>
Parameter for all supported APIs.
Public Members
smartdma_flexio_mculcd_param_t flexioMcuLcdParam
Parameter for flexio MCULCD.
smartdma_flexio_onelane_mculcd_param_t flexioOneLineMcuLcdParam
Parameter for flexio MCULCD with one shift buffer.
smartdma_dsi_param_t dsiParam
Parameter for MIPI DSI functions.
smartdma_dsi_2d_param_t dsi2DParam
Parameter for MIPI DSI 2D functions.
smartdma_dsi_checkerboard_param_t dsiCheckerBoardParam
Parameter for MIPI DSI checker board functions.
smartdma_rgb565_rgb888_param_t rgb565_rgb888Param
Parameter for RGB565_RGB888 convertion.
smartdma_camera_param_t cameraParam
Parameter for camera.
smartdma_flexio_mculcd_param_t flexioMcuLcdParam
RT500 SMARTDMA Firmware
enum _smartdma_display_api
The API index when using s_smartdmaDisplayFirmware.
enumerator kSMARTDMA_FlexIO_DMA_Endian_Swap
enumerator kSMARTDMA_FlexIO_DMA_Reverse32
enumerator kSMARTDMA_FlexIO_DMA
enumerator kSMARTDMA_FlexIO_DMA_Reverse
Send data to FlexIO with reverse order.
enumerator kSMARTDMA_RGB565To888
Convert RGB565 to RGB888 and save to output memory, use parameter smartdma_rgb565_rgb888_param_t.
enumerator kSMARTDMA_FlexIO_DMA_RGB565To888
Convert RGB565 to RGB888 and send to FlexIO, use parameter smartdma_flexio_mculcd_param_t.
Convert ARGB to RGB and send to FlexIO, use parameter smartdma_flexio_mculcd_param_t.
enumerator kSMARTDMA_FlexIO_DMA_ARGB2RGB_Endian_Swap
Convert ARGB to RGB, then swap endian, and send to FlexIO, use parameter smartdma_flexio_mculcd_param_t.
enumerator kSMARTDMA_FlexIO_DMA_ARGB2RGB_Endian_Swap_Reverse
Convert ARGB to RGB, then swap endian and reverse, and send to FlexIO, use parameter smartdma_flexio_mculcd_param_t.
enumerator kSMARTDMA_MIPI_RGB565_DMA
Send RGB565 data to MIPI DSI, use parameter smartdma_dsi_param_t.
enumerator kSMARTDMA_MIPI_RGB565_DMA2D
Send RGB565 data to MIPI DSI, use parameter smartdma_dsi_2d_param_t.
enumerator kSMARTDMA_MIPI_RGB888_DMA
Send RGB888 data to MIPI DSI, use parameter smartdma_dsi_param_t.
enumerator kSMARTDMA_MIPI_RGB888_DMA2D
Send RGB565 data to MIPI DSI, use parameter smartdma_dsi_2d_param_t.
Send XRGB8888 data to MIPI DSI, use parameter smartdma_dsi_param_t
Send XRGB8888 data to MIPI DSI, use parameter smartdma_dsi_2d_param_t.
enumerator kSMARTDMA_MIPI_RGB565_R180_DMA
Send RGB565 data to MIPI DSI, Rotate 180, use parameter smartdma_dsi_param_t.
enumerator kSMARTDMA_MIPI_RGB888_R180_DMA
Send RGB888 data to MIPI DSI, Rotate 180, use parameter smartdma_dsi_param_t.
Send XRGB8888 data to MIPI DSI, Rotate 180, use parameter smartdma_dsi_param_t
enumerator kSMARTDMA_MIPI_RGB5652RGB888_DMA
Send RGB565 data to MIPI DSI, use parameter smartdma_dsi_param_t.
Send RGB888 data to MIPI DSI with checker board pattern, use parameter smartdma_dsi_checkerboard_param_t.
enumerator kSMARTDMA_MIPI_Enter_ULPS
Set MIPI-DSI to enter ultra low power state.
enumerator kSMARTDMA_MIPI_Exit_ULPS
Set MIPI-DSI to exit ultra low power state.
enumerator kSMARTDMA_FlexIO_FIFO2RAM
Read data from FlexIO FIFO to ram space.
enumerator kSMARTDMA_FlexIO_DMA_Endian_Swap
enum _smartdma_flexio_qspi_api
The API index when using s_smartdmaDisplayFirmware.
typedef enum _smartdma_flexio_qspi_api smartdma_flexio_qspi_api_t
The API index when using s_smartdmaDisplayFirmware.
typedef struct _flexio_qspi_buf flexio_qspi_buf_t
Parameter for FlexIO QSPI.
typedef struct _smartdma_flexio_qspi_param smartdma_flexio_qspi_param_t
typedef struct _smartdma_flexio_mculcd_param smartdma_flexio_mculcd_param_t
Parameter for FlexIO MCULCD except kSMARTDMA_FlexIO_DMA_ONELANE.
typedef struct _smartdma_flexio_onelane_mculcd_param smartdma_flexio_onelane_mculcd_param_t
typedef struct _smartdma_dsi_param smartdma_dsi_param_t
Parameter for MIPI DSI.
typedef struct _smartdma_dsi_2d_param smartdma_dsi_2d_param_t
typedef struct _smartdma_dsi_checkerboard_param smartdma_dsi_checkerboard_param_t
typedef struct _smartdma_rgb565_rgb888_param smartdma_rgb565_rgb888_param_t
Parameter for RGB565To888.
const uint8_t s_smartdmaDisplayFirmware[]
The firmware used for display.
const uint32_t s_smartdmaDisplayFirmwareSize
Size of s_smartdmaDisplayFirmware.
const uint8_t s_smartdmaQspiFirmware[]
The firmware used for QSPI.
const uint32_t s_smartdmaQspiFirmwareSize
Size of s_smartdmaQspiFirmware.
The s_smartdmaDisplayFirmware firmware memory address.
Size of s_smartdmaDisplayFirmware.
The s_smartdmaQspiFirmware firmware memory address.
Size of s_smartdmaQspiFirmware.
struct _smartdma_flexio_qspi_param
- #include <fsl_smartdma_rt500.h>
Public Members
uint32_t *txRemainingBytes
Send data remaining in bytes.
uint32_t *txRemainingBytes
struct _smartdma_flexio_mculcd_param
- #include <fsl_smartdma_rt500.h>
Parameter for FlexIO MCULCD except kSMARTDMA_FlexIO_DMA_ONELANE.
Parameter for FlexIO MCULCD.
struct _smartdma_flexio_onelane_mculcd_param
- #include <fsl_smartdma_rt500.h>
struct _smartdma_dsi_param
- #include <fsl_smartdma_rt500.h>
Parameter for MIPI DSI.
Public Members
const uint8_t *p_buffer
Pointer to the buffer to send.
uint32_t buffersize
Buffer size in byte.
uint32_t *smartdma_stack
Stack used by SMARTDMA.
uint32_t disablePixelByteSwap
If set to 1, the pixels are filled to MIPI DSI FIFO directly. If set to 0, the pixel bytes are swapped then filled to MIPI DSI FIFO. For example, when set to 0 and frame buffer pixel format is RGB565: LSB MSB B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 G0 G1 G2 | G3 G4 G5 R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 Then the pixel filled to DSI FIFO is: LSB MSB G3 G4 G5 R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 | B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 G0 G1 G2
const uint8_t *p_buffer
struct _smartdma_dsi_2d_param
- #include <fsl_smartdma_rt500.h>
Public Members
const uint8_t *p_buffer
Pointer to the buffer to send.
uint32_t minorLoop
SRC data transfer in a minor loop
uint32_t minorLoopOffset
SRC data offset added after a minor loop
uint32_t majorLoop
SRC data transfer in a major loop
uint32_t *smartdma_stack
Stack used by SMARTDMA.
uint32_t disablePixelByteSwap
If set to 1, the pixels are filled to MIPI DSI FIFO directly. If set to 0, the pixel bytes are swapped then filled to MIPI DSI FIFO. For example, when set to 0 and frame buffer pixel format is RGB565: LSB MSB B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 G0 G1 G2 | G3 G4 G5 R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 Then the pixel filled to DSI FIFO is: LSB MSB G3 G4 G5 R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 | B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 G0 G1 G2
const uint8_t *p_buffer
struct _smartdma_dsi_checkerboard_param
- #include <fsl_smartdma_rt500.h>
Public Members
const uint8_t *p_buffer
Pointer to the buffer to send, pixel format is ARGB8888.
uint32_t width
Height resolution in pixel.
uint32_t cbType
Width resolution in pixel.
Cube block type. cbType=1 : 1/2 pixel mask cases cbType=2 : 1/4 pixel mask cases
uint32_t indexOff
which pixel is turned off in each type cbType=2: indexOff= 1,2,3,4 cbType=1: indexOff= 0,1
uint32_t *smartdma_stack
Stack used by SMARTDMA.
uint32_t disablePixelByteSwap
If set to 1, the pixels are filled to MIPI DSI FIFO directly. If set to 0, the pixel bytes are swapped then filled to MIPI DSI FIFO. For example, when set to 0 and frame buffer pixel for example format is RGB888: LSB MSB B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 | G0 G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 | R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 Then the pixel filled to DSI FIFO is: LSB MSB R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 | G0 G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 | B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7
const uint8_t *p_buffer
struct _smartdma_rgb565_rgb888_param
- #include <fsl_smartdma_rt500.h>
Parameter for RGB565To888.
union smartdma_param_t
- #include <fsl_smartdma_rt500.h>
Parameter for all supported APIs.
Public Members
smartdma_flexio_mculcd_param_t flexioMcuLcdParam
Parameter for flexio MCULCD.
smartdma_flexio_onelane_mculcd_param_t flexioOneLineMcuLcdParam
Parameter for flexio MCULCD with one shift buffer.
smartdma_dsi_param_t dsiParam
Parameter for MIPI DSI functions.
smartdma_dsi_2d_param_t dsi2DParam
Parameter for MIPI DSI 2D functions.
smartdma_dsi_checkerboard_param_t dsiCheckerBoardParam
Parameter for MIPI DSI checker board functions.
smartdma_rgb565_rgb888_param_t rgb565_rgb888Param
Parameter for RGB565_RGB888 convertion.
smartdma_camera_param_t cameraParam
Parameter for camera.
smartdma_flexio_mculcd_param_t flexioMcuLcdParam
struct SMARTDMA_Type
- #include <fsl_smartdma_rt500.h>
SYSPM: System Performance Monitor
SYSPM driver version.
enum _syspm_monitor
syspm select control monitor
enumerator kSYSPM_Monitor0
Monitor 0
enumerator kSYSPM_Monitor0
enum _syspm_event
syspm select event
enumerator kSYSPM_Event1
Event 1
enumerator kSYSPM_Event2
Event 2
enumerator kSYSPM_Event3
Event 3
enumerator kSYSPM_Event1
enum _syspm_mode
syspm set count mode
enumerator kSYSPM_BothMode
count in both modes
enumerator kSYSPM_UserMode
count only in user mode
enumerator kSYSPM_PrivilegedMode
count only in privileged mode
enumerator kSYSPM_BothMode
enum _syspm_startstop_control
syspm start/stop control
enumerator kSYSPM_Idle
idle >
enumerator kSYSPM_LocalStop
local stop
enumerator kSYSPM_LocalStart
local start
enumerator KSYSPM_EnableTraceControl
enable global TSTART/TSTOP
enumerator kSYSPM_GlobalStart
global stop
enumerator kSYSPM_GlobalStop
global start
enumerator kSYSPM_Idle
typedef enum _syspm_monitor syspm_monitor_t
syspm select control monitor
typedef enum _syspm_event syspm_event_t
syspm select event
typedef enum _syspm_mode syspm_mode_t
syspm set count mode
typedef enum _syspm_startstop_control syspm_startstop_control_t
syspm start/stop control
void SYSPM_Init(SYSPM_Type *base)
Initializes the SYSPM.
This function enables the SYSPM clock.
- Parameters:
base – SYSPM peripheral base address.
void SYSPM_Deinit(SYSPM_Type *base)
Deinitializes the SYSPM.
This function disables the SYSPM clock.
- Parameters:
base – SYSPM peripheral base address.
void SYSPM_SelectEvent(SYSPM_Type *base, syspm_monitor_t monitor, syspm_event_t event, uint8_t eventCode)
Select event counters.
- Parameters:
base – SYSPM peripheral base address.
event – syspm select event, see to syspm_event_t.
eventCode – select which event to be counted in PMECTRx., see to table Events.
void SYSPM_ResetEvent(SYSPM_Type *base, syspm_monitor_t monitor, syspm_event_t event)
Reset event counters.
- Parameters:
base – SYSPM peripheral base address.
monitor – syspm control monitor, see to syspm_monitor_t.
void SYSPM_ResetInstructionEvent(SYSPM_Type *base, syspm_monitor_t monitor)
Reset Instruction Counter.
- Parameters:
base – SYSPM peripheral base address.
monitor – syspm control monitor, see to syspm_monitor_t.
void SYSPM_SetCountMode(SYSPM_Type *base, syspm_monitor_t monitor, syspm_mode_t mode)
Set count mode.
- Parameters:
base – SYSPM peripheral base address.
monitor – syspm control monitor, see to syspm_monitor_t.
mode – syspm select counter mode, see to syspm_mode_t.
void SYSPM_SetStartStopControl(SYSPM_Type *base, syspm_monitor_t monitor, syspm_startstop_control_t ssc)
Set Start/Stop Control.
- Parameters:
base – SYSPM peripheral base address.
monitor – syspm control monitor, see to syspm_monitor_t.
ssc – This 3-bit field provides a three-phase mechanism to start/stop the counters. It includes a prioritized scheme with local start > local stop > global start > global stop > conditional TSTART > TSTOP. The global and conditional start/stop affect all configured PM/PSAM module concurrently so counters are “coherent”. see to syspm_startstop_control_t
void SYSPM_DisableCounter(SYSPM_Type *base, syspm_monitor_t monitor)
Disable Counters if Stopped or Halted.
- Parameters:
base – SYSPM peripheral base address.
monitor – syspm control monitor, see to syspm_monitor_t.
uint64_t SYSPM_GetEventCounter(SYSPM_Type *base, syspm_monitor_t monitor, syspm_event_t event)
This is the the 40-bits of eventx counter. The value in this register increments each time the event selected in PMCRx[SELEVTx] occurs.
