Run a demo using MCUXpresso IDE
This section describes the steps required to configure MCUXpresso IDE to build, run, and debug example applications. The hello_world
demo application targeted for the target hardware platform is used as an example, though these steps can be applied to any example application in the MCUXpresso SDK.
Select the workspace location
Every time MCUXpresso IDE launches, it prompts the user to select a workspace location. MCUXpresso IDE is built on top of Eclipse, which uses the workspace to store information about its current configuration, and in some use cases, source files for the projects are in the workspace. The location of the workspace can be anywhere, but it is recommended that the workspace locate outside the MCUXpresso SDK tree.
Parent topic:Run a demo using MCUXpresso IDE
Build an example application
To build an example application, perform the following steps.
Drag and drop the SDK zip file into the Installed SDKs view to install an SDK.
In the window that appears, click OKand wait until the import has finished.
On the Quickstart Panel, click Import SDK example(s).
In the window that appears, select mimxrt700evk or kits and click Next.
Expand the demo_apps folder and select hello_world_demo_cm33_core0. Then, click Next.
Click Finish.
Parent topic:Run a demo using MCUXpresso IDE
Run an example application
To download and run the application, perform the following steps:
Determine the debug interface that comes loaded on your specific hardware platform.
For MIMXRT700-EVK, MCU-LINK is used.
J54 is used as the debugging port which provides both debugging functionality and console out.
Connect USB cable between J54 on EVK and PC USB port.
Open the terminal application on the PC, such as, PuTTY or TeraTerm, and connect to the debug serial port number. To determine the COM port number, see How to determine COM port. Configure the terminal with these settings:
115200 baud rate or 9600 baud rate, depending on your board (reference
variable in the board.h file)No parity
8 data bits
1 stop bit
On the Quickstart Panel, click Debug to launch the debug session.
The first time you debug a project, the Debug Emulator Selection dialog is displayed, showing all supported probes that are attached to your computer. Select the probe through which you want to debug and click OK. (For any future debug sessions, the stored probe selection is automatically used, unless the probe cannot be found.)
Note: Make sure that the board is set to XSPI0 flash boot mode.
The application is downloaded to the target and automatically runs to
.To start the application, click the Resume.
The hello_world
application is now running and a banner is displayed on the terminal. If not, check your terminal settings and connections.
Parent topic:Run a demo using MCUXpresso IDE
Build a multicore example application {
This section describes the steps required to configure MCUXpresso IDE to build, run, and debug multicore example applications. The following steps can be applied to any multicore example application in the MCUXpresso SDK. Here, the dual-core version of hello_world example application targeted for the mimxrt700evk hardware platform is used as an example.
Multicore examples are imported into the workspace in a similar way as single core applications, explained in Build an example application. When the SDK zip package is installed and available in the Installed SDKs view, click Import SDK example(s)… on the Quickstart Panel. In the window that appears, select mimxrt700evk and click Next.
Expand the multicore_examples folder and select hello_world_cm33_core0. The
counterpart project is automatically imported with thecm33_core0
project, because the multicore examples are linked together and there is no need to select it explicitly. Click Finish.Now, two projects should be imported into the workspace. To start building the multicore application, highlight the
project (multicore master project) in the Project Explorer. Then choose the appropriate build target, Debug or Release, by clicking the downward facing arrow next to the hammer icon, as shown in Figure 2. For this example, select Debug.Press the Build button to start the multi-core project build.. Because of the project reference settings in multicore projects, triggering the build of the primary core application (
) also makes the referenced auxiliary core application (cm33_core1
) to build.Note:
When the Release build is requested, it is necessary to change the build configuration of both the primary and auxiliary core application projects first. To do this, select both projects in the Project Explorer view and then right click which displays the context-sensitive menu. Select Build Configurations -> Set Active -> Release. This alternate navigation using the menu item is Project -> Build Configuration -> Set Active -> Release. After switching to the Release build configuration, the build of the multicore example can be started by triggering the primary core application (cm33_core0) build.
Parent topic:Run a demo using MCUXpresso IDE
Run a multicore example application
The primary core debugger handles flashing of both the primary and the auxiliary core applications into the SoC flash memory. To download and run the multicore application, switch to the primary core application project and perform all steps as described in Run an example application. These steps are common for both single-core applications and the primary side of dual-core applications, ensuring both sides of the multicore application are properly loaded and started. Select the cm33_core1
project and start debugging the cm33_core1
project. Then, select the cm33_core0
project and start debugging the cm33_core0
After clicking Resume All Debug sessions, the hello_world
multicore application runs and a banner is displayed on the terminal. If this is not the case, check your terminal settings and connections.
Parent topic:Run a demo using MCUXpresso IDE