Hardware Rework Guide for MIMXRT1060-EVKC and Murata 2EL M.2 Adapter

This section is a brief hardware rework guidance of the EdgeFast Bluetooth PAL on the NXP i.MX MIMXRT1060-EVKC and the Murata 2EL M.2 solution - direct M.2 connection to Embedded Artists’ Rev-A1 (2EL) M.2 modules.

The hardware rework has three parts:

  • HCI UART rework

  • PCM interface rework

  • LE Audio Synchronization interface rework (only used on sink side)

Hardware rework

  • HCI UART rework

  1. Mount R93, R96.

  2. Remove R193.

  3. Connect J109, connect J76 2-3.

  • PCM interface rework

    1. Remove J54 and J55, connect J56, and J57.

    2. Remove R220.

    3. Connect J103.

      Note: When J103 is connected, flash cannot be downloaded. So, remove the connection when downloading flash and reconnect it after downloading.

  • LE Audio Synchronization interface rework (only used on sink side)

    1. Remove J110 jumper cap.

    2. Remove R196, R201, R213, and R211.

    3. Connect J110-1 (GPT2_CLK) to R2140 (SAI_MCLK).

    4. Connect ENET_MDIO (GPT2_CAP1) with J97 (SAI_SW).

    5. Connect ENET_MDC (GPT2_CAP2) with 2EL’s GPIO_27 (Sync Signal).

Parent topic:Hardware Rework Guide for MIMXRT1060-EVKC and Murata 2EL M.2 Adapter