- Parameters:
base – SYSPM peripheral base address.
monitor – syspm control monitor, see to syspm_monitor_t.
event – syspm select event, see to syspm_event_t.
- Returns:
get the the 40 bits of eventx counter.
Digital Tamper
status_t TDET_Init(DIGTMP_Type *base)
Initialize TDET.
This function initializes TDET.
- Parameters:
base – TDET peripheral base address
- Returns:
Status of the init operation
void TDET_Deinit(DIGTMP_Type *base)
Deinitialize TDET.
This function disables glitch filters and active tampers This function disables the TDET clock and prescaler in TDET Control Register.
- Parameters:
base – TDET peripheral base address
void TDET_GetDefaultConfig(DIGTMP_Type *base, tdet_config_t *defaultConfig)
Gets default values for the TDET Control Register.
This function fills the given structure with default values for the TDET Control Register. The default values are:
defaultConfig->innerClockAndPrescalerEnable = true defaultConfig->tamperForceSystemResetEnable = false defaultConfig->updateMode = kTDET_StatusLockWithTamper defaultConfig->clockSourceActiveTamper0 = kTDET_ClockType1Hz defaultConfig->clockSourceActiveTamper1 = kTDET_ClockType1Hz defaultConfig->prescaler = 0
- Parameters:
base – TDET peripheral base address
defaultConfig – [out] Pointer to structure to be filled with default parameters
status_t TDET_SetConfig(DIGTMP_Type *base, const tdet_config_t *config)
Writes to the TDET Control Register.
This function writes the given structure to the TDET Control Register.
- Parameters:
base – TDET peripheral base address
config – Pointer to structure with TDET peripheral configuration parameters
- Returns:
kStatus_Fail when writing to TDET Control Register is not allowed
- Returns:
kStatus_Success when operation completes successfully
status_t TDET_SoftwareReset(DIGTMP_Type *base)
Software reset.
This function resets all TDET registers. The CR[SWR] itself is not affected; it is reset by VBAT POR only.
- Parameters:
base – TDET peripheral base address
- Returns:
kStatus_Fail when writing to TDET Control Register is not allowed
- Returns:
kStatus_Success when operation completes successfully
status_t TDET_ActiveTamperSetConfig(DIGTMP_Type *base, const tdet_active_tamper_config_t *activeTamperConfig, uint32_t activeTamperRegisterSelect)
Writes to the active tamper register(s).
This function writes per active tamper register parameters to active tamper register(s).
- Parameters:
base – TDET peripheral base address
activeTamperConfig – Pointer to structure with active tamper register parameters
activeTamperRegisterSelect – Bit mask for active tamper registers to be configured. The passed value is combination of tdet_active_tamper_register_t values (OR’ed).
- Returns:
kStatus_Fail when writing to TDET Active Tamper Register(s) is not allowed
- Returns:
kStatus_Success when operation completes successfully
void TDET_PinGetDefaultConfig(DIGTMP_Type *base, tdet_pin_config_t *pinConfig)
Gets default values for tamper pin configuration.
This function fills the give structure with default values for the tamper pin and glitch filter configuration. The default values are: code pinConfig->pinPolarity = kTDET_TamperPinPolarityExpectNormal; pinConfig->pinDirection = kTDET_TamperPinDirectionIn; pinConfig->tamperPullEnable = false; pinConfig->tamperPinSampleFrequency = kTDET_GlitchFilterSamplingEveryCycle8; pinConfig->tamperPinSampleWidth = kTDET_GlitchFilterSampleDisable; pinConfig->glitchFilterEnable = false; pinConfig->glitchFilterPrescaler = kTDET_GlitchFilterClock512Hz; pinConfig->glitchFilterWidth = 0; pinConfig->tamperPinExpected = kTDET_GlitchFilterExpectedLogicZero; pinConfig->tamperPullSelect = kTDET_GlitchFilterPullTypeAssert; endcode
- Parameters:
base – TDET peripheral base address
pinConfig – [out] Pointer to structure to be filled with tamper pins default parameters
status_t TDET_PinSetConfig(DIGTMP_Type *base, const tdet_pin_config_t *pinConfig, uint32_t pinSelect)
Writes the tamper pin configuration.
This function writes per pin parameters to tamper pin and glitch filter configuration registers.
- Parameters:
base – TDET peripheral base address
pinConfig – Pointer to structure with tamper pin and glitch filter configuration parameters
pinSelect – Bit mask for tamper pins to be configured. The passed value is combination of enum _tdet_tamper_pin (tdet_tamper_pin_t) values (OR’ed).
- Returns:
kStatus_Fail when writing to TDET Pin Direction, Pin Polarity or Glitch Filter Register(s) is not allowed
- Returns:
kStatus_Success when operation completes successfully
status_t TDET_GetStatusFlags(DIGTMP_Type *base, uint32_t *result)
Reads the Status Register.
This function reads flag bits from TDET Status Register.
- Parameters:
base – TDET peripheral base address
result – [out] Pointer to uint32_t where to write Status Register read value. Use tdet_status_flag_t to decode individual flags.
- Returns:
kStatus_Fail when Status Register reading is not allowed
- Returns:
kStatus_Success when result is written with the Status Register read value
status_t TDET_ClearStatusFlags(DIGTMP_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Writes to the Status Register.
This function clears specified flag bits in TDET Status Register.
- Parameters:
base – TDET peripheral base address
mask – Bit mask for the flag bits to be cleared. Use tdet_status_flag_t to encode flags.
- Returns:
kStatus_Fail when Status Register writing is not allowed
- Returns:
kStatus_Success when mask is written to the Status Register
status_t TDET_EnableInterrupts(DIGTMP_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Writes to the Interrupt Enable Register.
This function sets specified interrupt enable bits in TDET Interrupt Enable Register.
- Parameters:
base – TDET peripheral base address
mask – Bit mask for the interrupt enable bits to be set.
- Returns:
kStatus_Fail when Interrupt Enable Register writing is not allowed
- Returns:
kStatus_Success when mask is written to the Interrupt Enable Register
status_t TDET_DisableInterrupts(DIGTMP_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Writes to the Interrupt Enable Register.
This function clears specified interrupt enable bits in TDET Interrupt Enable Register.
- Parameters:
base – TDET peripheral base address
mask – Bit mask for the interrupt enable bits to be cleared.
- Returns:
kStatus_Fail when Interrupt Enable Register writing is not allowed
- Returns:
kStatus_Success when specified bits are cleared in the Interrupt Enable Register
status_t TDET_EnableTampers(DIGTMP_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Writes to the Tamper Enable Register.
This function sets specified tamper enable bits in TDET Tamper Enable Register.
- Parameters:
base – TDET peripheral base address
mask – Bit mask for the tamper enable bits to be set.
- Returns:
kStatus_Fail when Tamper Enable Register writing is not allowed
- Returns:
kStatus_Success when mask is written to the Tamper Enable Register
status_t TDET_DisableTampers(DIGTMP_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Writes to the Tamper Enable Register.
This function clears specified tamper enable bits in TDET Tamper Enable Register.
- Parameters:
base – TDET peripheral base address
mask – Bit mask for the tamper enable bits to be cleared.
- Returns:
kStatus_Fail when Tamper Enable Register writing is not allowed
- Returns:
kStatus_Success when specified bits are cleared in the Tamper Enable Register
status_t TDET_ForceTamper(DIGTMP_Type *base)
Writes to the Tamper Seconds Register.
This function writes to TDET Tamper Seconds Register. This causes Status Register DTF flag to be set (TDET tampering detected).
- Parameters:
base – TDET peripheral base address
- Returns:
kStatus_Fail when Tamper Seconds Register writing is not allowed
- Returns:
kStatus_Success when Tamper Seconds Register is written
status_t TDET_GetTamperTimeSeconds(DIGTMP_Type *base, uint32_t *tamperTimeSeconds)
Reads the Tamper Seconds Register.
This function reads TDET Tamper Seconds Register. The read value returns the time in seconds at which the Status Register DTF flag was set.
- Parameters:
base – TDET peripheral base address
tamperTimeSeconds – Time in seconds at which the tamper detection SR[DTF] flag was set.
- Returns:
kStatus_Fail when Tamper Seconds Register reading is not allowed
- Returns:
kStatus_Success when Tamper Seconds Register is read
void TDET_LockRegisters(DIGTMP_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Writes to the TDET Lock Register.
This function clears specified lock bits in the TDET Lock Register. When a lock bit is clear, a write to corresponding TDET Register is ignored. Once cleared, these bits can only be set by VBAT POR or software reset.
- Parameters:
base – TDET peripheral base address
mask – Bit mask for the lock bits to be cleared. Use tdet_register_t values to encode (OR’ed) which TDET Registers shall be locked.
Defines TDET driver version 2.1.1.
Change log:
Version 2.1.1
Added clearing SR_TAF and SR_DTF into TDET_Init().
Fix typo in kTDET_ClockType64Hz comment
Version 2.1.0
Added setting of disabling prescaler on tamper event into TDET_SetConfig() and TDET_GetDefaultConfig functions.
Version 2.0.0
Initial version
enum _tdet_update_mode
TDET Update Mode.
These constants allow TDET interrupts to be cleared if no tampering has been detected, while still preventing the TDET Tamper Flag (SR[DTF]) from being cleared once it is set.
enumerator kTDET_StatusLockNormal
TDET Status Register cannot be written when the Status Register Lock bit within the Lock Register (LR[SRL]) is clear
enumerator kTDET_StatusLockWithTamper
TDET Status Register cannot be written when the Status Register Lock bit within the Lock Register (LR[SRL]) is clear and TDET Tamper Flag (SR[DTF]) is set
enumerator kTDET_StatusLockNormal
enum _tdet_active_tamper_clock
TDET Active Tamper Clock Source.
These constants define the clock source for Active Tamper Shift Register to configure in a TDET base.
enumerator kTDET_ClockType1Hz
clocked by 1 Hz prescaler clock
enumerator kTDET_ClockType64Hz
clocked by 64 Hz prescaler clock
enumerator kTDET_ClockType1Hz
enum _tdet_pin_polarity
TDET Tamper Pin Polarity.
These constants define tamper pin polarity to configure in a TDET base.
enumerator kTDET_TamperPinPolarityExpectNormal
Tamper pin expected value is not inverted
enumerator kTDET_TamperPinPolarityExpectInverted
Tamper pin expected value is inverted
enumerator kTDET_TamperPinPolarityExpectNormal
enum _tdet_pin_direction
TDET Tamper Pin Direction.
These constants define tamper pin direction to configure in a TDET base.
enumerator kTDET_TamperPinDirectionIn
Tamper pins configured as input
enumerator kTDET_TamperPinDirectionOut
Tamper pins configured as output, drives inverse of expected value
enumerator kTDET_TamperPinDirectionIn
enum _tdet_glitch_filter_sample_freq
TDET Glitch Filter Tamper Pin Sample Frequency.
These constants define tamper pin glitch filter sample frequency to configure in a TDET base.
enumerator kTDET_GlitchFilterSamplingEveryCycle8
Sample once every 8 cycles
enumerator kTDET_GlitchFilterSamplingEveryCycle32
Sample once every 32 cycles
enumerator kTDET_GlitchFilterSamplingEveryCycle128
Sample once every 128 cycles
enumerator kTDET_GlitchFilterSamplingEveryCycle512
Sample once every 512 cycles
enumerator kTDET_GlitchFilterSamplingEveryCycle8
enum _tdet_glitch_filter_sample_width
TDET Glitch Filter Tamper Pin Sample Width.
These constants define tamper pin glitch filter sample width to configure in a TDET base.
enumerator kTDET_GlitchFilterSampleDisable
Sampling disabled
enumerator kTDET_GlitchFilterSampleCycle2
Sample width pull enable/input buffer enable=2 cycles/1 cycle
enumerator kTDET_GlitchFilterSampleCycle4
Sample width pull enable/input buffer enable=4 cycles/2 cycles
enumerator kTDET_GlitchFilterSampleCycle8
Sample width pull enable/input buffer enable=8 cycles/4 cycles
enumerator kTDET_GlitchFilterSampleDisable
enum _tdet_glitch_filter_prescaler
TDET Glitch Filter Tamper Pin Clock Source.
These constants define tamper pin glitch filter clock source to configure in a TDET base.
enumerator kTDET_GlitchFilterClock512Hz
Glitch Filter on tamper pin is clocked by the 512 Hz prescaler clock
enumerator kTDET_GlitchFilterClock32768Hz
Glitch Filter on tamper pin is clocked by the 32768 Hz prescaler clock
enumerator kTDET_GlitchFilterClock512Hz
enum _tdet_glitch_filter_expected
TDET Glitch Filter Tamper Pin Expected Value.
These constants define tamper pin glitch filter expected value to configure in a TDET base.
enumerator kTDET_GlitchFilterExpectedLogicZero
Expected value is logic zero
enumerator kTDET_GlitchFilterExpectedActTamperOut0
Expected value is active tamper 0 output
enumerator kTDET_GlitchFilterExpectedActTamperOut1
Expected value is active tamper 1 output
enumerator kTDET_GlitchFilterExpectedActTamperOutXOR
Expected value is active tamper 0 output XORed with active tamper 1 output
enumerator kTDET_GlitchFilterExpectedLogicZero
enum _tdet_glitch_filter_pull
TDET Glitch Filter Tamper Pull Select.
These constants define tamper pin glitch filter pull direction to configure in a TDET base.
enumerator kTDET_GlitchFilterPullTypeAssert
Tamper pin pull direction always asserts the tamper pin.
enumerator kTDET_GlitchFilterPullTypeNegate
Tamper pin pull direction always negates the tamper pin.
enumerator kTDET_GlitchFilterPullTypeAssert
enum _tdet_external_tamper_pin
List of TDET external tampers.
enumerator kTDET_ExternalTamper0
enumerator kTDET_ExternalTamper1
enumerator kTDET_ExternalTamper2
enumerator kTDET_ExternalTamper3
enumerator kTDET_ExternalTamper4
enumerator kTDET_ExternalTamper5
enumerator kTDET_ExternalTamper6
enumerator kTDET_ExternalTamper7
enumerator kTDET_ExternalTamper0
enum _tdet_active_tamper_register
TDET Active Tamper Register Select.
These constants are used to define activeTamperRegisterSelect argument to be used with TDET_ActiveTamperConfigure().
enumerator kTDET_ActiveTamperRegister0
enumerator kTDET_ActiveTamperRegister1
enumerator kTDET_ActiveTamperRegister0
enum _tdet_status_flag
TDET Status Register flags.
