

The tsi_v5_mutualmode demo shows how to use TSI_V5 driver in mutual-cap mode:

In this example , available electrodes on FRDM-TOUCH board are used to show how to realize touch key.

  1. Firstly, get the non-touch calibration results as baseline electrode counter;

  2. Then, start the periodical Software-Trigger scan using polling method to detect finger touch;

  3. Wait for the electrodes touched and deal with the event.

Running the demo

When running successfully, LED will be turned on when the electrode on FRDM-TOUCH board is touched and the LED will be turned off after the electrode is released. The log output in terminal shall be similar as below:

TSI mutual mode demo.
TSI key touched.
TSI key released.
TSI key touched.
TSI key released.

Supported Boards