This provides constants for the TDET Status Register.
enumerator kTDET_StatusTamperFlag
TDET Digital Tamper Flag
enumerator kTDET_StatusTamperAcknowledgeFlag
TDET Tamper Acknowledge Flag
enumerator kTDET_StatusClockTamper
TDET Clock Tamper detected
enumerator kTDET_StatusConfigurationTamper
TDET Configuration Tamper detected
enumerator kTDET_StatusVoltageTamper
TDET Voltage Tamper detected
enumerator kTDET_StatusTemperatureTamper
TDET Temperature Tamper detected
enumerator kTDET_StatusRamZeroizeTamper
TDET RAM Zeroize Tamper detected
enumerator kTDET_StatusTamperPinTamper0
TDET Tamper Pin 0 Tamper detected
enumerator kTDET_StatusTamperPinTamper1
TDET Tamper Pin 1 Tamper detected
enumerator kTDET_StatusTamperPinTamper2
TDET Tamper Pin 2 Tamper detected
enumerator kTDET_StatusTamperPinTamper3
TDET Tamper Pin 3 Tamper detected
enumerator kTDET_StatusTamperPinTamper4
TDET Tamper Pin 4 Tamper detected
enumerator kTDET_StatusTamperPinTamper5
TDET Tamper Pin 5 Tamper detected
enumerator kTDET_StatusTamperPinTamper6
TDET Tamper Pin 6 Tamper detected
enumerator kTDET_StatusTamperPinTamper7
TDET Tamper Pin 7 Tamper detected
enumerator kTDET_StatusAll
Mask for all of the TDET Status Register bits
enumerator kTDET_StatusTamperFlag
enum _tdet_interrupt
TDET Interrupt Enable Register.
This provides constants for the TDET Interrupt Enable Register.
enumerator kTDET_InterruptTamper
TDET Digital Tamper Interrupt
enumerator kTDET_InterruptClockTamper
TDET Clock Tamper Interrupt
enumerator kTDET_InterruptConfigurationTamper
TDET Configuration error
enumerator kTDET_InterruptVoltageTamper
TDET Voltage Tamper
enumerator kTDET_InterruptTemperatureTamper
TDET Temperature Tamper Interrupt
enumerator kTDET_InterruptRamZeroizeTamper
TDET RAM Zeroize Tamper Interrupt
enumerator kTDET_InterruptTamperPinTamper0
TDET Tamper Pin Tamper 0 Interrupt
enumerator kTDET_InterruptTamperPinTamper1
TDET Tamper Pin Tamper 1 Interrupt
enumerator kTDET_InterruptTamperPinTamper2
TDET Tamper Pin Tamper 2 Interrupt
enumerator kTDET_InterruptTamperPinTamper3
TDET Tamper Pin Tamper 3 Interrupt
enumerator kTDET_InterruptTamperPinTamper4
TDET Tamper Pin Tamper 4 Interrupt
enumerator kTDET_InterruptTamperPinTamper5
TDET Tamper Pin Tamper 5 Interrupt
enumerator kTDET_InterruptTamperPinTamper6
TDET Tamper Pin Tamper 6 Interrupt
enumerator kTDET_InterruptTamperPinTamper7
TDET Tamper Pin Tamper 7 Interrupt
enumerator kTDET_InterruptTamperPinTamper_All
TDET All Tamper Pins Interrupt
enumerator kTDET_InterruptAll
Mask to select all TDET Interrupt Enable Register bits
enumerator kTDET_InterruptTamper
enum _tdet_tamper
TDET Tamper Enable Register.
This provides constants for the TDET Tamper Enable Register.
enumerator kTDET_TamperClock
Clock Tamper Enable
enumerator kTDET_TamperConfiguration
Configuration error Tamper Enable
enumerator kTDET_TamperVoltage
Voltage Tamper Enable
enumerator kTDET_TamperTemperature
Temperature Tamper Enable
enumerator kTDET_TamperRamZeroize
RAM Zeroize Tamper Enable
enumerator kTDET_TamperTamperPin0
Tamper Pin 0 Tamper Enable
enumerator kTDET_TamperTamperPin1
Tamper Pin 1 Tamper Enable
enumerator kTDET_TamperTamperPin2
Tamper Pin 2 Tamper Enable
enumerator kTDET_TamperTamperPin3
Tamper Pin 3 Tamper Enable
enumerator kTDET_TamperTamperPin4
Tamper Pin 4 Tamper Enable
enumerator kTDET_TamperTamperPin5
Tamper Pin 5 Tamper Enable
enumerator kTDET_TamperTamperPin6
Tamper Pin 6 Tamper Enable
enumerator kTDET_TamperTamperPin7
Tamper Pin 7 Tamper Enable
enumerator kTDET_TamperTamperPinAll
All Tamper Pin Tamper Enable
enumerator kTDET_TamperAll
Mask to select all Tamper Enable Register bits
enumerator kTDET_TamperClock
enum _tdet_register
TDET Registers.
This provides constants to encode a mask for the TDET Registers.
enumerator kTDET_NoRegister
No Register
enumerator kTDET_Control
Control Register
enumerator kTDET_Status
Status Register
enumerator kTDET_Lock
Lock Register
enumerator kTDET_InterruptEnable
Interrupt Enable Register
enumerator kTDET_TamperSeconds
Tamper Seconds Register
enumerator kTDET_TamperEnable
Tamper Enable Register
enumerator kTDET_PinDirection
Pin Direction Register
enumerator kTDET_PinPolarity
Pin Polarity Register
enumerator kTDET_ActiveTamper0
Active Tamper Register 0
enumerator kTDET_ActiveTamper1
Active Tamper Register 1
enumerator kTDET_GlitchFilter0
Glitch Filter Register 0
enumerator kTDET_GlitchFilter1
Glitch Filter Register 1
enumerator kTDET_GlitchFilter2
Glitch Filter Register 2
enumerator kTDET_GlitchFilter3
Glitch Filter Register 3
enumerator kTDET_GlitchFilter4
Glitch Filter Register 4
enumerator kTDET_GlitchFilter5
Glitch Filter Register 5
enumerator kTDET_GlitchFilter6
Glitch Filter Register 6
enumerator kTDET_GlitchFilter7
Glitch Filter Register 7
enumerator kTDET_PinConfigurationRegisters
Mask to select all TDET Pin Configuration Registers
enumerator kTDET_AllRegisters
Mask to select all TDET Registers
enumerator kTDET_NoRegister
typedef enum _tdet_update_mode tdet_update_mode_t
TDET Update Mode.
These constants allow TDET interrupts to be cleared if no tampering has been detected, while still preventing the TDET Tamper Flag (SR[DTF]) from being cleared once it is set.
typedef enum _tdet_active_tamper_clock tdet_active_tamper_clock_t
TDET Active Tamper Clock Source.
These constants define the clock source for Active Tamper Shift Register to configure in a TDET base.
typedef struct _tdet_config tdet_config_t
TDET Control Register.
This structure defines values for TDET Control Register.
typedef enum _tdet_pin_polarity tdet_pin_polarity_t
TDET Tamper Pin Polarity.
These constants define tamper pin polarity to configure in a TDET base.
typedef enum _tdet_pin_direction tdet_pin_direction_t
TDET Tamper Pin Direction.
These constants define tamper pin direction to configure in a TDET base.
typedef enum _tdet_glitch_filter_sample_freq tdet_glitch_filter_sample_freq_t
TDET Glitch Filter Tamper Pin Sample Frequency.
These constants define tamper pin glitch filter sample frequency to configure in a TDET base.
typedef enum _tdet_glitch_filter_sample_width tdet_glitch_filter_sample_width_t
TDET Glitch Filter Tamper Pin Sample Width.
These constants define tamper pin glitch filter sample width to configure in a TDET base.
typedef enum _tdet_glitch_filter_prescaler tdet_glitch_filter_prescaler_t
TDET Glitch Filter Tamper Pin Clock Source.
These constants define tamper pin glitch filter clock source to configure in a TDET base.
typedef enum _tdet_glitch_filter_expected tdet_glitch_filter_expected_t
TDET Glitch Filter Tamper Pin Expected Value.
These constants define tamper pin glitch filter expected value to configure in a TDET base.
typedef enum _tdet_glitch_filter_pull tdet_glitch_filter_pull_t
TDET Glitch Filter Tamper Pull Select.
These constants define tamper pin glitch filter pull direction to configure in a TDET base.
typedef struct _tdet_pin_config tdet_pin_config_t
TDET Tamper Pin configuration registers.
This structure defines values for TDET Pin Direction, Pin Polarity, and Glitch Filter registers.
typedef enum _tdet_external_tamper_pin tdet_external_tamper_pin_t
List of TDET external tampers.
typedef enum _tdet_active_tamper_register tdet_active_tamper_register_t
TDET Active Tamper Register Select.
These constants are used to define activeTamperRegisterSelect argument to be used with TDET_ActiveTamperConfigure().
typedef struct _tdet_active_tamper_config tdet_active_tamper_config_t
TDET Active Tamper registers.
This structure defines values for TDET Active Tamper Registers.
typedef enum _tdet_status_flag tdet_status_flag_t
TDET Status Register flags.
This provides constants for the TDET Status Register.
typedef enum _tdet_interrupt tdet_interrupt_t
TDET Interrupt Enable Register.
This provides constants for the TDET Interrupt Enable Register.
typedef enum _tdet_tamper tdet_tamper_t
TDET Tamper Enable Register.
This provides constants for the TDET Tamper Enable Register.
typedef enum _tdet_register tdet_register_t
TDET Registers.
This provides constants to encode a mask for the TDET Registers.
void VBAT0_DriverIRQHandler(void)
struct _tdet_config
- #include <fsl_tdet.h>
TDET Control Register.
This structure defines values for TDET Control Register.
Public Members
bool innerClockAndPrescalerEnable
Enable/disable 32768 Hz clock within TDET and the TDET prescaler that generates 512 Hz, 64Hz and 1 Hz prescaler clocks
bool tamperForceSystemResetEnable
Enable/disable assertion of chip reset when tampering is detected
enum _tdet_update_mode updateMode
Selects update mode for TDET Status Register
enum _tdet_active_tamper_clock clockSourceActiveTamper0
Selects clock source for Active Tamper Shift Register 0
enum _tdet_active_tamper_clock clockSourceActiveTamper1
Selects clock source for Active Tamper Shift Register 1
bool disablePrescalerAfterTamper
Allows the 32-KHz clock and prescaler to be automatically disabled after tamper detection and until the system acknowledges the tamper. Disabling the prescaler after detecting a tamper event conserves power and freezes the state of the active tamper outputs and glitch filters. To ensure a clean transition, the prescaler is disabled at the end of a 1 Hz period.
uint32_t prescaler
Initial value for the TDET prescaler 15-bit value.
bool innerClockAndPrescalerEnable
struct _tdet_pin_config
- #include <fsl_tdet.h>
TDET Tamper Pin configuration registers.
This structure defines values for TDET Pin Direction, Pin Polarity, and Glitch Filter registers.
Public Members
enum _tdet_pin_polarity pinPolarity
Selects tamper pin expected value
enum _tdet_pin_direction pinDirection
Selects tamper pin direction
bool tamperPullEnable
Enable/disable pull resistor on the tamper pin
enum _tdet_glitch_filter_sample_freq tamperPinSampleFrequency
Selects tamper pin sample frequency
enum _tdet_glitch_filter_sample_width tamperPinSampleWidth
Selects tamper pin sample width
bool glitchFilterEnable
Enable/disable glitch filter on the tamper pin
enum _tdet_glitch_filter_prescaler glitchFilterPrescaler
Selects the prescaler for the glitch filter on tamper pin
uint8_t glitchFilterWidth
6-bit value to configure number of clock edges the input must remain stable for to be passed through the glitch filter for the tamper pin
enum _tdet_glitch_filter_expected tamperPinExpected
Selects tamper pin expected value
enum _tdet_glitch_filter_pull tamperPullSelect
Selects the direction of the tamper pin pull resistor
enum _tdet_pin_polarity pinPolarity
struct _tdet_active_tamper_config
- #include <fsl_tdet.h>
TDET Active Tamper registers.
This structure defines values for TDET Active Tamper Registers.
Public Members
uint32_t activeTamperShift
Active tamper shift register. initialize to non-zero value.
uint32_t activeTamperPolynomial
Polynomial of the active tamper shift register.
uint32_t activeTamperShift
TRDC: Trusted Resource Domain Controller
void TRDC_Init(TRDC_Type *base)
Initializes the TRDC module.
This function enables the TRDC clock.
- Parameters:
base – TRDC peripheral base address.
void TRDC_Deinit(TRDC_Type *base)
De-initializes the TRDC module.
This function disables the TRDC clock.
- Parameters:
base – TRDC peripheral base address.
static inline uint8_t TRDC_GetCurrentMasterDomainId(TRDC_Type *base)
Gets the domain ID of the current bus master.
- Parameters:
base – TRDC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Domain ID of current bus master.
void TRDC_GetHardwareConfig(TRDC_Type *base, trdc_hardware_config_t *config)
Gets the TRDC hardware configuration.
This function gets the TRDC hardware configurations, including number of bus masters, number of domains, number of MRCs and number of PACs.
- Parameters:
base – TRDC peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to the structure to get the configuration.
static inline void TRDC_SetDacGlobalValid(TRDC_Type *base)
Sets the TRDC DAC(Domain Assignment Controllers) global valid.
Once enabled, it will remain enabled until next reset.
- Parameters:
base – TRDC peripheral base address.
static inline void TRDC_LockMasterDomainAssignment(TRDC_Type *base, uint8_t master, uint8_t regNum)
Locks the bus master domain assignment register.
This function locks the master domain assignment. After it is locked, the register can’t be changed until next reset.
- Parameters:
base – TRDC peripheral base address.
master – Which master to configure, refer to trdcx_master_t in processor header file, x is trdc instance.
regNum – Which register to configure, processor master can have more than one register for the MDAC configuration.
assignIndex – Which assignment register to lock.
static inline void TRDC_SetMasterDomainAssignmentValid(TRDC_Type *base, uint8_t master, uint8_t regNum, bool valid)
Sets the master domain assignment as valid or invalid.
This function sets the master domain assignment as valid or invalid.
- Parameters:
base – TRDC peripheral base address.
master – Which master to configure.
regNum – Which register to configure, processor master can have more than one register for the MDAC configuration.
assignIndex – Index for the domain assignment register.
valid – True to set valid, false to set invalid.
void TRDC_GetDefaultProcessorDomainAssignment(trdc_processor_domain_assignment_t *domainAssignment)
Gets the default master domain assignment for the processor bus master.
This function gets the default master domain assignment for the processor bus master. It should only be used for the processor bus masters, such as CORE0. This function sets the assignment as follows:
assignment->domainId = 0U; assignment->domainIdSelect = kTRDC_DidMda; assignment->lock = 0U;
- Parameters:
domainAssignment – Pointer to the assignment structure.
void TRDC_GetDefaultNonProcessorDomainAssignment(trdc_non_processor_domain_assignment_t *domainAssignment)
Gets the default master domain assignment for non-processor bus master.
This function gets the default master domain assignment for non-processor bus master. It should only be used for the non-processor bus masters, such as DMA. This function sets the assignment as follows:
assignment->domainId = 0U; assignment->privilegeAttr = kTRDC_ForceUser; assignment->secureAttr = kTRDC_ForceSecure; assignment->bypassDomainId = 0U; assignment->lock = 0U;
- Parameters:
domainAssignment – Pointer to the assignment structure.
void TRDC_SetProcessorDomainAssignment(TRDC_Type *base, uint8_t master, uint8_t regNum, const trdc_processor_domain_assignment_t *domainAssignment)
Sets the processor bus master domain assignment.
This function sets the processor master domain assignment as valid. One bus master might have multiple domain assignment registers. The parameter
specifies which assignment register to set.Example: Set domain assignment for core 0.
trdc_processor_domain_assignment_t processorAssignment; TRDC_GetDefaultProcessorDomainAssignment(&processorAssignment); processorAssignment.domainId = 0; = xxx; TRDC_SetMasterDomainAssignment(TRDC, &processorAssignment);
- Parameters:
base – TRDC peripheral base address.
master – Which master to configure, refer to trdc_master_t in processor header file.
regNum – Which register to configure, processor master can have more than one register for the MDAC configuration.
domainAssignment – Pointer to the assignment structure.
void TRDC_SetNonProcessorDomainAssignment(TRDC_Type *base, uint8_t master, const trdc_non_processor_domain_assignment_t *domainAssignment)
Sets the non-processor bus master domain assignment.
This function sets the non-processor master domain assignment as valid. One bus master might have multiple domain assignment registers. The parameter
specifies which assignment register to set.Example: Set domain assignment for DMA0.
trdc_non_processor_domain_assignment_t nonProcessorAssignment; TRDC_GetDefaultNonProcessorDomainAssignment(&nonProcessorAssignment); nonProcessorAssignment.domainId = 1; = xxx; TRDC_SetMasterDomainAssignment(TRDC, kTrdcMasterDma0, 0U, &nonProcessorAssignment);
- Parameters:
base – TRDC peripheral base address.
master – Which master to configure, refer to trdc_master_t in processor header file.
domainAssignment – Pointer to the assignment structure.
static inline uint64_t TRDC_GetActiveMasterPidMap(TRDC_Type *base)
Gets the bit map of the bus master(s) that is(are) sourcing a PID register.
This function sets the non-processor master domain assignment as valid.
- Parameters:
base – TRDC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
the bit map of the master(s). Bit 1 sets indicates bus master 1.
void TRDC_SetPid(TRDC_Type *base, uint8_t master, const trdc_pid_config_t *pidConfig)
Sets the current Process identifier(PID) for processor core.
Each processor has a corresponding process identifier (PID) which can be used to group tasks into different domains. Secure privileged software saves and restores the PID as part of any context switch. This data structure defines an array of 32-bit values, one per MDA module, that define the PID. Since this register resource is only applicable to processor cores, the data structure is typically sparsely populated. The HWCFG[2-3] registers provide a bitmap of the implemented PIDn registers. This data structure is indexed using the corresponding MDA instance number. Depending on the operating clock domain of each DAC instance, there may be optional information stored in the corresponding PIDm register to properly implement the LK2 = 2 functionality.
- Parameters:
base – TRDC peripheral base address.
master – Which processor master to configure, refer to trdc_master_t in processor header file.
pidConfig – Pointer to the configuration structure.
void TRDC_GetDefaultIDAUConfig(trdc_idau_config_t *idauConfiguration)
Gets the default IDAU(Implementation-Defined Attribution Unit) configuration.
config->lockSecureVTOR = false; config->lockNonsecureVTOR = false; config->lockSecureMPU = false; config->lockNonsecureMPU = false; config->lockSAU = false;
- Parameters:
domainAssignment – Pointer to the configuration structure.
void TRDC_SetIDAU(TRDC_Type *base, const trdc_idau_config_t *idauConfiguration)
Sets the IDAU(Implementation-Defined Attribution Unit) control configuration.
Example: Lock the secure and non-secure MPU registers.
trdc_idau_config_t idauConfiguration; TRDC_GetDefaultIDAUConfig(&idauConfiguration); idauConfiguration.lockSecureMPU = true; idauConfiguration.lockNonsecureMPU = true; TRDC_SetIDAU(TRDC, &idauConfiguration);
- Parameters:
base – TRDC peripheral base address.
domainAssignment – Pointer to the configuration structure.
static inline void TRDC_EnableFlashLogicalWindow(TRDC_Type *base, bool enable)
Enables/disables the FLW(flash logical window) function.
- Parameters:
base – TRDC peripheral base address.
enable – True to enable, false to disable.
static inline void TRDC_LockFlashLogicalWindow(TRDC_Type *base)
Locks FLW registers. Once locked the registers can noy be updated until next reset.
- Parameters:
base – TRDC peripheral base address.
static inline uint32_t TRDC_GetFlashLogicalWindowPbase(TRDC_Type *base)
Gets the FLW physical base address.
- Parameters:
base – TRDC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Physical address of the FLW function.
static inline void TRDC_GetSetFlashLogicalWindowSize(TRDC_Type *base, uint16_t size)
Sets the FLW size.
- Parameters:
base – TRDC peripheral base address.
size – Size of the FLW in unit of 32k bytes.
void TRDC_GetDefaultFlashLogicalWindowConfig(trdc_flw_config_t *flwConfiguration)
Gets the default FLW(Flsh Logical Window) configuration.
config->blockCount = false; config->arrayBaseAddr = false; config->lock = false; config->enable = false;
- Parameters:
flwConfiguration – Pointer to the configuration structure.
void TRDC_SetFlashLogicalWindow(TRDC_Type *base, const trdc_flw_config_t *flwConfiguration)
Sets the FLW function’s configuration.
trdc_flw_config_t flwConfiguration; TRDC_GetDefaultIDAUConfig(&flwConfiguration); flwConfiguration.blockCount = 32U; flwConfiguration.arrayBaseAddr = 0xXXXXXXXX; TRDC_SetIDAU(TRDC, &flwConfiguration);
- Parameters:
base – TRDC peripheral base address.
flwConfiguration – Pointer to the configuration structure.
status_t TRDC_GetAndClearFirstDomainError(TRDC_Type *base, trdc_domain_error_t *error)
Gets and clears the first domain error of the current domain.
This function gets the first access violation information for the current domain and clears the pending flag. There might be multiple access violations pending for the current domain. This function only processes the first error.
- Parameters:
base – TRDC peripheral base address.
error – Pointer to the error information.
- Returns:
If the access violation is captured, this function returns the kStatus_Success. The error information can be obtained from the parameter error. If no access violation is captured, this function returns the kStatus_NoData.
status_t TRDC_GetAndClearFirstSpecificDomainError(TRDC_Type *base, trdc_domain_error_t *error, uint8_t domainId)
Gets and clears the first domain error of the specific domain.
This function gets the first access violation information for the specific domain and clears the pending flag. There might be multiple access violations pending for the current domain. This function only processes the first error.
- Parameters:
base – TRDC peripheral base address.
error – Pointer to the error information.
domainId – The error of which domain to get and clear.
- Returns:
If the access violation is captured, this function returns the kStatus_Success. The error information can be obtained from the parameter error. If no access violation is captured, this function returns the kStatus_NoData.
static inline void TRDC_SetMrcGlobalValid(TRDC_Type *base)
Sets the TRDC MRC(Memory Region Checkers) global valid.
Once enabled, it will remain enabled until next reset.
- Parameters:
base – TRDC peripheral base address.
static inline uint8_t TRDC_GetMrcRegionNumber(TRDC_Type *base, uint8_t mrcIdx)
Gets the TRDC MRC(Memory Region Checkers) region number valid.
- Parameters:
base – TRDC peripheral base address.
- Returns:
the region number of the given MRC instance
void TRDC_MrcSetMemoryAccessConfig(TRDC_Type *base, const trdc_memory_access_control_config_t *config, uint8_t mrcIdx, uint8_t regIdx)
Sets the memory access configuration for one of the access control register of one MRC.
Example: Enable the secure operations and lock the configuration for MRC0 region 1.
trdc_memory_access_control_config_t config; config.securePrivX = true; config.securePrivW = true; config.securePrivR = true; config.lock = true; TRDC_SetMrcMemoryAccess(TRDC, &config, 0, 1);
- Parameters:
base – TRDC peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to the configuration structure.
mrcIdx – MRC index.
regIdx – Register number.
void TRDC_MrcEnableDomainNseUpdate(TRDC_Type *base, uint8_t mrcIdx, uint16_t domianMask, bool enable)
Enables the update of the selected domians.
After the domians’ update are enabled, their regions’ NSE bits can be set or clear.
- Parameters:
base – TRDC peripheral base address.
mrcIdx – MRC index.
domianMask – Bit mask of the domains to be enabled.
enable – True to enable, false to disable.
void TRDC_MrcRegionNseSet(TRDC_Type *base, uint8_t mrcIdx, uint16_t regionMask)
Sets the NSE bits of the selected regions for domains.
This function sets the NSE bits for the selected regions for the domains whose update are enabled.
- Parameters:
base – TRDC peripheral base address.
mrcIdx – MRC index.
regionMask – Bit mask of the regions whose NSE bits to set.
void TRDC_MrcRegionNseClear(TRDC_Type *base, uint8_t mrcIdx, uint16_t regionMask)
Clears the NSE bits of the selected regions for domains.
This function clears the NSE bits for the selected regions for the domains whose update are enabled.
- Parameters:
base – TRDC peripheral base address.
mrcIdx – MRC index.
regionMask – Bit mask of the regions whose NSE bits to clear.
void TRDC_MrcDomainNseClear(TRDC_Type *base, uint8_t mrcIdx, uint16_t domainMask)
Clears the NSE bits for all the regions of the selected domains.
This function clears the NSE bits for all regions of selected domains whose update are enabled.
- Parameters:
base – TRDC peripheral base address.
mrcIdx – MRC index.
domainMask – Bit mask of the domians whose NSE bits to clear.
void TRDC_MrcSetRegionDescriptorConfig(TRDC_Type *base, const trdc_mrc_region_descriptor_config_t *config)
Sets the configuration for one of the region descriptor per domain per MRC instnce.
This function sets the configuration for one of the region descriptor, including the start and end address of the region, memory access control policy and valid.
- Parameters:
base – TRDC peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to region descriptor configuration structure.
static inline void TRDC_SetMbcGlobalValid(TRDC_Type *base)
Sets the TRDC MBC(Memory Block Checkers) global valid.
Once enabled, it will remain enabled until next reset.
- Parameters:
base – TRDC peripheral base address.
void TRDC_GetMbcHardwareConfig(TRDC_Type *base, trdc_slave_memory_hardware_config_t *config, uint8_t mbcIdx, uint8_t slvIdx)
Gets the hardware configuration of the one of two slave memories within each MBC(memory block checker).
- Parameters:
base – TRDC peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to the structure to get the configuration.
mbcIdx – MBC number.
slvIdx – Slave number.
void TRDC_MbcSetNseUpdateConfig(TRDC_Type *base, const trdc_mbc_nse_update_config_t *config, uint8_t mbcIdx)
Sets the NSR update configuration for one of the MBC instance.
After set the NSE configuration, the configured memory area can be updateby NSE set/clear.
- Parameters:
base – TRDC peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to NSE update configuration structure.
mbcIdx – MBC index.
void TRDC_MbcWordNseSet(TRDC_Type *base, uint8_t mbcIdx, uint32_t bitMask)
Sets the NSE bits of the selected configuration words according to NSE update configuration.
This function sets the NSE bits of the word for the configured regio, memory.
- Parameters:
base – TRDC peripheral base address.
mbcIdx – MBC index.
bitMask – Mask of the bits whose NSE bits to set.
void TRDC_MbcWordNseClear(TRDC_Type *base, uint8_t mbcIdx, uint32_t bitMask)
Clears the NSE bits of the selected configuration words according to NSE update configuration.
This function sets the NSE bits of the word for the configured regio, memory.
- Parameters:
base – TRDC peripheral base address.
mbcIdx – MBC index.
bitMask – Mask of the bits whose NSE bits to clear.
void TRDC_MbcNseClearAll(TRDC_Type *base, uint8_t mbcIdx, uint16_t domainMask, uint8_t slave)
Clears all configuration words’ NSE bits of the selected domain and memory.
- Parameters:
base – TRDC peripheral base address.
mbcIdx – MBC index.
domainMask – Mask of the domains whose NSE bits to clear, 0b110 means clear domain 1&2.
slaveMask – Mask of the slaves whose NSE bits to clear, 0x11 means clear all slave 0&1’s NSE bits.
void TRDC_MbcSetMemoryAccessConfig(TRDC_Type *base, const trdc_memory_access_control_config_t *config, uint8_t mbcIdx, uint8_t rgdIdx)
Sets the memory access configuration for one of the region descriptor of one MBC.
Example: Enable the secure operations and lock the configuration for MRC0 region 1.
trdc_memory_access_control_config_t config; config.securePrivX = true; config.securePrivW = true; config.securePrivR = true; config.lock = true; TRDC_SetMbcMemoryAccess(TRDC, &config, 0, 1);
- Parameters:
base – TRDC peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to the configuration structure.
mbcIdx – MBC index.
rgdIdx – Region descriptor number.
void TRDC_MbcSetMemoryBlockConfig(TRDC_Type *base, const trdc_mbc_memory_block_config_t *config)
Sets the configuration for one of the memory block per domain per MBC instnce.
This function sets the configuration for one of the memory block, including the memory access control policy and nse enable.
- Parameters:
base – TRDC peripheral base address.
config – Pointer to memory block configuration structure.
enum _trdc_did_sel
TRDC domain ID select method, the register bit TRDC_MDA_W0_0_DFMT0[DIDS], used for domain hit evaluation.
enumerator kTRDC_DidMda
Use MDAn[2:0] as DID.
enumerator kTRDC_DidInput
Use the input DID (DID_in) as DID.
enumerator kTRDC_DidMdaAndInput
Use MDAn[2] concatenated with DID_in[1:0] as DID.
enumerator kTRDC_DidReserved
enumerator kTRDC_DidMda
enum _trdc_secure_attr
TRDC secure attribute, the register bit TRDC_MDA_W0_0_DFMT0[SA], used for bus master domain assignment.
enumerator kTRDC_ForceSecure
Force the bus attribute for this master to secure.
enumerator kTRDC_ForceNonSecure
Force the bus attribute for this master to non-secure.
enumerator kTRDC_MasterSecure
Use the bus master’s secure/nonsecure attribute directly.
enumerator kTRDC_MasterSecure1
Use the bus master’s secure/nonsecure attribute directly.
enumerator kTRDC_ForceSecure
enum _trdc_pid_domain_hit_config
The configuration of domain hit evaluation of PID.
enumerator kTRDC_pidDomainHitNone0
No PID is included in the domain hit evaluation.
enumerator kTRDC_pidDomainHitNone1
No PID is included in the domain hit evaluation.
enumerator kTRDC_pidDomainHitInclusive
The PID is included in the domain hit evaluation when (PID & ~PIDM).
enumerator kTRDC_pidDomainHitExclusive
The PID is included in the domain hit evaluation when ~(PID & ~PIDM).
enumerator kTRDC_pidDomainHitNone0
enum _trdc_privilege_attr
TRDC privileged attribute, the register bit TRDC_MDA_W0_x_DFMT1[PA], used for non-processor bus master domain assignment.
enumerator kTRDC_ForceUser
Force the bus attribute for this master to user.
enumerator kTRDC_ForcePrivilege
Force the bus attribute for this master to privileged.
enumerator kTRDC_MasterPrivilege
Use the bus master’s attribute directly.
enumerator kTRDC_MasterPrivilege1
Use the bus master’s attribute directly.
enumerator kTRDC_ForceUser
enum _trdc_pid_lock
PID lock configuration.
enumerator kTRDC_PidUnlocked0
The PID value can be updated by any secure priviledged write.
enumerator kTRDC_PidUnlocked1
The PID value can be updated by any secure priviledged write.
enumerator kTRDC_PidUnlocked2
The PID value can be updated by any secure priviledged write from the bus master that first configured this register.
enumerator kTRDC_PidLocked
The PID value is locked until next reset.
enumerator kTRDC_PidUnlocked0
enum _trdc_controller
TRDC controller definition for domain error check. Each TRDC instance may have different MRC or MBC count, call TRDC_GetHardwareConfig to get the actual count.
enumerator kTRDC_MemBlockController0
Memory block checker 0.
enumerator kTRDC_MemBlockController1
Memory block checker 1.
enumerator kTRDC_MemBlockController2
Memory block checker 2.
enumerator kTRDC_MemBlockController3
Memory block checker 3.
enumerator kTRDC_MemRegionChecker0
Memory region checker 0.
enumerator kTRDC_MemRegionChecker1
Memory region checker 1.
enumerator kTRDC_MemRegionChecker2
Memory region checker 2.
enumerator kTRDC_MemRegionChecker3
Memory region checker 3.
enumerator kTRDC_MemRegionChecker4
Memory region checker 4.
enumerator kTRDC_MemRegionChecker5
Memory region checker 5.
enumerator kTRDC_MemRegionChecker6
Memory region checker 6.
enumerator kTRDC_MemBlockController0
enum _trdc_error_state
TRDC domain error state definition TRDC_MBCn_DERR_W1[EST] or TRDC_MRCn_DERR_W1[EST].
enumerator kTRDC_ErrorStateNone
No access violation detected.
enumerator kTRDC_ErrorStateNone1
No access violation detected.
enumerator kTRDC_ErrorStateSingle
Single access violation detected.
enumerator kTRDC_ErrorStateMulti
Multiple access violation detected.
enumerator kTRDC_ErrorStateNone
enum _trdc_error_attr
TRDC domain error attribute definition TRDC_MBCn_DERR_W1[EATR] or TRDC_MRCn_DERR_W1[EATR].
enumerator kTRDC_ErrorSecureUserInst
Secure user mode, instruction fetch access.
enumerator kTRDC_ErrorSecureUserData
Secure user mode, data access.
enumerator kTRDC_ErrorSecurePrivilegeInst
Secure privileged mode, instruction fetch access.
enumerator kTRDC_ErrorSecurePrivilegeData
Secure privileged mode, data access.
enumerator kTRDC_ErrorNonSecureUserInst
NonSecure user mode, instruction fetch access.
enumerator kTRDC_ErrorNonSecureUserData
NonSecure user mode, data access.
enumerator kTRDC_ErrorNonSecurePrivilegeInst
NonSecure privileged mode, instruction fetch access.
enumerator kTRDC_ErrorNonSecurePrivilegeData
NonSecure privileged mode, data access.
enumerator kTRDC_ErrorSecureUserInst
enum _trdc_error_type
TRDC domain error access type definition TRDC_DERR_W1_n[ERW].
enumerator kTRDC_ErrorTypeRead
Error occurs on read reference.
enumerator kTRDC_ErrorTypeWrite
Error occurs on write reference.
enumerator kTRDC_ErrorTypeRead
enum _trdc_region_descriptor
The region descriptor enumeration, used to form a mask to set/clear the NSE bits for one or several regions.
enumerator kTRDC_RegionDescriptor0
Region descriptor 0.
enumerator kTRDC_RegionDescriptor1
Region descriptor 1.
enumerator kTRDC_RegionDescriptor2
Region descriptor 2.
enumerator kTRDC_RegionDescriptor3
Region descriptor 3.
enumerator kTRDC_RegionDescriptor4
Region descriptor 4.
enumerator kTRDC_RegionDescriptor5
Region descriptor 5.
enumerator kTRDC_RegionDescriptor6
Region descriptor 6.
enumerator kTRDC_RegionDescriptor7
Region descriptor 7.
enumerator kTRDC_RegionDescriptor8
Region descriptor 8.
enumerator kTRDC_RegionDescriptor9
Region descriptor 9.
enumerator kTRDC_RegionDescriptor10
Region descriptor 10.
enumerator kTRDC_RegionDescriptor11
Region descriptor 11.
enumerator kTRDC_RegionDescriptor12
Region descriptor 12.
enumerator kTRDC_RegionDescriptor13
Region descriptor 13.
enumerator kTRDC_RegionDescriptor14
Region descriptor 14.
enumerator kTRDC_RegionDescriptor15
Region descriptor 15.
enumerator kTRDC_RegionDescriptor0
enum _trdc_MRC_domain
The MRC domain enumeration, used to form a mask to enable/disable the update or clear all NSE bits of one or several domains.
enumerator kTRDC_MrcDomain0
Domain 0.
enumerator kTRDC_MrcDomain1
Domain 1.
enumerator kTRDC_MrcDomain2
Domain 2.
enumerator kTRDC_MrcDomain3
Domain 3.
enumerator kTRDC_MrcDomain4
Domain 4.
enumerator kTRDC_MrcDomain5
Domain 5.
enumerator kTRDC_MrcDomain6
Domain 6.
enumerator kTRDC_MrcDomain7
Domain 7.
enumerator kTRDC_MrcDomain8
Domain 8.
enumerator kTRDC_MrcDomain9
Domain 9.
enumerator kTRDC_MrcDomain10
Domain 10.
enumerator kTRDC_MrcDomain11
Domain 11.
enumerator kTRDC_MrcDomain12
Domain 12.
enumerator kTRDC_MrcDomain13
Domain 13.
enumerator kTRDC_MrcDomain14
Domain 14.
enumerator kTRDC_MrcDomain15
Domain 15.
enumerator kTRDC_MrcDomain0
enum _trdc_MBC_domain
The MBC domain enumeration, used to form a mask to enable/disable the update or clear NSE bits of one or several domains.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcDomain0
Domain 0.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcDomain1
Domain 1.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcDomain2
Domain 2.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcDomain3
Domain 3.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcDomain4
Domain 4.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcDomain5
Domain 5.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcDomain6
Domain 6.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcDomain7
Domain 7.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcDomain0
enum _trdc_MBC_memory
The MBC slave memory enumeration, used to form a mask to enable/disable the update or clear NSE bits of one or several memory block.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcSlaveMemory0
Memory 0.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcSlaveMemory1
Memory 1.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcSlaveMemory2
Memory 2.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcSlaveMemory3
Memory 3.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcSlaveMemory0
enum _trdc_MBC_bit
The MBC bit enumeration, used to form a mask to set/clear configured words’ NSE.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcBit0
Bit 0.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcBit1
Bit 1.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcBit2
Bit 2.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcBit3
Bit 3.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcBit4
Bit 4.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcBit5
Bit 5.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcBit6
Bit 6.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcBit7
Bit 7.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcBit8
Bit 8.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcBit9
Bit 9.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcBit10
Bit 10.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcBit11
Bit 11.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcBit12
Bit 12.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcBit13
Bit 13.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcBit14
Bit 14.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcBit15
Bit 15.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcBit16
Bit 16.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcBit17
Bit 17.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcBit18
Bit 18.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcBit19
Bit 19.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcBit20
Bit 20.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcBit21
Bit 21.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcBit22
Bit 22.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcBit23
Bit 23.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcBit24
Bit 24.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcBit25
Bit 25.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcBit26
Bit 26.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcBit27
Bit 27.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcBit28
Bit 28.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcBit29
Bit 29.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcBit30
Bit 30.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcBit31
Bit 31.
enumerator kTRDC_MbcBit0
typedef struct _trdc_hardware_config trdc_hardware_config_t
TRDC hardware configuration.
typedef struct _trdc_slave_memory_hardware_config trdc_slave_memory_hardware_config_t
Hardware configuration of the two slave memories within each MBC(memory block checker).
typedef enum _trdc_did_sel trdc_did_sel_t
TRDC domain ID select method, the register bit TRDC_MDA_W0_0_DFMT0[DIDS], used for domain hit evaluation.
typedef enum _trdc_secure_attr trdc_secure_attr_t
TRDC secure attribute, the register bit TRDC_MDA_W0_0_DFMT0[SA], used for bus master domain assignment.
typedef enum _trdc_pid_domain_hit_config trdc_pid_domain_hit_config_t
The configuration of domain hit evaluation of PID.
typedef struct _trdc_processor_domain_assignment trdc_processor_domain_assignment_t
Domain assignment for the processor bus master.
typedef enum _trdc_privilege_attr trdc_privilege_attr_t
TRDC privileged attribute, the register bit TRDC_MDA_W0_x_DFMT1[PA], used for non-processor bus master domain assignment.
typedef struct _trdc_non_processor_domain_assignment trdc_non_processor_domain_assignment_t
Domain assignment for the non-processor bus master.
typedef enum _trdc_pid_lock trdc_pid_lock_t
PID lock configuration.
typedef struct _trdc_pid_config trdc_pid_config_t
Process identifier(PID) configuration for processor cores.
typedef struct _trdc_idau_config trdc_idau_config_t
IDAU(Implementation-Defined Attribution Unit) configuration for TZ-M function control.
typedef struct _trdc_flw_config trdc_flw_config_t
FLW(Flash Logical Window) configuration.
typedef enum _trdc_controller trdc_controller_t
TRDC controller definition for domain error check. Each TRDC instance may have different MRC or MBC count, call TRDC_GetHardwareConfig to get the actual count.
typedef enum _trdc_error_state trdc_error_state_t
TRDC domain error state definition TRDC_MBCn_DERR_W1[EST] or TRDC_MRCn_DERR_W1[EST].
typedef enum _trdc_error_attr trdc_error_attr_t
TRDC domain error attribute definition TRDC_MBCn_DERR_W1[EATR] or TRDC_MRCn_DERR_W1[EATR].
typedef enum _trdc_error_type trdc_error_type_t
TRDC domain error access type definition TRDC_DERR_W1_n[ERW].
typedef struct _trdc_domain_error trdc_domain_error_t
TRDC domain error definition.
typedef struct _trdc_memory_access_control_config trdc_memory_access_control_config_t
Memory access control configuration for MBC/MRC.
typedef struct _trdc_mrc_region_descriptor_config trdc_mrc_region_descriptor_config_t
The configuration of each region descriptor per domain per MRC instance.
typedef struct _trdc_mbc_nse_update_config trdc_mbc_nse_update_config_t
The configuration of MBC NSE update.
typedef struct _trdc_mbc_memory_block_config trdc_mbc_memory_block_config_t
The configuration of each memory block per domain per MBC instance.
struct _trdc_hardware_config
- #include <fsl_trdc.h>
TRDC hardware configuration.
Public Members
uint8_t masterNumber
Number of bus masters.
uint8_t domainNumber
Number of domains.
uint8_t mbcNumber
Number of MBCs.
uint8_t mrcNumber
Number of MRCs.
uint8_t masterNumber
struct _trdc_slave_memory_hardware_config
- #include <fsl_trdc.h>
Hardware configuration of the two slave memories within each MBC(memory block checker).
Public Members
uint32_t blockNum
Number of blocks.
uint32_t blockSize
Block size.
uint32_t blockNum
struct _trdc_processor_domain_assignment
- #include <fsl_trdc.h>
Domain assignment for the processor bus master.
Public Members
uint32_t domainId
Domain ID.
uint32_t domainIdSelect
Domain ID select method, see trdc_did_sel_t.
uint32_t pidDomainHitConfig
The configuration of the domain hit evaluation for PID, see trdc_pid_domain_hit_config_t.
uint32_t pidMask
The mask combined with PID, so multiple PID can be included as part of the domain hit determination. Set to 0 to disable.
uint32_t secureAttr
Secure attribute, see trdc_secure_attr_t.
uint32_t pid
The process identifier, combined with pidMask to form the domain hit determination.
uint32_t __pad0__
uint32_t lock
Lock the register.
uint32_t __pad1__
uint32_t domainId
struct _trdc_non_processor_domain_assignment
- #include <fsl_trdc.h>
Domain assignment for the non-processor bus master.
Public Members
uint32_t domainId
Domain ID.
uint32_t privilegeAttr
Privileged attribute, see trdc_privilege_attr_t.
uint32_t secureAttr
Secure attribute, see trdc_secure_attr_t.
uint32_t bypassDomainId
Bypass domain ID.
uint32_t __pad0__
uint32_t lock
Lock the register.
uint32_t __pad1__
uint32_t domainId
struct _trdc_pid_config
- #include <fsl_trdc.h>
Process identifier(PID) configuration for processor cores.
Public Members
uint32_t pid
The process identifier of the executing task. The highest bit can be used to define secure/nonsecure attribute of the task.
uint32_t __pad0__
uint32_t lock
How to lock the register, see trdc_pid_lock_t.
uint32_t __pad1__
uint32_t pid
struct _trdc_idau_config
- #include <fsl_trdc.h>
IDAU(Implementation-Defined Attribution Unit) configuration for TZ-M function control.
Public Members
uint32_t __pad0__
uint32_t lockSecureVTOR
Disable writes to secure VTOR(Vector Table Offset Register).
uint32_t lockNonsecureVTOR
Disable writes to non-secure VTOR, Application interrupt and Reset Control Registers.
uint32_t lockSecureMPU
Disable writes to secure MPU(Memory Protection Unit) from software or from a debug agent connected to the processor in Secure state.
uint32_t lockNonsecureMPU
Disable writes to non-secure MPU(Memory Protection Unit) from software or from a debug agent connected to the processor.
uint32_t lockSAU
Disable writes to SAU(Security Attribution Unit) registers.
uint32_t __pad1__
uint32_t __pad0__
struct _trdc_flw_config
- #include <fsl_trdc.h>
FLW(Flash Logical Window) configuration.
Public Members
uint16_t blockCount
Block count of the Flash Logic Window in 32KByte blocks.
uint32_t arrayBaseAddr
Flash array base address of the Flash Logical Window.
bool lock
Disable writes to FLW registers.
bool enable
Enable FLW function.
uint16_t blockCount
struct _trdc_domain_error
- #include <fsl_trdc.h>
TRDC domain error definition.
Public Members
trdc_controller_t controller
Which controller captured access violation.
uint32_t address
Access address that generated access violation.
trdc_error_state_t errorState
Error state.
trdc_error_attr_t errorAttr
Error attribute.
trdc_error_type_t errorType
Error type.
uint8_t errorPort
Error port.
uint8_t domainId
Domain ID.
uint8_t slaveMemoryIdx
The slave memory index. Only apply when violation in MBC.
trdc_controller_t controller
struct _trdc_memory_access_control_config
- #include <fsl_trdc.h>
Memory access control configuration for MBC/MRC.
Public Members
uint32_t nonsecureUsrX
Allow nonsecure user execute access.
uint32_t nonsecureUsrW
Allow nonsecure user write access.
uint32_t nonsecureUsrR
Allow nonsecure user read access.
uint32_t __pad0__
uint32_t nonsecurePrivX
Allow nonsecure privilege execute access.
uint32_t nonsecurePrivW
Allow nonsecure privilege write access.
uint32_t nonsecurePrivR
Allow nonsecure privilege read access.
uint32_t __pad1__
uint32_t secureUsrX
Allow secure user execute access.
uint32_t secureUsrW
Allow secure user write access.
uint32_t secureUsrR
Allow secure user read access.
uint32_t __pad2__
uint32_t securePrivX
Allownsecure privilege execute access.
uint32_t securePrivW
Allownsecure privilege write access.
uint32_t securePrivR
Allownsecure privilege read access.
uint32_t __pad3__
uint32_t lock
Lock the configuration until next reset, only apply to access control register 0.
uint32_t nonsecureUsrX
struct _trdc_mrc_region_descriptor_config
- #include <fsl_trdc.h>
The configuration of each region descriptor per domain per MRC instance.
Public Members
uint8_t memoryAccessControlSelect
Select one of the 8 access control policies for this region, for access cotrol policies see trdc_memory_access_control_config_t.
uint32_t startAddr
Physical start address.
bool valid
Lock the register.
bool nseEnable
Enable non-secure accesses and disable secure accesses.
uint32_t endAddr
Physical start address.
uint8_t mrcIdx
The index of the MRC for this configuration to take effect.
uint8_t domainIdx
The index of the domain for this configuration to take effect.
uint8_t regionIdx
The index of the region for this configuration to take effect.
uint8_t memoryAccessControlSelect
struct _trdc_mbc_nse_update_config
- #include <fsl_trdc.h>
The configuration of MBC NSE update.
Public Members
uint32_t __pad0__
uint32_t wordIdx
MBC configuration word index to be updated.
uint32_t __pad1__
uint32_t memorySelect
Bit mask of the selected memory to be updated. _trdc_MBC_memory.
uint32_t __pad2__
uint32_t domianSelect
Bit mask of the selected domain to be updated. _trdc_MBC_domain.
uint32_t __pad3__
uint32_t autoIncrement
Whether to increment the word index after current word is updated using this configuration.
uint32_t __pad0__
struct _trdc_mbc_memory_block_config
- #include <fsl_trdc.h>
The configuration of each memory block per domain per MBC instance.
Public Members
uint32_t memoryAccessControlSelect
Select one of the 8 access control policies for this memory block, for access cotrol policies see trdc_memory_access_control_config_t.
uint32_t nseEnable
Enable non-secure accesses and disable secure accesses.
uint32_t mbcIdx
The index of the MBC for this configuration to take effect.
uint32_t domainIdx
The index of the domain for this configuration to take effect.
uint32_t slaveMemoryIdx
The index of the slave memory for this configuration to take effect.
uint32_t memoryBlockIdx
The index of the memory block for this configuration to take effect.
uint32_t memoryAccessControlSelect
typedef struct _TRDC_General_Type TRDC_General_Type
TRDC general configuration register definition.
typedef struct _TRDC_FLW_Type TRDC_FLW_Type
TRDC flash logical control register definition.
typedef struct _TRDC_DomainError_Type TRDC_DomainError_Type
TRDC domain error register definition.
typedef struct _TRDC_DomainAssignment_Type TRDC_DomainAssignment_Type
TRDC master domain assignment register definition.
typedef struct _TRDC_MBC_Type TRDC_MBC_Type
TRDC MBC control register definition.
typedef struct _TRDC_MRC_Type TRDC_MRC_Type
TRDC MRC control register definition. MRC_DOM0_RGD_W[region][word].
TRDC base address convert macro.
TRDC_MBC_BASE(base, instance)
TRDC_MRC_BASE(base, instance)
struct _TRDC_General_Type
- #include <fsl_trdc_core.h>
TRDC general configuration register definition.
Public Members
- __IO uint32_t TRDC_CR
TRDC Register, offset: 0x0
- __I uint32_t TRDC_HWCFG0
TRDC Hardware Configuration Register 0, offset: 0xF0
- __I uint32_t TRDC_HWCFG1
TRDC Hardware Configuration Register 1, offset: 0xF4
- __I uint32_t TRDC_HWCFG2
TRDC Hardware Configuration Register 2, offset: 0xF8
- __I uint32_t TRDC_HWCFG3
TRDC Hardware Configuration Register 3, offset: 0xFC
- __I uint8_t DACFG [8]
Domain Assignment Configuration Register, array offset: 0x100, array step: 0x1
- __IO uint32_t TRDC_IDAU_CR
TRDC IDAU Control Register, offset: 0x1C0
struct _TRDC_FLW_Type
- #include <fsl_trdc_core.h>
TRDC flash logical control register definition.
Public Members
- __IO uint32_t TRDC_FLW_CTL
TRDC FLW Control, offset: 0x1E0
- __I uint32_t TRDC_FLW_PBASE
TRDC FLW Physical Base, offset: 0x1E4
- __IO uint32_t TRDC_FLW_ABASE
TRDC FLW Array Base, offset: 0x1E8
- __IO uint32_t TRDC_FLW_BCNT
TRDC FLW Block Count, offset: 0x1EC
struct _TRDC_DomainError_Type
- #include <fsl_trdc_core.h>
TRDC domain error register definition.
Public Members
- __IO uint32_t TRDC_FDID
TRDC Fault Domain ID, offset: 0x1FC
- __I uint32_t TRDC_DERRLOC [16]
TRDC Domain Error Location Register, array offset: 0x200, array step: 0x4
struct _TRDC_DomainAssignment_Type
- #include <fsl_trdc_core.h>
TRDC master domain assignment register definition.
Public Members
- __IO uint32_t PID [8]
Process Identifier, array offset: 0x700, array step: 0x4
struct _TRDC_MBC_Type
- #include <fsl_trdc_core.h>
TRDC MBC control register definition.
Public Members
- __I uint32_t MBC_MEM_GLBCFG [4]
MBC Global Configuration Register, array offset: 0x10000, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_NSE_BLK_INDEX
MBC NonSecure Enable Block Index, array offset: 0x10010, array step: 0x2000
- __O uint32_t MBC_NSE_BLK_SET
MBC NonSecure Enable Block Set, array offset: 0x10014, array step: 0x2000
- __O uint32_t MBC_NSE_BLK_CLR
MBC NonSecure Enable Block Clear, array offset: 0x10018, array step: 0x2000
- __O uint32_t MBC_NSE_BLK_CLR_ALL
MBC NonSecure Enable Block Clear All, array offset: 0x1001C, array step: 0x2000
- __IO uint32_t MBC_MEMN_GLBAC [8]
MBC Global Access Control, array offset: 0x10020, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM0_MEM0_BLK_CFG_W [64]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x10040, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM0_MEM0_BLK_NSE_W [16]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x10140, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM0_MEM1_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x10180, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM0_MEM1_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x101A0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM0_MEM2_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x101A8, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM0_MEM2_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x101C8, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM0_MEM3_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x101D0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM0_MEM3_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x101F0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM1_MEM0_BLK_CFG_W [64]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x10240, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM1_MEM0_BLK_NSE_W [16]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x10340, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM1_MEM1_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x10380, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM1_MEM1_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x103A0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM1_MEM2_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x103A8, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM1_MEM2_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x103C8, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM1_MEM3_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x103D0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM1_MEM3_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x103F0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM2_MEM0_BLK_CFG_W [64]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x10440, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM2_MEM0_BLK_NSE_W [16]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x10540, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM2_MEM1_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x10580, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM2_MEM1_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x105A0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM2_MEM2_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x105A8, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM2_MEM2_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x105C8, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM2_MEM3_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x105D0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM2_MEM3_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x105F0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM3_MEM0_BLK_CFG_W [64]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x10640, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM3_MEM0_BLK_NSE_W [16]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x10740, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM3_MEM1_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x10780, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM3_MEM1_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x107A0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM3_MEM2_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x107A8, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM3_MEM2_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x107C8, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM3_MEM3_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x107D0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM3_MEM3_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x107F0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM4_MEM0_BLK_CFG_W [64]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x10840, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM4_MEM0_BLK_NSE_W [16]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x10940, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM4_MEM1_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x10980, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM4_MEM1_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x109A0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM4_MEM2_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x109A8, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM4_MEM2_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x109C8, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM4_MEM3_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x109D0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM4_MEM3_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x109F0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM5_MEM0_BLK_CFG_W [64]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x10A40, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM5_MEM0_BLK_NSE_W [16]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x10B40, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM5_MEM1_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x10B80, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM5_MEM1_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x10BA0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM5_MEM2_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x10BA8, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM5_MEM2_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x10BC8, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM5_MEM3_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x10BD0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM5_MEM3_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x10BF0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM6_MEM0_BLK_CFG_W [64]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x10C40, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM6_MEM0_BLK_NSE_W [16]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x10D40, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM6_MEM1_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x10D80, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM6_MEM1_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x10DA0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM6_MEM2_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x10DA8, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM6_MEM2_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x10DC8, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM6_MEM3_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x10DD0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM6_MEM3_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x10DF0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM7_MEM0_BLK_CFG_W [64]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x10E40, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM7_MEM0_BLK_NSE_W [16]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x10F40, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM7_MEM1_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x10F80, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM7_MEM1_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x10FA0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM7_MEM2_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x10FA8, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM7_MEM2_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x10FC8, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM7_MEM3_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x10FD0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM7_MEM3_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x10FF0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM8_MEM0_BLK_CFG_W [64]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x11040, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM8_MEM0_BLK_NSE_W [16]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x11140, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM8_MEM1_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x11180, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM8_MEM1_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x111A0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM8_MEM2_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x111A8, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM8_MEM2_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x111C8, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM8_MEM3_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x111D0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM8_MEM3_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x111F0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM9_MEM0_BLK_CFG_W [64]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x11240, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM9_MEM0_BLK_NSE_W [16]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x11340, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM9_MEM1_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x11380, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM9_MEM1_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x113A0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM9_MEM2_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x113A8, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM9_MEM2_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x113C8, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM9_MEM3_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x113D0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM9_MEM3_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x113F0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM10_MEM0_BLK_CFG_W [64]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x11440, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM10_MEM0_BLK_NSE_W [16]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x11540, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM10_MEM1_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x11580, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM10_MEM1_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x115A0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM10_MEM2_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x115A8, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM10_MEM2_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x115C8, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM10_MEM3_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x115D0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM10_MEM3_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x115F0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM11_MEM0_BLK_CFG_W [64]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x11640, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM11_MEM0_BLK_NSE_W [16]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x11740, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM11_MEM1_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x11780, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM11_MEM1_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x117A0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM11_MEM2_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x117A8, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM11_MEM2_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x117C8, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM11_MEM3_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x117D0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM11_MEM3_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x117F0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM12_MEM0_BLK_CFG_W [64]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x11840, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM12_MEM0_BLK_NSE_W [16]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x11940, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM12_MEM1_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x11980, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM12_MEM1_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x119A0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM12_MEM2_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x119A8, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM12_MEM2_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x119C8, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM12_MEM3_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x119D0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM12_MEM3_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x119F0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM13_MEM0_BLK_CFG_W [64]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x11A40, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM13_MEM0_BLK_NSE_W [16]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x11B40, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM13_MEM1_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x11B80, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM13_MEM1_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x11BA0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM13_MEM2_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x11BA8, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM13_MEM2_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x11BC8, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM13_MEM3_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x11BD0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM13_MEM3_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x11BF0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM14_MEM0_BLK_CFG_W [64]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x11C40, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM14_MEM0_BLK_NSE_W [16]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x11D40, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM14_MEM1_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x11D80, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM14_MEM1_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x11DA0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM14_MEM2_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x11DA8, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM14_MEM2_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x11DC8, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM14_MEM3_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x11DD0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM14_MEM3_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x11DF0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM15_MEM0_BLK_CFG_W [64]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x11E40, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM15_MEM0_BLK_NSE_W [16]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x11F40, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM15_MEM1_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x11F80, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM15_MEM1_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x11FA0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM15_MEM2_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x11FA8, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM15_MEM2_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x11FC8, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM15_MEM3_BLK_CFG_W [8]
MBC Memory Block Configuration Word, array offset: 0x11FD0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MBC_DOM15_MEM3_BLK_NSE_W [2]
MBC Memory Block NonSecure Enable Word, array offset: 0x11FF0, array step: index*0x2000, index2*0x4
struct _TRDC_MRC_Type
- #include <fsl_trdc_core.h>
TRDC MRC control register definition. MRC_DOM0_RGD_W[region][word].
Public Members
- __I uint32_t MRC_GLBCFG
MRC Global Configuration Register, array offset: 0x14000, array step: 0x1000
MRC NonSecure Enable Region Indirect, array offset: 0x14010, array step: 0x1000
- __O uint32_t MRC_NSE_RGN_SET
MRC NonSecure Enable Region Set, array offset: 0x14014, array step: 0x1000
- __O uint32_t MRC_NSE_RGN_CLR
MRC NonSecure Enable Region Clear, array offset: 0x14018, array step: 0x1000
- __O uint32_t MRC_NSE_RGN_CLR_ALL
MRC NonSecure Enable Region Clear All, array offset: 0x1401C, array step: 0x1000
- __IO uint32_t MRC_GLBAC [8]
MRC Global Access Control, array offset: 0x14020, array step: index*0x1000, index2*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MRC_DOM0_RGD_W [16][2]
MRC Region Descriptor Word 0..MRC Region Descriptor Word 1, array offset: 0x14040, array step: index*0x1000, index2*0x8, index3*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MRC_DOM0_RGD_NSE
MRC Region Descriptor NonSecure Enable, array offset: 0x140C0, array step: 0x1000
- __IO uint32_t MRC_DOM1_RGD_W [16][2]
MRC Region Descriptor Word 0..MRC Region Descriptor Word 1, array offset: 0x14140, array step: index*0x1000, index2*0x8, index3*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MRC_DOM1_RGD_NSE
MRC Region Descriptor NonSecure Enable, array offset: 0x141C0, array step: 0x1000
- __IO uint32_t MRC_DOM2_RGD_W [16][2]
MRC Region Descriptor Word 0..MRC Region Descriptor Word 1, array offset: 0x14240, array step: index*0x1000, index2*0x8, index3*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MRC_DOM2_RGD_NSE
MRC Region Descriptor NonSecure Enable, array offset: 0x142C0, array step: 0x1000
- __IO uint32_t MRC_DOM3_RGD_W [16][2]
MRC Region Descriptor Word 0..MRC Region Descriptor Word 1, array offset: 0x14340, array step: index*0x1000, index2*0x8, index3*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MRC_DOM3_RGD_NSE
MRC Region Descriptor NonSecure Enable, array offset: 0x143C0, array step: 0x1000
- __IO uint32_t MRC_DOM4_RGD_W [16][2]
MRC Region Descriptor Word 0..MRC Region Descriptor Word 1, array offset: 0x14440, array step: index*0x1000, index2*0x8, index3*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MRC_DOM4_RGD_NSE
MRC Region Descriptor NonSecure Enable, array offset: 0x144C0, array step: 0x1000
- __IO uint32_t MRC_DOM5_RGD_W [16][2]
MRC Region Descriptor Word 0..MRC Region Descriptor Word 1, array offset: 0x14540, array step: index*0x1000, index2*0x8, index3*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MRC_DOM5_RGD_NSE
MRC Region Descriptor NonSecure Enable, array offset: 0x145C0, array step: 0x1000
- __IO uint32_t MRC_DOM6_RGD_W [16][2]
MRC Region Descriptor Word 0..MRC Region Descriptor Word 1, array offset: 0x14640, array step: index*0x1000, index2*0x8, index3*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MRC_DOM6_RGD_NSE
MRC Region Descriptor NonSecure Enable, array offset: 0x146C0, array step: 0x1000
- __IO uint32_t MRC_DOM7_RGD_W [16][2]
MRC Region Descriptor Word 0..MRC Region Descriptor Word 1, array offset: 0x14740, array step: index*0x1000, index2*0x8, index3*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MRC_DOM7_RGD_NSE
MRC Region Descriptor NonSecure Enable, array offset: 0x147C0, array step: 0x1000
- __IO uint32_t MRC_DOM8_RGD_W [16][2]
MRC Region Descriptor Word 0..MRC Region Descriptor Word 1, array offset: 0x14840, array step: index*0x1000, index2*0x8, index3*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MRC_DOM8_RGD_NSE
MRC Region Descriptor NonSecure Enable, array offset: 0x148C0, array step: 0x1000
- __IO uint32_t MRC_DOM9_RGD_W [16][2]
MRC Region Descriptor Word 0..MRC Region Descriptor Word 1, array offset: 0x14940, array step: index*0x1000, index2*0x8, index3*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MRC_DOM9_RGD_NSE
MRC Region Descriptor NonSecure Enable, array offset: 0x149C0, array step: 0x1000
- __IO uint32_t MRC_DOM10_RGD_W [16][2]
MRC Region Descriptor Word 0..MRC Region Descriptor Word 1, array offset: 0x14A40, array step: index*0x1000, index2*0x8, index3*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MRC_DOM10_RGD_NSE
MRC Region Descriptor NonSecure Enable, array offset: 0x14AC0, array step: 0x1000
- __IO uint32_t MRC_DOM11_RGD_W [16][2]
MRC Region Descriptor Word 0..MRC Region Descriptor Word 1, array offset: 0x14B40, array step: index*0x1000, index2*0x8, index3*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MRC_DOM11_RGD_NSE
MRC Region Descriptor NonSecure Enable, array offset: 0x14BC0, array step: 0x1000
- __IO uint32_t MRC_DOM12_RGD_W [16][2]
MRC Region Descriptor Word 0..MRC Region Descriptor Word 1, array offset: 0x14C40, array step: index*0x1000, index2*0x8, index3*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MRC_DOM12_RGD_NSE
MRC Region Descriptor NonSecure Enable, array offset: 0x14CC0, array step: 0x1000
- __IO uint32_t MRC_DOM13_RGD_W [16][2]
MRC Region Descriptor Word 0..MRC Region Descriptor Word 1, array offset: 0x14D40, array step: index*0x1000, index2*0x8, index3*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MRC_DOM13_RGD_NSE
MRC Region Descriptor NonSecure Enable, array offset: 0x14DC0, array step: 0x1000
- __IO uint32_t MRC_DOM14_RGD_W [16][2]
MRC Region Descriptor Word 0..MRC Region Descriptor Word 1, array offset: 0x14E40, array step: index*0x1000, index2*0x8, index3*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MRC_DOM14_RGD_NSE
MRC Region Descriptor NonSecure Enable, array offset: 0x14EC0, array step: 0x1000
- __IO uint32_t MRC_DOM15_RGD_W [16][2]
MRC Region Descriptor Word 0..MRC Region Descriptor Word 1, array offset: 0x14F40, array step: index*0x1000, index2*0x8, index3*0x4
- __IO uint32_t MRC_DOM15_RGD_NSE
MRC Region Descriptor NonSecure Enable, array offset: 0x14FC0, array step: 0x1000
struct MBC_DERR
Public Members
- __I uint32_t W0
MBC Domain Error Word0 Register, array offset: 0x400, array step: 0x10
- __I uint32_t W1
MBC Domain Error Word1 Register, array offset: 0x404, array step: 0x10
- __O uint32_t W3
MBC Domain Error Word3 Register, array offset: 0x40C, array step: 0x10
struct MRC_DERR
Public Members
- __I uint32_t W0
MRC Domain Error Word0 Register, array offset: 0x480, array step: 0x10
- __I uint32_t W1
MRC Domain Error Word1 Register, array offset: 0x484, array step: 0x10
- __O uint32_t W3
MRC Domain Error Word3 Register, array offset: 0x48C, array step: 0x10
union __unnamed69__
Public Members
struct _TRDC_DomainAssignment_Type MDA_DFMT0[8]
struct _TRDC_DomainAssignment_Type MDA_DFMT1[8]
struct _TRDC_DomainAssignment_Type MDA_DFMT0[8]
struct MDA_DFMT0
Public Members
- __IO uint32_t MDA_W_DFMT0 [8]
DAC Master Domain Assignment Register, array offset: 0x800, array step: index*0x20, index2*0x4
struct MDA_DFMT1
Public Members
- __IO uint32_t MDA_W_DFMT1 [1]
DAC Master Domain Assignment Register, array offset: 0x800, array step: index*0x20, index2*0x4
UTICK: MictoTick Timer Driver
void UTICK_Init(UTICK_Type *base)
Initializes an UTICK by turning its bus clock on.
void UTICK_Deinit(UTICK_Type *base)
Deinitializes a UTICK instance.
This function shuts down Utick bus clock
- Parameters:
base – UTICK peripheral base address.
uint32_t UTICK_GetStatusFlags(UTICK_Type *base)
Get Status Flags.
This returns the status flag
- Parameters:
base – UTICK peripheral base address.
- Returns:
status register value
void UTICK_ClearStatusFlags(UTICK_Type *base)
Clear Status Interrupt Flags.
This clears intr status flag
- Parameters:
base – UTICK peripheral base address.
- Returns:
void UTICK_SetTick(UTICK_Type *base, utick_mode_t mode, uint32_t count, utick_callback_t cb)
Starts UTICK.
This function starts a repeat/onetime countdown with an optional callback
- Parameters:
base – UTICK peripheral base address.
mode – UTICK timer mode (ie kUTICK_onetime or kUTICK_repeat)
count – UTICK timer mode (ie kUTICK_onetime or kUTICK_repeat)
cb – UTICK callback (can be left as NULL if none, otherwise should be a void func(void))
- Returns:
void UTICK_HandleIRQ(UTICK_Type *base, utick_callback_t cb)
UTICK Interrupt Service Handler.
This function handles the interrupt and refers to the callback array in the driver to callback user (as per request in UTICK_SetTick()). if no user callback is scheduled, the interrupt will simply be cleared.
- Parameters:
base – UTICK peripheral base address.
cb – callback scheduled for this instance of UTICK
- Returns:
UTICK driver version 2.0.5.
enum _utick_mode
UTICK timer operational mode.
enumerator kUTICK_Onetime
Trigger once
enumerator kUTICK_Repeat
Trigger repeatedly
enumerator kUTICK_Onetime
typedef enum _utick_mode utick_mode_t
UTICK timer operational mode.
typedef void (*utick_callback_t)(void)
UTICK callback function.
VREF: Voltage Reference Driver
void VREF_Init(VREF_Type *base, const vref_config_t *config)
Enables the clock gate and configures the VREF module according to the configuration structure.
This function must be called before calling all other VREF driver functions, read/write registers, and configurations with user-defined settings. The example below shows how to set up vref_config_t parameters and how to call the VREF_Init function by passing in these parameters.
vref_config_t vrefConfig; VREF_GetDefaultConfig(VREF, &vrefConfig); vrefConfig.bufferMode = kVREF_ModeHighPowerBuffer; VREF_Init(VREF, &vrefConfig);
- Parameters:
base – VREF peripheral address.
config – Pointer to the configuration structure.
void VREF_Deinit(VREF_Type *base)
Stops and disables the clock for the VREF module.
This function should be called to shut down the module. This is an example.
vref_config_t vrefUserConfig; VREF_GetDefaultConfig(VREF, &vrefUserConfig); VREF_Init(VREF, &vrefUserConfig); ... VREF_Deinit(VREF);
- Parameters:
base – VREF peripheral address.
void VREF_GetDefaultConfig(vref_config_t *config)
Initializes the VREF configuration structure.
This function initializes the VREF configuration structure to default values. This is an example.
config->bufferMode = kVREF_ModeHighPowerBuffer; config->enableInternalVoltageRegulator = true; config->enableChopOscillator = true; config->enableHCBandgap = true; config->enableCurvatureCompensation = true; config->enableLowPowerBuff = true;
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to the initialization structure.
void VREF_SetVrefTrimVal(VREF_Type *base, uint8_t trimValue)
Sets a TRIM value for the accurate 1.0V bandgap output.
This function sets a TRIM value for the reference voltage. It will trim the accurate 1.0V bandgap by 0.5mV each step.
- Parameters:
base – VREF peripheral address.
trimValue – Value of the trim register to set the output reference voltage (maximum 0x3F (6-bit)).
void VREF_SetTrim21Val(VREF_Type *base, uint8_t trim21Value)
Sets a TRIM value for the accurate buffered VREF output.
This function sets a TRIM value for the reference voltage. If buffer mode be set to other values (Buf21 enabled), it will trim the VREF_OUT by 0.1V each step from 1.0V to 2.1V.
When Buf21 is enabled, the value of UTRIM[TRIM2V1] should be ranged from 0b0000 to 0b1011 in order to trim the output voltage from 1.0V to 2.1V, other values will make the VREF_OUT to default value, 1.0V.
- Parameters:
base – VREF peripheral address.
trim21Value – Value of the trim register to set the output reference voltage (maximum 0xF (4-bit)).
uint8_t VREF_GetVrefTrimVal(VREF_Type *base)
Reads the trim value.
This function gets the TRIM value from the UTRIM register. It reads UTRIM[VREFTRIM] (13:8)
- Parameters:
base – VREF peripheral address.
- Returns:
6-bit value of trim setting.
uint8_t VREF_GetTrim21Val(VREF_Type *base)
Reads the VREF 2.1V trim value.
This function gets the TRIM value from the UTRIM register. It reads UTRIM[TRIM2V1] (3:0),
- Parameters:
base – VREF peripheral address.
- Returns:
4-bit value of trim setting.
Version 2.4.0.
enum _vref_buffer_mode
VREF buffer modes.
enumerator kVREF_ModeBandgapOnly
Bandgap enabled/standby.
enumerator kVREF_ModeLowPowerBuffer
Low-power buffer mode enabled
enumerator kVREF_ModeHighPowerBuffer
High-power buffer mode enabled
enumerator kVREF_ModeBandgapOnly
typedef enum _vref_buffer_mode vref_buffer_mode_t
VREF buffer modes.
typedef struct _vref_config vref_config_t
The description structure for the VREF module.
struct _vref_config
- #include <fsl_vref.h>
The description structure for the VREF module.
Public Members
vref_buffer_mode_t bufferMode
Buffer mode selection
bool enableInternalVoltageRegulator
Provide additional supply noise rejection.
bool enableChopOscillator
Enable Chop oscillator.
bool enableHCBandgap
Enable High-Accurate bandgap.
bool enableCurvatureCompensation
Enable second order curvature compensation.
bool enableLowPowerBuff
Provides bias current for other peripherals.
vref_buffer_mode_t bufferMode
WUU: Wakeup Unit driver
void WUU_SetExternalWakeUpPinsConfig(WUU_Type *base, uint8_t pinIndex, const wuu_external_wakeup_pin_config_t *config)
Enables and Configs External WakeUp Pins.
This function enables/disables the external pin as wakeup input. What’s more this function configs pins options, including edge detection wakeup event and operate mode.
- Parameters:
base – MUU peripheral base address.
pinIndex – The index of the external input pin. See Reference Manual for the details.
config – Pointer to wuu_external_wakeup_pin_config_t structure.
void WUU_ClearExternalWakeupPinsConfig(WUU_Type *base, uint8_t pinIndex)
Disable and clear external wakeup pin settings.
- Parameters:
base – MUU peripheral base address.
pinIndex – The index of the external input pin.
static inline uint32_t WUU_GetExternalWakeUpPinsFlag(WUU_Type *base)
Gets External Wakeup pin flags.
This function return the external wakeup pin flags.
- Parameters:
base – WUU peripheral base address.
- Returns:
Wakeup flags for all external wakeup pins.
static inline void WUU_ClearExternalWakeUpPinsFlag(WUU_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clears External WakeUp Pin flags.
This function clears external wakeup pins flags based on the mask.
- Parameters:
base – WUU peripheral base address.
mask – The mask of Wakeup pin index to be cleared.
void WUU_SetInternalWakeUpModulesConfig(WUU_Type *base, uint8_t moduleIndex, wuu_internal_wakeup_module_event_t event)
Config Internal modules’ event as the wake up soures.
This function configs the internal modules event as the wake up sources.
- Parameters:
base – WUU peripheral base address.
moduleIndex – The selected internal module. See the Reference Manual for the details.
event – Select interrupt or DMA/Trigger of the internal module as the wake up source.
void WUU_ClearInternalWakeUpModulesConfig(WUU_Type *base, uint8_t moduleIndex, wuu_internal_wakeup_module_event_t event)
Disable an on-chip internal modules’ event as the wakeup sources.
- Parameters:
base – WUU peripheral base address.
moduleIndex – The selected internal module. See the Reference Manual for the details.
event – The event(interrupt or DMA/trigger) of the internal module to disable.
void WUU_SetPinFilterConfig(WUU_Type *base, uint8_t filterIndex, const wuu_pin_filter_config_t *config)
Configs and Enables Pin filters.
This function configs Pin filter, including pin select, filer operate mode filer wakeup event and filter edge detection.
- Parameters:
base – WUU peripheral base address.
filterIndex – The index of the pin filer.
config – Pointer to wuu_pin_filter_config_t structure.
bool WUU_GetPinFilterFlag(WUU_Type *base, uint8_t filterIndex)
Gets the pin filter configuration.
This function gets the pin filter flag.
- Parameters:
base – WUU peripheral base address.
filterIndex – A pin filter index, which starts from 1.
- Returns:
True if the flag is a source of the existing low-leakage power mode.
void WUU_ClearPinFilterFlag(WUU_Type *base, uint8_t filterIndex)
Clears the pin filter configuration.
This function clears the pin filter flag.
- Parameters:
base – WUU peripheral base address.
filterIndex – A pin filter index to clear the flag, starting from 1.
bool WUU_GetExternalWakeupPinFlag(WUU_Type *base, uint32_t pinIndex)
brief Gets the external wakeup source flag.
This function checks the external pin flag to detect whether the MCU is woken up by the specific pin.
param base WUU peripheral base address. param pinIndex A pin index, which starts from 0. return True if the specific pin is a wakeup source.
void WUU_ClearExternalWakeupPinFlag(WUU_Type *base, uint32_t pinIndex)
brief Clears the external wakeup source flag.
This function clears the external wakeup source flag for a specific pin.
param base WUU peripheral base address. param pinIndex A pin index, which starts from 0.
Defines WUU driver version 2.4.0.
enum _wuu_external_pin_edge_detection
External WakeUp pin edge detection enumeration.
enumerator kWUU_ExternalPinDisable
External input Pin disabled as wake up input.
enumerator kWUU_ExternalPinRisingEdge
External input Pin enabled with the rising edge detection.
enumerator kWUU_ExternalPinFallingEdge
External input Pin enabled with the falling edge detection.
enumerator kWUU_ExternalPinAnyEdge
External input Pin enabled with any change detection.
enumerator kWUU_ExternalPinDisable
enum _wuu_external_wakeup_pin_event
External input wake up pin event enumeration.
enumerator kWUU_ExternalPinInterrupt
External input Pin configured as interrupt.
enumerator kWUU_ExternalPinDMARequest
External input Pin configured as DMA request.
enumerator kWUU_ExternalPinTriggerEvent
External input Pin configured as Trigger event.
enumerator kWUU_ExternalPinInterrupt
enum _wuu_external_wakeup_pin_mode
External input wake up pin mode enumeration.
enumerator kWUU_ExternalPinActiveDSPD
External input Pin is active only during Deep Sleep/Power Down Mode.
enumerator kWUU_ExternalPinActiveAlways
External input Pin is active during all power modes.
enumerator kWUU_ExternalPinActiveDSPD
enum _wuu_internal_wakeup_module_event
Internal module wake up event enumeration.
enumerator kWUU_InternalModuleInterrupt
Internal modules’ interrupt as a wakeup source.
enumerator kWUU_InternalModuleDMATrigger
Internal modules’ DMA/Trigger as a wakeup source.
enumerator kWUU_InternalModuleInterrupt
enum _wuu_filter_edge
Pin filter edge enumeration.
enumerator kWUU_FilterDisabled
Filter disabled.
enumerator kWUU_FilterPosedgeEnable
Filter posedge detect enabled.
enumerator kWUU_FilterNegedgeEnable
Filter negedge detect enabled.
enumerator kWUU_FilterAnyEdge
Filter any edge detect enabled.
enumerator kWUU_FilterDisabled
enum _wuu_filter_event
Pin Filter event enumeration.
enumerator kWUU_FilterInterrupt
Filter output configured as interrupt.
enumerator kWUU_FilterDMARequest
Filter output configured as DMA request.
enumerator kWUU_FilterTriggerEvent
Filter output configured as Trigger event.
enumerator kWUU_FilterInterrupt
enum _wuu_filter_mode
Pin filter mode enumeration.
enumerator kWUU_FilterActiveDSPD
External input pin filter is active only during Deep Sleep/Power Down Mode.
enumerator kWUU_FilterActiveAlways
External input Pin filter is active during all power modes.
enumerator kWUU_FilterActiveDSPD
typedef enum _wuu_external_pin_edge_detection wuu_external_pin_edge_detection_t
External WakeUp pin edge detection enumeration.
typedef enum _wuu_external_wakeup_pin_event wuu_external_wakeup_pin_event_t
External input wake up pin event enumeration.
typedef enum _wuu_external_wakeup_pin_mode wuu_external_wakeup_pin_mode_t
External input wake up pin mode enumeration.
typedef enum _wuu_internal_wakeup_module_event wuu_internal_wakeup_module_event_t
Internal module wake up event enumeration.
typedef enum _wuu_filter_edge wuu_filter_edge_t
Pin filter edge enumeration.
typedef enum _wuu_filter_event wuu_filter_event_t
Pin Filter event enumeration.
typedef enum _wuu_filter_mode wuu_filter_mode_t
Pin filter mode enumeration.
typedef struct _wuu_external_wakeup_pin_config wuu_external_wakeup_pin_config_t
External WakeUp pin configuration.
typedef struct _wuu_pin_filter_config wuu_pin_filter_config_t
Pin Filter configuration.
struct _wuu_external_wakeup_pin_config
- #include <fsl_wuu.h>
External WakeUp pin configuration.
Public Members
wuu_external_pin_edge_detection_t edge
External Input pin edge detection.
wuu_external_wakeup_pin_event_t event
External Input wakeup Pin event
wuu_external_wakeup_pin_mode_t mode
External Input wakeup Pin operate mode.
wuu_external_pin_edge_detection_t edge
struct _wuu_pin_filter_config
- #include <fsl_wuu.h>
Pin Filter configuration.
Public Members
uint32_t pinIndex
The index of wakeup pin to be muxxed into filter.
wuu_filter_edge_t edge
The edge of the pin digital filter.
wuu_filter_event_t event
The event of the filter output.
wuu_filter_mode_t mode
The mode of the filter operate.
uint32_t pinIndex
WWDT: Windowed Watchdog Timer Driver
void WWDT_GetDefaultConfig(wwdt_config_t *config)
Initializes WWDT configure structure.
This function initializes the WWDT configure structure to default value. The default value are:
config->enableWwdt = true; config->enableWatchdogReset = false; config->enableWatchdogProtect = false; config->enableLockOscillator = false; config->windowValue = 0xFFFFFFU; config->timeoutValue = 0xFFFFFFU; config->warningValue = 0;
See also
- Parameters:
config – Pointer to WWDT config structure.
void WWDT_Init(WWDT_Type *base, const wwdt_config_t *config)
Initializes the WWDT.
This function initializes the WWDT. When called, the WWDT runs according to the configuration.
wwdt_config_t config; WWDT_GetDefaultConfig(&config); config.timeoutValue = 0x7ffU; WWDT_Init(wwdt_base,&config);
- Parameters:
base – WWDT peripheral base address
config – The configuration of WWDT
void WWDT_Deinit(WWDT_Type *base)
Shuts down the WWDT.
This function shuts down the WWDT.
- Parameters:
base – WWDT peripheral base address
static inline void WWDT_Enable(WWDT_Type *base)
Enables the WWDT module.
This function write value into WWDT_MOD register to enable the WWDT, it is a write-once bit; once this bit is set to one and a watchdog feed is performed, the watchdog timer will run permanently.
- Parameters:
base – WWDT peripheral base address
static inline void WWDT_Disable(WWDT_Type *base)
Disables the WWDT module.
- Deprecated:
Do not use this function. It will be deleted in next release version, for once the bit field of WDEN written with a 1, it can not be re-written with a 0.
This function write value into WWDT_MOD register to disable the WWDT.
- Parameters:
base – WWDT peripheral base address
static inline uint32_t WWDT_GetStatusFlags(WWDT_Type *base)
Gets all WWDT status flags.
This function gets all status flags.
Example for getting Timeout Flag:
uint32_t status; status = WWDT_GetStatusFlags(wwdt_base) & kWWDT_TimeoutFlag;
- Parameters:
base – WWDT peripheral base address
- Returns:
The status flags. This is the logical OR of members of the enumeration _wwdt_status_flags_t
void WWDT_ClearStatusFlags(WWDT_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
Clear WWDT flag.
This function clears WWDT status flag.
Example for clearing warning flag:
WWDT_ClearStatusFlags(wwdt_base, kWWDT_WarningFlag);
- Parameters:
base – WWDT peripheral base address
mask – The status flags to clear. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration _wwdt_status_flags_t
static inline void WWDT_SetWarningValue(WWDT_Type *base, uint32_t warningValue)
Set the WWDT warning value.
The WDWARNINT register determines the watchdog timer counter value that will generate a watchdog interrupt. When the watchdog timer counter is no longer greater than the value defined by WARNINT, an interrupt will be generated after the subsequent WDCLK.
- Parameters:
base – WWDT peripheral base address
warningValue – WWDT warning value.
static inline void WWDT_SetTimeoutValue(WWDT_Type *base, uint32_t timeoutCount)
Set the WWDT timeout value.
This function sets the timeout value. Every time a feed sequence occurs the value in the TC register is loaded into the Watchdog timer. Writing a value below 0xFF will cause 0xFF to be loaded into the TC register. Thus the minimum time-out interval is TWDCLK*256*4. If enableWatchdogProtect flag is true in wwdt_config_t config structure, any attempt to change the timeout value before the watchdog counter is below the warning and window values will cause a watchdog reset and set the WDTOF flag.
- Parameters:
base – WWDT peripheral base address
timeoutCount – WWDT timeout value, count of WWDT clock tick.
static inline void WWDT_SetWindowValue(WWDT_Type *base, uint32_t windowValue)
Sets the WWDT window value.
The WINDOW register determines the highest TV value allowed when a watchdog feed is performed. If a feed sequence occurs when timer value is greater than the value in WINDOW, a watchdog event will occur. To disable windowing, set windowValue to 0xFFFFFF (maximum possible timer value) so windowing is not in effect.
- Parameters:
base – WWDT peripheral base address
windowValue – WWDT window value.
void WWDT_Refresh(WWDT_Type *base)
Refreshes the WWDT timer.
This function feeds the WWDT. This function should be called before WWDT timer is in timeout. Otherwise, a reset is asserted.
- Parameters:
base – WWDT peripheral base address
Defines WWDT driver version.
First word of refresh sequence
Second word of refresh sequence
enum _wwdt_status_flags_t
WWDT status flags.
This structure contains the WWDT status flags for use in the WWDT functions.
enumerator kWWDT_TimeoutFlag
Time-out flag, set when the timer times out
enumerator kWWDT_WarningFlag
Warning interrupt flag, set when timer is below the value WDWARNINT
enumerator kWWDT_TimeoutFlag
typedef struct _wwdt_config wwdt_config_t
Describes WWDT configuration structure.
struct _wwdt_config
- #include <fsl_wwdt.h>
Describes WWDT configuration structure.
Public Members
bool enableWwdt
Enables or disables WWDT
bool enableWatchdogReset
true: Watchdog timeout will cause a chip reset false: Watchdog timeout will not cause a chip reset
bool enableWatchdogProtect
true: Enable watchdog protect i.e timeout value can only be changed after counter is below warning & window values false: Disable watchdog protect; timeout value can be changed at any time
bool enableLockOscillator
true: Disabling or powering down the watchdog oscillator is prevented Once set, this bit can only be cleared by a reset false: Do not lock oscillator
uint32_t windowValue
Window value, set this to 0xFFFFFF if windowing is not in effect
uint32_t timeoutValue
Timeout value
uint32_t warningValue
Watchdog time counter value that will generate a warning interrupt. Set this to 0 for no warning
uint32_t clockFreq_Hz
Watchdog clock source frequency.
bool enableWwdt